Concurrent Session Descriptions


Concurrent Session Descriptions
August 13 - 15, 2014
University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
Hosted by:
In Collaboration With:
Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration
This year, the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE) celebrates its 40th
anniversary. To reflect on the impact that these 40 years of Environmental Education (EE)
has had on our state, is a powerful exercise. Through the years, one thing hasn’t changed;
collaboration is key to success. The more we can work together, partner with other educators,
schools, businesses, agencies and organizations, the stronger the web we create that will
support our efforts. By collaborating, we learn from each other, maximize our resources, and
create a more lasting impact on the world around us. In the spirit of the theme of “40 Years of
Collaboration”, WAEE has teamed up with the Green & Healthy Schools Institute to bring you
this event.
This conference gives us a platform to honor the past, celebrate the present and look forward to
the future. We have a lot to be proud of in Wisconsin! Dennis Yockers, a founding member of
WAEE, will take us on a journey through “40 Years of Collaboration”, sharing memories and
highlighting the growth and strength of EE through the years. A Panel of three Green Ribbon
Schools will share successes achieved through engaging students, staff, and community members in sustainability efforts to
grow their Green & Healthy School. Stephen Ritz, teacher/administrator, and his Green Bronx Machine are growing gardens,
jobs and hope for his students in the South Bronx. His students earn a living wage while growing healthy food and improving
academic performance. Stephen will inspire us to look towards a future that is courageous, innovative and collaborative.
Emily Brown,
Conference Chair
The conference is packed full of over 90 presentations, fieldtrips, workshop, discussions, exciting events and opportunities
for networking. Amidst your professional development, challenge yourself to think “collaboration”. Network and discover
new partners. Let this conference catapult you into exciting new opportunities for collaboration in your EE future.
It has been my honor to serve as conference chair and work with an incredible planning committee. This will be a conference
you will never forget. Here’s to another 40 years!
Environmentally yours,
Emily Brown
Dear Environmental Education Colleagues,
Stefan Anderson
WAEE Board Chair 2014
On behalf of the WAEE Board of Directors, I would like to thank you for coming to this
celebration of 40 Years of Collaboration. In line with that theme is fitting that this year the
WAEE has teamed with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Department
of Natural Resources, and Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education to provide you with
an array of opportunities for both professional and personal growth over the next three days. It
is my hope for you that from the many presenters, exhibitors, authors, and attendees you will
find more ways to weave environmental education and sustainability into your life. Anyone
who has been part of a conference planning team knows the work and dedication that goes
into a successful event. Thank you to all our presenters, exhibitors, donors, and sponsors. We
also could not do this without the commitment of a hard working WAEE Board and dedicated
WAEE Conference Planning Team. I would like to extend special thank you to Emily Brown
for chairing this event and providing exceptional leadership. I would also like to recognize the
exceptional work done by Victoria Rydberg in making the Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin
Institute an important partner with the WAEE Annual Conference this year.
Stefan Anderson
This event is powered by
100% renewable energy,
sponsored in part by
Wisconsin Public Service’s
NatureWise® Program.
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
Keynote Presentations
Wednesday, August 13
9:30-10:00 am. DUC Laird Room on the UW-Stevens Point Campus
Dr. Dennis H. Yockers, Professor Emeritus – Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Management, Wisconsin
Center for Environmental Education, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
Dr. Yockers was a member of the Wisconsin Association for EE during his career serving in a variety of leadership
roles, including chairperson. He was also a member of the Wisconsin Natural Areas Preservation Council (NAPC)
for almost 15 years. Dr. Yockers has led numerous education programs to Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and the South
Pacific. He is an avid nature photographer. During the 2008 – 2009 academic year Dr. Yockers spent a sabbatical
working with the National Park Service at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park in Michigan.
Wednesday, August 13
1-2 pm. DUC Laird Room on the UW-Stevens Point Campus
Stephen Ritz and the Green Bronx Machine have
been featured in the Huffington Post, by TNT, on the
Today’s Show and several other national news outlets.
Stephen Ritz is a South Bronx teacher/administrator
who believes that students shouldn’t have to leave
their community to live, learn and earn in a better one.
Moving generations of students into spheres of personal
and academic successes they have never imagined while
reclaiming and rebuilding the Bronx, Stephen’s extended
student and community family have grown over 25,000
pounds of vegetables in the Bronx while generating
extraordinary academic performance.
His Bronx classroom features the first indoor edible wall in NYC DOE which routinely generates enough produce to
feed 450 students healthy meals and trains the youngest nationally certified workforce in America. His students,
traveling from Boston to Rockefeller Center to the Hamptons, earn living wage en route to graduation.
Thursday, August 14 - Green Ribbon Schools Panel
12:30-1:45 pm. DUC Laird Room on the UW-Stevens Point Campus
Experience how schools in Wisconsin have engaged students, staff, and community members in sustainability
efforts to grow their Green & Healthy School. Schools will highlight their successes in the areas of energy,
recycling and waste management, environmental health, transportation, water, school site, health and wellness,
environmental and sustainability education, and community involvement. Come with questions and leave with
ideas, motivation, and a network of schools for you to contact in the future.
Featured Schools:
Westlawn Elementary, Cedarburg –PJ Sanders, Principal
Dimensions of Learning Academy, Kenosha –Diana Pearson, Principal
Greendale School District – Erin Green, Director of Business
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Seydel, President/CEO, Green Schools National Network
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Conference Overview
Wednesday, August 13
7:00 - 5:30Registration Open
7:00 - 8:30
Continental Breakfast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 6
8:30 - 10:00Welcome and Keynote Speaker Dr. Dennis Yockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 3
10:15 - 12:00
Concurrent Session Block 1 (45 min and 90 min sessions)
12:00 - 1:00
Lunch - Food Court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 6
1:00 - 2:00
Keynote Speaker Stephen Ritz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 3
2:00 - 2:45
Exhibits Open
Silent Auction Opens
2:45 - 4:30
Concurrent Session Block 2 (45 min and 90 min sessions)
4:30 - 5:30
Exhibit Social & Open Space Discussions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 7
5:30 - 6:00
6:00 - 9:00
WAEE Memebership Meeting
Banquet Dinner and Live Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 8
Thursday, August 14
7:00 - 5:30Registration Open
Exhibits Open
7:00 - 8:00Continental Breakfast
7:30 - 8:00
Promoting Wellness – Laughter Yoga (optional free session)
8:00 - 8:15
Conference Announcements
8:15 - 9:45
Concurrent Session Block 3 (45 minute and 90 minute sessions)
10:00 - 10:45 Concurrent Session Block 4
10:45 - 11:30
Exhibit Social
11:30 - 12:30Lunch - Food Court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 6
12:30 - 1:45
Green Ribbon Schools Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 3
2:00 - 2:45
Concurrent Session Block 5
2:45 - 3:15
Exhibit Social, Silent Auction Closes
3:15 - 4:45
Concurrent Session Block 6
4:45 - 5:30
Exhibit Social & Open Space Discussions (Exhibits close at 5:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 7
Pick Up Silent Auction Items
6:00 - 9:00
Optional BBQ Dinner by the River and Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details on page 8
Friday, August 15
7:00 - 1:30
Registration Open
7:00 - 8:00Continental B
8:00 - 8:15
Conference Announcements
8:15 - 8:45Promoting Wellness - Tai Chi
(optional free session)
8:15 - 9:00
Concurrent Session Block 7
Open Space Discussions
9:00 - 12:00
Morning Field Trips and Workshops
9:00 - 1:00
EE Consortium Meeting (invitation only)
10:00 - 4:00
TENFEE Meeting (invitation only)
12:00 - 1:00
Lunch - Food Court
1:00 - 4:00
Afternoon Workshops and Field Trips
Conference/Institute Closes
A Celebration of
Excellence in
Environmental Education
An Evening of Awards and Recognition
Save the Date:
November 8, 2014
BTC Progmega Corporation, Madison
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
WAEE is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. As
an organization, we recognize that the best work comes
from all of us collaborating to advance environmental
education. This year, we bring you a special event by
collaborating with Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin
to help advance environmental education in and out of the
school building.
Learning Tracks
Joining Together to Increase Environmental &
Sustainability Literacy
Attend these sessions to learn how organizations are
advancing environmental literacy through innovative
programs or partnerships to support environmental
education. Learn about curriculum that advances systems
thinking and how to use the outdoors as a classroom.
These presenters will share their best practices with others
to help develop environmental literacy at all levels!
Teaming up to Reduce Environmental Impact & Costs
Learn how you can reduce your environmental footprint
by doing things such as increasing energy efficiency,
reducing water use, or planting native landscaping. These
facility and grounds presentations are sure to inspire!
Partnering to Improve Health & Wellness
Human health and environmental health are inextricably
linked. Learn how organizations are making their staff,
students, and customers healthier. Get information on
local food systems and alternative transportation. Attend
these presentations and take steps toward a healthier
planet and a healthier you!
40 Years of Collaboration
These presentations offer special skills or techniques,
such as how to do a presentation or facilitate a meeting,
leadership building, community organizing, or grant
writing, that will help environmental education continue
to thrive during the next 40 years.
Join the Conversation
Not on Twitter? Join the backchannel conversation:
Exhibits open after keynote
Exhibit Social at 4:30
Exhibits open all day
Exhibit Socials at 10:45, 2:45, & 4:45
BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute
Carton Council
Conserve School
Cool Choices
EE in Wisconsin
Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center
Great Lakes Map
Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin
Green EdVentures
Into the Outdoors Education Network
Mackenzie Nature Center/DNR
Northland College
Schlitz Audubon
Trees for Tomorrow
Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center
Wisconsin Association for Environmental Ed
Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin Green Schools Network
Wisconsin Historical Society Press
Conference Committee
In their free time, WAEE Conference Planning
Committee have volunteered countless hours to make
phone calls, talk with presenters, arrange field trip
experiences, create a service project, plan menus,
distribute printed and electronic communications, and
more. Please take a moment during the conference to let
our planners know that their time was well spent.
Emily Brown,
Victoria Rydberg
Conference Chair
Susan Schuller
Stefan Anderson
Wendy Seaman
Katie Boseo
Kelly Smith
Analiese Smith
Karen Dostal
Carly Swatek
Nicole Filizetti
Jessica Tomaszewski
Licia Johnson
Sara Windjue
Steve Kerlin
Ann Lindner
Joy Kacoroski
Katie Perryman-Gebhardt Lynn Karbowski
Special Thank You to UWSP Continuing Education for
Conference Registration Services: Wayne Sorenson,
Dorothy Snyder, Mary Jo Oliver, and Kari Schultz
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
WAEE Board
Stefan Anderson, Chair
Conserve School
Land O’Lakes, WI
Steve Kerlin,
Wisconsin Center for
Environmental Education
Stevens Point, WI
Emily Brown
Wehr Nature Center
Milwaukee, WI
Amy Workman
Upham Woods
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Molly McKay
Langlade County Land Records
and Regulation
Antigo, WI
Scott Reilly
Pacelli High School
Stevens Point, WI
Betsy Parker
Aldo Leopold Nature Center
Madison, WI
Rebecca Clarke
Maywood Park
Sheboygan, WI
Licia Johnson
North Lakeland Discovery Center
Manitowish Waters, WI
Carly Swatek
Student Board Member
UW-Stevens Point
Student Board Member
Open Seat
General Information
Please wear your nametags throughout the entire conference. It will serve as
your ticket into meals, entertainment, sessions and other special events offered
during the conference.
Program Changes & Announcements
If there are changes to the program schedule they will be posted on the easel by
the registration table.
In Honor of Your Attendance…
Thanks to funds provided by EFI, a tree has been
purchased and will be planted for each conference
attendee. Look inside your welcome bag to find
more information about this important gift.
Lost & Found
All found items should be brought to the registration table. If you have lost an
item check there as well.
UW-Stevens Point Dining Services is proud to provide the meals for this
conference. They are committed to sustainability. Their mission is to create
nutritious and sustainable meals, cultivate community, and enhance the
educational experience on campus.​Menus are based on seasonality and local
availability of ingredients for all of their dining operations. UWSP Dining
Services partner with a number of local farms that supply organic produce, freerange chicken, local honey, Humane-Certified dairy, and grass-fed beef. For a
list of farmers contributing to the nutritious meals provided during this event,
visit the map in the food court area.
Continental breakfast will be served in the concourse by the registration
table each morning. Lunches will be in the “Food Court” area of the Dreyfus
University Center (the conference site). The Banquet Dinner will be served in
the Laird Room - the large conference room behind registration.
All food served, with the exception of breads and pastas, are gluten free. If you
have special dietary requests, please let us know. We will make every effort we
can to accommodate special requests.
Joy Kacoroski,
WAEE Interim Administrator
Lynn Karbowski,
WAEE Administrator (Incoming)
Tell us what you think!
40th Anniversary Shirts
Special 40th Anniversary shirts and sweatshirts
on sale at the registration desk during the entire
conference. WAEE t-shirts and playing cards also
available for sale.
Watch for the conference survey in your email next
week! If you would prefer to fill out a hard copy version
of the survey, stop by registration.
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
General Information, continued
Like us on Facebook!
Credit Option
A 1-credit course is being offered through UWSP
Continuing Education. Professionals will meet the
requirements for earning 1 graduate credit by attending
the conference, keeping a log of the sessions they
attend, documenting a new networking connection with
another attendee, and writing a brief action plan about
how they could implement things they learned at the
conference. The course will use a hybrid format that
includes attendance at the conference and submission of
written work to the UWSP course management system
D2L. Information regarding the registration process can
be found here:
Course Information:
NRES 610 Section 881, 1-credit
Instructor: Dr. Steve Kerlin,
Online course site open: Aug. 6 – 22, 2014
Conference dates: Aug. 13-15, 2014 at UWSP
Recycling Collection
WAEE offers conference attendees an opportunity to
responsibly recycle old inkjet cartridges, cell phones,
digital cameras, GPS, mp3 players, and/or laptop
computers. In return, you are helping WAEE raise funds.
Workshops & Fieldtrips
There may still be an opportunity to participate in
some workshops and fieldtrips. If you would like to
participate, please check at the registration table for more
information. All fieldtrips, unless otherwise noted, will
depart from the DUC Lobby, participants should check in
with the Field Trip leader. Please arrive approximately
10 minutes prior to departure time.
Open Space Discussions/Conversations and
Conferences are great places for rich networking
conversations. We have spaces and time reserved for
these conversations on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday
afternoon and Friday morning. A board will be available
in the Laird Room where you can post a topic you would
like to discuss. Stop by from time to time to see what
conversation you will not want to miss.
EE in Wisconsin Kiosk
Did you know you can find hundreds of environmental
education related grants at your fingertips? Is your
organization listed in the state’s environmental education
directory? Stop at the EE in Wisconsin kiosk to learn
more about this dynamic clearinghouse!
Attention School Personnel
Do you need help on your Green & Healthy Schools
application? Do you want to sign your school up to
become a certified school? Want to learn more? Stop by
the Green & Healthy Schools Exhibit by the registration
table during the exhibit times to get answers!
Resources for Families
Did you bring your Family to Stevens Point? There are
a number of activities for them to do. The Stevens Point
area offers a wide variety of family friendly opportunities;
Farm Technology Days in Portage County, hiking and
biking trails, community swimming pool and nearby
lakes, children’s museum, libraries and many parks and
playgrounds. For a list of attractions and other events,
visit the Stevens Point Area Convention and Visitors
Bureau’s website.
Child Care is Available during this event*
The Helen R. Godfrey University Child Learning and
Care Center (UCLCC), located on the UW-Stevens
Point campus, offers Summer drop-in care for children
6 weeks to 12 years old. For more information on
availability, hours of operation and costs, visit UCLCC’s
website or contact UCLCC directly at childcare@uwsp.
edu or call 715.346.4370. Early childcare registration is
recommended to ensure availability.
*childcare costs and registration are based on availability
and are not handled through WAEE. Please contact
UCLCC directly to set up any child care needs.
Quick Links
Farm Tech days –
Bike/canoe Rentals from Nature Treks –
Donald Copps Municipal Swimming Pool –
(or Swimming options-pool, rivers, and lakes
Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum –
Schmeekle Reserve
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Special Events
Banquet and Live Auction –
Wednesday, August 13th at 6pm
Included in the conference fees, join us for a wonderful
night of celebrating 40 years of WAEE and the growing
number of Green & Healthy Schools statewide.
Professional auctioneer and WAEE member, Sterling
Strathe, will provide the live auction services. Proceeds
from the auction go to the WAEE Scholarship Fund.
Meals are provided by UW-Stevens Point Dining
Services where they are committed to sustainability.
Their mission is to create nutritious and sustainable
meals, culti​vate community, and enhance the educational
experience on campus.​Menus are based on seasonality
and local availability of ingredients for all of their dining
operations. UWSP Dining Services partner with a number
of local farms that supply organic produce, free-range
chicken, local honey, Humane-Certified dairy, and grassfed beef.
Musical Performance - Thursday 6pm (with BBQ)
Enjoy Jene the Jene as he puts his spin on sustainability
with his hip-hop CD Raptivism. An Escuela Verde
alumni, this album represents Jene’s senior thesis Youth
Participatory Eco-justice Action Research project. Not
only entertainment, Jene will share his research results
and lessons learned while making sustainability hip
performing to youth around Milwaukee.
The menu for the Banquet Dinner consists of a fabulous
vegetarian meal of Asparagus Portobello Pasta or
Eggplant Marinara that will be served with a salad and
artisan rolls and topped off with a slice of cheese cake or
carrot cake.
So come on out, celebrate, eat well, network, and perhaps
you will also be the highest bidder on something fabulous.
Silent Auction
Businesses, exhibitors, and conference attendees have
donated items for our silent auction to benefit the WAEE
Scholarship Fund. Please help support this effort by
bidding early and often!
BBQ Picnic and Entertainment –
Thursday, August 14th at 6pm
Enjoy a night of networking, music, and great food. This
event is taking place in the historic Pfiffner Building along
the Wisconsin River at Pfiffner Pioneer Park in Stevens
Point. The menu is provided by Rockman’s Catering.
Enjoy smoked beef brisket, vegetarian kabobs, and an
assortment of salads topped off with tasty dessert bars. DJ
services will be provided by WAEE Member, Tim Byers,
with a special live music performance by Jene the Jene,
student from Escuela Verde. This event is an additional
$20. All are welcome.
Address: (see map on page 20)
UWSP Campus Sustainability Scavenger Hunt -
Do you like to explore unknown territory? The UWSP
Campus Sustainability Scavenger Hunt will provide you
with a self-guided tour of some of UWSP’s sustainability
highlights, as well as, some other fun features (Increasing
Environmental and Sustainability Literacy) and offer
a chance to take in some fresh air and walk around
(Improving Health and Wellness.) Directions for
participating in the scavenger hunt can be found inside
your welcome bag.
Play the Cool Choices Game
Everyone will have a chance to play the Cool Choices
game, developed to help your school become Greener &
Healthier. This electronic game is designed to help schools
complete the Green & Healthy Schools application in a
fun, easy, and social way. Cool Choices is a unique and
easy way to collect measurable impacts (i.e. behavior
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
Special Events, continued
changes and savings) and
to identify areas or gaps
in need of attention on the
Green & Healthy Schools
application. It is a fun, team-building experience that also
can help the whole school embrace the Green & Healthy
mentality. Bring your mobile device, sign up at the Cool
Choices table in the registration area, and start recording
your sustainable actions for points. Join an existing team
or start a new one! High scorers will be announced and
rewarded throughout the conference.
Teacher Educator Network for Environmental
Education (TENFEE)
Morning Laughter Yoga with Judi Olson
7:30 Thursday Morning
WI EE Consortium
What could be better than starting your morning with a good
laugh? Join us before opening announcements on Thursday
for a morning Laughter Yoga Session with Judi Olson in the
DUC Encore Room. Judi will lead us through 30 minutes of
stress-relieving, aerobic exercise (laughing) that will leave
you feeling recharged and happy all day long.
Tai Chi with Deborah Adams, Wellness Spa
8:15 Friday Morning
Start your day right and join Tai Chi instructor and owner
of the Wellness Spa, Deborah Adams, at 8:15 a.m. in the
DUC Encore Room for 30 minutes of introductory Tai
Chi. Tai Chi is a gentle, low-impact, slow-motion exercise
that is often described as “meditation in motion”. There
is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which
originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating
or preventing many health problems.
TENFEE provides teacher educators around the state
with an opportunity to discuss how they integrate
environmental education in their teaching. This meeting
will focus on three items: discussing findings of recent
research on environmental education practices in teacher
education, sharing of course syllabi and assignments,
and adjusting and improving courses for future delivery.
(Invitation only.)
The WI EE Consortium is a working group of diverse
EE stakeholders representing traditional and nontraditional EE organizations across the state. The work
of the consortium is funded by a $30,000 grant from
NAAEE and EECapacity (Cornell University) with a
1:1 in-kind match. The consortium has used the results
of the 2014 EE Status and Needs Survey and feedback
from constituents to identify three initiatives (aligned
with the state EE Strategic Plan) to increase the capacity
of EE across WI. The three initiatives are 1) Marketing
and Message, 2) and other webbased tools, and 3) Professional Development. To learn
more about the consortium and to provide additional
feedback please attend the presentation by the co-leaders
on Wednesday at 11:15. Consortium members are also
available to gather feedback and talk with you about the
initiatives throughout the conference.
Save the Date for Upcoming Events!
January 23-25,
“Promoting Access
to EE Experiences”
Monona Terrace, Madison
October 21-24, 2015
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Concurrent Sessions At-a-Glance
Conference Track Key:
Increasing Environmental &
Sustainability Literacy
Improving Health
and Wellness
Reducing Environmental
Impact & Cost
40 Years of
Concurrent Session Block 1 - Wednesday Morning
10:15 11:00
10:15 11:00
GHS Focus Area(s)
Presenter Names
Investigating Wisconsin Teacher Education
Programs: A 5 Year Follow-up Study
Community Involvement,
Environmental &
Sustainability Ed
Becca Franzen (UWSP-WCEE) & Scott Ashmann
Learning to be Green & Healthy
Community Involvement,
Health & Wellness
Erin Green & Marlene McLlheran
(Greendale School District)
10:15 11:00
Stevens Point Area School District is
Growing Green & Healthy Schools
Melissa Rickert & Jamie Mollica (Madison Elem.
GHS Team), Karla Lockman (SPASH), and Alicia
Utke (UCLCC)
10:15 11:00
A Needs Assessment Informs Development
of Expanded Environmental Education and
Interpretation Programming at Schmeeckle
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Carly Swatek (UWSP- Schmeekle)
10:15 11:00
Using Mobile Devices in Outdoor
Environmental Education Programs
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Joy Kacoroski (UWSP-WCEE)
Continuing the Conversation of CrossCultural EE
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
10:15 11:00
Nick Voss (Conserve School)
10:15 12:00
Nature Journal Journeys: Communicating
nature experiences with images and words
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Janet Moore (UWSP-LEAF)
10:15 12:00
An Introduction to the Environmental
Education Resource Library
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Katie Boseo (WCEE)
11:15 12:00
EE State Consortium Initiatives to Increase
the Capacity of EE in WI
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Steve Kerlin, Katie Perryman-Gebhardt, Nathan
Larson, Jacqueline Schram, Emily Brown, Stefan
11:15 12:00
With New Eyes: Using Photography to
Develop a Sense of Place
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Jeff Rennicke (Conserve School)
11:15 12:00
Got Milk…Cartons? Recycle Them!
Recycling and Waste
Debbie Dodson & Jim Birmingham (Carton
11:15 12:00
Creating a Nature Based 4-K Program with
a Public School District
Scott Ashmann (UWGB) and Mike Reed (Bay
Beach Wildlife Sanctuary)
11:15 12:00
Speed Greening Roundtables (Getting your
Team; Believe in Green)
Ronda Olkonen & Mae Moderson (Hurley K-12);
Sandy Ehren (Luxemburg-Casco High School)
Concurrent Session Block 2 - Wednesday Afternoon
2:45 - 3:30
Reducing Environmental Impact & Costs
School Site & Energy
Dennis Kuchenmeister (Fort Atkinson School
2:45 - 3:30
How to do Experiential Learning in History
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Michael Salat (Conserve School)
2:45 - 3:30
Recycling in Schools
Recycling and Waste
Tracy Romzek (4 R Ventures)
2:45 - 3:30
Conservation for the Classroom: Putting
WLWCA Programs to Work for You
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Jayne Jenks (Waukesha County Parks and Land
2:45 - 4:30
Strategies and methods for applying field
friendly technology in environmental
Using Technology
Justin Hougham, Amy Workman, Toby Grabs
& Drew Hatzenbihler (Upham Woods Outdoor
Learning Center/UW Extension)
2:45 - 4:30
TRCCS: Green & Healthy School from Its
Chamomile Nusz (Tomorrow River Community
Charter School)
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
GHS Focus Area(s)
Presenter Names
2:45 - 4:30
STEM Branching the Community
Community Involvement,
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Cindy Solinsky (Ben Franklin Junior High)
3:45 - 4:30
LEED Certification: It can be Done in a
Public School
School Site & Energy
3:45 - 4:30
Environmental Literature: Expanding
Environmental Education into the
Environment &
Sustainability Ed
3:45 - 4:30
Earth Parnerships Multicultural Outreach
Community Involvement,
Environment &
Sustainability Ed
Maria Moreno (Earth Partnership - UW
3:45 - 4:30
Running a Bio Blitz
Community Involvement,
Environment &
Sustainability Ed
Christine Kuntz (UWSP)
3:45 - 4:30
Crafting a Culture of Sustainability in Your
Environment &
Sustainability Ed
Skylar Primm (High Marq Enviro Charter School)
Jim Beckmann (Glendale-River Hills School
Jordan King (CWES)
Concurrent Sessions Block 3 - Thursday Morning (8:15-9:45)
8:15 - 9:45
Discerning the Learning Curve: Perspectives
on a Nature Inspired Charter School
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Tom Quinn & Chamomile Nusz (CWES & Tomorrow
River Community Charter School)
8:15 - 9:45
How do your food choices affect your health
and our drinking water?
Health & Wellness,
Community Involvement
Lynn Markham (UW-Extension Center for Land
Use Education)
8:15 - 9:45
Infusing Science with Art: Using the
Federal Duck Stamp Program as a Model
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Katie Coodwin & Kara Zwickey (US Fish and
Wildlife, Necedah National Wildlife Refuge)
8:15 - 9:45
School Cafeteria Waste Reduction
Recycling and Waste
Angie Lemar, Karin Sieg (Recycling Connections
Corporation), Jonathan Rivin (UWEX)
8:15 - 9:45
Integrating Outdoor Skills and
Environmental Literacy
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Chrystal Seeley-Schreck & Ruth Ann Lee (WDNR/
MacKenzie Center)
8:15 - 9:45
Developing a Sense of Place
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Jeremy Solin (WCEE)
8:15 - 9:00
Bats, Birds, Butterflies - the A-Z of Citizen
Science based Monitoring
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Carrie Morgan (WDNR)
9:00 - 9:45
Park Elementary School’s Journey to
becoming a Green Ribbon School
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Amy Callies (Park Elementary School)
Concurrent Sessions Block 4 - Thursday Morning (10:00-10:45)
10:00 10:45
School Walkthrough Program
10:00 10:45
Why Schools Should Embrace Clean Energy
10:00 10:45
The Great News About Environmental
Education in Our State
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
10:00 10:45
Our Path to the Outdoor Classroom
10:00 10:45
Google E-Portfolio for Environmental
Learning and Goal-Setting
Mary Anna Thorton & Kathleen O’Connor
(Conserve School)
10:00 10:45
Using Arts to Achieve Environmental
Literacy in the Classroom and Community
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Sean Kiebzak (Arts@Large) & Justin Hegarty
(Reflo Sustainable Water Solutions)
10:00 10:45
Ciclovia WI
Health & Wellness,
Community Involvement
Trevor Roark (UWSP Adventure Tours)
Environmental &
Sustainability Education,
Health & Wellness
School Site
Martin Medina & Kristen Grimes (Wisconsin
Asthma Coalition - Children’s Health Alliance of
Michael Vickerman (RENEW Wisconsin)
Jesse Haney & Jodi Hermsen (WEEF)
Susan Hobart (MMSD/LVES/GROW Coalition)
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Concurrent Sessions At-a-Glance, continued
Conference Track Key:
Increasing Environmental &
Sustainability Literacy
Improving Health
and Wellness
10:00 10:45
Speed Greening Roundtables (Food
Systems Literacy in Wisconsin; From
Compost to Lettuce Feast: A Second Grade
Journey; 2014 Statewide EE Status and
Needs Survey Results)
Reducing Environmental
Impact & Cost
GHS Focus Area(s)
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
40 Years of
Presenter Names
Madelin Jensen & Jeremy Solin (WCEE); Jean
Rosemeyer & Brenda Medenwaldt (Colby School
District); Steven Kerlin, Kendra Liddicoat & Joy
Kacoroski (UWSP-WCEE)
Concurrent Session Block 5 - Thursday Afternoon (2:00-2:45)
2:00 - 2:45
Education at Speed of Research:
Strengthening Outdoor Learning through
Research Connections
Using Technology
Justin Hougham (Upham Woods Outdoor Learning
Center/UW Extension)
2:00 - 2:45
Project WET saves Water....and Money!
Jayne Jenks (Waukesha County Parks and Land
2:00 - 2:45
Making Cool Choices in Green and Healthy
Sara Windjue & Kendra Liddicoat (WCEE),
Emily Loew (Cool Choices)
2:00 - 2:45
Connect & Collaborate
Community Involvement
Jodi Hermsen (WEEF)
2:00 - 2:45
Wellness: living happy, healthy, and green
Health & Wellness,
Community Involvement
Annie Wetter (UWSP-Health Promotion and
Human Development)
2:00 - 2:45
NRES 478 - Poster Presentations
Environment &
Sustainability Ed
2:00 - 2:45
Escuela Verde: Intergrating Justice into the
Environmental Health,
Community Involvement
Joey Zocher & Students from Escuela Verde
Concurrent Session Block 6 - Thursday Afternoon (3:15-4:45)
3:15 - 4:45
Drawing, Journaling, and Sketching in
Environmental Science
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Robert Eady & Nancy Schwartz (Conserve School)
3:15 - 4:45
School Forest Networking
Community Involvement
Gretchen Marshall (LEAF)
3:15 - 4:45
Global energy flows and climate change: a
systems thinking challenge
Environmental Health,
Community Involvement
D. Leith Nye & John Greenler (Wisconsin Energy
Institute, UW-Madison)
3:15 - 4:45
Hands-on Curriculum for a Crowded Planet
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Steve Krings (Population Connection)
3:15 - 4:45
Get Smart about E-Cycling
Amalia Baldwin (WDNR)
3:15 - 4:45
Community Gardens - Improving health &
life skills with collaboration
School Site
Peter Gebhardt (Boys & Girls Club of Portage
3:15 - 4:45
Dance Globally
Health & Wellness,
Community Involvement
Wendy Seaman & Appleton International Dancers
3:15 - 4:45
Exploring Energy Literacy: Wood-based
biofuels and co-products
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Justin Hougham (Upham Woods Outdoor Learning
Center/UW Extension)
3:15 - 4:45
WI Nature Center Collaborative and Open
Space Discussions
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Steve Kerlin, UWSP
Environmental &
Sustainability Education
Janet Moore (UWSP-LEAF)
Concurrent Session Block 7 - Friday Morning
8:15 - 9:00
(Cont.) Nature Journal Journeys:
Communicating nature experiences with
images and words
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
Workshops and Field Trips
Target Audience
Presenter Names
Friday Field Trips (All Day, 9:00am - 4:00pm)
9:00 - 4:00
Driven to Discover: Using citizen science to
spark authentic science investigations
Non-formal educators, 6-12
Educators, Post-Secondary,
Andrea Lorek Strauss (University of Minnesota
10:00 4:00
invitation only
Becca Franzen and Scott Ashmann
Friday Field Trips, Workshops, Service Project (AM, 9:00 - 12:00)
9:00 12:00
Meet in
Helping to Grow Experiences in Outdoor
Learning and Play
PK-2 Educators, Family
Helen R. Godfrey (University Child Learning and
Care Center)
9:00 12:00
Using Youth Gardens to Grow Healthy
Students, Schools, and Communities
PK-12 Educators
Beth Hanna (Community GroundWorks)
9:00 12:00
Let Your Environmental Literacy Fly
PK-12 Educators, NonFormal Educators
Susan Schuller (WCEE) and Korie Klink (Children
Are the Hope)
9:00 12:00
Meet in
Experience DC Everest’s School Forest
Formal and Nonformal
Cindy Damrow (DC Everest School District) and
Gretchen Marshall (LEAF Program)
9:00 12:00
Meet in
Energy Investigations for School Buildings:
Your best resource for teaching students
about energy concepts and efficiency
3-5, 6-8, 9-12 educators,
Annie Baker (KEEP), Karla Lockman (SPASH), and
Don Keck (Stevens Point Area School District)
9:00 12:00
Meet in
BYO-Bike and enjoy parts of the scenic
Green Circle Trail including Schmeeckle
Katie Boseo, Jessica Tomaszewski, Kelly Smith and
Dan Martinson (WCEE)
9:00 - 1:00
3rd Consortium Meeting
invitation only
Steve Kerlin and Consortium members
Friday Field Trips (PM, 1:00 - 4:00)
1:00 - 4:00
Meet in
Helping to Grow Experiences in Outdoor
Learning and Play
PK-2 Educators, Family
Helen R. Godfrey (University Child Learning and
Care Center)
1:00 - 4:00
Classroom Lessons to Teach About
6-12 Educators
Dan Martinson (WCEE)
1:00 - 4:00
Project Learning Tree Activities for
Secondary Students: Thinking Critically
About Forest Issues
9-12 Educators, Non-Formal
Nicole Filizetti (LEAF)
1:00 - 4:00
Meet in
Connecting Formal and Non-Formal
Education: The Tomorrow River Community
Charter School
Non-Formal, PK-5 Educators, Tom Quinn (CWES)
Administrators, Food Service
1:00 - 4:00
Meet in
Rooted in the Past, Growing Towards the
Future: Growing a Greener Campus
Non-Formal Educators,
PK-12 Educators,
Administrators, Facility/
Custodial, Food Service
Kristi Hawk and Jeanne Bruener (John Edwards
High School)
1:00 - 4:00
Meet in
Interpretive Canoe Trip
NatureTreks and Ann Lindner (WCEE)
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Concurrent Session Descriptions
Concurrent Session Block 1 Wednesday Morning
Investigating Wisconsin Teacher Education Programs:
A 5 Year Follow-up Study
Becca Franzen (UWSP-WCEE) & Scott Ashmann
Description: How do the 33 teacher education
programs in Wisconsin prepare pre-service teachers to
teach about the environment? This session will share
research findings.
Time: 10:15 - 11:00 Room: 223
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Learning to be Green & Healthy
Erin Green & Marlene McLlheran (Greendale School
Description: Learn about the programs Greendale has
in place to support its students and families and relieve
some of the stressors that can impact student wellness.
Time: 10:15 - 11:00 Room: 230C
Track: Improving Health and Wellness
Stevens Point Area School District is Growing Green
& Healthy Schools
Melissa Rickert & Jamie Mollica (Madison Elem.
GHS Team), Karla Lockman (SPASH), and Alicia Utke
Description: Learn how five Stevens Point area
schools – from 4K to High School - are implementing
green and healthy initiatives in all nine topic areas.
Time: 10:15 - 11:00 Room: 230B
Track: Reducing Environmental Impact & Cost
Continuing the Conversation of Cross-Cultural EE
Nick Voss (Conserve School)
Description: We will discuss several sources and
historical figures not typically referred to in the realm
of EE (eg. Malcom X) and re-examine what they offer
to a cross-cultural EE practice that is relevant to US
history. Various cultural arts will also be discussed in
terms of how they can be infused into EE programs.
Examples include basic breakdancing, Capoeira, and
Afro-cuban music rhythms, with reference to projects
undertaken at Conserve School.
Time:10:15 - 11:00 Room: 376
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Nature Journal Journeys: Communicating nature
experiences with images and words
Janet Moore (UWSP-LEAF)
Description: Join us for a journey through journaling!
You will come away with several curriculum resources
and activities (including the Wheels of Time and Place
circular journals) for both formal and non-formal
settings, that utilize the outdoor site and develop
a sense of connection to place. By engaging in an
ongoing reflective art/journaling activity throughout
the course of the WAEE conference, you will gain
concrete skills and an understanding of the process
of keeping a nature journal to communicate your
experiences in nature through images and words. Can
be taken as a two-part session:
Session Part 1: (Wednesday at 10:15) Introduction of
nature journaling tools and techniques with a one-hour
outdoor guided drawing and writing field experience.
Session Part 2 (Friday at 8:15) Recap and overview
of activities with “sharing out” of experiences and
ideas. Everyone is welcome!
Time: 10:15 - 12:00 Room: 378
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
An Introduction to the Environmental Education
Resource Library
Katie Boseo (WCEE)
Description: We will visit the Environmental
Education Resource Library to explore over 6,000
resources available to formal and non-formal
educators throughout the state all for free!
Time: 10:15 - 12:00 Room: 235
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
EE State Consortium Initiatives to Increase the
Capacity of EE in WI
Steve Kerlin, Katie Perryman-Gebhardt, Nathan
Larson, Jacqueline Schram, Emily Brown, Stefan
Description: The co-leaders will report and discuss the
activities of the 21 member consortium and progress
on initiatives to increase the capacity of EE in WI.
Time: 11:15 - 12:00 Room: 230B
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Literacy and 40 Years of Collaboration
With New Eyes: Using Photography to Develop a
Sense of Place
Jeff Rennicke (Conserve School)
Description: “The real journey of discovery consists
not of seeking new landscape but in having new eyes,”
wrote Marcel Proust. This presentation considers the
power of photography in teaching the observation and
expression skills necessary for developing a sense of
place and how photography might be used in a variety
of classes to help students as well as adults connect
with nature.
Time: 11:15 - 12:00 Room: 230C
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
Concurrent Session Descriptions
Got Milk…Cartons? Recycle Them!
Debbie Dodson & Jim Birmingham (Carton Council)
Time: 11:15 - 12:00 Room: 230D
Track: Reducing Environmental Impact & Cost
Creating a Nature Based 4-K Program with a Public
School District
Scott Ashmann (UWGB) and Mike Reed (Bay Beach
Wildlife Sanctuary)
Time: 11:15 - 12:00 Room: 223
Track: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Speed Greening Roundtables
Time: 11:15 - 12:00 Room: Legacy
Getting your Team
Ronda Olkonen & Mae Moderson (Hurley K-12)
Description: From a small group to a community
collaboration, our school has strived to become a
Green Team with support across all areas. We started
from a strategic plan branch to a “sugar maple” in a
short action packed time.
Believe in Green
Sandy Ehren (Luxemburg-Casco High School)
Description: Our team volunteered to work at Baird
Creek Preservation area this year to remove invasive
species from the land and plant native species.
Track: Increasing Environmental Literacy &
Sustainability Literacy
Concurrent Session Block 2
Wednesday Afternoon
Reducing Environmental Impact & Costs
Dennis Kuchenmeister (Fort Atkinson School District)
Description: The story of the comprehensive effort by
a rural school district to reduce energy use in order to
save money and lessen the environmental impact.
Time: 2:45 - 3:30 Room: 230B
Track: Reducing Environmental Impact & Cost
How to do Experiential Learning in History
Presenter: Michael Salat (Conserve School)
Description: How to incorporate hands-on
experiential activities to make history class come alive
and engage students in the learning. Participants will
see how a history class can be more than text-book
reading and lectures.
Time: 2:45 - 3:30 Room: 230C
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Recycling in Schools
Tracy Romzek (4 R Ventures)
Description: Learn what is needed to start a successful
recycling program in your school. Beyond recycling,
learn what else can be done to reduce the amount of
waste generated in schools. Recycling and waste
reduction can even be used as a fundraiser too.
Time: 2:45 - 3:30 Room: 230D
Track: Reducing Environmental Impact & Cost
Conservation for the Classroom: Putting WLWCA
Programs to Work for You
Jayne Jenks (Waukesha County Parks and Land Use)
Description: Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation
Association (WLWCA) has youth programs to
promote environmental and sustainability education.
The poster and speaking contest encourages all ages
to become engaged in conservation by researching the
yearly theme and presenting their information. We
offer summer conservation camps and the Envirothon
competition. Engaging and challenging! Get your
students involved!
Time: 2:45 - 3:30 Room: 235
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Strategies and methods for applying field friendly
technology in environmental education
Justin Hougham, Amy Workman, Toby Grabs & Drew
Hatzenbihler (Upham Woods Outdoor Learning
Center/UW Extension)
Description: Investigating best practices in digital
pedagogies for outdoor education, this workshop will
share tips for ‘field friendly’ applications and provide
hands-on use of hardware and apps.
Time: 2:45 - 4:30 Room: 378
Track: Increasing Environmental Literacy
TRCCS: Green & Healthy School from Its Roots
Chamomile Nusz (Tomorrow River Community
Charter School)
Description: The Tomorrow River Community
Charter School opened its doors in the fall of 2013.
By December they had completed their application
to become a Sugar Maple status Green & Healthy
School. They have been awarded this classification
and were nominated for the U.S. Department of
Education Green Ribbon School’s award. How did
they accomplish this in their first year? What were
the foundational theories of the school which gave
it strong environmental roots? Learn more about
this new charter elementary school who draws
its pedagogy from Waldorf and Environmental
Time: 2:45 - 4:30 Room: 376
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Concurrent Session Descriptions
STEM Branching the Community
Cindy Solinsky, Stevens Point Area School District
Description: Since students are curious as to the
impact of their learning and how it can be applied to
their own and their families’ everyday lives, the 2014
– 2015 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Math) Branching science class will connect concepts
studied directly to on-going community projects.
Time: 2:45 - 4:30 Room: 374
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Environmental Literature: Expanding Environmental
Education into the Humanities
Jordan King (CWES)
Description: Environmental literature can achieve and
broaden the goals of environmental education. This
program details ongoing research that examines the
connection between environmental literature study and
the promotion of environmental literacy. Participants
will learn how environmental literature connects to the
approaches and objectives of environmental education.
Time: 3:45 - 4:30 Room: 230C
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Earth Partnerships Multicultural Outreach Efforts
Maria Moreno (Earth Partnership - UW Arboretum)
Description: An overview of our efforts at engaging
native american and latino commuities in place based,
project based ecological restoration
Time: 3:45 - 4:30 Room: 230D
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Running a Bio Blitz
Christine Kuntz (UWSP)
Description: Ever thought it would be fun to identify
all the plants or animals in your school forest, yard,
or grounds? Let us give you some great hints on
how to successfully run a bio blitz at your school.
Lesson learned, examples of data sheets and sampling
procedure ideas to get you the most information with
the littlest effort expended will be presented for you in
a hands on session. Come join us.
Time: 3:45 - 4:30 Room: 235
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Crafting a Culture of Sustainability in Your School
Skylar Primm (High Marq Enviro Charter School)
Description: Learn how to craft a culture of
sustainability in your school from two teachers who
are doing it at their school!
Time: 3:45 - 4:30 Room: Legacy
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Concurrent Sessions Block 3 Thursday Morning (8:15-9:45)
Discerning the Learning Curve: Perspectives on a
Nature Inspired Charter School
Tom Quinn & Chamomile Nusz (CWES & Tomorrow
River Community Charter School)
Description: This roundtable discussion will share
the benefits and challenges of a field station hosting a
public charter school.
Time: 8:15 - 9:45 Room: 223
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
How do your food choices affect your health and our
drinking water?
Lynn Markham (UW-Extension Center of Land Use
Description: In this session we will explore a number
of questions including: Where are pesticides used
and found? Which crops grown in Wisconsin are
the most and least pesticide-intensive? Which fruits
and vegetables contain the highest levels of pesticide
residues? How is water quality affected when we
choose organic vs. conventionally grown fruits and
vegetables? In addition to these questions, participants
will work in groups to design a conference menu with
food from local farmers that are protecting drinking
water and people’s health.
Time: 8:15 - 9:45 Room: Legacy
Track: Improving Health and Wellness
Infusing Science with Art: Using the Federal Duck
Stamp Program as a Model
Katie Coodwin & Kara Zwickey (US Fish and Wildlife,
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge)
Description: This interactive session will allow
participants to sample hands-on, science lessons and
activities that incorporate waterfowl, ecology, and art
techniques for K-12 students.
Time: 8:15 - 9:45 Room: 230B
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
School Cafeteria Waste Reduction
Angie Lemar, Karin Sieg (Recycling Connections
Corporation), Jonathan Rivin (UWEX)
Description: This workshop will discuss ways to
reduce waste in the school cafeteria. We will review
the different waste streams generated and options you
have to manage and reduce them.
Time: 8:15 - 9:45 Room: 230C
Track: Reducing Environmental Impact & Cost
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
Concurrent Session Descriptions
Concurrent Sessions Block 4 Thursday Morning (10:00-10:45)
Integrating Outdoor Skills and Environmental
Chrystal Seeley-Schreck & Ruth Ann Lee (WDNR/
MacKenzie Center)
Description: Maintaining a rich tradition of
environmental education, the MacKenzie Center
recently expanded its educational vision to integrate
diverse environmental topics and outdoor skills.
We now offer programs for youth, adults, and the
community – building environmental literacy while
getting students outside. Learn about our revamped
programs and sample some innovative activities!
Time: 8:15 - 9:45
Room: 230D
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Developing a Sense of Place
Jeremy Solin (WCEE)
Description: This session will provide a summary
of the sense of place research with a focus on
designing programs to develop participants’ sense
of place as a motivator for sustainable behaviors.
Recommendations, tips and resources will be provided
for education program development at school and in
the community.
Time: 8:15 - 9:45
Room: 378
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Bats, Birds, Butterflies - the A-Z of Citizen Science
based Monitoring
Carrie Morgan (WDNR)
Time: 8:15 - 9:45
Room: 378
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Park Elementary School’s Journey to becoming a
Green Ribbon School
Amy Callies (Park Elementary School)
Description: Participants will meet informally with the
presenter(s) using a question/answer format to learn
about the strategies Park School utilized to achieve
Sugar Maple status.
Time: 9:00 - 9:45
Room: 374
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
School Walkthrough Program
Martin Medina & Kristen Grimes (Wisconsin Asthma
Coalition - Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin)
Description: The program will give an overview on the
implementation of the Wisconsin Asthma Coalition’s
school walkthrough program. The goal of the school
walkthrough program is to create asthma safe and
friendlier schools.
Time: 10:00 - 10:45 Room: Legacy
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Literacy; Health & Wellness
Why Schools Should Embrace Clean Energy Choice
Michael Vickerman (RENEW Wisconsin)
Description: Solar generating equipment is becoming
more affordable. However, barriers to installation
remain. For schools, the principal barrier is economic:
nonprofits are unable to capture federal tax credits.
Fortunately, the market is not standing still. This
presentation will examine emerging development
models empowering schools to access solar energy
while lowering their energy costs.
Time:10:00 - 10:45 Room: 230C
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
The Great News About Environmental Education in
Our State
Jesse Haney & Jodi Hermsen (WEEF)
Description: Are you tired of all the bad news about
education, the environment, and the state of the world?
This session will highlight the good news about EE in
our state. What is working? And what else can you do
to build on these successes?
Time:10:00 - 10:45 Room: 230D
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Our Path to the Outdoor Classroom
Susan Hobart (MMSD/LVES/GROW Coalition)
Description: This video and discussion will look at one
small school’s path to creating an outdoor classroom
philosophy. Building upon what we already know as
educators and creating a partnership with businesses,
grantors, staff, families and most importantly, the
students, we can integrate eco-literacy in our schools.
Time:10:00 - 10:45 Room: 223
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Concurrent Session Descriptions
Using Arts to Achieve Environmental Literacy in the
Classroom and Community
Sean Kiebzak (Arts@Large) & Justin Hegarty (Reflo
Sustainable Water Solutions)
Description: A call to action! The arts are an excellent
vehicle to add depth to environmental learning in an
urban setting. This presentation will give teachers,
educators and administrators ideas to walk away with
that can help to redefine how they approach integrating
arts and the environment into everyday class sessions.
From an empty classroom to an underutilized
courtyard or even the vast concrete expanses that
are most playgrounds in the city, we will provide
individuals an opportunity to learn what others are
doing in the state to transform these neglected spaces
while showing them the resources they can utilize to
enhance environmental learning in the classroom.
Time:10:00 - 10:45 Room: 374
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Ciclovias and Open Streets Events
Presenter: Trevor Roark (UWSP Adventure Tours)
Description: Ciclovias are emerging across the U.S.
fueled by a need for better health and wellness. Trevor
Roark (Program Manager for UWSP Adventure Tours)
created Ciclovia WI, an event that advocates for better
bicycling and walking. See how this sustainabilityfocused event stems from the 7 dimensions of
Time:10:00 - 10:45 Room: 376
Track: Improving Health and Wellness
Conference fees were significantly
reduced this year thanks to a
generous grant from EPA through
Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin
Speed Greening Roundtables
Time:10:00 - 10:45
Room: Legacy
Food Systems Literacy in Wisconsin
Madelin Jensen & Jeremy Solin (WCEE)
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
From Compost to Lettuce Feast: A Second Grade
Jean Rosemeyer & Brenda Medenwaldt (Colby School
Description: Second graders compost and learn how to
plant, grow, and harvest lettuce in cold frames for an
annual feast with the local retirement center.
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
2014 Statewide EE Status and Needs Survey Results
Steven Kerlin, Kendra Liddicoat & Joy Kacoroski
Description: Summary results and trends about
participation in outdoor EE programming, use of
technology, evaluation, land management, professional
development and networking will be discussed.
Track: 40 Years of Collaboration
Concurrent Session Block 5 Thursday Afternoon (2:00-2:45)
Education at Speed of Research: Strengthening
Outdoor Learning through Research Connections
Justin Hougham (Upham Woods Outdoor Learning
Center/UW Extension)
Description: Expanding upon research opportunities,
the workshop explores integrated approaches to
literacy in sustainability that are developed to
effectively cross disciplines and situate environmental
sciences into authentic learning opportunities.
Educators need not wait for research to trickle down
through publication and into textbooks, they can
engage as meaningful partners in research.
Time: 2:00 - 2:45
Room: 374
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Project WET saves Water....and Money!
Jayne Jenks (Waukesha County Parks and Land Use)
Description: Get your feet wet in just a sampling of
WET (Water Education for Teachers) activities to be
used in a Green and Healthy School--or any school!
Learn how to conduct a water audit at your school
and be able to teach kids how to calculate their water
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
Concurrent Session Descriptions
Time: 2:00 - 2:45
Room: 223
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Making Cool Choices in Green and Healthy Schools
Sara Windjue & Kendra Liddicoat (WCEE),
Emily Loew (Cool Choices)
Description: GHS has partnered with Cool Choices
to provide an innovative
approach to advance
GHS initiatives. Through
a dynamic online card
game called Cool Choices,
schools are revealing a
shared commitment to green and healthy practices
across Wisconsin. This entertaining session will
show school staff and students how to engage entire
school communities in building the case for continued
investment in sustainability with fun popular and easy
everyday actions.
Time: 2:00 - 2:45 Room: 230B
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Connect & Collaborate
Jodi Hermsen (WEEF)
Description: Learn how to use to
connect with educators and facilities that are doing
similar EE projects or projects you would like to do.
Time: 2:00 - 2:45
Room: 230C
Track: 40 Years of Collaboration
Wellness: living happy, healthy, and green
Annie Wetter (UWSP-Health Promotion and Human
Description: This discussion will guide participants in
using the UWSP 7-dimensional model of wellness to
explore the inter-relationship between environmental
wellness and achieving goals in other areas of their life.
Time: 2:00 - 2:45
Room: 230D
Track: Improving Health and Wellness
Escuela Verde: Integrating Justice into the Curriculum
Joey Zocher & Students from Escuela Verde
Description: Escuela Verde cultivates a community that
is participatory, just, sustainable, and peaceful. Join
students and staff to discuss ways they integrate justice
into their curriculum.
Time: 2:00 - 2:45
Room: 378
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Concurrent Session Block 6 Thursday Afternoon (3:15-4:45)
Drawing, Journaling, and Sketching in Environmental
Robert Eady & Nancy Schwartz (Conserve School)
Description: Collecting phenological field data can
benefit from sketches in field notes. Guide students in
creating field journals that encourage observation and
meticulous record keeping.
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: 230B
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
School Forest Networking
Gretchen Marshall (LEAF)
Description: We have a wonderful network of school
forest educators across Wisconsin. If you are a new
or experienced school forest educator….or simply
want to learn about starting a school forest, join the
conversation as we share and learn from each other.
Participants are encouraged to bring tips, lessons, or
experiences that can be shared with others or come
with questions regarding information you would like to
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: 230C
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Global energy flows and climate change: a systems
thinking challenge
D. Leith Nye & John Greenler (Wisconsin Energy
Institute, WU-Madison)
Description: Globally and locally, where does our
energy come from and go to? Review the basics and
engage in energy systems and emissions modeling
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: 230D
Track: Reducing Environmental Impacts and Costs
Hands-on Curriculum for a Crowded Planet
Steve Krings (Population Connection)
Description: Explore connections between human
population pressures and today’s enviro challenges
with activities that promote critical thinking etc.
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: 376
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Get Smart about E-Cycling
Amalia Baldwin (WDNR)
Description: Do you know why it is important
to recycle electronics? How to find a low-cost,
responsible recycler? What happens to electronics
once you hand them to a recycler? Get smart about
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Concurrent Session Descriptions
electronics recycling and pass that knowledge on with
interactive and fun activities.
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: 223
Track: Reducing Environmental Impacts and Costs;
Increasing Environmental Literacy
Community Gardens - Improving health & life skills
with collaboration
Peter Gebhardt (Boys & Girls Club of Portage
Description: Learn how the Boys & Girls Club of
Portage County has implemented five community
gardens, partnered with several other community
organizations, and has introduced over 600 different
youth ages 6-18 to the health benefits of growing and
eating from a local garden.
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: 235
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Dance Globally
Wendy Seaman & Appleton International Dancers
Description: The only power point in this session is
YOU, moving your bod to the wonderfully offbeat
international music of your planetary brothers and
sisters, and maybe your own ethnic background!
Many movements echo the environmental themes of
seedtime and harvest and love of nature, and reflect the
full, rich palette of the human experience. Movements
are easily done mostly in lines and circles and are
enjoyed by males and females of all ages.
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: Alumni Room
Track: Improving Health and Wellness
Exploring Energy Literacy: Wood-based biofuels and
Justin Hougham (Upham Woods Outdoor Learning
Center/UW Extension)
Description: A fundamental component of education
for sustainability is energy literacy. Workshop
activities will highlight energy literacy curriculum,
the use of, and
opportunities to connect energy education to your
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: 378
Track: Reducing Environmental Impacts and Costs
WI Nature Center Collaborative and Open Space
Steve Kerlin, UWSP
Description: Learn about the newly forming Nature
Center Collaborative then break-out to open space
discussions about technology, grant writing, ADA
accessibility, and fundraising (top survey responses).
Time: 3:15 - 4:45
Room: Legacy
Track: Increasing Environmental & Sustainability
Concurrent Session Block 7 Friday Morning
Nature Journal Journeys: Communicating nature
experiences with images and words (cont’d from Wed)
Presenter: Janet Moore (UWSP-LEAF)
Description: Recap and overview of activities with
“sharing out” of experiences and ideas. Everyone is
Time: 8:15 - 9:00
Room: Legacy
Track: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Map for BBQ Dinner on Thursday Night
Pfiffner Pioneer Park • 1100 Crosby Avenue • Stevens Point
Pioneer Park
UWSP Campus
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
Friday Workshops & Field Trips
Friday All-Day Workshops
Driven to Discover: Using citizen science to spark
authentic science investigations
Andrea Lorek Strauss, University of Minnesota
Description: Learn how to use citizen science
experiences as a springboard into science research
projects for youth age 10-16. Specially designed for
use in nonformal settings, the Driven to Discover
curriculum provides structure and resources for the full
cycle of inquiry, from asking questions to reporting
Target Audience: Non-formal educators, 6-12
Educators, Post-Secondary, Administrators
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Teacher Educator Network For Environmental
Education (TENFEE)
Becca Franzen, UWSP and Scott Ashmann, UWGB
Invitation Only
Friday Morning Workshops
Service Project: Helping to Grow Experiences in
Outdoor Learning and Play
Helen R. Godfrey University Child Learning and Care
Center (HRG-UCLCC)
Description: UCLCC is seeking individuals to help
expand, build and grow their outdoor play space. The
Center, located on the UWSP campus, has adopted
the Reggio Emilia approach to learning. Within this
approach to learning, students guide the curriculum
through self-interests and the environment is
considered the third teacher. UCLCC staff is working
to create an outdoor environment for their students that
encourages collaboration, communication, exploration
and inspiration.
Target Audience: PK-2 Educators, Family Education
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Using Youth Gardens to Grow Healthy Students,
Schools, and Communities
Beth Hanna, Community GroundWorks
Description: Gardens grow more than food. They also
grow healthier students, higher-achieving classes, and
more caring schools. Join the growing movement!
This workshop includes a field trip to visit youth
gardens in the area.
Target Audience: PK-12 Educators
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy,
Improving Health
Let Your Environmental Literacy Fly
Susan Schuller, WCEE and Korie Klink, Children Are
the Hope
Description: Birds provide a natural
connection to nature and can unleash
a sense of wonder. Get your Flying
WILD Guide and explore how
birds are being used to advance
environmental literacy.
Target Audience: PK-12 Educators, Non-Formal
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Materials Fee: $25.00
WI EE Consortium Meeting
Steve Kerlin, Katie Perryman-Gebhardt, Stefan
Anderson, Emily Brown, Nathan Larson, Jacqueline
Description: This is the 3rd meeting of the consortium.
The WI EE Consortium is an EE Capacity/NAAEE
funded grant project. 21 diverse representatives from
“traditional” and “non-traditional” EE organizations
in the state of WI volunteer their time to serve on
this working group. The goal of the consortium is to
increase capacity and facilitate collaborations between
all EE organizations in WI. This meeting will focus
on action items related to 3 initiatives (marketing
and message,, and professional
development) identified at the last meeting. The
consortium will meet from 9 AM through the end of
Participants: Invited stakeholders representing diverse
types of EE organizations in WI.
Friday Morning Field Trips
Experience DC Everest’s School Forest
Cindy Damrow, DC Everest School District &
Gretchen Marshall, LEAF Program
Description: The Twin Oaks Environmental Center
is an exceptional school forest that is visited by
more than a thousand students each year. Unique
programming at the forest includes a living history
day that combines social studies curriculum and
environmental education, an interactive multi-sensory
Wild Wisconsin exhibit which reflects ecosystems
across the state, and a new pre-K learning area that is
being developed. Join us as we take a tour and discover
what students learn at this amazing school forest.
Target Audience: Formal and Nonformal Educators
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Energy Investigations for School Buildings: Your best
resource for teaching students about energy concepts
and efficiency
Annie Baker, KEEP; Karla Lockman, SPASH;
Don Keck, Stevens Point Area Public School District
Description: Interested in helping students understand
how energy flows through a school building, or how
to conserve energy at your school? This classroombased workshop is for you. Participants will practice
using simple auditing equipment while conducting
an informal energy assessment of Stevens Point Area
Senior High School. Curricular activities, classroom/
school energy assessment checklists, as well as other
resources, will be distributed. Note: transportation for
this field trip will be carpooling and walking.
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy,
Reducing Impact
BYO-Bike and enjoy parts of the scenic Green Circle
Trail including Schmeeckle Reserve
Katie Boseo, Jessica Tomaszewski, Kelly Smith and
Dan Martinson, WCEE
Description: Choose to ride a slower, shorter (~5mi.)
trip or a longer, faster (~10mi.) trip on various sections
of the Green Circle Trail. Both guided trips will leave
from the University Center and end at Schmeeckle
Reserve, where participants will be able to explore
the Reserve and visit the Nature Center. Participants
will need to provide their own bike and biking gear.
The bike trails are mostly gravel, but do include some
road and wood chipped areas. All biking abilities are
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy,
Improving Health
Friday Afternoon Workshops
Service Project: Helping to Grow Experiences in
Outdoor Learning and Play
Helen R. Godfrey University Child Learning and Care
Center (HRG-UCLCC)
Description: UCLCC is seeking individuals to help
expand, build and grow their outdoor play space. The
Center, located on the UWSP campus, has adopted
the Reggio Emilia approach to learning. Within this
approach to learning, students guide the curriculum
through self-interests and the environment is
considered the third teacher. UCLCC staff is working
to create an outdoor environment for their students that
encourages collaboration, communication, exploration
and inspiration. Note: this is a continuation from the
morning service project; you may sign up for one or
both sessions.
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Classroom Lessons to Teach About
Presenter: Dan Martinson, WCEE
Description: Through simulation
activities and hands-on learning
connect complex global issues and
start re-visioning a more sustainable
future. Come experience Facing the
Future curriculum and resources and
gain new lesson plan ideas.
Target Audience: 6-12 Educators
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Project Learning Tree Activities for Secondary
Students: Thinking Critically About Forest Issues
Nicole Filizetti, LEAF
Description: Get hands-on experience with activities
from PLT’s “Focus on Forests” curriculum. Special
attention will be given to how the module helps meet
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in All
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy
Workshop Fee: $15.00
Friday Afternoon Field Trips
Connecting Formal and Non-Formal Education: The
Tomorrow River Community Charter School
Tom Quinn, CWES & TRCCS
Description: Join us to see how a PreK-6 grade public
charter school thrives in a natural outdoor setting at
the Central Wisconsin Environmental Station.
Target Audience: Non-Formal, PK-5 Educators,
Administrators, Food Service
Learning Tracks: Increasing Environmental Literacy,
Reducing Impact
Rooted in the Past, Growing Towards the Future:
Growing a Greener Campus
Kristi Hawk and Jeanne Bruener, John Edwards High
Description: Come visit John Edwards HS and tour
the school’s green spaces. Learn more about how
these areas have been transformed during the past four
Learning Tracks: Reducing Impact
Interpretive Canoe Trip
NatureTreks and Ann Lindner, WCEE
Description: Enjoy a casual canoe trip and learn about
the role of central Wisconsin’s waterways in the fur
trading era.
Learning Tracks: Improving Health; Increasing
Environmental Literacy
Materials Fee: $20.00
Please note: The Encore Room is on the first floor.
Alumni Room, Legacy Room, and Rooms 374, 376,
and 378 are on the third floor of the DUC.
Celebrating 40 Years of Collaboration and Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Institute
2014 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference
Thank you Conference Sponsors
Green Ribbon Sponsors - $5000+
Sugar Maple Sponsors- $1000+
Sapling Sponsors - $500+
Seedling Sponsors - $300+
Sprout Sponsors - $100+
Aldo Leopold
Audubon Society