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PDF of Newspaper - Local Town Pages
Vol. 2 No. 2
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Veterans Parade
Honors Education
Celebrations Committee Chair
Roy Switzler has said that years
ago the Veterans Parade was
moved from its traditional
November date to a weekend in May because it always used to rain, and for
the second year in a row that
change paid off with dramatic results.
As always, Tory DeFazio was
the parade's Master of Ceremonies, and, after a brief show by
two groups of motorcycle riders,
Among the many individuals
and groups, either on foot or riding on floats, that arrived behind
him, and which DeFazio announced, were Michael Elby,
Matt King, Steve Gagosian,
Sarah Norwood, Rob Shupe and
Kathy Mullaney, all of the Permanent Building Committee,
June 1, 2012
Turning on the
H.S. Lights
A Dedication to Community,
Katherine Babson
The standing ovation for Katherine L. “Gig” Babson lasted several
minutes during “Turn on the
sentative Alice Peisch, Mike Eby
of the Permanent Building Committee, High School Principal Andrew Keough, Suzy Littlefield of
the School Committee, and Superintendent Bella Wong.
It was another beautifully
sunny and warm Wellesley's
Wonderful Weekend from
May 18-20, including the
Veterans Parade that Sunday.
The parade, with a theme
this year of celebrating education, honored many educators and longtime
supporters of Wellesley
Public Schools, as well as
town volunteers and em- The Wellesley Veterans Parade honored education this year, including teachers
at the Fiske Elementary School, who were given a loud and proud thank-you
ployees. The parade, of by these students and parents. Photo by Dave Halperin.
course, also honored all
those from Wellesley and
beyond who have served the DeFazio arrived in Wellesley who received the Distinguished
country in times of war and Square at the head of the parade, Service Award, in recognition of
peace. For example, a group of stepped out of a Mustang con- their work in helping make the
Korean War veterans who fought vertible and climbed the tempotogether in that conflict rode rary stage at the corner of
through in army Jeeps.
Washington and Central streets.
continued on page 4
The Wellesley High School Concert Choirs sings America the Beautiful during the WHS dedication ceremony as Katherine Babson, in green, looks on.
Photo by Caroline Fahey.
Lights,” the dedication of the new
high school auditorium in her
name and the key ceremony for
the newly constructed high
school. Among the star-studded
list of speakers were State Repre-
The presentation of the new high
school to the Town of Wellesley
was done by Michael Eby, Chair
continued on page 6
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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 2
nity,” she stressed.
g L
Wellesleyites You Should Know
By: Je’Lesia
M. Jones
The Fund for Wellesley
One evening about five years ago,
a group of friends, sitting in the
backyard and enjoying an evening
of food and friendship, began talking about “community.” Someone
asked about community projects.
Another spoke of opportunity
meeting service. Yet another voice
mentioned funding. One topic led
to the other, and out of this lovefor-Wellesley, community-orientated conversation, The Fund for
Wellesley was born.
Wellesley Bank, Brookline Bank,
Babson College, Wellesley College, Captain Marden’s Seafood,
Custom Designs, Inc., Hammond
Residential, Rutledge Properties,
Haynes Management, Inc., and
North Hill senior living community.
“The Fund is an endowed fund
whose mission is to do good in the
community. It is meant to be there
in the future,” said Susan.
which this fund (The Fund for
Wellesley) exists,” said Amy. “The
80 funds that fall under the Foundation for MetroWest have an investment committee that invests
the funds. All of the money is
pooled and collectively invested,”
she explained. “The Fund for
Wellesley is the only Town fund.
The Foundation also provides
some of the resources in terms of
expertise and does all of the administrative part.”
According to their website, the
Amy Axelrod (left) and Susan Hurwitz of The Fund for Wellesley.
“Founders” in the Fund for
Wellesley, are people who have
committed $5,000. They, along
with other residents representing
various contingents throughout
town, make up the Community
“The Community Board recommends the grants and the Fund approves them,” explained Amy
Axelrod, Esq., a Community
Board Member. Currently, the
Fund has close to 100 Founders.
There have also been two challenge grants issued to the Fund by
anonymous donors; one $50,000
gift was received in December,
2010, in addition to another challenge grant of $100,000. “These
contributions speak to the personal
confidence in the Fund,” Amy said.
“The majority of Founders were
individual families,” Amy remarked, “but now Founders have
expanded to included businesses.”
Some Founder businesses are:
Among the first to receive a grant
was The Suicide Prevention program, operated through the Wellesley Department of Health. “The
Department has something called
QPR, question, probe and refer,”
Susan explained. “It was determined that they could train various
people from the community to recognize the early signs of suicide.
So, they ran workshops for the police, library staff, fire department,
and at the schools. The group also
wanted to do a website. So, we
funded the project, paid the instructors, etc."
“Regarding seniors, it was determined that many needed the
freedom to get around town,”
said Amy, “and the Volunteer
Drivers Program was developed
to aid seniors in their transportation needs. The Volunteer Drivers Program grant was made to
the Council on Aging and pays
for their data base that helps recruit volunteers who drive.”
“We asked one another,
‘Where are the opportunities,
the gaps,’” said Susan Hurwitz,
Chair of the Community Board
of the Fund for Wellesley.
“There might be projects that
could benefit the community
that are not likely to get grants,
like new projects. So this small
group saw an opportunity to
give philanthropically, a place to
give back to their own community, in a place where we work
and live,” she said.
“This was around the 125th
anniversary of the Town of
Wellesley when we were having
this discussion,” Susan continued. “So, we thought, ‘What if
there were 125 “founders” who
could commit $5,000, over
time, for the Fund.'”
The first grants were awarded in
mission of the Fund for Wellesley
“… is to promote the common
good and to benefit all residents of
the Town … a permanent source of
funding that fosters innovation and
collaboration in support of community needs and opportunities.”
Susan and Amy, both former
members of the Advisory Committee and currently Town Meeting
Members, are passionate about
Wellesley and reaching the needs
of all of her citizens. “During my
time spent on Advisory, I could see
how the Town operated,” Susan
said. “I could see the need.”
The Fund for Wellesley is operated under the umbrella of The
Foundation for MetroWest. The
Foundation, similar to The Boston
Foundation, is a community foundation that focuses on 33 cities and
towns in the Metro West area.
“The Foundation for MetroWest
is the community foundation under
“This leaves us free to do the
fundraising and grant making,”
Susan interjected.
Grant making is directed toward
community building and civic engagement, seniors, and youth development and opportunity.
“We spent a good amount of time
that first year determining our goals
and decided on three categories
that would meet our vision: youth,
seniors, and community building,”
remarked Susan. “We spent a year
determining where the needs were,
and that is what we want the Fund
to be: a convener, seeing the need
and solving the problem. In communities that are viewed as economically stressed there are
services, as opposed to communities perceived to be wealthy. We
looked for ways to bring the community together. We are a whole
community and we want to make
everyone feel a part of the commu-
Recently, the Fund for Wellesley helped Wellesley seniors
preview the new high school
along with other residents during the month of May. Coordination between the School
Committee and staff, along with
the Council on Aging and North
Hill, allowed for approximately
200 seniors on three buses to
tour the new facility. Two buses
were provided by North Hill
and one was commissioned by
the Fund for Wellesley. Volunteers from the Volunteer Driver
Program were also on hand.
Other projects funded by The
Fund for Wellesley are: afterschool programming for youth, the
Wellesley ESL (English as a Second Language) Program, Luminary Night, and support for the
Wellesley ABC Program.
“ESL is not about learning a language,” Susan said as a smile burst
across her face. “It is about feeling
a part of the community. We try to
provide the seed money so programs can prove themselves and
then try to get them to be self-sustaining,” Susan continued. “The
ESL program, for example, was
funded the first year and now we
share funding with the Library.”
The Fund for Wellesley also provided a grant to Babson College
and the Wellesley Housing Authority to expand a program for children and teens living in the
June 1, 2012
Housing Authority residences.
“They had a tutoring program and
wanted to build on it,” said Susan.
“We have connected with the Babson students. Babson has been fabulous to work with. They are one
of our Founders.”
Another immensely popular program that in just a few short years
is turning into a community tradition is Luminary Night. The grant
from the Fund for Wellesley allowed this initiative of the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club to
expand. “Luminary Night was
funded the first year and has now
expanded into all different locations, including the Housing Authority residences,” Amy said.
Amy Axelrod, originally from
New Orleans, arrived in Wellesley
to attend Wellesley College and has
lived here for eighteen years. Amy
and her husband, Jeff Struzenski,
have a son in tenth grade at Wellesley High School and a daughter
who will start at the high school
next year. “I am retired from the
practice of law,” Amy remarked,
and now directs her time to the
Foundation for MetroWest where
she is the Development Officer. “I
love reading, golf, spending time
with family, and eating chocolate,”
exclaimed Amy. She broke into a
robust laugh.
Susan Hurwitz, originally from
South Dakota, retired as Vice President in Human Resources at
Gillette after twenty-six years in
various capacities. She has lived in
Wellesley since 1978, and in addition to previous Town government
involvements, Susan also serves on
the Wellesley Human Resource
Board. “I love dogs, animals, and
the outdoors,” Susan stated. Her
husband, Miguel Lessing, “is also
a Town Meeting Member now,”
Susan said, smiling.
Susan and Amy, and their work
on behalf of the Town through The
Fund for Wellesley, are extraordinary Bright Lights. For more information on the Fund, visit
HYPERLINK "http://www.thefundforwellesley.org" www.thefundforwellesley.org.
“What we really hope to achieve
is making everyone feel that they
are a part of Wellesley,” Amy said.
“That is what we’re passionate
Bright Lights: Wellesleyites You
Should Know appears in each edition of Wellesley Local Town
Pages. Please email Je'Lesia M.
Jones at arie8@comcast.net with
Bright Lights' suggestions.
June 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 3
Wonderful Weekend
Pancake Breakfast a
Hot Ticket
The Wellesley Rotary Club
and Wellesley Little League
know a good combination when
they see it.
They knew it 51 years ago
when the traditional Pancake
Breakfast was started, and they
knew it on Saturday, May 19,
2012, when the two organizations continued their yearly
griddle cakes-for-a-cause event
at the Wellesley Middle School
It all begins each year with Little Leaguers selling advance
With a bowl full of chocolate chips, Toby Kell was a popular man at the Pancake Breakfast. Photo by Dave Halperin.
Bob McGinness (left) and Dan Juliani served 'em up hot and fresh at the
Pancake Breakfast. Photo by Dave Halperin.
Veterans’ Ecumenical
Memorial Mass
Continuing what has become a
Wellesley tradition, Saint Paul
Church held the annual Veterans’
Ecumenical Memorial Mass in
honor of the many Wellesley veterans who have illustriously
served the country in the armed
services. Begun by members of
the Wellesley Veterans’ Council
and now in its sixteenth year, the
ceremony is an occasion for family, friends, and community residents to participate in honoring
members of all four branches of
the military, both living and deceased, for their service on behalf
of freedom for all Americans.
This year’s commemorative Mass
was celebrated by Saint Paul Pastor, Rev. Richard Fitzgerald.
The veterans, led by United
States Air Force Reserve Colonel
Robert H. Murphy, processed into
the church and took their seats of
honor on the front pews. All
saluted the flag. Participating veterans were: Commander Tory
DeFazio, U.S. Navy Reserve and
of the Naval Medical and Dental
Corp were Captain Dr. Leon
Briggs and Captain Robert J.
Thomas; of the U.S. Army were
Lieutenant Robert Hinchliffe, Infantry, and John Saunders; and of
the U.S. Marine Corp, Stanley W.
Spears, Jr., who is also the Director of the West Suburban Veterans’ Service District.
“St. Paul Church is honored to
host the Veterans Mass each year
and to remember all those who
served our country, particularly
those who paid the ultimate sacrifice,” said Rev. Fitzgerald.
“Many veterans attended St. Paul
and their families still worship
tickets to the event, while the
Rotary does its best to solicit
food and monetary donations
from local businesses. This year
the result was a net profit of
$39,453 - half of which goes to
the Little League, and half of
which goes to the Rotary, which
uses the money to fund its many
other community causes.
At the conclusion of the service,
Colonel Murphy read the names
of all Wellesley veterans who
served in the military, beginning
with the Revolutionary War in
which one recorded Wellesley
resident served and died. The
record also reflects that there
were 12 soldiers from Wellesley
in the Civil War; one in the Spanish American War; six in World
War I; 56 in World War II; one in
the Korean War; four in Vietnam,
and eight veterans who died while
in military service, not combat.
"Rotary means service above
self," said incoming Wellesley
Rotary Club president Frank
Rowbotham, who noted that the
Wellesley Pancake Breakfast is
the largest such event in greater
In the vestibule of the church,
elder veterans dressed in the uniforms of their respective branch
of service joked that their uniforms still fit. “It is really remarkable the uniform fits,” joked
Lieutenant Hinchliffe, who was
an aid to the commanding General in Berlin during World War
II. “This uniform was made in
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"We do it because it's a community event and it brings all
kinds of people together," said
Tory DeFazio of the Rotary.
"The Little Leaguers sell the
tickets and we flip the pancakes
- that's the deal and it's worked
out for years and years."
1943!” he exclaimed.
The Veterans’ Ecumenical Memorial Mass is incorporated with
the Wellesley Wonderful Weekend and the Annual Wellesley
Veteran’s Parade.
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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 4
June 1, 2012
Wonderful Weekend
new high school a reality.
Award went to outgoing and longtime,chairman of the board of
World of Wellesley, Richard
The parade's Chief of Staff was
Lorelei Kittendorf King, acknowledged for her work in Veterans affairs and for her status as a Veteran.
The Community Service Award
went to William Charlton, a 15year member of the Board of Public Works and a past member of
the Wellesley Advisory Committee. The Community Appreciation
Five Special Appreciation
Awards were handed out: Exceptional Autobody, in recognition of
10 years of providing trucks to the
Wellesley Celebrations Committee
in support of the Wellesley Veterans' Parade; the Wellesley Trails
Committee, for the development
and coordination of trails and
walks throughout Wellesley; the
continued from page 1
Bates Elementary students on their float. Photos by Dave Halperin.
Sisters of Charity, in recognition of
125 years of dedicated and outstanding service to the general
community; Needham Bank, for
their impressive 120 years of doing
business in Wellesley; and the Girl
Scouts of America, which is celebrating 100 years of serving the
youth of Wellesley.
In honor of his 12 years of crimefighting, community service, and
community leadership, former
Deputy Police Chief Bill Brooks
received the Dedicated Service
Award. Brooks recently took over
as Chief of Police in Norwood.
Most notably, in keeping with
this year's theme of education,
Brooks and Jeanie Godard were
the parade's Grand Marshals. They
have served the community in a
number of roles, including as longtime Wellesley teachers and, more
recently, as coordinators of the
"Turn out the Lights" program,
which, over the course of several
months and especially during a the
week of Thanksgiving 2011, paid
tribute to the vintage1938 Gamiel Bradford
High School. The Bradford building was replaced this year by a
new, state-of-the-art high
Troop 158 carried an American Flag the length of the parade route.
forms; numerous police, fire, and
military outfits; and musical,
dance, and other performance
groups whose attendance was supported by a number of area businesses.
Political groups and supporters
of candidates, as well as candidates themselves, were also among
Other floats and walkers in the parade include
floats designed and populated by students and
parents from the town's
elementary schools and
many local nonprofit organizations and businesses. The Wellesley
High School marching
band strode through in
their traditional red uni- The Wellesley Free Library.
The Wellesley Education Fund
The Wellesley Hills Junior Women's Club
Celebrating 100 years of Scouting.
the parade's many walkers, including Senator Scott Brown and supporters of Elizabeth Warren.
They, like the other walkers and
all the parade's spectators, enjoyed
beautiful weather - courtesy of
some forward thinkers who moved
the parade to May years ago.
June 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 5
Wonderful Weekend
Schofield Elementary raises awareness of their 5K.
Wellesley Youth Football hoists their trophy.
Parade MC Tory DeFazio
Honoree and former Deputy Chief Bill Brooks and his
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Page 6
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
June 1, 2012
Wonderful Weekend
continued from page 1
of the Permanent Building Committee. He in turn passed the key
to Barbara Searle, Chair of the
Board of Selectman, who presented the key to Littlefield, who
accepted it on behalf of the
School Committee.
The ceremony focused on the
hard work and the effort of individuals involved in the building
project as well as the support from
the entire community. At one
point in the ceremony, Babson, as
emcee, listed all the groups that
assisted with the building project
in its various stages. By the end,
most of the auditorium was standing.
WHS Principal Andrew Keough during the WHS dedication ceremony.
Photo by Caroline Fahey.
The various speakers highlighted the importance of education in Wellesley. They marveled
at the fact that when the proposals
for both the new school and the
1938 building were passed, the
country was in period of economic turmoil.
Principal Andrew
Keough said of the
ceremony, “The
dedication was a
huge success, we
had a good turnout,
and the speakers
and the people who
were recognized
were just wonderful. I loved the
standing ovation
for Gig Babson.
[The ovation] was
well deserved in
my mind. She has
done so much
work to make this
happen. She is just
committed to this
community and I
think people responded the way
they did because
they are so grateful
to her. I felt great. I
thought it was a
nice event and a
nice tribute to all
the people in this
Katherine Babson looks up at a photograph of her
WHS graduating class. Photo by Caroline Fahey.
Happy Dogs, Happy - and Healthy - Humans
Kids and dogs scrambled to grab a
seat as the sound of the boom box
stopped. Under the sunny ceiling of
a gorgeous Wellesley day, the third
category of the Wellesley Dog Contest, “Musical Chairs,” had participants giggling and tails wagging.
The Wellesley dog show has been
a big hit to both dog owners and dog
lovers alike since its inauguration
three years ago.
“The point is to bring families out
into the community to socialize with
each other. It’s not about shape, size,
or color, it's about bringing people
together,” says Cheryl Lefman of the
Wellesley Health Department. “It really changes your mood.”
All pups and trainers come home
with a ribbon in categories ranging
from “Waggiest Tail” to “Best Escape Artist” to “Cutest eyes.”
Claude, a Bichon Frise who
cleaned up with a blue ribbon for
“Curliest Tail” and a third place in
“Weaving,” cooled off in the shade
after finishing up his sophomore
show. His trainers, Abby and Isabella are already thinking about
next year’s competition.
A black lab pleases the crowd with his enthusiastic interpretation of the
jumping category. Photos by Heidi Reynolds.
exercise while having fun with your
“I hope next year we can really get
him to sit. He always likes to lay
down when we tell him to sit, so
maybe we can work on that,” said
Though the event was free, all donations went to support SPIN, Stray
Pets in Need, which works “to promote the well-being of animals and
responsible human-animal relationships.” The Wellesley Dog Contest
was the perfect marriage of a funfilled family event that also engaged
the community in important issues
like wellness, exercise, and animal
The annual dog show is a part of
the Healthy Wellesley Initiative and
its mission “to promote a healthy
lifestyle, identify the bounty of
health and fitness resources in
Wellesley, and present programming
to positively affect the health of residents across the age spectrum.”
The gentle giant Ben, a Mastiff mix,
watches over his charges as they
wait for the ribbon ceremony.
Sue Webb of Animal Control, who
also served as announcer for the
event added, “We want to show the
community that you can incorporate
Claude, a 2 year old Bichon Frise ,
and his trainer, Abby, take a break
in the shade. Photos by Heidi
One of the stars of the show, Harriet, sports her tutu and pearls as
she trots under the jump bar.
As Lefman summed it up, “Kids,
parents, and dogs love it. Everyone
is smiling.
Abbey cuddling her relaxed dog,
Darla in between categories.
June 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 7
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 8
Popular Eatery has College
Students Coming Back for More
Every small town has a little
eatery that only true locals know
about, although the packed parking lot and the line out the door
might give this deli away to outsiders.
On any given day the line starts
at the deli counter at the back of
the store, weaving its way in between long counters lined with
spinning bar stools and refrigerators containing a variety of drinks
that customers might pair with a
sub. Those who don't know already learn quickly: it's best to
choose a drink when entering the
store, because chances are it will
be too crowded to go back for one
after reaching the register.
Located near the center of town,
The Linden Store deli has become
a favorite to many in Wellesley.
On a daily basis, the deli contains a vast collection of people.
There are always lots of high
school students, parents arriving
with children after sporting events
and tradespeople on the job in
town. Often there are older people
sitting on stools talking about recent town elections or just shooting the breeze about whatever else
is happening. The walls are covered with high school sports news
and snapshots of local athletes.
Students can often be seen grabbing breakfast on their way to
school or picking up a sandwich
for lunch in between classes.
When the nearby middle school
has its early release day, backpacks and students can be seen
sprawling out, pouring out of the
entrance and crowding the parking lot.
Lily Harrington, recent Wellesley High School graduate, remembers how as a middle school
student she and her friends would
rush to the deli on early release
days in an attempt to receive a
free sub, which was given to the
first student in line.
Despite being famous around
town for its specialty subs, The
Linden Store also offers breakfast,
salads and catering services. The
deli has become the go to spot for
catering for sports events, school
functions and graduation parties.
It was established in 1933 by
Nino Dipirro and then bought by
the LeBrun family in 1978. The
deli is now owned and run by second-generation brothers, Mark
and Greg LeBrun.
“It’s very family friendly,” said
Mark LeBrun about the environ-
June 1, 2012
ment of the deli.
Being a lifelong resident of
Wellesley, LeBrun says that one
of the benefits of running a local
store is being able to give back to
the community he grew up in. Another benefit is the great relationships that he has been able to
develop with customers.
“Watching the kids grow up and
go off to college has been the best
part for me,” says LeBrun.
To many, eating at The Linden
Store is one of the memories they
have about their time in Wellesley.
“I can’t wait to get a ‘Thanksgiving’ with no mayo when I come
home for the summer,” said Syracuse University freshman Sarah
Feiner. “They make the best sandwiches. No one else in town can
In addition to the food, the deli
is known for its welcoming
hometown atmosphere.
According to Mark LeBrun, The
Linden Store prides itself on quality and service along with clean-
liness and friendliness. This is reflected in how customers yearn to
return again and again.
“You can walk into The Linden
Store and there will be at least one
person there you know,” said University of Miami freshman Hannah Peterson. “They don’t have to
be a close friend or anything but
you will always recognize a familiar face.
“What makes The Linden Store
so unique is the people that work
there. They are not just trying to
get you in and out as quickly as
possible. They take the time to say
‘Hello, How are you?’ which
makes you want to keep coming
back,” said Peterson.
It’s a tiny store where lots of different types of people in the town
congregate. Most importantly, it
holds a special place in the hearts
of those growing up in the community. In just one stop, The Linden Store satisfies the social and
the stomach. Every town needs a
place just like The Linden Store.
It ties together young, old and
everyone in between.
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Timothy Day
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Copyright 2011 LocalTownPages
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
June 1, 2012
Brotherly Love
Fuels Bike Ride
WHS Student Takes on Pan-Mass
Challenge in Honor of Sister
The Dana Farber Cancer Institute
has played a significant role in the
lives of one Wellesley family. The
daughter, Laura, and the father,
Scott, have each fought cancers.
And the son, Reid, as he has done
his whole life, is focused on supporting them while giving back to
the organization that has given
them so much.
During the first weekend of August, Reid Williamson, a senior at
Wellesley High School, will bicycle the 153-mile WellesleyBourne-Wellesley route of the
Pan-Mass Challenge, raising
money in the process for Dana
"They're an organization that has
had a huge impact on my life and
Laura's life, and giving her the life
she has now," he said. "I'm always
interested in finding ways to give
back to them somehow. I'm always
seeking opportunities and taking
advantage of them."
Reid Williamson knows that the
minimum $3,500 that he needs to
raise won't change history, but he's
nonetheless adding the race to a list
of fundraising efforts he's taken on
or launched on behalf of his sister,
including a 5K road race he organized during his sophomore year of
high school.
"$3,500 isn't going to cure cancer, but a lot of it is about awareness, and a lot of it, too, is getting
closer to my sister, and riding for
her in a sense," he said.
The brother and sister have had a
special connection since Laura
Williamson's brain cancer diagnosis at the age of 6, when Reid was
4. He doesn't even remember the
moment, but as family lore goes,
Laura, due to her cancer treatment
and complications from the disease, could not climb the stairs to
her bedroom, so she needed to
sleep downstairs.
"I remember my parents telling
me stories of how I pulled up a
mattress next to her and said, 'I'm
sleeping next to you,'" he recalled.
"He is the most amazing brother
ever," Laura Williamson, now a
sophomore at Simmons College,
said. "He has been more than supportive through everything since I
was six. One thing that stood out
to me is my chemo made my
bones brittle, and it made me gain
a tremendous amount of weight,
and I was bullied and teased, and
my brother always stayed by my
Located near her optic nerve,
Laura Williamson's brain tumor is
inoperable. While benign, it
greatly affects her life. Her mobility on the right side of her body is
Page 9
severely limited; her
memory has also been
weakened. But since the
days of her diagnosis
and initial treatments,
right on through to her
life today and her career
choice, she has tried to
stay positive.
Her bother recalled her
attitude during their
childhoods: "She was
always really positive
throughout her treatment. There's a bunch of
pictures of her and I
during that time, and
you can tell she was really sick, but she always
has a huge smile on her
face... You would never
know there was really
anything wrong with
"I think a lot of people
would sort of look to
move on from a trauma Laura and Reid Williamson in their younger years.
like that - 'It's treated, get
on with it' - but she has always I'm focused on now at Simmons,"
been so passionate about meeting she explained, adding that staying
other people with cancer, and ask- positive isn't something that aling how she can help these people ways
out, and that's something that I've
comes easy. "I look deep into the
always been inspired by," he harsh times that I've had, and I readded.
flect on them and find the posiLaura remains involved with
Dana Farber as a "buddy" to a
young girl struggling with her own
cancer diagnosis, and her course of
study will lead to a degree in psychology with a minor in sociology,
which she plans to use as a way to
help others pull through illness.
"Dana Farber has helped me
focus on the positives, to get out of
the negative state, and that's what
tives. One of my mottos is, 'find the
positive in the negative.'"
She also stays away from the
negative through the support of her
family, including her father, who
recently completed his ninth year
of running the Boston Marathon
through Dana Farber's patientpartner program, and her brother,
who will pedal off from Babson
College on August 4 in the Pan-
Mass Challenge in what will be a
first for him.
"I've never done any long distance biking before," he said. "I've
never done anything like it before... But I like the challenge of
riding 153 miles."
To support Reid Williamson's
ride and the Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute, visit www.pmc.org/profile/RW0138. Donations to the
cause can be made there, or by
sending a check, made out to PanMass Challenge, to Reid
Williamson, 15 Westgate Road,
Wellesley, MA 02481.
Summer is in the Air - Opportunities are in Bloom Job Fair
June 7th, 11am - 2pm (doors open at 10am for Veterans)
At The Verve, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Natick, MA
Over 70 Employers with more than 1000 job openings!
Radio 92.9's Jason Rossi will be there with the street team vehicle,
games and prizes. Call or go online to register early!
Marlborough 508-786-0928 • Newton 617-928-0530 • Norwood 781-769-4120
Laura, Reid, and Justin Williamson at Laura's graduation from WHS in 2010.
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 10
SCORE with Expert Business Advice
Free Mentoring Service is Entrepreneur’s Dream Come True
Eight years ago, Frank Manguso,
a 30-year resident of Wellesley,
went into semi-retirement after a
successful career as a CPA.
During his career he had been
CFO/co-founder of a software
company serving insurance
groups, CEO of an auto security
manufacturer/distributor, a cellular
phone agent, a director of management information, a consultant to
a major bank holding company, a
controller for a medical products'
manufacturer, and a consumer
products distributor.
With all those skills and knowledge, Manguso decided to do
something great for the economy
and for people interested in starting businesses or improving the
ones they already own. Like the
other 13,000 retired and semi-retired professionals who provide
free counseling through SCORE,
Manguso became a volunteer because he loves the challenge of
helping people start and grow their
SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small
businesses get off the ground,
grow and achieve their goals
through education and mentorship.
Its Boston chapter includes locations throughout the city and suburbs, including in Newton,
The Captain’s Table and TakeAway
279 Linden Street
breakfast, lunch, dinner & Sunday brunch
Every Monday Night $1 Oysters
Brookline, and Lexington.
Manguso's eyes sparkle with enthusiasm as he talks about his
SCORE work.
“We’re willing to establish continuing relationships with clients
and also to help generate ideas to
make their businesses grow," he
said. "The diversity of expertise
among our 50 volunteers in the
Boston area allows us
to help with almost any
business idea. I really
love helping clients
with everything from
starting, buying and
selling businesses, and,
of course, important
tax advice."
have industry experience in a variety of fields like: business strategy
and planning, sales and marketing,
supply chain management, manufacturing and product development, environmental services,
technology, web-based services
and IT services, human resources
and internal communications, government contracting, legal services, construction, intellectual
property, government and regulations, finance and accounting, arts
and entertainment, retail and
wholesale trade, advertising and
creative services, agriculture and
farming, international trade, nonprofit, public and professional organizations, restaurants and
services/home improvement, car
repair and maintenance, health
June 1, 2012
care and services, and
much more.
Although the SCORE
acronym formerly stood
for "Service Corp of Retired Executives," the organization
now simply goes by SCORE, as
many volunteer mentors are still
working in their respective industry.
SCORE has 354 chapters across
the country, and the SCORE
Boston chapter includes locations
in Framingham, Newton, Brookline, Lexington, Norwood,
Quincy, Allston/Brighton, and
downtown Boston. The nonprofit
is dedicated to growing 1 million
businesses by 2017. In 2010,
SCORE clients started 58,637 new
businesses. At least 91 percent of
SCORE’s 2010 clients remained
in business in 2011. In 2010,
SCORE clients created 71,449
SCORE effectively assists at all
points of the business life cycle. In
2010, 28.7 percent of SCORE
clients were in the growth phase of
business, 33 percent were in the
formation phase of business, and
37.4 percent were in the start-up
phase of business. SCORE mentors are there for the life of a small
business, from creating and evaluating business plans to purchasing
equipment, leasing real estate,
franchising, even selling and exiting.
Because the work is supported
by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and thanks to
its network of 13,000-plus volunteers, services are still delivered at
no charge - just as they have been
for a half century.
As one client leaving his onehour SCORE mentoring session
stated, “It’s still hard to believe that
all this expertise is free."
To contact SCORE
for free business
counseling and mentoring,
Boston-area office at
617-565-5591 or log
on to www.score.org
to request a face-toface mentoring session. For people who
have worked for someone else and
who need to know all the steps to
starting their own business,
SCORE offers workshops once a
month at its Boston locations.
There is a small fee for these
www.score.org can download
thousands of free templates and
tools; register for free live webinars; listen to recorded webinars;
and also find a local workshop.
And SCORE’s Veterans Fast
Launch program (www.vetsfastlaunch.org) is a combined package
of training, free software and services combined with SCORE's
mentoring program in order to
help accelerate the ability of veterans and their families to start and
succeed as small business owners.
Letter to the Editor
Two years ago, the WHS Athletic
Department received a vintage football uniform donated by the great
grandson of Mr. Horace Ober
Coolidge (1896-1955), WHS Class
of 1915 and member of the 1914
WHS football team.
Owner, Andrea Sorrelle
Quality Women’s & Juniors Clothing
Handbags • Jewelry • Accessories
High End Brands....High End Designers
32 Central Street, Holliston, MA 01746
Hours: Tues, Wed, Sat 10am - 6pm, Thurs & Fri 10am - 7pm, Sun 11am - 4pm
Bring in this Ad and Receive 10% Off (Excluding Jewelry)
Now Accepting New Consignments
Through your publication I would
like to thank our Wellesley High
School PTSO, The Gridiron Club
(WHS Football Booster Club), and
Ms. Margie Riccardone, for assisting
us in having this priceless piece of
WHS history framed. The uniform is
now being displayed outside our new
gym for all to view. We certainly
couldn't have done it without your
From all the WHS Raiders, past,
present, and to come, we thank you
for assisting us with this little bit of
June 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
in some cases.
Painting Exterior Antique Home
decades. Here are some factors to
consider as you plan your project:
Doug Masters, owner of
Masters Touch
Dear Doug,
We’re going to have our house
painted this year. It’s an antique
house built in the early 1900’s. Over
the years we’ve had a hard time getting a paint job to last very long.
We’re considering the permanent
coatings you hear about on the
radio all the time. Will that be a
good investment? What is the best
time of year to have the work done?
Dan, Wellesley
Hi Dan,
Well, antique homes are a labor
of love, that’s for sure! Exterior
paint is one way to really bring out
the charm of an older home, but
it’s also one of the most difficult
jobs to perform. There are many
factors that can affect the longevity
of an exterior paint job, and most
of them come into play on a home
that has been around for many
How much old paint has built up
over the years, and how will it affect top coats of paint? As paint
ages, it loses its elasticity, which is
a recipe for constant chipping and
peeling. This is especially true of
older oil-based paints that were
manufactured before 1980. On an
antique home, chances are there is
a significant build up of old, brittle
paint. It’s not always easy to
scrape and remove this paint without damaging delicate layers of old
wood underneath. There should
be a careful balance between aggressive paint removal with power
tools verses hand scraping and
sanding. Another alternative is
using chemical stripping methods
to remove as much of the old paint
as possible. Finally, it could be
more cost effective to simply remove and replace old siding with
new pre-primed wood siding products than it would be to attempt to
salvage old siding that has too
many layers of old paint.
How well is your home insulated, and how much moisture is
escaping from between the inner
and outer walls during the spring
and summer? Older homes are
prone to moisture build up in the
walls during the winter. Sources
of moisture may include steam
from cooking and taking a shower,
steam from your heating system,
and even moisture from breathing.
During the colder months, this
moisture is trapped in the walls.
During hot weather, that moisture
is usually drawn out through the
exterior siding. On an older home
with lots of old built up paint that
has been covered with newer products that don’t breathe well, this
moisture will literally push the
paint off the home. Many times,
this will exhibit at areas where old
paint hasn’t peeled before but isn’t
adhering well enough to hang on
when pressure from moisture
below builds. For this reason, it’s
always a good idea to wait until at
least mid July to paint an old
home. This will provide ample
time for your home to dry out.
Should you hire one of the fancy
new “permanent coatings” companies? Well, if you are considering
going that route, I’d recommend
getting a quote from more than one
and getting a copy of their full warranty. Usually, if something is too
good to be true, it is. If your home
has old layers of paint, moisture
problems, or rotting wood,
chances are the “permanent coatings” won’t be so permanent. As
you consider the price premium
you’ll be paying for a lifetime
rated paint job, you’ll want to ensure it really is covered for life and
that there is nothing in the warranty that will exclude your home
from future service. Again with
the investment level in mind, it
Page 11
would be wise to have your attorney review the contract and the
warranty before you proceed.
Remember that your home likely
has lead paint! The older a home
is, the more likely it is to be covered in lead paint. The EPA and
the state have strict laws in place
that apply to renovations and
painting on homes containing lead
paint. Contractors and painters are
required to be certified by the state
before they may work on projects
where lead paint is present. Insist
on a copy of the credentials of the
company AND the crew that will
be working on your home. These
laws are designed to protect you,
your family, pets, and neighbors
from lead poisoning and should be
followed carefully. The law itself
is 48 pages of fine print, but in a
nutshell it’s really important to remember not to generate a lot of
lead dust, and to contain all dust,
debris, and chips while working on
lead jobs. Clearly, mechanical
grinding or paint shaving on the
exterior of a home with lead paint
is not a good idea. As you consider
the cost of lead compliance PLUS
the cost of mechanical or chemical
stripping of old paint as mentioned
above, replacement of exterior siding and trim covered with lead
paint becomes a more attractive
option. This is because the new
paint job will last longer, and it will
be safer for your family and the environment. It may even cost less
The bottom line: Living in an
antique home is a lifestyle choice,
and it’s not for everyone. Routine
maintenance is to be expected.
Think carefully about the balance
between aggressive preparation or
even replacement verses a more
modest approach of hand scraping
and preparation. With the later,
you’ll most certainly experience
some routine peeling on your
home. A good painting contractor
will cover the routine peeling with
a written warranty, and be honest
with you up front about the fact
that older homes usually have
some problem areas that are always peeling. Go with the flow
and remember, a little bit of uneven paint or some peeling areas
are part of the charm of an older
If there is anything else I can
do just let me know!
Doug Masters
Masters Touch
PO Box 171
Medfield, MA 02052
508-359-5900 ext. 201
Fax 508-359-4042
Officer Savage 5K Road
Race draws a crowd
The 12th Annual Officer Savage
5K Road Race on May 5 once
again drew about 200 runners in
the name of raising money and
honoring the late Stuart Savage of
the Wellesley Police Department.
"It's a great community event,"
said race director Lieutenant Jack
Pilecki. "It allows the police to interact with the public and it gives
us a chance to show our good side
and try to give back a little back to
the community."
Chelmsford resident Andrew
Gordon crossed the finish line first,
in a time of 18:39, but the top 15
was dominated by Wellesley residents, including second-place fin-
isher Gabriel Cattani,
fourth-place finisher
Rawson Chaplin and
the 6th-10th place finishers - Bob Ranaldi,
Chris Garvin, William
Curtin, Thomas Smith, and
Arthur Krieg, respectively.
Money raised by the race
goes into a general fund that
supports fitness initiatives
within the department and
the town. The department is
currently raising money to
purchase new fitness equipment for the basement
of the police department
building on Washington
Street; money has also
been given to sports
teams that need help for
expenses like uniforms.
Officer Stuart Savage
was killed in the line of
duty 17 years ago. Following his death, his
parents donated the
start-up costs for the
WPD fitness center.
Pilecki characterized the event as
a true collaboration between the
department and the community,
including residents and businesses.
Roche Bros. is a major supporter
of the race, while Babson College
provided use of their indoor track,
where a kids' fun run was held.
"I can't say enough good things
about them. They really support us
and do everything we ask," he said.
Pilecki also said that many offduty police officers and staff volunteered their time for the race,
which was held on a Saturday.
"The people who organize and
volunteer, it's the cops and their
families and the employees that
work here," he added, noting that,
for example, WPD records clerk
Sue Morse runs the barbecue.
"Everyone steps up and it's a wonderful thing."
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 12
The College Fit: Look For
More Than Just a Name
The first of May was the final
deadline for high school seniors to
choose their college destination. It
seems this generation is a lot
smarter than their parents' generation - now students are researching
schools to find the perfect fit rather
than just a prestigious name.
For parents and students, it's
smart to start the research process
during students' sophomore year
by compiling a list of criteria: size
of school, geographic location,
possible majors of interest, and the
availability of study abroad programs.
Figure out what's important to
you: You may want to play club
lacrosse or have access to the best
internships in a city, or join a sorority. Then, actively take an interest
in learning from the adults around
you, such as where they attended
college and what they would do
differently. Learn from the mis-
takes and successes of others to
figure out where you might thrive.
One local family actually wrote a
list of the happiest people they
knew and where each person went
to college. Their college search
began with all those schools.
In general, once a list of criteria
is established, students should start
creating a list of colleges by doing
online research and talking to family, friends, school staff, and others.
Mary Renner, mother of three
daughters, explained that she had
to approach the whole process as
if she didn't know anything about
any of the schools. It helped her
keep an open mind. Mary explained, "The process and school
choices are so different from when
we were young. We talked casually about it over the course of four
years and eventually three schools
floated to the top of her list. Two
of the schools we knew about and
one we didn't. Our first daughter
Making College
Advice for Parents
• Sit down with your hormonal
teen and write five bullet points on
what they want from a college experience.
• Don't squash their dreams.
students that aren't
your own children
(review their essay
for feedback, write a
reference letter, call
your alma mater to
help a waitlisted
child, practice mock
interviews). What
comes around, goes
• Think positively of all the reasons
they should get in.
• Help them focus on the perfect fit
and take the pressure off attending
an Ivy.
• Proofread their application.
• Use the junior summer to visit as
many schools possible.
• Consider the strong honors programs at the bigger schools (University of Massachusetts/Amherst,
Miami University, etc.)
• Use Naviance to help assess your
child's fit.
• Don't be competitive and secretive; reach out and offer to help
Advice for Students
• Compile a balanced list of 10-12
colleges that is not too heavy on
reach schools or too low on backup schools.
• Write your essays during junior
summer so that you can focus on
keeping your grades up.
• Let your parents review your essays and application as you will
need another set of eyes.
• There is no good reason why the
mean girl got into your top choice,
and you didn't, but keep being the
ended up at the school we
didn't know, and she's never
been happier."
The positive result from
so many applications is that
the quality of all the schools
has improved. Schools that you
would never have considered 20
years ago are much more competitive academically today. And once
you realize that getting into a
school does not
happiness or insure success, you
will find that your
focus shifts to
colleges that offer
more courses that
with your interests; you'll be able
to act on your gut instincts rather
than the influences of others.
When I worked in the magazine
business, the happiest, highest paid
and most successful man in my
company went to a community
college. He actually could barely
read due to a severe case of
dyslexia but he compensated for
that through his unique ability to
connect with everyone. Many
hugely successful, happy people
went to no-name colleges. Among
them: Oprah Winfrey, David Letterman, Steve Jobs, Rudolph Giuliani, Warren Buffett, Colin
Powell, Sarah Palin, Julia Roberts,
and Steven Spielberg. In fact,
Steven Spielberg was rejected
from the famous film schools at
USC and UCLA, and wound up at
California State-Long Beach.
Someone definitely screwed up
with his application!
The idea with the
process is to tell
your whole story
in a condensed,
professional, and
Meredith McPherron, founder of
Zipteva, has discovered a way to
help high school students stand out
from their peers through digital
profiles, since they present a more
complete picture of his or her distinct talents and skills for college
admission. Students meet with a
personal counsellor to discuss their
achievements, interests and unique
story and review the content they
have. Counsellors help students
convey that story by assembling
multi-media profiles using a pro-
June 1, 2012
fessionally designed digital portfolio tool and incorporating a combination of a student's own videos,
photos, personal history and academic information. Students can
include their digital profiles in lieu
of a résumé or other supplemental
Most colleges complain about
the scope of material added to the
common application, because they
are overwhelmed with material
and don't have time to read or view
everything. So figure out a concise
way to present yourself - whether
it's a résumé to upload, a link to a
website or a multi-media digital
In closing, I have good news.
Julie Trask, head of guidance at
Wellesley High School, said she
"expected a lot of students to be on
wait lists this year, but we have
also recently received some really
good news with students finally
coming off wait lists and getting
So if you are just starting out on
your college search, relax and
enjoy the process. It all works out.
For more information on Zipteva,
contact Meredith at 781-235-0839
or meredith@zipteva.com.
Q&A with Susan Case,
College Counselor
How has the college process
changed since ten years ago?
It's more competitive to get into
college. Supposedly, the number of
18 year olds in the US has decreased, yet with the increase in international students, the total
amount applying has actually increased. Students need to make
decisions about college much earperson you are because karma has lier, yet at 16 and 17 years old, they
a nice way of working things out. aren't really ready.
• Don't fall in love with one school What strategies help kids get
because that will almost guarantee into their top schools?
Applying Early Decision to a re• Don't take rejection personally as alistic school is the best way to go.
the admissions process is imper- Make realistic assessments and
pull together a balanced list that
• Take the SATs or ACT three has breadth so you're well covered.
Naviance has been a valuable tool
times, maximum.
in helping students be realistic.
• Do not procrastinate on completing your application, writing your What mistakes do students tend
essays or signing up for testing or to make?
you will feel overwhelmed by the Make sure students put effort and
energy into each school applica-
tion. There tends to be a focus on
the very top schools and then the
interest drops off for safety
schools. Admissions will look at
those students as not taking the
school seriously.
What's the biggest surprise
about the college application
It feels so random on who gets in
where and why. Results can be unpredictable. The process is also
more time consuming than students expect.
What trends do you see?
More students are interested in
schools in the southeast than five
years ago. It used to be that if you
went south, you went to Duke and
Emory. But now we are seeing a
surge of applications to College of
Charleston, High Point University
and Elon University.
What would you change about
the application process?
I'd have schools focus less on
scores with more attention on the
June 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 13
Art in Wellesley
Graduating to
Workplace Fashion
was always into clothes and
fashion," she said. "...All my
outfits were always put together days in advance for a
week of school."
Wellesley Native's New Book Advises
Young Professionals
And Sunday Mass was an
event for her "because I
could watch the people go
During her time as a corporate recruiter for several Fortune 500 companies, Wellesley native and style
consultant Kyle Alexandra Dewar
Moreland was charged with finding
the best person or people for an open
position. She would narrow down
stacks of applications and schedule
interviews for the company's hiring
manager. On paper, there was often
little to distinguish the most qualified
candidates from one another.
In person, however, the wheat, as
they say, was separated from the
chaff, and sometimes the reason
came down to how the candidate
dressed. At the very least it could be
a warning flag.
A series of pages from Inspiring Confidence for the New College
Grad, which advises young professionals on workplace fashion.
their husbands feel better, too,
now that their wives are in a
better place.
"I have husbands who send
me thank-you notes," she said.
on the opposite page, an outfit designed to show confidence and preparedness in a variety of situations.
The photos are offset by comments
on the outfits and general office style
The book covers a variety of work"I would talk to candidates on the
phone who would be well spoken, place situations, beginning with interviews and moving to
who I'd be excited to see,
business professional enand then I would go to
vironments, business cagreet them and see them
with a wrinkled shirt and
workplace summer outunshaven," she recalled
ing scenarios, and more.
during a conversation
Each circumstance feaabout her new book, Intures two-page spreads
spiring Confidence for the
for both women and
New College Grad. "This
men. For example, for
would happen on so many
the sometimes tricky "caoccasions, and I would
say, 'I cannot introduce Style and wardrobe sual Fridays," which
threaten to worry the
you to the hiring manager.' consultant and auThe hiring manager would thor Kyle Alexandra young professional in
Dewar Moreland.
his or her first few
have been upset with me."
weeks in the office, the
In general, Dewar Morebook shows a woman wearing
land, owner and founder of Kyle "overly trendy clothes," including a
Alexandra Wardrobe and Style Con- long sweater vest and leggings. On
sulting, based in Wellesley and West- the opposite page, the same model
wood, has noticed a trend towards dons a feminine jacket that "instantly
lackadaisical and sloppy, even inap- dresses up jeans and completes an
propriate, clothing worn by recent outfit."
college graduates.
Writing about those casual Friday
While she acknowledged that jeans, Dewar Moreland explains, "If
today's graduates are entering a more jeans are acceptable, you can achieve
casual environment than even a a polished look by choosing dark
decade ago, she says that those in po- wash jeans for work on Fridays.
sition to hire them are probably more Never wear jeans which are ripped or
feature overly decorative back pock"The people who are hiring are part ets."
of a generation that dressed for class,
And for men on casual Fridays? "A
and they find it hard to look past smart, non-iron, button-down sport
cargo pants," she stated.
shirt is the way to go for Casual FriEnter the book.
Inspiring Confidence for the New
College Grad is a smartly laid out and
eye-catching series of "before and
after" photographs of models wearing, first, an inappropriate (or simply
less likely to impress) outfit and then,
day," the book suggests.
Dewar Moreland's post-corporate
career choice as a style consultant is
a fitting one that harkens back to her
childhood in Wellesley.
"Ever since I was a young girl, I
by and look at the outfits they had
She later found the perfect college
environment: the University of
Rhode Island provided the opportunity to double major in business and
textiles, the latter of which laid a
foundation for personalizing others'
clothing choices. "It gave me the
knowledge and the ability to understand the way fabric lies on different
body types, how different fabrics are
best for different body types," she explained.
Today, that business and style acumen is being put to use at Kyle
Alexandra Wardrobe and Style Consulting, which she launched in 2008.
"I like to tell people that I do for
wardrobes what interior decorators
do for homes," she said.
Primarily, her clients are corporate
executives who lack the time to shop.
They'd rather spend their free moments with their families and friends
and rely on Dewar Moreland and her
staff, which includes her mother,
Marilyn Dewar; her sister, Creative
Director Cynthia Mikesell; and recent
hire Kimberly Calhoun, to get them
moving in the right direction.
After an initial questionnaire and
evaluation of goals and challenges,
Dewar Moreland and her client "do a
closet pruning session"; she then goes
shopping for the client, returning a
couple weeks later with options.
"I save my clients time and money,
and stress. It's very stressful for
women to go shopping," she noted,
explaining that about 90 percent of
her clients are women, with a growing clientele of men. "Many hate it,
especially if they've gained
weight...they'll get frustrated and just
leave [the store]." But with the delivery of new outfits, those same women
are relieved, she says. In fact, it makes
And perhaps that's what it
comes down to: happiness. As Dewar
Moreland states in the book's foreword, college grads should take note
that personal style affects self-worth
and behavior.
"Studies have shown that there is a
direct correlation between how an in-
dividual feels, thinks, acts or behaves
when dressed in a way that reflects a
positive image," she writes, adding,
"Remember... you only have one
chance to make a first impression every day of your life!"
To learn more about Kyle Alexandra Wardrobe and Style Consulting
kylealexandra.com. To
purchase Inspiring Confidence for the
New College Grad, go to
College Radio Station
Reaches Milestone
Wellesley College's radio station,
WZLY 91.5 FM, is now 70 years
old. Back when it debuted in April
of 1942 it was the first all-women
college radio station in the country.
It was originally titled WBS 730
In the 1980s, the studio was
nicknamed "Electric Ladyland,"
influenced by Jimi Hendrix's
album of the same name. Today 60
student disc jockeys and 14 executive board members keep WZLY
alive and well on the airwaves.
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 14
Let's Cut a Deal
Brooks Honored
During Transition
Chief Terry Cunningham held a
reception at Wellesley Police
Headquarters on Friday, April 27,
2012 to honor Deputy Chief
William Brooks on his last day of
work in Wellesley.
Deputy Chief Brooks came to
Wellesley shortly after Chief Cunningham took the helm as Wellesley’s Police Chief twelve years
ago. Prior to working in Wellesley, Deputy Chief Brooks worked
in Norwood and also Westwood as
a police officer. His last assignment in Norwood was as a sergeant in charge of the Norwood
Bureau of Criminal Investigation.
June 1, 2012
During the reception, Chief
Cunningham spoke about the
progress that both the department and the town have made
by having Deputy Chief
Brooks in Wellesley. Selectman
Barbara Searle also spoke to the
crowd about the benefits of working with Deputy Chief Brooks on
a variety of issues. Other speakers
included Sergeant Scott Showstead and Officer Tim Barros, who
represented the unions. Several
retired officers who worked with
Deputy Chief Brooks were on
hand, as well as many current
town employees, selectmen, and
police officers.
Wellesley High School junior
Isaac Blake, facing pressure from
his mother to cut his trademark
mullet finally relented: I'll cut it off
if you raise $1,000 for the nonprofit organization Compassionate
Care ALS (CCALS), he told her.
Following a presentation of a
plaque to the Deputy Chief, a
video documentary was shown
chronicling the Deputy Chief’s
move to Norwood. The Deputy
Chief then reflected on his experiences in Wellesley and some of the
more interesting cases that he
worked on.
The motivation behind his statement was the diagnosis of ALS received last year by WHS junior
varsity Basketball Coach Paul
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), sometimes called Lou
Gehrig's disease, is a rapidly pro-
gressive, invariably fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve
cells (neurons) responsible for
controlling voluntary muscles.
CCALS provides support for those
living with ALS.
Now, mother and son can say
"mission accomplished" on both
fronts: money donated to CCALS
and mullet removed: on April 30,
Blake had his hair buzzed off by at
the WHS track following a junior
varsity baseball game, an event
that drew a crowd, including media
from local outlets and the Boston
Deputy Chief Brooks became
‘Chief’ Brooks on Tuesday, May
1, 2012. The Wellesley Police Department wishes him well.
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Coach Paul Seaver takes the clippers to Isaac Blake's rapidly disappearing
mullet. Photo by Connie Main.
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WHS grad Blake Dowling also took part in the CCALS-supportive event.
Photo by Connie Main.
June 1, 2012
June 2
Business of Acting Workshop,
Saturday, June 2, 10:00 AM - 5:00
PM, with Chris Ciulla. Topics Include: How to maximize and succeed in Boston.What jobs are best
for an aspiring actor. What are appropriate acting goals. Headshots,
Resumes, and Demo Reels. Acting Unions...yes or no, and when.
Agents, Managers, and Showcases. Casting Director Workshops...Am I ready? What are the
things to AVOID AT ALL
COSTS. How to network in BOS,
LA, NYC and other acting markets. Chris Ciulla is a credited
actor, host, TV producer, and
radio personality living in LA. He
has created the Business for Acting Workshop so you can make
the right choices to create and
maintain progress in your acting
career in whatever town you reside. He began his acting journey
in Boston, performing on stage
and in films from 1996-2002.
June 3, 10, 17, 24
Sunday Knitting Group, at the
Wellesley Free Library, 2:00 PM
to 4:00 PM, Arnold Room. Get together to knit, chat, share and
work on your knitting projects!
Free and open to the public; New
members always welcome. For
more information, email Barbara
June 3
Helen Gee Chin Scholarship
Foundation Fundraiser, Sunday,
June 3, 2012 1:00-3:30pm. Newton North High School (NNHS)
Theatre, 457 Walnut Street, Newtonville, MA 02460. Calvin
Chin’s Martial Arts Academy is
holding a Martial Arts Demonstration, including lion dance,
dragon dance, kung fu, tai chi, and
Chinese dance -- to benefit the
Helen Gee Chin Scholarship
Foundation. Helen Gee Chin was
the administrator at CCMAA for
15 years and a proponent of preserving the history and promoting
the practice of Chinese martial
arts. The Foundation awards college scholarships to encourage academic achievement and motivate
individuals to become serious
martial artists. Tickets are $20
apiece and wheelchair accessible
seats are available. For more information, please go to
or call 857-234-0770.
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 15
June Calendar of Events
June 7
The Basics of Rose Growing,
Thursday, June 7 at Elm Bank,
7:00pm - 8:30pm. Featuring Irwin
Ehrenreich - The Rose Man Nursery. This lecture covers rose history, classification, the year in the
rose garden from spring pruning
to winter protection and finally, a
photo gallery of some of Irwin's
rose gardens. Irwin Ehrenreich,
owner of The Rose Man, a rose
care service on Cape Cod, is an
American Rose Society Consulting Rosarian, Yankee District coordinator for Roses in Review,
past president of The Seaside
Rosarians, and Lower Cape Rose
Society, as well as a Master Gardener. Presentations will begin at
7pm and go until all questions are
answered. The classes are priced
at $12 for members and $15 for
non-members unless otherwise indicated. There is no need to preregister and you may pay at the
June 7
Author Talk at the Wellesley
Free Library. Wellesley Author,
Nicole Bernier. Join us for a celebration of the launch of her novel,
The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth
D. Thursday, June 7, 7 PM in the
Wakelin Room. Free and Open to
the Public.
June 13
Write Right for Kids: a writer's
group, at Wellesley Free Library,
Wednesday June 13, 7:30 PM to
8:45 PM. Arnold Room. Are you
writing a children's book and need
support? Wellesley Free library
invites you to join a new support
group for writers of children’s literature where you can share your
work and offer or receive encouragement and constructive criticism. This is an open group and
registration is not required. Join
us to share in the writing experience.
June 16
The MOPO Miler Open Water
Swim. June 16, 9:30 am Start.
Who: 16 to Adult. Under 18 must
have a parent/guardian sign a
waiver. What: 1/2 mile or 1 mile
course, non sanctioned event.
When: June 16, 2012. Check in 9
am/Start 9:30 am. Where: Morses
Pond, 99 Turner Road, Day of
event phone: 781.431.7724. Why:
The Glenna Kohl Fund for Hope.
Melanoma awareness & prevention. Activity #888888-01 for online registration. Cost: $20.00
includes t-shirt. Registration deadline: June 1
June 21
Composting. Thursday, June 21
2012, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Elm
Bank. Featuring Ann McGovern Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. You can
improve your soil while getting rid
of nearly half of your household
garbage by composting. Compost
is the basis for healthy soil.
Healthy soil grows healthy lawns
and gardens without the need for
pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
You can have a beautiful yard
without using chemicals that can
harm children, pets and the environment. Learn how to turn coffee
grounds, tea bags, fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, yard
waste and even paper towels into
black gold that will transform
your soil into rich, fertile earth.
This workshop covers easy composting methods, different types
of bins, indoor worm composting
for apartment-dwellers, and how
compost can eliminate the need
for chemical fertilizers and pesticides in your yard and garden.
Ann McGovern is the Consumer
Waste Reduction Coordinator and
composting outreach specialist for
the Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection. She coordinates Massachusetts' home
composting education program
and compost bin grant program,
through which over 110,000 compost bins have been distributed to
the public. She has taught the
composting session for the Northeast Organic Farmers Association
(NOFA) Organic Landcare Certification Course since 2003, and
for the Mass. Horticultural Society's Master Gardener Training
program since 1994. In March
2005, the PBS show "Ask This
Old House" featured Ann as guest
expert in a home composting segment. Ann is an avid gardener and
finds most enjoyment when nature
thrives in her small suburban lot.
Ann is a graduate of the University of Vermont in Environmental
Studies and has done postgraduate
work in Soil Science at the University
Amherst. She has worked for
DEP since 1989. Presentations
will begin at 7pm and go until all
questions are answered. The
classes are priced at $12 for mem-
bers and $15 for non-members
unless otherwise indicated. There
is no need to pre-register and you
may pay at the class.
June 25-27
Mommy or Daddy & Me
Kayaking. (Parent & child 1 - 5
years old). Mon - Wed, 2:30 - 4
p.m., June 25 - 27. $100. Instructor: Still River Outfitters. In addition to basic paddling and safety
skills, we help parents adapt our
proven strategies to comfortably
paddle with a toddler. This class is
taught in stable recreational
kayaks where the child will sit
safely between the parent’s legs in
the kayak’s cockpit. This class is
appropriate for parents and their
child between 1 and 5. Location:
Dug Pond, Natick Min:
1pair/Max: 4 pairs.
or 781-235-2370.
June 27
Atticus matinee at the Senior
Center. The tragedy and triumph
of To Kill A Mockingbird comes
to life as character actor Richard
Clark presents“Atticus” on
Wednesday June 27 at 1pm. This
courtroom drama, the poignant interactions between father and chil-
dren, the harsh realities of bigotry
and hatred blend to make this a
compelling theatrical event. Coffee and dessert will be served.
This program is supported in part
by a grant from the Wellesley Cultural Council, a local agency
which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state
agency.” Please call to register
June 30
Caregiver Rescue, sponsored by
the Wellesley Council on Aging
and West Suburban Area
Alzheimer’s Partnership. Saturday
June 30 join us at 9:30 for registration and refreshments followed
by the program from 10-12,
Wakelin Room of the Wellesley
Library 530 Washington Street.
Come and learn how to improve
the way we as caregivers, and
those we care for, think, feel, behave, and remember. This workshop will give you powerful tools
to lower stress levels, improve
overall health and well being, and
feel better! You can achieve all this
while minimizing the use of medications. Our speaker is Miguel
Rivera, MD, Geriatric Psychiatrist, Medical Director TriYoga International. Dr. Rivera is also the
Medical Director of Mental
Health and Well-Being at seven
assisted living and long term care
facilities in Sarasota, FL. REGISTRATION IS AT THE DOOR—
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508-533-NEWS (6397)
163 Main Street, Suite 1, Medway
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 16
June 1, 2012
Bank Robber Runs
Away During Marathon
On Monday, April 16 at approximately 2:23 p.m. the Wellesley
Police Emergency Communications Center received a 911 call
from an employee at TD Bank
North located at 999 Worcester
Street in Wellesley indicating that
the bank had been robbed by an
unknown party.
Sergeant Jeff Renzella arrived
within a minute of the call and
began a search of the area on foot,
male, possibly in his 30s, 5’8”- 6”
feet in height, wearing a light colored fitted baseball hat, sunglasses, a white button down shirt,
khaki shorts and boat shoes. The
party passed a note and no
weapon was visible. The unknown party is believed to have
fled west on foot after leaving the
Several Wellesley Police Officers responded to the area to
search for the suspect and
were assisted by officers from
the Natick Police Department.
Wellesley Police Detectives
responded to process the scene
A State Police K9 was requested and responded to assist in a ground search of the
area surrounding the bank.
Sargent Brian Spencer was promoted by
Selectmen to Sargent in March.
directing other arriving units. Several Wellesley Police officers responded from the Boston
Marathon route where they were
doing traffic and crowd control.
The Natick Police assisted in the
search as well.
The bank employee described
the unknown party as a white
This incident in currently
under investigation and no further information was available
as of press time.
In other Wellesley Police news,
Officer Brian Spencer received a
promotion. On Tuesday, March
20, Chief Terry Cunningham and
Deputy Chief Brooks appeared
before the Wellesley Board of Selectmen to recommend that Officer Spencer be promoted to the
rank of sergeant. The Board of
A police K9 unit investigates a Marathon Day robbery at TD Bank on Route 9.
agreed, and Officer Spencer was
Officer Spencer currently serves
as the Wellesley Police Department's safety and school liaison
officer and has twenty-five years
of experience in the field of law
enforcement. He worked as a patrolman for the Lexington Police
department from 1987 to 1995.
Between 1995 and 2000, he
worked at the Middlesex Sheriff’s
Department and the Governor’s
Alliance Against Drugs, both in a
capacity where he supervised the
work of others. In 2000, he was
hired as a patrolman with the
Wellesley Police Department.
In his capacity as the school liaison officer, he oversees the
Town’s school crossing guards,
designs and presents educational
programs to children in the
Town’s grammar, middle and high
schools, serves on the Youth Commission, attends meetings of, and
liaises with, school PTO’s, prosecutes criminal cases at juvenile
court, works with the Town’s elder
population and along with the
Town’s Youth Director runs a
youth academy for middle school
students every summer.
Officer Spencer holds a Bachelor’s degree Criminal Justice from
Suffolk University and has completed extensive training, much of
it in the areas of crime prevention
and child safety.
Your Guide to Eating Outside
t 3BUFE###CZ41
Summer is almost here and more
than a few Wellesley restaurants
and food shops have opened up
their patios, so Wellesley Local
Town Pages asked Town Hall to
provide a list of restaurants that
provide outdoor seating. The following list is incomplete, and there
is no guarantee that all the restaurants listed below will have outdoor seating. Call individual
locations for details.
*Subject to change in price and availability — priced as of 5/11/12.
This investment is subject to market risk, and the amount you receive
upon sale may be more or less than the amount you paid.
Bertucci's - 380 Washington Street
- 781-239-0990
For Complete Details, Call:
Blue Ginger - 583 Washington
Street - 781-283-5790
We Can Offer:*
to Call
Ares Capital Corp.
Exchange-Traded Debt Security
Keith Wesley Blades, AAMS®
Vice President/Investments
(781) 239-2811
20 William Street, Suite 330
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC and NYSE
La Riviera Gourmet - 390 Washington Street - 781-235-1885
Singh's Cafe - 312 Washington
Street - 781-235-1666
Whole Foods Market - 278 Washington Street - 781-235-7262
Coconut Thai Cafe - 257 Washington Street - 781-235-8255
Comella's Restaurant - 288 Washington Street - 781-235-7300
Milestone of Wellesley - 13 Central Street - 781-446-6950
The Cottage - 190 Linden Street 781-239-1100
Milestone Cafe and Bistro is one of many Wellesley restaurants offering
outdoor seating.
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
June 1, 2012
Page 17
School News
Sponsored By
Your New Superintendent
The selection
process included focus
Wellesley School Committee Announces Lussier
groups, interviews, and onBY ZACKARY LAMOTHE
accessible and approachable, has a line surveys. Eighty individuals
proven track record of leadership consisting of parents, students, town
skills, and who, overall, would be a residents, and teachers provided
At the School Committee meeting
visionary leader as the school dis- feedback on the three finalists. The
on May 8, Dr. David Lussier was
trict marches further into the 21st three finalists were interviewed exnamed as the next Superintendent
tensively by central office adminisof Wellesley Public Schools. The
meeting was held in the impressive
Richardsonian Romanesque styled
Town Hall, a perfect backdrop for
the unveiling of the new head of
schools. The well-attended meeting
included concerned citizens, the
press, as well as students.
The meeting was chaired by
School Committee member K.C.
Kato, whom the other committee
members lauded for her in-depth
and definitive role in the selection
The meeting began with Kato outlining the exhaustive process of
finding a new head of schools. The
Committee had certain traits in
mind when picking the ideal candidate, members said. The school
district was looking for someone
who advocates collaboration, is a
strong communicator, who believes
in raising the bar for all students, is
Members of the School Committee discuss their new choice for Superintendent. Photos by Zackary Lamothe.
The selection process was narrowed down from 25 highly qualified candidates to eight. In the end,
three finalists were chosen, with Dr.
David Lussier being selected unanimously by the School Committee.
Greening WMS
The Wellesley Middle School
Green Team continues to make its
presence known in Wellesley and
The club was recently honored with a
award from Project Green Schools,
while the club's 8th grade leaders,
Keenan Ashbrook and Matthew
Hornung were given Presidential
Youth Environmental Awards
through the EPA for their efforts.
tration, parents, principals, and
students. The town as a whole was
able to participate in the process so
comprehensively in part because
the interviews with the candidates
were put online via Wellesley-
"We're a group of students at
Wellesley Middle School who are
looking to improve environmental
awareness in the school and the
town," explained Ashbrook.
The Green Team is the group behind the school's Litter-less Lunch
Program and its two-year old community garden, which was started
last year but was expanded during
the current school year. In addition
In addition to
Lussier, the finalists
included Dr. Judith
Paolucci, who is the
Superintendent of
Schools in Yarmouth,
Maine; and Dr. Gerald Hill, Superintendent of Glenview
District 34 in Glenview, Illinois. Hill
had recently accepted
a position in Michigan, so the finalists
Paolucci, or someone
to fill the position
only for the interim. New WPS Superintendent Dr. David Lussier
In the end, Lussier
was the choice among the members award while teaching Social Studies at Andover High School in
of the School Committee.
Dr. David Lussier is currently the
After leaving the classroom, he
Executive Director of the Office of
the Associate Director of
Educator Quality in the school disDomestic
Policy at the White
trict of Austin, Texas. Lussier was
extensive resume,
born and grew up in Massachusetts
and perwhere he earned a Bachelor’s desonal
him to
gree at UMass Lowell, a Master's
degree at Boston University, and
another Master's along with a Doc- as the individual who will take the
torate in education at Harvard Uni- Wellesley School District to the
versity. He won the highly coveted next level. Lussier will begin his
Massachusetts Teacher of the Year position on July 1.
to that, the Green Team held a
Green Festival at the end of April.
posal to replace the inefficient light
bulbs in the WMS auditorium.
"I feel like this year we've sort of
put ourselves on the map," said
Sanford Bogage, a math teacher at
the school and a Green Team coFaculty Advisor along with Rich
Chute, a social studies teacher, and
Jonathan Rabinowitz, who teaches
social studies and English. Bogage
said future initiatives include a pro-
"We're trying to do anything in the
school that, with a small amount of
money, can help the students live a
greener lifestyle," Bogage said.
Paul Monte Music
Est. 1952
Several members of the WMS Green Team during a recent after school trip
to the Farmers Market.
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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 18
June 1, 2012
School News
Sponsored By
Dear Scarlett
Dear Scarlett:
So there's a boy in our school
that keeps saying annoying comments about my friend. My
friend is nice to everyone, loves
sports and gets a lot more positive
attention than the boy harassing
him. Recently, this kid made up a
lie saying my friend says everyone on his team sucks. But now
he hit an all time low and used the
Internet to email a power point
photo collage saying my friend is
gay and making fun of him. My
friend ignores it but it's gotten out
of hand. What should I tell him?
Nobody Deserves This Abuse
men overseas and random people
and started sexy conversations.
When I saw me as this stranger, I
burst in tears! This wasn't me,
and I would never say those
things. Facebook has so many of
these cases that they don't have
time to investigate quickly. After
researching and talking to police,
we found out it was a young, shy
6th grade girl who spent an unusual amount of time on her
computer. It took some time to
delete the false account, but
through parental involvement, it
finally got done. I'm sharing my
story with others so hopefully
others won't accept strangers on
Senior Project
Funds Polaris
H.S. Fashion Show Exhibits Local
Stores' Clothing Lines
Two Wellesley High School seniors raised $600 for the Polaris
Project as part of their senior project.
Tyler Chryssicas
and Rebecca Forman created, designed,
produced a fashion
show that took
place in the high
Dear Nobody Deserves This
You sound like a great friend to
have. More kids like you should
speak up to help others - even if they
seem like kids who can handle it.
Let someone in his family know
that he's being cyber-bullied, and
hopefully they will involve the
school and family. Some parents
will make excuses for their kid to
justify the behavior. They may even
blame the victim because they don't
want to learn the truth. In this case,
your friend sounds like someone
who is strong enough to handle it
because he ignores it. That's an unusually mature response. But some
other kids might avoid going to
school, physically fight back, develop anxiety and even consider
taking their life. The worst part of
this story is attacking an innocent
group of people just because of their
sexual orientation. By alerting
adults who want to stop bullying,
you are actually helping everyone
Dear Scarlett:
Somebody who I don't know
friended me on Facebook, and I
accepted because we had mutual
friends. After a few months, some
kids told me about a young girl
that kept talking about me. Then
I learned that someone had actually stolen my Facebook pictures,
invented a new name and created
a fictional Facebook account.
This mystery person friended
Make-up artist Hilary Warner
(www.hilarywarner.com) helps Leigh Berndsen prepare for the runway.
Identity Fraud Victim
school auditorium on May 1.
The show featured clothing
donated by local
businesses, including National
Jean Company,
EA Davis, LF,
McGlaughlin, as
well as music
and more.
Dear Identity Fraud Victim:
Thanks for sharing your experience. Young adults have no idea
how using computers to forge identities can damage people, not to
mention that it's a felony. And kids
don't do it because they are bad some try it to see what life is like as
someone else. It's a curiosity that
starts by admiring a person but can
quickly spiral into an obsession.
That's why any child that spends too
much time locked in their room on
the computer usually needs parents
to intervene immediately and help
them discover a talent or passion.
Some kids spend too much time on
the computer because they are socially awkward and feel more confident when they chat on
computers. Parents should involve
school guidance counselors to help
their child connect socially so they
don't retreat to their comfortable
computer world. It will be challenging at first to enter into awkward social situations but eventually they
figure out how to make real friends
and connect with people. They may
fight parents at first but don't give
Ashton Chryssicas gets hair done by Lisa Roche of 717
Image (www.717image.com).
Chryssicas said
the models, who
walked the catwalk donning
"had fun with
the poses," often
drawing laughs
The models, boys and girls from
all high school grade levels, were
chosen by Chryssicas and Forman
because of another meaning of the
word "model." Chryssicas said
each model is also a role model at
the school.
The girls' chosen charity, the Polaris Project, is an international organization dedicated to stopping
human trafficking and modern-day
slavery. According to the Polaris
Project, victims of modern day
human trafficking include children
involved in the sex trade, adults age
18 or over who are coerced or deceived into commercial sex acts,
and anyone forced into different
forms of "labor or services," such
as domestic workers held in a
home, or farm-workers forced to
labor against their will.
To defeat this growing problem,
Polaris Project provides support to
victims, advocates for legislative
action to clamp down on the industry, raises awareness through
media, runs a 24-hour hotline, and
much more.
Dear Scarlett is an advice column
by Mary Kaye Chryssicas, who
wrote Breathe, a self-help book for
young adults. Please submit your
questions for Dear Scarlett to
mkchryssicas@comcast.net. Identities will be kept strictly confidential.
from the crowd.
To learn more go to www.polarisproject.com.
Matt Lawrence walking the runway.
Peter Dixon in blue fish pants
from J. McLaughlin.
Other senior projects this year included producing a dog show,
shadowing executives to research
potential careers, helping WHS
athletic trainers, and assisting a
teacher in class. Many of the senior
projects raise money for charities.
June 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Farmers' Market Open for Business
The new Wellesley Farmers'
Market's Grand Opening Celebration took place on May 10. In this
photo, 8th grader Keenan Ashbrook tries out Land Sakes Farm's
bicycle-powered blender. Vendors
at the regular Thursday market,
from 2-5 p.m. in the Whole Foods
parking lot include Sunshine Farm
(Sherborn), The Herb Pharmacy(
Salisbury), Of the Earth Farm(Groton), Warner Farms (South Deerfield), Land’s Sake Farm (Weston),
Carlson Orchards (Harvard), Stow
Greenhouses( Stow), West River
Creamery (Londonderry, VT), Big
Sky Bakery(Needham), and
Sprouted Raw Foods(Needham).
Photo by Dave Halperin.
Page 19
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The Human Relations Service
Honors Dr. Cheryl Maloney
The Human Relations Service
(HRS) held its Seventh Annual
Arnold Kerzner Award Dinner and
Auction to benefit The Human Relations Service on Tuesday, May 15
at Hunnewell House at Elm Bank,
Wellesley. Celebrity Chefs included:
Geoff Gardner, Sel de
la Terre; Mitchell
Maxwell, Maxwell’s
148; Derek Labounty,
The Cottage Restaurant, and Richard
Rayment, Seaport
Celebrity Auctioneer
will be Susan Wornick,
Boston. HRS honored
Dr. Cheryl Maloney,
the Superintendent of
Schools. HRS has
been an important
partner in her educational work over the years. In her
own words, “As I look back on my
27 years as an educator in the Weston Public Schools, no matter what
position I have held, I cannot imagine working without the support of
HRS. HRS has also been there when
each of our districts needed help
coping with tragedy, working with
entire schools and individuals.”
The Human Relations Service
(HRS) is the non-profit community
mental health agency serving
Wellesley, Weston and Wayland.
Founded in 1948, HRS was the first
clinic in the nation to emphasize prevention, as well as treatment, in its
programs. Today, HRS provides a
wide variety of clinical, consultation,
community education and employee
assistance services.
Sliding-scale fees are available to
residents who can’t afford the full
cost of care. Up to 25% of HRS’
clients qualify for such fees in any
given year. The funds raised at this
annual event help ensure that HRS can keep
providing the highest
quality care to those in
need and continue to
support the well-being
of our community. We
hope you will join us
for an evening of delicious food from local
celebrity chefs, entertainment, fine wines
and spirits, and an auction at Elm Bank, 900
Washington Street,
Wellesley. Tickets to
the dinner are $250 per
person. Many funding
opportunities exist at all
levels (ads, tributes, table hosting)
within various levels of donations.
To donate or learn more about
HRS call Director of Development,
Donna Poretsky at 781-235-4950.
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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 20
June 1, 2012
Wellesley Sports
Girls tennis takes
‘no-stopping us
now’ attitude
In his 11th year at the helm,
Wellesley High girls’ tennis coach
Alan Brazier knows a good thing
when he sees one. Brazier’s
Raiders may not be as strong
record-wise as last year’s 18-2
team, but don’t tell the head mentor
that’s a deterrent to any postseason
possibilities. In fact, Brazier thinks
his squad has the potential to get
back to the Division 1 South Sectional semifinals like last year’s
group, and maybe go even further.
“I think so, I think our best tennis
is ahead of us,” Brazier said after
the Raiders posted a 5-0 late season
win over Milton, one of Wellesley’s
rivals in the Bay State Conference
Herget Division.
Brazier was right on the mark, as
the Raiders went on to defeat BSC
“Quite an accomplishment,” Brazier said of Henry’s long run in the
top spot, noting the star plans to
continue her tennis career at Holy
Cross in the fall. “She’s dedicated
year round, and plays aggressively
in the offseason.”
heavyweight Brookline,
3-2, in mid-May, improving to 7-3 overall
and 7-3 in the BSC. At
that time, Wellesley was
still battling Natick (9-1,
8-1 BSC) for the Herget
title, and the two teams
were slated to play each
other in their last match
of the season. The state
tourney seeds were
scheduled to be announced near the end of Wellesley senior captain and No. 1 singles
standout Abby Henry goes up for the serve
the May.
during Brookline's stunning 3-2 win over host
“We’re growing,” Bra- Brookline in May. Photo by Mike Stoller.
zier said. “[The goal is]
to get back to where we were last sponded with a winning formula in
year to the semifinals and to im- both the singles and doubles cirprove all the way to the South Sec- cuits.
tional finals.”
Certainly, having senior captain
Henry back for her fourth
While the Raiders lost five starters
season as the team’s No. 1
to graduation last spring, including
standout has helped the
both doubles teams, they have re-
Boys Lacrosse Topping Herget
in league play, as of May 15.
The Wellesley boys’ lacrosse team
continues to power their way to the
top of the Bay State Conferenceg 's
Herget Division while planning a
strong run at a state championship.
With 18 seniors leading the way, the
Raiders boasted a 13-3 record, 9-0
“I think the seniors and juniors this
year still have that thought in their
mind that we didn’t win last year,”
said senior goaltender Connor
Darcey. “That’s basically what gets
us motivated to win. We know what
happens if we take a day off. We
want to make the most of it.”
Senior Oliver Saffrey agreed, and
said the seniors try and make sure to
help the younger kids where they
“We have a lot of guys that stepped
up, helping the younger kids figure
out where they’re supposed to be on
the field and we try to have that at
least,” Saffrey said. “And some-
In the No. 2 slot is fellow senior
leader Katie Cecere, who played in
the same role last year, moving up
from first doubles after her sophomore campaign. Cecere is followed
by No. 3 Allie Hale, who’s made
the switch from doubles play, and
is “growing into the role dealing
with the pressure,” Brazier said.
Both players had 5-3 records as of
mid may, while Henry stood at 4-3.
At first doubles, junior Amanda
Harkary and sophomore Olivia
Stein have moved up from junior
varsity, where they teamed up a bit
last year. This spring, Harkary and
Stein were posting a 5-2 record well
past the season’s midway point.
Brazier said their most impressive
effort came against Carey Division
powerhouse Needham, when
Harkary and Stein defeated their
strong opponents, 6-3, 6-4, despite
the Raiders’ team loss.
Another reliable player has been
senior Emily Weinstein, who has
filled in admirably in doubles play.
“She’s the kind of player I can put
in and feel comfortable,” Brazier
While the Raiders have suffered
tough losses to non-league powerhouses Hingham and Newton
South and conference rival Needham, the win over Brookline added
to a list of solid victories, which also
included a 5-0 win over BSC strong
foe Newton North, one that Brazier
thought was very encouraging.
“We’re improving as a team, and
everyone is improving in their
spots,” the coach said.
title is their first goal and winning a
state championship is the ultimate
The Raiders dominated Braintree
15-2 on May 14, an impressive and
much needed win after losing to topranked Duxbury, 9-3, the previous
After Braintree though, Darcey
kept his sights on the next task at
hand; playing Newton North on
May 16.
Coach Rocky Batty said the most
difficult aspect going into the Braintree game was ensuring that the
team stayed focus, a task not always
easy after a loss and several off days.
The Raiders still manage to
outscore their opponents almost 114, but the players say that working
with a comfortable lead doesn’t affect how they view or play the game.
“We’ve always been a deep team,
so it’s not a surprise, but I’m very
pleased with how they’ve played as
team,” Brazier said. “They had
wins against some very tough
times it works for us, other times it
takes a little motivation by Coach
but we work it out.”
“I want to make sure their minds
are still on the game,” Batty said.
“Braintree wanted to compete; every
team wants to compete that’s always
the tough part.”
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Meanwhile, the second doubles
duo of senior Tess Harrington and
sophomore Tory Neville have kept
up Wellesley’s tradition of deep
depth in the lineup, sporting a perfect 5-0 ledger.
“It was a game that we had to execute on,” Saffrey said after beating
Braintree. “We want to win the Bay
State titles when it comes down to
it. That was one of our goals at the
beginning of the year and we took
another step to getting close to that
Darcey was quick to agree with his
teammate and said the Bay State
“[It’s going to take] hard work, we
need to generate shots and shut them
down on defense,” Darcey said.
Going into Wednesday’s game,
the Tigers sat atop the Bay State
Carey conference and were also 9-0
in league play and outscoring their
opponents 10-5.
At this point last year, the Raiders
were undefeated, a record that they
unfortunately weren’t able to hold
on to all the way through the playoffs, suffering a heartbreaking 7-5
loss to Medfield in the quarterfinals.
That comparison isn’t one that the
Raiders are thinking about though.
What it comes down to according to
the players is taking it one game at a
time and remembering to keep the
ultimate goal on the horizon.
“The seniors have been here for
four years, and we unfortunately
found out what losing in the playoffs
feels like three times in a row,” Saffrey said. “We want to get away
from that, break that curse if you
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
June 1, 2012
Page 21
Wellesley Sports
Lauer a champion in
5,000 meters for
Colby women
After a 5-1 start, Wellesley baseball hit a rough patch in the middle
of the season, with five losses in
eight games. But the team pressed
on, recording wins against Milton,
Natick, Dedham, and, on May 17
they beat Newton North 4-0 as
they hoped to right the ship.
Photos by Connie Main.
Pitcher Connor Russell and Catcher Jack Porter.
Colby College's Eva
Lauer won the battle of
first-year runners and is
a New England Division III champion in the
5,000-meter run after
winning the event at the
2012 New England Division III Women's Outdoor Track and Field
Championships on Saturday at MIT.
Lauer, from Wellesley,
will get to defend her title next year
at home when the Mules host the
New England meet at Harold Alfond
Stadium. She had a time of 17 minutes, 21.19 seconds to hold off fellow first-years Alison Smith
(17:23.96) of Williams College and
Elaine McVay (17:26.37) of MIT in
the field of 18.
Avery Brooks steals second against Norwood.
Peter Stabnick rounds third base during a recent game
against Milton.
Brittany Reardon added a fourth in
the pole vault (11-1.75) and was fifth
in the 100 hurdles (14.73). Brittney
Bell also had a fourth in the 400 dash
(58.20), Berol Dewdney had a time
John Picking slides into third against Norwood.
Kevin Superko on the mound, with his brother, Tim, playing first.
of 11:04.35 to take sixth
in the 3,000 steeplechase, Annabelle Hicks
(Coventry, Conn.) was
seventh in the 100 dash
(12.53) after finishing
second in prelims
(12.35), Karyn King
was ninth in the heptathlon (3,528 points),
and Frances Onyilagha
took ninth in the 200
dash (25.87).
Colby's 400 relay team of Bell,
Reardon, Onyilagha, and Hicks
were third out of 21 teams in 47.70.
Meanwhile, the 1,600 relay squad of
Laura Duff (East Greenwich, R.I.),
Kate MacNamee (Rye, N.H.), Bell,
and Hicks took fourth in 3:58.49.
Maeve McGovern (Stowe, Vt.)
took 11th place for Colby in the
3,000 steeplechase (39:24.36) and
Abbott Matthews (Wilson, N.C.)
had the same finish in the hammer
throw (140-09).
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 22
Women’s Center
Wellesley College Appoints Layli Maparyan
as Katherine Stone Kaufmann '67 Executive
Director of the Wellesley Centers for Women
WCW Announces New Executive Director
Layli Maparyan
Wellesley College President H.
Kim Bottomly today announced
the appointment of Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., as the new Katherine Stone Kaufmann ’67
Executive Director of the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW),
one of the nation’s largest and
most influential organizations
conducting scholarly research and
developing action programs centered on women’s and girls’ perspectives. Maparyan will assume
her new responsibilities effective
July 1, 2012.
“I am so pleased that Dr. Maparyan will join Wellesley in this
important role,” said Bottomly.
“Her work on women’s issues
and her dynamic leadership abilities are ideal for building upon the
Centers’ legacy of influential and
groundbreaking programming.
The invaluable work by scholars
at the Centers—undertaken in the
United States and abroad—reflects Wellesley’s century-long
commitment to investing in
women and women’s leadership.”
“As executive director of the
Wellesley Centers for Women, I
see my role as working to identify
cutting-edge frontiers of policy
development, expanding sources
of funding, and ensuring that
WCW continues to attract and
support leading scholars to maintain the rigorous standard of research for which the Centers is
known,” said Maparyan. “I’m
committed to women’s issues
across a wide spectrum—and further, to the role of scholarship in
informing meaningful change in
the broader community.”
From 2003 to the present, Maparyan served at Georgia State
University as associate professor
in the Women’s Studies Institute
(WSI) and associated faculty of
the Department of African American Studies. At Georgia State,
she has been graduate director of
the WSI as well as a University
senator. Previously, Maparyan
had served as an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and the Institute for
African-American Studies at the
New England
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references available
University of Georgia, where
she was founding co-director
of the Womanist Studies Consortium. Her civic engagement
includes coordinating the National Center for Civil and
Human Rights Women’s Initiative in Atlanta. Maparyan will
hold a faculty appointment in
Wellesley College’s Department of Africana Studies.
Known best for her scholarship in the area of womanism,
Maparyan has also published significantly in the areas of adolescent
identities, Black LGBTQ studies,
and the history of psychology.
Her scholarly publications include two books, The Womanist
Reader and The Womanist Idea,
as well as chapters in books, including Locating Women’s Studies: Theorizing Critical Concepts
for a 21st Century Field; The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism,
Vol. 2.; and Evolving Perspectives
on the History of Psychology. Her
journal articles have appeared in
the Journal of African American
Studies; Identity: An International
Journal of Theory and Research;
Women and Therapy; and Adolescence. Maparyan’s work has
been funded by the National Institute for Child Health and
Human Development, the Rockefeller Foundation Humanities
Fellowships Program, and the
Fulbright Specialists Program,
among others. Earlier this year,
she was recognized with an Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award
for outstanding teaching that influences social action and change.
Womanism is a social change
perspective that focuses on what
everyday women from around the
world can contribute to global dialogues about social and environmental problems. It is historically
rooted in the cultural perspectives
of women of color, particularly
Africana women, and integrates
social, ecological, and spiritual dimensions into the change process,
with the goal of creating wellbeing for families and communities. Maparyan's work focuses on
the global applicability of the
womanist perspective, encompassing people of all genders and
"Work at the Wellesley Centers
for Women builds on the belief
that when the world is good for
women and girls, it will be good
for everyone,” says Sylvia FerrellJones, president and chief executive officer of the YWCA Boston
and also a member of the WCW
Board of Overseers and Search
Committee. "With equal rights,
women's status, leadership parity,
and accessible, quality education
and child care still challenged in
the U.S. and abroad, a commitment to research and action for
women has never been more
Maparyan received her B.A. in
philosophy from Spelman College; her M.S. in psychology from
Penn State University, State College; and her Ph.D. in psychology
from Temple University. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled
"Adolescent Ethnic Identity and
Adjustment: Relation to Ethnic
Characteristics of the Peer Context."
“This is an exciting time for the
Wellesley Centers for Women and
Wellesley College,” said Ellen
Gill Miller, interim chair of the
WCW Board of Overseers and
co-chair of the Search Committee. “The exhaustive search
process that we undertook reflects
on the extraordinary combination
of personal and intellectual qualities that Dr. Maparyan brings to
this position. She is an inspiring
thought leader whose scholar-activist vision will contribute
tremendously to the Centers’ mission and expertise.”
June 1, 2012
“For almost four decades, the
Wellesley Centers for Women has
made vital contributions to
Wellesley's historic mission as an
advocate for women's education,
women's perspectives, and
women's leadership,” noted Andrew Shennan, provost and dean
of the College. “Under Layli Maparyan's direction, and building
on the remarkable legacy of former director Susan McGee Bailey, WCW is poised to extend the
reach and influence of its own
work in exciting directions, and
thereby to amplify Wellesley College's voice in the world.”
Since 1974, scholars at the
Wellesley Centers for Women
(WCW) have conducted research
and action projects that inform
public policy and shape public
opinion. At the heart of the Centers’ work is the intersection of
gender, race, social class, and sexuality—core foundations for future directions. Work at the
Centers focuses on three major
areas: the social and economic
status of women and girls and the
advancement of human rights; the
education, care, and development
of children and youth; and the
emotional well-being of families
and individuals. With more than
70 staff members and an annual
budget of $7 million, the WCW
encompasses a wide range of research and action projects.
Work at WCW has been
groundbreaking. Research undertaken on peer sexual harassment
in schools, child care for younger
and school-aged children, equitable education, and women’s
representation on corporate
boards raised public consciousness and continues to inform policy and practices. Scholars at the
Centers have examined complex
issues of gender, racial/ethnic, and
sexual identity across the life
course and social-emotional wellbeing. Relational-Cultural Theory, developed at WCW, changed
counseling and psychotherapy
practices as well as public understanding of factors contributing to
psychological health. Some of the
Centers’ newest initiatives promote women’s social, legal, and
economic status, including advancing women’s human rights in
Asia and the Arab world. The
Centers is also home to Women’s
Review of Books, the leading
feminist review for writing by and
about women, which has been
published since 1983.
June 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 23
Students Drive Flag-Raising Effort
It was still a long ways from Flag
Day, but something had to be done.
Noticing a tattered flag flying in
front of the Wellesley Middle
School, one middle school Boy
Scout wondered if the appropriate
action could be taken: retire the old
flag and raise a new one to honor the
First that student spoke with WMS
Principal Jamie Chisholm, who offered his support, and then he
spurred his fellow troop members to
Matthew Hornung, right and members of Troops 185 and 182 salute the
flag. Photos by Dave Halperin.
Out with the old, in with the new.
In short, 8th grader Matthew Hornung and his comrades from Troop
185, along with additional Scouts
from Troop 182, conceived of,
planned, orchestrated, and performed the ceremony. Additionally,
they also did all the fundraising necessary to purchase the new flag.
"Back in January I noticed the flag
was really out of shape, and I
wanted to do something about it,"
Hornung said. "I've always found
the flag is important and in my opinion it seems somewhat neglected in
this town."
Middle school musicians Liam Skelly (left) and Leon Tiong.
Troop 185 with members of Troop 182 and youngsters Cole Lysaght and
A.J. Masiello.
"It was all their idea," said
Chisholm on May 3, the day of the
ceremony. "I'm proud of the guys
for thinking of it and getting it
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The flag-raising was attended by a
crowd of students and staff from the
WMS community and supporters
from the community at large, including Suzy Littlefield and Diane
Campbell from the School Committee and Navy veteran and WMS
teacher Ken Johnson. Two younger
Scouts from Fiske Elementary
School also attended: Cole Lysaght
and A.J. Masiello.
The ceremony began with the
Scouts calling folks to attention.
They then lowered the old flag,
properly folded it for storage, and
raised the new one before leading
everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. WMS Band Teacher Henry
Platt and student musicians Leon
Tiong and Liam Skelly played Taps
and other tunes.
Johnson appeared at the ceremony
in his Navy whites.
"I think this is tremendous," he
said. "It's an awesome tribute and it's
impressive - I'm very impressed by
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Local Town Pages www.wellesleytownnews.com
Page 24
June 1, 2012
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