Key Public Sector Representatives Provide
Key Public Sector Representatives Provide
Toll Roads • Ports • Transit • Airports May 14-16, 2008 | Almas Temple | Washington DC Key Public Sector Representatives Provide Briefings On Upcoming Opportunities for Private Sector Investment in Toll Roads, Ports, Transit & Airports Keynote Speaker David Crane Special Advisor to the Governor for Jobs & Economic Growth STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gold Sponsor: Silver Sponsors: Luncheon Speaker Dr. T. Peter Ruane President & CEO AMERICAN ROAD & TRANSPORTATION BUILDERS ASSOCIATION (ARTBA) FEATURING BRIEFINGS BY SENIOR REPRESENTATIVES FROM: BART Oakland Airport Connector Partnerships British Columbia City of Chicago Philadelphia Regional Port Authority Colorado Department Of Transportation Port of New Orleans Commonwealth of Massachusetts State of California Federal Highway Administration State of Pennsylvania Nevada Department of Transportation Texas Department of Transportation Northwest Parkway Public Highway Authority U.S. Department of Transportation Virginia Department of Transportation Oregon Department of Transportation Washington State Department Of Transportation Bronze Sponsor: Supporting Organizations: Media Partners: Produced by: Infocast Deal Working Events Infocast Deal Working Events facilitate dealmaking by providing up-to-the-minute market intelligence and valuable insight from leading players on conditions in the current market. The events are powerful networking gatherings that put active market deal-makers face to face—providing a robust environment for establishing the valuable relationships that can result in successful deals. Set Up Meetings With Other Participants Before the Event Through Our Event Contact System As a confirmed attendee you will receive a link with a password that will admit you to a site where you can contact other attendees and set up meetings before the event. About the Event Opportunities in Transportation Infrastructure has established itself as a major gathering place where key government transportation officials come to brief the private sector on upcoming initiatives in transportation infrastructure projects. In 2007, eighteen government officials were on hand to discuss the opportunities for the private sector to participate in their transportation programs. Again, in 2008, the event will feature an outstanding line-up of government transportation representatives who will provide briefings on their upcoming initiatives and the role they would like to see the private sector play in their projects for roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, and ports. In addition, the event will showcase a remarkable group of private sector players who are actively developing and financing transportation infrastructure projects and who will share their insights on how private sector companies can add maximum value to the upcoming projects and successfully participate. The event is an excellent chance for the private sector to discover the latest developments and gauge the current opportunities in the market, as well as for government transportation officials to learn how other states and localities are approaching their projects. It is the perfect occasion to make the contacts necessary to play a successful role in the transportation infrastructure projects of the future. The Pre-Conference Tutorial: Transportation Infrastructure – The Tutorial Join our distinguished faculty as they provide an exceptional tutorial covering the critical considerations necessary to establish the structure for a successful transportation infrastructure project. Topics to be covered include Asset Due Diligence, Tax Considerations, Risk Allocation & Bankability, Local Law Considerations, Remedies & Enforcement, the Federal Policy Debate (and its implications for funding) and Public-Public vs. Public-Private Partnerships. Corporate Sponsors Gold Sponsor Mayer Brown LLP is at the cutting edge of providing the sophisticated and multi-disciplinary legal services required for careful analysis and successful implementation of privatization transactions. The firm has been and is counsel for the major infrastructure privatizations that have been complete or are now underway in the United States, including the Chicago Skyway, the Indiana Toll Road, the Northwest Parkway, Chicago Midway International Airport and the Chicago Downtown Parking System. Our work in the privatization area is built upon the firm’s knowledge and expertise as one of the world’s largest law firms in the handling of large-scale transactions and in environmental, regulatory and governmental matters, including specific expertise in the development of large transportation infrastructure projects, mergers and acquisitions, tax securitization, public and private securities offerings, municipal finance and project finance. With more than 1,500 lawyers in key business centers across North America, Europe and Asia, we bring a global perspective to the rapidly growing field of infrastructure privatization. Silver Sponsors Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is a leading international law firm with 28 offices in 16 countries across America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. We provide the highest quality legal advice – domestically and internationally - in the practice areas of greatest important to our clients. Our U.S. practice is a key part of our international network. Our lawyers in the US focus primarily on infrastructure finance and structured finance transactions and related tax issues, as well as corporate transactions, international arbitration and antitrust. Hatch Mott MacDonald is an award winning engineering firm with over 50 offices throughout North America. Its multidisciplinary base of expertise provides solutions for highways, bridges, rail, transit, life-safety/security, aviation, ports and tunnels, as well as water, wastewater and environmental. Hatch Mott MacDonald has built a reputation for technical excellence, developing creative solutions that redefine best practices in the industry. Services include planning, design, technical advice, program/construction management, operations, and maintenance. As leaders in alternative project delivery, including public private partnerships, HMM’s vision is to be the consultant of choice, providing safe and sustainable solutions. Moffatt & Nichol’s transportation practice integrates the firm’s environmental planning, civil and structural engineering expertise with a unique understanding of today’s multi-modal and freight transportation systems. Offering a full range of engineering services out of offices in North America, South America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, Moffatt & Nichol provides planning, design and construction management for highways, bridges, ports and intermodal facilities. Our technical skills are further enhanced by our transportation economics and advisory capabilities. We bring added value to each endeavor, applying creativity and innovation to solve the complexities associated with the most congested transportation and cargo thoroughfares in the world. Nossaman is internationally recognized as a leader in advising public agencies and other stakeholders on the development, financing, and operation of large transportation projects. With approximately $40 billion in projects under advisement, our Infrastructure Practice Group works in more than 25 states on many of the largest and highest profile transportation projects in the country. Our project expertise includes: toll roads and HOT lanes; highways; managed lanes; urban grade transit systems; commuter rail; freight rail; intermodal facilities; bridges; tunnels; bus rapid transit; airports; and seaports. For more information, visit Bronze Sponsor First Southwest Company is one of the country’s preeminent financial advisory and underwriting firms. The firm’s primary focus for the last 61 years has been municipal issuers. Our innovative approach to business has allowed our firm to become one of the largest financial advisory firms in the nation. During 2007, we were the financial advisor on over 5.25 billion in financings for the surface transportation arena. Our knowledge of traditional financing combined with our leadership in the public private partnership area, allows us fully serve all our clients needs. Supporting Organizations Media Partners Opportunities in Transportation Infrastructure Welcome & Introduction By The Event Chairman John Schmidt, Partner, MAYER BROWN LLP Keynote Address: California’s $500 Billion Infrastructure Challenge David Crane, Special Advisor to the Governor for Jobs & Economic Growth, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Panel: The Trailblazers This session spotlights the trailblazers who achieved the initial breakthroughs in public-private partnerships; from the public sector efforts on behalf of the Northwest Parkway and a variety of Texas projects, to the private sector support of the Miami Tunnel, the New Jersey Turnpike and the Virginia HOT Lanes project – these key architects will reveal how they did it – and how they keep on doing it. Moderator: Kathryn Kusske Floyd, Partner, MAYER BROWN LLP Panelists: Gary Groat, Director of Project Development, FLUOR CORPORATION Stephen D. Hogan, Former Executive Director, NORTHWEST PARKWAY PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Michael Parker, Managing Director, JEFFREY PARKER & ASSOCIATES Carol Rein, Managing Director, UBS Phillip E. Russell P.E., Assistant Executive Director For Innovative Project Development, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (tentative) Victor Saltao, CEO, BRISA NORTH AMERICA State Briefings Part I David Dye, COO, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy Kienitz, Deputy Chief of Staff, Governor Edward G. Rendell, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Susan Martinovich, Secretary of Transportation, NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION What Participants Say About Infocast Deal Working Events: An excellent forum of the exchanges of the best practices/lessons learned among a ‘Who’s Who’ of transportation infrastructure professionals. Well done, Infocast!” —Van Walling, Vice President, CH2M Hill Great event! The event staff was on top of everything and ensured that the timing of speakers and schedule was well adhered to.” —Max Holtzman, Principal, The Holtzman Group Panel: New Opportunities In Transportation Infrastructure Part I This panel will discuss upcoming deals from both a U.S. and Canadian perspective as well as examine the growing U.S. “call to arms” to rehabilitate the nation’s transportation infrastructure; a charge being led by a new alignment of organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and political heavyweights such as Ed Rendell, Arnold Schwarzenegger and New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg via their non-partisan coalition, “Building America’s Future”. Moderator: John Schmidt, Partner, MAYER BROWN LLP Panelists: Amanda Farrell, Project Director, PARTNERSHIPS BRITISH COLUMBIA Art James, Innovative Partnerships Project Director, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Janet F. Kavinoky, Director of Transportation Infrastructure, U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Robert Shulock, Senior Vice President, HATCH MOTT MacDONALD Special Status Briefing: Midway Airport Paul Volpe, CFO, THE CITY OF CHICAGO Luncheon Presentation: Critical Commerce Corridors Dr. T. Peter Ruane, President & CEO, AMERICAN ROAD & TRANSPORTATION BUILDERS ASSOCIATION (ARTBA) State Briefings Part II Jay Gonzalez, Undersecretary, Executive Office for Administration & Finance, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Pierce Homer, Secretary of Transportation, VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Very informative! Being new to the world of public-private partnerships, it was an educational opportunity to hear the different perspectives from each of the panel members.” —Gwendolyn Samuels, Product Development & Promotions, Trinity Highway Products A great forum to hear from a diverse and well-informed array of knowledgeable practitioners. These people really know what’s happening in the industry and are willing to share their information.” —Steve Fitzroy, Operation Research Program Manager, Chenesa Advance Solutions & Engineering, LLC Opportunities in Transportation Infrastructure Port Briefings John Estey, Chairman, PHILADELPHIA REGIONAL PORT AUTHORITY Gary LaGrange, President & CEO, PORT OF NEW ORLEANS Panel: The Federal Perspective The federal government is represented by the architects of the Urban Partnership Agreements that awarded over $130 million in grant funds to five cities & states and by representatives from two congressionally-chartered commissions that have provided timely (and controversial) reports on the potential solutions to repairing our transportation infrastructure. Moderator: Karen Hedlund, Partner, NOSSAMAN GUTHNER KNOX & ELLIOTT LLP Panelists: Susan Binder, Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy & Governmental Affairs, FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION and Executive Director, NATIONAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION POLICY & REVENUE STUDY COMMISSION David Horner, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, Office of the Secretary, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Kathy Ruffalo-Farnsworth, Principal, RUFFALO & ASSOCIATES and Commissioner, NATIONAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING COMMISSION Panel: New Opportunities In Transportation Infrastructure – Part II Our second panel on New Opportunities in Transportation Infrastructure provides both state DOT and transit perspectives as well as observations from key private sector players on upcoming deals and how they can best be realized. Moderator: Barney A. Allison, Partner, NOSSAMAN GUTHNER KNOX & ELLIOTT LLP Panelists: Heather Copp, CFO, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Tom Dunscombe, Project Manager, BART OAKLAND AIRPORT CONNECTOR Dr. Stefan Parche, PPP Asset Management N. A., BABCOCK & BROWN Robert Prieto, Senior Vice President, FLUOR DANIEL, INC. Panel: Financial Perspectives From The Private Sector The private sector weighs in with their own perspectives on infrastructure financing. They will detail how they’re prepared to accommodate the evolving requirements of states and local governments in order to become effective partners in the rehabilitation of their transportation infrastructure projects. Moderator: Dolly Mirchandani, Partner, FRESHFIELDS BRUCKHAUS DERINGER Panelists: Robert Flanagan, Senior Vice President, FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY Stephen Howard, Senior Vice President, LEHMAN BROTHERS Dr. Walter Kemmsies, Chief Economist, MOFFATT & NICHOL Glenn W. Muscosky, Vice President – Infrastructure Investments, JP MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT Christophe Petit, Director, Infrastructure & Asset Finance, SOCIETE GENERALE Pre-Event Transportation Infrastructure Tutorial Wednesday, May 14, 2008 About The Tutorial: This all-day tutorial will feature an exceptional faculty of industry professionals who will explore the essential elements for successfully developing public-private partnership projects. This top-to-bottom review will examine everything from the most basic structures and strategies to the evolving hybrids of public-public partnerships and performanceoriented partnerships. Tutorial Agenda: Welcome From the Tutorial Chairman David Narefsky, Partner, MAYER BROWN LLP LETTING THE PROJECT DRIVE THE DEAL STRUCTURE: Identifying The Right Strategy For Your Project Michael Parker, Managing Director, JEFFREY PARKER & ASSOCIATES ASSET DUE DILIGENCE Dr. Walter Kemmsies, Chief Economist, MOFFATT & NICHOL TAX CONSIDERATIONS Jay Zukerman, Principal, ERNST & YOUNG PUBLIC-PUBLIC PARTNERSHIPS VS. PUBLICPRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS John Flaherty, Principal, THE CARLYLE GROUP LOCAL LAW CONSIDERATIONS David Narefsky, Partner, MAYER BROWN LLP RISK ALLOCATION & BANKABILITY FOR TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Fredric W. Kessler, Partner, NOSSAMAN GUTHNER KNOX & ELLIOTT LLP REMEDIES & ENFORCEMENT Joseph Seliga, Partner, MAYER BROWN LLP Join Us! At the historic Almas Temple located at 1315 K Street NW. For a list of nearby hotels please refer to the event website at TRANSPORTATION & INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING: The Federal Policy Debate & Its Implications Kent Rowey, Partner, FRESHFIELDS BRUCKHAUS DERINGER Due to the Rapidly Evolving Arena of Transportation Infrastructure New Speakers Are Being Added To This Program For More Information & Speaker Updates Or To Register Please Visit: Five Easy Ways to Register: nnPhone (818) 888-4444 ooFax (818) 888-4440 ppEmail Tuition Opportunities In Transportation Infrastructure: (May 15 & 16) Transportation Infrastructure – The Tutorial (May 14): Registration Form qqMail 6800 Owensmouth Ave. Suite 300 Canoga Park, CA 91303 rrWeb transinf Standard Government $1,695.00 $795.00 $795.00 $495.00 Discounts: Government Employees (see above). Team Discount for teams of three of more from the same organization, the third and subsequent registrants qualify for a 50% discount (applies to standard registrants only). Please note: Discounts are subject to verification and approval. No discounts can be combined. Venue/Hotel Accommodations: The event will be held at the Almas Temple, which is located at 1351 K Street NW, Washington, DC, 20005. For a list of nearby hotels, please visit the event website at for additional information. Continuing Education Credits: Infocast certifies that this activity has been approved for Continuing Education credit by the State of California in the amount of 9 hours for the conference and an additional 5.75 hours for the workshop. Continuing Education credit hours are subject to change. Please make checks payable to: “Infocast” Opportunities In Transportation Infrastructure May 14-16, 2008 | Almas Temple | Washington, DC Please check one or more of the following: I would like to take advantage of the team discount (see left) I can’t attend, but put me on your mailing list for future programs Tuition Standard Govt. Opportunities In Transportation Infrastructure (May 15 & 16) $1,695.00 $795.00 Transportation Infrastructure - The Tutorial (May 14): $795.00 $495.00 Total: Name:_________________________________________________________ Position:_______________________________________________________ Organization:___________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________ City:___________________________ State:_ __________ Zip:_ ________ Phone:_________________________ Fax:___________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________ Cancellation, Refunds & Credits: Should you be unable to attend, a refund, less a $195 administrative charge, will be made for cancellations received via letter or fax at least 10 working days before the event. We will be pleased to transfer your registration to another member of your company, or credit the registration fee to another Infocast conference if you register within 6 months from the date of this conference. In the event the conference is cancelled, Infocast’s liability is limited to the refund of the conference registration fee only. Main Supervisor:________________________________________________ Infocast is a division of Information Forecast, Inc., a California Corporation. Card Holder Name:_____________________________________________ Credit Card: ___Visa ___Mastercard ___American Express Card #:_____________________________________ Exp. Date:_________ Signature:______________________________________________________ An Infocast Deal Working Event May 14-16, 2008 Almas Temple | Washington, DC Infocast 6800 Owensmouth Ave. Suite 300 Canoga Park, CA 91303 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #436 ARCADIA, CA