June 2009 - Semper Florens


June 2009 - Semper Florens
In this edition:
Volume 9 Issue 5 June 2009
New SF-office
Career evening
SF weekend
Verenigingsblad van Semper Florens
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Internodium volume 9 issue 5, 2009
Magazine of Semper Florens
Study association of the plant scientists and plantbiotechnologists,
Wageningen Universiteit
Internodium appears 5 times a year
Circulation: 290
Members of honour Semper Florens: Ir. Smeding, Ir. Groot en Dr. Ir. Van Marrewijk.
Erwin Boogaard
Sonja Warmerdam
Bart Nijland
Victoria Mungall
Jeroen Stellingwerf
Contact adress:
Semper Florens
Droevendaalsesteeg 1
Postbus 16
6700 AA Wageningen
e-mail: Semper.Florens@wur.nl
internet: http://www.semper-florens.nl
The next edition of the Internodium appears in October. The deadline
for contributions is 16th of October2009. Contributions can be delivered
preferably by mail to sf.internodium@wur.nl
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Chairman chat
SF & Student
Internship - Sarah van Broekhoven
Plantlet Interview - Rafa
New SF office
Career evening
SF weekend
Victoria’s view
Accompany day
Farmers party
Plantlet Interview - Marianne
Poland excursion
Thesis - Erwin Boogaard
Plant in the Picture
Upcoming Activities
Corn Bak
Ruiter seeds
Rijk Zwaan
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A natural career
at Koppert
Koppert is the world
market leader in biological pest control and
natural pollination. Day
Koppert has a reputation internationally
for reliability, innovation and quality
in and day out we are
The ongoing research and continuous production
working to strengthen
of beneficials and pollinators contribute to the
our biological control
development of sustainable agriculture and
systems. Continuous
horticulture world-wide.Koppert has a results-
research – in cooperation with growers – has
resulted in innovative
oriented research and development department,
and world-wide network of contacts.
and effective solutions
Large-scale production of natural enemies and
for almost every crop.
pollinators takes place in modern production
Do you want to join us?
Visit www.koppert.nl for the current vacancies.
Natural progression
Or send an email to jobs@koppert.nl to inform
with Koppert
about internship and job opportunities.
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Wow… we can still remember when we started with the first Internodium of
this academic year…
Did you believe that? Of course we don’t remember the evening that we
completed the first issue of this year, how could you even fall for that?! Although we do get some good memories when we see that first booklet of
this year. In fact we hope you also become overrun with good, happy tummy
feelings when you see that first Internodium. Or is there something that you
have to confess to us? Don’t you also save your Internodia like some precious
treasure? No! Did you really throw away our lifes’ work??? You can’t be serious..
Oh ok your just joking, haha… ha. Good one, you got us there, and almost
gave Erwin a heart attack.
Well, even if you don’t keep your Internodia locked away in your fire safe
like a really obsessed person, you will probably still enjoy our work. For sure
we can say that we try to do our best, and believe you should believe us,
when we are at our best we are really damn fine writers. But not only we,
also all the plant scientist who are journalists for a day, or those who like
to share there thoughts/feelings/experiences/love with us. Yeah we always
enjoy it when we get feedback on our work because that is what keeps us
going. Of course we also like to write and we like the feeling of being a plant
scientist, therefore being part of the Redakcie is a dream coming true, and
you can rest assure that next year we will continue to make Internodia. They
might turn out to be good, great or just unbelievably amazing. That’s something we will have to take care of, and we like to say, like our big friend
mister America: ‘’Yes we can!’’.
So what can you expect in this edition? Well we have some nice pieces about
the different activities that took place the previous (and quite busy!) period,
like the farmers-party, the SF-weekend, the SF excursion and more. We also
present you with a really, if we may say so, exciting and amusing broemmm.
The plant that will get some extra attention and love is the very interesting
Olea Europaea. You can also learn all you always wanted to know about two
of our fellow students. As most of you already know we have a new ‘’hok’’
and in this issue of Internodium you can read how ‘’interesting’’ our new
location is. (woohoo to open spaces! Check out the romantic mood setting
lamp which is one of the most attractive assets of our new home).
We can only hope that once again you will enjoy this Internodium, or at least
some of the articles. However we don’t only hope that you enjoy our work
but that you will also enjoy your summer vacation!! In line with this we hope
for all of us that this summer the weather will be great and that you all return from your vacation or holiday job in one piece.
We’ll miss you!!!
Your favourite commission
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Chairman’s Chat
Dear members,
Already the last Internodium for this academic year is tightly in your
hands at the moment and totally produced to inspire your last weeks in
Wageningen and prepare you for a summer without Semper Florens. The
fifth period is always characterized by non simultaneous courses, a lot of
excursions, beautiful weather conditions and multiple holidays that asked
to be celebrated. So plenty of different activities to fill up your already
busy schedule, but I know for sure that you will take your time to read this
Internodium and enjoy all of its inspiring parts.
Last period, the movement of our office to the new Radix building was
carried out successfully, but asked a lot of the board’s cleaning and
structuring skills. Luckily we managed to keep track on the important
documents which are stored safely again in a brand new environment among
their fellow plant stuff. But more about this movement of our office to the
Radix can be read in another part of this edition.
The activities of Semper Florens were quite abundant this last period and I’m
convinced that everyone could find something to fulfil their desires to the
fullest. For example, the annual Farmer’s Party was proven to still be very
applicable to all the farmers among the agricultural studies of Wageningen
which resulted in the consuming of huge amounts of beer, hay fights and
sweat producing ‘dancing’ inspired by the beautiful farmers melodies. After
such an exhausting event, is was expected that the following SF weekend to
Hengelo would be calm and quiet which was the case for the Friday evening
at the camp fire. But the lovely excursion to pot-plant grower Emsflower
made all the plantlets remember why our study is so beautiful and a lot of
discussions were the start of an evening full of laughter, jokes, big stories
and of course some nice partying at night! The paintball activity made
everyone realize that it is also possible to do something active on Sundays,
so the educational aspect sure did play a role that weekend. Furthermore,
there were some nice and inspiring evenings about serious aspects involving
our study, namely a EU debate and a career evening. Also the excursion to
high innovated ornamental companies turned out to be very informative and
eye opening. Luckily, the Lord of the Marathon and of course the abroad
excursion to France offers a great opportunity to complete a year full of
beautiful SF activities
In a few weeks time everyone will be enjoying holidays in their own way to
catch that precious moment of rest before all the re-exams, AID and a new
academic year start again. You can look back to a year full of traditional
activities like the first years dinner, Farmer’s Party and SF weekend, but
don’t forget the new Christmas and Spring drinks, the Lord of the Marathon
and of course a new office in the Radix building. You can agree or disagree
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if one would say that everything remained more or less the same, but it is
up to you what you make of all the things that come to you. On behalf of
the board I would like to say that we will do our very best to make next year
even better for all our members including enough fun, laughter, inspiration
and of course informative activities.
I would like to end this piece with wishing you all a very nice summer break
and be sure to regain your energy before next year to shine and enjoy it to
the fullest!
Hope to see you soon,
Reinout Pennings
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Good day from Australia! It’s a rather warm but not very sunny autumn day
when I remember Erwin asked me to share something about my internship
with you, so here goes.
I didn’t quite know where to begin when, in early September, I realised it
was time to start organising my internship. After asking some fellow students
and teachers working in the field of entomology, I discovered I couldn’t just
find a list of projects online and sign up for one. I had to either figure out
what I’m most interested in, or where I’d really wanted to go. Neither of
those was easy for me, but eventually, when going through the literature
list of my old bachelor essay, I remembered an interesting research topic:
crab spiders. I decided to send Professor Mariella Herberstein an e-mail. She
works at the Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia and has published
quite a lot on Australian crab spiders. Where better to go to during cold
winter months than Australia? Amazingly, she responded within 24 hours
with a very positive answer. It is advised to start organising everything for
your internship about 6 months in advance. Fortunately, I didn’t have to
worry about vaccinations against tropical diseases or having to learn another
language to understand the locals, but if you do, you’ll need those 6 months.
I managed to get all preparations done within 3.5 months, but it was rather
stressful. However, everything turned out fine in the end and I was ready to
leave, straight from -3 to 35°C. The professor picked me up from the airport
at 7am and drove me to “my house”, which I share with 4 other Europeans
and a girl from Asia. I got a few days to get settled before I’ll start working
at the university. Sydney is very nice, like a very hot and sunny Europe,
United States and Asia combined. The harbour is beautiful, the food is cheap
and it’s very, very big. About three times Paris, or so I’ve heard.
After a few days of exploring, I could
start at the university to work on crab
spiders, together with a PhD student
who works here. Crab spiders are rather
small spiders that use flowers to hunt on
pollinators. The interesting thing about
Australian crab spiders is, that some
white ones (the species I’m working with,
Diaea evanida and Thomisus spectabilis,
generally come in white and yellow) reflect
UV light, while the white flowers they sit
on don’t. As humans can’t see UV, the
spiders seem very well camouflaged from
Thomisus spectabilis caught a honeybee
our perspective.
However, insects can see UV, so for them the spiders are actually very well
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visible. Interestingly, the spiders creating this colour contrast are actually
to be more attractive to honeybees in lab experiments. It has however
not been proven in the field, so that is what we’ve been working on. First,
we collected spiders in the field
for several weeks. We even went
to Queensland to collect Thomisus
spectabilis. If you ever have the
chance to visit the Great Barrier Reef,
do it. It’s one of the most amazing
things you’ll ever see!
During the experiment itself, where
we randomly distributed 10 spiders in
patches of 20 flowers, it became clear
Diaea evanida doesn’t agree with what
we want and 90% of them disappeared
on the first day of the experiment.
Thomisus spectabilis on top of a flower
Thomisus spectabilis is a lot more willing to stay within our patch, though
a lot of them like to hide underneath the flowers. We made spider models
of clay to mimic spiders that stay on top of the flower. The yellow clay
was however also UV reflective (yellow spiders are not) so we painted our
fake spiders with sunscreen. We observed our patches for several days with
cameras to monitor the behaviour of visiting pollinators and I discovered
Sydney also has its rainier days. After that, we were left with A LOT of video
material to watch and a lot of data to analyse. This morning, I showed some
of the first results to my colleagues during the weekly meeting. It seems
the honeybees are attracted to flower patches with UV-reflective spiders,
but avoid individual flowers with spiders on it. All what’s left now is to put
everything together into a nice story and travel a bit before I go back to the
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Plantlet Interview
V: What’s your name?
R: José Rafael Chan Navarrete (Rafa is enough). Most guys where I’m from
have José as their first name. For the girls it’s Maria. (Read: Ok then, Rafa
it is.)
V: Then I would be Maria Victoria… nice, maybe I’ll think about keeping it.
Next question is: How old are you?
R: (Reluctantly) I am 29…
V: Where is your home-home?
R: I am from Costa Rica.
V: Do you have any brothers/ sisters?
R: I have 2 brothers, a sister, a niece and a
V: That’s fun. What did you do before you
came to Wageningen?
R: In my country I was working as biosafety
auditor in a consultancy company and I was
also in charge of the area of biotechnology
there. Right before coming to Wageningen, I was enrolled in a Systems
Biology Programme in Germany but I did not like it. I am much happier at
V: Good to hear! Was your Bachelor’s degree also focused on Plant Science?
R: I got my Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology Engineering but I also have
an MSc in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources from later on. (Read:
Wow. I guess age is an advantage. Makes my resume look quite pitiful
V: Why the fabulous study of Plant Sciences?
R: The reason is simple. I want to be a plant breeder. Since I was in
high school I have thought of that as my ideal job. However, I started
biotechnology and I got into molecular biology and I thought that would be
enough for me. While I was in the Systems Biology Programme, I started to
think again about what I would like to do and I remembered about this “lost”
idea. Wageningen University has a great reputation in Costa Rica and I put it
as my first choice for two main reasons: #1 the quality of the education and
#2 my girlfriend is also studying here!
V: Ah ha! I was just about to get to that point. Care to share the details for
those who don’t know?
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I am engaged with Ana Marcela Víquez, second year masters student. We are
very happy to be together in the Netherlands.
V: Totally different topic… what kind of print is on your duvet cover
R: Well… the original one that I’ve got was sort of yellow with red flowers
and I did not like it… (International students are forced to buy sheets,
pillows, etc. from Idealis and they are all ugly!) At this moment I have an
orange one… with some figures. So, I might say that I am not completely
happy with my duvet cover. It would be very cool to have one with farm
things! (Read: I think most of the SF guys would agree with that.)
V: Agreed! What do you miss most from home?
R: Besides family and friends, I missed the mountains, the deep green
landscape, the beach and the “cas” juice, a fruit that is not very well known
in the rest of Latin America.
V: What’s your favourite Dutch beer?
R: Hmmm, I am divided between Hertog Jan and Amstel.
V: Good choices. How do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?
R: I would be married, with a couple of kids (Rafaelito and Rafaelita) and
running my own company.
V: Haha, poor kids! Black, sugar, milk, both, tea or hot chocolate?
R: In Costa Rica… definitely coffee, but here hot chocolate does pretty well.
V: I can imagine the coffee from the machines in the Forum don’t measure
up to Costa Rican coffee. Do you play any sports?
R: At the moment I am playing squash. I am not very good but I enjoy it.
V: It’s a tough sport, I think. How many tractors do you have?
R: At this moment… NONE! But if I start my own company I would get one
for sure.
V: Right on! Well thank you very much Rafa.
R: Thank you.
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The Intriguing story of the SF office
We are speaking of the cold and dark times around the foundation of WUR
building nr. 512, situated on Binnenhaven 12, Wageningen. A small but
unbelievable active study association called Semper Florens (SF for insiders)
managed a so called office somewhere in the dark and moist atmosphere.
Many brave attempts were made to move to a more suitable location, but it
seemed they were pushed down by a higher force of which they didn’t know
how to control. At that period the disbelief was getting stronger and stronger
that perhaps it was their destiny to remain in the dark and never flourish like
it ought to be. But the commanders kept on trying and trying to put SF back
in business and to ensure that it would never be forgotten.
Luckily, the higher force suddenly noticed the tiny SF in the dark corridors
of the Binnenhaven and realized that this place only suppressed the
huge potential it has inside. It had to be taken out, placed in a suitable
environment and managed in a proper way in order to benefit from it, just
like a crop services its farmer. Plans were already made to start a true plant
environment on the new WUR campus which turned out to be the perfect
opportunity for SF to restart again. So the higher force collaborated together
with the commanders of that time, they removed all the unnecessary ballast
of the branches, removed that old pot it was standing in and placed SF in a
healthy soil with the right tools to manage it.
At first, the commanders were surprised looking at all the colorful, shiny and
innovative parts of the mystical place carrying the inspiring name ‘Radix’.
The swinging doors at the entrance ensured a protected environment for SF
and the caretakers were sitting just beside them in order to provide them
with all the necessary equipment. The beautiful thing is that all students
can access the new office, but they will be held to a stop by yet another set
of swinging doors (from September on) when one wants to enter the RadixWest part due to safety reasons. Even the loudest meetings of committees
can take place in the Radix, only not in the office but in reserved luxurious
meeting rooms. Furthermore, all the important SF treasures that were
protected by closets in the old office at the Binnenhaven are nowadays
put away safely in new, shiny cabinets fully accessible to all the members
(expect the right financial cabinet). Also the well-know black computer that
carries all the necessary information and pictures for graduate parties and
history documentation is installed and fully operational. You might think that
all the enthusiastic and fun loving SF members are non wanted visitors that
neighbor colleague would rather see leaving than arriving. Luckily this is not
the case, because a small drink by SF for all the members and neighbors of
the ground floor seemed to impress them quite a lot which offers enough
space and opportunities to grow and develop faster than ever before. So be
sure to join one of the board members during the lunch break at the office or
just walk in with other members, because just as flowers, it needs incoming
sunlight to flourish!
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Career evening
Hey! Looking for a Career?
For this years SF Career Evening, Berend-Jan and the TDL-cie, the Thema-,
Discussie- en Loopbaanavond-commissie, put together an incredibly diverse
group of speakers to come to the Forum and speak about not only their jobs,
but also the paths they took to get to there. The evening consisted of three
speakers, which were all former Plant Science students at Wageningen, after
that… well like I said – diverse! Other than starting at Wageningen U, there
was really nothing else in common between these three people. Two men/
one woman, one PhD/two Masters, one old/one young/one middle-aged, a
researcher, a policy maker, and a marketer. Yes, that’s right one ended up in
marketing, but let’s talk about that later.
First, Dr. Evert Jacobsen a professor of plant breeding at WUR addressed
the group. His captivating story-telling and impressive c.v. would have
been interesting even for students outside of plant sciences. Straight out of
school Jacobsen was hired as a breeder at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. It was good to hear that while there he discovered that compared to
the other breeders his education provided by Wageningen was very good!!
(Hopefully this is still the case!) After several other moves around the Netherlands, eventually he returned to Wageningen U, became a professor and
got into some management work including becoming director of the Plant
Sciences Group (Prof. Visser’s job now). Dr. Jacobsen encouraged students
to not be afraid of change and to find something you are really passionate
about. The next speaker was Gea Bouwman, a policy maker in crop protection for Plantum NL. Although Ms. Bouwman was a less charismatic speaker
than Dr. Jacobsen, she shared some unique experiences with the students.
At one position, her employer’s company went bankrupt and although it was
hard at the time, Ms. Bouwman explained that she learned a lot from that
experience. The last speaker of the evening was David Jobse, plant scientist turned marketer. While working at DSM, a large company which makes
all kinds of products (from pharmaceuticals to electronics) Mr. Jobse first
discovered his interest in marketing. Following up on this, he went to the
US to do an MBA in marketing and is now working for food super-company
Danone. It was obvious that Mr. Jobse had found something that he was passionate about. The well attended evening was finished with a drink and a
last chance to ask the speakers any lingering questions. Looking back, it was
really quite amazing to hear stories from people that started on the same
road but ended up in such different places. Just goes to show that although
we all study plant science now, you can really do anything you like once you
are finished at Wageningen. Or who knows, maybe you’ll never leave… ah
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This column is probably the one with the most diverse subjects within its
topic. One time it is about a carrot harvester, another time a lawn mower or
even a car may be in the picture. So it will be difficult to guess what to expect for the next one… Some people asked me to write something about the
big yellow and green tractor we pushed away during the farmer games. Well,
I decided not to write about this particular tractor, however I can tell you
that it was a fabulous 6030 series John Deere, which weighs over 5000 Kg!!!
That’s one heavy machine!
But let’s focus on the vehicle that’s the topic of this Broemmm. It is somewhat in line with the previous; it is a real farmer-like machine; the Green
Spirit VI. I am hearing you thinking; “What on earth is this??” Well, there is
a sport out there called ‘tractorpulling’. The idea is simple; a tractor has to
pull a sled (Dutch; sleepwagen) over a 100 meter track. Along the track, a
weigh on the sled moves forward so that it gets heavier and harder for the
tractor to pull the sled to the finish. When a tractor succeeds, it is called a
full pull!
There are several classes in this sport. First, there is a ‘modified’ class in
which almost everything is tolerated as long as the tractor stays below a
certain weight. This can be; 950kg, 2500, 3500 or 4500kg. Then we also have
a superstock class. Here, the tractors have to look like a real tractor, but the
motor may be extremely modified (basically a tractor on steroids!).
The Green Spirit VI is a tractor
operating in the 3500 and 4500
kg class. The tractor is self-made
and has been used since 2006. It
basically consists of a frame, a
gearbox and an enormous power
source. Rrrrrrrmmm, RRRRRMMMMMMMM!!
The frame is made of molybdenum (a metal in the periodic
table), to give both strength and
flexibility to the machine. The Green Spirit VI is propelled by two Rolls Royce
griffon MK58 motors (originally used in airplanes) and these give the tractor an estimated strength of 7000 horse power! This is so much that during a
run, it is difficult to keep the tractor right on track. This tractor uses, like all
its competitors, methanol as fuel. During a run, which usually lasts no
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more than 10-15 seconds, its engines burn 35 litres of fuel. Many tractors in
this class have a Rolls Royce motor as a power source, but also Allison motors
(used in army tanks) or turbine motor are used.
So is it only power that counts in this sports? No, it is not about the absolute
power that the engines give, but how much of this power is transferred via
the wheels to the track. During a run, the wheel spin can reach a speed of
160 km/h. To be sure that the tires can transfer the power, the rim and the
tire are screwed to each other.
For a plant scientist, you should be cheering for this tractor since its main
sponsor is Barenbrug; a whole chain specialist in grass…
If you would like to see the Green Spirit in action, just check youtube and
type; Green Spirit and if you want to see more about the sport, try tractor
pull. For more information about the sports, check www.tractorpulling.com.
Tip, when you are watching a movie, turn on your sound and enjoy the sound
of the roaring motors. If you would like to see such an event yourself; check
www.ntto.nl to see when and where a match will be held.
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SF weekend
It is Friday evening and the doorbell rings, people carrying big bags are coming in the corridor. It is the start of the SF-Weekend, and a yummy pasta
meal is waiting to be eaten. Everyone arrived, filled their stomachs, the
cars have been loaded with the luggage - it is time to leave Wageningen and
go to Hengelo. In Hengelo there is a cute blokhut waiting to give as a roof
above our heads for the weekend. Some minutes after arrival, the campfire
is already burning and everyone joins the fire. With a couple of beers and a
warm fire it is a good start of the weekend and a nice way to recover from
our Farmersparty, one night earlier. People stay by the fire until the late
hours, and bit by bit the 18 sleeping bags, all in one room become occupied.
Next morning the coffee is greeting us at 10.00 am, and a nice sandwich can
be made. Of course the fire from last night is not dead yet so more wood is
thrown on, and it keeps burning as if we never left.
We all pill in the cars and
drive a short way across the
border to Germany where we
are surprised with the size of
the company we are about
to visit. With Reinout and
Lisanne driving, some cars
took a bit longer to arrive,
but they did get a bit of a
sightseeing tour of Germany!
While enjoying a nice cup of
coffee on the beautiful patio, the owner of Emsflower
tells us the history of the
company. Everyone still a little bit in shock about the enormous size and
modern-look of the company, so we go inside to take a look for ourselves.
The company has a lovely garden set up for visitors to walk through and
many pictures are taken by the Plantlets. After walking the normal route for
tourists, the Plantlets want to see more, and are provided with a tour of the
production parts of the huge greenhouse. The owner and an employee are
great at answering all our questions. And although David tried as hard as he
could to get a trailer full of tomatoes to run into him (don’t ask why), fortunately he was unsuccessful, and the robot stopped every time. After walking
2-3 hours in a very hot greenhouse it was time to leave but not without a
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basket of garden flowers for everyone’s mom!
Back at the blokhut some games are prepared and it is time to have some
competition! ... oops, I mean fun! Teams worked together to move some
cups filled with water, and catch a bottle shot into the sky from a cannon.
When the games are finished the BBQ is fired up and a major amount of
meat is thrown on. With Reinout behind the BBQ and an abundant amount
of meat, everyone is stuffed to the gills and eventually moves down to the
fire. The fire kept us warm, sometimes even too warm and people are sipping beers and relaxing, until something terrible happens!! … we run out of
beer!!! Quickly everyone agrees it’s time to walk to the pub to continue to
drink. Arjan, Erwin and Sonja stayed at the blokhut to make sure that all
the wood is gone before the rest of the group come back from the pub. The
three Plantlets were very warm while the others were gone and succeed in
finishing all the wood.
It was a hard time to get everyone awake at Sunday morning so an alarm
from the previous day’s game was used to get everyone out of bed – ha!
Hangovers were cured quickly when everyone gathered their energy to get
ready for the activity we’d all been waiting for: paintball!!! Divided in two
teams, we got dressed in overalls or camouflage (read: farmers vs. the
Dutch military), masks and guns. We played capture the flag, and although
everyone was hot and dirty, it was a lot of fun. After 2 and a half hours it
was clear that the camouflage team had won, 3-2 (pretty good for a bunch
of farmers if you ask me!).
Returning tired and covered
with paint, group pictures
are taken and history of another SF-Weekend is made.
Some potatoes for dinner and
we are on our way back to
Wageningen. Finally it was
time for a good night’s sleep.
Looking back, it was a weekend to remember with great
weather, participation of 3
international students and
lots of fun!
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Working at De Ruiter Seeds
De Ruiter Seeds is one of the most successful
and revolutionary companies in the sphere
of the breeding, production and sales of vegetable
seeds. Innovation is crucial to the growth of our
company. Which is why we invest more than 20% of
our returns in Research & Development world-wide.
More and more often, ambitious professionals
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a captivating and diversified job in an extremely
stimulating working environment. We focus on your
personal and professional development.
We have the ambition to continue to grow and
we need you to realise our ambition!
Visit www.deruiterseeds.com for a survey of the
current vacancies, or contact us directly through HRM,
telephone number 0031 10 529 22 22.
De Ruiter Seeds
P.O. Box 1050, 2660 BB Bergschenhoek
Telephone: 0031 10 529 22 22
e-mail: jobs@deruiterseeds.com
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Go Girls, beat the guys in the
Get in touch with your inner plant
Farmers party!!!
The SF
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Queen’s Day & Liberation Day
An International Perspective on Dutch National Holidays
How do international students feel about Dutch holidays? Well to start with
I’m 100 % sure I speak for all other international students when I say, “wow,
you guys have a lot of holidays in the spring!”
We like it! I hope you realize how lucky you are!
Being Canadian the concept of Queen’s day wasn’t a completely new idea to
me. As a British colony, we still celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday every
year in a similar fashion to the Dutch… with friends and beer! Camping is
also really popular at home on this long weekend, and I think it’s safe to say
it’s the same case here, only to a lesser extent. Anyway, so I had some idea
of what to expect… however (as per usual) I was wrong! Many people in the
Netherlands have decided to lengthen this holiday by starting the festivities
the night before. Genius!! Really, why don’t we also do this at home? Maybe I will have to introduce it.
So, as you may have
guessed, my account of
the special Dutch holidays begins with Queen’s
night. With some friends,
I made my way to Arnhem
by bus around 21.00. It
may have just been the
day or bad luck perhaps,
but the bus was full of
some, well… different
people. Let’s just say
the abundance of tattoos
on the bus was rather
high. Luckily, my buddy
and I were busy in our
seats rolling my bandana
into a headband, so the
word “Holland” could sit right across my forehead. Beautiful. Once we arrived in Arnhem, we immediately found lots of music to choose from. As we
wondered around the centre, I was impressed to see that basically as soon
as we were out of hearing distance of one stage, we were into another one.
Pretty perfect. Like many other people we ended up at the main stage to
see the Dutch band Kane. To be honest, the music was less than great. But
if I wanted to hear amazing music, perhaps I would have gone to school in
the UK. With a bottle of tequila and some wine in hand, it really didn’t matter what the music sounded like, and I ended up having a really good time.
We even managed to make friends with some other groups of people standing close by. At one point, we spotted a flag from a distance, and with the
help of some liquid courage, thought it would be a good idea to ask if I (be-
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ing the only non-Dutch in the group) could wave the Dutch flag. The guy was
quite friendly. And told me his flag (which was sporting some duct tape),
had been to many a football game. So I did my best to give the guy’s flag
the good wave it deserved (see picture)! After the show, we made our way
to an après ski bar – something I have never hear of in my life – turned out
to be similar to most other bars. It was super crowded and as you can imagine the people were less than sober, good combination for a messy, but fun
night! After too many beers, we decide to head back to Wageningen only
to run into a bit of a problem. We planned to take a cab only it was so busy
that night that it was really difficult to get one. After many failed attempts
to flag down a cab, we begin walking in the direction of Wageningen. With
our hands still eager to flag down cabs, we are waving at everything that
drives by. And believe it or not someone stops! But it’s not a cab. However,
this happens to be a good citizen willing to drive home a group of students
and we are saved!! Incredible! We are dropped off back in Wageningen and
the guy won’t even accept any money for the ride! Pretty amazing and very,
very lucky! Although it worked out well, I don’t recommend this way of getting home to anyone.
The next day, Queen’s day itself, was well, less than productive. I stayed in
Wageningen and didn’t do anything too exciting – must be my age starting to
get to me. Of course for many, the celebrations in major cities were sadly
cut short. The tragedy in Apeldoorn made international news. Sometimes
things do happen in Holland, unfortunately this time the incident was shocking and sad.
Back to the Dutch having lots of holidays in April/May… May 5th arrived
shortly after Queen’s day. In fact it almost felt like we weren’t in school
at all anymore, just in perpetual party mode. (I know some Dutch students
practice this way of life all the time, but for an international student it was
quite a lot of partying, ok!) Liberation Day blew my mind. I was excited
that the major celebration nationwide was taking place in our small town,
but the number of stages was unreal! I hadn’t expected anything nearly this
big. And although the weather was fairly miserable, the mood amongst the
students was great! I suppose everyone is sick of hearing about Canada, but
I have to mention that it was utterly amazing to be a Canadian watching the
parade of veterans. One of my grandfathers’ fought in the war, just across
the border from Nijmegen, so honouring the soldiers was particularly close
to my heart. To get back to the music, the variety between the different
stages was amazing and the evening ended with great performances in the
market and behind the bus station. The combination between honouring the
men and women who fought for the Netherlands, and celebrating the consequence of their victory made for a lovely day and for someone from abroad,
a unique experience to be remembered.
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Accompany day
They came,
They were there
And they left.
Haha, funny joke isn’t it? Not really I guess. Hence I will tell you something
more about this day…..
Ten people had registered for the accompany day. Three of them were approximately 10 years older than the average high school student, therefore
Bram contacted them to ask if they were really interested in a Bsc accompany day. One of them cancelled indeed, but on the morning of the accompany
day it selves another person called Bram if it was possible to join the accompany day. Of course that was okay, although it won’t be nice if everyone is so
late with registering. Finally we had ten students..
The day started with some nice coffee or tea and for those who liked cake
with real aerosol whipped cream. Semper Florens gave a short introduction talk and after that Anja started with
the well-known presentation about the
backgrounds of Plant Sciences. According to me that was quite interesting and
gave a good idea of the content of the
study. The students had some questions
and we drunk some coffee and tea again
before we left to the next program part.
This was an introduction lecture of Organic Plant Breeding and Seed Production
given by Edith Lammert-van Bueren. We
explained the students later on that this
was not a regular lecture about breeding
and that only a part of the plantlets are
interested in this. However most students
found it very interesting and it gave them
a somewhat broader view on plant breeding. After this lecture it was time for the
lunch. This time the location of the lunch
was the garden of Jasper’s new house.
Fortunately the weather was very good,
so we enjoyed our lunch outside very
Next part of the program was a practical given by Ingrid and Jeremy. Goal
of the practical was to detect the amount of chlorophyll in plants that had
grown respectively under red, blue and another color of light.(I forgot the
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third as you see)
The practical took some time, two hours, but was very appreciated by the
students. Probably because they could do something instead of only listening, but other factors were for sure the enthusiasm of Ingrid and Jeremy and
the interesting subject. Actually it was time for coffee after the practical,
but we were a bit delayed so we had a very short coffee break and went to
Arjan and Laura. They telled something about their thesis. I think this was
the time the students became a bit tired, but they had to go on because
there was a last official program part, a tour trough the greenhouse guided
by Sjaak van Heusden.
It was a pity that only four students went with us to SSR-W to have dinner,
but also logical because it was already a long day. However during the dinner
the members of SF and the high school studens had nice talks with each other and it was a good end of this day. It was in any case good to see that there
were so many members present!
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Farmers party!
And finally it was there again, after months of waiting for this annual classic
on the 7th of May it was time for the farmers party (Boerenfeest). After
months of training weekends, fitness workouts and exhausting gym sessions,
students of Plant Sciences had their
opportunity to show off their qualities
to the students of Agrotechnology and
Animal Sciences (at least they had the
The evening started with a primary
selection process or as a lot of people
call it BBQ:
who can finish all his 6 pieces of
meat while also consuming sufficient
amounts of alcohol?
Surprisingly enough, meat was not the
only food stuff available. There were
also salads (kartoffel-salat!), bread and all different kinds of sauces.
After this first selection procedure, which was considered farely easy, mainly
by the male contestants, it was time for the real showdown. The teams
got into position for the real challenges. The first game was ‘frontgewichtsjouwen’, a game where you have to carry two weights of 40 kg each
(women 25 kg each) and walk as much laps as possible around two pylons.
Last year, the game took too much time (especially for the men) and
therefore the weight was increased. During the second game, ‘Hooivorkdarten’ (hayfork-darts) and the third game ‘Touw-trekken’ (rope-pulling)
it seemed that the Plant Sciences teams had a chance to achieve a nice
position in
the ranking. Unfortunately after the last two games, estafette and ‘Trekkerduwen’ (Tractor-pushing) it became clear that again none of the Plant
Sciences teams really stood a chance to any of the other farmer-boys & girls.
Though none of the prizes went our
way, the party made up for a lot of the
disappointment. Alcohol is always a good
solution to drown your sorrows, isn’t it?
The music was slightly different then
other years and not as ‘farmer-like’ but
nevertheless it was good fun. Partying
continued for several hours since the next
farmers party would not be before next
spring. And concerning the games: better
luck next time!
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Plantlet Interview
S: What’s your name?
M: Marianne Rebecca Tibboel
S: Do you have any funny nicknames we should know
M: Marri or jantje
S: What’s your age?
M: 19
S: Where do you live?
M: Veenendaal with my parents
S: Not ready for your own place?
M: I like hotel mama, and it is only an half our by bike.
S: Do you have brothers or sisters?
M: I have a sister she is 13.
S: Why the fabulous study of Plant Sciences
M:My first interests was Biology, but when I was visiting Wageningen I run
into the building of plant science, and there was no part about animals in
the study. So plant science was better than Biology.
S: If you could ask one single question to an Oak tree and the tree could answer, what would you ask?
M: Why it was a holy three in the early ages.
S: Why would you ask that?
M: It is nice to know, and now I can ask.
S: Do you have pets?
M: No pets.
S: What’s your horoscope?
M: Waterman
S: What’s the lowest mark you ever got for a test?
M: I got a 1 for the exam of biochemistry last period.
S: What kind of print do you have on your duvet cover (dekbed)?
M: It is white with leaves of a palm.
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S: Can you describe your youth in 7,8 or 9 letters? (For example ‘droevig’ or
M: muzikaal
S: Do you have tractors?
M: No, there is no room for it at home.
S: What’s your favourite colour?
M: green, and note only because plants are green.
S: Black, Sugar, Milk, Both or Hot Chocolate?
M: Thee with cold water.
S: Do you play an instrument?
M: I play trumpet.(Red: maybe SF can start their own band)
S: What’s your favourite excursion so far?
M: The excursion to Planken Wambuis.
S: What is your biggest wish?
M: That I Graduate in 5 years.(Red: maybe you have to find another
S: Celbiology or chemie?
M: Chemie because that one I passed.
S: What is the most stupid course until now?
M: Genetica, because I studied hard and I didn’t pass.
S: Is there anything else you wish to share with the rest of us?
M: Party of SF has to be on other day’s then Tuesday.
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Poland excursion
It is pretty logical
being biological
This is the rough
translation of a
slogan that is used
to promote the
use of biological
products. But is it
really that logical
to buy biological
products? Some of
you might remember
that there has been
a discussion about
biological agriculture
in last Internodium.
Something that indicates that there are different idea’s about biological
agricultural and whether or not, if I may say this simple, it is good or bad.
Two weeks ago a selective group of people who had a interest in biological
farming, had the opportunity to get to know some more about this way of
agricultural practice. Not just by reading a book or attending lectures but by
making a trip all the way to Poland! Still you should not expect that this was
a holiday trip since the excursion schedule was pretty tight.
The Saturday we left we had to be at the bus at 7:30 which was half an hour
later than previous excursions. Still some of the group found this a bit early
and of course we didn’t leave at 7:30. After a long ride with the bus, with
some breaks in between, we then arrived in Dresden. There we had our
dinner at the youth hostel after which it was time to discover Dresden, a city
that turned out to be not that populated as we expected.
The next morning we, except for a few students that attended church,
left for lecture at special faculty of the university of Dresden which was
specialised in forestry. The lecture was about yew trees, a tree some of
you might better know as Taxus, and then we had a tour through the very
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nice botanical garden. After this we left for Krakow where we arrived in the
evening and had our dinner(Italian food is good).
In and around Krakow we enjoyed some nice and informative activities. We
did visit the university of agriculture of Krakow where we learned mostly
a lot about the change Poland has gone through from the socialist system
to the free market economy. We also visited a experimental station of the
university where they tested whether or not newly developed varieties are
real varieties or not. We did also pay a visit to a biological bee-keeper, who
and his family were very kind to us and therefore we could experience some
genuine polish hospitality. That day we also visited a small biological farmer
that only produced biological products to sell to the people that stayed at
his bed and breakfast like farm.
We didn’t only visit places that were directly associated with organic
agriculture or agriculture but also cultural interesting places. The one that
was most notable is our visit
to the salt mine just outside
Krakow. The old shafts were
full of very nice carving made
out of salt-stone, and there
was also a most impressive
chapel carved out of the saltstone. We didn’t only visit the
salt mine, we also ate at the
salt mine and although there
were some problems with the
serving we really had some
good food.
When we left Krakow we did pay a short visit to a horse breeder who could
be considered as biological. He bred an really old polish race that was really
resistant against bad weather conditions. Most of his income he got from
eco-tourisme and selling his horses. After some manoeuvring of the bus
driver we left for Wrotslaw, where we ate at an old brewery. That evening
most of the group went to the salsa bar which turned out to be not that
much of salsa bar but the atmosphere was still nice.
The next morning we already left for our last stop before we would be
back in Wageningen again. This last stop would be Witzenhausen where the
university of ecological farming is situated. Here we could enjoy a lecture
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about the university by Prof. dr. Maria Finckh and then we had a communist
Croatian themed party at the student club.
We also visited a very big experimental farm of the university which was
very nice and impressive There we saw some field trails which had a focus on
weed control in biological farming systems and to our big surprise we could
see that the field wasn’t overrun with weeds. The crops really looked nice
but even nicer were the field flowers that were grown besides the crops.
That evening we could enjoy the city live of Witzenhauzen and we ended up
with a group in a bar which was really cosy and nice. The next day we saw
some other field trails that were coordinated by Maria Finckh. She also told
something about a field trail in which they had sown several high yielding
wheat crops that had different resistance qualities. In this way your field
with wheat is far more resistant to different pest and diseases. Maria also
expressed the major issue of keeping your soil healthy. In her point of view
this is one of the most, if not the most, important aspect when you want to
do some good biological farming. After this last and very informative talk we
left Witzenhauzen for one last lunch at the Tennisclub and then we headed
back for Wageningen.
I think I can say that we learned quite some things during our excursion, and
as important we had a real good time and I think I can say that we had a real
nice group of people which made the excursion a great success. One can still
argue if Biological farming is a durable, in environmentally and economic
durable alternative to conventional farming. Still I believe I think it is always
good if you try to do your research from different points of view. Keeping
this in mind I really think that
both ways of agricultural can
learn from one another. So
yeah, I think you can say that
in it’s current state biological
is pretty logical…
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This edition I am the one who is supposed to write a piece about my Internship. In short, I am studying the interaction of temperature and water potential on the germination rate of Eragrostis tef.
Maybe this is a bit too short to give you good insight in what I have been doing and actually still do so let’s get a bit more into detail.
First of all, teff is a gluten-free cereal origination from the Ethiopian highlands. On top of that, it appears that its grains are a good food source; all
Ethiopian runners (hardlopers) claim their results are this good due to their
I did not try this since my supervisor told me that often you will have to visit
the dentist after eating teff based bread since the grains have the same size
as sand…
We wanted to determine the base-, optimum- and ceiling or maximum temperature for which teff can germinate. Therefore I set up an experiment to
determine the germination rate. 100 seeds were put in a Petridish (since the
seeds are so small I had to count this by hand… a hell of job since in total I
used about 25,000 seeds…) and this dish was filled with either water or a solution of water and Peg. Peg (you should check Wikipedia, this stuff is put in
almost everything) creates a water potential. This basically means, that water is not free available, but seeds have to suck it out of the solution. When
the water potential gets stronger, it becomes more difficult for the seeds to
100 cell table
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suck up water. This will then decrease the germination rate.
So, there is an effect of temperature and of water potential on the germination rate.
For this type of experiments, there is a so-called 100-cell table available at
uniform. In each cell a petri dish can be placed and temperature can be set
very accurate (±0.1°C).
When the seeds have been put in solution, it is a rather simple but important
job to do; count and remove germinated seeds. Seeds were considered germinated when the germ was >2mm.
For some treatments like low temperatures and/or strong water potentials
this means counting 1 or 2 times per week, but at some optimal temperatures, all seeds germinated within 24 hours which is incredibly quick! That
also meant I had to work in the late evening and early morning.
At this moment I am getting time to analyse my data and check whether it
can fit in a hydrothermal time model. In literature, it has been suggested
that base water potential (the potential at which no germination will no
longer take place) will change with increasing temperature above T optimal. Hopefully, I can tell you if this is the case in a few weeks when I have
finished writing my report, but first I also will have to move my stuff from
Haarweg to Radix… If you have questions or want to know more, please ask
or send me an email; Erwin.boogaard@wur.nl
Best wishes,
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Plant in the picture
I think for sure you know what a olive is. But… do you also know where they
come from? How do they are grown? Are you aware of the diversity of this
plant? What are olives used for? Not only for consumption for sure. What role
has olive played in our history? In short: what is the undeniable important
role of the olive in modern society?
As some of you might know, olive is small always green and most of the
time it is a tree but they are also found as shrubs. The plant originates from
around the Mediterranean Basin, Africa and the western parts of Asia. Here
the know ancient civilisations like the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans started
to cultivate olive trees and still about 95% of the world production is situated
in countries around the Mediterranean Basin.
The trees of Olea europaea normally
don’t get bigger than about 15 m in
height but they can become very old,
about more than a century old. The
leaves of the tree are a distinctive combination of a greenish upper part of the
leaf and the leaves are silvery at the
opposite site. The leaves of the olive
look in some way a bit like the leaves of
a willow. The fruits themselves are small
droplet like shaped and can be generally
bought as green(unripe) or black/dark
Still you must be wondering what olives
are used for. Well most olives are used
for consumption, directly and indirectly.
In a direct way when people eat the
fruits or use the oil for dressings etc. and
also in an indirect way when people use
olive oil to cook with. But nowadays olives are also more and more used in soaps and other cosmetics since olives
are believed to contain many good oils.
In history there are many stories and quote’s in which the olive plays his
role. Just to give you an idea about the diversity of olive in written history:
-The Roman poet, Horace mentions the olive in reference to his own diet,
which he describes as very simple one: “As for me, olives, endives, and
smooth mallows provide sustenance.’’
-Lord Monboddo, a scolar of linguistics, comments on the olive in 1779 as one
of the foods preferred by the ancients and as one of the most perfect foods.
-The leafy branches of the olive tree - the olive leaf as a symbol of abun-
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dance, glory and peace - were used to crown the victors of friendly games
and bloody wars.
-Olive oil has long been considered sacred; it was used to anoint kings and
athletes in ancient Greece. It was burnt in the sacred lamps of temples as
well as being the “eternal flame” of the original Olympic Games.
-It was an olive branch that a dove brought back to Noah to demonstrate
that the flood was over.
-In the Bible, olive trees were so valued that Moses freed those who knew
how to cultivate them from military service.
-According to Greek mythology, the Olive tree, her
gift to the people of Attica, won Athena the patronage of the city of Athens over Poseidon.
The last myth will explained in more detail:
The Myth of Athens begins with Athena (also known
as the Roman god Minerva) and Poseidon (god of
the seas). Athena and Poseidon both wanted to be
the protectors of Athens. To keep the two from
arguing, Kekrops (also called an earth child who
was a demigod), was pronounced as an arbitrator.
The two gods, Athena and Poseidon, had to create
something valuable for Athens. Poseidon created
a well (though some sources say he also gave the
city a horse) and Athena created the olive tree whose shade would provide
shelter from the brightest sunlight, whose groves would keep one warm at
night, whose fruit would satisfy hunger, and whose oil would extend life. In
the end it was the olive tree which won out as a symbol of peace and prosperity, and Athens was thenceforth named after the Goddess Athena, and
Kekrops became the first king of Athens.
There is one last story I want to end with and that’s a story about Adam:
In the Middle East there is a story about a time when Adam, suffering from
pain, started to complain to God. In answer to his prayer, the archangel
Gabriel came down from the sky, presented him with an olive tree, and said,
“Plant this, gather its fruit, and press the oil from it. Your pains and wounds
will be cured.”
This again shows that for quite some time people are aware about the
healthy qualities of olive. Something that some of you might remember from
the resource of the 28th of may was that there was an article. What kind of
article? One in which once again was proven that people that use a Mediterranean diet(lots of olive oil is used!) tend to be more healthy than people
that use the western diet(lot’s of meat and dairy products). And this is the
role that olive can play in our modern society. A role that in my opinion is
indeed undeniable important!
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- Hans tegenwoordig na feestjes met de taxi naar huis gaat
- Piet het economischer aanpakt en op de bank blijft liggen
- De SF camera toch echt is gesneuveld na het boerenfeest
- maar ook weer is hersteld na de zware klap, maar nog moeite heeft met
- Els bemindt en beschouwd wordt als het meest sexiest bestuurslid
- Els menig techneut’s hart laat slaan door haar glimlach
-Het huidige SF bestuur voor de dames ook heel wat in de aanbieding heeft
-Het nieuwe bestuur het niet heeft van kennis, maar van bier ad capaciteit
om verlies te voorkomen
- Lisanne kan fietsen op een weg zonder fiets
- B-J goed aan het bezemen was om het vuur onder controle te houden, en
dit goede perspectieven biedt voor de toekomst
- Twan beweerd dat hij de lekkerste van de klas is, maar sommige dames het
hier niet mee eens zijn
- Twan na de droevendaalse meisjes achter de Finse aangaat
- SF wint bier estafette van Mercurius tijdens battle of the boards
-Arjan zijn frustraties afknalt op Tineke
- Piet en Michel(Mercurius) marathon drinkers zijn en geen piekers
- en dus niet kunnen pieken in de nacht en daarom Papa worden
- volgens Hans heb je geen feest zonder bier en worst
- Els niet te stoppen is, zelfs niet door rood licht
- Tom onder het motto van; het gras is altijd groener bij de buren, het gras
bij de buren van joan heeft bijgemest met stikstof
- Het sf vuur 3 dagen heeft gebrand
- Tom de helft mist van het Tomtom systeem
- Het verplaatsen van elkaars auto en tent ook een onderdeel is van het
nieuwe vak agrobiodiversiteit
-Dit beloond wordt door bier dat gehaald is door de docent en genuttigd
wordt tijdens college.
-WUD Groen Links sterk in de achting van Henk gestegen is na het grote aantal condooms dat hij gratis heeft bemachtigd op de discussieavond.
-Ze toch waarschijnlijk nog niet op zijn stem konden rekenen
-Twan alles kapot stuurt als je hem een stuur geeft
-Tineke helemaal gegrepen is door/wild wordt van de Twentse ‘tongval’?
-Arjan pas hoofdpijn heeft als ie de avond ervoor niet heeft gedronken?
Internodium - June 2009 - 38
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10-6-2009 12:35:54
Upcoming activities
June 18th: Lord of the Marathon
June 25th: MSc graduations
July 4th till 12th: Abroad excursion to France
August 21st till 26th: AID week
August 24th: Study day BSc students
August 31st: Study day MSc students
September 22nd: Thesis market
September 23rd: First years dinner
September 25th: MSc graduations
September 25th till 27th: First years weekend
October 6th: 24th General Members Meeting
Internodium - June 2009 - 39
Internodium5.indd 39
10-6-2009 12:35:54
Internodium5.indd 40
10-6-2009 12:35:54
Rijk Zwaan. Innovation in Seeds & Services.
de hele wereld. Kijk voor vacatures op www.rijkzwaan.com.
Onze 1350 betrokken en loyale medewerkers vind je over
groentehandel en supermarkt nieuwe concepten in de markt.
-begeleiding en zet samen met de verwerkende industrie,
meer. Rijk Zwaan staat telers terzijde met teeltadvies en
zaadproductie en kwaliteitscontrole vooraf. Maar we doen
onze klanten gaat een uitgebreid proces van veredeling,
en innovatie. Aan het leveren van groentezaden aan
Veredelingsbedrijf Rijk Zwaan staat voor kwaliteit
bij Rijk Zwaan