pv direct-driven inverter gmv technical sales guide
pv direct-driven inverter gmv technical sales guide
PV DIRECT-DRIVEN INVERTER GMV TECHNICAL SALES GUIDE (201506) TECHNICAL SALES GUIDE-50Hz CAPACITY RANGE:12~16kW SUPER HIGH AMBIENT OPERATION TO 54 GREE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES INC.OF ZHUHAI CONTENTS 1. OUTLINE OF MULTI GMV ...........................................................................................................3 2. SUMMARY OF SYSTEM EQUIPMENTS .......................................................................................7 3. BASIC SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................8 4. EQUIPMENT SELECTION PROCEDURE .....................................................................................9 5. REFRIGERANT PIPING DESIGN ...............................................................................................13 6. WIRING DESIGN ....................................................................................................................17 7. ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................................................18 8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................18 9. DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS ....................................................................................................19 10.PART OF PV INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................21 2 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide 1 OUTLINE OF MULTI GMV 1.1 Product List GMV-HY120WLT/A Model GMV-HY140WLT/A GMV-HY160WLT/A 1.2 Product Features 1.2.1 Summary of Features Photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV combine GREE bipolar compress with solar technology, it is best photovoltaic GMV product also us company strongly detrude newly resource product.use parallel connection of small bipolar compress.air-condition have many the quality of being outstanding or extremely good, such as high efficiency,wide operation range,big resist ability fineness at a disadvantage condition, high control precision, use highly dependable. solar energy translate into DC electricity base on photoemission and provide electricity for air-condition or generate for grid. Product’s Cooling Capacity from 12kw to 16kw, indoor unit have mucy capacity to choose. 1.2.2 Introduction of Features ˄˅+LJK(IILFLHQF\ The system adopts all DC motor,which greatly improves efficiency .The highest IPLV reaches 7.05, which is increased greatly compared with other company. 8 7 6 5 4 7.05 6.6 6.2 6.2 4.8 4.4 6.5 5.6 4.8 4.6 6 5.4 4.6 DK company H 3 2 1 0 PV GMV only grid company DZ company M 12KW 14KW company 16KW Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 3 ˄˅%LJUHVLVWDELOLW\DWVFXUYLQHVVFRQGLWLRQ 3KRWRYROWDLFGLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU*09V\VWHPXVH*5((ELSRODUFRPSUHVVILUVWO\LQWKH DLUFRQGLWLRQVFRSHV7KHSURGXFWLVHQGRZHGZLWKWKHIHDWXUHRIELJUHVLVWDELOLW\DWVFXUYLQHVV FRQGLWLRQ,WFDQRSHUDWLRQYHU\JRRG([SHULPHQWGDWHLQGLFDWH3KRWRYROWDLFGLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU *09LVEHWWHUUXQLQJDWVFXUYLQHVVFRQGLWLRQWKDQFRPPRQ*09 scurviness condition capacity compare 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% common GMV solar GMV 106.2% 14.3% 15.2% 22.6% 92.9% 91.6% 79.7% 79.5% 65.0% 60.0% 44.3% 21.6% 90.0% 68.7% 74.0% 47.6% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 7/6 Heating 2/1 Heating -7 Heating -15Heating 43Cooling ˄˅:LGHRSHUDWLRQUDQJH &RPPRQ*09V\VWHPFDQÿWZHOOUXQDWVFXUYLQHVVFRQGLWLRQEHFDXVHLWPDNHXSRIPRQRSROH FRPSUHVV6RODU*09V\VWHPPDNHXSRIELSRODUFRPSUHVVVRLWKDYHZLGHRSHUDWLRQUDQJH 3KRWRYROWDLFGLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU*09FRXOGUHSO\WRVFXUYLQHVVFRQGLWLRQ3KRWRYROWDLF GLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU*09FRXOGRSHUDWLRQIURPćWRć ď ď ď ď ď ď ď ď ď ď M company 4 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV H company R company D company solar GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide ˄˅+LJKSUHFLVLRQFRQWURO 3KRWRYROWDLFGLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU*09V\VWHPPDNHXSDFRXSOHRILVRPHWULFFRPSUHVVRUWKDW FRPSUHVVRUFDSDELOLW\LVVPDOOHU,QFRPSUHVVRUFRQWUROIUHTXHQF\FRQWURODVSHFWVPDOOHULVRPHWULF LVKLJKHUSUHFLVLRQFRQWUROWKDQELJJHU6PDOOHULVRPHWULFFRPSUHVVRUIUHTXHQF\FKDQJHK] FRUUHVSRQGWRELJJHUFKDQJH+=7KHSURGXFWLVHQGRZHGZLWKWKHIHDWXUHRIZHOOHFRQRPL]HUHVRXUFH KLJKSUHFLVLRQFRQWUROLQGRRUWHPSHUDWXUHKLJKFRPIRUW7KHSURGXFWKDYHPDQ\KLJKSUHFLVLRQSUHVVXUH VHQVRUVWKDWWKH\DUHERWKFROOHFWLRQLQJDQGIHHGEDFNLQJ Compressor control Fan control International one-up frequency conversion control technique /0.5Hz precision frequency control Collection Feedback unbrush DC archive timing fan control Electron expansion PID intellingent high precision electron expansion valve control valve control High precision pressure sensor date collection system ˄˅3HUIHFWSURWHFWLRQIXQFWLRQ 3KRWRYROWDLFGLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU*09V\VWHPKDYHPDQ\SURWHFWLRQIXQFWLRQVWKDWVXFKDV +LJK/RZSUHVVXUHSURWHFWFRPSUHVVRUSRZHUSURWHFWH[KDXVWWHPSHUDWXUHSURWHFWFRPSUHVVRURYHU ORDGLQJSURWHFWDQGVRRQ7KHIXQFWLRQVFRXOGGHFUHDVHKDUGZDUHPDOIXQFWLRQ Familiar fault 1 Compressor burnout Familiar fault 2 control burnout countermeasure countermeasure compressor power protect module temperature protect High/Low pressure protect High/Low pressure protect exhaust temperature protect compressor over loading protect current protect insurance tube break protect ˄˅/DWHVW&$1EXVFRPPXQLFDWLRQ 3KRWRYROWDLFGLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU*09DGRSWODWHVW&$1EXVFRPPXQLFDWLRQWHFKQLTXHWKDWLW KDYHKHUHLQDIWHUVRPHH[FHOOHQF\ ķ/RZIDXOWUDWH+DUGZDUHFKHFNRXWPHDVXUHEHXVHGZKLFKORZIDXOWUDWHXQLWGRQRWZRUNFRQWURO V\VWHPIDXOW ĸ$QWLMDPPLQJVWURQJ&$1EXVFRPPXQLFDWLRQKDYHVPDOOHUFXUUHQWXQHDV\PLQLVKFRPPXQLFDWLRQGDWD Ĺ/RQJFRPPXQLFDWLRQOLQH&$1EXVFRPPXQLFDWLRQEHWZHHQLQGRRUXQLWDQGRXWGRRUXQLWFDQEH DVORQJDVP ĺ&$1EXVFRPPXQLFDWLRQWHFKQLTXHLVQRQSRODUGHVLJQZKLFKLWGRHVQRWGLVWLQJXLVKLQJOLQHVWDWLRQ Low fault rate CAN bus communi- Anti-jamming strong cation Long communication technique nonpolar design Unit control credibility decrease fault Needless use specialties communication line Fully content GMV indoor unit fact unafraid turn over communication line Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 5 ˄˅+LJKHIILFLHQF\DQGGHSHQGDEOHDGGHQWKDOS\FRQWUROWHFKQLTXH Two-stage compressor is used which deal with filling gas add enthalpy control technique.Unit control UHSDLUZKHWKHUZHOORUEDGFRQQHFWLRQZLWKFDSDELOLW\DQGGHSHQGDELOLW\SKRWRYROWDLF gad to GLUHFWGULYHQLQYHUWHU*09PDNHXVHRIDGGHQWKDOS\FRQWUROWHFKQLTXHWKDWZHZRUNHGYHU\ORQJ RQGD\DQGQLJKW7KHWHFKQLTXHHQVXUHWKDWXQLWPRYHQRUPDOO\QD\FDSDELOLW\DQGHIILFLHQF\ REWDLQEHVWDGYDQFH High efficiency and dependability add enthalpy control technique Exactly electron expansion valve control Perfect superheat control intelligentize judgement function capability and efficiency best exert avoid liquid refrigeration enter compressor ˄˅3HUIHFWO\XWLOL]HVRODUQHZUHVRXUFH $LUFRQGLWLRQDQGKHDWLQJGHSOHWLRQDUHPRVWO\PDNLQJXSRIDUFKLWHFWXUHGHSOHWLRQQRZˈLW LVUXQQLQJVKRUWRIHOHFWULFSRZHUEUXPHDQGKD]HDUHYHU\JUDYHVRRXUSKRWRYROWDLFGLUHFWGULYHQ LQYHUWHU*09VKRXOGEULQJYHU\JUHDWHFRQRP\EHQHILWDQGVRFLHW\EHQHILW Highly efficiency avail solar resource decrease air-condition consume generate to grid for contributing 6 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV renewablecunpollute 3KRWRYROWDLF GLUHFWGULYHQ LQYHUWHU*09 decrease carbon to release tranquilization easy popularization PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide 2 SUMMARY OF SYSTEM EQUIPMENTS 2.1 Outdoor Unit Model Cooling Heating Capacity(kW) Capacity(kW) Code GMV-HY120WL T/A KN870W0020 12 Power Supply Refrigerant type 14 220V̚ 50Hz GMV-HY140WL T/A GMV-HY140WL T/A Appearance KN870W0030 14 16 KN870W0010 16 18 R410a 2.1.1 Nomenclature GMV ƶ 1 2 - No. Description 1 Code for type 2 Climate type 3 Units series ƶ ƶ ƶ W ƶ 3 4 5 6 7 / ƶ ƶ ƶ ƶ 8 9 10 11 Options GMV – Gree Multi Variable Default – T1 condition huose—H commercial—Na 6 Function code Q – Heat recovery unit; S – Water heater; W – Water-cooled unit; X – Fresh air unit Y-photovoltaic Cooling Nominal cooling capacity/100(W) capacity Outdoor unit W 7 Construction 4 5 L – Non-modular side discharge 8 Refrigerant 9 Series number Product serial number: A, B, C… or 1, 2, 3… R410A: Na 10 Power supply Within 7000~18000W; Single phase power supply: Na 11 Export Na 2.1.2 Rated Conditions Indoor side inlet air status Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature Outdoor side inlet air status Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb a temperature Cooling 27 19 35 24 Heating 20 — 7 6 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 7 2.1.3 Branching joints Model name Usage GMV-HY120WLT/A Y-shape branching joint Y-shape branching joint GMV-HY140WLT/A FQ01A to other branching joint or indoor unit Inlet pipes used in the field ODU GMV-HY160WLT/A 3 Appearance BASIC SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 3.1 System legend(ex.) Model name of outdoor unit: GMV-HY160WLT/A Allowed capacity code of indoor unit: Min:8000W Max: 21600W DŽ Note: The total capacity code of indoor units shall be within 50%~135% of the capacity code of selected outdoor unit. ODU GMV-ND25PL/B GMV-ND72PL/B GMV-ND25PL/B GMV-ND50PL/B GMV-ND36PL/B GMV-HY160WLT/A Total capacity code of indoor units is 25×2+72+36+50=208, so the selec -ted outdoor unit is GMV-HY160WLT/A. 8 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide 4 EQUIPMENT SELECTION PROCEDURE Calculate the heat load of the room Correction of indoor unit capacity Select indoor unit model Select indoor unit model Correction of outdoor unit capacity Select outdoor unit model 4.2 Combination conditions for indoor unit and outdoor unit 1) The capacity code of indoor units = The capacity co de of indoor units = total capa -city code of outdoor unit×(50%~135%). 2) For outdoor unit, maximum No. of connectable indoor units and total capacity code of i . -ndoor units are decided. Model name of outdoor unit Capacity code of outdoor unit Max. No. of indoor units GMV-HY120WLT/A 12KW 6 GMV-HY140WLT/A 14KW 8 GMV-HY160WLT/A 16KW 9 4.3 Cooling/Heating capacity characteristics (1)Cooling capacity calculation method. (2)Heating capacity calculation method. Cooling or heating capacity calculation method: R410A outdoor unit capacity = outdoor unit capacity in rated condition × correction fac -tor of indoor and outdoor temperature condition × connection pipe distance, correction factor of height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit. ķIf the total capacity code of indoor units is smaller than the capacity code of outdoor u -nit, the capacity of outdoor unit in rated condition equals to the total capacity code of ind -oor units; ĸIf the total capacity code of indoor units is bigger than the capacity code of outdoor un -it, the capacity of outdoor unit in rated condition equals to its rated cooling capacity; ĹCorrection factor of indoor and outdoor temperature condition. Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 9 1) Correction factor of cooling capacity 43 40 35 30 25 20 16 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 2) Correction factor of heating capacity 27 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 -15 ĺCorrection -10 -5 0 5 10 15 16 factor of connection pipe distance and height difference Symbol instruction: Hp: Height difference (m) between indoor unit and outdoor unit when indoor unit is lower than outdoor unit; Hm: Height difference (m) between indoor unit and outdoor unit when indoor unit is higher than outdoor unit; L: Single-pass equivalent connection pipe length L The following chart is the capacity change rate in 100% load under standard condition (th -ermostat is seWLQćLQFRROLQJDQGVHWLQćLQKHDWLQJ˅ 10 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide 50 40 30 20 Hp(m) 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 L( m) Hm(m) 10 20 30 0. 95 0. 97 0. 99 40 50 40 20 Hp (m) 1.0 30 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 0 110 120 130 140 150 L(m) Hm (m) 10 20 30 40 (3) Capacity of each indoor unit=Capacity of outdoor unit × Total capacity of indoor units/Total capacity of synchronously operating indoor units. (4) Operating temperature rang. Temperature range Cooling 10~52 oC Heating -30~27 oC 4.4 Example of equipment selection (1)Overview of building model a.Temperature condition Outdoor temperature:35ćDB; Indoor temperature: 17 ćWB b.Load in cooling Load Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E 2 7 2 4.7 3.2 (2)Selection Criteria for each floor Pipe length: 55m; Height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit: 25m (indoor unit is higher than outdoor unit). (3)Procedure and result of equipment selection a.Procedure of equipment selection Introduce the equipment selection procedure step by . step b.Equipment selection and capacity check ķSelection of indoor unit. Select suitable indoor unit according to the corrected load of indoor unit capac -ity.Corrected load of indoor unit capacity=Load/Corrected ratio of cooling capaci -ty related to temperature condition. Referring to the corrected ratio chart of cooling capacity related to temperature condition, under outdoor temperature of 35 ć'%DQG indoor temperature of 17ćWB, the corrected ratio of cooling capacity is 0.94. Selection result is as below: Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 11 Load (KW) Corrected load of capacity (KW) Unit size Capacity code ĸ Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E 2 7 2 4.7 3.2 2.12 7.45 2.12 5 3.40 25 unit 72 unit 25 unit 50 unit 36 unit 25 72 25 50 36 Selection of outdoor unit The total capacity code of indoor units is 208. Please select suitable outdoor unit according to the total capacity of indoor units and corrected situation.Capacity of outdoor unit=Total capacity of indoor units/(Corrected ratio of cooling capacity rel -ated to temperature condition × Correction of connection pipe length and height di -fference) .After calculating the capacity of outdoor unit, select suitable outdoor unit according to 50%~135% of the capacity of outdoor unit. In the example, capacity of outdoor unit=208/(0.94×0.95)=233 Select the outdoor unit with capacity code of 160 and nominal cooling capacity of 16KW. The capacity code ratio between indoor unit and outdoor unit is 208/160×100%=130%, which is within 50%~135% and accords with the equipment selection standard. Ĺ Correction of outdoor unit capacity Suppose the combination situation between indoor unit and outdoor unit is as below. Outdoor unit:GMV-HY160WLT/A Indoor unit: GMV-ND25PL/B×2, GMV-ND72PL/B×1, GMV-ND50PL/B×1, GMV-ND36PL/B×1 If the total capacity code of indoor units is bigger than the capacity code of outdoor unit, the capacity of outdoor unit in rated condition equals to its rated cooling capa -city. So the capacity of outdoor unit under rated condition is 16KW. ĺ Referring to the corrected ratio chart of cooling capacity related to temperature FRQGLWLRQXQGHURXWGRRUWHPSHUDWXUHRIć'%DQGLQGRRUWHPSHUDWXUHRIć:%WKH corrected ratio of cooling capacity is 0.94. ĻReferring to the corrected ratio of connection pipe of 55m long and height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit of 25m (outdoor unit is lower than indoor unit), the corrected ratio is 0.95. ļCorrection of indoor unit capacity Capacity of each indoor unit=Capacity of outdoor unit × Total capacity of indoor unit s/Total capacity of synchronously operating indoor units. GMV-ND25PL/B ˖16×25/208=1.92KW GMV-ND72PL/B ˖16×72/208=5.54KW GMV-ND50PL/B ˖16×50/208=3.85KW GMV-ND36PL/B ˖16×36/208=2.77KW The result is as below: Air conditioning load Floor RoomNo Cooling 1 12 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV A B C D E Equipment selection Indoor air conditioning load 2 7 2 4.7 3.2 Indoor unit Model GMV-ND25PL/B GMV-ND72PL/B GMV-ND25PL/B GMV-ND50PL/B GMV-ND36PL/B Capacity(kW) Cooling 2.5 7.2 2.5 5.0 3.6 Outdoor unit Model Capacity(kW) Cooling GMV-HY160WLT/A 16 PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide Piping distance Floor 1 Room No. A B C D Equivalent length(m) 85 Height difference(m) 25m(ODU is lower than IDU) E Capacity correction Capacity check after correction Pipe correction × Capacity Capacity(kW) temp. correction Judgment Cooling Cooling Heating The 1.92KW selection 5.54KW should 1.92KW 14.29 accord 3.85KW with the 2.77KW standard c.Schematic diagram Explain the location of units in each room and connection way of indoor unit and outdoor unit with single-line chart. ODU 5 REFRIGERANT PIPING DESIGN 5.1 Warning on refrigerant leakage (1)Introduction of leakage detection method Procedures of leakage detection.Before ex-factory, the cut-off valves of gap pipe and liquid pipe of outdoor unit are closed. Please confirm it before installation.Before testing, apply some suitable lubricant on the joint of cap and pipe. Use two wrenches when fixing the cap.Connecting outdoor pipeline for testing is not allowed during leakage detection. The testing pressure of R410A system is 4.15MPa (for R22 system, it is 3.0Mpa). The medium of airproof test must be dry nitrogen. Increase the pressure slowly in three steps: Step one: Slowly increase pressure to 0.5MPa and maintain pressure for 5min. Big leakage may be found during leakage detection; Step two: Slowly increase pressure to 1.5MPa and maintain pressure for 5min. Small leakage may be found during airproof test; Step three: For R410A system, slowly increase pressure to 4.15MPa(for R22 system, it is 3.0Mpa) and maintain pressure for 5min. Tiny leakage may be found during strength test. Increase pressure to testing pressure and maintain pressure for 24h. Check if the pressure decreases. The test is passed if pressure doesn’t decrease. (2) Introduction of handling method of leakage Firstly, discharge the refrigerant and then charge nitrogen for leakage welding. The nitrogen charging way is the same as that in airproof test. Blow away the impurities and clean the pipeline after finishing welding. Finally, rearrange airproof test for leakage detection until there is no leakage. Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 13 5.2 Free branching system 5.3 Allowable length/height difference of refrigerant piping Note: The equivalent length of one Y shape branching joint is 0.5m. 14 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide Total extension of pipe (Liquid pipe, real length) Pipe length Allowable value 300 Real length 120 Equivalent length 150 Farthest piping length Height difference L1+L2+L3+a+b++c+d L1+L2+L3+d Equivalent length of farthest piping from 1st branching Height between indoor and outdoor units Piping section 40 L2+L3+d Upper outdoor unit 50 —— Lower outdoor unit 40 —— Upper outdoor unit 15 —— Lower outdoor unit 15 —— Height between indoor units 5.4 Selection of refrigerant piping (1)Size of main pipe Model Gas pipe Liquid pipe GMV-HY120WLT/A Ø15.9 Ø9.52 GMV-HY140WLT/A Ø15.9 Ø9.52 GMV-HY160WLT/A Ø19.05 Ø9.52 (2)Pipe size between branching joints Total capacity code of indoor units at downstream side Gas pipe Liquid pipe C İ5.6 Ø12.7 Ø 6.35 5.6 ˘ &14.2 Ø15.9 Ø 9.52 14.2 ˘ &22.0 Ø19.05 Ø 9.52 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 15 (3)Piping of indoor unit Capacity rank of indoor unit Gas pipe Liquid pipe &İ2.8 Ø9.52 Ø6.35 2.8 ˘ &İ5.0 Ø12.7 Ø6.35 5.0 ˘ &İ14.0 Ø15.9 Ø9.52 14.0 ˘ &İ16.0 Ø19.05 Ø9.52 16.0 ˘ &İ28.0 Ø22.2 Ø9.52 (4) Selection for branching section Total capacity code of indoor unit Y-shape branching joint &İ20.0 Model name FQ01A 5.5 Charging requirement with additional refrigerant (1)Refrigerant in the system when shipped from the factory Model name Refrigerant amount charged in factory (kg) GMV-HY120WLT/A GMV-HY140WLT/A GMV-HY160WLT/A 8.0 8.0 8.0 (2)$GGLWLRQDOUHIULJHUDQWFKDUJHDPRXQW ě/HQJWKRIOLTXLGSLSHhUHIULJHUDQWFKDUJHDPRXQWSHU meter Note ˖ ķ The refrigerant amount inside the system before ex-factory doesn’t include the required additional refrigerant charge amount inside the pipeline system of indoor units and the pipeline system connecting indoor unit and outdoor unit. ĸ For the length of connection pipe in field, the required additional refrigerant charge amount shall be confirmed according to liquid pipe size in field and its length. Ĺ Record additional refrigerant charge amount for future reference. Note: If the total length of liquid pipe is within 20m, no additional refrigerant is needed. When the compressor is not working after ensuring there is no leakage, charge the required additional refrigerant amount to the unit from the valve of liquid pipe of outdoor unit. When the pipe pressure increases and the additional refrigerant can’t be charged to the required amount quickly, please set the unit in cooling operation status and charge refrigerant from the low pressure maintenance port of outdoor unit. 16 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide 6 WIRING DESIGN 6.1 General wiring principle (1)All electrical work shall be done by professionals according to national and local laws and regulations. (2)The unit must be grounded reliably according to the related requirement of GB 50169. (3) Connect wire according to the wiring diagram stuck on the unit. 6.2 Electrical wiring design (1)Wiring drawing D1 D2 G1 G2 communicationl communication line ine Communicationl Communication line ine Power cable Powerccable Power able There are two wiring diagrams for communication wires of indoor/outdoor units and remote monitor: 1) Real line method; 2) Broken line method. Please select it based on the actual installation situation. There are two wiring diagrams for power cord: 1) Real line method; 2) Broken line method. Please select it based on the actual installation situation. (2) Selection of power supply cord and fuse of units Power supply wiring Model Outdoor Unit Wire size GMV-HY120WLT/A GMV-HY140WLT/A GMV-HY160WLT/A Outdoor Unit 4.00mm 4.00mm 6.00mm Field fuse 2 32A 32A 40A 2 2 6.3 Wiring diagram of units Communication wire between IDU and ODU ODU D1 D2 G1 G2 Communication wire of IDU G Wired controller Power D1 D2 H1 H2 G G G Remote monitor Power D1 D2 H1 H2 D1 D2 H1 H2 Wire (resistance-matching) Communication wire of IDU Wired controller Wired controller Power Power Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 17 6.4 Parameters (1)Outdoor unit Voltage Range Compressor Min Max RLA LRA kW Fan Motor FLA MCA Power Supply GMV-HY120WLT/A 185 232 21 / 0.12 0.5A 28.1 32 / GMV-HY140WLT/A 185 232 21 / 0.12 0.5A 31.8 32 / GMV-HY160WLT/A 185 232 21 / 0.12 0.5A 33.6 40 / Model name LEGEND: MCA: Minimum Circuit Amps MOCP: Maximum Overcurrent Protection(Amps) ICF: Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow Star RLA: Rated Load Amps 7 MOCP ICF LRA: Locked Rotor Amps FLA: Full Load Amps kW: Fan Motor Rated Output(kW) ACCESSORIES Model name Standard GMV-HY120WLT/A Ĝ GMV-HY140WLT/A Ĝ GMV-HY160WLT/A FQ01A Y FQ01A Y shape branching joint Condensate pipe Ĝ Option Provide for oneself Ĝ Ĝ Ĝ Power cord Ĝ Filter Signal wires among units 8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model Cooling capacity - GMV-HY120WLT/A GMV-HY140WLT/A GMV-HY160WLT/A kW 12 14 16 Heating capacity kW 14 16 18 Air volume m 3 /h 6000 6300 6600 dB(A) 53 54 56 - 220~50Hz 220~50Hz 220V~50Hz Noise (sound pressure level) Power supply 18 Ĝ Cooling power input kW 2.7 3.6 4.35 Heating kW 2.95 3.8 4.4 power input Cooling current input A 15 19.2 23.4 Heating A 15.8 19.3 23 Maximum power input kW 5.7 6.3 6.8 Maximum current A 32 32 32 current input Compressor type - Number of compressors N Inverter Rotary 2 Inverter Rotary 2 Inverter Rotary 2 Ambient temperature range of cooling °C 10~54 10~54 10~54 Ambient temperature range of heating °C -30~27 -30~27 -30~27 Refrigerant type - R410A R410A R410A Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide Refrigerant charge volume kg 8.0 8.0 8.0 Maximum qty of connected indoor units unit 6 8 9 mm ¶15.9 ¶15.9 ¶19.05 Liquid pipe size mm ¶9.52 ¶9.52 ¶9.52 Gas pipe size External dimension (width) mm 900 900 900 External dimension (depth) mm 340 340 340 External dimension (height) mm 1345 1345 1345 Packaging dimension (width) mm 998 998 998 Packaging dimension (depth) mm 458 458 458 Packaging dimension (height) mm 1515 1515 1515 Net weight kg 140 140 140 Gross weight kg 151 151 151 Notes: c.Rated cooling capacity test conditions: indoor 27°C DB/19°C WB, outdoor 35°C DB; connection pipe length: 5 m, without height drop between units d. Rated heating capacity test conditions: indoor 20°C DB, outdoor 7°C DB/6 °C WB; connection pipe length: 5 m, without height drop between units e. The total capacity of connected indoor units must be in the range of 50%~135% of the outdoor unit capacity. The relevant parameters can be corrected by referring to the unit capacity correction table. f.dThe above parameters are tested based on the standard connection pipe length. In the actual project, the parameters should be corrected referring to the capacity correction for the long connection pipe of units 9 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS Include the required dimension of installation space of main unit and single unit. A B C D E Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 19 Model A B C D E GMV-HY120WLT/A GMV-HY140WLT/A GMV-HY160WLT/A 900 340 1345 572 378 Installation dimension: Wall Wall 1000 500 500 500 500 Wall Wall (3) ranching join Length of each kind of Y-shape branching joint and the dimension of connection pipe port. Y-shape branching joint ˖FQ01A Gas pipe 20 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Liquid pipe PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide 10 PART OF PV INTRODUCTION 10.1 PV of development and future Solar is renewable resource and it was attached importance which clean,cheap,enough. solar is used more and more openly on the world. It was for cutting down the cost of production. such as advancing to decrease resource for architecture,depressing to let co2 and so on.The development process is as follows.Basis on EPIA forecast,the cut-off date to forecast is 2050,solar generate to grid more than 24% on all resource. 10.2 Photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV mode 10.2.1 Photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV system of configuration GREE photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV is very well air-condition system which can generation to grid and supply electricity to unit.The system reach to high level first of all.It have fine mode to work.generation or supply need to less than 10ms at short notice. The system process is as follows. Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 21 10.2.2 Photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV of fine mode ˄˅2QO\DLUFRQGLWLRQPRYHPRGH ,IVRODUGRQRWJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\JULGVXSSO\HOHFWULFLW\WRUXQXQLWZKLFKLVFDOOHGRQO\ DLUFRQGLWLRQPRYHPRGH ˄˅2QO\VRODUJHQHUDWLRQWRJULGPRGH 8QLWGRQRWZRUNVRODUV\VWHPVXSSO\SRZHUWRJULGZKLFKLVFDOOHGRQO\VRODUJHQHUDWLRQWRJULGPRGH ˄˅2QO\VRODUJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\WRXQLWPRGH $OOVRODUV\VWHPJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\HTXDOWRXQLWFRQVXPHIRUUXQQLQJZKLFKLVFDOOHGRQO\VRODU JHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\WRXQLWPRGH 22 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV PV Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Technical Sales Guide ˄˅6RODUJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\VXSSO\WRXQLWDQGJULGPRGH 6RODUJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\LVPRUHWKDQXQLWFRQVXPHWRPRYLQJ7KHV\VWHPJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\WRUXQ XQLWRWKHUJHQHUDWLRQWRJULGZKLFKLVFDOOHG6RODUJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\VXSSO\WRXQLWDQGJULGPRGH ˄˅6RODUJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\DQGJULGVXSSO\WRXQLWPRGH 6RODUJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\LVOHVVWKDQXQLWFRQVXPHWRPRYLQJ$OOVRODUV\VWHPJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\WRXQLW DQGUXQVKRUWRIXQLWJDLQWRJULGZKLFKLVFDOOHG6RODUJHQHUDWLRQHOHFWULFLW\DQGJULGVXSSO\WRXQLWPRGH 10.2.3 Dynamic load follow up the scent MPPT technique ZHVWXG\WRIROORZZLQJXSWKHVFHQW0337WHFKQLTXHZKLFKFRPELQHWRREVHUYHZD\ZLWKWRIL[XSSDUDPHWHU 7KHWHFKQLTXHFDQVXSSO\ELJJHVWHOHFWULFLW\SRZHU Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV 23 10.2.4 Photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV of configuration Photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV combinative photovoltaic converse and outdoor.It has consolidate and simpleness so on. line. PV DC is direct current,connect line Photovoltaic direct-driven inverter GMV connect positive pole“L+”cathode poleĀ/ā˗$&is alternating current connect line“L”,“N”. 24 Pv Direct-Driven Inverter GMV Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, founded in 1991, is the world's largest air conditioner enterprise integrating R&D, manufacturing, marketing and services. Technology Innovation and quality are always our priority. With efforts of thousands of Gree's engineers, we own more than 3500 patents for our products. Nowadays, we have 7 production bases in Zhuhai, Chongqing, Hefei and Zhengzhou(China), as well as Brazil, Pakistan and Vietnam, with annual production capacity of 30 million sets of residential air conditioners and 4 million sets of commercial air conditioners. With the installation of Gree commercial air conditioners in important projects at home and abroad like Media Village for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Stadiums for 2010 World Cup in South Africa, as well as India Telecom base station, Gree commercial air conditioners are ready to develop steadily to every corner in the world, to present a more comfortable and harmonious working environment and family atmosphere. GREE MAKING BETTER AIR CONDITIONERS GREE MAKING BETTER AIR CONDITIONERS GREE MAKING BETTER AIR CONDITIONER GREE MAKIN BETTER Add: West Jinji Rd,Qianshan Zhuhai,Guangdong,China519070 Tel: (+86-756)8614883 Fax: (+86-756)8614998 Http://www.gree.com Email: gree@gree.com.cn For continous improvement in the products, Gree reserves the right to modify without incurring and obligations.
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