Jurnal Pendidikan dan Praktik
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Praktik
Moving forward improving nursing education Jurnal Pendidikan dan Praktik Keperawatan Indonesia IN DON ESIAN NURS'ruG JOU RNAL OF EDUCATION AND CLINIC (tNJEC) a r r e r r r o lncreasing Self Empowerment Education Based on Health Promotion Model Wound Care Using Honey Toward Calculation Value and Type of Leukocyte in Post-Herniotomy Patients The Braden 5cale, Norton Scale and the Cubbin-Jackson Scale in Assessing the Risk of Pressure Ulcer in the Intensive Care unit (tcu) Coping Stategy and Children Characteristic to Parental Acceptance in Parents of Children with Leukernia Using Transactional Theory Approach Best Parenting-Parents to Diet and Food-consumption on Toddlers Plastic Bag Wrap for Prevention of Hypothermia in Preterm and Low-Birth Weight lnfants The Provison of Orientation to the Anxiety Levels of the New Patient at the Ponek (Obgyn) General Hospital Jombang Therapy for Auditory Hallucination Patients Jurnal Pendidikan dan Praktik Keperawatan Indonesia Volume Nomor 02 01 Halaman t- t4b Bulan April 2015 ISSN 2302-8920 ISSN 2302-8920 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN PRAKTIK KEPERAWATAN INDONESIA INDONESIA'V NURS'TVG JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND CLINIC (INJEC) ISSN 2302 - 8920 Vol.2No.1April2015 SUSUNAN PENGURUS INJEC Penasehat (Patron) Muh. Hadi, SKM, M.Kep (KetuaAIPNI) Prof. Dra. Elly Nurachmah, DNSc. Pengarah Kusman lbrahim, S.Kp., MNS., Ph.D (Wakil Ketua AIPNI) Dr. Enie Noviastari, S.Kp., MN. (Sekretaris AIPNI) Hajul Kamil, S.Kp., M.Kep. (Wakil Sekretaris Aipni) Setiawan, S.Kp., MNS., PhD (Ketua Bidang Litbang AIPNI) Penyunting (Etlitor) Ketua: Prof. Dr. Nursalam, M.Nurs (Hons) Sekretaris: Dr. Saryono, S.Kp., M.Kes. Penyunting Pelaksana (Review er) Mamat Lukman, S.Kp., M.Kes.; Dr, Fitri Haryanti, S.Kp., M.Kes.; Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes.;Purwaningsih, S.Kp., M.Kes; Dr. Suriadi, AWCS.; Elsi Dwi Hapasari, S.Kp., MSN., PhD.;Dr. Ahsan, S.Kp., M.Kes'; Teuku Tahlil, Ph.D; Edy Susanto, S.Kp., M.Kes.; Uswatun Hasanah, Ns. MNS; Ririn Probowati, S.Kp., M.Kes. Asisten Penyunting Sri Erniasih, Andi Analia Wildani, Sonya Fianna Indra, Anriyatun Pendanaan (Tleasure) Emiliana Tarigan, S.Kp., M.Kes. (Bendahara); Wahyu Hidayati, S.Kp., M.Kep (Wakil Bendahara); Dr. Tonika Tohri. Fatmawati, S.Kp., M.Kes.; Sri Wahyuni, Ns, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.Anak Pemasaran (semua Regional) Secretary Office: Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia (AIPNI) The Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Center (AINEC) Jl. Rawa Bambu Blok A No. 01 RT.07/07 Komplek BATAN Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12520 Telephone/Fax: 021-7806091, 021-7806095 E-mail: secretary-ainec@yahoo.co.id Website: www.aipni-ainec.com oc 04v03.t51AUP-5758 ISSN 2302-8920 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN PRAKTIK KEPERAWATAN INDONESIA INDONESIAN NURSING JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND CLINIC (INJEC) ISSN 2302 - 8920 Vol.2 No. 1 April2015 DAFTAR ISI GONTENN HALAMAN (PAGES) 1. Metacognition Approach Methode Towards Problem Solving Skills and Attitude Performance for Practicioner Students Nurse Tanjungpura University (Model Pendekatan Metakognisi terhadap Kemampuan Mengatasi Masalah dan Penampilan Sikap pada Mahasiswa Profesi Ners Universitas Tanjungpura) Arina Nurfianti, Suhaimi Fauzan, Berthy Adiningsih 2. l-4 Standardized Patients Experience (SPE) in Improving Therapeutic Communication Skill of Undergraduate Nursing Students Compared Io Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) (Metode Standardized Patients Experience (SPE) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Terapeutik pada Mahasiswa Sarjana Keperawatan Dibandingkan dengan Early Clinical Exposure (ECE)) Ryan Hara Permana, Made Sumarwati 3. 5-13 Students Interest in Continuing Professional Education Nurses in Health Education Institutions in Banyumas (Minat Mahasiswa dalam Melanjutkan Pendidikan Profesi Ners di Institusi Pendidikan Kesehatan di Banyumas) Rahmaya Nova Handayani, Adiratna 4. Sekarsiwi.. 1410 Nurses' Caring Behaviors in the Implementation of Perioperative Nursing Care in Public Hospitals of Bahteramas Kendari (Perilaku Caring Perawat dalam Pelaksanaan Asuhan Keperawatan Perioperatif di BLUD RSU Bahteramas Kendari) Heltty 5. 2l-31 Aerobic Exercise on Body Mass Index (BMI) Change in Person with Overweight and Obesity (Latihan Aerobik Terhadap Perubahqn Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) pada Individu Overweight dan Obesitas) A Muriyati, Patima, A. 6. Suswani Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Wound Cleansing Solution .. 3216 in Diabetic Wound Care (Studi Komparatif Efektivilas Cairan Pencucian Luka Diabetes Mellitus) Achmad Fauji, Puji Sarwati, Nur Miladiyah Rahmah, Aluwi Sani Nirwana....... 37-41 7. Overcome Constipation of Stroke Non Haemorrhagic Patient by Applying Range of Motion (ROM) and Abdomen Warm Compress (Mengatasi Konstipasi Posien Stroke Non Hemoragik Melalui ROM Pasif dan Terapi Kompres Air Hangat pada Abdomen) Mazly Astuty, Dameria Ginting...... 42-47 T 8. Diabetes Self Management Education Against 'fype 2 DM Patients Independence in Managing Diet (Diabetes Self Management Education terhadap Kemandirian Pasien DM Tipe 2 dalam Mengelola Diet) 48-5r Hariyono, 0karia Nur Sababa Quality of Life of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Diabetes Empowerment Education Based on Health Promotion Model (peningkatan Self Empowerment dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 dengan Pendekatan DEE Berbasis Health Promotion Model) 9. Increasing Self Empowerment and Nian Afrian Nuari...... 10. Wound Care Using Honey Toward Calculation Value and Type of Leukocyte in Post-herniotomY Patients (Perawatan Luka Menggunakan Madu terhadap Nilai Hitung dan Jenis Leukosit pada Pasien Pasca HerniotomY) Eni Kusyati, Ni Nyoman Martaningtyas.'."""' 11. The Braden Scale, Norton Scale and the Cubbin-Jackson Scale in Assessing the Risk of Pressure Ulcer in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (Skala Braden, Skala Norton, dan Skata Cubbin-Jackson dalam Mengkaii Risiko Dekttbitus pada Pasien di Ruang Intensive Care Unit) Dini Rudini.................. in Parents 12. Coping Strategy and Children Characteristic to Parental Acceptance 6t-65 66-69 of Children with Leukemia Using Transactional Theory Approach (Coping Strategy dan Karakteristik Anak terhadap Parental Acceptance Orang Tua )"ig M".punyai Anak Leukemia dengan Pendekatan Transactional Theory) Iqlima Drvi Kurnia, Yuni Sufyanti Arief, Kristiawati 13. s2-60 70-:76 Best Parenting-parents to Diet and Food-consumption on Toddlers (Pola Asuh orang Tua Terbaik untuk Pola Makan dan Konsumsi Makanan pada Balita) Heri Bahtiar, Maelina Ariyanti, Aswati.'."" 77-8r t4. Plastic Bag Wrap for Prevention of Hypothermia in Preterm and Low-Birth Weight Infants (Plastic Bag Wrap untuk Mencegah Terjadinya Hipotermi pada Bayi Prematur dan Berat Lahir Rendah) 15. Dian Ramawati, Hikmi Muharromah Pratiwi, Candra Andodo The provison of Orientation to the Anxiety Levels of the New Patient at the Ponek (Obgyn) General HosPital Jombang (Pemrberian orientasi terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Baru di Ruang Ponek RSUD Jombang) 88-91 Rodiyah, SupriliYah Praningsih 16. 82-87 Spouse's Counter Pressure Practice Method for Reducing Pain of Mother's in First Stage Labour Uetode Counter Pressure oleh Suqmi untuk Mengurangi Nyeri lbu dalam Proses Persalinqn Kala I) (fiktik Sri Rejeki, Tri Hartiti, Nikmatul Khayati 17. Acceptance of Music Stimulation Therapy for Auditory Hallucination Patients (Tingkat Penerimaan Terapi stimulasi suara pada Pasien Halusinasi Dengar) Arum Pratiwi, Agus Sudaryanto 92-96 97-102 18. Psychopoetry Therapy Model Towards Enhancing Cognitive's Insight Clients on Mental Disorders in Psychiatric Hospital (Modet Terapi Psychopoetry terhadap Peningkatan Daya Tilik Diri secara Kognitif pada Klien Gangguan Jiwa di Rumah Sakit Jiwa) Yeni Hendriani............ 103-107 19. Physical Exercise Towards the changing Score of Risk Falls on Elderly (Senam Kebugaran Jasmani Lansia terhadap Perubahan Skor Risiko Jatuh Lansia) Silvia Malasari, Nuurhidayat Jafar, Ade Irma Rahayu 108-112 20. Logotheraphy to Elderly Dependence (Logoterapi terhadap Ketergantungan Lans ia) Nia Restiana, Rosy Rosnawanty................. 113-lI7 21. Ergonomic Exercises to Decrease Joint Pain Scale and Muscle Strength in Elderly (Senam Ergonomis terhadap Penurunan Skala Nyeri Sendi dan Kekuatan Otot pada Lanjut Usia) Titih Huriah, Ema Waliyanti, Afiani Septina Rahmawati, Yuliana Mz Matoka.... 118-125 RGO (Rendam Gosok Oleslsook Rub TopicalsRT) on the Self Care Level of Leprosy Clients (Coaching: RGO (Rendam, Gosok, Oles) terhadap Tingkat Kemandirian Perawatan 22. Coaching: Diri Klien Kusta) Tantut Susanto, Wantiyah.. 23. 126-132 Service Quality of Nurse in the Scope ofNational Health Insurance in Batu City (Kualitas Pelayanan Keperawatan dalam Konteks Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Kota Batu) Sih Ageng Lumadi, Pipin Shintya 24. Mental Wu1andari.............. 133-138 Stress Management Based on Audio-Visual Media (Manajemen Stres Berbasis Media Audio Visual) Maria Frani Ayu A.D, Heri Kristianto........... 139-146 PHYSICALEXERCISETOWARDSTHECHANGINGSCORE OF RISK FALLS ON ELDERLY (Senam Kebugaran Jasmani Lansiu terhadap Perubahan Skor Risiko Jatuh Lunsia) Silvia Malasari*, Nuurhidayat Jafar*, Ade Irma Rahayu** *Lecturer of Gerontology and Community Nursing, Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University **Students of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University E-mail: ners.silvi@gmail.com ABSTRAK pendahuluan. Kejadian jatuh pada lanjut usia yang berusia 65 tahun ke atas di Indonesia adalah sekitar 30-50% jatuh pada lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk setiap tahunnya. Latihan fisik iiharapkan dapat meigurangi risiko perubah4n skor risiko jatuh di Kelurahan terhadap mengidentifikasi pengaruh senam kebugaranjasmanilSKJflansia ini menggunakan quasi-experimental design dengan Tammua, Kecamatan Tallo, Kota Makassar. Metode. Penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling' di mana diperoleh rancangan one group pretest-posttest design. Sampel diambil T-Test. Hasil. Didapatkan pengaruh bermakna sKJ Sample sampel sebanyak 17 lansia. Data diuji menggunakan Paired pengaruh SKJ lansia-terhadap perubahan Diskusi'.Ada (p 0,000). jatul = lansia lansia terhadap perubahan skor risiko jatuh lansia, diharapkan kepada para kader untuk tetap rutin skor risiko jatuh yang dilihat dari p.nurl'rnun sko, iisiko pencegahan jatuh sejak dini' melaksanakan SIif mi minimal sekali seminggu di sebagai upaya Kata kunci: Senam lansia, risiko jatuh, lansia ABSTRACT in Indonesia is approximately 30-50% annually' Introduction. Incidence offalls in elderly whose above 65 years old influence of physical exercise might rliuce the risk offatl in elderly. Th" purpor" of this study was to determine the Tallo Tammua' in of elderly score risk regular physical exercise or "Senam Keiugaran Jasmini" $kl-nwards falt with one group pretest-posttest design' 17 elderly District, Makassar. Method. This study was quasi-experimen'tal design used Paired Sample T-Test' Results' There people were collected by purposive sampliig technically. Data processing score alteration (p -- 0'000; eta square = risk elderly fall was significant influence of regulo, phyiical exercise towards towards fall risk score change' This exercises physical of effect an 0,64). Discussion. This stiay"reveaied that there ,was a regular physical exercise once a week research suggests health vilunteer workers (kader) of fi*^ui ti accomodate as an early Prevention offalls. Keywords: Regular physical exercise,fall risk, elderly exercise that can increase muscle strength and endurance in elderlY. INTRODUCTION Falling is a major cause of most accidents in elderly aged 65 years and over Tammua village, is one of the villages that activate the SKJ for elderly in their working area. But there are still some Rukun Warga (RW) does not organize it routinely. Based on (Forsyth, Quon & Konkle,2011). Aging causes a decrease in lower extremity muscle strength' This can lead to slowness of movement, short steps, the feet cannot tread stronger and more the report of the activities of Geriatric Nursing Practice from Nursing School of Hasanuddin volatile (Darmojo, 2011), resulting in falls in University (PSIK UNHAS) in 2012, it is known that the number of elderly in the elderly. Physical exercise is a component of interventions designed to identify the risk and fall prevention (American Geriatric Society quoted in Forsyth, Quon & Konkle, 2011)' According to Suhardo (cited in Widyantoro, Rosdiana & Fasitasari, 2012), gymnastics/ physical exercise (SKJ) is one form ofphysical 116 people and those with 18 people. Through were a history of falling this research proposal the authors intend to examine the effect of SKJ on the prevention of fall in elderly in Tammua Village, Tallo District. Makassar. village Tamua were 108 Physical Exercise Towards the Changing Score of Risk Falls on Elderly (Silvia Malasari, dkk.) METHOD (SAFE), which has been modified, in which the elderly fall into the high-risk criteria are with This research was a quantitative study of Quasi-experimental design with the design a score> 11. Collecting data using functional fall risk assessment, the Timed Up and Go test of one group pretest-posttest design. The study (TUG), which marked a high fall risk elderly when completing this test > 14 seconds. Leg muscle strength was measured using a leg dynamometer brand Takei 45402. Bivariate was conducted in RW 3 and RW 4 Tammua Village, District Tallo, Makassar from the date of July 14, 2014 until August 10, 2014 every Wednesday and Sunday. The sample analyze by using Paired-Samples T Test using collection used purposive sampling technique. Sampling was based on the results of screening the data in the form of numerical significance value ofp < 0.005 and eta square to see the dsing the multifactorial falls risk assessment Screening Assessment for Falls Evaluation strength of the effect of SKJ elderly. RESULT Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Fall Risk based on Characteristics of Respondents in RW 3 and RW 4 Tammua, Tallo, Makassar, July-August,2014 (n : 17) Risk of Fall Low Characteristics High ./, t/" Age 60-74years (elderly) s3.8 7 6 46.2 a J 't5.0 I 25.0 8 47.r 9 52.9 Male I 50.0 1 50.0 Female 7 46.7 8 53.3 52.9 5 38.s -) a 100 I 100 old Total Gender 47.l Total History of Fall (12 months) Never 61.5 0 0 Once More than once 52.9 47.r Total Table 2.LegMuscle Strength pretest and posttest of Respondents in RW 3 and RW 4 Ex' Tammua' district. Tallo, Makassar, July-August, 2014 (n: l7) Leg Muscle Strength Mesn Pretest Posttest Std. Error SD Mean of Minimum Maximum 24.824 7.780r 1.886 12.5 41.0 28.424 8.9407 2.168 12.5 46.5 4 Ex' Table 3. The distribution of fall Risk at pretest and posttest among elderly ts in RW 3 and RW Tammua. district. Tallo, Makassar, July-August,2014 (n: 17) Low (< 14 second) High (Z t4 Total (n Posttest Prestest Fall risk oh "h 8 47.r l4 82.4 9 52.8 100.0 t7 100.0 t'l 109 r7.6 Jurnal INJEC Vol. 2 No. 1April2015: 108-112 Table 4. Paired-Sample T Test (Pre-Post) of risk falls among respondents before and after SKJ Elderly in RW 3 and RW 4, Tammua, district. Tallo, Makassar, in July - August 2014 (n: l7) Pretest-Posttest Pair PrePost n 11 SD 95% Confidence fnterval of the DWrence L541 Lower Upper 1.208 2.792 I showed that the majority of respondents (8 respondents) who did not have a history of falling can complete the TUG test Table Sig. p value Eta Square 0.000 0,64 four respondents had high risk of falling. The majority of respondents (8 respondents) who did not have a history of falling can complete the TUG test with fine score (< 14 seconds). with fine score (< 14 seconds). Significance value for the p value of the These results are consistent with Farabi's study Q007) which examined the relationship of the TUG test and the frequency of falls. It is stated that the respondents who having slow motion or walking impairment, the incidence of falls increases as TUG test time takes longer. This statistical test is 0.000, smaller than alpha value of 0.05, indicating a significant influence. The table above showed that half numbers of the respondents have high fall risk before starting SKJ elderly (52.8%). After the SKJ elderly, the number of respondents with a low risk of falling increased to largely (82.4%). occurs due to the aging process that occurs in elderly result in changing of postural control that may play a significant role for most falls. All respondents were in the category of less muscle strength (< 65 kg). Along with the increase of age, the function of musculoskeletal system of elderly was deacrease. One ofthem is a lack of muscle strength caused by a decrease in muscle mass (muscle atrophy). Decrease in muscle size and loss of muscle mass in elderly is more common in the lower extremities. Bone, joint, and muscle is associated components. If a joint is not used as well as a decrease in bone mass, then the bones and muscles that cross the joints will be shortened, resulting in muscle also weakened. Decrease fall risk score is closely associated with increase of muscle strength. This makes the elderly more powerful in supporting the body. DISCUSSION The risk of falling among respondents by half of respondents (52.9%), age was less than risk of falling. This indicates that, with age, the elderly have risk of falls (mean age was 70.41 years). These results are consistent with the theory expressed by Darmojo (2011) who says that fall is one of the main problems for elderly, caused by changes in the physiology of intrinsic factor elderly musculoskeletal system began to decrease. Three-quarters of female respondents (76.5%) had high-risk fall before doing SKJ for elderly. As Elanor (cited in Fatmah, 2009) 'claimed that the generally elderly men are less at risk of falling than women. Women also have less muscle mass than men. Males had a peak bone mass (peak bone mass) is larger and not accelerating bone loss as experienced by women due to loss of estrogen after menopause. Iinattiniemi, Jokelainen & Luukinen (2008) also state that female can increase the risk of falls in the elderly. Overall, there are four respondents with a history of falling (once and more than once to fall) who completed the test Timed Up and Go (TUG) > 14 seconds indicating that the have a high All respondents were in the category of less leg muscle strength (< 65 kg), however it also illustrates that almost all respondents had an increase in muscle strength scores from pretest to posttest. The lowest score of leg muscles strength, which is 12.5 kg before SKJ elderly and remains 12.5 kg after SKJ elderly. This is because the respondents have a fever and the lack of appetite that could have an impact on the decline in the energy metabolism of the respondents. These results are similar to Akmal (2013) which says that ll0 fr T Physical Exercise Towards the Changing Score of Risk Falls on Elderly (Silvia Malasari, dkk.) energy is a major intake required by the body for metabolic processes at the cellular level to maintain balance and to working muscles. the exercise proved to be safe and benefit to reduce the risk offalls due to fracture. The results of this study indicate that SKJ for elderly have an influence on the decrease of falls risks which increases muscle strength. This is supported by the continuity and duration of SKJ. Muscle strength is very supportive for elderly to support the body so that can reduce the fall risk scores which is seen from the decline in the elderly TUG test score in RW 3 and RW 4, Village Tammua, District Tallo, Makassar. Half numbers of the respondents have high fall risk before starting SKJ elderly (52.8%). After the SKJ elderly, the number of respondents with a low risk of falling increases to largely (82.4%). The opposite occurs in the number of respondents to the high risk of falls decreased from half of the respondents (52. ta 17.60/o. 8%o) This means there is significant changes in the number of respondents in the category of risk of falling. The significant reduction in the mean value of the risk of falls in elderly SKJ respondents after purchase, ie from 13.24 seconds before giving SKJ elderly to 10.75 seconds after administration of SKJ CONCLUSION Physical exercise (SKJ) could affect the score of fall risk of elderly in Tammua village, District Tallo, Makassar. elderly. Significance value for the p value of the statistical test is 0.000, smaller than alpha value of 0.05, indicating a significant RECOMMENDATION Health Program for elderly should be prioritized in anticipation of the incidents of falls. This includes such actions of influence. Eta square value of 0.64 is obtained, is greater than 0.14 indicate a strong effect. This means Physical Exercise/SKJ elderly preventive health education, gymnastics, and Therapeutic Activity Group (TAK). In addition rehabilitative measures should be developed to prevent the permanent effects of falls in elderly. Elderly Physical fitness (SKJ) is highly recommended to be conducted regularly. The involvement of a kader is expected to facilitate the implementation of this SKJ at least once have a strong influence and effects ofchanges in the elderly offall risk score. Fall risk score of respondents before and after SKJ elderly decreased significantly. This is shown in table 4.4 which states fall risk ratio pretest and posttest respondents, where there is an increase in the number of respondents with a lower risk of falls, from 8 respondents (47.1%) before the administration of SKJ to 14 respondents (82.4%) after SKJ. a week. offalls each respondent is also displayed numerically which shows the mean values of 13.24 seconds before the treatment becomes 10.76 seconds after Decreased risk REFERENCES Akmal, H.F. (2012). Perbedaan asupan energi, protein, aktivitas fsik, dan status gizi antqra lansia lansia yang mengikuti dan tidak mengikuti senam bugar treatment. Changes in the mean values indicate significant changes regarding the effect of SKJ I ons elderly towards the changing score of fall Diponegoro: Semarang, diakses risk. According to Kam, ia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas tanggal 25 Januari 2014, http:lleprints. undip. ac.id 137 5521 | lHllda_Fauzia_A- Smulders & Weerdesteyn (2008), exercise can reduce the incidence of falls. fractures due to falls and G2A0 0 8 093 -LAP. KTI.pdf Darmojo, B. (2011). Buku ajar geriatri; ilmu kesehatan usia lanjut edisi ke-4, cetakan fre-3. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas fall risk factors in individuals with less bone density. As also expressed by linattiniemi, Jokelainen & Luukinen (2008) in their study Indonesia: Jakarta. of the elderly 85 years and over, who state that lll Jurnal INJEC Vol. 2 No. I April2015: 108-112 related Fractures and Their Risk Factors Farabi, A. (2007). Hubungan tes "timed up and in Individuals with Low Bone Density; go" dengan frekuensi j atuh pasien laniut A Systematic Review af Randomized Controlled Trials. Osteoporos Int: asia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro: Semarang. Belgium, diakses tanggal 24 JluJi2013. Fatmah. (2009). Osteoporosis dan Faktor Risikonya pada Lansia Etnis Jawq. Media Medika Indonesia: Semarang, diakses tanggal 13 Januari 2014, dati <http://eprints.undip. ac. i dl 14215 I 2 I 01 fatmah---o steoporosi s.Pdf Forsyth, A.L., Quon, DV., Konkle, B.A. (2011). Role of exercise and physical activity on haemophilic arthropathy, fall prevention and osteoporosis. Haemophilia: PhiladePhia, diakses tanggal 24 Juli 2013, <www.ncbi.nlm. Linattiniemi, S., dkk. (2008). "Exercise qnd Risk of Injurious Fall Home-dwelling Elderly", International Journal of Circumpolar Health, diakses tanggal 24 Juli 2013, <wwwncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/l8767343> Widyantoro, A.P., Rosdiana, I., Fasitasari, M. Q012). Hubungan antara senam lansia dan range of motion (ROM) lutut pada lansia, diakses tanggal 21 Agustus 2A13, http: I lsainsmedika. fkunissula. ac.idlindex.php/sainsmedika/article/ downlod nih. gov/pub medI 21435 Il6P Kam, D., Smulders, E., Weerdesteyn, V. (2009). Exercise Interventions to Reduce Fall- tt2 i'0", Jurnal Pendidikan dan Praktik Keperawatan Indonesia , INDONESIAN NU RSING JOURNAL OF EDUCATION ANDCLINIC (tNJEC) Secretary Office: Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia (AlPNl) The Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Center (AINEC) Jl. Rawa Bambu Blok A No. 01 RT.07l07 Komplek BATAN, Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12520 Telephone/Fax: 021 -7 806091, 021 -7 806095 Email: secretary_a i nec@ya hoo.co.id Website: www.aipni-ainec.com Moving forward improving nursing education