April 25 - 26, 2009 - Billings Livestock Commission
April 25 - 26, 2009 - Billings Livestock Commission
www.billingslivestock.com Billings Livestock Commission • April Special Catalog Sale • featuring "Rope" Horses! April 25 - 26, 2009 427 Catalog Horses Sell! HE SELLS! Hip 172 - Calf Horse, barrels, breakaway, and goats!! - Quiet in the box, good stop, ready-to-go and win on! More info 435-724-0323. th, er mon t f a h t , we Mon t e r s a le s a le a f u d t o b e are pro Cowhorse a ’s “ A m e r ic e r h o u s e ” ! Pow see us! Come w w w. b i l l i n g s l i v e s t o c k . c o m JOIN US APRIL 25-26 “Spring ROPE Horse Special” ROPE, ROPE, ROPE!! Featur Fea turiing ing ou ourr S SPRI PRING PRI NG ROP ROPE E H HOR ORSE ORS E S SPEC PECIAL PEC IAL!! IAL 700 head sell including over 100 rope horses! Your chance to see 100+ rope horses – all in ONE place, all kinds, all calibers, from youth, High School, jackpot, to PRCA level! ROPE, ROPE, ROPE!! Prospects, finished, hauled and won, team roping horses and calf horses, too. It·s our ninth annual spring sale – watch the horses in a professionally run jackpot and…previews and more previews – rope horses show again on cattle Saturday morning! We·re licensed, bonded, and we rope, too – and – we·re the sale with the BLS Soundness and bred mare GUARANTEE. Come see us – Bill and Jann Parkerr JACKPOT! s On Sale Horse 4 2 Friday, April a BLS Aren !! one, d finals – pick It·s two go·s an th bo ts ge ne eryo draw two – ev ttle, ca od go , nd grou steers! Good ur run roping – yo ly al on si es prof es! rs ho le P those sa chance to SHO CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS www.billingslivestock.com He·s a true professional and d BLS was pproud to to welcome one off tth he best flagger gg rs i the businesss in - Johnnyy Garciaa, a, Athens,, TX,, too our April p 08 Salle event! Niice N ce,, nice niice and d eeve very ryy tri rip ip ni nice ice!! C Con ongra gratts ts K Kar aren enn Stepp pp on yyour ppurchase of Hipp 377 at our Sepptember Rope p horse sale – the extra nicee heel horse was offered byy Siggins gg Horse Coo. Ruid Ru idoosssoo Do Down wnss, wn s,N NM M and nd sho how hown wnn by La Lane nee Sigggi ginnss. SOLD SO LD! O LD! LD Off ffered ff db byy Lee Hagler, gl , CO ppurchased hassed db byy D Delon ellonn PParker, arker k Billings, g , MT . He·s a Wrangler g National Champion p in the #11!!! Quualifi Q aliifi al fied ffoor Ca Cana ana nadi d ann Finnal di als, s, and nd 2 2X XM Moont ntan anaa C an Ciirc rcui rcui uit Fi Fina nalilliist st! Here are tth he S Sept pt 08 <<...>> >> jjackkpott champs! p Lane Siggins, gg , Ruidoso Downs,, NM left ridingg Hipp 29 - and Lyle y Mitchelll, Wolf,, WY on Hipp 108. Congratulations, g , ropers! p 140 teams competed p in the two go-around and finals jjackpot p - this team rope ro p d th pe hre reee st stee eers ee rs in 24.37 .3 37. 7. SOLD SO LD!!!! From John LD h and d Loiis is H Hilililll, Rayynesford, MT to Kim Knerr, Shepherd p d, MT – “The Rage g of Vegas” g Open p Rodeo Series Barrel Champion! p NBHA Open p 1D D and Youth 1D Winter Series Winner, MT T Stat St atee JH at J WF FR Allll ar arou ound ou nd cha hamp mpp! Congrat Con Co g tullati tionns!! Cesar s d dee la Cruz on yyour ppurchase off Hip 216 at our September p r 20 007 07 Saalle ev even ennt. t. Here He H ere re···ss tth hee bus h usi siinnesss!! Ownned ed, d sh show show own, wn, n, and trained byy 11X NFR Calf Roper p r Brent Lewis, Eloy, y AZ, Hipp 159 “CW Mr Grape p Juice” brought g $16,000 and went home with Denniis Luddington, g Ephraim, p UT from ourr Apri Ap r l 08 08 sal ale ev ale even entt. t. 107 Consecutive Sales – 70,034 Horses Bill and Jann Parker, Horse Sale Managers • 406-245-4151 • Cell 406-670-0773 www.billingslivestock.com Welcome to Cowboy Country! SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FRIDAY: 1 p.m. Jackpot Entries Open 3 p.m. Team Roping Jackpot on SALE HORSES! BLS Arena (In the event of rain, HORSE PALACE Arena, Exit 437) SATURDAY: 9 a.m Roping Horses Preview BLS Arena followed by Saddle Horse Preview 10 a.m. Cutting Horses Preview followed by additional Saddle Horses! 11-11:45 a.m. Roping Horses Preview 12 NOON: SALE TIME! Hips 1 - 350 Supplement horses follow catalog SUNDAY: 8 a.m. Cowboy Church - BLS Sale Arena 9 a.m. Loose Horses Sell 10 a.m. Preview in BLS Arena 11 a.m. Rope Horses Preview 12 NOON: SALE TIME! Hips 401 - 513 Sunday Supplement horses follow catalog horses Open Consignment horses follow the supplement ENJOY THE SALES! Phone Bids: Please contact our office prior to the event to arrange to bid by telephone 406-245-4151 At BLS, we work for you! and welcome to Billings Livestock Horse Sales! It's spring and it's time to rope, rope, rope!! Our annual "Rope Horse Sale" and "April Special Catalog Sale"! And...what a selection - lots of "real deal" ROPE HORSES - hauled, won on, prospects...if you are in the market for a rope horse, ANY LEVEL, any KIND - Head, heel, or ROPE CALVES from youth rodeo, jackpots, to PRCA caliber, you will want to be in Billings April 24-26! Come on Friday - take in the Sale Horse Jackpot in the BLS Arena beginning at 3 p.m. Entries open at 1 p.m. - we'll be roping at 3! It's pick one, draw two, two go-arounds, with a finals - and everyone gets both steers!! (In case of inclement weather, jackpot will be held at the Horse Palace Arena east Laurel Exit 437 on I-90) and watch those rope horses under competition circumstances! Get rid of the guess work!!! Come and watch them work!!! Calf horses will preview at 11 a.m. on Saturday. And - lots more horses, too - including some very nice barrel horses and cutting horses this month - and - top end prospects, mares, broodmares, stallions, ranch and using horses galore! Ponies, ponies, and more ponies!! Teams, mules, lots of interesting stock this month!! Check out the using horses, from performance horses, ranch, riding, roping, or recreation, BLS is pleased to offer a great selection - a thank you to our consignors for giving us the opportunity to sell honest using horses - it's great to be in the heart of the ranch and rodeo country! Please - come early and look them over and visit with the owner. Many horses will come in early and we do encourage you to stop by and take a look! Transporters, haulers can be arranged, along with insurance on your purchases. Just ask at the office, or give us a call in advance, we'll be glad to help you! Our NEW host hotel is the Holiday Inn Grand 406-248-7701...they'll even pick you up at the airport and drop you off at BLS! Enjoy the sales, enjoy Billings, we are glad you came! We want to be YOUR sale of choice - buying or selling. Come see us! Bill and Jann Parker, Horse Sale Managers. Our Soundess Guarantee We want you to buy and sell with confidence at Billings Livestock. Credibility and Dependability are important to us. At Billings Livestock Horse Sales, all horses that are ridden through the ring and sell as a result of being ridden through the ring, are GUARANTEED SOUND until Monday Noon following the Saturday Sale and Tuesday Noon following the Sunday Sale unless otherwise stated from the block. To further define our policy, if the horse sells at 6 p.m. on the Saturday of our sale, the horse will be guaranteed sound for an additional 42 hours - Noon on Monday. What we here at BLS Horse Sales consider sound is: Sight out of both eyes, good in the air, hit the ground sound on all four, and not to crib. Your confidence in our sale does make a difference! See you at the sale - and remember - at BLS, We Like Horses! ROPE, ROPE, ROPE! Watch those sale horses in competition!!! Skip the guess work, come see for yourself! SALE HORSE TEAM ROPING JACKPOT Friday, APRIL 24 BLS Arena Enter at 1 p.m. Rope at 3 p.m. Pick One, Draw Two! 2 steers and a top ten finals $20 per/man EVERYONE gets both steers! Rope Bags TO WINNERS! (If it's raining, we'll move to the HORSE PALACE Arena, Exit 437 on I-90) www.billingslivestock.com www.billingslivestock.com At BLS, "We like Horses" Terms and Conditions: Terms Cash, Cashier's Check, Personal Check with Picture Identification or Blank Letter of Guarantee with Check. We now accept credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Diners Club. A 3% office processing fee will be added to all purchases, (however, this fee will be discounted for purchases paid for by Cash, Cashier's Check, or Personal Check.) Conditions 1. BLS and its associates act as agents only on all sales and are not responsible for buyer/seller error or misunderstanding. All guarantees are strictly between the buyer and seller. Except as provided in our soundness guarantee, all horses are sold "as is", without any other express or implied warranties. LOWED ON THE SALE GROUNDS. ALL HORSES SOLD, BEFORE, DURING, AFTER, WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE EIGHT PERCENT (8%) SALES COMMISSION IN ADDITION TO THE CATALOG FEE IF APPLICABLE. ALL HORSES MUST GO THROUGH THE SALE RING. ABSOLUTELY NO ALLEY TRADING. 5. Data provided in this catalog is generally correct, but occasionally errors occur due to incorrect data received from others, processing mistakes and other causes. We disclaim liability for such errors, but appreciate their being called to our attention. 6. Catalog fee is non-refundable. 4. NOTICE: ONLY HORSES CONSIGNED TO THE SALE WILL BE AL- 7. Title passes to buyer at fall of the hammer. All risk of injury to the horse becomes buyer's risk at passing of title. buyer agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold owners, managers, and employees harmless from all losses, expenses, and claims related to the possession, care, custody, control or maintenance after the fall of the hammer of any horse on which he or she is the successful bidder, whether resulting in whole or in part from their own negligence, including but not limited to any claims arising out of injuries or damage caused by the horse after the fall of the hammer. The horse will be held for buyer until buyer makes settlement as provided. Buyer shall immediately present himself to make settlement if requested by auctioneer, but in any case shall present himself within thirty (30) minutes of conclusion of the sale. Buyer is responsible to check registration and additional paperwork at time of settlement. Information Haulers 2. Any defects or bad habits must be called when the horse is sold. The Billings Livestock Vet will be here to inspect any questionable animals. 3. The commission will be eight (8%) percent of the selling price in the "Spring Special Catalog Sale". The consignor will have the privilege to no sale or pass on his horse. If the horse is passed out, the cost to the consignor will be the catalog fee plus $50 in the Regular Catalog Sale Sessions, $100 in the ROPE HORSE SESSIONS, and 8% of the last bid in the open consignment session. Never offered or no show fee is $100. Horse Sale Managers Bill and Jann Parker P.O. Box 31533 Billings, MT 59107 406-670-0773 Bill Cell 406-855-1947 Jann Cell 406-245-4151 BLS 406-245-4821 FAX 1-800-635-7364 We're on the web! ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ www.billingslivestock.com e-mail us at: info@billingslivestock.com To Plan Your Day With Us: We sell approximately 30 horses per hour. AAA Transport 208-659-8374 (East/West and Bi-monthly to California!) Kim Elliott 780-915-1977 (Calgary based, 3X monthly thru Billings) Chaffee Transport 406-656-8382 Randy Siemsen 1-866-325-0108 Steve Cerroni 307-272-0364 TNT Transport 830-377-7236 Triple 7 Transport 406-672-5376 NEW! NEW! NEW! Host Hotel Holiday Inn Grand Montana King Ave EXIT 446 Ask for the $69.99 Horse Sale Rate! Restaurant, Lounge, Casino, Pool, free shuttle service! 406-248-7701 Best Western Clocktower Inn Downtown • EXIT 452 Ask for Special Horse Sale Rate! "Stellas" Kitchen & Bakery on premise! Complimentary shuttle! 406-259-5511 TACK • TACK • TACK Visit "TRADER JOE'S" Tack & Jewelry located in the Lobby of BLS!! "TACK IN THE BOX" welcomes you in front of the facility! www.billingslivestock.com Index of Consignors: April 25 - 26, 2009 Catalog Sale pg 1 Abell, Denna Albea, Joel Albrecht, Robert Allshouse, David Alexander, Laurie Anderson, Mark Ashurst, Clay B & B Horses Hip 434 Hip 6, 294 Hip 5, 149, 244, 411 Hip 123 Hip 402, 448 Hip 452 Hip 26, 194, 337 Hip 59X, 95, 112X, 190X, 216X, 450X, 462X Baker, Brandon Hip 410 Bales, Walt Hip 224 Bassett, Scott Hip 51 Bastian, Darrell Hip 172 Bauersfeld, Autumn Hip 54, 223, 322 Beegle, Aspen Hip 241 Berg, Melinda Hip 445 Biggs, Chyan Hip 180 Bitterroot Springs Ranch Hip 101, 178 Bliss Horses Hip 73 Bonnet, Terry Hip 273 Brannon, Tom Hip 2, 21, 50, 60, 76, 117, 217, 261, 304, 321, 343, 413, 435, 463 Brown, Jessica Hip 88 CM Ranch Hip 439, 465 Carlisle, Kim Hip 225 Carson, Ross Hip 196 Cason, Traci Hip 186 Cavill, Wayne & Leslie Hip 405 Cheyenne Canyon Paints & QH Hip 121X, 333 Clark, Angie Hip 443 Clark, Cassie Hip 462 Clark, Jake Hip 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222 Collins Buckley QH Hip 63, 319 Conlon, Tom Hip 119 Cook, Debbie Hip 419, 456, 469 Correll, Tim Hip 197 Coulam, Steven Hip 290 Crago, Chuck & Mary Hip 191 Crowser, Witt Hip 44, 432 Cunningham, Cody & Marcy Hip 17, 291 Deveraux, Craig Hip 189 Dewall, Marvin Hip 7, 105, 287, 340 Dooley, Michael & Francis Hip 98, 232 Double Eagle Cattle Co. LLC Hip 14, 266, 307, 336 Dry Creek Ranch Hip 48, 161, 216, 260, 302, 334 Dutton, Dan Hip 55, 262 Eli, Al Hip 22, 293 Elkins, Elliott Hip 124, 125, 126, 127 Eller, Casey Hip 62 Ertz, Ronald Hip 86 Fegel, Dave Fleming, Philip Fischer Farms Fox, Joe Francis, John Frazee Livestock French, Anthony Fritzler, Bruce Garrett, Weston Gerhardt, Dallas Gerhardt, Lance & Tina Gertner, Harold Givens, Britt Gonzales, Donna Gorrell, Jeff & Kelly Grose, Gene Guillot, Matias Gullickson, Will Haberman, Todd Hall, Dru Hammerich, Justin Hartman, Dusty Haugland, Butch & Diane Harn, Darrel Harn, Wade Herden, Ken Hewitt, JD Hewitt, Tanner Hill, Van Hodgins, Douglas Hofer, Robert Hufty, Clint Hollenbeck, MC Horn, Kerry Horsburgh, Claudia Horsebreakers Unlimited Hoey, Barbara Houck, Pete Hulme, Dustin Hulme, T. Scott Hume, Larry Hunton, Elizabeth Hutchins, Erica Isbell, Chance JS Ranch Johnson, Jett Johnson, Kerri & George Jorgenen, Darcy Kalafatnic, Jennifer Kallenberger, Debbie Hip 426, 458 Hip 283 Hip 71, 139, 173, 188, 231, 277, 314, 329 Hip 170 Hip 36, 115, 156, 254 Hip 113, 309 Hip 121 Hip 85 Hip 59 Hip 92, 137, 275, 330 Hip 11, 200 Hip 132, 133, 134, 135, 269, 270, 271, 272 Hip 213, 250 Hip 169 Hip 68, 131, 228, 268, 308 Hip 442 Hip 306 Hip 425 Hip 53, Hip 280 Hip 138, 198, 276 Hip 420 Hip 25, 151, 328, 346 Hip 118 Hip 99, 339 Hip 47, 74, 116, 159, 167, 215, 259,323, 351, 433, 461, 470 Hip 207 Hip 31, Hip 41 Hip 190, 281 Hip 16X, Hip 242 Hip 94 Hip 201 Hip 239 Hip 40, 154, 236 Hip 444 Hip 8, 103,142, 233, 406 Hip 87 Hip 84, 301 Hip 141, 199, 203 Hip 150, 297 Hip 181 Hip 24, 245 Hip 404 Hip 164 Hip 182, 341 Hip 437 Hip 312 Hip 440 www.billingslivestock.com Index of Consignors: April 25 - 26, 2009 Catalog Sale pg 2 Kallenberger, Doug Kirkman, Nolan Hip 179 Hip 33, 65, 112, 208, 315, 350 Krone, Logan Hip 52, 447 L & W Performance Horses Hip 29,111, 252, 279, 298, 317, 348 Lack, Robert Hip 108, 147, 296 Lake, Jerry Hip 417 Langdon, Tony Hip 60X, 310 Lange, Bryan Hip 13, 176, 335 Larson, Harry Hip 69, 177, 230, 267 Lesch, Jared Hip 237 Lipp, Mike Hip 43, 211 MacCarty, Brian Hip 57 McBride, Kent Hip 45, 282 McKibbin, Ken Hip 42, 64, 157, 258, 427, 460 McNiven, Cody Hip 467 McQuay, Pine & Samantha Hip 61, 185, 205, 246 Martin, Billy Hip 93 Martin, Jay Hip 183, 286 Miller, Heath Hip 46, 158, 214, 320 Mills, Lynette Hip 152, 247, 327, 347 Mitchell, Devon Hip 285 Moore, Robby Hip 450 Morden, JR Hip 143 Mosher, Kent Hip 175 Myers, Roger Hip 83 Myhre, Justin Hip 408, 424, 468 Myre, Richard Hip 436, 464, 464X Newsome, Lindy Hip 429 Olson, JR Hip 16, 96, 155 Orr, Terry Hip 251 Pacheco, Wayne Hip 90, 14, 163 Page Performance Horses Hip 4, 27, 72, 109, 153, 166, 206, 248, 316, 326, 338, 415, 423, 454 Pancost, Jake Hip 253 Pancost, Larry Hip 30, Parker Horse Co. Hip 1, 110, 187, 249, 401, Paulson, Linda Hip 67, 130, 227 Pearman, Lynn Hip 243,313 Percival, Augusta Hip 75 Peterson, Kaitlin Hip 128 Peterson, Karlee Hip 265 Peterson, Ross & Chrissy Hip 9, 91 Phillips, Bill Hip 257 Plaggemeyer, Reena Hip 204 Pottala, Kyle Hip 23, 148, 238, 407, 430 Putnam, David Hip 49, 418, 455 Richards, Ellen Hip 449 Rickman, Jason Hip 10, 128X, 311 Rivard, Nicole Hip 3, 34, 114, 299, 318, 422, 457 Robinson, Mark Hip 162, 303 Rodenbough, Jesse Hip 122 Robinson, JW Hip 15, 102, 209X Robertson, Clay Hip 438 Rose, Elaiine Hip 263 Ross, Nancy Hip 212 Rucker, Kelli Hip 56 S-9 Qtr Horses Hip 35, 300 Saari, Kristie Hip 235 Sager, Andrea Hip 431 Sams, Jess Hip 144,344 Scheck, Randall Hip 184, 202, 342 Shannon, Randy Hip 18, 292 Shelbourn, Tom & Brittany Hip 107, 288 Shipp, Brooke Hip 421 Simonson, Blaze Hip 256 Simpson, R Jeff Hip 145, 295 Small, Guy Hip 240 Small, Vicki Hip 193 Snowden, Leo Hip 414 Sorch, Tyler Hip 409, 151X Stall, Bradley Hip 12, 20, 66, 174, 332, 441, 453 Stiles, Pete & Debi Hip 466 Sutherland, Nan Hip 412, 428, 459 Thorson, Colton Hip 416, 416X True, Roy Hip 264 Tune, Randall Hip 106 Turner Perf. Horses Hip 89, 136, 195 Thoman, Dick Hip 39, 255, 325 Tolman, Bradley Hip 70, 331 Trollinger, Clay & Tammy Hip 168 Vandenacre, John Hip 451 Vezain, Duncan Hip 120, 120X Vivian, Chad Hip 32, Vortman, Brian & Melissa Hip 278 Wagonhound L & L LLC Hip 104, 171, 234 Walsh, Candiss Hip 28, Walter, Danny Hip 37 Warneke, Terry Hip 38, 210, 324 Warner, Jason Hip209 Wichman, Valerie Hip 446 Witt, Loni Hip 146, 345 Wold, David Hip 192 Woods, Lee & Annie Hip 19, 58, 165, 305, 305X Yankee, Bill Hip100, Young, Crissy Hip 284 Zeller Roping Cattle Hip 229 Zilverberg, April Hanby Hip 129, 226 Zilverberg, Gary Hip 274 Zilverberg, Tanegai Hip 403 Zurcher, Ryan Hip 160 www.billingslivestock.com "April Special Catalog Sale" Saturday, April 25 Saturday, April 25 "April Special Catalog Sale " 9 a.m. First Session Rope Horses Preview Cutting horses follow! Followed by Saddle & Ride Horses 11 a.m. Calf Horses and Final Session Team Roping Horses!! SALE TIME: 12 Noon Hip numbers 1 - 355 HE SELLS! Hip 90! www.billingslivestock.com HIP 1 Poncho 03 Grade Bay Paint Gelding Parker Horse Co Billings, MT Big, stout, ranch broke gelding. Has a big round foot and lots of bone. HIP 2 Docs Golden Winter 4506777 03 AQHA Palomino Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Doc's Juniper Docs Daybreaker Joyous Song Lucky Butter Cutter Starbert Coed Prices Buttercup Watch Brownies Dude Docs Golden Winter Supreme Admiral JF Supreme Lad Spanish Bugs Chyenne Winter Torinos Executive Dudes Anne Miss Sindie Seco Golden palomino with snow white mane and tail. Butter Cutter is a square made gelding with lost of shape. He is an extremely gentle guy that was rode by an older gentleman and by a group or by himself. He has a smooth way of going. Always gentle and always pretty.100% sound and safe. 641-430-9907. Coggins. HIP 3 HIP 5 HIP 7 HIP 6 HIP 8 Zan Zig Zag 4519741 04 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Robert Albrecht North Platte, NE Par Three Zan Parr Bar Terry's Pal Zans Jack Two Eyed Jack Two Eyed Flossie Flossie Pat Star Zan Zig Zag Skip's Chant Skippa Diamond Skips Promise Ms Diamond Twinkle Skip Badlands 301 Skye Twinkle Lea Duster Zan is a good solid five year old gelding. He has been used around the ranch and worked in the feedlot. Real gentle to be around and a good rope horse prospect. Hickory Cain 4340209 03 AQHA Gray Gelding Joel Albea Sheridan, WY Poco Champ Poco Champs Blue Siamese Cathy Azul Wrangler Doc's Wrangler Wranglers Annie Arne's Cleo Bar Hickory Cain Doc's Hickory Hickorys Diamond Doc Another Quixote Diamond Habit Docs Habit Tillys Habit Quik Tilly Toga This is a very good looking 6 year old gray gelding. Very well bred with Poco Bueno and Docs Hickory bloodlines. We have mostly used him for trail riding, we have also moved cattle with him. Very gentle and sound. Coggins Hollywood 01 Grade Black & White Pony Gelding Nicole Rivard Baldwin, WI Hollywood 14 hands black & white. Shape, shape, and broke, broke, broke. He has all the talent to go any direction and look great doing it! A definite hard to find. Shoes, clips, hauls, and baths. 100% sound. Current Coggins, shots and worming. HIP 4 George 02 Grade Buckskin Tobiano Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT George is a very cute 7 year old buckskin paint gelding. Well broke and will do anything you need him to do. He has been used in 4H and is great in the mountains. He is very soft in the mouth and responsive to legs aids. Big stopper and starting to make a really nice heel and breakaway horse. Used on the ranch to gather cows and will go anywhere you ask. Easy to handle and is a great youth horse. Coggins. George TDM Driften Hancock 4646962 05 AQHA Bay Roan Gelding Marvin Dewall Beulah, WY Tee J Boy Bar Jana Can Bee Blue Can Dee Bar Can Jana Red Hancock Star Shuttle Shuttle Dust Mira Bay Hancock 2 TDM Driften Hancock Double Drift Drifts Chip Diamond Isle Miss Sunni Holly Orovada Red Orovadas Holly Holly 9 Bar He is a big, shapey, bay roan gelding that was raised on a ranch and comes with ranch experience. He has a halter horse look with a ranch horse ability. He has been started right. Coggins. Yellar 92 Grade Palomino Gelding Pete Houck North Branch, MN A nice shapey gelding. Been ridden by a teenage girl for 3 years. Gentle and quiet. Hearty built. Been ridden outside his whole life. Coggins HIP 9 Heza Clever Frost X0647476 05 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Ross & Chrissy Peterson Sturgis, SD Doc's Jack Frost Sun Frost Prissy Cline Fortune N Frost Ima Cool Skip Miss Cool Skip Bouncy's Nikkie Heza Clever Frost Clever Trick Decoy Bridge Table Black Beauty Stinson Jacks Ready Red Ready Red Doll Twin Bar Dolly Patch is a graceful, smooth traveling 15.3 hand gelding that is a grandson of Sun Frost, World Champion Barrel Horse sire with progeny earnings over $2million in barrel racing, working cow horse, roping and cutting. As a 3 year old, Patch was extensively ridden in the pasture checking yearlings and shipping cattle. Patch lopes super circles, is responsive to leg pressure and rides around nice and gentle. We have owned him for 2½ years and feel his ability and intelligence makes him a super prospect for anything you want to do on a horse. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 10 Patch 01 Grade Paint Gelding Jason Rickman Molt, MT Very quiet and easy to ride. Spins on a dime. Leg cues. Soft neck and perfect horse for team penning or roping. Watches cows and a great kid’s horse. No bad habits, loads, shoes, stands still. Don’t miss this one. HIP 11 Eddie 03 Grade Gray Gelding Lance & Tina Gerhardt HIP 15 Jimmy 99 Grade Dun Gelding J W Robinson Cody, WY Jimmy can move out and covers country. He has been rode and packed in the mountains. Responsive, eager and great at any and all ranch jobs. Rope and load cows in the trailer, doctor calves or make a big circle. He will get the job done. Coggins Mandan, ND HIP 17 Flashy Grey gelding. Started well and needs a job. Make a good ranch gelding or rope horse prospect. Guaranteed Sound, Coggins. HIP 12 Cash 03 Grade Sorrel Gelding Bradley Stall Detroit Lakes, MN Well Broke gelding, make great youth horse. Easy to catch, Coggins. HIP 13 One Lucky Cowboy 4745482 05 AQHA Red Roan Gelding Bryan Lange Ogalala, SD Tonto Cord Tonto Bar's Cord Coa Bars One Bar Day Cowboy Brandy One May Day Marine Hancock One Lucky Cowboy Deer Light Dandy Poco Dandy Mist Poco Gypsy Mist TJ Lucky Cowgirl Mr Time Release Tee J Impressive Bee JB Jackies Dream This fancy red road is ready for work. Take him home, cover the country or trail ride on him. Rides smooth and has a light rein. Free moving traveler. Coggins. HIP 14 Rope Horse Poco Bill Velvet 4858031 05 AQHA Red Dun Gelding Double Eagle Cattle Co, LLC Belfry, MT Classy Son Baron Bar Scotty Shadow Silk Berts Poco Bill Cody Bert Super Lucy Kay Super Lucy Poco Bill Velvet Cody Beat Velvet Comet Velvet Fawn She Wore Blue Velvet Leo Maudie Blue Ribbon Rose Diamond TL Lady Here is a big pretty muscled red dun started rope horse. Gentle natured. Used on ranch. HIP 16 Rope Horse Leos Old Man 3667998 98 AQHA Sorrel Gelding JR Olson Greeley, CO Two D Two Two Eyed Jack Triangle Tookie El Chico Jack Rey Del Rancho Anita Chica La Anita Leos Old Man The Ole Man Ole Glow Bars Luster Glow Mrs Red Adair Country Bill Tilly Adair Minnie Adair Leo is a solid, seasoned head horse that you can heel on also. He is good in the box, runs hard to cattle, has a great move out of the hole and has a quick face. He is gentle and is enjoyable to be around. He would be perfect for someone wanting to learn to rope to an upper end header. He is very user friendly and know his job. He has a great mind . He has been used on the ranch and is a top ranch horse. He has been ridden in the mountains and on the trail. 15.0, 1200lbs. (970) 454-2538 or (307) 751-0329 Coggins Hip 16X Rope Horse An Obvious Class Act 02 AQHA Sorrel Mare Robert Hofer, Worden, MT Conclusive Obvious Conclusion Buzs Baccarat Too Obvious To Miss Majors Manana Mananas Loma Too Glendale Linda An Obvious Class Act Ima Majestic Man Ima Mr Banker Dixie Banker Bankers Class Act Blondes Dude Class To Brun Sue Ann Cash Blondy is a nice head horse that is really going nice. She is quiet in the box and has a lot of run and rate in her. When she is in the box cattle and roping are on her mind. She will be in Friday's jackpot. Coggins. More info 406-670-7758. Rope Horse Skootin Senor 4102025 01 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Cody & Marcy Cunningham Banner, WY Doc's Jack Frost Skid Frost Sand Drifter Skidwood Skoot Breeze Wood My Sugar Blue Driftwood Sugar Skootin Senor Docs Superstud Joe Dee Doc Mon Sue Star Joy Deez Senorita Doc's Zimfandel Docz Oakie Senora Oakie Senora Here is a well made, well bred 8 year old buckskin gelding. This gelding is ready to go to the jackpots as a heel horse. Very easy to rope on and extremely cowy. With a little more hauling he will be easy to season. This guy really likes it. We have also used him for all phases of ranch work from gathering , sorting, and branding. He is broke and will stay that way. 100% Sound . Coggins. HIP 18 A Real Cracker 4287010 02 AQHA Brown Gelding Randy Shannon Thorp, WA Dash For Cash Better Judgement I'm Sincere Lesters Judgement A Real Cracker Dust In Motion Lighting Diala Diala Light Poco Leo Bar Bonnets Roan Bar Sissy Miss Dial Bar Bonnet Dial Bob Blackie Dial Blue Lightning Nice big brown, 7 year old gelding. This is a very well bred horse. Been rode on the ranch started on barrels and ridden by a thirteen year old girl. This Horse could be a super star. Gentle and easy for anyone to get along with. Sells sounds. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 22 Rope Horse Justa Bootscootndude 3814690 99 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Al Eli Ft Shaw, MT HIP 19 19X Lusaka 3717408 98 AQHA Brown Mare Lee & Annie Woods Grangeville, ID Boon Bar Boon Bars Best Miss San Coach Neon Boon Peppy San Badger Miss Little Peppy Joya Corona Lusaka Sun Dance Jet Red Roany Bear Divid Ann Queen Of The Praire Rainbow Sage Miss Lucky Sage Flicka Quarter This mare has been a great producer for us. The foal on her side is sired by Finish Line Express, 102 S.I., $54,000. Race Winnings, G-3 Stakes Winning and AAA Producing Sire. Finish Line Express is ranked 8th on the 2008 Equi-stat Barrel Racing Sires list with one performer, Larkin Six Express #4 on the 2008 Barrel Racing Futurity Money Earners List. She is an easy breeder and easy to foal out. She sells open for you to take her home and breed her to the Stallion of your choice. www.lopenaquarterhorses.com HIP 20 Frank 02 Grade Paint Gelding Bradley Stall Detroit Lakes, MN Big gentle paint. We used his last summer working cows, roping cows, and trail riding. Easy to catch. Looks Good! Coggins HIP 21 RKS Beaus Show Barette T46458 04 POA Sorrel w/ Blanket Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Beaus Baby Face Beaus My Daddy Rockin S St Niks Storny RKS Beaus Show Barette Show Mount Santee Show Maria Santee Sissy Stuart Little is a stocky built 55 inch POA that looks like daddy’s big horse. Very quiet, gentle and suitable for all ages. Been shown successfully in the 4H and open shows. He also has had extensive trail riding and been used to gather cattle. He has also had a rope thrown off of him. Broke like a big horse, big stop, lopes awesome, easy, level circles and has a nice walk. Big enough to carry an adult, gentle enough for kids, 100% sound in every way. More info 641-430-9907. HIP 26 Mr Duster Too Smokey Duster Too Poco Ashwood Smokey Poco Dude Blondy's Dude Dude's Poco Tie Miss Poco Tie Justa Bootscootndude Sonny Dee Bar Sonny Showcase Hilda San Two Clydina Smokey Duster Too My Smokey Miss Lady Red Bud Full bother to my good buckskin head horse. Lots of mountain miles and hard work. Will be there Friday afternoon at the jackpot. GR Docs A Boomin 4895514 06 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Clay Ashurst Greeley, CO Doc O'Lena Doc O Brook Casbrook Kaboomolena One Gun Miss Aledo Gun Aledo Anne GR Docs A Boomin Doc Bar Doc's Lynx Jameen Tivio Lacetta King's Copy Copy's Tee Deck Tee Bett Boomer was started on a ranch in Arizona and has been used in the feedlot. He has seen a lot of miles and cattle walks fast and handles good. Coggins. HIP 23 HIP 27 Gunner 03 Grade Paint Gelding Kyle Pottala New Plymouth, ID Gunner is a gentle paint gelding that has been used in all phases of ranch work. He has been used extensively in the feedlot and started in the roping pen. Gentle for anybody to ride. Coggins HIP 24 Quinns Blue Hancock 4446463 03 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Chance Isbell Sheridan, WY Hancock's Dude Mira Hancock Mira Bay Hancock 3 A Blue Hancock Rack Pal 161 Blue Deline Blue Affair Quinns Blue Hancock Hickey Hickey Two Miss Jennie Lind Kristins Lucky Girl Osage Pine Poco Pine Ann Swingin' Sue A nice big shapey gelding with a big hip and hind leg. Been used out during calving season and is making a nice ranch gelding. Can make the big circle and go all day. Coggins. HIP 25 Boot 03 Grade Bay Gelding Butch & Diane Haugland Ambrose, ND Boot is out of one of our good riding mares and he is stout. He was riddent mostly in 2006 and rode off real nice. He meets you at the gate and follows you everywhere. Coggins. Charlie 01 Grade Bay POA Pony Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Charlie pony is an 8 year old POA gelding. Big enough for adults but great for kids. He has been a great kids horse, shown in 4H and used as a lessons horse. There is nothing this little guy can’t do. He rides like a big horse and not just a spoiled pony. He is great in the mountains and can keep up with the big horses. Tracks cattle and would make a great youth rodeo horse. Pulls a cart and is just plain fun to own, take him home today. Coggins. HIP 28 Bozabar Badger 4506494 04 AQHA Bay Gelding Candiss Jett-Walsh Ballantine, MT Sak Em San Sak Em Doc Black Eyed Suzie Sak Em Sunny Sun Frost AP Lily Frost Chappelle Lily Bozabar Badger Poco Pine Bar P Pine Freckles Miss 84 Boazs Kitty Pine Boaz Boaz's Kitty Kitty Kimble Badger is a well built really nice five year old bay gelding. No buck, he crosses water, railroad trackes and bridges. He stands calmly beside fast moving trains and gunfire. Nice one handed neck rein and we’ve started tracking steers on him. Great heeling prospect or any direction you’d like to take him. Ride him bareback, saddled, and double. Check him out! Easy to catch, load, shoe and clip. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 29 Weavers Lone Leo 4791739 06 AQHA Buckskin Gelding L and W Performance Horses Browning, MT Driftwood Ike Lone Drifter Moore yen SNW Lone Drifter Raise A Scotch Raise The Dawn Leo Delta Dawn Weavers Lone Leo Docs Decatholon Doc Ima Leo Nell Zaydin Weavers Lady Leo Go Beckwith Roan Lady Beckwith Dee Stormy Dun Dee Leo, is turning into a great horse has had 30 days professional training and we’ve been calving on him all spring, anyone can get along with this horse. He’s extremely gentle and great to catch, he travels out nice and is ready to go any direction you want. Guaranteed sound and good to shoe. Coggins. HIP 31 Lonetree Monte Par 4439407 03 AQHA Red Roan Gelding Tanner Hewitt Nisland, SD Maltese Cross Rockets Red Poco Miss Rackets Lonetree Poco Legend Par For Dell Krogs Par Krogs Nikki Lonetree Monte Par Grande Rondo Yellow Lee Man Blue Lopez Lonetree Run To Win Montes Cinnabear Maysdorf Beauty Tiger Balm Buz This horse has been used as a ranch horse and has done it all. He stands 15 hands and weighs about 1,000 lbs. He’s not big but covers lots of country and goes anywhere you ask him to. Real easy to get on when you’ve got lots of clothes on in the winter and easy to catch. A good horse for any experience rider. Coggins. HIP 32 HIP 30 Rope Horse Toys R Up 3579598 97 AQHA Bay Gelding Larry Pancost Ft Lupton, CO Doc Bar Docs Sugs Brudder Bar Gal Squeak Toy Peter Parent Sculptors Whim Bronze Turkey Toys R Up Doc Bar Doc's Oak Susie's Bay Flair Up Pop Up Sweet Flair Raz Miss Taz Great head horse, traveled on college and amateur rodeo’s. Big time winner. Coggins. RMJ Scotch Trigger 4754483 04 AQHA Palomino Gelding Chad Vivian Ashland, MT Sonny Dee Bar Sonny Four Socks Amber's Bar Babe RL Sonny Scotch Bar Scotch Bar Time Solid Gold Scotch Misty Madam RMJ Scotch Trigger Super Smooth Broadway Super Bo Bimey Doll RMJ Calamity Jane Teton Kings Trump RMJ Cheyanne Social Patches Champ Scotch is a pretty, cute, quiet, and gentle palomino gelding. He has a great disposition and has been branded, sorted and just ranched on. He stays gentle and is easy to catch. He just wants to be your firend and is easy to get along with. 100% sound. HIP 33 CK Sparkling Brandy 4121056 01 AQHA Chestnut Mare Nolan Kirkman Tremonton, UT Genuine Doc Shining Spark Diamonds Sparkle Ainit Dun Shining Hollywood Dun It Gee Gee Dun It Seven S Cupie Doll CK Sparkling Brandy Doc's Oak Doak Bar Peps Lady Doc CK Oak Tari Peppy Twice HR Peppy Tari SR Tari Venture Brandy sells in foal for a May 15th foaling date to Who Whiz Bang by a bay stallion by Who Whiz It. Coggins. HIP 34 Tylor 04 American Paint Pony Assn Reg B & W Gelding Nicole Rivard Baldwin, WI Tylor is 13.3 hands and an awesome family horse with that HARD TO FIND attitude. Shown as a 2-3 year old Pleasure Futurity. We purchased him from a friend who bred and raised him. My 5 & 9 year old boys have ridden and shown him EVERYTHING!! Perfect 1st horse for anyone. Coggins, shots, shoes and worming. Whoever buys Tylor will HAVE A FRIEND FOR LIFE! 100% Sound. HIP 35 Emeral Pine Jewel 4059386 01 AQHA Palomino Gelding S-9 Quarter Horses Lovell, WY Otoe's Wonder Otoes Cody Miss Cody Lee Mr Otoes C Pines Mr Pines Miss Pocos Pines Poco's Gay News Emeral Pine Jewel String of Coins Skip Badlands 501 Skip Badlands 1 Shantys Jewel Skip Badlands 565 Shantys Engine Shanty's Shadow Jewel is a great all around gelding. Has a nice neck rein, works off your leg, lopes off easily and a great stop. There is some go if asked. Shuts down with a light touch and will walk away with a loose rein. Nice looking horse, in the prime of his life. Not barn sour, rides off alone, shoes good, hauls quiet, stands tied. Gets along well with other horses. Has never offered to do anything wrong. Doesn’t need to be ridden everyday to stay gentle. He is sound, sane and sensible. No spook. This is a nice gelding that you can do any job with. We have started him on a rope and he is doing good. We have trailed cows, sorted and he works quiet. Coggins. More info 307-272-0364. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 36 Rope Horse Mickey 97 Grade Sorrel Gelding John Francis Big Bear, CA Mickey is an awesome heel horse, good pony horse. Coggins. HIP 37 Rope Horse Lil Rebel Raider 4498368 03 AQHA Red Roan Gelding Danny Walter Billings, MT Fancy Roan Bar Fancys Dandy Bark Jenny Lee Bark Lil Raider Dandy Raiders Leo Miss Raider Lil Tom's Roan Baker Lil Rebel Raider Fancy Roan Bar Fancys Billy Joe Skippit Billie Jo Roan Bars Rebel Dodaddy Miss Queen Teen Tinketeen Ranch horse, lots of roping outside, heel horse prospect. Good conformation, good bone and foot, with arunning walk, gentle, guaranteed sound. HIP 39 Invincible Beckwith 3189135 93 AQHA Gray Gelding Dick Thoman Kemmerer, WY Classy Bar Classy Flap Black Andrea Beckwith Dun Wrangler Red Beckwith Babe Bivin's Sunset Invincible Beckwith Tomichi Tomichi's Drifter Tammy Ball Tomichi Play Girl Sputnik's Playboy Miss Playboy Patsy Caballero Vinny is an excellent breeder, ropes, barrels, poles, well broke, loves kids, carrots and apples. Vinny’s son Thomans Rocky was leading Montana youth all around. All offspring show well and have a great mind. Easy to train, repeat buyers on his colts. Coggins. HIP 40 Ala Poco Pride 4206359 02 AQHA Grullo Gelding Horsebreakers Unlimited HIP 38 Rocket Top Deck 3673543 98 AQHA Black Gelding Terry Warneke Worland, WY Sonny Reynold's Reynolds Blue Ace Rick's High Note Blue Shadow Moon Reynolds Blue Jack Reynolds Blue Bonnet Leos Lil Nuggett Rocket Top Deck Special Effort Flying Effort Flying Rockette Fergies Flying Exceptabull Bulls Mischief Lady Bug Hi Rocky is a nice big 1200 lbs ranch using gelding that is really broke and will ride one handed. He’s good to look at and be around. Good to shoe and will make an advanced rider a nice horse. Coggins. Dewey, AZ Poco Bueno Tom Lucky Poco Tom Lucky Julie JW Poco Lucky Reed Big Buddy Reed Sunburst Reed Reeds Bandera Ala Poco Pride Poco Blunder Pocos Gray Comet Miss Gray Hick Slick Rock Nell Grullo Bar Scott Nylon Chic Nylon Sue Super all around grullo gelding. It’s hard to find pretty slate blue grullo horse but here is one for your consideration. Comet is a big, pretty horse with lots of bone, great feet, big hop and a pretty head. The best part is what is inside his pretty head! Lots of common sense and an extremely kind disposition. He has been trail ridden everywhere, has a terrific outside cowboy walk and is great in the rough, rocky country here at the ranch. Comet has been used at the ranch and has drug calves to the fire at the brandings and has done all the ranch chores. We have had beginners as well as cowboys on him. We have used him to start out two year olds, pony the older horses, track cattle and carry our guests. He is a pleasure to ride. At 15.3 ½ and 1300 he can carry the larger cowboys, yet he is a gentle giant. Coggins. HIP 41 Rope Horse Van Haylen 00 Grade Red Roan Gelding Van Hill Big Piney, WY This is very nice to be around, with a lot of class. Been used on the ranch doing everything from doctoring to brandings and sorting. He is ready to go to the pen to rope on. He has been used a lot on the heel-o-matic and would make a very nice head horse prospect. Coggins. HIP 42 Rope Horse HIP 43 Rope Horse WLT Fancy Buster 4490573 02 AQHA Bay Gelding Ken McKibbin Greeley, CO Roan Bar Fancy Roan Bar Fancy Baker 2 Fancy Beaver Bo Two Eyed Beaver Two Beaver Dee Billie De WLT Fancy Buster Glen Avon Buster Buss Molly B Hill Buster Molly Boy Blue Bar Maxson's Holly Maxson's Tom Boy Finished head horse, great in the box, runs hard, rates good, handles cattle and faces well. Anyone can ride, kid broke, been used for ranch work and trail rides. Coggins. Easy Parr Celine 4105683 01 AQHA Sorrel Mare Mike Lipp Greybull, WY Par Three Zan Parr Bar Terry's Pal Zan Parr Arrow Cherokee Arrow Tuda Leda Sugar Capri Easy Parr Celine Azure Te Juleos Revenge Go Juleo Easy Celine Easy Saint Taint Easy Phoebe Ann This mare really has a lot of muscle. She is by Zan Parr Arrow, who earned 215 points in 5 events: 1990 Grand Champion at Halter, 1991 Open ROM in heeling, 1992 AQHA Junior Barrel Racing Champion, AQHA World Show Finalist Junior Calf Roping, and Qualified Heading and Heeling Multiple Circuit Championships, 1993 AQHA Superior Barrel Horse Award, 1995 FT Worth Stock Show Champion Heading and Heeling. She is bred to Coronas Velvet, Stud Fee $1000, a AAA son of Corona Cartel, Stud Fee $40,000. She produces gorgeous babies. Last bred 0507-08. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 44 Rope Horse Petunias Ole Dude 4207443 02 AQHA Chestnut Gelding Witt Crowser Lingle, WY Blondy's Dude Duplicate Dude Drifting Miss HVR Bay Dude Forty Pecos Rhonda Bay Rhonda Roan Petunias Ole Dude Yellow Bar Pal IW Blue Saint Ole Petunia WG Breezy Bar Pal Breezy Zanzabar Candy Zanzabar Win Candy Cow 15 hands, 1150 lbs, heavy foot and bone. Sound and gentle with no vices. Been calved on and started on hot heels. Has a nice way of getting through the snow and mud. Nice heel horse prospect. Coggins. HIP 45 HIP 49 Yellowstone Evening Star 02 Grade Sorrel Mare Ken Herden Coleman, OK Iron Call 03 Grade Brown Gelding David Putnam Oreana, ID KIDS HORSE DELUXE! This fancy little mare is registered breeding stock POA. She is a sorrel with four stock feet and a blaze. Not a single mean bone in her body. Walks, jobs, lopes, spins, and back like a dream! Pick up her feet, slide off her rear, walk under her belly, clip her, bathe her, load her in the trailer next to geldings without dividers .. She don’t care. She has won numerous mare halter classes and stood grand champion on many occasions. Her sister is an International and World Champion Halter winner! This mare has been used in the alley and outside to gather and she will watch a steer and follow cattle! Perfect size for a woman’s or child’s heel horse! She’s got the brains, the want, and the will to do anything for you. Absolutely no vices! This will be one of the nicest kids or woman’s horse in the sale! UTD on trimming, vaccinations and worming. Coggins. Gentle, quiet disposition, nice trail horse, 16.3 hands TB. Big enough for anybody with a great disposition, paper available from Jockey Club. Coggins. Rope Horse Jay Tee Badger 4817617 06 AQHA Red Dun Mare Kent McBride Wellsville, UT Doc Ray O Lena Rey Del Olenas Sadie Prom Doc Bick A Rey Dry Spec A Pepper Red Speck A Pepper Jo Dean Leo Jay Tee Badger Jackie Bee Tee Jay Badger Badger Gal 50 Tee J Badgers Pattie Two Eyed Van Jay Dee Van Jackie Deanie's Star This colt is broke and had 30 days at a trainer. I rode this colt all last fall moving cows on the mountains. She is a red with four white socks and blaze face. Really nice colt. Coggins. HIP 46 HIP 47 Docs Aqua Chex 5067936 07 AQHA Dun Mare Heath Miller Washington, UT Poco Bueno Tom Poco Bueno Image Hugs Image Mr Dun for Now Major Tyler Moore Tylers Jewel Freckletta Pearl Docs Aqua Chex Colonel Jay Bar Aquas Trouble Nunes Aqua Chex Poco Rosita Chex Docs Silver N Blue Pixie Blue Doll Poco Pixie Doll Nice bred filly out of a great rope horse producing mare has three older brothers roping calves.Coggins. HIP 50 Zans Nobel Te 4237796 02 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Te N' Te Zip E Te Miss 61 Legacy Of Te Conclusive Jack Miss Conclusive Jo Miss Joe Jack Zans Nobel Te Noble Tradition The Nobility Miss Bunny Tardee Noble Two Too Zans Two Eyed Bar Zans Two Eyed Too Terror Too Wow! That’s what everyone says about Te when they see him on the trails. He is that perfect buttermilk buckskin color, cute headed, and made nice with a round hip. He rides great, always gentle, nice neck rein, rides smooth, and goes where you point him. More info 641-430-9907 Coggins. HIP 51 Misty 03 Grade Sorrel Mare Scott Bassett Heber, UT HIP 48 Rope Horse Que Me Up 4283896 02 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Dry Creek Ranch Oxford, NE Doc Bar Doc's Hickory Miss Chickasha Pep Up Hickory Peppy San Badger Escondida Peppy Jugada Que Me Up Gold Doc Doc Gold Rush Limbaugh Miss Red Dixie Honeys Suzie Que Charro Joker Ziperina Par Two Ziperina Potential! Potential! Potential! This little horse has a handle to die for. He can flat spin you out of your seat. He can do a hard days work dragging calves to the fire and still go to that evenings roping. Don’t let his size fool you he has the heart of a Clydesdale. Coggins. Misty is a stocky built mare standing about 14.3 hh. She is well broke and has been used to gather cattle in the mountains. Coggins HIP 52 Bonvester Harmony 3662604 98 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Logan Krone Wolf Creek, MT Zippo Pat Bars The Invester Harry's Peppy Leo Bon Jour Investor Bon Jour Bar Bonnie Rel Bar Dora Rel Yankee Bonvester Harmony Two Eyed Jack Two Eyed Fox Foxy Buck Two Fox Sevum Silky Fox Silky Lena Bob Classy Jilleena Birdtail bred stud. Great conformation, excellent disposition, gentle to be around, passes all his good traits on to his offspring. Broke as a 2 year old. Sound. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 55 HIP 53 Rope Horse Snippy Sundance 389223 97 APHA Red Roan/Overo Gelding Todd Haberman Yankton, SD Sundance Tom CL Sundance Miss Eddie Robin Bold Sundance Bold Victor Reds Jess Jessie's Cross Snippy Sundance Snippy Star Jack Snippys Cowboy Cow Lady Drift Miss Royal Snippy Tee Cross Dotty Cross Pico Dotty Sound, sane, finished head & heel horse. Big motor, no buck, no bad habits. Check him out at the roping. Coggins. HIP 54 Figure Four 3125 3167704 93 AQHA Gray Mare Autumn Bauersfeld Prineville, OR Eddie Eddie 40 Sports Roan Eddie Eighty Buck Hancock Tootie Toot 71 Tootie Rock 71 Figure Four 3125 Jimmy Mac Bee Jackie Bee Jackie Diane Tee J Debs Lady Vantage Deb's May Lady OHMY Clegg Tammy is a very nice easy mare to be around. She throws grays and buckskins. All her babies have been good sized and good minded. Coggins. Chex West Time 4264508 02 AQHA Brown Gelding Dan Dutton Caroline, AB Peppy San Badger Peppy Badger Chex Boogerette Chex Pine Pepper Jubapine Miss Juba Pine Tinker Chex West Time Hollywood Jac 86 Prime Time Chex Linda Chex Super Royal Time Barry Pine Super Royal Pine Super Bull Well bred well broke 15 hh brown gelding. Solid young gelding with unlimited potential. Has had pro reining training. Been exposed to cattle as well as trail rode. Well mannered and wants to please, can turn out for months and will saddle and ride away. Easy to catch, clip, load, shoe. Coggins. HIP 56 Rope Horse Abrakadabracre Doc 4899055 06 AQHA Dun Stallion Kelli Rucker Kettle Falls, WA Son Ofa Doc Bob Acre Doc Sapp's Sandy Abrakadabracre Doc N Willy Willys Tivio Babe Jodel Tivio Abrakadabracre Doc Chex My Freckles Chex Me Double Mietta Chex King Chex Mate Doc's Cowboy Miss Cowboys Doc Miss Poco Poc Own son of ABRAKADABRACRE LTE $107,598 offspring earning $334,511.03 and they have only been showing for three years. Gransire BOB ACRE DOC, offspring earnings $9,256,356. His Dam is a daughter of a money earner by CHEX MY FRECKLES, ROM, Superior & World Champion 57.5 performance points. Doc has 60 days training with Scott Seeklander by sale time. He is quick and athletic. This colt is loaded with potential. He is easy to catch and has a great mind. Doc has lots of dun factor and should produce foals with not only outstanding pedigree but color too. Take him to the show pen, take him to the ranch or use him as a stud. Coggins. HIP 57 Ruger 00 Grade Bay Gelding Brian MacCarty Sheridan, WY Used on ranch for everything. This horse has a lot of bottom and is ready to use. Coggins. HIP 58 58X Roany Bear Cody 3823173 99 AQHA Red Roan Mare Lee & Annie Woods Grangeville, ID Drifty Mc Drift'n Sand Sand Bars Sand Dune Cody Joe Cody Caramelle Cody Caramelle Roany Bear Cody Sun Dance Jet Red Roany Bear Divid Ann Everbearing Diamond Bar Dee Tiara Sugar Miss Sorrel Bar This color producing daughter of Sand Dune Cody has produced some good, competitive rope and barrel horses for us. The foal by her side should be able to compete in whatever arena you choose. The foal is sired by "Finish Line Express", 102 si, $54,000 Race Earnings, G-3 Stakes Winning and AAA Producing own son of Streakin Six. Finish Line Express is the Barrel Sire of Larkin Six Express, the winner of the Champion of Champions Slot Race for $100K placing him 4th on the 2008 Equi-stat Barrel Futurity Money Earners List for 2008. This mare is an easy breeder. www.lopenaquarterhorses Coggins HIP 59 Frosty Bay Starling 5039731 05 AQHA Bay Gelding Weston Garrett Belle Fourche, SD Doc's Jack Sprat Jae Bar Flinn Baby Starling FCS Ima Flinn Too Benito Bar Jack Benitos Angel Tardys Baby Frosty Bay Starling Doc O Lon Docs Decatholon Miss Straw Cody Sunny Decathlon Sun Frost Magna Blade Cowan Kitten He is a real nice 4 year old gelding. He's ready to go to the arena or he would make a nice ranch gelding. Coggins. HIP 59X Buster 99 Grade Gelding B & B Horses, Whitesboro, TX 15.2 hands, 1300 lbs, very oustanding ranch horse, if someone doesn't know how to ride on their visit to the ranch "Buster" is the one they ride. Anyone can ride, very, very, gentle. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 60 Rope Horse Docs Bee Hancock 4516740 04 AQHA Bay Roan Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Apache Joe Hancock Window Walker Yellow Chestnut Walken Jackie Bee Roy Boy Hancock LadyJava Gal Lady Java Bee Docs Bee Hancock Lowry Star Dee Bee Reveille Zandy Claw Doc Dee Bee Keko Driftbar Chex Miss Driftbar Keko Handy Rojo Four Nice big stout ranch broke gelding. Tucker stands 15.3 weighs 1350 and is full made, deep in the chest with a big hind leg. Very, very broke, and very, very gentle, anyone can ride this horse and look good riding him. He does everything with ease. Good bone, and foot on every corner, travels through rough country good, been using to doctor lots of yeralings, side passes, ground ties, pivots, handy neck rein, trots and lopes extremely smooth and collected, soft in the face and on the sides, good on a cow with a lot of rate, good minded, aims to please and is gentle and safe. 100% sound in every way, call for more info 641-430-9907. Coggins. HIP 60X Spoon Bit 07 APHA Sorrel Stallion (pending) Tony Langdon, Aubrey, TX Peppy San Badger Peptoboonsmal Royal Blue Boon Hes A Peptospoonful Smart Little Lena Miss Smarty Rey Rey Jay Janie Spoon Bit Freckles Playboy Young Gun Lenaette Paint Guns Docs Hickory Docs Hickory Chick Miss Chic McCue Sired by Hes A Peptospoonful, a leading sire with just 3 crops of foals competing they have earned $2 million making him the youngest sire to reach this accomplishment. This colt is readyy to start and is eligible for the "Spoonful Million Dollar Bonus" and the McDavid Double Down Bonus" in 2010. His dam, Paint Guns was trained for the cutting futurities but unshown, this is her first foal. She is a full sister to Young Guns Chic the earner of $18,000 in a shortened career and Chicks Young Gun, AQYHA High Point Working Cowhorse. The 2nd dam, Docs Hickory Chic, NCHA Super Stakes Classic Non-Pro Champion is the earner of $112,292 and also the dam of Ekeout, $29,590 with total earners of $60,344. Additional information, Tony Langdon, 214-876-5950. HIP 63 HIP 61 Rope Horse Ripple Badger 3484316 96 AQHA Black Gelding Pine & Samantha McQuay Corvallis, MT Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Tenino Badger Doc Bar Tenino FAir Fairway's Gal Ripple Badger Leo Rip Rip Sugaree Bars Sweet Ripple Docs Glowin Image Docs Sweet Image Sweety Pepper Diesel is a big stout gentle gelding that is coal black, no white hair. We’ve headed a lot of steers on him, outstanding ranch horse and covers country really well. Branded, doctored baby calves to 1000 yearlings on him. My wife rides this horse everywhere and has been heading off him. Our 3 year old daughter rides too. This is a horse you can take to the jackpot, ranch or parade and he’ll do the job and look good doing it. See him at www.diamondaarena.com 100% sound and gentle. HIP 62 Rope Horse Mr Blue 98 Grade Paint Gelding Casey Eller Big Deer, CA 15 hands, good, solid, heel horse - Level 1 and up rider. Coggins. Irresistably Tacky 4884577 06 AQHA Dun Gelding Collins Buckley Quarter Horses Roundup, MT Caballero Mujer Mujer Tacky Jay Miss Rovin Tacky Ova Tacky Jay Ova Draft Ova Deb Jay Deb Moon Jay Irresistably Tacky Mr Irresistable Irresistable Del Clabber Belle Irresistable Good Stormy Socks Comet Hoddys Good Comet Hoddys Good McCue This gelding has been started right by Delon Parker. He’s ready to please and eager for a job. He’ll be a big gelding. HIP 64 Smart Little Robbie 4388393 03 AQHA Bay Gelding Ken McKibbin Greeley, CO Doc O'Lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Smart Poco Twister Docs Poco Bueno Docs Lady Tama Red Rocket Chic Smart Little Robbie Doc Bar Docs King Chex Kingetta Chex Docs King Star Kings Peppy Cutter Cutters Flit Match Spring Super well made and handy broke gelding. Reined working cow training as a 2 coming 3 year old. Been used the last year on the ranch. No hump or buck in him. Has a lot of miles outside. Super nice started heel horse. Just have too many horses. Lots of eye appeal with a great pedigree and he will really hunt a cow. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 65 Madonnas Jackie 4055546 01 AQHA Red Roan Mare Nolan Kirkman Tremonton, UT Salty Blue Flying X 6 Marlene Kid Madonnas Blue Bee Jackie Bee Tee J Madonnna Bee Go Diamond Deck Madonnas Jackie Jackie Bee Tee Jay Red Jackie Dee Red Money Koris Black Jackie Mr Gun Smoke Kori King Smoke Koreatte King This mare was purchased fomr Van Norman ranch in Tuscarora, NV. Her grand dam is Kori King Smoke by Mr Gun Smoke. She sells in foal for an April 30th foal to Colonels Double Doc by Colonel King Adam by Colonel Freckles. Coggins. HIP 66 HR Molly Glo 3282649 94 AQHA Buckskin Mare Bradley Stall Detroit Lakes, MN Mr Joe Glo Wreck Less Joe Lolessa Jack Fantastic M Jordan Jack Fantastic I Cant Believe It Blue Cutie HR Molly Glo Lucky Joe Five Mr Joe Glo Squaw's Glo Miss Helen Glo Rusty Roper Helen's Folly Helen Miller This mare is very gentle great trail riding horse been around cattle. Coggins. HIP 68 Frenchmans EZ One 5024025 07 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Jeff & Kelly Gorrell Beach, ND Sun Frost Frenchmans Guy Frenchman's Lady Frenchmans Easy Doc Doc O Dynamite Easy April Lena Easy April Bar Frenchmans EZ One Pie in the Sky Fiesta in the Sky Fiesta Date ZS Fiesta Easy Saint Saint Chant Lass Royal Black Chant The pedigree speaks for itself with Frenchmans Guy (a top futurity and derby sire) and Easy April Lena (full sister to "Scott", multipel NFR money earner owned by Rachel Myllimaki) and a dam Zs Fiesta, SI 92, who also carries top bloodlines with Pie in the Sky and Easy Saint. Also note that Frenchmans Easy Doc is a full brother to Frenchmans April Lena who was a top futurity winner. This colt has eye appeal, genetics and would be an asset to any program, especially barrel racing. Coggins. HIP 69 Sir Quincy Dan Super Dice Super Doll Sundown Super Jack Sir Quincy Dan Freeway Foxy Freeway Miss Par Freeway Frosty Diamond Bar Dee Frosty Fashion Bar Mud Jack is a very quiet gelding that has been used for all kinds of ranch work from dragging calves to t he fire to doctoring/sorting. He is doing very well as a head horse quiet and gentle - this horse will get along with anyone. For more info call 541-5711373. Coggins. HIP 70 HIP 67 Hunter 04 Grade Palomino Gelding Linda Paulson Fairfax, SD Hunter is a big, gentle, pretty, .low headed palomino gelding that has been on numerous trail rides all over the Black Hills of SD. He’s at Clay Crago’s and will be up until sale day being used on his ranch to trail, check cows and day to day ranch work. Clay has had lots of snow this spring so Hunter will have miles of hard work on him. He’s gentle and has never offered to buck so anyone that has riding experience should be able to get along with this guy. UTD on shots, worming. 100% Sound More info 605-481-1515. Coggins. Rope Horse Sundown Super Jack 4467692 03 AQHA Blue Roan Gelding Harry Larson Hermiston, OR Sonny Dee Bar Goldy Sonny Dee Goldy Two Eye Super Sundown Sonny Tinkys Segundo Jet 4947248 06 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Bradley Tolman Logan, UT Tinky's Espada Poco Tinky Marco Sansie Marco Tinkys Musicat Tiger's Music Miss Rainy Bar Miss Bammy Bar Tinkys Segundo Jet Sagunto Ole Sagunto Tonto Lucy Ms Sagunto Reed Bear Cloud Ms Cloudy Reed Amarillo Reed If you are looking for young, well-bred, wellstarted gelding, look at this one. He has been easy to train - very willing and kind. Easy to catch, load, shoe, etc. Coggins. HIP 71 Laker Doc LLC 4979882 07 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Son Ofa Doc Bob Acre Doc Sapp's Sandy Laker Doc Doc Quizote Laney Doc Christmas Four Laker Doc LLC Doc O'lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Little Lena Cross Doc A Doo Doc A Donna Mis Polly Diamond This stallion is by leading sire Laker Doc and out of Little Leana Cross LTE $11,817 a daughter of Smart Little Lena. He is talented anc very pretty, just 2 and doing tremendous on cattle, started by Roddie Whitman, NCHA LTE $550,000. Watch this future stud cut a cow. Coggins. HIP 72 Lizzy 03 Grade Welsh Brown Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Lizzy is an awesome Welsh Cross pony that will go anywhere and do anything for anyone. This cute mid sized pony is very gentle and broke for anyone to ride. She has pulled a cart and been ridden out on the trails. This is one of a kind hard to find pony that is "broke" and not just gentle. Coggins. HIP 73 Rope Horse Scott 97 Grade Sorrel Gelding Bliss Horses Otter, MT Here’s a gelding that been in Arizona with my son as a heel horse. Scott has pasture roped a lot of calves and been ranched on. He would make an excellent youth horse. Will saddle up after along layoff with no buck or vices. Good to be around 100% sound. Take A Look! www.billingslivestock.com HIP 74 Rope Horse Gainers Amego 4900834 06 AQHA Red Dun Stallion Ken Herden Coleman, OK Tuffy Parsons Amego Tramp Amego Belle Amegos Temptation Lonsum Flick Easy Temptation Tye Rye Princess Gainers Amego Sir Quincy Dan Sir Quincy Lee Showdown Darlene Quincys Gainer Triple Gainer Heart Gainer Heart Raider Rope horse prospect deluxe! Take this guy to the rope pen and look good doing it! This dazzling stallion has 120 days of riding with thirty days tracking the donkey, roping the donkey, stopping, pulling and working out of the box. Quiet and a quick learner. We’ve done a lot with him for playing cowboy polo to gathering steers in a brushy pasture. Very fluid and natural way of moving. Is built to work both ends. This guy is started right and is going to be a rope horse supreme! Sir Quincy Dan breeding. He has the looks, brains and color to stay a stud but would make an awful nice gelding! UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. HIP 76 Jacs Hes All That 4232306 02 AQHA Gray Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Coys Impressor Coys Skippen Dance Skip And Dance Tara HKS Top Priority How D Roman Romans Magic Rio Spanish Lady Jacs Hes All That Tee Jay Roman How D Roman Skipper Jean Romans Maggie How D Spanish Leo Rio Spanish Lady Skip's Magic Lady Jack is a very shapey, eye catching, dapple gray gelding. He stands 15.3 and weighs 1300 with good bone. He is very pretty headed, lots of front end, and a big hip. Jack is extremely gentle with a easy trot and a smooth lope. He has been used in the pastures and on the trails, been behind cattle, and used to pony horses and colts. He has a nice neck rein and is gentle enough for anyone to ride. Would make a great head horse or trail horse, will go anyway you choose. 100% sound, no vices. Call for more info 641-430-9907. Coggins. Jake Clark Offering • Session One HIP 77 Ima Classy Dude Too 720P 99 IQPA Chestnut Pony Gelding Jake Clark Powell, WY Smokey Duster Too Smokey Eyed Ima Classy Dude Too Tee J Jack Steel Classy JJ HIP 75 Rope Horse Jacks Palo Roper 3233362 93 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Augusta Percival Alma, NE Rine Delrio Hygro Heidis Classic Miss Heidi 2 Lucky Heidi Country Cherokee Cause Ima Rebella Shilo Cowgirl Jacks Palo Roper Two Eyed Jack Star Eyed Jack Hilda Pat Star Star Eyed Blondie Wimpy George Wimpy's Meow Stormy Cat WOW!! What can I say about Mandan, he is a been there done that kind of horse! Anybody that can crawl up on him can ride him. Rope horse deluxe! If you are going, might as well look good doing it. Scores well out of the box, easy to catch, load, shoe, haul and bathe. No problems on the road. Just catch and go. He would be an awesome high school or amateur horse. ONLY reason for selling is that he needs more of a job then hauling my 5 year old daughter around. Call anytime 308-991-3518. Coggins. Dude is a great pony that is built like a big horse. He is gentle but is best suited for a 10 or 12 year old that can ride. He can pack a small adult all day. Used for all aspects of ranch work. 307-272-6635. Coggins. HIP 78 Brigances Alamitos 4207837 00AQHA Gray Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Beduino Brigance Jake Clark Offering • Session One HIP 79 Kahoola Frost 4062752 01 AQHA Red Dun Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Sun Frost Frenchmans Guy Frenchman's Lady Frost Flash Laughing Bar Boy Busy Bar Bee Busy Bee Bar Kahoola Frost Debby's Top Bar Mr Sparkle Bar Sparkle Shi Kahoola Sparkle Devil Cat Dancer Cocoa Bar Two Kahoola This is a really nice gentle dun mare. Shown in 4H in younger times. She is bred to our sorrel stud PC Masun Frost an own son of Sun Frost. This will be a great performer.More info 307-272-6635. Coggins. HIP 80 Revengue Mira 3597103 97 AQHA Brown Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Nashville Azure Te Blue One Juleos Revenge Go Man Go Go Juleo My Mary Bar Revengue Mira Happy Hancock Happy's Cardinal My Beaver 13 Minni Mira Lowry Star Minni Hancock Miss Minnick Bar This is a big stout Lowry Star and Azure Te bred mare that always produces a great colt. Bred to PC Masun Frost an own son of Sun Frost. More info 307-272-6635. Coggins. HIP 81 Special Sissy 3089551 91 AQHA Sorrel Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Romany Royal Jo Ann Cat Alamitos Bar Dusty Be Lady Tippet's Bar Brigances Alamitos Three Oh's Carambo Lady Caramba Nachoes Alamitos Bar Zoritos Zorbit This big gentle gray mare is bred for speed and will have a nice colt buy our PC Masun Frost stallion who is an own son of Sun Frost. This colt should be a real performer with a lot of speed. 307-272-6635. Coggins. Raise A Native Raise Your Glass Champagne Woman Special Effort Double Devil Go Effortlessly Hijo Beauty Special Sissy Top Moon Moon Lark Pan O Lan Winning Rish Top Bidder Dee Dee Bid Blair Debra This own daughter of Special Effort on top and granddaughter of Moon Lark on bottom is bred to PC Masun Frost. This will be a tremendous performer with a lot of speed to burn. For more info 307-272-6635. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 85 Jake Clark Offering • Session One Mr. T is the type of horse everyone looks for. He’s a real eye catcher. He is gentle enough to be grandma’s berry pickin horse or a baby sitter for junior. If dad wants to load him up and head for a team roping, he’ll work either end with ease. He’s also been hauled as a breakaway horse and is not short on speed. He’s been used for all phases of ranch work and on hunting trips. He was used all last summer in a youth rodeo association in the barrels, poles and flag race. This horse has no vices and I haven’t found a thing he won’t tolerate. He’s sound as a dollar and no medical issues whatsoever. He has been in grand entries and parades. If there is a hole in this horse, I’m not aware of it. He is gentle enough for the smallest child to ride and horse enough for any adult. HIP 82 Dress By Six X478878 91 AQHA Sorrel Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Boy Six Dress By Six Rocket Bar Rocket Wrangler Go Galla Go Hempen Shy Amanda Easy Blush Secretariat Mr Crimson Ruler Crimson Saint Crimson Annie Dash For Cash Dressy Occasion Alamitos Susie This mare is really bred to run, Secretariat, Rocket Wrangler, Dash For Cash and Go Man Go all in her pedigree, bred to own son of Sun Frost PC Masun Frost. More info 307272-6635. Coggins. HIP 84 CHQH Pepto Boons Oak 4579135 04 AQHA Bay Stallion T. Scott Hulme Montpelier, ID Peppy San Badger Peptoboonsmal Royal Blue Boon CGOS Pepto Quizote Doc Quixote Otro Mundo Sugar Bar Marie CHQH Pepto Boons Oak Doc Bar Doc's Oak Susie's Bay Navaoak Jody Fairfax Fair Bid Miss King's Bid HIP 83 Rope Horse Doc Anita Hanky 3944089 00 AQHA Brown Gelding Roger Myers Emmett, ID Colonel Freckles Colonel Hankins Queenie Star LH Colonel Hank Tari Hankins Aunt Katie Sue Aunt Sarah Sue Doc Anita Hanky El Pobre Pobres Little Doc Doc's Little Gem Little Chief Madam War Chief 2 War Madam Madam Star If you are an experienced roper and need a good calf or breakaway horse, don’t miss this one. 14.2 hands, 1070 lbs., nice to be around, good to wash and shoe. Trained for calf roping, good in the hole, scores well, runs hard, stops hard, works a good rope. Been hauled some and heeded on some too. Ten year generation pedigree chart available - he has a National Foundation. Coggins. Rope Horse Mr. T 98 Grade Sorrel Gelding Bruce Fritzler Lodge Grass, MT A well trained stallion that has been shown in local cuttings, cow horse and NRCHA events. Real cowy, nice lead changes, ranch horse deluxe, and fun to show. Lots of gas down the fence and loves to cut. A perfect gentlemen and has both hand and pasture bred. I have really enjoyed this horse and would like him to go to someone who wants a good one. I’ve got too many young ones and the broke horses need to go. We bought this horse at BLS in 2006 and have loved every day with him since, Coggins. Come have a test ride or call 208-847-0194 for more info. Email Scott at Hulmeperformancehorses@live.com <mailto:Hulmeperformancehorses@live.com> HIP 86 Rope Horse Blondes B Fun 4012109 00 AQHA Palomino Mare Ronald Ertz Mulino, OR Last Sunglow SunGlowsLastCommand Panzarita Command Zips Golden Hawk Zippo Light Zippos Starlight Starlit Sunglow Blondes B Fun Easy Jet Totally At Ease Robin Mac ALS Sunni Delite New Design Designers Delight This Is Fun Finished heel horse also heads and breakaway. Hauled extensively to ACTRA and Wrangler ropings. Also rodeoed at National Senior Pros and NW Old Timers. Approximate winnings $20 to $30k. Easy to load, haul, shoe, clip and good in the mountains and on the ranch. Lots of go and good whoa. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 89 HIP 87 Rope Horse Chic 00 Grade Palomino Mare Dustin Hulme Ogden, UT This mare stands 15 hands, is good to rope on for about anyone. She has been hauled to jackpots and won on. She is a very sweet mare with no bad habits at all. She’s an easy keeper and loves to be handled. Easy to catch, load and anything else you may want. She has a lot of try and a big heart. Roped both ends on her, works good on either. She won’t duck out at all when headed on. Tracks a steer really nice when heeled on. Kids can ride or rope on her. Very honest, scores really nice. Would make a nice jackpot horse for about anyone. She is very gentle. Would also work great as a 4H or Queen horse. Good with leads and handles well, has a nice smooth lope and easy to ride. For more info call 435-770-6140. Coggins. HIP 88 Rope Horse Coolin My Injuns 250934 93 APHA Bay/Tobiano Gelding Jessica Brown Virdon, MB Top Moon Moon Lark Pan O Lan Jet Lark Easy Jet Easy Rose Indian Music Coolin My Injuns Top Moon Bugs Alive in 75 Ralph's Lady Bug When You Say Bug Dream Man Winter Dream Tonya Do Stands 16 hands, works all ends of the arena. Excellent head horse, quiet in the box, scores solid, runs hard to cattle, strong on the horn and faces good. Injun is seasoned and ready to rodeo or jackpot on. He’s a money earner at CCA and MRCA rodeos. He runs a competitive barrel and pole pattern. Junior and ladies barrel racing finalist in the Manitoba Rodeo Cowboys Association. 3X paint horse of the year Manitoba High School Rodeo Association. Qualified for Canadian and National High School Rodeo finals four times in various events. 204-851-1296 Coggins. Rope Horse KT Addicted To Nic 4604460 04 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Turner Performance Horses Victor, MT Doc's Rmedy Reminic Fillinic Splat Nic Colonel Freckles Freckles Clabber Kilians Clabber KT Addicted To Nic Smart Little Lena Lenas Busy Bee Prissy Bea Bee N Gray Sam Skyles Cuatro Cinco Gray Cuatro Cinco We are proud to offer a horse of this caliber to you. Nic is an athlete, extremely talented and well rounded. He has a lot of conformation and bone, a blaze face, 3 stocking legs and roan hairs. When we originally purchased him he was on his way to the NRHA futurity. He is low headed, an easy lead changer and spins like a helicopter. A solid non-pro or amateur horse. He is also an extremely talented calf horse, scores, runs, rates, stops hard and straight when you throw, and works a lot of rope when needed. Nic could be a successful AQHA calf, rodeo or jackpot horse. We have started hauling him lightly on the heeling end too. Don’t count him out on the ranch either, he holds his own and enjoys it. If you are looking for just a nice riding horse that you can saddle one every few months and ride off to the shows, mountain trails, or ranch chores, check Nic out. Your won’t find a fancier more honest gelding who is guaranteed sound and to have no vices. For more info call 406-381-2347. HIP 90 Soxys Colonel 4224563 02 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Wayne Pacheco Helena, MT Colonel Hotrodder Three Jay Colonel Cuatro Blanco My Kinda Colonel Dry Doc Frec O Lena Dottie Bar Leo Soxys Colonel Colonel Freckles Col J Jigger She'l Do Red Ant Soxy San Freckles Peppy Docsan San Cheri Doc Moon Bar King This is a nice young gelding with an outstanding future ahead of him. With limited hauling has run consistently in the money. He is solid, and has the potential to be a top contender 1D horse. He comes through the alley looking for the first barrel (the money barrel) Clean stout, has also been used at brandings for sorting cattle, roping, and dragging claves to the fire. Quick moving and level head. Well broke, used at hunting camp. Finds trail in the dark before shooting light. Great all around horse. Colonel Freckles, Peppy San and Doc Bar bred to be the tremendous athlete he is. Looking for real and honest, This is the horse for you. Coggins. HIP 91 Flipmia Freckle 4052219 01 AQHA Sorrel Mare Ross & Chrissy Peterson Flipmia Flipmia Freckle Flipmia Freckle Sturgis, SD Colonel Freckles Colonel Flip Noche Corta Doc O'Lena Doc O Mia Freckles Mia Three Oh's Three Straws The Last Straw Oh Jessie Oh Johney Mito Jessie Mito Little Phantom CC is an own daughter of Flipmia, a multichampion producer of rodeo and cutting horses and a NCHA money earner. She is easy to catch and handle and is used to lots of commotion with our three girls. We saddle her up and ride off with no worries as she is level headed and safe. This mare is gentle and is a super family horse that can do anything from rodeo, ranching, trail riding, to youth competitions. More info 605-347-9166. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 94 Rope Horse HIP 92 Rope Horse HCJ Peppyz Nitehawk 4487456 03 AQHA Gray Gelding Dallas Gerhardt Moffit, ND Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Peppy Badger Cody Doc Bar Doc's Li'l Lady High Jabalina HCJ Peppyz Nitehawk Waggoner 101 Masie's Blue GrayLady Blulark Pepper Lark Happy's Cardinal Miss Cardinal Star Silky Beaver Here is a started heel horse, he’s been used as a turn back horse and we’ve used him on the ranch and trail riding in the badlands. He’s got a big stop and a lot of turnaround. Gentle and sells 100% sound. Coggins. HIP 93 JK Neat Copperoni 4269905 02 AQHA Gray Gelding Billy Martin Faith, SD Doc's Jack Frost Doc Bruce Nelly Bruce JK Neat Doc Mito Wrangler Kick N Squirt Scratch Bars JK Neat Copperoni Mollys Gold Peppy JK Vanzi Pep Miss Vanzi Jewel JK Lacearoni Tonkas Last JK Tonkaroni Fingernails Casper is a 7 year old AQHA Gray gelding that is big, stout and very gentle. He has been used at the sale barn and on the ranch for the last 5 years. He is easy to shoe, load and be around. Coggins Little Rocket Pep 3703805 98 AQHA Bay Gelding MC Hollenbeck Molt, MT Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Paddys Irish Whiskey Doc Bar Doc's Starlight Tasa Tivio Little Rocket Pep Peppy San Peppy Nina Doc O Nina Rocket Wrangler Lena Doc O Dynamite Docs Misty Lena Misty Wrangler Rocket has all phases of ranch work on his resume. He will be shown heading and heeling and will be one of the best rope horses in town. Big and good looking! HIP 95 QR Tuckers Alibi 5083829 07 AQHA Palomino Mare B&B Horses Whitesboro, TX Colonel Freckles NU Cash NU Rendition Tucker Cash Doc Tom Tucker Jezabelle Tucker Kieths Echols Chex QR Tuckers Alibi Doc Bar Professor's Alibi Jean Tivio Classy Alibi Sir Quincy Dan Classy Opie Readyette A real pretty palomino filly that is correct in every way. Gentle, well mannered, has had all the ground work done and is ready to start riding. Coggins. HIP 96 HIP 97 Docs Twin Bruce 4705730 05 AQHA Chestnut Gelding David & Lisa Horn Piedmont, SD Doc's Jack Frost Doc Bruce Nelly Bruce JK Doctor Tom Baker Tom's Twin Bar Sadie Twin Bar Sadie Bird Docs Twin Bruce Hollys Gold Peppy JK Vanzi Pep Miss Vanzi Jewel JK Flash Dancer Doc Bruce Flame Bruce Flame Flash Offering another top gelding for sale. This gelding is double bred Doc Bruce top and bottom and has had training. He is a nice individual with the rich chestnut color, three white socks and a strip to go along with his Cadillac movement and the speed of an athlete. Best of all is this gelding’s mind. He has the attitude and want to exceed to the professional level. We’ve used him for an all around gelding from roping, sorting, dragging colts, pleasure, mounted shooting with .45 pistol. Out of the arena he has seen lots of trail in the Black Hills, gravel roads and traffic. He has no bad habits and I haven’t found anything the horse won’t do when asked. He’s been put through the training steps that will stay with him. If you are looking for a good, honest gelding don’t go home wishing you had him on your trailer. He likes people and you will really like him. 100% Sound. Coggins. Rope Horse Blackburn Cat Mister 4061840 01 AQHA Brown Gelding JR Olson Greeley, CO El Nino's Dude June Berry Dude June Berry Evans Blackburn Raspberry El Nino's Dude Blackburn Sioux Miss Sioux 40 Blackburn Cat Mister Billy Gringo Mitchells Dream Penie Jay Diamond Cat Ruby Bar No Horizens Lady Choya Cat Gee's Spookie Gal Black cat is a classy 8 year old black gelding. He has been ranched on and has been started in the arena. We have been roping the lead steer and the heel-o-matic on him and his is going to be a very nice rope horse. He has the quickness, athletic ability and the speed that you need in an upper end rope horse. He is gentle and is very willing with a great mind and disposition. He also has all of the tools needed to be a big time barrel horse. He is at the right age for someone that wants a good one, to on with and make a really nice horse. If you are a roper or a barrel racer looking for one to go on with, don’t miss Black Cat! Sound and gentle. More info 970-454-2538. Coggins. Blackburn Cat Mister www.billingslivestock.com HIP 98 Mavs Ducky Quixote 4912209 06 AQHA Sorrel Mare Michael & Frances Dooley Fromberg, MT Doc Bar Doc's Hickory Miss Chickasha Play Maverick Freckles Playboy Pastel Playgirl Bunch of Doc Mavs Ducky Quixote Peppy San Badger Hollys Little Peppy Sonita Holly Freckly Quixote Ima Son O Sugar Me Quixote FunnyFace Quixote Sired by a good son of Doc’s Hickory, here is a NCHA money earner and money producer. Mav is out of a good cutting-bred mare. Has forty-five days riding, she is very friendly, quiet and quick. Has lots of cow. A very nice three year old, she is eligible for the Oklahoma Early Bird Futurity. For more info call 406-668-9047. Coggins. HIP 99 Rope Horse Feature Memories X0516572 94 AQHA Brown Gelding Wade Harn Baldwin, ND Top Deck Go Man Go Lightfoot Sis Going Memories Double Bid Jet Bid Vandy's Jet Feature Memories Truly Truckle Truckle Feature Feature That Truly Tipsy TipOQuill Tip Preen Teeny Preen Shadow has been used at jackpot ropings, brandings, to drag claves to the fire and also as the wife’s trail hose. Is a finished heading horse and has been used for some heeling. This horse has a lot of speed and will get you a quick shot on fast cattle. This horse will be entered into the Friday jackpot roping. He may also make a good barrel horse. (701) 222-5003. Coggins. HIP 101 Rope Horse Diamond J Freckle 4698767 05 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Bitterroot Springs Ranch Stevensville, MT Peppy San Badger Grays Starlight Doc's Starlight Diamond J Star Freckles Playboy Diamond J Playgirl Lemac's Harriet Diamond J Freckle Doc Bar Doc O'Lena Poco Lena Toulouse Lena Jewel's Leo Bars Freckles MeterMaid Toad's Maxie Bee This is a nice, well bred 4 year old by Diamond J Star, earner of over $103,000 and out of a money earning/producing daughter of Doc O’Lena. Diamond J Star has produced finalists and money earners in both cutting and reined cowhorse events. This is a gentle and good minded gelding that has had basic reining and cutting training and has been lightly stared in roping. He will make an excellent ranch versatility horse. He is a true all around prospect with a willing personality that anyone should be able to get along with. HIP 102 Rope Horse Sparks Deuce 4536492 03 AQHA Sorrel Mare J W Robinson Cody, WY Zan Parr Bar Zan Parr Express Gay Bar Moon Sparkin Express Mr Diamond Dude Diamonds Sparkle Pollyanna Rose Sparks Deuce Clarks Yellow Doc Doc Jaxa JaxLene Tuffy Freckled Doc JR Freckles Deuces Freckles Tuffy Freckles Cowy, athletic, quiet rope horse. Go to a rodeo, a roping, or do any job on the ranch. This horse has seen it all and is eager to do it all. Coggins. Splash 97 Grade Paint Gelding Pete Houck North Branch, MN Nice big gelding been used in the feed yards. Has a great handle, stout made ready to go where ever you point him. Coggins. HIP 104 Starlight Boom 5043675 07 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Wagonhound Land & Livestock LLC Douglas, WY Reminic Boomernic Docs Leavem Smoke Daniel B Boom Bull Parker Melissa Parker Sassy Gidget Starlight Boom Peppy San Badger Grays Starlight Doc's Starlight Reys Starlight Smart Little Lena Miss Smart Rey Jay Starlita Seguin A nice young son of multiple world champion Daniel B Boom and out of an NCHA money earner of $27,000, this attractive gelding could go to the arena or make a suitable ranch gelding. He was very easy to start under saddle and shows intelligence and atheism. Coggins. HIP 105 HIP 100 Dials Again 4653990 04 AQHA Dun Gelding Bill Yankee Lander, WY Poco Stripes Jessie Poco Docs Jessie Miss Doc O Bean BNE Poco King Leo Royal Silver King RSK Leo Bonita Cross J Leo Bonita Dials Again Mr Impressive A Special Impression Missie Packers Impress M Agin Dial Dallas Dial A McGin River Grove Annie 16 H dun gelding with Poco, King, and Leo breeding. Very friendly, has been used for ranch work and ridden in mountains. Very good to shoe and load, has great potential as a rope and/or ranch horse. Coggins. HIP 103 Dials Again Invest In A Bench 4901251 06 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Marvin Dewall Beulah, WY Hotrodders Jet Set Radical Rodder Flashy Bar Flower Ima Benchmark Zippo Pine Bar Zippy Lady Rose Highland Rose Invest In A Bench The Big Investment Custom Investment Miss Spendor Customs Irish Baby Pine's Irish Wiski Pines Irish Sis Beaus Sassy Sis Pretty young gelding in the Incentive Fund. Real nice broke, would make a pleasure horse, ranch horse or trail horse. Very nice horse. Quiet. Coggins www.billingslivestock.com HIP 106 Smooth Talking Max 5008897 07 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Randall Tune Whitesboro, TX High Brow Hickory High Brow Cat Smart Little Kitty Smooth As A Cat Wheeling Peppy Shes Pretty Smooth Smooth Hickory Smooth Talking Max Doc O'Lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Smart Little Maxine Dual Pep Miss Dual Ten Prescription Ten Coggins HIP 107 Rope Horse Graysons Lil Image 4227129 02 AQHA Buckskin Mare Tom & Brittany Shelbourn Piedmont, SD Poco Bueno Tom Poco Bueno Image Hugs Image Mr Revenues Image Dusters Revenue Miss Double Revenue Miss Double Poco Graysons Lil Image Rowdy's Rick Grayson Wyeast Lady Rose Wyeast Misty Grayson Rhinestone Jack Watch Misty Two Eyed Watch Starlet Scarlet is a finished head/heel and breakaway horse. She’s been hauled to WTRC ropings. She’s also started in the calf roping. She will really watch a cow. She was shown in the Ranch horse competition. She’s also been used extensively on the ranch to calve and sort pairs and drag claves to the fire. 100% Sound. Coggins HIP 108 All Reddy Gun 4346728 03 AQHA Bay Roan Mare Robert Lack Whitehall, MT Smart Little Lena Smart Chick Olena Gay Sugar Chic All Reddy Smart Colonel Freckles Miss Colonel Soda Strawberry Soda All Reddy Gun Mr Gun Smoke Smokin 45 Lena Dondi Chex Forty Five Bueno Chex Dixie Chex Spowan Diane A lot of riding on this horse as a 2,3,4 year old. I showed her as a 3 year old in a futurity. She has sorted lots of pairs, is very light and quick. No buck, excellent broodmare prospect. She was turned out at 5 year old. Back riding this year. HIP 111 HIP 109 Darlene De Great 4480137 03 AQHA Bay Mare Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Kaskaskia Coup De Kas Mor Coup Floyd De Great Go Dick Go Go Rona Go Rona Bar Darlene De Great Raise Your Glass Canth Ever Hopeful Ocantsherun Bunny Mackay Miss Te Bid Pageant Queen Annie is a big beautiful dark bay 6 year old mare that has been used as a lesson horse in both English and Western. She is by Floyd De Great and out of Bunny Mackay mare. Beauty and Brains all in one super athletic package. Well started on the barrels and showing real talent, ready to take to jackpots and win some money. She is very well broke and willing to please. She has spent her life being used as a ranch horse and is great in the mountains. There is not anything this great horse can’t do. She side passes, neck reins, and is a dream to ride. She is on her way to making a nice rope and barrel horse. HIP 110 Rope Horse TD Playboy 39955264 00 AQHA Bay Gelding Parker Horse Co Billings, MT Jewel's Leo Bars Freckles Playboy Gay Jay Case Of Freckles Peppy San Badger San Casey Doc's Topi TD Playboy Doc Of Windsor Docs Rio Pondie Bar Miss El Rio Cookie Docs T Lei Brandi Doc's Gold Mine Docs Gold Flake Edna's Joy Big stout bay gelding. Had two years of cutting training as a three and four year old. Has the run and cow to make a top rope horse prospect. Livermore Creek 4089984 01 AQHA Bay Gelding L and W Performance Horses Browning, MT Top Breeze Isle Breeze Treasured Isle LGJ Dark Isle Dude Dark Pines Dude Pines Black Velvet Jamies Joy Livermore Creek The Flying Saint Saintly Juan Miss John I Livermore Lace Custus Whiz Roys Miss Whiz Crystal Lace Livermore is a great ranch horse and has seen a lot of country. He had 60 days professional barrel training when he was a three year old but he’s just been used as a ranch horse since. He’s doctored a lot of cattle outside and been to the branding pen. Guaranteed sound, good to shoe and no buck. Coggins. HIP 112 Lena Smart Nancy 4631367 02 AQHA Sorrel Mare Nolan Kirkman Temonton, UT Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Peppys Lil Wil Smart Little Lena Smart Little Nancy Miss Royale Dry Lena Smart Nancy Doc Bar Doc's Jack Sprat Pura Fina Ms Jumpin Jack Sprat Rey Jay Royal Rey Jay Joker's Royal She is a 2002 sorrel mare with excessive white on her side, she could have been registered paint but we chose to just stay quarter horse with her. She sells open and was also bred only one time last year and not checked back. She is an easy breeder and easy to handle. HIP 112X Matti LaDual 5026641 07 AQHA Chestnut Stallion B & B Horses, Whitesboro, TX Peppy San Badger Peptoboonsmal Royal Blue Boon One Time Pepto Smart Little Lena One Time Soon Uno Princess Matti LaDual Doc O'Lena CD O'lena CD Chica San Badger CD Ladual Dual Pep Patty LaDual Oh Barriers Pat Own son of One Time Pepto bred and raised on the Bar H Ranche. A big time prospect. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 113 Hairpin Whiskey Sour ToGo 45983552 04 AQHA Bay Gelding Frazee Livestock Lewapah, OK Peppy San Badger Paddys Irish Whiskey Doc's Starlight Hairpin Whiskey Sour Sons Doc O Sugar Sons Alamitos Walking On Escalon Hairpin Whiskey Sour ToGo Mr Pete Oswald Go Boy Junior Roan Bar Ann Hairpin Blu Gin Cake Oswald's Pete Miss Blaze Gin Gin Blaze Pistol is a sensible and very athletic horse. He has a lot of cow sense and a great handle. He really enjoys working cattle, side passes, works gates. With an outstanding pedigree he will make a great prospect for ranch or the arena. Coggins HIP 117 Rope Horse Mr Poco Blakburn 113 4208218 02 AQHA Dun Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Poco Stripe Poco Stripes Jessie Del Jays Jamie Mr Poco Blakburn 039 Poco P Chip Poco Teresa Trefoil Miss Poco Command Mr Poco Blakburn 113 Mr Blackburn 41 Perty Buck Poco Mr 14's Susie Poco Blakburn 046 Mr Poco Flash Pocos Miss Maleeda Maleeda King Jessie is a big solid gentle broke gelding with a big silver mane and tail. Really gentle and very very broke. This horse has a lot of pretty with a kind eye, pretty head, good neck, good withers, muscular forearm, round hip, with a powerful hind leg. Jessie has a great ranch resume. He is good with cattle inside or outside. He is cowy, quick and willing to work. He has also been roped off of and always has a good mind. He saddles up gentle every time no matter how much time he’s had off. Very goo dnekc rein, soft in the face, works off your legs, lopes smooth easy circles, big stop, spins both ways. 100% sound, safe and gentle Coggins. More info 641-430-9907. . HIP 114 Tiny 00 Grade Sorrel/White Pony Gelding Nicole Rivard Baldwin, WI Tiny is 14.1 hands tall with a HEART AS BIG AS MONTANA. We used him last summer as a flag horse at bull ridings in the Grand Entry. We also used him to rope bulls. Anyone can tell that he gives his all no matter what! Anyone can ride him big or small. ONE OF A KIND! 100% sound. Coggins, shots, and worming. Wears #4 Shoe. A MUST SEE! Coggins. HIP 115 Rope Horse Hollywood 03 Grade Paint Gelding John Francis Big Bear, CA Level 1 and up rider head horse 15.2 gentle, big horse been hauled to USTRC ropings, won money on , comes out nice and flat. Lots of branding pen experience. Ranch raised. Coggins. HIP 116 Rope Horse Oklahoma Playgirl 05 Grade Bay Mare Ken Herden Coleman, OK Exquisite is the only way to describe this filly! Beautiful filly that is so cowy that she’ll take a bite out of a cow if she can! We have 90 days of riding on her with the past thirty spent tracking and roping the donkey and box work. She is going to make a heel horse supreme! She is super smart and a beautiful mover. From her first ride, she has handled and carried herself like an older horse. Super flexible and sensitive in the bridle. She is out of our mare that is an own granddaughter of Freckles Playboy. UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. Coggins. HIP 119 Pal 03 Grade Palomino Gelding Tom Conlon Belle Fourche, SD Nice gentle ranch broke gelding, with fast walk, straight legs, no blemishes, full mane and tail. Used on yearling operation last summer, plenty outside miles, rode in black hills this winter. Saddled up nice during cold weather, rode by old man. Pal is nice horse. 100% Sound. Coggins. HIP 120 120X Bandito & Gold 01 Pair Grade Palomino Draft Cross Geldings Duncan Vezain Roberts, MT Incredible pair of do anything, go anywhere geldings. Hands down the best team I’ve owned. They are a hard-working team and a pleasure to be around. These easy keepers have been used in every job from riding to roping and packing and driving. These two are broke and dude gentle and are drop-dead gorgeous. They are the perfect size for any job and flashy enough to show off. HIP 121 HIP 118 Rope Horse Heza Shi Pine 2985523 91 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Darrel Harn Denver, CO Reno's Replacement Renos First Maestro's Maiden Shilos Shadow Shilo's Dusty Shilo's Dusty Gal Cowman Notch Heza Shi Pine Tardy's Tuffy 1 Tuffys Three Bars Tripple Darlin' Katrina Pine Pine Delrio Hygro Angelina Pine Maestro's Maiden Here’s a horse for the whole family. Toad is a heading and heeling horse, has been used for 4-H and English events. He’s a consistent rope horse, you can rope a steer, ride out of the arena and put your kids on him. He is clam and quite, but has the speed to get you a shot on fast cattle. He has also been used for elk hunting and trail riding in North Dakota badlands and Idaho. Only reason for selling him is I moved and don’t have time for him. Coggins Cry Baybee Peppy 3234169 93 AQHA Bay Mare Anthony French Stevensville, MT Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Hollys Little Peppy Sonita's Last Sonita Holly Prices Abbie Leo Cry Baybee Peppy War Chant Mobile's War Cry Miss Mobil Papoose Cry Speedywood Wy Miss Star Frito's Baby Great producing granddaughter of Peppy San Badger, NCHA money earner, guaranteed sound, current on vaccinations, dentistry and worming. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 121 X HIP 124 Rope Horse HIP 122 HIP 125 Cheyenne Little Juli 4905749 06 AQHA Gray Mare Cheyenne Canyon Paints & QH Hot Springs, SD Sugar Bars Sonny Sugar Glitter Mount Ole Sugar Alamitos Ole Alamitos Alamitos Lolly Lolly Lopez Cheyenne Little Juli Sailing Moon Bandi Brown King Bee's Lass Lil Miss Julip Tonto Bucks Bucky Julip Julip Joy Great mind wonderful confirmation and color. This mare has Sugar Bars bloodlines. Good personality with a big heart. She wants to please. Juli has the speed to do performance events and the athletic ability to win. Juli will have 30 rides by sale date. Coggins Cody O Licious 4556426 04 AQHA Bay Gelding Jesse Rodenbough Moran, WY Doc O'Lena CD Olena CD Chica San Badger CD O Cody Doc's Hickory Hickorys Leo Girl Miss War Chips Cody O Licious Genuine Doc Shining Spark Diamonds Sparkle Shine O Lena Doc O'Lena Riv O Lena Miss River's Hoss Nice well bred gelding, been on cattle and has been roped on in the pasture. Also in ranch doctoring contests. Bred by Carol Rose, CD Olena and Shining Spark grandson. He’s got lots of cow and is real smooth to ride. Would make a great working cowhorse. Coggins. HIP 123 Rope Horse Dash For Bruce 3913401 00 AQHA Red Roan Gelding David Allhouse Cody, WY Rocket Wrangler Dash For Cash Find A Buyer Hot Dasher Game Plan Hotter N Hotter Sunray Star Dash For Bruce Doc's Jack Frost Doc Bruce Nelly Bruce Miss JK Neata Bruce Mito Wrangler Kick N Squirt Scratch Bars Heads, Heels, Runs Barrels. Great in the box. Lots of rate, perfect shot on the corner. Lots of cow, rates a barrel. Make a great reiner, soft handle, works of your legs. Easy to shoe, catch and load. No bad habits. Coggins Ikes Little Peppy 4072538 01 AQHA Bay Stallion Elliott Elkins Madera, CA Driftwoood Driftwood Ike Hancock Belle White Lighting Ike K4 Hickory Skip Katy Was A Lady Katy Mas Ikes Little Peppy Peppy San Badger Little Peppy Lynx Little Lynx Adobe Lynx Lucky Chaw Adobe Chaw Madera Gill 19 If you’re looking for a Driftwood bred stallion, here he is. He’s drug calves to the fire, roped both ends in the arena and been to the mountains. His babies are real easy to start. This horse is the real deal. 95% foundation blood. Coggins. Callie Quizote 3102681 92 AQHA Sorrel Mare Elliott Elkins Madera, CA Lightning Bar Doc Bar Dandy Doll Doc Quixote Bull's Eye Magnolia Gal Sporty Gal Callie Quizote Doc O'Lena Cal O'Lena Calasue Cals Sana Lena Peppy San Poco San Tivio Peppermint Tivio An own daughter of Doc Quixote! She is broke, broke, broke and would make a wonderful kid’s horse or an extremely well-bred broodmare. She has had 7 foals and could have 7 more if she’s taken care of. Coggins. HIP 126 Quixotes Gunna Play 4914337 07 AQHA Sorrel Mare Elliott Elkins Madera, CA Freckles Playboy Playgun Miss Silver Pistol Silver Gun Colonel Freckles Miss Freckles Reed Miss J B Reed Quixotes Gunna Play Doc Bar Doc Quixote Magnolia Gal Callie Quixote Cal O'Lena Cals Sana Lena Poco San Tivio This filly is ready to start and head to the futurities. She is royally bred, sired by Silver Gun, who went to the 2005 AQHA World Champion Heel Horse and Reserve Champion Super Horse and out of an own daughter of Doc Quixote. Registered sorrel but will be gray. Coggins. HIP 127 Dry Lynx Kitty 3176140 92 AQHA Brown Mare Elliott Elkins Madera, CA Doc Bar Dry Doc Poco Lena Dry San Sandlewood Sebruna San Brian's Lass Dry Lynx Kitty Doc Bar Doc's Lynx Jameen Tivio Fractious Lil Cran Bar Cran Bar Kitty Special Blend This mare has won over $25k in the team penning arena. She would make a nice horse to get a child started cutting or sorting. She has had two beautiful foals and she is exposed to Ike’s Little Peppy for a 2010 foal. Coggins. HIP 128 Zippy 03 Grade Appaloosa Pony Gelding Kaitlin Peterson Sturgis, SD Here is a super cute pony with the neatest little head. His great conformation and unique color makes him perfect for parades and shows. Zippy has a great personality and is young enough to raise a bunch of kids. Coggins. HIP 128X Jewls Wiggy Bar 396901 97 APHA Sorrel/Tobiano Geldling Jason Rickman Molt, MT Joechief Bar Olympia Joe Olympia Babe Mr Wiggy Joe Wiggy Bar Miss Wiggy Bar Miss Tom Tom Jewls Wiggy Bar Colonel Freckles Doc Jewel Bars Doc Bar Tonette Boogie Pine Great Pine Bee Great Boogie Miss Boggie Bee I’ve had Gunner since he was 4, just a great horse on the ranch or in the mountains. He will do anything I ask. No bad habits, loads, shoes, packs elk, whistle and they come running. Great QH bloodlines with paint color. Really watches cows. www.billingslivestock.com Harold Gertner Offering • Session One HIP 132 HIP 129 Rope Horse Win D Yo To Go A1-5204 93 Austrailian QHA Brown Gelding April Handy Zilverberg Holabird, SD Top Moon Caseys Fancy Hy Dancer Win D Tatanka Yotanka Jet Deck Miss Jet Dec Cindy Bar Win D Yo To Go Go Man Go Ima Go Man Ima Fields Ima Drift Mr Depth Charge Chatty Wood Chakaty Yo has every running horse is his breeding (Depth Charge, Go Man Go, Top Moon, Jet Deck, Three Bars, Moon Deck Top and Bottom) and can run, he is a hot high powered horse. I do dressage on him and he is broke to death. Anyone can ride him on the pattern but he is tricky to get in the gate. Good for Alleys. Have lots of video on him. Runs 1D and 2D. Won money on him breakaway roping too. The more he is ranched and roped on the better he runs barrels. Leave him off the barrel pattern except for a relaxed walk around them and he is better. Done Judy Myllymaki clinics on him a few years ago. Marlene Macrea rodeo this horse in Australia at one of her clinics there. I use a small correction mouth piece for a bit, and rope tie-down not too tight. I have had people try and change this on him and trust me he runs best in this simple outfit. He helped me win World Champion Runner Up All Around in the Senior Pro Rodeo and qualify for the Senior Pro Finals in the Barrels and Gary headed on him at the Senior Pro Rodeos and the SDRA for the past few years. I have placed in the SDRA and Mid States Barrel Racings on him in tough competition. He is not a kids horse, but has been ridden by a youth. I flew this horse from Australia and competed in him for the last few years. I left him with Deb Thompson for the winter of 2005 when I had to go back to Australia. He runs in the pasture with geldings and studs. He is a well seasoned traveler. With the sudden death of my mother and then my husbands mother passing in 2008. I am now devoting more time to my children’s sporting endeavors. We have too many young horses and need to sell off the horses that are not going anywhere and going to waste. I do not have the time to deal with having people coming to try horses and have every one jumping on trying their way on this horse, buy him and then do it. I can get him to run and I am not a barrel racer. I am a roper. aprilhanby@hotmail.com For more info 605 852 3245. Coggins. HIP 130 Rope Horse Id Bee A Sonny Dee 4037188 01 AQHA Gray Gelding Linda Paulson Fairfax, SD Sonny Dee Bar Sonny Go Lucky Heavenly Fire Go Lucky Torino Torino Tiffany Torino Frosty Money Id Bee A Sonny Dee Jimmy Mac Bee Jackie Bee Jackie Diane Sue Bee Pat Uncle Pat I'm A Pat How Honey He’s big - 15.3 hands, 1300 lbs, he’s beautiful, he’s extremely gentle and he’s a solid head horse, ready to haul. Sailor is quiet in the box, really cowy so he rates real well, logs good and faces good. He’s been trained by Paul Griemsman (will be shown by Paul in the jackpot and preview). This horse has a huge, huge hip and front end and the best part is that he is gentle and has no buck. Let him sit one month or one year - get on and go. He’s been on trail rides and done everything there is to do on a ranch including dragging calves to the fire. 100% sound and sane. UTD on shots and worming. Will have video. For more info call 605-481-1515. Coggins. HIP 131 Famous Dashin Doc 5024026 07 AQHA Buckskin Stallion Jeff & Kelly Gorrell Beach, ND Sun Frost Frenchmans Guy Frenchman's Lady Frenchmans Easy Doc Doc O Dynamite Easy April Lena Easy April Bar Famous Dashin Doc First Down Dash Dash Ta Fame Sudden Fame IB Famously Behold A Beduino Behold Me Go Miss Super A Fore This colt is packing a powerful pedigree with Frenchmans Guy (a top futurity and derby sire) and Easy April Lena (full sister to "Scott", multipel NFR money earner owned by Rachel Myllimaki) on the top side and out of a daughter of Dash Ta Fame on the bottom side. Frenchmans Easy Doc is a full brother to Frenchmans April Lena who was a top futurity winner. This colt’s dam was a money winner on the track and has produced money earners also. Dash Ta Fame daughters are proving to be excellent crosses with stallions in the barrel racing industry. This colt has great conformation, color and class. Coggins. Robins Lucy Laico 4820823 06 AQHA Bay Roan Mare Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB Laico Leo Bar Robin Laico Mid Bar Robin Robin Lynrock Tuff Knot Lynrock Tuff Catie Lynrock Bar Cat Robins Lucy Laico Classic Jack Dunny Bar Jack Better Dun Bar Blue Eyed Lucille Her Last Skip Skip the Gin Ginger De Or This young mare is super quiet and easy to get along with. Coggins. HIP 133 HT Skip N Streak 5018525 07 AQHA Bay Roan Gelding Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB, Mr Roan Hancock NLD Eddie Hancock Baby Starbine NLD Mr Roan Sage Two Square Hancock Two Square KidUNot Quarters KidAround HT Skip N Streak NLD Eddie Hancock Doctor Roan Dude Show Nurse Kate HG Dudes Streak Lady Skip A Shift Proctors Gold Shift Proctors Gold Sizeable young gelding with good bone and not hard to look at. Take him in any direction as you want to do. All these young horses show a lot of cow right from the start. Coggins. HIP 134 HT Raw Diesel 5001692 07 AQHA Bay Roan Gelding Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB, Mr Roan Hancock Nid Eddie Hancock Baby Starbine Nid Mr Roan Sage Two Square Hancock Two Square KidUNot Quarters KidAround HT Raw Diesel Rebel Cause Lady's Rebel Jule's Lady Bar Reba Saucy Girl Blue Gold Blake Belle of Alberta Jangle Adair Well balance up-coming prospect for the arena or ranch work. He handles well. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com Harold Gertner Offering • Session One HIP 138 Rope Horse HIP 135 Frenchies Bar Time 4654860 05 AQHA Bay Mare Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB Sun Frost Frenchmans Guy Frenchman's Lady Frenchmans Buck Poco Lenata San Poco San Dancer Shes A Dancer Frenchies Bar Time Easy Jet Easy Saint La Jolla Saint Bar Lee Johnnie Reb Miz R E Lee Pat Dial Here is a real prospect for barrels. She loves to please and is very agile and light. Has the bloodlines to take here where you need her for tough competition. She’s been professionally started on barrels and has also been roping the heel-o-matic. She is ready to go to futurities. Here’s a chance for the competitive rider. She is also super friendly and easy to work with. Coggins. HIP 137 Rope Horse Blaze O Sun X0636828 04 AQHA Red Dun Gelding Dallas Gerhardt Moffit, ND Doc O'Lena Mr Sun O Lena Sunflower Sana Mr Sun O Poco Poco Pat Miss Pat Van Miss Big Van Blaze O Sun Doc Fitz Doc Doran Sharon Vacter Red Doc Plenum Plenum Go Plenum Go Go Keeno Here is an outstanding gelding with looks and athletic ability. He’s been used at the ranch to drag calves to the fire, doctor cattle, etc. He’s got a big stop and will turn on a dime. I’ve started tracking steers on him and started heading on him.. Sells 100% sound. Coggins. HIP 136 Rope Horse Major Peponita Jewel 4328253 02 AQHA Bay Gelding Turner Performance Horses Victor, MT Peppy San Peponita Bonita Tivio Mr Salty Peponita Holly's Salty Holly's Serena Dinero Sereno Major Peponita Jewel Major Tyler Moore True Command N Moore Jimeny Command A Major Jewel Major In Command A Major Obsession Freckletta Pearl An extremely gentle, sound gelding. If you are interested in a gelding with heart and try and is ready to win every trip, no nonsense type of guy, this is the one for you. He is built like an athlete, stout enough to take the jerks. As a prime aged gelding he is already a veteran in the roping arena, a seasoned heel horse, also an honest head and breakaway horse. He honest as the day is long, do not have to ride him prior to the ropings. Ride him whenever, wherever - he saddles up fine with time off. He stays quiet in the box, rates extremely well, makes a good corner, stops straight and hard. We have hauled and won on him at weekend ropings, jackpots and rodeos from Montana Vibrant Hickory 4422809 03 AQHA Brown Gelding Justin Hammerich Greely, CO Vibrant Peppy Vibrant Ginsing Melanies Ginger Ginsing Pepsoil Vibrant Peppy Peppys Girl Miss Pepsoil Vibrant Hickory Doc's Hickory HickoryDickoryDoc Benito Creep Koby Prom Poco Benjiman Bobby Lee Prom Robin Lee Prom Easy to be around, lots of personality, very gentle, this horse has been hauled to local jackpots and won on. Have started him 100% Sound, very athletic. Coggins. HIP 139 Major Peponita Jewel to Texas. He is a safe mount on the trail and has been ridden in the mountains. He is good with his feet, crosses water, bridges, logs and is a work horse in the branding pen and on the ranch. If you are looking for a nice horse to ride he is definitely not one to pass up. Hop on him bareback and ride off. For more info call 406-381-2347. Peptos Roan Oak 4821696 06 AQHA Red Roan Mare Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Peppy San Badger Peptoboonsmal Royal Blue Boon Peptos Stylish Oak Docs Stylish Oak Moms Stylish Kat Playboys Mom Peptos Roan Oak Gray Pie Too Gray Pie Sparky Ebon Glitter Pies Lottie Lady Freckles Matt Matts Tigress Lonsum Lady Tiger Gorgeous filly by leading sire Peptos Stylish Oak. Her dam is two time qualifier at AQHA World show in Reining with 20.5 AQHA reining points and NCHA producer on the first baby. This is a 15 hand filly has athleticism and could be ready for Fall futurities. Riding and showing a lot of ability for NRCHA, ranch horse competition or sorting. For more info call 605-491-0325. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 146 My Cinco De Mayo 3544993 95 AQHA Brown Gelding Loni Witt Loma, MT HIP 140 Rope Horse Doctor J Lynx 3020748 91 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Wayne Pacheco Helena, MT Doc's J Jay Doctor J Count Bar O Countess Doctor J Roman True Roman Deans Que Ti Miss Round Bar Doctor J Lynx Doc's Lynx Gold Filled Lynx Miss Netty Gold Miss Betsy Doc Poco Pat Jr Betsy Betty Sid's Alice Cody Excellent High School Rodeo Special. Great beginner horse, good enough to take you to the pay window. Successfully campaigned in 2008 in breakaway roping, tie down roping and heeling. He is an easy keeper and 100% sound. Gentle and hauls good and ready to go. For more info 406-431-4004. Coggins. HIP 141 Rope Horse Littl Red Six 3705641 98 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Larry Hume Hawk Springs, WY Easy Six Streakin Six Miss Assured Beleavin Ya Chick's Deck Kellys Chick Miss Moon Ann Littl Red Six Top Moon Lady Bug's Moon FL Lady Bug Peliroja Easy Jet Easy Nancy Nancy B Bar He is an outstanding heading horse, is very cowy, has tons of speed and a great disposition.. Scores awesome, handles cattle and faces great. This gelding is a super arena horse that’s been used extensively on the ranch to gather, sort, brand, etc. on both the plains and in the mountains. A superb all-around horse. To try this horse call Delon Parker 406-698-3246. Coggins. HIP 142 Plum Creeks Twist 4028425 00 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Pete Houck North Branch, MN Eddie Eighty Sorrel Doc Eddie Ginella Four Driftwood War Drift Driftwood Ada My Beaver 116 Plum Creeks Twist Krog's Laddy Krog's Tip Vanzi Tip Lucks Tip Water of Luck Lucky Waters Dancy Doll Twist Nice big ranch gelding solid made, good handle, broke, broke, gentle, no buck. Coggins. HIP 143 Rope Horse Yeller 98 Grade Palomino Gelding JR Morden Cave Creek, AZ Yeller is a nice heel horse, real cowy, great in the box, good rate and plenty of speed. Yeller is eager to please and pleasant to be around. He is appropriate for a #2 or #3 roper or above. Coggins. HIP 144 Diamonds Last Etta 4583076 04 AQHA Red Dun Gelding Jess Sams Banner, WY Sonny Dee Bar Dun Lucky Dee Lucky Dun Lady Diamonds Do Last Diamonds Skipper Diamonds Last Fling Sunday Royal Diamonds Last Etta True Bar Time True Headliner Mickis Flower True Boe Etta Casa War Bond Casasue Bar Flying Sue Bar This is a good looking 5 year old Red Dun gelding. He is very classy and a good mover. Been used for trail riding and moving cows on the ranch. Very Gentle. Coggins HIP 145 Two Eyed Tonto Bar 3876590 99 AQHA Palomino Gelding R Jeff Simpson Wellsville, UT Two D Two Two Eyed Jack Triangle Tookie Hesa Two Eyed Boy Bar Tonto Fantastic Miss Lady Stinger Two Eyed Tonto Bar Showdown Showdown Rick Miss Fizz Lil Liza Showgirl Hustling Lad Ima Go Girl Miss De Witt Bar Tonto is a beautiful palomino gelding. He has extensive training as both head/heel horse and calf roping horse. Very gentle and kind. Can be a bit cold backed when laid off. Coggins. Jet Deck Jet Smooth Lena's Bar My Leroy Brown Bar None Bob Bars Bob Kitten Jiggs' Cindy My Cinco De Mayo Class C Guy Codys Class C Tuch Cody's Bright Eyes Two Class C Two Tuch Two Eyed Fox Two Fox Margarita Classy Machita Experienced rider. Drug calfs and barrel race. Can cover the country. HIP 147 CDS Mist 3803236 99 AQHA Sorrel Mare Robert Lack Whitehall, MT Doc Bar Doc O'Lena Poco Lena CD Olena Peppy San Badger CD Chica San Badger Zorra Chica CDS Mist Freckles San Man Riata Man Riata Del Rancho Riatas April Mist Gay Bar King Roan Oakie Bar Miss Roan Oak A real nice mare, NCHA earnings in 3 shows. I have raised four foals and two will be shown in Reined Cow Horse. She is open legged up, worked on cattle. Ready to show. Very cowy and quick. HIP 148 Gus 04 Grade Roan Gelding Kyle Pottala New Plymouth, ID Gus is a young roan gelding that has seen many miles. Gentle for absolutely anybody. Been primarily rode outside and beginngin to ride well in the arena. He is bred to run and would make a great head horse. Coggins HIP 149 Spud 98 Grade Dun Gelding Robert Albrecht North Platte, NE Spud has been on the same ranch all his life. 16 hands and weighs 1400 lbs. A big, pretty horse with a lot of shape, color and class. Sells 100% Sound. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 152 HIP 150 Rope Horse Dun Slippin N Sliden 4915500 06 AQHA Bay Gelding Elizabeth Hunton Roscoe, MT Hollywood Jac 86 Hollywood Dun It Bloosom Berry Ima Dun Copy Joe Cody Vegas Cody Doc Bar Linda Dun Slippin N Sliden Bueno Chex Docie Gold Hickory Chex Docs Slipper Mocha Latte Chex Doc's Malbec Molly Malbec Yellow Dee Dun Slippin Sliden is an elegant gelding, classy, quick footed, flat moving, sensitive and athletic. He has a great mind and he’s sound and correct both front and back. His sire, Ima Dun Cody is by Hollywood Dun It, and the mother of the sire, Vegas Cody is a full sister to the great stallion, Topsail Cody, sire of Topsails Rein Maker, 2 x Worlds Greatest Horseman, Worlds Richest Stockhorse Competition Champion and NRCHA Open Bridal Spectacular Champion as well as Topsail Whiz, the all time leading reining horse sire in the world. This colt is royally bred on both sides of his pedigree. He has 60 days of riding and would make a rein cowhorse, a reining horse or a rope horse. He has the mind and athleticism to excel in many different disciplines. He has been ridden inside and outside of the arena. HIP 151 Archie 98 Grade Sorrel Gelding Butch & Diane Haugland Ambrose, ND Archie has a real nice handle on him. He is good to work with and easy to have around. Coggins. HIP 151X Ebay 99 Grade Bay Gelding Tyler Sorch Crowheart, WY Ranch gelding that I’ve owned for 3 years. He’s been my top saddle horse. When I need to get something done, Ebay’s the horse I take. Getting rid of him cause of too many young horses coming up. Loads anywhere, rope, doctor and good to shoe. NO BUCK. Coggins. Cimmaron Shadow 957414 08 APHA Black Tobiano Mare Lynette Mills Ten Sleep, WY Tishmingo Dell Cherokee Rowes Go Payday Cherokees Moonlight Maxwell Duke Sharp Betty Lew Max Betty Lew Kris Cimmaron Shadow Cimmaron Saint Arapaho Scout Arapaho Rebel Leahs Arapaho Shadow Spooky Rip Bold Poca Leah Bar Southern Dell Fox Heads up show and performance horse lovers! This classy, well built filly has the sweetest temperament and is cow bred to boot on her paint and quarter horse bloodlines! She is the perfect all around athlete! Mountain raised as a foal in 2008. Since weaning, she’s been on a good feed program in my corral, always begging for lots of attention from me every day. Her dam stands 15.1 hands and her sire standings 14.2 hands. She’ll be the perfect 4H show prospect! Good black feet, heavy bone and people loving attitude. Last wormed on 4/6/09, loads easily and has a current Coggins. HIP 154 Dun Its Debutante 3971804 99 AQHA Buckskin Mare Horesbreakers Unlimited Dewey, AZ Easter King Hollywood Jac 86 Miss Hollywood Hollywood Dun It Dun Berry Blossom Berry Regina Bella Dun Its Debutante Continental King King Correon Canadian Gold NMSU Joyce Pat Star Pat Star Jr Joyce Pat Star My Tad There are not many daughters of Hollywood Dun It (producer of earners of over 5 million) available for sale but here is a lovely one. Debbie has had tones of reining training and does all the maneuvers. She has a nice safe way of going, has a good handle and is extremely broke. She is very comfortable to ride and she does not require a lot of riding. Debbie has been used as a guest horse, has carried the flag at local rodeos and has been trail ridden everywhere. She is also the dam of two AQHA foals. She is ready to go trail riding, go to the local horse shows or be added to your broodmare band. 15.0 hands, 1050 lbs. HIP 155 Rope Horse HIP 153 Westwind Caramel 4080388 01 AQHA Red Dun Mare Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Doc Bar Doc's Wapiti Poco Pikaki Duncan Idaho Pacific Bars Pacific Bunny Bunny Face Westwind Caramel Doc's Lynx Doc N Willy Willoa Sheza Willy Stub Dell Darby Duchess Maybe Mabel Suzie is a classy, well broke mountain horse. She is a registered quarter horse, 7 year old red dun mare with great bloodlines and has the cow sense to prove it. We have used her on the ranch to gather and sort cows. She will go anywhere you ask and is very sure footed in all types of terrain. Crosses water and is easy to ride away from the other horses. Calm and quite with no spook. Coggins. Breezer Two 3503371 96 AQHA Bay Gelding JR Olson Geeley, CO Two Eyed Jack Bobin Eyed Jack Goldy Joan Mr Bobin Eyed Breeze Breeze Wood Breeze Ward Flash's Flame Breezer Two Two Eyed Jack Bobin Eyed Jack Goldy Joan Skattys Two Jackie Chico Poco Skatty Green 2 Skatty Green Jack is a big gorgeous bay gelding. He is a strong head horse with a lot of ability. He has been used at the rodeos and been jackpotted on by upper and lower number headers. He has a great move out of the hole and has a lot of speed. He is gentle and is great to be around. He has been used on the ranch and has been ridden in the mountains. If you are a lower number header that is looking for an opportunity to improve, or a upper header that wants to add a nice horse to your heard, you need to check Jack out. 15.2 and 1250 lbs. (970) 454-2538 or (307) 751-0329. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 163 HIP 156 Rope Horse Hildalgo 05 Grade Sorrel Paint Gelding Wayne Pacheco Helena, MT Caveman 98 Grade Sorrel Gelding John Francis Big Bear, CA Outstanding trail and outfitters horse, used in camp since he was 2 years old. Hidalgo is a big 4 year old we raised on the ranch. This colt stands 16 hands and can really cover the country. John Mitchell broke this colt and as everyone knows they cover a lot of country out there. Our son has ridden this horse for the last 2 years. He is sound and ready to go. Only selling because our son has moved and we have too many young ones to ride. Coggins 15 hands, good solid horse, been hauled to many USTRC ropings, Jackpots, ACTRA events. Number 3 & Up rider. Floats up to the steer. Ranch raised, head or heel. Coggins. HIP 157 Rez 04 Grade Bay Gelding Ken McKibbin Greeley, CO This horse has been started heeling and is doing really well. Super athletic, very agile, kid broke, very gentle, been used for ranch work, good all around horse. Coggins. HIP 158 Big Red 01 Grade Sorrel Gelding Heath Miller Washington, UT Nice ranch gelding, shoes, packs deer and elk, ranch ropes, never had him in the arena a great mountain horse. HIP 159 Rope Horse A Dollar For Your Socks 05 Grade Sorrel Mare Ken Herden Coleman, OK Rope horse prospect supreme! Classy sorrel gelding with four stocking feet and blaze. Mr 89’er, Poco Bueno, Leo, Joe Reed and Skipper W bred! If your looking for a young rope horse prospect to replace the old, give this guy a year and he’ll take you into the winners circle! Super nice mover with all the smarts! He has 90 days of riding with the last thirty days on roping skills. Have paperwork for registration papers with AQHA. UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. Coggins. HIP 161 Hancocks Primrose X0675580 07 AQHA Bay Roan Mare Dry Creek Ranch Oxford, NE Apache Joe Hancock Last Apache Joe Jackie Star Jack Hancock Mine Saladito 70 Phoebe Mine Phoebe Too Hancocks Primrose Most Peppy Doc Most Solano Doc Solanos Delight Most Peppy Primrose Poco Tru Tru Truly A Wild Rose Mitzie's Betty Color, class and ability all in one package. Should be a cowhorse deluxe. She’s just looking for someone to take her home and get her started. Coggin.s. Billy Jack Wood 4434605 03 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Jett Johnson Casper, WY Doc's Jack Frost Bucko Jack Wood Bonnett Bad Billy Bonney Cherry Tiger Our Nancy Cindy A Billy Jack Wood El Rey Rojo Bolsa Rojo LA Bolseria Rojos Cherokee Hand Hired Hand's Dee Cherokee Hired Hand Peppetta Babe Been used calving all spring - hauled to two jackpots this spring heeling not quite finished but well on his way, no buck, easy to catch. Ready to go by summer’s end you’ll have a finished heel horse. Coggins. HIP 165 165X Neon Velvet 3722572 98 AQHA Red Roan Mare Lee & Annie Woods Grangeville, ID Boon Bar Boon Bars Best Miss San Coach Neon Boon Peppy San Badger Miss Little Peppy HIP 160 Rope Horse GR Montana Tucker 4822079 05 AQHA Chestnut Gelding Ryan Zurcher Hawksprings, WY Doc Bar Doc Tom Tucker Tonette Tivio Doc Tom Peppy Peppy San Peppy Sans Sugar Doc's Sugar Cube GR Montana Tucker Montana Doc Montanas Gay Bar Johnie's Candy Bar Docs Montana Dove Dee Bar Cody Dee Widow Cody Blue's Spider Monty is a well broke, gentle gelding. Been jackpotting on him all winter in California. Meets you at the gate and easy to shoe. Coggins. HIP 164 Rope Horse HIP 162 Hic A Roo 4333078 02 AQHA Bay Stallion Mark Robinson Billings, MT Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Gallo Del Cielo Doc Bar Doc's Starlight Tasa Tivio Hic A Roo Doc Bar Doc's Hickory Miss Chickasha Priss N Hickory Poco Tivio Prissy Tivio Diana H Hic A Roo is trained in cutting and reining. He is the son of "Rooster" offspring earning 1.7 million and his dam earned 14,400 NCHA and has produced 3 NCHA money earners. He is sound and fertile. Alpine Veterinary Service to retain the rights for 20 breedings to frozen semen already in possession. Purchaser will need to provide breeding certificates. Neon Velvet Joya Corona Harlander Kiamichia Cindys Blue Star Della Annie Dido Reed Dido Della Whistling May This kind, well bred, color producing daughter of Neon Boon. The foal is sired by "Finish Line Express", 102 si, $54,000 race earnings, G3 Stakes Winning and AAA Producing own son of Streakin Six. Finish Line Express is the Barrel Sire of Larkin Six Express 102 si, $54,000 race earnings, G3 Stakes Winning and AAA Producing own son of Streakin Six. Finish Line Express is the Barrel Sire of Larkin Six Express, the winner of the Champion of Champions Slot Race for $100K placing him 4th on the 2008 Equistat Barrel Futurity Money Earners list for 2008 with one performer making him the youngest Stallion on that list. She sells open so you can breed her to the Stallion of your choice in 2009. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 166 Floyds Kandi Cricket X0665669 04 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Kaskaskia Coup De Kas Mor Coup Floyd De Great Go Dick Go Go Rona Go Rona Bar Floyds Kandi Cricket Dash For Cash Judge Cash Mary Mito Sweet Kandi Kash Texas Dancer Sweet Lill Jorja Sweet Lillian Barrel racers LOOK here! Cricket is a big, pretty, well made 5 year old sorrel gelding. He stands 15.2 hands and is very leggy. He is Super well bred by Floyd De Great and out of a Judge Cash mare. He has tons of athletic ability and is a big movewr. Started on barrels and tgracking cattle. Goes Awesome English! Collected, with a big stride and moves off you leg. Started over fences and handles everything in stride. Ready for somebody to finish and take any direction. Used extensively on the mountain as well as the arena. Crosses water and works well to open and close gates. Awesome personality, sweet to be around. Loves attention, very easy to handle. Coggins. HIP 167 Rope Horse Pals Shuck N Jive Doc 611769 01 APHA Sorrel Tobiano Gelding Ken Herden Coleman, OK Doc O'Lena Doc Doll UValde Doll Two Tone Twin Smart Little Lena Bouncy Little Lena Bouncy Gold Miss Pals Shuck N Jive Doc J Bar Junior CountDown Miss Spunky Punk Shuck N Jive Shady Man Shady Man Daisy Paint Mare (unreg) This gelding will do it all! Anyone can heel on him! Take him roping on Saturday and let the kids play day on him all day on Sunday. He runs barrels, poles, flags, relay and goat ties. Don’t know what to do with the kids? Load them double on him and let them ride him around! HE IS SAFE FOR ANYONE FROM FIVE TO NINTY! He is cow bred and will hunt a cow. Doc O’Lena, Doc Doll and Smart Little Lena all on his papers. He scores great, is quite in the box and in the arena. Take him outside and he’s no different. Gather cattle, use him in the alley …. There is nothing he won’t do for you! This is truly an excepti8onal gelding that has won a lot of money in the roping pen. Absolutely no vices. Guaranteed 100% safe and sound! UTD on vaccinations, shoeing and worming. HIP 168 Rope Horse Dashing With Kirk 4376272 03 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Clay & Tammy Trollinger Ten Sleep, WY Dash For Cash First Down Dash First Prize Rose Dashing With Cash Merridoc I Owe You Me Armadette Dashing With Kirk Easy Jet Dr Kirk Lea Lero Kirks Diamond Lil Midland Jet Midland Missy Speedy Leta Dash is a super nice, gentle all around type gelding. Since we have owned him we have used him in every aspect of the ranch from calving, sorting and roped a lot of cattle outside on him. He went to the first big team roping the last weekend of March and handled it like a champ, nothing bothers him. Clay has won a lot on him this winter at smaller jackpots. He scores great, leaves flat, and can really run. He is ready to start hauling to the barrel races too. Dash is one of those horses that catches your eye, you really can not fault him anywhere. He is 15.2, weighs around 1225, and wears a size 1 shoe. He is paid up in the Future Fortunes and is eligible for the 5 State Derby in the barrel and team roping. Coggins. HIP 170 Mr Badgers Fool 3922874 00 AQHA Gray Gelding Joe Fox Hysham, MT Grey Badger II Dick Badger Buck's Rainy Mr Illuminator Badger Buck 2 Miss Frosty Clegg Pretty Clegg Mr Badgers Fool Dick Badger Raftery Badger 4 Josie Hancock 4 Ms Lil Badger Go Go Go Badger Go Go Lillie Go Miss Lillie Leo Big, gentle, ranch gelding, rope and doctor outside, drag calves to fire, packed calves on him, go all day, good reining walk, no hump or buck, stays broke. Current on 3 way vac. Need booster this spring. 100% sound. More info 406-342-5650. Coggins. HIP 169 Rope Horse Painted Moon Deck 196010 91 APHA Sorrel Overo Gelding Donna Gonzales Eden, UT Tarzan Dude Tarzan Terrific Gypsy Lit Positively Grand Leo Tops Leo Ramona Top Rio Ramona Painted Moon Deck Wild Deck Range Duster Jay Bar Miss Candy Duster Moon's Son Wendy Moon Bar Bones' Wendy Bar Mooney is 16’1 hand finished barrel horse. My daughter used this horse for high school rodeo and to win several 1D/2D Barrel events along with pole bending and goat tying. He has also been used on the ranch; branding, drug calves and can cover a lot of country in a day. Mooney is quiet and ready Painted Moon Deck to go when you are. Solid all around horse with good breeding. Gentle disposition yet powerful to get the job done. Can rope off of Mooney but not selling as finished rope horse. Coggins www.billingslivestock.com HIP 173 HIP 171 MP Cool Patch 4293646 02 AQHA Brown Mare Wagonhound Land & Livestock LLC Douglas, WY Rillito Deck Lay A Patch Winken Atya Wood Patch Lone Drifter Corinawood Three Corininagal MP Cool Patch Driftwood Ike Lone Drifter Moore Yen Miss Cool Ike Breeze Bar Bill Miss Cool Breeze Beulah Jay This is a nice, well-mannered mare that has been used extensively on the ranch, has roped many times out in the pasture and is ready to start coming out of the box. She is sound, good to shoe and would add a lot of foundation blood to any breeding program. Coggins Peptos Pretty Pep 4702399 05 AQHA Red Roan Stallion Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Peppy San Badger Peptoboonsmal Royal Blue Boon Peptos Stylish Oak Docs Stylish Oak Moms Stylish Kat Playboys Mom Peptos Pretty Pep Peppy San Badger Smartest Little Pep Barb A Doc Another Pretty Pep Doc Bar Rosewood Doll NightMare Peake Here is a tremendously talented 4-yr old NRCHA Futurity Champion, having won the 2008 Colorado NRCHA Futurity, has $4500 LTE and shown very few times. He is ready now to show NCHA or NRCHA or NRHA. We are going to show April 6 in NCHA. He stands 15.1 hands and has the best head, neck withers, bone and conformation any horse has ever been blessed with, color is red roan with 4 white leas and blaze with silver frost all over, especially mane and tail. Beautiful, sound and ready to show. He is sired by NCHA, NRCHA leading sire Peptos Stylish Oakand out of an awesome NCHA cutting dam, herself winning the Oklahoma Maturity and many more cutting awards. For more info call 605-491-10325. Coggins. HIP 174 HIP 172 Rope Horse Dollar 92 Grade Bay Gelding Darrell Bastian Neola, UT This horse has won money calf roping at Pro Rodeos and Senior Rodeos. Also used at junior rodeos for goat tying, barrel racing, and breakaway roping. He is easy to catch and quiet in the box with a good stop. Ready to go and win on. Coggins. For more info (435) 724-0323. Buenos Golden Flick 4492069 03 AQHA Buckskin Mare Bradley Stall Detroit Lakes, MN Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Old Gold Goldy Jack Sippa Gold Shy Prescription Mishawum Zipper Pine Bars Zip Buenos Golden Flick Little Blue Bueno Honeybear Bueno Docs Lil Sue BunnyFlick Bueno Mr Flick Flickity Split Kabuki Bull Fun horse to ride, used as heel horse, working cows, very well broke, lots of color, Coggins. HIP 175 Rope Horse Otoes Kilo Watt 3209400 93 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Kent Mosher Augusta, MT Doc O' Lena Doc O Dude Freckles Fancy Doc Otoes Dude D'Archy's Otoe Otoes Doolin Dolly Otoes Kilo Watt Marian Jet Otoe D'Arcy's Otoe Pajamas Judy Otoebar Kilo Bar Wasp Bobbie Kilo Bar Bpaloo Berry Peso is a sweet, very broke gelding. He is a 1D barrel horse, heel horse, breakaway and goat horse. He has been used at brandings and just ridden out. We have young horses coming up and he needs a good home. He is sound, quick and very cowy. He has been used in high school and college rodeos.More info 406-562-3202. HIP 176 CL Rushs Little Lady 4136201 01 AQHA Black Mare Bryan Lange Oglala, SD Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Little Rush Freckles Playboy Playboys Ruby Lenachick CL Rushs Little Lady Doc's Lynx Lucky Joe Lynx Joe's Lucky Lady Docs Dun Choice Amber Bar Flit Fi De Fi This royal bred jet black mare is easy on the eyes. She is also in foal to an own son of Smart Chick Olena and will be vet checked . She should foal around the middle of May. Coggins. HIP 177 Rope Horse Eddie 97 Grade Sorrel Gelding Harry Larson Hermiston, OR Here is a very solid head horse, ready to go to the jackpots. You can also heel on him. He is very gentle and is the same every time. Has no buck and anyone who knows how to ride will get along with him. Don’t miss out on him, these kind are hard to find. For more info call 541-571-1373. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 178 Wood I Be Smart 5047173 07 AQHA Sorrel Mare Bitterroot Springs Ranch Stevensville, MT Doc Tari Zack T Wood Lintons Lady Doc Nitas Wood Doc Quixote Nitas Quixote Chickasha Anita Wood I Be Smart Doc O'Lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Little Valedictorian Doc's Oak Missy Dak Vandal's Miss This is a really nice filly that is athletic, smart and willing. She is cowy and a smooth natural mover. She is by the exceptional stallion, Nitas Wood who is a multi million dollar sire. This filly’s dam is a good daughter of Smart Little Lena who is an NCHA, ACHA money earner and producer of over $51,000 in NCHA earnings. This filly has been started and is riding around really nice. She has a really good mind and shows loads of potential. HIP 179 Rope Horse Clark Bay Reed 3652408 97 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Doug Kallenberger Havre, MT Clark's Doc Bar Jaysons Clark Bar Docs Sandy Bee Clark Jones Stocks N Bonds Miss Dow Jones Cindy String Clark Bay Reed Go Leo Deck Go Knight Toto Knight Knights Bay Reed Cicaro Reed Bar Pick Me Reed Piczana Scotch is a finished heel horse that has been hauled to NRA and college rodeos. Used on the ranch. Hauled to jackpot barrel racings, placing in the 2D/3D and was literally pulled out of the pasture each time. Easy keeper, ready to be hauled. No vices. HIP 180 Rope Horse Shiners Scotch 4633516 04 AQHA Palomino Gelding Chyan Biggs Bozeman, MT Genuine Doc Shining Spark Diamonds Sparkle Shiners Ace Tivio Tramp Scarla Tivio Hollys Scarla Shiners Scotch Scotch Bar Time Scoths Seven Benito Wheel Haint She Foxy Heirogant Son Haint She Heirogant Kidnap's Bonnet Trigger is a coming 5 year old grandson of the great Shining Spark out of a Scotch Bar Time bred mare. This well built, good looking palomino gelding has been started heading and is making a nice heel horse. He has been ranched on, drug claves to the fire and used hunting. He has had professional training, has a good handle and a big stop. He has a great disposition, is quiet and good to shoe, bath and clip. He is a very clam horse that anyone can ride and he will go all day. He will be heeled on in the jackpot. (406) 580-9646. HIP 182 Parrkay 5093936 07 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Kerri & George Johnson Riverton, WY Ima Cool Skip Exelaris Prestigious Maiden Little Skip N Buddy Misters Tradition Little Credit Limit A Little Credit Parrkay Zan Parr Bar Zanparrville Cherryville Bar Cinnabarparr Button Barjo Twist Cinnabar Della Flints Daisy May With Zan Parr Barr, Ima Cool Skip and Misters Tradition on his registration papers, this young stallion has the potential to be a world class sire. He’s halter broke, has a kind eye and is good natured. He sells as a breeding stallion due to a knee injury on the left foreleg. This is a rare opportunity to obtain the finest AQHA bloodlines known, all packed in one very red package. Coggins. HIP 181 Rope Horse Ed 98 Grade Palomino Gelding Erica Hutchins Stevensville, MT Very good looking golden palomino, has a lot of bone, 16 hands and weighs 1250 lbs. Ed is a gentle giant, been riding by our kids, professionals and grandpa. He is the best ranch and trail horse. Solid and seasoned head horse, scores, runs, rates cattle exceptionally well. #1 to #6 can head on him. He is a babysitter. Absolutely no buck. Safe to saddle and rope. We have won a lot on him and now is ready for you. For more info. (406) 381-2347. Watch him at the jackpot. HIP 183 Memphis Eyed Jack 4259013 02 AQHA Bay Gelding Jay Martin Belle Fourche, SD Two Eyed Jack Watch Jo Jack Watch Jo Moore Bucks Watch Joe Buck's Bar None Buck's Lassie Bar's Patty Memphis Eyed Jack Two Eyed Jack Steely Jag Lady Chets Jag Badland Chickajag Skip Badlands 224 Badlands Betty Comet Salute Memphis is a 7 year old ranch broke bay gelding. He is very gentle and easy to be around. Coggins www.billingslivestock.com HIP 184 Rope Horse Duke 95 Grade Chestnut Gelding Randall Scheck Evansville, WY Duke is a big stout, 14 year old chestnut gelding that has been used extensively in a feedlot. He is a solid 15.3 hands and 1300 lbs. Ranch horse deluxe with lots of branding experience and can pull a train. For the past couple of years Duke has been in the arena as a heading and heel horse. He has placed in jackpot ropings and won a USTRC buckle. Duke is very athletic and has been started on barrels and already picking up checks. This big gelding is also a solid trail horse that will go all day and has packed elk. UTD on everything including dentistry More info 307-259-1587. . Coggins HIP 185 Rope Horse Roanie Joe Red 4245743 02 Red Roan Gelding Pine & Samantha McQuay Corvallis, MT Bogie Black Wild Horse Breezy Inez's Breezy Hancocks Roanie Joe Bogie Black Nagel Image Teresa Missy Roanie Joe Red Bat Masterson Shawnee Hancock Cocania Miss Hancock Doll The Rancher Rancher Doll Slowater's Doll Boogie is a 7 year old Red Roan AQHA Registered gelding with a super mind and disposition. A finished solid head, heel, breakaway and started tie-down horse. Hauled to rodeos and jackpots. Scores flat footed and solid. Has a big time stop. Ready to haul in any or all 4 events. Solid ranch, has performed all ranch duties with his gentle disposition. We feel he would fit anyone, level roper or rider. 100% sound and gentle. See video of him at diamond arena.com or call (406) 490-3929. See him go at the BLS Jackpot. HIP 186 AM Starlight High 06 AQHA Bay Stallion Traci Cason Whitesboro, TX Starlight Gypsy AM Starlight High Smart Little High Brow Pretty Bay Stud prospect has had reining training. Great stop and turn around. You can pony filly’s or studs around, throw a rope off him. Coggins. HIP 187 Dual Rewards 4933837 07 AQHA Sorrel Mare Parker Horse Co Billings, MT Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Dual Pep Dual Rewards Sugar Badger Doc's Remedy Miss Dual Doc Miss Brooks Bar Master Hand Mr Master Bug Flick Bug Paybeforeyouplay Dash For Cash My Game Is Cash Royal Doulton Nice daughter of Bar H Ranche sire Dual Pep. Out of a running bred mare - rope, run barrels, she's bred to get it. Coggins. HIP 189 Paddys Irish Sun 4909850 06 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Craig Deveraux Newcastle, WY Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Paddys Irish Whiskey Doc Bar Doc's Starlight Tasa Tivio Paddys Irish Sun Doc O' Lena Mr Sun O Lena Sunflower Sana Little Sun Lena Peppy San Badger Little Brim Hat Brim Sunny is extremely striking and correct. He has 120 days riding a lot of outside riding and is on track to show on cowhorse and ranch horse events. Very solid foundation, great mind, beautiful conformation and a pedigree with absolutely no holes. Coggins. HIP 190 A Rainy Day Cat 4949019 07 AQHA Sorrel Mare Douglas Hodgins Sioux City, IA HIP 188 DuallyTart 4687185 05 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Dual Pep Dual Rey Nurse Rey TR Dual Rey Candy Bar Peppy Peppys Misty Oaks Oaks Misty Peppy DuallyTart Doc O'Lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Miss San Tart Doc Tari Miss San Tari Fancy Sandy Here is a pretty gelding whose sire has LTE of $350,000+ and dam has produced performers earning $130,000+. This cute, talented gelding has 28 months of cutting training and was started by J ohn Tolbert and finished by Rodie Whitman. He is ready to show in NCHA now and also would make a worldclass sorting, penning or ranch horse versatility competitor. For more info call 605491-0325. Coggins. High Brow Hickory High Brow Cat Smart Little Kitty A Hocus Pocus Cat Smart Little Lena That Smarts Miss Royal Duce A Rainy Day Cat Doc's Solano Big Red Solano Tivio Vanita Bar Solanos Acre Doc Bob Acre Doc Sandy Acre Doc Silent Miss Robin This filly is straight, correct, great disposition, good mind, very athletic. Great futurity prospect for NSHA or NRCHA. This filly can go either way. Current on worming and vaccinations. For more info call 712251-3093. Coggins. HIP 190X Docs Smokin Prescrip 3481110 96 APHA Sorrel Gelding B & B Horses, Whitesboro, TX Docs Prescription Smokin Prescription Smoke N Snap Smonkin Gun Johnny Docagold Docs Lil Swenson Bar Itchee Bar Red2 Docs Smokin Prescrip Black Jacket Peps Dynamo Ranchers Pep Magic Ayla Geminis Zantan Oil Jacks Magic Lady Miss Rags McCue Used on ranch alot for sorting, feeding cattle and drug calves to fire, gentle, coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 192 Rope Horse HIP 191 CM Dynamite Frost 3743888 98 AQHA Buckskin Stallion Chuck & Mary Crago Belle Fourche, SD Doc Bar Doc O'Lena Poco Lena Doc O Dynamite Gay Bar King Gay Bar Dixie Little Dixie Lee CM Dynamite Frost Quiet Dash X0586910 00 AQHA Sorrel Gelding David Wold Belgrade, MT Dash For Cash Dash For Perks Perks Hand Me A Dash Easy Lela HandMeARose Too HandMeARose Quiet Dash Royal Bar Quiet Cannon Black Bottom 4 Quiet Dream Born Fighter Born Dream Corie's Dream Finished heel horse, has also been headed on. Very gentle and quiet - anyone can ride him from children to experienced riders. Well broke, has been hauled, hunted on, packed on (elk and deer), drug calves at brandings and is easy to shoe. Holme Leo Deck 3612142 97 AQHA Sorrel Geldinig Clay Ashurst Greeley, CO Top Deck Deck of Folly Milo Folly Leo Boggart Leo Thomas Vicky Leo Melody Wolf Holme Leo Deck Away From Holme Holme Canning Sugar Jana Holme Gay Doll Wimpy Bob Wimpy's Gay Doll Smoky Querida Solid head horse for jackpot or rodeo. Scores great - tons of speed - been through rope barrier, faces great. For more info call 720-320-3398. Coggins. HIP 195 Rope Horse Doc's Jack Frost Sun Frost Prissy Cline Sierra Frost Laughing Boy Miss Pansy Sue Pansy Sue Here is a classy looking stallion standing 15 hands and weighing 1200 lbs. He is real level and smooth moving with a big stop. Dynamite is a beautifully muscled stud. We are riding his get and they are fancy. His sire, Doc O Dynamite, has sired NCHA earners over $682,000, NRHA earners over $6,300 and NRCHA over $5,388 and sired "Scott" the great NFR qualifier Rachael Myllimaki from Montana rode to earn over $200,000 in barrels. His get have also won almost $100,000 in roping. His dam, Sierra Frost, is a super daughter of Sun Frost, the sire of winners earning over $2million. She is the dam of 3 money earners, Peppys Doc Frost over $15,000 in cutting, Dynamite Frost over $1,300 in MRCHA, Bubblin Sun Frost winner of several thousand in barrels in her first year. Dynamite’s get should make outstanding rodeo, arena and performance horses. His foals have balance, eye appeal and charisma. Currently in training with PRCA roper Paul Freimsman and will be shown in heading and heeling. The owners would like to retain option to breed four mares per year for the lifetime of the horse and rights to the frozen semen they have already collected. For more info call 605892-4297. Coggins. HIP 194 Rope Horse HIP 193 Leos McCue 4215292 02 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Vicki Small Ashland, MT Leo Lad Leo Beaver Bobbie Leos Driftwood Orphan Drift Frost Drift Lobster Anne Leos McCue Sugar Bars Sonny Sugar Glitter Mount Sapphire Sugar Devil Cat Dancer Cocoa Bar Two Kaholla Hemi is a 7 year old very good looking gelding, 1150 lbs with good conformation. He was trained by Allen Good in South Dakota. Hemi was hauled last summer. This horse scores the best, does not duck out. Will carry you through the run. Anyone can ride him, good for high school, college or any bull dogger who wants to win. He was dogged off of last summer by a 16 year old boy. He works off leg pressure, flexes and works with any bit. Take a good look at his excellent bloodlines. Coggins. JK Jacee Honey Doc 3833691 99 AQHA Bay Gelding Turner Performance Horses Victor, MT Doc Bar Doc's Jack Frost Chantella Doc Bruce Mr Bruce Nelly Bruce Coogan's Van JK Jacee Honey Doc John Red Mr Blue John Silver Rocket John's Honey Bee Butcher Boy Bee Bee Girl Gracie H Jaycee is a big athletic bay roan, guaranteed sound, gentle and will saddle up fine, when laid off. He is amicable and outgoing, does not know a stranger, and will that way when you catch him. Jaycee is bred to be an athlete and that he is. He is a solid head, heel, and breakaway horse, also runs barrels. He scores like a rock, has a lot of run/ good strided, rate, handles cattle extremely well and faces correctly. He makes roping easy. Has won both lower and high number ropings, will fit a #1 to a #6, hauled to USTRC, WTRC, ACTRA, weekend rodeos and jackpots. Jaycee has had a few calves tied down on him in the arena, outside he will work the rope. He was raised on the ranch, knows all duties, rides out alone. He is fun to ride on trails, crosses water bridges and logs. He has carried flags at rodeos, we have roped bucking bulls on him and picked up some. Jaycee is broke to ride and is a big stopper. If you are looking for a back pocket kind of guy, check out Jaycee. For further inquires, videos and photos please visit www.TurnerPerformanceHorses.com or call (406) 381-2347 www.billingslivestock.com HIP 196 Rope Horse King Flamingo Amigo 3470253 96 AQHA Palomino Gelding Ross Carson Shepherd, MT Top Brandon Top Amigo King Amigo's Suzanne Amigo King Star Mr Rochester Star Dixie Rhea Star Rhea Mare 26 King Flamingo Amigo Sputnik's Playboy Double S Whiz Double Bid Beauty Flamingo Star Lee Monte Oak Maysdorf Star Lee Star Lee McCue Shorty is a 13 year old sold heel horse that has been hauled everywhere, including rodeos and jackpots. He’s been ridden at the Montana ProRodeo Circuit Finals many times, the NRA Finals and every major jackpot around. He stands 14.3 hands and weights 1100 lbs and is a golden palomino with silver main and tail. He is guaranteed sound. For more info call406-860-8468. HIP 197 Rope Horse Docs Nylon 251685 93 APHA Bay Tobiano Tim Correll Morrell, NE Deck O'Lena Star Olina Pearl Pat Star Doc O Lena Dandy Troubles Tiger Miss Ginger Tiger Miss Donnette Bar Docs Nylon Mister J Bar Nylon Bars Nylon Nylon Bar's Sue Music Maker Music's Sue Soft Shoe Sue Stout rope and performance horse. He is 15.2 hands. I’ve hauled him all over the state to rodeos, US Ropings and 9 years to the USTRC Finals heading in the 15 roping to heeling in 10 & 9. Off weekend, the wire and kids can haul him to the horse shows. Coggins. HIP 201 HIP 198 Rope Horse LNB Fritz Olena 4257794 02 AQHA Dun Gelding Justin Hammerich Greely, CO Doc O'Lena Jab O Lena Jabalina Chex Ima Jab O Lena Commanders Boy Colonel Cupid Colonel Donna LNB Fritz Olena Croton Oil Gold Croton Oil Gold Two Candy Ala Mode Crotons Poco Candy King's Tuffer Kings Miss Seven Dixie Koy Tuffer is a nice gentle broke horse who is started roping and ready to go on with. He would work well for about anyone to ride or rope on Coggins. . HIP 199 Rope Horse Sonny Sugar Time Pep 4640138 04 AQHA Bay Gelding Larry Hume Hawk Springs, WY Sugar Bars Sonny Sugar Glitter Mount Sonny Pep San Mr San Peppy Anna San Suzanna Buck Sonny Sugar Time Pep Sugar Bars Time For Sugar Tonto Bars' Sue Sugar Time Bess Jim Dandy Denney Ja C Bessie Bessie Bar Hawk Sonny is a great looking gelding currently in training with Justin Johnson. This superb 5-year old is double bred Sugar Bars, showing a lot of cow and a lot of speed. He is a started rope horse, both heading and heeling, and is also used as a turn back horse in cutting. Ranch ridden with a great disposition. To try this horse call Delon Parker 406-698-3246. Coggins. HIP 200 Tick 03 Grade Buckskin Gelding Lance & Tina Gerhardt Mandan, ND Here is a good started ranch gelding. Makes a good rope prospect, gentle, good to be around, guaranteed sound. Coggins. Driftwood Vanzee Bar 4772688 05 AQHA Palomino Gelding Kerry Horn Tripp, SD Snippys Driftwood Chaps Driftwood Frosty's Sassy Bar Driftwood Sailor Decks Sailor Jans Neto Sailor Neto's Jan Driftwood Vanzee Bar My Skip Vanzi Kool Kool Kelo Miss Kelo Go Lucky Marie Vanzee Bar Rick's Mr Show Rosy Rick Babe Below Hollywood is a nice gelding with white mane and tail born on my ranch and I have worked with him since he was born. I started him as a two year old and used him alongside my main horse - when he was three he took the main position on the ranch. He has classy looks, excellent conformation, good bone. He has pasture roped, sorted many pairs and competed in sorting competition at Yellow Rose Arena, drug lick tanks, railroad ties, section gates. He knows how to pull from the saddle horn and has been shot off of during hunting season. Started heading out of the box this winter and has a good mine and disposition. My 16 year old daughter rode him around the yards and in the pasture and I don’t just put her on anything. He sells 100% sound. Coggins. HIP 202 Rope Horse Sam 99 Grade Bay Gelding Randall Scheck Evansville, WY Sam is a good looking 10 year old bay gelding, 16 hands, 1300 lbs. He’s very gentle and works good for any level of rider. He’s been ridden by an 11 year old girl and 63 year old novice rider. Sam can rope both ends (head & heel). He’s rock solid in the box and money winner at local jackpots. He can drag calves to the fire, is an excellent trail/mountain horse, and has packed elk. He’s even been ridden English and has very smooth extended trot. Whatever you want to do, Sam is your guy - you won’t find a classier looking gelding! Extremely easy to haul, clip and shoe and is up to date on dentistry and worming Coggins. More info 307-259-1587. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 208 HIP 203 Rope Horse Peppys Satin Filly 3649742 97 AQHA Sorrel Mare Larry Hume Hawk Springs, WY Loe San Mr San Peppy Peppy Belle Peppys Shadow Tipo De Norias Lamparita Norias Bolio De Norias .Peppys Satin Filly Neon Velvet Bar The Door 3722572 Night Latch 98 AQHA Red Roan Mare Time Beat Lee & Annie Grangeville, ID NightWoods Time Mary Boon Bar DoBest Dash Boon Bars Mary's Dash Miss San Coach Mary Nile Neon Boon This is a 12 year old sorrelPeppy calf roping mare San Badger Miss Littlet Peppy is ranch raised and is bred run and cow. JoyaDelon Corona Ridden by Monty Hubbard and Parker. Neon finished Velvet calf horse just needs to be This Harlander hauled. She has the perfect combination of Kiamichia run and cow. With her Mr. San Peppy and Cindys Blue Star Night Latch This great looking Dellabreeding. Annie mare scores super, runs hard, stops hard Dido Reed and works a lot of rope. She will make an Dido Della outstanding broodmare when her rodeo Whistling Maycareer For well morebred, info (406) This is isover. a kind, color 698-3246. producing daughter of Neon Boon. The foal on her side is sired by Finish Line Express, 102 S.I., $54,000. Race Winnings, G-3 Stakes Winning and AAA Producing own son of Streakin Six. Finish Line Express sits 8th on the Equi-stat Barrel Racing Sires List for 2008 with one performer making him the youngest Stallion on the list. She sells open so you can breed her to the Stallion of your choice in 2009. www.lopenaquarterhorses.com HIP 203 203X HIP 204 Rope Horse Maudies Showdown 4647751 03 AQHA Palomino Gelding Reena Plaggemeyer Big Timber, MT Easy Jet Kipty Jet I'm Kipty Maudies Kipty Jet Leo Maudie Maudie Sis Two Eyed Sis Maudies Showdown Poco Tinky Marco Tinkys Musiccat Miss Rainy Bar Ms Tinkys Showdown Maudies Kipty Jet Ms Royal Showdown Royal Myrtle Maudie is a well started heading horse. He runs to the steer , rates and pulls. Safe. No run-a-way and no buck. Current Coggins. HIP 205 Rope Horse Score 02 Grade Bay Gelding Pine & Samantha McQuay Corvallis, MT Score stands 16 hands and weighs 1300 lbs. Big bone, stout and that good bay color. We’ve headed steers of him all winter long. He’s really making a nice rope horse. He scores flat footed, runs to the hip, and really takes a hold of a steer. He’s also a solid ranch horse, drug calves to the fire. Doctored, sorted, and roped yearlings off him. Use him all day long and play at night. Take a look at this big bay gelding at the preview or watch the video at www.diamondarena.com. He’ll be 100% sound, safe, honest and gentle. Call for more info (406) 490-3929 Our Hollywood Chick 3449729 96 AQHA Red Dun Mare Nolan Kirkman Temonton, UT Doc O'Lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Smart Chic Olena Gary Bar King Gay Sugar Chic Chicy Little Our Hollywood Chick Hollywood Jac 86 Hollywood Dun It Blossom Berry Cee Gee Dun It Pines Zippo Bars Seven S Cupie Doll Cupies Baby Doll Chick sells in foal for an April foal by Who Whiz Bank out of Who Whiz It. Coggins.. HIP 206 DH Misty Ridge 3280532 94 AQHA Chestnut Mare Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Rocket Bar Rocket Wrangler Go Galla Go Wranglers Ridge Ridge Butler Fantacia Fantasy DH Misty Ridge Truly Truckle Tru Tru Gold Cupid Tru Tru Misty Jayhawker Bar Misty Hawks Dixie Marie Misty is super well bred mare has had some beautiful babies and a great saddle horse too. Use her either way and you won’t be let down. Great big and stout, with conformation and athletic ability to use for what ever you need her to do or pass it along to her babies. Easy to handle, great to get along with. Hauls, clips, loads bathes easy too. HIP 207 Rope Horse Krogs Gray Leer 2927598 90 AQHA Sorrel Gelding JD Hewitt Nisland, SD Mr Tailwind Windchester Jackie Pine Shootin Gray Otoe Otoe's Main Thing Question Belle Krogs Gray Leer Bird Man Folly Bird Vandy Sue Folly Krogs Cassie Leo 3 Krog's Sizzl Sizzling Bar Tom has a little age but still moves like a cat. He has done everything you can do on a ranch and been calf roped and heeled on at HS rodeos and jackpots. Tom will watch a cow and handles like a dream. Will work great for any experienced rider young or old. Coggins. HIP 209 Rope Horse WW Flashy Poco Star 4200424 02 AQHA Gray Mare Jason Warner Pocetello, ID Skip's Blue Lad Skippen Baca Baca's Blue Mist Red Hollywood Gold Hot Gold Hot Golds Holly Holland's Pride WW Flashy Poco Star Dazzling Steel Canyon Creek Red Your Sweet WW Fancy Dancer Grandpa Okie Okie Tiny Star Poco Tiny Star Gorgeous gray mare with over a year of professional heel horse training. She is very well built and has a great mind. She has not only the looks to trun heads, but also the ability to take your heeling to the next level. Coggins. HIP 209X AppleJacks 00 Grade Bay Gelding J W Robinson Cody, WY Kids horse deluxe! Ride or pack this pony anywhere. Safe at all speeds for any level rider. Quiet and lots of color. Coggins www.billingslivestock.com HIP 215 Rope Horse Boomer 03 Grade Sorrel Gelding Ken Herden Coleman, OK HIP 212 Rope Horse Ladee 02 Grade Sorrel Mare Nancy Ross Gering, NE HIP 210 Streakin Tee Bars 4102471 01 AQHA Gray Mare Terry Warneke Worland, WY Easy Six Streakin Six Miss Assured Beleavin Ya Chick's Deck Kellys Chick Miss Moon Ann Streakin Tee Bars Jackie Bee Tee Jay Three Bars 77's Barette Wyo Champagne Sugar Trix Leo Sugar N Wine Chico Wine Rodeo Ready! Streak is an 8 year old 15.2, 1200 lbs. Athletic good looking gray mare. She is a seasoned barrel horse having won at open rodeos, high school rodeos and open barrel races. She is automatic to ride has run indoors and outdoor arenas also had a lot of steers headed off of her and is stared on pole bending. Been rode on the ranch and in the mountains. Nice to be around, clips, bathes, loads and shoes. Don’t miss this nice mare! Coggins. HIP 211 Rope Horse My Saint Celine 3908068 99 AQHA Brown Mare Mike Lipp Greybull, WY Jet Deck Jet Smooth Lena's Bar My Leroy Brown Bar None Bob Bars Bob Kitten Jiggs' Cindy My Saint Celine Azure Te Juleos Revenge Go Juleo Easy Celine Easy Saint Taint Easy Phoebe Ann This is a rare opportunity to own a young mare by My Leroy Brown, a sire of many world class area horses. This mare is built like a tank and produces outstanding babies. She is bred to Coronas Velvet, stud fee $1,000, a Triple A son of Corona Cartel whosestud fee is $40,000. Last bred 5/23/ 08. Coggins. This mare is from ranch stock in the Nebraska sand hills; sound; gentle; basic ranch training. She has been to a feedlot twice for 2 months for the cattle work and roping. They roped some fats and reported on her as steady, strong, honest, and starting towatch a cow. I have trail ridden her; she is good for farrier and vet; loads and ties well; easy to catch; ok around large equipment.Coggins. Looking for a heading or heel horse for a young son or daughter? This guy rides great indoors and out! There isn’t anything that this little gelding won’t try to do for you. Another one of your young horses that we’ve camped on and done everything with. He’s worked the alleyway, he’s gathered steers in our brush steer pasture, he’s crossed washouts and jumped logs. With only thirty days of heeling off of him, he is coming out of the box, making a nice corner and hunting that steer. He’s green but he’s started right. Take him and finish him and he’ll earn someone a lot of money in the roping pen. UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. Coggins. HIP 213 Rope Horse Senor Leo Olene 4095266 01 AQHA Brown Gelding Britt Givens Riverton, WY Doc Bar Doc's Jack Frost Chantella Here Comes Frosty My Sugar King Miss Cochina Bars Ogie Bars Senor Leo Olene Sparkling Native Partnership Miss Olene Heartmountain Josie Victory Stride Victory Deb Midland Deb 8 year old brown, coon tailed gelding. This is a SUPER NICE HORES! Senor is originally off of the Flitner Ranch. He was raised and used on a ranch. Level headed, smart, kind and gentle enough for anyone to ride. He is athletic enough to be a rope horse, yet quiet enough to trail ride. You can speed him up then drop the reins and he will walk off quietly. You can head or heel on this gelding. Watch him in the rope horse preview. Guaranteed sound with no vices and easy to catch. If you are looking for a truly nice gelding … you won’t go wrong with Senor.More info 307-851-2242. Coggins. HIP 214 Doc N Better 4263450 02 AQHA Sorrel Mare Heath Miller Washington, UT Doc Bar Doc Tom Tucker Tonette Tivio Doc Tom Peppy Peppy San Peppy Sans Sugar Doc's Sugar Cube Doc N Better Super James Mr Charge Bar Miss Top Bar Two B Better Star Time Best Star Bar Three Fourth Bar Nice mare has had two years professional cutting training. I made her a broodmare and she has nice colts and is well broke. Anyone can ride. Bred to Ki’S Battle Song own son of Ki Two Eyed. Coggins. HIP 216 Hancocks RoanGirl Too X0680018 06 AQHA Blue Roan Mare Dry Creek Ranch Oxford, NE Apache Joe Hancock Last Apache Joe Jackie Star Jack Hancock Mine Saladito 70 Phoebe Mine Phoebe Too Hancocks RoanGirl Too Graggs Poco Graggs Cardinal Cardiark Cardinal Roan Cardinal Girl SheBeens Sun Bar Our Bar Girl Our Girlfriend Big blue filly that is bred to cow. She will have 10 to 15 rides on her by sale day. Coggins. HIP 216X The Big Lebroski 99 APHA Sorrel Solid Geldling B & B Horses, Whitesboro, TX Bar Y Sandy Sandy Bee Frosty Miss Frosty Bee Scenic Frost Mark IV Scenic Oleo Mark Scenics Oleo The Big Leborwski Red Sonny Dee Cutter Red Cutters Cutie Reds Zeor COlor Two Eyed Senator Two Eyed Zero Miss May Real nice gentle, used alot on the ranch for cutting cattle, gentle enough for anyone to ride. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 217 Rope Horse AHR Lenas Brady 4648626 05 AQHA Gray Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Doc O'Lena Lenas Sugarman Sugar Gay Bar Lenas Sugar Prince Smart Chick Olena Homecoming Chic Sr Hickory Lynn AHR Lenas Brady Go Leo Black Trucken Paul Trucklen Paula Lil Miss Roman RF Romes Oscar Lil Miss Oscar Bucko Miss Here is a true fancy on his way to being a big time horse for someone to go on with. Pretty, conformation plus square front end, and a big hip. He stands 15.3 weighs 1300 and moves around like a little horse, pure athlete. Extremely broke for a young horse He has been used in the pastures and timber, gathered and sorted cows and bulls. He lopes extremely good circles and drags his butt to a stop and moves off your leg either way and soft in the face. Real gentle and stays gentle, saddles up good every time and enjoyable to ride. 100% sound, safe and gentle in everyway. If you are serious about a big time head horse take a look. More info 641-430-9907. Coggins. Jake Clark Offering • Session Two HIP 218 LFR Jolie Blond 3873374 99 AQHA Palomino Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Roma Charge Peps Rocket Rocketta Pep Rastus Rocket Yankee Dolla Heavenly Custybar Del Rio's Beauty LFR Jolie Blond Alamitos Bar Bid Alamitos Miss Vanna Bid Impulsive Shopper Johnny Bars Gay Ginger Bars Stuffins Nice gentle mare that has a palomino colt every year. Bred to K Cross Cajun an own gray son of Frenchmans Guy. Her colts will really run and perform. Coggins. HIP 219 Elegant Roan Bar 4094143 01 AQHA Red Roan Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Roan Bar Fancy Roan Bar Fancy Baker 2 Roan Jack Bar Jack Eyed Miss Penny Jack Penny Cross Elegant Roan Bar Ima Cool Skip Mr Cool Elegance Esthetic Elegance Elegant Beau Jo Beaus My Daddy Eternal Beau Jess Eternal Jessie his is a big gentle mare bred to K Cross Cajun an own gray son of Frenchmans Guy on top and an own gdtr of Dash For Cash on bottom. Ridden some as a 3YO. Coggins. Jake Clark Offering • Session Two HIP 220 Zan Te Redwing 3723165 98 AQHA Red Roan Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Zan Parr Bar Zan Parr Eagle Barbs Dearm Girl Zans Cowboy Command Zans parson Parsons Prodigy High Command Lady Zan Te Redwing Te Shadow Vellho Joe Bonnet Bunny Destiny Shadow Destiny Leo Jag Miss Fleet Flyer Miss Clearfleet HIP 223 RCRGunnin For Silver 4485291 04 AQHA Gray Gelding Autumn Bauersfeld Prineville, OR Freckles Playboy Playgun Miss Silver Pistol Silver Gun Colonel Freckles Miss Freckles Reed Miss J B Reed RCRGunnin For Silver Doc Bar Doc Quixote Magnolia Gal Smart Quixote Think Ahead Think Smart Buenita Jiggs Cash is very quiet anybody can ride. He has been ranched on and ridden in the arena. He is very light and easy to ride. He is very cowy and has been branded off of. He is good in the mountains Coggins. . Good producing roan mare that goes back to Zan Parr Bar on top and is bred to K Cross Cajun an own son of Frenchmans Guy. Coggins. HIP 221 Heidi San Parr 3675331 97 AQHA Dun Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Zan Parr Bar Zan Parr Eagle Barbs Dream Girl Peppy Parr Te Peppy San Shanna San Honey B Isle Heidi San Parr Ribbon Page Sizzlin Page Spanish Alice Tikki Page Seven Bar's Buck Freckle Bar Miss Freckle Miss Nice grullo mare that has dun or gullo colts every time. This is a Zan Parr Bar bred mare, bred to K Cross Cajun who is an own son of Frenchmans Guy. Coggins. HIP 222 Casino Roan 3506623 96 AQHA Red Roan Mare Jake Clark Powell, WY Jackie Bee Tee Jay Three Bars 77'S Barette Casino Junior Lowry Star Casino Star Syl Jane Leo Bob Casino Roan Scram Ram Scramblin Hot Hotsy Totsy Scrams Lil Geneva Top Fugitive Miss Red Topper Scamps Pet This beautiful Jackie Bee bred mare is bred to K Cross Cajun an own son of Frenchmans Guy. This colt will be a real performer. Coggins. HIP 224 Rope Horse Brocks Pecan Doc 3867251 99 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Walt Bales Miles City, MT Doc Bar Jax Doc Lucky Debbie Kay Jax Montana Doc Blue Dog Peppy Fannie Fannie Brown Brocks Pecan Doc Clabber's Rocket Scarlet Rocket Scarlet Paula Pick Me Scarlet Chicaro Reed Bar Pick Me Reed Pickzana Patrick stands 15.3 hands. He is really nice to shoe, easy to catch and likes people. Pat is quiet in the heading box , will put you on cattle and give you a shot. He also has done a little time on the heeling end. If you have cattle out in the hills with foot rot and a doctoring is in order, Pat has been there and has been successful in completing his part of the doctoring process. Pat is a lot of horse and he will cover a lot of ground in a hurry if you feel you are behind and need to get ‘er done.. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 225 Rope Horse Magnolia Miss Bar 4069830 01 AQHA Gray Mare Kim Carlisle Evansville, WY Doc Quizote Sixote Cinnamon 6 Chick Pocc Six Pistol Bar P Pine Sheeza Gentle Pine Phils Ms Terry Two Magnolia Miss Bar Mr Bar Pat Star Grey Jerry Reb's Stormy Girl Miss La Cey Jo Krog's Leo Graces Bay Miss Casey Bar Flashy, gentle. Sound, no bad habits or buck. Well started heeling. Has had 30 days training with Jhett Johnson. Doc Quixote, Bar Pine bred. Will be shown in roping jackpot on Friday. Coggins. HIP 226 Marlenes Bonzana 4763904 05 AQHA Cremello Mare April Handy Zilverberg Holabird, SD Ribbon Page Two Page Pistol Two Fox Holly Two Page Bonanza Poco Triple Son Triple Sugar Lady Super Toffee Marlenes Bonzana Caballero Mujer Mujer Tacky Jay Miss Rovin Tacky Marlenes Bouncy Jay Dewesun Marlenes Dew Jay Marlene's Moon Jay Quiet and gentle, but green, is riding very quiet inside and out on ranch. Athletic build and would suit kids for 4H project and ladies for trail riding or for English. Ride her or breed her, she is a nice kind mare. This mare will produce buckskin bred to bay and palomino bred to sorrel. She has run on 2000 acres with 25 other mares. Comes in everyday and is caught and grained - will stand tied up all day. She is easy to catch, loves being washed and groomed, handled and blanketed. Coggins. HIP 227 Rope Horse Goemmer Cola Tivio 4303382 02 AQHA Black Gelding Linda Paulson Fairfax, SD Kiptydoo The BullDogger That's Barmaid Bull Max Bar The Door Diamond Portal Diamond Alice Goemmer Cola Tivio Nu Bar Cutta Nubuck Bill's Papoose Creida Tivio Opie Chick Kiowa Chick Kiowa's Joker Cola is super gentle and has been used for just about everything. He has been o numerous trail rides in NE, KS, OK, and SD. He has been used on the ranch to drag calves to the fire, move and doctor cattle, outride for wagons (even helping pull up the hills in high country), stop traffic, pony other horses, etc. Just an easy going guy that my 7 year old grandson has been riding around the ranch. He’s not spooky and no buck no matter if you ride him once a day, once a month or once a year. Would make a perfect LADIES or YOUTH horse. He stands 15 H, put together nice and is pretty brown with chrome. He’s now in team roping training with Paul Griemsman and will be until sale day. Paul will be showing him in the preview. For more info, please call 605-481-1515. UTD on shots, worming, Coggins. HIP 228 Rope Horse Miras Happy Hancock 2984274 89 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Jeff & Kelly Gorrell Beach, ND Pepper Hancock Happy Hancock Betty Buster Happy's Cardinal My Beaver My Beaver 13 Eddie 53 Miras Happy Hancock Buck Hancock Chuck Hancock Fay McCue Mira Miss Hancock Power Command Miss Power Deck Smith's Queen I Don’t let his age scare you. We have hauled and won on him heading, heeling, breakway roping and calf roping. The last couple of years he has been used mainly heeling. He squares up well and stops very nice. This is a very kind horse. Coggins. Im Chexy Too 4592851 03 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Harry Larson Hermiston, OR Doc Bar Doc O'Lena Poco Lena Smart Peppy Lena Peppy San Smart Peppy Royal Smart Im Chexy Too Bueno Chex Bueno Chex Too Barfleur Bar Jazzalena Chex Spear Lee Bar Kay Lea Bar Catch Kay Dave is a cow-horse bred gelding that shows all kinds of promise as a great head horse. He is very cowy and has lots of run and size to handle cattle. For more info call 541571-1373. Coggins. HIP 231 Strait Black Uno 870619 06 APHA Black Solid Gelding Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Cheyenne Moon Bar Ris Key Business Happiness Is Strait From Texas Hollywood Smoke Gunners Pollyanna Golly Polly Strait Black Uno Mr Bar Tab Smashing Success Opie's Pride Spicy Success Pima Country Country Kuti Alcazar Gorgeous black gelding by APHA legend, Strait From Texas and out of a talented competitor Spicy Success (she was a tremendous heading and heeling specialist). This gelding is super talented, calm and you can shoot off him, cross any water, drag any item you want. He would also make a super calf roping horse as he is tremendously cowy. For more info call 605-491-0325. Coggins. HIP 232 Scarlett 03 Grade Palomino Mare Michael & Frances Dooley Fromberg, MT She is very classy and very sweet. She stands 15.1 hands with good hip. She loves attention and meets you at the gate every time. She is very gentle - no buck and rides between the reins. Sixty days of training. A pretty palomino that you will be proud to won. She has been ridden out on the ranch. For more info call 406-668-9047. Coggins. HIP 229 ROPING CATTLE Yearling Corriente Cattle Zeller Roping Cattle Meeteetse, WY Fresh yearling Corriente steers/heifers ready to rope, weighing 350-400 lbs have all shots, poured and bangs vacc. 20 head will have TB test by sale time. HIP 230 Rope Horse 20 Head of ROPING CATTLE www.billingslivestock.com HIP 238 Rope Horse HIP 235 HIP 233 Con Heir 480272 98 APHA Sorrel/Overo Gelding Pete Houck North Branch, MN Bar Two's Heir Heirloom Miss Flashy Jet Apparent Heir Bar Fax Best By Fax Colorado Moon Con Heir Versary Bars Controversary Bars Ace's Lurlene Molly Dodd Eternal Sun Eternally REady Ready Holly Been ridden by lots of kids he is gentle and easy to ride, neck reins. A great horse for the whole family. Coggins. HIP 234 Miss Peppy Cat 4799533 06 AQHA Sorrel Mare Wagonhound Land & Livestock LLC Douglas, WY High Brow Hickory High Brow Cat Smart Little Kitty WR This Cats Smart Smart Little Lena The Smart Look Dox Royal Smoke Miss Peppy Cat Peppy San Badger Peptoboonsmal Royal Blue Boon Miss Pepto Powell Doc O'Lena Miss Lena Powell Dean's Tackatoo Miss Peppy Cat is a good sized own daughter of NCHA world Open Finals Champion, WR This Cats Smart. This filly will make a great ranch versatility competition horse, rope prospect, or working ranch horse, as well as make great addition to any broodmare band. Coggins. Hidden Copy 504289 99 APHA Bay Tobiano Mare Kristie Saari Nampa, ID Lucky Straw Hes A Straw Tom's Gal Duplicator Hi Di Dude Snappy Dude Lady Snapbar Hidden Copy Torsion Murrtheblurr Princeton Pride Hidden Puzzle Leather Lyon Labara Flame Flaming Reigh This mare is gorgeous and ready to go. UTD on teeth, all the works. She has speed and perforamnce on her papers. Been pleasure rode in arena and gathered cows off of. This mare goes the whole nine years and gives you 100%. Coggins Big Red 96 Grade Sorrel Gelding Kyle Pottala New Plymouth, ID Red is a 16.2 hand, 1300 lb head horse rady for the rodeos or jackpots. He has also been used outside and on the ranch. He has a lot of run and pull. Has also been heeled on. Coggins HIP 236 MJG Lil Ruf Heart 5083001 07 AQHA Dun Mare Horsebreakers Unlimited Dewey, AZ Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Lil Ruf Peppy Mr San Peppy Rufas Peppy Santa Rufa MJG Lil Ruf Heart Hollywood Jac 86 Hollywood Dun It Blossom Berry Melonkali Heart Kaliman Melonkali Sweetie Kidnap's Candy Bar This is a very fancy filly by Lil Ruf Peppy, NRHA $28,032; NRHA Limited Open Derby Champion, NRHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; NRHA #8 all time leading sire; AQHA leading sire of performance ROM, siring earners of $1,700,000 and 1,600 AQHA points. Out of a Hollywood Dun It mare. She is athletic, great minded and ready to go on with 100% sound. Coggins. HIP 237 Mini Little Lena 5068544 06 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Jared Lesch Stillwater, OK Doc Bar Doc O'Lena Poco Lena Smart Little Lena Peppy San Smart Peppy Royal Smart Mini Little Lena Freckles Merada Meradas Money Talks Meradas Mini Money Talks Rio Bob Acre Doc Acres Of Mini Docs Miniokie Been on cattle for one year. Trained. Ncie stallion and great show prospect. Big, stout, pretty, too. Easy to handle. No vices. Coggins. HIP 239 Safari Red 4293658 02 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Claudia Horsburgh Cheyenne, WY Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Badger Safari Mr Linton Miss Safari Queen's Heiress Safari Red Bar's Trixie Sugar Trix Leo Woody Rey Amber Trix Jackie Bee Tee J Amber Roney's Babe Red is a 7 year old sorrel gelding. Red is sound, well bred, good looking horse with an easy disposition. He has the ability to go any direction. He is easy to load, clip, and shoe. Red can be a little cold backed if he sits for while. Coggins. HIP 240 Ernies Sum Buck 4051486 00 AQHA Red Dun Gelding Guy Small Pompeys Pillar, MT Freckles Flynt Freckles Cranberry Cran Bar Kate Answered There I Go Miss Charming Rose Quien Sabe 4 Ernies Sum Buck Colonel Freckles Colonel Legacy Legacy Lady Col Quincy Lady Plenty Popular Shesa Popular Fox Miss Foxie Go He is gentle, good looking, and quiet, with a big stop and great handle. 100% sound and no blemishes. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 243 HIP 241 Rope Horse Slick 95 Grade Black Mare Aspen Beegle Shepherd, MT Slick is a 4D barrel horse, loads, clips, bathes, and loads. Slick is a great horse to have around. Quiet in the alley and is running a solid pattern. Take her and use her on the ranch during the week and then come to town and play. Coggins. Writewithclass 4908430 05 AQHA Dun Gelding Lynn Pearman North Platte, NE Rocket Wrangler Dash For Cash Find A Buyer Write It Down The Signature Write Me Back Barb's Bug Writewithclass Poco 46 Dollies Boy Buck Lotta Bar Classie Dob Calabo Freckles Calabo Class Stormin Mam This gelding is started real well and rides nice. He is sound and gentle. Check out his bloodlines. He is bred for performance and has a lot of speed. Coggins. HIP 244 Gigalos Jose 602461 01 APC Dun Gelding Robert Albrecht North Platte, NE Tetset Gigalo Totally Gigalo PMS Impressa HIP 247 Huckleberry Fox 944802 08 APHA Bay Gelding Lynette Mills Ten Sleep, WY Passions Pleasure Foxy Pleasure The Frosty Fox Ten Sleep Foxy Bar Rushin Comet Broken Dell Bars Miss Classy Dell Huckleberry Fox Jetalito Jeta Fantastic Fantastic Jackie Jester Lito Amigo Smoke Lady Jester Dust Em Robin Long, lean runnin’ machine! Huckleberry’s sire stands 16 hands, his dam is just 14.2. I think he’ll be a tall, easy mover just like her sire! If you like to ride a horse with a little Thoroughbred (only 1/8th) thrown in with cow bred quarter horse and paint bloodlines then you’ll enjoy this ride! Country covering stride and serious potential to run the barrels with ease and speed! He spent his first summer in the mountains in 2008. Current Coggins, loads, trims and last wormed /6/09, gelded 3/21/09. Gigalos Jose Mr P PM Blizzard Ima Sandy Scooter Jose is 8 years old and very well broke and gentle. I think anybody that knows how to ride a horse can get along with him .He stands 15 hands and weighs 1100. A real free mover. Gentle and easy to catch. Coggins. HIP 242 Rope Horse Tahnee Frost 4042213 01 AQHA Palomino Gelding Clint Hufty Rapid City, SD Doc Bar Doc's Jack Frost Chantella Drop Of Frost Sugar Bars Drop Of Sugar Rae's Ree Tahnee Frost Mr Gay Sugar Bar Cut A Sugar Gay Cut A Candy Bar Tahnee Gay Doc Bruce JK Patzi Bruce Two Patzi Bar Scuffy is a real solid heel horse that has been hauled to a lot of ropings, USTRC, Wrangler. He will give you the same shot time after time and is dead solid in the corner. To top it off he is super keen to look at with a neat little head and a nice hip. Straight and correct with really good feet. "No blemishes". Come see him at the Jackpot Friday. Take a look at the papers he is bred to perform and does. Sells 100% sound. Coggins HIP 245 Billy 06 Grade Bay Gelding Chance Isbell Sheridan, WY Billy will have 45 days on him by the sale and all of his riding will be outside. I started him and he has been quite gentle all throughout the process. Billy has a big hip and hind leg and would make a great heel horse. He has the right look and ability. Coggins HIP 246 Rope Horse Hemi 98 Grade Grey Gelding Pine & Samantha McQuay Corvallis, MT Hemi is an 11 year old grey head horse. Been hauled to jackpots and rodeos. Scores well, lots of run, rate and pull. Faces correctly, super outside using horse. He will perform all ranch duties, brand, doctored, gather and sort. He’ll be there for ya, all day, everyday. Picked up broncs and drug bulls out of the arenas. He’s seasoned and ready to go. Gentle, 100% sound HIP 248 Ringo 05 Grade Gray Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Ringo is a good looking 4 year old gray gelding that has been used on the ranch his whole life. He has gathered cow and gone to pack trips. He will go anywhere and is very sure footed in even the toughest terrain. Well stared in the arena, tracking cattle and is really cowy. He has pulled the log and is ready to start out of the box. Very quiet and gentle, no buck or spook, anyone can ride this nice gelding. He is always willing and is easy to catch. Ringo is ready for anyone to take him any direction they want to go. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 249 Re Bobzcat 4618399 04 AQHA Bay Mare Parker Horse Co Billings, MT Peppy San San Jo Lena Jo O'Lena San Jo Cat Jody Fairfax Jodys Genie Hollywood Pam Re Bobzcat Doc's Jack Sprat Jae Bar Flynn Baby Starling JB Little Peps Lady Peppy San Badger Little Peps War Lady Lady Beaver Leo An extra gentle, very well broke mare that anyone that can hold the bridle reins can ride and get along with. She has had a year of cutting training and is really smart about a cow. She has been used outside in the pasture and knows how to get around in rough country. If you need one that is broke and gentle and will stay that way this is her. We like her. Coggins HIP 250 Poco Mr Mel 4072229 01 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Britt Givens Riverton, WY Mr San Peppy San Peppys Hand Petite Hand Rays Comanche Sorrel Peppys Peak Peaks Peppy Honda Honda Hermosa Poco Mr Mel Poco Bueno Poco Diego 007 Thurmond Sorrel Poco Miss Hand Alexander's Hand Miss Petra Hand Miss Petra 171 8 year old sorrel gelding with flaxen mane and tail. Mel is a good travler outside. He has had steers headed on him and will have team roping videos at sale time. Sound, gentle, easy to catch, shoe, load. No vices. More inf 307-851-2242.. Coggtins. HIP 251 Indy 02 Grade Black Gelding Terry Orr Cody, WY Indy is a nice friendly horse. He stands 15h tall, Jet black with enough chrome to standout. He has an one hand neck rein and has a ground covering walk. He has been behind cattle and is a dependable horse. Great heel horse prospect. Coggins HIP 252 Smitty 05 Grade Red Roan Gelding L and W Performance Horses Browning, MT Smitty is very gentle and is a great ranch horse. Been doctored on outside a lot and drug calves to the fire. Gentle for about anyone to ride, he is a good stout gelding that can do anything. Guaranteed sound, good to shoe, Coggins HIP 256 Rope Horse Top Score 02 Grade Bay Roan Gelding Blaze Simonson Shepherd, MT Top score is one very reliable horse. He is just the right size for a person looking for a smaller mount. He crosses water, bridges and logs all with ease. He is the real deal, an absolute gentleman to be around. Good to catch and shoe, haul and does it all like a champ. Coggins. HIP 257 Rope Horse HIP 253 Rope Horse Imprssive Point 277027 94 APHA Red Dun Overo Gelding Jake Pancost Twin Bridges, MT Mr Impressive Mr Impressit Tardys Big Ma Mu Impresesit Skip A Miracle Ima Miracle Lady Leo Two Flash Imprssive Point Impressive Sir Lovealot Joak Easter Gal Red Hot Love Clabber Bar Miss Kip Bar Miss Decktron Solid head horse, lots of run, has great rate. HIP 254 Rope Horse Cracker Jacks 00 Grade Palomino Gelding John Francis Big Bear, CA 14.3 hands, good solid heel horse, quiet in the box. Run after run, been hauled to USTRC events won money on many times. Coggins. HIP 255 Thomans Romeo 5054395 07 AQHA Black Gelding Dick Thoman Kemmerer, WY Classy Flap Beckwith Dun Beckwith Babe Invincible Beckwith Tomichi's Drifter Tomichi Play Girl Miss Playboy Thomans Romeo Night Maneuvers Night Confession Exclusive Love Thomans Fancy Vidala Fast Commander Thomans Fancy Reva Tee J Charming Reva I’m only 2 and was broke by Idaho’s Horse Whisper Mario Johnson, I’m fast and quick and should grow up to be 16 hands like by sire Vinny. I never bucked and would love to be a rope horse or barrel horse. Coggins Joe Dawn Buster X0603926 01 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Bill Phillips Denton, MT Peponchek Perryman Doc Dry Doc Beath Doc Little Perryman Peppys Shell Peppys Little Susie Little Cheeta Sue Joe Dawn Buster Silent Partner Minis Go Go Jay's Mini Bar Jodawns Chargette Huntley's Charge Kathys Chargette Kathy Hancock Buster is a very cute and very gentle buckskin with loads of ability. He is well started as a heeling horse and good to use on the ranch. He is sound, hauls well, and is overall nice to have around. Though he is gentle and well broke, he is not for a novice rider. He can be very cold-backed when you first get on him. This is the type of horse who will get better and better with a new owner who has the need for a solid ranch horse or for somebody who has the time to rope a bunch of steers on him. HIP 258 Rope Horse Hollywood Doc Par 3306744 94 AQHA Palomino Mare Ken McKibbin Greeley, CO Doc Bar Docs Adonis Collins Daisy Docs A Dan Tinky Hawk Jewel Hawk Wix Daisy Bar Hollywood Doc Par Doc Goldwood Doc Parsons Ann Parsons Little Miss Doc Wood Poco Bill Pride Littleun Miss Spary I This mare is super broke and has had a lot of reining and cutting training, started heeling and doing really well. Spins, slides, anyone can ride, been used for trail rides, lots of energy, super athletic. Coggins. HIP 259 Rope Horse Brownie 00 Grade Brown Gelding Ken Herden Coleman, OK This dark brown gelding is a Cadillac! A big 15.2 hands of nothing but brains, bone, body and ability. Exceeds as a head horse but works both ends. Used extensively for ranch work. Super soft in the face and will move off your feet at any speed. See him Friday at the Team Roping jackpot. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com Hip 262 Flint Grade Buttermilk Buckskin Gelding Dan Dutton, Caroline, Alberta 16.2 good looking, big, solid athletic buttermilk gelding. Has been used mainly as a trail, pleasure horse but has the potential for more. Has been rode in the mountains, crosses rivers, bridges, has a good neck rein, side passes, open, close gates. Very personable gelding catch anywhere easy to clip, load, shoe Coggins. . HIP 265 Vegas 04 Grade Chestnut Pony Gelding Karlee Peterson Sturgis, SD HIP 260 Hancocks Blu Baby X0675579 07 AQHA Blue Roan Mare Dry Creek Ranch Oxford, NE Apache Joe Hancock Last Apache Joe Jackie Star Jack Hancock Mine Saladito 70 Phoebe Mine Phoebe Too Hancocks Blu Baby Robin Leo Hancock Red Rock Hancock Bedstead Joan Sneaky Red Baby Sneakie Poco Sneaky Baby Facia Baby Beautiful blue roan color, just like mom and dad. Double bred Hancock, that will be able to go in any direction. Just needs started.Coggins. HIP 261 Rope Horse Starlights Dance 4596818 04 AQHA Gray Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Poco Ojos Grande Poco Toms Ojos Pocos Skip A Lady BCS The Dance Mi A tie Bars Mi Bobette Bars Bobbie B Hancock Starlights Dance Grays Starlight Bay Starlight Pand O Lena Starlights Melody Freckles Hustler Hustlers Melody Cross 2 39 Here is one fancy dapple gray gelding. He is Here isfrom one fancy dapple gray gelding. is pretty the tip of his nose to theHe end pretty fromTom the tip of his nose for to the end of his tail. is also gentle anyone, rade Buttermilk always meets youGelding at the gate, with a happy and want to please attitude. He has been ranched on extensively, and roped on a lot. He ahs also been shown in ranch horse shows. He lopes slow easy circles with a good stop and handy turn around, no spook or buck. Would be a good heel horse or trail horse. 100% sound, no vices. Coggins. HIP 263 Clydes Jazzy Sox X0644389 05 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Elaine Rose Eden, WY Doc Bar Son Ofa Doc Jazzy Socks Long Hot Summer Colonel Freckles Summer Colonel Ever Summer Clydes Jazzy Sox Dash For Cash Counter Move Quincy Rocket Movin Shrike Night Invader Rich J Nite Shrike Shrike Clyde is a real cute, chromed up young gelding. He has a great work ethic, he like to do, just as long as he is getting attention. He is ready for a job. I hope whomever gets him likes a nut. He has a mischievous personality and wants to be someone’s best friend. He is sound. He was broke at two by a professional trainer for two months, lightly ridden last year and is now ready for a job. He is Doc Bar, Colonel Freckles and Dash for Cash bred, Coggins. Here is a sparkly, flaxy mane/tail pony. He loves me and my sisters. He is never sour. I ride him in the pasture and in the arena. I practice all my rodeo events on Vegas for hours and he never tires of it. I take him to rodeos so my friends and I can play with him in between events. We ride double on Vegas, go to the concession stand as a ridethru instead of a drive-thru and tie him up with bridle reins to the trailer. He is very special to me but I want to go to lots of rodeos this summer and I need money to pay my entry fees. Coggins. HIP 266 Rope Horse Jack 03 Grade Gray Gelding Double Eagle Cattle Co, LLC MT Belfry, Well started heel horse. Also used on ranch for branding and pasture roping. Very dependable. Can catch off pasture and go ride. No buck and no bad habits. HIP 267 Rope Horse Bud 00 Grade Palomino Gelding Harry Larson Hermiston, OR Here is a gelding that should have been registered but papers were lost. He has been on a cattle ranch for three years sorting, moving pasture, doctoring cattle. He loves people and has no buck and is going to make a great head horse. For more info call 541571-1373. Coggins. HIP 264 LL 03 Grade Sorrel Gelding Roy True. Eaton, CO Six year old finished heel horse. Very cowy and athletic. Makes a nice corner and good stop. Can head as well used to sort, brand, drag calves. Cowboy horse deluxe. A lot of power and speed. Coggins. LL www.billingslivestock.com HIP 268 Blush of Fame 5086810 07 AQHA Sorrel Mare Jeff & Kelly Gorrell Beach, ND Top Moon Bugs Alive in 75 Ralph's Lady Bug Blushing Bug Hempen 62 Sweet Blush Quincy Rocket Blush of Fame First Down Dash Dash Ta Fame Sudden Fame Short Penny Sold Short Short and Dusty Dusty Game This young mare has the pedigree to be an outstanding barrel horse and broodmare down the road. Her sire, Blushing Bug SI 108, won over $185,000 on the track. His foals can be eligible for Future Fortunes and Silver & Gold Barrel Futurities. Her dam, Short Penny, comes from a huge stakes winning and barrel racing family and also a daughter of Dash Ta Fame. Shut the Front Door (2007 Silver Cup Non Pro Champion) and Short Wine Dash (multiple barrel racing winner) and ¾ sisters to Short Penny. This filly is very nice and has the pedigree to be a top performer. Coggins. Harold Gertner Offering • Session Two HIP 269 Poco Haze Buck 4943759 07 AQHA Grullo Gelding Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB, Mr Blackburn 41 Perty Buck Poco Mr 14's Susie Poco Dakota Buck Fortys Bonus Dakota Widow Lady Poco Haze Buck HIP 271 LB Gold Dust 4965667 07 AQHA Palomino Gelding Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB Cutter Bill China Bill Lady Anson China Sun Big Sonsation MissDelCodyPoco Miss Del Cody 565 LB Gold Dust Buzz Bar Bardette Dust Petite Duster Paula Dust Mr Star Jack Dondi Pahl Miss Dond Quiz Take a look. He’s got color. He’s stocky and well balanced for either the ranch or the arena. Coggins. HIP 272 Nics Red Toad 4966091 07 AQHA Sorrel Mare Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB, Tuf N Busy Tuf Country Chex Country Chex Chex Out My Nic Quick Nic Plain Quick Nice San Docs Pepper San Nics Red Toad Baldy Leo San Baldy Leo Sand Aid De Camp Toads Poca Sand Prissy Toad Toad's Moorea Cowboy's Stella Here is a real nice two year old filly. She is quiet and she moves out really smooth. Coggins. HIP 274 Rope Horse Poco Lucky Lynx 4106116 01 AQHA Bay Gelding Gary Zilverberg Holabird, SD Peppy San Badger Lucky W Peppy Lena Star's Lena Bar Lucky W Lynx Doc's Lynx Quint Lynx Quintela Uno Poco Lucky Lynx Doc's Jack Frost Lazy Bones Poco Driftalona Docs Poco MO Poco Speedy Poco Monica River Mona This gelding has been ranched on for the last year. Runs out with 15 geldings on 2000 acre pasture. Comes in everyday for grain. Has been started heeling in the arena by Gary Zilverbert. My wife heels on this one. He is naturally cowy - just check his bloodlines. Well built and good looking, take him to work on the ranch to finish your calving. Just a nice gelding, no buck, to take to work on the ranch or to the arena. Will be worth the money and a good affordable horse. Will be roped on Friday. www.zilverberghorses.com and aprilhanby@hotmail.com 605-852 3245 Coggins. Poco Widow Duck Cool Blue Haze Little Blue Haze Dart Bonnet Odoms Blue Haze Embarkadero Odoms Lady 105 Crissi Creek Here is a powerful package. He’s stout and solid with color. Ropers take a look - he’s great to be around and handles well. Coggins. HIP 270 Harold Gertner Offering • Session Two HT Blue River Sage 4656916 05 AQHA Bay Roan Mare Harold Gertner Crossfield, AB Mr Roan Hancock NLD Eddie Hancock Baby Starbine NLD Mr Roan Sage Two Square Hancock Two Square KidUNot Quarters KidAround HT Blue River Sage Bayou Bar Bayou's Image Lady Bar Badger CR Image Cee Our Leo San Leos Patricia Miss Katy Chip This horse is quiet and has one month of riding. Coggins. HIP 273 Rope Horse Elvira Etta Wins 3204496 93 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Terry Bonnet Newell, SD Go Man Go Go Etta Le Etta Chicks Go Jo Don Joak Sueak Suebellita Elvira Etta Wins Go Man Go Mon Go Monita Elvira Wins Hilarity Hilarity's Suzy Cul's Suzy Que Super head horse, scores good, runs really hard. Super good in the box and has a lot of rate. Has been to National HS finals and hauled in college. Fantastic for any level roper. Also he is very good hazing horses. Coggins. Elvira Etta Wins www.billingslivestock.com HIP 279 Rope Horse HIP 275 Rope Horse TDM Two Eyed Whiz 4486899 04 AQHA Palomino Gelding Dallas Gerhardt Moffit, ND Two D Skip Two D Bart Fancy Faye Mandy Two D Driftwood Wilywood Wilywood Sandy Cody Belle Misty TDM Two Eyed Whiz Oak Bar Buck Oak Whiz Miss Tammy Whiz Dakota Dun Oakay Sabre Dakota Dakota Spool Miss Spool Scooter is an outstanding heel horse and you can head on him too. He’s been used for both ends. We’ve hauled him to US Ropings, ranch rodeos, parades, rodeo, etc. This horse loves to work. At the roping pen he’ll pin his ears from time he leaves the box to the end of the run. He’s got a big stop and big turnaround. Don’t Miss this horse. 100% sound. Coggins. HIP 277 Strait GunSmokesSmoke 903403 07 APHA Sorrel Overo Gelding Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Ris Key Business Strait From Texas Gunners Pollyanna Strait GunSmokenSugar Smoke Nine Smokin Bar Sox Patrencess Bars Strait GunSmokesSmoke Rondo Leo Mr Gun Smoke Kansas Cindy Smokin Hattie Lucky Dad Lucky Honey Hoss Little Bo Pokey Exciting gelding sired by possibly the most athletic paint horse in America, Strait Gunsmokensugar NCHA Chamption LTE $22,000+ and 7 times APHA World or Reserve Champion, 2005 APHA World AllAround Champion LTE $53,000+ out of an own producing daughter of Mr Gunsmoke. This young 2 yr old will make you an exciting champion in any event - he has two months and is started on cattle, super cowy - one of the best. For more info call 605-491-0325. Coggins. HIP 278 HIP 276 Rope Horse Matt 01 Grade Sorrel Gelding Justin Hammerich Greeley, CO Matt is an 8 year old grade gelding. He is extremely broke and gentle. Head/heel/rope calves. He has had 2 months professional training, roping calves and has been hauled and won on at the jackpots. Coggins. Sally Lena Chex 4661234 05 AQHA Red Dun Mare Brian & Melissa Vortman Caldwell, ID Doc Tari Tari Pistol Pistol's Daisy Tony Tari Chex Nu Bar Twist Ms Docs Nu Bar Docs Toy Chex Sally Lena Chex Smart Little Calboy Smart Little Twister Holly San Twist Khaialita Kellys Golden Dun Dunalita Cocalita Sally is a smart, friendly and loving horse, very athletic with tons of potential. Has a huge stop, spins fast, and very, very cowy. Has roped in arena as well as in the pasture. 1 year of working cowhorse training. Can fit any rider. Coggins. Wiggles Suddenly 696349 02 APHA Bay Overo Gelding L and W Performance Horses Browning, MT Raiders Silhouette Smooth City Shadow Smooth Samantha R Mr Irresistable Wigak Hot Plate Holly Golden Holiday Wiggles Suddenly Racketeer Ebony Hatchetman Gale's Girl Dakota Bodee Trey Bars Chanel Bars Chanel Dell Popeye has been about everywhere and done everything. He’s gathered cows in the hills, been to the branding pen and is broke to death. He is also a finished head and heel hrose and will be show in the preview. He’s kid gentle, good to shoe, and Guaranteed sound and no buck. Coggins. HIP 280 Rope Horse Cowboy 02 Grade Sorrel Gelding Dru Hall Middleton, ID Good jackpot and practice horse. Can head and heel on. Has ponied horses on the race track.Coggins. HIP 281 Lenas Smart Storm 4948517 07 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Douglas Hodgins Sioux City, IA Doc O'Lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Little Lido Doc's Prescription Docs Palido Two Eyed Palido Lenas Smart Storm Doc O Lee Mac Lenas Last Doc O Lena Second Lenas Romola Colonel Ross Colonels Miss Romola Romola This colt will be a performance horse. Big hip, good bone, athletic and good looking. Storm can really accelerate, stop and turn around. Don’t miss this prospect. Current on worming and vaccinations. For more info call 712-251-3093. Coggins. HIP 282 Rope Horse Scooter 95 Grade Black Gelding Kent McBride Wellsville, UT Well broke gelding, great trail horse, anyone can ride him, he has four white socks, with blaze face. Clips, loads, wash, and easy to catch. Has been rode a lot on the mountain with cattle. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 288 Rope Horse Buddy 97 Grade Gray Gelding Tom & Brittany Shelbourn Piedmont, SD Buddy is a finished heel horse. He has a lot of endurance. He’s been used for pole bending and goat tying. He’s been used extensively on the ranch to calve, sort pairs and drag claves to the fire. 100% Sound. Coggins. HIP 285 Rope Horse HIP 283 Rope Horse Joaks Peppy Kidd 4592526 04 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Philip Fleming Worden, MT Peppy San Badger Peppys Intern Nurse Kelly The Peppy Kidd Captain Kent Bar O Bar Sandy Sandy Dar Lock Joaks Peppy Kidd Peppy San Badger Peppys Intern Nurse Kelly Got Peppy Maudies Joak Joaks Brenda Brenda's Music Started head horse. Gentle, easy laid back nature. Cotton 04 Grade Bay W/Snowcap Blanket Mare Devon Mitchell Shepherd, MT Cotton is a pony that doesn’t know she is a pony. She is broke too death. Has been used in the big country to gather, and also has been to the branding pen. She loves to be in the roping arena where she has won money at some of the local jackpots. Anyone can ride her, she has no vices or holes. She is plenty fast and doesn’t miss a corner. If your youngster wants to start heeling you won’t find a better one to start on. 100% sound and broke. Can be papered. For more info (406) 671-8666. HIP 286 Cocoa 95 Grade Chestnut Mare Jay Martin Belle Fourche, SD HIP 284 Sandhiller Black 4631013 04 AQHA Black Gelding Crissy Young Joliet, MT Blueboy Quincy My Casino Quincy Ms Cody Deluxe Krogs Silver Steel Bob Brown Kros Silver Sally Old Kro Sandhiller Black Duplicate Malaya JRM Repete Inspectors Robin Lassie Kay Dude Bonanza Las Of Dude Darlasong 15.3 big gelding. Moves off your legs and is very light. He is willing to do anything you ask him. He has been used to rope calves. Cocoa is a 14 year old grade ranch broke chestnut mare that is very gentle. She has been rode by my 12 year old son for last few years and my younger kids as well. Coggins HIP 287 Rojo Jacks Payday 4705845 05 AQHA Gray Gelding Marvin Dewall Beulah, WY Jimmy Mac Bee Jackie Bee Jackie Diane Tee J Rojo Jack Diamond Tender Tee Jay Diamond Jo Miss Hackberry Rojo Jacks Payday Eddie Red Rose Gold Fingers Sadie Lace Tee J Krysta Lee Easter Mac Lee Tag A Lee Flying O Tag Payday is super bred and is a real good looking gelding that is well made. He is sure footed and a good traveler. He has a nice, smooth lop and handy to ride. This horse is registered gray, but is dark sorrel. A color correction is included. Coggins HIP 289 Harley 00 Grade Dun/White Tobiano Gelding JR Olson Greeley, CO Harley is a big good looking paint gelding. He is very gentle and has been ridden on the trail and in the mountains. He has good feet and bone. He gets along well with other horses. 100% Sound and gentle 15.1 Coggins HIP 290 Rope Horse A Peppered Snap 4716366 05 AQHA Blue Roan Gelding Steven Coulam Hyram, UT Dry Spec A Pepper A Bit Of Pepper Leos Piggy A Drya Peppered Lad Casamonte Bid Chi Chi Lass Tomichi's Lass A Peppered Snap Proof Set Splash Proof My Classy Splash Snap Proof Skips Bonanza Miss Coy McCue Jag's Cue This nice 4 year old is a money earner in the Utah Reining Cow Horse Association. Rode extensively in the mountains and is good to ride outside, has been started out of the heeling box. Well broke and ready to go in any direction. Catches, shoes , baths, and hauls great. Coggins HIP 291 Once A Maverick 4660304 02 AQHA Black Gelding Cody & Marcy Cunningham Banner, WY Leos Magnolia Sap Magnolia Hot Shot Hot Time's Dolly Sonny Dees Hot Shot NCF Roy Sonny Dee Miss Sonny Dee Gal Air Force Gal Once A Maverick Tuffcannel Tuffenufprince Chubby Gin Sheba HVP Moonlite Jazzmin Buckskin An Silks Do An Seek Lonesum Mary Seeker Here is a big strong made 6 year old black gelding. Bloodlines include Leos Magnolia Bar and Tuffemhell. This is a big nice ranch horse. Very good traveler outside. Gentle to be around and ride. Would fit most any level of rider. 100% Sound. Coggins www.billingslivestock.com HIP 292 Herks Pride 4197888 02 AQHA Bay Gelding Randy Shannon Thorp, WA Black Gold Zan Little Herk Squaw Kee Zantanina Herk Black Gold Zan Zantanina Zantarita Herks Pride Bills Four Aces Aces Red Reed Roses Beauty Tomichis Red Lady Tomichis Jag Lady Leo Tomichis Miss Instant Money This is a nice bay 7 year old gelding. Never been off the ranch. Good in the mountains and brush. He’s a good traveling horse. Rides on a loose rein. Anyone can ride him. Sells Sound. Coggins. HIP 293 Rope Horse Not Quite A Saint 3800360 99 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Al Eli Ft Shaw, MT Win Or Lose Sonny Dee Bar Chigger's Baby Sonny Showcase Two Eyed Jack Hilda San Two Hilda San Not Quite A Saint Smokey Duster Too Smokey Poco Dude Dude's Poco Tie Heavens Song Tri Seven Seventh Heaven 2 Poco Syncopation Lots of mountain miles and hard work. Started following steers. Ready to go on. Will be there Friday afternoon. HIP 294 Ole Arthurs Special 4097909 01 AQHA Black Gelding Joel Albea Sheridan, WY Wheat Chicks Magic Wheat One Mist Arthurs Special Deck's Jasper Jasper's Jezebel Poco Puma Ole Arthurs Special The Ole Man Ole Fire Man Varaflame Ole Miss Shanna Hilde Joe Joe's Liz Jaguar's Liz This is a thick made black gelding that is 8 years old. We have used him for trail riding in the Big Horns. We have also done lots of ranch work with him. He is very cowy. Gentle and good to work with. Sound. Coggins HIP 295 Powder River Badge 3988279 00 AQHA Sorrel Gelding R Jeff Simpson Wellsville, UT Mr San Peppy Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger Powder River Playboy Freckles Playboy Playboys Reward Susie Reward Powder River Badge Doc Bar Dry Doc Poco Lena Dry Courage Peppy San Badger Badge Of Courage Tenino Fair George is a gorgeous sorrel gelding with extensive training in working cowhorse. He has also been roped off. He is very cowy and very athletic. A true cow horse any cowboy would be proud to own. Coggins. HIP 296 CDS Melody 4859882 06 AQHA Chestnut Mare Robert Lack Whitehall, MT Doc O'Lena Smart Little Lena Smart Peppy Lynneas Lena Peppy San Peppy Lynnea Prissy Doc CDS Melody Doc O'Lena CD Olena CD Chica San Badger CDS Mist Riata Man Riatas April Mist Roan Oakie Bar This filly was small at 2 years old , so I started her late. She will have 30 days. With her bloodlines she should work a cow. Her sire and dam are both NCHA money earners. HIP 298 Rope Horse DD Shinen Oak Olena 4773532 05 AQHA Chestnut Gelding L and W Performance Horses Browning, MT Genuine Doc Shining Spark Diamonds Sparkle Aint Dun Shining Hollywood Dun It Cee Gee Dun It Seven S Cupie Doll DD Shinen Oak Olena Doc's Oak GK Oaks Budah Angel Doc DD Oaks Peppy Olena Mr Peppy Olena Prom Annette Peppy Flora Flynt Vegas, don’t let this horses size and looks fool you, he is broke to death and ayone can ride him. He’s been used extensively on the ranch to do anything and will go anywhere. He’s been started heeling and works great and will be shown in the preview. Easy to shoe and guaranteed sound, won’t buck. Coggins. HIP 299 Hot Shot 02 Grade Black/White Pony Gelding Nicole Rivard Baldwin, WI 13 hands tall. Built like "Daddy’s big horse". You can do anything on him that you can on a big horse! We have heeled on him and done some breakaway roping. Pulled a sled this winter. No worries about branding him -HE’S ONE OF A KIND! Coggins, shots and worming. 100% sound. HIP 297 Rope Horse Boom Boom Bang 4910578 06 AQHA Chestnut Mare Elizabeth Hunton Roscoe, MT Reminic Boomernic Docs Leavem Smoke Boomshine Shining Spark Significant Shine Miss Hello Hollywood Boom Boom Bang Little Peppy Pistol Pistols Fortune Dox Fortune Teller Holeys Lil Pistol Baileys Image Holey T Five Image Holey Osage Boom Boom Bang is a deluxe reining/rope horse prospect. Her sire, Boomshine is a son of Bommernic by Reminic and as a bonus he is out of a direct daughter of the great Shining Spark, the all time leading sire of NRCHA money earners, world Champion heading and heeling horse and a leading reining horse sire in history. She is just the right size for a reining horse and she has the strength, substance, cow and stop to be a heel horse. She has a wonderful disposition, Boom Boom Bang extremely correct, good bone, sound and very athletic. Boom Boom Bang has a pedigree that will take her to the show pen, the arena and then be solid enough for her to be a future broodmare prospect. She has 60 days of riding both inside and outside the arena. Coggins www.billingslivestock.com HIP 304 HIP 300 Mira Britches Leo 5108680 08 AQHA Bay Roan Mare S-9 Quarter Horses Lovell, WY Hancocks Blue Boy Blue Apache Hancock Tigeress Bar Leo Blue Man Britches Mira Doc Hancock Miras Britches Ms Leo Britches Mira Britches Leo Leo Hancock Hayes Cool Leo Hancock Cool Ant Mira Leo Hancock Mira Doc Hancock Mira Leo Britches Ms Leo Britches Mira is a classy little filly that loves attention. Easy to work with since day one and a real people horse. She is beautiful bay roan and her breeding is some of the best in the business. She could go any direction. Ranching, roping pen, performance, trail or be a great broodmare down the road. Line bred Leo and Hancock. Will definitely be a color producer. Honest to work with and will make someone a great all around mare. More info 307-727-0364. Coggins. HIP 302 Playboys Nebraska Gold 06 AQHA Application Palomino Gelding Dry Creek Ranch Oxford, NE Simply an outstanding three year old bred for talent and ability. Ready to go in any direction. Beautiful palomino color and personality plus. Always in your back pocket. Too many horses, not enough time. Our loss is your gain. Coggins. HIP 301 Rope Horse Vintage Susie 4415518 03 AQHA Brown Mare T. Scott Hulme Montpelier, ID Doc Bar Dry Doc Poco Lena Docs Vintage Jimmy Badger Willie Jean Mac's Chinook Vintage Susie Doc Bar Doc's Cowboy Brenda Sue Docs Cowboy Susie Speedy Peake Sally Sue Peake Etta Carol Haley This is a horse that has done it all. She’s good both ways and solid in the box. She’s been patterned on the barrels used to start colts and packed elk off the mountain. Good to shoe and sound. She’s been used as a turn back horse and she’s gentle. With a cow horse pedigree she’ll make a great broodmare. We’ve hauled her to us and wrangler ropings and won a bunch of money on her. She’ll fit a #2 to a #7 header and she is fun to heel on. Coggins. HIP 303 Saucy Gourmet 497482 99 APHA Brown Tobiano Stallion Mark Robinson Billings, MT Key To the Mint Sauce Boat Missy Baba Gourmet George Lewis Deep Dish Pie Royca Saucy Gourmet Raise Caine Western Native Western Music Western Morning Easy Jet Too Easy Morning Magic Painted Morning Saucy Gourmet 2002 APHA World Champion. Grade III Stakes Winner with a 92 Speed Index at Los Alamedas. This stallion sires tall colorful babies that go well in the rodeo arena or racing industry. He is broke to ride gentle, fast, trims, clips, loads, gentle breeder. He has produced many money earners. Alpine Veterinary Service to retain the rights for 20 breedings to frozen semen already in possession. Purchaser will need to provide breeding certificates. Twice Hollywood 4700788 05 AQHA Palomino Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Swenson's Hollywood Hollywood Tipy Swenson's Miss 24 Martins Hollywood Hollywood Bill Gandi Wood Gran Hooley Bar Twice Hollywood Hollywood Gold Hollywood Return Joanie James Yanceys Gypsy Doc Super Star Careys Joy Doc Little Miss Buzz Hollywood is an extremely cute, smaller, square made, palomino gelding. He’s got a lot of style and very athletic. He lopes good circles with a big stop. Hollywood should make a very fancy little heel horse or a good using horse for calving or someone that doesn’t want to get on and off that big guy anymore. Gentle with no buck. 100% sound, no vices. 641-430-9907. Coggins. HIP 305 305X Rosamond 94 AQHA Dun Mare 3293966 Lee and Annie Woods, Grangeville, ID Doc Bar Boon Bar Teresa Tivio Boon Bars Best Leo San Miss San Coach Miss Coach Rosamond Driftwood Dritting Sage Sage Hen Sage Hen Second Dusty Forty Dusty Hen Sage hen She has had some nice foals for us. She has a sutd colt by "Hustles" on her side and is open for you to breed any way you want to this spring. She is a color producer. "Hustles" is out of Anchen Drift, a full sister to Orphan Drift. Orphan Drift has produced some of the best rope horses of all time inlcuding Clay O'Brian Cooper's dandy dun heel horse. Coggins. HIP 306 PC Two Eyed Cash 4679052 05 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Matias Guillot Powell, WY Sun Frost PC Sun Socks Frenchman's Sox PC Socks Cash Beaver Tom Baker Lopez Cash Lady Lopez Cash PC Two Eyed Cash Two Eyed Beaver Beaver Tom Baker Penny Cross Shes A Nifty One Double Degree Lady Nifty Degree Nifty Gal Twitch is a nice ranch horse. He has been used for all aspects of ranch work. He is ready to go on with in whatever you would want. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 307 PeeWee 05 Grade Sorrel Gelding Double Eagle Cattle Co, LLC Belfry, MT Started rope horse, should finish out to be a good horse. Very gentle disposition. Used on ranch. HIP 308 Buck 92 Grade Buskskin Gelding Jeff & Kelly Gorrell Beach, ND Solid and safe for anyone to rope on. This gelding has been hauled heading and won on at pro, amateur and high school rodeos. He has natural rate, scores good and hauls great. You can also heel on him if necessary. There is not a mean bone in this gelding. Coggins. HIP 311 Solano Mist 4696493 05 AQHA Red Dun Gelding Jason Rickman Molt, MT Doc Bar Doc's Solano Susie's Bay Mr Solano Rey Rey Jay Snip's Rey Pepsie Sharon Solano Mist Amego Tramp Amegos Temptation Easy Temptation Haycreek Misty Eyes Docs Sabre Glo Misty Eyed Cowgirl Roses For A Cowboy Rowdy is the most gentle horse in the pasture and is not scared of anything and has been very easy to train. With his bloodlines and personality, he will make a great horse for anyone. No bad habits, loads, trims, first one to come running. HIP 312 HIP 309 HP Punchdrunk Tiger 4912190 04 AQHA Grey Gelding Frazee Livestock Lewapah, OK Peppy San Badger Paddys Irish Whiskey Doc's Starlight Hairpin Whiskey Sour Sons Doc O Sugar Sons Alamitos Walking On Escalon HP Punchdrunk Tiger Tiger Leo Tiger of the Sea Sea Flick Hairpin Tiger Lady Zans Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Rock Blue Two Rocks Tiger is the total package! His outstanding pedigree great conformation and beautiful color makes him the perfect prospect for ranch or arena. He has been working cattle for the last couple of months. He side passes, works gates and has a light handle. Coggins Little Dixie Page 4036303 99 AQHA Chestnut Mare Do Be Colord Jolene Sheets Riverton, WY 2001 APHA Bay Tobiano Jay Mare Page Tony Langdon, Aubrey, TX Ribbon Page Dear's Lady Dell Doc O’Lena Sizzlin Page Smart Little Lena SpanishPeppy Lariet Smart Color MeSpanish Smart Alice Doc’s Solano LittleLady Alice Lou Little Dixie Page Doxs Painted Bottoms Up Ranch Jet Do Be Colord Peppy San Badger Stormy Rebel Bars Dual Pep Miss Dual Chic KiddenDoc Doobie Pep A Rebel Freckles Playboy River McCue Pepsi Playgirl Sheba McCue Lenaette Lori Dear IN FOAL TO HES A PEPTOSPOONFUL!! Standsby15.3 hands and weighs around 1150 Sired NCHA and APHA Leading Sire Color lbs. Smart. Nice, stout, bigDoobie bones Pep mareiswith Me Dam, theapretty earner head and a big hip2nd anddam shoulder, backed of $48,835. Her Pepsi long Playgirl is a and very easy comfortable to ride. Well full sister to and leading sires Freckls Merada broke for both trails cutting and arena riding. and Young Gun super horses. DoHas Be ponied colts and foals pushed as well as Colored's oldest arecattle both entered in packed in the mountains. Super gentle and Bold Lydian 9316999 93 Jockey Club Dark Bay/Brown Gelding Jenifer Kalafatnic Caldwell, ID Santiago Peak Bold Lydian Scalded Shorts Bold is a great all around horse. He is wonderful outside and has had many miles pushing cows, branding, hunting. He is also a solid, no-nonsense head horse, same run every time, scores well and tries every trip. Anyone can ride. Coggins. HIP 313 Chics Smokenwrangler 4806434 05 AQHA Red Roan Mare Lynn Pearman North Platte, NE Smart Little Lena Smart Chic Olena Gary Sugar Chic Chics Red Fox Happy's Cardinal Happy Foxy Lady Dry Creek Windy Chics Smokenwrangler Mr Gun Smoke De Hickory Smoke Miss Spanish Fleet De Wrangler Smoke Doc's Wrangler Wranglers Poco Dot Dot's Poco Chic is started and going well. She is sound and gentle. She is a nice performance prospect, or it is just the right time to start raising colts with her bloodline. A nice mare HIP 314 Dox Sure Chance 876346 06 APHA Bay Tobiano Gelding Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Doc O'Lena Dox Outside Chance Smart Hickory Dox Royal Chance Sak Em San Sak Em Candywood Candywood Dox Sure Chance Jo Chance A Saints Chance Saintly Dreams Robin Has Chance Shot Some Patches Kahles Stormi Lass Wild Passion This is one big athletic gelding. He will surely make you happy at the ranch or in the arena. Seeing is believing. Watch him work. For more info call 605-491-0325. Coggins. HIP 315 HIP 310 HIP 310 Do Be Colord 2009 NCHA Futurity. She has two 3YO fillies one bay tobiano and one red roan tobiano. Her two year old and yearling colts are bay tobianos. All loud colored foals are easy to load, shoe and has super sired bycatch, Hes A Peptospoonful. Thoseground foals, manners. No bad habits and is sound. plus the one she is carrying willvery be elgible Very easy keeper, has had three colts and for the "Spoonful Million Dollar Bonus" and two of them are chocolate Up to the McDavid Double Downpalominos. Bonus." She is dateto onfoal all shots and28. wormer. try Dixie due January MoreCome info 214-876at the sale. Selling due to an increase of 5950. Coggins. board where we keep our horses. Coggins. Fancy Double Doc 3718686 98 AQHA Sorrel Mare Nolan Kirkman Tremonton, UT Colonel Freckles Colonels King Adam King's Gladys Colonels Double Doc Doc's Prescription Docs Double Rancho Del Rancho Star Fancy Double Doc Mr San Peppy Peppy Twice Peppy's Quinta HR Hickory Flash Doc's Hickory SR Flashdancer Fast Exit Fancy sells in foal for a May 28th foal. She was bred to Who Whiz Bang by Who Whiz It. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 320 Limits 06 Grade Chestnut Mare Heath Miller Washington, UT HIP 316 Darlenes Mitey Flash 3629895 97 AQHA Sorrel Mare Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Raise A Native Raise Your Glass Champagne Woman Canth Jet Deck Ever Hopeful Broom Straw Darlenes Mitey Flash Dash For Cash Twaynas Dash Twayna WCR Twaynas Touch Streakin Six That Royal Touch Cherokee Countess Mitey Might is a 12 year old AQHA sorrel mare that is a very kind and sweet mare that we have been using as a broodmare for the last 3 years, but with the current market we have decided to use her as a saddle horse again. She is very calm and easy going. Rides in arena great and is wonderful to ride out in the mountains. She has no buck or spook and is gentle for beginners. Great confidence builder. She would make a great 4H horse of junior rodeo horse. We have been using her on the ranch to move cows so she has had a job and works well. Coggins. HIP 317 Eight Ball 03 GRADE Sorrel Gelding L and W Perf Horses Browning, MT Eight Ball is gentle for anyone. He has been used as a pickup horse for the last year. He is a great ranch horse and is also a good head horse. Will be shown in the preview. Guaranteed sound and good to shoe. Coggins. HIP 318 Goldie 01 Grade Palomino Pony Gelding Nicole Rivard Baldwin, WI Goldie is a 13.2 hand golden palomino with snow white mane and tail. Broke for anyone to ride. Goldie has been on many trail rides, been in parades and is traffic safe. Anywhere you ride he will stand out in the crowd. 100% sound. Coggins, shots and worming. Nice filly out of good mare with a nice disposition. Will have 30 days at sale time. HIP 321 Rope Two Socks 4457192 03 AQHA Gray Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Leo Tiger Leo Connie Two Socks Tiger Me Quick To Me Scat Quick Wang Wang Rope Two Socks Cut Michia Cut Rope Ropettes Chic Cut Lace Double Hop Double Dasher Hop Princess Dash Big dark gray gelding with a lot of look and a good pedigree. Some of Leo’s brother’s made top notch rope horses. He stands 15.3 with good bone and lots of want to. Saddles up gentle every time, even rode bareback. Very athletic, would make a good rope horse or ranch horse. 1005 sound, no vices, 641430-9907.Coggins. HIP 322 Stevie Star 4473332 02 AQHA Brown Mare Autumn Bauersfeld Prineville, OR Lady Bug's Moon Shawne Bug Shawne Win AR Star Go Win Star's Apollo Star Twist Stevie Star One OH Smokey OH Miss Warfield Smokes Little Honey Ricky Taylor Catch Her Moon Catcher Stevie has had two dun stud colts. Both are well built and nice looking. AR Star is owned by Marilyn Camarillo and Ruth Hasslip and he has produced NFR barrel horses and other performance horses. Coggins. HIP 319 Expensive Tacky Jay 4884578 06 AQHA Palomino Gelding Collins Buckley Quarter Horses Roundup, MT Caballero Mujer Mujer Tacky Jay Miss Rovin Tacky Ova Tacky Jay Ova Draft Ova Deb Jay Deb Moon Jay Expensive Tacky Jay Mr Irresistable Irresistable Del Clabber Belle Expensive Dale Stormy Socks Comet Expensive Miss Comet Miss Good Expense This colt always sheds off with a beautiful dapple coat. He’s been started right by Delon Parker. Ridden lots outside. Expensive Tacky Jay HIP 323 Sooners Dry Gin 4618849 03 AQHA Bay Gelding Ken Herden Coleman, OK Doc Bar Doc's Hickory Miss Chickasha Sooner Or Laney Doc Quixote Laney Doc Christmas Four Sooners Dry Gin Dry Doc Gun Em Dry MayGun Cut Em Dry Gin Cut The Gin Cut The Gin N Holly Li'l God Conger All of this geldings grandsires and great grandsires are champion cutting horses. On his pap are such greats as Doc’s Hickory, Doc Bar, Dox Quixote, Dry Doc and Cut The Gin! This guy has thirty days in the heel box, but he’s going to be a Cadillac! He’s pushed cattle and gathered cattle. Has been ridden inside and outside the pen! Another one of those quick learners. He looks forward to what you are going to ask him to do next … super smart! We feel this gelding has the ability to go far but we have too many young horses to devote the time he deserves so are offering this amazing gelding to someone who does! UTD on trimming, vaccinations and worming. Coggins. HIP 324 Gunner 05 GRADE Black/White Paint Gelding Terry Warneke Worland, WY Gunner is a loud colored black & white paint that is gentle to be around! Has new shoes and fresh coggins. Would make some kid a good 4H or gymkhana horse. Coggins. HIP 325 Thomans Betty Bop 5105756 08 AQHA Bay Mare Dick Thoman Kemmerer, WY Classy Flap Beckwith Dun Beckwith Babe Invincible Beckwith Tomichi's Drifter Tomichi Play Girl Miss Playboy Thomans Betty Bop Holidoc Holidoc Cody Debolena Cody Thomans Holidoc Fast Commander Thomans Fancy Reva Tee J Charming Reva I’m smart and will make an excellent, barrel horse because I am quick and have speed. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 328 HIP 326 Skips Handy Dude 4232994 02 AQHA Chestnut Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Skippa Lark Premium Skip Skippits Premium Little Diamond Skip Skipa Star Skips Fancy Dancer Skips Handy Dude Dodie's Fancy Surenuffskippa Surenuff Shinleeh Hooky's Julie Surenuff A Babe Gray Banker Handy Banker Bueno Tinky Doll Handy is a tall and leggy 7 year old sorrel gelding that is majestically beautiful. Started head horse, big and stout and will pull anything. He is super cowy and will run hard to steers. Great in the arena and loves the mountains. Enjoys people and attention along with being really laid back and easy going. Not much flusters this calm cool and collected boy. Athletic, broke and ready to take any direction. If you are looking for a big broke gelding you can do anything on this is the one! Coggins. HIP 327 LM Silver Fox X0677084 08 AQHA Gray Gelding Lynette Mills Ten Sleep, WY Doc's Silver Bar Spooks Silver Bar Holly's Spook Spooky Rip Rip Rip Rips Nachie Nachie Roan LM Silver Fox Passions Pleasure 75 Foxy Pleasure The Frosty Fox Souther Dell Fox Rushin Comet Broken Dell Bars Miss Classy Dell Barrel racing and rope prospect, and all around ranch horse that will have plenty of go and try to get the work done. His 19 year old dam always produces good dispositions and fast colts with plenty of cow that have the ability to work all day. Dam stands 15.2 and sire stands 14.2. Mountain raised, last wormed 4/6/09, gelded on 3/21/09, loads and trims easily. Current Coggins HIP 331 Super Little Badger 4527482 04 AQHA Sorrel Mare Butch & Diane Haugland Smart Diamond Chic 4858138 06 AQHA Palomino Mare Bradley Tolman Logan, UT PC Sun Socks Super Sunsocks Bon Ax Bar Sparky Ima Sunsocks Boy Bar Beaus Watch Bar Beaus Scampy Scampy Tee Jay Smart Diamond Chic Smart Chic OLena WW Speedy Lenas Smkr Seven S Mariah Sheza Smart Smkr Cisco Frost Burghduffs Blue Rockets Smooth Dand Gorgeous, quiet, well-started. She has been a pleasure to start and be around. No nonsense or buck - very willing to please. Coggins. HIP 329 HIP 332 Ambrose, ND Peppy San Badger Dollys Little Peppy Dolly O'Lena Classy Little Pep Classy Little Lena Phoebe Little Lena Phoebes Sweetie Super Little Badger Sonny's Super Star Sonnys Conquest Ms Lilly Miss Super Star Lady Impressive Redneck Impressive V Lady Suzette Quest Sonni was started last spring and ridden on and off for 6 months. She’s for experienced riders. She needs a job Slick Gallant Ghost 876341 06 APHA Bay Tobiano Mare Fischer Farms Wagner, SD Senor Rebel Rebels Destiny Destiny Bar Belle Automatic Color Ratchetts Rookie Ratchett Jae Bar Drys Lakoda Slick Gallant Ghost Gallant Ghost Exclusive Ghost Haunted Trintet Ms Exclusive Chic Slicker RC Slick Chickadee Toms MT Rosasharn Huge fancy filly, riding nice and going to be 16+ hands with ability. For more info call 605-491-0325. Coggins. HIP 330 Tweety Sox Hancock 390328 03 AQHA Red Roan Gelding Dallas Gerhardt Moffit, ND Hancock Duplicate Cimarroan Hancock Ms Bay Hancock 3 WT Red Roans Blue Blue's Beard WT Ladys Blues Beard Miss Hancock Polly Tweety Sox Hancock Glenwood Happy Glen Happy's Best Happy Zora Hancock Duplicate Hancock Zora Quby C Tower Here is a big, gentle ranch gelding. He’s been used on the ranch and for trail riding. He is solid and quiet - sells 100% Sound. Coggins. Tricksee 03 Grade Palomino Mare Bradley Stall Detroit Lakes, MN Works good on cows and trail riding. Fun to ride very nice looking horse. Well broke and easy to catch. Coggins. HIP 333 CCR Chillees Frost 4874536 06 AQHA Chestnut Mare Cheyenne Canyon Paints & QH Hot Springs, SD Sun Frost PC Sun Socks Frenchman's Sox Hunts Lonesum Frost Mr Sparkle Bar Hunts Little Meow Nisswa CCR Chillees Frost Wilywood Orphan Bear Stacie Lee Bear Chill Lee Bear San Amber Treasure San Amber Chilladora My Rocketta Dial Gentle natured great mind good looks. Sun Frost and Wilywood bloodlines. This young mare has wonderful potential for arena eventsranch work or broodmare. She has the heart and good looks to be a champions. She will have 30 rides by sale date. Coggins HIP 334 Hancocks Basic Black X0675504 07 AQHA Black Gelding Dry Creek Ranch Oxford, NE Apache Joe Hancock Last Apache Joe Jackie Star Jack Hancock Mine Saladito 70 Phoebe Mine Phobe Too Hancocks Basic Black Mr Basic Black Basic Black Cat Tiny Black Cat Basic Black Shania Coco Blackburn Silent Blackburn Peaches Dee Lady Blacky is quiet, calm and ready to go, will be a tremendous gelding! Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 340 HIP 335 RCC Sak Em Lonesum 4870605 05 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Marvin Dewall Beulah, WY Sun Frost PC Sun Socks Frenchman's Sox Hunts Lonesum Frost BL Crocket 4729722 05 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Bryan Lange Oglala, SD Leo San Mr San Peppy Peppy Belle Nostalgical Tiger Leo My Special Order BL Crocket Miss Sonja 11 Rein Dance Rein Dance Ryan Kathleen Ryan Ryans Cricket Chief Bar Eagle Chiefs Flick Best Flick Bar's Best This is an awesome horse. He has just a touch of a pigeon toe but has never taken a wrong step. He will slide to a stop and pick up the correct lead whichever way you spin him. A real ranchy horse, ready to rope. Coggins. HIP 336 Agua Dulce 871680 06 APHA Buckskin Mare Double Eagle Cattle Co, LLC Belfry, MT Jeftee Kings Colonel Fritz Fancy Chex Golden Freckle Chex Smokin Beau Chex Smokin Annie Chex Dandys FlashDancer Agua Dulce Missile Bunny Ima Cherokee Bunny Cherokee Sage Ima A Cricket Christians Doc Docs Ebony Rose Rosewood Holly Nice quiet very pretty. Willing to please attitude. 60 days under a saddle. HIP 337 Mr Sparkle Bar Hunts Little Meow GR Docs A Boomin 4895514 06 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Clay Ashurst Greeley, CO Doc O'Lena Doc O Brook Casbrook Kaboomolena One Gun Miss Aledo Gun Aledo Anne GR Docs A Boomin Doc Bar Doc's Lynx Jameen Tivio Lacetta King's Copy Copy's Tee Deck Tee Bett Boomer was started on a ranch in Arizona and has been used in the feedlot. He has seen a lot of miles and cattle walks fast and handles good. Coggins. RCC Sak Em Lonesum HIP 338 Skip A Straw Titan 208815 91 APHA Sorrel Tobiano Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Triple's Image Triple's Titan Sands 243 Impressible Titan Mighty Bar Cash Too Much Chrome Bonds Dolly Skip A Straw Titan Two Straws Moore Skip A Straw Nickey Bars Ja Be Straw Jack Be Quick Ja Be Ka Kactus Kitten Monte is a 18 year old paint gelding. This great rodeo horse has been used as a head horse and a bull dogging horse and been used the past few years in a youth equine program as a lesson horse. He goes great English and Western, does all the 4H maneuvers and is great to handle on the ground. He has been hauled a bunch and nothing rattles this great gelding. He is super well broke and will do anything you ask. Coggins. HIP 339 Heza A Buddy 802319 04 APHA Sorrel Solid Gelding Wade Harn Baldwin, ND Easy Jet Dr Kirk Lea Lero Dr Wookie Saints Patrick Connie Be A Saint Heza A Buddy Record Time SDFols Marthas Six Moons LadyBugsMartha Ms Martha SixMoons Olympia Joe Ms Olympia Bars Simba Bars Used to round up and rope cattle. Has been the breeding for speed and may make a good barrel horse. Would also make a good ranch gelding. Likes to get out and cover ground.(701) 222-5003 Coggins Nisswa Sak Em San Stans Sandoc Belinda Frost Sak Em Sally Ali Jack Jacks Dawn Dawn Dew Look at the pedigree on this cute gelding. He has good conformation, is very athletic and is riding nice. An excellent performance prospect. Coggins HIP 341 Skip N Jig 5008956 06 AQHA Sorrel Stallion Kerri & George Johnson Riverton, WY Ima Cool Skip Exelaris Prestigious Maiden Little Skip N Buddy Misters Tradition Little Credit Limit A little Credit Skip N Jig Barjo Bar Barjo Twist Jenny Dale Twist And Scratch Peppy Marc Peppy J Reed Jane Honey Reed Jigs will go the distance for you, whichever direction that you may choose. With World Champion Bloodlines on his registration papers he has the potential to be a premier stud for your mares, putting cow, speed, and flashy good looks into his foals. He is a "people" horse, very gentle with kind eyes and good natured disposition. He is a willing and extremely athletic student with a solid 45 days behind cows/calves. Get the best of both with this young stallion… Put him behind your mares as well as your cattle. Coggins. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 342 Spit Fire Cord 05 AQHA Gray Mare Randall Scheck Evansville, WY Steel Easy Easy Cord April Ann Too Triangle Bar Sabre 2 Danish Sabre Roan Widder Spit Fire Cord Thats Fairfax Wagon Boss Superstars Pride Truckles Queen Truckle Feature Truckles Last Hand Halleys Hand Mouse is a beautiful AQHA grey filly with all the right tools to be a great team roping or calf roping horse. Very laid back and easy to work with on the ground and in the saddle. Can pick up both leads, sides pass, back and has a big time stop already. She’s light in the mouth, flexes nicely, and has a low head set. She is UTD on everything including dentistry and has been hauled extensively for a year so she has no trouble being on the road. Mouse should have 30 days heeling practice on a Sparky III by sale day and should be jackpot ready in a couple of months. Coggins. HIP 343 Hancocks Duplicate 4011404 00 AQHA Palomino Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Lowry Boy 19 Me Cotton Too Pretty Keen Jets Duplicate Mr Duplicate Jets Gals Duplicate Hancocks Duplicate Scooters Jet Gal Swenson's Hollywoo Swen Sire 141 Miss Swen 8 By Babie Jo Little Buck II Bi Jo Bonnie Chubby Lavon Tiny is a big palomino gelding standing 15.3 with a lot of bone and muscle. He is extremely gentle and very well broke. He is very personable and is a finished trail horse. He has also been ranch rode and would make a good rope horse. Takes his leads and and has a smooth way of moving. Current on vaccs, call for more info 641-430-9907. Sound. No vices. Coggins. HIP 344 Chief 03 Grade Buckskin Gelding Jess Sams Banner, WY This a pretty 6 year old buckskin gelding that is great to ride on the trail. Has been used on the ranch. Would make a great performance horse prospect or ranch horse. Very gentle. Coggins. HIP 345 Triple D Freckles 4699674 05 AQHA Bay Gelding Loni Witt Loma, MT Doc O'Lena The Ole Days Holly B Gold Triple D Little Bert Young Bert Hypo Bert Thrice 2 Triple D Freckles War Leo Comanza Nippers Anna Other Doo Dat Triple D Bell Hai Flyin Lena Hai Flyin Valentine Miss Majestic Le Started, will be a great kids horse. Very kind and gentle. HIP 346 Rocket Bar Girl 747218 03 APHA Black Tobiano Mare Butch & Diane Haugland Ambrose, ND Sky Bar Leo Sky Vader Bell Ann Rocket Vader Larry Tag Dulce Kairn Pepsi Twist Rocket Bar Girl Jet Stop North Bound Jet Rosa Leo Bailey Sheza Jetta Bar Van Bar Dee Dee Dee Bar Bailey Miss Bailey Reed Kuna was started in 2005 and ridden in the summer of 2006 but we haven’t put much time on her since. She is a nice bred, smaller mare. Coggins. HIP 347 Blazin Roper 5113693 08 AQHA Bay Gelding Lynette Mills Ten Sleep, WY Doc's Silver Bar Spooks Silver Bar Holly's Spook Spooky Rip Rip Rip Rips Nachie Nachie Roan Blazin Roper Dot's Jessie Yellow Cake Use Bucks Miss Mazie Silver Fire Barleo Hang Fire Few Such Fires Silver Janice Ropers, pay close attention to this one, Blue Valentine, Doc Bar, Leo, Sugar Bars bred on his sire’s sire! He is one of the classies colts in my 2008 colt crop, as well as being quick on his feet! He has a gorgeous dam and cute little sire! He’ll never be ugly! 15.1 hand dam, 14.2 hand sire. They don’t come any prettier, smarter or moldable than this good looking gray gelding! He was a joy to halter break, light and responsive! Cow horse bred pedigree, mountain raised, loads, trims, last worm 4/6/09 and current Coggins. HIP 348 Painted Cat 3861341 99 AQHA Red Roan Gelding L and W Performance Horses Browning, MT Pago's M Bar 3 Mucho Pago Dun Pago Dial King Skipper Pago Skip's Blue Lad Skips Career Gal Voo Doo's Gal Painted Cat Paprika Pine Krogs Papdahleo Barbedahleo Papdahleos Kitty Flying Rocket Cat Beea Fancy Kitty Fancy Chief Cat Sphinx is a great all around ranch horse and is double tough. He’s been to the branding and been roped on a lot outside he’s dead broke and ready to go to work. Guaranteed sound and good to shoe. Coggins. HIP 350 CK Double Champagne 3740367 98 AQHA Red Dun Mare Nolan Kirkman Temonton, UT Colonel Freckles Colonels King Adam King's Gladys Colonels Double Doc Doc's Prescription Docs Double Rancho Del Rancho Star CK Double Champagne Peppy San Badger Little Peppy Three Norias V 3 Shortcake Onest El Nino Son 5 La Champagne Miss Champagne Sue This mare sells in foal to Who Whiz Bang by Who Whiz It for an April foal. Coggins. HIP 351 Rosie's Real Deal 05 Grade Sorrel Gelding Ken Herden Coleman, OK From the time we started this little gelding, he’s come out, done his job and goes back to his stall. Big boned with a great mind, a lot of grit and the ability to handle it all. Hancock breeding both top and bottom. Has 90 days of training with last thirty tracking and roping the donkey. UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. Have paperwork to register him with AQHA. Coggins. Supplement Horses follow catalog! Join Us for Cowboy Church! Sunday morning 8 a.m. BLS Sale Arena! www.billingslivestock.com "April Special Catalog Sale" Sunday, April 26 Sunday, April 26 "April Special Catalog Sale " Cowboy Church 8 a.m Preview: 10 a.m. SALE TIME: 12 Noon Hip numbers 401- 468 SHE SELLS! Hip 424! www.billingslivestock.com HIP 406 Join Us for Cowboy Church! Sunday morning 8 a.m. BLS Sale Arena! HIP 401 Coley's Painted Scout 99-F-7998 99 AFTBA Parker Horse Co Billings, MT Missouri's War Paint War Paint's Peppermint S Janet B Cherokee's War Paint Shotgun Willy H Willy's Smoth Satin Zane's Shady Lady H Coley's Painted Scout Giles' Hot Toddy Toddy's Perfection Waldren's Golden Nelly Perfection's Coley Giles' Hot Toddy Toddy's Lullabell Daisy May He will do to ride to town on and you will look good doing it. He is gentle, sound and will fox trot right down the road. HIP 402 Two Tru J Jay 3888383 98 AQHA Black Gelding Laurie Alexander Crowheart, WY Truly Truckle Tru Tru Gold Cupid Tru Tru Deck Pokey Deck Ms Idaho Desietta Desietta Barrett Two Tru J Jay Doc's J Jay Doctor J Bailey Sixth Sister Misty J Bailey Gold Bert Bailey Bertie Bailey Fannie Doll Well broke gelding - makes a great circle horse. One you can depend on all day long!!! HIP 403 Granola Bar 06 Grade Grulla Quarter Pony Tanegai Zilverberg Holabird, SD Choyas Stagehop Ditto 735335 03 APHA Bay Solid Gelding Pete Houck North Branch, MN Waggoners Image Gold Standard Misty Robin Golds Sunchoya Sunny Dee Bar Katy Bar Dee Door Senator Latch Choyas Stagehop Ditto Stage Bird Tom Stage Bird Rocky Roan Karla Stage Hop Double Hop Double Toots Miss Playboy Toots Big ranch gelding, good made. Coggins. HIP 407 Cute and quiet - 13.3 pony. Granola Bar 13.3 is a small horse. He is cute and athletic. I bought him to make him into a jumping pony for a friend in california. But the pony does not crave Jumping. He wants to carefully step over the log not jump so he is more suited for someone who wants to make one for the ranch or 4H. He is quiet but is still young and green so needs a youth with experince to ride him a little and put those miles on him. He rides out like a big horse and covers some ground. My husband has been gathering horses on him in the snow and a high school girl has been riding him in the arena and doing cow work in the pens. My boy who is nine just likes brushing and cleaning feet out and blanketing him........and practicing showmanship. He has been roped around in the arena and does not worry about much in the arena at allwe are tracking steers on him til the sale. aprilhanby@hotmail.com and www.zilverberghorses.com Coggins. Stellar 02 Grade Palomino Gelding Kyle Pottala New Plymouth, ID HIP 404 HIP 408 Fredrick 02 Grade Bay Roan & White Paint Gelding JS Ranch Webster, MN Little John 00 Grade Sorrel Mule Gelding Justin Myhre Worden, MT Big Boned, sturdy gelding. Go where you point him. Probably has a touch of draft in him, can carry you wherever you need to go. Coggins. Little John is about as tough as they come. He will do anything you ask him. Easy to catch, easy to shoe. He is fun to work cattle or just go for a trail ride. Stellar is a big, palomino gelding ready for a full day work. He has been used in all phases of ranch work and is big enough to really get a job done. Will be started in the roping pen at sale time. Coggins HIP 405 Docs Cooper Playboy 5070040 07 AQHA Buckskin Gelding Wayne & Leslie Cavill Ryegate, MT Beckwith Dun Beckwith Playboy Miss Playboy Beckwith Button Jay Sputnik Boy Maysdorf Gold Lady May Copper Docs Cooper Playboy Minted Charm Hancock Leo Dream Dear Diamond Hobby SNW Miss Doc Hancock Doc O Dynamite Miss Doc O Two Lauries Lulu If you are looking for color and pedigree here it is. Doc O Dynamite great grandson. Nice colt ready to start. Athletic enough for arena or ranch. Docs Cooper Playboy www.billingslivestock.com HIP 413 HIP 409 Hoot'N Annie 98 Grade Buckskin Mare Tyler Sorch Crowheart, WY Buttermilk Buckskin Mare been using her for calving all spring. Gentle to be around. Rope, crack a whip, tough. No buck, good to shoe. Coggins. Goldfield Gold 4636141 03 AQHA Palomino Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Sonny Go Royal The Caretaker Tardys Moon Beam Star War Jack Jack Eyed Chubby Ryans War Shadows Pearl Goldfield Gold Doc's Prescription Docs Preppy San Cindysan Peppy Docs Preppy Babe Powders Bullet Powders Kate Baby Doll Dolly Pretty palomino gelding with that white mane and tail. Sonny is extremely gentle and loves attention. He is good on the ground and good to ride. My neighbors raised Sonny from a colt. They rode him on trails around their farm, and in town. He is always very gentle with good ground manners. 100% sound, no vices. More info 641-430-9907. Coggins. HIP 414 San Peppy Blackburn 4276661 02 AQHA Bay Gelding Leo Snowden Craig, CO HIP 410 Blueberry 02 Grade Blue Roan Mare Brandon Baker Montpelier, ID Broke to ride, no papers, so a grade mare. Very smart and easy to handle. Coggins. HIP 411 Mighty Red Hustler 5014962 07 AQHA Red Dun Stallion Robert Albrecht North Platte, NE Smart Chic Olena WW Speedy Lenas Smkr Seven S Mariah Dixie Chic Dunit Dunit Rawhide Rawhides Pretty Pep Docs Pepette Mighty Red Hustler Son Ofa San King Smoky San Jayne Smokey Leo Little Hustlin Horn Patio Thirsty Little Horn Ann Little Horn Nice prospect, halter broke HIP 412 Cochise 97 Grade Sorrel/White Paint Gelding Nan Sutherland Ten Sleep, WY Nice lines, Jose Domingo breeding but not papererd. Great color. Pretty Buck Mr Blackburn 41 Lady Cowan 6 Mr Blackburn Champ Poco Champ Sheilcut Holly Janie San Peppy Blackburn Rey De Peppy Lenata Doc Poco Lenata Suga Peppy Doc Docs Little Pesco Diamonds Royale Suga Diamond We’ve used Sarge a lot this spring. He is easy to handle and has a lot of heart and try in him. He has a big lope and is a joy to ride. Coggins. HIP 416 416X Dick & Doc 00 GRADE Blue Roan Percheron Geldings Colton Thorson Fergus Falls, MN This is a super nice team of Percheron Blue Roan Geldings. They are half brothers that are big and powerful. Each stand at 18.2 hands. They really step up and will drive all day long. They are also broke to ride. Have been hooked to all types of machinery and have done tons of sleight rides with a lot of miles put on this pair. Very unique color and extremely gentle for anyone to handle. Coggins. HIP 417 Dukes Quincy County 3467506 96 AQHA Chestnut Gelding Jerry Lake Thermopolis, WY Tuffernhel Hazard County Stage Bird Star Skipa Gold Duke Skip Salute Skips Al Lea Al Lea Bar Dukes Quincy County Quincy Feature Sir Quincy James Jamick Jem Quincy Blaze Beauty Quincys Tear Drop Teardrops Sweetie Ms Sweetie Banana Good ranch horse, been roped on, drug calves, been packed, parked meat out, good mountain horse. Coggins. HIP 415 Floyds Turbo Charger 4961096 04 AQHA Bay Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Kaskaskia Coup De Kas Mor Coup Floyd De Great Go Dick Go Go Rona Go Rona Bar Floyds Turbo Charger Double L Straw Double L Alejos Miss Alejos 157 Bamdis Faline Hooky Dell Bambi Dell Patti Su Bar Turbo is a GREAT gelding by Floyd De Great and out of a spectacular Hooky Dell mare. BARREL RACERS THIS IS THE ONE! He is fast and athletic with the brains to make him one of the best. He is well started on the barrels and is ready for someone to take him to the next level. Started on cattle and roping, his is showing real promise to be great. This gelding has been used in the mountains and on the ranch and knows what a full days work really is. Floyds Turbo Charger www.billingslivestock.com HIP 418 HIP 425 Freetogo 9743740 97 TB Bay Gelding David Putnam Oreans, ID Smokey 04 Grade Grulla Gelding Will Gullickson Billings, MT Smokey is an amazing horse that doesn’t have a single fault. He has a huge heart with no buck. Smokey is handy enough for any job you put him too. Synastry Freetogo Stevward Bim's Ward Big, stout gelding, liked to travel, good in mountains, very athletic, cribs. HIP 419 Chief GRADE Grey Mustang Debbie Cook Burlington, WY Chief is anice horse for everybody to ride. Family horse good with kids, nice slow canter. Rode in 4H. Coggins HIP 420 Highly Shined 3834477 99 AQHA Black Gelding Dusty Hartman Billings, MT Dash For Cash On A High Yankee Doll Onandtherhigh Chick's Deck Kellys Chick Miss Moon Ann Highly Shined Easy Jet Sunshine Jet Satan Sunshine Sunshine Gayle Go Coon Go Go Yale Dualette Domino is a broke to ride ranch gelding that has worked for several years on a big outfit, patterned on barrels. Here’s a black horse that is ready to go! TAKE A LOOK! HIP 422 Pistol 01 Grade Gray Pony Gelding Nicole Rivard Baldwin, WI Pistol is an 14.3 hand, 8 year old Dapple Gray with black points. Pistol has been used to sort cattle and horses. He works the gate with ease. He has been ridden on trails and crosses water and bridges without problems! 100% sound. Coggins, shots and worming. HIP 423 Sweets Love 2880238 89 AQHA Sorrel Mare Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Jet Deck Easy Jet Lena's Bar Sweet Meet Leo Feast Sweet Feast Cherry Sweet Sweets Love Raise A Native Proud King Tondalayo Proud Kings Love Dogface Second Love Lovely Surprise Sweet Love is a great well broke mare that has been used as both a ranch horse and a broodmare. Ride her or breed her, she is a producer either way. Kind and sweet to handle on the ground and easy to ride out on the trail. This mare is well bred and has given us some great athletic babies. HIP 426 Chip 05 Grade Red/White Pony Gelding Dave Fegel Roundup, MT Chip is a beautiful red and white pinto pony gelding. You do not see this spectacular of a pony very often. Gorgeous, kind, adores people, rides great. This is the pony you dream about getting, but can never find. HIP 427 Hank 96 Grade Bay Roan Gelding Ken McKibbin Greeley, CO Hank is 15.2 hands, 1300 lbs, gentle for anyone, been used for police mounted patrol crowd control, search and rescue, also been used for a practice head horse and local jackpot horse. Coggins. HIP 421 HIP 428 Luna rides either in English or Western tack. Was a lesson horse (English) and even did small jumps. I purchase her so my daughters could learn to ride English but they decided they preferred Western saddles. We’ve owned her for four years and have used her for pretty much everything. We’ve used her for showing, PeeWee speed events, moving cattle and trail riding in the Badlands of Montana (so you know she’s sure footed). Unfortunately my daughters love speed events and are ready to move up to a faster horse. She loves children and attention! Don’t let her size fool you … she doesn’t know she’s a little horse. Coggins. This mare has been a wonderful addition to our family. She has won 16 Grand Champions and 11 Reserve Champions, 4H and Open, as well as placing in most every class she has been shown in. She has been a Queen and a Princess horse, and has been ridden in many parades. She has done drill team and loves a good pattern. She is very cowy and really enjoys her work when trailing or gathering. She has been in the hills, hunted on and hauls beautifully. She is an easy wintering horse, never been lame and has a great deal of speed. Coggins. Sen Sen Valentine 93 GRADE Bay Mare Nan Sutherland Ten Sleep, WY Luna 94 Grade Bay Mare Brooke Shipp Miles City, MT HIP 424 Kate 00 Grade Black Mule Mare Justin Myhre Worden, MT Kate is a good riding/pack mule. 15 hands, easy to shoe, easy to pack. She will pack anything. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 429 Blantons Jackson 2468957 86 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Lindy Newsome Molt, MT Driftwood Drifting Sage Sage Hen Blanton Wood Lucky Blanton Kitty Blanton Kitty Q Blantons Jackson Dr Friday 13th Copper Doc Copper Queen Dunny's Sunshine Baldy C Todd's Dunny Me Do Vale Jack is safe to be around by children or animals. He’s been in the 4th of July parade or flag carrier and to the mountains hunting and trail rides. He’s an easy keeper and gentle for anyone to handle. He’d make a great addition to your family HIP 430 Chuck 00 Grade Sorrel Gelding Kyle Pottala New Plymouth, ID Chuck is a big sorrel gelding that has been used on a ranch in Jordan Valley, OR the past year. Gentle for absolutely anybody to ride. If you are looking for a big, well broke gelding to do a days job, he may be for you. Coggins HIP 431 Carlas Dee Badger 4126551 01 AQHA Gray Mare Andrea Sager Red Lodge, MT Flying X Cat Flying Rocket Cat Do It Roan WS Dancin Sabre Cat Mr French Sabre Dee Dee Sabre Possum's Peach Carlas Dee Badger Tyrees Watch Carlas Watch Scamp's Carla Frosty Hart Badger Brays Badger Bay Andy Echo Badger Elite Echo Pretty grey mare, easy to get alone with, gentle, rides good and no buck. HIP 432 Dusty Dun Ace 3614090 97 AQHA Red Dun Gelding Witt Crowser Lingle, WY Kansas Red Kansas Sundown Bonny Dale Kansas Beaver Tip My Beaver Bixler Baby Daisy Bixler Dusty Dun Ace Custus Rastus Northern Sea Sweet Leilani W Northern Zero Remember Zero Choosy Ace Chesty Ace Gentle and sound 14.3 hands, heavy made, easy keeper. Mostly been a back yard pet. Rides, gentle, has drug calves, and halter broke colts. HIP 433 HIP 437 This guy is one handsome dude! He was born dark buckskin, turned grulla and now is a dappled bay with blaze and four white quarter stocking feet. Gready body, bone and beautiful head with all the CHROME. Started right with 90 days of riding on him. Has tracked and roped the donkey. Ridden inside and out. Another one of those colts that has been easy. Super fast learner with the ability and smarts to be one of the greats! If your looking for a roping prospect, don’t pass this guy up! UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. A started 2 year old black/white paint mare. Riding well in the pen now. Intelligent and sturdy. Sound. Call Me Mister Mr Ken Herden Coleman, OK HIP 434 Montana Wiz 3922594 99 AQHA Chestnut Gelding Denna Abell Columbia Falls, MT Captain Fun Reeds Captain Cody Dots Baby Doll Storm Wiz Docz Wizard Hangin Is Wiz Docs Idaho Lady Montana Wiz Brett's Pride Prides Dandy Dandy Barbara Sheza Montanan Laddie Go Granny Go Granny Way Team penning, ranch sorting, barrel racing and drill team. This guy is gorgeous and moves quick so not for the inexperienced. Coggins HIP 435 Stormy 02 Grade POA Pony Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA Extremely gentle POA gelding that is cute as a button. He has been rode to town, goes anywhere pointed, ditches, streams, mad or over logs. He has been trail rode and used in 4H. Stormy neck reins and travels real level and smooth. Emai lfor photos or call for info amyheitland@hotmail.com 641-430-9907. Coggins. HIP 436 AK Sinnimon 719158 02 APHA Bay Mare Richard Myre Great Falls, MT Amigo King AK Triple Play Trips Trinket AK Rio Lobo Poco Rain Drop Caseys Cadillac Appalatchacola AK Sinnimon Master Touch Fire Touch April Curve Firenmistysunshine Emphasis Emphamist Cherry Twist Broke, good rider, loads, current shots, wormer, real friendly, likes people. Beach 07 Grade Black/White Paint Mare Darcy Jorgenen Wolf Creek, MT HIP 438 Bondo 13 HH Mule Clay Robertson Coleman, OK Has gathered cattle, hunted hogs and rode around a lot. He is deep and thick and very stout. Will carry a big man all day. He is only about 13hh but works like a big man. Coggins. HIP 439 Jasper 99 Grade Paint Gelding CM Ranch Dubois, WY He is off on the front and is selling for that reason. Should be good for going up and down the mountain and will carry a load. Coggins. HIP 440 Leavin Frost 3110237 92 AQHA Gray Gelding Debbie Kallenberger Havre, MT Smooth Town Leavin Town Sally Oak Bar The Super Town Skip Comet Skip Badlands 216 Flagler's Comet Leavin Frost Pasa Paul Badlands Frost Silent Frost Sweet Dolly Frost Mr Jo Jo Miss Jo Jo Sis Missy Banjo Sis Very good ranch horse. HIP 441 Lacy 01 Grade Bay Mare Bradley Stall Detroit Lakes, MN Very Gentle, Easy to catch. Very well broke and kids horse, Coggins. HIP 442 Mo 99 Grade Bay Gelding Gene Grose Crow Agency, MT Here is a well-trained horse. He has won money team penning. He drags calves to the branding fire and is a very good ranch gelding. Great neck rein and stop. HIP 443 Joe 04 Grade Sorrel Gelding Angie Clark Joliet, MT Joe is started right, ready to go any way you want. A little goosey but no buck. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 446 Mister 03 Grade Appalosa Mare Valerie Wichman Fromberg, MT HIP 444 Truwest Missed A Shot 150885 99 AMHR Chestnut Mare Barbara Hoey Wilsall, MT Top Cadet Med Eden Vasper Finnegan's Dustine Rurual Hot Shot Seldom Seen Jory Seldom Seen Cori M Q'S Easter Melody Truwest Missed A Shot Senatefield Mortana Beaver Cherinda Mickey Midnight Fleefield Flee Powderwing Lovely Paintbrush I bought Misty for a broodmare. I have two colts from her. I have had her professionally trained (60 days). She loads, crosses water, trail rides, a great mother. I have too many horses. He was purchased as a weanling from Leachmans, only one owner. This horse has been done right, no buck, ever. Loads, clips, bathes, ties, hauls. Been used in mountains, over water, timber, hauled to pennings to become exposed to cattle. Has the most willing mind you’ll find. The young horse can go on to do anything - rope, pleasure, English, trail - recently trimmed and deformed and will be current on vaccinations at sale time. Don’t pass up this young gelding. Stands 15.3 hands. HIP 447 HIP 450 Double Tigger 4848992 06 AQHA Palomino Stallion Robby Moore Big Piney, WY Tinky's Espada Poco Tinky Man Sansie Marco Tinkys Musicat Tiger's Music Miss RAiny Bar Miss Bammy Bar Double Tigger Heza Bunny Dustins Bunny Rickas Paulette Ms Bunny Double Bear Spike 06 Grade Black Gelding Logan Krone Wolf Creek, MT Offering another top gelding for sale. This gelding is double bred Doc Bruce top and bottom and has had training. He is a nice individual with the rich chestnut color, three white socks and a strip to go along with his Cadillac movement and the speed of an athlete. Best of all is this gelding’s mind. He has the attitude and want to exceed to the professional level. We’ve used him for an all around gelding from roping, sorting, dragging colts, pleasure, mounted shooting with .45 pistol. Out of the arena he has seen lots of trail in the Black Hills, gravel roads and traffic. He has no bad habits and I haven’t found anything the horse won’t do when asked. He’s been put through the training steps that will stay with him. If you are looking for a good, honest gelding don’t go home wishing you had him on your trailer. He likes people and you will really like him. 100% Sound. Coggins. Mauddes Kipty Jet Ms Gentilee Ms Cloudy Reed This is a nice colt. Ready to get to work. Been calved on and there is no buck. Coggins Hip 450X Midnight 03 Grade Black John Mule B & B Horses, WHitesboro, TX Rides good. . HIP 451 Angel Face 97 Grade Black Gelding John Vandenacre Townsend, MT Angel Face is ranch raised, 15 hands, broke, pretty, nice horse, sound. Coggins. HIP 445 IZA Blue Bueno X0668856 07 AQHA Bay Mare Melinda Berg Fort Benton, MT Roberto Lear Fan Wac Blues Fan Private Account Lovely Account Budir IZA Blue Bueno BlueBlood Prestige Beau Bar Prestige Beau Bar Agnes Terre Beau Bueno Dell Jiggs Finis Terre Ruby Cue Bar Classy Appendix Filly with legs and bred to run. Coggins. Hip 452 HIP 448 Junior 01 Grade Sorrel Gelding Laurie Alexander Crowheart, WY Easy to catch and shoe. Well started - has been ridden outside a lot - no buck, has been packed some. Just needs a job! Coggins. HIP 449 Capri 99 Grade Chestnut Mare Ellen Richards Livingston, MT She is a big (16.2 H) broke broodmare. Good on trails, really steps out. Good mother has had two colts. Needs experienced rider. She is a Tennessee Walker/Belgian cross with good bones and big feet. Likes having her butt scratched. Top Cut Choclit Chic 95 AQHA Bay Mare Mark Anderson, Billings, MT Doc O Dynamite Diamond Cutter Suga Diamond Cutter Top Cut Vegas Hard Way Ghostys Gal Ghostys Annie Top Cut Chocklit Chic Imperial One Ima New Imperial Bay Beat Ima Lil Italia Firewood Bob Tontos Hancock Bumble Bee Debra This mare is sound in anything you want to do. Load her up tomorrow and you won't have a problem. She is great on the trail, loads, shoes, clips, good for inexperienced riders. www.billingslivestock.com HIP 453 Shadow 04 Grade Black Mare Bradley Stall Detroit Lakes, MN Well Broke. Been on cows, trail riding. Very gentle and easy to catch, Coggins. HIP 456 BQH Two Fox Magnolia 3521037 96 AQHA Sorrel Mare Debbie Cook Burlington, WY Two Eyed Jack Two Eyed Fox Foxy Buck Two Fox Kissimmee Classy Bar Classy Killeen Dear's Lady Dell BQH Two Fox Magnolia Mr Impressive A Special Impression Missie Packers JMK Impressive Star Mr Dandy Star Dandys June Bug Hank's June This mare has produced us some very balanced colts. She is a nice ranch mare rode in the hills. Coggins. HIP 459 HIP 454 Mr Two Eyed Choice 3852366 99 AQHA Bay Gelding Page Performance Horses Fairview, UT Two Eyed Jack Two Eyed Seal Seal Pat Star Two Eyed Rum News Time Taffy News Taffy Light Mr Two Eyed Choice Showdown Pine Cliffys Choice Miss Dell Choice Choice Little Doll Little Rapid Little Rapid Doll Deb Star . Jeb is a big stout classic bay gelding that is Two Eyed Jack bred and has a life of ranch knowledge to put to work of you. Jeb is kind and willing and easy to get along with, the kind of gelding everyone is always looking for, he is the real deal. Great to work cattle on and will go anywhere in the mountains. Well broke and started on cattle in the arena too. Coggins. Jeteye Dakotajack 513636 96 APHA Red Roan Overo Stallion Nan Sutherland Ten Sleep, WY HIP 457 Chester 98 Grade Sorrell Pony Gelding Nicole Rivard Baldwin, WI Chester is 52 inch pony with flaxen mane and tail. Rides English and Western. Has been used as a Hunter Jumper pony. Anyone can ride him. He clips and baths and haul and shoes with ease. 100% sound. Coggins, shots and worming. HIP 455 Junior Ruler 129137 01 TB Grey Gelding David Putnam Oreans, ID Collateral Junior Ruler Fast Foods Missjetlill Nice grey TB. Likes to be with you. Started over jumps, make flashy hunter, or good trail horse, very quiet. 16.2. No bad habits. Coggins. Jetalito Seesaw Jetalito C Notes See Saw Ima SV Yankee Go Fly Away Go Two Eyed Carmelita Jeteye Dakotajack Two Eyed Carmel Revenue Robin AJ His Gingerale Cornhusker Star Finales Taffy AJS Mr Chiquita Miss Teton Robin Miss Teton Two Dakota is well mannered, clam, and focused. He passes these taits on, his colts are easy to train and have a great personalities. They are cowy and fast, very athletic. We have guaranteed live color on all APHA mares and have never had to breed back. In addition, this Medicine Hat Paint, puts color on a majority of colts out of solid AQHA mares. Easily handled in all situation by a woman, he remains sound and settles mares consistently. He is an easy keeper and has never taken a lame step. With lines like Jetalito, C’Notes Sawbuck, Two Eyed Jack, Go Man Go and Fly Away Patty, he promises and delivers great conformation and agility. He has been a pleasure to own and to work with. HIP 458 HIP 460 Pete is a stunning bay tobiano pinto pony gelding. He is a kid safe family pony any age can ride. Great in the arena or out on trail rides. Easy to catch, loves people. Sweet, gentle, safe and sound. Kid broke, this horse is super gentle and well-broke. Used in small gymkhanas but mostly on the trails in Rocky Mountain Pack Safe and Sane, neck reins, stops on rear end and crosses water, bridges and obstacles, very nice Haflinger horse that stands about 13.2 hands and weighs 850 lbs. Coggins. Pete 05 Grade Bay Tobiano Pony Gelding Dave Fegel Roundup, MT Nathan 03 Grade Palomino Gelding Ken McKibbin Greeley, CO www.billingslivestock.com HIP 461 HIP 465 This two year old palomino filly is stunning. She’s the real deal! Straight legged, small ears on a beautiful head with big brown eyes and full bodied. We have 90 days of training on her. She has a very fluid and athletic way of movement. We have tracked and roped the donkey off her the past thirty days and she is ready to go forward with rope training or would make a super barrel horse. UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. Bred for cows on the top and speed on the bottom. Have paperwork to register her with AQHA. Gentle as can be. No room for mares on the ranch, would make a great family horse. 100% sound. Coggins. Just Call Me Dolly 05 Grade Palomino Mare Ken Herden Coleman, OK HIP 462 Ringo 02 Grade Bay Gelding Cassie Clark Joliet, MT Ringo has been used in the yards and feedlots, seen some big country too. Good to shoe and load. Hip 462 X Silver Bullet 02 Grade Gray John Mule B & B Horses, Whitesboro, TX Rides good. HIP 463 Kachina 96 Grade Paint Mare CM Ranch Dubois, WY HIP 466 Holywood Dun Kat 3827635 99 AQHA Red Dun Mare Pete & Debi Stiles Clancy, MT Six Chick Black Chick 89 Miss Bar 89 The Gold Kat Hollywood Gold Hollywood Kitty Triangle Lady 50 Holywood Dun Kat Hanka's Note Hankas Bar Note Dixie Lee Bar Mi Bar Note M Ways Trouble Mi Ways Express China Doll Betty Kat is in foal and due mid May. Bred to "SR Count My Money", a palomino. He was started in cutting and not finished due to lack of money. Kat is double registered AQHA and NFQHA at 81%. Kat has had mostly dun factored colts. Gentle mare-catch her anywhere. Her sire has 1 point in open cutting, 2 points amateur cutting, $3,598.41 NCHA. She is current on her vaccinations. Rab Dodgin Bandit 4496890 04 AQHA Gray Gelding Tom Brannon Sheffield, IA The Continental Continental Fly My Beaver 6 Figure Four Fly 406 Eddie 40 Edify My Beaver 6 Rab Dodgin Bandit Eddie Eighty Hesa Eddie Hancock Shesa Lady Rose Dodge Rock Hancock Rodger Dodge Rock Dodge Rock Smooth Smooth And Sexy Bandit is a handy sized dapple gray gelding. He has been primarily a trail horse, ridden in the mountains and the flats, crosses water, bridges and logs. Is really good footed and a real good traveler. No wonder he’s a good horse coming off of "Haythorns" breeding program. Would be a great rope horse, using horse, or trail horse. Bandit has been ridden in parades, parked cars at the county fair and ridden double. Bandit is gentle, no buck or spook. 100% sound, safe, gentle. More info 641-430-9907. Coggins. HIP 464 464X Wallen & Willey 03 Grade Black Team Geldings Richard Myre Great Falls, MT Drives, pack and rides. Both have been a team HIP 467 Irresistable Spook 666984 01 APHA Sorrel Tobiano Mare Cody McNiven Laurel, MT Fleeting Spook Lotsa Wampum Yucca's M&M Going Strait Dan Joe West Miss Dottie West Miss Waggoner Bars Irresistable Spook Coppertown Gambler Irresistable Gambler Scoot Dolly Top Hard Twist Merry Moon Time Skips Sugar Loaf Skips Vandy Twist Penny is a beautiful mare who is comfortable to ride and has been ridden all over Montana mountain trails. She is easy to trim, catch, haul and loves being around people and been used on the ranch gathering horses and has been used in a dude string last summer. She was been used for hunting and pleasure riding, has great manners and is an athletic horse who wants to learn and please you. Current on all vaccinations and worming. HIP 468 Big Jen 92 Grade Red Roan Mule Mare Justin Myhre Worden, MT Big Jen is a one of a kind mule. She stands 15.3 hands, weighs 1300 lbs, she turns a pretty red roan in the summer. You can rope anything on her, lead a pack string, or just go for a ride. Neck reins, easy to shoe, easy to catch. Gentle, Gentle, Gentle HIP 469 DC Bonos Poco 5057727 07 AQHA Sorrel Mare Debbie Cook Burlington, WY Poco Stripes Jessie Poco Docs Jessie Miss Doc O Bean BNE Poco King Leo Royal Silver King RSK Leo Bonita Cross J Leo Bonita DC Bonos Poco Mr Impressive A Special Impression Missie Packers Impressions Wonder Bono's Imp Bonos Wonder Times Wonder Very well balanced mare. Grand mother was a heading/heeling horse. Very dedicated disposition, smart, easy to work with. Horse for an experienced rider, very quick and agile. Coggins. HIP 470 Pick Me Me 05 Grade Red Bay Mare Ken Herden Coleman, OK Look at the way this young filly is put together. Super pretty head with small ears, straight legs and a lean body. She has been a delight to be around and ride. 90 days of riding on her with the past thirty tracking and roping the donkey. This filly is cow bred both top and bottom. UTD on vaccinations, trimming and worming. Have paperwork to register her with AQHA. Coggins. Supplement Horses Follow! Open Consignment follows supplement horses! www.billingslivestock.com Billings Livestock Commission Company HORSE SALES Box 31533 Billings, Montana 59107 He's by Gallo Del Cierlo! He's 162! Hip 196 e, Rope! Rope, Rop She's b y H o l l y w ood Du n I t ! H i p 154 www.billingslivestock.com Barrel Horse! Hip 169! Gentle! He's Hip 326! le SELL! oping catt 20 Head r 118+ Rope Horses!! 42 Roans 20 Buckskins 271 Geldings!! 39 Palominos 427 SELL! First Class Mail U.S. Postage Paid Billings, Montana Permit No. 1 THREE BIG DAYS! FRIDAY, April 24•Team Roping Jackpot BLS Arena 1 p.m. SATURDAY,April 25 • 12 Noon SUNDAY, April 26• 12 Noon www.billingslivestock.com