deep freeze - Naval Weather Service Association
deep freeze - Naval Weather Service Association
Aerographers & Meteorological Officers of OPERATION DEEP FREEZE 1955-1998 Joseph R. Gogel AGe USN Ret. 05 February 2015 Aerographers and Meteorological Officers of Operation Deep Freeze 1955-1998 This compilation of 669 names was obtained using the following sources Sources: Antarctic Status Report USNC-IGY (1956-1958), Bulletin of the U.S. Project Officer (1959-1965) Antarctic Status Report (1962-1963) Antarctic Report (1964-1965) Antarctic Journal of the United States (1966-1996) Cruise Books, various Additional information was obtained from personal e-mail correspondence. * in Surname column indicates person is deceased. ASA = Antarctic Support Activities NSFA = Naval Support Force Antarctica For corrections, additional items, contact bye-mail or correspond to Joseph R. Gogel AGC USN Ret., 334 W 9th St. Ferdinand, IN 47532-9263 phone: (812) 367-2142 07 February 2015 OPERATION DEEP FREEZE - 1955-1998 - Aerographers & Meteorolgical Officers 001 Maurice E. Gibbs AG3/AG2/AG1/Ltjg/LUCdr. 002 Clyde G. Wallace* AG3 003 004 005 006 007 008 Donald R. Richard D. James R. Roy L. Frank C. William K., Jr. McGlynn Snediker Canavan Graczyk* Jorgensen* Horner AG2 AG2 AG3 AG1 Lt. 009 Edwin R. Lindner* AG3/AG2 010 011 Jerry L. Donald W. Nolen* Parker AG3/AG2 AG1 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 Ragen J. Charles J. Hollis W. Thor O. Edwin L. John W. Adolph W. Zane "Jake" E. Nunn* Easby Oren* Swan Tarpley Harper White Jacobs AGC AG3 AGC AG2 AG3 AG1 AGAN/AG3 AG1/AGC 020 Arvil T. Creacy AG3 021 022 023 024 025 0)6 027 028 ArtN. Raymond E. "Ed" Richard K. Robert H. Frank A. Robert N. Irwin J. Louis Stich Hull* Betancourt Brown* Hagenbruch Molleen* Powell Rysdam Zeller* Lt. AG2 AG3 AG3 AG1 AGAN AG2 AGC 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 Harry O. James Lester Francis Kenneth W. D.R. Richard H. Thomas A. Divens* Bell Fontaine Sebelin Behannon Burnett Cozine* Ackerman Lt. AG2 AG3 AG3 AG3/AG2 Lt. AG2 AG3 037 Gary C. Camp AG3/AG2 038 Earl Gustafson AG1/AGC/W01 039 PhilipD. Duncan AGAN/AG2/AG1 AG1/AGC OF I MCB (Special) USS Arneb, OF II USS Wyandot, W/O OF67 McMurdo ASA, OF68 Christchurch/OF 82, OF 84 OF I MCB (Special) USS Wyandot CTF43 Staff OF I USS Glacier OF I USS Glacier OF I USS Glacier, OFII W/O McMurdo OF I W/O McMurdo OF I W/O McMurdo OF I W/O McMurdo, OF61 CTF43 Staff Davisville Oet., OF66 & OF67 Summer Support ASA OF I W/O McMurdo, Setup Pole Station, USS Wyandot OF I W/O McMurdo, Setup Pole Station OF I (MCB Special), OF II (USS Glacier) Staff, OF61 USS Edisto OF I CTF43 Staff OF I MCB (Special) OF I MCB (Special) CTF43 Staff OF I MCB (Special) CTF43 Staff OF I MCB (Special) CTF43 Staff OF I MCB (Special) Staff OF I MCB (Special) USS Arneb OF I MCB (Special) USS Arneb, CTF43 Staff OF I MCB (Special) YOG-34 & summer suport McMurdo & USS Wyandot, OF II USS Glacier, Beardmore Glacier, W/O McMurdo OF I USS Arneb OF I USS Atka OF I USS Atka OF I USS Atka OF I USS Atka OF I USS Atka OF I USS Atka OF I USS ATKA, OF III CTF43 Staff USCG Westwind OF I USS Wyandot (OIC Wx crew) OF I VX-6 OF I VX-6 (USS Wyandot) OF I VX-6 (USS Wyandot) OF I VX-6 (USS Wyandot) OF I, OF II CTF43 Staff USS Wyandot OF I, OF II USS Wyandot OF I, OF II USS Wyandot to Ellsworth Station W/O MCB (Special) OFIII OF I, OF II USS Wyandot, OF II W/O Ellsworth Station MCB (Special) Oet. "B" OF I, OF II, OF III CTF43 Staff, McMurdo, Hallett, Wilkes, USS Glacier, USS Atka, USS Arneb OF I, II, III (TF43 1956-1959 CNSFA) USS Wyandot, OFII USS Glacier, USS Staten Island. OF IV CTF43 Little America V, Christchurch, McMurdo. OPERATION DEEP FREEZE - 1955-1998 - Aerographers & Meteorolgical Officers 040 041 John A. Glenn N., Jr. Mirabito Drummond* Lcdr./Cdr. AGC/WO/Lt 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 Joseph Lowell Joseph Kenneth L. Robert R. William F. A.B., Jr. Bradley Robert E. Mel George Finzer Miller Whitaker Boden Kornacky Ziebel Arnett* Schmidt Ross Harder Underwood AG3/AG2 AG1 AG AG1 AGAN AG3 Lt. AG3 AG2 AG2 AG1 053 054 055 056 057 Julius Franklin Robert L. Byron F., Jr. Frank W. Mervyn L. Adams* Davis Dawes Sims Goll AG1 AG3 AG3 AG3 AGANI AG31AG2 058 Albert W. Marchment AG1 059 060 Raymond Wilson William A. Hennessey* Butler AG1 AG3 061 Walter H. May* AGC 062 063 064 065 066 067 Elmer A. Bobby D. Bernard Ronald W. Edmund Roger, Jr. Carl T. Erdei Fancher Fridovich* Palmer Evans* Bailey AGC AGAN/AG3 Ltjg AG2 AG2/AG1 AG3 068 Bill R. Lilienthal AG3/AG2 069 Jim/JamesT. Powel* AGC 070 Paul A. Wyche AG1/AGC 071 072 073 074 075 076 Edward L. Michael J., Jr. Richard J./W.? Thomas V. Clark Hays JesseL. Francis Reabold Collamer Friedian* Knowles* Lofton AG2 AG3 AG1 Ltjg. Ltjg. AG3/AG2 077 078 079 080 081 1. W. W.e. R. Willie R. WilliamT. Hulse Sievers Sullivan Sanders* Deschon AG2 AG3 AG2/AG1 AG1/AGC AGAN/AG3 082 EugeneJ. Boland AG2/AG1 2 DF I, II, III CTF43 Staff Met. Officer DF I, II, III CTF43 Staff, DF IV USS Edisto, DF60, DF61 Asst Aero, DF65, DF66 ASA DF II USS ATKAAGB-3 DF II USS ATKA AGB-3 DF II USS Brough DF II USS Glacier DF II USS Glacier DF USS Glacier DF TF43 DF USGC Northwind DF USS Atka DF USS Atka DF USS Curtiss (1956-1957), DF III (1957 -1958) DF II USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF II USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF II USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF II USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF II USS Staten Island AGB-5 I DF III USS Atka DF II USS Staten Island AGB-5, DF IV USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF II W/O DF II W/O Ellsworth Station MCB (Special) Det. "B" DF II W/O Ellsworth Station MCB (Special) Det. "B" DF W/O McMurdo DF W/O McMurdo DF W/O McMurdo DF W/O McMurdo, DF74 Det. "C" DF W/O, DF60 W/O McMurdo DF Wilkes Station W/O MCB (Special) Det. "B" DF II Wilkes Station W/O MCB (Special) Det. "B" DF II Wilkes Station W/O MCB (Special) Det. "B" DF II Wilkes Station W/O MCB (Special) Det. "B" DF II, DF III W/O McMurdo DF II, DF III W/O McMurdo DF II, DFIV USCGC Northwind DF II, Staff CTF43 DF III Little America V, DF IV McMurdo DF III & DFIV, DF60 CTF43 Staff McMurdo DF III CTF43 Staff DF III CTF43 Staff DF III CTF43 Staff DF III CTF43 Staff, DF60 CTF43 staff DF III CTF43 Staff, DF60 CTF43 Staff, DF61 McMurdo, Little Rockford DF III McMurdo & Beardmore, DFIV W/O McMurdo OPERATION DEEP FREEZE - 1955-1998 - Aerographers & Meteorolgical Officers 083 Arthur J. Ullrich AG3 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 Calvin Clarence L. Thomas G. RobertL. William G. Donald C. Francis ., Jr. Edward. I. Elmer. H. McBride Boswell Farnsworth Lee Thompson Willette* Kaminski Robbins Smith AG AGAN AG3 AGAN/AG3 AGC AG1 AG3/AG2 AG2 AG2/AG1 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 Frank Michael c.J. William H. Alfred J. George V. David J. Ronald K. Patrick* Garczynski Highlands Keller Bowman Harper* Deegan AG1/AGC AG3 AG2 AG1 Ltjg. AG1/AG2 AG3 100 101 102 103 William "Bill" J. Fred W. John R. Roger E. Conners Mackemer Swan Smith* AG1 AG3 AG2/AG1 AG2 104 William S., Jr. Lanterman* Cdr.lCapt. 105 106 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 Henry William Larry Francis H. Kenneth R. William A., III JamesC. David A. Leo W. O. George Radke Clune Mills Davis Lawson Slagle Crehan Howe Troup Soulia AG3 AG2 AG AG2 AG2 AG2 AG3 AG3 AG2 AG1/AGCM/CW03 lIS 116 D. R. E. Nicholas Ernst AG2 AGAN/AG2 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Merwyn Leonard Charles E. Ronald G. Chester "Chet" Doug Gerald "Jerry" Charles R. Thurber Arnold J. R. H. E. G., Jr. D. D. Dominic 1. Bryan Francisco* Tisue Frankenfield MacDowell Edwards* Glore Zeh Buller Kittle Velie Conway Bourgoin AG2 AGC AG2 Ltjg AG2/AGC AG2 AG3 Ltjg AG3 AG1 AG2 AG2 AG3/AG2 130 JamesP. King Cdr. III 3 OF III Staff, OF IV Staff, McMurdo & Beardmore Glacier OF III USS Atka OF III USS Burton Island AGB-1 OF III USS Burton Island AGB-1 OF III USS Burton Island AGB-1 OF III USS Burton Island AGB-1 OF III USS Glacier OF III W/O Ellsworth Station OF III W/O Ellsworth Station OF III W/O Ellsworth Station, DF60, OF61 McMurdo W/O OF III W/O Ellsworth Station, DF70 OF III W/O Hallett Station OF III W/O Hallett Station OF III W/O Hallett Station OF III W/O McMurdo OF III WIO McMurdo OF III W/O McMurdo, Beardmore Glacier summer OF III Wilkes Station W/O OF III Wilkes Station W/O OF III Wilkes Station W/O OF III Wilkes Station W/O, OF60, OF61 McMurdo W/O OF III, OF IV, OF60 TF43 Staff, OF61 CTF43 Staff OF IV OF IV USCGC Northwind OF IV USS Glacier OF IV Hallett Station W/O OF IV Hallett Station W/O OF IV Hallett Station WIO OF IV USS Edisto OF IV USS Edisto OF IV USS Edisto OF IV USS Edisto, OF68-71 ASA Oet. "C"AOIC OF IV USS Staten Island AGB-5 OF IV USS Staten Island, OF61 USS Staten Island OF IV W/O McMurdo OF IV W/O McMurdo OF IV W/O McMurdo OF IV W/O McMurdo, DF60 CTF43 Staff DF IV, OF60-62 OF60 CTF43 staff OF60 CTF43 Staff OF60 CTF43 Staff OF60 CTF43 Staff Palmer Station OF60 Hallet Station W/O OF60 Hallet Station W/O OF60 McMurdo WIO OF60 McMurdo, OF61 USS Glacier AGB-4 OF60 TF43 Staff OPERATION DEEP FREEZE - 1955-1998 - Aerographers & Meteorolgical Officers 131 Richard Y. Dow Lcdr. 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 C. M. RoyO. Harrison Oscar Ralph Edward P. E. Eakle James* Solibakke* Adair* Cameron Faerber* Philips Hoer AG2 AGC AG2 AG AG3 AG1 AG3 AG3/AG2 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 Bruce J. Clark H. JamesE. John D. Al Ed A. JosephA. John P. Lawrence 1. RobertN. Cerabone* Hunt Hurley Ploetz* Bennett Dressler Angerome Bleclic VanLoan Costa AG2 AG2 AG2 Lcdr. AG2 AG1 AG3 AG1 AG2/AG1 AG2/AG1 150 151 152 153 154 Charles "Chuck" M. Preston C. Robert David C.lG. Albert T. White Anderson* McFetti Weaver Buckmaster* AGAN/AG2 AG1 AGC AG2 Lcdr. 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Richard R. Daniel F. Redoy B. Charles D. Paul Allin JamesM. Gary E. John Hood Earl T., Jr. Elbert T. Dennis Dempsey Dougherty Krieger Rogers Heifner* Romano Signor Powell Ellis Giffin Hodgins Page Pugh Sanders Nelson Shoener Edwards Bryner Krause Sheppard Wood* Martz Massey Monarch Applebee Rheaume Holmes AG2/AG1 AG2 AG2 AG3 AG3/AG2 AG1 AGAN/AG3 Lt. AG AG2 AG AG1 AGC AG AG1 AG3 AGAN/AG2 AG3 AG2 AGAN AG3 AG2 AG2 AG2 AG2 AG2 AG3/Civ ?? ?? ?? ?? Richard L. James JamesE. W.Tom Jack W. D. E. R. K. L. D. Glenn Clark J. E. E. L. 1. E. B. C. 0.1. Thomas J. 4 DF60 TF43 Staff Asst. Met Officer, DF61 CTF43 Staff DF60 TF43 Staff, DF61 TF43 Staff DF60 TF43 Staff, DF61 TF43 Staff DF60 TF43 Staff, DF61 TF43 Staff DF60 USS ATKA OR EDISTO DF60 USS Glacier (AGB-4) DF60 USS Glacier (AGB-4) DF60 USS Glacier (AGB-4) DF60 USS GLACIER (AGB-4) summer support, DF60 W/O McMurdo DF60 W/O McMurdo DF60 W/O McMurdo DF60 W/O McMurdo DF60 W/O McMurdo DF60, DF61 CTF43 staff DF60, DF61 CTF43 staff Davisville Det. DF60, DF61 USS Atka DF60, DF61 USS Glacier AGB-4 DF60, DF61 W/O McMurdo DF60, DF61, TF43 Staff, Little America, Little Rockford, Byrd Station, McMurdo Station DF60, DF61, DF62 USS Glacier (AGB-4) DF61 TF43 Staff DF61 CTF43 staff DF61 CTF43 Staff, Beardmore DF61 CTF43 Staff, DF63, TF43 Staff (OIC Det Charlie 8/1962 - 7/1963) DF61 CTF43 staff, DF71-74 ASAINSFA DF61 Hallett W/O DF61 Hallett W/O DF61 Hallett W/O DF61 McMurdo W/O DF61 McMurdo W/O DF61 McMurdo W/O DF61 TF43 Staff Asst. Met. Officer DF61 USCGC Eastwind DF61 USCGC Eastwind DF61 USCGC Eastwind DF61 USCGC Eastwind DF61 USCGC Eastwind DF61 USCGC Eastwind DF61 USS Edisto DF61 USS Edisto DF61 USS Edisto, DF62 USS Edisto DF61 USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF61 USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF61 USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF61 USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF61 USS Wilhoite DF61 USS Wilhoite DF61 USS Wilhoite DF61 USS Wilhoite DF61 VX-6, DF63 VXE-6 DF61 W/O Byrd National Weather Service OPERATION DEEP FREEZE - 1955-1998 - Aerographers & Meteorolgical Officers 182 183 184 WilliamH. Ronald C. Robert "Bob" D. Keith Rarick Serpan Lt. AG2 AGAN/AG3 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Leonard E. JamesA. StephenG. Douglas M. PhilipD. Larry D. Jack Herbert L. Harry R. Douglas J. William O. Coutts Hanson Merrill Ales Bogert Duncan Grace Hansen Hollenbach Roul Webster* AG1 AG2 AG3 AG1 AG2 AG1 AG2 Lt. AGC AG3 AG3/AG2/AG1 196 Bob Seiders AG3/AG2 197 198 199 )00 201 202 203 204 Bobby Ray Gary S. EugeneJ. WilliamF. Thomas C. John A. Gerald R., Jr. Harold E. "Gene" Thomas* Dodge Gritton Lind Naig ShOJi Witsman AG1 AG3 AG2 AG3 AG3 AG2 AG1 AG1/AGC 205 Robert L. Schafer AG2 206 Albert "Jack" Garman AG2/AG1 207 208 C. R. Robert F. Middleton White AG2 AG2 209 210 Raymond E. Marshall R. Bridwell Monroe AG3 AG3 211 212 213 214 215 ?? ?? Raymond J. Gmy. L. Thomas W. Joy Kovach Malinowski Davey Newbill AG2 AG3 AG1 AG2/AG1 AG3/AG2 216 217 )18 219 220 221 222 223 224 Douglas M. Harold E. William S. James Charles R. Robert S. Richard W. Arthur M. Bruce F. Lendt Copeland Lederman Frankhauser Warner* Hankins Hyatt" Nesbit DeWald AG3 AG3 AG2 AG1/AGC AG1 AG3/AG2 AG2/AG1 Lt. AG1/Ltjg Kurta 5 DF61 W/O McMurdo DF61, DF62 USCGC Eastwind DF61, DF62, DF63 CNFA Staff, McMurdo, Little Rockford, Byrd Station, Camp Neptune DF62 W/O Hallett DF62 W/O Hallett DF62 W/O Hallett DF62 W/O McMurdo DF62 W/O McMurdo DF62 W/O McMurdo DF62 W/O McMurdo DF62 W/O McMurdo DF62 W/O McMurdo DF62 W/O McMurdo DF62 W/O McMurdo, DF65 & DF66 Det. "C" summer support DF62, DF63, DF64 Det. "C" McMurdo, Little Rockford DF63 DF63 USS Durant DF63 USS Durant DF63 USS Durant DF63 USS Durant DF63 USS Durant DF63 USS Durant DF63 Little Rockford, DF64 W/O McMurdo & Byrd & Little Rockford, DF77 summer support DF63 McMurdo W/O, Little Rockford Summer DF63 McMurdo, Eights Station, DF64 Summer Support ASA DF63 Summer Support DF63 Summer Support Hallett Station, DF65 DF63 Summer Support, Hallett Station DF63 Summer Support, Little Rockford, Hallett Station, DF64 summmer support Little Rockford, McMurdo DF63 USS Glacier (AGB-4) DF63 USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF63 USS Staten Island AGB-5 DF63 VX-6 Beardmore, Little Rockford DF63 VX-6, DF64 Det. "3" Beardmore Camp DF63 VX-6, DF64 VX6 DF63 VXE-6, DF65 VXE-6 DF63 VXE-6, DF65 VXE-6 DF63 W/O McMurdo DF63 W/O McMurdo DF63 W/O McMurdo Station DF63 W/O McMurdo Station DF63 W/O McMurdo Station DF63 W/O McMurdo, DF66 W/O McMurdo, DF72 summer support, NSFA, DF73 summer support NSFA