CYCLE DE FORMATION ÉNERGIE – ENVIRONNEMENT Geneve, 16 mai 2013 District Heating and Cooling: an opportunity for profiting from local energy sources - 3 case studies Dr. Aleksandar Ivancic – AIGUASOL • • • • • Introduction Forum-22@ - Barcelona Marina/Zona Franca - Barcelona Chamartin – Madrid Conclusions • • • • • Introduction Forum-22@ - Barcelona Marina/Zona Franca - Barcelona Chamartin – Madrid Conclusions E (Piramide Keops) = 1 setmna BCN Industrial ecology concepts Allenby Is DHC a new system? • In 1623 there was a proposal to install district energy in London • Waste heat from factories was used to warm public baths by the 1830s • •The Crystal Palace in London had district energy in 1851. • 1877 Birdsill Holly first commercial DH syst Lockport, N.Y • 1880s CHP + DH in USA • 1890s waste incineration + DH Energy model Renovables* Waste'Energy' Demand'Reduc+on' Infrastructure optimization /Metabolic concept DHC Transforma+on'and'' End'Use'Efficiency' Urban integration OptimizationNew needs fulfillment Organization Systematization Integration =local'opportuni+es' District'Energy' DHC infrastructure planning in new neighborhood 22@ 22@ DHC infrastructure planning in existin city DHC track record in bcn • Before 1999, DHC almost unknown in Spain • 1999 -22@ district infrastructure plan foreseen the possibility of DHC /Municipality initiative • 2000 -Forum 2004 infrastructure plan foreseen the possibility of DHC /Municipality initiative • 2003 -Forum system in operation • 2004 - Tub Verd (Mataro) in operation • 2006 - 22@ system in operation • 2004-06 -Port-Zona Franca system planning/Municipality iniciative • 2005-06 – Parc de l Alba (Cerdanyola de Valles) tender/Public iniciative • 2006-07 -Sagrera system planning/Municipality iniciative • 2009-2010 Tub Verd (Mataro) substantial expansion • 2010-11 - Port-Zona Franca system in construction • 2011 - Parc de l Alba system in operation • 2012 - 22@ new centrale in operation • 2007-12 – Barcelona Metropolitan Area – several new candidates • 2012 - Port-Zona Franca system in operation • • • • • Introduction Forum-22@ - Barcelona, Marina/Zona Franca - Barcelona Chamartin – Madrid Conclusions Port-Z.Franca CD Valles 22@ Forum Sagrera Mataro Barcelona: LNG residual coolness / Heat from USW treatment DHC*LEVANTE* * DHC*PONIENTE* USW*/*WASTE*HEAT* HEAT/BIOMASS* WASTE*COOLNES* BESOS LLEVANT - Previous situation ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA ON THE BESOS Forum: Besos – Sea waterfront RIVER WATERFRONT Forum: Besos – Sea waterfront Ecoparc – Solid Waste Treatment 30 tn/h vapor 8 barg 90/60ºC 500 m3 4 x 5000 kWt Incineradora del Besòs Demanda máx. 29 MWt calor 41 MWf frío 1 x 30 tn/h ~18000 kWt 90/60ºC Red de Gas Natural 5/14ºC 5/14ºC 5300 m3/h max Darsena Puerto Sant Adrià ΔT=5ºC ΔT5º C Colector Clabsa 4 x 4500 kWf 5000 m3 Red eléctrica conexión en alta tensión 3 x 4000 kWf Initial Objetives • Max Demand heating 29 MWt • Max Demand cooling - 41 MWc • Fossile primary energy reduction 35% • Power consumption reduction 50% • GHG emission reduction 52% Conexión con Peri 3 Central energía Forum Planta revalorización RSU Forum - 22@ CENTRAL FÒRUM TERSA CLIENTES EN SERVICIO POTENCIA FRÍO: 68,3 MW || POTENCIA CALOR: 44,5 MW || Nº EDIFICIOS: 59 || KM RED: 13,1 HOTELES / RESIDENCIAS OFICINAS VIVIENDAS COMERCIAL CENTROS DOCENTES OTROS 3.*General*Diagram* CENTRAL FORUM PLANTA VALORIZACIÓN RESIDUOS 22@ Peak central Sagrera Cooling demand > 40 MW 71.000 MWh/year • • • • • Introduction Forum-22@ - Barcelona Marina/Zona Franca - Barcelona Chamartin – Madrid Conclusions Barcelona: LNG residual coolness / Heat from USW treatment DHC*LEVANTE* * DHC*PONIENTE* USW*/*WASTE*HEAT* HEAT/BIOMASS* WASTE*COOLNES* LNG Regasing plant in Barcelona (ENAGAS) LNG Transport (-163C; 1 atm) 5 tanks (140.000 m3) LNG Storage (-163C; 1 atm) Sea water pumping, 15C 5 tanks (750.000 m3) Sea water return, 10C NG network to consumers (15C, 45 and 72bar) Current process description Submerged Combustion 1 atm -163ºC 1 atm -163ºC Natural gas consumption 45-72 bar 15ºC 9.300.000 m3/year of LNG 5.600.000.000 m3(n)/year of natural gas Uses: Cryogenic Generation Seawater regassing Liquid air separation Liquefaction of Boil-Off Gas (BOG) Freezing and conservation storage 950 GWh/year of residual cooling energy Cooling seawater REGASSING & COOLING PRODUCTION Cooling production capacity The REAL cooling potential of the Regassing Plant is: 664.753 MWhc/year Potencial de producción de frio real promedio 70.000 Minimum yearly 34.657 MWhc/month 60.000 MWhf 50.000 40.000 72 bar 45 bar 30.000 20.000 10.000 O ct ub re No vie m br e Di ci em br e br e Se pt ie m Ag os to Ju lio Ju ni o ay o M Ab ril ar zo M Fe br er o En er o 0 mes The hourly analysis has allow determinate the average of the cooling power during August, 47 MWc (76 MWc during the year),and the daily average in august has been valuated in 1.120 MWhc/day Technical approach to coolness recovery Vaporized NG (+0/+5C) return cold " " Useful cold " No interference with Regasification process No partial loads allowed: “use it or lose it” Temperature levels that allow a feasible technical solution Sea water (10C) Urban planning In this area many new and future urban projects have been under planning 85 buildings in the area, that exist or are foreseen. The total surface of tertiary sector are sector 1.136.167 m2. The freezing volume are 364.346 m3. DHC Poniente: ZF, Marina District, Pl. Europa CIUTAT JUDICIAL The Regassing plant is located in the Barcelona s Harbor. Within a radius of 4 km there is an industrial area and tertiary sector. GRAN VIA 2 FIRA MONJUIC II CITY METROPOLITANA MERCABARNA PARC LOGÍSTIC ZF Within this area there are potential consumers of both industrial cooling and of air conditioning, in two differentiated areas. ÁMBITO GENERAL 4 km REGASIFICADORA ZAL FUTURO CRECIMIENTO ZAL Potential uses of the cooling energy In the immediately environment of the Regassing Plant: • Industrial • Tertiary (a huge potential in front of future urban development) Depending on the temperature of use they are been classified like: • Refrigeration (+15ºC) • Air conditioning (+5ºC) • Conservation (-5ºC) • Freezing (-30ºC) Stakeholders in cool recovery Cool to the sea District Cooling operator Recovered energy LNG (-163C) from overseas Natural Gas Supplier (ENAGAS) Vaporized NG District cooling Residential Consumer To the NG network Projectes Xarxa de calor i fred de Barcelona Sud i l’Hospitalet de Llobregat a ) a d r, a e d es si- Article elaborat amb la col·laboració d'Àngel Andreu, Gerent Ecoenergies Barcelona Arran de la reconversió del barri de la Marina de Barcelona en un nou espai urbà per a usos terciaris i residencials, s'ha impulsat una xarxa de calor i fred que utilitza energies renovables i residuals com a fonts primàries per a produir calenta, freda i fred negatiu. La © Ecoenergies Barcelona –aigua Façana est de la centralaigua de energia de la Zona Franca xarxa, gestionada per l’empresa Ecoenergies Barcelona, té com aratura objectiu donar a una ambient), se liservei aplica un procés de el suport d’unes calderes convencionals superfície d'1,2 milions de metres quadrats del vaporització que necessita una aportació de gas natural amb una potència total de barri i també a la Zona Franca i algunes àrees de calor. 90 MW. de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat. Actualment, aquest procés fa servir aigua Fred residualElsde deque, marjuntament com a fluid calent, qual es retordosla recursos energètics amb el gaslai l'elecregasificaciótricitat, formen el mix energètic na al que marha una vegada realitzat l'intercanvi de satisfer la demanda Pel que fa al fred residual que procedeix de calor, aprofitar en capalprocés energètica de la xarxa de calor i fredsense que s’està construint Barcelonès són la biomassa queel procedeix de l'arbrat de la planta de gasificació de gasSud natural secundari fred generat. Aquest fred es viari i de boscos, i el fred residual que procedeix del procés de del Port de Barcelona, la gran innovació transferirà a un circuit d'aigua glicolada gasificació del gas natural liquat del port. Això té lloc, concredel projecte és que la nova instal·lació -la al 35% fins a refredar-la a -10ºC, i transtament, al barri de la Marina de Barcelona, una urbana central del Port d’Ecoenergies- aprofita portat a la central dezona la Zona Franca. Una reconvertida per l'Ajuntament d'aquesta ciutat en un nou espai l'energia tèrmica que es genera durant el vegada allà, es podrà emmagatzemar (en per a usos terciaris i residencials, la Zona Franca i algunes àrefuncionament dels gasificadors (30MW). dipòsits d’acumulació de gel) o bé fer-lo es del municipi de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat. La instal·lació utiAls vaixells i als tancs, el gas liquat s’emservir per a processos industrials. De molitzarà també, en el cas que els propietaris hi estiguin d'acord, © Ecoenergies Barcelona – Planta de biomassa Replicability • • • • • Introduction Forum-22@ - Barcelona Marina/Zona Franca - Barcelona Chamartin – Madrid Conclusions Chamartin - Madrid Phasing Fase'1A Fase'1B Fase'2 Fase'3 Fase'4 TOTAL Período'de'ejecución 2013>2015 2015>2018 2017>2020 2019>2022 2025>2030 Superfície'edificable Número'de'edificios ((((((((((((((((((((415,848.00 25 ((((((((((((((((((((791,136.00 23 ((((((((((((((((1,185,906.00 54 ((((((((((((((((((((512,064.00 44 ((((((((((((((((((((398,434.00 27 ''''''''''''''''3,303,388.00 173 Neighbourhood growth Fase%1A Fase%1B Fase%2 Fase%3 Fase%4 METODOLOGY ''' • ESTABLISHMENT'OF'THE'TECHNO_ECONOMIC'HYPOTHESIS''' • DEMAND'ANALYSIS'UNDER'DIFFERENT'CRITERIA:'PRESENT'AND' FORTHCOMING'BUILDING'CODES' • MAPPING'OF'THE'ENERGY'DEMANDS'WITHIN'THE'NEIGHBOURHOOD' ''' • AGREGATION'OF'THE'DEMANDS'WITHIN'DIFFERENT'NETWORKS,'AFTER'THE' GROWTH'SCENARIOU' • EVALUATION'OF'THE'ENERGY'SUPLY'ALTERNATIVES' • FINANCE'ANALYSIS'OF'DIFEERENT'SCENARIOUS' DEMAND ANALYSIS FOR THE NEIGBOURHOOD Data' introduc+on' Shadowing' evalua+on' • Tool':'Google' Sketchup' • Tool':'Ecotect' Dynamic' simula+on' buildings' and'their' environment' Geografical' localiza+on' of'the' demands' • Tool':'ArcGIS' • Tool':'TRNSYS' DEMAND CALCULATION FOR THE NEIGBOURHOOD • Offices Edificio' A_OFI_SA Edificio' A_OFI_SM Edificio' A_OFI_SB Demand Calculation For The Neigbourhood • Residential Demanda,,específica,de,frío,,calor,y,ACS,en,las,viviendas 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% kWh/m2 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% ! ACS CALOR FRÍO Demand Calculation For The Neigbourhood • Offices Demanda,,específica,de,frío,,calor,y,ACS,en,las,oficinas 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% kWh/m2 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% ! ACS CALOR FRÍO MAPPING OF THE ENERGY DEMANDS WITHIN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD Demand Agregation ENERGY SUPLY ALTERNATIVES • Co/tri generation • • Biogas Solar integration SOLAR INTEGRATION Captadores solares distribuidos Planta central de generación Red de distribución general Estación de y solar transferencia individual Acumulación estacional SOLAR INTEGRATION 1) Connection to the return, without storage 2) Connection via segregated circuit; with seasonal storage 3) Network 2.0: low temp distribution (45º C). Excess heat from office air conditioning with distributed HP. Solar connected before oa after HP FINANCE ANALYSIS Análisis'de'sensibilidad'respecto'al'precio'del'gas'fase'2 Análisis*de*sensibilidad*del*resultado*respecto*a*incremento*precio*de*la* energía**fase*2 18,00% 18,00% 16,00% 16,00% 14,00% 14,00% 12,00% 12,00% 10,00% 10,00% gas+0.028+€/kWh 8,00% gas+a+0.018+€/kWh ESCENARIO+BASE TIR gas+0.023+€/kWh ESCENARIO+FAVORABLE+A+LA+ELECTRICIDAD 8,00% ESCENARIO+FAVORABLE+AL+GAS 6,00% 6,00% 4,00% 4,00% 2,00% 2,00% 0,00% 0,00% J620N+ABS+3000+kW J620N+ABS+1500+kW J620N+ABS+0+kW J620N+ABS+3000+ J620N+ABS+1500+ J620N+ABS+0+kW kW kW 2+x+J620N+ABS+3000+kW 2+x+J620N+ABS+1500+kW 2+x+J620N+ABS+0+kW Rentabilidad*en*casos*conexión 2+x+J620N+ABS+ 3000+kW 2+x+J620N+ABS+ 2+x+J620N+ABS+0+ 1500+kW kW Rentabilidad*bajo*distintas*velocidades*de* conexión 25,00% 25,00% 20,00% 20,00% 15,00% 15,00% 10,00% 10,00% 5,00% 5,00% 0,00% J620N*ABS*3000* J620N*ABS*1500* J620N*ABS*0*kW kW kW 100%*conexión 2*x*J620N*ABS* 3000*kW 80%*conexión 2*x*J620N*ABS* 1500*kW 70%*conexión 2*x*J620N*ABS*0* kW 0,00% J620N*ABS*3000* J620N*ABS*1500* J620N*ABS*0*kW 2*x*J620N*ABS* kW kW 3000*kW 5*años 2*x*J620N*ABS* 2*x*J620N*ABS*0* 1500*kW kW 9*años Introduction Forum-22@ - Barcelona Marina/Zona Franca - Barcelona Chamartin – Madrid Conclusions Several areas for innovation: ! Technological " In core technology " In system management (by source using, by demand management) " In system implementation ! Non technological " In COMMUNICATION " In pricing system " In finance " In client capturing Core technology ! Production " Efficiency of the conventional equipment (including growth / volume – to industrial machines); Magnetic levitation beerings " Natural sources (free cooling: see, lakes, rivers, aquifers, snow; solar; geothermal) " Residual energy (waste treatment, regasing LNG) " CO2 reuse ! Distribution " Network capacity increase (DT) " Materials+ insulation (nanotech, High Performance Thermal Insulation ) " Fluids " Storage (phase change – ice slurries) " System implementation (synergy with other infrastructures) " DHC 2.0 ! Delivery " Communication with client system (<=> non tech. - Dynamic pricing) " Foster alternative solutions on client side (in planning) " Admit lower in temperature on primary THANK YOU !