360 ALLSTARS in town - City of Greater Dandenong
The City of Greater Dandenong’s monthly publication April 2013 Footpath trading: Page 3 I Pet registration: Page 6 I Cinema under stars: Page 13 YOUTH WEEK 360 ALLSTARS in town If you are not receiving your monthly copy of , please phone 9239 5100. 2 Mayor’s Message This month we are celebrating Youth Week in Greater Dandenong. Over my many years as a councillor in Greater Dandenong I have been honoured to meet with a wide range of young people in our community. I never cease to be amazed at their enthusiasm, dedication and impressive abilities at such an early age. Negative stereotypes of young people are common, but I am proud to report that many of our young people are making significant and positive contributions to Greater Dandenong. Local young people show great leadership helping organise Council’s school holiday activities, running the FReeZa Muso Network and Meltdown event committees, taking part in the Young Leaders program and much more. This is not to mention juggling demanding school commitments and part-time jobs. Council values and recognises young people and is proud to present our Youth Week events to celebrate our young people. Happy reading and have a great month. Mayor Angela Long Customer service centre addresses Springvale office 397–405 Springvale Rd Springvale Dandenong office 39 Clow St Dandenong Keysborough centre Shop A7 Parkmore Shopping Centre Keysborough Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 18–34 Buckley Street Noble Park All correspondence to: The City PO Box 200 Dandenong VIC 3175 Email: news@cgd.vic.gov.au 9239 5100 or log on to www.greaterdandenong.com @greaterdandy facebook.com/greaterdandenong youtube.com/citygreaterdandenong Important numbers to remember Emergency calls – Police/Fire/Ambulance......................................................... 000 Street Lighting Faults/ Non-operational – Alinta Hotline......................... 13 20 99 5100 Hoon Hotline.................................................................................... 1800 333 000 Hard Waste Collection – WM Waste Management Services............... 9721 1915 Australian Protection Society............................................................... 9798 8415 RSPCA................................................................................................... 9224 2222 Nurse on Call................................................................................... 1300 606 024 Traffic Signal Faults/ Non-operational.................................................. 9239 Councillor Contacts Lightwood Ward Cr Youhorn Chea Ph: 9547 5745 Fax: 9547 3586 0417 320 645 ychea@cgd.vic.gov.au Lightwood Ward Cr Sean O’Reilly 0422 523 258 sean.oreilly@cgd.vic.gov.au Lightwood Ward Cr Loi Truong Ph: 0466 004 618 loi.truong@cgd.vic.gov.au Paperbark Ward Cr Roz Blades Ph: 9701 5821 Fax: 9798 5927 0417 053 612 roz.blades@cgd.vic.gov.au Paperbark Ward Cr Peter Brown Ph/Fax: 9584 5149 0408 138 939 peter.brown@cgd.vic.gov.au Paperbark Ward Cr Heang Tak 0403 072 291 heang.tak@cgd.vic.gov.au Red Gum Ward Cr Angela Long – Mayor Ph: 9795 6574 Fax: 9795 4412 0466 004 616 angela.long@cgd.vic.gov.au Red Gum Ward Cr Matthew Kirwan 0403 072 295 matthew.kirwan@cgd.vic.gov.au Red Gum Ward Cr Jim Memeti Ph: 9792 4683 Fax: 9792 4683 0434 560 239 jim.memeti@cgd.vic.gov.au Silverleaf Ward Cr John Kelly Ph: 9793 1777 Fax: 9706 0186 0418 350 743 john.kelly@cgd.vic.gov.au This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Silverleaf Ward Cr Maria Sampey Ph: 9790 1291 Fax: 9790 6104 0438 800 027 maria.sampey@cgd.vic.gov.au 3 A new path for safe and stylish shopping S hopping in Greater Dandenong will be safer, easier and more attractive thanks to new rules covering footpath trading. “We want everyone who lives in, or visits, the area to have a positive experience of our retail precincts,’’ Mr Bosman said. “We will work with the 20 businesses affected to develop alternative strategies to promote their businesses,” he said. Under a two-year trial which started last month, A-frame signs and trade display cases will not be allowed on footpaths in Dandenong’s Central Activity District. “Ideally footpath displays should enhance a retail area not detract from it. This change is very much in line with current community expectations and can only enhance our major retail precinct’s abilities to attract customers,” he said. The new regulations are designed to set a minimum display standard across the municipality, comply with accessibility requirements and create a unified feel for major retail areas. Council’s Director of City Planning, Design and Amenity Jody Bosman said the changes would improve pedestrian access, increase safety for people with a disability and create a more beautiful streetscape. Fire Services Levy R esidents will notice a change to their Council rates notice this year. From 1 July 2013 the Victorian Government requires local councils to collect a Fire Services Levy on their behalf, as part of rates notices. Mr Bosman said consultation with traders was an important part of the trial and Council will study the impact on businesses. Your rates notice will now include a clear list of your rates and the Victorian government Fire Services Levy. The levy is used to fund the Country Fire Authority and Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The levy is not new, but was previously included in insurance premiums and therefore was only paid by those who had insurance cover. All property owners will be required to pay the property-based levy which includes a fixed and variable component. “The trial is very much in line with the pedestrian-friendly atmosphere Council, Places Victoria and traders are working together on in revitalising central Dandenong,’’ Mr Bosman said. The fixed component is $100 for residential properties and $200 for non-residential properties. The variable component will be calculated as a percentage of capital improved property values, which is shown on your rates notice. Residents should contact their insurance provider about how changes to the levy’s administration will impact their insurance premiums. For more information, contact Council’s Customer Service team on 9239 5100. 4 Paperbark Ward Lightwood Ward Roz Blades Cr Youhorn Chea I’m thrilled to announce that the Noble Park Civic Space has received a major award. It won the LGPro Award for Excellence for community assets and infrastructure under $1 million. (See page 7 for details) I am proud to see yet another Noble Park community facility – along with NPAC – receive important recognition. N oble Park and the entire Greater Dandenong community came out in force recently to celebrate the 1st birthday of our new Noble Park Aquatic Centre (NPAC). I encourage all Greater Dandenong residents to come along to NPAC. You can join in one of the many health and fitness classes on offer including aqua aerobics, the lap swimming club; gym fitness classes and well-being classes such as yoga and pilates. Thanks to this fantastic new aquatic centre, the community can once again enjoy swimming in the great outdoors in the heated 50m outdoor pool, whiz down the refurbished waterslide, enjoy the aqua play area and the warm-water exercise pool. S pringvale shoppers and visitors will find it easier to get around the bustling shopping district thanks to new signs installed recently by Council. The new way-finding signs are part of Council’s Springvale Way Finding and Signage Strategy which aims to make the Springvale Activity Centre easier to navigate and more pedestrian-friendly. Stage One of the project is now complete with a new ‘quad plinth’ sign (pictured) in Multicultural Place; a double plinth on Springvale Road and five wall-mounted signs throughout the area. Visitors to Springvale are often unaware of the many hidden gems in the area, which are unseen from Springvale Road. Newcomers can also find it difficult to know how to navigate through the interesting arcades and laneways in the area. These new signs will help make it easier for visitors and shoppers to find their way around, and in turn boost this exciting retail precinct. The signs are just one of the many ways Council supports traders in the Springvale Activity Centre, which has also included Council’s cultural tours and production of the Springvale Access Maps. The three multi-purpose function rooms have been wellused by community groups and almost 700 children take part in our swim school each week. The signs include precinct and local area maps with key locations, such as the train station, to help guide locals and visitors around the centre. Visitors can also stop for a quality coffee, a snack or lunch at the NPAC cafe. Further plinths and signs will be installed over the next few months, under stage two of the five-year strategy. For more information on NPAC, including a timetable of fitness classes, see the website at www.nobleparkac.com.au Cr Roz Blades. Cr Youhorn Chea. 5 Ward Map Red Gum Ward Cr Angela Long Dandenong Creek Stud Rd Devira St Gladstone Rd Danden ong Byp ass Princes H wy y wy South G ippsland Fw Rd y Claredale Rd Road ng ley F Rd Fw Red Gum Ward s Rd sula enin ton P Cr Angela Long. Di sh Carlton Rd Sylvia St Heatherto n on a ning Mor I am always available to answer your concerns about council related issues and can be contacted on 9795 6574 or 0466 004 616. Cheltenh am M wa y Free Thompso ns Road Dandenon g-Hasting I hope this is a precedent that will encourage other businesses to look into alternative ways to generate power to run some aspects of their business. Paperbark Ward CoomooraHenderson Rd Rd Springva le You can see the colourful wind turbines as you drive along the Dandenong Bypass and also from Dandenong– Frankston Road. Darren Rd This is a great cost-saving initiative for the location and is also a fantastic savings on our resources. East Link Westall R oad Rd To ota l Fw y ay hw y Heatherto n Rd g Hi gl e Silverleaf Ward s ce in Police Roa d wa y Lightwood Ward d ll R sta n We ensio t Ex I am pleased to report that this new complex is the first business in Greater Dandenong to generate electricity for its carpark lighting from wind-powered generators. D es Hi gh in Pr Located on the Dandenong–Frankston Road – next to the Dandenong Bypass – the site now hosts new relocated Officeworks and The Goodguys stores with Amart Sports Store also on site. Pr inc East Link illions of dollars have been invested in local businesses in Dandenong South over the past 12 months, with one notable example being the new Home Quarter Shopping Centre. Corrigan Road M Council Meetings Council meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in Springvale and the fourth Monday of the month in Dandenong. The April meetings will be held: •Monday 8 April, Springvale Council Chambers, 397–405 Springvale Road, Springvale at 7pm •Monday 22 April, Dandenong Council Chambers, 39 Clow Street, Dandenong at 7pm. To view meetings online see www.greaterdandenong.com 6 Off to the races W e’ll be off and racing this month at the Greater Dandenong Raceday – and you’re invited. So whether you want to dress up in your finest clothes, or simply come along for a relaxed family day out, Greater Dandenong Raceday is the perfect school holiday event. Held at Sandown Racecourse on Wednesday 3 April, the day will feature free entry, free family activities and eight horse races including the City of Greater Dandenong Cup. So come along and cheer on your favourite, see the fashions and enjoy a relaxed day with family and friends. April For all the details on the day, including entertainment and activities on offer, see greaterdandenong.com is pet registration month in Greater Dandenong. Pet registration time I f you own a dog or cat now is the time to check your animal’s registration and microchipping is up-to-date. State Government laws require all owners to register cats and dogs over the age of 3 months with their local council. Once registered, your pet will receive a registration tag, which must be worn on its collar at all times. This tag makes it easier for Council to find you if your pet is found away from home. Registration fees collected by Council are used to provide essential animal services throughout the municipality, including programs to educate residents on responsible pet ownership. Pet registration renewals are due on 10 April. Failure to register your pet may result in a $239 fine. It is compulsory for all registered cats and dogs to be microchipped, which can be arranged through your local vet or the Keysborough Animal Shelter. In the past the State Government offered a discount registration fee for microchipped pets, however this discount now applies only to desexed animals. The change in policy reflects the high rates of microchipping in the community and is now focused on promoting responsible pet ownership through animal desexing. For more information on pet registration, including a full list of fees, see www.greaterdandenong.com or phone Council on 9239 5100. 7 Building works powering on T homas Street has been improved thanks to the removal of several power poles and overhead powerlines. The result is a cleaner, less-cluttered environment. Council removed the poles and powerlines earlier this year and installed underground cables as part of construction works at the neighbouring municipal building site. Works are continuing on schedule at the new municipal building, which is due for completion in early 2014. Progress at the site is being recorded by a time-lapse camera – installed at the top of the Drum Theatre clocktower – to capture the making of this landmark community building. Once complete, Dandenong’s new civic precinct will serve the local community and attract visitors from across the region thanks to the new: •open-air civic plaza with giant outdoor video screen, landscaping and retail shops •state-of-the-art regional library •Council offices, city chambers and community meeting rooms. Award for Noble Park Civic Space N oble Park’s fantastic new civic space has won a major local government award. The redevelopment – which transformed an unattractive and poorly maintained piece of land into a welcoming public space – won the LGPro Award for Excellence for community assets and infrastructure under $1 million. Greater Dandenong Mayor Angela Long said the redevelopment was helping to create positive perceptions about Noble Park thanks to the welcoming space complete with seating, community stage, lighting and toilet facilities. “The Noble Park Civic Space is highly regarded and is often the focus for special activities – it’s a fantastic community asset,” she said. For more information about the awards and the Noble Park Civic Space redevelopment visit www.lgpro.com Progress on building works at the Municipal Building site. Dob in tree vandals C ouncil is urging anyone witnessing tree vandalism to report it to Victoria Police or Council’s Customer Service team. and will cost up to $2,000 per tree to replace. The high cost is because both the tree and stone-flow pavement surrounding it would need replacing. Greater Dandenong Mayor Angela Long said tree vandalism is a senseless waste of money that should be going to other projects. The call comes after 11 pin oak trees were ringbarked in Langhorne Street, Dandenong recently. “You can’t just slap on a coat of paint or wash off tree vandalism – trees need specialised care and they are costly to replace,” Cr Long said. The trees, near the bus interchange, are likely to die due to the ringbarking Unfortunately the Langhorne Street attack is not an isolated incident. While most tree vandalism occurs to single trees, last year there was significant tree vandalism to 40 trees in Herbert Street, Dandenong. For attacks in progress call Victoria Police on 000 or report damage to Council’s Customer Service team on 9239 5100. Council spends approximately $1,400,000 annually on maintenance and planting of street trees. This includes replacement and boulevard tree planting, watering, mulching, and pruning. 8 Youth Celebration N ational Youth Week and the school holidays will be action packed in Greater Dandenong with the arrival of the 360 ALLSTARS. 360 ALLSTARS connects the street with the elite in a new radical urban circus featuring a basketball freestyler, BMX flatlander, live looping, amazing drumming performance and much more. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. This amazing group of world champion athletes, street dancers and musicians will be taking centre stage at a range of performances, street events and masterclasses during the school holidays. 360 ALLSTARS put on a show free unless cost listed, bookings required 8 April: Basketball trick workshop with one of the world’s best basketball freestylers (4pm-7pm Noble Park Community Centre) 8 April: Breakdancing workshop (10.30am-11.30am Drum Theatre) 9 April: Circus workshop with Rhys Miller covering variety of skills. (4.30pm-5.30pm Springvale Town Hall) 9 April: BMX Flatlanding workshop. (11am-12pm Drum Theatre) 10 April: Live looping & beatboxing workshop (11am-12pm Drum Theatre) 10 April: Body percussion & junk drumming workshop (3pm-4pm Dandenong Library) 11 April: The Beat percussion workshop with national drumming champion Gene Peterson (4pm7pm Beat time, no bookings required. 5pm-6pm free workshop, bookings required) 11 April: Circus workshop (2pm-3pm Walker St Gallery, Dandenong) 12 April: Breaker Showcase. See great local breakers battle it out and a guest appearance from BBoy Physicx and Leerok. (12.30pm Dandenong Market food court) 12 and 13 April: 360 ALLSTARS perform their incredible show. (7.30pm Drum Theatre. Cost: $10 for under 25 pre-sale tickets.) Workshop bookings: 9793 2155 Drum Theatre show bookings: 9771 6666 or www.drumtheatre.com.au Other Youth Services school holiday activities include: •a Manga Art and 3D printing workshop at Springvale $5 •a trip to Werribee Open Range Zoo $15 •Springvale Live event featuring breaker battle, local rappers and guest appearance by the 360 ALLSTARS •music events at The Castle •Masterchef cooking class at Noble Park’s Paddy O’Donoghue Centre $5 •surfing at Phillip Island $20 •a video game tournament at Dandenong Library •soccer at Pop-Up Park •kayaking the Yarra River $20 10 April: Basketball trick workshop (2pm-3pm Hemmings Park Dandenong) School holiday fun •the South Eastern League Skate and BMX competition 10 April: BMX workshop with two-time world champion. (2pm-3pm Hemmings Park) There’s plenty of other activities on during the school holidays to help keep young people entertained and active. For a full list of school holiday activities, including times and costs, see greaterdandenong.com •and much, much more. 9 Youth voices at the top W hen the federal and state governments gathered to plan 2013 National Youth Week, all eyes were on Greater Dandenong youth worker Stephanie Raike. Stephanie is one of only 10 young people from across the country selected as a young member of the National Youth Week Planning Group. She was chosen as the Australian Government representative, with each state also sending a youth delegate. Their role is to ensure that National Youth Week (5–14 April) is relevant, engaging and inspiring for young people. “We have a hand in every area from setting the theme to planning events and determining promotion,’’ Stephanie said. “National Youth Week is all about celebrating young people and encouraging them to get involved.’’ “This year’s theme is Be Active. Be Happy. Be You.” Stephanie was the Victorian representative on the 2012 planning group and said she was honoured to be asked to take part again. ”My role as a youth development officer at Greater Dandenong’s Youth Services is to create opportunities for young people to maximise their potential. “So helping organise a major celebration of young people fits right in with that. The event is by young people, for young people.’’ In 2012 60,000 young people took part in over 80 events across Victoria. She said National Youth Week was also an important chance to promote positive images of young people. “I’ve been hugely inspired by the Greater Dandenong young people that I meet,’’ Stephanie said. “Take a look around our community and everyday you will see young people excelling in their studies, taking on part-time jobs, getting involved with local sports clubs and helping organise some fantastic youth events in our community.” Stephanie encouraged local young people to speak up, have their say and get involved in the community. “You have an important role to play whether it’s at your school, your sports club, a local community group or with Council’s Youth Services. “If services for young people are going to be relevant and successful then they need young people to be involved. “So if you’re passionate about something then join in, volunteer your time and if you can’t find a group to join, start something new. Stephanie said a good first step is coming along to a local National Youth Week event. “Youth Week is a celebration of young people. You wouldn’t miss your own birthday party – so don’t miss Youth Week.” 10 April Community Events Calendar MONDAY TUESDAY 1 Easter Monday WEDNESDAY Dandenong Evening View Club Dandenong RSL 7pm Ph: 9560 9717 2 Easy Rider – Graffiti exhibition Heritage Hill Museum & Historic Gardens on show until 7 April 9 360 ALLSTARS Circus workshop & BMX flatlanding workshop Details: Page 8 School Holiday Activity – Springvale Live Multicultural Place 2pm–4pm Free music & more 15 Storytime @ Dandenong Library Mondays 9.45am stories, songs and rhyme for toddlers 11am stories, songs and craft for 4+ age Yoga class Jan Wilson Community Centre 7pm–8pm Asian Women’s Friendship Association Springvale Service for Children 10am–12pm Tuesdays 29 Game On Noble Park Community Centre Mondays 4.30pm–7pm Computers for the Confused Jan Wilson Community Centre 1pm–3.30pm Noble Park Community Action Forum Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 6pm The Anzac on the Wall Drum Theatre 10.30am Bookings: 9771 6666 You Am I Exhibition Walker St Gallery 11 April–4 May www.walkerstgallery.com.au 11 360 ALLSTARS The Beat/ percussion workshop & Circus workshop The Castle 4pm–7pm, workshop 5pm-6pm Bookings: 9793 2155 Details: Page 8 17 The Anzac on the Wall Drum Theatre 10.30am Bookings: 9771 6666 18 Afghan Bazaar Cultural Tour Dandenong 6.30pm $40 Bookings: 9771 5777 Neighbourhood Watch Public Forum Paddy O`Donoghue Centre 7.30pm Sensational Springvale Cultural Tour 10.30am $40 Bookings: 9771 5777 Melbourne Racing Club – Race Day Sportingbet Park Sandown 23 24 25 Froggy Fun Event Tirhatuan Park Kriegel Way, Dandenong North 6pm–8pm U3A Dandenong Paddy O’Donoghue Centre Various classes on weekdays Details: 9546 2997 Noble Park CWA Meeting Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 10am 10 Froggy Fun Event Tirhatuan Park Kriegel Way, Dandenong North 6pm–8pm Melbourne Racing Club – Race Day Sportingbet Park Sandown 16 22 4 School Holiday Activity – Jam Nite The Castle 7pm–10pm Free 8 360 ALLSTARS Basketball trick workshop & Breakdancing workshop Details: Page 8 School Holiday Activity – Manga Art & 3D Printing Springvale 10am–2pm $5 Bookings: 9793 2155 School Holiday Activity – The Beat The Castle 4pm–7pm Free School Holiday Activity – Open Range Werribee Zoo $15 Bookings: 9793 2155 School Holiday Activity – Masterchef Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 11am–2pm $5 Bookings: 9793 2155 Noble Park CWA Craft Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 10am–2pm BYO lunch 3 Greater Dandenong Race Day Sportingbet Park Sandown School Holiday Activity – Plaza Live Palm Plaza 1pm–4pm Free DJs & music Holi Festival of Colours Sandown Racecourse 11am–6pm www.aiii.org.au THURSDAY Qigong exercise & healing class Heritage Hill Museum & Historic Gardens 10am–11.30am Wednesdays Bookings: 0409 193 315 Anzac Day 30 Older adults Aerobics Paddy O’Donoghue Tuesdays 12pm–1pm Greater Dandenong Raceday 3 April Submit your community event at news@cgd.vic.gov.au 11 April Community Events Calendar FRIDAY SATURDAY Almost Exactly Circus’ Minimum Stay Drum Theatre 12.30pm Bookings: 9771 6666 5 Open Day Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Mackay Street, Springvale South 9am–3pm School Holiday Activity – Video Games tournament Dandenong Library 12pm–3pm Free Bookings: 9793 2155 360 ALLSTARS Drum Theatre 7.30pm Bookings: 9771 6666 SUNDAY 12 Dreamtime Kundah Exhibition & Colours of Senior Imagination Exhibition Heritage Hill Museum & Historic Gardens 12 April–12 May 6 Autumn Fest Wachter Reserve, Kingsclere Ave Keysborough 12pm-5pm Almost Exactly Circus’ Minimum Stay Drum Theatre 12.30pm & 8pm Bookings: 9771 6666 360 ALLSTARS Drum Theatre 7.30pm Bookings: 9771 6666 Hot & Cool music event Walker St Gallery, Dandenong 2.30pm Free 13 Cinema Under the Stars Tirhatuan Park, Dandenong North 6.30pm 14 Dandenong Library 9238 1489 Springvale Rotary Sunday Market Cnr Lightwood & Lawn Rds 8am Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens 20 21 Open Day Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Mackay Street, Springvale South 10am–5pm Akmal Live! Drum Theatre 8pm Bookings: 9771 6666 Jan Wilson Community Centre 9795 9279 Paddy O’Donoghue 26 Open Day Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Mackay Street, Springvale South 9am–3pm Women’s Leadership Course Dandenong Neighbourhood House 9.30am–1.30pm Fridays 8 weeks 9239 5100 9771 6666 Dandenong Market Tour 10am Bookins: 9771 6666 David Williamson’s The Club Drum Theatre 8pm Bookings: 9771 6666 Dandenong 9793 4511 Open Day 19 Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Mackay Street, Springvale South 9am–3pm Little India Cultural Tour Dandenong 6pm $40 Bookings: 9771 5777 City of Greater Drum Theatre Indian Vasakhi Festival Sandown Racecourse www.sandown.net.au South Eastern League Skate and BMX comp Hemmings Park, Dandenong 11am Open Day Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Mackay Street, Springvale South 9am–3pm 7 27 Digital Storytelling Dandenong Neighbourhood House 9.30am–1.30pm Fridays for 8 weeks Dandenong Market Tour 10am Bookins: 9771 6666 28 Centre 9238 1436 Intro to Alternative Therapies Dandenong Neighbourhood House 9am–1pm Saturdays for 9 weeks Springvale Library 9239 5398 Springers Leisure Centre 9701 5900 Walker Street Gallery David Williamson’s The Club 26 April Akmal Live! 20 April Froggy Fun 10 & 24 April 9706 8441 12 Library news Cooking up a storm Move over Jamie, Nigella and Manu! G reater Dandenong libraries can help you become a star chef thanks to our huge range of the latest cook books and DVDs. So whether you’re a fan of Donna Hay, Kylie Kwong or Bill Granger – you’re sure to find something to inspire your inner chef. There is also a wide range of healthrelated cookbooks including glutenfree, dairy free, baby food and diabeticfriendly recipes. And for those looking for something a little unusual – why not pick up a copy of: Most popular downloads @ the library: Playgroups galore in •Fifty Shades of Chicken eAudio Books: The Brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge (Adult Non-Fiction) •100% natural lard: the lost art of cooking with your grandmother’s secret ingredient or Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (Teen) Emmy & The Incredible Shrinking Rat by Lynne Jonell (Children) very week children get together with friends at playgroups across Greater Dandenong. •Footy flavours: 75 recipes from your favourite rugby league stars eBooks: A Deal at the Alter by Lynne Graham (Adult Romance) You can drop into the Springvale and Dandenong branches and browse the cooking section, or search the catalogue online at www.greaterdandenonglibraries.com The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Teen) Playgroups are hosted at schools, community centres, churches and even aged care facilities. Most popular borrowings @ the library: Adult English Fiction: The Litigators by John Grisham Teen Fiction: Arisa N8 by Natsumi Ando Children’s fiction: Pokémon Adventures Gold & Silver Volume 8 by Hidenori Kusaka Non-Fiction: Preparing for Career Selection Tests: Numeracy and General Ability by Vera Joosten Magazine titles: The Angkor Thom (Khmer) & New Idea (English) Program targets healthy grins T he secret to great dental and overall oral health is to develop healthy habits from a young age. Digital Magazine: Atomic Keep an eye out this month for the Library’s colourful new flags. They will be on show across the municipality later this month outside the Springvale Library/Springvale Council offices, at the Noble Park train crossing, at the entrance to Dandenong on Princes Highway and at the Menzies Ave shops. The new flags are part of a bold new look to help encourage people to imagine, explore and discover at the libraries. Council in partnership with Southern Health launched an Early Years Oral Health Program in March, as part of its Healthy Children Initiative. The program provides interested service providers with an oral health education, prevention and screening program for the children, families and staff of Greater Greater Dandenong E Groups are open to babies through to school-aged children accompanied by their parents/ carers. They provide a fun environment for children to gain new skills and socialise while allowing parents/carers to chat. Specialised groups also exist to support new arrivals, Indigenous families, children with disabilities, young parents or others facing challenges. To find a playgroup near you, visit www.playgroup.org.au or phone 1800 171 882. For help starting a new playgroup phone 9767 0826 or see www.dandenongkids.com.au Dandenong Kindergartens, Child Care Centres and Family Day Care. Early years staff have been trained in promoting oral health, including working with families on this issue. The Healthy Children Initiative is jointly funded by the State Government of Victoria and the Australian Government. 13 Cinema Under the Stars G 12pm–5pm Sunday 7 April Wachter Reserve Kingsclere Avenue, Keysborough (opposite Parkmore Shopping Centre) E njoy a chilled-out Autumn afternoon at a fun, free event featuring live music, family-friendly entertainment and a host of activities including sports, craft, market stalls and much more. Autumn Fest will be held at Keysborough’s Wachter Reserve and is a great chance to meet with friends and family for a relaxed afternoon in the park. Music lovers can grab one of our colourful bean bags and settle in for some live music including performances from the amazing Victoria Police Band Code One, a traditional didgeridoo performance and serveral talented local and emerging artists. You can also take part in the many free activities including: •a 10-metre rock climbing wall •visit the special Under 5s world •try sports activities including squash, soccer, cricket and more •arts and crafts •and much more. There will also be roving performers, food and market stalls and give-aways. Autum Fest is proudly presented by the City of Greater Dandenong and sponsors Parkmore Shopping Centre and Springers Leisure Centre. rab your deck chair, beanbag or picnic blanket and join us for a night of Cinema Under the Stars. The City of Greater Dandenong, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Dandenong, will host an outdoor movie screening at Dandenong North’s Tirhatuan Park on Saturday 13 April. The evening will feature a screening of award-winning hit Australian movie The Sapphires starring Jessica Mauboy and Deborah Mailman. The audience will also enjoy selected short films from the Greater Dandenong Film Festival showing entertaining stories from our community and across Australia. Gates will open at 6.30pm with short films showing at 7pm and The Sapphires screening from 7.30pm. The free, family-friendly event is at Tirhatuan Park, Outlook Drive Dandenong North. Hot & Cool music events T wo of Dandenong’s premier arts venues have joined forces to present Hot & Cool. The free events of relaxed live music, family-friendly activities and entertainment will be held throughout the year. During the cooler months, head inside at Walker Street Gallery on selected Sunday afternoons and Thursday evenings for music to warm your soul. In the hotter months, bring a picnic and enjoy relaxed tunes in Heritage Hill’s historic rose garden on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Coming ‘Cool’ events at Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre, corner Walker and Robinson streets Dandenong: 2.30pm Sunday 7 April – Cosmo Cosmolino performing Eastern European gypsy music 2.30pm Sunday 5 May – Mathew Fagan on classical guitar 8.30pm Thursday 6 June – Martin Martini performs dada cabaret 8.30pm Thursday 13 June – Silo String Quartet 2.30pm Sunday 7 July – Middle eastern ensemble Alwan Stay tuned later in the year for ‘Hot’ events at Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens. Details: www.heritagehill.com.au 14 Dumping disgrace C ouncil’s Litter Prevention Officer Rebecca Laurito has joined forces with the Springvale Vinnie’s store to put a halt to illegal dumping. New signs clearly stating that dumping is illegal are displayed outside the store every weekend. Ms Laurito said charity stores should not be burdened with rubbish removal costs caused by inconsiderate rubbish dumpers. “Charity Stores are forced to spend valuable time and money having rubbish removed instead of focusing on helping people in need.’’ “We’ve had success and seen rubbish reduced significantly,’’ Ms Laurito said. Donated items that are in good condition and able to be sold are gratefully accepted during store opening hours 9am–5pm Monday-Saturday. “But on the recent Labour Day long weekend large amounts of rubbish were dumped at the Vinnies store, and across the municipality generally.’’ People caught dumping items outside these hours face an on-thespot fine of $282 and a maximum $5760 for serious offences. Don’t dump: Dispose of unwanted rubbish through Council’s free hard waste collection service. Residents are entitled to one free hard waste collection each financial year. Bookings: 9721 1915. Turning rubbish into art Cut Your Garbage in Half 10am–1pm Friday 12 April Heritage Hill Museum & Historic Gardens Bookings essential on 9239 5100 10am–12pm Saturday 11 May Noble Park Community Centre Community Garden Bookings essential on 9239 5100 Greater Dandenong Council is hosting a free family-friendly recycled art workshop during the school holidays. Help create your own idea of an amazing, beautiful and sustainable city built from a collection of cardboard boxes, paints and an assortment of clean household and industrial waste. The workshop will allow families to be creative and imaginative, as well as learn about recycling. Greater Dandenong families are invited to a fun, free workshop on practical ways to reduce your food waste. Almost 50 per cent of what we throw in the rubbish bin is food waste that is sent to landfill. Instead much of this organic material can be recycled into nutrient-rich compost that your garden will love. Or better still, learn how to avoid wasting food in the first place. This workshop will involve fun and creative activities for children and families to learn about practical and easy ways to reduce your food waste at home and at school. 15 Careers in Council No Stopping rules C ouncil would like to remind all motorists to be aware of No Stopping zones. No Stopping signs mean just that! A driver cannot stop for any period of time – even just a minute – unless to avoid a collision or to obey a lawful instruction from a member of the police force. Stopping to let someone get in or out of the vehicle, to wait for someone or to answer your mobile phone is not allowed. Great venues for hire W Smaller rooms are also available, which are suitable for meetings, training sessions and seminars. Senior Hallkeeper Rodney Huggins has worked with Council for more than three decades, helping make community events run smoothly. “I love meeting so many different members of our community as they gather for parties, events and important functions,’’ he said. These are perfect for functions including: •weddings •dinner dances •debutante balls •concerts •to protect other road users, particularly pedestrians and/or •swap meets •private parties •a wide range of other activities. hen members of the community hire one of Council’s great venues – for a 21st birthday, community group meeting or even a wedding – there is a team of Council staff making sure the venue has exactly what you need. Council has an excellent range of lowcost, high-quality facilities available for hire in and around Greater Dandenong. No Stopping zones are created for two primary purposes: To help make your function a success, Council can assist you with setting up, catering and room decorations to suit any theme. Recent events held in Council venues include weddings in the beautiful gardens at Heritage Hill, 50th wedding celebrations at Springvale Reserve and dinner dances at the grand Springvale Town Hall. •to ensure safe and smooth traffic flow in areas of high traffic volume. When drivers ignore No Stopping signs they are being inconsiderate of other road users and can increase safety risks– particularly for pedestrians. Drivers who ignore No Stopping signs face a penalty of $141. It is the responsibility of all drivers to know and adhere to the rules and regulations for driving on the road. Details: www.vicroads.vic.gov.au Council has recently completed major refurbishments at Dandenong North’s Menzies Hall and Edinburgh Hall in Springvale North. For more information on hiring venues see www.greaterdandenong.com or phone 9239 5100. Immunisation Timetable – April 2013 The 2013 Immunisation Timetable for the City of Greater Dandenong is available from Council’s customer service centres or Maternal and Child Health centres. Phone Council on 9239 5100 for more information on the following immunisation sessions: Date Time Location 3 April 11am–12pm Springvale City Hall, 397–405 Springvale Road, Springvale 9 April 1pm–2pm Jan Wilson Community Centre, 1 Halton Road, Dandenong North 11 April 2pm–3pm Dandenong Library, Stuart Street, Dandenong 15 April 5.30pm–7.15pm Dandenong Library, Stuart Street, Dandenong 16 April 1pm–2pm Springers Leisure Centre, 400 Cheltenham Road, Keysborough 23 April 1pm–2pm Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18–34 Buckley Street, Noble Park
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