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The Hidden Gold Secrets World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Table of Contents 1. Make Gold with your Professions Gathering Professions: Mining Skinning Herbalism Service/Production Professions: Alchemy Blacksmithing Enchanting Engineering Jewelcrafting Leatherworking Tailoring 2. Farming Soloing Instances Farming Motes 3. Buy from Vendor – Sell AH Alliance Vendors Horde Vendors Outland Vendors 4. Buy low – Sell High Make Gold Out Of Nothing Make Gold with Auctioneer Trade Channel Buy All of an Item Good Deal and Bad Deal / Rare Items Twink Items Neutral AH 5. How to Install and Use Addons 6. Copyright / Disclaimer / Contact 1. Make Gold with your Professions Gathering Professions Download Gatherer , click here for information and see how to download/use. Mining Mining in my opinion is the best gathering profession. Since The Burning Crusade came out now 3 professions use mining resources: Engineering, Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting. Due to the high demand you will be able to sell your stuff very fast and for decent gold. You will start earning from mining Copper at level 6 but don't invest your time farming ores at low levels . Level mining while you are on your way to 70; Smelt only 40% of your ores, some players make a better use of the ore itself. Mining 251-300 - [Thorium Ore] Here you start making gold out of mining. Best places to farm now are Un'goro Crater and Eastern Plaguelands. A stack of [Thorium Bar]s goes for 10g-25g but you will also find [Arcane Crystal]s used to Transmute: Arcanite. Mining in Outland Having a flying mount while mining in the Outlands can make your life more easier but if you don't have one don't worry, you will get one very soon (mount I mean ☺ Along with the ores you will find all kinds of gems in the veins. If you have some gold on you; considering you are far away from Auction House you should ask from time to time on General if someone has ores, gems or primals for sale, offer them 40%-50% of the median AH buyout. (Apply tip for Skinning and Herbalism also) 300-325 - [Fel Iron Ore] 325-350 - [Adamantite Ore] 350-375 - [Adamantite Ore] [Khorium Ore] Skinning This gathering profession is very nice while leveling; you will have just enough killing mobs quest to gain level. You can choose your 2nd profession leatherworking or just sell the leather at the AH. Finding quests that require you to kill mobs will result in: experience + drops + leather. [Knothide Leather] There are no best places to farm this, same chance with every skinnable mob in the Outland. [Crystal Infused Leather] Blades Edge Mountains. Mobs: Apexis Flayer - Grishnath Basilisk. [Cobra Scale] Shadowmoon Valley. Mobs: Coilskar Cobra. [Fel Hide] Forge Camp Wrath. Mobs: Wrath Hound. [Fel Scales] Hellfire Peninsula. Mobs: Quillfang Skitterer - Quillfang Ravager. [Wind Scales] Blades Edge. Mobs: Felsworn Scalewing - Scalewing Serpent. [Nether Dragonscales] Netherstorm. Mobs: Nether Drake Herbalism Bad part with Herbalism is that you won't make a nice income until level 60. The good part is that not to many people choose Herbalism so your herbs will sell for real gold. Herbalism goes side by side with Alchemy. Herbs in Outland [Mana Thistle] Best Zones: Terokkar, Blades Edge Mountains, Shadowmoon Valley. [Felweed] Terokkar Forest - [Dreaming Glory] , [Terocone] spawns also, Terocone sells for 40g-60g a stack. [Netherbloom] Netherstorm - only here can be found. [Ragveil] Zangarmarsh - only here can be found. [Nightmare Vine] Shadowmoon Valley - only here can be found. Service/Production Professions Alchemy This is a great profession for making some serious gold because potions, elixirs and flasks are useful to all classes; Alchemists can also convert certain raw materials into other types of materials. Mastering Alchemy At level 68 with 325 Alchemy skill you will be able to specialize one of the tree areas: Transmuting, Potions, and Elixirs. What does it means ? You can end up getting 5 additional items in the creation of the same item with a 10%-15% chance. You can discover potions, elixirs, transmuting receipts while you craft TBC items. Making Gold by selling potions, elixirs and flasks These days the old buying the herbs from AH to make potions and sell for profit trick doesn't work that good anymore. You will notice that 90% of the time buying the herbs from AH for crafting a popular potion like [Super Healing Potion] will result in a 50%100% loss. You should be able to find a glitch (A potion that will cost you 20%-50% of the sale price to craft) on any server but the best way to go is to buy the herbs from wholesalers. Some farmers prefer to sell all their hard work on trade channel usually for much less than AH price, just drop them a whisper; if the deal works out fine ask them to add you on their friends list and C.O.D. the future herbs to you for the same price. As an alchemist you should have some macros with WTB [specific zone herb] while questing; Post it on general from time to time. Most wanted pots [Elixir of Lesser Agility] , [Elixir of Giant Growth] , [Swiftness Potion] You should be able to find any of this recipes at AH under 5g each. [Free Action Potion] The recipe is sold by vendor 18 Silver, for Alliance Soolie Berryfizz in Ironforge and Ulthir in Darnassus and for Horde Kor'geld in Ogrimmar. [Lesser Invisibility Potion] You will learn this from trainer. [Super Mana Potion] Recipe 5 gold sold by Daga Ramba or Haalrun in Outland. [Super Healing Potion] Recipe 2 gold sold by Kyren in Zul'Aman or Dealer Sadaqat in Netherstorm. Discovered flasks [Flask of Pure Death] , [Flask of Fortification] , [Flask of Mighty Restoration] , [Flask of Relentless Assault] Nothing more to say then gook luck in discovering them because these flasks are A Must for hardcore raiders. Don't expect the postman to ring in 5 minutes after you put them on AH but Hey ! these go for 25-60g each and they sell. Making gold by transmuting Transmutation requires a Philosopher's Stone (Recipe is sold by Alchemist Pestlezugg in Tanaris) and carries a 20 hours cooldown during which no other item can be transmuted by the alchemist. 15-25g daily profit: [Transmute Primal Earth to Water] For the recipe you need to be revered with Sporregar. Primal Earth has a very high drop rate while Primal Water does not, so this transmute will guarantee you the price difference between those two,15g-25g. If you choose to master transmuting don't sell your daily transmute, give them away for free with the condition of you keeping the eventual procs. Items that can generate nice profit: [Primal Might] Recipe is 8g sold by Altaa, Melaris or Skreah. [Earthstorm Diamond] For the recipe you need to be honored with Cenarion Expedition / Thrallmar - Honor Hold. Having a four primal might proc can bring you 500g-800g for a 10 sec work but don't expect this to happen very often, you can have a week without a proc. Blacksmithing This is not such a good idea if you want to make gold out of your profession because blacksmithing plans and the materials are VERY expensive. Blacksmithing is great for Paladins or Warriors, who can use the skill to create their own equipment BOP. Enchanters need various types of rods that can be purchased from you. [Silver Rod] Learned by trainer. Only 1g profit. [Golden Rod] Learned by trainer. Only 1g profit. [Truesilver Rod] Learned by trainer. Only 2g-3g profit. [Arcanite Rod] Formula is sold by Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade for 2g 20s. 10g15g prfit. [Fel Iron Rod] Learned by trainer. 10g-15g profit. [Adamantite Rod] Formula is sold by Rungor in Terokkar Forest or Vodesiin in Hellfire Peninsula for 10g. 10g-15g profit. [Eternium Rod] Formula is sold by Madame Ruby in Shattrath City for 12g. 15g-30g profit. Enchanting This is one of my favorite professions, not because of the providing item enchantment services to other players feature, because you can disenchant armor and weapons for magical elementals. Leveling enchanting to 300 is profitless and more than that, a bit expensive if you want to do it overnight but it's definitely worth it. While you level from 300 to 375 you know you made the right choice not only that you gain skill, customers will tip you 2g-10g per enchant. Enchantment Services Basically all you have to do is to park in a major city and post your advertising messages, like "WTS Fiery Weapon Enchant ! Your Mats, Tips Are Welcome !" , "WTS Mongoose Enchant 500g, My Mats". This job can be time consuming , I recommend doing this while you have some other business in town. Most wanted enchants are not learned from trainer. Best way to go is to get the materials for an enchant for less than AH price or for free by disenchanting quest rewards or BOP's you don't need; and then sell the enchant with your materials. 1. BoE World Drops Formulas; these can be bought from AH. I like to get lucky when I make this kind of purchases, I always buy them for much less than average price, Patience. Ex [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon] , [Formula: Enchant Weapon Lifestealing] , [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader] . 2. BoP Boss Drops Formulas; these have a small chance to drop from a raid boss and you may not be the only enchanter in that raid. Don't focus to much on this ones, you can run an instance 100 times and no drop, for what ? for a 30g-100g profit a day ? Ex [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] , [Formula: Enchant Weapon Executioner] , [Formula: Formula: Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost] 3. BoE Faction Vendor Formulas; these can be bought from different factions if you have reputation with them. Ex [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Healing] , [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility] Disenchanting This is the nice part of enchanting that will net you 100g-500g for a 10 min work. Use of Auctioneer/Enchantrix AddOn will give you the average disenchantment value of any disenchantable item. If a [Large Prismatic Shard] goes for 25g on your server all you need to do is to scan AH for 65+ rare items under 20g-15g, buy them, disenchant and sell the prismatics. Auction them 1g cheaper than the median buyout price so you can sell them fast. You are not restricted in any way , depending on the server's economy you need to find the items that sell for less than their disenchant value. Mixing tailoring with enchanting is a great idea, here you need to find the item you can create as a tailor that cost you less than his disenchant value to make. AH does not charge you a fee when you list enchanting materials. When listing shards if you don’t have that many, don't auction them as a 20 stack, one by one or as popular enchants ask; Ex [Enchant Weapon - Crusader] require 4x [Large Brilliant Shard]. Engineering Like blacksmithing, engineering is a bad idea if you want to make gold because most of the items you craft are BoP. Engineering is for fun and PvP. However, if you like fun and PvP here is what you can get out of Engineering: Pets [Mechanical Squirrel Box] Schematic is a world drop, these don't sell for much. [Pet Bombling] You get it by renewing gnomish engineering membership. [Lil' Smoky] You get it by renewing gnomish engineering membership. [Lifelike Mechanical Toad] Schematic is a world drop, check AH from time to time for this; the frogs are great ! Scopes [Sniper Scope] World drop Schematic, buy this from AH if the price is right. [Adamantite Scope] Schematic is sold by Daggle Ironshaper or Mixie Farshot in The Outlands for 6g. [Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope] , [Khorium Scope] , [Stabilized Eternium Scope] Best to have but the schematics are rare BoP drops. [Gyro-balanced Khorium Destroyer] This is an awesome gun, looks great ! You get the schematic from your engineering trainer in Thrallmar/Honor Hold. It's not cheap to craft but you can add 200g-500g and throw this baby in the AH. Jewelcrafting This profession will bring pain when it comes to level it. After you finally hit 375 you will hit the search AH button for some designs and think of it as a mistake. But is not, trust me. Level it to 375 will empty your pockets out of 1000g and you have to come out with another 4 digit number to buy some patterns. Now the very good part of Jewelcrafting. Prospecting Here you won't need to buy designs from AH, prospecting is learned from trainer, is the ability to cut gems from 5 mineral ores. This is easy. [Adamantite Ore] has the best rare blue drop rate. All you need to do here is to find the best deal on adamantite ores , buy , prospect and sell the gems. Depending on how lucky you are this can end up with 500g-1000g profit for a 20 min work; you will need a lot of gold to buy the ores but profit is very nice. Cutting Gems Buying designs from AH is not such a good idea 90% of the time , you will always find them on trade channel much cheaper; be patience. Tell your guild members you are high in JC and you will cut them gems for free, let them know you want to be the JC of the guild. If you receive a mail out of no where with a rare design don't be so surprised. Anyway , make sure you learn to cut as many rare gems as you can. The price between the uncut gem and the cut one may vary from 10g-50g depending on rarity and server's economy but you should have no problems finding a 100g difference from time to time. Here is what you can do for instant cash and to protect your investment: Ex AH price for [Swift Skyfire Diamond] is 245g while for the uncut one [Skyfire Diamond] is 200g. Post on trade "WTS [Swift Skyfire Diamond] 230g". AH price being higher you are looking like a great deal. Do this with every possible rare cut you have but make sure the gold you are getting per cut will satisfy you. Customers will be happy, You will be happy, Everyone will be happy ! Sometimes players have the material so all you will get is a 5g-10g tip. With the 2.4 patch release jewelcrafters have the ability to turn 3 of each green gems into 1 random blue gem so we are looking at a 50g-150g daily profit. The recipe is available from grandmaster jewelcrafting trainers. Leatherworking 350 to 375 is not funny at all. If you are crafting armor learned from your trainer you need around 2000g. If not, you need reputation with different faction to grab some patterns. 350-355 Honoured with Scryers or The Consortium [Enchanted Felscale Gloves] or [Pattern: Fel Leather Boots], 360-365 you can buy [Pattern: Riding Crop] for 5 gold and sell the trinkets to get your gold back or be Friendly with Cenarion Expedition for [ Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Boots], 365-370 Exalted with Thrallmar/Honor Hold [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] these sell well or Exalted with The Sha'tar to make [Drums of Battle] ,370-375 Exalted with Keepers of Time to learn [Drums of Panic]. Selling Leg Armor Kits [Clefthide Leg Armor] Requires Cenarion Expedition - Honored to buy this pattern. 10g25g profit. [Nethercobra Leg Armor] Requires Honor Hold/Thrallmar - Exalted to buy this pattern. 20g-100g profit. [Nethercleft Leg Armor] Requires Cenarion Expedition - Exalted to buy this pattern. 20g-100g profit. Selling Epic Armor Before patch 2.4 [Primal Nether] was BoP, that giving the Leatherworker a bonus added to the "I know to craft a rare armor piece" bonus. Well, now is BoE making LWcrafting more common. You can still make a few hundreds dollars per rare pattern but every player will aim now to farm all the materials needed and then find a letherworker; but what about my favorite players ? rich players with no interest in farming. Patterns on AH usually go for 300g-1200g, buy them when they are low, there is no need to hurry. When you buy a pattern make sure you do a research on google, see what is that all about. Very nice BoP epic patterns drop in Black Temple and Hyjal Summit; good luck with that ! Tailoring Same as leatherworking but not as painful to level. 360-375 make [Imbued Netherweave Tunic] Pattern is sold for 6g by Arrond in Shadowmoon Valley. Selling Leg Armor Kits [Mystic Spellthread] Requires The Scryers - Honored to buy this pattern. 10g-25g profit. [Silver Spellthread] Requires The Aldor - Honored to buy this pattern. 10g-25g profit. [Runic Spellthread] Requires The Scryers - Exalted to buy this pattern. 20g-100g profit. [Golden Spellthread] Requires The Aldor - Exalted to buy this pattern. 20g-100g profit. Selling Epic Armor Addicted primal nether profession with 2 day, 20 hours cooldowns on [Spellcloth], [Shadowcloth] and [Primal Mooncloth]. These cloths are a Must Buy! You can also trade them. Ex "WTT [Spellcloth] for [Shadowcloth] ". A few nice patterns drop in instances with a drop rate of 1%-3% but running an instance 100 times for a pattern drop does not look like a good idea. Ex [Whitemend Pants] [Whitemend Hood] [Spellstrike Pants] [Spellstrike Hood]. For BoE ones camp the AH and tell your guild mates you are in need of rare and epic patterns, even if they will not give them away for free they should give you a very nice discount. [Resolute Cape] is not that much to make and you can do a nice 200g-300g profit, Pattern from AH should not be that expensive. If you know how to sew epic cloth and don't want to risk your gold just let people know what you have. Ask them 100g-200g for service if they don't have any other alternative. Selling Bags [Enchanted Runecloth Bag] Pattern is sold by Kania in Silithus. 1g-5g [Cenarion Herb Bag] Pattern is sold by Mishta in Silithus. 1g-5g [Big Bag of Enchantment] Check AH for pattern. 10g-20g [Satchel of Cenarius] Requires Cenarion Circle - Revered to buy this pattern. 10g-20g [Bag of Jewels] Requires The Consortium - Honored to buy this pattern. 10g-20g [Ebon Shadowbag] Pattern is sold by Andrion Darkspinner in Shattrath City. 20g-50g profit. [Spellfire Bag] Pattern is sold by Gidge Spellweaver in Shattrath City. 20g-50g profit. [Primal Mooncloth Bag] Pattern is sold by Nasmara Moonsong in Shattrath City. 20g100g profit. 2. Farming At low levels is not in your best interest since it's worthless and your primary concern is to ding 70. Farming and gathering professions are boring and should be taking into consideration only when you are broke or looking for fast cash. Soloing instances as enchanter Pack your bags (be sure they are large) , put your best gear on and go hunting in preTBC instances. Blackrock Depths - [Small Brilliant Shard]s [Large Brilliant Shard]s [Dream Dust]s [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon] Lower Blackrock Spire - [Large Brilliant Shard]s [Greater Eternal Essence]s [Illusion Dust]s BOE blues Scholomance - [Large Brilliant Shard]s [Greater Eternal Essence]s [Illusion Dust]s [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing] [Dark Rune]s [Pristine Black Diamond] Stratholme - [Large Brilliant Shard]s [Illusion Dust]s [Righteous Orb]s [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Unholy] If you are not an enchanter farm Shadowfang Keep , at level 70 you should wipe that place in 10-15 min. ; just be sure you Shift the loot ( 3 stacks of wool cloth and 12-15 greens ). Wool Cloth sells very good at the AH and for the greens you can get between 2g-5g per piece. If you do the mats SFK will gold you 40g-60g per run + you have a very small chance for a nice blue like [Assassin's Blade] to drop, 1000g value. Farming primals in The Outland If you are on a PvP server get ready to be ganged, life full, half full does not matter , you will be ganged. Some enemies will camp your corpse and after you will resurrect they will kill you again; they will even use an emotion like "laugh" just to get you mad. That's not all, you will have to face competition as well. Below are the best places to farm primals, if a place is overfarmed just try to find another place with less or no farmers; and don't forget to check AH for prices before you decide what motes you will be farming. Best place to farm is by far Elemental Plateau, especially for a caster but here you should have competition 24/7. Primal Air 1. Shadowmoon Valley. Mob: Enraged Air Spirit. Level: 69-70. 2. Elemental Plateau. Mob: Storming Wind-Ripper. Level: 70-71. Requires Flying Mount. Primal Earth These primals are very cheap because they can be mined; no need to farm these. Primal Fire 1. Blade's Edge. Mob: Searing Elemental. Level: 67-68. 2. Elemental Plateau. Mob: Raging Fire-Soul. level: 70-71. Requires Flying Mount. Primal Life 1. Terrokar Forest. Mob: Infested Root-Walker. Level: 63-65. 2. Zangarmarsh. Mobs: Fungal Giant, Withered Giant. Level: 67-68, 60-62. Primal Mana 1. Netherstorm. Mobs: Mageslayer , Mana Seeker. Level: 68-69. Phase Hunter. Level: 67-68. Requires Flying Mount. Primal Shadow 1. Hellfire Peninsula. Mobs: Collapsing Voidwalker , Vacillating Voidcaller. Level: 6162. 2. Netherstorm. Mobs: Voidshrieker , Unstable Voidwraith. Level: 67-69. Requires Flying Mount. Primal Water 1. Terrokar Forest. Mob: Shimmerscale Eel. Level: 60-62. Mob: Skettis Surger. Level: 67-68 2. Nagrand. Mob: Crashing Wave-Spirit. Level: 70-71. 3. Buy from Vendor – Sell AH This technique is very simple, you buy recipes and items from vendors and then sell them at the AH for easy profit. A big percentage of your buyers don't know the recipes (items) are sold by vendors and the price you ask looks fair to them. The other percentage of your customers know where to buy the recipe (item) from but they rather pay you the taxi service than to travel all the way to the vendor. Most of them are Limited Supply Items so there may not be available for purchase when you pass by. Always search the AH price before posting recipes bought from vendor. If you have competition just action 10 silver less, your stuff will sell first. For a common book like [Expert First Aid - Under Wraps] (unlimited supply) you will see that the price is already settled somewhere within 3g-4g while you can buy this with 1g from vendor. Nothing much to do here; satisfy with a few gold profit. If you don't have competition don't be afraid to ask as much gold as you can, just make sure you stay in a common sense limit. For ex. [Formula: Enchant Shield - Major Stamina] you can buy it with 4g from vendor, if there is no competition auction it with 80g. If you compare the 80g price with what the enchant does, it is viable. If you have more than one item to sell in this case don't flood the market, sell them one by one. I have set up a list with recipes and items that sell good, based on your level, zone and faction, so you can easily browse through. I also included the average AH buyout on most of the servers. NOTE! This prices are the most common seen in the AH. You can always try to push prices to another level. Alliance Vendors Cities Ironforge [Pattern: Tuxedo Jacket] [Pattern: Tuxedo Shirt] [Pattern: Tuxedo Pants] [Schematic: Gnomish Universal Remote] [Recipe: Free Action Potion] Outfitter Eric Outfitter Eric Outfitter Eric Gearcutter Cogspinner Soolie Berryfizz 50s 45s 45s 12s 18s 5g 5g 5g 4g 5g Stormwind City [Recipe: Elixir of Shadow Power] [White Kitten] [Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch] Maria Lumere Lil Timmy Betty Quin 1g 60s 60s 6g 6g 4g Darnassus [Recipe: Great Rage Potion] [Recipe: Free Action Potion] Ulthir Ulthir 20s 18s 2g 5g [Recipe: Superior Mana Potion] [Great Horned Owl] [Hawk Owl] Ulthir Shylenai Shylenai 1,2g 50s 50s 4g 3g 3g The Exodar [Blue Moth] [White Moth] [Yellow Moth] [Recipe: Transmute Primal Might] [Recipe: Elixir of Camouflage] [Pattern: Heavy Knothide Leather] Sixx Sixx Sixx Altaa Altaa Haferet 50s 50s 50s 8g 3g 5g 3g 3g 3g 20g 12g 15g Elwynn Forest [Bombay] [Cornish Rex] [Orange Tabby] [Silver Tabby] Donni Anthania Donni Anthania Donni Anthania Donni Anthania 40s 40s 40s 40s 3g 3g 3g 3g Dun Morogh [Snowshoe Rabbit] Yarlyn Amberstill 20s 3g Harlown Darkweave 18s 12g Darnall Darnall Lorelae Wintersong Lorelae Wintersong Lorelae Wintersong 50s 1,2g 1,6g 2,2g 2g 8g 8g 12g 14g 15g Gnomeregan [Schematic: Minor Recombobulator] Namdo Bizzfizzle 15s 5g Hillsbrad Foothills [Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables] Zixil 20s 5g Level 1-10 Level 10-20 Ashenvale [Pattern: Herbalist's Gloves] Moonglade [Pattern: Runecloth Boots] [Pattern: Runecloth Robe] [Pattern: Felcloth Pants] [Formula: Runed Arcanite Rod] [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense] Level 20-30 [Pattern: Earthen Leather Shoulders] [Pattern: Thick Murloc Armor] [Design: Blazing Citrine Ring] Zixil Micha Yance Micha Yance 20s 6s 20s 2g 3g 2g Wetlands [Pattern: Green Leather Armor] [Pattern: Red Whelp Gloves] [Pattern: Azure Silk Gloves] [Design: Pendant of the Agate Shield] Wenna Silkbeard Wenna Silkbeard Wenna Silkbeard Neal Allen 20s 16s 10s 15s 2g 2g 2g 2g Alterac Mountains [Recipe: Frost Oil] [Pattern: Stormshroud Pants] [Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets] Bro'kin Leonard Porter Leonard Porter 25s 1,6g 1,2g 6g 20g 14g Arathi Highlands [Pattern: Raptor Hide Belt] [Manual - Heavy Silk Bandage] [Manual - Mageweave Bandage] [Expert First Aid - Under Wraps] Androd Fadran Deneb Walker Deneb Walker Deneb Walker 25s 22s 50s 1g 5g 4g 5g 5g Booty Bay [Schematic: Accurate Scope] Mazk Snipeshot 20s 4g Dustwallow Marsh [Design: Black Pearl Panther] Helenia Olden 50s 5g Stranglethorn Vale [Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves] [Pattern: Gem-Studded Leather Belt] Rikqiz Rikqiz 35s 30s 15g 15g Feralas [Pattern: Living Shoulders] Pratt McGrubben 1,4g 15g Hinterlands [Pattern: Nightscape Shoulders] Nioma 40s 8g Tanaris [Schematic: EZ-Throw Dynamite] Blizrik Buckshot 50s 5g Level 30-40 Level 40-50 [Recipe: Philosopher's Stone] [Recipe: Transmute Arcanite] [Pattern: Soul Pouch] Alchemist Pestlezugg Alchemist Pestlezugg Vizzklick 80s 5g 1,2g 9g 12g 14g Jubie Gadgetspring 36s 10g Lokhtos Darkbargainer 10g 25g Lokhtos Darkbargainer 3g 20g Western Plaguelands [Plans: Storm Gauntlets] [Recipe: Major Mana Potion] Magnus Frostwake Magnus Frostwake 4g 3g 20g 6g Winterspring [Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Health] [Pattern: Mooncloth] [Pattern: Runecloth Bag] Qia Qia Qia 1,6g 2g 1,2g 18g 6g 5g Orgrimmar [Black Kingsnake] [Brown Snake] [Crimson Snake] [Recipe: Free Action Potion] [Recipe: Great Rage Potion] Xan'tish Xan'tish Xan'tish Kor'geld Hagrus 50s 50s 50s 18s 20s 3g 3g 3g 5g 2g Undercity [Pattern: Tuxedo Jacket] [Pattern: Tuxedo Shirt] [Pattern: Tuxedo Pants] [Recipe: Elixir of Shadow Power] [Cockroach] Outfitter Eric Outfitter Eric Outfitter Eric Algernon Jeremiah Payson 50s 45s 45s 1g 50s 5g 5g 5g 6g 3g Level 50-60 Azshara [Schematic: Deepdive Helmet] Blackrock Depths [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect] [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Strength] Horde Vendors Major Cities Thunder Bluff [Brown Prairie Dog] Halpa 50s 3g Jilanne Jilanne Jilanne Erilia 50s 50s 50s 60s 3g 3g 3g 4g Veenix 20s 5g Gnomeregan [Schematic: Minor Recombobulator] Namdo Bizzfizzle 15s 5g Hillsbrad Foothills [Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables] [Pattern: Earthen Leather Shoulders] [Pattern: Green Leather Armor] Zixil Zixil George Candarte 20s 20s 20s 5g 2g 2g Thousand Needles [Design: Pendant of the Agate Shield] [Pattern: Barbaric Leggings] Jandia Jandia 15s 6s 2g 2g Alterac Mountains [Recipe: Frost Oil] Bro'kin 25s 6g Arathi Highlands [Pattern: Raptor Hide Harness] Tunkk 25s 3g Booty Bay [Schematic: Accurate Scope] [Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves] [Pattern: Gem-Studded Leather Belt] Mazk Snipeshot Rikqiz Rikqiz 20s 35s 30s 4g 15g 15g Level 1-10 Eversong Woods [Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling] [Red Dragonhawk Hatchling] [Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling] [Enchanted Mageweave Pouch] Level 10-20 Stonetalon Mountains [Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables] Level 20-30 Level 30-40 Dustwallow Marsh [Manual - Heavy Silk Bandage] [Manual - Mageweave Bandage] [Expert First Aid - Under Wraps] Balai Lok'Wein Balai Lok'Wein Balai Lok'Wein 22s 50s 1g 4g 5g 5g Swamp of Sorrows [Design: Black Pearl Panther] Banalash 50s 5g Feralas [Pattern: Nightscape Shoulders] [Pattern: Living Shoulders] Jangdor Swiftstrider Jangdor Swiftstrider 40s 1,4g 4g 15g Tanaris [Schematic: EZ-Throw Dynamite] [Recipe: Philosopher's Stone] [Recipe: Transmute Arcanite] [Pattern: Soul Pouch] Blizrik Buckshot Alchemist Pestlezugg Alchemist Pestlezugg Vizzklick 50s 80s 5g 1,2g 5g 9g 12g 14g Jubie Gadgetspring 36s 10g Lokhtos Darkbargainer 10g 25g Lokhtos Darkbargainer 3g 20g Western Plaguelands [Recipe: Major Mana Potion] [Plans: Storm Guantlets] [Pattern: Stormshroud Pants] [Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets] Magnus Frostwake Magnus Frostwake Werg Thickblade Werg Thickblade 3g 4g 1,6g 1,2g 6g 20g 15g 5g Winterspring [Pattern: Mooncloth] [Pattern: Runecloth Bag] [Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Health] Qia Qia Qia 2g 1,2g 1,6g 6g 5g 18g Level 40-50 Level 50-60 Azshara [Schematic: Deepdive Helmet] Blackrock Depths [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect] [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Strength] Outland Vendors Shattrath City [Plans: Adamantite Rod] [Pattern: Shadowcloth] [Pattern: Heavy Knothide Leather] [Pattern: Spellcloth] [Pattern: Bolt of Imbued Netherweave] [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Bag] [Formula: Enchant Shield - Major Stamina] [Formula: Large Prismatic Shard] [Formula: Runed Eternium Rod] [Formula: Superior Mana Oil] [Formula: Superior Wizard Oil] [Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch] [Pattern: Primal Mooncloth] [Recipe: Transmute Primal Might] [Schematic: White Smoke Flare] [Schematic: Fel Iron Toolbox] [Schematic: Adamantite Shell Machine] Aaron Hollman (N) Andrion Darkspinner (N) Cro Threadstrong (N) Gidge Spellweaver (N) Gidge Spellweaver (N) Gidge Spellweaver (N) Madame Ruby (N) Madame Ruby (N) Madame Ruby (N) Madame Ruby (N) Madame Ruby (N) Madame Ruby (N) Nasmara Moonsong (N) Skreah (N) Wind Trader Lathrai (N) Wind Trader Lathrai (N) Wind Trader Lathrai (N) 4g 4g 5g 4g 4g 4g 4g 6g 12g 5g 60s 7g 4g 8g 6g 4g 6g 20g 15g 15g 15g 10g 15g 20g 15g 30g 15g 15g 4g 15g 20g 12g 16g 18g Blade's Edge Mountains [Recipe: Elixir of Major Defense] [Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion] [Recipe: Super Mana Potion] Daga Ramba (H) Daga Ramba (H) Daga Ramba (H) 5g 5g 5g 12g 12g 12g Hellfire Peninsula [Manual: Heavy Netherweave Bandage] [Manual: Netherweave Bandage] [Master First Aid - Doctor in the House] [Master Cookbook] [Mining Sack] [Heavy Toolbox] [Gem Pouch] [Enchanter's Satchel] [Mining Sack] [Heavy Toolbox] [Gem Pouch] [Enchanter's Satchel] [Master Cookbook] [Schematic: Adamantite Scope] Aresella (H) Aresella (H) Aresella (H) Baxter (H) Baxter (H) Baxter (H) Baxter (H) Baxter (H) Caregiver Ophera (A) Caregiver Ophera (A) Caregiver Ophera (A) Caregiver Ophera (A) Gaston (A) Mixie Farshot (H) 4g 2g 5g 2g 10g 14g 12g 14g 10g 14g 12g 14g 2g 6g 10g 8g 12g 6g 18g 24g 20g 24g 18g 24g 20g 24g 6g 14g [Schematic: Cogspinner Goggles] [Plans: Eternium Rod] [Plans: Lesser Ward of Shielding] [Formula: Runed Adamantite Rod] Mixie Farshot (H) Rohok (H) Rohok (H) Vodesiin (A) 6g 12g 6g 10g 15g 24g 15g 26g Nagrand [Pattern: Bolt of Soulcloth] [Pattern: Soulcloth Gloves] [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Bag] [Pattern: Bolt of Soulcloth] [Recipe: Grilled Mudfish] [Recipe: Poached Bluefish] [Recipe: Roasted Clefthoof] [Recipe: Talbuk Steak] Borto (A) Borto (A) Mathar G'ochar (H) Mathar G'ochar (H) Nula the Butcher (H) Nula the Butcher (H) Nula the Butcher (H) Nula the Butcher (H) 4g 8g 4g 4g 3g 3g 3g 3g 12g 25g 15g 12g 12g 12g 12g 12g Netherstorm [Green Smoke Flare] [Elemental Blasting Powder] [Adamantite Grenade] [Parrot Cage (Senegal)] [Cockroach] [Crimson Snake] [Cat Carrier (Siamese)] [Red Moth Egg] [Brown Rabbit Crate] [Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling] [Mana Wyrmling] Qiff (N) Qiff (N) Qiff (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) Dealer Rashaad (N) 10s 20s 1g 40s 50s 50s 60s 10g 10g 10g 40g 50s 70s 2g 3g 3g 3g 3g 18g 18g 18g 60g Shadowmoon Valley [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Robe] [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Tunic] [Schematic: Adamantite Scope] [Plans: Adamantite Breastplate] [Plans: Adamantite Plate Bracers] [Plans: Adamantite Plate Gloves] [Plans: Eternium Rod] [Plans: Lesser Ward of Shielding] Arrond (N) Arrond (N) Daggle Ironshaper (A) Krek Cragcrush (H) Krek Cragcrush (H) Krek Cragcrush (H) Mari Stonehand (A) Mari Stonehand (A) 6g 6g 6g 6g 6g 6g 12g 6g 25g 25g 18g 25g 25g 25g 25g 18g Terokkar Forest [Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion] [Recipe: Sneaking Potion] [Recipe: Blackened Basilisk] [Recipe: Warp Burger] [Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion] [Recipe: Sneaking Potion] [Formula: Runed Adamantite Rod] [Recipe: Golden Fish Sticks] [Recipe: Spicy Crawdad] Zangarmarsh [Schematic: Ultra-Spectropic Detection Goggles] [Schematic: White Smoke Flare] [Recipe: Blackened Trout] [Recipe: Feltail Delight] [Recipe: Elixir of Major Defense] [Recipe: Elixir of Major Frost Power] [Recipe: Super Mana Potion] [Master Fishing - The Art of Angling] [Recipe: Blackened Sporefish] [Strong Fishing Pole] [Plans: Adamantite Breastplate] [Plans: Adamantite Plate Bracers] [Plans: Adamantite Plate Gloves] [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Boots] [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Pants] [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Boots] [Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Pants] [Recipe: Elixir of Major Defense] [Recipe: Elixir of Major Frost Power] [Recipe: Super Mana Potion] Fabian Lanzonelli (A) Fabian Lanzonelli (A) Innkeeper Grilka (H) Innkeeper Grilka (H) Leeli Longhaggle (A) Leeli Longhaggle (A) Rungor (H) Rungor (H) Rungor (H) 5g 3g 3g 3g 5g 3g 10g 3g 3g 12g 15g 12g 12g 12g 15g 25g 12g 12g Captured Gnome (H) 8g 16g Captured Gnome (H) Doba (A) Doba (A) Haalrun (A) Haalrun (A) Haalrun (A) Juno Dufrain (N) Juno Dufrain (N) Juno Dufrain (N) Loolruna (A) Loolruna (A) Loolruna (A) Zurai (H) Zurai (H) Muheru the Weaver (A) Muheru the Weaver (A) Noraani (A) Noraani (A) Noraani (A) 6g 2g 2g 5g 5g 5g 5g 2g 9s 6g 6g 6g 6g 6g 6g 6g 5g 4g 5g 12g 8g 8g 12g 16g 12g 12g 8g 8g 25g 25g 25g 25g 25g 25g 25g 12g 16g 12g 4. Buy low – Sell High You should take the making gold section of the game very serious; knowing how to make huge amounts of gold in a short period of time will put a big smile on your face when you pve or pvp. There are tree ways you can make gold in WoW: Farm or Gather , Production \ Services and Buy Low-Sell High. The first one is very boring, requires a lot of time to invest and it's not that profitable, 150g-200g / hour *see section*. 2nd one is ok because you can do a bunch of stuff beside selling the service, it will eat some time to level a profession but Hey ! ,no effort goes unpaid. What you can make the most out of it ? *see section*. Buy Low-Sell High Simple ! You need to buy items from players who don't know the item value or they are willing to sell for much less and then resell at the AH. I often find myself spending more time to make gold using this technique rather than pve or pvp , not because I don't have enough gold, because of the satisfaction it can offer me. Emptying the MailBox out of 500g-1500g goes like the coffee in the morning. In a way I feel guilty for having that much gold so from time to time I camp a major city and give away free enchants and leg armors to the lower levels. But It's not about the gold you make it's about playing a Marketing Game! Best part of this game is his ability to save time, a very important feature. Make Gold Out Of Nothing - Beginner's Guide Let's say you are starting a new character on a new server. Choose a name (TIP If you desperately want a certain name put a german or french letter like ü ö ß é) and log on. Your gold = 0. STOP ! Log out and make another character, do not put “bank” , “mule” in his name , if an item is sold by 2 sellers at the same price - 1st seller Rockysbank, 2nd seller Kiltox the buyer will buy from the one with a normal name , Kiltox , because he thinks he might help a player who does not have that much money, banks are usually rich. This will be your mule, on this toon you will make business. Take this character in a main city, If you are Horde take it to Ogrimmar - Alliance to Ironforge or Stormwind. These cities are very populated compared to the other main cities. Having an AH/bank Alt is VERY important ! DO NOT play the AH with your main ! Your main is better where he is , leveling or pvping. The reason is ..sometimes some players will not like the way you are dealing. Download Auctioneer/Mailbox Complete, click here for information and see how to download/use. Scan AH. To start making gold you will need 1g. Two ways of getting it. You are on your mule in one of the city above. Make a macro with "/w Hey mate ! Sorry for doing this, I never done it before but I am new to server, can you spare 30s plox?" . Do this a few times. 80% of the time you will get a reply like "Never", "get lost", but don't pay attention. If that is just not your style then send a stack of linen cloth via email to your mule. Auction it less than server prices. Don't forget to send some silver to your mule for AH fees. If you have extra 10s buy a [Herb Pouch] and list it for 2g99s. Now you have 40s-1g. Search: Armor, Level range 1-19, Quality Uncommon. Buy all the green stuff that has a buy out of 10s-15s, be sure you keep 10s for listing fees. Re-auction for 99s/piece. You must be thinking , where can a 14 lvl pull 1g for an armor piece ? Well, the 14 lvl gets the gold from his main so he can level fast. 99s for junk, if you find [Forest Leather Bracers] for 20s you can easily resell it for 5g9g. Or [Grunt's Legguards] with 5 Stamina - 5 Strength on them with a 12s buyout, buy and resell for 19g. Twink Items. Low level uncommon daggers also sell good, list them with a 2g-3g buyout. Something sells ? Good; invest all. Repeat this process. When you have 5g-10g, buy the tuxedo recipes and the free auction potion recipe, see Buy From Vendor section here. You can now buy Trade Goods like [Linen Cloth] , [Light Leather] add 30s per stack, throw in AH, they should sell fast. You can now afford to buy 30s buyouts => more items = faster and bigger profit. When you reach 20g change the level range. Buy 20-30 uncommon armor for less than 1g resell with 2g 90s. You now have 40g, Awesome ! change the level range again 30-40 , Buy armor for 1g80s or less resell for 4g99s. For high level items you need to pay attention because most of the players will aim for BoPs and AH will charge a big fee. A 70 rare chest piece like [Imbued Netherweave Robe] goes cheap in the AH because this is the best option for tailors to use in order to level the profession. So buying this for reselling is not a good idea, any common rare recipe made armor/weapon is not made for reselling because the price is already set. Buying green 60-70 armor for re-selling again not such a smart thing to do, outland quest rewards are much better than 60-70 greens. You can also try to browse AH for rare weapons and armor but considering you are new to this and you don’t have that much gold to invest , buy only cheap stuff, under 10g and make sure you don’t buy crap like [Bloodpike] , if you find something cheap that is not available from another 5 sellers at the same price and the item is good go for it. The key here is to make a few hundred golds while scanning the AH every day with Auctioneer so the addon can make a reliable database. By following this tactic after a week you should have 300-500g and Auctioneer should have now build some basic database. NOTE ! Stuff like "of the monkey" , "of the bear" , "of the eagle" , "of the tiger", sell well. NOTE ! Not recommended to buy armor made by another player; anytime someone who is leveling that profession can list a large quantity of that item at a cheap price/. Making Money With Auctioneer OK. Dressed up in tuxedo, equipped with [Noble's Monocle] and 500g in our pockets we go shopping for other things than just armor and trade goods. Every time after you do a scan now check the search option also. Minimum profit put 10g , Min Pct Less put 20%, hit the search button. Auctioneer came up with some results, Yeay ! With this being the first time when you use this option, take in consideration only the items seen more than 10 times within the 1 week of scanning .Do a browse search before you buy because some players list their items for 1000g-5000g even if they worth 4g, hopping someone tired with enough cash on him will buyout by mistake, in this case Auctioneer is not reliable. This addon is nice, it will net you 100g-500g on an average day but DON'T limit to this. The Big GOLD Making Secret is to know the economy very good , know what is a good buy with no addons installed. It will take you some time to learn what items/recipes are good for reselling and what items/recipes are bad, but this is what it takes in order to succeed. Of Course , I will give some examples. NOTE ! Don't search to bid on auctions, it's nothing but a waste of time, 95% of the cases you will be out-bided ! However !, when the weekly maintenance will shut down the servers in a few hours, be sure to bid on every single buy that has a short time before end. Bidding with 10 minutes before the server goes down will make you 99% winner of that auctions. Keep An Eye On Trade Channel - 3 Ways Of Making Gold Usually players who post on trade are desperate for cash, this is where you come along. REMEMBER ! Always BE Polite ! Shopping from wholesalers. Some farmers just prefer to sell all their hard work on bulk, They will often ask a 60%-70% AH price; if this is the case just buy fast and resell for easy cash. If they ask more, offer them 60% of the AH price. If they need cash ASAP they will accept your offer. Don't waste your time with [Netherweave Cloth] farmers, go for Ore Farmers, Primal Farmers, Cash In Reputation Farmers. Deals on enchanting materials and gems are also good. Shopping from players who don't know what are they selling. For Ex. I bought [Tigerstrike Mantle] with 5g from a guy and re-auction it with 132g. This is a great twink rare cloak but the guy who sold it to me was unaware of his value. If someone notify the seller on the item price don't drop the negotiations, offer 50% , in our case 60g from 5g is a long walk, seller will be happy and it will often accept. This is where knowledge over time comes along because you have to now if that item is on a high demand and the price you can sell it. Shopping from players who know what are they selling. These guys ask 90% of the AH price. All you need to do here is /w with your offer 50% of the price they are asking. You will never get a replay like "ok" or "we have a deal" in the first place but why are they posting on trade ? Chances to find a buyer for that item at that moment are very rare, particularly for 70 epic BOE, items we resellers like the best because of the huge profit they can bring us. It's because they need cash fast. Time is passing, seller is getting angry, he's product doesn't sell even for that 10% discount in the first place so he decides to drop with another 5%. Clock is ticking, Nothing ! He is broke and needs money for a re-spec, repair or a rare item in the AH. You /w him again to let him now your offer is still available. He tries negotiate with you hoping for more but you clearly say No ! every time. From my experience over 20% will accept your offer. The ones who are really desperate will ask from the start 50% or less. My cheaper purchase of this kind was [The Night Blade] 250g, resold it for 1200g. Great deals like this one pop up late in the morning. NOTE ! Do this with every single WTS post that can profit you a minimum of 100g, you have nothing to lose. NOTE ! In Outland you can always buy stuff cheaper because not all the players have a mule in a major city so they can send the loot to. Buy All Of An Item - Setting Up The Prices Many have tried , many have failed. The big mistake people make when they try this method is the item they choose. Buying all of an item such as linen cloth from the AH and then post it back with a +1g/stack it's a BAD IDEA because this item is very common. It will take no more than 5 minutes for a player to post a few stacks for the regular price, there will not be as much demand for your auctions to sell. Take for example [Righteous Orb] , it is used for crusader enchant. Let's say AH price is 50g/piece, and that are 7 orbs for sale. Buy them all. Set price to 90g and have them again for sale. There you go , 210g profit, in 48 hours they will sell. Chances for one player to put orbs for sale that day are very small and the buyer has no other alternative than to buy from you, these orbs having a rare drop rate. If you don’t sell them all in 48h no big deal, because now the price for an orb is 70g not 50g so you can re-sell with 65g with no problems. The orbs are now more valuable just because you wanted so. Apply this method on all the rare items needed to craft something, not on the common ones. But NOTE common ones may turn into rare ones if there is not a high offer on the market. Rare Items - Good Deal and Bad Deal [Sunscale Helmet] green helm, [Mugthol's Helm] rare helm, green is for pros, rare is for newbies. Green has 6str and 6agi at a 7 sta cost. [Pendulum of Doom] rare weapon, [Nightblade] epic weapon, I won't pay even 1 copper for the epic one (I mean ..I'll pay just to resell it :). The axe is by far better for a 39 shammy / pala / warrior twink than the blade because of her slow damage; a shammy can 1 hit with the axe. [Imperial Cloak] green cloak [Dark Hooded Cape] rare cloak, I will go for the green one because on the rare I can't put a TBC enchant. These are some ex. from a player eyes not from a reseller view, only pendulum is accredited when it comes to gold; somewhere between 1000g-3000g. Here are a few good and bad examples of the same rarity: This does not mean that the bad examples do not sell, only that the good examples are indeed good or good and rare. Good[Shadowfang] , [Night Watch Shortsword]Bad Shadowfang is the supreme 1h sword for 19 twinks, If I see it in AH for 500g I always buy it and re-sell with 1000g – Night Watch is just a blue weapon you can find most of the time at AH for 15g-25g and rarely sells for more. Good[Kang the Decapitator] , [Taran Icebreaker]Bad Kang is nice ( < [Executioner's Cleaver] btw ) and has a lot of fans , even if you miss once with the slow kang you will still > Taran, but taran sells even if it is bad, some people still have fantasies about 2h fast > 2h slow. Good[Ethereum Nexus-Reaver] , [Singing Crystal Axe]Bad Ethereum is godlike now that is BoE , people will pay up to 3000g-5000g for this, here is an axe where you can make a very nice profit by reselling – Singing axe ?? .. bad weapon but if everyone will know how to play this game will we be making any good profit by re-selling ? Good[Chan's Imperial Robes] , [Dreamweave Vest]Bad Chan’s, I so much wanted to have this robe while leveling a clother, I never seen it on any server, so nice, from the look to the strats ; this is a rare drop so people will pay a lot for this and if you find this in AH chances are small to be expensive – Dreamweave is just a common tailor work, not valuable. Good[Sacred Cloth Leggings] , [Runed Stygian Leggings]Bad Wow, sacred is a nice pair of pants because of the strats and the low level you can put them on - Stygian can be made by tailors and are useful for warlock tanks on an instance, not such a great buy if you want to re-sell. Good[Sunfire Handwraps] , [Soulcloth Gloves]Bad Sunfire gloves are made by tailors but the pattern is a rare BoP drop and the gloves are just awesome ! so if a tailor has for sale something like this, a nice re-seller fee may apply, take in consideration that most of the people ask on trade if someone can craft them but considering the pattern is rare; you can sell this at AH – Pfuuu, soulcloth gloves are very bad because of the +35 Arcane Resistance no one needs, are cheap to craft and pattern is a limited supply item. I think people buy them only because of their color, anyway, if you see a bunch of them with 40g-70g buy them all and re-sell for 150g. Good[Talon of the Tempest] , [Eternium Runed Blade]Bad Talon drops from Mr Doomwalker , a very nice dagger considering it is BoE, check out this boss ! after 2.4 patch release his drops are BoE and they are AWESOME – Eterium can be craft with blacksmithing and it is a bad weapon , mats to craft are expensive , pattern is not rare so don’t buy this for re-selling. Good[Design: Royal Nightseye] , [Design: Lustrous Star of Elune]Bad Strats say it all. Good[Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader] , [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit]Bad Crusader is a very nice chant that > Mongoose on a 35-60 2h weapon , sells from 120250g average – Who do you think will want spirit on their weapons while +healing or +damage are available ? none. 70 BoE epics , TONS of gold ! Yes, they cost a lot indeed, purchasing a 70 epic BoE will short you out of 500g-2000g but the profit is very satisfying. Don't make this kind of purchases if you don't have your epic flying mount and 5000g + in your bag because these don't sell fast. PATIENCE is the key ! I bought [Staff of Natural Fury] with 950g and waited 2 weeks to sell it; a week only because some other guy was willing to sell it for 1200g ; I never dropped the price because I had over 20k in my pocket and no bad luck with the other epics. I sold it eventually with 2300g. Before you do this kind of investment do a research on google first. I made this on a server where people were paying a lot on armor and weapons, on some old servers you can find this staff with 500g and you can’t resell it with more than 1250g but there the gold is more valuable. OK, who will pay 3000g on a good 70 epic weapon ? 1. Rich people like Me, You; because if you are starting a new character by following this guide you should have 40k-100k leveling time even if your IQ is low ☺. 2. Players who are playing this game for a while and already have a 70 or more on that server (they will buy only the good stuff). 3. Gold buyers, even if it is illegal people still buy gold, they don’t know how to make it and feel bad about their gear so they go for the easy way; these people buy crap also because they don’t know what items are good , they just need to see purple in front of their eyes. They also enjoy twinking. It is VERY important to know how much a player is willing to pay for a rare item. In fact this is going to make you a successful re-seller. With time, and based on your Auctioneer data, you will know for how much you can sell an item. You can also try experiments, overprice the items you have for sale if the buyer does not have any other option. For example, On a server I sold over 15 [Icemail Jerkin]s , every time I saw one at AH under 150g I bought it and re-sold with 240g because I knew that a player will pay 240g for this even if the average price was 150g, in weekends I had this for sale with 380g and sold it. (NOTE On weekends more people that don’t know the economy very good play , during the week most of the players are hardcore). If you will not learn this you can lose money by buying something that will not sell for more than you have paid for. Here is a trick some players use, where you can lose gold, not bannable. You are browsing through the epic weapons at the AH. On trade you see a post , "WTB Kang the Decapitator ASAP !!! I will pay 1000g!". You are right in front of it, you see it on AH with a 750g buyout, 250 easy profit . Horey ! Truth is you made a bad deal because a player will pay maximum 400g-450g on it. Player who wanted to buy for 1000g was the owner of the axe, he bought it with 300g and auction it with some another character of his for 750g. NOTE ! Browse websites like (good for quests) , (good for opinions on items) , (good for the nice filter you can apply) to expand your knowledge about items / recipes / trade goods. NOTE ! AH rule - Always use the 48 hours option when you list. Use x.95 prices ! NOTE ! You won't sell all of your items overnight, it may take for some one week to sell, especially epic stuff , but stick to the plan and never lose your faith. They key here is to have many things for sale, this way the fact that you are stuck with one or two items for a week will pass unnoticed. Twink Items Some say twinking is lame and all the people that do it don’t know to play their main, others say it is the same thing with having your main in season 3 vs a green player. Anyway, their business , important is that they are paying a lot for twinking gear ☺. Level 10-19 Bracket Cloth Armor: [Sentry Cloak] , [Tree Bark Jacket] , [Mindthrust Bracers] , [Magefist Gloves] , [Keller's Girdle] , [Darkweave Breeches] , [Sanguine Sandals] . Leather Armor: [Forest Leather Bracers] , [Meadow Ring of Eluding] , [Gloves of the Fang] , [Deviate Scale Belt] , [Rigid Leggings of the Monkey] , [Scouting Trousers of the Monkey] , [Feet of the Lynx] . Mail Armor: [War Paint Chestpiece] , [Thorbia's Gauntlets] , [Mighty Chain Pants] Limited Supply Item, you can buy it from Grazlix , Robert Aebischer or Vrang Wildgore , [Silver-linked Footguards] , [Fortified Bracers of the Bear] , [Runescale Girdle] , [Stormbringer Belt] . Other Armor: [Redbeard Crest] . Weapons: [Assassin's Blade] , [Shadowfang] , [Night Reaver] , [Staff of the Blessed Seer] , [Twisted Chanter's Staff] , [Witching Stave] , [Lil Timmy's Peashooter] , [Skeletal Club] , [Black Malice] , [Throat Piercers]. Level 20-29 Bracket Cloth Armor: [Elder’s Hat of the Eagle] , [Knight's Cloak of the Eagle] , [Beguiler Robes] , [Mechbuilder's Overalls] , [Hotshot Pilot's Gloves] , [Elder's Pants] , [Plains Ring] , [Glowing Magical Bracelets] - [Tigerstrike Mantle] Leather Armor: [Enduring Cap] , [Watchman Pauldrons] , [Forest Tracker Epaulets] , [Mantle of Thieves] , [Cutthroat's Vest of the Eagle] , [Barbaric Bracers] (don’s sell for much , leather workers can make this) , [Brawler Gloves] , [Infiltrator Pants of the Eagle] , [Wolfclaw Gloves] , [Ghostwalker Belt of the monkey] , [Troll's Bane Leggings] , [Petrolspill Leggings] , [Harbinger Boots] . Mail Armor: [Frostreaver Crown] , [Avenger's Armor] , [Pugilist Bracers] , [Yorgen Bracers] , [Girdle of Golem Strength] , [Phalanx Leggings of the Eagle] , [Caverndeep Trudgers] , [Thick Scale Shoulder Pads of the Bear] Other Armor: [River Pride Choker] , [Thunderbrow Ring] , [Ring of Precision] , [Resplendent Guardian] , [Shield of Thorsen] . Weapons: [Harpyclaw Short Bow] , [Ironweaver] , [Starfaller] , [Vendetta] , [Cobalt Crusher] , [The Butcher] , [Zealot Blade] . Level 30-39 Bracket Cloth Armor: [Scorpashi Cape] , [Death's Head Vestment] , [Robe of the Magi] , [Papal Fez] , [Miner's Hat of the Deep] , [Necromancer Leggings] , [Sutarn's Ring]. Leather Armor: [Flintrock Shoulders] , [Imperial Leather Bracers] , [Warden's Wraps] , [Shadowskin Gloves] , [Basilisk Hide Pants] , [Gloves of Holy Might] , [Expert Goldminer's Helmet] , [Adventurer's Pith Helmet] , [Quillward Harness] , [Ogron's Sash]. Mail Armor: [Skeletal Shoulders] , [Icemail Jerkin] , [Crushridge Bindings] , [Legguards of the Vault] , [Firemane Leggings] . Other Armor: [Aquamarine Pendant of the Warrior] , [Aquamarine Signet] , [Assault Band] , [Underworld Band] , [The Green Tower] . Weapons: [Jaina's Firestarter] , [Pendulum of Doom] , [Speedsteel Rapier] , [Ginn-su Sword] , [Stonevault Bonebreaker] , [Shadowforge Bushmaster] , [Obsidian Cleaver] , [Ardent Custodian] , [Dazzling Longsword] , [Bow of Searing Arrows] , [Fiery War Axe] , [Nightblade] , [Staff of Jordan] . Check +fire, +healing , +shadow green cloth armor and +healing plate green armor, some players stack spell damage or healing spell on their twinks. Neutral AH 1 Server , 2 Factions. It is impossible the economy to be identical on both factions. You can have the items cheaper on one side while the materials more expensive, or both, items and materials to be more expensive than the other side. Anyway this does not matter, Important is the price difference on materials / items / recipes between factions. For Ex. On alliance a Primal Might sells for 125g-130g average while on Horde side these go for 250g, offer them to hordes for 200g and you won’t say “WTS Primal Mights 200g each” more than two times ☺. This is very easy, all you need to do is check prices on every expensive material , see where are the satisfying differences and switch the merchandise from a faction to another. Another great thing about this is rare items, they can be world drops or crafted by someone who has a very rare pattern. I was able to sold [Battlecast Hood] on the other faction just because on that faction the pattern was unknown, I bought it with 1400g and sold with 4000g; he said on trade he will offer 4000g if someone can craft it for him, I just knew that the pattern is available on the other faction. Easy 2600g profit for a 5 min work. This is by far the best gold making strategy, because you actually buy at server prices and re-sell under server prices ! This strategy can turn 300g in 5000g in just a weekend. But now you must hear the bad part. First , Neutral AH is charging a 20% fee so if you made 2000g profit today by doing this the net profit will be 1600g. 2nd, You CAN NOT trade within characters on the same account . PVE Server This can be done, because on a pve server you can make characters on both factions. When I first done this I was on a pve server and asked a friend to help me. You need to plant your mules to neutral AH and ask for a guild mate to help you by posting your merchandise on the neutral AH so you can be able to buy them with the character made on the other faction. To do this you need 4 mule characters, two on each AH faction and two at the Neutral AH. NOTE ! You need to post stuff very cheap at the neutral AH because of the 20% fee, You can to this when not to many people play and there are no players near the neutral AH. You also need to buy the merchandise very fast. NOTE ! When you are first using a friend to help do small transaction first, it’s not wise to trust someone over the internet, and make sure you know that guy a little bit. NOTE ! Do not give your account information over the internet ! (also start your game from launcher , he can detect if you are infected with a key-logger _a program who is sending everything you type to a hacker). PVP Server I done this only when I had access to a real life friend’s account because on a pvp server you can’t make characters on both factions. 5. How to Install and Use Addons Auctioneer Addon Auctioneer is an addon that allows you to view information about an item that may be useful in helping you determine what it's worth. Straight out of the box, Auctioneer knows much about many items in the game, and will tell you many things about the item when you move your mouse over the item in the game. If Auctioneer has enough data, when you try to put an auction up for sale, it will attempt to provide you with intelligent pricing points based upon the market data it has accumulated through scanning. 1. To Download Auctioneer go to> Download -> Preview Version -> AuctioneerClassicSuite: -> Save. Now extract files to your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory. If you don't have a program for decompressing you can get one for free from This is how your Auction House User Interface should look now. 2. As you can see from the photo above the Auctioneer added a "Scan" Button to the bottom of the "Browse" tab. You need to perform this scan once or twice a day, so Auctioneer can analyze the items and build a database with tooltips on each item. Now when you will drag the mouse over an item a Tooltip Window will appear. Seen * times at auction total - Auctioneer will provide a more reliable information if the item has been seen more often. Starting bid - Average of all the starting bids. Bids * % - Item had bids placed on while up for auction. Buyouts * % - Item had buyouts while up for auction. Buyout Median - The most commonly seen amount for all the auctions viewed for that item. Last 15, median BO(each), Scanned 5, median BO(each) - Recent results of Buyout Median. Suggested Price * min/ * BO - The price that Auctioneer thinks you should sell the item for. Buy from Vendor - The price a vendor would sell the item to you, even if you cannot buy an item from a vendor. Sell to Vendor – How much gold you can get by selling to vendor. Cannot match lowest price / Competition overpriced / No competition - This is a simply way to see if you can make money on an item or not. Sold by no known merchants / Sold by * merchants. Enchantrix - Shows you the materials you will get if you disenchant the item and their value. Bidding Proxy bidding is not available at the Auction House, you will need to make multiple bids each time someone outbids you. Post Auction When you will post a new item Auctioneer will automatically fill the price based on his reports. Search Auction Search Bids / Buyouts - Use this to limit your search to analyze bid prices or buyout prices. Minimum Profit - Minimum amount of gold you are willing to make for a transaction. Minimum Bid % - Compares the current bid against the current price for an item. Minimum Percent Less - Compares the current bid / price of the item against the corresponding items bid / price. Maximum Time Left - This will only show up when you search through bid prices. You can just search for items that are short, medium, long. Category Restriction - Limit your search for items of a certain class like weapons, armor, or consumables. Minimum Quality - Limit your search by item quality. If you choose Uncommon, then it will only show items of uncommon, rare, and epic quality. Mailbox Complete Addon 1. To Download Mailbox Complete go to -> Download -> Choose a mirror automatically -> Save. Extract files to your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory. 2. A simple addon that allows you to open all your Mails with a press of a button. When you have 200+ mails every day without this is crazy. Gatherer Addon 1. To Download Gatherer got to Download -> -> Save. Extract files to your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory. 2. Gatherer is an addon for herbalists, miners and treasure hunters in World of Warcraft. It's main purpose is to track the closest plants, deposits and treasure locations on your minimap. The addon does not track like a tracking ability does, rather it "remembers" where you have found various items in the past. It does this whenever you gather (perform herbalism, mining or opening) on an item, and records the specific map location in its history. From then on, whenever the item comes into range of being one of the closest 1-25 (configurable) items to your present location, it will pop up on you minimap. When you view your World Map, you will also see the item locations marked on the particular map you are viewing there. 6. Copyright / Disclaimer / Contact Copyright, Public and Legal Notice: Pro Game Guides Inc. is the copyright owner of this item. The product listed here is protected by international copyright law. The Pro Game Guides Inc. is the legal rights owner of this unofficial World of Warcraft guide. You may not resell, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, or create derivative works of this material ! Copyright 2008 : All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: The Hidden Gold Secrets unofficial gold guide is not authored or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment. Any trademarks displayed in the guide are exclusive property of Blizzard Inc. This is not a copy of Blizzard's official World of Warcraft strategy guide. This guide is for educational purposes only. Contact: Author “I will be more than happy to receive feedbacks or questions related not only to gold making, I can give you the best answer to any World Of Warcraft question. Just drop me an email at . I will answer within 12 hours.” ©2008 The Hiddden Gold Secrets, Inc. All rights reserved.