Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki`s Fantastic Animated
Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki`s Fantastic Animated
投稿類別:英文寫作 篇名: Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm 作者: 陳歆茹。國立草屯商工。應三一班 塗淯辰。國立草屯商工。應三一班 張雅筑。國立草屯商工。應三一班 指導老師: 吳青坡老師 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm Abstract Providing that Walt Disney is the animation master in the Western, Hayao Miyazaki is the very animation giant in the Eastern. Hayao Miyazaki has become the household name not merely in Japan but even in Asia and the whole world. The impact of his animations on Asia and Taiwan is far more profound than any other sort of animated works. As a Japanese cartoonist, a director and an animator, Miyazaki co-founded the internationally-recognized Studio Ghibili with Isao Takahata. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, The first animation cinema created and supervised personally by Miyazaki, made the splash as it came out and started capturing a sizeable attention to this Nihon animator’s following-up works. It is no doubt that Hayao Miyazaki’s animations have been imprinted upon people’s heart. Characterized by vibrant colors and realistic and animated plots, each of his animated works’ backgrounds is on the basis of his own experiences and delivers the messages of environmentalism, pacifism and the female empowerment. Many of Miyazaki’s works receiving big awards at home and abroad enables him to retain an irreplaceable status in the animated world around the globe. 摘要 如果要說迪士尼是西方的動畫主流,那宮崎駿就是東方的動畫龍頭。不僅對 日本,甚至是對亞洲和全世界,宮崎駿早已是家喻戶曉的動畫大師了,對亞洲及 台灣的影響力甚至遠超其他動畫電影。宮崎駿是一位來自日本的知名漫畫家、導 演以及動畫師,與高畑勳共同創立受到國際廣泛讚賞的工作室-吉卜力工作室。 由宮崎駿親自監督的第一部動畫《風之谷》一上映就造成轟動,且接下來的作品 也引起不少注意。宮崎駿的動畫從那時候就深深的烙印在觀眾的心中。宮崎駿的 每一部動畫色彩繽紛、內容寫實。動畫本身以自身經歷過的遭遇為主,隱含環保 意識、和平主義以及女權主義。宮崎駿的多部劇場動畫都獲得了國內外各大獎 項,也因此在全球動畫世界奠定了不可替代的地位。 i Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm Table of Contents English & Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………………….i Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………….........ii I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..........1 A. Background of the Study……………………………………………………………….1 B. Motivation of the Study………………………………………………………………...1 C. Purposes of the Study………………………………………………………………..…1 II. Methods………………………………………………………………………………...2 III. Discussion…………………………………………………………………………2 A. Life experience of Hayao Miyazaki……………………………………………..…2 1. Profile…………………………………………………………………………………..2 2. Indispensable companion……………………………………………………………….2 2.1 Isao Takahata………………………………………………………………………….2 2.2 Joe Hisaishi…………………………………………………………………………....2 2.3 Studio Ghibli ………………………............................................................................3 B. The style of the masterpieces………………………………………..............................3 1. The core of animation………………………………………………………………..…3 2. Hand-drawn images………………………………………………………………....….3 3. Background music………………………………………………………………………4 C. Achievements of Hayao Miyazaki…………………………………………………......4 1. The works of Hayao Miyazaki……………………………………………………......4 2. Awards……………………………………………………………………………….....5 D. Comparison between Eastern and Western animations………………………………..6 E. SWOT analysis…………………………………………………………………………7 IV. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………..8 V. Reference……………………………………………………………………………….8 ii Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm I. Introduction A. Background of the Study Animation plays an indispensable role in the movie industry. Miyazaki’s movies feature the reality of its sound effects, hand-drawn fascinating figures, the different meanings behind each image and the plots, which throw out what he wants to deliver to the worldwide audience. To many people, the marvelous memories during their childhood have been partly involved in Miyazaki’s films. Even if people had seen his films as young, it will still bring in another brand new taste watching them again. That is to say, Miyazaki’s films generate different experience in each stage of lifetime. B. Motivation of the Study Nowadays, animations are everywhere. If Disney is the giant in Western animation, then the top character of Eastern animation is no other than Hayao Miyazaki. Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpieces are full of elements of dreams in childhood. Many unforgettable scenes and roles come in to being under his exquisite depiction. But does it have other metaphors behind these colorful fantasy stories? Is it that Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpieces just want to depict a dreamland? We want to find out the meanings behind these household animated stories and realize the messages he want people to reflect. C. Purposes of the Study Hayao Miyazaki’s films gain people’s admiration and affection relatively all over the world. His animations create the new record of box office one after another. No matter the elderly or the teens, they are all addicted to the animation even though they’ve watched the plots again and again. The followings were purposes of this study. 1. To explore the life and the masterpieces of Hayao Miyazaki. 2. To explore how the inspiration of these animations was found by Hayao Miyazaki. 3. To detail the theme of Hayao Miyazaki’s major works. 4. To compare the animations between Hayao Miyazaki’s and Walt Disney’s. 5. SWOT analysis II. Methods 1 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm First, the researchers searched the information on the Internet. Second, the researchers borrowed books from the library. Third, the researchers compared the books with network resources and extracted the important parts concerning the research field. On the other hand, the researchers organized and tabulated the considerable content. Finally, a conclusion of this subject was drawn to summarize the thesis. III. Discussion A. Life experience of Hayao Miyazaki 1. Profile Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo on January 5, 1941, during World War II. At the age of three, he and his family had to evacuate Tokyo and move to the country because of the danger of the city being bombed. Good at static painting and particularly interested in airplanes, he often blends the screen of flying in his rear works. His interest in animation began during high school after watching Japan's first full-length feature animation. After high school, Miyazaki attended Gakushuin University, from which he graduated in 1963 with degrees in political science and economics. Hayao Miyazaki then finished Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, which was the first film both written and directed by him released in 1984. It was such great success at box office that Miyazaki found Studio Ghibli in 1985. Since then, Hayao Miyazaki has started his glorious era in animation. 2. Indispensable companion 2.1 Isao Takahata Contrary to Mr. Miyazaki fantastic painting style and unrestrained ideas, Iso Takahata stresses notably lifelikeness, humanism and exquisiteness. Thereby, in between Miyazaki and Takahata’s cooperation, the dissimilar spark is boiled up, in a complementary fashion. Talking of the status of a generation, Takahata is Miyazaki’s teacher and honorable predecessor. Takahata had the sentiment of giving guidance and help to Miyazaki. 2.2 Joe Hisaishi 2 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm Joe Hisaishi dedicates to composing more than thirty years. He has been honored as one of the most splendid composers in contemporary Japan. Joe Hisaishi’s works contain movies soundtracks, soap opera soundtracks and advertisement soundtracks. Among his works, the most renowned soundtracks are for Miyazaki’s animations. Many awards also prove that Joe’s compositions played an integral role in the movies. 2.3 Studio Ghibli Studio Ghibli, widely considered to be Japan's premiere animation studio, was founded in 1985 Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Ghibli, named by Hayao Miyazaki originally meant “a hot wind blowing through the Sahara Desert”. It then comes from the name the Italians used for their Saharan scouting planes in World War II. This idea apparently implies that the studio Ghibli would "blow a new wind through the Japanese anime industry". B. The style of the masterpieces 1. The core of animation When Hayao Miyazaki encountered World War II in his childhood, the most impressive to him was those who didn’t have time to flee, lose their homes, and even became orphans. It was because he saw too many unpleasant things over the world that he therefore told earthling that hope and beauty still exist in the world through animation. In his masterpieces, they always have implied profound meanings. His films are chiefly bounced around three ideas—feminism, environmental message, and pacifism. He presented his idea by animation instead of delivering a sermon to let children know how to love others, and treasure the nature; let adults understand the life philosophy, environmental awareness, and humanity interest. 2. Hand-drawn images Hayao Miyazaki especially emphasized original spirit. Although modern animation technique grow greatly progress due to information technology, Hayao Miyazaki never shake the essence he requested. Take Spirited Away for example, Hayao Miyazaki drew one hundred and ten thousand hand-drawn drafts in a two-hour film. In Ponyo, Hayao Miyazaki didn’t hesitate to consume spirit, energy, time and money to draw many special expression and movement in person. Even he used 2D animation; it looks like the effect of 3D. 3 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm 3. Background music Not only do Hayao Miyazaki’s animations stimulate visual effects and moving plots, but the incidental music also catches extensive attention. People may forget some scene of movies but recognize the melody of incidental music. Joe Hisaishi plays an indispensable role as a music producer in Miyazaki’s lengthy animations. Hayao Miyazaki’s anime cinemas are greatly graced by Joe Hisaishi’s distinctive music. C. Achievements of Hayao Miyazaki 1. The works of Hayao Miyazaki The researchers organize some of the most important, famous works of Hayao Miyazaki and give them specific description to readers. Table1. The films of Hayao Miyazaki Masterpiece Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Laputa – The Castle in the Sky My Neighbor Totoro Release year Illustration 1984 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A message to the world of nonviolence Cautionary ecological awareness The spirit of peaceful world An initial talented masterpiece Starting catching people’s attention to his works 1986 1. A demonstration of mankind’s interior greed 2. Miyazaki took three important roles in the film as the director, the executive producer and the original writer. 1988 1. It’s dubbed the cherish key to arouse people’s memory of childhood. 2. An exhibition of Mother Nature’s magical power 3. Totoro has become the mascot of the Studio Gibili ever since. 4. It aroused people’s desire to pure and simplicity. 1. The beloved of flying turns more outstanding in this movie than any previous one. Kiki’s Delivery Service 1989 2. The first Studio Ghibli cinema released under the Disney and Studio Gibili alliance. 3. The anti-violence message is redelivered in the movie. 4 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm Princess Mononoke Spirited Away 1997 1. A reminder of the environmental crisis the globe is facing with. 2. The conflict between the industrialists of Iron town and Animal spirits of the forest is representative of Human vs. Nature. 3. Expressing that there’s always method to solve the problem we face as long as we are alive. 2001 1. It’s dubbed as Hayao Miyazaki’s “Alice in Wonderland”. 2. The train voyaging over the water’s surface symbolizes freedom and escape. 3. The ever expanding sea surrounding the bath house stands for the environment in the case. 4. Expressing the eco-environmental concern. 1. Hayao’s darkest movie except Mononoke. Howl’s Moving Castle Ponyo 2. It delivers the strong anti-war message. 3. A straight commentary on the war struck in Afghanistan and Iraq. 2004 1. It’s aimed mainly for younger audiences. 2. A message that humans have made the world disordered with constant contamination. 3. The abnormally bigger moon in the film right represents collapse of the earth’s balance. 2008 2. Awards Hayao Miyazaki remains a dominant status in anime realm, and his works won considerable awards. The researchers listed the significant ones as following. Table2. The awards of Hayao Miyazaki Masterpieces Awards Readers’ Choice Awards Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Best Film of the Year 1st place in Japanese films top 10 My Neighbor Totoro Special Award Readers’ Choice Awards Most Popular Film Kiki’s Delivery Service Best Japanese Film Director Best Animated Film 5 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm Best Home Video release Princess Mononoke Best Animated Film Readers’ Choice Awards Best Director Best Japanese Movie Overall Golden Bear Spirited Away Readers’ Choice Awards Best Animated Film Best Director Animation of the Year Ponyo Future Film Festival Digital Award D. Comparison between Eastern and Western animations To figure out the different anime style between Eastern and Western, the researchers arranged the data in comparison with the two mainstream anime masters—Hayao Miyazaki and Walt Disney. Table3. The different anime style Hayao Miyazaki’s animations Walt Disney’s animations Founder Hayao Miyazaki Walt Disney Established time June 1985 October 1923 Studio Studio Ghibli The Walt Disney Studios Elements of creativity The characters in Miyazaki’s The characters in Disney’s film base on film base on children. animals. Most of the films are related to the relationship between human and nature, pacifism and feminism. Walt’s movies base on fairy tales and adventurous stories. Style of painting Reality, pacifism, stimulation of deep thought. Rich in fantasy, love, hope and courage. Representative works Valley of the Wind (1984) The Castle in the Sky (1986) My Neighbor Totoro (1988) Mickey Mouse(1928) One Hundred and One Dalmatians(1986) The Lion King(1994) Contents 6 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm Logo E. SWOT analysis To learn the trend toward Hayao Miyazaki’s animations, the researchers listed as following: 1. Strength 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Both entertaining and educational are involved in Miyazaki’s anime films. His capability to creativity enables him to stand out among others animators. His persistence in high quality hand-drawn animation His animations’ content can be accepted by worldwide audience of all ages. 2. Weakness 2.1 It takes long to produce each animation because it’s all drawn by hands. 2.2 His insistence on creation ideals stops him from benefiting from commercial profit. 3. Opportunity 3.1 Launching out animation peripheral goods 3.2 Gaining more popularity through advertisement and the Internet marketplace 3.3 Demand for films is raising, for people pay more attention to their relaxation nowadays. 4. Threat 4.1 Pirated movies are rampant. 4.2 Because of the technological advance, it becomes much tougher to compete among such many opponents. 4.3 Anime works manufactured from other competitors get launched faster than his. 7 Soaring in Hayao Miyazaki’s Fantastic Animated Realm IV. Conclusion At the angle of commerce, Hayao Miyazaki’s animations are enormous success. Audiences have no regrets at spending their money watching Miyazaki’s films, for there are fewer and fewer animations like his nowadays, which are genuinely full of hope and self-reflection and move people with warmth. His creative animation kingdom makes me regard it a world of emotions. Under the shock of the 3-D animation industry, he still hold the perception that the allure, the revelation of momentum and the original idea will be entirely sensed in the frame by hand-drawing even if it takes twice-fold time. The daring idea, though, not flowing with the mainstream of nowadays advanced 3-D animation industry, allows Hayao Miyazaki to win the title of the animation giant. Hayao Miyazaki is a person who owns characteristics like art, creativity, and the innocent heart of a child for imagination and produce. These characteristics lead him to continually seek new inspiration and create attractive works. Though he is not profession in every kind of painting style, there is no doubt that his works have deeply rooted in people’s heart and his spirit will influence future generations. V. References 1. Chris, J.(Eds.).(2011). Master animator. CNN Interactive English Magazine, 133, 62-66. 2. 台灣旅遊生活網。2011年12月09日。取自 3. 維基百科─宮崎駿。2011年12月09日。取自 4. Retrieved December 9, 2011, from 8
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