4 April
4 April
4th April 2014 Moreland Mail Kids Version Newsletter The Vixens Skilled Up Moreland Primary School Students It all started when Wes told the grade 5/6 girls that we will be having netball practice . It turned out that it was training with the famous Vixens Netball team. The first netball session, a Vixens player named Kate helped us learn how to play. They trained us once a week, for 6 weeks and each time they came, all of us learnt something new to improve our skills. On the last day, a player named Liz, gave us a card with her signature and it had information about netball on it too. We also received a Vixens cap and mask to wear. All of the girls wore their outfits in the yard and class. Well some did. That was the last day of fun and practice. On Wednesday, 26th March, the 5/6s then participated in competition matches against 5 different schools. We all played well and one of our teams came third. We would all like to thank Wes for organising the sessions. By Emina Taleb KidsMatter Next session of KidsMatter is on Wednesday 30th April 2014, 3:50-5:15pm. If you would like to attend please email Donna at schilov.donna.m@edumail.vic.gov.au or ring the school on 9386 2510 to notify of your attendance. Thanks Donna Mothers Day Stall Our Parents group will be conducting a Mother’s Day Stall which will be held on Friday 9th May 2014. We would really appreciate any donations which can be left in the parents room on Friday mornings. Please see Stacee Krepis. Moreland Primary School, Moreland Road, Moreland 3058 Ph: 9386 2510, Fax: 9386 2313, Email: moreland.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au, Web: www.morelandps.vic.edu.au 2014 Camp The night before camp was very uncomfortable for me, the excitement was rushing through my stomach I could barely sleep. The next morning I felt the excitement growing in my body as I heard my alarm clock beep, it was 7:15am. I lifted my exhausted body off my bed and went to the dining table to have breakfast; I was so excited that I didn’t have alot of breakfast. I’ve been packing for camp since last week, this had to be the camp to remember. Since it’s my last year in primary school, and also in Australia, as I double checked my luggage and backpack I was thinking about all of the activities I would do. Also all of the memories I would keep and remember, and the other exciting part was that I didn’t go with my sister. Although she would be going to a different camp. When I was all packed and ready I said goodbye to my mum, and then I arrived at school. It turns out I came pretty early because there weren’t that many people at school, afterwards I said bye to my dad, brother and sister and then I went to the hall. I could already see alot of people, my friend Esin just came to say goodbye. After the teachers did the roll we had to go onto the bus, since I was bus sick I had to sit on the front of the bus. The trip to Melton Waves was pretty short considering it was only 20 minutes, I thought the swimming pool was pretty amazing! I really enjoyed all the activities we did. Then we had afternoon tea, which was delicious and then we got our beds ready and had some free time. After that we had dinner, and ice cream for desert it was all delicious, then I took a shower and get ready for the bush walk. During our bush walk we saw lots of kangaroos and learnt more about the area. The next morning we all woke up and we ate breakfast. We then had to divide into 3 groups. Each group would be able to do 3 activities such as Rock Climbing, Archery and Low Ropes course. My favourite was the Archery because I did learnt a new skill. At morning tea it was announced that it was Hashim’s 11th birthday. We all got to eat some tasty chocolate cake. Page 2 Moreland Mail Kids Version After tea and lunch we went geocaching where I had to work with Mouze, Yehya and Faqih. We found some treasures using a GPS and a map. At night time we had a talent show between all the cabins. We also had a end of camp party. At morning at 9:15 we set off for our journey to You Yangs. First I started a journey for a 1 hour bushwalk, then we had lunch. After that we went abseiling, which was very scary at the start but gets easier at the end. Then we took a bus back to school. First I did the inflatable activity, you had to go onto an obstacle course and go down a slide that would splash you down into the water. The next thing I did was go on the Tarzan Rope, in this activity you had to swing on a rope and splash down into the water. The last thing I did was a swimming race, you had to swim against someone else and touch the top of a net and swim back. All the activities were exciting and fun, after swimming we went to the campsite. It looked like a very nice place, the first thing we was a survival game. The rules were that you were split into four groups , they were called: Herbivores, Carnivores, Humans, and Diseases. Diseases had to catch as much Herbivores, Carnivores and Humans as they can, Humans just had to point and shout the names of the Herbivores and Carnivores and be careful with the Diseases. Carnivores had to tag Herbivores and be careful with the Humans and Diseases, Herbivores were defenceless and had to be careful around Diseases, Humans and Carnivores. By: Eunike Moreland Mail Kids Version Page 3 Moreland Mail Kids Version Page 4 Moreland Mail Kids Version Page 5 Harmony Week “Everyone Belongs” is the slogan for this year’s Harmony Day. I think this means that we should be respecting everyone around us. We should not dislike people because of the colour of their skin or where they come from. Nobody should be left out just because they are different. We all are different or diverse. “Every-one Belongs” also means everyone is counted as one. Together as a group, not separate we are stronger. Harmony and peace brings us together. The differences we have should be celebrated and make us all special. But these differences also should unite us and bring us together. We are one Australia. By: Zixin Page 6 Moreland Mail Kids Version Junior School Council Information During Harmony week our school collected the huge amount of $137.50 dollars to help children in need. The Junior School Council would like to thank all the students, teachers and families who donated so generously. This money will go to Save The Children In Syria. You will make a difference by helping children in Syria. Thankyou, Junior School Council Team Grade 5 student Zixin has just completed her very first novel after many, many months of hard work planning, writing, drawing and editing her various drafts. The book is called 'The Mysterious World' and it is a fantasy novel of friendship, adventure and courage set in a wonderful world of unusual places and interesting characters. It has been made available for free for all students as an iBook and can be found on the iBook store from next Monday. Moreland Mail Kids Version Page 7 Parents Group Lunch wraps coming soon in term 2. Watch this space Dear Moreland PS families, Family Cooking Project has been run at Moreland PS for the last two years. This year we are compiling our recipes into a cookbook to be sold as a fundraiser in term 4. Parents and children in grades 3-6 We are inviting you to get involved in compiling recipes. Last week children would have brought home a recipe each to type and submit. I’d like to ask that you help them with this task and here is what they need to do: 1 The recipe template is available on our website at www.morelandps.vic.edu.au 1. Go to Community, then Family Engagement and Recipe template 2. Open the recipe template and save it on your desktop as a word document 3. Type your recipe; to be consistent we only use, tsp, tbs, cups and grams/kg 4. Insert photos you wish to add (but don’t worry if you don’t have any – we have all the ones you submitted earlier) Save your recipe and email to Gosia at mechryan@optusnet.com.au All recipes need to be submitted by Friday 16 May 2014 Children who have participated in Family Cooking but didn’t get a recipe – please submit a recipe you did at cooking or choose a family favourite dish to be included in the cookbook. Parents and children in grades Prep, 1 and 2 As you haven’t got your own macbook yet, we will type your recipes and attach pictures you have previously submitted. If you haven’t submitted a recipe yet, please do so as soon as you can. We need all recipes by 16 May 2014. Thank you all for your involvement and contribution! I hope you have enjoyed your time engaging at school. Look forward to receiving your recipes! Gosia Moreland Mail Kids Version Page 8
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15 November - Moreland Primary School
Moreland Primary School, Moreland Road, Moreland 3058
Ph: 9386 2510, Fax: 9386 2313, Email: moreland.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au, Web: www.morelandps.vic.edu.au