media kit - Gay News Network
media kit - Gay News Network
SYDNEY’S LOCAL WEEKLY GAY MAGAZINE MEDIA KIT 2015/2016 13 JUly 2015 | SX 756 SYDNEY FESTIVAL LAUNCHES ITS 40TH FESTIVAL WITH TWO GREAT ART OF ART SYDNEY FESTIVAL LAUNCHES ITS 40TH FESTIVAL WITH TWOWORKS GREATOF WORKS PHOTO: KRAFFT ANGERER PHOTO: MARK ALLEN PHOTO: MARK ALLEN PHOTO: KRAFFT ANGERER Ryan Corr and Craig Stott in Holding The Man BACK TO BROKEN HILL HAVING ESCAPED YEARS AGO, SYDNEY DRAG LEGEND AMELIA AIRHEAD IS RETURNING TO HER HOMETOWN – IN FULL DRAG – FOR THE INAUGURAL ‘BROKEN HEEL FESTIVAL’ BE THE FIRST TO SEE ‘HOLDING THE MAN’ CREATED BY TOM WAITS, KATHLEEN BRENNAN ANDCREATED ROBERTBY WILSON TOM WAITS, KATHLEEN DIRECTED BY JETTE STECKEL BRENNAN AND ROBERT WILSON DIRECTED BY JETTE STECKEL DESDEMONA DESDEMONAWOYZECK WOYZECK ROSLYN PACKER THEATRE TEXT BY DIRECTED BY PETER SELLARS TEXT BY DIRECTED BY PETER SELLARS MUSIC AND LYRICS BY A special gala screening in Sydney of new Australian film Holding The Man is set to help raise money to end HIV transmission in NSW. The exclusive pre-release screening of the highly anticipated film will take place at the Ritz cinema in Randwick on Wednesday, August 12, CARRIAGEWORKS BAY 17 7–12 JANUARY CARRIAGEWORKS BAY 17 7–12 JANUARY THALIA THEATER HAMBURG ADAPTED FROM GEORG BÜCHNER ROSLYN PACKER THEATRE THALIA THEATER HAMBURG TONI MORRISON 23–25 OCTOBER ADAPTED FROM GEORG BÜCHNER TONI MORRISON 23–25 OCTOBER ROKIAMUSIC TRAORÉ AND LYRICS BY ROKIA TRAORÉ and will be a fundraiser for ACON. The gala screening follows the sold out world premiere at the Sydney Film Festival last month, and will precede the general release of the film on August 27. Guests can choose to just see the film ($30) or to also mingle with the stars of the film at an exclusive after party in the bar and balcony of the historic art deco building ($55). All guests will get a popcorn, ice cream or drink plus they’ll each receive a 2-for-1 pass to Bingay, ACON’s monthly bingo night at The Shift Club in Darlinghurst. The film is a moving love story set in the early years of Australia’s HIV crisis, and is based on the much loved memoir of Timothy Conigrave, who worked as a health promotion officer at ACON in the early 1990s, developing HIV prevention campaigns and providing HIV education and support for young gay men. ACON has teamed up with the producers and distributor of Holding The Man to become an /SXNEWS @SXMAGAZINE +SXMAGAZINE @SXMAGAZINE official community partner of the production to honour Tim’s work as a community health advocate and to help promote the film’s message of acceptance and inclusion of LGBTI people and people with HIV. “Holding The Man is one of our community’s most cherished love stories, and it provides a compelling personal insight into the devastating impact of HIV and AIDS during the early years of the epidemic,” said ACON CEO Nicolas Parkhill. “It’s a beautifully sad, surprisingly funny and ultimately uplifting film with great performances and a terrific soundtrack. “There’s only limited seating available for this event so I encourage anyone who’s interested in attending to purchase tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.” Holding The Man ACON Gala Screening is on Wednesday, August 12, at Ritz Cinema (52 St Paul’s St, Randwick). Tix film and party $55/film only $30. All tickets include popcorn, ice cream, drink and 2-for-1 Bingay pass. Book: HTMgala SX is a proud media partner of this event. MARRIAGE EQUALITY Straight ally shows his colours for marriage equality Cec Busby Following the US Supreme Court’s historic ruling on gay marriage, local fitness trainer Cameron Smith decided to show his support for the LGBTI community by lighting up his shopfront in rainbow colours. Smith, the owner of Pro Train Fitness on Flinders Street, has pledged to keep the lights shining bright until all his Aussie gay friends also have the same rights to equal love. The Catholic-raised fitness fanatic, who co-incidentally attended the same school as the PM, says he still can’t believe marriage equality is an issue. “Everyone is equal and is entitled to the same rights. Take religion out of it, and it’s common sense,” he tells SX. BOOK A–RESERVE TICKETS TO BOTH DESDEMONA & WOYZECK FOR $170* SYDNEYFESTIVAL.ORG.AU OR 1300 856 876 BOOK A–RESERVE TICKETS TO BOTH DESDEMONA & WOYZECK FOR $170* SYDNEYFESTIVAL.ORG.AU OR 1300 856 876 *TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY F R E E RAPI D HIV TESTING SERVICES WWW.GAYNEWSNETWORK.COM.AU SYDNEY’S LOCAL LGBTI NEWS MAGAZINE JANUARY 2016 JANUARY 2016 OCTOBER 2015 2015 OCTOBER “A RITUAL “AOF RITUAL OF SPELLBINDING SPELLBINDING BEAUTY”BEAUTY” LA TIMESLA TIMES *TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY 4 Rainbow colours light up Cameron Smith’s Pro Train Fitness on Flinder Street Smith says her was spurred on to adorn his shop in rainbow lights after seeing so much of his Facebook feed turn a rainbow hue. “I loved the forward movement that the US demonstrated, and the Facebook rainbow support that followed. Cameron Smith l 13 July 2015 “It was very important to me, to let my gay friends, gym members and loved ones know that I would do whatever I could, to fight for them and their rights. “Anyone who knows me, knows my gym is an extension of me, so I wanted to use its walls as a very public symbol that ‘straight’ people also think the current state of marriage inequality is a joke.” Smith says the more ‘noise’ straight people can make on the issue the better – and he encourages other straight allies to step up. “I would love the LGBTI community to be able to sit back and let their ‘Straight Army’ fight this battle but I think too many people have great intentions but sit on their hands.” View: 'The time for debating gay marriage is over' – Page 12 Footy codes back gay marriage Just days after the NRL confirmed its commitment to marriage equality; the football code has joined together with the AFL and the Football Federation to feature in an advertisement pledging support for equal love. The advertisement appeared in the Weekend Australian and saw all three codes present a united front in calling for same-sex marriage rights for LGBTI Australians. In the ad, Rugby League legend Paul Langmack said: “On and off the field we support and stand by our mates. These sporting codes unanimously stand for fairness, believing all Australians should be treated fairly and equally in the eyes of the law.” FEATURE FEATURE FEATURE SPECIAL FEATURE Creative Spaces for Thriving Communities A PLACE CALLED HOME Scoring a coveted City of Sydney accommodation grant in 2014, The Festivalists – a non profit arts organisation that specialises in bringing together artists and unusual spaces to create stimulating, interactive cultural experiences – have used the opportunity to expand their creative horizons and grow their business. “We applied because it was the only way to grow the company,” says The Festivalists’ director Matt Ravier (pictured left). “We’re coming up on our tenth birthday now, but we are still pretty small and lean. We’ve never been able to afford premises that would allow us to grow and the accommodation grant has allowed us to do that.” Before relocating to their new premises at the Erskineville Town Hall, Ravier says they were in cramped space in Sydney’s Chinatown. “It was less than salubrious. We got burgled once a month and junkies had moved into the bathrooms. So we were all eager to find office space more conducive to the hard work that we do. Now we have offices where we can feel creative. We have more space and we can have interns.” Attached to their new home in Erskineville is a beautiful The City of Sydney’s accommodation grants provide vital spaces to community organisations that breathe life into the city. Cec Busby reports. S ydney was recently ranked number five in the world’s most live-able cities by Monocle magazine, ahead of the likes of Stockholm (6th), Vancouver (7th) and Zurich (10th). The ranking, which takes into consideration everything from housing affordability to recycling to cultural activities and the price of a cup of coffee, proves the City of Sydney’s plan to create a green, global connected city is thriving. “The quality of life we are creating in Sydney by investing in parks, playgrounds and open spaces; supporting creativity and culture; encouraging innovation; and delivering public and private developments with excellent design, is amongst the world’s best,” Lord Mayor Clover Moore said on receiving the recognition. “This is not only good for Sydney residents, but good for business as we know that a city with a high quality of life attracts investment and a talented workforce.” Moore knows all too well that central to the life of any city is its culture. As such, the City of Sydney’s Culture Policy and Action Plan has discovered a way to allow artists, creatives and community organisations a foothold in the city landscape. Under its Accommodation Grants Program, the city provides a space within disused or underused city premises at reduced or no cost for non-profits and community-minded enterprises that work within the social services, cultural and environmental spaces. Introduced in 2014, the grants currently support 69 organisations across 46 City-managed sites and includes a men’s shed, a junior footy club and an artists’ collective. This month applications open again for five new spaces in facilities as diverse as the Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator and Glebe Town Hall. Spaces could be used to benefit community groups, artist practices or as workshop facilities. “The City is always seeking good ideas from local community-based COVER Homecoming Queen The Festivalists deliver arts and culture to Erskineville village organisations on how to put our under-used or empty spaces to good use,” Moore said. “We expect interest to be very high for this round, with the Walter Burley Griffin incinerator and space at Glebe Town Hall available again, and applicants will be able to make the most of our much-improved online application services.” Successful applicants are typically those that can deliver social, cultural and environmental outcomes for the City of Sydney community. HOW TO APPLY Applications open on Monday, July 6, and close on Monday, August 3. Applicants can apply for up to 100 per cent rent subsidy. Prospective applicants can check property inspection times and lodge application forms at For the first time in more than two decades, Sydney drag legend Amelia Airhead is returning to her hometown of Broken Hill – as the headliner of the inaugural gay pride gathering, the Broken Heel Festival. By Cec Busby. art deco hall, which The Festivalists have made good use of since their tenure began. “We have for the first time been able to put on events in our own venue. It means we can diversify the events we do. We started Young at Heart Culture Club, a monthly film clubs for seniors. It’s been going gangbusters! We’re planning a new event in the spring. These local events allow us to develop audiences based on what the community needs, and collaborate with local businesses and artists. It makes a big difference feeling anchored with the community rather than operating in a vacuum.” Add to this their already booming events’ schedule, which includes the popular Jurassic Lounge, Hijinks and Mayhem parties and you see just how much the accommodation grant has helped this arts company grow. Ravier encourages any local community group or arts organisation to apply. “It’s a serious way to help you grow your company.” P riscilla had a huge influence on the mainstream psyche for its positive portrayal of the drag queens and LGBT people. Just like Les Girls in the 60s, it made us palatable to the general public,” says drag artist Amelia Airhead. “[Thanks to Priscilla] I firmly believe drag is now recognised as an art form in its own right, worthy of recognition and respect.” This year marks the 21st anniversary of Stephen Elliott’s cult film and in honour of the event, Aussie outback town Broken Hill (which provided the setting for many of the film’s pivotal scenes) is holding the inaugural Broken Heel Festival. Headlining the festival is Amelia and her ‘Glitter Sisters’, Minnie Cooper and Charisma Belle, who will bring a touch of Sydney glamour to the outback mining centre. For Amelia it’s a real homecoming. The drag star grew up in Broken Hill and tells SX as a young gay boy, she would never have dreamed of frocking up. “It was tough growing up in Broken Hill as a shy and slightly effeminate ‘pretty boy’. When I look back now, I spent a lot of energy as a kid being on guard, fitting in with the other boys, unsuccessfully I’m sure,” Amelia says. “Dad worked in the mines and owned race horses so I grew up around the types of blokes we see in the film. That said, many of them actually had hearts of gold Pictured: The Festivalists’ director Matt Ravier work from Erskineville Town Hall, as a reult of the City of Sydney accommodation grant. Photo: Cec Busby Back to Broken Hill ... Amelia Airhead. Photo: John McRae and were just products of that tough environment.” It’s been over 25 years since Amelia left Broken Hill behind and moved to the bright lights of the big city. The now veteran drag artist says she is both nervous and excited to be returning and performing in front of her home crowd at the iconic Palace Hotel. “Broken Hill is known for its gems, both underground and above, and the Palace is surely one of our most precious jewels. It will be forever famous because of the movie, so this festival is such a special moment in the town’s history,” she says. As for the Glitter Girls Show, Amelia describes it as a fun and hilarious journey through many of the hits from Priscilla. “We are also doing a couple of numbers made famous at various Sydney venues over the years, just to give the locals a taste of authentic Sydney drag.” She suggests many audience members attending on the night will be ‘drag virgins’ and says she is looking forward to giving them a taste of the ol’ razzle dazzle. “It’s important the locals leave with a positive impression of drag,” she says. “That it’s not a scary thing to be hidden away in nightclubs in the city, and that it’s actually just about having fun.” OVERVIEW BROKEN HEEL FESTIVAL September 11-13, Palace Hotel, Broken Hill The inaugural Broken Heel Festival, running from Friday, September 11 until Sunday, September 13, is Broken Hill’s first ever event celebrating gay pride and culture. There are events all through the weekend, with special guests including Amelia Airhead, Minnie Cooper, Charisma Belle, and DJ Magnus. Broken Heel is organised by the Palace Hotel, the world-famous landmark featured in the movie. www.bhfestival. THE SPACES: APPLY NOW WATERLOO TOWN HALL 53 Forsyth St, Glebe 770 Elizabeth St, Waterloo Located on the Glebe foreshore, the Walter Burley Griffin incinerator overlooks Blackwattle Bay and Anzac Bridge. Offering 70sqm of floor space, it is accessible via steps and a walkway through landscaped surrounds. The incinerator is close to public transport routes and would suit a group that can host up to 20 people at once. Waterloo Town Hall is a landmark two storey Victorian-Italianate building that houses the Waterloo Library. Two adjoining spaces spanning 36sqm would make ideal offices, workshops for writing groups or learning labs. Interested applicants must explain how they would partner or engage with the Waterloo Library and the City’s library programs. l 6 July 2015 BOURKE STREET COMMUNITY SHED GLEBE TOWN HALL WORKSHOP SPACE 15A Argyle Street, 15A Argyle Street, Millers Point Millers Point Woolloomooloo 160 St John’s Rd, Glebe A multi-purpose 61sqm space A multi-purpose 61sqm space ideal for small informal meetings, ideal for small informal meetings, art classes and workshops is art classes and workshops is available along with office space available along with office space and a storage area. Located and a storage area. Located close to Circular Quay and close to Circular Quay and the Walsh Bay arts precinct, the Walsh Bay arts precinct, the activity centre would suit the activity centre would suit a community group with a a community cultural, group with a social or environmental cultural, socialsustainability or environmental focus. sustainability focus. This 96sqm shed is located in Bourke Street Park next to a community garden. The successful occupant could complement activity in the garden or set up a Men’s or Sheilas’ shed. Art and craft workshops or job-ready courses and lessons in sustainable landscaping, seed propagation and bicycle maintenance are also possibilities. The successful applicant will be responsible for fitting out the shed with shelves, tools and benches. A 36sqm workshop and a 10sqm storage room are available in the heritage-listed building about 400m from Glebe Point Rd. Glebe Town Hall has a number of different spaces, including three different halls, that can be booked by community members or organisations. Other accommodation grant tenants there include the Glebe Community Development Project and the Glebe Early Childhood Centre. 6 July 2015 l 11 8 ENTERTAINMENT Arts Events IN SYNC The stage adaptation of classic 2000 teen comedy film Bring It On is getting its Australian premiere, writes Garrett Bithell. For those of us who came of age in the late 90s/early 2000s, Bring It On was one of the high water marks of the ubiquitous teen comedy genre. Released in 2000, and starring Kirsten Dunst, the film was a smart, vibrant and hilarious satire of American high school culture. In 2011, Bring It On was adapted for the stage. With music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Tom Kitt and Amanda Green, with a book by Jeff Whitty, it premiered in 2011 at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia to rave reviews. Now, Bring It On The Musical is getting its Australian premiere at NIDA Theatres, directed by Rod Herbert and produced by Supply Evolution. “The musical offers all the drama, crazy cheerleading stunts, and dance routines that you fell in love with in the movie,” ensemble member Blake Hatton tells SX. “However now we have added incredible songs, extralovable characters, and all the elements that live theatre has to offer. We promise a high energy show with thrilling stunts that will keep you on the edge of your seat, as well as music and dancing that will have you itching to jump up and sing along.” Bring It On The Musical tells the story of the challenges and unexpected bonds formed through the thrill of extreme competition between rival high school cheer squads. “This show is unlike any show I’ve ever done before,” Hatton says. “I am not a trained cheerleader but we have been drilled by our coach and worked our arses off and now I think I’ll have you fooled. “This show has a mixture of intense cheer choreography – or ‘cheerography’ as they call it – and hip hop/commercial dancing, and then we throw in an unhealthy amount of cheer stunts on top of that. As if singing, dancing and acting weren’t already enough. Our choreographer Tracy Rasmussen and our cheer coach Melissa McKenzie have been godsends and worked together to make this a visually fulfilling show with tonnes of energy.” Hatton is relishing the diversity of roles he gets to play as an ensemble member, “from a preppy, privileged Truman high student to a grungy rough Jackson high student and all the people in between”. “The amount of times we change back and forth from one character to the next is very tiring but that’s what makes it fun and keeps things interesting.” Gold Standard aesthetic treatments for men Bring It On The Musical, NIDA Theatres, 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington, June 27 – July 7. Bookings at www. VENUS IN FUR Eternity Playhouse until July 5 Bookings: (02) 8356 9987 or The voyeuristic kick that is David Ives’ Venus in Fur is about a smug playwright and a hungry actress who meet in a rehearsal room one rainy night. The ensuing casting session sees the pair of them doing battle for ninety odd minutes. It is a faceoff like no other. At the top of the play, Thomas (Gareth Reeves) is at the end of a long day in the studio complaining over the phone to his girlfriend about the thirty-five incompetent actresses he has just auditioned. Our frustrated writer/director is attempting to cast his adaptation of “Venus in Furs” the 1870 novel by Viennese author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. The part is that of a high-born 19th-century dominatrix, and he hasn’t seen anyone who can even “pronounce the word ‘degradation’ without a tutor?” Be careful what you wish for Thomas. When Vanda (Anna Houston) walks in, he almost immediately wants to eject her. He is not impressed by the silver-studded dog collar she is wearing (out-ofperiod), and he’s clearly annoyed when she insists Sacher- Masoch’s book is “pornish”. Still the frazzled, gum chewing starlet seems intent on winning the role and while Thomas is slightly repelled, could he, in fact, have found his ingénue? Or perhaps he has met his worst nightmare? Ives’ kinky, dark comedy was the most produced play in the US last year. It’s not hard to see why. It’s steamy and brainy at the same time. It has been made into an effective film (performed in French) by Roman Polanski but it’s a consummately theatrical piece so it’s good to see it on stage where it can take advantage of the strengths of the medium it was written for. Vanda is a gift of a role and like her character Houston seizes her opportunity. It is a brazenly erotic but essentially delightful comic performance. Her Vanda strings along the audience (as well as poor Thomas) keeping us guessing about who she is and what she wants. Is she a ‘mess’, a star in the making, an ingenious stalker, or, in fact, Venus herself? Houston is wellmatched by Reeves, who is quietly authoritative in the less showy role, and together they have great chemistry. For an obligation free consultation CALL TODAY 02 9221 3331 For hair loss treatment call 1800 689 939 Clinically proven treatments; hair restoration, anti-wrinkle treatments, surgery free facelift, painless laser hair reduction Sculpt your best physique with CoolSculpting permanent fat reduction Before TROUGH X: ARTHOUSE HOTEL PHOTOS: MARK DICKSON SCRUM: Join Queer Screen for a special preview screening of Poppy Stockell’s powerful documentary Scrum. The film chronicles the highs and lows of a trio of Sydney Convicts players as the team prepare for the Bingham Cup tournament in Sydney. Part of the Sydney Pride Festival, the screening will also feature a Q&A with the filmmaker and some of the players featured in the movie. Wednesday, June 17, 7pm, Event Cinemas George Street, After ENTERTAINMENT SYDNEY STINGERS TRIVIA: Join Maxi Shield, Portia Turbo and the handsome lads from the Sydney Stingers at the sixth annual ‘Are you Smarter than a Stinger?’ trivia night. Help the Stingers raise funds for their globe-trotting endeavours and enjoy fantastic acts from the boys as well as brain-teasing trivia and drinks specials all night. This year the team is headed for Eurogames Stockholm in August and they need all your support. This night always sells out and there are only a small number of tables left. Friday, June 19, 7pm, Paddo RSL, $100 off first treatment for new clients* Before PRIDE @ STONEWALL: Sydney Pride festivities are in full swing and there’s a flurry of events happening at Pride HQ, Stonewall Hotel. There’s trivia on Monday, an authors’ night on Tuesday, special Malebox on Wednesday, Boys Bar Up with OX Live on Thursday, Orgy of Drag on Friday, and Polly’s Follies on Sunday. There’s something on every night of the week, so be sure you stop by the popular Oxford Street venue. Go to for the full line-up of events. Stonewall Hotel is located at 175 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst REVIEW THEATRE VERONICA HANNON The cast of Bring It On and, inset, ensemble member Blake Hatton. l 31 August 2015 Out ENTERTAINMENT BINGAY’S WINTER WONDERLAND: The first new-look monthly Bingay launches this week and it’s going to be a snow-stopper! The theme is ‘Winter Wonderland’. “Think Frozen meets Mardi Gras,” organisers said. Bingay hostess Charisma Belle will continue to oversee the madcap proceedings alongside barrel babe Naomi Palmer. “I’m absolutely thrilled that it’s back,” Charisma raved. Thursday, June 18, 7pm, The Shift Club, Darlinghurst, $20 all games, After Improvement of acne damaged skin after three Herbal Activ Peels Results after one CoolSculpting treatment to chest and abdomen Revive your face and body. Rapid and natural results, minimal downtime, discreet location. Call (02) 9221 3331 or visit Restore your hair with Martinick Hair Restoration. Permanent, natural & undetectable. Call 1800 689 939 Visit AURORA BALL: All eyes will be on Sydney Town Hall this weekend when it plays host to the annual Aurora Ball. Taking to the stage are a stellar line-up of stars including Katie Noonan, Michael Falzon, Bobby Fox, Maeve Marsden, Libby Wood and DJ Dirty Nelly. The keynote speech will be delivered by filmmaker Maya Newell. There are a handful of tickets still available, so book immediately to make sure you don’t miss out. Saturday, June 20, 6pm, Sydney Town Hall, bookings@auroragroup., (02) 8323 4041 Suite 704, 5 Hunter Street, Sydney *Subject to medical assessment of patient suitability 20 18 l 15 June 2015 l 15 June 2015 20 LIVING Pets CARPENTRY THIS WEEK ON GAY LIFE All cats have been desexed, microchipped and vaccinated. The CPS Adoption Centre, at 103 Enmore Road, Newtown, is open Sunday to Friday 11am-2.30pm and on Saturdays 10am-3.30pm, as well as Thursday evenings 4.30-6.30pm and Friday afternoons from 3.30-5pm. Contact: (02) 9557 4818 or visit Help the Cat Protection Society find forever homes for these feline friends. ABBY The best bits from Gay Life... that are fit to print GAYLIFE.COM.AU SPECIAL PROMOTION BEST FRIENDS ... IN NEED SOLOMON SMOKEY TILLY Gender: Female Age: 3 years Colour: Tabby Tortie and White DSH Gender: Male Age: 2 ½ years Colour: Black DSH Gender: Male Age: 18 months Colour: Grey Tabby DSH Gender: Female Age: 2 years Colour: Tortie It’s the cutest thing – when Abby gets overly excited she wiggles her little bottom! Because this cutie pie is as quiet as a mouse, she’s hoping her forever home will be on the quiet side too or at least have some “safe spaces” she can retreat to. An indoor home will suit her best and Abby – who is now three years old – could be just as happy being part of a family with older children as she would living with one person. Solomon is the king of cats and if you share the adventure that is life with him, you’ll be richly rewarded – with kitty smooches! Being a young adult, Solomon is still playful (he loves tunnels) and curious about the world around him so if he is to live indoors scratch platforms or ledges at windows to see outside will keep him occupied and if allowed outdoors of a day Solomon should always be inside at night for cuddles. Smokey’s soft, smouldering fur coat matches his personality purrrfectly. He’s a tender man whose affection has a slow and gentle burn that becomes warmer and warmer with time. Having lived with children in the past Smokey may enjoy living with a family in the future and because he’s never set paws outdoors Smokey’s ideal forever home will be indoors only. He’s a beautiful grey Tabby DSH and the tender age of 18 months. Tilly is seriously divine! Best suited to a tranquil home so she can get to know you without too much hustle and bustle, Tilly will be an affectionate and adoring feline friend. Tilly does have some special dietary requirements but once you’ve met this gorgeous tortie, that won’t matter one iota! Just picture your new, cosy life with Tilly – who is now two years old – nestled by your side. THE NAKED WARWICK ROWERS ARE BACK FOR 2016 The countdown is on for the 2016 calendar of the Warwick Rowers. Nude calendars are a dime a dozen these days. But there is one group whose annual naked calendar is so sought after that even when just a teaser drops, the internet loses its shit. So it was with the lads from the University of Warwick’s Boat Club, whose 2016 calendar video teaser hit the gay blogosphere with the force of a tsunami. Even we gushed on when it came out. And who wouldn’t? These guys are just awesome! Whether it’s their wholesome good looks, sheer ‘twunk’ appeal, or the obvious homoeroticism of the images, there’s something about the Warwick Rowers that makes you want to have them hanging on your wall – naked – all-year round. That funds raised from calendar not only help the club but also anti-bullying initiative Sport Allies, is but another reason. Indeed, such has been the popularity of the Warwick Rowers’ annual naked exploits that they have branched out to coffee table books, prints and digital video downloads. Needless to say, their videos on social media clock views well into the millions. Of course, it probably wouldn’t have exploded without us pervy homos – and the boys know that only too well. “It was really the gay market that supported [the calendar] and started buying it, and in turn, supporting the boat club,” a Warwick rower said in a previous video. Well, you’re welcome boys. But really, we should be the ones thanking you for getting your kit off – and doing it for a good cause. So bring on the 2016 calendar. And 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020... Services: Doors & Frames Decking & Handrails Joinery Timber Floor & Stairs Phone: 0424 995 599 Website: Licence Number: 234130c CLEANING PAINTING A1 PAINTING - Interior - Exterior. Free quotes and colour advise. Clean, Prompt, Courteous, gay. Competitive pricing. Large and small projects. Lic No. 194883C Philip 0418280442. AN EXTENSIVE PAINTING EXPERIENCE, a professional team/ honest / clean and reliable for any painting requirement. Call Levi for advice and a free quote on: 0404251231. Lic: 122883c MASSEURS THERAPEUTIC MASSEURS THERAPEUTIC MASSEURS EROTIC RECORDS Books, old wares. REVOLVE RECORDS & RELICS. Shop 3, 65 Erskineville Road, Erskineville. House visits welcome. Phone 95199978 or mobile 0402141968. Open 7 days. OIL ABOUT YOU A positive experience of touch. Private Dulwich Hill Treatment Room. $60/hr. 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PADDINGTON THAI GUYS,12 young guys, offering erotic body to body massage, body scrub, Thai massage and the mind blowing four hand massage, warm heated massage table. For booking and address: 0426150384. FEEL FANTASTIC NOW Be caressed & pampered by my experienced, qualified hands in my warm room with beautiful music. Pure pleasure. Time to tingle & relax your body & mind. $80 for 1 hr. Tom @ Enmore (Next to Newtown) 0416050291. Electric Blankets Operated by a Veterinarian Compare our High Standards Friendly Caring Staff Pick- Up & Delivery Service Book Online 02 9651 1401 664 Old Northern Rd Dural NSW 2158 ( Next to Dural Country Club ) G UR DO IS YO BUM INTO NG ON SURFI RPET? THE CA W! We believe in happy healthy pets – come in and feel the friendliness! Prevention is far better than cure, let us show you how your pet can live a longer, happier life. US NO CALL he ruins another …) re (befo r party dinne FIND US AT 350 VICTORIA ST, DARLINGHURST 24 l 31 August 2015 Call us on 9358 2566 Quality Furniture Removals & Storage Aar ws rking ver pa /7 en 24 derco nt e - Op and unvironme venu creet en Large of dis lcoming wd, e $20 Plentydly, we wd mixed cro er tim oth cro Frien htime turday, , any Lunc ay-Sa $15 entryn Only y ers Mond- 11am Day, Me DJ Nazb & Lock er d y Mi ay All turda , Show Sund y & Sa Steam Frida a, Spa, Saun REGISTER YOUR PET AT: WWW.VETSANDPETS.COM.AU/DARLO AND DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE E-BOOK & FREE GIFTS! Careful Reliable Team looking after you, Free Packing Material provided & after move Cleaning Service’s available. No call-out fee. 26 l 31 August 2015 HANDYMAN 2 Hot slaves at your service $110P/H + GST • 24/7 *Be moved* 9712 8846 0410 363 816 Kangaroo Move NO JOB TOO SMALL... 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Perfectly chest with six pack offers full body sensual and naked erotic massage. Private modern apartment in Surry Hills Hear Taylor Square. 24Hrs. 0414208082 Adelaide - Sydney Melbourne - Brisbane Perth REMOVALS SYDNEY’S ONLY ALL MALE IN-CALL LOCATION - SUPERIOR DISCREET PREMISES EXTENSIVE DIVERSE IN-HOUSE PORTFOLIO - PROMPT OUTCALL SERVICE FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED - CREDIT CARDS - EFTPOS - OPEN 11AM-1AM-7 DAYS HOT SLIM THAI Special naked erotic massage with cute, friendly 25 yo Thai boy. Tall, very good looking, with great toned body and silky smooth skin. Available before 1pm, 7 days a week, Private studio, Surry Hills call 0421370139. Thai massage $60 Oil massage $70/1hr - $100/1.5hr Deep tissue $80/1hr - $110/1.5hr Find the bodywork you really want .... when you want it! Background Music Pick-Up & Delivery Service In private studio / No Sex SMS Craig 0452 467 268 MASSAGE GUYS TRAVEL GARDENING PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE ALL ABOUT YOUR BODY Pamper yourself, relax, chill and let me work on your tight and sore muscles from fatigue, jet lag, exercise, stress, or after a party. One of the best pair of hands in town. Experienced. Combination of deep tissue, swedish, sports massage, reflexology & lymphatic drainage. Clean, private studio in Camperdown/ Newtown. Call Hendro on 0422861328. Sydney’s Most Respected Boarding Cattery 1st Class Single & Family Apartments SALE (Direct Sale - Melbourne) PLUMBING “While you’re away, your cat can play!” “A Home Away from Home” l 31 August 2015 CLASSIFIEDS ADULT Masseurs: 7 day free trial! galtaoz PERSONALS YOUNG AT HEART Aussie with a love for life, would like to meet a genuine top or versatile, who perfers top role on a casual basis. Average to good looking, easy going, Aussie or Asian who is into discreet, adult good times. Friendly, easy going guy with no baggage. Looking for regular hook up. No time wasters please, only someone wanting genuine adult encounters. No text message ping pong. Call Jamie on 0456389370. MASSEURS THERAPEUTIC Advertisers located within Massage Therapeutic offer a Non Sexual Service MASSEURS EROTIC CULINE MAS CH TOU ABN: 15 616 277 150 10 WALTER BURLEY GRIFFIN INCINERATOR MOTT ABRAHAMABRAHAM MOTT ACTIVITY ACTIVITY CENTRE CENTRE MANSCAPING AND REMEDIAL MASSAGE Massage • Clipping • Shaving • Waxing Masculine Touch TRADING AS INNOVATIVE TOUCH HOT THAI GUYS Three young fit and sexy guys offer full body erotic massage. In Sydney CBD. Call 0426961855. TAYLOR SQUARE 0433 022 208 WWW.MASCULINETOUCH.COM.AU TOP TO TOE REDFERN Full body, sensual oil massage, tailored to your specific needs provided by a friendly, qualified, discreet, massage therapist. My fully equipped, private studio with shower facility is located in a quiet, tranquil setting, 10 minutes walk from Redfern station with easy, free parking. Waxing, clipping and shaving also offered. All competitive rates. Call: 0415 970 358. GOOD LOOKING, MUSCULAR JAPANESE 180/71/28yo. Qualified Shiatsu & foot massage, erotic/relief, tanned, smooth skin, straight acting, hot six pack, “perfectly tight bum.” Private, modern studio, Surry Hills. In/out. 0421 578 752 Tim. No private numbers. Marc is back, hot, small Thai with big weapon. Firm & fit, 27 years old, good looking with smooth skin & sexy body with big, cut weapon. Offer a body to body erotic massage with hand relief or full service. Bookings essential. In&Out. Potts Point 0411584196 SURRY HILLS AREA Intuitive, relaxing, nude massage with Happy Ending after the massage. Clipping and shaving service 30yo French Canadian $70/30mins, $100/1hr, $150/1.5hrs, $200/2hrs In-Out Calls - No Sex Angol 0415 996 403 SX Connect with 30,600 inner Sydney readers every week! As a purely local news magazine, ’s reach into the heart of Sydney’s gay and lesbian community is second-to none. Informative, compelling, entertaining and bold – delivers a refreshing mix of LGBT news and stories, complemented by riveting features, engaging interviews, thought-provoking opinion pieces by well-known Australian gay and lesbian columnists, and a vibrant entertainment, arts, social and lifestyle section. Published for over thirteen years, has a proud history of informing, entertaining and connecting Sydney’s diverse communities. We cover the stories that matter. Through bold editorial, energetic tone, strong visuals, innovative design and premium gloss production, dominates its category as a must-read each week in Sydney with a print run of 9,000 copies distributed at over 260 outlets. AD SPECS AND RATES All measurements are WIDTH BY HEIGHT and in MILLIMETRES (mm). All rates are EX-GST. All artwork is to be supplied to your account manager in PDF FORMAT at a MINIMUM OF 300dpi. NAMING TYPE AREA TRIM BLEED RATES Double Page Spread 470 x 320 490 x 340 5 (Per Edge) $3,547 Full Page 225 x 320 245 x 340 5 (Per Edge) $1,943 Front Cover Strip 225 x 40 245 x 50 5 (Per Edge) $873 Half Vertical 110.5 x 320 $1,220 Half Horizontal 225 x 158 $1,220 Quarter Vertical 110.5 x 158 $731 Quarter Horizontal 225 x 77 $731 Eighth Page 110.5 x 77 $439 PRIME ADVERTISING POSITIONS NAMING TYPE AREA TRIM BLEED RATES Centre Fold (DPS) 470 x 320 490 x 340 5 (Per Edge) $3,854 Inside Front Cover 225 x 320 245 x 340 5 (Per Edge) $2,560 Inside Back Cover 225 x 320 245 x 340 5 (Per Edge) $2,560 Outside Back Cover 225 x 320 245 x 340 5 (Per Edge) $2,867 WHO AND WHERE HEAD OFFICE Level 3 ~ 140 William Street ~ East Sydney NSW 2010 ~ T: +612 9360 8934 REG DOMINGO CHRISTOPHER NEAL MAL MOODY MANAGING EDITOR | EDITOR, SX ACCOUNT MANAGER ACCOUNT MANAGER 0400 666 404 0400 660 497 0401 244 297 WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA GNN FACEBOOK /sxnews TWITTER @sxmagazine KEY DATES EDITION BOOKING MATERIAL PUBLISHED 768 30 / 09 / 2015 01 / 10 / 2015 05 / 10 / 2015 769 07 / 10 / 2015 08 / 10 / 2015 12 / 10 / 2015 770 14 / 10 / 2015 15 / 10 / 2015 19 / 10 / 2015 771 21 / 10 / 2015 22 / 10 / 2015 26 / 10 / 2015 772 28 / 10 / 2015 29 / 10 / 2015 02 / 11 / 2015 773 04 / 11 / 2015 05 / 11 / 2015 09 / 11 / 2015 774 11 / 11 / 2015 12 / 11 / 2015 16 / 11 / 2015 775 18 / 11 / 2015 19 / 11 / 2015 23 / 11 / 2015 776 25 / 11 / 2015 26 / 11 / 2015 30 / 11 / 2015 777 02 / 12 / 2015 03 / 12 / 2015 07 / 12 / 2015 778 09 / 12 / 2015 10 / 12 / 2015 14 / 12 / 2015 779 14 / 12 / 2015 15 / 12 / 2015 21 / 12 / 2015 780 16 / 12 / 2015 17 / 12 / 2015 28 / 12 / 2015 781 20 / 12 / 2015 21 / 12 / 2015 04 / 01 / 2016 DIGITAL PLATFORMS All measurements are WIDTH BY HEIGHT and in PIXELS (pixels/px). Members of the gay and lesbian community do not always live in the inner suburbs of our capital cities, or the ‘gay ghetto’ as it’s often refered to. With greater acceptance from mainstream society, our community sometimes moves further afield, not only into suburbia but also into rural areas. is the way for our community to get the latest news and information on LGBTI happenings when they don’t have access to one of our print publications. By advertising with you can reach the entire gay and lesbian market, whether that be in the major cities of Australia, or the smallest country community. has on average over 560,266 page impressions per month and traffic has been growing month-on-month. No other website in Australia informs and entertains the gay and lesbian community with so much, and it’s all free. GNN GAYNEWSNETWORK.COM.AU GAYNEWSNETWORK has seen massive increases in traffic to our site (results below clearly show increase from April 2014), with regular posts and updates on a daily basis including Saturday and Sunday across all digital platforms. GNN and our social media network captures new online users while still maintaining our strong presence in the marketplace with our highly regarded print products. PAGES VIEWS OF SEPTEMBER 2015: 568,981 NAMING SIZE Leaderboard 728 x 90 Tower 300 x 600 Island 250 x 250 EDM NEWSLETTER: OUT EVERY THURSDAY GAYNEWSNETWORK’s EDM targets 11,000+ subscribers every week. Place your business front and centre in the hearts, minds and wallets of the LGBTI community by going straight into our readers’ inbox. *As of 1st of September 2015. CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 11,983* NAMING SIZE Leaderboard (both) 921 x 220 Promo Box 280 x 163 A minimum of 20 words to accompany the Promo Box about the product, service, show, etc. Maximum 55 words. MOBILE Mobile advertising is a new way to reach your target market. With more of our readers going online to source their regular news updates it makes sense to ensure you’re covering all your bases. Simply type GAYNEWSNETWORK in your smartphone’s address bar and the Msite will appear automatically. MOBILE IMPRESSIONS OF SEPTEMBER 2015: 289,498 NAMING SIZE Leaderboard (both) 320 x 50 ABOUT US Evo Media: Australia’s largest gay and lesbian publishing house. Our mastheads include weekly and monthly news and lifestyle publications as well as a monthly entertainment journal, and annual guides. Through our titles, SX (Sydney), Melbourne Community Voice (Melbourne), Queensland Pride (Brisbane), Blaze (Adelaide), Summer Guide (National) and website GNN (gaynewsnetwork., EVO Media is able to connect the LGBTI community and provide the latest news and stories in a fresh and informative way. Our nation is the home to one of the world’s most thriving gay communities and EVO Media reflects the vibrant nature of LGBTI Australia. Our journalists and editors, photographers and designers are all passionate about the LGBTI scene. We publish the stories the community wants to read. Our website and social media networks ensure our audience keeps up-to-date with breaking news and trends.