pastor ` spage - United Methodist Church of Chagrin Falls
pastor ` spage - United Methodist Church of Chagrin Falls
PASTOR’S PAGE Dear Friends, If you have been in my office and seen my computer screen lately, you may have noticed that I have a new screen saver. It shows Jane and me standing in front of what will be our new home after June 30. The photo was taken the day after we closed on the house late in October. I wanted to get a picture on the day of the closing, which seemed the most fitting thing to do, but by the time we finished signing all the papers it was late in the day, the sun was starting to fade and besides, it had begun to rain. I must admit that it feels odd to finally own a home at age 61 (and when you sign a 30 year mortgage at my age, you can’t help but think about the bankers on the other side, “Boy, you guys are certainly optimistic!”) But we have been enjoying the fact that we have some time to work on the house before we move in, and every time we go up to Canton for any reason, we pick up a new project. The most pressing need has been painting. I am fully aware which direction gravity moves, and understand that if you are going to repaint a ceiling, it is best to do so before you put furniture underneath it. Likewise, walls are easier to paint when there is nothing in the room to trip over as you step back to admire your work. As I write this, we’ve transformed the walls of the room we will use as an office from a very deep pink room with a bright red floral border into a warm shade of sage green. I tore down the pink floral wallpaper in one bathroom and the red floral border from one bedroom. The wallpaper in the laundry room is also on the “remove” list, though instead of pink flowers it has yellow flowers. On the one hand this is just our way of reshaping the house so it fits our dreams and desires. On the other hand, it is work that needs to be done. The house was built in 1976 and most of the wallpaper I have removed was original. There will be changes happening in your church, I’m sure. Whoever is your new pastor will come with a different set of skills and abilities than I. This is always a good thing, because none of us can do all things excellently and the time comes with every minister when we have accomplished the things that we are best able to do. In an ideal world, whoever assumes the leadership of your congregation in June will be able to lead you in new directions that can build on what we have accomplished. You will create new avenues together to grow in the Lord and minister to the world in his name. It’s up to you to create that ideal world. As we go through the coming months of preparation, I hope you will let a spirit of expectation grow in your hearts. Times of transition are wonderful opportunities for a congregation to look at itself, to celebrate its strengths and to identify its growing edges where change is called for. More than this, it is a good time for each member of the church to reexamine their own relationship with God, looking for ways they can share their gifts more freely through the church, and grow their faith more deeply within the church. I have a list of a dozen or so projects I want to complete at my new home before the movers arrive, but I know that list will actually never go away. To thrive in life, as individuals and as a group, we need to always be open to growth and change, welcoming the new world God is always creating around us, and sharing our strengths to bring that world to birth. Lynn 1 YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Jr. High and Sr. High Epiphany Dinner at Bob’s January 5 5-9 p.m. Come to Bob’s new house for an elegant dinner with appetizers and desserts. Come and see all of Bob’s trees and decorations. We will have linen napkins and some amazing food if I do say so myself. It will be so good that even David Clayton might like it. Bring a movie to vote on to watch. I hope you will do your best to attend. I will need people to sign up so I can plan the menu the deadline to sign up is Tuesday, December 31 and the cost is $15 per person. NO EXCEPTIONS. It is already a busy month. Bob needs to plan. To sign up, see Bob. We will meet at the church and caravan to my home and back. Plan rides accordingly. Youth Sunday Praise Team Practice Continues January 12 and 26 These will be our final two practices. Please do your best to attend. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cleveland Foodbank Service Night January 21 5:00-8:30 p.m. Join us for a great evening of service. We will meet at 5 p.m. and have a quick bite to eat. We will then travel to the foodbank for our shift from 6-8 p.m. We will return to the church by 8:30 p.m. Please plan rides accordingly. Bob will not be present, because he will be in the Holy Land. If you are interested in driving or chaperoning, please let him know. YOUTH SUNDAY February 9 Both Services We will be practicing during JAM Sessions on January 5, 12, 19, 26, and February 2 . We will need people for dramas, ushers, and speaking parts. EVERYONE NEEDS TO DO THEIR BEST TO BE THERE. SR. HIGH WILL MEET IN YOUTH LOUNGE DURING THIS TIME. JR. HIGH WILL HAVE A REGULAR CLASS. Practice Schedule Sr. High Youth All Youth All Youth All Youth 6:30-8 6:30-8 12-2 TBD January 12 January 26 February 2 –MANDATORY February 8 –(if needed) The theme this year is The Three Lies of the River and there are lots of parts and people needed. We need to do our part to provide a meaningful worship experience. In order to receive a part you must attend JAM Sessions by January 12. No parts will be given after that. Please try to be at all practices. Questions, see Bob. 2 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS Club Tween Lock-in—January 11-12 All 4th-6th Graders are invited to join Bob for an evening of fun, movies, and hide-n-seek. Bring a drink and snack to share. We will meet at the church at 8 p.m. and stay the night through JAM Sessions that next morning. Nursery Constant Caregivers Needed Morgan, our Constant Caregiver from the Nanny School, has graduated and found another job. We thank her for her service. Unfortunately, we need some help until the Nanny School returns in February. We need adults who would agree to work the one of two shifts. Shift 1 is 9:30-10:45. There may not be many children then, but we want to make sure that it is covered. If no one shows up, you can join an Adult JAM Sessions class. The second shift is 10:45-12:15 during our second worship service. We need January 6, 13, 20, 27, and Feb. 2 covered. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Bob at the church office. If you or someone you know would be interested in the paid position on a more permanent basis, please contact Bob. OUTREACH COMMITTEE NEWS Hunger Ministries: Your generous donations of food for the holidays were donated to the Bainbridge Area Food for Friends and The Chagrin Falls Park Community Center Food Pantry. We continue to have about 10 people head to the Cleveland Food Bank once a month to sort and pack food for area wide distribution. In addition, our Broadway Mobile Food Pantry continues to bring fresh produce to the Slavic Village area once per month. Holiday Projects: Kim and Scott Cardaman delivered an abundance of toys, coats and other items to both the Sponsor-AFamily Project of Geauga County Job & Family Services and Family Promise of Greater Cleveland. Generous financial donations will be made to Sponsor-A-Family to help defray the costs of this annual program and to UMCOR Advance #17182 – Feed My Starving Children. This project provides nutritious meals to children and families around the world. MISCELLANEOUS: The Committee’s Equal Exchange Fair was a success. Stockings were stuffed throughout the congregation with products that provide farmers with fair wages and prices and support UMCOR projects. We annually contribute money collected at church events in our “tip jars” to projects in Chagrin Falls Park. This year, $500.00 was donated to benefit their Young Scholars Program. Our donation will be memorialized in paving bricks at the Community Center. 3 January Birthdays 1 Drew Trimble, John Kline, Tom Poultney, Kayla Korenowski 18 Ann Goss, Ted Panhuis 2 Grant Batchelor, Maggie Robinson 19 Jim Bailey, Norm Schultz, Lois Toole 3 Ed Lezak, Kevin Barnes 20 Oliver Johnson, Faith Pfaff, Chris Bryant 4 Chris Berger 21 David Zenker, Glenn Fernandes, Kim Stewart 5 Susan Weber, Nick Korenowski, Matthew Esterer 22 Sidney Austin V, Robert Paty 9 Lowell Jones, Barbara Welch, Ben Hester 24 Connie Desplinter, Meg Volpe, Jeni Chapple 10 Gail Brehm, Jean Bricker, Joseph Volpe 25 Jamie Bannerman, Joe Allen 11 Frieda Bodwell 26 Julie Conrad 12 Charles Callin Ernst 27 Ellen Slater, Ben Spisak, John Goss, Charles Stewart, George Stewart IV 13 Hali Castrillo 28 John Heaney, Tricia Breeden 14 Laura Youngblood 29 George Simpson 15 Forrest Berger, Ben Hacevar 30 Bennett Johnson, Jennifer Freshman Ward, Earl Clossin, Rachel Clossin 17 Leah Clemmer 31 Barbara Miralia January Anniversaries 1 Phil and Judi Pisczak 10 Walter and Marilyn Weber 4 John and Bridget Pfaff 28 Ted and Jan Panhuis MONTHLY ON-GOING OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES First Sunday Food Drive: Fill the barrel in the narthex with your non-perishable food donations. We also need paper and plastic bags. Food items accepted other days as well. (Noel Slonaker) 3rd Tuesday Cleveland Food Bank: Sort donated foods from 6 – 8 p.m. Please sign up on the bulletin board or call the office if you are interested. (Leslie McKnight) 3rd Friday Broadway Mobile Food Pantry: Distribute donated food from the Cleveland Food Bank to the residents of the Slavic Village Area. This is a joint mission of UMCCF and Bay United Methodist Church. (Kris DuBois) 4 5 JOYS •Congratulations to Kris DuBois and Mark Wakefield on the birth of their grandson, Carter Andrew Jarman. Carter was born on Saturday, December 14 to Max and Hannah. •Ronna Bryant, Chris Bryant’s mom, is home and recovering from a mild heart attack on Thursday, December 12. She is doing well and has a great prognosis. •Tony Stangles, Dianne Hall’s brother, had last cancer treatment and all looks good. Dianne thanks everyone for their prayers. •Beth Alder Iorio, Rita Alder’s daughter, graduated from Cleveland State University with her Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy. •Bob Parker is home after rehab at the Weil’s. CONDOLENCES Sympathy to the families of: Andrew Takas, who passed away December 1. His late wife, Jane, was secretary of our church for many years; Jeanne Schaal, Joe Purnhagen’s grandmother, who passed away December 2[ Paul Mott, Gloria Bayer’s cousin, who lost his battle with lymphoma; Thomas Haines, a former member of our church, passed away on Dec. 2 at age 52. He was the father of Ashley and TJ Haines, children of Tracie Gambino, also former members; Dale Richmond, former teacher and administrator at CF High School, passed away November 27. A Memorial Service will be held on January 4. NEW PRAYER CONCERNS •Carol Korenowski, mother of Nick, is in hospice care. •Fred Pavlich, Dave Pavlich’s brother, is recovering from exploratory surgery on December 23. •Lynn Slezak, Terry Spisak’s girlfriend (Terry is Dan’s brother), found a spot on her lung. She was scheduled for a double mastectomy. •Andrew Kubaitis, Dave’s dad, is hospitalized with complications of bone cancer. •Gini Fast has pneumonia. •Rich Kelble, brother of Barbara Butcher, is dealing with setbacks in his cancer treatment. Please pray for peace and comfort. •Jim Nelan, son of Edward and Sue Lezak, is doing well following heart surgery. He still has several weeks of recuperation ahead of him. •Florence Evans, Anne Korenowski’s mother, is recovering from surgery for an intestinal blockage. She is in the hospital in Pittsburgh. •Steve Stratton, Margaret Stratton’s son, is back in the hospital in Chicago. •Carol Okeson fell and broke the first vertebrae of her neck. •Joel Otis (in and out of the hospital since June) battling complications of diabetes. His medical team has decided to amputate his foot. •Barb, friend of Pris Hoag, is in a coma. •Becky Clegg, Leslie McKnight’s mother, saw her oncologist on December 17 regarding spots on her lungs. •Alyse Bryant, 12 year old friend of Pam and Greer Wurster’s grandaughter,Abby, is having difficulty dealing with family issues and needs prayers to know how much she is cared for. •Lorrie McKee, Diane Arthur’s cousin, is recovering from gall bladder surgery and doing well. •Robert Crumbaker, father of Lynn Wheatcraft, suffered a massive stroke. He is in the Cleveland Clinic. •Madelyn Sokol, born last August to Josh and Kelly Sokol (friends of Dennis and Jacque Tallerico), has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that is causing heart failure along with many other issues. They are faced with difficult decisions regarding whether to proceed with a heart transplant. •Judy, Linda Darrow’s sister, is home following a hospital stay. •Ryan Weir, nephew of Karen Spisak, may need a cornea transplant. •Barb, friend of Pris Hoag, is in a coma. •Adriel Thrash, former pastor of our church, may need valve replacement surgery. •Peter Johns, Lee Johns’ brother, is dealing with complications of chemotherapy in Virginia. •Caitlyn Naylor, daughter of Deborah Sorace, dealing with complications from MS. •Melanie Hathaway, Diane Arthur’s daughter’s friend’s mom, had ovarian cancer surgery December 5. Please note: To protect the privacy of those involved, please make sure you have the permission of persons involved before personal details are released in Prayer Concerns. Thank you. Relatives and Friends: Members: LONG TERM PRAYER REQUESTS Maxine Althans Leah Clemmer Sue Dunn Jane Griffiths Patrice Hendricks Hadge Hissam Nancy Hitchcox Pat Hosmer Karen Hunter Nancy Kaniecki Hannah Kubaitis Ed Lesak Ruth Long Wilbur Miles Caitlin Naylor Cindy O’Donnell Jennifer O’Donnell Joel Otis Bob Parker Cherie Pavlich Norma Pomeroy Tom Poultney Connie Rich George Simpson Tim Taylor Lydian Yard Debbie Adams Emerson Alexander Darlene Allen Dawn Allen Edward Andrews David Bardos Shirley Bennett Renee Bird Joe Blanda Hal Bogart Kelly Bosworth Linda Brown Peter Carlsson Kenneth Chlad Quinn Clarke Becky Clegg Cora Clemmer Jim Cole Bill Coughlin Mikayla Corrigan Rachel Curtis Bob Crumbaker Amanda DeVere Paula Draye Jeff Eagle Madeline Ellingsworth Florence Evans John Ferrara Millie Fritz Jack Glaser Sam Greenberg Sandy Harnden-Hanrahan Melanie Hathaway Darla Heinert Bill Hissam Kelly Hopperton Susan Howard Nick Hudak Charlie Hughes Joan Hughes Mason Isaac Bob Jackson Peter Johns Ken Juergens Bernie Katz Rich Kelble Tim Kesselem Sue Knowlton Carol Korenowski Andrew Kubaitis Carla Laninga Byrnadine Lawson Karen, Kyle and Jack Laywell Dale Leach Don Leach Elora Lencoski Ethel Leonhardt Frank Lindon Jim Mackey Nancy Miller Mary Jane Miner Sally Morley Barb Mueller Julie McCullough Musselwhite Jim Nelan Pam Newton Barb Novak Celia Oswich Carl Paskey Jackson Pilny Frances Porter Kathleen Rieger Jim Ritchie Kathy Sabat Donald Satava Betty Jane Shultz Bobbie Shamberg Judy Shannon Norma Shusky Marybeth Skoch Peter Sorace Tim Spisak Cathy Sprocca Chris Starrett David Stratton Steve Stratton Madelyn Sukol Rev. Adriel Thrash Emily Uddenberg Mary Unkrich C.J. van Hoek Ralph Vicory Linda Visdos Frank Vlasak Mabel Weals Ryan Weir Jennifer Welch Mary Welch Ingrid Wolter Janie Wright Toni Wright Julie Youngblood Laura Zulovich Anne, Maggie, and Barb friends of Pris Hoag Amy and sons, niece of Pris Hoag Judy, Linda Darrow’s sister 6 JANUARY WORSHIP CALENDAR January 5 Epiphany Sunday January 12 1st Sunday after Epiphany January 19 2nd Sunday after Epiphany January 26 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Greeters-8:30 Dale and Beth Ryan Glenn and Marilyn Wyville Lil Lodwick and Phyllis Machnics Mark Muntean Greeters-11:00 Jane Snider Wayne and Pat Hosmer Tom and Linda Mattern Dave and Lois Toole Liturgist-8:30 Liturgist-11:00 Acolytes-8:30 Nick and Jenna Korenowski Clark Reboul Sydney Henry and Sylvia Stewart-Bates Charlie Asplin Acolytes-11:00 Jack and Noah Kubaitis Robert Snider and Lucy Ranieri Luke Volpe and Carolyn Neimes Harrison and Tucker White Sound System Zach Roshon Keith Pavilonis David Sallach Andrew Guggenheim Preaching Rev. Snider Rev. Snider Rev. Snider Rev. Snider Coffee Fellowship Karen and Lee Johns Leslie McKnight Sarah Alexander Lil Lodwick Special Worship Lisa Ulery Tricia Yancey Needed Carrie Crawford Nursery Helper Rebecca Clossin Jenny Schultz Lucy Ranieri Hannah Kubaitis Communion Stewards Karen Johns and Heidi Asplin JANUARY MEETINGS Administrative Board Christian Education Committee C.O.M. Communications/Publicity Committee Finance/Stewardship Committee Lay Leadership Committee Membership Care Committee Outreach Committee Staff Parish Relations Committee Trustees UMW Board Worship Committee Youth Council Youth Leadership Team Tuesday, January 28, 7 p.m. Tuesday, January 7, 7 p.m. Tuesday, January 7, 7 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 7 p.m. Monday, January 20, 7 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 7 p.m. No Meeting This Month Tuesday, January 7, 7 p.m. Monday, January 6, 7 p.m. Monday, January 13, 7 p.m. Thursday, January 10, 10 a.m. Tuesday, January 7, 7 p.m. Wednesday, January 8, 7 p.m. Wednesday, January 8, 7 p.m. 7 PMO PRIORITY REGISTRATION FOR CHURCH MEMBERS UNDERWAY! The Parents’ Morning Out (PMO) program is now accepting registration information from OUR church members for the 2013/2014 classes. If you would like your child to be a participant in this ministry, read on! PMO is a "children’s time together" with other young children. Children must be at least 12 months but not 36 months of age by September 30, 2014 to participate. Twenty-one to 36-month-olds may attend one of four weekday programs offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in Room 101; 12 to 20-month-olds may participate on Tuesdays or Wednesdays in the Nursery. PMO is open from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day. Age-appropriate activities are guided and supervised by kind, nurturing, responsible teachers. PMO daily lesson plans include Bible stories, related songs, crafts and art projects, large motor activities, snacks, music, free-play and social skills development activities. Children bring their lunches and eat together before going home. To pre-register for one day a week, please contact Leslie McKnight at 440/543-8107 or as soon as possible. Pre-registration for currently enrolled participants begins January 6. Please provide child’s name, date of birth, your address, phone number and day preference. Church members have priority, so call/email as soon as possible to reserve your child’s spot. -Leslie McKnight, PMO Director RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, January 6 at the Federated Church, 76 Bell Street, Chagrin Falls, from 2-7 p.m. Call for an appointment at 440-247-6490 or be a “walk-in donor.” It is blessed to give and by giving, we receive. Thank you. MAGAZINE COLLECTION Please save your magazines for me at your home until I get back to volunteering at Geauga Hospital. It will be several months yet. Thank you, Pat Hosmer SHIRLEY ASHBY RETIREMENT After 20 years, Shirley Ashby is stepping down from her role as Membership Secretary. She began doing statistical work under Ruth Noble and in 1993 took over the volunteer role as membership secretary. It has involved many years of committed service to our church keeping accurate records of our membership, including the current addresses of young people as they go off to college and move out on their own. Shirley has been training Jody Young to replace her so that there is a smooth transition. She continues to be active in UMW, choir and the bell choir, as well as ongoing committee involvement. When you see Shirley, please thank her for all her love and dedication to our church family. THANK YOU! Thank you to all the helpful elves in decorating and undecorating the church this Christmas season. Beth Ryan REMINDER: UNHANGING OF THE GREENS IS SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 FOLLOWING THE 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE. 8 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN (UMW) NEWS Thank you! All of the toffee sold out by December 12! The net profit for the sale was $1,334.98— money which will go towards Mission projects. The December 5 Christmas luncheon was a warm gathering of our members with the delicious lunch catered by the Board. Christmas music was provided by Karen Spisak who also accompanied the group who sang Christmas Carols. Each circle is charged with providing one member to serve on the Nominating Committee. The slate is to be ready for election by spring. The March 16 program on Human Trafficking has been cancelled. Circle Meetings in January Ida Goode - The Circle will meet in Harris Fellowship Hall at noon, but the program will be provided by Kris DuBois. (January and March programs are switching.) Kris will offer a craft project following the noon luncheon. Sally Taft and Betty Runge will be hostesses. Lydia Circle - will meet on January 28 with Karen Johns as hostess. The program will be “Water, Water Everywhere,” given by Shirley Ashby. Pat Hosmer will give devotions. Rachel Circle - will meet on Saturday, January 18 in Harris Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. The women will make Valentines to accompany the Valentine Cookies sent to college students in February. Tricia Yancey is hostess. All Circle meetings are open to all United Methodist women, but please call the Circle leaders if you plan to attend. Ida Goode, Shirley Ashby, 440-247-0151 or Barbara Kortwich, 440-668-5787; Lydia: Jan Okeson, 440-557-5357 or Sarah Alexander, 440-247-3608; Rachel: Heidi Asplin, 440-338-4975. The next Board meeting will be on Thursday, January 9 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. If the Circle leader cannot attend, please have someone else attend to represent that circle. We need the input of everyone who is an officer or Circle leader! Happy New Year! MARK YOUR CALENDAR Could we possibly be thinking about Valentine’s Day already? Certainly our college students are thinking about receiving a box of Valentine Cookies from our church members. The UMW greatly appreciates donations of cookies, individually wrapped in plastic or waxed paper, as well as bags of wrapped candies and cash which will help offset the cost of postage. Mark your calendar. Monday, February 3 will be the day boxes are packed, so donations of cookies and candy will need to be brought to the church kitchen by Sunday, February 2. Any cookes brought on Monday will need to be at the church by 9 a.m. when cookie packing begins. Please double check your college student’s address (s) and notify the church if there have been any changes or additions since fall. We know our students will enjoy and appreciate a “package from home.” 9 United Methodist Church of Chagrin Falls ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 20 South Franklin Street Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022 DATED MATERIAL PLEASE RUSH Phone: 440-247-5848 Fax: 440-247-2656 E-mail: NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHAGRIN FALLS, OH PERMIT 14 Reverend D. Lynn Snider, Pastor Bob Myers, Youth and Education Director A FAMILY of FAITH, LIVING in HOPE, SERVING in LOVE IN THIS ISSUE… Calendar of Events Christian Education News Outreach News Pastor’s Message Prayer List Parents’ Morning Out UMW News Birthdays and Anniversaries Worship Calendar Youth Ministry Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 5 3 3 1 6 8 9 4 7 2 Judy DeVere, Proofreader Deanna Castrillo, Membership Associate Jody Young, Membership Secretary Kim Berger, Librarian Patrice Hendricks, Treasurer Toni Cirino, Financial Secretary Anne Korenowski, Accounts Payable Jerry Gibson, Custodian Connie Hasman, Administrative Secretary David Gilson, Director of Music Dean Zhang, Organist Karen Spisak, Director, King’s Singers/Ringing Bells Kile Kenny, Director, The Methodist Preschool Phone: (440) 247-0950 Miss Leslie McKnight, Director, Parents’ Morning Out Program 10