O Timothy 2013-02 - Way of Life Literature
O Timothy 2013-02 - Way of Life Literature
W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E O Timothy “Keep that which is committed to thy trust...” A Monthly Newsletter of Warning and Edification Volume 30 - Issue 2 - February 2013 "Justifying the use of contemporary worship is a loud warning that a ministry is heading in the wrong direction, yea, a most dangerous direction. If you justify it, you are justifying the end-time apostasy that ALL of the mainstream contemporary worship musicians represent. You are justifying the breakdown in biblical separatism." Page 4. Digging in the Walls: A month’s worth of news items, republished from Friday Church News Notes. Page 10. BJU, CONTEMPORARY MUSIC, AND ROME By David Cloud We are witnessing a wholesale collapse among fundamental Baptists in regard to the conviction that contemporary worship music is wrong and dangerous. Whereas just five years ago, the overwhelming consensus was that CCM is simply wrong and unacceptable, today the consensus is quickly forming around the position that CCM can be safely used in moderation, that it is OK to mess around with it. Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, California, home of West Coast Baptist College, is leading in this direction, and we have warned about this because of their wide influence. In a September blog, Ed Stetzer said, “Pastor Chappell is arguably the most influential IFB pastor in America.” (See “Analyzing Adapted CCM Songs” for an extensive list of contemporary worship songs used by Lancaster over the last few years through late 2012 -- www.wayoflife.org/database/analyzing_adapted.html.) 1 Timothy 6:20, 21 1 W A Y O F L I F Bob Jones University (BJU) is also promoting this position. The compiler and copyright holder of Hymns Modern and Ancient, Fred Coleman, heads up Bob Jones University’s Department of Church Music. It is published by Heart Publications, a ministry of Steve Pettit Evangelistic Association. The hymnal contains 38 songs by Getty/Townend -16 songs by Keith Getty, nine by Stuart Townend, and 13 co-written by both men. Soundforth’s 2013 Spring Selections preview CD contains four Getty/Townend numbers out of 19 songs. Majesty Music’s Rejoice Hymns features about 10 songs by Getty/Townend, as well as ones by David Clydesdale, Scott Wesley Brown, Steve Amerson, Bob Kilpatrick, and Chris Christensen, all of whom are out-and-out Christian rockers and radical ecumenists who are using music to build the end-time, one-world church. Getty/Townend are unapologetic one-world church builders. Townend enthusiastically supports the Alpha program which bridges charismatic, Protestant, and Roman Catholic churches. Townend is holding hands with the “broader church” in all of its facets and heresies and end-time apostasies, and his objec- O TIMOTHY Magazine Volume 30 Issue 2 David W. Cloud, Editor Subscription information on back page of the magazine Copyright 2011 by D.W.Cloud Way of Life Literature PO Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061 866-295-4143 (toll free) fbns@wayoflife.org http://www.wayoflife.org Bethel Baptist Church 4212 Campbell St. N. London, Ontario, N6P 1A6 Canada 519-652-2619 2 E L I T E R A T U R E tive in writing the “hymn-like” contemporary songs is ecumenism. In July 2012, Townend and the Gettys joined Roman Catholic Matt Maher on NewsongCafe on WorshipTogether.com. They played and discussed “The Power of the Cross,” which was co-written by Getty-Townend. The program promoted ecumenical unity, with Maher/Townend/Getty entirely one in the spirit through the music. Major, fundamental doctrinal differences are so meaningless to these people that they are not even mentioned. Spiritual abominations such as papal supremacy, the mass, infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, and Mariolatry were entirely ignored. Jude 3 is despised and Romans 16:17 is completely disobeyed for the sake of building the one-world church through contemporary Christian music. This is the movement and the spirit that is promoted in Hymns Modern and Ancient. By promoting Getty/Townend and other radically ecumenical contemporary worship musicians, bridges are being built to a most dangerous spiritual world. In the Preface to the hymnal, BJU’s Fred Coleman praises the 19th century Oxford Movement in the Church of England as a “stately stream,” with not a hint of warning. Actually, it was a Roman stream, and though Rome might be very stately, it is neither godly nor scriptural. That was true in the 19th century and it is equally true in the 21st. (See reports in the Roman Catholic section of the Article Database at www.wayoflife.org/database/rccheader.html.) Coleman says the leaders of the Oxford Movement wanted “to restore the glory of the ancient church (Rome and Byzantium).” That much is true, but it is not something for a Biblebeliever to praise, for the “ancient church of Rome” is not the “church” found in the pages of Scripture but an apostate entity that was formed from the vain tradition of men. It is christianized paganism, or paganized Christianity, but it is not biblical Christianity. (See the following page for photos of Rome’s Mary on Christ’s throne, on God’s ark, and on the Cross -www.wayoflife.org/database/maryolatry.html.) 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F (The Oxford Movement was so called because of its association with Oxford University. It was also called the Tractarian movement for a series of Tracts for These Times written by John Keble, Richard Froude, and John Henry Newman.) A voice for the Tractarian Movement, the Union Review, stated: “The work going on in England is an earnest and carefully organized attempt on the part of a rapidly increasing body of priests and laymen, to bring our Church and country up to the full standard of Catholic faith and practice, and EVENTUALLY TO PLEAD FOR HER UNION WITH [ROME]” (Union Review, 1867, p. 412). Another organ for the Oxford Movement said: “Justification by faith, the most immoral of Protestant dogmas, has run its tether, and happily died of selfstrangulation” (Church News, November 1867). It is not surprising that many of the leaders of the Oxford Movement ended up in Rome’s lap. These included Frederick Faber as well as John Newman, who was rewarded for his support of Rome by being made a cardinal. In fact, several hundred Anglican clergy joined the Roman Catholic Church in the 19th century, and a large number of those who remained were “AngloCatholics.” The terrible fruit of the Oxford Movement is evident in the following statistics: In 1840 there were not 500 Roman priests in England, but by 1890 there were 2,600 (H.G. Guinness, Romanism and the Reformation, 1891, pp. 2-3). In 1840 there were only 16 Catholic convents, but by 1890 there were over 1 Timothy 6:20,21 E L I T E R A T U R E 400 convents with more than 15,000 nuns. In 1840 there were only two colleges in England for training Catholic priests; by 1890, there were 29. Consider the testimony of historian J.A. Froude, who wrote in great detail of the wretched spiritual climate in Britain in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Froude’s father was an Anglican parish minister, and an older brother, Richard Hurrell Froude, joined the Oxford Movement and wrote one of the Tracts for these Times which popularized the movement. Thus J.A. Froude was in a position to have first-hand information about the religious situation in England at that hour. He testified that the twin evils of Rationalism (theological modernism) and Romanism (via the Oxford Movement) had devastated the Church of England. “Now, while one set of men were bringing back medievalism, science and criticism were assailing with impunity the authority of the Bible; miracles were declared impossible; even Theism itself was treated as an open question. ... Both these movements [Romanism and Rationalism] began within a short distance of one another, AND WERE EVIDENTLY CONNECTED. ... there is scarcely a clergyman in the country who does not carry upon him in one form or other the marks of the Tractarian movement. ... The Church of England has not only admitted Catholic doctrine but has rushed into it with extraordinary enthusiasm” (Froude, Short Studies about Great Subjects, 1883, pp. 163, 164, 218). The field of Contemporary Worship Music represents the same spirit as the old Oxford Movement. It is a back-to-Rome, one-world church movement cloaked with a form of godliness and a profession of love for 3 W A Y O F L I F E L T E R A T U R E Christ. And the fact that many independent Baptists and fundamentalist preachers and leaders cannot see this is evidence of gross ignorance or frightful spiritual blindness. Churches that are messing around with contemporary worship music are building bridges to this extremely dangerous world, and the next generation in particular will walk across this bridge. We document this extensively in The Foreign Spirit of Contemporary Worship Music, a multi-media video presentation that is available as a free download from www.wayoflife.org. One reader rightly observed, “Truly, contemporary music represents the ecumenical spirit of the age.” Let’s take another look Keith and Kristyn Getty. Their goal is to “bring everyone together musically” (www.keithgetty.com). They want to “bridge the gap between the traditional and contemporary” (www.gettymusic.com/about.aspx), but Biblebelievers should know that this is a “gap” that must not be bridged, as it is a gap between Christ and the world, between the Spirit and the flesh, between true churches and harlot ones. In October 2012 the Getty’s displayed their spiritual blindness by joining hands with emerging heretic Leonard Sweet at the National Worship Leader Conference in San Diego. Sweet calls his universalist-tinged doctrine New Light and “quantum spirituality” and “the Christ consciousness” and describes it in terms of “the union of the human with the divine” which is the “center feature of all the world’s religions” (Quantum Spirituality, p. 235). He defines the New Light as “a structure of human becoming, a channeling of Christ energies through mindbody experience” (Quantum Spirituality, p. 70). Sweet says that “New Light pastors” hold the doctrine of “embodiment of God in the very substance of creation” (p. 124). In Carpe Mañana, Sweet says that the earth is as much a part of the body of Christ as humans and that humanity and the earth constitutes “a cosmic body of Christ” (p. 124). Sweet lists some of the “New Light leaders” that have influenced his thinking as Matthew Fox, M. Scott Peck, Willis Harman, and Ken Wilber. These are prominent New Agers who believe in the divinity of man, as we have documented in the book The New Age Tower of Babel. Sweet has endorsed The Shack with its non-judgmental father-mother god, and he promotes Roman Catholic contemplative mysticism and dangerous mystics such as the Catholic-Buddhist Thomas Merton. (For further documentation see the Contemplative Prayer section of the Articles Database at: Justifying the use of contemporary worship is a loud warning that a ministry is heading in the wrong direction, yea, a most dangerous direction. If you justify it, you are justifying the end-time apostasy that ALL of the mainstream contemporary worship musicians represent. You are justifying the breakdown in biblical separatism. If you justify it, you will use more and more of it, and you will give your family and church an appetite for it, and you will build bridges to that extremely dangerous world: bridges over which your church will eventually walk. Those who are justifying the use of contemporary worship music are playing with fire, and they will be accountable to God for their unwise decisions. (For extensive documentation of the danger of building bridges to the world of contemporary worship music, see The Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians, a free eBook available from Way of Life -- www.wayoflife.org/free_ebooks/.) www.wayoflife.org/database/contemplativeheader.html.) 4 I 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E RICK WARREN PREACHED NO GOSPEL AT TED TALKS Paul said elsewhere that this gospel was delivered to him by divine revelation and that if anyone preaches another gospel, he is under God’s curse (Galatians 1:6-12). By David Cloud When Rick Warren, one of the most influential pastors in the world, was invited to teach at Ted Talks in February 2006 to a mixed secular audience of some of America’s most prominent thinkers, a forum that he knew would be recorded and heard widely beyond the immediate audience, it was a wonderful opportunity for a Baptist preacher to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what the apostle Paul would have done. It was what he always did in every forum, whether in the market place at Corinth or on Mars Hill in Athens, because Paul was convinced that the gospel alone is the power of God (Romans 1:16). Thus he testified, “For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). He knew that Christ had commanded that the gospel be preached to every soul (Mark 16:15). Paul’s gospel is clear. It says that all men are fallen sinners who are under God’s holy wrath for their rebellion, that without salvation they will perish forever, and that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into this world to suffer in the sinner’s place by dying on the cross, that He actually died, and that He rose from the dead the third day. All of this was done in accordance with the prophecies that were recorded in Old Testament Scripture before Jesus’ birth. Rick Warren didn’t preach anything like this in his Ted Talk. In fact, he didn’t talk about Christ at all. He said nothing about man’s sin or God’s holiness or the Cross or the atonement or Jesus’ death or the resurrection. He didn’t mention the Holy Scripture or Bible prophecy. He spent most of his time talking about the success of his book A Purpose Driven Life and the things he has done, and the money he has given away, and the projects he has developed. Then in the last few moments of the 20-minute talk, having preached zero Christ and zero gospel to the needy souls of his audience, Rick Warren concluded with these words: “So the good life is not about looking good, feeling good, or having the goods. It’s about being good and doing good. The bottom line is that God gets pleasure watching you be you. Why? He made you. And when you do what you are made to do, He goes, ‘That’s my boy.’ ‘That’s my girl.’ You are using the talent and the ability that God gave you. So my advice to you is look at what is in your hand, your identity, your influence, your income. And say, ‘It’s not about me; it’s about making the world a better place. Thank you.” But Rick Warren does not walk in the steps of the apostle Paul. He has a different gospel and a different objective in ministry, his gospel being a human-centered gospel of doing good, and his objective being to change the world through his PEACE program. As for Paul, he summarized his gospel as follows: “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 1 Timothy 6:20,21 Remember, Warren stated these words to a secular congregation without having preached 5 W A Y O F L I F the biblical gospel. For him to say in that context that God looks upon those who try to do what He made them to do as “my boy, my girl” is universalism and the Fatherhood of God heresy. Even on his best day, such as in The Purpose Drive Life, Rick Warren preaches the most shallow, empty “easy believism” gospel imaginable, as we have documented in Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven, which is available as a free eBook from www.wayof.life.org, but at Ted Talks he preached no gospel at all, and that was a high crime before Almighty God. E L I T E R A T U R E Of course, if Warren were a forthright preacher of the gospel, he would not have been invited to the New Age-tinged Ted Talks. Those who invited him knew their man. They knew that he wouldn’t betray their confidence in him by offending their human arrogance or reproving their enmity with God. This deluded Southern Baptist preacher, who is doubtless the product of rampant easy-believism himself, is one of the most dangerous men alive today from a spiritual perspective. He is not building the kingdom of God. He is building the New Age “church,” and he is extremely effective at this. THE HYLES EFFECT By David Cloud The following are the introductory chapters to the new edition of THE TWO JACKS, which we have renamed THE HYLES EFFECT. It is available as a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and Pub formats from www.wayoflife.org. See the “Free eBooks” tab. THE HYLES EFFECT “Close your Bibles and listen to me” (Jack Hyles). The original title of this book, which was first published in March 2012, was The Two Jacks, referring to the ministry and influence of Jack Hyles and his son-in-law Jack Schaap, who took the pastorate of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, upon Hyles’ death. We have changed the name to The Hyles Effect: A Spreading Blight, because the book is still relevant, in spite of the fact that Jack Hyles is dead and Jack Schaap is heading to prison. This is for the simple reason that Hyles’ vast influence continues unabated and we see it as a spiritual blight. One pastor made the following comment about the new title: “Having farmed, one of the things we had to fight against was blight. Blight will soon ruin a vegeta- 6 ble crop like tomatoes, melons or cucumbers. Blight was our deadly enemy.” This book has never been just about First Baptist of Hammond. It’s about a large number of IFB churches that have been influenced by the cultic pattern modeled at First Baptist and it’s about large numbers of IFB preachers who have not spoken out against it 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L A preacher friend made the following comment when I asked him for suggestions for the new title of the book: Another preacher who offered suggestions for the new title said: “Years ago, my wife was given a tape of a Hyles sermon by the wife of our former pastor. When T R A T U R E Hyles’ philosophy has spread far among IFBaptists. Take unquestioning loyalty, for example. Try writing something “negative” of a current IFB leader like Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, or Shelton Smith, or try offering a critique anything less than worshipful of IFB leaders of the past such as John Rice or Lee Roberson, no matter how true and Biblical the “criticism” might be, and observe the response by their fans. Jack Hyles is dead, but his influence lives on. ISRAEL’S CURRENT SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS By David Cloud The following is excerpted from the new book The Future According to the Bible, which is available in print and eBook editions from Way of Life Literature -www.wayoflife.org. “Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. 5 Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live: 6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the Lord. 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. 8 And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: BUT THERE WAS NO BREATH IN THEM” (Ezekiel 37:48). The most significant sign of the end times is the restoration of Israel to her land and the creation of the modern state of Israel. 1 Timothy 6:20,21 E asked who Jack Hyles was, she replied something along the lines of ‘a good man that went a bit wonky towards the end.’ I have found that even many preachers who distance themselves from Hyles have plenty of nice things to say about him. He seems to have won the hearts of many of the older generation of IB preachers in the same way that Paul Chappell seems to be winning over the younger ones.” but rather have chosen to bask in the glory of “bigness” rather than take a stand for truth. “I wonder if you could title it along the lines of a disease, a contagion, or an epidemic. That may be overstatement, but I don't think so. Hyles' philosophy has permeated even the best of the IB churches. I threw out his books in the 80's when I started seeing what he was preaching and read his son's book on youth ministry, BUT what I heard him preach in the 60's and 70's STILL messes with my mind.” I 7 W A Y O F L I F The continued existence of Israel in spite of 2,000 years of global disbursement is one of history’s amazing stories and it was prophesied in ancient Bible passages such as Deuteronomy 28-30. In Deuteronomy 28 God warned that if Israel turned away from Him and rebelled against His law she would be scattered to the ends of the earth and troubled wherever she went. “And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. 64 And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone. 65 And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind: 66 And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: 67 In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see” (Deuteronomy 28:63-67). 8 L I T E R A T U R E good, and multiply thee above thy fathers” (Deuteronomy 30:1-5). Ezekiel gave more information about the return of Israel, telling us in the prophecy of the valley of dry bones that she would return in two stages. First, she would return to the land in a spiritually dead condition (“no breath in them”). After that she would be converted. See Ezekiel 37:7-10. We are witnesses to the fulfillment of the first part of this prophecy. In May 1948 the new state of Israel was established. The official declaration said: “Our call goes out to the Jewish people all over the world to rally to our side ... and to stand by us in the great struggle for the fulfillment of the dream of generations for the redemption of Israel.” U.S. President Harry Truman immediately announced his recognition of Israel. The Jews celebrated throughout the world. In Rome they paraded under the Arch of Titus, which was built by the Roman emperors to celebrate the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple. Israel is, indeed, back in the land, but as Ezekiel prophesied, she remains in a spiritually-dead condition. This is a perfect description of what happened to Israel following the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D. But the same prophecy said Israel would return to the Lord. “And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee, 2 And shalt return unto the Lord thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul; 3 That then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee. 4 If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee: 5 And the Lord thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee E A large percentage of Jews today are “secular.” They might observe a few Jewish traditions and rituals, but they have no conviction that the Scripture was divinely inspired and no passion to know God and obey Him in all things. Even the leaders of the Zionist movement that ushered in the modern state of Israel were, for the most part, “secular, non-observant, Jews, and many were even anti-religious” (Price, The Battle for the Last Days Temple, p. 250). Theodor Herzl, the father of the Zionist movement, was not motivated by religion but by nationalism (New World Encyclopedia). He stated in his diary that he was “agnostic.” In the official proclamation of the modern state of Israel in May 1948, there was no mention of “God”-only a vague reference to the “Rock of Israel.” This was because many of those who founded the state were 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F staunchly opposed to any reference to God. For example, Aaron Zisling of the Labor Party said, “I cannot sign a document referring in any way to a God in whom I do not believe” (cited from My Life, Golda Meir, p. 223). The word “Redeemer” was left out of the announcement for the same reason. Many of Israel’s most revered leaders and war heroes since 1948 were “secular Jews.” This includes Israel’s first prime minister, David ben Gurion. His vision was “of a new type of Jew, ‘emancipated from religion,’ whose Judaism would be expressed by a national framework” (Motti Friedman, “The Making of the State,” The Jewish Agency for Israel, July 1998). Ben Gurion held “radically anti-Halakha [Jewish Religious Law] E L I T E R A T U R E views” (“Judaism in Israel: Ben Gurion’s Private Beliefs,” Israel Studies, Vol. 4, Iss. 2, 1999, p. 64). Golda Meir, one of the greatest of modern Israel’s heroes, said, “I wasn’t at all pious” (My Life, p. 104). Her autobiography gives no glory to God for the restoration of Israel and no faith that God’s promises to Israel will be fulfilled. Her “vision of our future” was merely that Israel “remains a flourishing democracy and a society resting on social justice and equality” (My Life, p. 460). She was a feminist who basically abandoned her husband to pursue her socialistic dream of nation building. Moshe Dayan, prominent Israeli leader (Minister of Defense, Minister of Agriculture, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces), was a “secular Jew” whose faith in God was vague to non-existent. He gave God no glory in his autobiography, ending it with the following purely humanistic sentiments: “But our foremost duty is to live up to the vision of ourselves, to fashion a pioneering state, a creative society that flourishes from the fruits of its own labor, a courageous state prepared to fight to the death to defend itself, a people of ideas and ideals striving to achieve their national and historic purpose--the revival of the Jewish nation in its homeland” (Moshe Dayan: Story of My Life, 1976, p. 621). Benjamin Netanyahu became Israel’s Prime Minister in 2009, the first Prime Minister to have been born in Israel since it became a state. In A Place Among the Nations: Israel and the World (1993), Netanyahu doesn’t mention God or His laws and covenants. For Israel’s military victories he gives glory to the military rather than to God (pp. 274, 371, 397). He says that Bible prophecy does not tell us what to expect for the future (p. 372). He attributes the modern rise of the Jewish state to “a human spirit that refuses again and again to succumb to history’s horrors” (p. 401). New Book THE FUTURE ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE Available in print and eBook editions from Way of Life Literature www.wayoflife.org 1 Timothy 6:20,21 As for the truly religious Jews, they are walking in the footsteps of the Pharisees of old who professed to honor the Holy Scripture but actually exalted Jewish tradition above God’s Word. And the greatest evidence that Israel remains in the condition of spiritual death is the fact that she persists in rejecting her own Messiah, Jesus. 9 W DIGGING IN THE A Y O F L I F E L I T E WALLS God commanded the prophet Ezekiel to dig in the walls of Israel's temple and observe the evils being done in secret by apostate religious leaders of that day. "Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall ... And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and saw. ..." (Ezek. 8:7-10). Ezekiel was then instructed to preach against the errors of the leaders and to tell the people the things he had witnessed. "Therefore prophesy against them, prophesy, O son of man. ... Then I spake unto them of the captivity all the things that the Lord had shewed me" (Ezek. 11:4,25). The hour in which we live is very similar to that of Ezekiel's day. Many of those who profess to be the people of God are apostate. It was prophesied in the New Testament Scriptures that such would be the case in the closing hours of our age. This will culminate in the brief worldwide rule of an utterly apostate Harlot "church" (2 Tim. 3-4; 1 Tim. 4; 2 Pet. 2-3; Jude; Rev. 17). As in Ezekiel's day much of the apostasy of our hour is hidden from the view of the average Christian. We intend by God's grace to "dig in the walls" of modern ecumenism and to expose and cry out against the things we find. In this section we also report on secular events which are relevant to Christians. May God give us ears to hear, minds to understand, and hearts to obey. Is the truth of God not worthy of defense? 10 WORLD PARTIES ON THE PRECIPICE OF ETERNITY (Friday Church News Notes, January 4, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) Willfully blind to the fact that mankind stands on the precipice of facing God, the world ushered in the New Year with a sensual party. A telling report in the Bangkok Post was titled “Revellers Around the World Welcome 2013.” Most capitol cities hosted alcohol- and drug-soaked New Year’s Eve parties, but the “party of parties” was in New York City, where an estimated million people gathered and another billion people watched on television and mobile devices. The Big Apple extravaganza climaxed when “the mayor, aided by a bevy of Rockettes dancers, sent the huge, glittering ball down at one minute to midnight.” The crowd went into a frenzy and partiers wished one another a happy and prosperous new year, but it was empty, meaningless emotional mysticism. All of the New Year Eve partying in the world can’t remove death and judgment or change the exclusiveness of salvation in Christ, and all of the wellwishing in the world can’t change tomorrow’s realities. “It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart. Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth. It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools. For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 7:2-6). 1 Timothy 6:20,21 R A T U R E AMERICA’S MORAL DAM IS BURSTING (Friday Church News Notes, January 4, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The moral dam is bursting in American society, as witnessed by the recent national election. Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize the possession and sale of marijuana for “recreational use,” thus moving the country toward a 24/7 dope/alcohol stupor. (Rapper Snoop Dogg recently said he smokes 81 joints or “blunts” a week and that other musicians and actors that he knows are also avid “weed” smokers.) Marijuana is still illegal under federal law, but a major milestone has been passed, and there can be little doubt that enforcement will decrease dramatically, which is what the American people want. A USA Today poll recently found that 70% of Americans age 30 and older, including baby boomers and beyond, oppose enforcement of existing federal laws against marijuana use. Further, three states (Maine, Washington, Maryland) voted to legalize “same-sex marriage.” This is the first time that voters have directly approved a homosexual “marriage” law and it is a major milestone. When homosexuality is considered “moral” there can be no absolute basis for morality. Six other states plus the District of Columbia currently allow homosexual “marriage,” but those laws were not passed by referendum. Thirtynine states prohibit same-sex “marriage” either by statute or constitution, but it is highly probable that the U.S. Supreme Court will eventually overturn W A Y O all such laws on the basis of judicial fiat and liberal activism. The moral dam burst is evident in the dramatic change in attitude toward same-sex “marriage” over the past decade. Whereas in 2004, 42% of the citizens approved it, in 2010 that percentage had risen to 53%, and among young people 18-29, a whopping 73% approve (“Attitude Toward Gays Changing Fast,” USA Today, Dec. 6, 2012). In fact, as we have documented in the book What Is the Emerging Church? many so-called “evangelicals” are outspoken in their tolerance of homosexuality. WHY AMERICA’S MORAL DAM IS BURSTING (Friday Church News Notes, January 4, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The moral dam burst that we are witnessing in America has been a long time in developing. At a fundamental level, it began in the 19th century with theological modernism and Darwinian evolu- tion, in fact, but it was at work dramatically even in the 1950s which is often considered the hay-day of morality and biblical Christianity in modern America. I was growing up then and America was anything but biblically moral, even in the deep South where Baptist churches were on every corner. Independent Baptists barely existed then. It was the Southern Baptists who were considered the conservatives of the conservatives, yet they weren’t taking the Bible seriously. There was more a form of godliness than the true reality thereof. Kids typically went through the 1 Timothy 6:20,21 F L I F E L I T E motions of “trusting Jesus” without a genuine conversion experience and without being true disciples of Christ, and then lived as they pleased and drank as deeply of the oncoming pop culture as they wished. It was even expected that church kids would “sow their wild oats.” The humanistic philosophy was that parents shouldn’t be too “strict or tightlaced.” When rock & roll blasted on the scene, there was some resistance by the elders, but it was party time for the church kids and it wasn’t long before the parents were rocking, too! When television and Hollywood foisted their wares on society, the U.S. churches pretty much accepted what was offered, except for the most extreme stuff, walking lock step with the world. They fussed about the moral pollution, but they stayed tuned in, nonetheless, which is a major form of soul-deadening hypocrisy. It was a Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Disney kind of Christianity. A major thing that was missing from “conservative” American Christianity in the 1950s and 1960s was the obedience to biblical separation. In fact, it was publicly and brashly renounced by major “evangelicals.” But when God’s people are the “friends of the world” they are the enemies of Christ (James 4:4), and there is no power and blessing in that path. The deep compromise that flowed from the churches effected the entire nation. For a long, long time, America’s morals have been leavened by the licentious end-time philosophy (2 Timothy 3-4) promoted through the government school system, the pop-entertainment culture, the mainstream news media, judicial activism, and in many other ways. CAMPUS CRUSADE FIRES LEADER FOR OBEYING BIBLE (Friday Church News Notes, January 4, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The director of Campus Crusade at the University of Louisville has been fired for obeying the Bible’s command that a woman is not allowed to teach men (1 Timothy 2:12). Daniel Harman was re- 11 R A T U R E Daniel Harman - Fired for obeying the Bible moved from his position as Missional Team Leader at the Louisville chapter of Cru (Campus Crusade’s cool new name) when he refused to “carry out the ministry’s policy that male and female staff share in leadership duties, including teaching the Bible” (“Cru Leader Demoted,” Christian Post, Dec. 3, 2012). Harman is a student at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and we hope that he will take a stand for God’s Word in every point and honor God more than man. Campus Crusade has not held the Bible as its ultimate authority from its founding by the late Bill Bright, a pragmatist who even changed the gospel presentation in the vain idea that he could do a better job than the apostle Paul. Whereas the gospel in the book of Romans begins with the bad news of man’s lost condition before a holy God, Bright wanted to make this more positive, so he began his “Four Spiritual Laws” with “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.” All of that is so true, of course, but no man will flee to Christ in a saving manner unless he is first convinced that he is lost and there is no other means of salvation. The love of God cannot be understood properly apart from the holiness of God. We see W A Y O this emphasis in the Bible as a whole, with a large portion being devoted to the law of God before we get to the New Testament. When I preached at an evangelistic meeting in Nepal in 1979, sponsored by Campus Crusade, I preached directly from Romans and spent a time building a proper foundation for the gospel by showing man’s lost condition and his frightful standing under God’s wrath. Paul continues on this theme for nearly three chapters before he mentions the grace of God and the justification that is available in Christ toward the end of Romans 3. After I preached at that underground meeting (gospel preaching was illegal in Nepal in those days), the national head of Campus Crusade told me that my preaching was “too negative” and that they liked a more positive, upbeat approach! I reminded the man that I was preaching directly from Romans and that I didn’t write that book! It was the first in a long series of conflicts that I had as a young missionary with compromising, pragmatic New Evangelicals and Charismatics that formed the national “evangelical” church fellowship at that time and that within a year or so led to a complete rupture between us (thank the Lord!), with them condemning me at an ecclesiastical trial as a “divider of the body of Christ in Nepal.” I was condemned in a letter that was sent to all of the churches. The issues between us weren’t complicated, nor were they light matters. They pertained to such things as whether the Bible is to be literally interpreted and whether it is to be the absolute and sole authority for faith and practice. They pertained to such things as the gospel itself and how to present it, God’s standards for church leaders (one of their pastors was a polygamist who had three wives and another operated a bookstore that sold pornography), the nature of apostolic gifts, the eternal security of a born-again child of God, and the role of women in ministry. The experience provided a great, practical education for me on the character of modern evangelicalism and the importance of biblical separation. 12 F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E the report “Cremation: What Does God Think” at the Way of Life web site. BRINGING BACK THE VULTURES (Friday Church News Notes, January 4, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The Zoroastrians of the Parsi community in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India, are preparing to bring back the vultures to feed on their dead. Their ancient custom has been to reject both burial and cremation and rather to lay their dead outside to be consumed by the buzzards. The vultures disappeared 15 years ago by a combination of factors and after six years of negotiations the government has agreed to fund the restoration of the birds at a cost of $5 million. In the past, when India had as many as 400 million vultures, the bodies were consumed quickly, but over the past decades they have been disappearing due to the prolific use of the diclofenac painkiller which causes kidney failure in the birds and other causes. The Parsis own a 54-acre sanctuary in the heart of Mumbai where they operate three Towers of Silence for the disposal of the dead, with a separate section each for males, females, and children. The disposal of the body is a spiritual and religious issue, though typically it is no longer thought to be so in secularized Western society. The Bible enjoins the burial of the dead and provides the example of burial from Abraham to Jesus, because the Bible teaches bodily resurrection. The body is “planted” in the likeness of a seed with the faith that Christ will raise that individual from the dead (1 Corinthians 15). Hindus cremate the body because they don’t believe in resurrection; they believe in reincarnation and the transmigration of the soul from one body to another. See 1 Timothy 6:20,21 THE CREEPING CULTURE OF DEATH (Friday Church News Notes, January 4, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) That euthanasia is a slippery slope is obvious in the following report: “Belgium Looks at Euthanasia for Minors, Alzheimer’s Sufferers,” AFP, Dec. 18, 2012. Belgium’s euthanasia law is only ten years old, and already it is being extended to ages younger than 18 and to Alzheimer’s patients. “Belgium is considering a significant change to its decade-old euthanasia law that would allow minors and Alzheimer's sufferers to seek permission to die. The proposed changes to the law were submitted to parliament Tuesday by the Socialist party and are likely to be approved by other parties, although no date has yet been put forward for a parliamentary debate. ... The draft legislation calls for "the law to be extended to minors if they are capable of discernment or affected by an incurable illness or suffering that we cannot alleviate.’ Belgium was the second country in the world after the Netherlands to legalise euthanasia in 2002 but it applies only to people over the age of 18. Socialist Senator Philippe Mahoux, who helped draft the proposed changes, said there had been cases of adolescents who ‘had the capacity to decide’ their future. He said parliamentarians would also consider extended mercy-killing to people suffering from Alzheiner's-type illnesses. Euthanasia was allowed to an Alzheimer's patient for the first time in the Netherlands last year.” W A Y O F L I F THE RESURRECTION FERN (Friday Church News Notes, January 4, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The resurrection fern is an air plant that is common in the southeastern part of the United States, but grows as far north as New York and as far west as Texas. Typically it attaches itself to the branches of large trees such as live oaks and draws nutrients from the air and from the tree’s bark. It gets its name from the fact that God has designed it to survive long periods of drought by appearing nearly dead and then springing to life when a rain comes. In the absence of water, its attractive, bright green leaves wither up and turn brownish. On a visit to the Myrkaa State Park in Florida in December 2012, the resurrection fern was in its “dead mode.” I took a photo of it in that condition on a particular tree branch then poured several bottles of water on it. When I returned the next morning, it had resurrected! This fascinating, and exceedingly complicated plant (imagine what is happening at the cellular level to allow this plant to live, survive, and reproduce), is a reminder that Jesus, the Son of God, rose from the dead the third day after His sacrifice whereby He was punished in the sinner’s place to purchase eternal salvation for those who receive Him as Lord and Saviour. God’s world is filled to the brim with testimonies of His power and wisdom for those who have eyes to see. When EGYPTIAN MAGAZINE SAYS MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD INFILTRATED OBAMA ADMINISTRATION (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The following is excerpted from “Egyptian Magazine,” For the Record, The Investigative Project on Terrorism, Jan. 3, 2013: “An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy. The Dec. 22 story published in Egypt's Rose El-Youssef magazine (read an IPT translation here) suggests the six turned the White House ‘from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.’ The story is largely unsourced, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers. The six named people 1 Timothy 6:20,21 E L I T E R A T U R E I travel to beautiful places in various parts of the world, which I have the great privilege to do frequently, I can enjoy everything the unbeliever enjoys (sin excluded), such as the scenery and the facilities, but I have so much more enjoyment on so many different levels because of God’s enlightenment. I can see and marvel at His handiwork and praise Him for His character, because I know Him personally. I see clearly what is happening today, and I also see the future through God’s Word. I understand that this present world is nothing compared to that which is to come. I can meditate upon that world and my place in it! include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al- Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on 13 Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships. Alikhan is a founder of the World Islamic Organization, which the magazine identifies as a Brotherhood ‘subsidiary.’ It suggests that Alikhan was responsible for the ‘file of Islamic states’ in the White House and that he provides the direct link between the Obama administration and the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011.” 19,000 DEADLY ISLAMIC ATTACKS SINCE 9-11 (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The following is excerpted from “Obama Official Attends ‘Symposium on Defamation of Islam,’” Breitbart.com, Nov. 19, 2012: “An Obama administration official reportedly attended a Monday meeting with Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) officials to work on banning any speech that ‘associates Islam or Isla- W A Y O mists to violence.’ The official was U.S. Consul General in Jeddah Anne Casper (pictured above), and the meeting took place in Saudi Arabia. It apparently matters not that ‘Islamic terrorists have carried out over 19,000 deadly attacks in the name of Islam since the 9-11 attacks in New York,’ Washington DC, and Pennsylvania. The meeting was advertised as a ‘Symposium on Defamation of Islam.’ It was the next step in OIC's push to ultimately ban criticism of Islam or Mohammed. OIC got its foot in the door on this subject when its resolution for ‘religious tolerance’ was adopted by the U.N. in December 2011, with strong support from the Obama administration.” MORE THAN 11,000 DIED AT HANDS OF ISLAMIST TERRORISTS IN 2012 (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) According to a web site that tracts Islamic perpetrated violence, more than 11,000 people died from terror attacks in 2012. The complete list can be found at thereligionofpeace.com. The web site says: “We see no use in pretending that islam is just another religion, which always seems to be the assumption of those preferring not to look too closely. What other religion’s most devoted members videotape themselves cutting 14 F L I F E L I T E people’s throats while screaming praises to their god? What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation? What other religion actually celebrated the 9/11 attacks, described the carnage as ‘one of the miracles of the Quran’ and proclaimed it to be ‘God’s work against oppressors’ What other religion has verses in its holy book that remind men of their divine permission to beat their wives and rape their slaves? ... In fact, Islam is more than a religion. It is a rigid political and cultural system with a mandate to conquer and govern the lives of others via necessary force ‘until religion is only for Allah.’ Violence is sanctioned by the Quran since, as the Ayatollah Khomeini bluntly put it, ‘people cannot be made obedient except with the sword.’” UPS DEFUNDS BOY SCOUTS AND SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS GROUPS (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The following is excerpted from “UPS Says No to Boy Scouts, Yes to Gay Groups,” Christian Newswire, Nov. 20, 2012: “UPS recently announced it would stop funding the Boy Scouts of America because the Boy Scouts will not risk having its scouts led by scoutmasters who might have a sexual interest in the boys. The Boys Scouts of America faces millions of dollars in lawsuits because of past abuses by gay scoutmasters. According to a report from the Biblically Responsible Invest- 1 Timothy 6:20,21 R A T U R E ment Institute, UPS has given over $400,000 to nation's largest LGBT organization, the Human Rights Campaign. In addition, they have given thousands of dollars to other gay groups. The Human Rights Campaign keeps track of gay-friendly companies and has consistently given UPS a score of 100%. UPS has even bragged about the score. The Human Rights Campaign frequently calls people ‘haters’ and ‘bigots’ if they believe marriage should only consist of one man and one woman.” HIV INFECTION ON RISE AMONG HOMOSEXUAL MEN (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) On World Aids Day, the announcement was made that “HIV infection rate is on the rise among gay men,” having increased 11% between 1987 and 2011 (Bangkok Post, Dec. 2, 2012). There are a half million people with AIDS in Thailand alone, with 9,500 new cases annually. In spite of the attempt by homosexual activists and the liberal media to paint AIDS as something other than a homosexual disease, the evidence to the contrary is clearly seen. It is not just a sexually-transmitted disease; it is a sexually-immoral transmitted disease. The Thai secretary for public health mentioned that that “men who have sex with men (MSM)” have a high risk of the type diseases that we cannot mention in a family paper. This is purely the result of their unnatural immoral behavior. Whatever AIDS is, it is not a disease that one gets if he honors God’s law of W A Y O holy matrimony (except by means of something like a blood transfusion). Homosexual activists are fighting to have this deadly communicable disease protected by law so that those who have it cannot be “discriminated” against, but what about the rights of those who want to be protected from the very real danger represented by these people if they are working in the fields of health care, etc.? It’s all a sign of the times. Let’s stay busy in the Lord’s harvest fields while we have opportunity. Homosexual sinners can be saved through the power of the gospel just as well as “heterosexual” sinners. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Rom. 1:16). ADULTERY AND HEALTH (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Patraeus Affair: Can Cheating Wreck Your Health?” NewsMaxHealth.com, Nov. 19, 2012: “Researchers from the University of Florence analyzed data about men who had heart attacks. Men who were cheating on their wives, especially with younger women, were found to be more likely to have heart attacks compared to men who were faithful. But it’s not only physical stress that takes a toll on health. The emotional stress is devastating as well. ‘When you are having an illicit affair, you are hiding a big secret, and this adds huge mental stress to every- 1 Timothy 6:20,21 F L I F E L I T E thing you do,’ said Dr. Crandall. ... Indeed, this is backed up by medical studies, including one published in May in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Researchers from the University of Florence analyzed data about men who had heart attacks. Men who were cheating on their wives, especially with younger women, were found to be more likely to have heart attacks compared to men who were faithful. But it’s not only physical stress that takes a toll on health. The emotional stress is devastating as well. “When you are having an illicit affair, you are hiding a big secret, and this adds huge mental stress to everything you do,” said Dr. Crandall. ... ‘Studies have found that getting divorced can shorten the lifespan for up to 10 years, and I’m not only talking about the person who has the affair, but also the children as well,’ said Dr. Crandall, adding, ‘I tell people that committing adultery is like a surgical scar – it’s ugly and it is something that will never go away.’” The Bible says: “For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house: Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel: Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger; And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed, And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof; And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me! I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly. Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only thine own, 15 R A T U R E and not strangers 'with thee. Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth” (Proverbs 5:3-18). JANE FONDA AND AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, w w w . w a y o f l i f e . o r g , fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - Actress and pop icon Jane Fonda represents American pop Christianity. She’s currently in the news for a new “milder and gentler” yoga training video that she released for “senior citizens” like herself (she is 75). It really wouldn’t matter what Jane Fonda is doing, except that she made a profession of Christianity in 2001 and she very much represents the pop Christianity that predominates in America and that is spreading across the world as part of the global culture. It is not a Christianity that is based on the Holy Bible as God’s divinely-inspired Word or a Christianity in which the proponent acknowledges himself as a fallen sinner deserving of God’s eternal wrath, repents of sin and idolatry and trusts exclusively in Christ’s blood alone for salvation. It’s none of that. It is a me-centered, me-still-incharge type of Christianity. It is the end-time Christianity described in 2 Timothy 3-4. Jane’s Jesus is the nonjudgmental Jesus described in The Shack. Her Christian faith is far more influenced by pop philosophy than the W A Y O Word of God. She has renounced marriage for shacking up. She remains an activist for abortion rights, radical feminism, and homosexual rights. She persists in the pagan practice of yoga, without regard to what the Bible says, simply because it seems to provide physical and emotional benefits. Her thinking and desires remain her ultimate authority. In fact, she hates “fundamentalist,” Bible-believing Christianity that interprets the Bible literally. She has “nothing to do with the perceived doctrines of fundamentalist Christianity” (Fonda, “About My Faith,” June 10, 2009). She despises a church authority structure over her life. Her Christianity is about “the need to give ourselves over to our higher power,” after the fashion of the third step of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step program. It is about welcoming a nebulous and vaguely-defined “Holy Spirit into our innermost selves.” The focus is on feeling God and mysticism. She describes ancient Gnosticism as “the Christianity that is my spiritual home” (My Life So Far, 2005). She remains a universalist who loves the Sufi poem that says, “Every child has known God, not the God of names, nor the God of don’ts ... But the God who knows only four words and keeps repeating them, saying, ‘Come dance with Me.’” This “god” is an idol and Fonda’s Christianity is end-time apostasy. Beware, friends, of the siren call of this dangerous generation. There is only one Creator God, and He is the God revealed in Holy Scripture. He is the most loving, compassionate Being there is, the source of all true love, but He is at the same time thrice-holy and righteous and just. We can understand His character only by looking at the cross. God is so holy that He had to sacrifice His own Son in order to redeem men from the just penalty of breaking His laws, but God is so loving that He was willing to do that very thing. Any other “god” and any other Christian faith is a lie. 16 F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E THE HUMMINGBIRD (Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The 300 species of hummingbirds vary in size from the giant hummingbird, with a length of about eight inches (20 cm.), to the bee hummingbird, with a length of about two inches (5 cm.). The hummingbird can swivel its wings through an amazing degree of angles, and its wings beat a figure eight pattern which allows it to hover and fly backwards (by moving the wings in a circular path over its head), sideways, and even upside down. Its long, thin beak is designed to feed on the nectar of flowers; its tongue has two furrows that it uses to store the nectar. The tongue can go in and out at a rate of 13 times per second, and is stored by being curled up at the back of the bird’s head. Its tongue is also fringed so it can sweep insects from inside flowers. The Anna’s Hummingbird is the fastest bird on earth. When he power dives from 90 feet above the ground, in his effort to impress the female, the male hummingbird experiences more than nine times the force of gravity, reaching a relative speed of 385 body-lengths per second, which is twice that of a jet fighter on afterburners or the space shuttle entering earth’s atmosphere. The ruby-throated hummingbird flies non-stop 450 miles across the Gulf of Mexico in 20 hours, beating its tiny wings nearly 3 million times on that amazing journey. NORTHLAND STUDENTS RAPPING “JESUS LOVES ME” (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The following is excerpted from “Northland Students Perform New ‘Jesus Loves Me,’” In Defense of the Gospel blog, Sept. 21, 2012 -- “In his 1 Timothy 6:20,21 November 2010 Open Letter Northland International University (NIU) president Dr. Matt Olson declared that in the area of music philosophy, ‘NIU is unchanged!’ We have in past articles seen video evidence that NIU has changed drastically in the area of music performance. Matt Olson wrote that the goal of NIU will be to, ‘make sure North- W A Y O land’s practice of music ... is built principally on clear teachings from the Bible...’ Today, I am presenting a new video recording that challenges the claim that NIU’s music philosophy is ‘unchanged’ and that clear teachings from the Bible are behind the practice of music at NIU. The video was recorded this semester at the home of current NIU Academic Chair for Communications, Mr. Brock Miller. Communication professors Lydia Stewart and Rachel Trach were also at this gathering. The occasion of the video was a fellowship for Communications department students. The participants in the video were described by students on their FaceBook pages as students who are proud to display their, ‘rapping skills, beatboxing skills, attempting to harmonize ... Yeah, Communications majors have it all!’ Had this been a one-time matter, there would be real disappointment. The video is, however, much like the behavior in NIU’s 1 Timothy 6:20,21 F L I F E L I T E chapel with the song/dance routine to ‘What is This Feeling’ from the Broadway play WICKED. Do the sensual chants of RAP measure up to our mandate to sing and make melody to the Lord? You have just seen students, at the home and under the supervision of NIU faculty, disparaging the name of Jesus. Can anyone honestly say that the conduct of the students in this video is ‘God-focused?’” The rapping video can be seen at http://indefenseofthegospel.blogspot.ca /2012/09/northland-students-performnew-jesus.html PASTOR FORCED TO WITHDRAW FROM DELIVERING OBAMA’S INAUGURAL BENEDICTION FOR OPPOSING HOMOSEXUALITY (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - 17 R A T U R E Pastor Louie Giglio was forced to withdraw from delivering the benediction at President Obama’s inaugural swearingin ceremony because of his opposition to homosexuality. In a sermon preached in the 1990s entitled “A Christian Response to Homosexuality,” Giglio said: “Homosexuality is not an alternate lifestyle. Homosexuality is not just a sexual preference. Homosexuality is not gay. Homosexuality is sin. It is sin in the eyes of God and it is sin according to the word of God.” Giglio also said that same-sex “marriage” would “run the risk of undermining the whole order of society.” Because of these true words, Bible-hating homosexual activists demanded that he not deliver the address at the presidential inauguration, and Obama obviously agreed, because the inaugural committee withdraw its invitation. The growing power of the homosexual movement is evident in that four years ago they were not able to stop Rick Warren from speaking at Obama’s first inauguration, though they tried for the same reason that they opposed Giglio. Neither Giglio nor Warren are staunch Bible believers, or they would not have received such an invitation in the first place, but the vicious opposition even to rock & roll ecumenical preachers such as these reveals the irrationality and intolerance of the homosexual agen- da. And why are the enemies of truth so empowered today? Because of the milktoast preachers in the pulpits who do not preach the fear of God in a scriptural fashion and therefore have filled the land with a nominal Christianity that has placed the nation under God’s curse. The solution is for God’s believing W A Y O people to pay undivided attention to their individual lives, families, and churches so that for our sake God will bless instead of curse. We need to forget the politicking and get serious about obeying God’s Word. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). IS MARIJUANA A HARMLESS DRUG? (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following information is sobering in light of the fact that in the November election Colorado and Washington became the first states in America to legalize the possession and sale of marijuana for “recreational use” and a USA Today poll recently found that 70% of Americans age 30 and older oppose enforcement of existing federal laws against marijuana use. My personal deep experimentation with drugs such as marijuana before I was converted confirm its danger in my own mind. The following report doesn’t address the drug’s spiritual dangers. This is excerpted from “Science Suggests Smoking Pot,” Melanie Haiken, Forbes, Sept. 10, 2012: “Here 18 F L I F E L I T E in California, marijuana is now treated as a minimal vice, with legalization inevitable and decriminalization for possession amounting to a tap on the hand. Medical marijuana cards are so easy to obtain, they’re the butts of endless popular jokes. On the famed Venice Beach boardwalk, booths tout on-the-spot ‘evaluations’ and customers walk out the door with newly minted photo ID cards in under an hour. High schools across the country celebrate April 20th as ‘420 Day,’ a fact I know because my daughter’s high school, San Rafael High, is nationally famous (or infamous, depending on your perspective) as the birthplace of the term 420. (Coined, supposedly, because 4:20 pm was the time at which kids would meet after school to light up.) ... Is it really relatively harmless for young men--and women--to get high? Today’s headline was pretty bold: ‘Smoking pot leads to double the risk of developing testicular cancer.’ ... Those who smoked pot recreationally were twice as likely to develop testicular germ cell tumors, or nonseminomas, the most common kind in men under 35, says a study in Cancer. Nonseminomas are faster growing and harder to treat--a deadly combination-say researchers at the University of Southern California. This study, though small, is actually the third study to link nonseminomas to pot use; the first two were also published in Cancer. ... Last week’s headline was at least as alarming as this week’s. Researchers followed a group of youngsters from age 13 to age 38, and found that the IQs of regular pot smokers fell up to 8 points during the 25-year period, compared with the IQs of those who didn’t smoke pot, which stayed the same. ... In a German study that followed a group of teenagers for ten years, those who smoked pot at least 5 times were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia. ... The health risks of marijuana for women are much less well known, as of yet. But what is known is that pot smoking decreases fertility for both men and women, and appears to have the potential for genetic damage to future children.” 1 Timothy 6:20,21 R A T U R E PLANNED PARENTHOOD PROUD OF DESTROYING AN UNBORN BABY EVERY 94 SECONDS (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Planned Parent’s New Annual Report,” CNSNews, January 7, 2013: “Planned Parenthood Federation of America's latest annual report for 2011-2012 says that its affiliated clinics performed 333,964 abortions in fiscal 2011. That works out to an average of one abortion every 94 seconds. The 333,964 abortion Planned Parenthood did in fiscal 2011 is an increase of 4,519 from the 329,445 abortions it did in 2010, according to a fact sheet that Planned Parenthood published last year. Over two years, Planned Parenthood says, it has aborted 663,409. The 20112012 report states that Planned Parenthood received $542.4 million in ‘government health services grants and reimbursements,’ which it states includes ‘payments from Medicaid managed care plans.’ The report also shows that Planned Parenthood’s total assets top $1 billion dollars, specifically $1,244.7 billion. ‘We are so proud of the year’s many successes, and deeply grateful for all the partners, sponsors, volunteers, staff and friends who helped make them possible,’ states the report's introductory letter, signed by PPFA president Cecile Richards and Cecelia Boone, chairwoman of the organization.” W A Y O SCHAAP BLAMES AFFAIR WITH TEENAGE GIRL ON STRESS (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) In a memorandum filed by his attorney, Jack Schaap argues that he committed an affair with a 16-year-old girl because of stress. In September 2012, Schaap, former pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, pleaded guilty to the charge of transporting a minor across state lines for sexual relations, and he is currently in jail awaiting sentencing. The minimum sentence for this federal offence is 10 years in prison, but it could be more, and Schaap is asking for the minimum, arguing that he had been “regularly working 100-hour weeks,” struggling to raise more money for the church, being forced to lay off staff, and handing additional counseling responsibilities. The filing was accompanied by 140 letters of support, including those from pastors. Sentencing was supposed to be given on January 15, but an assistant U.S. attorney has asked the judge for a continuance and it has apparently been moved to March 12. In his guilty plea, Schaap admitted that his action was “sinful and wrong.” (The free eBook The Hyles Effect documents the moral debauchery that has plagued First Baptist Church since the days of Jack Hyles.) SYRIAN MUSLIM REBELS INTEND TO ESTABLISH THE NEW ISLAMIC CALIPHATE (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - 1 Timothy 6:20,21 F L I F E L I T E The Muslim rebels who are fighting to overthrow Assad in Syria and who might have been involved in the murder of the U.S. ambassador and other U.S. government personnel, said in an interview that their objective is to build a new Islamic Caliphate (“Syrian Rebel Founding ‘Robin Hood Brigade,’” MEMRI TV, Dec. 6, 2012). They said, “When, Allah willing, we cleanse Syria, we won’t stop there.” Next they will attack Israel (“all the way to Jerusalem”), Iran, Iraq (“where there is still some filth”), Spain, and Turkey. They called Iran, Istanbul, and Spain by their ancient names of Persia, Constantinople, and Andalusia. They concluded, “Now that we have weapons, we don’t intend to ever lay them down.” The reason this won’t happen is that it is not described in Bible prophecy. The antichrist will not be a Muslim (contrary to a new view that has some growing support), but he might be associated with an Islamic prophet of some sort and at the dawn of his career he will be the most dynamic peacemaker the world has even seen. He will seemingly solve the simmering “Middle East problem” and even make it possible for Israel to build her Third Temple, a temple that he will eventually defile with his own idolatry and blasphemy. KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) About 2,500 years ago, during the Persian Empire, an angel told the prophet Daniel, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the 19 R A T U R E time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4). We are seeing a dramatic fulfillment of this in our day. Recent inventions include the following: (1) An IBM team has taken photographs of single molecules that show the details of the bonding of individual atoms (“Atomic bond types discernible,” BBC News, Sept. 13, 2012). The photography uses atomic force microscopy (AFM). The technique requires complete isolation from any kind of vibration coming from the surroundings and the cooling of the apparatus to -268C. (2) A British team is developing a car that it hopes will break the land speed record by traveling at 1,000mph (“Training to break the world land speed record,” BBC News, Sept. 13, 2012). The rocket-powered Bloodhound Supersonic Car, driven by RAF fighter pilot Andy Green, will produce 133,000 horsepower and travel 12 miles in less than two minutes or faster than the muzzle velocity of a bullet fired from a .357 magnum handgun. (3) Ultra-thin electronics that dissolve inside the body have been invented by U.S. scientists (“‘Melt in the Body’ Electronics,” BBC News, Sept. 27, 2012). The technology, part of a field of research called “transient electronics,” involve the use of super-thin sheets of silicon encased in a silk shell that controls the timing of the dissolution. U.S. PRESIDENT SAYS TRUE EQUALITY INCLUSIVE OF “HOMOSEXUAL LOVE” (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) In his second inaugural speech, President Barack Obama quoted the preamble to the U.S. Constitution and applied it to homosexual marriage. Citing the statement, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” he argued that if this is true then “homosexual love” must be equal as well. He said the journey to human equality “is W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.” This is pure nonsense. The Creator God to whom the Founding Fathers referred is the Creator God described in Scripture. THE PELICAN (Friday Church News Notes, January 18, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The pelican is another one of God’s amazing creatures. It is a large waterfowl that comes in seven or eight varieties. It has webbed feet, large wings, a long bill, and a bag of skin below its beak called a gular pouch. It varies in size from about six pounds to 30. Its skeleton weighs less than 10% of its body weight. Pelicans live in every continent except Antarctica and build their nests in colonies. The brown pelican fishes by plunge-diving headfirst into the water. This is the type of pelican that we captured in the accompanying photo from a bridge in Florida. It’s sharp eyes can see the fish from 60-70 feet in the air, in spite of the glare of the water, and it has the amazing ability to time its plunge and judge its angle perfectly to capture prey. It has air sacs under the skin to cushion the impact and help it swim back to the surface. The most distinctive feature is its pouch. It can hold about three gallons of water and the bird uses it as a net to catch fish. After scooping up its prey, it contracts the pouch to empty the water, then jerks its head back to slide the prey down its throat. A hook at the end of its upper bill helps it grip slippery food. The pelican’s bill is sensitive and helps the bird locate fish in murky water. The opening and closing of the pouch is controlled by a complex set of tongue muscles. By contracting and relaxing the muscles, the bird can flutter its pouch at a rate of 200 times a minute as a cooling mechanism. The pelican sleeps by turning its head backwards and laying its long beak on its back. During courtship the pelican’s bill and pouch becomes multi-colored, part bright salmon pink, part yellow, part cobalt blue, with a black diagonal strip appearing from base to tip of the bill. The eggs are incubated on the parents’ feet, and the unborn chicks communicate with their mothers as to whether they are too hot or cold. 20 1 Timothy 6:20,21 At the beginning of the American Revolution, 99.8% of Americans claimed to be Christians (Peter Lillback, George Washington’s Sacred Fire). Though we know that a majority were not born again, the fact remains that there was a huge consensus as to the fact that there is a God and as to who that God is and as to what His laws are. The King James Bible that the U.S. Founding Fathers often quoted does not grant liberty for men to “love” as they please. The Ten Commandments, which were posted prominently in U.S. schools, legislatures, and courts for 200 years of U.S. history until removed in recently decades by activist judges, restricts man’s freedom by God’s holy laws. One of these is “thou shalt not commit adultery,” and adultery is defined in Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, as the breaking of the bond of holy matrimony, and holy matrimony, as affirmed by Jesus Himself, is one man and one woman in a lifelong covenant of marriage. Nowhere in Scripture is there even a hint of support for the “marriage” of same-sex couples. President Obama is helping to destroy America morally, socially, and fiscally, but he is not the main problem. He did not elect himself. W A Y O He is a reflection of the heart and soul of a large portion of the nation. His New Agey type of Christianity--the Oprah Winfrey/The Shack type of Christianity-is the type of Christianity that is very popular in America and that is promoted by the American pop culture throughout the world. America is still a nation of churches, and that is the root problem. Until America’s churches repent and return to walking in the fear of God, the nation will remain under God’s judgment and will continue to be led by unwise men. BBC NARRATOR SAYS HUMANS ARE A PLAGUE ON EARTH (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - David Attenborough David Attenborough, famous narrator of BBC documentaries, says that humans are a plague on earth. He told the Radio Times: “We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now” (“David Attenborough,” The Telegraph, Jan. 21, 2013). He says the problem in Ethiopia is that there are “too many people there,” which is patently ridiculous. China and India, which are far more populated, do not have a similar problem with famine. Ethiopia’s population density is 83 people per square kilometer, whereas China’s is 143 and India’s is 372, which is four times that of Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s famines were caused by war, a corrupt and uncaring government, human greed, statism, 1 Timothy 6:20,21, F L I F E L I T E forced resettlement, and other things. In fact, BBC’s own documentaries, such as Planet Earth, prove that lack of space is not the problem. The vast majority of the habitable parts of the earth is underpopulated. The problem is not too many people but too much sinful folly. There is a sense in which man is a plague on earth, but it is not because there are too many of them; it is because man is a sinner against his Creator God and corruption and ruin has followed in his wake. It is telling that “population limiters” such as David Attenborough and Bill Gates never step up to the plate to volunteer their own lives to reduce the population load on earth. They have an elitist mentality. BBC natural history documentaries are a marvelous showcase for the existence of God and the glories of His creation. It’s too bad that they are overladen with evolutionary and man-made global warming mythology. TEACHER FIRED FOR GIVING STUDENT A BIBLE (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) The following is excerpted from Todd Starnes, Fox News, Jan. 21, 2013: “A longtime substitute teacher in Phillipsburg, NJ, has been fired after he shared a Bible verse with a student--and upon request gave the child a Bible. The Phillipsburg School Board voted Monday night to terminate the employment of Walter Tutka. He was accused of breaking two policies--distributing religious literature on school grounds and another policy that directs teachers to be neutral when discussing religious material. ‘It’s unfortunate the Phillipsburg School District chose the path of religious hostility and intolerance against a retired man serving his community and simply responding to a student’s intellectual curiosity,’ Hiram Sasser, director of litigation at Liberty Institute, told Fox News. ‘What’s next--are they going to ban Shakespeare because his plays have Bible quotations?’ ... ‘Just because this guy gave a student a pocket New Testa- R A T U R E ment on his lunch hour--that’s enough to throw you out of school,’ ... Imhof and Tutka serve together in Gideons International--a ministry known for providing Bibles to school children across the world. ‘One of the Gideons in our local camp is from the Soviet Union,’ Imhof said. ‘In most countries overseas we are allowed to go into public schools and give Bibles to students. But since this is America--you can’t do it here. When the Soviet Union fell, Bibles were allowed in the schools, people could pray in the schools,’ Hussey said. ‘It seems we have more persecution in America than they do in Russia.’ ... ‘I am sure the school would have celebrated if the issue was a Koran or Hindu text, but this school sent the message that anything associated with the Bible, even good, old-fashioned intellectual curiosity, must be squelched at the source,’ Sasser told Fox News.” RUSSIA SEEKS TO ENACT ANTIGAY LAW (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Russia to Enact Anti-gay Law Nationwide,” AP, Jan. 21, 2013: “Legislation that comes up later this month for first vote, which is being pushed by the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church, would make it illegal nationwide to provide minors with information that is defined as ‘propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism.’ It includes a ban on holding public events that promote gay rights. St. Petersburg and a number of other Russian cities already have similar laws on their books. The bill is part of an effort to 21 W A Y O promote traditional Russian values as opposed to Western liberalism, which the Kremlin and church see as corrupting Russian youth and by extension contributing to a wave of protest against President Vladimir Putin's rule. ... Denis Volkov, a sociologist with the Levada Center, an independent pollster, says the anti-gay bill fits the ‘general logic’ of a government intent on limiting various rights. But in this case, the move has been met mostly with either indifference or open enthusiasm by average Russians. Levada polls conducted last year show that almost two thirds of Russians find homosexuality ‘morally unacceptable and worth condemning.’ About half are against gay rallies and same-sex marriage; almost a third think homosexuality is the result of ‘a sickness or a psychological trauma,’ the Levada surveys show.” MATHEMATICIAN MARVELS AT THE HUMAN BODY (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) Alexander Tsiaras (b. 1952) is the author of From Conception to Birth: A Life Unfolds and The Architecture and Design of Man and Woman: The Marvel of the Human Body. As chief of scientific visualization in the department of medicine at Yale University, he wrote many of the algorithms and code for NASA to do virtual surgery in preparation for the astronauts going into deep space. The following is excerpted from a lecture on December 10, 2010, at INK Talk (in association with TED Talk) in which Tsiaras described some of the discoveries that are being made using new kinds of scanning technologies that can track previously unforeseen details of the growth of the infant Alexander Tsiaras 22 F L I F E L I T E in the womb and of the human body in general. “I remember one of the first things we were looking at was collagen. Everything in your body--hair, skin, bone, nails--is made of collagen. Its a kind of rope-like structure that swirls and twirls, and the only place that collagen changes its structure is the cornea of your eye, and in your eye it forms a grid formation and it becomes transparent instead of opaque. The structure is so perfectly organized it is hard not to attribute divinity to it, because we kept on seeing this over and over and over again in different parts of the body. ... [Consider] a trophoblast coming off the blastocyst, all of the sudden burying itself into the side of the uterus and having a conversation, saying, ‘I’m here to stay; plant me’--building this incredible trilinear fetus that becomes within 44 days something that you can recognize, and then at nine weeks it is like a little human being. ... And then there is the instruction set of every other part of the body. ... And it is not only just our own existence, but how does the woman’s body have a genetic structure that not only builds her own but then has the understanding that allows her to become a walking immunological, cardiovascular system that is a mobile system that can actually nurture this child is such a marvel that is, again, beyond our comprehension. ... The complexity of the mathematical model and how these things are indeed done are beyond human comprehension. Even though I am a mathematician I look at this with a marvel of how these instruction sets do not make mistakes as they build what is us. It is a mystery. It is magic. It is divinity. ... By the time you are nine months old you have almost 60,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries inside your body that are bringing nutrients and taking waste away. And only one mile is visible. ... [This is] the magic that is the existence that is us.” CONCLUSION: No evidence for God, you say? Not only is the evidence for God overwhelming, but so is the evidence that this God has revealed Himself to man through the Bible. 1 Timothy 6:20,21 R A T U R E CHURCH USES WAY OF LIFE MATERIALS IN DISCIPLESHIP CLASS (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - We received the following testimony this week, and it is a great encouragement to see churches taking discipleship seriously and fortifying the Lord’s people against the tide of apostasy of compromise that we are facing: “Our church is preparing, when we finish the one year discipleship course, to do your study on evolution to help prepare our kids to face it. After that, we’ll move on to the Bible version issue and use your materials for that. All of these are done during what we call our discipleship class, which we have at 5pm on Sundays before the evening service. It’s an additional hour of teaching beyond Sunday School, morning service, evening service and prayer meeting. We’ve been doing it about two years. Our church is really enjoying, and being blessed by, the materials you have produced. They are critical to our work of preparing our members, especially children, to deal with the lies of the present world-view. Thank you for your faithfulness and praise the Lord for His!” THE AMERICAN DREAM (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) In the 17th to the mid 20th centuries, the W A Y O American Dream was freedom of religion and speech and press, peaceable assembly, freedom from government tyranny, the freedoms that were encapsulated in the U.S. Bill of Rights in 1791, which granted the opportunity for individuals to pursue their dreams. It was encapsulated by the slogan that America was “the land of opportunity.” From mid-20th century, the American Dream was no longer merely opportunity but prosperity and pleasure itself, and particularly pleasure without moral restraint. In the 21st century, the American dream is dependence on a Nanny State, the pursuit of pop culture vanities such as having one’s YouTube video go viral and the dream of winning a state lottery. F L I F E L I T E YOUR ONE MILLION TRILLION KINESINS (Friday Church News Notes, January 25, 2013, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) David Bolinsky and his team (a company called XVIVO) illustrate complex scientific and medical concepts with computer animation. He has worked with the BioVision initiative of Harvard’s Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. At a talk at TED2007, he showed a video clip from his animation entitled “The Inner Life of a Cell.” The following is excerpted from this talk: “These little walking machines, they’re called kinesins, that take these huge loads that would challenge an ant in relative size. These various machines that power the inside of the cell are really quite amazing. They are the basis of all life, because these machines interact with each other; they pass information to each other; they cause different things to happen inside the cell; and the cell will actually manufacture the parts that it needs on the fly from information that is brought from the nucleus by the molecules that read the genes. No life R A T U R E would be possible without these micro machines. The kinesin is the FedEx delivery guy of the cell, and he pulls a sack that is full of brand-new manufactured proteins to wherever it is needed in the cell, whether it is to a membrane or to an organelle, whether it is to build something or repair something. And each of us has about 100,000 of these things running around right now inside each of our hundred trillion cells. It’s quite amazing that these micro-machines are aware enough of what the cell needs that they do their bidding, they work together, they make the cell do what it needs to do, and their working together helps our bodies--huge entities that they will never see--function properly.” Aim of O Timothy Magazine • Exalting the Lord Jesus Christ; His eternal perfect, and preserved Word; and the Gospel of his Grace. (2 Peter 3:1-2, 18) • Standing for the whole counsel of God. (Acts 20:27; Jude 3) • Challenging Christian workers to uphold the truth and resist the apostasy of our times. (1 Timothy 6:20-21) • Exposing the spirit of error and compromise within Christendom (Hosea 4:6a; 2 Tim. 3) • Upholding the New Testament Church (1 Tim. 6:13-14). O Timothy is a ministry of Bethel Baptist Church of London, Ontario. • Challenging churches to fulfill the Great Commission of world evangelism (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 13-14) • Standing for the Received Text of the Holy Scriptures, the Authorized Version in the English Language, and sound translations of the TR in the languages of the world. (Ps. 12:6-7) 1 Timothy 6:20,21 23 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A O TIMOTHY MAGAZINE Way of Life Literature P.O. 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