AAC_journals 2
AAC_journals 2
AAC Library – Journal Collection United States Accidents in North American Mountaineering (AAC Publication) 1948-2008 The American Alpine Journal (AAC Publication) 1929-2008 http://www.americanalpineclub.org/americanalpinejournal http://alpinebriefs.wordpress.com/ American Alpine News (AAC Publication) 1958-2006 http://alpineclub.advantrics.com/knowledge/newsletter-aan.asp American Alpine News. Annual Reports (AAC Publication) 2007-2008 AAC Quarterly Status Reports 1998 AAC Monthly Status Reports 1993-1996 AAC Board Minutes 1975-1998 AAC Membership Handbook 1974-2000 AAC e-News (AAC Publication) 2000-2007 http://alpineclub.advantrics.com/knowledge/ne wsletter-enews.asp AAC Friends of the Library, Newsletter 2001-2006 Adirondack 1950-1967, 1972-2009, 1945-1949, 1968-1971 (miscellaneous issues) http://www.adk.org/ad_mag/index.aspx Adirondack Life 1970-1977 http://www.adirondacklife.com/ Adirondack Mountain Club Newsletter 1991-1995 Alaska 1997, 1999-2000, 2007 http://www.alaskamagazine.com/ Alaska Geographic v.1-15, 20, 23, 25-26, 28 Alpina Americana 1907, 1911, 1914 Alpinist 2002-2008 http://www.alpinist.com/ American Hiker. American Hiking Society 1989-1992, 1993-1997, 2006 (incomplete) http://www.americanhiking.org/newsRoom.aspx Apex to Zenith 1987-2009 http://highpointersfoundation.org/HPF/news.html Appalachia 1876-2008 http://www.outdoors.org/publications/appalachia/index.cfm AMC Bulletin. Appalachia Bulletin 1907-1991 AMC Outdoors 1993-2008 http://www.outdoors.org/publications/outdoors/ AMC Annual Reports 1923-1965 AMC Membership Register 1964 Appalachian Trailways News 1939-1998 (incomplete) The Arizona Mountaineer 1966-2009 AMC Times 1976-1977 Ascent 1967-1980 The Avalanche Review 1985, 1991, 1997-2009 http://www.americanavalancheassociation.org/publications.html Backcountry 1994-2009 http://www.backcountrymagazine.com/ Backpacker 1973-2008 http://www.backpacker.com/ Backpacking Light Issue 6 http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/index.html The Benchmark 2005-2006 Big City Mountaineers 2004 Boulderdash. Appalachian Climbing Quarterly 2000-2001 California Mountaineering Club Newsletter 1991-2008 California Mountaineering Club, Membership Directory 2000-2002 Cascadians 1963-1964 Castle Country Canyoneers 1999 Center Stage, publication of the Center of the American West 2005 The Chicago Mountaineer 1977-1990, 1991, 1993, 1997-1998, 2000-2002, 2006, 2008 Chicago Mountaineering Club Newsletter 1949-1969, 1971-1977, 1977-2004 Chicago Mountaineering Club Bulletin 1987-1996 Chicago Mountaineering Club 2005-2009 Climbing 1970-2009 http://www.climbing.com/ The Climbing Art v.1-34 Colorado Environment Report 1998-2004 http://www.ourcolorado.org/media-center/newsletter/ Colorado Mountain Club, the Boulder Group: Compass 1988-2008 http://www.cmcboulder.org/compass/currentIssue.pdf Colorado Mountain Club, the Denver Group: Mile High Mountaineer 1959-2009 http://www.cmc.org/denver/info_MHM.aspx Colorado Mountain Club, the Fort Collins Group 2002-2005 Colorado Mountain Club, the Longs Peak Group 2003 Colorado Mountain Club, the Pike’s Peak Group 1981-2005 Colorado Mountain Club: Rucksack 2008-2009 Colorado Outdoors 1988-1997 Colorado Search and Rescue Board Newsletter Jan-Feb 1999 http://www.coloradosarboard.org/csrb-newsletters.asp Colorado State Trail News 2003 Continental Divide Trail 2005 http://www.cdtrail.org/page.php?pname=news/newsletter Couloir 1991-2006 The Crux: Southwestern Mountaineers 1962-1971 Dartmouth Mountaineering Club 1951-1953, 1956-1957, 1959-1960, 1962, 1965, 1969 Denali National Park, Annual Mountaineering Summary 1997-2003 http://www.nps.gov/dena/planyourvisit/summaryreports.htm Descent, Alaska Alpine Club 1952, 1969-1995 Desert Sage 1965-2008 (incomplete) http://angeles.sierraclub.org/dps/newsletter.htm Elevation 1999-2000 The Eastern Trade 1971-1975, 1978 Expedition News 1995-2008 http://www.expeditionnews.com/ The Explorers Club 1910-1923 The Explorers Club, Membership Lists 1927-1928 The Explorers Club, History 1905-1935 The Explorers Journal 1954, 1956-2009 Explorer’s Log 2004 Fourteener 2003-2007 Harvard Mountaineering 1927-1967, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 2004 http://www.harvardmountaineering.org/publications.htm Harvard Travelers Club 1926-1927, 1930-1931, 1938, 1947, 1949, 1953 History of the Harvard Travelers Club 1902-1932 (published 1933) High Country News 1989, 1991, 1996-1997, 1999, 2001-2003, 2005-2006 http://www.hcn.org/issues/41.6 HimalayaNet 2002-2003 Himalaya Research Bulletin 1994-1996 http://www.himalayan.pdx.edu/ Hooked on the Outdoors 2003-2004 http://www.ruhooked.com/ The Idaho Alpine Club Newsletter 1963-2009 ikat: Newsletter of Central Asia Institute 2004-2005 https://www.ikat.org/ Inside Outdoor 2008 http://www.insideoutdoor.com/ The Iowa Climber 1943-1963, 1964-1968, 1973, 1975, 1979 Iowa Mountaineers 1945-1965, 1989, 1997 Journal of Leisure Research 2000-2005 http://www.rpts.tamu.edu/journals/JLR/ Kangri News, Newsletter of the International Explorers Connection (continues as Himalayan News) 1999-2004, 2008 http://www.hec.org/club/publications.htm Kinnikinnick, Bulletin of the Spokane Mountaineers 1939-1961, 1966-1975 Mazama 1896-2009 Mount Whitney Club Journal 1902-1904 Mount Washington Observatory News Bulletin 1961-1966 (incomplete) http://www.mountwashington.org/publications/windswept/ Mountain Bulletin. Publication from the AMGA (American Mountaineering Guides Association) 1997-2005 Mountain Gazette 1972-2009 http://www.mountaingazette.com/ Mountain Magazine 1927-1931 Mountain Research and Development 1981-1982, 2000 http://www.mrd-journal.org/ Mountain Rescue 1975-1985 Mountain Rescue Forum 1989-1991, 1994-1997 Bergtrage. Seattle Mountain Rescue 2004 http://www.seattlemountainrescue.org/newsletters/ Mountain Yodel 1994-1998 The Mountaineer Annual 1907-1908, 1912-1994 The Mountaineer Bulletin 1911-1999 The Mountaineer 1989-2009 Mountainfreak 2000 MountainNet, The email newsletter of the International Mountain Explorers Connection. 2003-2004 http://www.hec.org/club/publications.htm Mugelnoos 1938-2009 Museletter: a publication of the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum National Geographic 1922, 1926, 1929-1930, 1934, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953-1954, 1955-2009 http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/ National Geographic Adventure 1999-2009 http://adventure.nationalgeographic.com/ National Geographic Kids 2002-2009 http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ National Geographic Traveler 2001-2009 http://traveler.nationalgeographic.com/ National Geographic World 2001-2002 http://www.nationalgeographic.com/media/world/ National Parks Magazine 1942-2009 http://www.npca.org/magazine/ Nature Conservancy 1990-1996 http://www.nature.org/magazine/spring2009/ The Nature Conservancy News 1962-1969 Northwest Discovery 1980-1989 Off Belay 1972-1981, 2004 Off Piste 2001-2007 http://www.offpistemag.com/ Onsight 1994-1995 On Scene 2006 On the Rocks 1985-2007 (incomplete) Outside 1978-2009 (incomplete) http://outside.away.com/outside/magazine/archives/index.html Outside Traveler 2004 Outward Bound. International Newsletter 1998-1999 http://www.outward-bound.org/ne_sub1_news.htm Pack & Paddle 1991-1996 Pathways across America. A newsletter for National Scenic and Historic Trails. 1999 http://www.nationaltrailspartnership.org/issues_index.asp Peaks and Valleys, Spokane Mountaineers. 1959-1962 The Potomac Appalachian 1959-2009 http://tiny.cc/PotomacAppalacian Potomac Appalachian Magazine 1973-1975 Potomac Appalachian Trail Club Bulletin 1934-1986 (incomplete) Powder Feb. 2004 http://www.powdermag.com/ The Prairie Club Bulletin 1987 Princeton Mountaineering May 1951, Spring 1953 Rambler 1994-2009 Real Sport 1995 Rescue Rucksack 1968-2009 http://www.tmru.org/rucksack/archives.php Ridgelines 2002-2009 Rock & Ice 1984-2009 http://www.rockandice.com/ RMRU Newsletter (Rocky Mountain Rescue Unit Inc.) 1965-1985, 1989, 1991, 1995, 1997 http://www.rmru.org/newsletter.htm SAR News (Search and Rescue) 2003-2009 http://tiny.cc/SARnewsletter SCREE. Mountaineering Club of Alaska 1958-2009 http://www.mcak.org/MCAScree.html Search and Rescue Magazine 1973-1997 http://sarzine.com/ She Sends 2003-2006 Sierra Club Bulletins 1893-1981 http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200807/bulletin.asp Sierra 1982-2009 http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/ Sierra Club Circulars 1923-1927 Sierra Echo 1961-2009 (incomplete) http://angeles.sierraclub.org/sps/echo.htm Signpost, Washington Trails Association 1990-1992 SMR Newsletter (Seattle Mountain Rescue) 2002-2003 http://www.seattlemountainrescue.org/newsletters.html Solid Rock, Climbers for Christ 2003-2007 Southwestern Sierra Climbers Association, Bulletin Board 1998-2004 Sport Climbing Connection 1990-1993 Stanford Alpine Club 1955, 1958, 2002-2005 http://alpineclub.stanford.edu/info/journal.html Summit 1955-1996 Surviving Together (ISAR) 1992-1997 (incomplete) Switchback 1999 The Talus Pile 1977-1995 (incomplete) Thin Air, Newsletter of the High Altitude Mountaineering Section, CMC. 1999-2003 http://www.cmc.org/denver/focus_hamsect.aspx Telemark Skier Oct. 2007 http://www.telemarkskier.com/ Teton Stewards: Newsletter of the Grand Teton National Park Foundation. Fall/Winter 2007-2008 http://www.gtnpf.org/GTNPF_Winter09.pdf Tracks and Banners 1971-1976 Trail and Timberline 1915, 1918-2009 http://www.cmc.org/TNT/trailhome.aspx CMC Summer Schedules 1983-1990 CMC Winter Trip Schedules 1985-1991 Tread Lines (Colorado Trail Foundation) 1999, 2007-2008 http://www.coloradotrail.org/treadlines.html Ultima Thule: Journal of the Farthest Places June 2008 Up Rope 1944-1995 Urban Climber 2005-2008 (incomplete) http://www.urbanclimbermag.com/ Vertical Adventure, Solid Rock Climbers for Christ 2008 Vertical Times, Access Fund 2005-2009 http://tiny.cc/VerticalTimes Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado 2003, 2005 Vulgarian Digest 1970-1972 Western Outdoor Quarterly 1949-1963 Wild Earth 1998, 2000-2004 Wilderness Winter 1985 Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 2002-2005 http://tiny.cc/WEMjournalarchives Wilderness Medicine (Wilderness Medical Society) 2002-2005 http://www.wms.org/publications/magazine.asp Wilderness Medicine Newsletter 1988-2005 http://tiny.cc/WMnewsletter Woodswomen News 1993-1997 Wy’east Climbers 1958-1967 Yale Mountaineering Club 1955, 1957 http://www.yalemountaineering.org/newsletter.aspx United Kingdom The Alpine Annual 1950 Alpine Club Newsletter April 2003 http://www.alpine-club.org.uk/news/backissues.html Alpine Climbing. Bulletin of the Alpine Climbing Group. 1971-1972, 1975 The Alpine Club Circulars 1907-1930 The Alpine Club Handbook 1996 The Alpine Club Members 1902-1914 Alpine Club Menus 1895-1909 The Alpine Club 1885-2007 http://www.alpine-club.org.uk/publications/alpine-journal.html Summit. BMC (British Mountaineering Council) 1996-2009 http://tiny.cc/BMC_summit Cairngorm Club Journal 1896-1980 Cambridge Mountaineering 1940-2004 http://www.cumc.uk.com/content/journals/ Climb Magazine 2005-2009 http://www.climbmagazine.com/ Climber and Rambler (continued as Climber and Hill Walker) 1976-1988 Climber and Hill Walker (continued as Climber) 1989-1994 Climber 1995-2005 http://www.climber.co.uk/ The Climbers Club Journal 1898-2007 http://tiny.cc/CCJ_archives Crags 1976-1981 Edinburgh Mountaineering Club Journal 1961-1962 Fell and Rock Climbing Club. List of Members 1915-1920 Fell and Rock Climbing Club Journal 1907-2008 http://tiny.cc/FRC_journal_archive Geographical 2003 http://www.geographical.co.uk/Home/index.html High (continued as High Mountain Sports) 1982-2000 High Mountain Sports (continued as High Mountain) 2001-2003 High Mountain 2004-2005 Ladies Alpine Club, miscellaneous publications. 1921-1952 Ladies Alpine Club 1913-1920, 1925-1975 Loose Scree 2002-2009 Mountain 1969-1992 Mountain Craft 1948-1968 Mountain Life 1972-1975 Mountain Review 1993-1994 Mount Everest Foundation, Annual Review. 2000-2008 http://www.mef.org.uk/NewFiles/toanrevs.html Mountaineering 1947-1971 (incomplete) Mountaineering Journal 1932-1938 On the Edge 1987-2005 Oxford University Exploration Club Bulletin 1930-1958 Oxford Mountaineering 1935, 1937, 1950, 1953-1964, 1966-1967, 1969, 1973, 1974-1977, 1980-1981, 1987, 1992-1995, 1997-2005, 2008 The Pinnacle Club Journal 1924-1968, 1974-2002 Rambler’s Handbook 1933, 1935-1939, 1946-1951 Rucksack Club Journal 1907-1990 http://www.rucksackclub.org/journals.php The Scottish Geographical Magazine 1917-1919 The Scottish Mountaineering Club Guide 1920-1921, 1923 The Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal 1891-2008 http://www.smc.org.uk/Journal/Journal.html Travel and Exploration 1909-1911 The Yorkshire Rambler Winter 1999 Argentina ATA Boletin (Asociacion Tucumana de Andinismo) 1958-1970 (incomplete) Boletin CABA (Centro Andino Buenos Aires) 1954-1976 (incomplete) http://www.caba.org.ar/boletines_es.htm Nuestras Montañas 1945, 1950, 1953 http://www.nuestramontana.com/ Club Andino Bariloche Memoria 1939-1944 Club Andino Bariloche. Anuario 1950-1958, 1960, 1962-1963, 1967, 1974, 1979, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1992-1998, 2008 http://www.clubandino.com/ Anti Suyu. Revista de Montaña 1986-1989 La Montaña 1960-1971 Revista Club Andino Bariloche 1982-1989 Montanismo 1959 Australia Climb 1997-1998 The Melbourne Walker 1972 Rock 1978-2002 http://www.rock.com.au/ The Tasmanian Tramp 1945-1966, 1970-1979 Thrutch 1967-1979 Australian Wild 1981-1991 Austria Alpenverein 1990-2005 Austrian Alpine Club. UK Branch Newsletter. 1985-1993, 1975-1985, 1964-1968, 1994-2009 Bergauf 2006-2009 http://www.bergauf.ch/ Grazer Alpenvereins nachrichten 1979-1982 Jahrbuch des Oesterreichischen Aplen Vereines 1865-1871 Alpen bilder aus 150 Jahren 1962 Jahrbuch des Öfterreichifchen Alpenvereins 1949-1966 Fur die Sicherheit in Bergland 1972-2008 Mittheilungen des Alpen Vereines 1864 Mitteilungen des österreichischen alpenveren 1948-1989 Mitteilungen der Akademischen Sektian Graz des Österreichischen Alpenvereines 1949-1991 (incomplete) Jahrbuch, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Alpin-und Höhenmedizin 1996, 1998, 2001 Osterreichische Alpenzeitung 1896-2009 Belgium Revue Alpine du Club Alpin Belge 1933-1955 Bulletin du Club Alpin Belge 1933-1955 Ardennes et Alps 1986-2009 (incomplete) Bolivia Club Andino Boliviano. Bulletin de Ski y Andinismo 1941-1948 Headwall 2002 Canada The British Columbia Mountaineer 1923-1979, 1982-1988, 1990-1996, 1998-2004, 2006 The British Columbia Mountaineering Club Newsletter 1976-2009 The Canadian Alpine Journal 1907-2008 http://www.alpineclubofcanada.ca/publications/caj.html Alpine Club of Canada. Annual Camps. 1908-1966 Alpine Club of Canada: constitution and list of members. 1907-1954, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1965-1976, 1981 Alpine Club of Canada, Gazette. 1921-2009 http://www.alpineclubofcanada.ca/gazette/index.html Cimes. Group de Haute Montagne, Annales. 1975-1982, 2002 Canadian Geographical Journal 1931-1979 (incomplete) Climbers Access Society of British Columbia: News. 2001-2004 Cloudburst 1987-1988, 1998-2001 Explore 2002-2003 Gripped 2000-2009 http://www.gripped.com/ Montage 2003-2008 Mountain Heritage Magazine 1998-2001 Le Mousqueton 1978-2004 The Polar Circus 1986-1988 Royal Society of Canada 1889, 1917 SAR Scene 1992-2004 http://tiny.cc/scene_magazine Ski Trax 2003-2009 http://tiny.cc/Ski_Trax_index The Sky Line Trail 1933-1957 Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies 1924-1960 Varsity Outdoor Club Journal 1958-1959, 1963-1966, 1968-1975, 1977, 1994-1995, 1997, 2000-2008 Chile Escalando 2007-2008 Anuario de Montaña 1956-1962, 1968-1977, 1983, 1989-1993 Revista Andina 1953-1981 Boletin Antártico Chileno 1985-1988, 1990-1992 http://tiny.cc/boletines China China’s Tibet 1999 Shanye 1991, 1993-1994 Columbia Campo Abierto 1977-1978 Czech Republic Horská revue 2000 Montana 1998-2009 Denmark Dansk Bjergklub Klatring 1990-2008 Ecuador Montaña 1979, 1984 Finland Kletteratiini 1992-1995 Kiipeily 1977-1979, 1981-1990, 1992, 1996-2006 France Alpinisme (continued as Alpinisme et Randonee) 1926-1954 Alpinisme et Randonee (continued as Alpirando) 1978-1984 Alpirando (continued as Alpinisme et Randonee) 1985-1993 Alpinisme et Randonee 1994-2004 Annuaire du Club Alpin Francais 1874-1902 Club Alpin Francais section des Alpes Maritimes Annuaire 1906-1911 Congress du Club Alpin Francais les Pyrenees Orientales 1899 Bulletin Pyreneen 1918-1939 Club Alpin Francais, Bulletin 1876-1904 CAF Section Lyonnaise, Bulletin 1878-1892 CAF Bulletin de la Section des Alpes-Maritimes 1891-1905 L’Astrolabe v.3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11 Federation Francaise de la Montagne 1966-1974 Grimper 1994-2001 (incomplete) Groupe de Haute Montagne, Annales 1926-1928, 1956-2001 Guides 1996, 1999-2000, 2004-2009 La Montagne et Alpinisme 1905-2008 Montagnes du Alpinisme 1905-2008 Montagnes Magazine 1984-2004 http://www.niveales.com/montagne.html Montagnes et Sports 1975-1982 Revue Alpine 1895-1993 Roc ‘n Wall 1995, 1997-1999 Ski and Alpinisme 1984-1996 Vertical 1985-1997 Vertical Roc 1997-2005 Germany Deutsch und Oesterreichischer Alpenvereins 1885-1894 Zeitschrift des Deutsch-Österreichiischen Alpenvereins 1895-1938 Jahrbuch des Deutschen Alpenvereins 1943-1969 Alpenvereins jahrbuch 1970-1983 Alpenvereins jahrbuch berg 1984-2009 Alpen Journal 2005-2009 http://www.alpen-journal.de/ Alpin Magazine 1982-2009 Bühler 1931-1938 Alpinismus 1963-1982 Der Bergbote 1949-1998 Berge 1991-2008 (incomplete) Der Bergkamerad 1949-1970 Der Bergsteiger 1929-1950, 1930-2005 (incomplete) Berliner Bergsteiger 1999-2009 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Alpenvereins 1949-1967 Deutscher Alpenverein Mitteilungen Jugend am berg 1968-1987 Deutscher Alpenverein 1988-1998 Dav Panorama Mitteilungen des Deutsch en Alpenvereins 1999-2009 Klettern 1995-2007 Jaresbericht der section Berlin 1909-1912 Jaresbericht des Akademischen Alpen veriens München 1919-1933, 1935-1952, 1959-1967 Jugend am Berg 1955-1967 Mittheilungen des Deutschen und Oesterreichischen Alpenvereins 1875-1938 Nachrichten der Sektion Hohenzollern des Dentschen und Oesterreichischen Alpenvereins 1930-1938 Peak 2004-2006 Rotpunkt 1996-2001 Greece Anevainentas (Greek Alpine Club) no.5-18 To Bouvo 1957-1958, 1963 Bouva 1982-1984 KOPФEΣ 2003-2004 ΣOΣ to Boyno 1936-1940 To Voyno 1946-1976 Hungary Hegymásó 1987-2007 Turistasag es Alpinizmus 1930, 1932 Iceland Islenski Alpaklubburinn 1978-2007 http://www.isalp.is/ India The Himalayan Club: list of members 1974, 1978, 1980, 1987 The Himalayan Club: report and accounts 1979, 1983 The Himalayan Club: memorandum rules and regulations 1979 The Himalayan Club Newsletter 1951-1973, 1975-2007 The Himalayan Club, Calcutta Section, News and Views. 2008 The Climbers Club, Bombay 1962-1973 The Himalayan Journal 1929-2008 http://www.himalayanjournal.com/ Himalayan Mountaineering Journal 1959, 1961-1966, 1977-1996, 1998-2000 Himalayas Online, Himalayan Environment Trust 2001-2004 Himavanta 1969-2009 Indian Mountaineer 1978-2004 Ireland The Irish Climber 1977-1983, 1985 Irish Mountain Log 1986-2008 http://tiny.cc/IML_index Mountain Log, FMCI Newsletter. 1978-1986 Journal, Irish Mountaineering Club 1950-1988 Journal of the Irish Mountaineering and Exploration Historical Society 2002 Israel Land and Nature 1987-1991 Israel Environment Bulletin 1996-1997 Italy Alp 1985-2002 Bollettino del Club Alpino Italiano 1865-2008 Bollettino Mensile 1945-1957 (incomplete) Club Alpino Italiano Sezione di Brescia 1875-1876 Club Alpino Italiano Sezione di Agordo 1874-1878 Club Alpino Italiano Sezione di Milano 1931-1932 Club Alpino Italiano Sezione di Torino 1911-1916 Club Alpino Italiano, misc. publications 1871, 1883,1938 Bollettino dell Alpinista 1904 Società Degli Alpinisti Tridentini Bolletino 1905-1913, 1989-2008 Explorer 2000-2002 Club Alpino Italiano Alpinista Rivista Mensile 1874-1891 CAI l’Alpinista 1874-1875 CAI Rivista Alpina (continued as CAI Mensile) 1882-1884 CAI Mensile (continued as La Rivista del Club Alpino Italiano) 1885-1979 La Rivista del Club Alpino Italiano 1980-2008 Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) 1863-1913 Bolletino. SAT (Società Alpinisti Tridentini) 1989-2008 Indici Generale della Rivista Mensile 1882-1954 Revista della Montagna 1977-2002 Techint 1997, 2000, 2002 Lo Scarpone, Club Alpino Italiano 1972-1973, 1975, 1994-2008 Photography Books: Geometrie di Civiltà White Out In Processione sue monti di oropa Roped Images Ecuador le Ande Dipinte La Stampa, Pagine di Montagna Sant’ elia 1897 Alle origini dell ‘alpinismo Torinese Alpi Giapponesi Alpi Gotiche Picchi Piccozze e altezze reali Presenze Impressioni di viaggio Fermare le emozioni Scritti di natura Sulla Verticale del grande nord Simbolico e concreto Alpinismo Il laboratorio dell ‘alpinismo K2, Millenovecentrocinquantantaquatro Alpi Giapponesi I popoli della luna: The people of the moon 100 scatti per il 2000 Infinitamente al di là di ogni sogno Heidi: unmito della montagna L’immaginario religioso delle terre alte Le alpi in panorama Ritratti dale vette Rassegna Internazionale dell ‘Editoria di Montagna 1994-1994 Montagna Libri 1997, 1999-2000 Trento Film Festival 2004-2006 Japan Johmarayan Tiger The Alpinist 1950-1958, 2007 Climbing Journal 1982-1991 Das Edelweiss. Kwansei Gakuin University Alpine Club 2000 Gakujim 1996 The Himalayan Association of Japan 1980-2002 Himalayan Study Monographs, Association for the Studies of Himalaya. Kyoto Univeristy no.2 1991 Iwa to Yuki 1976-1995 Japanese Alpine News 2001-2008 Japanese Journal of Mountain Medicine 1981-2003 Mountaineer’s Note 1994-2002 Mountaineers Data Book 2003-2005, 2007-2008 The Mountaineering Annual 1986-1995 Rock & Snow 2001-2008 Run Out 1999-2001 Sangaku, Journal of the Japanese Climbing Club v.1-103, 2008 Yamato KeiKoku 167-174, 298-301, 182-183, 193-195, 160-166, 134-135, 144147, 153-157, 159, 175-181, 125-126, 128-129, 131-133, 270, 297, 203-205, 258 (1964-2009) Korea Han Kook San Ak 1971-1976, 1997-1999, 2003, 2008 Dongguk Alpine Journal 1970-1972, 1974 The San 1979 Corean Alpine Club Bulletin 1972-1978 Corean Alpine Club Magazine 1971-1988, 2007-2009 (incomplete) Korea Alpen Book Club Journal 2004 Korean Alpine Federation News 2000-2009 Mountain 2008 Korean Mountaineering Annual 2000-2001, 2003-2004 Korean Seven Summits Expedition Reports 2000, 2003, 2007 San ak in Korea 1988-1993 Mexico Boletìn informativo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Asociación de Montanismo y Exploración 2003-2004 Cimbre 1933, 1936 Sierra Club Boletin, Mexico 1934-1938 Federación Mexicana de Excursionismo y Montañismo, Bolenìn 1994-1999 La Montaña 1933-1971 Club de Exploraciones de Mexico 1955-1980 Montañissmo y Exploración 1981 Club Alpin Monégasque 2008 http://www.club-alpin.asso.mc/ Roca y Nieve 1938 Nepal Himalayism 1999 Himal 1992-1995 NMA (Nepal Mountaineering Association) Newsletter 2002 http://www.nepalmountaineering.org/enewsletter/index.htm NMA (Nepal Mountaineering Association) Nepal Parbat 2002 Netherlands Hoogtelijn 1998-2009 MAP (Mesoscale Alpine Programme) Newsletter 2003 Berggids 1993-1997 Mededeelingen der Nederlandsche Alpen Vereeniging 1910-1916 NAV Jaarboek Penninische Alpen 1911 NAV Jaarboek Berner Oberland 1913 New Zealand The Canterbury Mountaineer 1931-2003 The Climber 1992-2009 http://alpineclub.org.nz/default/197 FMC (Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand) 1981-2008 http://www.fmc.org.nz/2noticeb/index.htm New Zealand Alpine Club Bulletin 1949, 1951, 1959, 1963, 1968, 1970-1989 New Zealand Alpine Journal 1892-2008 http://alpineclub.org.nz/default/198 Tarura Story 1919-1944 Tarura 1947-2006 Tarura Tramper 1943-2009 Tramping and Mountaineering 1948-1952 http://otmc.co.nz/bulletinarchive.html Norway Nor Klatt 1985-1994 Norsk Klatring 1994-2002 Den Norske Turistforenings Arbok 1873, 1896-1957, 1967-1968 Pakistan Adventure Tourism in Pakistan 2005 Peru Club Andino Peruano 1974 Club Andino Peruano, Boletin Oficial XX Aniversario 1960-1980 Revista Peruano de Andinismo y Glaciologia 1951-1987, 1993-1995 X-Treme 1999 Poland Baszta 1987-1989 Bularz 1988, 1991 A/Zero 2002-2003 Gory 1991-1992, 1997-2008 Gory: Alpinizm 1994-1999, 2003-2004 Karkonosze 2004 Magazyn Gorski 2001-2002 Optymista 1989, 1990-1991, 1993-1994, 1997, 1999 Taternik 1962-1963, 1965-2008 Wierchy 1935-1982, 1984-1985, 1988-2000, 2003 Wspinacz 1999-2000 Polar Arctic 1948-2008 Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 2003-2009 http://tiny.cc/AAAR_index Arctic Institute Newsletter 1968-1972 Arctic Institute Information North 1977-1996 Arctic Institute Annual Report 1968-1974, 1984-1991, 1995-1996, 2000 http://tiny.cc/AI_annualreports_index FRAM: The Journal of Polar Studies 1984-1985 Etudes Inuit Studies 2002 Polar Priorities 1993-1996 Polar Priorities, Membership News 1999 The Polar Record 1931-2009 The Polar Times 1947, 1958-1985 Russia Cool World 1998 Ha Rpahn 1999-2000 Becthnk rop 1991 Veter stroumstvii 1973 Pobezhdennye vershiny 1949, 1953-1964, 1975-1978 Exo Russia 1990-1991 KAZ6EK 1928, 1930-1931, 1933, 1936 Slovakia Iamesák 1979-1991 Jamesák 1992-2009 Pobezdennye Vershiny 1971-1974 Sbornik Prac o Tatranskan Narodnom Parku 1959, 1962, 1964 Vysoke Tatry 1965-1967 Slovenia Krasy Slovenska 1957-1958 Grif 1995-1996 Planinski vestnik 1933-2009 South Africa The Mountain Club Annual. Mountain Club of South Africa 1903-1930 The Journal of the Mountain Club of South Africa 1931-2006 http://tiny.cc/MCSA_journal Mountain Ears April 2005 Ice Cap. The Journal of the Mountain Club of East Africa 1932 South America South American Explorer 1979-1980, 1992-1993, 2000 Spain Anuario de la Fem 1936, 1968-1981 Boletin de la Fem 1978-1993 Federacion Española de Montañismo 1982-1984, 1988-1990 Centro Excursiónista Aquila de las Corts 1949-1959 (incomplete) Centre Excursionisat Aliga Boletin 1934-1936 CAE (Club Alpino Español) Anuario 1928-1930, 1934 Centro Excursionista de Cataluna, Boletin 1950-1953, 1955-1960 Montaña 1948-1949, 1954-1956 Quaderns d’Alpinisme 1987, 1993 Cuadernos de Aplinismo 1982, 1985 Desnivel 1981-2009 http://desnivel.com/ Desnivel: Especial Comics 1984 Escalada en Roca 2002 FEDME Boletin Informativo 1994-2008 FEDME Anuario 1995-2006 Extrem 1982-1996 GAME Magazine no.7-12 Muntanya 1988-2008 Peñalara 1968-1969 (incomplete), 1970-2005 Pyrenaica 1975-2008 http://www.pyrenaica.com/ Vertex 1970, 1999-2008 Sweden Bergsport 1975-1997 Fri Luftsliv 1987-1991 i alla väder 1959-1986 På Skidor 1935-1959 Till Fjälls 1936, 1953, 1957-1959, 1969-1970, 1972-1983 Switzerland Jahrbuch des Schweizer Alpenclub 1864-1889 Alpenland; Schutzhütten – Rundschau 1952-1953 Jahrbuch des SAC (Schweizer Alpenclub) 1890-1923 Annuaire des Alpinistes Dauphinois 1892-1927 Bulletin de la Société Neuchateloise du Géographie 1886-1929 Club Alplin Suisse, Bulletin de la Section Chaux-de-Fonds 1892-1925 La Cordee 1933-1936, 1949-1950 Club Alpin Suisse, Bulletin de la Section des Diablerets 1925-1930 Club Alpin Suisse, Bulletin de la Section Genevoise 1925-1966 Materiaux pour l’etude des Calamités 1924-1931 Berge der Welt 1946-1955 Les Cabanes du Club Alpin Suisse various albums and guides Alpina 1893-1924 Die Alpen les Alpes le Alpi 1925-1972 Les Alpes le Alpi las Alps die Alpen 1973-1993 Die Alpen 1994-2009 http://tiny.cc/alpen_magazine Akademischer Alpen Club Zürich 1902-1936 (incomplete) Jahresbericht der Sektion Uto 1899-1915 L’Echo des Alpes 1865-1924 Nos Montagnes 1920-1947 The Mountain World 1953-1969 Le Rameau de Sapin 1866-1916 Revue des Alpes Dauphinoises 1898-1914 Revue des Geographie Alpine 1913-1932 SAC (Schweizer Alpenclub) Sektion Grindelwald 1907-1957 SAC (Schweizer Alpenclub) Sektion Bern Club 1923-1928 SAC (Schweizer Alpenclub) Sektion Zermatt 1997-2000 Journal Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research 1953-1962 UIAA (Union Internationale des Associations d’Alplinisme) 1954-2002 Geology and Geography Journals USA American Geographical Society – Bulletin 1899, 1904, 1912, 1914, 1915, 1952 Colorado Geological Survey 1909-1920 The Colorado Magazine 1965-1966, 1972-1978 The Geographical Review 1916-1978 http://www.amergeog.org/gr/grhome.html The Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia 1899-1939 Physical Geography 1995 Federation Proceedings. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Altitude and Cold 1969 United Kingdom Association of British Members of the SAC (Swiss Alpine Club) 1909-1952 Association of British Members of the SAC (Swiss Alpine Club) Handbooks, journals and reports. 1953-1964 Central Asian Survey 1982-1989 http://tiny.cc/CAS The Geographical Journal 1893-2009 http://tiny.cc/geographicaljournal454 Journal of Glaciology 1947-1989 http://tiny.cc/JOG Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society 1908-1910 Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 1830-1880 Proceedings of the Royal Geographic Society 1830-1892 Royal Geographic Society. Supplement Papers: I, II, III IV Canada Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada 1912-1914 http://tiny.cc/HistPubs_review Germany Geographical Bulletin 1951-1967 Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Länderkunde zu Leipzig 1932-1940, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1963-1964 Bericht der Sektion Reichenau 1936-1937 India Himalayan Geology 1971-1979c