IPR2013-00111, No. 2010 Exhibit - Exhibit2010
IPR2013-00111, No. 2010 Exhibit - Exhibit2010
INSIDE: - mos a semi amp 08ATAAwueVlinrtere "'-.w _ -Krleitretnecyolee 0FREEGunl-ioiderotibr ._; Vol. 21 No. 1 January - February - March 2009 Dan-Am co. Headquarters Spring Valley, MN zoos NACE & SEMA ,.r_..p. r.lx$.:E&WA NACE 2008, Lu Vegas NV e had I lotto see this year, and we hope you had the opportunity to attend to see ltali. The limited edition SATAjet Fire guns were the feature this year. The gun not only look amazing. but the new surface coating feels great in your hnnd. Fully suitable for Iolvent or waterborne paintgtiteeeptnsareagreetaddition nanny painter’: mhinet. We also introduced an nddltlan tn the known SATA filtration line. The SATA i00 Prep filter |xagootledtlltloninthohodyLhop.ltlteeps eir-tools dry and clean down to 0.1 micron, and has a regulator to put the right amount of pressure to your shop air-tools. if even finer filtntion is needed for spraying point or liar breathing air, we have our SATA 100 filter series or SATA400 filter series with up to D0 CFM And fute perticleawaration down to 0.01 micron. With the 3rd stage charcoal added, it even remove: oii vapors, to keep paint air eieen for waterborne shops. RPS cups were a very busy topic in our NACB booth. This year we have introduced the new 200 micron fiat sieve tbr waterborne materleie from specific mnnuliteturera. The H large surface area pre- if ti]?_ audio! 4... The "LInIIrdEdIIion"SA1'4Irv Fire lied rmfiody Ialldng in by lung nl NACE and.WMA during industry Hid. I09'£5OZH3cI OI'li°qNZxfl NVO.ILSHEA{d('Ct) SKIPRAYEOZ flbnowe mt flat.ByDm-Alice. 0nasdDtiv.POB46 StIi'gMl].B{597 vents waterborne paint from clogging the slave, allowing perfect flow through the vented cup aystaem. The new 200 {int strainer is in addition to the already known 200 micron plug in aieve, or the i2S micron flat sieves that are in the market now. These cups in 0.6 liter and 0.9 liter work amazing, with no adaplat or other componenuneeeanty. Oteatfor keeping your work clean and your waste low. We top olfthe cleaning prooeaa with the new SATA RCS (Rapid Cleaning System). The compact size and quick and HEB‘-'5 8AT|IEWBPUSl$OR'3YDN-HG.BwmyhnrlfivatedoupqIgkwyhmjlnfibd. easy flmctlonality of this unit right In the paint booth. allows for very fut color change: between parts and jobs. We hope you new it demonrtration or the how—to video comparison to truditlonel methods. it‘ you would like to see a demo in your ares, please let us know. SATA has all the equipment you will need to spray and dry waterborne materials. You can see a demonstration video at wwwsailnsleom. We were also fortunate to have some weil-known industry icons uhowing their ""fi’""“‘h'9 i" °“' Chip Faun mt flrn Io mm with In: booth win thisye-r. mmmummmuvuummn (continua-danpagei din-IngNACEFoo.veJl;nedevw)1ItlufioIt Inlnlhoorlx. Iodolhlngunl .~.4cmmw potion l1teamvdrww¢onoeqeInIo1geIanicetIIte0v¢rItouIbi'ua: -1 .D6erl_A'|_'_A_Ouetonter: . "' _ ‘company it the axeluelvo independent MWMWA --lpr_ay.lqt_t_l$nt_e_n‘t and publiehoe an News quarterly. ‘thus. we inform the ,9: ---m,-IttduuyV_g9_ttt0teiIe1ee1 um toohn|e_e_l auyuamtanump quality products and ¢.;g|pg!_,t!e_eeu't!ojn7ti3iaL8ATAii&I8-huuied-fifedehuuewwmmuu. f.|eobiI'u\diridGeiFi|Iu.Dn-Amconpmydoundeetietroctihuahnuu uuaehmldeontnottMirboeiwppiIenDerrAmcompenyHteeoIIetprIdeh ihoproduotutdeewioeweoileewe-asoeofleimvouwilhanmpueeedwlhflu quelIyutdpedonnuweoi8KfA8prIyG§ithnternihoevmntho«urteeo1onter ediefledetltuurunm-Nnoeeputyhnetieeeaultieiorurualnhaeaprldng. Den-Amoo.Btd:aVemdapwdu1tDietnoutoroIsATApIodterahitItaiJ8 'i'oIFne -eoo-ea:-cote m ’ lkileienuttteeehamtenlirtfiuldauemmor -BMA.0Ai7\Hn1ttIauhn u v Itonouu.a.umvgnq-equine st-<V"" O-MOI! II‘lM9Il'liII-0°!!! nan-nuuutuunonunou 2008 MACE & SEMA ‘ti’-‘illitttfi &WA'l'ERBORNE ris Krome Cycle from Freeland hfichiyn displayed a great bike in booth at NACE 2008. This bike was built for the S &. S 50th Anniversary in 2008. He had a huge 145 cubic inch V-1\vin S & S motor, custom built by Kendall Johnson of North Carolina. The bike features Kris Krome Biastamerlck ti-ont forks. and a one of a kind Biastarneriek rear suspension to make it ride like a dream. There were 50 ofthe best builders in the world at this event, and Kris won second place in the V-‘min class. The judging was done by his peers. the best bike builders in the world. Kris Krome in motorcycle magazines, we will all see a lot more of Kris Krome in the near future. Kris is also one of Tag Heuer's c e i e b r i ty Ambassadors fo r th e l r Avant Garde eyewear. Tag is well known as a Swiss oi the am bun dumgrucs: es and glasses. He will be on tour world-wide for them as well. To see more about Kris Krorne, go to his website at lvmttkrtrlrromeconr To see more of Jared Wilson, Psycho Customs paint work go to mruspaychoatstomseoar Thesd Il5cubIcS301IIAnnIv¢nar:vbih/'eaIw¢s'a Inch V-1lvlnS& SInoIoI'ondKrLvhuge Kronresflloslonrer-lckfionlforh bikes are not just for show. they also go! in fact. at Sturgis alter showing it at the AMD awards show. Kris rode the bike on a photo shoot at over 145 MPH! Kris‘s painter Jared Wilson of Psycho Customs in Kawkawlin Michigan did an amazingjob with his SATA Spray Equipment to make a beoutlflslly sculptured bike shine. He complemented the look with a lot of gold lest‘ In tribute to S & S for their huge 50 year accomplishment. The chassis is one ofa kind Kris Krome style, and the sleek clean look ofthe bike sets him apart from other builders. His bikes are functional. that and clean. Kris hasreecntly beaIaeenonTVshows fedturlng Sturgia, and will be appearing soon on behind the Si 5‘ Mil:Anniversary Bk: CMT‘s Chopper Challenge. with other popu- standing larTVahows intheworks. and alotofpress al lltc SAJA booth durllu Illa IMO NACE Expo. (CorrIlnuerljiunpoy I - NACE/SEMA) Chip l-‘oose was there to meet hundreds of eye. but the way the new coating feels liens, and sign autographs on Friday. We had makes the gun a grmt addition to any paintChris Jacobs. famed boot from 0verhauiln' er's gun cabinet. We had a majority of our in our booth, We had Kris Kroma. award productaondiaplay forpeopletntouchand winning bike builder and TV and magazine feel, and ask questions. celebrity on hand We w e re to show you his 5OthAnniversaryS I ' I ' ‘ several excited toartists have in our SEMA & S Chopper. Ken Reister provided boo“, _ we a couple great » hope you so‘ . rides. His fabulous oh...” ,0 spuk bieek "Fintastie, with Leah G."_ E] C"“i“° ‘M ‘" .loAnne Bortl. awesome Indian or ..Kiwl" -1-my °“° °f ‘ kmd Stephens while motorcycle were “my .M,m,hed 37°“ '° ‘°'- TV in our booth. celebrity painter 1- hey we re Mitch Lanzlni .h°win8ch°p~_ WIS there With his euro“ and com_ “Purple Craze, fan of“ SAT’; I-"“i“i R°'d"°"' airbrushes. the The car looked SA-I-Aguph I amazing, and _Md 3A1-Asap}, Mitch was there 3‘ A" 0".” throughout the mm“ 0.“ 50,.“ show to talk to belmiful work “'°'7°“°-. it was great to Artists Leah 11IeIIneIonreerClIlpFooeewa.tonceagalnIongn.r also have the Oall. Brian Gall. '00 Imkllllfilflltli GIWVOPN M4'"¢"W”" ’|'lfW|l' help in ourbootlt JoAnne from Crazy and JackBorties “The """"8N1C5 Paintors Tom ltalian, Olachino were there to show their and Mitch Kelly. When they were there, a sldlls and the SATA graph i, SATA graph crowd always gathered. From Tom’: old 3 and the SATAjet 20 dekor artbruah. school art ofpinstriping and airbrushing. to They spent time with those watching, and Mitch’: amadng graphics and one ot'a kind answered any quutions. lfyou were there, paintjobs, these guys are famous in the we hope you enjoyed seeing their work, and trade. and you have probably seen them on Ieaming about our produm. If you did not arty number ofTV shows. attend. watch in your area for upcoming air- There was non-stop tramc around our brushciassesbyartislssponsorcdbySATA. b°°.hmsBMA1ooa’mdw°lookf°l.Per_ SEMA 2008’ L“ Vqalvy :35 ;v‘°e:1v'bigger and better things at the During what is now known as -industry Week, SEMA also takes place.itistheplacetnbetnsee and learn about any accessory or products used on vehicles. SBMA is held at the Les Vegas Convention Center. it fills every hall, and the entire outdoors surrounding it with exciting products. custom cars, and motorcycles. With TV cameras everywhere. you are bound to find a TV celebrity you have always wanted to meet somewhere admiring the works ot'srt. We once again had a booth inside the Performance Hall at SEMA this year We talked to thousands of people. and answered a lot of questions at our booth. Attendees showed you interest in our limDIISATA boollurlfiuzlgnacltaloruersa elrnncolo View ited edition SATAjet Fire guns. severalploducls/Ion: Ihe S1714 line IndudingSpray yam. me great new look caught their film. RPStarp ondprolecllvegwn A SPECIAL THANK YOU 5-1.2 ray >1: E q_u l p :'.'«'§"..t Q4!“-aflflfl 60. To learn on about ilris liroaae visit his website In I SATA Spray Equipment and the Dan-Am Company would like to send a speclaiihank You to everyone that helped contribute to another successful year at the NACE at SEMA shows. without all of the special celebrity appearancemutograph sessions, airbrush demonstrations and vehicles for display, we could not have had such successful conventions in Las Vegas. Your continued support and partnership with SATA Spray Equipment is very much appreciaaedlhanks again and we look forward to working with each of you again in the new year. OOS FRO EGA Chris Jacobs, Leah Galland Kit: Kmmte tVt.'It.' some oflhc edcbfilles Ihal mm at the SI71 bnnih during NICE In men! wtlh their[inn anddiscus I/ta iuduslrju on seven! airbrush demoamultomal the SATA booth: dtlrfrm both MACE‘ andSEMI. television u:ItbI1'I_v painter: shine: up In‘: Lanxlm’ Raodrm ‘Purple Cruu-"while on display or the SAT}! booth during NACE. . Chip Faou Inluu time topace with Ihe SIM girl: "--'."‘—"“" Lei H I” I] — fwflwpham whlln Imnxlnxout or rhssdm Leah pull the/inlshlru ioucec an an alluring mm» ellnlc shegove whlle al 54145 boolh during salu M0‘ -1 M5» VEHICLES ON DISPLAY AT SATA BOOTH Over the years, the SATA/Dan-Am booth has been known to have some of the most beautiful custom built hot rods and motorcycles on display at the NACE convention. Attendees crowd the booth each year to see these vehicles built by the biggest names in the industry. This year was no different. as the crowds were huge around the displayed vehicles once again. making the opportunity to get up close and see these breathtaking vehicle displays. This year we had custom built bikes and vehicles on display from Mitch Lanzini. Ken Reister and Kris Krome. amexmne Ifllh Annn-ersary S & S Chopper The bike I: ditIIucII_v a Kris Kmnm bull! bike and was lmpnsslhlc In mI.v.v. ' Km Rtlrreralsn mm motorcycle ‘Indian .spm:- on display al NACE. Sevemlpuple In attendance commented on the prgoowpalul/ob ardlhu/Inc detail: on Ihc bike. '-r-.¢=: Ken Rattler‘: '60 BI Calnino 'FiImu1ic' rudvedplerw of anentlonfnm than in allendance al NACZ. Many artcndea look Ilme to mappltluru oflhegorgeotu black vehicle. 17:: '32 Fold Roadster "Purple Gnu‘ bull! andpalntedby lanzlnl Body Wbrh was .1popular altmalon al the um booth during M405 and cnaled gulls a stir villa Ihe cnrwctr. lad Glaehlno. owner ¢fGlochIIw Studios shared in: Insight on the bsaincu amldulgn technique: for-up andm-Inxurllm al Ike NM-‘Eliw I-CAR Presentation On Waterborne. At NACE 2008 l-CAR did several presentations to train the industry on many important subjects We were proud to be a pan ofJason Bamnen‘s waterbome presentation. Jason spoke about the conversion to the new systems. _ He helped to clear some of the myths. and give accurate advice He spoke of their training nvail. able on the subject. and of the equipment necessary to make the ' transition simple. With correct best practice procedures in place. waterborne systems are effective and I-CAR}./Iu‘Iu'l Bnrlamm r;If:r.1a pmfmbte to use Luck to H,-AR 9"” '1“, "I'''’’g’'’ M’ "J"-” for more ofyour training needs. "“'="’"'"‘ W" "°"*"""'l GUN CABINETS BY DAN-AM #2008 SATA Award Winners IIIInvImI.I|IIIII huphmyotoxtreroolntorauplnlotu. noutoulmllfltltdlitaouewrlu. ladodlnawaountoothelfluahlo ony|nIhIfiyvIh8A1'AIo¢o. Single Door MINI Spray Gun storage cabinet Theoompact Dan-AmMlNI oablnotslnglo shdfmdbulh lnliotdonlor Jgravltyguno. Unl-‘we!’-allser lnaonalowamo 8ATAmlnl}oHo boliunoaawoll. ' Magnotlcnrlp holdaclooroloood wtionbl'tuIlookod.cmba shipped ups. Measles 24 S/4"W x 34 3/4"H I 12"D. Older Number 90 Double Door MAXI Spray Gun Storage cabinet I / / -u-" Congratulations to all of our 2008 \ § t -H SATA Award __ <- winners! ’/ 0. Most Improved Territory Dale Miller Full Spectrum Autobody Technologies Pictured (Tony Larimer, Jorg Goettling, Dale Miller, Knud Jorgensen, Albrecht Kruse) Top Gun Award for Professional Shop Demonstrations Co-Winners: Complete Sales 8: Marketing — David Voth and Charlie Peterson. and BC Marketings Jaw Mindt. Pictured (Tony Larimer, Jorge Goettling, David Voth, Jay Mindt, Charlie Peterson, Knud Jorgensen, Albrecht Kruse). 3. SAMS Award ‘nnlamoroan-AmMAxIoablnot taaunuaanadluahbleaheltand apaclouasldaootnpavnentlwo vowaolgunhmgenotomupto oevengravllyounalnoludlngtho sATAmIni]otwlththonunl]ethmger adqmnlnotudealooltlnglalohurd koytoroacurlly. Momma 46“W x 35"}! x 12"D. Order Number 05 (Supplied Air Monitoring System) Total Sales & Marketing Pictured (Tony Larimer, Wayne “Wassermau” Morrison, John Edwards, Jory Gaettliug, Gerry Carter, Albrecht Ki-use, Bill Jaeter, Erik Lamb, Knud Jorgensen). 4- Agency of the Year Bresnahan 8: Associates David Pulsifer 8: Jeff Poor. Pictured (Tony Larimer, Jorg Goettling, JeffPoor, David Pulstfer, Knnd Jorgenseu, Albrecht Ki-use). 5- Representative of the Year John Myers-Master Sales 8: Marketing. Pictured with his entire Master sales team. (Tony Larimer, Jorg Gocttling, Dennis Sheff, Rudy Sanchez, John Myers, Bmd Kiser, Albrecht Kruae. Knud Jorgensen). 5. SATA Distributor of the Year 2008 Wesco Autobody Supplies based in Seattle WA. Pictured (Jeremy White, Bob Bryant, Marcos Garcia, Erik Lamb, Chris Morrison, Jay While, Gil Shaw. JeffBurger, and Wendy Lin). Price adjustment coming March 25, 2009 8ATAmlI-mat Hanger Adaptor HongiheamallSATAtnlnl]otoaallywlth uilupeclaldlaclnautslmplyplaoo thodteolnanyoan-Arngrovltygm holdororm-aygu1cablnot.Thedlao rnayatsobowlllmoumndwllhtwo acnwuhmuuhtho pm-dtllladflmgo. (adaptarwppllodwllhbothoahlneta). OntorNo.M00-M I4 We at Dan-Am Co. are taking thin opportunity to giw: you the earliest pouibl: notification of price udiusunenu coming in die out future Dun-icnlly rising costs for raw materials. penonnel and energy which all of us experience on a daily basil — add further pressures on every mamfiucrum and on fmiyit forwarders allkc. Not surprixingly. rising com for production and mntpomuion will be taken imn conIidcmuon in out price calculations. as well. Although pricing in u.-minly nn important factor, excellent product quality and mlialzility, at well an impeccable tcrvicc levels, an equally important aspects With the curring-edge SATA paint tpny gum. films and bu-ading equipment, we offer value that help: your mummcn incmau: their productivity. save material, and olanin perfect end results needed in I more dcrnanding marketplace. Dan-Am Co in working hard to find ways to help minimize the impact of pouiblc pricing inczcucs and continue the qualily urviun that our cuswrncn have come ll) expect and deserve. Plane Note. price: in (hit publication are good until March 25, ZM9 After Ihia dm, plcuc contact your local SATA dealer fin: pricing Wewouldnlsoutgcyoumnlkctimeandmvicwyourmvrnlorymd take advantage of the old prints Visit www.salau£31§¢‘Dm fBr'u--,5 "J;"_m New designations for the Wee Gum; ljjgfider pfoduct fanse, with [)lII‘(.‘/l(lS(‘ ufsclt,-(‘I SA’!/—\ .s“;)my;,'lII1;s‘. You may have noticed while looking through this Issue oi the SATA News that the SATA product llne of spray guns and tlltera have underwent new dealgnatlona The new ldentlfloatlon eyetern tor guns and llltere will help Identify each product quickly. allowing customers to easily Identify the product that beet suits their needs. Please refer to the examples below of the new ldentltloatlon system. . * Ateuaaanlaa: PAINT SPRAY GUNS: this Lrrur.-ollhe SATA New! for a ‘ "3! d SI\TAI<'I 1000 with rim: and part numberl. SATA Gun Holder Wall hanger for 3 SAYA gravity guns Each gun holds ls I5‘ long and mounts to the wall to hold most any combination oi spray guns. Part No. 9098-3 . llshehlerrlllltatloninrdpvaaaueladsprayglrts “‘"‘u'“°u°"l°"""""°""l’l"9'“ m=W<m~-="°-ww-/M ‘,. I000standslartieapra1pap_a__d_d_'aarlaaa_althe peIIeruaaeadaaa(aq.10O.liXl0.30wetc.) SA‘lA|etlsthetlassl§:atiolIloraISATApalrttspraygtIIs _ ' - Buy a SATAjet 100 B F HVLP or RP ' . _ Getarreem Further ettunplaa fa‘ paint aprey guns: BATOODHVLP 'raoooeHvu= 557538” K3” 39"‘ M :5: am. 3ATAm'n59‘. 4 H“-P ear» delcor-"‘ aooo elrhr-uel1° _ 547,4 N,” [0, , /3; oiswvex mo 5 nozzle 5;", and P," ,,,_,,,,be,,_ 8ATNet:9 20 e FILER TECHHLOGY: -' SATA Gun Holder ' _ .- Wall hang: for 3 SATA gravity guns. E-ch sun hold" is 15' '0»: and m_°"-us to the wall to hold mostM03898-3 any combma tlonolspraygurs.Part @ SATA filter @338 - . ' Lopuunnswusbnneuuauguood lhebatalatlonl ulstlleldettlltatlonoltheilltartypa, 9% 34 l5WH'39°l- 44 (¢l°|-Ne-$3|9¢). 34 (ll|Pl°'5lI9=l- dc - Olstlleldentlflcatlonlnrthellltonatlea, N} L; 2.4 1:. 4.... etc SIM lItarlstllechsslicatloItlora|lSATAIltertaits ._ - ‘ -'-. ,-,,.,,O/.;,. 547-‘ Further examples for liter udtnology: I _‘ BATAO ootnhl water eeperator llne In at _ ' SATAminijet Gun Holder Thliaun holder may bemounled d-recur In News ,0” mm, SATMV/"lief 3000 3 M1119 3"" slmmdpmnumbm SATAmlnl]el. ParlNo.9B90-M thevrzllldzusedwllh any [fin-Am fizséity' °' ‘W’ 3"" C’ M '° Now through March 24 3ATA° filter 484 "‘ “'3' °°""°”°‘ °"°"°°°' “"l‘ ‘V434 Good at participating authorized SATA dealers. Gun holders will be shipped separately. Offer ends when gun holder supply is depleted. _ 5- % SATA clean ncs A- Rapid cleaning System Rapid and safe oolor changp la the basis nfpmfirahlc business in an 5 as .9 - dv Safe and' rapid with disposable cup use. even g color change . fiance with critical change: (0 black I white). professional body shop: withflow highcap: painthasjobconsiderably Ihqnuay and The high acceptance oftlisposahle . ;1;;,*;,';;;f,°f;;*;;;::g;':;",;,':_°;;;"',aw ;':-,:;;$;-5° . W... -. l. .,.., ...:1 .. .. .. .,..,......,. ...... the paint apray gun. Spray bottles for gun paint channel cleaning ' s"il'bl° Usar-frlendly lnahehveon cleaning in only 25 seconds The SATA clean RC8 is a pneumatic cleaning ayatcm for lnhuman cleaninu ofthe palm spr-y sun when mint disposable WP‘ - 1‘ °P'l'“l74°5 "39 P‘l"“°"' W0?“ Pf°°¢'-K5 30¢ "|¢N“Wbody shop profitability. wmnhe SATA clean ncs rnountcd ch booth.'uIt is possibleum ' . in theI spray to effectleani wvcnl' subsequent . c.,u.,a~...¢ mum rm .,,.4 amt"; nun mm, ..un.;..,.: soiling ofthc spray booth - lsting paofitahility and saving potential: due to increased booth mu me mm-. - No readiusonent ofthe gun inlet pressure and nodiacmmcp ins ,,q,,,,,d _ _m,,mk pwum wwm Mm, “min! . . . . mm” ..sPm,in& and ..ckming"_ — °°°1l.a'.l$$lx77.mr°:.ln:o..e7ep.s.l.'i§"E°f.l."u':.'lll}“.o imulwan ckmma by "mm chip“: or Pump way hottleslhe ttsedoloanlngllquid iscollecwd inacontainer which avoids additional soiling ofpaint booth °""""‘ '-'""' '”" """ h°°""‘ oyder Numbgrs; SAT‘ dun RC5 ow", N59“ -""Tf"_ -- .- . '2' ‘ '“‘°"l’°m° ‘ml f°lV=""b¢-W4 Pill“ 5YlWT|5- '5"°'“P'°°‘°'P"P""“"P°""'°°"P"'"'“'""“‘I°"°- - lncteasca paint job frequency and capacity ulilimion ofthe *9"? "°°"‘Accessories: Gun holder for gmuy flow cup gun order: om Air hose, 05 m long. forconnooting film unit and SATA clean RC5 ortkr ‘M6514 -to-date news (am, 3 nu-alrlvs,-5 unpa- Foatunn: 0.1!:-Illitnuuunncutnalull lulwlnoflu nuluflaundeuunuunuhtounuuuon IW:d|.InmnIIrIIiIrwufl1IIIpIIi' O nnnocxiwhunounuuuuuuuaapnnuum 'Ocompmniyahvuno-plntudt npnuuu oavmskmpmaocuon H . -' Ounnmuunmmalnununuu “'°'“”""""’ unwIhIovuowvIpvIy.bwpmunHVLPbuMdogy.MoIoptommdbdtuMiuI _. wmuuupdvtnmuuflnnndwumbodyaaiwuufllmnvnmdymnmhuw ’\'-._ uuuumwuknamnmmugomaapuygnopmuagupmmnuun - \__\_.«. . :laIamonndamoah.huuouumdIh¢omoovrIsrhb.152dmu29psl. udlmwmlhm-Muduumummnlbhoubndwmommmmmvlur Vocoomplmluuflmlll: Cwtdvlowat-bunommheskrflasafln ..-gg°..,¢°pm,¢m.“,..,1m,,,n.,g Ccompluavnhvocnnnlnbmioroomm Ohunferafflobnayvaodssfiuflup - K Iapao!I:oImnrfluptuun.tQI,8Kl’NnRPnIdIhhlmfutwu1:hgspoua nnnewdoIntowIhoomuIIondnpv|you\I.llmom0nnq\hmuI:o1\IOc Fildnmwlamwbomeodhmodbynwwrwudnlbmttomflubldhgpilmmuhmr m.Dadgmdtomow|thtopcodnmathIuuauhaaden:nou1I.buano|h inwstqp mung am Null-nah production wow ccuplad In more mun: eounbln around Inowodd. 8A‘I’A'u cxovilcm nnumlon a spray gun manmncluuv I: founded on u smurf» an puoblon pmduouon procuut. smut, produ quality control (Ming munufumus In and uumbly ensure a psrmunani Mg: level of qucllty in any pnrlmnuncc and ulomllniuu. Sauadamwgrndu tliuhmludjumb dlflhltoclllolofl. Illlodan" Rwollabtntdrpmv ounllndoulorlny sA'I‘AqnyomMm hull!-hnlrnlunalhr uoomskllninfln. Olkflodflifl ! I '. '“J”- an“. ‘I “In '°"V‘“"f““°' “UFO fill”-1||'lW|II‘W||'| Mlxlnslhlnt cup system J..’.f.~f: mg 15%? ForvlaoI.Iupportmdnglaht|on IorIlIuPruMum0umunu.|Itnu ' - Unmatched I-‘or Primer Material "-3 Hapuuflonmatuiahuuuhupdulmllllormd spray puny how an Inlpomnt Minion within 1hnpolmappIln|flnnprooou.1'Innfou.pn1Ioulorllbmionnumhogmntolhuappllonlonof Iinumntnrlalsandlhounoofmoootvoclpulnt uraygtnfluflmnutarhlutomhulimutdfllo -wIdotmofu|o8ATA|ot1wBpmIlduunoom umuuuuowmnuoanwomnusuuwuu Ilmolsalvedduotomduoodundlngoffotu. D-o.|9nI.I!!°!I!°!!'""!'0‘I“!" Arnlnlaxgnipuhngirnymmdodgnmthbwmuwapvcy. Unampasodatovvgnflmummg omnantrgusrauuuuugnu:uuguaenuanq.n-sums-mpgougpdmgmounma wfmwwmtfimdwgmonmmmdmwmwmuautmgsumwmms uunvn|d:blaIpnlmpnlLAlnncomvuIhbm1ndmboIhuldmlutbmmhMmr\ded pumutvmhdvumthhhmuflmmcummnumuabnwwmwqwmahum. 4.1dmot29pd. . _ vu-t-has-dpflnwn 10.2cfmII29m|. Worker Health Protection and compressed Air Purlflcation - Top t Quality Safety and clean Air SATA Filter 400"‘ llefiiilrators series systems Vision" 2000 Respirator UniquIFeItuIe: Oi-iighdrvoiunool3600Ni/rriin (‘|2fl_Qc""gf§opg|) Inn...” '"”°’‘‘’ r '’°‘‘'''‘‘’ can.“ finemefmfl H" 6) “ii:‘°d""5"Y°"“"5' 444 Iwol etage ilnr lilier em Order No.B2298 ® i<|nl(lree.crushIesislent 35' -uuaueuu 'L°"'°°'“°°'"°'"°"’°""’ Anti-corroelonpreo! cornprescedairhoae 0rderNo ' seas-as -Adaptablernoduiarccnatruotion “*"°"'“°‘*"'“"" wmwum. ® Connecting °d°M°°°' heaetoM" spray gun ‘"°""‘“’°"‘ I- Fully Finefliier1|liretlonto0.0‘i micron Automatic condensation discharge - No desiccant maintenance 933593347] CA1’! fllttf C84 Order udssea-as © Order alum,‘ Wm", No I‘, 61242 @ connecting hose tor breathing air ® Watch 2000 hood - Temperature resietmt to 245- F ( charcoal unite to 140‘ F) ,m E °,,,,.,;:.d,,,.,, v" °'°°' N° 5”“ Order No. humidifief aeoas @ T09-NF” °'_""“j""'.;J (9) Order Bali Unit No.Support 15412 Straps Worker Health Protection and Air Purification R For rnaxirnurn health and aotew in the workpiece. uur health. and working eondttions directly influence company euooeee and vitality. an .Mm'__ ""' " ————__————J SATA respirators have proven their safety standards. pertormance. long tile and user oorniori. The high quality md performance oi SATA filtration systems ensure the beat qualty standards for compressed air. This is just as important tor pure breathing air as well as flawless function of pneumatic tools. 5 moan approved reapiratorl must be applied with ‘lype I Grae D air within the approved pressuo range at the point of attachment at its respirator to the e’: deivary system. ' RP8supersrzed. TA RPS ACCESSORIES .i............. purnaopreybotue RPS - Rapid Preparation System 7' ‘ ' The mixing cup for painting, refliilng and storing: - Few components: low weight ' I - and easy handling _ "D" I-run...-n,. _ ' . 0 Quick and efficient color changes .' __ - ‘‘_. N. highest color match accuracy my °,,,,m.,,.m,,,,,_, , " E. . M'$:';"’°‘”' ' in. iucgmgmugu. ' chums 0' M! im‘"9" I mm em‘ . _' . _ --- . -' _ . I. ' . -. . _ ._ my 9"" "gm, mmrnournmWm. _\ oimespvay °'°°' "'gun. lpreygunholrier _- -Waiiorbench -_ rriouitedaproy gunholdertor 'oasyrelI\g. ' it , _l. onurnzraeo ‘ 1 Liter - _ ‘ usegravity and work - agent Reliable flow effort cup for m;“.....m"'adi$ m I I _ . 1 " . Slgniilcantiy reduced cleaning In I RPS 0__9 I : 0 Direct mounting to the paint spray gun without additional adaptors - Work speed identical with standard reusable cup I filleildl i mono-mom» om:r1a1am1oopeu.i - 0nlIM181I01l80im-i -ta-dale news SATA Christmas donation supports global SATA bans Toolparadise from project and regional education project. Kornweelhelm, December 2000. The consistently positive reaction of SATA customers and business partners has induced SATA also in this year to financially support a social project instead of giving personal Christmas presents to its customers. This year's donation — it is the 9th year of the SATA donation for children in yea! nnd - for the first time goes to two projects. namely the "Global Polio Eradication initiative”. a globally acting organization to eradicala polio as well as the local project "OASE" contributing to the equality of opportunity of disadvanraged children. A child receives 0 provisional oml vaccination which provides lifelong pmlccllorr ogoinsl the disease Polio. 77r¢ "Global Polio Eradication lnlIlalive" is largely depcndarrl on donations i0 fimd lire pmjecl. SATA Lr proud Io contribute Io lire cause Ivlriclr helps provide disadvantaged children prolcclion from the disease Afler having supported individual projects in Europe. Africa. Asia and South America in the past 9 years. the SATA Christmas donation 2008 for the first time will be made to a global project. namely the ‘Global Polio Eradication initiative". This initiative of non-government organizations. such as the WHO (World Health Organization) and Rotary international is depending on donations to a very high extent. Poliornyelitis or Polio is an extremely infectious disease transmitted by a vinis. Mainly children under the age of 5 years are allbcted with Polio Being infected with polio may quickly cause severe short-term paralyses. However. one in two-hundred infections leads to permanent paralysis; while five to ten percent of all infected persons succumb to the paralysis of the respiratory tracts. Polio cannot be cured but a provisional oral vaccination provides a lifelong protection against this disease. in l988. the above initiative created I global calendar of vaccination At that time. 150,000 children in l2S countries became infected with polio every year. Since then. more than two billion of children have been immunized saving approximately five million children a severe disability and avoiding approx. 250,000 cases of death. in 2007. the number ofannuai new infections was reduced to i.]l5 and many regions of the world are free of polio now. Today. there are only four so called endemic countries left. where polio still accumulates. it is the main objective of the initiative to curb the further spread of the polio virus in the remaining poiioendemic countries which may re-introduce the virus into polio-free countries again and thus prevent sporadic outbreaks of the disease in polio-free countries. it only requires one last big endeavour until the disease is eradicated. The SATA donation‘: aim is to contribute to the eradication ofa disease which is still a real threat to all children ofthe world in addition to that. SATA decided to support the local project "OAS!-2" (oasis) of the children and youth welibre service of the Karlshdhe Ludwigaburg. Germany. a parochial institution in its neighbourhood contributing to the equality of opportunity of disadvantaged children. The project aims to promote the development. the education and the social integration ofchildren ofmigrant families by means of school accompanying social work. The measure was established for children at a Primary School in Ludwigsburg, Germany. where 60 $6 of the students come from such families. Special attention is paid to students whose behavior or school performance requires additional support The affirmative action which will last for three years primarily serves to vastly improve their German language skills. but also encompasses other academic subjects as well as the social behavior of thcse children All rnusures are attuned to the individual requirements of the children and are mutually developed and accomplished by social education workers and teachers with the parents and the children's families. respectively. it is smured that both projects will directly receive the SATA donation to its full extent and undiminisheri by administration costa. Considering the severe situation so many children in the world live in. any donation remains small. However. SATA is glad to leave a sign of charity and expresses its gratitude to customers and business partners who are willing to do without their Christmas gifts in favor of this donation. unauthorized selling of its products. SATA Gmbi-i and Co. K0/Dan-Am Co. versus Tooiparadisecorn, inc. and David Naltatsu, or at. litigation settled and pennment injunction entered. On December I2, 1008 SATA/Dam Am along with Toolparadlac and David Nairatsu signed an agreement obllgating defendants and all related websites (e.g. tooiparadbecorn. apt-aygunworldoom and others) to discontinue selling. olferlng for sale and advertising all SATA producta.1'helitigatienareseasaresultoi'the defendants’ repeated unauthorized ofiring for sale of SATA products tirrouflr various websites. 8ATNDan-Amta Complaint also alleged various acts of lnlringeruent oi‘ SATA eopyrlfius and tratlernarlta. and sea of false advertising. with competition and contract inoeribrenee on the pan ofthc named defendants. The Court. on December I5. 2008. entered a permanent injunction prohibiting these activities. including the sale of SATA products. Dan-Ant. Co.. of Spring Valley. Minnesota. sole Authorized importer and Distributor of SATA branded products in the US, markets SATA products through an authorized dealer network, SATA products are only to be distributed by quallflod Authorized Distributors and Iobbers, because only Authorized Distributors and Jobbers provide on-site product demonstration. training and high levels of service. Purchasers oi’ SATA products sold by and through authorised sources ofrhose products receive the benefit of hill service and Irnowiedgealrle input regarding the use. safety. and maintenance oi'SATA products. SATAIDan-Am is committed to theatrlct enforcement of the injunction entered by the court. Litigation against other companies who are infringing on SATA copyrights and trademarks is currently in preparation. not mun 8ATAjel 3000 HVLP 8 RP. DIGITAL I Standard Special smooth anodized matte black finish with flatness - - Modern. light weight. fantastic gun balance and ergonomics Proven. awesome spray pertonnanoe providing finest liniah and easy color match Known SATA quality assures equipment reliability and long life time -4u.til£u4u'..A.. . ._“_... .1.‘ . Too hnolo rtnaautn Illsasnrw was-1' ‘ll 1.4 !‘I.01¢ arIvAroratn°N\M ruin; it! "' — _ ,.mm ararriuawarnrutoirram Ifdilm —__ , i! Dam... . . 1 ram — .. 315331! ariuumerrrvcrteatvvc aaraiutnrearwtnermmi 1:1I5$' — ~_ 'loeeielrtmhlo1eortalnsratarbornotiIatartaiaj._.____. ___r".ua$l!§.—"—’ .T..-‘ Optimized High Prossttm 1.: Ttsnllltofl I: . M ' Noah alas _._.T —. 4, — iw _ ——+-——+----—~4 — rmmusr