ARPC Newsletter July 2010 - Albany Rifle and Pistol Club
ARPC Newsletter July 2010 - Albany Rifle and Pistol Club
A lbany Rifle & Pistol Club July 2010 Saddle Butte Press President’s Column Greetings fellow members! This month I would like to talk to you about the classes that are being of fered at ARPC. We have a list of classes that range from our Range Safety Officer Classes, Oregon Concealed Carry License Classes, Hunter Safety Education classes, Utah Concealed Firearm Classes, a two-day AR-15 Boot Camp class, NRA Basic Pistol Classes, Basic Pistol 101 for Women and a Basic Pistol 201 for Women. We will also be offering a Basic Single Stage Rifle and Pistol Reloading class. So take advantage of what is being of fered at ARPC. Watch the calendar for dates, times and contact the appropriate instructor or call or email the of fice for further information. Steve Shippey President Delinquent Members Members who did not renew their membership by the end of April have had their gate cards turned of f and do not have legal access to the club as a member in good standing. The office will be sending out notices to all delinquent members reminding them that they can still renew their membership and obtain access to the club by calling the of fice or mailing in their dues. There is no penalty, other than not having access to the club, for late renewals. The club has tried to make renewal as easy as possible. You can call the office (541-491-3755) and pay your dues via credit card, drop payment by the of fice any day Monday thru Friday or pay by mail (P.O. Box 727, Albany, 97321). Machine Gun Shoot Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the Saddle Butte Machine Gun shoot. This event keeps getting bigger and better every year with the help of the 90 plus volunteers that make it happen. Again a big “Thank You” and we hope to see again next year. Machine Gun Shoot Committee. Club Calendar PO Box 727 • Albany, OR 97321 Albany Rifle & Pistol Club PRSRTD STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALEM, OR PERMIT NO. 106 In an attempt to make the club calendar smaller and easier to print we tried to put some of the day information in the background. This is a purchased program and thus has limited options on format. The club of fice is continually updating the calendar and trying to make it more user friendly. If you are looking at the calendar online and want more information about a particular event, just put your cursor on the event and click. It should show you another window with additional information about that event. continue to support members’ needs by providing regular and hard-to- find items related to recreational shooting. Please watch for a Pro Shop Grand Opening later this summer when the facility is finished. Archery Area Gun Show News Here is the latest news from the ARPC Gun Show committee. First, Rich Larrow, Gun Show Co-Committee chair, is still recovering from a serious bicycle accident that happened a few weeks ago. We don’t know too much about his recovery but wish him the best. Second, Debi Parker, Gun Show Volunteer coordinator is resigning from that position af ter 22 gun shows. Debi has worked ver y hard over the last 11-12 years to build a good base of volunteers for each show. Those members who volunteer continue to make our gun shows safe and enjoyable for both vendors and attendees. It is going to be hard to replace Debi and we thank her for the countless number of hours she has put in both during the show and behind the scene. Those members who want to volunteer to work the next ARPC Gun Show on September 24th (set-up), 25th, and 26th should contact the club of fice and talk to Carol (541- 491-3755). Any members who want to help with the Gun Show committee can contact Gerry Tsupros at or call the ARPC club of fice. The committee meets two or three times between each ARPC Gun Show to correct current problems and put together plans to make our gun show the best it can be. Yes, the ARPC Archery Area is almost finished at the club. When finished it will include a 14 position 3D archery walk open to members/ guests and a 15 to 60 yard sight-in range. Boyd Koehler, a Hoyt factory archer, has been working with ARPC staf f to lay out and build the archery range. The 3D range will include targets of most North American hunting animals ranging in size from turkeys to bull elk. Special instruction are posted at the beginning of the 3D walk and include rules that prohibit broad head arrows and range finders on the range. Each shooting position is marked along the “one way” path through the 3D walk. A suggested donation of $5 is requested at the beginning of the course Third, the next ARPC Gun Show is September to help defer the cost of replacing 3D targets 25th and 26th. Pass the word about this gun and centers. show to all of your friends and neighbors. It has become one of the largest gun shows in the The sight-in range will consist of four target state and one of the best, not to mention that butts set at pre-measured distances. It is loit raises a good amount of money for the club. cated south of the gravel parking area along Remember ARPC club members do not have the west side of the irrigation ditch. to pay an admission fee to get into the shows; No specific opening date has been set for the it is part of your club benefits. Attendees who archery range at this time. We want to make come to the show on Saturday can return on sure everything is ready, safe and complete Sunday without paying admission. before allowing archers on the range. Signs have been ordered and the sight-in range target butts will arrive soon. Most of the construction ARPC Of fice & Pro Shop work has been completed and we are very close to opening the range. R ange Rule Updates The club range rules have been updated and are available on the club website, posted in the main range clubhouse and on all shooting ranges except the east range. Please take some time to read through these rules. 6214 Bays 8 through 12 are open for member use and will soon have noise reduction structures added to them. Until the parking area below the bays opens up you can drive up to these bays and unload your shooting equipment but Have you noticed the new construction at the you must park at the gravel turn around next north end of the main range where the club ga- to bay 7. No vehicle parking is allowed next to rages were located? This area, when finished, bays 8 through 12. will include the club office and ARPC Pro Shop. The of fice and Pro Shop will be open Monday thru Saturday 8am to 5pm. The Pro Shop will W E L COM E New mem b e r s Shawn Clark, Benjamin Sell, Abraham Griswold, Jeremy Jewell, Justin Carley, Ormond R. Galvin, Roger Wilson, Scot t Ashford, George S. Cronk Jr, Luther MacLean, Toby Bot tor f f, Edward Spencer, Jonathon Spencer, Lyal Shof f, Jason Morris, Nicholas Clair, David Leslie, Philip Willet te, Ed Zumstein, Kelly Kozisek, Nicholas Scherer, Concealed Carry Both classes are limited to the first 24 registrants. All classes are always open to members Do you carry a concealed handgun? Do you and non-members. Please call the ARPC club have an Oregon concealed handgun license? of fice (541-491-3755) if you have questions. DO YOU PRACTICE WITH YOUR CONCEALED HANDGUN? No, I don’t mean shooting at tarHunters’ Sight-in Days gets from behind the shooting bench, I mean realistic drawing and shooting from concealed How many hunters have missed elk like the one carry position with your heart thumping and 20 mounted in our clubhouse or deer because their people watching what you are doing. rifle was not sighted-in properly? Or worse yet, Okay, be honest. I bet you don’t practice at how many animals suf fered from a poor shot all with your carry gun. Would you like to and that didn’t kill them swif tly? at no cost, even if you are not a club member? Albany Rifle and Pistol Club is expanding our Defensive Handgun has moved its monthly ex- “Hunters’ Sight-In Days” this year to three weekercise to the second Wednesday evening (6pm) ends; September 11th,12th,18th,19th,25th and of each month. This is not a competition. It is 26th to help more hunters sight-in their firean organized practice session for those who arms. We will be expanding the advertising carry concealed and want to be as accurate as and reaching out to hunters with the message possible with their carry guns. Go to the ARPC about making sure their rifles are sighted-in website, click on “sports/defensive handgun” correctly and ready to go for hunting season. and then click on the free workbook located just below the header. Bring that workbook with you With this expanded ef for t we will need your Wednesday evening because we will be picking help to make sure we can handle the expected increase in sight-ins. Please call the club ofout five dif ferent exercises each month. fice 541-491-3755 and get your name on the We are meeting on Wednesday evenings, be- help list for this event even if you can work only cause it is available and is not another weekend one day or one weekend. As we get closer to event. Additionally, as day length gets shorter, the actual dates we will have more information Defensive Handgun will be taking place in the about the schedule. dark. Wow, practicing and shooting at night, what a novel idea. The CMP and the ARPC Rifle Team thank all those who bought tickets to help with the trip. Four knives and two hats from GERBER, and a tee shirt from COBRAY MAC 10, sponsored a raf fle held during the Machine Gun Shoot on May 15. Again, Thanks! Barbara Shew Coach Wanted: Old Firearms The main range clubhouse remodel project is nearing completion and we are looking for some old firearms to display along with our wildlife mounts. If you have an old gun that you would like to see up on the wall please give the club of fice a call at 541-491-3755. Brass plaques will be used to describe the firearm and give recognition to the donors. Primers are Ava il able State Games of Oregon Women’s Pistol Cl ass August 29th, 2-5pm, and S e p te m b e r 18 t h, 9 a m 12pm are the dates and times for Basic Pistol for Women 101. October 16th, 9am-12pm is the date and time for Pistol Competition for Women 201. Basic Pistol for Women 101 is an introduc tor y class that covers safety, basic handgun fundamentals and handgun shooting techniques. This class is a closed training class open to women only; sorry no observers. You must pre-register ($20), own your own firearm, holster, safety glasses, ear protection and bring at least 200 rounds of ammunition. Any caliber or type of handgun is allowed and holsters must cover the trigger. Please be prepared for any type of weather and bring plenty of snacks and water. STATE GAMES OF OREGON are coming to ARPC, July 17 and 18. There will be a 160-shot Outdoor Smallbore Prone Match on Saturday, July 17 at 50 meters and 50 and 100 yards. The Trap Match also takes place the same day and will consist of shooting 50 clay birds. The .22 Rimfire Sporter Match on Sunday, July 18 is 25 and 50 yards. Shoot one or all events for a $25.00 entry fee. Awards are by age group. What a fun way to spend the day! We have received our shipment of CCI primers and they are available in the club Pro Shop. The Pro Shop has small pistol, large pistol, small rifle and large rifle primers at $30 per thousand with a limit of one thousand primers of each Please call Don Arnold for the Trap Match at size per week. Please call the club of fice at 541-491-1014, Barbara Shew for the Prone Match 541-491-3755 to make sure someone is around at 541- 451-2047 or Nelson Shew for Rimfire to sell these primers to you. Sporter at 541-451-2047 for answers to questions. You can sign up on the day of the match Bl ack Powder Shooters or pre-register at and we will have a t-shirt waiting for you. See You At The Games!! 18334 Barbara Shew Junior Olympics Basic Pistol Competition for Women 201 is an introductory class that introduces women to competitive shooting spor ts such as action pistol, steel challenge, bowling pins, ICORE, and GSSF. This class is a closed training class open to women only; sorry no observers. Women registered for this class must have taken Basic Pistol for Women 101 or have permission from the instructor before taking 201. Cost for Ben Roth, 16, will be going to Anniston, Alathis class is $20. Please be prepared for any bama in July to participate in the Junior Olymtype of weather and bring plenty of snacks and pics in Sporter Air Rifle. water. There’s a BANG, copious amounts of gun smoke, and sometimes a distant clanger ringing. That is the common sequence experienced at ARPC’s “Thundersticks of Saddle But te.” The “Black Powder” shooters meet every first Sunday of the month to enjoy marksmanship, O f f i c e r s arpc Executive Board - - - - - - - - - Executive Committee - - - - - - - - - Program Directors Steve Shippey, president . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503.585.2724 Rimfire Benchrest - Jim Johnson, . . . . . . . 541.758.7364 Ray Merten, vice-president . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541.949.1327 Centerfire Benchrest - Terry Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.491.1201 Peter Newman, secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.905.0643 Black Powder - Ed Eriksen, . . . . . . . . . 541.926.7570 Bob Hamilton, treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . 503.930.6172 Bowling Pins - Bill Manghelli, . . . . . . . . . 541.935.2019 Don Arnold, exec. officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.491.1014 John Walker, chief instructor . . . . . . . . . . 541.928.5757 Defensive Handgun - Mike McCarter, . . . . . . 541.619.0038 Mike McCarter, executive director . . . . . . . . . 541.619.0038 Five Stand - Tom Smith, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503.474.7579 High Power - Trent Hering, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.760.9078 Other Committees I.C.O.R.E. - Mike McCarter, . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.619.0038 Rich Larrowe gunshow-chairman . . . . . . . . . 541.738.6613 Membership Questions . . . . . . . . . 541.619.0038 Indoor Pistol - Paul Manghelli, . . . . . . . . . 541.327.2337 Dwain Thomas, hunter safety ed . . ..541.967.7554 Junior Rifle - Barbara Shew, . . . . . . . 541.451.2047 Tony White, newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.917.1030 Junior Smallbore - Mark Baur, . . . . . . . . . . 541.405.1069 Ladies Program - Nadine Manghelli, . . . 541.935.2019 Hours of Operation Old West - Patrick Reagan, . . . . . . . . . . 541.259.2774 Monday thru Friday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00am - 9:00pm Saturday & Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00am - 8:00pm Senior Smallbore - James DiNardo, . . . . . 541.367.4033 Speed Steel - Jan Hase, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.924.0162 Trap - Don Arnold, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.491.1014 Other Clubhouse Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.491.3755 uspsa Action Pistol - Mike McCarter, . . . . 503.391.1712 Business Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541.619.0038 Multi Gun - Robert Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503.551.7283 Club Web Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMP Sporter Rifle - Mike McCarter . 541-619-0038 Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29999 Saddle Butte Rd., Shedd, OR 97377 Please have your guests fill out a guest badge President Steve Shippey Vice President Ray Merten 503.585.2724 503-949-1327 Treasurer Bob Hamilton Exec. Officer Don Arnold 503.930.6172 541.491.1014 Secretary Peter Newman 541.905.0643 Chief Instructor John Walker 541-928-5757 camaraderie, and firearms history. If it’s a bit Thank You brisk, there’s a fire in the barrel to keep warm, Sa ddle Butte Press while jawing about the gun, the shot, or the hit. Then you go back to your rifle or pistol, and This is the last issue of the Saddle Butte Press. It has ser ved our membership well over the load it with powder, patch, and ball. years but like other improvements to the club, That is how I spent the first Sunday in May. its time has come to a close. A good newsletter It has been a long time since I took the ol’ is important for any membership club because Hawkins .54 cal cap and ball muzzle loader it is the primary communication tool between of f the mantel and dusted her of f. She is long the leadership of the club and it’s membership. and slender with a fiddleback maple stock and The question here is how do we deliver it to the a browned 35 inch barrel. As you shoulder the ARPC membership and trim costs? rifle you go back in time to the 1820s and 1830s of the Rocky Mountain fur trappers. Images of Mailing and printing costs have risen over the Meek, Bridger, or Carson appear in the smoke years to a point where the leadership of the club needed to make a decision about continuof your shot. ing the current format or changing it to some I only knew one person out of the seven or eight other format. Over the last 6 months the ARPC that were there that day. Four of us were new Executive Board asked for comments from the shooters. But talk about a warm welcome by membership concerning this issue. The majora bunch of mighty fine folk. It seemed like ev- ity of members who responded said, “convert eryone was there to help. The atmosphere was the newsletter to an electronic format, like other pure relaxation. It took about a nanosecond to organizations and of fer a mailed newsletter to feel comfortable with these gentlemen. those who still need a printed newsletter at a small fee.” Money saved by converting the newsletter to an electronic format will be used to improve and expand the club’s facilities. 17826 The Executive Board also understands that this decision may not be popular with all of the club membership; at times hard decisions have to be made. Please feel free to contact Everyone wanted to show of f his guns. Norm Steve Shippey, ARPC Club President if you had a .45 cal Kentucky; Bill was shooting his have a concern or comment about this change. Brown Bess Musket with a custom .54 cal barrel. Carl was shooting his Lyman .50 cal Great Plains. Glenn’s gun really caught my eye. The barrel was from an original 1850 Belgium rifle that had been imported to the South. Glenn’s great grandfather Levi found it lying on the ground during a Civil War battle. You could put your ear to that barrel and hear the shriek of cannon balls, the snap of bullets, and the call of a bugle. The original .54 cal barrel was relined and is now .49 cal. As they say, “if only guns could talk.” For Sale: Glock 29 10mm subcompact with 4 magazines (10 round), including Pearce finger extensions. Like new, not in box. $495. Call Louis Thelen at 541-760 -1792 or email at Thank you Tony White, newsletter editor, and Skip Hamilton, newsletter formatter, for all of the work they put in on putting together and publishing the Saddle Butte Press. Cl assified A ds ARPC members may publish classified advertisements for items they wish to sell or trade. Please write ads in concise language, 12-point Times New Roman font and email to editor@ Include your name and telephone number with hours when you can be reached. Optionally include email address. For Sale: Taurus 1911 AR blue steel in .45 ACP; only 2 mags fired through it; includes case, 2 factory mags, 2 Wilson combat mags, 1 box Golden Saber defense ammo, and approx 1000 rounds practice ammo all for $800. Call Stuart The Executive Board made the decision to con- at 503-949-6877 (daytimes best) or swmcvey@ vert the Saddle Butte newsletter to an electronic format and is offering to send out a printed copy DPMS panther bull sweet sixteen AR-15 equipped with 6 position collapsible stock and tactical latch. via U.S. Mail at a price that covers the printing FM3926T 3x 9x 28 blue illuminated rifle scope. and mailing expense. If you still want a printed CMMG .22LR conversion kit for AR-15 with black copy mailed to your home there is a sign up dog high capacity magazine. Two 30 round DPMS form located in this newsletter. Printed copies .223 magazines. DPMS rifle case with manual. of the new newsletter will also be available in About 500 rounds .22 LR. Excellent shape. $975.00 the main range clubhouse for members and OBO. Will consider selling .22LR conversion kit guests to pick up. separate. Ed @ 541-990-2029 WANTED: Glock 23 mint/near new. Call Skip at 740.4000. 2010-11 Albany Rifle and Pistol Club Newsletter Form Ed Eriksen is the head man at the shoot and his goal is to provide a SAFE, fun, rela xed and informative shoot. This is NOT competitive shooting, just FUN shooting at targets that clang when hit. It is also an inexpensive shooting sport. So dust of f that ol’ muzzle loader, and bring her out for a good time with good people. Between shots enjoy the beauty that surrounds our fabulous range. I know that I’ll be back on a regular basis. As you are aware, we have entertained much discussion in the last few months surrounding the high costs associated with the printing and mailing of our newsletter. Therefore, based on club member's comments, we have decided to proceed with an electronic newsletter beginning August 1, 2010. In order to continue to receive a printed newsletter, the annual fee is $12.00 per fiscal year; hence we have prorated the amount for this year. Subsequent newsletter fees will be collected with the annual renewal. Please fill out and mail the form accompanied with your payment to the address below. To receive a printed newsletter: Fill out the lower part of this letter, attach a check or fill out the credit card portion of the form, insert it in a stamped envelope and mail to: ARPC, P.O. Box 727, Albany, OR, 97321. You can also drop off your newsletter form at the office. So don’t be a flash-in-the-pan, grab your flintlock or cap and ball and enjoy your range “lock stock and barrel.” Remember this is Oregon so “keep your powder dry.” You and your family are invited to our next shoot on the first Sunday of July, the 4th. The shoot starts at 9:30am. Patriot Hot Dogs and appropriate side dishes will be available at the shoot free of charge. So celebrate the 4th of July by shooting a Black Powder rifle or pistol in one hand and a Patriotic Hot Dog in the other. Check the line that applies: If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ed. His contact information is on the calendar of events. ___I would like to continue to receive a printed newsletter and have it mailed to me for the prorated amount. Club Use Questions The club of fice has received emails over the last couple of weeks with questions about range use or a member problem at the range. Have you ever had a question about bay use, firearm restrictions or targets when out at the range? The next time you have a question, please, ask! During the week call the of fice or stop by. On the weekend call Mike or any of the club officers with your questions. Maybe we can make your visit more enjoyable when you get an answer before you leave the range. If your email address has changed: Please call the office or fill out and mail the form below to confirm that we have your correct address. For any questions, call the club office, 541-491-3755 or email --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 8.00 ___I would like to continue to have my newsletter electronically sent to me at the email address below. DATE___________ TOTAL PAID FOR 2010-2011 NEWSLETTER MAILING $ ________ Name_____________________________________________________ Phone__________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City/State______________________ Zip Code___________________ Gate Card #_________________________ NRA#______________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card No.*___________________________Expiration Date_______________Sec. Code*____________ *ARPC accepts Visa / MasterCard only, the Security Code is the 3 digit code on the back of your credit card. AR PC L i st of E v ents - july 2010 Date Day Event Time Cost Loc Gate# Contact Phone Email 3-Jul Sat Work Bond 8am-12pm Work Credit T Don Arnold 541-491-1014 3-Jul Sat NRA Basic Pistol 8:30am-5pm $35 or $55 3 1776# Mark Baur 541-405-1069 3-Jul Sat New Member Orientation-Call Ahead 9am Free MRC Visitors Greg Chamberlain 541-369-2506 3-Jul Sat Junior Indoor Rifle 9:30am Free IR 9579# Barbara Shew 541-451-2047 3-Jul Sat Trap 12pm-6pm $2.50 / $3 T 1944# Don Arnold 541-491-1014 4-Jul Sun Black Powder Shoot 9:30am-2pm $5 non-mem 12 5054# Ed Eriksen 541-926-7570 5-Jul Mon R & R Racing Multi-Gun 2010 Set Up 8am-8pm 1,2,4-12 Robert Wright 503-551-7283 6-Jul Tue Albany Police 8am-12pm 3 Chris Carter 6-Jul Tue R & R Racing Multi-Gun 2010 Set Up 8am-8pm 1,2,4-12 Robert Wright 503-551-7283 7-Jul Wed R & R Racing Multi-Gun 2010 Set Up 8am-8pm 1-12, T Robert Wright 503-551-7283 7-Jul Wed Trap 12pm-6pm $2.50 / $3 T 1944# Don Arnold 541-491-1014 7-Jul Wed Junior Trap Shooting Practice 6pm-8pm Free T 1944# Don Arnold 541-491-1014 7-Jul Wed Smallbore Rifle 6-7:30pm Free IR Mark Baur 541-405-1069 7-Jul Wed CMP Sporter Rimfire Rifle 6pm-8pm $5 MR Mike McCarter 541-619-0038 8-Jul Thur R & R Racing Multi-Gun 2010 8am-8pm 1-12, T Robert Wright 503-551-7283 9-Jul Fri R & R Racing Multi-Gun 2010 8am-8pm 1-12, T Robert Wright 503-551-7283 10-Jul Sat R & R Racing Multi-Gun 2010 8am-8pm 1-12, T Robert Wright 503-551-7283 10-Jul Sat Junior Indoor Rifle 9:30am IR Barbara Shew 541-451-2047 11-Jul Sun R & R Racing Multi-Gun 2010 8am-8pm 1-12, T Robert Wright 503-551-7283 13-Jul Tue Albany Police 8am-12pm N/A 3 Chris Carter 13-Jul Tue New Member Orientation-Call Ahead 9am Free MRC Visitors John Walker 541-928-5757 14-Jul Wed Trap 12pm-6pm $2.50 / $3 T 1944# Don Arnold 541-491-1014 14-Jul Wed Junior Trap Shooting Practice 6pm-8pm Free T 1944# Don Arnold 541-491-1014 14-Jul Wed Smallbore Rifle 6-7:30pm Free IR Mark Baur 541-405-1069 14-Jul Wed Defensive Handgun 6pm-9pm Free 7 Mike McCarter 541-619-0038 15-Jul Thur Bowling Pin Shoot 6pm-9pm $3 3 Bill Manghelli 541-935-2019 16-Jul Fri Hunter Safety Education 6pm-9pm Free MASONIC Dwain Thomas 541-967-7554 17-Jul Sat State Games of Oregon Smallbore Prone 8:30am $25 MR 541-451-2047 17-Jul Sat State Games of Oregon Trap Match 12:00pm $25 T Don Arnold 541-491-1014 17-Jul Sat New Member Orientation-Call Ahead 5pm Free MRC Visitors Mike McCarter 541-619-0038 18-Jul Sun Old West 8am-3pm $10 / $15 Cpl. 1,2,3,4,6,7 3845# Patrick Reagan 541-259-2774 18-Jul Sun State Games of Oregon Rimfire Sporter 12:00pm MR Barbara Shew 541-451-2047 20-Jul Tue Albany Police 8am-12pm N/A 3 Chris Carter 20-Jul Tue ARPC Range Officer Class-Call Ahead 6-8pm N/A MRC John Walker 20-Jul Tue Ladies Shoot 6:30-8:30pm 3 Nadine Manghelli 541-935-2019 21-Jul Wed Trap 12pm-6pm $2.50 / $3 T 1944# Don Arnold 541-491-1014 21-Jul Wed Junior Trap Shooting Practice 6pm-8pm Free T 1944# Don Arnold 541-491-1014 21-Jul Wed Smallbore Rifle 6-7:30pm Free IR Mark Baur 541-405-1069 21-Jul Wed Oregon Conceal License Class-Call 6-9pm $40 NRC Mike McCarter 541-619-0038 23-Jul Fri Hunter Safety Education 6pm-9pm Free MASONIC Dwain Thomas 541-967-7554 24-Jul Sat Old West 8am-3pm $10 / $15 Cpl. 1,2,3,4,6,7 Mike Stuck 503-623-4820 24-Jul Sat Hunter Safety Education 8am-5pm Free MASONIC,12 Dwain Thomas 541-967-7554 24-Jul Sat Junior Indoor Rifle 9:30am Free IR 9579# Barbara Shew 541-451-2047 25-Jul Sun Steel Challenge 9am-1pm $10 1,2,3,5,6,7 6536# Jan Hase 541-924-0162 25-Jul Sun 5 Stand Shotgun 1pm-4pm $3 / $4 T 1944# Tom Smith 503-474-7579 27-Jul Tue New Member Orientation-Call Ahead 5pm Free MRC Visitors Neal Reiser 541-998-9299 27-Jul Tue ARPC Executive Board Meeting 6:30pm NRC Steve Shippey 503-585-2724 28-Jul Wed Linn Co. Sheriff 7am-5pm N/A 3, NRC Don Messick 541-917-6672 28-Jul Wed Trap 12pm-6pm $2.50 / $3 T Don Arnold 541-491-1014 28-Jul Wed Utah Conceal Firearm Class-Call Ahead 5-9pm $65 NRC Mike McCarter 541-619-0038 28-Jul Wed Junior Trap Shooting Practice 6pm-8pm Free T Don Arnold 541-491-1014 28-Jul Wed Smallbore Rifle 6-7:30pm Free IR Mark Baur 541-405-1069 29-Jul Thu Bowling Pin Shoot 6pm-9pm $3 3 Bill Manghelli 541-935-2019 30-Jul Fri Two Day AR-15 Boot Camp 1pm-5pm $250 12 Kevin Manske 541-928-9953 31-Jul Sat Two Day AR-15 Boot Camp 8am-5pm $250 12 Kevin Manske 541-928-9953 31-Jul Sat Junior Indoor Rifle 9:30am Free IR Barbara Shew 541-451-2047 N/A Free 9579# Barbara Shew 4045# 3845# 1944# 1944# 9579# 541-928-5757 Location Code:MR-Main Range, MRC-Main Range Clubhouse, IR-Indoor Range, T-Trap Range, Linn-Linn Co. Fairgrounds, A-Archery Range NR- North Range, NRC-North Range Classroom, MASONIC-Shedd Masonic Lodge, 1,2,3 etc.-North/East Range Bays