Making an iMpact - Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation


Making an iMpact - Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation
t’s your
your legacy.
It’s more than a donation.
t’s your legacy.
It’s more than a donation.
t’s your legacy.
Making an Impact
It’s more than a donation.
t’s your legacy.
Annual Report
It’s more than a donation.
t’s your legacy.
The mission of the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation is
to help assure the stability and continuity of Jewish life and to
support communal services in the Omaha area by establishing and
accumulating enduring assets for permanent funding resources.
Make An
immediate Impact
on the Jewish Community!
Open a new endowment fund or add to an
existing one with the Jewish Federation of
Omaha Foundation ($10,000 minimum) between
now and December 31, 2015, and thanks to an
anonymous donor, we’ll add $1,000 to your new
endowment fund.
table of contents
Message from the President
& Executive Director......................................3
Impact of Sokolof Generosity.............18-19
LIFE & LEGACYTM Program.....................4-7
Yale Richards Professional Education
Endowment and Custodial Funds.......9-14
Gifts that Mature in the Future..................15
Financial Overview................................22-25
In Memory of 2014-2015 Donors...............15
Creating a Legacy........................................26
The Legacy of Ephraim Marks..................15
Contact Us......................................................27
The Foundation Says Goodbye.................16
Foundation Staff...........................................27
In Memory of Shelly Nogg Pichik...........17
Board of Directors.........................................28
Cover Photo - Ruthie Sandkovsky and Sophia Bostrom participating in color wars at the
JCC Summer Camp
Individuals pictured in this Annual Report are not necessarily recipients of Foundation grants.
All photos taken at programs and activities that have received funding from the Foundation.
Message from the President and Executive Director
nthusiasm and accomplishment define the past year at
the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation. Our LIFE &
LEGACY™ initiative has sparked an enthusiasm for charitable
giving throughout Omaha’s Jewish community, with donors
generously stepping forward to commit to after-lifetime gifts
and to start new endowments and donor-advised funds with
current gifts.
Omaha is one of 29 cities participating in LIFE & LEGACY, a
national program conceived and established by the Harold
Grinspoon Foundation of Western Massachusetts. The goal of LIFE & LEGACY is to create a culture of
legacy giving that will enable Omaha’s Jewish institutions to thrive for decades to come. And we are well
on our way to reaching our goal. In just 14 months since the official kickoff of LIFE & LEGACY in Omaha,
we received 319 Letters of Intent, with an estimated value of $9,983,685. The Jewish Federation of Omaha,
all three Omaha synagogues, Chabad House, Friedel Jewish Academy, IHE, NJHS, and ADL will all benefit.
We tip our hats to Margo Parsow, who enthusiastically coordinates the LIFE & LEGACY initiative at the
During the 2014-15 fiscal year, 18 new endowment funds and 10 new donor-advised funds were created at
the Foundation by our generous donors. The Foundation now holds 300 endowment and custodial funds,
108 donor-advised funds and 57 B’nai Tzedek Teen Funds. Despite a volatile stock market and unsettled
investment climate, the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation’s assets under management now total
$78.2 million, including funds in the four supporting foundations under the Jewish Federation of Omaha
Foundation umbrella.
Of exceptional importance, the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation collectively distributed nearly
$6 million during the past fiscal year to the Jewish Federation of Omaha and all of its agencies, all Omaha
area synagogues, and a multitude of Jewish and secular charities locally and across the nation. A total of
30 college students, 41 Jewish campers, and 5 students at the Pennie Z. Davis Child Development Center
and the Friedel Jewish Academy received scholarships during this fiscal year – enabling all of them to more
fully experience Jewish life. The Jewish Press, Jewish Family Service, the JCC and all of its departments,
and the Kripke Library are among the organizations that rely upon our Foundation’s distributions as a
steady source of income to carry out their day-to-day operations and to conduct programs for their
constituents. Our sincere gratitude and hearty thanks goes to our donors and supporters.
The Foundation could not have grown nor accomplished so much without the dedication and hard work
of our office staff. We welcomed Linda Pollard to the Foundation in February as an endowment assistant
and staff writer. She complements our office manager Janet Henthorn, endowment associate Laurie
Peatrowsky, and LIFE & LEGACY coordinator Margo Parsow. Collectively and individually, these women
are most capable, knowledgeable and dedicated to the Foundation and its mission. We cannot thank them
enough for their dedication, hard work, and enthusiasm.
We are also incredibly fortunate to have the support of our Board of Directors. They hold the best interests
of Omaha’s Jewish community close to their hearts, and provide the insight, knowledge of our community,
and business acumen that drives the mission of the Foundation. We especially thank our Investment
Committee, chaired by Murray Newman, for their guidance in this especially difficult investment climate,
and our Marketing Committee, chaired by Paul Epstein, for their expertise and insight in helping to build
awareness of the Foundation throughout Omaha.
We look forward to continued success and growth. Omaha’s Jewish community is a gem.
With sincere thanks,
Carl RiekesHoward N. Epstein
PresidentExecutive Director
Zoë Riekes, Arlene Schiff and Carl Riekes at
the LIFE & LEGACY First Year Celebration.
LIFE & LEGACY™ Program Coordinator Report
t has been an exciting year for the LIFE & LEGACY program in our community. All
of our 9 local partners, Jewish Federation of Omaha and its agencies, ADL/CRC,
Institute for Holocaust Education, Nebraska Jewish Historical Society, Chabad House,
Friedel Jewish Academy, Temple Israel, Beth El Synagogue and Beth Israel Synagogue,
have received a cumulative total of 319 legacy commitments, which far exceeded our
community goal of 162. These signed commitment letters have an estimated value of
almost $10 million.
We continue to have training and one-on-one coaching from the Harold Grinspoon
Foundation’s LIFE & LEGACY national director, Arlene D. Schiff, who presented to
all of our partners and their teams throughout the year. Our marketing campaign is in full gear with banners, posters, direct
mail, brochures and presentations at Jewish events and meetings in our community. Our partner organizations are honoring
and recognizing their donors at annual meetings and on their websites. We are delighted with the cooperation and camaraderie
among our partners, each focused passionately on securing the future of our Omaha Jewish community by working with their
team’s professional and lay leaders, members and supporters, to create a culture of stewardship and philanthropic legacy building.
In June, we celebrated the success of our first year of LIFE & LEGACY with a community-wide celebration. Over 100 donors and
community members attended the event which featured a testimonial video with messages from legacy donors. Legacy giving
is transforming our Omaha Jewish community as well as Jewish communities across the country. We know that Omahans will
continue to express their passion and purpose for sustaining the programs and services that we all cherish by making a legacy
commitment. The gift that you make today will ensure the financial stability of our community for generations to come.
I am honored to be a part of this partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation as we cultivate a culture of legacy giving,
foster camaraderie among Jewish organizations and secure the financial future of our amazing Omaha Jewish community.
Thank you to all who have contributed to our success and for the support that you have shown for the
LIFE & LEGACY initiative. It is a privilege to be a part of such a monumental and meaningful program for
our Omaha Jewish community.
Very sincerely yours,
Margo Parsow
LIFE & LEGACY Coordinator
Why support life & legacy?
“Our Jewish community is close to 110 years old. Look around, we know what we’ve
accomplished in past generations. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the next
25-50 years. By contributing to LIFE & LEGACY we’re able to somewhat ensure the
future of the Jewish community and help sustain it for, hopefully, another 110 years.”
- Marty Ricks
“It is important to do our part to sustain a
vibrant Jewish community in Omaha, NE.”
- Denise & Jon Meyers
“This community was here for us when
we came 27 years ago to this town and
because it’s something essential that a
Jewish community does for the future.”
- Rabbi Aryeh Azriel
Debbie Denenberg and her
daughter, Rebecca at Friedel
Jewish Academy’s graduation
“I wanted to guarantee a strong
Jewish community for our grandchildren.
I wanted to help ensure that we would
“It feels good to do a mitzvah, and it’s
a great deed for our community. My
family was a beneficiary of the active
have a great Jewish community for
future generations.”
- Zoë Riekes
Jewish community we have here. So
just like I save for my family’s future,
I want to save for the future of the
Jewish community.”
- Debbie Denenberg
“I like this Jewish community in Omaha.
I think it’s one of the greatest in our
country and I want the future to be the
same way it is now. To me, it’s very
important for generations to come.”
- Bea Karp
Thank you to the members of Omaha’s Jewish community
who have made a LIFE & LEGACY™ commitment.
Welcome to Jewish Omaha’s LEGACY SOCIETY!
Rabbi Steven & Shira Abraham
Michael & Sheri Abramson
Michael Albert
Anonymous (20)
Joyce Ashley
John Atherton & Marti Rosen-Atherton
Elyce & Aryeh Azriel
Bob Belgrade
Sandra Belgrade
Mark & Jill Belmont
Harry Berman & Beth Cohen
Bonnie Rae Bloch
Steven R. Bloch
Beth Brodkey
Ron Brodkey
Carrie & Josh Brown
Elliot Brown
David & Karla Cohen
Marla & Bob Cohen
Drs. Michael & Karen Cohen & Family
Pam Cohn
Justin Cooper
Ronald & Cheryl Cooper
Hal & Mary Daub
Larry & Hanna DeBruin
Deborah Denenberg
Norman & Eunice Denenberg
Pam & Dennis DePorte
Harold Epstein
Howard & Sharon Epstein
Richard Evnen
James & Judy Farber
Yonatan & Liz Feldstern
Toby Fellman
Cantor Leo & Annette Fettman
Glen H. & Hollie Fineman
Alan J. Fredricks
Joanne & Jerry Freeman
Robyn & Bob Freeman
Amy & Sanford Friedman
Lloyd D. & Lois N. Friedman Trust
Lois N. Friedman
Lynne Friedel Gellman
H. Lee & Carol Gendler Charitable Fund
Donald Gerber
Dan & Sarah Gilbert
David Gilinsky & Katherine Finnegan
Ronald Giller
Darlene & Sherman* Golbitz
Alan Goodman*
David & Shirley Goodman
Andie Gordman & Dan Fitzgerald
Jay & Allison Gordman
Linda & Jerry Gordman
Steven Gottlieb
Andy & Carole Greenberg
Barton H. & Caryl B.* Greenberg
Joshua & Amanda Gurock
Mendy & Michael Halsted
M’Lee Hasslinger
Bonnie Kuklin Horwich
Jon Jabenis
Randi Friedel Jablin
Joan Sandler Jacobson
Richard Jacobson
Patrick Jensen
Sylvia Jess
Debbi Josephson
Frances Juro
Richard Juro
Marcel & Ilse Kahn
Gary & Sally Kaplan
Myron Kaplan
Russ Kaplan
Beatrice Karp
Gloria C. Kaslow
Howard J. Kaslow
Cookie Katskee
Julee Katzman
Donald S. & Delores Klein
Marsha A. Kleinberg
Milton M. Kleinberg
David & Janet Kohll
Howard M. & Sharon Kooper
Shane & David Kotok
Jack Kozlen
Alan & Deborah Kricsfeld
Janie Fox Kulakofsky
David & Debi Kutler
Howard & Nancy Kutler
K. Wayne & Carole A. Lainof
Steve & Bonnie Levinger
Felicia & Scott Littky
Jody & Neal Malashock
Chaya Sarah Malkah
Jon & Denise Meyers
Sue Meyers
Tina & Joe Meyers
Dr. Sidney Mirvish*
Stanley & Evelyn Mitchell
Eli & Ann Modenstein
Ann Moskovits
Janie & Allan Murow
Bruce Muskin
Mary-Beth Muskin
Gary Nachman
Murray & Sharee Newman
Allan S. Noddle
Patty Nogg
Steve Nogg
Alan S. Parsow
Carol Parsow
Margo Frohman Parsow
Marcia & Steve Pitlor
James & Susan Polack
Alan E. Potash
Mary & Joel Rich
Philip & Diane Rich
Marty & Iris Ricks
Ari Riekes
Carl Riekes
Margo Riekes
Steven J. Riekes
Zoë Riekes
Debbie & Lloyd Roitstein
Susan Rothholz
Lynne-Carol Saltzman
Rosalie & Milton* Saylan
Carol* & Ed Schneider
Jeff Schweid
Aviva Segall & Patrick McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shapiro
Len Burrell & Cantor Wendy Shermet
Gary & Liat Shyken
Paul Shyken
Susann Shyken
Esther Silver
Gerald & Judy Simons
Nancy B. Skid
Carolyn “Rocky” Stern
David Keiser & Lillian Keiser Stoms Foundation
Louri Sullivan
Barry H. Summer
Marilyn & Steven Tipp
Irving & Gail Veitzer
Norman & Joodi Veitzer
John & Donna Walter
Jim & Esther Wax
Aaron Weiner & Therese Vaughn
Harry M. Weiner
Kathy Weiner
Nancy L. Wolf
Renee & Jeff Zacharia
Charlotte & Morley Zipursky
Sally & Jim Zipursky
Deborah & Speedy (Dr. Eugene) Zweiback
Rosie Zweiback & Mace Hack
Names as of November 18, 2015
*Of Blessed Memory
Why support life & legacy?
“To honor our past generations who have suffered and also taught us generosity. Making a
gift in a testamentary way is a way to build a community for next generations.”
- Aaron Weiner
“I know how important a strong Jewish
community is and ensuring our community
continues for generations to come.”
- Jody Malashock
“Part of being Jewish is taking on responsibility,
and that responsibility is for our community, both
locally and globally, to last far, far, far beyond
my life.”
- Neal “Buzz” Malashock
Patty Nogg and Jody Malashock
at the LIFE & LEGACY First Year
LIFE & LEGACY™ Organizations
LIFE & LEGACY™ is a partnership between the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation and the Harold
Grinspoon Foundation in collaboration with these participating organizations:
And its Agencies:
Center for Jewish Life
Jewish Community Center
Jewish Press
Jewish Social Services
Nebraska Jewish Historical Society
Nebraska Jewish Historical Society
(Jewish Family Service, Jewish Senior
Outreach, Rose Blumkin Jewish Home)
This is the year to establish your Legacy.
Contact the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation today!
Howard N. Epstein
Executive Director
Margo Parsow
LIFE & LEGACY Coordinator
Community Shaliach Eliad Eliyahu Ben Shushan
at JCC Summer Camp
Endowment & Custodial Funds
Jewish Federation of Omaha
Bette R. and Samuel Alloy Endowment
Dorothy L. and Max Riekes Endowment
Jane H. Brooks Endowment
Ted and Dorothy Blacker Rothkop Endowment
B’nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron Synagogue Fund
Phyllis and Irvin Sherman Family Endowment
B’nai Jacob Anshe Sholom Synagogue Fund
Judith A. and Gerald B. Simons Endowment
Max and Betty Falk Jewish Education Endowment
Maxine and Milton Simons Endowment
Friedland Family JCC Campus
Maintenance Endowment
Selma and Isidore M. Tretiak Endowment
Roz and Ike Friedman Endowment
Paul Veret Fund
Arthur and Ruth Goldstein Endowment
Anna E. and Benjamin Wiesman Endowment
Gotsdiner Family Endowment
Anna E. and Benjamin Wiesman Endowment for the Jewish Press
Morton Ives Unrestricted Endowment
Ann H. and William H. Wolfson Endowment
Eve Katskee Jewish Press Endowment
Center for Jewish Life Campaign Legacy Fund
Rabbi Myer S. and Dorothy Kripke
Jewish Press Support Fund
Community Relations Committee
Campaign Legacy Fund
Carole and Wayne Lainof Endowment
Free Loan Fund
Livingston Jewish Community Center Endowment
Heritage Allocation Fund
Ephraim L. Marks Federation Endowment
Jewish Community Center Campaign Legacy Fund
Herman and Mary Meyerson Endowment Fund
Jewish Community Center Endowment
Jule M. and Doris J. Newman Endowment
Jewish Education Endowment
Phyllis H. and E. Robert Newman Endowment
Jewish Federation of Omaha Unrestricted Endowment
Morton A. Richards Endowment
Jewish Press Campaign Legacy Fund
Jewish Social Services
Jewish Family Service
Rose Blumkin Jewish Home
Jewish Family Service Campaign Legacy Fund
Sylvan Block Endowment
Jewish Family Service Endowment
Rose Blumkin Jewish Home Endowment
Loyal B. and Lorene Cohn Endowment
Hazel Degen Bequest Fund
Max and Betty Falk Rose Blumkin
Jewish Home Endowment
Jewish Senior Outreach
Chapman/Cherniak/Sher Fund
Lillian and Phillip Crandell Memorial Fund
Herbert R. and Ruth L. Forbes Memorial Fund
Isadore H. and Rose K. Weiner Trust Fund
Celia and Nathan Grossman Endowment
Eli M. and Sara Zalkin Endowment
Dr. Isaac and Betty Sternhill Endowment
Community Seniors Endowment
Jewish Senior Outreach Campaign Legacy Fund
Joshua Shapiro and Tyler Epstein
enjoying the Backyard Concert Series
Jewish Community Center
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization
Dr. Abe Greenberg/B’nai B’rith/
Henry Monsky Lodge Endowment
Al Clayman Memorial Endowment
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization Program
Resource Fund
Arthur H. and Ruth M. Goldstein
Family Endowment
Omaha B’nai B’rith Youth Organization Endowment
Myron (Mike) Milder II Memorial Fund
Youth Foundation Fund
Bettie and Stuart Muskin JCC Youth Sports Fund
Ernie and Adalynn Nogg Memorial Endowment
Dr. Jay Parsow Youth Basketball
Scholarship Fund
Johnny Rosenblatt Memorial Student
Athlete Endowment
Jack Saferstein Memorial Fund
Ann Woskoff Schulman Memorial Fund
Trachtenbarg Family Endowment
Allen and Monie Zalkin Memorial Endowment
JCC Building Fund
JCC Program Scholarship Endowment
JCC Theatre Program Endowment
Pennie Z. Davis
Child Development Center
Pennie Z. Davis CDC Staff Education Fund
• Eileen S. Erman Child Development Center
Jewish Community Center
Arthur H. and Ruth M. Goldstein Family Endowment
Phil and Marian Kutler Endowment
Robert M. Nelson Scholarship Endowment (Future Fund)
Ernie and Adalynn Nogg Memorial Endowment
Suzanne Richards Singer Endowment
Harold S. Tuchman Family Endowment
Allen and Monie Zalkin Memorial Endowment
JCC Child Development Center Endowment
(Programming & Other Purposes)
Endowment & Custodial Funds
Jewish Social Services
Jewish Family Service
Rose Blumkin Jewish Home
Paul Alperson Endowment
Sandra Belgrade LIFE & LEGACY Endowment
Steven Bloch President’s Fund
Sheldon A. and Lorrie Bernstein Endowment
Pennie Z. Davis Family Life Education Fund
Rose Blumkin Fund
Nathan and Rose Lillian Fine JFS Tzedakah Fund
David and Helen Brodkey Endowment for RBJH
Ike Friedman JFS Financial Assistance Fund
Jacob and Lillian Brookstein Endowment
Louis Friedman Fund for New Americans
Mayer and Tillie Cohen Social and Cultural Endowment
Glazer Family Endowment
Arthur G. Epstien Memorial Fund
Edith and Paul Goldstein Endowment
Dr. Abraham D. and Liberty J. Faier Memorial Endowment
Samuel and Delma Goodman Youth Fund
Esther Fox Memorial Fund
Paul and Joy Grossman Family Endowment
Carl L. Frohm Repair Endowment
Harris Family Endowment
Sol Kutler Dental Fund
Julius Froom and Phil and Minnie Freeman
Restricted Endowment Fund
Richard “Pete” Lee Memorial Endowment
Deborah and Arthur M. Greene Endowment
Ruth and Otmar Liebenstein JFS Financial
Assistance Endowment
Fred and Ruth Hahn Endowment
Lippett Family Endowment
• Adele Hornstein Rose Blumkin Jewish Home
Professional Staff Education Fund
Jerome J. and Frances O. Milder Endowment
David Katzman Endowment
Nancy Noddle JFS Financial Assistance Fund
Shirley and Arthur Kulakofsky Endowment
Parsow and Simons Families Special Needs
Community Fund
Betty A. Studna and Seymour T. Lee Endowment
Harriett Lobel Endowment
Perlmeter Family Jewish Family Service Assistance Fund
Chester and Phyllis Lustgarten Endowment
Ruth and Bernard Raskin Endowment
Ephraim L. Marks RBJH Endowment
Leo and Frances Rodick Memorial Endowment
Betty Marx Activities Endowment
Rosalie and Milton Saylan Endowment for JFS
Leo I. and Helen P. Meyerson RBJH Endowment
Harry and Fannie Stock Rothkop/Theodore
Rothkop Endowment
Dan Miller Endowment
Mark and Sophie Sturm Immigrant Education Fund
Parsow Family Endowment
Jake and Mary Wine Fund
Janet S. Perlmeter Memorial Courtyard Maintenance Fund
Needy Funeral Fund
Shelly Nogg Pichik Field Trip Fund
Yachad Endowment
Jewish Senior Outreach
Merriam and Harold Cooperman Senior Services Fund
Sam and Rosaline Epstein Senior Outreach Fund
Glazer Family Endowment
Shane and David Kotok Senior Outreach Fund
Sol Kutler Dental Fund
Lippett Family Endowment
L.O.V.E. Fund
Bettie and Stuart Muskin JSS Endowment
Al and Vivian Oruch Memorial Fund
Ruth Riekes Richards Memorial Fund
Ervin and Miriam Simon Endowment
• David S. Rice and Esther Zorinsky Rice
Endowment for RBJH
Charlotte and Eugene Rich Endowment
Samuel and Bess Rothenberg Transportation Fund
Rosalie and Milton Saylan Endowment
Jack J. and Sonia Schrager Endowment
Ted and Sarah Seldin Family RBJH Activities Endowment
Helen and David Shukert L.O.V.E. Scholarship Fund
Norma and Stanley Silverman Endowment
Marion and Dave Wine Endowment
Janet Wintroub Sing-A-Long Fund
Sara Rose Woskoff Arts and Crafts Resource Fund
Religious Programming Fund
RBJH Capital Project Fund
Endowment & Custodial Funds
Jewish Federation of Omaha
Center for Jewish Life (scholarships)
Burton L. Robinson Student Athlete
Scholarship Fund
Jerold I. and Sheila E. Rosen Endowment
Lois Jeanne Schrager Memorial Fund
Lenore Simon Aronson Educational Fund
David E. Beber Scholarship Fund
Truman and Rosemary Clare Scholarship Endowment
Henry A. Davis Custodial Fund
Leo and Aileen Eisenstatt Scholarship Fund
• Phillip and Terri Schrager Supporting
Barry E. Epstein Memorial Healthcare Fund
Nate H. and Beatrice Sherman Scholarship Fund
• J.W.V. Epstein – Morgan Post #260 –
Nathan Marcus Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ruth Sokolof Special Education Scholarship Fund
Benjamin and Elizabeth “Bess” Stern
Scholarship Fund
Lillian Keiser Stoms Educational Fund
David Keiser and Lillian Keiser Stoms
Foundation Education Endowment
David Keiser and Lillian Keiser Stoms
Foundation Education Endowment for
Academic Excellence
Sandra L. Feldman Memorial Scholarship Fund
• Nathan and Rose Lillian Fine Fund for the
Education of Students of the Jewish Faith
Alan and Annie Fleishman Scholarship Fund
David W. and Minnie Frank Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Rebecca Friedman Scholarship Fund
Carl L. Frohm Educational Custodial Fund
Ann H. and William H. Wolfson Endowment
Marvin Gilman Scholarship Fund
Edward Zorinsky Endowment
CornerStones Fund
Passport to Israel Program Fund
• Ann Goldstein Education Programming
Endowment Fund
Leonard and Shirley Goldstein Family Endowment
Herbert Goldsten Scholarship Fund
Samuel and Delma Goodman Youth Fund
Center for Jewish Life/
Jewish Federation Kripke Library
Dr. Abe Greenberg/B’nai B’rith/
Henry Monsky Lodge Endowment
Dr. Bernard H. Bloom and Dr. Bruce S. Bloom Memorial Endowment
Nancy and Don Greenberg Scholarship Fund
Harris Family Endowment
Dr. Morris and Dale Deborah Brodkey
Memorial Endowment
Ellen Canar Joseph Memorial Endowment
Lt. Irving Cohen Memorial Endowment
Samuel and Ida Kaiman Endowment
Dorothy Diva Fund (Dorothy Kaplan)
Ben E. Kaslow Scholarship Fund
Shirley and Leonard Goldstein Endowment
David Katzman Endowment
Philip M. and Ethel Klutznick Program for
Studies in Jewish Civilization Fund
Maxine and Joe Kirshenbaum Scholarship Fund
Aaron H. and Ruth Somberg Krantz Fund
Betty Margel Scholarship Endowment
Dorothy K. Kripke Children’s Book Fund
Albert M. and Jeanette T. Nepomnick Educational Fund
Carolyn Kully Newman Memorial Fund
• Rabbi Myer S. and Dorothy K. Kripke
Library Endowment
Esther K. Newman Memorial Fund
Gertrude T. and Albert B. Newman Endowment
David S. Rice and Esther Zorinsky Rice Endowment
Joe M. and Ruth E. Rice Scholarship Fund
Dorothy Lustgarten Riekes Childrens’
Cultural Arts Endowment
Avy L. and Roberta L. Miller Family Film Fund
Elinor A. and Norman Whitman Memorial
Book Appreciation Fund
Dora Wolfson Memorial Library Endowment
Yachad members attending
camp at Mahoney
State Park
Jewish Federation of Omaha
(Programming & Other Purposes)
Milton R. and Pauline S. Abrahams Endowment
Gertrude T. and Albert B. Newman Endowment
Ruth Frisch and Oscar S. Belzer Endowment
Morton A. Richards Endowment
Bruce Fellman Memorial Young Leadership
Award Endowment
Morton A. Richards Youth Endowment
JFO Friedland Steiner Boggust Endowment
Samuel and Bess Rothenberg Memorial Endowment
Arthur H. and Ruth M. Goldstein Family Endowment
Lois Jeanne Schrager Memorial Fund
Paul and Edith Goldstein Family Endowment
Kenneth Ray Tretiak Memorial Fund
Federation Life & Legacy Endowment
Jewish Genetic Testing Endowment
Lay Seminar Fund
• Robert and Ellen Gordman Jewish Teen
Leadership Fund
Sadie and Harry Kulakofsky Memorial Fund
Edith and Nathan Meltzer Memorial Endowment
Established Funds Designated for the
Jewish Federation Annual Campaign
Norman B. and Frances P. Batt PACE Fund
Bettie and Stuart Muskin PACE Fund
Dr. Mark Brodkey PACE Fund
E. Robert and Phyllis H. Newman PACE Fund
Leo and Aileen Eisenstatt PACE/LOJE Fund
Martin Ricks PACE Fund
Roz Friedman and Susan Friedman Cohn LOJE Fund
Henry and Dorothy Riekes Endowment
Thama Lee Friedman PACE Fund
Lorraine Silverman Annual Campaign Endowment
Ned N. and Pearl R. Giventer PACE/LOJE Fund
Phil and Ruth Sokolof Honor Roll Fund
Ann Goldstein LOJE Fund
Cari Sommer Memorial LOJE Fund
Marcel and Ilse Kahn PACE Fund
Special Donor-Advised Fund
Marilyn T. Kaplan Fund
Maurice and Joan Udes PACE Fund
Forrest Nathan and Lisa Stewart Krutter PACE Fund
Norman and Joodi Veitzer Fund
Endowment & Custodial Funds
Jewish Federation of
Omaha Foundation
Support for Partners /
affiliates / other organizations
David and Helen Brodkey Endowment
for the Foundation
Beth El Synagogue
Yale Richards Professional Education Endowment
Pardes Foundation
Sandra Belgrade LIFE & LEGACY Endowment
Beth El Synagogue LIFE & Legacy Endowment
Beth Israel Synagogue
Supporting Foundations and
Special Grants Committees
• Shirley and Leonard Goldstein Supporting
The Hillel Fund
B’nai B’rith/Henry Monsky Lodge
Adam Jacobs Memorial Tribute Scholarship Fund
B’nai B’rith Edward Zorinsky Fund
Chabad lubavitch of nebraska
Heartland Holocaust Educational Fund
(Frances and Sam Fried)
Bennett G. Hornstein Endowment
Karen Sokolof Javitch Music Fund
Friedel Jewish Academy
Milton S. and Corinne N. Livingston
Foundation Fund
• Nathan and Rose Lillian Fine Endowed
Teacher of the Friedel Jewish Academy
Carolyn Kully Newman Memorial Fund
C.M. “Nick” Newman Bequest Fund
Leonard L. and Phyllis J. Friedel
Family Endowment
Esther K. Newman Memorial Fund
Eli and Rose Schupack Library Endowment
Murray H. and Sharee C. Newman
Supporting Foundation
Institute for Holocaust Education
Phillip and Terri Schrager Supporting Foundation
Lazier L. Singer Memorial Fund for Youth
• Institute for Holocaust Education
LIFE & LEGACY Endowment
Phil and Ruth Sokolof Honor Roll Fund
Nebraska Jewish Historical Society
Special Donor-Advised Fund
Bob Belgrade NJHS Endowment
Sandra Belgrade LIFE & LEGACY Endowment
Gerald and Pearl Osoff Gross Endowment
Multi-Purpose Funds & Other
David and Rose Katzman Endowment
Robert Eisenberg Endowment
Jean Finnell Henderson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Henry and Dorothy C. Riekes Museum
Maintenance Endowment
Ann Goldstein Outstanding Young Leader
Award Endowment
Gary Javitch Family Endowment
Robert I. Kully Endowment
Ann Cohen Memorial Chabad Education Fund
Forrest Nathan and Lisa Stewart Krutter Endowment
• Henry and Dorothy C. Riekes Museum
Occupancy Endowment
Rosalie and Milton Saylan NJHS Endowment
Mickey and George Shafer Endowment Fund for NJHS
Livingston Plaza Custodial Fund
Marlene W. Hechtman and Martin M. Staenberg Family NJHS Oral History Project Endowment
Yale Richards Memorial Endowment
NJHS – 5th Commandment Sustaining Fund
Vivian and Morton Schwarz College
Scholarship Fund
Nebraska Jewish Historical Society Custodial Fund
Sigma Alpha Mu University of Nebraska
Scholarship Fund
Gifts that Mature
in the Future
Charitable Remainder Trusts:
In Memory of Our Foundation
Endowment Donors Who
Passed Away in 2014-2015
Shirley and Leonard Goldstein
(July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015)
Arthur Grossman
Morton A. Ives
Stanford Lipsey
Charles A. and Lyra Ann Monasee
Jule M. Newman
Murray H. Newman
Sheldon A. Bernstein
Sheldon A. and Lorrie Bernstein Endowment
Geraldine H. Epstein
Barry E. Epstein Memorial Healthcare Fund
Myron “Mike” Milder
Myron (Mike) Milder II Endowment Fund
Ruth E. Raskin
Morton Richards Charitable Trust #2
Jeanne Lipsey Rosenblum
Charitable Gift Annuity:
Harriett and Sherman Sperling
phraim Marks grew up in a poor immigrant family, worked his way through
Creighton University, graduating law school in 1932, then served in the
Army during World War II. After the war, he opened his own law practice,
eventually partnering with fellow Creighton student, Truman Clare. In 1994 their
firm merged with Richards, Riekes and Zabin, and is known today as Marks,
Clare and Richards.
Not only was Ephraim a very successful lawyer, he was also dedicated to
Omaha’s Jewish community, the State of Israel and numerous secular causes. He
traveled to Israel on a Jewish Federation of Omaha mission trip, was honored by
Israel Bonds and the Federation. He served as a member of the Omaha Housing
Authority, chairman of the Douglas County Democratic Party, was involved in
the Nebraska AIDS project, Opera Omaha, and the Bemis Foundation.
Through thoughtful planning, Ephraim provided for his long-time partner, David Rice, the Jewish Federation of
Omaha and the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home by establishing a charitable remainder trust. After Ephraim passed
away, David Rice received income from the trust for life. When David passed away in 2013, the balance remaining
in trust was distributed as a charitable gift for the benefit of the Jewish Federation of Omaha and the Rose
Blumkin Jewish Home.
With that charitable gift, to honor his wishes, and to create a permanent legacy in his name, the Jewish Federation’s
Board of Directors unanimously voted to establish the Ephraim L. Marks Jewish Federation Endowment Fund
and the Ephraim L. Marks Rose Blumkin Jewish Home Endowment Fund.
Each year, the Federation and the Home will receive the income from the respective endowments to help subvent
operating expenses and to fund programs and activities.
Ephraim was dedicated to Jewish causes important to him, and he generously made arrangements to endow
those causes. Ephraim Marks has truly left a lasting legacy for Omaha’s Jewish community.
Frederick J. Simon | Board Member 2005-2015
he Board of Directors and staff of the Jewish Federation of Omaha
Foundation mark with sadness the passing of Fred Simon. Fred was
a member of our Board for the last 10 years. We were always moved and
guided by his passions for enhancing and assuring the future vitality of our
Jewish community. As well, we were grateful for his willingness to lend to us
his remarkable business skills. His and Eve’s many and significant gifts to the
Jewish and wider Omaha community impacted and will continue to benefit
so many of our important institutions and the lives of so many people. We
express our condolences to Eve, his children and grandchildren, all of whom
he loved so much, and we salute a life of exceptional philanthropy and
accomplishment. He leaves behind a proud family, a community’s gratitude
and a good name.
Sheldon A. Bernstein
| Director 1992-1998
heldon Bernstein accepted the position of the Director of the Jewish
Federation of Omaha Foundation after the passing of the first director,
Jerry Rosen in 1992. The Foundation, which was established only eight years
earlier, grew significantly during Bernstein’s tenure. It had approximately
$10 million in assets in 1992, and Bernstein had almost tripled that by the
time he left six years later.
Marty Ricks, who took over after Bernstein left in 1998, recalls Bernstein’s
strength in connecting to the donors, “He was out there, connecting on a
personal level with the community. He did a great job educating people
about all the different opportunities the Foundation offered. When I
arrived, I had such a strong base to work with, because Sheldon laid the
groundwork. He had a great way with people, he had this beautiful subtle
sense of humor, and knew everybody because of his many years in Omaha.”
We offer our condolences to his wife Lorrie and their family. The Foundation
is grateful for Sheldon’s contribution to the Omaha Jewish community and
he will be greatly missed.
Dr. Blaine “Buddy” Roffman | President 2000-2002
r. Roffman served as the President and long-time board member of
the Foundation. May his memory be a blessing. We appreciate his
service and offer our sympathy to his wife Judy and their family.
Nogg Family Establishes Fund
fter a long and courageous battle with cancer, Shelly Nogg Pichik passed
away on February 2, 2015. In loving memory, her parents Ozzie and Donald
Nogg, brother and sister-in-law Tony and Patty Nogg, sister and brother-in-
law Kathy and Larry Halleran, sister Marsha Nogg, and sister-in-law Shari Little
established the Shelly Nogg Pichik Field Trip Fund at the Jewish Federation of
Omaha Foundation.
“While living in the Blumkin Home, Shelly’s eyes would light up and her spirits lift
at the mention of a shopping trip to Target or dinner at her favorite restaurant.
Even with her illness, she wanted to be out in the community, experiencing
normal life. But as her illness progressed it became harder for Shelly to leave the
Blumkin Home and extremely difficult for family and friends to safely help her.
She had the will and a desire for adventure, but her condition eventually required skilled assistance and special
transportation to do so safely,” said Shelly’s sister, Marsha.
“Our family established the Shelly Nogg Pichik Field Trip Fund to provide that specialized assistance to those
in the Blumkin Home community who also seek adventure,” Patty Nogg said. “Our hope is to eliminate the
obstacles that would prevent RBJH residents from experiencing their own meaningful and special outings. We
wish Shelly could have spent many more days and years enjoying the activities and people she loved so deeply.
What better way to honor ‘The Shopping Queen’ as we affectionately nicknamed her?”
Shelly’s sister, Kathy Halleran said, “Shelly was a loving mother and wife, sister and daughter, and caring friend.
She was passionate about giving beautifully wrapped gifts and loved the retail experience. “
In May 2015, Shelly’s family provided initial funding to establish this new endowment. Since then, the Foundation
has received dozens of charitable donations in the form of tributes designated for the fund. These “tribute”
donations have come from many donors in many states and have honored or memorialized many different
people. Each donation pays tribute to a friend or relative. The Foundation always sends a tribute card to the
person being honored or the family of the person being memorialized, and the donation helps to increase the
principal of the endowment fund. Thus, the amount of money available for distribution increases, as does the
ability to help more people.
nspired by his wife Ruth’s love of learning and the
love of music he shared with his daughter, Karen, Phil
Sokolof established the Phil and Ruth Sokolof Honor
Roll Fund and the Karen Sokolof Javitch Music Fund.
Together these two funds annually award up to $60,000
in scholarships to outstanding Jewish students from the
Omaha metropolitan area. The Honor Roll Fund also
each year awards $10,000 to the Outstanding Jewish
Teacher of the Year as well as contributes $50,000 to
the Federation Annual Campaign until 2020.
Basing the scholarships on merit rather than financial need, it was Phil Sokolof’s desire to reward and
encourage those students who strive for excellence and demonstrate a desire to make a difference in
the world. Since 2006, the inaugural year of the scholarships and teacher awards, a total of $670,000
has been awarded to an amazingly accomplished group of young people and phenomenal teachers.
2014 Sokolof Healthcare Merit
Scholarship Recipient
I’m writing to share my appreciation and gratitude for the Sokolof Merit
Scholarship. This summer I was a visiting scholar at Harvard to learn about
neonatology and neurocritical care. I worked with the care teams in Brigham
Women’s Hospital Department of Newborn Medicine in the neonatal intensive
care unit and with researchers studying brain development at Harvard
Institute of Medicine. They provided daily seminars from leaders in newborn
medicine and I also worked alongside the pediatric residency interns from
Boston Children’s Hospital and Mass General Hospital. There were also other
visiting medical students from around the world, such as New Zealand, India
and Greece. This program was accommodated by UNMC as one of my senior
medical school rotations, however, I was able accept the position thanks
to having the support of the Sokolof Merit Scholarship. This experience will undoubtedly enhance
my ability to compete for excellent residency spots and prepare me to become a physician scientist
focused on treating neurological disease among newborns. Thank you for selecting me for this award!
Adrian A. Epstein
MD PhD Scholars Program
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Nancy Rampey-Biniamow and
gardens built with OPS Blackburn
Alternative School students.
Students learned how to grow
food for their families from seed
and to harvest and prepare the
produce in a nutritional manner.
Rampey-Biniamow and her
students also developed a
hydroponic system that is
fertilized by goldfish.
2015 Sokolof Outstanding teacher of the year
It is with deep gratitude that I extend my thanks to the
Sokolof selection committee for choosing me to represent
our community as the 2015 Outstanding Teacher of the
Year. My goal is to share a part of the generous honorarium
you have given me.
Tzedakah – Beth Israel needed new tables in the social
hall. Due to your generosity, I have been able to purchase
all of the extra tables that they needed.
Mishpachah – Our family is a blended group by: age, religion, marriage, and distance. I have been
looking for a way for all of our collective grandchildren to interact with their grandfather, Alan
Biniamow, and each other. With your generous honorarium, I have been able to purchase 16 Berskshire
Hathaway “Baby B” Stocks along with texts requiring each child as they mature to work with their
grandfather and each other on learning how to invest in the stock market. Each child is being made
to understand how such a wonderful gift is coming to them both financially and within the family.
Hakarat Hatov – There are not enough words to begin to express my deep gratitude this honor has
brought me. People come up to me, discuss the article they read in the Jewish Press and begin to
ask me about their gardens, plants, flowers, etc. I am so grateful. Once I retired, I was concerned that
all of this amazing knowledge I have acquired over the years was no longer to be shared. Because of
the honor you have bestowed on me this is not the case.
Tikkum Olam – I have placed the beautiful bowl that carries the name and date of the award in a
place where when I fall asleep I can see it. Such a wonderful reminder that all I have learned has a
place in this world and little by little I can help to make it a better place.
You have changed my life in a most incredible way. I am sincerely thankful for this honor.
With deep appreciation and thankfulness,
Nancy R. Rampey-Biniamow
Jim Farber, Jim Polack, Howard Epstein, Steve Riekes,
and seminar speaker Jere Doyle at 2015 seminar
Yale Richards Professional Education Seminar
the opportunity to earn Nebraska Continuing
Education Credits by attending the 2015 Yale
seminar was co-hosted by Union Bank & Trust
Company and Boys Town. According to Scott
comes from other Nebraska attorneys.
It is so
refreshing to have national caliber speakers…true
teachers…come into our state and talk about what
is happening in other areas of the country.”
Howard Kaslow, of Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP, stated, “The seminar was very useful to me as
an estate planning practitioner, both in presenting new ideas and in refreshing my prior knowledge
of various estate planning concepts. I was particularly impressed by the presentation skills of the
three seminar presenters.”
Yale Richards was a senior partner at the law firm of Marks, Clare and Richards, LLC and also
served as counsel and Executive Director of the Milton S. & Corinne N. Livingston Foundation for
28 years. In recognition of his valuable service to the Omaha Jewish community for over 50 years,
the Livingston Foundation established the Yale Richards Professional Education Endowment Fund
in 1998. The Livingston Foundation Fund is now a donor-advised fund at the JFO Foundation.
The Yale Richards Professional Education Endowment Fund administered by the JFO Foundation,
provides financial support for periodic seminars for professional advisors and interested donors.
Planning is already under way for the next Yale Richards Professional Education Seminar, to be held
in April 2017.
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
A Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) is a permanent fund dedicated to endowing a Jewish
Federation of Omaha Annual Campaign gift. A PACE fund is not intended to take the place of any current
annual gift – it is instead a lasting legacy that will continue to make an annual gift to the campaign in
perpetuity on your behalf. You may create your PACE fund through a variety of vehicles, some of which
provide your estate with considerable tax benefits without the requirement that you contribute during your
lifetime. These options allow you to perpetuate your commitment to the Federation Annual Campaign in a
way that best achieves your own personal financial and estate planning goals.
PACE Donors:
Joel Alperson
Jan Goldstein
Jay Noddle
Norman & Frances Batt*
Leonard Goldstein*
Steven Nogg
Steven Bloch
Marcel & Ilse Kahn
Martin Ricks
Mark Brodkey
Howard & Gloria Kaslow
Carl Riekes
Leo Eisenstatt*
Forrest N.* & Lisa Stewart Krutter
Henry Riekes*
Gary Epstein
Edward M. Malashock
Andrew Robinson
Paul Epstein
Allan & Janie Murow
Phillip Schrager*
Michael Erman
Bettie & Stuart Muskin
Maurice* & Joan Udes
Thama Lee Friedman*
E. Robert & Phyllis Newman
Norman Veitzer
Ned N. Giventer*
Murray Newman
Annual Campaign Endowment (Term of Years) Donor:
Phil Sokolof*
Lion of Judah Endowment
A Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) Fund is created by establishing a fund of at least $100,000 in the
donor’s name, ensuring the perpetuation of a donor’s Lion of Judah giving level annual campaign gift.
It can help you manage your philanthropy in a way that complements your overall tax planning.
example, if you have unusually high income or substantial long-term capital gains in a particular year, you
can contribute to your LOJE Fund, and receive your charitable tax deduction that year. Your estate could
receive considerable tax benefits if you choose to establish your LOJE Fund with an after-lifetime gift. A
LOJE Fund is a powerful statement of a donor’s commitment to tzedakah, providing a legacy for herself, her
family and her community.
Dorothy (Mrs. Henry) Riekes*
Roz Friedman*
Zoë Riekes
Pearl Richman Giventer*
Terri Schrager
Ann Goldstein*
Cari Sommer*
Shirley Goldstein
Joodi Veitzer
Sally G. Malashock
*Of blessed memory
Patty Nogg
Sandy Epstein
is h
Nancy Noddle
Lisa Epstein
Aileen Eisenstatt*
Kim Noddle
Sharee Newman
Susan Cohn
T he
Carol Bloch
LOJE Donors:
Federation o
Financial Overview
Balance Sheet - June 30, 2015
Assets 07/1/14
* Chicago Pooled Endowment Portfolio
Boston Jewish Community Endowment Pool
Corporate Bonds
RBJH Capital Project and JFO Receivable
Alternative Investments
Common Stocks
4,530,457 2,350,000
1,988,385 Short-term Investments
2,753,299 State of Israel Bonds
450,000 U.S. Government Securities
Managed Assets 78,624,820
Charitable Remainder Trusts and Life Insurance
(Under Separate Management)
0.51% 331,541
Funds Held and Invested for Benefit of
Federation or Its Agencies:
Jewish Federation Reserve Funds
Custodial Funds
Total Assets
Fund balances
Restricted or Designated Endowments
Donor-Advised Funds
Unrestricted Endowments
Charitable Remainder Trusts and Life Insurance
(Under Separate Management)
Supporting Foundation
Total Fund Balances
* Asset Allocation includes: Public Equity - 29.6%; Tangible - 18.3%; Credit - 17.5%; Hedged Equity - 16.3%;
Private Equity - 11.6%; Opportunistic 6.7%
Statement of Support, Revenue, Allocations and Expenses
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Adjusted Beginning Fund Balances - 07-01-14
Lifetime Gifts and Contributions
Investment Income
Grants and Allocations
Beneficiary Income Payments
Administration Fees
Investment Fees
Net Change in Fund Balances(131,055)
Ending Fund Balances - 06-30-15$73,623,537
Jewish Senior Outreach
Mainstreeters Mystery Trip
Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation
Financial Highlights
as of June 30, 2015
A - Summary of fiscal year activity for all funds*
B - History of our invested portfolio at market value**
Current value of funds$78,545,043
Current number of funds
Current number of donor-advised funds 108
Current number of teen tzedek funds
($ in millions)
Number of new funds in 2014-2015
Grants & Distributions
3 Years Ago
June 2012
June 2014
June 2010
Total Investment Return - 1 Year
Total Investment Return - 5 Years
Total Investment Return - 3 Years
New contributions $5,859,574
5 Years Ago
Change in funds from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015:
Investment performance
June 2015
1 Year Ago
Current number of endowment funds 300
Current 8.04%
Total ($131,055)
**Comprised of commingled funds invested with the Chicago PEP, the Boston
JCEP and Union Bank overseen by the Foundation Investment Committee. Does
not include segregated assets, life insurance policies or charitable remainder trusts.
*Comprised of all managed assets including segregated assets, Federation
and custodial funds, life insurance policies and charitable remainder trusts.
The Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation Is Ranked Fourth in
Per Capita Assets Among the Jewish Communities of North America
The following information is provided by Planned Giving and Endowments at the Jewish
Federations of North America. This annual survey includes 61 communities in North America.
The information below covers the prior three fiscal years from July 1, 2011-June 30, 2014. The
results for the 2014-2015 fiscal year have not yet been calculated.
Year EndingTotal Assets
Jewish Per Capita $ Rank
$14,668 4
1 1 ,416 5
10,525 5
Financial Overview
Distributions from Donor-Advised Funds
(Total Disbursements: $4,051,000)
2014-2015 Fiscal Year
National Jewish Organizations Local Jewish Organizations
$190,000 (5%)
Internal Donations to
$138,000 (3%)
Foundation Funds
$100,000 (2%)
Local Jewish
Federation Agencies
$197,000 (5%)
Local Secular
$1,174,000 (29%)
National Secular
$579,000 (14%)
Jewish Federation of Omaha
Annual Campaign
$924,000 (23%)
Local Synagogues
$749,000 (19%)
Donor-Advised Funds
A Donor-Advised Fund established
with the Jewish Federation of
Jewish charities in the Omaha metropolitan
area that benefited from donor-advised
donations included:
Omaha Foundation allows you to
B’nai B’rith Henry Monsky Lodge
support our Jewish community
Friedel Jewish Academy
as well as secular charities that
are important to you, and can be
National Council of Jewish Women
Nebraska Jewish Historical Society
opened with as little as $2,500.
Donors may recommend
distributions of $100 or more to
any qualified 501(c)(3) charity.
Omaha area synagogues received a total of
$749,000 including Beth El Synagogue, Beth Israel
Synagogue, Temple Israel, and Chabad House.
Also many secular charities supporting the arts,
medical research, financial assistance, education,
children’s programming, etc. benefitted from
donor-advised donations.
Financial Overview
Distributions from Endowment, Custodial Funds
and Supporting Foundations
(Total Disbursements: $1,926,000)
2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Life & Legacy
Partner Incentives
$87,000 (4%)
Other JFO Agency
$79,000 (4%)
Local Jewish
$72,000 (4%)
Sokolof Scholarships,
Awards & Programs
$94,000 (5%)
Other Jewish Organizations
& Misc.
$94,000 (5%)
ADL/CRC & Institute for
Holocaust Education
$38,000 (2%)
Jewish Federation of Omaha
Annual Campaign &
Operating Income
$502,000 (26%)
JCC & Its Programs
$134,000 (7%)
Jewish Federation of Omaha
Security & Campus
Capital Improvements
$319,000 (17%)
$203,000 (10%)
*Includes distributions from custodial and supporting
foundation funds not on balance sheet.
Jewish Social Services
(Rose Blumkin Jewish Home/Jewish Senior
Outreach/Jewish Family Service)
$304,000 (16%)
Endowment Funds
An Endowment Fund or a Supporting
Foundation established with the Jewish
Federation of Omaha Foundation
allows you to create a permanent
legacy and support the causes within
the Jewish community that mean the
most to you.
Disbursements from these funds
supported the Jewish Federation and
its agencies, Omaha area synagogues
A few of the Jewish Federation of Omaha campus
programs/projects that received funding included:
Anti-Defamation League/CRC
Prejudice Elimination Workshop
Center for Jewish Life PJ Library
Center for Jewish Life Israeli Film Nights
Institute for Holocaust Education
Week of Understanding
Jewish Family Service Counseling and Assistance
Jewish Family Service Yachad Camp
Jewish Federation of Omaha Backyard Concert Series
and other local Jewish organizations,
Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation
such as Friedel Jewish Academy and
Jewish Senior Outreach Russian Cultural Club
the Nebraska Jewish Historical Society.
Jewish Senior Outreach Meals on Wheels
creating a legacy
These charitable planning tools can help you manage your philanthropy in a way that
complements your overall tax planning, as you choose to make your contribution either
during your lifetime or through your estate.
Donor-Advised Fund
Simply put, a Donor-Advised Fund is a personal charitable tool that helps you organize your charitable giving
in one account. You establish a fund with the Foundation by completing a simple agreement and contributing
a minimum of $2,500. You contribute cash or publicly traded securities to your fund at any time. You receive
an income tax deduction in the year of the gift, though distributions from the fund need not occur in the same
year. The Foundation invests your Donor-Advised Fund assets; income is reinvested and grows tax-free. You
recommend distributions of a minimum of $100 from your Donor-Advised Fund to any IRS qualified 501(c)(3)
charity, either Jewish or secular, and the Foundation takes care of the details.
Endowment Fund
Establishing an Endowment Fund at the Foundation allows you to create a permanent legacy and support the
causes within the Jewish community that mean the most to you. An Endowment Fund is created by contributing
a minimum of $10,000. You complete a simple agreement, and then fund your endowment by contributing cash,
appreciated securities, a life insurance policy with the Foundation as the beneficiary, by transferring assets from a
qualified retirement plan naming the Foundation as a beneficiary or through other means. The Foundation invests
your Endowment Fund assets; income is reinvested and grows tax-free. Endowment Funds may be unrestricted or
restricted. The Endowment Fund will begin annually providing income for the Jewish purpose you select one year
after the fund has been established and every year thereafter in perpetuity.
Unrestricted Endowment Fund– Annual income is disbursed directly to the Federation
for its unrestricted general use.
Restricted Endowment Fund – Annual income is designated for the purpose you choose. •
It may support any agency or program on campus.
Charitable Remainder Trust
You create a separate trust which generally provides lifetime income to you and/or your spouse. A determined
percentage of the funds contributed to the trust is tax deductible. A corporate trustee holds, invests and distributes
the funds during your lifetime. After your passing, the remainder is distributed for the benefit of the Federation
and/or its agencies according to your wishes. You determine the purpose.
Supporting Foundation
A Supporting Foundation is a separate legal entity (with a separate board) created by you and your family. This entity
enters into a relationship with the Foundation whereby the Foundation manages and invests the funds, administers
operations and makes disbursements as directed from time to time by the Supporting Foundation Board.
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) and Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) Funds are separate endowments
you create at the Foundation, the income from which will make an annual campaign gift in your name well after your
lifetime. The funds are intended to provide a gift in your name to the Federation Annual Campaign in perpetuity. The
endowment may be funded either during your lifetime or as part of your estate, with potential significant tax benefits
in either case. PACE and LOJE are opportunities to make an impact on the Federation and our Jewish community for
many years to come.
e hope you’ll take advantage of the different ways
Upcoming Event:
to keep in touch with the Foundation:
Website - Visit our website ( to learn more about the Foundation, our community, and establishing
charitable funds that support Omaha’s Jewish community. Get
valuable tips for your financial advisors and yourself.
• Facebook - “Like” us on Facebook (JFOF1) to see photos of
events supported by our funds and much more.
• Twitter – Follow us on Twitter (jfofoundation) to quickly get the
latest Foundation news and updates.
eNewsletter – Get the latest news about our funds, donors,
programs and philanthropic activities, and charitable giving news
from Washington and the IRS. Contact us to subscribe to this free
monthly service.
June 2016
Donor Recognition
Year 2 Celebration
• Phone and Email - You are always welcome to call, send an email
message or stop by our office!
We hope you enjoy the 2015 Annual Report of
the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation.
If you would like additional information on how you can join the
Foundation family and create a legacy for our community, please contact:
This past fiscal year, two longtime
Foundation staff members
celebrated milestone anniversaries.
Howard N. Epstein
Executive Director
(402) 334-6466
Janet Henthorn
Laurie Peatrowsky
Office Manager
(402) 334-6551
Endowment Associate
(402) 334-6439
Margo Parsow
Linda Pollard
LIFE & LEGACY Coordinator
(402) 334-6432
Endowment Assistant/Staff Writer
(402) 334-6459
Laurie Peatrowsky, 15 years
Endowment Associate
Janet Henthorn, 10 years
Office Manager
Board of Directors
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Carl Riekes
Donald Goldstein
Vice President
Andrew Robinson
Steven Bloch
Paul Epstein
Michael M. Erman
Ted Friedland
Bruce Friedlander
Outgoing 2014-2015
David Gilinsky
Gloria Kaslow
Joseph Kirshenbaum
Newly elected 2015
Jody Malashock
Murray H. Newman
Jay Noddle
Steve Nogg
Harley D. Schrager
Jeffrey Schrager
Ted M. Seldin
Mike Siegel
Newly elected 2015
It’s more than a donation.
Frederick J. Simon
Of Blessed Memory
Norman Veitzer
t’s your legacy.
Adam Yale
Outgoing 2014-2015
333 South 132nd Street • Omaha, NE 68154 | phone 402-334-6498 | fax 402-334-6765 |