BRC Supplement 1-2014 - Synanthropization of flora and


BRC Supplement 1-2014 - Synanthropization of flora and
ISSN 1897-2810
Supplement 1
September 11-13, 2014
Poznań & Obrzycko, Poland
Research and Conservation
Research and Conservation
Supplement 1 / 2014
Editorial Staff
Bogdan Jackowiak (Editor-in-Chief)
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Plant Chorology and Ecology, Nature Conservation
Zbigniew Celka (Associate Editor)
Elżbieta Obarska (Editorial Secretary)
Dariusz L. Szlachetko (Section Editor)
Barbara Tokarska-Guzik (Section Editor)
Maria Wojterska (Section Editor)
Adam Zając (Section Editor)
Waldemar Żukowski (Section Editor)
Zygmunt Kaczmarek
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Plant Chorology and Ethnobotany
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk
Plant Phylogensis, Plant geography
Silesian University, Katowice
Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Vegetation and Landscape Ecology, Nature Conservation
Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Plant Taxonomy and Chorology
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Plant Taxonomy and Chorology
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institut of Plant Genetics, Poznań
Editorial Board
Adam Boratyński
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute
of Dendrology, Kórnik
Plant Chorology, Dendrology
Yakiv Petrovich Didukh
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Plant Ecology and Vegetation Science
Jerzy Fabiszewski
University of Life Sciences, Wrocław
Ecology and Nature Conservation
Viera Feráková
Botanický ústav SAV, Bratislava
Plant Taxonomy and Ecology
Ludwik Frey
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute
of Botany, Cracow
Plant Taxonomy
Georg Grabherr
University of Vienna
Vegetation Ecology and Nature
Czesław Hołdyński
Edward G. H. Oliver
University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn
Plant Ecology
Departament of Botany and Zoology,
University of Stellenbosch
Plant Taxonomy
Ingo Kowarik
Technical University, Berlin
Vegetation Ecology and Nature Conservation
Peter Schönfelder
Maria Ławrynowicz
Departament of Botany, University
of Regensburg
Plant Chorology
Zbigniew Mirek
Barbara Sudnik-Wójcikowska
Łódź University, Łódź
Mycology, Nature Conservation
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Botany, Cracow
Plant Taxonomy and Chorology, Nature
Warsaw University, Warsaw
Plant Chorology and Ecology
Sergei L. Mosyakin
University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk
Józef Szmeja
National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
Geobotany and Plant Taxonomy
Nikolai Nikolaievich Tzvelev
Romuald Olaczek
Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint
Plant Taxonomy
Łódź University, Łódź
Vegetation Ecology and Nature Conservation
Linguistic verification: Elżbieta Obarska (Poznań), Zbigniew Śniatała (Poznań)
Front cover photograph: sweet violet (Viola odorata L.) in the oak-hornbeam forest in Radojewo near Poznań (Wielkopolska
region, Poland), March 2014. (Photograph by Zbigniew Celka)
Address of Editors
Address of the Publishing House
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Adam Mickiewicz University
Umultowska 89, PL-61 614 Poznań, Poland
Fax. (+4861) 82956 36
Phone (+4861) 82956 96/92/89
Publishing House “Kontekst”
Wieżowa 49, PL-61 111 Poznań, Poland
Phone/Fax. (+4861) 8518 511
Copyright © by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy
Printed in Poland
ISBN 997-83-62564-70-5; ISSN 1897-2810
The 11th International Conference
Synanthropization of Flora and Vegetation
11-13 September 2014
Poznań & Obrzycko, Poland
Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,
Professor Bronisław Marciniak
President of the City of Poznań,
Ryszard Grobelny
Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region,
Marek Woźniak
Director of the General Management of Environmental Protection,
Dr. Michał Kiełsznia
©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
The 11th International Conference Synanthropization of Flora and Vegetation
is organized by:
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Biology:
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection,
Botanical Garden
Polish Academy of Sciences
The Committee of Botany
Polish Botanical Society
Poznań Branch
Karol Latowski (Honorary Chairman), Bogdan Jackowiak (Chairman), Jan Holeksa, Maria Wojterska,
Waldemar Żukowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland); István Dancza, András Terpó (Hungary);
Ivan Jarolímek, Marica Zaliberová (Institute of Botany SAS, Slovakia); Sergej Mochnacký (P. J. Šafárik
University, Košice, Slovakia); Sergei L. Mosyakin, Viera V. Protopopova, Myroslav V. Shevera (M. G.
Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine); Barbara Tokarska-Guzik (University of Silesia, Poland),
Adam Zając (Jagiellonian University, Poland).
Zbigniew Celka (Chairman), Elżbieta Obarska (Secretary), Natalia Olejnik (Secretary), Julian Chmiel,
Marlena Lembicz, Hanna Piotrowska, Piotr Szkudlarz (Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of
Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Justyna Wiland-Szymańska (Department of Plant
Taxonomy and Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Marek
Kasprowicz (Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Biology, Adam
Mickiewicz University in Poznań).
Plenary lectures
Oral presentations
Botanical field trip
Index of authors
©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
The 11th International Conference “Synanthropization of Flora and Vegetation”, held at
the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, is a continuation of
the meeting series of botanists, mostly, from the regions of Central and Eastern Europe,
who investigate the contemporary transformations of plant cover. This conference takes
place 20 years after the inaugural conference, which, in 1994, was organized jointly
by botanists from Hungary and Slovakia in the towns of Sátoraljaújhely (Hungarian
Republic) and Vinička (Slovakia). The subsequent conferences were held regularly,
every two years, in: (2) Tokaj (Hungarian Republic), 1996; (3) Zemplinska Sirava
(Slovakia), 1998; (4) Kraków (Poland), 2000; (5) Uzhgorod & Kostryno (Ukraine),
2002; (6) Danišovce (Slovakia), 2004; (7) Tarcal (Hungarian Republic), 2006; (8) Katowice (Poland), 2008; (9) Kamyanets Podilskiy & Boyany (Ukraine), 2010 and (10)
Danišovce (Slovakia), 2012. The present conference title was proposed during the 10th
conference in Danišovce. Previously, the participants of meetings debated under the
title “Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements. Flora and Vegetation”.
One of main roots of this conference idea dates back to the turn of the 1960s and
1970s, when, so called ‘synanthropic symposia’ were organized, mainly on the initiative of Professor Janusz B. Faliński. Being aware of this fact and remembering that
this year, the 10th anniversary of His death passes, we dedicate to this outstanding
botanist – a creator of the theory of synanthropization – a plenary session. Three oral
papers prepared specially for this occasion will be presented by the professors, who
were particularly closely connected with Prof. Faliński and His Geobotanical Station
in Białowieża.
The subject matter of this year conference concentrates on the issues that are
essential­for understanding the phenomenon of synanthropization. They will be presented during 28 oral papers and are grouped within five paper sessions: (1) anthropogenic transformations of flora, (2) anthropogenic transformations of vegetation, (3)
plant variability and microevolution in human-influenced ecosystems, (4) process and
mechanisms of plant invasion, (5) short talks about various aspects of synanthropization. These paper sessions will be supplemented with a poster session, in which 83
topics will be presented, including, the results of studies on species threatened with
Following the tradition of previous meetings of this cycle, the selected phenomena
and processes that are part of synanthropization of plant cover, will be discussed directly
in the field, in the course of a botanical field trip. This time, the trip route will lead to
the Toruń-Eberswald Proglacial Stream Valley, which was of key importance for the
postglacial natural history of Central Europe and, at present, is a place of extremely
interesting transformations of plant cover, resulting from increasing anthropopression.
On behalf of the organizers of this 11th International Conference, I wish to thank
all of our participants and, particularly, our honourable patrons and sponsors.
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Jackowiak
Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Plenary lectures
We dedicate the plenary session and lectures to Professor Janusz B. Faliński
– an outstanding Polish geobotanist and co-originator of the theory of synanthropization
of plant cover – on the 10th anniversary of His death
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Botanist on the edge: studies on ecology of plant species
and populations at the limits of geographical range.
Tribute to Professor Janusz B. Faliński (1934-2004)
Bożenna Czarnecka
Department of Ecology, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin, Poland,
Work ‘on the edge’ offers a possibility of investi­
gating species that extend to the limits of their geographical range. In the Roztocze Highlands, SE Poland,
these include mountain species. During the last 50 years,
44 taxa, i.e. 37.3% of all mountain species of the Polish­
flora, have been reported in the area. Two of them: silver fir Abies alba Mill. and ragwort Senecio rivularis
(Waldst. & Kit.) DC are the objects of detailed studies.
The analysis on Abies alba included habitat conditions in two areas of the central part of the Roztocze
Highlands: the Roztocze National Park (RNP) and four
river valleys of the right-hand tributaries of the Tanew
River, crossing the escarpment zone of the region.
The main community formed by the fir in both areas
was a mixed fir forest Abietetum polonicum, an endemic
community of the southern Poland uplands included
in the list of EU priority habitats, known as the Holy
Cross fir forest (code 91P0). In the RNP, fir forests
and other coniferous and mixed forests with fir occur at plain sites. Habitats of fir forests in river valleys
are mainly located on steep slopes, while such slopes
in the RNP are, primarily, overgrown with the Carpathian beechwood, which is totally absent from the river
valleys. The studies conducted in river valleys also
widened our knowledge about the ecological scale of fir.
Generally, in both landscape types, fir prefered mineral
soils – from oligotrophic to mesotrophic that were too
leachy for leaf species and even spruce, whereas in river
valleys it often colonized organic substrates ovegrown
with a wet mixed coniferous forest with spruce, riverside
ash-alder and bog alder forests on plain habitats in the
close vicinity of river watercourses. Senecio rivularis, an Alpine-Carpathian sub-element, extends to the north-eastern border of its range
in Poland. Its population in the RNP was known since
the 1970s of the 20th century. It inhabits a forest community of transient character between bog alder forest
and stream-line carr, with introduced Scotch pine.
Since 1987, it was an object of long-term studies. Since
then, changes in the population area were assessed
and the size structure as the status of individuals in
the changing population and community was analysed
six times (1987, 1991, 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012). A nearly 3-fold increase in the area inhabited by the population
was found and it was accompanied by changes in the
spatial organisation of the population. The size structure
of the individuals in 1987-2012 usually deviated from
normal distribution. Simple statistical measures (mean,
standard deviation, variation coefficient, skewness,
kurtosis) used in a long-term scale characterize well
the dynamics of the size structure, reflect the intensification of intra- and interspecific competition, and indicate
changes in the conditions within the population area.
Living ‘on the edge’ enables ragwort to form a metapopulation by non-standard means (hydrochory).
©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
Plenary lectures
From description of vegetation to studies on ecological
mechanisms driving vegetation structure and development –
Professor Janusz Bogdan Faliński as a phytosociologist
and a pioneer of modern plant ecology
Jan Holeksa
Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
Professor Janusz B. Faliński, from the very beginning of his scientific career in 1950s, was involved
in phytosociology, a part of geobotany. According to
the Central European paradigm of phytosociology, he
was interested in plant communities; in their internal
structure, their variability according to present and
past site conditions and their spatial arrangement in
the geographical space. Finally, he reached a position of a prominent representative of this discipline in
Europe. His favourite line of studies was geobotanical
cartography: presentation of spatial variability of vege­
tation phenomena and discovery of spatial patterns in
distribution of different vegetation elements: from plant
individuals up to plant communities. Descriptive studies
form a large part of his scientific output. But among his
papers, quite a number of experimental studies can be
found. He always strongly emphasized the significance
of permanent plots in long-term studies of vegetation
dynamics. These long-term studies on many permanent
plots scattered mainly over the Białowieża forests and its
surroundings led him to formulate in mid-1980s some
generalisations on basic phenomena shaping vegetation
dynamics, which were considered ecological processes.
Fluctuation, regeneration and succession, the three most
important processes distinguished by professor Faliński
can be linked with the well established understanding of
ecosystem dynamics according to modern forest ecolo­
gy. They are gap phase dynamics, patch dynamics and
stand replacing disturbances. These two triads, however,
cannot be understood as synonyms.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Plant invasions as a challenge for science and practice: a view
from the perspective of studies undertaken in Poland
Barbara Tokarska-Guzik
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:
It is worthwhile emphasizing that biological invasion
is currently one of the greatest global threats to nature.
These circumstances have contributed to a significant
increase in the interest of nature protection theoreticians
and activists in this problem. Already in 1950s, Kornaś
drew attention in the Polish scientific literature to the
need for research on present-day migrations of plants
which accompany humans (the so-called synanthropic
species), also regarding the practical aspects of the necessity for controlling troublesome weeds. In the following decade, Faliński introduced the term: ‘neophytism’
into Polish literature and characterised stages in this
process and a consideration of the influence of alien
plant species on existing components of the native
plant community. As a consequence, dynamic change
in floras and vegetation and its scale and rate became
the main motive for undertaking numerous investigations beginning­ with a series of papers under the title
“Studies of the distribution ranges of synanthropic
In the present talk, the main areas in the context
of the research undertaken on alien plants in Poland
(distribution, ecology and biology of the species),
the most common thematic studies (new species,
new localities, and lists of alien species), and the most
often investi­gated species, as well as tendencies over
time are outlined against the background of wider literature. However, apart from the analysis of the directions
and scope of the research undertaken in our country
devoted to plants of alien origin, the main aim of the
presentation is to draw up recommendations for essential new surveys which would create scientific bases
for practical actions and, at the same time, incorporate
Polish research into our understanding of contemporary
world trends.
To succeed in this, it is necessary to develop
and achieve acceptance of a robust system based on solid
science, with a clear invasion terminology and transparent
risk assessments which are also understood by a wider
public. In reality, because of a range of limitations,
mainly financial, we need: (i) a requirement for periodic
“changed-category review” of alien plant species; (ii) development of rules for monitoring invasive plant species
at different scales and (iii) concentration of efforts on the
species which can potentially cause the biggest losses.
Various aspects of the possible wider implications
of plant invasions are now being more often and more
widely discussed and examined, particularly in increasing number of interdisciplinary studies. Although much
has been done in Poland concerning invasive alien plant
species, we still need more effort in prevention, education and monitoring.
Oral presentations
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
“You will see the forest here...”
Forty years of secondary succession in the Experimental
Ecological Garden of Białowieża Geobotanical Station
Wojciech Adamowski1 & Anna Bomanowska2
Białowieża Geobotanical Station, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Sportowa 19, 17-230 Białowieża, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź, Banacha 12/16, 90-237
Łódź, Poland, e-mail:
Two principal methods are used to study secondary
succession: chronosequence and long-term observation of permanent plots. An example of such long-term
studies­on secondary succession are experiments conducted since 1974 on permanent plots at the Experimental Ecological Garden of the Białowieża Geobotanical
Station, University of Warsaw, initiated and coordinated
for many years by Professor Janusz Bogdan Faliński.
Initially, species composition was dominated by
short-lived plants associated with arable lands in the
case of the abandoned field and grasses, particularly
Dactylis glomerata in the case of the uncut meadow.
On the abandoned field, between years 5 and 16 of the
experiment, a significant role was played by peren­
nials, including grasses, whereas clonal perennials (first
Cirsium oleraceum and later Urtica dioica) dominated
on the uncut meadow between years 5 and 27. The first
individuals of arborescent species outgrew herbaceous
plants in year 11 of observation in both successional
series and the first trees reached the tree stand in year
13 of observation. Tree stand cover on the abandoned
field reached 50% in year 21, whereas on the uncut
meadow in year 29; recently tree stand cover reached
After forty years, in both series, succession reached
brushwood stage with domination of pioneer trees
(Salix caprea, Betula pendula, Populus tremula on the
abandoned field and P. tremula on the uncut meadow)
and increasing the share of permanent forest compo-
nents (Acer platanoides, Carpinus betulus, Tilia cordata) in the tree stand. The tallest trees were more than
20 m high, i. e. half of the height of mature forest trees
in Białowieża Forest. Recently, individuals of S. caprea
have shown signs of dieback. Permanent forest components, particularly T. cordata, C. betulus dominate in the
shrub layer. Insignificant role of Quercus robur in both
successional series is interesting; its future incorporation
into the tree stand is still unsure. In recent years, the first
forest herbaceous plants occurred under the tree canopy
(for example Convallaria majalis, Anemone nemorosa,
Isopyrum thalictroides on the abandoned field and Stellaria holostea, Ranunculus cassubicus, I. thalictroides
on the uncut meadow), whereas the cover of herb layer
decreased dramatically.
At the moment, juvenile individuals of woody taxa
are the main component of the herb layer. Results obtained up to this moment confirmed that undisturbed
secondary succession on abandoned farmland leads
from a typical segetal or meadow community to the
formation of a juvenile tree stand and allows for the
assumption that the forest will return to the abandoned
field and uncut meadow. However, the achievement
of species combination typical for a natural oak-hornbeam forest is rather improbable, because of the small
size of the study plots and encroachment of some alien
woody taxa. We expect the development of degenerative
forms of oak-hornbeam forest, connected with forest
©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
Oral presentations
Gypsophila perfoliata L. (Caryophyllaceae) – new, potentially
invasive species in Poland
Wacław Bartoszek1 & Alina Stachurska-Swakoń2
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:,
Gypsophila perfoliata L. (G. trichotoma Wenderoth)
is a species occurring in western Siberia, the Caucasus,
northern Iran, eastern Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. It
is the species spreading in Europe, mainly along railway
lines and roadsides. It occurs in anthropogenic habitats,
especially tracks, roadsides, industrial dumps, often involving highly saline areas creating its own community
In Poland, so far, it has few localities. It was
first described in 1957s from the area of Ostrowiec
Świętokrzyski. In 1960s, it was observed in the piles
of Kraków Soda Factory, where later it became missing­
due to habitat destruction. Currently, the population
of the species was found in another locality in Kraków:
in the heaps of T. Sendzimira Steelworks. In 1992,
the species was listed from dumps in the reserve “Krzemionki Opatowskie”. In 2013, it was found for the first
time in the area of the Polish Carpathians in Stróża
near Myślenice. Locality of the species in Ostrowiec
Świętokrzyski is still maintained. Similarly, the locality­
in the reserve “Krzemionki Opatowskie” has been
recently confirmed. The population in Kraków as well
as in Stróża is monitored.
So far, the occurrence of Gypsophila perfoliata in Poland is associated with anthropogenic habitats and no
information was reported about entering of this species
into semi-natural or natural communities. However, dynamic changes of numerous plant populations of foreign
origin in Poland observed in recent years call for careful
observation of this potentially expansive species.
Gypsophila perfoliata was considered in Poland,
until recently, as an ephemerophyte. In the latest study
on alien species in Poland, it has the status of epekophyte.
Genetic structure of the Hordeum murinum L. in Kraków
in relation to its genetic variation in Central Europe
Wojciech Bieniek
Department of Vascular Plant Systematics and Phytogeography, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lubicz 46,
31-512 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
The Hordeum murinum L. is a synanthropic, zoochorous, cleistogamous grass of Mediterranean origin
that commonly occurs in ruderal habitats throughout
the area of Central Europe where it is an invasive
plant. Previous studies on chloroplast DNA of the H.
murinum from Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary,
Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine revealed two haplotypes. The geographic structure of the
haplotypes in Central Europe strongly correlated with
the Main European Watershed: the area of Poland and all
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
of the remaining areas in the Baltic Sea and the North
Sea drainage basins were colonized exclusively by only
one of those haplotypes (HT I), whereas both haplotypes
(HT I and HT II) were found in the Black Sea drainage
basin. Thus, it was shown that the geographic structure
of the synanthropic plant was formed by some natural
factors, whereas human activities, such as long distance
transportation of seeds, did not influence the migration
of H. murinum in a noticeable way, as it could be expected.
Then the genetic variation of H. murinum in Kraków
was analyzed to investigate if the wide-scale pattern
was accurate and to assess the human impact on long
distance seed transportation. Seventy eight specimens
representing twenty six populations of H. murinum were
analyzed by means of PCR-RFLP markers. The results
indicated the presence of HT II in Kraków, but also
the overwhelming dominance of HT I (90% of specimens). Thus, it was shown that the long-distance transportation of seeds from the south affected the genetic
structure of H. murinum in Kraków.
The project was funded by the National Science
Centre grant no. DEC-2011/01/D/NZ8/05407.
Artemisia pollen seasons in a changing environment
of a big city
Paweł Bogawski1*, Łukasz Grewling1, Agata Frątczak2 & Bogdan Jackowiak1,2
Laboratory of Aeropalynology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland,
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland
Artemisia pollen grains are known to be an important cause of allergy reactions in Central Europe with
prevalence exceeding 15% among sensitized inhabi­
tants. In Poznań, the most common Artemisia species
are A. vulgaris and A. campestris. Lately, on the basis
of phenological observations, we documented that
A. vulgaris pollen dominated in the first part of the
pollen season (from the middle of July to the middle
of August), whereas A. campestris was a major pollen contributor in the second part of the pollen season
(second fortnight of August). Both Artemisia species
are ruderal plants growing frequently on human-transformed sites e.g. construction places, roadsides, and
disturbed soils. In recent years, marked transformations
in land-use together with distinct changes in climatic
conditions (mainly increase in summer temperatures)
were observed in Poznań. All these changes might affect
the Artemisia pollen concentrations in the air.
The main aim of this work was (1) to examine
possible trends in Artemisia sp. pollen concentration,
(2) to compare pollen concentrations in two periods
of the pollen season attributed to different Artemisia
species, and (3) to indicate possible triggers affecting
pollen concentrations of A. vulgaris and A. campestris. Pollen concentration measurements were performed daily from 1996 to 2013 (city center, CC) and
from 2005 to 2013 (city outskirts, CO) in Poznań
by means of Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap. Possible trends of pollen season parameters and meteorological variables­ were examined by Mann-Kendal
test and Sen’s method. Pearson­ correlation coefficient
was used to relate the pollen totals to precipitation
and temperature. We also assessed land-use patterns
using historical dataset of satellite and aerial images
from Google Earth dated from 24 May 2001.
Artemisia pollen season at CC advanced (-1 d/yr,
p<0.01), lengthened (+1.7 d/yr, p<0.01) and the seasonal
pollen total decreased (-77 p/yr, p<0.05). The pollen
totals (recorded at CO) attributed to A. vulgaris were
significantly higher than in A. campestris (1243 and 419
pollen m-3, respectively, t test p=0.003). A. vulgaris pollen totals at CO were positively correlated with the air
temperature in April (r=0.80, p<0.01) and precipitation
in June (r=0.69, p<0.05). We did not find any significant
relationships between A. campestris pollen totals and
precipitation or temperature.
The relatively stable pollen totals in A. campestris
pollen season in comparison with A. vulgaris (coefficient of variation, CV=0.25 and CV=0.52, respectively)
Oral presentations
may indicate that the pollen production in A. campestris
was less susceptible to meteorological conditions than
in A. vulgaris. The lack of significant correlations with
the temperature and precipitation seems to confirm A.
campestris resistance to meteorological conditions.
Otherwise,­ the variations in A. campestris pollen
production can be masked by land-use changes which
markedly affected Poznań CO in recent decades.
Environmental monitoring: a tool for assessment of degree
of transformations and efficient conservation of synanthropic
Anna Bomanowska1 & Izabella Kirpluk2
University of Łódź, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, Banacha 12/16,
90-237 Łódź, Poland, e-mail:
University of Warsaw Botanic Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail:
The obligation to monitor the environment is imposed by the Nature Conservation Act. It also results
from the European Union legislation and international
conventions, mainly the Convention on Biological
Diversity and Habitats Directive.
In Poland, under the State Environmental Monitoring
Programme, monitoring has, so far, been carried out of
natural habitats and plant and animal species listed
in annexes to the Habitats Directive, with a particular
consideration of Special Areas of Conservation in Natura 2000 sites. However, for the needs of biodiversity
conservation in Poland, the scope of monitoring should
be wider and include habitats and species not listed
in the Annex of Habitats Directive, e.g. synanthropic
communities which are today undergoing rapid and irreversible changes and becoming threatened with extinction.
An opportunity to implement this in practice
emerged in 2013 when Kampinos National Park commissioned development of a methodology and performance of monitoring for two types of synanthropic
habitats within the Park area, i.e. segetal communities
from the Stellarietea mediae class, and ruderal communities from the Artemisietea vulgaris subclass.
Based on orthophotomaps, maps of actual vegetation, analyses of available data and field pilot research,
10 sites were chosen for each of the two types of habitats where, in 2013, monitoring plots were established
and observations carried out. Observations were carried
out according to the recommendations specified in the
State Environmental Monitoring Programme, with
specific adjustment to the monitored habitats. We used,
for example, modified indices for specific structures
and functions, e.g. by introducing the parameter “archaeophytes”, which was also adopted as a cardinal
index for synanthropic habitats, and a more detailed
definition of “alien invasive species” parameter, because
some of them were species characteristic or distinguishing for syntaxonomic units.
The lecture presents the objectives, scope and organizational aspects of monitoring, a description of the research procedure, including its assessment for use
in synanthropic habitats and the key findings from
the performed monitoring, including the evaluation
of the conservation status of habitats covered by the
monitoring, and evaluation of effects of influencing
The results of the monitoring carried out on segetal
and ruderal habitats can be used for the assessment
of their conservation status in Kampinos National Park,
including the need for efficient conservation, especially
to indicate specific active conservation measures.
Importantly, this is the first proposal for the standardized monitoring of synanthropic habitats and, thus,
it will be revised in future in line with new experiences
and new findings.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
A large-scale survey of genetic variation and genome
evolution within the invasive Reynoutria complex
Katarzyna Bzdęga1, Agnieszka Janiak2, Tomasz Książczyk3, Elwira Śliwińska4 &
Barbara Tokarska-Guzik1
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:,
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland,
Department of Environmental Stress Biology, Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Strzeszyńska 34, 60-479 Poz­
nań, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Plant Genetics, Physiology and Biotechnology, University of Technology and Life Sciences, Al. Kaliskiego 7, 85-789 Bydgoszcz, Poland, e-mail:
The taxa from the genus Reynoutria: R. japonica, R.
sachalinensis, originating from Asia, and their hybrid
R. ×bohemica are some of the most troublesome alien
invasive species in Europe and North America, particularly dangerous to riparian ecosystems. Simultaneously,
these taxa constitute a unique model system for the
creation of hybrids and the initiation of evolutionary
processes in an invaded range. The aim of the study was:
(i) to examine the level of genetic diversity using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers
in selected populations of three Reynoutria taxa from
Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Slovakia in comparison
with Japan, (ii) to identify marked chromosomes in all
taxa using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
with rDNA sequences, and (iii) to establish genome
size and ploidy level in the knotweed species using flow
cytometry (FCM).
The results showed presence of genetic diversity
within all taxa, including genetic diversity between individuals of R. japonica, from selected Polish populations
which were considered to be genetically uniform in entire Europe, because they were introduced as a single
female clone. The variation in ploidy among individuals of R. japonica and within hybrids was confirmed.
Among R. japonica, individuals octoploids (2n=88;
2C=8.48pg) were the ones which dominated, while
hexaploids (2n=66; 2C=6.51pg) dominated within R.
×bohemica plants. All individuals of R. sachalinensis
were hexaploids (2n=66; 2C=6.01pg). Chromosome
identification and dynamics of chromosome re-arran­
gements was necessary to understand the evolution
of a genome in the Reynoutria complex. Within
the chromosome complement of R. japonica, R. sachalinensis and R. ×bohemica, physical mapping of 5S
and 18S–5.8S–26S rDNA (35S rDNA) loci provided
markers for 16 out of 88 chromosomes, 13 out of 66
chromosomes and 10 out of 66 chromosomes, respectively. Assignment of known chromosomal markers
to corresponding parental genomes in their hybrid R.
×bohemica is in progress. To date, genetic variation,
ploidy level and genome size, and the chromosome
complement of the Reynoutria complex in Poland
in comparison with European population and population
from native range have been worked out.
The study was supported by the Polish Ministry
of Science and Higher Education (N N305 384738
of 2010-2014).
Oral presentations
Plant species diversity associated with invasive Reynoutria
taxa in riparian vegetation
Damian Chmura1, Gabriela Woźniak2, Barbara Tokarska-Guzik3, Teresa Nowak3,
Agnieszka Błońska2, Katarzyna Bzdęga3, Barbara Ziemer2 & Małgorzata Szary2
University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, e-mail:
University of Silesia, Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: gabriela.wozniak@,,,
University of Silesia, Department of Plant Systematics, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail:
Invasive plant species influence the resident species, communities and ecosystems in many ways. They
may reduce species richness and abundance of native
biota and decrease their local species diversity, although
individual habitats vary considerably in their susceptibility to invasion. Riparian habitats are especially valuable ecological communities with high species richness
and are identified as habitats with value for nature conservation. These particular habitats, together with other
waterside habitats, are the most endangered and most
easily invaded by alien invasive plants. In many riparian
habitats, the Reynoutria taxa individuals are common invaders. The description and quantification of differences
caused by closely related alien taxa such as Reynoutria
on the diversity of riparian vegetation resident species
is presented. For this purpose, analysis of the studied
vegetation based on the participation of species with
similar morphological and ecological characters (Plant
Functional Groups (PFG)) was performed. The use
of the concept of PFG-s in studies on invaded communities provides a pragmatic approach which will make
it possible to implement links between traits of species
and community and/or ecosystem functional structure.
The aim of the present study was to determine
whether there were differences in the species diversity,
particular in terms of the structure of plant functional
groups of accompanying species, between patches of
riparian vegetation dominated by R. japonica, R. sachlinensis and R. ×bohemica, respectively We hypothesized
that presence of the three Reynoutria taxa studied caused
differences in the composition of plant functional groups
which the associated species represented.
The expectation was that the structure of plant
functional groups of species accompanying the R.
×bohemica dominated riparian patches would be most
different in terms of all the analysed features as the hybrids were known to possess the best invasive abilities.
However, the results suggest that the functional composition of riparian patches dominated by Reynoutria
japonica was the most distinctive when compared with
the composition of patches dominated by R. ×bohemica
and R. sachalinensis.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Vascular plant, bird and moss – where and why do they meet
in anthropogenic landscape?
Joanna Czarnecka1, Ignacy Kitowski2, Anna Rysiak1 & Robert Zubel3
Department of Ecology, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Maria-Curie Skłodowska University, Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin, Poland,
State School of Higher Education in Chełm, Pocztowa 54, 20-100 Chełm, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Botany and Mycology, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Maria-Curie Skłodowska University, Akademicka 19,
20-033 Lublin, Poland, e-mail:
The Blackbird (Turdus merula) is one of widespread
breeder and very numerous birds in Poland. It was,
primarily, a forest species which colonized cities in the
20th century and, presently, is one of the most abundant
breeding bird species in urban parks, graveyards and other brushwood of urban landscape. It is broadly known
that the Blackbird disperses fleshy-fruited plant species
endozoochorously, but it also takes part in secondary
dispersal of seeds with nest material as it incorporates
some amount of soil into the nest. It disperses mosses
which are frequently used as the nest lining as well.
The goal of our work was to study the role of the
Blackbird in seed and moss dispersal in habitats with
different land-use patterns. We studied seed bank
(seedling emergence method was applied) and moss
species present in 51 nests of the Blackbird which
were collected in the following habitat types: (1)
urban habitats (in medium-sized towns of Zamość
and Chełm and a small town of Rejowiec Fabryczny);
(a) city centres with moderately high-density housing,
backyards and lawns mown with different frequency
(N = 11); (b) ruderal habitats in urban landscapes with
spontaneous vegetation on formerly disturbed industrial
areas which can be divided into two groups: with prevailing abundance of herbaceous vegetation and with
dominance of brushwood in close surroundings of nests.
They were often adjacent to roads or railway tracks
(N = 16); (2) agrocoenoses where nests were usually
placed in orchards (frequently abandoned) and brushwood surrounded by arable fields, meadows and fallow
lands (N = 12); (3) forest habitats which were treated
as primary habitats of the Blackbird (N = 12).
We recorded seeds of 98 taxa of vascular plants
(Stellaria media, Urtica dioica and Poa annua were
the most abundant and frequent) and we found 19 species of mosses with Oxyrrhynchium hians and Brachythecium rutabulum present with the highest frequency.
Although seed dispersal by birds with nest material
seems to be a stochastic process, the same cannot be
said about the moss dispersal. The two most frequent
moss species were pleurocarpous and formed mats
called ‘wefts’, which were characterized by a loose
intertwining of straggling shoots, which stuck up and
arched over each other in different directions. Probably
these loose mats were easy to collect for birds, and due
to their structure were often used as a lining.
The role of the Blackbird in seed dispersal seems
to be more important in anthropogenic habitats.
The mean number of seedlings and plant species
was lower in nests coming from forest habitats (seedlings – 146/1000 g of nest dry weight, species – 5) than
in the case of three other habitat types (agrocoenoses
– 253 and 7 respectively, urban ruderal habitats – 348
and 8, city centres – 335 and 11). Recorded differences
were statistically significant for mean species number
(Kruskal-Wallis test: H = 9.302, P < 0.05).
Oral presentations
Dynamic trends of alien woody plant species in Poland
Władysław Danielewicz & Wojciech Szwed*
Department of Forestry Natural Foundation, Faculty of Forestry, University of Life Sciences, Wojska Polskiego 71D, 60-625 Poznań, Poland,
About 260 species of trees and shrubs occur naturally in Poland, and at least 10 times more non-native
woody plants species are cultivated. A list of alien
taxa with the ability for spontaneous propagation
in botanical gardens and parks, in urban and rural areas
and in the woods is compiled based on many years
of field observation and on the data from literature.
The attempt was made to classify these plants in terms
of the degree of settling in different environmental
The following division of the species was used:
Group I: species producing self-seedings, does
do not arise generation plants able to reproduce the generative, or those for which there is no reliable information on the development of self-seeding
Group II: species with self-seedings transformed
into a generation of plants capable of generative reproduction, sustained only for anthropogenic habitats
(botanical gardens, parks, cities) and, therefore, outside
the shrubs and forest communities;
Group III: species transformed into a self-seeding
generation plants capable of generative reproduction,
persistent habitats unchanged or slightly changed
by man, in natural or semi-natural communities (forests,
Among nearly 400 species on that list, most of the
trees and shrubs were non-native species without permanent population which ephemeral appearing of selfseedlings were found most frequently in the dendrological collections. About 35% of the species showed
the ability to develop self-seeding in the generation
capable of further generative reproduction. In the forest
environment, approximately 20% of the analyzed taxa
was permanently naturalized. They were predominantly
species introduced into forests within of acclimatization
experiments and for production objectives, biocenotic
and phyto-melioration. A large part of them remains
in few places, only in those places where they have been
previously entered. A few species considered invasive
in Poland were grown on a commercial (economic)
scale in the lowland forests of many regions of the
Due to the long development cycles of woody plants,
knowledge of the dynamic tendencies of alien trees
and shrubs should be periodically updated. It is, in fact,
a fairly large group of species recently introduced into
cultivation which can show the ability for spontaneous
propagation from seeds in future.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Alien species of American origin on the cranberry plantation
in Belarus
Maxim Dzhus
Belarusian State University, Biological Faculty, Nezavisimisty Ave. 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus, e-mail:, dzhus.
In 2010-2014 on cranberry plantations in Belarus
(Gantsevichi, Pinsk, Berezovsky districts of Brest
region, Lelchitsy district of Gomel region), a complex
of naturalized alien species of North American origin
was found. Primary introduction (seeds and vegetative
parts of plants) with exported cranberry from Wisconsin
(USA) took place thrice: in 1982, 1983 and 1985 during­
the organization of new plantations in Gant­sevichi
and Pinsk districts. Further spread on the territory
of Belarus and Russia occurred with the planting stock
mainly from Gantsevichi experimental base.
Among the mentioned 30 species, 17 were new
in Belarus and 14 new and well-established aliens in
Eastern­ Europe: Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.,
Carex crawfordii Fernald, Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns et Poggenb., Penthorum sedoides
L., Triadenum fraseri (Spach) Gleason, Hypericum
canadense L., H. ellipticum Hook., H. mutilum L., Truellum sagittatum (L.) Soják, Lysimachia terrestris (L.)
Britton, Sterns et Poggenb., Lycopus uniflorus Michx.,
Eutrochium maculatum ( L.) E. E. Lamont, Campanula
aparinoides Pursh, Cicuta bulbifera L.
Some species: were found on the plantations with
high abundance and were characterized by significant
invasive potential: Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H. St.
John, Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth, Agrostis hyemalis
(Walter) Britton, Sterns et Poggenb., Penthorum se­
doides, Triadenum fraseri (Spach) Gleason, Hypericum
canadense L., H. mutilum L., Ludwigia palustris (L.)
Ell., Truellum sagittatum (L.) Soják, Bidens frondosus
L., Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt., Cicuta bulbifera
Correct determination of several collected species
requires further clarification: Stellaria longipes Goldie,
Viola pallens (Banks ex Ging) Brainerd, Myriophyllum
farwellii Morong, Symphyotrichum ontarione (Wiegand) G. L. Nesom, Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelm.)
Synanthropization of the thermophilous fringe communities
(Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei) in Ukrainian Polissia
Dmytro Iakushenko
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Zielona Góra, Z. Szafrana 1, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland, e-mail:
Thermophilous fringes are semi-natural plant communities, a sort of “filters”, that typically form a border with
stable forest communities (on one side) and with other
semi-natural or anthropogenic plant communities (on the
other side). Therefore, we can expect significant involvement of synanthropic species in their structure. The thermophilous forest fringes (Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei T.
Müller 1962) are critically important for the maintenance
Oral presentations
of the biodiversity level in agricultural landscapes.
The dataset consists of 183 phytosociological relevés containing 321 vascular plant species. In Ukrainian
Polissia, the communities of the class are represented
by 3 alliances: meso-xerophilous and xerophilous
fringes on the margins of thermophilous oak and oakpine forests (Geranion sanguinei Tx. in T. Müller 1962,
76 relevés), meso-subxerophytic shady fringes on the
margins of mesic forests and scrubs (Trifolion medii T.
Müller 1962, 56 relevés), and fringes on acidic sandy
soils (Melampyrion pratensis Passarge 1979, 51 relevés).
The extent of transformation of the plant communities was estimated by the calculation per relevé of
the synanthropization index (the proportion of apophytes and anthropophytes relative to the total species
number) and of the adventization index (the proportion
of anthropophytes relative to the total species number).
The total number of synanthropic species in the
dataset was 79 (24.6%). Among apophytes (67 species,
20.9%), the most frequent were Achillea millefolium
L. (66%), Dactylis glomerata L. (37%), Carex hirta
L. (27%), Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg. (25%),
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski (22%), and Geum urbanum
L. (17%). Within anthropophytes (12 species, 3.7%),
the most frequent were kenophytes: Impatiens parviflora DC. (12%) and Erigeron annuus (L.) Desf. (10%).
Surprisingly, the share of the species which seemed
to be a fringe-associated species in the region (Saponaria officinalis L. and Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.) did
not exceed 1% for each species. Probably, the plots with
a considerable cover of this species were excluded from
the survey already at the stage of field research.
In total, the synanthropization index for individual
relevés varied in a wide range (from 0-4.0 to 44.1-65.0).
For the alliances, the synanthropization index changed
from 26.9 (Geranion sanguinei) to 19.8 (Trifolion medii)
and 18.9 (Melampyrion pratensis). The adventization
index was relatively low: it varied from 4.0 (Geranion
sanguinei) to 2.1 (Trifolion medii) and 2.5 (Melampyrion pratensis).
The thermophilous forest fringes in Ukrainian Polissia, in general, are moderately synanthropized. The tendency of transformation due to increasing nitrification
and progression of neophytization is observed more
and more often.
Field crops in the modern period in Central Poland.
Grain and weed diaspores from the grange in Pomorzany
Joanna Koszałka* & Joanna Strzelczyk
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Rubież 46, 61-612 Poznań, *e-mail:
During the archaeological excavations carried out in
the former grange in Pomorzany, in one of the buildings
dating back to the 17th-18th century, certain amount of
charred grain was discovered. Discovering a source
material like this allowed for archaeobotanical research,
which is the subject of this paper.
According to historical sources, during the operation of the farm in Pomorzany manor in the 17th-18th
century, cereals were the main crop plants grown in
peasant farms and manors on the Polish territory.
Prevalence of cereal crops was typical for agriculture
of that time and for a crop-fallow three-field system.
The three-field system provided balance between
winter and spring crop sowing, however due to rather
harsh climate and unfavourable soil conditions only
one type of crop could be favoured. The major crop at
that time was rye, then oats, barley and wheat. Millet
and foxtail were relatively less important. The present
research and Pomorzany farm archeobotanical findings
confirm most of the above information. The analysed
material included 24,760 diaspores representing 71
taxa. The characteristic feature of this finding was the
predominance of cultivated cereal crop species, and
the abundance of accompanying segetal weed species.
About 95% of the gathered crop material was Secale
cereale. Another important crop was Hordeum vulgare
and there were also some remains of Avena sativa,
Triticum aestivum and Setaria italica. In addition, the
remains of Fagopyrum esculentum, Cannabis sativa
and Linum usitatissimum were found as well. Weeds
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
contaminating grain were, among others, the following
species: Agrostemma githago, Raphanus raphanistrum,
Apera spica-venti, Bromus secalinus, Centaurea cyanus,
Spergula arvensis, Thlaspi arvense, Viola arvensis/
tricolor, Fallopia convolvulus, Polygonum persicaria,
Mentha arvensis, Anthemis arvensis, Papaver rhoeas,
Rumex acetosella, Scleranthus annus, Aphanes arvensis, Setaria pumila, Setaria viridis/verticilata. These
species occur mostly in both spring and winter crops,
being usually annuals, surviving the winter in form of
seeds and developing in the next growing season along
with crops. Extremely large participation of wild plant
diaspores in the material allows to conduct economic
and environmental reconstructions. On the basis of ecological requirements of individual plant species, there is
a high probability of restoration of habitat conditions for
crops, as well as agronomic practices used in the past.
Reconstruction methods applied, used primarily in case
of macro remains from granaries, are fully applicable
to the analysed plant residues. Weed species composition in the analysed material shows that they are mostly
typical for the main winter crop. There have also been
found some amount of species typical for other habitats,
and they probably come from the near-by rye field. The
presence of perennial diaspores indicates that the field
was probably set-aside.
Interesting findings of the vascular plants in the railway
junctions of southeastern Slovakia
Jana Májeková1, Marica Zaliberová1 & Vladimír Jehlík2
Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, e-mail: jana.majekova@savba.
V Lesíčku 1, 150 00 Praha 5 – Smíchov, Czech Republic
Railways provide suitable conditions for spreading
and potential establishment of plant species, both native
and alien. Detailed research on the flora and vegetation
in selected railway junctions of southeastern Slovakia
was performed by V. Jehlík in the second half of the 20th
century. We repeated the research in years 2012-2013
(in April, July, August). We studied presence and distribution of native and alien vascular plants in railway
stations and transshipment yards in Čierna nad Tisou, Dobrá, Veľké Kapušany, Maťovce, and Košice.
We recorded species that is new for the Slovak flora
– Euphorbia davidii; it is native to North America
and it was introduced to Slovakia through the Eastern
migration route, probably from Ukraine. We found
the second locality of the alien species Grindelia squarrosa and Gypsophila perfoliata in Slovakia. We also
recorded presence of several interesting alien species,
e.g. Centaurea diffusa, Geranium sibiricum, Chorispora tenella, Lactuca tatarica, Lepidium perfoliatum.
Some threatened segetal archaeophytes, namely Adonis
aestivalis (with the category of threat LR:nt), Cyanus
segetum (LR:nt), Erysimum repandum (VU), Nigella
arvensis (VU), and Veronica triphyllos (VU), were
also quite frequent in these localities as their seeds
are transported with cereal grains. Archaeophyte species Tribulus terrestris (EN) and neophytes Geranium
purpureum and Senecio vernalis are recently spreading
along railways not only in eastern Slovakia but also
in warm areas of entire Slovakia. Surprisingly, we
found the native species Ceratocephala orthoceras
which was considered to be extinct in Slovakia.
Oral presentations
Species distribution models as tools for the Heracleum
mantegazzianum s.l. management in Poland
Piotr Mędrzycki* & Izabela Sachajdakiewicz
University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Olszewska 12, 00-792 Warsaw, Poland, *e-mail:
Species Distribution Models (SDM) are the most
recent and widely used family of methods applied
for mapping current and predicting future distribution of species. They attempt to explain and predict
species presence/absence or abundance using various algorithms: regression-based, generalised linear,
additive and mixed models, discrimination analyses,
classification trees, support vector machines, artificial
neuron nets, regression trees, random forests, boosted
trees or maximum entropy algorithms. There are also
ensemble models, averaging the results of many single
Advantages of SDMs are: easy parametrization
through an initial learning phase and clear assessment
of predictor importance. The biggest disadvantage
is that they are statistical models, i.e. contrary to structural equations models or individualistic models, they
do not simulate biological processes. SDMs are basically single scale models, i.e. they rely on spatial resolution
of predictors or on sampling strategy of modelled species. SDMs are also static, i.e. they analyse and predict
a momentary relation between predictor and response.
A serious limitation of the use of SDMs for biological invasion modelling is the equilibrium assumption,
i.e. the requirement that the modelled space is optimally occu­pied by a given species. However, this is not
the case in early phases of biological invasions which
are the easiest to manage. There have already been attempts to apply SDMs in such cases by incorporating
probability of colonisation into the model.
Here, we present the application of SDMs for analysing and forecasting the range of Heracleum mantegazzianum s.l. (HM) in Poland. There have been
many attempts to quantify the actual and future range
of HM. The logistic regression was used in Britain
and Denmark. The cellular automata were used
for modelling the local spread in Germany. The bioclimatic envelope was used to model the potential range
in Europe.
Looking for the most simple and efficient model,
capable of predicting the HM distribution on the country level, we used the ensemble models implemented
in the R package Biomod 2. As the response data,
we used the 2013 country-wide data set gathered during
the National Census of Giant Hogweed, as the source
for probability of colonisation – the 2011 data for Poland, and as predictors – a freely available set of over
100 environmental predictors prepared by T. Hengl.
The computed models, projections and forecasts were
used to answer various management questions: where
is HM supposed to occur now and where could it
be found in a few years’ time? where can new populations of HM appear? what is the HM potential range
in Poland?
Finally, we discuss the possible use of the models
in management at different spatial levels: from country to a land lot, and how to deal with the processes
ongoing in different spatial and temporal scales without losing the greatest advantage of all the models:
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Cereal stubble communities in East Slovakia
Sergej Mochnacký
Botanical Garden of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Mánesova 23, 043 52 Košice, Slovakia, e-mail:
The paper presents the results from a study of cereal
stubble communities in East Slovakia in the years 20032005. These results represent the first information on
cereal stubble communities in East Slovakia after more
than 55 years of absence of stubble fields suitable for
investigation into agrophytocoenoses in East Slovakia. There were determined 7 associations belonging
to 6 unions of the class: Stellarietea mediae R. Tx.,
Lohmeyer­ et Preising in R. Tx. ex von Rochow 1951
and subclass: Violenea arvensis Hüppe et Hofmeister
ex Jarolímek et al. 1997:
Ordo: Centaureetalia cyani R. Tx., Lohmeyer et
Preising in R. Tx. ex von Rochow 1951, Union: Caucalidion lappulae (R. Tx. 1950) von Rochow 1951 (1)
Kickxietum spuriae Krusem. et Vlieg. 1939, Union: Sherardion Kropáč et Hejný in Kropáč 1978 (2) Aethuso-­
Galeopsietum G. Müller 1964, Union: Veronico-Euphorbion Sissingh ex Passarge 1964 (3) Veronicetum
trilobae-triphyllidi Slavnić 1951; Union: Scleranthion
annui (Kruseman et Vlieger 1939) Sissingh in Westhoff
et al. 1946 (4). Trifolio arvensis-Scleranthetum annui
Morariu 1943;
Ordo: Atriplici-Chenopodietalia albi R. Tx. (1937)
Nordhagen 1940, Union: Spergulo-Oxalidion Görs in
Oberd. et al. 1967 (5) Panico-Chenopodietum polyspermi R. Tx. 1937; union: Panico-Setarion Sissingh
in Westhoff et al. 1946 (6). Stachyo annui-Setarietum
pumilae Felföldy 1942 corr. Mucina 1993;
Ordo: Eragrostietalia J. Tx. ex Poli 1966, Union:
Eragrostion R. Tx. ex Oberd. 1954 (7) Hibisco-Eragrostietum Soó et Timár 1957.
Every cloud has a silver lining – a good face
of synanthropization (?)
Arkadiusz Nowak1, Marcin Nobis2, Paweł Kojs3, Magdalena Maślak3 &
Małgorzata Gębala4
Department of Biosystematics, Laboratory of Geobotany & Plant Conservation, Opole University, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
Silesian Botanical Garden, Mikołów, 43-190 Mikołów, Poland, e-mail:,
Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Opole, Obrońców Stalingradu 66, 45-512 Opole, e-mail:
According to the commonly accepted definition,
synanthropisation of plant cover means past and present
changes of vegetation caused by human activity. As it
was proposed by Faliński, the process of man-made
changes in plant cover could be divided into several periods: pre-, proto-, poli-, meta-, eu-, and pansynanthropisation. In recent years, however, the raising awareness
and concern regarding plant conservation brought about
Oral presentations
a significant increase in many success­ful conservation
actions undertaken by humans. These positive changes
in vegetation and flora are also due to human activity,
so, they perfectly fulfil the definition of synanthropisation (synanthropos – related to man). In Poland,
as well as in whole Europe, almost countless actions
and measures considering population supplementation,
population augmentation, restocking, enhancement,
subspecific substitution, ecological substitution, assisted
migration, managed relocation, conservation translocation, floristic restoration, restoration of novel (invented)
ecosystems, habitat rehabilitation and many others were
implemented. For many years, apart from the classic in
situ conservation, also ex situ and inter-situ techniques
were introduced. So, is it fair to assess human beings
and their present activity in relation to plant cover solely
in negative context? Analysing the conservation efforts
in several regions of Poland, we argue that the synanthropisation has only one, bad side for the vegetation.
We propose to add also the post-synanthropisation
period to the Faliński’s order which should be characterised as an era of conscious and reasonable conservation
actions based on sound knowledge of botany, ecology
and gardening aiming at reversing the degeneration
of spontaneous and native plant cover. At least, it should
stop the extinction of plant diversity.
The peculiarities of transformer group
in the Ukrainian Polissya
Vira Protopopova & Myroslav Shevera*
M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Tereshchenkivska 2, 01601 Kiev, Ukraine, *e-mail:
The aim of the present work was to survey transformer species of the Ukrainian Polissya (Forest zone
of Ukraine). This study is a sequel to the research on this
subject on regional level.
Substantial differences between Left- and RightBank parts of the studied Region were observed.
The alien fraction species of the Left-Bank regions
of Polissya had higher species diversity and wider
distribution. Influence of the Forest-Steppe zone
and Central European (Central-Russian) uplands
was noted. In floro-genetic spectra, the species of East
Mediterranean and Iran-Turanian origin prevailed.
The species of Middle European origin as well as the
species associated with mountainous areas of Southern Europe, Western Mediterranean, the Balcans and
Caucasus and some mesophytes of North American
origin were characteristic for the Right Bank regions
of Polissya. The distribution of the alien species
in Polissya was promoted by land-reclamation which
caused substantial changes in the species composition
and ecosystem structure.
As a result of the studies on the invasive potential
of the alien fraction species, eight transformers common for both regions of Polissya were selected, e.g.
Amelanchier­ ovalis Medik., Echinocystis lobata (Michx.)
Torr. & A. Gray, Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier &
Levier, H. sosnowskyi Manden., Impatiens glandulifera
Royle, I. parviflora DC., Reynoutria japonica Houtt.,
Robinia pseudoacacia L. All species were ergasiophytes;
three species were introduced in the Region at the
end of the 19th century and five – in the second half
of the 20th century. However, their active distribution
and incorporation into natural coenoses started at the
end of 20th century was characterized by a short period
of naturalization. The occurrence of the transformer species in anthropogenic, semi-natural and natural ecotopes
and plant communities of the Polissya and its impact
on the native flora were analysed. Some species formed
plant communities of different ranks. The river bank
habitats showed the highest invasion level in the Region.
The distribution map of the transformer species
in the region was prepared. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Alien plant species distribution in the surroundings
of selected mountain huts in the Beskidy Mts.
Adam Snopek
Department of Geoecology, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30, 00-927 Warsaw,
Poland, e-mail:
The study concerns the occurrence of alien species in plant communities in the surroundings of eight
mountain huts situated among the montane forests in the
Polish part of the Beskidy Mts. Preliminary observations resulted in focusing on the common nettle Urtica
dioica atypical for surveyed plant communities and the
giant hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum, non-native
to Poland. Inventory based on radial transects from
the particular huts, using the bonitation method, allo­
wed creation of species occurrence maps.
The distribution of those species on the study sites,
clearly related to the use of tourism infrastructure,
was not recognized as a significant threat to forest
biodiversity in the surveyed area.
Archaeophytes in Lower Silesia (SW Poland)
after hundred years of research
Ewa Szczęśniak & Remigiusz Pielech
Department of Botany, University of Wrocław, Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław, Poland, e-mail:,
Species introduced before the 15th century (archaeophytes) make the oldest group of alien plant
species in the flora of Central Europe. Their long-term
coexistence with cultivated plants resulted in evolution of new taxa and made them a valuable part of local biodiversity and landscape. Almost all of them
are terophytes and week competitors colonizing only
disturbed areas. For a long time, this group of plants was
not evaluated in categories of threat because of foreign
origin and methodological problems concerning classification. In Poland, this group consists of 165 taxa
and, for the first time, was evaluated according to IUCN
categories of classification in 2009.
Our research of archaeophytes was conducted
in Lower Silesia (SW Poland) in years 2010 to 2014. The
main aim was to recognize current status and dynamical
tendencies of regional flora of archaeophytes.
We proposed a standardized method of determination of the level of threat to archaeophytes in regional
scale. Decrease of regional range, current area of occu­pancy and number of sites are the most valuable criteria.
In this group of plants, global range and projected decrease in numbers of sites seem to be useless due to its
correlation with unpredictable impact of human pressure. The conducted analyzes indicated a group of 70
endangered archaeophytes (50% of all noted in the
region). The most endangered were segetal weeds. Majority of species associated with ruderal or both ruderal
and segetal habitats was not threatened.
We also analyzed general distribution of archaeophytes in the region to estimate areas of the highest
number of archaeophyte species, areas of the highest
factor of their extinction and areas with the best survived
flora of these weeds. The richest flora of archaeophytes
Oral presentations
was associated with black soils and calcareous clay
in lowland, and non-acid soils (rendzinas, pararendzinas, some forms of brown soils) in lower parts of the
the Sudetes. Nowadays, the best preserved flora of
archaeophytes could be observed in areas of extensive
cultivation: the Sudetes foothills and in areas of the
poorest soils in the lowland. The number of stands of ar-
chaeophytes classified as endangered decreased in the
middle of the 20th century, slightly increased in the time
of economic crisis in ‘80s-‘90s and started to decrease
once again in the 21st century; the total number of their
sites decreased from ca. 3 050 in the period 1860-1903
to ca. 685 in the period 2001-2014.
Morphological and cytological diversity of goldenrods
(Solidago L.) from south-western Poland
Magdalena Szymura1, Tomasz H. Szymura2 & Agnieszka Kreitschitz3
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, pl. Grunwaldzki
24A, 53-363 Wrocław, Poland, e-mail:
Mountain and Polar Ecosystems Laboratory Department of Ecology, Biogeochemistry and Environmental Protection, Wrocław University,
pl Maksa Borna 9, 50-328 Wrocław, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Plant Morphology and Development, University of Wrocław, Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław, Poland
Invasive plants are defined as widespread nonnative species that produce reproductive offsprings,
often in huge numbers, and which have the potential
to spread over a large area. Several studies have focused
on the reasons why invasive plants are more efficient
in colonization of new areas than other plants. However,
the mechanism of invasion still remains unclear. Since
the colonisation is controlled by two factors: competitiveness and dispersion ability, such life traits as plant
height and inflorescence size are frequently mentioned
as ensuring alien species effective invasion.
Exceptionally successful worldwide plant invaders
are species from the Solidago genus. In central Europe,
five representatives of the Solidago genus are found.
Only one species (S. virgaurea L. agg.) is native, while
the other four are of American origin: S. gigantea Aiton,
S. canadensis L., S. altissima L. (S. canadensis var.
scabra (Muhl.) Torr. and Gray) and S. graminifolia (L.)
Elliot. Three of the introduced taxa (S. gigantea, S. canadensis and S. altissima) are invasive and morphologically similar to each other. The range of S. graminifolia
is, so far, limited to few locations in Europe. The taxonomical status of Solidago species occurring in Europe
is still discussed. Particularly, the taxonomical status
of S. canadensis and S. altissima is unclear.
The aim of the presented study was comparison
of the morphology (concerning life traits) and cytology of Solidago species occurring in Central Europe.
These traits were examined against the background
of environmental variables. The Solidago taxa were
surveyed on the basis of sampling plots arranged in 10
x 10 km regular grids, covering ca. 30,000 ha in Silesia
(SW Poland). Among 324 inspected plots, Solidago
species were present on 241. For detailed study, 84 sampling plots were randomly selected to ensure similar
number of samples for each taxa. The measurements
of the height of ramets, length and width of inflorescences, as well as the number and size of leaves were
taken for 10 ramets per plot. Seeds from the studied
populations were also collected and, subsequently,
they were germinated and observations of chromosome number were made. The diploid number (2n=18)
for Solidago altissima, S. canadensis, S. graminifolia
and S. virgaurea and tetraploid (2n=36) for S. gigantea
were determined. Leaves form 40 populations were
collected to assess DNA content (5 plants per population, 200 samples, in total). Measurements were taken
using the flow cytometric analysis. Significant differences were found in case of Solidago altissima and S.
canadensis populations. Due to the possibility that the
observed differences were the effect of hybridization
or diversity within the species, additionally, detailed
measurements of flowers (length and width of capitulum, and the length of disc and ray florets) as well as
leave shape were taken for these two taxa.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Does the landscape structure allow prediction
of plant invasion?
Tomasz Szymura1 & Magdalena Szymura2
Department of Ecology, Biogeochemistry and Environmental Protection, University of Wrocław, pl Maksa Borna 9, 50-328 Wrocław,
Poland, e-mail:
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, pl. Grunwaldzki
24A, 53-363 Wrocław, Poland, e-mail:
Spatial pattern of occurrence of invasive plant
species is not random. There are both areas highly infected as well as areas harboring only limited number
of neophytes. Among causes of this diversity, there
are differences in land use, landscape structure, climate
and socio-economic factors. Knowledge about the influence of these factors on plant invasion is in high demand,
since it may be helpful in elaborating models enabling
better understanding of invasions. In Central Europe,
one of the most successful invaders comprises species
belonging to Solidago genus, originating from North
America. In this study, we present the results of our
analysis concerning the influence of landscape metrics
(land use classes, patch number and size) on the distribution of invasive Solidago species. We put forward
a hypothesis that probability of occurrence of alien
Solidago species can be modeled using landscape
structure as a predictor. The data come from our original
field surveys performed on the basis of regularly placed
sampling plots in Silesia, Poland (Solidago distribution) and CORINE land cover 2006 map (landscape
structure). We studied the landscape influence in three
nested spatial scales: large (ca 75 km2), medium (ca.
12 km2) and small (ca. 0.7 km2). Since we assumed that
different factors can operate at different scales, and the
interactions can be hierarchically spatially nested
and nonlinear, we used classification and regression
tree methods (CART) as a highly flexible tool suitable
to examine such data.
The decline of anthropozoogenous community of Potentillo
albae-Quercetum. Case study of “Dąbrowy Obrzyckie”
Natura 2000 site
Maria Wojterska1 & Katarzyna Wiszniewska2
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, e-mail:
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Biology, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań
The tendency of decline of patches of thermophilous
oak forest phytocoenoses is generally known already for
over 20 years. The synthesis of Jakubowska-Gabara has
confirmed the phenomenon in the area of whole country.
In that time in the region of Obrzycko (Wielkopolska)
were stated patches, which were not bearing any signs
Oral presentations
of degeneration, as compared to other objects in the
region, where the deterioration of the state documented
in earlier studies has lead either to significant degeneration or to the total disappearance of the community.
The good state of patches, thoroughly documented,
inspired creation of a series of permanent plots to study
the dynamics of community. The area was designed as
nature reserve in 1998 and in 2005 as Natura 2000 site
for protection of 91I0 priority habitat.
Documentation gathered on permanent plots indicates that this area also underwent negative transforma-
tions resulting in: expansion of kenophytes (Impatiens
parviflora, Padus serotina), development of undergrowth of spruce and beech exerting negative influence
on the habitat, spread of nitrophytes (Urtica dioica),
decline of diagnostic species, especially of Campanula
In the protection scheme of the nature reserve and
of the Natura 2000 site have been proposed the experimental reintroduction of grazing and removal of alien
tree species as remedy for ongoing degeneration.
The relationship between successional vascular plant
assemblages and associated microbial communities
on coal mine spoil heaps
Gabriela Woźniak1, Anna Markowicz1, Sławomir Borymski1, Zofia PiotrowskaSeget1, Damian Chmura2 & Lynn Besenyei3
Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: wozniak@,,,
Institute of Environmental Protection and Engineering, University of Bielsko-Biala, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, e-mail:
Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Volwerhampton, Wulfruna 1, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY, e-mail:
The aim of the study was to investigate relationships between vascular plant species and associated
soil microbial properties at various stages of vegetation development on unclaimed hard coal mine spoil
heaps in Upper Silesia (south Poland). The spontaneous vegetation, soil chemistry as well as the activity
and structure of microbial communities were recorded
on this specific habitat. The colliery heaps were divided
into four age classes and plant species composition
and cover abundance were recorded on the established
plots (2x2m). The soil microbial activity under vegetation patches was assessed using fluoresce in diacetate
hydrolytic activity (FDHA) and the soil microbial
biomass and community composition were determined
by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers. Total
microbial biomass in soils from the older vegetation
plots was significantly higher than those in soils from
the younger plots. In all studied samples, microbial
communities consisted, primarily, of bacteria with the
dominance of Gram negative bacteria over Gram positive and aerobic microorganisms were more dominant
than anaerobic ones. Statistical analysis revealed a correlation between the type of vegetation and microbial
community structure.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Certain regularities in the distribution of kenophytes
in the Polish Carpathians and their foreland
Maria Zając & Adam Zając
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:,
The Polish Carpathians and their northern foreland
are a rewarding object for kenophyte distribution research. Cartogram maps with 2 x 2 km grid were used
for research purposes. A general regularity could be observed there that these plants were being eliminated with
increasing terrain altitude. Only few of them entered
the lower positions of lower montane zone. This regularity also covered the species which reach significant
altitudes in the mountains of their native lands. A number of species penetrated into the Carpathians through
rivers and streams. Several factors were responsible
for that. River valleys generate many open habitats
which are easily colonized by kenophytes, because
of the lack of competition. In the Carpathians, towns
used to be established in mountain valleys which was
also the factor of kenophyte propagation. It is obvious
as valleys are situated underneath their surroundings.
Presentation of the ranges in the Polish Carpathians,
including their foreland, enabled the group of species to be traced which did not enter the Carpathians;
moreover, it made it possible to discover possible
migration routes into the area covered by the research.
Certainly, it was possible only for those species which
had not filled the whole available area yet. It was also
an important issue to indicate the most dangerous invasive species.
Mycorrhizal status of Molinia caerulea on heavy metal
contaminated and non-contaminated sites in Upper Silesia
Barbara Ziemer1, Łukasz Małkowski2, Agnieszka Błońska1, Wojciech Bąba3,
Agnieszka­Kompała-Bąba1, Teresa Nowak2, Edyta Sierka1, Małgorzata Szary1
& Ewelina Roszkowska1
Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28,
40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail:,,,, mszary@,
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:,
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Lubicz 46, 31-512 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
Wastes connected with zinc and lead industry
are extremely harsh substratums for plant growth.
They contain high levels of heavy metals, lack organic
matter and are characterized by low porosity resulting
in unfavourable air-water conditions. One plant that
successfully colonizes these sites is Molinia caerulea,
a diagnostic species of moist meadows (the Molinion
alliance) and wet coniferous forests (the Molinio-
Oral presentations
Pinetum). Successful survival and growth of plants
on heavy metal contaminated sites is greatly dependent
not only on the abiotic properties of the soil but also
on the activity­ of microbial populations. Symbiotic
fungi are often suggested to improve plant establishment under harsh conditions as mycorrhizal symbiosis
reduces negative effects of stresses caused by unfavourable edaphic conditions.
The aim of the study was to determine and compare
the mycorrhizal status of Molinia caerulea in chosen
areas connected with zinc and lead industry and in moist
grasslands. The results revealed differences in the level
of mycorrhizal colonization depending on the type
of the habitat which was lower on heavy metal contaminated sites.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Expansion of adventive plant species in Velykodobron`skiy
Reserve (Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
Eva Andrik, Erzsébet Kohut & Andrea Keresztyén
II. Rákóczi Ferenc Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, 90202 Berehovo 6 Kossuth Square Ukraine, e-mail:, kohute@,
Velykodobron`skiy Reserve, of state value as a part
of Regional Landscape Park “Prytysyansky”, is located
in the floodplain of the lower reaches of the Latoritsa River in the Transcarpathian Lowland. In this
site, the vegetation is formed by floodplain forests
and meadows,­ providing habitat for a number of rare
plant species (Fritillaria meleagris, Leucojum vernum,
L. aestivum etc.). Such rare environment types as the
riparian natural willow-poplar and alluvial oak-elm-ash
forests and alluvial meadows of river valley are protected here. In 2013, sites of Chomonyn forest tract situated in close proximity to the village of Velykiy Dobron
were studied. The aim of the studies was to establish
the participation of invasive and potentially invasive
alien plant species in communities of different habitat
types in the Reserve.
In the studied area, 9 habitat types were identified:
oak-hornbeam forests, oak-elm-ash alluvial forests, willow-poplar floodplain forests, willow thickets, planted
forests, alluvial meadows, banks of canals, dams and
deforested areas. In these habitats, 14 species of alien
plants were identified that pose a threat to the vegetation
of these biotopes: Acer negundo, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Asclepias syriaca, Conyza canadensis, Echinocystis
lobata, Erigeron annuus, Fallopia japonica, Helianthus
tuberosus, Heracleum sosnovskyi, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Solidago canadensis,
Solidago gigantea, Xanthium italicum.
In the investigated territory, the most aggressive species were: Helianthus tuberosus (projective cover about
70 %), Fallopia japonica (up to 60%) and Heracleum
sosnovskyi (up to 50%), species that were distributed
in willow-poplar floodplain forests, Conyza canadensis
(up to60%) and Erigeron annuus (up to 60%) in defores­
ted areas, and Helianthus tuberosus (up to 50%) along
the banks of canals. No invasive species were found
in the oak-hornbeam forests. Almost in all the habitat
types, with the exception of only one, the presence
of Acer negundo, Conyza canadensis and Erigeron
annuus was noted.
Acer negundo invasion to the most valuable habitats
such as flood meadows leads to a significant transformation of this vegetation; the species is noted in all
the floors of plant communities. Afforestation of the
meadows leads to shading and changes in the floristic
composition of the grass layer. Most alien species were
observed along the canals, 11 species of different cover
were growing there, and this was the only habitat where
Asclepias syriaca thickets were found.
Thus, we can conclude that invasions of alien plant
species occurred not only in anthropogenically transformed areas of the reserve, but also far away from
the settlements of the reserve tract; however, in certain
proximity to the canals within the tract.
©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
The emergence of new localities of Orobanche bartlingii Griseb.
in the Silesian-Cracow Upland as a result of the spreading
of Libanotis pyrenaica (L.) Bourgh. due to changes in land use
Beata Babczyńska-Sendek, Agnieszka Błońska & Izabela Skowronek
Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28,
40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail:,,
During the last few decades, many cultivated fields
and grazed grasslands have disappeared in the SilesianCracow Upland. Therefore, abandoned lands occupy
now a large area there. As a result of these changes, some
plant species have significantly increased the area of occurrence. Libanotis pyrenaica is one of them. In many
places it begins to behave like an expansive species.
In the Cracow-Częstochowa Upland Libanotis pyrenaica occurred mainly in open rock grasslands. After
the cessation of grazing, it spread on slopes of hills
and in many places created huge phytocoenoses. It penetrated also fallow lands at the foot of the hills and often
formed extensive phytocoenoses there. In the Silesian
Upland, L. pyrenaica occurred only in mesoregions
where Triassic limestones were a substrate. The area
of patches with mass share of this plant was usually
huge, the largest could be found in the eastern part
of the Tarnowskie Góry Ridge, south-east of Katowice
Steelworks. They developed here on fallow lands,
ungrazed grasslands, railway embankments as well
as on roadsides. Recently, L. pyrenaica spread also
in the central part of the Tarnowskie Góry Ridge, where
it especially occupied abandoned fields and sometimes
entered xerothermic grasslands.
Orobanche bartlingii parasitized Libanotis pyrenaica.
The first report of its occurrence in Poland (Ojców
National Park) was published in 2001. Then, the next
information about the occurrence of this plant in other
parts of the Cracow-Częstochowa Upland, the Silesian Upland as well as the Kielce Upland appeared
in literature. In recent years, in the area of the Silesian
and Cracow-Czestochowa Upland, further stands of O.
bartlingii were found. This led to the conclusion that
currently this parasitic plant was spreading in the Polish Highlands due to frequent and abundant occurrence
of Libanotis. As an anemochory species, it can spread
over long distances.
The relevés made in phytocenoses with the participation of Libanotis pyrenaica and Orobanche
bartlingii (xerothermic grasslands, abandoned fields
and roadsides) allowed us to perform their floristic
characteristics. The analysis of Ellenberg indicator
values showed that patches differed in terms of the
share of species with different soil moisture, fertility
and pH requirements. The ordination of relevés on the
DCA diagram showed that the floristic composition
of these phytocoenoses was also determined by differences in local species pool.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
The synanthropic flora of Człuchów against anthropogenic indexes
Wanda Bacieczko & Agnieszka Borcz
Department of Meteorology and Landscape Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Jana Pawła VI 3A, 71-459 Szczecin,
Poland, e-mail:,
Examinations concerning the synanthropic flora
of the built-up areas (cities, towns, smaller settlements)
are characterized by the long-lasting tradition. They
have been the object of interest of naturalists for many
years and the process of synanthropization has been
the subject of many examinations of botanists.
The aim of the study was to identify the entire flora
of Człuchów vascular plants and to show its characteristics. Observations and field research of Człuchów
vascular flora were conducted during the vegetation
period in years 2008-2011 using the itinerary method.
Floristic data, their different analyses and classifications
were the materials of this article. All taxons except those
cultivated were analyzed. Also indexes of anthropogenic changes of the flora were calculated.
550 species of vascular plants and 53 cultivars were
identified in the area of Człuchów. They represented
2 divisions, 4 classes, 98 families and 342 genera.
Seed plants were a dominant group – 545 taxons
(99.1%). On the basis of analysis of the examined flora
regarding Raunkiaer life forms, dominant participation of hemicryptophytes representing 44.8% of the
whole flora (170 species) was shown. Also terophytes
were a numerous group (81 species – 21.3%). Forms
of sprouts lasting are connected with the spectrum of life
forms. Perennials were the most numerous group among
them (42.2% of the whole flora). Analysis concerning
sociological-ecological spectrum showed domination
of phytosociological affinity species (360 species,
94.9%). The other 19 taxons (5.1%) were without
phytosociological rank. Groups belonging to classes
representing anthropogenic geographical-historical
groups of the examined flora showed domination of the
autochtonic species – 288 taxons were found (75.9%
of the whole flora). Apophytes represented 44.8%
among them; however, nonsynanthropic spontaneophytes represented 31.1%. Species of allochthonous
origin (anthropophytes) were found relatively seldom
(91 species – 24.1% of the whole flora). In connection
with predominant number of synanthropic spontaneophytes in the flora of Człuchów, the level of apophytization of the spontaneophytes reached 59.0%. It affected
high indexes of the total synanthropization (68.8%)
and of the permanent synanthropization (67.4%)
and it also showed anthropogenic changes at the level
of flora and its adaptations shown as progressive synanthropization. Considerable habitat and phytocoenotic diversity and also low degree of anthropopressure
of some areas of Człuchów affected its floristic richness
and biodiversity.
Kenophytes in the flora of vascular plants at the edges
of the complexes of fish ponds in the northern part
of the Oświęcim Basin
Monika Beszczyńska-Padło
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology and Earth Science, Institute of Botany, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography and
Herbarium, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, e-mail:
The purpose of the speech is the presentation
of a part of the results of floristic field research conducted on the basis of the cartogram method ATPOL.
Research was carried out in the northern part of the
Oświęcim Basin in 2013 and 2014., Among others,
complexes of fish ponds which are an essential element
of the Oświęcim Basin landscape were studied. During
the census of the flora of the test area, an increase in the
share of foreign origin plant species was observed at the
outskirts of complexes of fish ponds in relation to the
data from the 19th and 20th centuries. The occurrence
of 144 species of synanthropic plants was reported
of which 58 species were apophytes, 47 species were
classified as kenophytes and 39 species as archaeophytes. The most abundant species populations were
kenophytes: Echinocystis lobata, Impatiens parviflora,
Solidago canadensis, S. gigantea and Reynoutria japoni­
ca. They were brought to our attention due to the fact
that they were a group of invasive plant species in our
country. In the study area, the occurrence of numerous
such species posed a threat to native plant species.
Consorts connection of woody plants and xylomycobionts
on the border of the Right Bank Polissya and the Right Bank
Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (Kiev region)
Olena Blinkova & Oleksandra Ivanenko
Institute for Evolutionary Ecology National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 03143, Kiev, Lebedeva 37, Ukraine, e-mail: elena.blinkova@,
Consorts connection of woody plants and xylotrophic fungi in forests on the border of the Right Bank
Polissya and the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
(Kiev Region) was analyzed. We investigated structures
of tree vegetation and xylomycobionts (mycorrhizal,
parasitic and wood-destroying fungi) at various levels.
These included: a) vitality, age, sanitary structures
of Betula pendula Roth, Pinus sylvestris L., Quercus
robur L.; b) species, systematic, trophic structures of 46
species of fungi which refer to 33 genus, 22 families,
8 orders of Ascomycota divisions (class Leotiomycetes)
and Basidiomycota (class Agaricomycetes).
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Alien invasive vascular plants species in the city
of Stargard Szczeciński (NW Poland)
Anna Bordiuk
Department of Botany and Nature Conservation, Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, Z. Felczaka 3c, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland,
The city of Stargard Szczeciński is situated in the
north-western part of Poland, at the Ina River in West
Pomeranian Voivodship and has about 70 thousands
residents. Studies on the vascular flora of the city have
been carried out since 2011 using the cartogram method,
accordingly to ATPOL assumptions (with basic unit
of 1x1 km square).
To date, approximately 800 species of vascular plants
have been recorded. Analyzed flora is characterized
by a large share of foreign origin taxa. So far 30 invasive
species have been found, such as: Reynoutria japonica
Houtt., R. sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Nakai, Echinocytis
lobata (F. Michx.) Torr. and A. Gray, Sisymbrium altissimum L., Sisymbrium loeselii L., Impatiens parviflora
DC., Impatiens grandulifera Royle, Bides frondosa
L., Juglans regia L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Padus
serotina (Ehrh.) Borkh., Quercus rubra L., Rosa rugosa
THUNB., Conyza candensis (L.) Cornquist, Heliantus
tuberosus L., Solidago canadensis L., Solidago gigantea
Aiton, Veronica filiformis SM.
Invasive herbs along a railway track Hajnówka-Topiło
in the western part of Białowieża Forest
Lidia Borkowska1, Rafał Łapok2 & Kai Jensen2
Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, Siedlce University of Natural Science and Humanities, B. Prusa 12, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland,
Applied Plant Ecology Department of Biology University of Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18 22609 Hamburg, Germany, e-mail: rafał
The Central European vegetation landscape is a
result of a mix of impacts due to plant colonization
after the last glacier period and anthropogenic cultural and industrial imprint. The majority of species
had to migrate into the “new land” after the retraction
of glacier and formed new plant communities.
At least 2 thousand years before the Neolithic
Revolution, Central Europe brought sustainable changes
and synanthropization of young plant communities.
The next big anthropogenic impact occurred in the
“Industrial Age” and lasted, intensified by globalization,
to this date.
The Primeval Forests of Białowieża, located on the
pass to Eastern Europe are the last woody landscape with
still preserved intact and natural character. The fraction
of anthropogenic elements and the rate of naturalization according to foreign plant species are here very
low comparing with other woody landscapes in Europe.
This area is a unique investigation field of foreign plant
invasion into the intact plant associations.
This study deals with invasive herb species along
11 km apron of narrow-track rail penetrating natural
woody communities in the western part of Białowieża
Forest. The whole distance was divided into 416 tran-
sects expanded with a four-meter wide stripe on both
sides of the track to cover the embankment and the
ecotone. The occurrence of foreign herb species was recorded for every transect corresponding to variable plant
The floristic mapping detected a series of foreign
herbs which seem to distribute, depending on hosting
plant associations varying along the apron, on soil types
and light conditions. We discovered 18 foreign taxa
and four of them: Carex brizoides (Zittergras-Segge),
Impatiens parviflora (Small Balsam), Parthenocissus
inserta (Thicket Creeper) and Rudbeckia laciniata
(Cone Flower) invaded into the natural plant communities. This observation confirms records made by other
Ecological and geographical preferences of liverwort
Aneura pinguis inferred from isozyme data
Katarzyna Buczkowska*, Patrycja Gonera & Alina Bączkiewicz**
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, e-mail: *androsac@, **
Aneura pinguis (Jungermanniidae, Marchantiophyta) is a species of liverwort which frequent occurs in Europe. In Poland it is common from the lowlands to the
highlands, and grows in various habitats: on calcareous
rocks, basic humus, peat bogs, wet sands at lakeshores,
and fallen decorticated logs. However, the species
is sensitive to eutrophication of its habitat. Isozyme
studies have revealed that A. pinguis is a complex species. Up to now, five cryptic species tentatively called
A, B, C, D and E have been distinguished within the A.
pinguis complex. Three of them occur abundantly
in Poland (A, B, C). The aims of this study were to
analyze the allozyme variability of A. pinguis species
A, B and C in order to estimate their genetic diversity
and describe their geographic distribution and ecological preferences in Poland.
The total of 1652 of the A. pinguis complex individuals from different regions of Poland were studied.
Based on allozyme data, we determined 1169 specimens
of A, 340 – of B and 140 – of C. They were surveyed
for variation in 12 putative gene loci. The highest genetic variation within populations (HS) was determined
in species A, and the lowest in species B. Species A had
the highest number of alleles per locus (A), the poly-
morphic loci (P) and number of genotypes (G). The
mean genetic distance (D) between the cryptic species
was 1.3393. The highest genetic variation within populations (HS) was in species A, and the lowest in species
B. In species A and C, genetic diversity within populations was higher than between populations, whereas
in species B, genetic diversity between populations
was higher than within populations.
Genetic studies showed that the species A was
most common; it occurred mostly in the Western Carpathians. Species B was most frequent in the Eastern
Carpathians. Species C was the rarest; it appeared both
in lowlands and in mountains, but mainly in lowlands.
Individual species of the A. pinguis complex also
differed with respect to habitat preferences. Species
A, occurring in mountains, grew mainly on calcareous
rocks, rock detritus or soil, and sometimes on humus.
Species B preferred clay soil in the Bieszczady Mts.,
but on humus or rotten wood in lowlands. Species
C appeared on various substrata, depending on locality:
in mountains on clay soil, while in lowlands on humus.
This work was financially supported by grant
no. 2011/01/B/NZ8/00364 from the National Science
Centre, Poland.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
New locality of the grass-leaved goldenrod Solidago
graminifolia (Asteraceae) in the Carpathians
Krystian M. Budzik* & Alina Stachurska-Swakoń
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, *e-mail:
The grass-leaved goldenrod Solidago graminifolia
(L.) Elliott. is one of the goldenrod species which, in the
19th century, were introduced from North America to Europe as ornamental plants. There are three introduced
Solidago species in Poland: S. gigantea, S. canadensis,
S. graminifolia, while the only native species is S. virgaurea. The grass-leaved goldenrod came at a similar
time as the two introduced species mentioned above,
but it does not have such a strong tendency to spread
and has the lowest rate of colonization of the Solidago
species (Weber, 2001). In the area of Poland, it occurs
in Silesia, occupying ruderal habitats, mainly former
industrial wasteland.
In 2012, a new locality of the grass-leaved goldenrod was found in the village of Paleśnica (Gmina
Zakliczyn, Małopolska Province) in the central part
of the Rożnów Foothills in the Carpathians. The population consisted of about 20 flowering shoots, growing
in a roadside ditch at the edge of a forest. This location
shifts the boundary of the species in Poland in the east.
Monitoring of the population conducted in subsequent
years (2013-2014) indicates its good condition.
Alien species in the flora of the “Bagna” peat land near
Chlebowo (Wielkopolska region)
Zbigniew Celka1, Piotr Szkudlarz1, Natalia Olejnik1 & Maciej Jędrzejczak2
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland,
Geobotanical Section, Scientific Circle of Naturalists, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
The largest complex of peat lands in Wielkopolska,
“Bagna” near Chlebowo is situated about 40 km north
of Poznań, in the eastern part of the Notecka Primeval
Forest. It constitutes a depression surrounded from the
North, West and South by dune embankments and by
transitional marshland and meadows from the East and,
partially, from the South. A few houses are situated in
the north-eastern boundary of the discussed complex.
The “Bagna” peat land near Chlebowo underwent
a strong human influence from the beginnings of the 19th
century. The area was drained by a system of ditches
and canals. The lowering of the water level allowed peat
exploitation but it also caused destruction of the peat
land. Digging out of peat was carried out with differing
intensity for a number of years, initially by hand and,
later on, with the assistance of various types of diggers
and strippers.
Up to the beginning of the 21st century, the total of
about 400 vascular plant species were determined on the
discussed area, of which 59 belonged to anthropophytes­
(approx. 15%). Dominating majority among alien
species were plants which occurred only sporadically
characterized by negligible resources. They were found
to occur, primarily, on arable lands and ruderal sites
located at edges of the complex. They could also be
found in the central part of the complex, sporadically
on and along roads, as well as on small, local garbage
dumps established as a result of recreational and touri­
stic utilization of this region. Roads crossing the center
of the marshland in a number of places appeared to be
particularly attractive for anthropophyte expansion.
In places, these roads were made of mineral, foreign
materials brought in together with wastes and rubbish
from areas adjacent to the peat land.
Majority of 30 archeophytes and half of kenophytes
observed here were characterized by a zero degree of
expansiveness. Only a few kenophytes exhibited greater
than others tendencies for expansion in systems specific
for marshland. These included, among others: Bidens
melanocarpus, Epilobium adenocaulon, Juncus macer,
Padus serotina, Picea excelsa and Robinia pseudacacia.
Aronia ×prunifolia is a serious ecological problem
in the area of the Chlebowo complex. Its occurrence
is associated, mainly, with small dust roads leading to
the main roads through which peat is driven away as
well as with birch scrubs. At the beginning of the 21st
century, first sites were observed on peat as well as in
pine coniferous forest.
New species of anthropophytes in the flora of Wielkopolska
Julian Chmiel
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland,
Among 700 thousand of floristic data collected during the long-standing floristic studies in the area of NE
Wielkopolska, these that concern species not recorded
in Wielkopolska so far and only sporadically noted
in Poland, such as: Glyceria striata, Lathyrus aphaca,
Melilotus wolgica are of special importance.
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc., a species originating
from North America, was observed in Poland for the first
time in the Częstochowa Upland (1989). Subsequent
reports came from the Białowieża Forest (2002) as well
as Jędrzejów Plateau and Maków Beskids (2012).
A locality situated in the Długi Bród Forest District
(Gniezno District) was the fifth known locality of this
species in Poland.
Melilotus wolgica Poir. in Lam. originates from
the steppes of south-east Europe and western Asia.
In Poland, the species was recorded in 10 localities,
in the following order: Szczecin (1937), Cikowice
on the Raba, Medyka (1967), Opole (1971), Zawadzkie,
Racibórz (1976), Strzelce Opolskie, Kędzierzyn Koźle
(1981) and Warszawa – between Kawęczyn and Rembertów (1987). In 2010, large populations of this species
were noted in the area of the former brown coal mine
in Gosławice (Konin District).
The third species, Lathyrus aphaca L., originates
from south Europe. It is thought to be connected with
calcareous and segetal habitats (Caucalidion alliance).
It was noted in the sidings of Podstolice railway station
(Września District). This is the first recording of this
species in Wielkopolska. So far, it was reported mainly
from southern Poland: Lower Silesia (1900; 1931;
1932); Opole Region (1981; 1987); Gliwice (1988);
Kraków Kobierzyn (2011), as well as Szczecin, Kamień
Pomorski (1937) and Gdańsk (1898).
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Ergasiophytes in old cemeteries in the Wielkopolska region
Aneta Czarna
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Botany, Wojska Polskiego 71c, 60-625 Poznań, Poland, e-mail: czarna@up.poznan
Research on vascular flora of abandoned cemeteries
was initiated by me in Poland in 2001, in three Protestant and one Jewish cemeteries in Wielkopolska. Many
of the vascular plants recorded there could be classified
as ergasiophytes. As defined by Naegeli & Thellung
(1905), ergasiophytes (Er) are alien plant species
cultivated and introduced intentionally, which are permanently naturalized in parks, gardens, and cemeteries
but do not spread to other sites. More detailed field
research was conducted in 2005-2014 in about 2450
old cemeteries (Protestant, Jewish, Roman Catholic,
Orthodox, and multi-denominational) in the Wielkopolska region. Only cemeteries that are no longer used,
or are now very rarely used for burial, were taken into
account. On the basis of my research, a complete list
of the permanently naturalized ergasiophytes in Wielkopolska and Poland has been compiled, including
414 species. Among the 1438 vascular plant species
recorded in old cemeteries in the Wielkopolska region,
29% are ergasiophytes. They are the largest group
of anthropophytes, which accounts for 53% of their
total number. This indicates that about half of introduced plant species, even when neglected, are able
to survive and reproduce for many years. Three groups
of ergasiophytes can be distinguished: Er1 = primary
ergasiophytes (cultivated plants introduced before
1945); Er2 = secondary ergasiophytes (introduced
to cultivation relatively recently, in 1945-2000); and Er3
= latest ergasiophytes (introduced into cultivation after
the year 2000). As many as 98 of the ergasiophytes
found in cemeteries are new to the flora of Poland.
This study was partly supported by the National
Science Centre, Kraków, Poland (grant no. NCN
Occurrence of alien species on grasslands in the Sudeten Mts.
Marta Czarniecka & Zygmunt Kącki
University of Wroclaw, Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław, Poland, e-mail:,
The expansion of non-native species is one of the
most important ecological problems relating to the conservation of biodiversity. Relations between the occur­
rence of alien species and the species composition
of meadows are poorly recognised aspects of these
valuable plant communities. The expansion of nonnative species in meadows has a clear correlation with
changes of land use.
The primary objective of the study was to understand: (1) the frequency of non-native species occurrence in meadow communities in the Sudeten mountains, (2) the gradient variation of meadows and native
species habitat preferences. Phytosociological data
were collected using Braun-Banquet method. Selection of plots was performed on the basis of a numerical terrain model made in GIS software using vector
layers, including information on where grassland areas
occurred in the Sudeten Mountains. In order to obtain sample plots, grid squares of 10 km side length
were applied. From each square, five point locations
in meadow areas were randomly selected. Around each
point, we built a buffer in the shape of a circle with
a radius of 250 m. Within these buffers, two nested
plots were established from where phytosociological
data could be collected. Additionally, habitat descriptions were gathered as well as information referring to
the occurrence­of the presence of trees, roads and other
landscape elements.
According to the preliminary results of the present­
study, we can assume that Solidago canadensis, Solida­
go gigantea and Lupinus polyphyllus were the most
widely distributed alien species in meadow communities­
of the Sudeten Mts. Second conclusion is that there
were differences in the type of meadows preferred
by neophyte and the presence of alien species was affected by land use type and meadow surroundings.
Expansion of American maples (Acer saccharinum)
in Central Europe
Wojciech Doroszewicz
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Institute of Regional and Global Studies, Department of Geography of
Development and Spatial Planning, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail:
The North American silver maple (Acer saccharinum) and boxelder (A. negundo) have been cultivated
in Europe for a long time. They appeared, for the first
time, at the turn of the 17th and 18th century in the
gardens of Great Britain, but only towards the end
of the 19th and, especially, in the 20th century they were
often planted in parks, along streets and alleys. They
both originate from American riparian communities
and are well adapted to growing in variable conditions
typical for this habitat. They have similar ecology: they
are short-lived, fast-growing, heavily-germinated tree
species; they begin seed production at a very early stage
and produce seed crops every year. But at this moment,
only the boxelder can be treated as an aggressive, invasive alien plant.
This research points to the difference which, perhaps,
does not allow intense expansion of the silver maple on
new territories, namely, the plant’s immunity to desiccation of seeds and short period of germination. Additionally,
the date of fruiting falls on high growing­season making
germination of seeds and survival of saplings very difficult. Nevertheless, A. saccharinum should be considered
as an expansive alien species which appears in seminatural and natural forest communities. Probably, silver
maple has only just started its invasion in Europe which,
perhaps, will not be as extensive as that of A. negundo.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Morphological and site diversification of Anthoxanthum aristatum
Boiss. populations occurring at European borders
Maria Drapikowska1, Piotr Szkudlarz2, Zbigniew Celka2, Barbara Andrzejewska1
& Bogdan Jackowiak2
Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Poznań University of Life Sciences, Piątkowska 94C, 61-691 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:,
Department of Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:,,
Anthoxanthum aristatum (Poaceae) is an annual
plant which can be found in the Atlantic Ocean part
of Western |Europe as well as in sites separated from
its continuous range along the Mediterranean Sea and
in Central Europe. In Poland, it is treated as an invasive
species spreading from the west.
Comprehensive comparative investigations were carried out of A. aristatum populations collected in differing
sites at edges of its range in Europe. The experimental
material was gathered in Spain (the province of Galicia)
from a natural site (mountain sward) and anthropogenic
sites (along roads and grapevine cultivations) as well
as from central-eastern Poland (arable field).
The performed comparative morphological analysis
carried out with the assistance of multivariant statistics
revealed statistically significant differences between
the examined populations and a distinct difference
of Spanish populations. In addition, significant differen­
ces were also found between populations derived from
the western edge of the range in Spain. The population
from a ruderal site (roadside) was characterised by a clear
dissimilitude both in relation to the population from
the grapevine cultivation and from the mountain sward.
Results of soil analysis showed that Polish populations grow on oligotrophic sites. On the other hand, A.
aristatum sites situated within its natural range are more
fertile and, at the same time, more varied with respect
to soil parameters. Values of available potassium
(K) from sites in Spain were higher in comparison
with the respective values derived from sites situated
in Poland. Available nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) from
trampled sward were characterised by much higher
values than the remaining ones. On the other hand,
N and C values determined on a segetal site (grapevine
cultivation) only slightly exceeded vales obtained from
field sites in Poland.
Synantropization of Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea class
in Ukraine
Dmytro Dubyna*, Tetiana Dziuba & Svitlana Iemelianova
M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Tereshchenkivska 2, 01601 Kiev, Ukraine, *e-mail: geobot@
Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea class in Ukraine consists of 56 associations belonging to seven alliances
and four orders. In total, the communities amount to
657 species. Among them, 156 species from 37 families
and 111 genera are synanthropic. The general synanthropization index of Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea
coenoses is 23.7%. Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae,
Polygonaceae, Poacea, Apiaceae, Chenopodiaceae,
Caryophyllaceae and Scrophulariaceae united 75.6%
species form a spectrum of leading families of synanthropic coenoflora fraction. Persicaria, Rumex
and Bidens are the principal synanthropic genera.
Apophytes prevail by origin and comprise 106 species (67.9% from total quantity) which belong to 75
genera and 27 families. The general apophytization
index of Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea communities
is 16.1%. By adaptation degree to anthropogenous factors among apophytes the euapophytes prevail (45.2%)
which affirms extra­ordinary anthropogenous disturbance of the class coenoses. Part of hemiapophytes
and casual apophytes is the same and is 32% everyone. The adventitious fraction consists of 50 species
belonging to 43 genera and 22 families. The general
adventitization index of Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea
communities is 7.6%. By adventition time, kenophytes
prevail (62% of fraction composition). Archae­ophytes
constitute 38% of the total quantity of non-aborigines.
The ratio between these groups is 1:1.6. Such distribution confirms active replenishment of floristic com-
munity composition by adventitious species at present
time. By the naturalization degree, epecophytes mainly
prevail (72%). The proportion of agriophytes is 28%,
of ergasiophytes – 10%, of ephemerophytes – 6% and
of hemiepecophytes – 4%. Among the adventitious
species of Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea coenoflora,
species of American origin prevail (30%). Species
origina­ting from Asian floristic centres constitute 28%,
from the Mediterranean – 28%, from Europe – 10%.
To identify the anthropogenous transformation degree
of Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea communities indicators
of archeophytization, kenophytization, modernization
and flora instability were used. The general index of archeophytization amounted to 12.2%, of kenophytization
– to 19.8%. The index of flora modernization was 62%
indicating a considerable change of specific composition in favour of eukenopytes and species-transformers.
The instability flora index of Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea coenoses was 1.2%. The most invasive ability
was charactered to 25 species. Among them, Ambrosia
artemisiifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Bidens frondosa,
Conyza canadensis, Salix fragilis, Xanthium albinum
were species-transformers. They had the highest invasive potential. They were naturalized at the phytocoenotic level, actively renewed populations and had mass
expansion in the natural ecotops under human impact.
Rare species, whose population development was affected, were especially vulnerable to the influence of
transformers and also to unique swamp phytocoenoses.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Invasive species on the territory of the Romensko-Poltavsky
Geobotanical District (Ukraine)
Tatyana Dvirna
M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Tereshchenkivska 2, 01601 Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail: dvirna_t@
The process of regional flora adventization is intensifying year by year which is most apparent in the
increasing number of invasive species and activation
of their spread and impact on the environment. On
the basis of literature sources, herbarium (KW, CWU,
PW, PWU) and the author’s original research undertaken during the period of 2010–2014, the following
was found: 342 species of alien fraction flora of vascular
plants among which 7 species (2 %) were invasive (Acer
negundo L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq., Iva xantifolia (Nutt.) Fresen, Portulaca oleracea L., Setaria
glauca (L.) P. Beauv., Solidago canadensis L.) and
2 species (0.6 %) were potentially invasive (Asclepias
syriaca L., Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch.).
Among the invasive species of the region, the following­
species dominated: by the time of immigration – kenophyte (8 species); by origin – North American species
(8); by the degree of naturalization – epoecophyte (7);
by the overall spreading – cosmopolites (6); by the
type of the areal space structure – integrate (7); by the
systematic location – the representatives of the Asteraceae family (4); by biological types (according to Ch.
Raunkiaer) – therophytes (7); by life forms (according
to I. H. Serebryakov) – herbaceous plants (8); by the
duration of the life cycle – monocarpic plants (6);
by the disposition to the soil trophicity – mezotropes
(7); by the disposition to the lighting regime – heliophytes (7); by the disposition to the thermal mode –
mezothermophytes (6); by disposition to the moisture
regime – xeromesophytes (5 species); by eco-coenotic
affiliation (according to O. L. Belgard) – ruderants (9);
by the affiliation to the types of habitats – mixed (9):
transport pathways, ruderal and segetal, anthropogenic
and natural. For example, Conyza canadensis more
common in agrophytocoenoses and in other different
types of anthropogenic ecotopes and on differently
changed semi-natural and natural ones, where it replaced the natural species; incorporation in meadow,
meadow-steppe, forest margins and river bank habitats.
Solidago canadensis and Iva xantifolia were characte­
rized by a similar situation of distribution in the region.
The distribution maps of invasive species on the territory of the region were compiled. The results of our
research suggest further activity of the investigated species in the region and expansion of their eco-topological
Management of invasive plant species in the valley
of the Ślepiotka river in Katowice
Małgorzata Frelich, Małgorzata Gancarek, Agata Lewandowska, Katarzyna
Bzdęga & Barbara Tokarska-Guzik
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:,,,, barbara.
Invasive alien plants, besides river regulations,
are one of the main reasons for transforming the riparian flora and vegetation. In many cases, the replacement
of native species caused by alien plants may result
not only in ecological losses but also economic ones.
The group of invasive plants spreading along rivers
in Poland include, among others: Acer negundo (Boxelder maple), Echinocystis lobata (Wild cucumber),
two species from the genus Impatiens: I. glandulifera
(Himalayan balsam) and I. parviflora (Small balsam),
Padus serotina (Black cherry), Reynoutria japonica
(Japanese knotweed) and Solidago gigantea (Giant
goldenrod). Currently, in many countries, actions
are undertaken which are dedicated to restoration of
river valleys and halting the spread of invasive plant
species. The project Revitalisation of Urban River
Spaces (REURIS), implemented in 2009-2012 in the
Ślepiotka river valley in Katowice, can be an example
of such activity. Within the framework of the project,
eradication of several alien plant species occurring
in this area was conducted.
The main objectives of this study included: (i) assessment of the effects of invasive plant eradication within
the REURIS project and assessment of the treatments
continued by Katowice Urban Greenery and students
of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
of the University of Silesia, (ii) development of general
guidelines for the control of invasive Impatiens parviflora.
The outcome of control methods used during the REURIS project was permanent reduction of the size of the
populations of: Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora,
Padus serotina, Reynoutria japonica and Solidago canadensis. Currently, upon completion of the REURIS
project, elimination of the invasive plant species is continued and supervised by Katowice Urban Greenery, according to the guidelines drawn up as part of the project.
Additionally, in these actions, staff and students from
the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
of the University of Silesia take part, who participate
in the manual elimination of two species: Impatiens
parviflora and Reynoutria japonica.
The treatments applied during the project led, in the
end, to the reduction in growth and vigour of Reynoutria
japonica shoots and decline in the pool of Impatiens
parviflora diasporas in the soil seed bank. On the other
hand, majority of current attempts to control invasive
species contributed exclusively to reducing the size
of their populations. The choice of the appropriate
method of elimination should be adapted to the biology
and ecology of the species and the type of habitat. Therefore, it is recommended that treatments related to control
of analysed species should be conducted systematically
over several growing seasons until the complete elimination of Impatiens parviflora diasporas from the soil
seed bank and rhizomes of Reynoutria japonica. The results made it possible to elaborate general guidelines
for dealing with invasive plant species.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Transformations of meadow and pasture phytocoenoses
of Arrhenatheretalia order in the Brynica valley
(NE Poland) in the period of last 40 years
Dorota Gawenda-Kempczyńska & Tomasz Załuski
Department of Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University
in Toruń, M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz, Poland, e-mail:,
Range and character of transformations of meadow
and pasture vegetation of Arrhenatheretalia order
was evaluated on the basis of a comparison of phytosociological data from 1974-1978 with the data of the
last two years. For about 30 formerly examined phytocoenoses, present plant communities and causes of the
occurred changes were determined. In case of some
phytosociological relevés, a repeat in the same localities and afterwards a comparative analysis of floristic
composition was possible thanks to their detailed localization. The area of the research is the Brynica
valley situated to the east of Brodnica (macroregion
of Chełmno-Dobrzyń Lakeland).
The majority of formerly and currently observed
phytocoenoses revealed distinct changes of vegetation
type. Phytocoenoses of Arrhenatheretum elatioris association were either preserved with partial changes
or transformed into plant communities, mainly of Artemisietea vulgaris and Agropyretea intermedio-repentis
classes. It was mainly due to secondary succession
as a result of abandonment and habitat eutrophication. Lolio-Cynosuretum phytocoenoses, in turn,
due to lack of grazing, transformed into fresh meadows
of Arrhe­natheretum elatioris or into plant communities
of Artemisietea vulgaris class. In some cases, in place
of pastures, fish ponds or parking lots were established.
Generally, an increase of area of Arrhenatheretum elatioris phytocoenoses and decrease in the area of LolioCynosuretum phytocoenoses was revealed.
A comparison of a few former and present phytosociological relevés for Arrhenatheretum elatioris
association revealed changes in structure and species
composition. A distinct decrease of species number
in a relevé, a decrease of moss layer coverage, a decrease of Arrhenatheretalia order and of the share of
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class species and a share increase of Artemisietea vulgaris species and Agropyretea
intermedio-repentis classes were determined.
Synanthropization of the Baltic-type raised bog “Roby”
(NW Poland)
Grzegorz Grzejszczak, Zofia Sotek & Małgorzata Stasińska
University of Szczecin, Department of Botany and Nature Conservation, Felczaka 3c, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland, e-mail:,,
Undisturbed peatland ecosystems are relatively
resilient to the invasion and spreading of synanthropic
flora species due to specific habitat conditions. How-
ever, there are only few such peatland ecosystems.
Large majority of them are peat-bogs which underwent
transformations, to a varying extent, as a result of diffe­
rent human-induced pressure and, therefore, are often
exposed to the infiltration of species alien with respect
to habitat. These peat-bogs include the Baltic-type
raised bog “Roby” which has been under reserve
protection since 2007. This protection aims at the
preservation of populations of valuable vascular plants
and cryptogams,­including Erica tetralix, Myrica gale
and rare species of peat-mosses, and re-naturalisation
of their habitats. The reserve, with an area of 84.40
ha, is situated in an agricultural landscape, to the south
of the village of Roby, in West Pomeranian Voivodeship. It is located in a shallow depression surrounded
by arable fields and meadows with some meadows
cutting into the area of peat-bog. In the past, this
object was cut up with a system of drainage ditches;
moreover, peat extraction was carried out here by the
manual method (small-area peat post-excavation pits).
Due to drainage, the peat-bog lost its skirt zone which
usually plays an important buffer function and protects
its most valuable part, i.e. the peat-bog cupola, from
fertilisation. Nutrient-rich waters running off arable
fields and pastures flow freely into the area of peat-bog,
providing, thereby, conditions for the invasion of synan­
thropic species. Floristic surveys carried out in the
reserve in 2007-2009 and 2014 showed the spread,
among others, of Urtica dioica, a typically nitrophilous
species and Impatiens parviflora; furthermore, invasion
of Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia was also
observed. Unusually for the peat-bogs of this type, Salix
auritae and Salix cinerea spread and take dominance
here – this is evidence of strong fertilisation of the peatbog. It is particularly visible in the eastern part of the
reserve, where the decomposition process of peat-bog
upper horizon is clearly marked.
Raised bog species have only been preserved
in small fragments of the peat-bog in its north-western
part, i.e. where hydrographic conditions are still chiefly
determined by rainwater and the peat deposit is fairly
well preserved.
Expansion of alien species in meadows in the Ojców
National Park (southern Poland) during last 50 years
Maria Janicka
Department of Plant Ecology, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail: mania.janicka@
Decline of semi-natural communities connected
with the collapse of traditional agriculture is a problem in protected areas of Central Europe. The Ojców
National Park (ONP) was established in 1956 to protect deep Jurassic valleys with diverse vegetation
and traditional cultural landscape. In this time, valley
bottoms were dominated by species-rich hay-meadows
(Arrhenatheretum elatioris). The main questions of the
study were the following: (i) How the abundance
of alien species in meadows changed during 50 years?
(ii) How distribution of alien species changed in last
5 decades? (iii) Were there modifications in local species pool? The vegetation in 204 square plots (100
m2 each) was recorded using Braun-Blanquet method
in 2011-2014. Additionally, vegetation data of 17
semi-permanent plots, from 1958-1960, 1986-1987
and 2011-2012 were analyzed. A phytosociological
map of valley bottoms was made again in 2013 after
50 years. Data comparison showed that cessation
of traditional management led to far-reaching modifications in species richness (decrease of alpha-diversity),
composition and structure of meadow communities.
Those changes were manifested by a decline of typical
meadow species and expansion of nitrophilous and/or
alien species (in majority Solidago canadensis and S.
serotina). In spite of different rates and patterns of those
changes, homogenization of vegetation was the main
effect. Analyses of maps and floristic data showed relatively quick spreading of Solidago spp. and increasing
of their stands and occupied area in the ONP between
1978 (3 stands only) and 2013 (ca. 5.5 ha). Those taxa
occupied mesic and dry habitats, mainly abandoned
meadows and arable fields on the top surface. They
were present also in fallow lands in valley bottoms near
park boundary as well as in tall-herb communities along
riversides. In recent decades, continuous spreading­
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
of Solidago spp. occurred despite active protection.
It seems that the use of radical methods of meadow
community restoration is indispensable to stop plant
invasions in the ONP. The study provides evidence that
the local species pool was modified. Thus, it is probable
that former species composition will not be recovered
without reintroduction of some extinct meadow species.
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze – Anacardiaceae)
– an invasive species, dangerous for the health of workers
of botanical gardens and arboreta in Poland
Jolanta Jańczyk-Węglarska1, Karol Węglarski1, Władysław Danielewicz2
& Justyna Wiland-Szymańska3
The Botanical Garden, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Dąbrowskiego 165, 60-594 Poznań, e-mail:, karolw@
Department of Forestry Natural Foundation, Faculty of Forestry, University of Life Sciences, 60-625 Poznań, Wojska Polskiego 71D, e-mail:
The Botanical Garden, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Dąbrowskiego 165, 60-594 Poznań; Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty
of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, e-mail:
Poison ivy was originally distributed in the wild
in the eastern and south-eastern part of North America,
reaching up to Central America in the south. It is widespread in shady riparian forests, in wet and marshy
habitats, as well as in areas exposed to sunlight, e.g.:
in thickets, forest clearings, on roadsides and railway
Plants of this species grow rapidly in the occupied
areas, forming extensive, dense, homogeneous patches
on the ground or climbing trees and penetrating their
canopies up to the height of 20 m. Seeds are dispersed
by endozoochory.
Poison ivy was introduced in the 19th century to the
UK because of its decorative qualities. This species
is cultivated in many botanic gardens in Europe, including Poland. In the Botanical Garden in Poznan,
its specimens were planted for the first time in 1925.
Poison ivy proves to be invasive in temperate climates.
This species spread rapidly and got naturalized in many
countries of Europe and North Africa. As a an anthropophyte, it is also listed in the floras of China, Japan,
Taiwan, India, and even Australia.
In 1993, a population of poison ivy was discovered
in the village of Siedlisko near Nowa Sól (Lubuskie
Voivodeship). The presence of this plant was confirmed
again in 2013. This shows a tendency to naturalization of this species in Poland. In the Botanical Garden
of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (AMU BG ),
a spontaneous spread of T. radicans was observed with
seedling growth under the cover of lush patches of Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch.).
Poison ivy has strong vesicant properties. Urushiol,
a light yellow, viscous oleoresin, excreted in resin canals
and leaking from wounded plant parts, especially stems
and roots is particularly dangerous. In case of people
sensitive to this substance, touching leaves and inflorescences may cause allergic reactions in form of burns
difficult to treat. Serious health complications can also
be triggered by contact with pollen, and even by inhalation of smoke from burning plants. Dead wood retains
the toxic properties for many years. Direct contact with
this plant causes a complicated, delayed allergic reaction
of the human body, developing during a few or even
several days. It is manifested by intensive and extensive
blistering rash, accompanied by incessant, severe itching
and oozing of lymph fluid. In the AMU BG T. radicans
was eradicated in 2013, after the case of a serious allergic
reaction of one of the employees. Due to invasiveness
of poison ivy and health risks it poses, we postulate
to include this species in the list of species prohibited
from cultivation in Poland. In addition, it should be destroyed in the established place of spontaneous occurrence in nature, in order to prevent accidents and the
possibility of its further spread.
The analysis of synanthropic flora of Rzeszów Foothills
Małgorzata Jaźwa1 & Agata Stadnicka-Futoma2
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Institute of Botany, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Krakow, Poland, e-mail:
University of Rzeszów, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, Department of Botany, Ćwiklińskiej 1, 35-601 Rzeszów, Poland, e-mail:
Floristic studies were carried out in years 2007-2013
in the Rzeszów Foothills (SE Poland). The cartogram
method in the ATPOL system (2 km grid squares)
was applied. The research showed that Rzeszów
Foothills region was profoundly modified by anthropopressure. The synanthropic taxa represented about
40% of the total number of vascular plant species occurring in the study area and alien plants were an important
part of the local plant diversity.
The aim of this study was to analyze the synanthropic flora. Analyses presenting the numerical data
(number of species in each historical-geographical
group, families most frequently represented by the apophytes and anthropophytes, index of synanthropization) showed the share of the particular life forms,
described the habitat preferences, etc. Moreover,
the distribution of the most interesting and invasive
of the synanthropic species was presented. In addition, the plants vulnerable to extinction were identified
(mainly archaeophytes) and the cause of their disappearance was specified.
Reproduction success and pollen limitation in natural
and anthropogenic populations of orchid
Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw.
Edyta Jermakowicz1, Beata Ostrowiecka1, Izabela Tałałaj1 & Artur Pliszko2
Institute of Biology, University of Bialystok, Świerkowa 20B, 15-714 Białystok, Poland, e-mail:, b.ostrowiecka@,
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 31, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
Human-induced environmental changes often disrupt interactions between plants and their pollinators
which seem to be crucial for plant evolution. The new
conditions often make plant species suffer from pollen
limitation caused by different factors, such as decrease
in numbers of reproductive individuals or by low pollinator availability. Fewer flower visits as well as smaller
pollen loads lead to pollen limitation and reductions
in fruits and seeds output.
We studied the reproduction success of Malaxis
monophyllos in contrasting conditions of (i) natural
wet calcareous peatlands and (ii) anthropogenic habitats such as pine forest, railway bank and post-mining
area (6 populations in total). Our previous studies
revealed distinct properties of anthropogenic populations in comparison with natural ones (larger densities
and abundance). Thus, the aim of the present study
was to examine whether the differences in fruiting
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
between natural and anthropogenic M. monophyllos
populations were conditioned by pollen availability.
For this purpose, we recorded in all populations the pollinia removal, densities and height of reproductive
individuals and fruit set. Moreover, M. monophyllos
is presumably self-incompatible species whose sexual
reproduction depends on cross pollination by insects
from probably Mycetophilidae family which are likewise strongly connected with wet and peaty environments.
Thus, we could suspect that those rather dry, anthropogenic habitats were not suitable for this group
of insects. Our results showed that the average pollinia
removal differed considerably between populations
(from 35.2% – 81.8%), but we did not notice significant
differences between types of habitats (anthropogenic
vs. natural). In contrast, average fruit production was almost two times higher in the peatlands than in anthropogenic, disturbed habitats (average 12.5% and 6.5%,
respectively). Simultaneously, we found no correlation
between rates of pollinia removal and level of fruit
production. These results imply that the pollinators’
availability need not be a limiting factor for reproductive success in M. monophyllos populations. They also
suggest that pollinia lost can play an important role
in shaping levels of fruiting, especially in anthropogenic
populations. However, anthropogenic M. monophyllos
populations need further investigations as separate
and unique units.
Refuge of unique vascular flora in agricultural landscape
of central Wielkopolska: geographical, ecological and historical
Maciej Jędrzejczak & Natalia Olejnik
Geobotanical Section, Scientific Circle of Naturalists, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland,
In areas surrounding the Lednickie Lake (central
Wielkopolska), despite centuries of anthropopressure,
enclaves of many disappearing vascular plants can still
be found. Human settlements exerted the strongest
pressure on the natural environment leading to either
deforestation or land melioration of large parts of these
The aim of this study was to determine interrelationships between the distribution of unique species
of vascular plants and the history of land utilization as
expressed by persistence of forest and meadow eco­
systems. Site distribution of regionally rare and protected vascular plant species occurring in areas adjacent
to the Lednickie Lake in relation to landscape changes
from the middle of the 19th century were analysed. On
the basis of the analysis of cartographic materials from
years 1879, 1893, 1935, 1962 and 2000, with the assistance of the vector graphic program, duration of forest
and meadow areas in the landscape was determined.
In all, the existence of 23 refuges was determined in
the examined area. Small shelters (13) were distribu­
ted mainly in the region of the southern edge of the
Lednica Lake trough. Eight objects were distinguished
among medium shelters. Two objects were found in
the group of large refuges: a complex of marshes and
meadows and a forest. Both of these objects are situated
in the culmination area of the end moraine. It was in
these enclaves that meadow and forest areas persisted
for over 150 years and such precious plant species as
Cephalantera damasonium, Cypripedium calceolus,
Phyllitis scolopendrium, Pinguicula vulgaris subsp.
vulgaris, or Saxifraga hirculus were found to grow.
The accumulation of shelters south of the Lednickie
Lake can be considered as a “regional hot spot” which
distinguishes itself, among others, by a group of species
characterized by a high endangerment status which keep
growing here thanks to a long period of persistence of
Alien plant species in the flora of heavy-metal sites
(the Silesia-Cracow Upland)
Monika Jędrzejczyk-Korycińska
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:
Poland’s largest resources of zinc and lead ores are
located in the southern part of the country (the SilesiaCracow Upland). The many-years’ mining and smelting
activity have caused the degradation of landscape and
destruction of natural vegetation. The soil is poor in
nutrients and contains considerable amounts of heavy
metals (mainly zinc, lead and cadmium). These areas
are colonized by plants which are highly tolerant to
environmental stress. Unique plant communities are
formed, and species with interesting biological features
grow there.
Floristic studies were carried out in 2004 and 2014
in the five areas of irregular shape. These area represent
different ore deposits regions, in which Zn and Pb ore
has been mined and processed for many ages, such as:
Bolesław, Jaworzno, Chrzanów and 2 places in Tarnowskie Góry.
Based on the analysis of vascular diversity in the
investigated sites, it has been determined that the native
species dominate there (90%).
In 2004, the species of alien plants constituted only a
small percentage of the flora of heavy-metal sites. They
used to appear mostly at the outskirts of the studied
places, at the paths, very rarerly on slagheaps’ surfaces.
The group of tree species comprised: Acer negundo,
Padus serotina, Quercus rubra, Robinia pseudoacacia.
Herbaceous plants included, among others: Solidago
canadensis, Aster novi-belgii, Bunias orientalis, Impatiens parviflora and Reynoutria japonica.
In 2014, some new species appeared in the studied
areas, which have never been seen there: Juglans regia,
Aesculus hippocastanum, Fraxinus pennsylvanica,
Echinocystis lobata and Parthenocissus inserta. In
addition, the area occupied by the alien plant species
(earlier registered) has increased.
As a result of this research, it is suggested that
monitoring of heavy-metal sites should be undertaken,
especially, in the areas where calamine grasslands –
protected within the Natura 2000 network – occur.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
The occurrence of alien species in settlement areas
of Kampinos National Park with a particular consideration
of invasive alien species
Izabella Kirpluk1 & Anna Bomanowska2
Warsaw University Botanic Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź, Banacha 12/16,
90-237 Łódź, Poland, e-mail:
Studies aimed at the identification of the range
and the method of spread of alien species in Kampinos
National Park (KNP) and its closest vicinity have been
carried out since 2012. Special emphasis was put on the
surveying of sites of invasive taxa (IAS), and diagnosing
potential threats posed to the natural and semi-natural
vegetation of the national park by IAS present in rural
areas. A floristic survey was carried out on the majority
of settlement areas in the Kampinos Forest (104 varioussized villages, either populated, or partly or completely
depopulated, of which 30 were within the borders of the
national park). We found 52 plant species, including
40 invasive taxa which may potentially pose a threat
to the ecosystems of KNP. On individual sites (villages),
we identified from 1 to 34 species. Considering the distribution of IAS alone, we identified from 1 to 28 species.
Most IAS (over 20) were recorded generally­ in partly
depopulated villages located in the Park (e.g. Górki,
Cisowe, Buda, Janówek, Józefów, Nowa Dąbrowa,
Rybitew, and Sieraków). A cluster analysis (single linkage method based on Euclidean distance) was carried
out for all investigated localities with regard to all alien
species, and only IAS did not show a clear division
into separate groups. The most divergent villages were:
Łazy Lesne, Lipków, Lasocin, Karolinów and Ada­
mówek, whereas the highest similarity was shown
for Grochale Nowe, Klaudyn, Stanisławów, and also
for Stare Polesie, Zielonki, Wrzosówka, Dębina, Nowy
Secymin, Dobrzyn, and Wólka Czosnowska. The most
frequent species were trees and shrubs: Rhus typhina,
Robinia pseudoacacia, Syringa vulgaris, Acer negundo
and Rosa rugosa, and also herbs: Solidago gigantea,
S. canadensis, Amaranthus retrofexus, Anthoxanthum
aristatum, Echinochoa crus-galli, Galinsoga parviflora,
Oxalis fontana, Rudbeckia laciniata, Setaria pumila,
and S. viridis. Arable weeds formed a large group
of the most widespread plants, persistent only on those
types of segetal habitats and posing no serious threat
to the natural ecosystems of KNP. Species encroaching
from the settlement areas to semi-natural and natural
communities included: Bidens frondosa, Echinocystis
lobata, Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora, Juncus
tenuis, Lupinus polyphyllus, Reynoutria japonica, and
Solidago gigantea. Most of them were species from the
highest (IV and III) classes of invasiveness in Poland.
Floristic diversity of grassland communities on dikes along
the Vistula River
Ewelina Klichowska1, Marcin Nobis1, Agnieszka Nobis1 & Arkadiusz Nowak2
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków,
Poland, e-mail:,,
Department of Biosystematics, Laboratory of Geobotany & Plant Conservation, University of Opole, Oleska 22, 45-052 Opole, Poland,
Dikes are artificial slopes built along riverbeds
to prevent flooding. They are an inherent part of the
anthropogenic landscape. Various plant communities
occurring on dikes develop both due to human activity
and natural succession.
In June and July 2013 we carried out research on the
diversity of grassland communities on dikes constructed
along the Vistula River. The study was conducted in 24
transects of 200 m each, located in the area of Cracow
(southern Poland). In every examined transect, 6 relevés (3 on the slope adjacent to the river and 3 at the
opposite side of the dike) were performed. The relevé
plot size used by us was 12 m2. In our study, we used
the following­scale describing species cover: + – slight
cover, up to 3 specimens; 1 – cover up to 15%; 2 – cover
15-50%; 3 – cover 50-100%. In total, we performed
144 relevés. To compare floristic diversity of vegetation
patches on the two sides of the dikes, we conducted
statistical analysis using MVSP 3.2 and Statistica 10.
During the study, we recorded 221 species of
vascular­plants (187 on the slopes adjacent to the river
and 173 at the opposite side of dikes). Of the taxa recorded on both sides of the dikes, ca. 20% were alien
to Polish flora. One of the recorded species – Ononis
arvensis L. was under partial protection and the second
one – Allium scorodoprasum L. was placed on the “Red
list of plants and fungi in Poland”. The results of the
analysis showed that patches located on different slopes
of dikes differed in species richness and Shannon’s
diversity index, which were higher for surfaces on the
slope adjacent to the riverbed (the differences were
statistically significant).
Synanthropophyton of the Sea of Azov coastal zone
Vitalii Kolomiichuk1 & Svetlana Maltseva2
State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Mytropolyt Vasyl Lypkivsky 35, Bldg. 2, Kiev, 03035, Ukraine,
B. Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Lenina 20, Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya region, 72312 Ukraine,
Phytodiversity of the Sea of Azov coastal zone
(SACZ) is marked by significant dynamic changes.
The factors that lead to changes in SACZ flora and cause
its synanthropization are anthropogenic. The predominance of anthropogenic changes causes processes
of flora modernization and adventization. It was established that commensal fraction of SACZ flora comprised 848 species from 375 genera and 74 families
and 3 departments (44% of spontaneous SACZ flora).
The alien fraction of the flora was formed by 376
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
species from 59 families, representing 19.5% of spontaneous flora. In these terms, SACZ flora exceeded
similar indicators of neighboring areas (10.7% – in
the Northwest Caucasus flora, 15.2% – in plain Crimea)
and was inferior only to the flora of the South-East
Ukraine – 20.9%, Northern Prychornomor’ya – 23.6%.
Archae­ophytes in SACZ flora formed 121 species from
33 families (6.3%) and kenophytes – 255 species from
49 families (13.2%). Distribution of synanthropophyton types by blocks of ecotones, which we allocated
for SACZ, proved that they exhibited the greatest diversity in the anthropogenic block of ecotone (21%) which
was influenced by landslides, while the natural flora
species acquired the largest diversity in the plakor block
(39.2 %). In fluctuation block, there were 121 species
of synanthropophytes (6.3%), while in native fraction –
the index comprised 175 species (9.1%). In amphibian
and aquatic blocks, the diversity of synanthropophyton
was low (1.0% and 0.3%) because synanthropization
of brackish and coastal ecosystems was slow. Ecological
and coenotic analysis of synanthropophyton of SACZ
showed that the major ecocoenomorphes of apophyte
faction were – stepantes (37.9%), litorantes (10.4%)
and pratantes (8.5%). Other coenomorphes in apo-
phyte faction played a subordinate role, although they
were rather variable: mahrantes (5.9%), palyudantes
(5.7%), halofantes (4.2%), aquantes (0.2%). The widest
variety among apophytes (27.1%) was characteristic
of fallow (12.2%), shear (4.2%) and residential (4.2%)
ecotopes. Zonal coenomorphes in anthropophyton
were of little diversity (most of them were in stepophyton (8.2%) and litoralophyton (5.3%)). The part
of commensal coenotope was 77.3%. It was dominated by fallow (20.5%), residential (13.8%), industrial
(13.0%) coenoelements etc. A specific regional feature
of SACZ flora, which sets it apart from synanthropic
flora of Ukraine, was the domination of apophytization over adventization (ratio 1.25:1) and a relatively
high index of modernization (67.8). Most of adventitious species spread to SACZ from the Mediterranean
region (188 species), different regions of Asia (95)
and North America (37). By way of introduction, xenophytes (78.7%) dominated. The part of ergasiophytes
was 21.3%. Synanthropization of SACZ flora causes
the development of coastal ecosystems management
that will lead to conservation of native flora and separate
areas with natural communities, deceleration of coast
destruction processes, precaution of phytoinvasion etc.
Communities with Artemisia annua L. occurring
on anthropogenic habitats
Agnieszka Kompała-Bąba1, Wojciech Bąba2 & Katarzyna Kulik3
Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28,
40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail:
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Lubicz 46, 31-512 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia,, Jagiellońska
28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland
Artemisia annua L. is a kenophyte coming from
south-eastern Europe and western Asia. It was brought
into Europe in 1871, along with grain, cotton or wool,
or it was deliberately cultivated. This species was recorded mainly in southern Poland (Lublin Province,
Upper Silesia, Lower Silesia).
The aim of the study was to show diversity of communities with Artemisia annua L. in the Silesian Uplands and other regions in Europe; to show its habitat
pre­ferences and to make a functional analysis of communities with participation of Artemisia annua.
Artemisia annua penetrates plant communities that
develop on anthropogenic habitats, undergoing disturbances occurring with different intensity and time such
as: railway areas, roadsides, wastelands, lawns, rubble
and construction sites.
The analysis of floristic composition of 94 patches
with participation of Artemisia annua showed that this
species mainly co-occurred with short-lived species
confined to trampled sites (Chamomilla suaveolens,
Poa annua, Polygonum aviculare), muddy banks
and mid-field depressions (Gnaphalium uliginosum,
Bidens frondosa, Plantago intermedia, Rorippa palustris), some cereal and root-crop weeds (Echinochloa
crus-galli, Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora, Poly­
gonum persicaria, Polygonum lapathifolium subsp.
pallidum, Setaria viridis), and ruderal species (Lactuca
serriola, Conyza canadensis, Sisymbrium officinale).
In sites where disturbances occurred less frequently,
long-lived ruderal species, frequently confined to more
fertile habitats were found (Lamium album, Ballota
nigra, Chelidonium majus, Arctium lappa).
In classification system of ruderal vegetation
of Silesian Uplands, patches with Artemisia annua
were included into Chenopodium album-Atriplex nitens stands. Diversity of vegetation with participation
of Artemisia annua was mainly influenced by moisture
conditions and soil reaction.
Woody invasive plants in the urbanized landscape:
a case study of Bydgoszcz
Maciej Korczyński
Department of Botany and Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Kaliskiego 7,
85-795 Bydgoszcz, Poland, e-mail:
Cities create unique natural and physiognomic
arrangements. Buildings, spontaneous vegetation
and designed greenery determine their landscapes.
Among complexes of urban green spaces, an exchange
of plants takes place. Appearance of invasive plants
in urban ecological systems is very important. Cities set
the stage for their proliferation within their boundaries.
Many alien species are of big decorative value and their
presence is approved by many residents.
The analysis of 10 woody species spreading in Byd­
goszcz was carried out (Acer negundo, Aesculus
hippocastanum, Amelanchier spicata, Juglans regia,
Padus serotina, Prunus cerasifera, Quercus rubra,
Rhus typhina, Robinia pseudoacacia, Syringa vulgaris).
Their appearance was determined within areas of different use forms. Preferred habitats were determined for
particular taxons (fallow lands, abandoned gardens,
courtyards, postindustrial areas, decorative shrubs paths,
community forests). The investigation was carried
out on the basis of more than 2600 phytosociological
records form Bydgoszcz urban areas.
The effect of habitat conditions on abundance of populations
and selected traits of individuals Impatiens glandulifera
Kinga Kostrakiewicz-Gierałt
Department of Plant Ecology, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Lubicz 46, 31-512 Kraków, Poland, e-mail: kinga.kostrakiewicz@
The investigations were carried out in years 20132014 in several sites located across the Vistula River
valley­ from Pychowice to Tyniec (Southern Poland).
These included: fallow land, a roadside, river banks,
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
a riparian forest edge, a willow thicket and riparian­
forest inside. In the aforementioned sites, light availa­
bility gradually diminished, while plant canopy height
and soil moisture increased. In all populations, the number of individuals of Impatiens glandulifera was surveyed. The height of stems, width of stems at soil level,
number of whorls with side branches, number of side
branches and total number of flowers were noted in 30
individuals, while the selected flower traits (i.e. total
length of flower, length and width of lower sepal, as well
as length of spur) were measured in 100 randomly chosen flowers.
The population abundance, height and width
of stems, number of whorls and side branches increased
gradually from fallow land, through roadside and river
banks to riparian forest edge. Such phenomenon
might be linked with rising height of adjacent plants
and advanced intra- and interspecific competition
for resources. Much lower rates of the above-mentioned
parameters in the willow thicket and in forest inside
might be caused by lack of insolation due to full overshadowing by trees.
Individuals growing in fallow land, roadside
and river banks produced substantial number of flowers
achieving small total length and considerable dimensions of lower sepal and spur. Such phenomenon might
augment the chances for successful pollinator visits
in very competitive environment. On the other hand,
the low production of flowers reaching greater length
and small dimensions of lower sepal and spur might
be sufficient to allow the maintenance of populations
in willow thicket and forest inside.
Man’s impact on plant cover of four villages in SE Poland
Małgorzata Kotańska1, Ewelina Buziak1, Magdalena Soboń1, Anna Socha1,
Tomasz Wójcik2 & Aneta Zygmunt1
Department of Environmental Biology, University of Rzeszów, Zelwerowicza 4, 35-601 Rzeszów, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Plant Ecology, Jagiellonian University, Lubicz 46, 31-512 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
The observation of the rapid rate of plant cover
transformation caused by urbanization and agricultural technology was the inspiration for undertaking
the study in rural areas. The study was carried out in the
Sandomierz Basin in four typical villages with varying­
degrees of the anthropogenic impact. The changes
observed included: Koszyce Małe (a suburban village­
near Tarnów) – evident transformation of fields
and meadows into building land; Kolbuszowa Dolna
– intensive changes in land use, abandonment of fields
and meadows, and river regulation; Roźwienica (near
Jarosław) – emergence of new habitats for plant colonization after reclamation of land previously occupied
by a brick factory and a landfill; Krzeczkowice (near
Przeworsk) – intensive crop cultivation and unchanged
land use. In 2009-2010, floristic investigations with
the patrol method were carried out in these areas, which
involved records of plant species growing on roadsides,
ditches, meadows, fields, wastelands, railway tracks,
and in fragments of natural communities. Phytosociological relevés were taken with the Braun-Blanquet
method in vegetation patches characteristic of the area.
The historical-geographical classification and indices of
the anthropogenic changes of the flora were employed
in the analysis.
Substantially higher abundance of synanthropic
species than that of spontaneophytes was noted in the
analysed floras. In the synanthropic species group,
the proportion of apophytes was 3-fold higher than
that of anthropophytes (with the exception of Kolbuszowa D.). Archaeophytes were more abundant
than kenophytes (with the exception of the flora
in Koszyce). The flora of Krzeczkowice, an area affected by long-term anthropopressure, was by approx.
30% less abundant than that in the other villages; it was
also characterized by the highest synanthropization
index (89.3%), total apophytization index (65.2%),
and index of apophytism of spontaneophytes (91.3%).
In turn, the flora found in Kolbuszowa Dolna was rich
due to the presence of a wide variety of habitats (fragments of natural communities, new habitats on abandoned fields and meadows,­numerous roadsides); it was
characterized by the lowest total apophytization index
(36.7%) accompanied by the highest total anthropophization index (25.9%) related to the most abundant
flora of roadsides.
The dynamics of Orobanche bartlingii in the Ostrów Małe
Rudy locality situated within the Nature 2000 area Równina
Szubińsko-Łabiszyńska PLH040029
Ewa Krasicka-Korczyńska
Department of Botany and Ecology Faculty of Agriculture, University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Kaliskiego 7,
85-796 Bydgoszcz, e-mail:
Orobanche bartlingii Griseb. is a Eurasian plant
asso­ciated with the dry calciphilous grasslands. Although, the extent of its occurrence is wide (from France
to China), it is everywhere a rare plant, known from a
few localities only. It belongs to the most specialized
parasites of the family Orobanchaceae. Its only host
is Libanotis pyrenaica (L.) Bourg. This specialization
and some morphological characteristics and the climatic
preferences differ it from O. alsatica. O. bartlingii was
first found in Poland in 1992 and was only observed at
one locality in the Ojców National Park until recently.
As a critically endangered species, it was entered in
the Polish Red Book of Plants (category VU) in 2001.
Since 2004, it is under strict protection.
The locality in the village Małe Rudy was discovered
in 2000, but the species has been erroneously labeled as
O. alsatica. This species occurs at the midmeadow hill
between Noteć and Noteć Canal and occupies approximately 3000 m2. The habitat is covered with herbaceous
vegetation of thermophilic grassland. Seseli libanotis
is one of dominant plants. The nearest meadows were
determined as Galio veri-Molinietum. Only a few specimens of O. bartlingii were found in 2000, when the
hill was covered by sparse Populus tremula coppices.
Eight shoots were found in 2010, when the European
beaver (Castor fiber L.), cut down all the aspens. In the
subsequent years, the number of plants was increasing.
In the 2014, the number of plants comes to 85.
Unveiling thermophilic grassland from the eaves of
the trees improved the growth conditions of O. bartlingii
and its host L. pyrenaica. Thus, chances to preserve this
species in the Nature 2000 area, Równina SzubińskoŁabiszyńska PLH040029, increased significantly.
Inventory of alien plants along the trails
of the Słowiński National Park
Katarzyna Krasoń, Przemysław Tomczyk, Monika Wierus, Paweł Kurzyński
& Katarzyna Zielińska
Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, Institue of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental
Protection, University of Łódź, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź, Poland, e-mail:,, monikawierus@,
Słowiński National Park (SNP) is one of the
two coastal national parks in Poland. It has been reco­
gnised as a World Biosphere Reserve with regard to its
uniqueness (on the European scale) of the area of migrating dunes. It was created in order to protect lakes,
bogs, marshes, meadows, forests and, especially, dune
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
spit. The flora of the SNP includes 920 taxa of vascular
plants with about 50 species listed for protection. They
include, among others: Eryngium maritimum, Osmunda
regalis, Drosera rotundifolia. Tourist trails in the SNP
are migration paths for many taxa. The objective of the
study was to compare the occurrence of alien and invasive species along the trails of varying degrees of use.
What was recorded was alien plant species and their
number. The trails were divided into three categories
according to the frequency of their tourist use. The first
category included roads leading directly to the beach
and those where car parks were located. The second
category covered roads leading to the most famous
tourist attractions of the SNP, while the third category
includeed trails that were used by tourists on bicycles
or longer hiking routes. During the study, invasive
and alien species were catalogued. The recorded invasive species comprised: Conyza canadensis, Impatiens
parviflora, Juncus tenuis, Oxalis stricta, Prunus serotina, Querqus rubra as well as Robinia pseudoacacia.
These plants, with varying frequency, occurred near
different route categories. The performed study showed
that tourism exerted the greatest impact on the roadsides
floristic composition along the first category of routes as
they were frequented by the largest number of tourists,
while hiking along the third category affected the flora
of the park to a lesser extent.
The role of land use in synanthropization of some valuable
plant communities
Rafał Krawczyk
Department of Nature Conservation, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin, Poland, e-mail: Rafal.Krawczyk@
In a human-transformed landscape, the occurrence
of particular plant communities as well as their synantropization are determined by the presence of various
forms of land use differing in the applied management
techniques and technical measures. Based on 388 relevés
collected in years 2006-2014 in SE Poland, synantropization of several selected natural and seminatural plant
communities developing in conditions of four different
forms of land use were examined. These were: amphibious ephemeral communities from farmlands (mid-field
depressions) and from fishponds, dry grasslands of extensive farmlands, sandy grasslands and heaths from
military training grounds and fir forest used for standard production purposes. Vegetation patches of both
ephemeral wetlands communities and dry grasslands
found in agricultural areas were characte­rized by the
highest values of anthropophytization index (9.6%
and 9.4%, respectively). The lowest values of the
index were observed in the case of communities deve­
loped in military training grounds (0.6%) and forest
areas (1.8%). Neophytes occurred most frequently
in dry grasslands of agricultural areas (0.8 per relevé)
and in fishpond amphibious annual communities (0.6
per relevé); the same was observed for invasive plants.
The highest frequency of rare and endangered species
was noted in amphibious ephemeral communities found
both in farmlands and fishponds.
Homeless apophytes of the western part of Myślibórz Lakeland
Bartosz Kurnicki
Department of Botany and Nature Conservation, Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, Z. Felczaka 3c, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland,
The status of homeless apophyte is given to a species of plant native to Poland, occurring outside of its
natural habitats in a given area. Plants that have this
status assigned­ in the western area of Myślibórz
Lakeland were probably dominant species of the flora
native to this area, but which lost their natural habitats
due to the anthropogenic vegetation changes or were
not found in them.
The first group of species are those whose locations
in the Myślibórz Lakeland are within their overall
home range, but do not have the natural habitats here.
These include, among others, species of lithophytic
communities: Asplenium ruta-muraria and Asplenium
trichomanes that occur here only on walls and their
natural habitat may have formerly existed on glacial
erratics. A large part of this group are species of the
class Isoëto-Nanojuncetea, such as, Elatine alsinastrum,
Gnaphalium uliginosum, Gypsophila muralis, Limosella
aquatica, Plantago intermedia, or Spergularia rubra.
For the last of them, an indygenat is difficult to determine in Poland, others are possible to locate in natural
habitats, though, now, they mainly occur as weeds
in cultivated fields or at the bottoms of drying ponds.
The second group includes species that occur in the
Myślibórz Lakeland outside their home range in Poland.
Here, we can find tree species introduced in forests
and reproducing generatively: Picea abies and Larix
decidua and formerly planted as ornamental plants,
among others: Galanthus nivalis, Ornithogallum umbellatum or Sambucus racemosa. For some of them,
their indygenat is difficult to determine in Poland. They
include: Berteroa incana, Aristolochia clematitis.
Molecular markers as a tool for studying plant invasions
as exemplified by Acer negundo and Padus serotina
case studies – plan of research project
Agata Lewandowska, Małgorzata Gancarek, Małgorzata Frelich,
Katarzyna Bzdęga & Barbara Tokarska-Guzik
Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: pawliczek.,,,,
Invasive plant species are one of the major threats
to biodiversity. It is due to the fact that they possess biological attributes (e.g. ability of effective reproduction, ability for massive spread on large areas) which
lead to displacement of native flora and disturbance
of the functioning of ecosystems. Among more than
70 plant species classified as invasive in Poland, herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees can be distinguished.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Even though the number of invasive woody species
is not significant, it is considered that they exert high
pressure on native flora and can significantly disturb
nutrient dependencies in ecosystems. Such examples
in Poland are Acer negundo (Boxelder) and Padus serotina (Black cherry). Both trees have been deliberately
brought to Poland from North America: Boxelder as an
ornamental tree and Black cherry as a biocenotic addition and as windbreaks in forests.
The fact that Acer negundo and Padus serotina
are long-lived species makes them perfect objects
of observation of the invasion process. Important factors in determining the migration routes and pattern
of distribution of invasive species are their genetic
variation and biology. The main aim of the presented
paper is discussing appropriate methodological assumptions which allow recognition of the course of invasion
process for these species.
Genetic analyses with the use of AFLP (Amplified
Fragment Lenght Polymorphism) will be conducted
for this purpose. In the context of the invasion process, modeling by analyzing genetic diversity requires
a number of aspects related to the selection of the ap-
propriate population for studying to be taken into account. One of them is age structure of the population.
To verify how the genetic variety is trending within
various age classes in selected populations of A. negundo and P. serotina, some samples of plants of various
age (seedlings sampling, young trees [up to 50 cm] and
mature trees [flowering]) will be collected and subjected
to AFLP analysis. It should also be taken under consideration whether the studied populations are located
in the vicinity of introduction place or on the edge of the
local ranges in our country. Moreover, in our opinion,
the planned research should also encompass populations
from the native range and from the introduced range
in other European countries.
Understanding of the invasion process of Acer
negundo and Padus serotina is essential in the context
of their appropriate management. The proposed model
of research using the latest molecular techniques (such
as AFLP) seems reasonable in determining the level
of genetic diversity both in and between individuals
and populations of A. negundo and P. serotina, including
various components (differentiation in terms of age and
origins of the population).
Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle in the National Nature
Park “Podilski Tovtry” (Ukraine)
Lyudmila Lyubinska* & Mykola Riabyi
Nature Fakulty, Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilsky National University, Ivan Ogiyenko 61, Kamyanets Podilsky, Khmelnytkyi Reg.,
32300 Ukraine, *e-mail:
Considerable invasion of Ailanthus altissima to plant
vegetation of steppe grasslands and calcareous cliffs creates problems for their safety. These habitats are unique
and dynamic ecosystems with complex disturbances that
promote penetration of invasive plant species.
Ailanthus altissima is native to China and was first
introduced in Europe in the middle of 18th century.
As an ornamental plant, A. altissima was introduced
in Kamyanets-Podilsky about one hundred years ago.
During 1970-1984, 13 exotic trees of the species were
reserved on regional level. Biological features of A.
altissima contribute to its rapid capture of territory, as
a plant propagated vegetatively and by seed, which is
transferred by animals, people and transport.
Several habitats of the species are in a canyon of the
Smotrych River within the town of Kamenets Podolsky. A. altissima colonizes limestone walls, where the
vegetation is insignificant and transformed. Under the
species canopy, Artemisia absinthium L., A. marschalliana Spreng., Acinos arvensis (Lam.), Arctium lappa
L., Ballota ruderalis Sw., Berteroa incana (L.) DC.,
Conium maculatum L., Chelidonium majus L., Phalacroloma annuum (L.) Dumort., and Picris hieracioides
L. are found to grow.
Three populations of A. altissima were found in
natural steppe habitats and two – on the slopes of
Smotrich River. The largest area of the species growing­
was found on limestone-rocky shelves and screes near
the village of Zubrivka. On this site, next classes of
plant communities are presented: Sedo-Scleranthetea
Br. -Bl., 1935 (Alysso-Sedetalia Moravec, 1967, Aurinio saxatilis-Allietum podolici Onyschenko, 2001)
and Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. 1943 (CirsioBrachypodion pinnati Hadac et Klika 1944 em Krausch
1961 Artemisio marschalliani-Elytrigion intermediae
Korotchenko, Didukh, 1997; Festucenion valesiacae
Kolbek in Moravec et al. 1983 Acini arvensis-Elytrigietum intermadiae (Kukovitsa et al. 1994) Kukovitsa in
V. Solomaha, 1995; Botriochloetum ischaemii (Krist.
1937) I. Pop 1977). Here A. altissima changes the
conditions for the existence of regionally rare species
such as Iris hungarica Waldst. et Kit., Allium podoli-
cum (Aschers. et Graebn). Blocki ex Racib. and Stipa
capilata L. (Red Data Book of Ukraine, 2009).
Near the village of Ustya, A. altissima occupies the
association of Salvio nemorosae-Festucetum valesiacae
Korotchenko et Didukh, 1997 (Cl. Festuco-Brometea) and
its thickets have a negative impact on the population of
Salvia cremenecensis Bess. (European Red List, 1991).
The third plot was discovered near Kitaigorod village.
Here A. altissima extended to steppe slopes with Botriochloetum ischaemii (Krist. 1937) I. Pop 1977) where
Astragalus monspessulanus L. and Chamacytisus albus
were also growing (Red Data Book of Ukraine, 2009).
The program of management and mechanical control
of A. altissima was developed in NNP.
Synanthropization of dendroflora near the main roads
in Białystok
Grażyna Łaska
Department of Environmental Protection and Management, Białystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45a, 15-351 Białystok, Poland,
Dendroflora near roads undergoes continuous
changes caused by modernisation of road network
and development of urban infrastructure. In view
of the above, an important problem is the proper choice
of species composition and origin of trees and bushes
planted along roads to ensure their best effectiveness
as a biological barrier protecting against air pollution
and noise.
The aim of the study was analysis of the species
composition of dendroflora near the main roads in the
city of Białystok taking into consideration their geographic and historical origin. The inventory was performed in the vegetation season of 2011 along four main
roads in Białystok joining the national and voivodeship
status routes. The species composition of dendroflora, the number of trees, their dendrometric features
and geographic and historical origin were established.
The dendroflora growing along the roads was also subjected to valorisation.
The inventory revealed presence of 837 individuals­
representing 36 species and 20 families. The most
abundant trees were those from the family Aceraceae
(63.4%), while the most abundant bushes were those
representing Rosaceae (86.3%). The contribution of native species (65.5%) was found to be about twice greater
than that of alien ones (34.5%). The dominant among
the native tree species was Acer platanoides L., while
the dominant bush species was Crataegus monogyna
Jacq. The foreign tree species were most abundantly
represented by Acer negundo L., while bushes – by Ligustrum vulgare L. The trees and bushes spontaneously settled made a majority (59.9%) over those from
plantations (40.1%). From among the native species
of local origin, the dominant were synanthropic spontaneophytes (51%), including Acer platanoides and Tilia
cordata Mill. Anthropophytes were more abundantly
represented by diaphytes (22.2%) than by kenophytes
(12.3%). The most abundant from among diaphytes
was Ligustrum vulgare, while among kenophytes – Acer
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Current occurrence of Scandix pecten-veneris L. (Apiaceae)
in the Małopolska Upland
Grzegorz Łazarski & Marcin Nobis
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków,
Poland, e-mail:,
Scandix pecten-veneris L. is a rare archaeophyte
in Poland and in others parts of Europe as well. The species was placed in the Polish “red book” as critically
endangered (CR category), and also in the “red list” of all
regions in Poland where it occurred. In the area of Gdańsk
and Western Pomerania, Greater Poland (Wielkopolska)
and Lower Silesia, it was found to be extinct (RE category). In Lublin region and Małopolska Upland, the species
was included into the category of endangered (EN).
Scandix pecten-veneris is a plant of MediterraneanIrano-Turanian origin. The partial northern and eastern
limits of its secondary range are placed in Poland.
The species was recorded mainly in southern parts
of Poland - in the area of Uplands: Małopolska, Lublin
and Śląsk-Kraków. However, the largest number of the
Polish localities of the species comes from Małopolska
Upland. Specimens are concentrated in the Nida
Basin, limestone part of Świętokrzyskie Mountains
and Przedbórz-Małogoszcz Range.
Scandix pecten-veneris occurs on alkaline soils
(mainly rendzinas) formed on limestone or rarely gyp-
sum and is one of the characteristic species for Caucalido-Scandicetum association.
Scandix pecten-veneris decreased as a result of modern agricultural methods (mainly herbicide treatments
and seed screening). Vast majority of the localities of the
species from Poland have not been confirmed recently
and the populations observed after 1980s were small,
usually consisting of several individuals.
All confirmed data on the occurrence of Scandix
pecten-veneris in Malopolska Upland were collected.
Each station was located in 2.5 km x 2.5 km ATPOL
grid squares. Data on the new positions of species
in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains were presented.
Based on the available data, the distribution map of species in the region was prepared, making a distinction
between historical and currently occurring localities.
Information on abundance, habitat preferences and the
threat at the localities was given. A proposal for the
protection of these rare segetal archaeophyte will be
Anthropogenic transformation of vascular flora of small town
and adjacent areas
Bożenna Maciejczak
Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, Jan Kochanowski University, Świętokrzyska 15, 25-420 Kielce, Poland, e-mail: maciejka@
Ćmielów is a small town located in a valley of the
Kamienna river (Central Poland) surrounded by hills
covered with forests. The beginnings of settlement
in the area of contemporary Ćmielów dates back to the
Neolithic period, as evidenced by the development
of agriculture and pottery. Currently, the valley of the
Kamienna River is, to a large extent, managed by man
and the vegetation was taken into consideration.
The diversity of flora was characterized by both
the presence of native synanthropic species and the
anthropophytes established permanently. The archaeo-
phytes constituted a large group, which proved the introduction into these areas of alien species, so-called
species “traveling” together with man and other species.
Alien species introduced or imported by contemporary
man for utility purposes were also found.
Occurrence of Echinocystis lobata in the Grabarski
Canal valley (West Poland) and it phytosociological range
Łukasz Maćkowiak1 & Łukasz Dylewski2
Department of Grassland and Natural Landscape Sciences, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-637 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
Echinocystis lobata (F. Michx.) Torrey et A. Gray
is a plant species currently classified as the most invasive in Europe ( The taxon was introduced to Europe from North America in the
late 19th and early 20th century as an ornamental plant.
Echinocystis lobata, most strongly associated with
water, is a component of vegetation of the Artemisietea
class, under river wicker, rush communities and, recently, Bidentetea class which develops on exposed
edges of water.
The studies on the occurrence of Echinocystis lobata
were conducted in the Grabarski Canal valley, which
is a tributary of the North Obra Canal (West Poland
region). Location positions and phytosociological status
were made based on relevés. Those records were carried out in 2012 and 2013 by Braun-Blanquet’s method
in modification of Barkman et al.. The Phi coefficient
was calculated in Juice, which reflects the relation
between species and vegetation units. In the study determination was shown for Echinocystis lobata.
Earlier field inspections from 2010, performed on the
part of the watercourse, indicated presence of several
positions of wild cucumber. However, after years, the
numbers increased with new additional positions.
Currently,­Echinocystis lobata was recorded in 36 plots.
The highest constancy of the examined plant species
was observed in Phragmitetum australis (Gams 1927)
Schmale 1939, Phalaridetum arundinaceae (Koch
1926 n.n.) Libb. 1931, Fraxino-Alnetum W.Mat. 1952.
Moreover, Echinocystis lobata was rarely noticed in
Salicetum pentandro-cinereae (Almq. 1929) Pass. 1961,
Sambucetum nigrae Oberd. 1973, Urtico-Calystegietum
sepium Görs et TH.Müll. 1969, Glycerietum maximae
Hueck 1931, Ranunculo-Alopecuretum geniculati R.Tx.
1937, Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra communities Fijałk.
Echinocystis lobata expanded its occurrence in
the valley of the Grabarski Canal since 2010. All its
positions were located near several small towns from
which it probably escaped into the valley. Echinocystis
lobata reached the highest fidelity to Calystegia sepium,
Phalaris arundinacea, Urtica dioica as well as to Sambucus nigra and Phragmites australis. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in the territory
of National Natural Park “Oleshkivsky Sands”
Ruslana Melnyk1 & Olena Sadova2
Kherson State University, Faculty of Biology, Geography and Ecology, Department of Botany, Kherson State University, 40-let Oktjabrja 27,
73000, Kherson, Ukraine, e-mail:
National Natural Park “Oleshkivsky Sands”, 40-let Oktjabrja 136 A, 73000, Kherson, Ukraine, e-mail:
We studied the alien flora fraction of the National
Natural Park “Oleshkivsky Sands” from 2008. As
a result of our investigation, a preliminary list of alien
species including 102 species of vascular plants from
84 genera belonging to 30 families was elaborated.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. was included in the
Internal group of Quarantine List of Ukraine. It is
one of invasive species which is actively distributing
in the territory of the Park and incorporating in seminatural habitats, e.g. meadow-steppe. Observations
were carried­ out over 3 years. Standard methods
of population ecology were used.
The highest population of A. artemisiifolia was found
to grow on the plot “Burkut” and occupied the area
of 94 m2. It grew in lowland areas which were located
along a country road. It did not appear in more xerothermic plots of the park. The area of spreading of A. artemisiifolia did not change on this plot for years of research.
When precipitation increased during the growing­period,
A. artemisiifolia produced abundant above-ground
mass. It is manifested most germination of seed.
It is proposed to apply the method of phytocoenotic
destruction of A. artemisiifolia on the territory of the
Large-scale in vitro propagation of Pleurozium schreberi
(Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt. (Hylocomniaceae) for air pollution
Iwona Melosik1, Katarzyna Winnicka1 & Magdalena Ciupińska2
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, e-mail: melosik1@,
Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, e-mail:
Growing concern about the level of air pollution
has lead to an increased demand for biological materials
which are used for air pollution monitoring. The aim
of this study was to develop a method for vegetative
multiplication of Pleurozium schreberi which is routinely used for air pollution monitoring.
The experiment consisted of three phases: (1)
four different media constituents: Gamborg`s (B5),
½ B5, Murashige and Skoog basal, and Rudolph`s
solution, all solidified with Bacto-Agar, with and without sucrose and with three growth regulators: indole
3-acetic acid (IAA), 6-benzyloaminopurine (BAP), and
gibberellic­acid (GA3) were tested. Three types of Pleurozium explants, i.e. shoot apices, branches, and longitudinal fragments of shoots were used; (2) based
on the best result of the first phase of the experiment,
the influence of genotype, vitamins, and specific concentration of phytohormones were investigated on the
most suitable­medium. In total, in the first two phases
of experiment 2730 Pleurozium fragments were established and analyzed. (3) In the third phase, cell cultiva-
tion in a bioreactor was planned based on uninfected
Pleurozium cells obtained from in vitro cultures.
Best results using in vitro organ culture method were
obtained with the Rudolph’s solution enriched with
sugar and phytohormones. A method for producing­
a large-scale amount of Pleurozium schreberi using
the organ culture method was established. This method
allowed protection of natural stands of this moss. In
vitro production costs were estimated.
Microevolution of intraspecific variation in flower color
in Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. & Körte. (Fumariaceae):
the role of frequency- and density- dependent selection
Stanisław Mochnacz & Iwona Melosik
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:,
Background: Floral polymorphism (corolla color)
within species seems to be evolved for the purpose of
attracting pollinators. If rare morph is preferred, this
should promote floral dimorphism (negative-frequency
dependent selection). However, only a few empirical
studies have evaluated how morph frequencies and
densities, and fitness parameters relate to one another
in altered forest ecosystems through space and time.
Hypotheses: (1) Floral type in Corydalis cava
(purple or white) preferred by pollinators is dependent
on its frequency in a population (negative-frequency
dependent selection, NFDS). (2) Absolute number of a
particular morph per unit area is a factor responsible for
pollinator choice (density-dependent selection, DDS);
(3) Fitness of phenotypically intermediate hybrids
is significantly lower in comparison with the “pure”
morphs (Grant’s model).
Specific questions: How reproductive success of
morphs examined over space and time varies in relation to the morph’s frequency and density? Are hybrids
between pure color morphs commonly produced? Do
they differ from the “pure” morphs in the level of reproductive success?
Methods: The study was carried out in 2013-2014 in
two ecosystems in the Wielkopolska Region (Poland). In
each ecosystem, three experimental plots (replications)
(3 x 25 m2) were established. To determine if NFDS
and DDS were operating, white and purple morphs of
Corydalis cava (3425 individuals), were analyzed. We
focused on morph rates and morph densities. Morph fitness was measured as the number and weight of seeds.
These data were studied in space – per site/replication,
and time (two years) using a factorial MANOVA and
linear regression analysis. Moreover, phenotypically
intermediate hybrids (11) between “pure” morphs were
evaluated in terms of their fitness by Student’s t-test.
Results: (1) Both analyzed populations increased
noticeably in number of individuals over two years,
but specific morph ratio was maintained within a given
population; (2) significant effects of the site, replication
and the interaction (site x replication) on reproductive
effort of morphs were demonstrated; (3) reproductive
success of morphs did not depend on their frequency
and density; (4) the existence of fertile (but rare) phenotypically intermediate hybrids between “pure” morphs
was noted. Their reproductive success was significantly
lower in comparison with the “pure” morphs.
Conclusions: Morph frequencies in Corydalis cava
varied spatially but not temporally; this may indicate
local adaptation. There was no evidence that floral type
in Corydalis cava depended on its frequency and density in a population. It is necessary to explain, whether
population rise is a symptom of population periodic
fluctuations, or better conditions in a given year.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
The influence of different habitat conditions in the Ojców
National Park (Southern Poland) on selected physiological
processes of Impatiens parviflora DC
Katarzyna Możdżeń1, Beata Barabasz-Krasny2 & Anna Sołtys-Lelek3
Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology, Department of Plant Physiology, Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, e-mail: kmozdzen@
Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology, Department of Botany, Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, e-mail:
Ojców National Park, Ojców 9, 32-045 Sułoszowa, e-mail:
Small Balsam (Impatiens parviflora DC.) originates from the mountains of Central Asia. In Poland,
the first specimens were noted in the mid-nineteenth
century in the vicinity of Gdańsk. Currently, the species
is common­throughout the country, with the exception
of the north-east, where it occurs in isolation. In the
Ojców National Park this species was first recorded
in years 1960-1965, at two sites. At present, it occurs
commonly in forest and synanthropic communities
of the Park. Expansiveness of this species is associated
with the ability to produce large number of seeds which
are transported e.g. by flood waters, mammalian hair
or clothing of people visiting the Park. The aim of the
study was to investigate the activity of selected physio­
logical processes of I. parviflora in different habitat
conditions of the Ojców National Park.
Three different habitat plots (areas) were selected
for the study: (1) riparian riverside Alno-Ulmion, (2)
lime-hornbeam forest fertile sub-association TilioCarpinetum stachyetosum at the foot of the slope, (3)
lime-hornbeam forest typical sub-association TilioCarpinetum typicum on a slope. Experimental specimens of I. parviflora were collected (10 from each area)
and measurements of light intensity and soil pH were
carried out on the study plots. Additionally, the plots
were characterized by phytosociological pictures.
Differen­ces between the designated plots in the intensity
of light and soil pH values were determined on the basis
of analyzes. The highest intensity of light was observed
on the area (2) and the lowest on the area (3). Soil
pH fluctuated from 6 (area 3) to 8.5 (area 1). Statistically relevant differences were observed in the length
of the aerial parts of I. parviflora specimens collected
in the particular study areas. The longest shoots were observed among specimens growing in riparian riverside,
and the shortest in lime-hornbeam forest typical subassociation. The water content in underground organs
was highest among the specimens found in area (1)
and lowest in area (3). In the case of the above-ground
organs, the highest values of water content were recorded among plants growing in plot (3) and lowest
in plot (2).
Measurements of flow of electrolytes by cell membranes of the investigated aerial and underground
organs of I. parviflora showed significant differences,
particularly apparent in leaves. The largest percentage
outflow of electrolytes was observed among the specimens from the plot (2) and the smallest from the plot (1).
Designation of chlorophyll content showed the lowest
values in plants occurring on the plot (2) with the most
intense light. Moreover, imaging of chlorophyll a fluorescence of leaves showed significant differences in the
functioning­ of photosystem PSII of plants growing
in lime-hornbeam forest fertile sub-association (2) compared to specimens from the two remaining plots.
Distribution and habitat preferences of selected newer
kenophytes in Poland
Marcin Nobis1, Agnieszka Nobis1, Arkadiusz Nowak2 & Sylwia Nowak2
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków,
Poland, e-mail:,
Laboratory of Geobotany and Plant Conservation, Department of Biosystematics, Opole University, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland,
The natural barriers of expansion of kenophytes
are overcome by globalization and human influence,
therefore their number in the flora of Poland is constantly increasing. At the moment, in Poland, about
15% of the whole flora are vascular plants. Especially
interesting is the occurrence of some newest arrivals,
which were found in the area of Poland during recent
years. Specific of their habitats, make possibilities
to migration their diaspores, establishing in new places
and in consequence spreading, and sometimes expan-
sion or rarely invasion. In Poland, these problems are
related with e.g.: Macrosciadium alatum, Euphorbia
taurinensis, Scirpus georgianus, Cardamine chelidonia, Viola suavis and several other species established
in semi-natural or natural plant communities. Detailed
studies require their distribution, migration, dynamic
of population, level of establishing and share in plant
communities. The results of such studies could be in
future very important from the point of view of phytogeography and nature conservation.
Alien plants in riparian habitats of artificial ox-bow lakes
within urbanized areas of Opole during 13 years of succession
Sylwia Nowak1, Arkadiusz Nowak1, Marcin Nobis2, Magdalena Maślak3
& Paweł Kojs3
Department of Biosystematics, Laboratory of Geobotany & Plant Conservation, Opole University, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland, e-mail:,
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
Silesian Botanical Garden, Mikołów, Sosnowa 5, 43-190 Mikołów, Poland, e-mail:,
The frequent occurrence and effective spread
of alien plants along river corridors is a well- known
phenomenon­ in Central Europe. Since the beginning
of the 20th century, several invasive species were recorded in Silesia. The most frequent included: Acer
negundo, Impatiens glandulifera, Echinocystis lobata,
Solidago gigantea, Aster lanceolatus and Acorus cala-
mus. The abundant presence of alien plants in river valleys poses a considerable threat to native flora and vegetation of river side habitats. That is why, the aim
of the present study was to determine the occurrence
and abundance of alien invasive plant species in three
artificially created­ox-bow lakes of different size within
the Odra River valley in urbanized areas in the city
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
of Opole (Poland). A detailed monitoring in 13 plots
for each lake was started in 2001. Plots were located
in different types of vegetation developing in the created
habitats: rush zone, open water and in wet, inundated
surroundings with Bidentetea tripartiti vegetation. After
13 years of observation, we recorded 18 kenophytes
and 20 archaeophytes within the monitored plots. Kenophytes: Acer negundo, Amaranthus albus, A. retroflexus,
Aster lanceolatus, Bidens frondosa, Bunias orientalis,
Chamomilla suaveolens, Conyza canadensis, Echinocystis lobata, Elodea canadensis, Erigeron annuus,
Galinsoga parviflora, Robinia pseudoacaccia, Senecio
vernalis, Sisymbrium loeselii, Solidago canadensis,
S. graminifolia, Veronica persica. Archaeophytes:
Anagallis arvensis, Apera spica-venti, Atriplex nitens,
Capsella bursa-pastoris, Carduus acanthoides, Cichorium intybus, Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochloa crus-
galli, Erysimum cheiranthoides, Euphorbia helioscopia,
Fallopia convolvulus, Lactuca serriola, Matricaria
maritima subsp. inodora, Melandrium album, Papaver
rhoeas, Scleranthus annuus, Setaria pumila, Sonchus
arvensis, Vicia hirsuta, V. tetrasperma, V. villosa and Viola arvensis. However, none of the above-mentioned
species dominated a plot or the whole lake. Within
a short period after bare-ground stage, aliens achieved
the highest abundance. In 2002-2003, kenophytes
showed the average cover per plot of approx. 2.2%
and archaeophytes – of approx. 1%. Starting in 2004,
the total cover of alien plants decreased permanently,
achieving the negligible values in 2013 (ca. 0.02%
per plot). This was mainly due to strong competitiveness
of native plants, especially Phragmites australis, Potamogeton natans and Glyceria maxima which exhibited
the highest cover rates.
Centaurea nigra L. in Poland – the occurrence and status
Teresa Nowak
Department od Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:
Centaurea nigra is a perennial herb with rough
shoots, growing up to 20-70 cm in height. Typically, its anthodia are formed individually, at the ends
of shoots. Involucres of capitula have a nearly spherical
shape. Appendages of involucral bracts are of round
shape, black or blackish-brown, and regularly pectinatefimbriate. The florets are all tubular, which is its fairly
distinguishing feature. Typically, achenes have short
pappus, about 1 mm.
Taxonomic studies emphasize its internal varia­
bility and its ability to hybridize with related species.
The native range of this species covers mainly Western
Europe. However, it is also recorded beyond this range.
In many other parts of Europe and even North America
it is an element of adventive floras. Beyond its native
range, it is recognized as an established species and even
considered to be invasive.
In Poland, according to the “Flowering Plants and
Pteridophytes of Poland”, it is classified as a nonestablished alien plant species (an ephemerophyte).
In our country, its localities were recorded as early as
in the second half of the nineteenth century, especially
in Pomerania and Silesia. It was probably brought
to Pomerania by sea as a ballast plant, which was evidenced by herbarium materials deposited in the Herbarium of the Institute of Biology and Environmental
Protection of the University of Nicolaus Copernicus
in Toruń. At the same time, it colonized mainly ruderal
habitats, where it was recorded. There is no contemporary data on the occurrence of this species in Poland.
One of the reasons for this might be a decline of localities; however, it may also stem from misidentifications
of the species. During the field studies in Pomerania
in 2012, a massive occurrence of species of the Centaurea genus was recorded. Following comparative
analysis, it was finally determined as Centaurea nigra.
This locality, situated near the village of Karwieńskie
Błota, south of Karwia, is relatively far from the localities recorded in Gdańsk in the nineteenth century.
Centaurea nigra occurs there in the area of partially used
hay meadows, at peripheries of dirt roads and on the
slopes of draining canals. It is a dominant element
in the meadow communities in which it grows. Most
typically, it is accompanied by the following species:
Lysimachia vulgaris, Molinia caerulea, Holcus lanatus,
Vicia cracca,­ Lythrum salicaria, Angelica sylvestris,
Heracleum­ sphondylium and Potentilla erecta. However, this locality is endangered due to changes in the
tendencies of spatial planning, from agricultural to residential area. Lowering groundwater level and abandon-
ing the meadows result in evident negative changes
in the composition of these communities. Therefore,
an urgent need for detailed studies of the recorded population exists as well as for further field exploration aimed
at confirming other localities reported in Pomerania.
Relict species of Ophioglossaceae in Wielkopolska: resources,
causes of withdrawal and protection
Natalia Olejnik & Zbigniew Celka
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland,
Psilotopsida is an old group of plants which is
made up of two families: Psilotaceae and ����������
Ophioglossaceae. In Poland, only representatives of the latter
group (8 species) can be observed to occur. All of them
are threatened with extinction and are under species
protection. Only four species: Ophioglossum vulgatum, Botrychium lunaria, B. matricariifolium and B.
multifidum can be found in the contemporary flora of
Wielkopolska (the fifth one – B. simplex is considered
as extinct). The aim of our studies was to show current
Ophioglossaceae resources­in Wielkopolska, causes of
their disappearan­ce and possibilities of protection. The
authors based their studies on literature data as well as
on their own observations (description of 3 selected
species on permanent plots: Ophioglossum vulgatum,
Botrychium lunaria and B. matricariifolium).
The most frequent Ophioglossaceae species in
Wielkopolska is Ophioglossum vulgatum (about 150
localities). The number of specimens in populations
ranges from a dozen to several thousand. It settles,
primarily, moist meadows, less frequently riparian
forests. Botrychium lunaria is a less frequent species
with only 53 sites observed in Wielkopolska so far,
of which only 12 sites were reported after 1951. The
number of specimens in populations does not exceed
several dozen and undergoes considerable fluctuations
every year. Its site spectrum comprises riparian forests,
xerothermic swards and moist meadows. From among
the reported 35 Botrychium matricariifolium sites, only
9 were reported recently. Populations of this species are
characterised by large fluctuations of specimens ranging
from 1 to several hundred. In Wielkopolska, it grows
mainly in forests. Botrychium multifidum is the rarest
species in Wielkopolska with only one site here situated
in the area of Kępno on which from 1 to 4 specimens
are found (it was not observed on the remaining 10 sites
for years).
Majority of Ophioglossum vulgatum and Botrychium
lunaria populations can be found in meadow eco­
systems, so for them the worst threat is intensive utilisation, e.g. early cutting prior to sporulation, application
of artificial fertilisers, herbicides as well as natural
succession. For these species, cutting at the end of
August­when they finish their vegetation season would
be most appropriate. Maintenance of the appropriate
water regime is also very important
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Participation of Phalacroloma annuum (L.) Dumort.
in different biotope types of Pokutsko-Medobory
Geobotanical district (Ukraine)
Olga M. Optasiuk & Мarta V. Chekman
Ivan Ogiyenko Kamyanets-Podilskyi National University, Nature Faculty, Biology, Ivan Ogiyenko 61, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, 32300, Ukraine,
On the territory of Pokutsko-Medobory Geobotanical
district, expansion of Phalacroloma annuum (L.) Dumort, the North American species is observed. The species is a transformer and characterized by high vitality,­
speed of propagation and degree of naturalization, wide
ecological amplitude and stress tolerance. The species
Ph. annuum grows in secondary anthropogenically
transformed ecotopes and incorporates into semi-natural
and natural ecotopes in the region. The aggressiveness
in colonization and transformation of new habitats using
the resources of the new environment, inaccessible for
native species are characteristic for the species.
The analysis of participation of Ph. annuum in natural
and anthropogenic biotopes of the Pokutsko-Medobory
geobotanical district was carried out. The species was
often observed in the man-made habitats of type I:
agrobiotopes with intensive cultivation, habitats that
formed in deforested areas, herbaceous ruderal habitats,
artificial habitats of trees and shrubs and ornamental
artificial grass groupings. In addition, it was found in
the grass-herbaceous meso- and xerotic habitats of type
E with the prevalence of hemikryptophytes, which are
formed in moderate or low moisture meadows, steppes,
wastelands (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Nardetalia) and
meadow-steppe habitats (Festuco-Brometea), and also
in the habitats of type F, formed by chamaeophytes and
In wetland grassy habitats of type D the species occurred in coastal water groups, formed under sufficient
irrigation conditions on muddy and sandy sediments
(Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) with sharply varying
moisture and on wetland groups – in continuous hydration on peatlands and mires.
We often observed plants of Ph. annuum in open
forest clearings and forest edges in the habitats of
phanerophytes type G: deciduous forests and shrubs
(Querco-Fagetea, Quercetea robori-petraea), shrubby
habitats (Rhamno-Prunetea). They occurred less
commonly­ in habitats of type H, the development of
which is caused by geomorphological and accumulative
processes: habitats on acidic silicate rocks exposures,
habitats of alkali carbonate outcrops (Alysso-Sedetalia),
habitats on accumulated sand sediments composed
by kseromorphic succulent terophytes on saline soils,
solonetzes, solonchaks.
It was established that plants of Ph. annuum, which
are connected to the anthropogenic habitats, had the
greatest variability of morphological features (plant
height, pubescence of vegetative organs, quantity, color
and diameter of flowers in the inflorescence, shape
and size of leaves) and increasing of their quantitative
The cover of Atriplex tatarica on road margins in Warsaw:
the importance of habitat conditions and interspecific
Dorota Panufnik-Mędrzycka1, Aldona Bocian2, Małgorzata Wierzbicka1
& Piotr Mędrzycki2
Warsaw University, Faculty of Biology, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail: dmedrzycka@
University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Faculty of Ecology, Olszewska 12, 00-792 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail: piotr.medrzycki@
Atriplex tatarica L. is a C4 plant with the bundle
sheet cells in leaves. It is also a facultative halophyte
with secreting glandular trichomes on the leaf epidermis. The occurrence frequency of this Irano-Turanian
species has increased in Warsaw over the last few decades.
The A. tatarica distribution along roads is strongly
patchy. Moreover, with an increasing distance from
the road and decreasing salinity, the cover of A. tatarica
decreases, whereas of other plants increases. Regardless of a distance and actual salinity, the cover of other
plants is always lower in the presence of A. tatarica,
which suggests the competitive interactions between A.
tatarica and other plants.
The aim of this study was to determine relative
importance of habitat conditions, such as microtopography and mechanical disturbance (brushing by road
cleaning vehicles), and of interspecific relationships
with species of different photosynthetic pathways (C3/
C4) and with halophytic/glycophytic (H/G) adaptations,
for the A. tatarica cover inside and outside dense A.
tatarica patches.
There were settled 300 of 0.5x0.5m sampling plots
(SP) in 20 groups along 4- and 6-lane roads in the 6 districts of Warsaw. Each group consisted of 3 transects
of 3 SPs inside dense A. tatarica patches, and 2 control transects in the closest patches with the low A.
tatarica cover. There were assessed: for each plot – %
cover of A. tatarica and other species, % bare area (BA),
% area disturbed by brushing (BR), a distance to the
road (DR) and a type of vertical profile (VP), for each
transect – maximum relative elevation, and for each
group – exposition (EXP), lawn width and a number
of lanes. The C3/C4 strategy and the H/G status of species were assigned according to literature. Significant
determinants (SiD) of A. tatarica cover were selected by
R Boruta analysis. The importance of variables was assessed by R Random Forest (RF) models with partial
dependence plots showing species response to variables.
Altogether, there were 31 species included. A.
tatarica. Among them 4 were C4 and 27 – C3, 11 –
H and 20 – G species. SiD of the A. tatarica cover
were: SP group, SP transect, BR, BA, VP, EXP, DR and
the cover of Taraxacum.officinale, Elymus repens,
Digitaria sanguinalis (DS), Plantago maior, Festuca
rubra and Lolium perenne. The variance of the A. tatarica cover was explained in 78%. Habitat conditions
were much more important (40% of the importance
sum) than interspecific relationships (25%). The A. tatarica cover increased by 12% when BR was above zero,
decreased by 10% with a growing DR, was 5% higher
on the flat SPs. The A. tatarica cover was up to 5% lower
in the presence of all significant species except for DS,
with which the A. tatarica cover was 3% higher. The
restricting­ plants were the C3 and H species, while
DS was the only C4 and G plant.
We conclude that A. tatarica as the C4 halophyte
is able to maintain fast plastic growth during hot and
dry summer weather. This might give it an unique advantage over the C3 halophytes, either through direct
competition for resources or through higher ability
to regenerate after mechanical disturbances.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Assessment of the distribution of alien plant species across
the habitats of the Ukrainian forest steppe
Natalia Pashkevych1, Raisa Burda1, Maryna Golivets1 & Olesia Petrovych2
Institute for Evolutionary Ecology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lebedeva 37, 03143 Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail: pashkew@mail.
Institute for Evolutionary Ecology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine,
Lebedeva 37, 03143 Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail:
In order to assess the level of anthropogenic transformation of the vegetation cover of the nature protected areas located within the Ukrainian forest steppe
(n = 13), we analyzed the distribution of alien species
in natural and anthropogenic habitats. Almost all recorded species (356 out of total 367) were represented
in habitats shaped by human activity (type I). Alien
species which did not develop an ecological niche
in this type of habitat were mainly stenotopic, hygromesophytes or mesophytes, and occurred in continental
water habitats (type C) or/and wet habitats of grassy
type (D): Zizania latifolia, Acorus calamus, Pistia
stratiotes, Elodea canadensis, and Elodea nuttallii.
A high number of exotic species (127) were recorded
in habitats dominated by phanerophytes (type G) which
included deciduous and coniferous woodlands as well
as shrublands of Rhamno-Prunetea class. The last
one served as a buffer on the one side and as a hot spot
of non-natives on the other. Almost the same number of species (121) was found in grassland habitats
(grasslands, steppes and wasteland – type E). The high
capacity of this type of habitats in terms of species
richness was caused by the huge number of potential
ecological niches as a result of the complex structure
and, also, by the proximity of transportation networks
and watercourses. Similarly, habitats of type D harbored
71 alien plant species. Biotopes of type F (chamaephytes
and nanophanerophytes) and type H (whose development was caused by geomorphologic and accumulative processes), though represented in all the studied
sites, often had a very narrow ecological amplitude
and occupied­ small areas, making it difficult for alien
species to spread. For this reason, only non-natives with
specific edaphic affinity and ubiquists were recorded:
in type F – 65 and in type Н – 49 species.
About a third of species (123) were recorded across
at least three habitat types; such species may be consi­
dered eurytopic in their secondary ranges. Most widespread species were: Fallopia convolvulus, Vicia angustifolia, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Conyza canadensis,
Phalacroloma annuum, and Setaria viridis. At the same
time, there was not a single species which would occur
in all habitat types. Recapitulating, agricultural lands
and ruderal biotopes were highly invaded; three times
fewer alien plant species occurred in woodlands, shrublands, grasslands, and wasteland; and only small number
of non-native species were restricted to continental
water habitats.
Mechanisms of filamentous green algae domination in water
ecosystems of the Wielkopolska region
Marta Pikosz & Beata Messyasz
Department of Hydrobiology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań,
Poland, e-mail:
Filamentous green algae (FGA) are a very diverse
group of macroscopic algae. Mechanisms of FGA
dominance are based on algal succession changes
throughout the year. This natural succession of algae
occurs in response to changes in biotic and abiotic factors. Macroscopic green algae populations are abundant
in eutrophic waters forming mats when available light
and nutrients are high. Some algal taxa can coexist in
one ecosystem, although, Cladophora glomerata is
always predominant among FGA. However, it was often observed for Cladophora rivularis that is filaments
woven into the species of Oedogonium. The observed
species from the Oedogonium genera in the Wielkopolska region preferred highly alkaline (pH about 8-9) and
saline (>100 mg·l-1 Cl-) water. Moreover, Tribonema and
Ulothrix were observed first in early spring in shallow
water only for two weeks period. Studies were carried
out at Lake Zbąszyńskie, the mid-field pond in Konojad
village and the Mogilnica river. A massive development of filamentous algae corresponds to eutrophic
water qualities. Among the studied water ecosystems,
the highest values of nutrient elements (1.09 mg∙l-1
N-NO3-, 1,18 mg∙l-1 N-NH4+, 0.85 mg∙l-1 P-PO43-) were
recorded in the Mogilnica river. In all examined sites
water was alkaline, with the highest value (pH 8.81) in
Lake Zbąszyńskie,. whereas the highest salinity values
were observed in the Konojad pond (111.97 Cl- mg∙l-1).
The value of the electrolytic conductivity fluctuated
from 372 µS·cm-1 in the artificial pond to 1045 µS·cm-1
in the natural pond.
In conclusion, the present study demonstrated
that FGA, in particular, Cladophora glomerata, are
widespread in the Wielkopolska region. The growth of
their populations is associated significantly with water
fertility and more often occurs in the summer-autumn
Post iron-ore mining sites – refugia of native forest species
in the northern periphery of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains
Monika Podgórska
Department of Environment Protection and Modelling, Jan Kochanowski University, Świętokrzyska 15, 25-406 Kielce, Poland, e-mail:
The main aim is to present remnants of old iron-ore
mining practices as refuges of native forest species
in the northern periphery of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains.
Study area. The investigated area includes mining
fields located on two mesoregions: Suchedniowski Plateau and Gielniowski Hummock (Małopolska Upland­
sub-province). These territories are situated in the bor-
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
ders of the former Old Polish Industrial Region (OPIR)
– the largest (till the end of the 19th century) mining­
and smelting region in Poland. Among all mining­
activities,­ the extraction of iron ores deserves special
attention,­because it was very intensive and lasted for the
longest time, especially in the northern periphery of the
OPIR (including area under study). In the borders of the
OPIR, there are a lot of habitats transformed by former
iron-ore mining – so-called ‘gob piles’ – small heaps
built by material brought to surface from deeper rock
layers. Aggregations of these remnants create larger
old mining fields.
In years 2012-2013, in four old mining fields
50 permanent study plots (each of them covering
100 m2) were established (25 on gob piles and – for the
purpose of comparison – 25 in areas non-transformed
by old iron-ore mining activities, in the immediate
surroundings­ of heaps). In all plots, floristic lists
of vascular­plants species were made.
Because of forest management, only herbal species
grow in research communities spontaneously. In the
herb layer, within the plots of communities growing
on the gob piles, a considerable increase in the number
of native forest species was noted (in comparison with
plots of communities developing in their surroundings).
This increase was caused chiefly by the increased proportion of species characteristic for the syntaxa from
the Querco-Fagetea class. It is important that most
of them were recognized as species distinguishing
ancient woodlands. These species were almost exclusively attached to the communities developing in gob
piles (their limits were marked by the material extracted
and scattered around in ancient times). Despite the long
distance of old mining fields (about 50 kilometers),
in every plot set on gob piles, there was prevalence
of species which slowly colonized new habitats (myrmecochores and endozoochores). Moreover, at present,
these species should be regarded as specific bioindicators of habitats transformed by old iron-ore mining
Forest communities growing on post iron-ore sites
are remnants of ancient woodlands and presently
comprise refugia for genetic resources of native forest
species in the northern periphery of the Świętokrzyskie
Mountains. Preliminary results of studies on the distribution of invasive alien
species of vascular plants in NW Poland (resources of Western
Pomeranian Atlas of Distribution of Vascular Plants and Fungi
Agnieszka Popiela1, Andrzej Łysko2 & Zofia Sotek1
Department of Botany and Nature Conservation, University of Szczecin, Felczaka 3c, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland, e-mail: popiela@univ.
Department of Environmental Protection and Management, Western Pomeranian University of Technology, Słowackiego 17, 71-374 Szczecin, Poland, e-mail:
Pomerania is a region with unique features and is of
great importance for studies on diversity among plants.
It is a very important area in Europe with respect to phytogeography, where limits of the home ranges of many
taxa come together. It is also an area relatively well
preserved with respect to the natural environment –
sea coast and areas rich in early post-glacial landscape
types, numerous wetlands, peat-lands, large forest
complexes, lake and river ecosystems, including that
of the Odra River – one of the biggest rivers in Central
Europe. Floristic data had been collected in this area
for over 150 years, first by German naturalists and then,
after 1945, by Polish ones. Unfortunately, these data
have not been synthesised so far. In 2006, work started
on a web-based Western Pomeranian Atlas of Distribution of Vascular Plants and Fungi (ZARRiG), the objective of which was to supplement and summarise
the knowledge on floristic resources of North-Western
Poland on the basis of historical and modern data,
with the basic cartogram unit adopted to be a 2.5 x 2.5
square km. As a preliminary result of this research,
distribution maps of several dozens of invasive alien
plant species in Central Europe were presented: Acer
negundo, Anthoxanthum aristatum, Aster novii-belgii,
Bidens frondosa, Bromus carinatus, Bunias orientalis,
Clematis vitalba, Echinochloa crus-gali, Echinocystis lobata, Elodea canadensis, Epilobium ciliatum,
Erigeron annuus, Helianthus tuberosus, Heracleum
mantegazzianum, H. sosnowskyi, Hordeum murinum,
Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora, Juglans regia,
Juncus tenuis, Lupinus polyphyllus, Lycium barbatum,
Padus serotina, Reynoutria sachalinensis, R. japonica,
Robinia pseudoacacia, Rosa rugosa, Rudbeckia lacinata, Setaria pumila, S. viridis, Solidago canadensis,
S. gigantea, Spiraea tomentosa, Vicia grandiflora,
Xanthium albinum. Distribution of respective taxa
was presented against the extent of floristic exploration of this area. When analysing these results, the fact
that only some of its parts (e.g. Myślibórz Lakeland,
southern part of Nowogard Plain) were systematically
examined in recent years (mapped vascular plant flora)
should be taken into account. Therefore, the presented
maps illustrate only approximately the real density of
the presence of invasive species in NW Poland. The
authors also refer to the presence of invasive species
on the Szczecin seacoast reported from Germany (e.g.
Lactuca tatarica) as well as to the resources of other
problematic species in the examined area in Southern
Poland (e.g. Ailanthus altissima, Ambrosia artemisiifolia). The research work will continue.
Retreat of Euphrasia species in the past 15 years
Ewa Posz & Renata Dawid-Pac
Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Ostrogórska 30, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Medicinal and Cosmetics Natural Products, Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Mazowiecka 33, 60-623 Poznań, Poland,
Research on the Euphrasia genus has been carried
out in Poland since 2001. The current research comprises: the taxonomic revision, revision of the available
herbarium collections and field work, including annual
monitoring of rare species. The most common species
from this genus are: Euphrasia rostkoviana and E.
stricta. So far, these species have been commonly found
in meadows, lawns, roadsides, field verges and often
in ruderal and fallow land locations. As hemi-parasites,
eyebrights obtain from the host plant water and minerals.
In certain conditions, they can survive independently,
feed on each other or rely on one or even on a few host
species simultaneously. Host availability directly determines sprouting, growth, flowering and seed setting.
It was observed over the past few years that there
was a decrease in the occurrence of Euphrasia in meadow
communities and road verges. The populations, if at
all, were most commonly found in woodland habitats.
At the same time, overseeding of meadows, paddocks,
agricultural fallow land, landscape areas and road verges
with widely available ready-made seed mixes became
an increasingly popular practice. There is a large selection
of these seed mixes, ranging from general purpose mixtures to highly specialized products used, for example,
in highway landscaping, in public landscapes on low
nutrient urban soils, on road verges, slopes, woodlands and along water courses as well as for grasslands
and flower meadows. There are various treatments that
seeds in these mixtures receive, for example, treatments
with insecticides, fungicides or with growth stimulants.
The analysis of the species composition in a few locations of the artificially seeded plant communities revealed
common presence of possible host species, for example:
Trifolium repens, Medicago lupulina, Poa pratensis
and Plantago lanceolata. However, no eyebrights were
found in these locations. The influence of chemical substances used for seed treatment of artificial mixes on the
Euphrasia species is not known. It is possible that these
could potentially inhibit Euphrasia ability to penetrate
the host plant or affect the ability to produce haustoria.
Another possible cause can be the ability to form strong
mat roots by grass species used commonly in highway
landscaping seed mixtures. They have a very effective,
dense root system that can form a solid, impenetrable
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
mat which could be a barrier for eyebrights and other
species. The actual reason for the decreased quantity
of Euphrasia in Poland is currently not known. Further
research is planned which will include comparable trials
of eyebrights cultivated with host plants obtained from
seed mixtures and from the wild.
The state of exploration of plant cover in settlements
– literature overview
Martyna Psikus & Maria Wojterska*
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, *e-mail:
The study was focused on the level of exploration
of plant cover in the settlements, taking into account:
geographic situation, type of settlement, subject, period and methods of studies. The analysis covered 410
published papers and as result the information on the
state of knowledge on flora and vegetation of towns and
villages in the different regions of Poland was obtained.
These data were compared to information concerning
other European countries.
Reproductive success Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz
(Orchidaceae, Neottieae) on the anthropogenic habitats
Agnieszka Rewicz1, Jeremi Kołodziejek1 & Anna Jakubska-Busse2
Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, University of Łódz, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź, Poland, e-mail:,
Department of Biodiversity and Plant Cover Protection, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław, Poland, e-mail:
The process of apophytism or spreading native
species to human-made habitats is one of the main elements in the creation of plant cover on anthropogenic
areas. Recently, an increase of anthropogenic localities
with valuable flora (rare and legally protected species)
has been observed. Apophytes are also members of the
Orchidaceae family, especially from the Epipactis genus.
Specifically, our question was whether the anthropogenic habitats significantly modify the reproductive success of E. helleborine. Long term monitoring has been
carried out on several populations of E. helleborine
throughout Poland. Eight populations of E. helleborine
were chosen to represent (i) 4 populations from the natural habitats and (ii) 4 populations from the anthropogenic habitats. At each site, the tagged E. helleborine
plants (up to 30 flowering plants to populations) were
monitored on a regular basis throughout the flowering
season in 2012 and 2013, recording number of flowering
shoots, juvenile shoots, number of flowers and number
of capsules. Populations from the anthropogenic habitats
differed significantly in terms of reproductive success
from the natural populations. Number of flowers (114
anthropogenic populations /166 natural populations)
and fruit (102 anthropogenic populations /121 natural
populations) were lower in the case of the anthropo-
genic populations but numbers of juvenile shoots were
lower in the natural populations (96 natural populations
/264 anthropogenic populations). This might suggest
the dominance of vege­tative propagation.
Synanthropic flora of ecological margins in the area subjected
to strong anthropopressure as exemplified by Dopiewo
neighbourhood (Poznań district)
Małgorzata Rzepka1 & Zbigniew Celka2
Geobotanical Section, Scientific Circle of Naturalists, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
Dopiewo is a village of about 3000 inhabitants
belonging to Poznań agglomeration situated at the
distance of approximately 20 km from the city centre.
For many years, Dopiewo commune was focused on
agriculture. However, rapid transformations taking
place in Poznań neighbourhood triggered off changes
in methods of management. The farming landscape
of Dopiewo surroundings full of lakes and forests has
recently been undergoing intensive expansion involving non-agricultural forms of economic activity. This
is evident, among others, in the development of many
new houses as well as communication routes. A new
A2 motorway opened ten years ago also cuts across this
commune. In this rapidly changing landscape, many so
called ecological margins can be found and others are
in the course of development.
This study deals with the flora of vascular plants
found along roadsides and in roadside ditches. The
performed experiments comprised 50 m long transects
established in ecological margins of various landscape
types: forest (3 transects), farming (3) and urban (9).
Floristic lists indicating species resources were elaborated for all examined surfaces. Studies were conducted
in July and August 2014. The collected materials were
subjected to statistical analysis employing, among
others,­indices of floristic similarity
In all, over 150 plant species deriving from 40 families were recorded on the examined transects. Species
from Asteraceae, Poacaeae and Fabaceae families were
represented most abundantly. Native species (almost
70%) with a considerable share of archeophytes (about
20%) were dominant in the geographic-historical spectrum. From among kenophytes, Conyza canadensis,
Echinops sphaerocephalus, Medicago ×varia, Oxalis
fontana deserved attention among herbaceous plants
and Quercus rubra and Robinia pseudoacacia in woody
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Anthropopression in the Scots pine forest landscape
of the Notecka Forest – both sides of the story
Radosław Sajkiewicz
Department of Taxonomy, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail: radoslaw.
Investigation of the dynamics and structure of vascular flora of the Notecka Forest was conducted in the
years 2005-2011. During field research, 765 species
of vascular plants were found in the examined area.
The area under study was dominated by Scots pine
forests which displayed a wide range of anthropogenic
transformations. A compact forest complex was intersected by numerous, varied, mostly man-made elements
of the linear system. Their presence indicated a strong
influence on the presence and distribution of many rare,
threatened as well as alien, invasive and nonforest vascular plant species. The first group of species mentioned
above, connected with forest roadsides, includes, e.g.:
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng., Lycopodium clavatum L., Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser and
Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.; the second – Conyza
canadensis (L.) Cronquist, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)
P. Beauv. and Robinia pseudoacacia L.
Apart from the changes at the level of flora, we
also observed some significant antropoghenic shifts
at the vegetation and landscape level in the Notecka
Forest – degeneration of former natural or seminatural
forest communities, formation of new communities and
ecotonal zones and fragmentation of the compact Scots
pine forest complex.
The aim of this work is to answer the question: are
we able to talk not only about negative but also a positive role of antropophression in man-made Scots pine
The association Veronico-Mimuletum guttati Niemann 1965
in Pomerania
Zbigniew Sobisz & Zbigniew Osadowski
Department of Botany and Nature Conservation, Institute of Biology and Environmental Protection, Pomeranian University, Arciszewskiego 22A,
76-200 Słupsk, Poland, e-mail:
The spread of Mimulus guttatus in Europe started in
the 19th century ). In Poland, the first report dates from
1824 (Kowary) in the Sudety Mts. . This is, at the same
time, the oldest registered date of the occurrence of this
species in Europe. At the same period it was recorded in
Pomerania, it was seen in 1874 in Koszalin. The history
of dispersion of this species was investigated by Piękoś
(1972) who recorded the occurrence of this species
at 112 stations. Nowadays, it is present most often in
Lower Silesia and Pomerania. To date, it was recorded
in 326 station in 128 ATPOL squares. Monkey-flower
is one of the species that uses banks of rivers, streams
and lakes and is found along ditches, rarely in pastures
and ruderal habitats.
Field studies were carried out during the vegetative
seasons of 2005-2012 in Central Pomerania which
is the area between the river Łeba to the east and
the river Parsęta to the west. It is the eastern part of
Western Pomerania. Phytocoenoses where the species was found were subjected to phytosociological
analysis by taking phytosociological relevés of the
patches where it was growing, using Braun-Blanquet’s
method. Mimulus guttatus is a characteristic species of
the Sparganio-Glycerietum fluitantis association. The
Veronico beccabungae-Mimuletum guttati association
was described for the first time for Poland from the
Sudety Zachodnie.
Basing on 38 phytosociological relevés, VeronicoMimuletum guttati association from the SparganioGlycerion fluitantis alliance was distinguished. It is
inside differentiated into two variants: a) spring variant
noted in spring areas, b) typicum variant noted along
banks of river, ditches and water-logged meadows. The
spring variant is florally poor (26 taxa) with dominating
characteristic species: Mimulus guttatus and Cardamine
amara. Typicum variant is florally rich (72 taxa). This
variant occupies ditches and banks of streams. It is
characterized by species composition from Artemisieta
(e.g. Galeopsis speciosa, Urtica dioica), Bidentetea
tripartiti (e.g. Bidens tripartita, Polygonum hydropiper)
and Isoëto-Nanojuncetea ( e.g. Gnaphalium uliginosum,
Juncus bufonius) classes.
Synanthropization of the flora and vegetation of the National
Nature Park “Skolivski Beskydy” (Ukrainian Carpathians)
Volodymyr Solomakha1, Tatyana Solomakha2, Volodymyr Kramarets3
& Iryna Lyakh4
Institute of Biology Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Academician Glushkov 2, 03022 Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail: tsolomakha@
M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Tereshchenkivska 2, 01601 Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail: tsolomakha@
The National Forestry and Wood-Technology University of Ukraine, Chuprynky 105, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
National Nature Park “Skolivski Beskydy”, Knyazya Svytoslava 2 Skoly, Ukraine, e-mail:
The results of field research of synanthropic vege­
tation and flora in the territory of the national nature
park (NNP) “Skolivski Beskydy” performed in the
2003-2008 are presented. A total of about 58 relevés
were carried out in the synanthropic habitats within
the borders of NNP. The obtained materials were
analyzed using JUICE software. A detailed vegetation survey of the NNP “Skolivski Beskydy” prepared
with the contribution of the authors was published
recently, but synanthropic vegetation was mentioned
only occasionally­in it.
As the territory of the NNP was situated mainly
in the region with high density of rural settlements of
ancient land-use history and intensive forest exploration, the synanthropic vegetation of this area was quite
diverse. Moreover, the numbers of plots and areas occu-
pied by synanthropic communities increased. The total
of 3 classes (Galio-Urticetea Passarge ex Kopecký
1969, Epilobietea angustifolii Tx. Et Preisingex von
Rochow 1951, and Plantaginetea majoris R. Tx. et Prsg.
in R. Tx. 1950), 5 orders, 6 alliances, 12 associations
and some communities were distinguished here.
The synanthropic fraction of the NNP “Skolivski
Beskydy” was represented by 164 species (25.9%),
including 119 apophytes and 45 adventive plant species. Among the adventive species, there were 16 kenophytes and 29 archeophytes. Hemiapophytes prevailed
(45 species), euapophytes comprised 43 and the rest
were occasional apophytes (32 species). The level of
flora synanthropisation of the NNP was not the highest
among protected objects of Ukraine.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Changes in species composition of meadow vegetation
patches dominated by Calamagrostis epigejos in response
to mowing and biomass removal
Małgorzata Szary, Agnieszka Błońska, Gabriela Woźniak, Barbara Ziemer,
Ewelina Roszkowska, Alicja Besler & Edyta Sierka
Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection; Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection; University of Silesia, 40-032 Katowice, Jagiellońska 28, Poland, e-mail:,,,,,,
In recent decades, a lot of species-rich meadows
became­ abandoned. The long-term lack of frequent
mowing caused changes in species composition
and habitat conditions of meadow habitats. It is often
observed that the abandoned meadow habitats become
dominated by Calamagrostis epigejos.
It has been shown that communities dominated
by Calamagrostis epigejos are characterized by low
levels of species richness and floristic diversity.
Its dominance reduces the number of species typical
of meadow and grassland habitats as it prevents the species encroachment and spread in community. This
grass effectively competes with other grass species,
particularly when the substrate has a high concentration of nitrogen. It spreads very quickly, and threatens
the biodiversity of grasslands and meadows. There
are reports that an effective method of limiting the C.
epigeios expansion is mowing at least twice a year.
However, this method proved to be the least effective
in terms of increasing species richness.
In order to find out about changes in vegetation
patches of formerly species-rich meadows overgrown by Calamagrostis epigeios caused by mowing
and removing­ the biomass, a set of permanent plots
was established. Four types of treatment in five replicates were applied: (i) mowing once a year with biomass
removal, (ii) mowing once a year without biomass removal, (iii.) mowing twice a year with biomass removal,
(iv.) mowing twice a year without biomass removal
and five control plots were established. The species
composition and species abundance of all the plots
was recorded in spring and autumn since 2007.
The aim of this study was to test the response
of vege­tation patches dominated by Calamagrostis
epigeios to the following treatments: mowing once and
twice a year with and without biomass removal.
The preliminary results showed that all the treatments increased species richness and diversity measures
using diversity indexes. However, it is a slow process.
Share of heathers in transformed anthropogenic communities
of Madagascar
Piotr Szkudlarz1 & Maciej Nowak2
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland,
Laboratory of Biologic Spatial Information, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań,
Poland, e-mail:
The Erica genus is represented in the flora of Madagascar by approximately 35 species. All these species
are taxons endemic for this region. They are mainly
associated, in a natural way, with shrubby formations
developing at higher montane elevations as well as on
a mountainous plateau in the central part of the island
and also with sclerophilous forests growing on western
slopes of the principle mountain range running along the
entire island. However, majority of the natural communities underwent strong anthropogenic transformations,
primarily, due to cattle grazing and uncontrolled forest
felling as well as to the introduction into cultivation of
alien woody species from Pinus and Eukalyptus genera.
In these places, very frequently, after felling, extensive
burning is employed dramatically affecting the development of vegetation systems. Very frequently, compact,
mostly single-species heather scrubs are formed in these
areas. One of the dominating species in such systems is
Erica trichoclada, a species resistant to fire which can
easily regenerate from its base after burning.
Anthropophytes in the flora of rural settlements
of the Lubuskie Lakeland
Katarzyna Szrama, Andrzej Brzeg & Maria Wojterska
Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, e-mail:,,
Agricultural landscapes reflect long-term interactions between natural environment and human impact.
Therefore, species composition of ruderal and segetal
flora is simultaneously influenced by various environmental factors as well as by different forms of management resulting in spatial structure. As the result of these
practices, some species, especially with narrow­ecological amplitude, may disappear. Considering the decline
of plant diversity in arable areas due to the intensification of agriculture and spatial changes in villages,
new surveys of rural flora are highly desirable.
The aim of studies was to examine the diversity
patterns­of flora against the background of local landscape units in rural areas. The study area was located
in the Lubuskie Lakeland region (western Poland).
The investigations comprised 30 villages with differently­
preserved structure of built-up areas and of cultivated
fields. Villages had medieval (13th-15th century) origin,
and represented one type of structure with central green
– oval shape. Albeit the structure of the studied villages
was uniform, since they were located according to the
same scheme, the spatial structure of the landscape
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
in their surroundings was differentiated. The area within
a 200 m buffer from the village center was divided
into spatial complexes such as: central green, builtup areas, fields and ponds. Fields were differentiated
in two groups: small fields adjacent to the village and
fields of different size situated away from the village.
Floristic lists in spatially delimited complexes were
compiled. Spatial database was elaborated using data
from digitalized orthophotomaps in ArcGis software.
The intensity of management was assessed on the basis
of chosen landscape metrics. The surrounding landscape
was described in the buffer of 1 km from the center
of villages. The proportions of arable fields, forests
and meadows were measured. Additionally, distances
form main roads, railways and larger towns were descri­
The total of 770 vascular plant species were recor­
ded in the analyzed area. 436 species were found
in traditional built-up areas, 381 in manors, 450 in central greens, 134 in ponds, 507 in small fields directly
adjacent to villages and 437 in fields situated farther
away. The highest percent of apophytes was found
in ponds (90%). In other complexes, the most numerous
were also apophytes – approximately 65 %. The share
of archeo­phytes was similar in traditional built-up areas,
manors, fields and varied from 16-19%. The percent
of kenophytes was slightly higher in the built-up areas
(approximately 20%) in comparison with arable fields
(16%). Additionally, rare and endangered archeophytes
were noted, for example: Anthriscus caucalis M. Bieb.,
Coronopus squamatus (Forssk.) Asch., Bromus secalinus L. Gagea arvensis (Pers.) Dumort., Lathyrus
tuberosus L., Veronica agrestis L., V. polita Fr.
Studies conducted in years 2011-2014 were supported by National Science Center Grant NN 305 062440.
Anthropogenic disturbance as a factor supporting
the development of rare plant species as exemplified by
Botrychium matricariifolium in the Silesia region of Poland
Barbara Tokarska-Guzik1, Dariusz Tlałka2, Teresa Nowak1, Eleanor Cohn3
& Ian C. Trueman3
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:
Oś. Nad Sołą 4/19, 32-650 Kęty, Poland
Univeristy of Wulverhampton, United Kingdom
Botrychium matricariifolium (Retz) A. Braun ex
W. D. J. Koch (daisy-leaved moonwort; Ophioglossaceae), an endangered and strictly protected species of
moonwort has lost significant number of its localities
during recent decades in Poland. From over 200 known
localities from the area of the entire country, only about
thirty were confirmed in the period of last 30 years. The
majority of known populations usually consists of a few
individuals or even a single individual plant. Little is
known about the life history of the species, and what is
more, until now no monitoring of the existing populations has taken place.
We present the results of monitoring of two populations of B. matricariifolium conducted between 2007
and 2014 in the Silesian Uplands (southern Poland).
The species was found for the first time in a forest area
in the vicinity of the town of Siewierz in 2007 and in
another similar nearby site in 2009. Several individuals
of the fern were found to occur here on forest clearings
under a high-voltage electricity line at two locations
about 1 km distant from one another.
At the sites of occurrence of the fern, phytosociological relevés and floristic lists in the direct surrounding
areas were made. In every growing season from 2007 to
2014, all specimens of B. matricariifolium were counted
in June-July.
The populations of B. matricariifolium occupied an
open sandy grassland community. In consecutive years
a dozen to several dozen individuals of Botrychium
were recorded in the study plots. In autumn 2009 during­
works conducted beneath the high-voltage line, the sites
for the fern appeared to have been destroyed. Young
trees and shrubs were cut down and the turf formed
by the herbaceous plants was damaged completely.
However, this damage to the vegetation did not affect
the population of the moonwort. In the following year,
about 100 individuals of the species were found there.
The results of the monitoring conducted suggest that
the disturbance (including the destruction of the vegetation) can be one factor which supports the maintenance
of populations of B. matricariifolium, a hypothesis
which had also been previously put forward by other
The influence of hiking on anthropofitisation of the beech forest
undergrowth in the central part of Częstochowa Upland
Przemysław Tomczyk, Katarzyna Krasoń, Monika Wierus, Paweł Kurzyński,
Katarzyna Zielińska & Agnieszka Rewicz
Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Institue of Ecology and Environmental
Protection, University of Łódź, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź, Poland, e-mail:,, monikawierus@,
The Częstochowa Upland is distinguished by the
richness and originality of natural phenomena. It is
recognised as one of the most beautiful and valuable
natural sites in Poland. In 1981, owing to the formation
of the Jurassic Natural Landscape Parks, it began to be
protected. The place is perfect for practicing leisure
and adventure tourism such as cycling, caving and rock
climbing. As a result of the massive leisure and adventure tourism, the touristic capacity is frequently
exceeded and the disruption of ecological processes
and the biotic world disturbance takes place. All that
lead to the degradation of natural and landscape values.
The area requires detailed research into the impacts
of tourism on wildlife. Thus, an increasing pressure
of tourism encouraged us to ask a question: in what
way does it affect the flora diversity along the trails?
The research was conducted along three trails in the
region of Niegowa, Sokole Góry Reserve and Parkowe Reserve. On the studied trails, every 200 meters,
a measuring point on both sides of the trail 10m long
and 2m wide was marked. Moreover, the zones on each
side of the trail were divided lengthwise into two parts,
each with the width of 1m, in order to assess the impact of the distance from the trail on the flora species
composition. In each measuring point, the inventory
of encountered species was conducted and their number
and degree of coverage area was evaluated. Altogether,
101 species from 43 families were found. Flora of the
examined trails was formed, primarily, by native species (96%). Among the species, such protected plants
as: Daphne mezereum, Hepatica nobilis or Melittis
melissophyllum were found.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Kenophytes in the flora of the Proszowice Plateau
Krystyna Towpasz1, Małgorzata Kotańska2 & Alina Stachurska-Swakoń1
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:, alina.stachurska-swakon
Department of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Biology and Agronomy, University of Rzeszów, Cegielniana 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland,
Proszowice Plateau (Nida Basin, Małopolska Upland) had long been used for agricultural purposes
due to favorable natural conditions and was one of the
earliest centers of settlement in Poland.
In the course of floristic research, 175 synanthropic
species were found there. Besides taxa that arrived
to the area along with the man, still in the Neolithic
(archaeophytes), there were also numerous plants that
arrived later (after the fifteenth century), i.e. kenophytes
(97 species). In the arable fields, Galinsoga parviflora and Veronica persica were, included in the group
of epekophytes. Plants that established in semi-natural
(hemiagriophytes) or even natural communities (holoagriophytes) were also frequent. Among numerous species of the hemiagriophyte group (48 species) Solidago
gigantea, Echinocystis lobata, Parthenocissus inserta
and Erigeron annuus were particularly widespread,
especially along rivers. Species of the Heracleum genus
(H. mantegazzianum and H. sosnovskyi) were rarely
observed. The group of holoagriophytes was small
and was represented only by 5 taxa: Acorus calamus
(rare in the reeds), Elodea canadensis (water reservoirs) and frequent in the forests Impatiens parviflora
and Quercus rubra and rare Cerasus mahaleb.
Pre-kenophytes – species partially established in the vascular
plant flora of Poland
Andrzej Urbisz, Alina Urbisz & Łukasz Folcik
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:,,
Among alien plant species, two groups can be distinguished: metaphytes – plants permanently established
in a given region and diaphytes – plants not fully adapted
to the habitat conditions in the new area. Classification
of individual species into these two groups is very difficult in many cases. Naturalization is a process that usually lasts very long and to determine definitely whether
a species is permanently established, long-term research
related to the life cycle and habitat requirements should
be carried out.
This study deals with species that cannot be precisely
classified as permanently established in the flora of Poland. These species (called: pre-kenophytes) usually
persist in one site for a long period (e.g. for decades)
but do not tend to expand the occupied area. On the basis
of our field studies and available botanical literature,
the list of species which, according to authors, should
be considered as pre-kenophytes is given. The list
includes species brought to a given area without intentional human activity (ephemerophytes) and found
cultivated and, occasionally, escaped (ergasiophygophytes). These species differ in terms of establishment level. Some of them, such as Cynodon dactylon
or Juncus planifolius can survive mild winter conditions
and remain in one place for several growing seasons.
Others (Alyssum argenteum, Chenopodium pumilio,
Tanacetum parthenifolium) are observed in one site
for several years but do not tend to spread. In the next
stage of establishment are species that spread in certain
regions of Poland and apart from anthropogenic sites,
they occur in semi-natural habitats very often (Campanula rapunculus, Cardamine chelidonia).
Due to lack of detailed observations at the national
level, it is impossible to present a comprehensive list
of pre-kenophytes in Polish flora. It is difficult to predict
whether all these species will start to spread, expand
the secondary range or will persist at the same level
of establishment. However, it is known that, in many
cases, plant species that were not recorded outside cultivation in Poland a few decades ago (Echinocystis lobata,
Juglans regia or Parthenocissus inserta) are classified
as invasive at the present time.
Dactylo glomerati-Populetea tremulae Y. O. Vorobyov
et I. Solomakha 2014 in press – a new class
of pioneer-forest and kolki (groves) vegetation
Eugen Olexandrovich Vorobyov & Igor Volodymyrovich Solomakha
M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Department of Natural Flora, Timiryazevskaya 1,
Kiev, 01014, Ukraine, e-mail:,
A new class of vegetation was described from the
lower Dnieper Valley (southern steppes subzone). It is
represented in this region by so named ‘kolki’ (groves)
with Betula borysthenica, Populus tremula, Quercus
robur, Alnus glutinosa and, rarely, Ulmus glabra,
situated in depressions on the sandy areas. They are of
relict,­post-glacial character and are related to deciduous
forests of the Querco-Fagetea class.
The Dactylo glomerati-Populetea tremulae ���������
class includes 6 associations and one community, representing
2 alliances and 2 orders (one of which is provisional).
The new class should also include well known from the
literature aspen kolki, occurring in the steppe slightly
saline patelliform depressions on the loess terraces
of Dnieper, Psel and other rivers of the forest-steppe
zone of Left-Bank Ukraine. In addition, this class will
include the described by us spontaneous woody pioneer
communities of quarries and dumps after mining and
excavation, as well as fallows and dry-valley meadows
situated far from the forest, in which the process of
afforestation began, and forest belts in the forest and
forest-steppe zones.
Thus, the Dactylo glomerati-Populetea tremulae
class represents the first stage of spontaneous or, rarely,
cultural afforestation of the long deprived of forest areas
or bare mineral (careers) and organic-mineral (fallows)
substrates in the forest-steppe and forest zones of Europe; and in the steppe zone – edaphic subclimaxes in
patelliform depressions (sometimes slightly saline) on
sandy and loess terraces. Plant communities of the class
are mostly birch and aspen (also oak and alder) quite
open forests with the sparse shrub layer and closed
herb cover with the significant participation of meadow
grasses and sedges. Forest species are rare.
Floristically, the new class is similar to the Agropyretea repentis class, while more wet communities – to
the Galio-Urticetea class. In the communities of the
forest and forest-steppe zones increases the participation of species of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.
The physiognomic characteristics of the new class
resembles the classes: Molinio-Betuletea pubescentis,
Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae, Quercetea
pubescenti-petraea, Robinietea, and, to some extent,
also the classes: Rhamno-Prunetea (order Sambucetalia
racemosae) and Salicetea purpurea. However, some
unique floristic and ecological features of the class
Dactylo glomerati-Populetea tremulae make it equally
distant from all these classes and, therefore, the new
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
class cannot be reduced to the synonym of any of these
The diagnostic species for the new class are: Betula
pendula, B. borysthenica, Populus tremula, Quercus
robur, Alnus glutinosa, Frangula alnus, Rhamnus
cathartica, Salix rosmarinifolia, S. cinerea, Sambucus
nigra, Rubus caesius, Dactylis glomerata, Elytrigia
repens, Phragmites australis, Calamagrostis epigeios,
C. canescens, Agrostis capillaris, A. gigantea, Festuca
rubra, Poa pratensis, P. angustifolia, P. sylvicola, P.
trivialis, Milium vernale, Carex hirta, C. ovalis, C.
contigua, Asparagus tenuifolius, Tanacetum vulgare,
Solidago virgaurea, S. canadensis, Erigeron canadensis, Phalacroloma annuus, Eupatorium cannabinum,
Achillea millefolium, A. euxina, Leontodon hispidus,
Taraxacum officinale, Anthriscus sylvestris, Chaerophillum temulum, Glechoma hederacea, Prunella vulgaris,
Vicia tetrasperma, Solanum dulcamara, Melandrium
album, Agrimonia eupatoria, Thalictrum simplex, Urtica dioica, Veronica chamaedrys, Campanula patula,
Equisetum pratense.
Occurrence of synanthropic species in plant communities
of the Vistula and Brennica Rivers gravel banks
(Western Carpathians)
Zbigniew Wilczek, Zuzanna Kamycka & Wojciech Zarzycki
Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28,
40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail:,,
Gravel banks are the initial habitats inseparably
connected with mountain streams. On the one hand,
they are an unstable substrate, influenced by the overflows and high waters and, on the other, they are also
exposed to strong sunlight and heat. This situation
determines specific vegetation which, due to dynamic
changes in the habitat, has a pioneer character. What
is more, gravel banks are areas where many river migratory species and many random species appear. Among
them, there are also synanthropic ones.
In 2011-2012, floristic and phytosociological studies were conducted in the Silesian Beskids. The goal
of these studies was to recognize the vegetation of the
gravel banks of the Vistula and the Brennica Rivers –
from their springs in the Silesian Beskids to the point
where the Brennica River flows into the Vistula River
in the Silesian Foothills. The studied section of the
two rivers is regulated. Particular attention was paid
to the synanthropic species which pose a threat to the
native flora.
The aim of this study was to recognize the synanthropic flora of the discussed area and to determine
its occurrence at subsequent stages of the gravel banks
The study allowed description of a series of succe­
ssion stages of the vegetation of the river banks. Moreover, the obtained results showed that synanthropic
species were present in all of them. The most common
invasive species that were spotted comprised: Impatiens
glandulifera, Heracleum mantegazzianum and Reynoutria japonica.
Floristic diversity of Cnidion meadows in the lower
and middle Odra River valley
Magdalena Wojciechowska* & Franziska Tanneberger
Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Soldmannstrße 15, 17487 Greifswald, Germany, *e-mail:
Cnidion meadows occur in Central Europe, mainly
in valleys of lowland rivers characterized by strong
annual water level fluctuations. In the past, they were
largely­under low-intensity use (mowing and grazing).­
Today, many river valleys are regulated, the area
of natu­rally flooded habitats has strongly decreased
and Cnidion­ meadows are endangered and in need
of protection. The floristic definition of Cnidion
meadow is different in Germany, Poland, and in the
EU. It makes the Odra river valley an interesting model
to compare approaches to Cnidion meadows in Germany and Poland.
Our research is part of a testing and developing
project for the conservation of characteristic birds
and vegetation of alluvial meadows (2011-2015). Here,
we present data on the floristic condition of Cnidion
meadows in the Lower Odra Valley National Park
(Germany). They occur in three polders (A, B, and 10)
which are flooded in winter, pumped in spring and rather
dry in summer. They were compared to meadows from
two Polish Natura 2000 sites: the Middle Odra Valley
(Dolina Środkowej Odry) and the Lower Odra (Dolna
Odra). These meadows are subject to unregulated
flooding.­ In total, 122 floristic relevés (25 m2) were
analysed. We also included various environmental data
(e.g. elevation, P content in the soil) and the previous
land use.
Cnidion meadows in the lower Odra valley (both
Polish­ and German sites) show floristic differences
to those in the middle Odra valley. Since the hydrological regime in the polders of the Lower Odra Valley
National Park is rather similar to the natural water
fluctu­ation, patches of similar floristic composition
Most species rich Cnidion meadows in the Lower
Odra Valley National Park were restricted to polder
10. They were floristically close to Cnidion meadows­
in the Polish Lower Odra Valley Nature 2000 site
and to several plots in the Middle Odra Valley.
The relevés from polders A and B included partly only
one or two Cnidion species and their environmental
conditions and floristic composition were very diverse.
Rare, endangered and poorly documented plant communities
of rural areas of the Lubuskie Lakeland (western Poland)
and of central Pomerania
Maria Wojterska, Andrzej Brzeg & Katarzyna Szrama
Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań, e-mail:,,
The study areas, located in northern and western
Poland, comprised 30 villages of the Lubuskie Lakeland
region and 18 in central Pomerania. The aim of our
research was to assess and to document the diversity
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
of vegetation of rural landscape, as well as the state of
preservation of its plant communities. The investigations, conducted in the years 2011-2014, were supported
by National Science Center Grant NN 305 062440.
A total number of recorded associations was accounted as 232 (besides fragmentarily developed local
communities of similar rank, including communities
without diagnostic species of units of lower rank).
These associations belong to 28 classes, 35 orders and
64 alliances within phytosociological classification.
The analyses were conducted only in regard to the data
concerning well developed phytocoenoses, i.e. undoub­
tedly recognizable after their species composition.
There was also assessed the share of endangered
associations, which compose about 25% of the whole
list of communities. Altogether 9 communities assessed
as directly endangered occurred in villages or their
vicinity. In the list prevailed natural and seminatural
The comparison of both studied regions has shown
that the diversity of vegetation was slightly higher in
Pomerania. The rural landscape of the Lubuskie Lakeland is more transformed, richer in ruderal communities,
whereas in Pomerania more represented are natural and
seminatural communities.
The rural landscape of both studied areas is still rich
and diversified but undergoes recently transformations
leading to its impoverishment and unification as result
of either abandonment of cultivation or its intensification.
Patterns of expansion of Solidago spp. in changing landscape
and forecast of its future course using GIS
Dan Wołkowycki & Paweł Próchnicki
Department of Environmental Protection and Management, Białystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45A, 15-351 Białystok, Poland,
The paper presents the results of studies on the
dispersal of Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea,
invasively expanding in the mosaic and changing landscape of the suburbia of the City of Białystok, NE Poland. The distribution of 45 197 ramets of the species
was mapped on the area of 60 km2. The proportion of the
colonized area varied from 29 to 93%. The range of effective spread of the species did not exceed a few dozen
meters. The Solidago species were distributed in clusters, but the strength of clustering varied depending
on the spatial scale. The largest populations of Solidago
spp. occurred in areas with the participation of abandoned farmlands reaching 57-60%. There was also
a significant relationship between the size of habitat
patches and susceptibility to colonization by these alien
species. The group of patches of abandoned farmland
(which were the most favorable habitats for goldenrods)
but not inhabited by these alien species, were dominated
by small ones with the area of 0.5 ha, at the most. Such
smallest patches represented almost 70% of those
not colonized by Solidago spp. The possibility­of effective spread of goldenrods was asso­ciated with the pat-
tern of landscape mosaic. The areas not occupied by the
species were characterized by the lowest coefficients
of habitat diversity and landscape mosaic, and dominated by vast patches with a uniform type of land
use. The probability of occurrence of the goldenrods
in a particular area depended on the degree of occupancy
of adjacent squares. The chances of appearance of these
species were less than 0.3 in the immediate vicinity
of the squares not colonized by it, while in the vicinity
of the squares with the largest populations of Solidago
spp – about 0.6-0.7. The forecast of further expansion
of Solidago spp. was based on cellular automaton rules.
Furthermore, a hypothetical course of expansion of the
goldenrods could lead to an increase in the number
of colonized squares by 78% in the first prognostic
period. Minimum proportion of the areas inhabited
by the goldenrods would increase from 29 to 52%. In the
second prognostic period, the participation of colonized
squares would increase, perhaps, to 62%. The decrease
in the rate of projected expansion could be attributed
to scarcity of the most suitable habitats and uninhabited
Reproductive capacity of the invasive species of
Fraxinus pennsylvanica in comparison
with native species of Fraxinus excelsior
Paulina Woźnica1, Izabella Franiel2 & Alina Urbisz1
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032, Katowice,
Poland, e-mail:,
Department of Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Bankowa 9, 40-007, Katowice, Poland,
Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) is a dioecious
species which was introduced to Europe around 1780.
In Poland, it was recorded for the first time in 1817
in Niedźwiedź near Krakow. This species was planted
in forests, parks and gardens in cities for decorative
purposes. And from these places, the species began
to spread onto unused areas in cities and wastelands.
No detailed ecological studies of this species
in Poland were conducted until now, although it expands its reach also in natural habitats. Because of the
similarity of habitat requirements, it can be dangerous for native species from Fraxinus (F. excelsior)
The production of a large number of seeds and
anemo­chory can influence the rate of colonization
of new habitats by this species. The main aim of the
study was to compare the reproductive capacity
of these species. Randomly selected 100 seeds were
collected from each of 20 trees located in parks
(10 trees for one species) and weight of fruits and vitality of seeds were tested. The cutting tests were used
to check the quality of seeds. Seeds were classified
according to four traits: non-damage, damage, yellow,
with larvae and results were compared with species
of trees and their gender.
F. pennsylvanica is a dioecious species, so male trees
do not produce seeds. On the other hand, Fraxinus excelsior is monoecious and, what is more, polygamous.
It means that also male trees can produce seeds. It was
observed that in the year after flowering, the percentage
of seeds which could germinate were similar in two species. For F. pennsylvanica, it is characteristic that a significant percentage of seeds were damaged by pest
larvae. In contrast, F. excelsior some part of seeds
was allocated to the soil seed bank. Consequently, F.
excelsior had more seeds which could germinate at all.
It could mean that it was not so much threatened by alien
species. The study failed to give a simple answer which
of the tested species had a higher reproductive potential. Based on the study, it cannot be clearly concluded
which of the species had greater reproductive potentials
and whether F. pennsylvanica could displace the native
species. More research is needed to determine the scale
of the problem of the increase in the number of posts
of F. pennsylvanica in Poland, especially in natural
and semi-natural habitats.
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
The occurrence of alien species along railway lines depending
on their use intensity. A case study in agricultural landscape
Małgorzata Wrzesień1 & Bożena Denisow2
Department of Geobotany, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin,
Poland, e-mail:
Department of Botany, Laboratory of Horticultural Plants Biology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin,
Poland, e-mail:
The agricultural landscape is under continuous anthropogenic pressure. In last decades, the fragmentation
of natural habitats and, as a results, the homogenisation
of agricultural landscape has been observed. Fragmentation by transportation corridors, i.e. highways, railways
and other linear structures, disturbs and changes natural
regimes of ecosystems in many parts of the world,
including Poland. There is an opinion that, the traffic
on railway tracts enhances the dispersal of non-native
species into surrounding habitats.
The aim of this study was to compare the frequency
of non-native plant species along railway areas in agri­
cultural landscape. We tried to answer the following
questions (i) does the frequency of non-native species
decrease, if the distance from railway tract increases?
(ii) are non-native species more abundant on fields or
on meadows adjacent to railways ? (iii) to what extent,
the intensity of exploitation of railway tracts affects the
frequency of non-native species?
The study was conducted in the central-eastern part
of Poland. Three types of railway lines based on their
usage intensity were analysed, i.e., weak, mid- and
intensely explored. The railway lines were also cate­
gorized based on the habitat across which they were
run, i.e., semi-natural (meadows, pastures, grasslands)
or anthropogenic (cultivated fields). We analysed 343
transect plots, with 5 replicates in each habitat type
and each distance criteria 5, 10, 20 and 50 m from the
railway line edge.
In total, 752 species of vascular plant species were
identified, of which 29.12% were alien species. Most
of alien species were kenophytes (101 – 46.11%). The
participation of archaeophytes and diaphytes was 89 –
40.63% and 29 – 13.24%, respectively. The participation
of archaeophytes: kenophytes: diaphytes comprised
63spp. – 28.7%, 57 – 26.02% and 12 – 5.47% on weakly
explored railways; 84 – 38.3%, 86 – 39.26% and 16 –
7.3% on mid- explored, and 71 – 32.4%, 72 – 32.8% and
15 – 6.8% on intensely explored. The number of alien
species was higher on transects that run near cultivated
fields compared to transects that run across semi-natural
habitats. The number of alien species in the surrounding of railways deceased, if the distance from railway
line was > 20 m. This suggests that railway areas play
only a minor role in the dispersion of alien plants to
the surrounding areas and are far more important as a
reservoir of native species.
The geographic structure of the synanthropic flora
of Biloozersky National Nature Park (Ukraine)
Оlesya Yarova
Skovoroda Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University, Sukhomlinsky 30, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Kiev region, 08401, Ukraine,
Current status of the flora of Ukraine is characterized by a significant increase in human impact.
Degree of synanthropisation, primarily, flora adventization, of protected areas is an indicator of the
potential threat types that determine floral unique
protected area.
The left bank part of the Middle Dnipro region
(Ukraine) belonged, until recently, to regions that were
not represented in protected areas of the highest category rank. To improve this situation, in 2009, the Decree
of the President of Ukraine No 1048/2009 on creation
of the “Biloozersky”National Park was issued. It was
to comprise lands of the State Forest “Biloozersky”
located in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky district of Kiev
region and Kaniv district of Cherkassy region, with
the total area of 7014.44 ha.
The inventory of the flora and its analysis is one
of the major tasks in the study of the flora of any region.
We analyzed the geographical structure of the synanthropic flora of the park.
Commensal flora fraction of the park includes 205
species or 39.3% and is significantly higher than
the synanthropisation in Ukraine. Among families,
synanthropic flora is dominated by Asteraceae (40 species, 19.5%), Brassicaceae (19 species, 9.3%), Poaсеае
(16 species, 7.8%), Fabaceae (16 species, 7.8%), Саrу­
орhуllасеае (12 species, 5.9%)
The results of geographic study of the synanthropic
flora of Biloozersky National Nature park showed that
the temperate-submedional species (43.7%) are prevailing in the latitudinal spectrum of chorological
groups. It is typical for flat temperate latitudinal floras
of Holarctic region. This group includes Geum urbanum
L., Sambucus nigra L. and others.
The species of Eurasian group (48.7% – Tanacetum
vulgare L., Stellaria graminea L. and others), characteristic for Europe and circumpolar area, are distributed
in temperate area of boreal zones, are predominant in the
spectrum of regional chorological groups of flora.
The species of Euryoceanic (53.3% – Urtica dioica
L., Rubus idaeus L. and others) and indifferent (Equisetum arvense L., Picris hieracioides L. and others)
groups are predominante by oceanic-continentality.
South-African species Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae)
in southern Poland
Robert Zając & Paweł Kwiatkowski
Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellońska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland, e-mail:
Among alien vascular plants that were reported from
Poland, members of the Asteraceae family constitute the
most numerous group. Some of them are invasive species which pose a threat to biological diversity. Sene-
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
cio inaequidens belongs to this group. This is a taxon
of South-African origin which has spread in some
regions of Poland during recent years.
In southern part of Poland, Senecio inaequidens
has been reported from the Nizina Śląska, Pogórze Sudetów, Brama Morawska and Carpathians. Altogether,
its populations comprise over a thousand of individuals, majority of which form small groups of several
to several­dozen plants that flower and produce fruits.
This taxon usually prefers dry and stony places related
to railway transport and mining areas, where it belongs
to ruderal plant communities from the Artemisietea
vulgaris class (Artemisio-Tanacetetum vulgaris, Echio-
Melilotetum). Penetration of single individuals into
other ecosystems (Bidentetea tripartitae, Phragmitetea
classes) has also been reported.
Till recently, the taxon has been regarded as ephemerophyte. However, because of long (>10 years) persistence in some of the investigated localities and its ability
to colonize adjacent areas, it is now considered to be
an anthropophyte, established and potentially invasive.
Its invasiveness is facilitated by species biology, e.g.
production of very large number of light diaspores.
Moreover, air turbulences that occur along actively used
railways help to spread its achenes.
The spread of the Heracleum sosnovskyi in the Sanok district
Robert Zelek1 & Marian Szewczyk2
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 27, 31-501 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
Institute of Agriculture, Jan Grodek State Higher Vocational School in Sanok, Mickiewicza 21, 38-500 Sanok, Poland, e-mail: marian.
The object of the research was to conduct botanical inventory of Heracleum sosnovskyi, a species that
has a significant impact on changes in native flora of the
Sanok district. The fieldwork was carried out by patrolling individual grid squares ATPOL. The data was
applied to the terrain forms and then analyzed.
Anthropogenic plant changes comprise modifications taking place on Earth as a result of human activi­
ty. Sanok district has a unique location on the Polish
map and has specific natural conditions which contribute
to the development of invasive and foreign species. It is
also an important place on the Carpathians map due
to the boundary between the eastern and western Carpathians located mainly in the Osława river valley.
The Osława river is a significant migration corridor
of plants from south to north. Many species, including mountain species and East Carpathians species,
reached this location also with the assistance of the San,
the Wisłok and the Sanoczek rivers. In the past, transport
routes from the south and east led through this district.
Currently,­this role is played by roads and railway lines
which are the main migration routes of invasive species
in this extremely strongly forested region. Then, from
this district, many plants species penetrate deep into
higher parts of the Carpathians.
The greatest threat to this area is Heracleum sosnovskyi. Its presence is a remnant of broad areas under
cultivation in former state farms and prisons. Location
of the largest surface (Karlików-Płonna, Wisłok Wielki,
Rakowa), poses a serious risk of further rapid spread
along its roads and waterways. This process has already
started and we can expect its strong acceleration in near
future. Another invasive species for the entire Polish
or regionally invasive also cause large changes in the
environment, mainly in the flora and fauna as well
as economic losses. They pose a serious threat to ecological, economic and social spheres. Preventing invasion of alien species means protecting the biodiversity
of the region, so appropriate corrective actions should
be taken.
Oral presentations
Synanthropization of vegetation cover in forest gravel
pit in Wipsowo (Warmia and Mazury)
Aleksandra Ziółkowska
Department of Plant Physiology, Genetic and Biotechnology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Oczapowskiego 1A, 10-722 Olsztyn, Poland,
Synanthropic plants are accompanied by man. There
are areas accidentally or unknowingly transformed
by man. The mid-forest, illegal gravel pit in Wipsowo
occupies an area of about 0.45 hectares. This place
was used by local residents, initially, for the extraction
of gravel, then to discard garbage. Currently, the area
is characterized by workings of different process
of spontaneous overgrowth (secondary succession).
The aim of the study was to investigate the degree
of anthropogenic transformation of the flora in a gravel
pit in Wipsowo. The area of gravel pit located at the edge
of the forest is strongly polluted by jerusalem artichoke
(Helianthus tuberosus L.) which is classified as invasive species. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.), field
bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.), downy burdock
(Arctium tomentosum L.) and henbit deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule L.) also occurred at the excavation
forming plant communities in areas far from the forest
characterized by a scant amount of species. Among
others, dwarf everlast (Helichrysum arenarium L.) and
sheep fescue (Festuca ovina L.) were observed. A few
clusters of grey hair-grass (Corynephorus canescens
L.) were also visible.
Conditions of vegetation, especially species composition and coverage of the substrate, can attest to the
rate of secondary succession. In addition, the occurrence
of synanthropic species testifies to flora transformation
by humans and the share of these species indicates
the degree of transformation.
Current state of the alien fraction of Kharkiv urban flora
Karina Zvyagintseva
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svoboda Sq. 4, 61022 Kharkiv, Ukraine, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine, Tereshchenkivska 2, 01601 Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail:
The adventive fraction of Kharkiv urban flora is represented by 340 species related to 209 genera of 64
families which make up 32% of the entire urban flora.
With respect to the time of introduction, among
the analyzed fraction of the urban flora, kenophytes
predominated (233; 68.5%), while archaeophytes
were represented by 107 species (31.5%). Ergasiophytes
(152 species; 44,7%) and akolutophytes (131 species;
38%) predominated in the classification according to the
way of introduction, while xenophytes were represented­
by 57 species (17%). Regarding the degree of naturali­
zation, epoecophytes (187 species; 55%) and ergasio­
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
phytes (105; 31%) prevailed over ephemerophytes
(23 species; 7%), agriophytes (20 species; 6%) and
colonophytes (5 species, 1%).
The leading families of the adventive element
of the analyzed fraction of urban flora were Asteraceae
(54 species), Brassicaceae (40), and Poaceae (38).
The spectrum of the adventive fraction differed from
the general spectrum of the leading families among
the analyzed urban flora in: the higher rank of the
Brassicaceae family (2nd position), the displacement
of Fabaceae (5th position), the appearance of Chenopodiaceae (4th position), Solanaceae, Malvaceae,
and Amaranthaceae (7th, 8th and 10th position, respectively). Among the leading genera in the adventive
fraction of the analyzed urban flora, the Amaranthus
genus (7 species) occupied the first position, Malva
(6) was the second one, and positions 3rd-8th were taken
by, respectively, Chenopodium, Atriplex, Lepidium,
Helianthus, Setaria (5 species each).
There were 35 arealogic groups identified by primary natural habitat as a result of the distribution
of the adventive element of the analyzed urban flora.
The spectra of these groups were predominated by the
species of ancient Mediterranean and North American
The data of the biomorphological analysis (Raunkiaer’s classification) of the adventive fraction of the
analyzed urban flora revealed domination of therophytes
– 183 species (53.8%); hemicryptophytes were represented by 88 species (25.9%), phanerophytes – by
58 (17.1%); the remaining groups were not numerous:
geophytes (8; 2.4%), chamaephytes (2; 0.6%) and hydrophytes (1; 0.3%).
The result of the ecological analysis of the adventive
fraction of the analyzed urban flora showed the predominance of mesophytes (246 species; 72.4%), heliophytes
(216; 63.5%), and subacidophils (134; 39.4%).
The data of the species distribution of adventive
plants in accordance with their linkage to the city
zones showed the predominance of the species in urban
and suburban zones (206 species; 60.6%). 92 species
grew only in the urban zone on synanthropic ecotopes;
42 species (12.4%) could be found in the suburban
The vast majority of species (30.6%) were meso-,
euhemerob. Fewer species were euhemerob (25%)
and mesohemerob (23.8%). The meso-, eu-, polyhemerob (8.8%) and polyhemerob (4.4%) species were not
numerous. The smallest quantity of species were allo­
cated to oligohemerob (3.5%), oligo, mesohemerob
(3.2%), eu-, polyhemerobic (0.3%) and meso-, oligohemerobic (0.3%) groups.
The original maps of distribution of the species of the
adventive fraction of Kharkiv urban flora were made.
Thus, the taxonomic structure of the adventive fraction of Kharkiv urban flora is similar to the flora of the
forest-steppe zone, but the distinctions can be found
in the evident influence of the ancient Mediterranean
flora, and, above all, in the spectra of the leading
families and life forms. A big quantity of epoecophytes
is connected with a variety of anthropogenic ecotopes
as a result of the intensive development of the city.
Botanical field trip
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Botanical field trip
Synanthropization of flora and vegetation: phenomena and
processes observed in the Warta and Noteć Rivers Interfluve
(Toruń-Eberswald Proglacial Stream Valley)
Bogdan Jackowiak1*, Zbigniew Celka1, Julian Chmiel1, Marek Kasprowicz2, Karol
Latowski1, Radosław Sajkiewicz1, Piotr Szkudlarz1 & Maria Wojterska2
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland,
Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznań
The aim of the field trip of botanists participating
in the 11th International Scientific Conference “Synanthropization of Flora and Vegetation” is to discuss
a number of aspects associated with anthropogenic
transformations of the plant cover concerning different
levels of nature organisation: from landscape to population. The route of the trip leads through the ToruńEberswald Proglacial Stream Valley, an area important
for the post-glacial natural history of Central Europe
and interesting from the point of view of contemporary
plant cover changes.
Key issues
• Decline of Potentillo albae-Quercetum – the process
of regeneration of vegetation resulting from indirect human pressure or other forms of anthropogenic in­fluence?
Is there any chance to stop this process?
• Transformations of the swampy complex following
long-term peat exploitation; regression of native species
and expansion of alien species.
• River valleys as historical and contemporary plant
migratory routes; native and alien species accompanying the Warta and Noteć Rivers.
• Natural and anthropogenic characteristics of the
Noteć Forest.
Physiographic outline of the Toruń-Eberswald
Proglacial Stream Valley
The Toruń-Eberswald Proglacial Stream Valley
(TEPSV) is an extensive geomorphological form
expanding parallelly from Płock-Toruń in the east,
through Eberswald, to the place called Fehrbellin
(Ostprignitz-Ruppin district in the Brandenburg region),
approximately 60 km north-west of Berlin (Fig. 1). In
this area, it joins with the Warsaw-Berlin Proglacial
Stream Valley.
The main elements of the TEPSV surface features
and geological structure were formed in the course of
the deglaciation of the Pomeranian phase of the Baltic
glaciation (Kondracki 2011). River waters from the
south and waters from the melting ice-wall from the
north flowed into this extensive terrain basin and were
then flowing westwards. Sandy terraces and outwash
fields were formed from the fluvoglacial material in
this extensive terrain basin. In the region of the Warta
and Noteć Rivers Interfluve, the greatest accumulation of inland dunes occurs, with their relative height
reaching 20 m. During the Holocene period, on the
©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
Botanical field trip
Fig. 1. The Toruń-Eberswald Proglacial Stream Valley (TEPSV)
lower terraces of the Noteć River valley, thick fenpeat layers were established. In some places, their
thickness reaches even 10 m. On the other hand, in
the case of the Warta River valley, characterised by
a distinctly greater activity, alluvial soils developed
on flood terraces. In some places, the edge of the
TEPSV rises high and then falls steeply towards
the valley. The greatest denivelations, up to 100 m
above the bottom of the proglacial stream valley, can
be found in the region of Santok, Czarnków, Ujście
and Nakło near Noteć. Small thaw-lakes (e.g. in the
neighbourhood of Międzychód, Sieraków and Krucz)
add variety to sandy sandurs filling the bottom of the
extensive basin.
The main hydrological axis of the TEPSV is the
lower­course of the Warta and Noteć rivers. The Noteć
River (388 km long) is the main right-hand tributary of
the Warta. It is characterised by low water flow values:
6.3 (Pakość), 23.0 (Ujście) and 76 m3/s (Nowe Drezdenko). Mean values of the river channel bed decline range
from 1 in the upper to 0.1‰ in the lower course of the
river. Due to extensive areas of peat deposition in the
lower and middle courses as well as numerous flow
lakes in its upper course, the river is characterised by
small fluctuations in water level and flooding pheno­
mena are extremely rare.
There are few available empirical data concerning
the original character of the Noteć river valley (Kaniecki
2011). Nevertheless, certain historical materials survi­
ved, among others: notes of Jan Długosz from the 15th
century, as well as maps and descriptions dating back
to the 17th and 18th centuries. On their basis, it is possi­
ble to conclude that the entire Noteć valley was once a
swamp of an average width of 3-4 km. The river itself
was characterised by a winding course and a tendency
for frequent changes of its bed or for splitting its channel­
into arms and branches. The natural river bottom was
uneven, especially in segments of small decline, where
silty sediments dominated and migrating sandy bars
frequently emerged above the water surface during low
water levels.
This was inaccessible and boggy terrain, which could
only be passed along road embankments, requiring
constant conservation works. At the turn of the 15th and
16th centuries, the Noteć was treated as a navigable river
used mainly for timber transport. Significant changes
in water relations in the proglacial stream valley area
were connected with the construction of the Bydgoszcz
Canal (navigation on this canal started in 1774). The
canal was intended as a water way for the transport of
goods via the Noteć and lower Warta rivers to Berlin and
Szczecin. Subsequent significant changes in the Noteć
river valley occurred as a result of melioration works
carried out in 1870s. They resulted in a considerable
restriction in the areas of marshes and lakes, situated
in the Noteć river valley. For example, the water level
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
in Lake Gopło (Gniezno Lake District) decreased by
2.7 m.
Geobotanical sketch of the Toruń-Eberswald
Proglacial­Stream Valley
The TEPSV is contained within boundaries of the
Brandenburg-Wielkopolska Watershed. From the place
where the Warta flows into the Odra River up to Byd­
goszcz, it constitutes, almost in its entirety, the part of
the Noteć-Lubuskie Region (Matuszkiewicz 2008).
On higher, sandy terraces in the valleys of the
Noteć and Warta rivers, in particular, in their western
part (Gorzów­ Valley), coniferous forest landscapes
are dominant. The poorest sites of loose dune sands
are occupied by reindeer moss pine forests (CladinoPinetum). A subatlantic fresh pine coniferous forest
(Leucobryo-Pinetum) is growing on slightly more humid sites (Noteć Forest). Towards the east, analogical
sites are more and more frequently occupied by a subcontinental pine coniferous forest (Peucedano-Pinetum)
(Bydgoszcz Forest).
On more fertile sites in the slope areas of the proglacial stream valley, richer forest communities can be
found, such as, oak-hornbeam forests (Galio-Carpinetum), while in the western part – also rich lowland beech
forests (Melico-Fagetum). Riparian willow forests­(Salicetum albo-fragilis), as well as willow scrubs (Salicetum
triandro-­viminalis) are remains of natural vegetation in
the flooded areas of the Warta River. On the other hand,
in the peaty Noteć River valley (especially in its eastern
part), ash-alder riparian forests (Fraxino-Alnetum) form
natural type of vegetation, whereas in its most marshy
fragments – wicker stands (Salicetum pentadro-cine­
reae) and alder swamp forests (Ribo nigri-Alnetum) can
be found.
Petasites spurius can be found growing along the
banks of the Warta and Noteć rivers in the western part of
the TEPSV. Scolochloa festucacea occurs among rushes
along the Noteć river, in dispersed localities that mark the
southern range of its occurrence, while small clusters of
scrubs with Betula humilis can be found near Nakło on
the Noteć.
Following large-scale regulation operations in the
TEPSV, a significant drying of localities (particularly
in the Noteć River valley) took place. Dense, impene­
trable marsh forests and wicker scrubs disappeared
completely from the landscape and were replaced by
extensive complexes of sedge and meadow communities. Fresh meadows with a small proportion of wet
Molinia meadows­are dominant. In many places, Senecio aquaticus, rare in the region, can be found. In the
eastern part of the Noteć River valley, halophyte species
are becoming increasingly frequent among meadow
and rush vegetation. Apart from species dispersed
in the entire valley (Trifolium fragiferum, Festuca
arundinacea), these include: Lotus tenuis, Melilotus
dentatus, Sonchus paluster, Tetragonolobus maritimus,
Triglochin maritima and even obligatory halophytes:
Glaux maritima, Aster tripolium, Spergularia salina
and Salicornia europaea, can be found.
Clusters of xerothermic vegetation are a characte­
ristic element of the vegetation associated with the
edges of the TEPSV. On the steep edges of the proglacial stream valley in the Czarnków region, Gentiana
cruciata can be found, whereas in the neighbourhood
of Nakło on the Noteć (“Skarpy Ślesińskie” reserve)
– Adonis vernalis, Anemone sylvestris, Aster amellus,
Stipa Joannis, Campanula sibirica and Oxytropis pilosa
are numerous.
The Toruń-Eberswald Proglacial Stream Valley constitutes an important ecological corridor of international
significance (Liro 1995). An important marshy region
which belongs to the RAMSAR network is situated near
the outlet of the Warta to the Odra River. It is a breeding
and concentration site for many migratory water-marsh
bird species. The entire nature of the TEPSV, from the
outlet of the Warta River in the west to Bydgoszcz in the
east, is protected within the framework of: 1 National
Park (“Ujście Warty”), 2 landscape parks, 22 NATURA
2000 areas, 29 nature reserves and 10 areas of protected
stops and sight-seeing sections
The route of the botanical trip comprises four field points
(stops) connected by sections, which pass through landscapes
characteristic for the Toruń-Eberswald Proglacial Stream
Valley.­ Shortly after leaving the Obrzycko Palace, we will
drive south, crossing the Warta River valley, which constitutes
the southern boundary of the Warta-Noteć interfluve. From
the bridge over the Warta River, we can see fragments of
willow­and willow-poplar riparian forests. Moreover, clusters
of species of alien origin spreading along the valley are also
visible (among others, Echinocystis lobata, Impatiens glandulifera, Reynoutria japonica, Solidago canadensis). Travelling
parallelly­south along the river bank, we can observe, among
others, well-developed acid oak forests. Leaving the river
bank southward (about 1.5 km), we arrive at the first field
1. Thermophilous oak forest (Potentillo-albaeQuercetum)
A very valuable fragment of this association under
protection within the Natura 2000 network, known
under the name of “Obrzycko Oak Forests” (“Dąbrowy
Obrzyc­kie”) will be shown at this spot. The main problem connected with this area was comprehensively
presented by M. Wojterska and K. Wiszniewska, on
the first day of the Conference (see also p. 29). Thanks
Botanical field trip
to the monitoring,­ which has been conducted for 20
years now, a distinct disappearing of this community
was observed confirming a tendency, reported also
from other regions, for the withdrawal of thermophilous oak forests. At this spot, it is also worthwhile
to pay attention to: (i) expansion symptoms of alien
species, in particular, of Impatiens parviflora and Padus serotina; (ii) spreading of the native nitrophilous
Urtica dioica species; (iii) the role of two tree species
– Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies­– in the structure of
the dynamically changing plant community. The key
problem in the discussion will be the management of
the main protection object in this Natura 2000 area,
i.e., the thermophilous oak forest.
From the Warta River valley, we move in the direction
of the Noteć Forest situated between the rivers: Warta (in
the south) and the Noteć (in the north). Travelling­this time
towards east, along the north Warta bank, we can observe for
some time fragments of the valley transformed, in various
degrees, by man. In the places we pass, it is worth noticing
numerous alien species (e.g. Impatiens glandulifera, Reynoutria japonica, R. sachalinensis, Robinia pseudoacacia). In the
town of Oborniki, we turn north and at the begi­nning we are
accompanied by an enchanting valley of the Wełna River and,
after a few kilometres, we are surrounded by pine coniferous forests. Already in this section, passing through eastern
portions of the Noteć Forest, it is worth to pay attention to
a characteristic system of inland dunes and variations in the
coniferous forest structure, which depends on forest management. Before we deal with these coniferous forests closer, I
would like to draw your attention to the azonal element of
the Noteć Forest, namely, an extensive bog complex in the
neighbourhood of Chlebowo.
2. “Bagna” peat bog near Chlebowo in the Noteć
At this point, it is worthwhile to remind you that
although­Wielkopolska is an area where marshes occur
with medium frequency, but the proportion of peatbogs
and poor fens is small and the “Bagna” peatbog complex
near Chlebowo is one of the biggest. It occupies a trough
depression slightly tilted westwards and surrounded by
dune belts from the north, west and south. The trough
was formed by the Baltic continental glacier during the
Poznań stadial. At the present time, the central part of
the complex constitutes a dead peatbog with numerous
post-peat holes, from which peat used to be excavated.
They can be up to several hectares in size and up to
2.5 m deep. From the east and partially from the south,
the complex is surrounded by poor fens and meadows,
as well as coniferous forests with a small proportion
of heath communities and psammophilous grasslands.
A number of arable fields occur on the side of a nearby
village. The complex is drained by artificially dug canals
and a system of melioration ditches. Ultimately, waters
from the peatbog flow into the Warta River.
Within confines of this complex, we find a peatbog
(strict) reserve (4.42 ha in size), which was placed on
the Corine biotopes checklist, while the entire “Bagno
Chlebowo” constitutes part of the OSO refuge in the
NATURA 2000 system known as “Bagno Chlebowo”
(PLH300016), as well as part of the Protected Landscape Area “Noteć Forest” established in 1989.
Since the beginning of the 19th century, the “Bagna”
complex near Chlebowo was subject to strong anthropopressure. On the one hand, drainage of this area and
lowe­ring of the water table made peat exploitation,
carried out with changing intensity, possible, but, on
the other hand, it led to the partial peatbog extinction.
Several roads with hard surface were constructed in the
entire area, which resulted in the establishment, in the
central part of the complex, of several dozen of large
post-peat excavation pits with open water tables. These
peat ponds are used by local residents for recreation
purposes. In addition, the local hunters’ club has some
raised hides there. The principle elements of spatial
management in the neighbourhood of this complex comprise forest economy (tree felling), as well as extensive
and intensive farming.
The results of the above-mentioned activities
manifest­ themselves in the following ways: (i) dis­
appearance or extinction of the most sensitive indi­
genous species (Carex limosa, Drosera intermedia,
Rhynchospora alba, Saxifraga hirculus, Scheuchzeria
palustris); (ii) partial regeneration of peatbog communities, once peat exploitation was terminated; (iii)
spreading of species of alien origin (Aronia ×prunifolia,
Bidens melanocarpus, Juncus macer, Padus serotina).
The course of these processes is botanically monitored,
which allows a fairly precise observations of the rate and
size of synanthropization and adoption of appropriate
conservation actions.
The next objective of the trip is the Noteć River valley.­We
reach it going north in the direction of Czarnków. From the
scenic point of view, it is undo­ubtedly one of the most interesting places in Wielkopolska. In order to appreciate it fully,
it is first necessary for our coach to cross the valley and, then,
to turn back, so we can look at the steep edge at the southern
edge of the valley. We climb to its top, not without some effort. After reaching it, we drive down to the ferry crossing in
the place called Ciszkowo.
3. Ciszkowo in the Noteć River valley
At this spot, our attention is drawn, among others,
to the occurrence of garden angelica (Archangelica)
occuring­in riverside communities of the Noteć river, as
well as by the accumulation of xerothermic species on
the edge of the valley, which we earlier saw from some
distance. Plant communities in this type of places comprise many species unique for the region of Wielkopolska. In Ciszkowo, they include, among others,­ Carex
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
caryophyllea, Gentiana cruciata, Libanotis pyrenaica,
Polygala comosa, Sanguisorba minor.
„Archangelica vs. Angelica”. The
occurrence of garden angelica along the river bank, gives an opportunity
for a short taxonomic and ethno-botanical discussion.
The genus Archangelica (family Apiaceae, subfamily
Apioideae, tribe Peucedaneae), in the newer works is
included in the genus Angelica. On the basis of fruit
traits, it is differentiated into the following subspecies: Archangelica officinalis (Moench) Hoffm. ssp.
officinalis and ssp. litoralis (Fr.) Thell. or Angelica
archangelica L. ssp. archangelica and ssp. litoralis
(Fr.) Thell.
It is usually a biennial plant, monocarpic, hemicrypto­
phyte. It can reach the height of up to 2 m and distinguishes itself by spherical umbels. Its fruits ripen at the
end of July and beginning of August. Garden angelica is
allochoric and its ripe fruits utilise water as a means of
transport (hydrochory). It is an aromatic and oleiferous
A. officinalis occurs in central (in the mountains)
as well as northern and north-eastern Europe and in
western Siberia. This plant has been cultivated for many
centuries (in Scandinavia and Island, it was known
already in the 10th century) and, therefore, its natural
range is difficult to establish.
It is both a medicinal and food plant. Its unique properties are also indicated by its names: in Latin – archangels (archangel), English – holy ghost, French – L’herbe
du Saint Esprit (Holy Spirit herb), German – Heiliggeistwurz, Engelwurz (angel’s root) and Theriak­wurzel.
Candied petioles were used in confectionary industry,
while from its rhizomes, the famous alcohol beverage
“Benedictine” was manufactured in Middle Ages.
From Ciszkowo we head southwards in the direction of
the town Wronki. It gives an opportunity to cross the Noteć
Forest again, this time in its more central part. We stop for a
moment near the place called Jasionna to take a close look at
the fairly representative patch of coniferous­forest vegetation,
with several nicely developed populations of typical but not
very common species.
4. Pine coniferous forest near Jasionna
As mentioned above, pine coniferous forests (Leucobryo-Pinetum, less frequently – Cladinio-Pinetum)�����
constitute the dominant element of the Noteć Forest. They
developed on poor podzolic soils and, in their majority,
are of anthropogenic nature. In the case of many areas,
their contemporary condition is the result of numerous
insect gradations, primarily, of the pine beauty moth
(Panolis flammea). These insects damaged the primary
forest communities and forced direct interference of
man. Intensive forest management exerts influence on
the diversification of coniferous forest phytocoenoses.
Neighbouring forest communities frequently demonstrate considerable floristic and structural differences;
from strongly transformed (among others, comprising
Padus serotina) to those similar to natural ones, in which
large populations of rare native species can be found,
e.g. Lycopodium clavatum or Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi.
After exhausting activities, fruitful discussions and,
hopefully, excellent impressions, we are now returning to
Kaniecki A. 2011. Przemiany stosunków wodnych
w dolinie Górnej Noteci do połowy XIX wieku
związane z antropopresją. Bad. Fizjogr. Pol.
Zach. seria A – Geogr. Fizyczna (A82): 41-58.
Kondracki J. 2011. Geografia regionalna Polski. 441
pp. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa.
Liro A. (ed.) 1995. Koncepcja Krajowej Sieci Ekolo­
gicznej. Econet Polska. 204 pp. Warszawa.
Matuszkiewicz J. M. 2008. Geobotanical regionalization of Poland. IGSO PAS, Warsaw. http://www.
Index of authors
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Adamowski Wojciech 11
Andrik Eva 35
Andrzejewska Barbara 45
Dylewski Łukasz 66
Dzhus Maxim 21
Dziuba Tetiana 46
Babczyńska-Sendek Beata 36
Bacieczko Wanda 37
Barabasz-Krasny Beata 69
Bartoszek Wacław 14
Bąba Wojciech 31, 57
Bączkiewicz Alina 40
Besenyei Lynn 30
Besler Alicja 83
Beszczyńska-Padło Monika 38
Bieniek Wojciech 14
Blinkova Olena 38
Błońska Agnieszka 18, 31, 36, 83
Bocian Aldona 74
Bogawski Paweł 15
Bomanowska Anna 11, 16, 55
Borcz Agnieszka 37
Bordiuk Anna 39
Borkowska Lidia 39
Borymski Sławomir 30
Brzeg Andrzej 84, 90
Buczkowska Katarzyna 40
Budzik Krystian M. 41
Burda Raisa 75
Buziak Ewelina 59
Bzdęga Katarzyna 17, 18, 48, 62
Folcik Łukasz 87
Franiel Izabella 92
Frątczak Agata 15
Frelich Małgorzata 48, 62
Celka Zbigniew 41, 45, 72, 80, 101
Chekman Мarta V. 73
Chmiel Julian 42, 101
Chmura Damian 18, 30
Ciupińska Magdalena 67
Cohn Eleanor 85
Czarna Aneta 43
Czarnecka Bożenna 7
Czarnecka Joanna 19
Czarniecka Marta 43
Danielewicz Władysław 20, 51
Dawid-Pac Renata 78
Denisow Bożena 93
Doroszewicz Wojciech 44
Drapikowska Maria 45
Dubyna Dmytro 46
Dvirna Tatyana 47
Gancarek Małgorzata 48, 62
Gawenda-Kempczyńska Dorota 49
Gębala Małgorzata 25
Golivets Maryna 75
Gonera Patrycja 40
Grewling Łukasz 15
Grzejszczak Grzegorz 49
Holeksa Jan 8
Iakushenko Dmytro 21
Iemelianova Svitlana 46
Ivanenko Oleksandra 38
Jackowiak Bogdan 4, 15, 45, 101
Jakubska-Busse Anna 79
Janiak Agnieszka 17
Janicka Maria 50
Jańczyk-Węglarska Jolanta 51
Jaźwa Małgorzata 52
Jehlík Vladimír 23
Jensen Kai 39
Jermakowicz Edyta 52
Jędrzejczak Maciej 41, 53
Jędrzejczyk-Korycińska Monika 54
Kamycka Zuzanna 89
Kasprowicz Marek 101
Kącki Zygmunt 43
Keresztyén Andrea 35
Kirpluk Izabella 16, 55
Kitowski Ignacy 19
Klichowska Ewelina 56
Kohut Erzsébet 35
Kojs Paweł 25, 70
Kolomiichuk Vitalii 56
©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
Index of Authors
Kołodziejek Jeremi 79
Kompała-Bąba Agnieszka 31, 57
Korczyński Maciej 58
Kostrakiewicz-Gierałt Kinga 58
Koszałka Joanna 22
Kotańska Małgorzata 59
Kramarets Volodymyr 82
Krasicka-Korczyńska Ewa 60
Krasoń Katarzyna 60, 86
Krawczyk Rafał 61
Kreitschitz Agnieszka 28
Książczyk Tomasz 17
Kulik Katarzyna 57
Kurnicki Bartosz 62
Kurzyński Paweł 60, 86
Kwiatkowski Paweł 94
Latowski Karol 101
Lewandowska Agata 48, 62
Lyakh Iryna 82
Lyubinska Lyudmila 63
Łapok Rafał 39
Łaska Grażyna 64
Łazarski Grzegorz 65
Łysko Andrzej 77
Maciejczak Bożenna 65
Maćkowiak Łukasz 66
Májeková Jana 23
Maltseva Svetlana 56
Małkowski Łukasz 31
Markowicz Anna 30
Maślak Magdalena 25, 70
Melnyk Ruslana 67
Melosik Iwona 67, 68
Messyasz Beata 76
Mędrzycki Piotr 24, 74
Mochnacký Sergej 25
Mochnacz Stanisław 68
Możdżeń Katarzyna 69
Nobis Agnieszka 56, 70
Nobis Marcin 25, 56, 65, 70
Nowak Arkadiusz 25, 56, 70
Nowak Maciej 84
Nowak Sylwia 70
Nowak Teresa 18, 31, 71
Olejnik Natalia 49, 53, 72
Optasiuk Olga M. 73
Osadowski Zbigniew 81
Ostrowiecka Beata 52
Panufnik-Mędrzycka Dorota 74
Pashkevych Natalia 75
Petrovych Olesia 75
Pielech Remigiusz 27
Pikosz Marta 76
Piotrowska-Seget Zofia 30
Pliszko Artur 52
Podgórska Monika 76
Popiela Agnieszka 77
Posz Ewa 78
Protopopova Vira 26
Próchnicki Paweł 91
Psikus Martyna 79
Rewicz Agnieszka 79, 86
Riabyi Mykola 63
Roszkowska Ewelina 31, 83
Rysiak Anna 19
Rzepka Małgorzata 80
Sachajdakiewicz Izabela 24
Sadova Olena 67
Sajkiewicz Radosław 81, 101
Shevera Myroslav 26
Sierka Edyta 31, 83
Skowronek Izabela 36
Snopek Adam 27
Sobisz Zbigniew 81
Soboń Magdalena 59
Socha Anna 59
Solomakha Igor Volodymyrovich 88
Solomakha Tatyana 82
Solomakha Volodymyr 82
Sołtys-Lelek Anna 69
Sotek Zofia 49, 77
Stachurska-Swakoń Alina 14, 41
Stadnicka-Futoma Agata 52
Stasińska Małgorzata 49
Strzelczyk Joanna 22
Szary Małgorzata 18, 31, 83
Szczęśniak Ewa 27
Szewczyk Marian 95
Szkudlarz Piotr 41, 45, 84, 101
Szrama Katarzyna 84, 90
Szwed Wojciech 20
Szymura Magdalena 28, 29
Szymura Tomasz H. 28, 29
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Supplement 1, 2014
Śliwińska Elwira 17
Tałałaj Izabela 52
Tanneberger Franziska 90
Tlałka Dariusz 85
Tokarska-Guzik Barbara 9, 17, 18, 48, 62, 85
Tomczyk Przemysław 60, 86
Towpasz Krystyna 87
Trueman Ian C. 85
Urbisz Alina 87, 92
Urbisz Andrzej 87
Vorobyov Eugen Olexandrovich 88
Węglarski Karol 51
Wierus Monika 60, 86
Wierzbicka Małgorzata 74
Wiland-Szymańska Justyna 51
Wilczek Zbigniew 89
Winnicka Katarzyna 67
Wiszniewska Katarzyna 29
Wojciechowska Magdalena 90
Wojterska Maria 29, 79, 84, 90, 101
Wołkowycki Dan 91
Woźniak Gabriela 18, 30, 83
Woźnica Paulina 92
Wójcik Tomasz 59
Wrzesień Małgorzata 93
Yarova Оlesya 94
Zając Adam 31
Zając Maria 31
Zając Robert 94
Zaliberová Marica 23
Załuski Tomasz 49
Zarzycki Wojciech 89
Zelek Robert 95
Zielińska Katarzyna 60, 86
Ziemer Barbara 18, 31, 83
Ziółkowska Aleksandra 96
Zubel Robert 19
Zvyagintseva Karina 96
Zygmunt Aneta 59
Instructions for Authors
An international quarterly, the Biodiversity: Research and Conservation (Biodiv. Res. Conserv.) publishes original­
papers,­short notes and reviews in fields of plant taxonomy, chorology, ecology and nature conservation. Preferences­will be
given to works concerning contemporary transformations of biodiversity. Manuscripts should be written in English and sent
to the editors’ address: Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Adam Mickiewicz­
University, Umultowska 89,­­61-614 Poznań, Poland.
The suitability of manuscripts will be independently evaluated­
by the members of the Editorial Board and referees­selected­by the
editors. Manuscripts should be submitted­in two printouts prepared
in the MS Word text editor (it is obligatory to attach one copy filed
on CD). Each copy of the manuscript should be complete, including
copies­of tables, line figures and black and white photographs.
The manuscript of an original article should be entirely double
spaced and arranged in the following structure:
• The First page: Title – not more than 100 characters including
spaces; Authors – full forenames and surnames;­ Affiliations­
– full postal address of authors’ parent institutions; Correspondence address; Abstract – the main theses and results, not
exceeding 250 words; Key words – not more than eight.
• Text: no right justification; no hyphenation at the ends of lines;
no boldface and underline; only Latin names of taxa (genus,
species, subspecies, variety) and all syntaxa­should by written
in italics.
• The standard structure of original articles:
1. Introduction – the context for investigation, aims and
the author’s hypothesis.
2. Material and methods – sufficient information for replication of the results by a competent researcher.
3. Results – important results first. Data should by presented in the form of figures and tables in numerical­
sequence. Statistical analyses enclosed­if applicable.
The use of SI units is obligatory.­The subheadings and
insertion places of figures, tables and photos should
by indicated in the text (e.g. Fig. 1, Table 1).
4. Discussion – the important results of the investigation­and
the pertinent literature.
References – in alphabetical order; only the literature quoted.
In the case of notes and review articles the above division of
the content is not required.
• Scheme of references:
Journal article:
Daleo P., Alberti J. & Iribarne O. 2009. Biological invasions
and the neutral theory. Diversity Distrib. 15: 547553. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2009.00576.x
Clayton W. D. & Renvoize S. A. 1986. Genera graminum.­
Grasses of the world. 389 pp. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London.
Meusel H. & Jäger E. J. (Hrsg.). 1992. Vergleichende­
Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora. III. Text
ix+333 pp., Karten, Literatur, Register pp. ix+422688. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena-Stuttgart-New
Book chapter:
Mizianty M., Frey L. & Szczepaniak M. 2001. The Agropy­
ron-Elymus complex (Poaceae) in Po­land: bio­
systematics. In: L. Frey (ed.). Studies on grasses
in Poland, pp. 25-77. W. Szafer Institute of Botany,
Polish Academy of Scien­ces, Kraków.
M elosik I. 1993. Systematical and phytosociological
studies of three taxa from the section Sphagnum
– Sphagnum centrale C. Jens., S. magellanicum
Brid. and S. palustre L. on the basis of Polish data.
Ph. D. Thesis, Department­of Geobotany, Adam
Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.
• For other types of publications, the proper format of references
will be assigned by the Editors. In addition, authors should
include in references the appropriate DOI number, whenever
applicable (as shown on the above example). DOI numbers
are usually located at the top of the article front page. They
automatically make the active link, so care must be taken that
the numbers are correct and complete.
• Citing in text – examples:
...according to Mizianty et al. (2001); ...according to Meusel
& Jäger (1992); In Poland, the genus is represented­by 4
wild growing species (Mizianty et al. 2001).
Figures. The numbered figures and illustrations should be
included on separate pages and provided with the concise
captions containing a title and explanations essential­for understanding of illustrated content. Figures­should be of professional­
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• Tables. The numbered tables with their corresponding captions
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Supplement 1/2014
Research and Conservation
ISSN 1897-2810
ISBN 978-83-62564-70-5