dmsc May 2009 web edition
dmsc May 2009 web edition
SPORTSMEN’S NOTES The Official Publication of the Dormont-Mt. Lebanon Sportsmen’s Club May 2009 ROMANOFF REPORTS INCREASE IN GUN SALES RELATED TO PUBLIC CONCERN DMSC SHORT SHOTS ● At the next meeting, May 28, frequent guest Kim Stolfer (FOAC and ACSL) will provide an George Romanoff, overview of the Harrisburg 2nd Amendment president of ACE rally and the upcoming legislative challenges. Sporting Goods, came to the Club to ● Here’s information on an NRA stimulus speak about the package. Click on new products com- nrabonus/ and you will find a great deal. You ing out of the Las can join the NRA and get a free one-year trial Vegas S H O T membership. You also have the option of a show. this past two-year membership for $25 (the first year January. But his being free), 3 years for $50, and life memberp r e s e n t a t i o n ship for $500. The regular membership sign up quickly turned to site off the NRA home page has 1 year for the gun buying $35, two for $60, 3 for $85 and life memberfrenzy gun dealers ship for $1000. Free is always hard to beat, George Romanoff and the other substantial savings are signifiare experiencing. George noted dealers across the country are cant, while your membership adds to the voice seeing record sales. Handguns are flying off of the NRA in the battle against unreasonable the shelf. At ACE, February was the second firearms legislation. best month in 60 years. It is almost impossible to get reloading product. Once high inven- ● This year’s Fish For Free days are Saturtories are now at minimum levels. If you want day, May 23 and Sunday, June 7. 9mm ammo, 9 out of 10 shops wont have it. You can’t get 22 Rimfire ammunition. Why? ● News and pictures of the new trap range There are two basic factors. First, customers are on Page 7. fear tighter gun laws from the Obama administration that also has Eric Holder as Attorney ● When you do something stupid do others General. Then there is the increase in law- say you have rocks in your head? Well, one of lessness that has created a perceived need our conscientious members found evidence of some rock-headed stupidity on the rifle range. for self-protection. Some fool had set up rocks on the 50 yard We need to keep alert for and battle against SHOTS Continued on Page 2 anti-gun legislation. For instance, Governor Inside This Issue Rendell is talking about classifying the AR-15 Shooting Opportunities 5 as a hand gun, which would then require Club Facility Improvements 6 them to be registered. George sees four New Trap Range 7 groups of citizens that can be the watchdogs: May Work Party 8-9 Gun dealers, Consumers, Sportsmen’s clubs, CMP News 10 and Sportsmen’s Associations. PSRL and CMP Award Winners 10 On a less somber note, George discussed the ACE Continued on Page 2 CMP /High Power Scores Notes From the Field Trading Post 11-12 13 14 2 ACE Continued feedback from the SHOT show. Examples of new firearms, on the rifle side, are a Winchester lever action 30-06. Henry has two rim fire commemoratives—a Boy Scout model and an Abe Lincoln model. Then there’s a Marlin 338 express. There were also a ton of new handguns at the show, but you don’t see them in the market place. Those products are too numerous to list individually, but if you have a question about something you heard, stop in ACE and ask George for details. SHORT SHOTS Continued (chicken rail) and used them for targets. Can you say ricochet? On the plinking range there was evidence of computer monitors being targeted and beer drinking. These idiots must get a thrill from breaking the range rules. Of course, if they are identified, losing their membership may only be the first step. ● The NRA and CMP have separate and sometimes different rule books. and there have been some NRA Rapid Fire Rule Changes that will impact CMP matches. Al Jaworski reports at you’ll find a detailed discussion on the changes that have to do with topics such as when do you HAVE TO stand up and when CAN you load your rifle under each system. These may seem like simple matters, but the significance will become apparent at the Camp Perry matches. The site also has some tips relative to the Camp Perry experience. An interesting trend is the large amount of firearms designed with pink stocks or grips to appeal to the female market. That’s not only good marketing sense, but will also help get more women involved in the sport. However, as with all weapons, George reminded that consumers don’t just buy a gun and put it in a drawer. Women and men alike should participate in the shooting sports and learn how to use the weapon correctly and confidently. ● To memorialize the late DMSC icon Mike Eddy, the Pittsburgh and Suburban Rifle A recent email blast got 39 League established the Mike Eddy award for bounce backs. Please update the Highest Average—Kneeling. .Ray Harvey your e-mail address if you’ve of the Murrysville Rifle Club is the first winner changed it since December of the award with a 99.93 average. 2008 or later. There was a large turn out at the April CMP match, as shown below. See the M-1 CMP and the NRA Hi-Power scores on the inside pages as well as info on the July CMP M-1Carbine Match and the CMP Special Event to get ready for the Camp Perry trip. 3 June 2009 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 6:00PM Outdoor Pistol (NMC) 2 7-10:00PM Trap Range Wednesday 3 5:00PM Smallbore Rifle Thursday 4 Friday 5 6 9:00 NRA High Power ▲ 7:00PM Indoor Air Pistol 7 9:00AM1:00PM 5-Stand 8 6:00PM Outdoor Pistol (NMC) 9 7-10:00PM Trap Range PFBC FISH FOR FREE DAY 14 9:30AM Antique Rifle Match 10 5:00PM Smallbore Rifle Saturday 11 7:30 Board Meeting 12 13 18 19 20 7:00PM Indoor Air Pistol 15 6:00PM Outdoor Pistol (NMC) 16 7-10:00PM Trap Range 17 5:00PM Smallbore Rifle WORK PARTY 7:00PM Indoor Air Pistol 21 FATHERS DAY 9:00AM1:00PM 5-Stand 11:00AM CMP Rifle Match 22 6:00PM Outdoor Pistol (NMC) 28 29 6:00PM Outdoor Pistol (NMC) 23 7-10:00PM Trap Range 24 5:00PM Smallbore Rifle 7:00PM Indoor Air Pistol ▲▲ 25 8:00PM Members Meeting 26 1:304:00PM Silhouette Setup ▲ 27 9:00AM Outdoor Pistol Silhouette ▲ ▲ 30 7-10:00PM Trap Range ▲ UPPER RANGES CLOSED ▲▲ ALL RANGES CLOSED WP WEATHER PERMITTING 4 Dormont-Mt. Lebanon Sportsmen’s Club P.O. Box 12692 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 Next Membership Meeting: May 28, 2009 Kim Stolfer, FOAC, ACSL Legislative Chair The Harrisburg Rally and Legislative Challenges EXECUTIVE STAFF GEORGE TAYLOR IV........................................ PRESIDENT THEODORE HILDABRAND......................VICE PRESIDENT ELLSWORTH F. VINES ....................................TREASURER MILES FORD..............................RECORDING SECRETARY BRUCE UNGAR ...................EXECUTIVE RANGE OFFICER LOU ROMITO……... ............................. NEWSLETTER EDITOR DAN CAMPBELL……………………... MEMBERSHIP CHAIR MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATIONS AND DUES Active (Full-fledged membership) Senior (65 years old, 10 years consecutive membership) Intermediate (18 - 21) Junior (12 - 17) Initiation fee (one time) Computer Gate Card $70.00 per year $25.00 per year $25.00 per year $ 5.00 per year $25.00 $10.00 AFFILIATIONS: National Rifle Association Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League Washington County Sportsmen’s League Metropolitan Police Revolver League Pittsburgh and Suburban Rifle League National Sporting Clays Association CLUB DIRECTORS ROBERT L. ATKISON.....................724-941-5882 CHARLES R. AUGENSTEIN, II ......724-941-9538 GEORGE A. DIETZ .........................412-344-4027 MILES R. FORD ..............................412-833-0813 DOUG GAWRONSKI ......................412-531-5043 THEODORE K. HILDABRAND........724-942-2125 THOMAS H. KRAMER, JR..............724-873-0683 RAYMOND C. NIST ........................724-942-9845 LOU ROMITO..................................412-835-6881 EARL L. TAYLOR............................724-941-4649 GEORGE TAYLOR, IV ....................412-344-8750 BRUCE D. UNGAR .........................412-343-2256 ELLSWORTH F. VINES ..................412-343-5752 RONALD J. WATTON .....................724-941-5891 DAVE WILLARD…………………….724-941-6620 SANCTIONED BY: Department of Civilian Marksmanship Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association United States Revolver Association CLUB COMMUNICATION Club Web Site: Club House Phone: (724)745-9794 Membership Inquiries: Newsletter: MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO CARRY THEIR GATE CARDS AND BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES WHEN ASKED TO BY ANOTHER MEMBER OR THE CARETAKERS 5 SHOOTING OPPORTUNITIES PISTOL MONDAY NIGHT OUTDOOR (NMC). The first line shoots at 6:00PM. Call the program leaders, George Taylor (412)344-8750 or Bruce Ungar (412)343-2256, for additional information. WEDNESDAY INDOOR AIR PISTOL. This new program shoots Wednesday evenings, at 7:00PM. Call Bob Nipar for details at 412.831.0697 or SATURDAY OUTDOOR SILHOUETTE. The monthly outdoor program fires every fourth Saturday at 9:00AM. Call George Taylor (412) 344-8750 for additional information on Saturday activities. RIFLE CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM. The program shoots the third Sunday of each month. The range is open at 9:30, the match begins at 11:00. For information, call Bruce Ungar (412)343-2256. New shooters must contact Bruce for a CMP range safety orientation prior to shooting. RIFLE REMINDERS. √ A NEW M-1A match will shoot May 31. Space is limited to 15 shooters. The match will be start at 10:00 AM. Shooters should arrive no later than 8:30 AM. Cost is $6 for targets with each shooter supplying their own ammunition. √ The 2nd Annual M1 Carbine Match will be held on Sunday July 19, 2009. Cost of the event will be $6 for targets with each participant furnishing their own ammunition. The match will begin at 10:00A.M. √ A special CMP shooting event—an M1 Garand Match and a Springfield/Vintage Military Rifle Match—will be held Sunday, July 26. There are four relays involve. The cost for each relay is $7 for targets only, and $20 for 40 rounds of 30-06 ammo and targets. The match will begin at 10:00A.M. As this is a special event, there will not be an opportunity for first time shooters to participate. More details for all three programs are on the next page. If you have any other questions, contact John Tupta at or 724-941-1494. NRA HIGH POWER. The program fires at 9:00AM the first Saturday of each month. Remember, the program has a modified F class that permits the use of scopes. Call John Tupta (724)941-1494, or Al Jaworski (724)746-7033 for equipment requirements and other particulars. BLACK POWDER. Contact Ron Watton, (724)941-5891, or SHOTGUN TRAP. Shoots Tuesday, 7:00-10:00PM. The cost is $3.00 per round. Call Doug Gawronski, 412-531-5043, for information. 5-STAND. Shoots the first and third Sundays , 9:00AM-1:00PM, beginning June 7. Call Tom Kramer, 724-873-0683, for information. Note: Tom is looking for assistance to run this program. It takes a lot of time the day of the shoot to set up all the computercontrolled bird sites that make this match so much fun. Call Tom if you can help out. IMPORTANT NOTE If your membership card has been pulled, for whatever reason, you need to initiate a call to Executive Range Officer Bruce Ungar, at (412) 343-2256, to get your card back. 6 LOOKIN’ GOOD Here’s an overview of the work that’s been done around the club early this year with the use of informal work parties and outside contractors. Chuck Augenstein arranged with our neighbor farmer Ed Martin to plow a couple of our fields and sow hay grass and corn. This is a win-win situation . Ed will eventually harvest the fields and use the products for feed. We benefit from the acreage being maintained in accordance with the Wild Turkey Federation guidelines under their grant program. Bob Atkinson has done a wonderful job handling our road improvement program, with most of the work contractual. The road adds a great look to the club, hinders erosion, and prevents pot holes. The final phase will be done next year. The area in front of the rifle firing line has been graded and filled, and additional bench rests have been constructed and placed on the long range rifle shooting line. Thanks to Ted Hildebrand, Ron Watton, Roy English, and Ray Nist for the nice work along with Ken Zupkow, the Michelangelo of heavy equipment. . Finally, read the next page to find out more about the terrific new trap range area just put in action. 7 NEW TRAP AREA Ell Vines announced good news for trap shooters. There is a new area set aside for practice at the rear of the clubhouse—between the trap house and the archery main frame Feel free to use The Club’s throwing machines during approved shooting hours. You need to bring your own birds Shells are limited to 3 drams with no greater than 7 1/2 size shot. We don’t want to be putting pellets on Wilson road. The set up is a two-person operation because of the manual crank and pull. Access the shooting area from the rear on the designated path. If more than one set of shooters is using the range, work out a firing sequence. Before operating a thrower, read the conspicuously posted user instructions. The throwers are easily operated once you familiarize yourself with the routine but the process is not intuitive. So, again, read the instructions. And when you’re finished, please police the area. That way, those who follow you can also enjoy a pleasant shooting experience. 8 MAY WORK PARTY The first official work party of the year brought out an early crowd that was eager to get as much work done as possible before the forecast thunder showers turned the dirt into mud. Head honcho Ted Hildebrand The primary obsorted out the work assignments jective was to finish the field where the barn was, removing the on the project “to-do” list. rocks and brush and grading before seeding. The tractors were out in full force. Ken Zupkow, above, ran the harrow, with Chuck Augenstein, middle, and George Taylor, far, moving the heavy loads. Smaller material was hand picked by Jim Caster, Dan Kiselica, Brian Garlick, and Bob Kirsopp, while Doug Gawronski cleared the underbrush. Unfortunately the shots of Brian and Bob came up blank. We’ll make it up to them at the next Jim Caster George Taylor Dan Kiselica Doug Gawronski Chuck Augenstein 9 Chuck Comstock, above, was clearing holes to provide placement for the target holders. The groundhog eventually let go of his arm. Tony Kourakos, left, and Ralph Tijerina, right. sealed the pistol bench area. Hey, we need to get more paint pans. Team Tupta was well represented with daughter Stephanie and dad John handling mowing chores in the bench rest and rifle areas, while son Stephen helped pros Gary Shearer, below left, and Pete Cassini, below right, put together some target holders for the rifle range. work party. After the team did the field work, George and Chuck focused on solidifying the berm of the new road by putting in and compacting a border of small stone to aid in drainage and support the road’s edge. There was plenty of other work to do in the upper range area. It was gratifying to see a nice mix of long-time members and new members jumping in to lend a hand in maintaining the appearance and operational effectiveness of the club. It’s the members who make it happen. Maybe we’ll see you at the next work party in June. You are the club. The club is you. 10 CMP-RELATED RIFLE EVENTS M1A MATCH. This is a first time offering for all of you M1A owners: the opportunity to show off your skill with this fantastic rifle. The match will be held on Sunday May 31 starting at 10:00 AM. Shooters should arrive no later than 8:30 AM. The course of fire will be the NRA High-Power 50 round match to include the following stages: 10 rounds Offhand, 10 rounds RapidSitting, 10 rounds Rapid Prone, 20 rounds Slow Prone. Cost is $6 for targets with each shooter supplying their own ammunition. Since the match will be held on the 200 yd range it will be limited to the first 15 shooters registered. Contact John Tupta at or 724-941-1494 for registration or more information. CMP M1 CARBINE MATCH The 2nd Annual M1 Carbine Match will be held on Sunday July 19, 2009. The course of fire will be 40 rounds fired on the 100 Yd. range: 10 rounds Slow Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Rapid Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Rapid Fire Kneeling/ Sitting, and 10 Rounds Slow Fire Offhand. Cost of the event will be $6 for targets with each participant furnishing their own ammunition. The Match will begin at 10:00A.M. Contact John Tupta at or 724-941-1494 for more details. HONORS KEEP COMING FOR DMSC SHOOTERS After our rifle team captured second place in the Pittsburgh and Suburban League, the expected individual honors followed. Amy Smith, who led our team with a 296.79 average, was High Lady, High Amy Smith Iron Sights, and 2nd Place Standing (98.14). Rick Janoski won 2nd Place Kneeling (99.75), and Fritz Hempelmann won 3rd Place Sitting with a 49.94, 4.24x average. Amy, Rick and Matt Piatt all placed in the league Top 10 (Amy 4th, Rick 6th with a 295.63, and Matt 9th with a 295.22). Great!! CMP SPECIAL EVENT The CMP Program is pleased to announce a special shooting event: an M1 Garand Match and a Springfield/Vintage Military Rifle Match on the 200 Yd. Range. This event will be held on Sunday July 26, 2009. There will be four relays each shooting the 30 round Course of Fire: 10 Rounds Slow Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Rapid Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Slow Fire Offhand. Relay # 1: M1 Garand Match (10:00 A.M.); Relay #2 Springfield/ Vintage Military Rifle Match (11:00 A.M.); Relay # 3: M1 Garand Match (12:00 P.M.); Relay #4 Springfield/Vintage Military Rifle Match (1:00 P.M.). The cost for each relay is $7 for targets only and $20 for 40 rounds of 30-06 ammo and targets. As this is a special event, there will not be an opportunity for first time shooters to participate. Each shooter will be assigned to a specific relay and as space on the 200 yd range is limited, registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact John Tupta at or 724941-1494 for registration and more information. Come out and prep your skills for the CMP National Matches at Camp Perry. DMSC SHOOTERS ACHIEVE NATIONAL CMP RANKING In a compilation of all Garand rifle match scoring in 2008, two of our Club members found their names in the Top One Hundred rankings nationally. Chuck Augenstein (below left), with a 1.0183 rating, ranked 79, while Jim Madar (below right ) with a 1.0152, ranked 97. When the scores are considered for the Northeast region, their ratings put Chuck and Jim at 25 and 28, respectively. Chuck Augenstein Jim Madar 11 CMP MATCH April 19, 2009 Offhand Sit/Kneel Prone Total 168 171-2x 94 131 153 145 181-1x 162-1x 106-2x 157 171 129 64 153 152 96 153 80 487-1x 506-2x 369 258 462 417 417-1x 464-1x 338-2x 184-2x 178 178-2x 176 177-1x 167-1x 517-3x 532-2x 508-3x 177-2x 544-2x 184-2x 120 124 173-2x 158-2x 187-3x 157 159-1x 171 173-2x 162 160 154-1x 188 AR-15 186-3x 111 170 188-5x 159-1x 196-4x 191-1x 183-3x 166-1x 187-1x 184-3x 161-1x 172-2x 192-2x 100-1x 134 189-1x 127 188-4x 198-4x 183-1x 179-2x 184-2x 154 164-1x 167 563-7x 331-1x 428 550-8x 444-3x 571-11x 537-5x 525-5x 516-3x 544-5x 500-3x 485-2x 493-3x Sit/Kneel 132-1x M1 CARBINE Prone Rapid 161-1x Offhand 70 Total 363-2x Marc Burns Dave Burd Paul Curry Spencer Jordan Mark Kern William Kern Mike Ligman Bruce Long Erik Windows 162-1x 164 146 63 156 120 140 149 152 Ted Hildabrand Gary Scherer Ken Zupkow 157-1x 177-1x 163 Dave Willard 179 Chuck Augenstein Dan Campbell Pete Cassini Matt Gillenberger Brian Jacobs Allan Jaworski Jim Madar Bob Polander Stephen Tupta John Tupta Zak Willard Brad Wucher Dan Zenger Brenden Croup Prone M1 GARAND M1A BOLT ACTION What a GREAT DAY! Twenty eight shooters on line, sunny skies, and a warm 60+ degrees. Welcome to new shooters Erik Windows, Bruce Long, and Spencer Jordan; we hope that you enjoyed this event and will join our CMP bunch for many more matches. Allan Jaworski continues to hold the top scoring position, this time with a 571-11x. Great shooting Allan! Top M1 score goes to Dave Burd with a 506-2x., and Gary Scherer claims the M1A top spot with a 532-2x. We continue to see the scores improve, the gun talk informative, and the banter/humor entertaining. 12 DORMONT-MT. LEBANON SPORTSMEN’S CLUB HIGH POWER RIFLE LEAGUE MATCH May 2, 2009 MATCH NO. 2 200 YARDS NAME C. AUGENSTEIN CLASS MASTER OFFHAND RAPID – SITTING RAPIDPRONE SLOWPRONE TOTAL 91-1X 98-4X 95-2X 175-2X 458-9X M. FORD 92-2X 92 87-3X 194-6X 465-11X J. MADAR 83 91-1X 95-2X 184-1X 453-3X 92-3X 85 87 176-4X 440-7X 90-1X 98-2X 97-3X 190-5X 475-11X J. TUPTA 87-2X 86 92-2X 176-2X 441-6X S. TUPTA 85-1X 68 962X 177-2X 426-4X 93-3X 94 96-3X 189-4X 472-10X 85 96-2X 94 170-2X 445-4X 81 81-1X 89 82 77 90-2X 77 170-2X 324 423-5X D. WILLARD A. JAWORSKI EXPERT S-SHOOTER MARKSMAN G. SCHERER T. HILDABRAND MASTER UNC P. CASSINI B. LONG Notes: A very beautiful day brought out eleven shooters for this second match of the 2009 High Power season. Match high was taken by Allan Jaworski with a 475-11x. Once again, good shooting Allan! Accolades also go to Gary Scherer with an equally impressive 472-10x; unofficially this could be a PR for Gary. A hearty welcome to new shooter Bruce Long; we hope to see you more often when your schedule permits. It was nice to see three shooters on the line with an M1A; this may have something to do with the upcoming DMSC M1A match. Next match will be on June 6, 2009 and all are welcome to attend. John Tupta 13 NOTES FROM THE FIELD FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has awarded almost $2 million in grants to 14 municipalities, conservancies and land trusts for the acquisition, development, improvement or rehabilitation of public recreational boat launches. Local projects include: ● Roaring Run Watershed Association, Armstrong County - $12,000 to improve the Roaring boat launch facility along the Kiskiminetas River near the town of Apollo, PA · ● Borough of Ohioville, Beaver County $142,000 to pave the parking area and the access road to the boat launch along the Little Beaver Creek adjacent to the Ohio River. ● Allegheny Valley Conservancy, Venango County - $75,000. to purchase a 13-acre property with 3,300 linear feet of stream frontage along the Allegheny River. The Allegheny Valley Conservancy plans to use the property to improve canoe, kayak and fishing access to the Allegheny River. This segment of the river is designated as a National Wild and Scenic River and is in the middle section of the Allegheny River Water Trail. ● Emlenton Borough, Venango County $15,000 to construct a canoe/kayak access on the Allegheny River at the Allegheny River Trail parking area in Emlenton. ● Pittsburgh, Allegheny County $985,991 in federal funding through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program to construct transient docks on the Allegheny River along the Convention Center Riverfront Park in Pittsburgh Saturday, May 23 & Sunday, June 7 are Fish for Free Days. Each year the PFBC designates two Fish for Free Days to coincide with Memorial Day and National Fishing and Boat ing Week. No fishing license , resident or nonresident, is required to fish on Pennsylvania's waterways on these days. All other fishing regulations still apply. GAME COMMISSION It’s spring and deer are on the move so the PGC has issued some deer safety tips for motorists: * Stay alert and don’t count on deer whistles or deer fences to deter deer from crossing roads in front of you. Deer can’t hear ultrasonic frequencies and there is no scientific evidence that deer whistles are effective. * Watch for the reflection of deer eyes and for deer silhouettes on the shoulders of roads. If anything looks slightly suspicious, slow down. * Slow down in areas known to have a large deer population; where deer-crossing signs are posted; places where deer commonly cross roads or are struck by motorists; areas where roads divide agricultural fields from forests; and whenever in forested areas between dusk and dawn. * Deer do unpredictable things. Sometimes they stop in the middle of the road when crossing. Sometimes they cross and quickly recross back from where they came. Sometimes they move toward an approaching vehicle. Assume nothing. Slow down, blow your horn to urge the deer to leave the road. Stop if a deer stays on the road; don’t try to go around it. With the outdoor programs in full swing it’s a good idea to review the Revised Range Rules posted on our web site. “I didn’t know” is not an excuse. The old saying “Better Safe Than Sorry” is never more important than on the shooting range. Remember, everyone is responsible for range safety. If you see a range violation or a potentially unsafe condition you can call a cease fire and calmly and courteously discuss your perception of the situation with the other shooter. A good shooter will understand. THE TRADING POST 14 For sporting equipment associated with club related activities—shooting, hunting, fishing, and archery. That means no golf clubs, soccer shoes, weight benches, old tires, personal dating services, etc. get the point. I WANT TO BUY OFFICIAL DORMONT-MT. LEBANON SPORTSMEN’S CLUB APPARREL Wait a minute!!! I can get some by calling Chuck Augenstein, the DMSC merchandising program manager, at (724)941-9538. B A C S&W UMC hardball, 100 rnds CCI Blazer 40 S&W hollow points, 20 rnds Federal Premium 40 S&W Hydra-Shok Jacketed Hollow-point, 20 rnds Winchester 40 S&W hollow-point, 5 rnds Glaser(?) R P 40 S&W blue tip. Price new - about $931.00. FOR SALE at: $690.00. Contact: or call 412-303-8539. (05/09) D E A. Short sleeve pocket tee shirt, $10 B. Club cap, camo, adjustable $10 C. Long sleeve denim shirt, $30. D, E. Short sleeve polo $25. Available in colors shown. State size, S-M-L-XL MAGNUM RESEARCH .500 S&W REVOLVER with Leupold 4x28 model FX-11 scope and wood grips. Excellent hunting/ shooting set up. Total invested approx. $1,500 asking $1,000. Email Brad at, or call at 724-825-7250. (05/09). I WANT TO SELL GLOCK MODEL 27 (.40 CALIBER) with Crimson Trace sites; “The Backup Glock: Small, light, accurate and powerful. Includes: Crimson Trace sites, Black De Santis Leather Thumb Break Scabbard Holster, Grip extension(s), extra magazine, original case, Glock magazine loader(s); Ammunition: 50 rnds Remington 40 The Trading Post is a free clearing house service for DMSC members. It bears no responsibility or liability for accuracy of information, item condition, or reliability of submitter. Mail Trading Post items to DMSC P.O.Box 12692 Pittsburgh, PA 15241, or e-mail to Indicate whether you want to buy or sell, list the general item, then specific details, and include a contact point, as well as a picture if available. After two issues the item will be removed unless the submitter requests an extension.