January 2015 Newsletter - Romeo Community Schools
January 2015 Newsletter - Romeo Community Schools
January 2015 586-752-0300 Michael Kaufman, Principal Congratulations Go To Our Romeo High School Thespians! Each year the Michigan Educational Theatre Association hosts a two-day Theatre Festival for high school teachers and their students. The event is packed with individual events competition, scholarship auditions, main stage performances, workshops, and opportunities to visit with exhibitors and college representatives from Michigan and beyond. It is recognized as one of the finest quality high school festivals in the country. Judges and workshop presenters are comprised of college instructors as well as theatre professionals from virtually every area of theatre. Any school can attend the Festival and attend workshops, watch shows and view individual events. However, to compete in the Individual events or scholarship competitions, schools and students must be registered members of the International Thespian Society. We were told a little over three million in scholarships were awarded to the hundreds of competitors. I am proud to say that Romeo took almost one sixth of the tuition money awarded amounting to $464,500. Congratulations go to the following students for their SUPERIOR RATING: Emily Gilbert - Monologue Megan Vandeberghe - Monologue Megan Vandeberghe - Duet Acting Courtney Pichette - Duet Acting Abigail Johnson - Group Musical Theatre Mackenzie Sprecher - Group Musical Theatre Olivia Belfie - Solo Musical Theatre Olivia Belfie - Duet Musical Theatre Courtney Cronin - Duet Musical Theatre Maddy Petz - Solo Dance Jennifer Pries - Solo Dance Jennifer Pries - Group Dance Alexis Spiegel - Group Dance Adam Krstich - Costume Design Jessica Tibboles - Stage Management Carly Wilson - Monologue Emily Gilbert - Duet Acting Carly Wilson - Duet Acting Laura Catron – Group Musical Theatre Courtney Cronin - Group Musical Theatre Andrea Martin - Group Musical Theatre Nick Sienkiewicz - Solo Musical Theatre Nick Sienkiewicz - Duet Musical Theatre Takoda Garverick - Duet Musical Theatre Jordan Lampton - Solo Dance Maddy Petz - Group Dance Jordan Lampton - Group Dance Jeffrey Farkas - Marketing Natasha Stevanovich - Sound Design Congratulations go to the following students for their EXCELLENT RATING: Adam Krstich - Group Acting Camryn D'Angelo - Group Acting Sean Dickens - Group Acting Camryn D'Angelo - Solo Musical Theatre Sean Dickens - Duet Musical Theatre Andrea Martin - Group Acting Taylor Belyea - Group Acting Matthew Gonczar - Group Acting Mackenzie Sprecher - Duet Musical Theatre Steven Prokuda - Sound Design 1 Charity Week 2015: Piquette Square Hope for Homeless Veterans This year for Charity Week, Romeo High School Students have chosen to support Piquette Square. Piquette Square is located in Detroit and provides housing and support services for local homeless veterans. The students are very excited to support such a wonderful organization that takes care of those who have served our country. Kick off for Charity Week Basketball Game: Friday, January 30 @ 7:30 RHS Varsity Boys vs. IKE Free Admission to the game for anyone currently serving or a veteran. Many raffles for gift baskets and 50/50 during the game. Charity Week Events: Monday, Feb 2: Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser Night Tuesday, Feb 3: Volleyball Tournament Wednesday, Feb 4: Dodgeball Tournament Thursday, Feb 5: Mr. Bulldog @ 7:00 p.m. (tickets $5 sold at the door) Saturday, Feb 6: Snowcoming Dance @ 7:00 p.m. $10 Dance tickets all week at RHS and RETC $15 Charity Week shirts all week at RHS and RETC 2 FOLLOWING ARE THE SCHEDULING DATES FOR ROMEO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR THE 2015 -16 SCHOOL YEAR: 9th Grade Presentations: February 2, 3 9th grade scheduling forms due: February 17, 18 10th Grade Presentations: February 19, 20 10th grade scheduling forms due: February 25, 26 11th Grade Presentations: March 12, 13 11th grade scheduling forms due: March 23, 24 8th Grade Presentations: March 10, 11 8th grade scheduling forms due: March 16, 17 Students Honored For Being Student of the Month Congratulations go to the following students for being recognized as Student of the Month for the month of December. Megan Ross David Cardamone Margaret Jelcin Katherine Messing Natali Mladinovski Hannah Holliday Audrey Weingartz Breanna Sorenson Hayley Angeli Tyler Sinicki Cymoril Binder Jacob Tokarczyk Barrett Brunkey Gabrielle Purpura Brian Capizzo Hannah Hunt Evyn Bryant Isabella Neufang Joseph Grochowski Michelle Voccia Interpretación en español disponible poniéndose en contacto con Celia Ciecko (586) 281-1732. Spanish interpretation available by contacting Celia Ciecko at (586) 281-1732. Amazon Fundraising Program For Schools Many of us use Amazon to purchase items for ourselves or our school. There is a website through Amazon where the school can get credit .You just need to set up an account through the Amazon associates program. After setting up the account, Amazon will send you a unique link that anyone can use. The website is: http://:simplefundraiser.net Thank you for supporting our school!! 3 Welcome Parents and Students to the RCS EDUCATION EXPLORATION Hosted by Romeo Engineering & Technology Center (RETC) Thursday, January 29, 2015 6:30 p.m.—9:00 p.m. Exhibitions open: 6:30 – 7:00 & 8:35 – 9:00 These exhibitions showcase many extra-curricular options for your student! Tentative Breakout Sessions: College Readiness— Students and their families will learn how to prepare for college. The presentation will discuss the college process, transitioning from high school to college, and financing a university education. Honors Courses - Romeo High School has expanded its Honors opportunities! Examine how Honors courses can prepare your student for future opportunities while challenging them to prepare for post-secondary education. Get Set for High School — Discover ways to manage your time, develop study skills, and create a four year plan in high school. Begin understanding what many colleges are looking for when it comes to your high school experience. Advanced Placement /Dual Enrollment— Learn about the benefits of advanced coursework and opportunities to earn college credit while still in high school. RHS students have graduated having earned up to two years of college credit at no cost. Career and Technical Education (CTE) — Come and find out how your student can graduate with marketable skills to help them find meaningful employment upon graduation and also earn college credit while in high school in their interest area. Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) Program— Come and explore what we have to offer in our RETC Math/Science/Technology Honors program, utilizing an experimental design concept to provide exceptional learning opportunities as well as AP offerings. Early College of Macomb— ECM is an exciting countywide program for high school students that will give them an early start toward career and higher education. The ECM provides eligible students with a jumpstart to their future by providing an early entrance, early exit, and early success! Macomb2Oakland (M2O) — Students and their family members will be able to learn more about the Community College Partnership Programs and the partnership between Oakland University and Macomb Community College (M2O). With one application, students apply to both OU and the CC partner institution to take advantage of resources offered by both schools. Post Secondary Opportunities for Students with Disabilities— Learn how Michigan Rehabilitation Service can provide assistance in finding the right postsecondary options for your student. MRS can help your student discover their own skill set while helping them search for competitive employment. International Academy of Macomb (IAM) — The International Academy of Macomb (IAM) is a high school designed for highly motivated students who want to earn an International Baccalaureate diploma. Beginning with the 9th grade, the program provides a blend of rigorous academic standards and practical, career-related learning experiences. Get Set for Middle School - Create great opportunities for your middle school student by examining the many academic avenues possible as well as social opportunities available. Hear about the upcoming middle school orientation fifth grade students can look forward to this spring! Financial Aid – Educate yourself on how to successfully apply for financial aid while learning all the intricacies of FAFSA. Learn the WHO, WHEN and WHY of the financial aid process. INFORMATIONAL BOOTHS ALL EVENING IN THE CAFETERIA 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. MET & MESP College Savings Macomb Community College RHS Clubs and Organizations Oakland University Middle School Clubs and Organizations Athletics 4 ROMEO HIGH SCHOOL 11091 WEST 32 MILE ROAD ROMEO, MICHIGAN 48065 586-752-0300 Michael Kaufman, Principal _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Parent or Guardian: We are pleased to notify you that Romeo High School has been selected to represent schools across the nation by participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). First administered in 1969, NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students know and can do in various subject areas. It is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. NAEP is different from state assessments because it provides a common measure of student achievement across the country. The results of NAEP are released as The Nation's Report Card, which provides information about student achievement to educators, parents, policymakers, and the public. In our school, the NAEP assessment will be given on January 29, 2015. Your child may be selected to take a mathematics, reading, or science pilot assessment on a tablet. In addition to answering questions in one of these subjects, students will be asked questions about themselves and their educational experiences, such as the amount of reading they do and the types of classes they take. These questions provide contextual information for the assessment, as well as information that may be related to students’ learning. If you would like to view sample subject area and contextual questions, please visit http://nationsreportcard.gov/parents.asp. It will take about 120 minutes for most students to participate in the pilot assessment. The results are completely confidential (in accordance with the Confidential Information Protection provisions of Title V, Subtitle A, Public Law 107-347), and the information provided will be used for statistical purposes only. Your child’s grades will not be affected. Your child may be excused from participation for any reason, is not required to complete the assessment, and may skip any question. While NAEP is voluntary, we depend on student participation to provide an accurate measure of student achievement that will inform improvements in education. Your child will represent many other students, so participation is very important. However, if you do not want your child to participate, please notify me in writing by January 23, 2015. There is no need to study in preparation for NAEP. We do ask, however, that you encourage your child to do their best and get plenty of rest the night before the assessment. A brochure that explains what participation in NAEP means for you and your child is available at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/pdf/parents/2012469.pdf. Should you have questions, or if you would like a copy of the brochure, please contact me at 586-752-0300 or at Michael.Kaufman@romeo.k12.mi.us. We are excited that our school will be participating in NAEP and pleased that your child may be selected. We know that Romeo High School's students will help us show what our nation’s students know and can do. Sincerely, Michael Kaufman School Principal 5 COLLEGE APPLICATIONS Interested seniors should be submitting all college applications online through the college websites. It is best to submit all college applications ASAP. Check specific deadlines on the college websites. All transcripts and Secondary School Reports (SSRs) must be requested electronically by the student through www.parchment.com. Please keep processing time in mind when trying to meet deadlines. ACT FYI – All 11th graders will be taking the ACT in March 2015 during the school day as part of the Michigan Merit Exam; NO registration is required for Juniors to take the ACT in March at RHS. For RHS students who would like to sign up for other national ACT test dates, registration MUST take place online at www.actstudent.org. The next ACT national test date is February 7, 2015 with a regular registration deadline of January 9, 2015. Interested students MUST register online only at www.actstudent.org Additional test dates are also listed on ACT’s website. FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIP - Families of college bound seniors interested in financial aid should go to www.fafsa.ed.gov. FAFSA (financial aid) forms are submitted online after January 1, 2015. Check http://www.micollegegoal.org for information regarding financial aid support. Contact the college financial aid offices for additional support. Check out www.fastweb.com for college search and scholarship information. Local scholarships for Seniors will be posted on our website from February 17 th until March 13th. Please see our website for additional information. http://www.romeo.k12.mi.us/romeo-high-school/pages/54202/counseling-office. There is a brand new local scholarship opportunity for Juniors that will also be posted on our website from February 17th until March 13th. Check out the RHS website every week for updated information on non-local scholarships http://www.romeo.k12.mi.us/romeo-high-school/pages/54641/non-local scholarships. 6 ATTENTION Romeo Seniors Local Scholarship Applications will be available on our website starting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 until Friday, March 13, 2015 www.romeo.k12.mi.us *Click on Schools *Romeo High School *Counseling Office *Local Scholarships Many scholarships require letters of recommendation. To avoid delay, request these letters now. You must print out your applications, complete them IN BLUE OR BLACK INK and bring them to the counseling office. Do not write on the back of any page. YOU are responsible for all copies of the application that are required. The counseling office will provide all required transcripts so do not attach anything unless letters of recommendation are required. All applications are due in the COUNSELING OFFICE on Friday, March 13 , 2015, by 3:00...NO EXCEPTIONS 7 If you have any questions, please contact the counseling office at (586) 752-0307. 6 8 Scholarship Opportunity for RHS Juniors o The Tabar-Schultz Scholarship o Be a junior in good standing at Romeo High School o Have a minimum 3.0 GPA o Demonstrate financial need o Have plans to attend college and obtain a bachelor’s degree The application will be posted on our website on February 17th. http://www.romeo.k12.mi.us/romeo-high-school/pages/54202/ counseling- office All completed applications are due in the RHS counseling office on Friday, March 13th, by 3:00 PM – no exceptions. The winner will be notified by the end of this school year. Please see Mrs. Anderson in the counseling office if you have any questions. 9 College Night in Romeo Wednesday March 17, 2015 6:30-8:00 PM Free and open to the public. Come talk to college representatives available to answer questions about admissions procedures, financial aid options, scholarship availability, and more! Beaumont Tower MSU by johnmcgrawphotography Romeo Engineering and Technology Center 62300 Jewell Road, Washington, Michigan 48094 586.752.0245 Open to the Public In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title II of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, it is the policy of the Romeo Community School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, gender, disability, age, height, weight, genetics or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination during any program, activity, service, or in employment . Any employee or member of the community of Romeo Community Schools, believing to be discriminated against should contact the Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations, 316 North Main Street, Romeo, Michigan 48065, 586-281-1429 10 College Night in Romeo Wednesday, March 17, 2015 Romeo Engineering and Technology Center Adrian College Albion College Alma College Aquinas College Baker College Bowling Green State University Central Michigan University College for Creative Studies Concordia University- Ann Arbor Cooley Law School Davenport University Eastern Michigan University Ferris State University Finlandia University Grand Valley State University Great Lakes Christian College Hillsdale College Hope College International Academy of Design Iowa State University Johnson and Wales Kendal College of Art and Design Kettering University Lake Superior Sate University Lawrence Technological University Macomb Community College Product Development Veterinary Technician Renewable Energy Automotive Technology Mechatronics Electronic Technology Respiratory Therapy Madonna University Marygrove College Michigan State University Michigan Technological University Northern Michigan University Northwood University Oakland Community College Oakland University Ohio Northern University Ohio University Olivet College Penn State University Rochester College Rutgers University Saginaw Valley State University Saint Mary’s College Seaton Hall Siena Heights University Spring Arbor University St. Clair County Community College The Ohio State University University of Alabama University of Detroit Mercy University of Michigan University of Michigan- Flint University of Toledo Valparaiso University Walsh College Wayne State University Western Michigan University Carpenter’s Apprenticeship Eagle Flight School Electrician’s Apprenticeship Heavy Equipment Operators Apprenticeship Mason Apprenticeship Michigan College of Beauty Ohio Tech College Spec Howard School of Broadcasting Army National Guard US Merchant Marine US Air Force US Army US Coast Guard US Marines US Navy 11 Romeo High School Gymnasium 8:30 am - 11:30 am Romeo High School is seeking people in all careers to participate in RHS Career Day on April 29 th, 2015. Students will have the opportunity to visit with professionals stationed at tables in the school gymnasium. WHAT: Romeo High School Career Day WHEN: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 8:30 am – 11:30 am (Arrive between 7:30 am - 8:15 am to set-up, 6’ table provided). WHERE: Romeo High School Gymnasium (park in east lot), 11091 West 32 Mile Road, Romeo, MI 48065 WHO: Over 1,100 8th – 12th grade students, ages 13 -18 LUNCH: Provided by Romeo Engineering & Technology Center’s Culinary Arts Program WHAT TO EXPECT: Business professionals are asked to provide insight about daily job duties, income potential, needed skills & interests, and required education. Some students will ask questions easily; others may be somewhat shy. Please keep this in mind and try to start conversations with students who may be around your table. Pictures or “show & tell” items help to start conversations! Please contact Michele Coates by email or telephone: michele.coates@romeo.k12.mi.us or 586.752.0245 to participate or with questions. We are asking for your RSVP by April 1 st. As always, please feel free to pass along this information to persons who may be interested! SPORTS PHYSICALS All athletes interested in trying out for a spring sport will need to have a sports physical prior to March 9th. If you have not received a current sports physical from the beginning of this school year, you will need another one before you can participate this spring. Sports physicals will be available at Romeo High School on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, beginning at 6:00 p.m. All sport groups are welcome. If you have any questions or are unsure if your physical is current, please contact the Athletic Department office at 586 281-1145 . When: Wednesday, March 4th Where: Romeo High School Time: 6:00 PM Cost: $20 12 Romeo Theatre Company will be celebrating over 25 years of productions by bringing back the musical that started it all, “Grease” . The performance is being presented on March 20, 21, 27, 28 at 7:00 PM with a matinee March 23 at 2:00 PM. Grease will be performed in the David Olson Auditorium at 11091 W 32 Mile (Romeo High School). The musical introduces us to Rydell High’s spirited class of ’59-gumchewing, hub-cap stealing, hot-rod loving boys with D.A.’s and leather jackets and their wise-cracking girls in teased curls, bobby sox and pedal pushers. While hip Danny Zuko and wholesome Sandy Dumbrowski resolve the problems of their mutual attraction for each other, the gang sings and dances its way through such nostalgic scenes as the pajama party, the prom, the burger palace, and the drive-in-movie. America’s original “high school musical” comes a rockin’ and rollin’ back to Romeo. Tickets for “Grease” The Musical, are now available 24-7! Avoid the line by going online! Tickets are $12 and may be purchased at www.showtix4u.com starting February 25th. For more information, or to purchase tickets in person, please contact director Kendra Walls online at kendra.walls@romeo.k12.mi.us or by calling (586) 281-1154. See why “Grease is the word” for generations past and present! * “Grease” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. LOOKING AHEAD FEBRUARY 26th PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES, 5:00-8:00 p.m. FEBRUARY 24TH NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY BLOOD DRIVE IN CAFETERIA AT RHS SIGN UP BEGINS FEBRUARY 10TH MARCH 17th COLLEGE NIGHT, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. APRIL 29th CAREER DAY, 8:30-11:30 a.m. NON-DISCRIMINATON AND ACCESS TO EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC REGARDING NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title II of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, it is the policy of the Romeo Community School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, gender, disability, age, height, weight, genetics or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination during any program, activity, service, or in employment . Any employee or member of the community of Romeo Community Schools, believing to be discriminated against should contact13 the Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations, 316 North Main Street, Romeo, Michigan 48065, 586-281-1429. Inquir ies r elated to discrimination on the basis of “student” disability should be directed to: Director of Special Services, 175 Croswell, Romeo, Michigan 48065, 586752-0212. JANUARY 14 15,16 16 22 28 29 Professional Learning Communities (PLC) early dismissal Exams, Students a.m. only, records p.m. End of semester Student of the Month Breakfast, RETC Professional Learning Communities (PLC) early dismissal Education Exploration, 6:30 p.m. , RETC FEBRUARY 2 2-6 4 5 6 11 11 12 13-16 17 18 20 20 25 26 Learning Leadership meeting, 2:30 p.m. Charity Week P.T.O. meeting, 9:15 a.m., lecture room Mr. Bulldog contest, 7:00 p.m., auditorium Charity Week Assembly Professional Learning Communities (PLC) early dismissal Staff meeting, 2:30 p.m. Student of the Month Breakfast, RETC Mid-Winter Break – no school Classes resume Math-Science-Technology parent informational meeting, 7:00 p.m., RETC School Improvement Steering Committee meeting, 2:30 p.m. Mid-point of 3rd quarter Professional Learning Communities (PLC) early dismissal RHS Parent/Teacher Conferences, 5:00-8:00 p.m. BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Chris Giancarli, President Dr. Gus Demas , Vice President Mr. Michael Antoine, Secretary Mrs. Anita Banach, Treasurer Mr. Wayne Conner II, Trustee Mr. Ed Sosnoski, Trustee Mr. Chris Young, Trustee RHS ADMINISTRATION Mr. Michael Kaufman............................ Principal Mrs. Melissa Arendts ............. Assistant Principal Mr. Jason Couch ......... Interim Assistant Principal Mrs. Natalie Davis .................. Assistant Principal Mr. Greg Brynaert…………….Activities Director Thank You To All Our School Board Members Mr.Chris Giancarli, President Dr. Gus Demas , Vice President Mr. Michael Antoine, Secretary Mrs. Anita Banach, Treasurer Mr. Wayne Conner II, Trustee Mr. Ed Sosnoski, Trustee Mr. Chris Young, Trustee 14 12
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