Kaia Olympics Nutritional Plan


Kaia Olympics Nutritional Plan
Nutritional Plan
The Kaia nutritional plan is designed specifically to cleanse your body, strengthen your
muscles, increase your energy, and help you sleep better at night. All recipes are created without dairy or meat, and are gluten free, but it is up to you to add in lean meat
& dairy when and if you choose. Read over the 10 Commandments and let them
guide you in your decision making. Brik is not about starving yourself, but learning to
eat cleaner, leaner & healthier than you ever have before. It’s time for YOU to make a
positive change…and there is never a better time than now.
Table of Contents
Keep. it. simple. sister!
Don’t get overwhelmed just follow the 10 Commandments and you will
achieve your goal in just six weeks! The TIME IS NOW for a Nutrition
Revolution !
Understanding the Kaia Nutrition Plan
Kaia Nutrition Plan at a Glance
Balance & Strength Plan
Kaia Plan
The Kaia 10 Commandments
More Tips to Success
The Detailed Alkalyne Foods
Shopping List
page 3
page 4-5
page 6
page 7
page 9-10
page 11
page 12
page 13-14
page 15-16
“Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”
Kondition for Nutrition…
We are so excited and grateful to have you joining us for the six weeks of Kaia Konditioning
Kamp. This Brik will be so much fun; we are here to offer you the tools, love, support and
guidance as you create your BEST life possible!
Over the next six weeks you will have a weekly nutritional focus. Please take it one step at a
time and don’t get overwhelmed…just be open to change.
You will experience major shifts in your life and body, and we are honored and thrilled to
contribute to and aid you in this process.
The purpose of BRIK and this nutrition plan is not the “be on a diet” for the next 6 weeks. The
purpose is to create a new lifestyle. So as you go through each day, don’t look at week 6 as
the end, but use this entire session to create new habits. If something doesn’t work for you,
don’t ignore it all together - talk to a coach and we will help you find a solution that fits your
life, your personality and your needs.
The majority of our program is structured around working out and being together for one
hour in the morning/evening (depending on your class), so please try to make it! If you have
to miss for any reason, jump into a make-up class or work out on your own.
Remember, you can never out exercise a bad diet. If you want results, you must make a
strong commitment to choose whole foods and foods that fuel our bodies to be their BEST!
Ultimately, the results depend on you --what you put in, you will get out. Please take advantage of all the areas of this six week adventure:
Read/contemplate/work out/fuel your body/celebrate/smile
Over the next six weeks we will work together and learn the ins and outs of true health, the
nutritional know-how, and fitness. The Kaia Konditioning BRIK is designed to give you the
physical fitness tools and know-how to make sure you’re resilient in real world challenges.
Nutritional Plan at a Glance
Weight Loss and Creating Lasting Change
Nutrition is a key element of the Kaia program. Statistics show that what you eat is responsible for 70-80% of your weight loss results. We know that exercise and fitness is how you
thrive in life, but let’s focus on our diet in this section of the manual.
If you wish to lose weight, keep in mind a few basic mantras:
Crowd out the junk
Food is fuel
Stay positive
With the Kaia Nutritional plan there is no need to count calories. Just remember the backto-basics rules:
35 grams of fiber
Add lots of green vegetables
Cut the crap
Be moderate
Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly Plants.
- Michael Pollan
Choose what works for you….
We are now suggesting three levels of the Kaia nutritional plan:
1. Balance
2. Strength
3. Kaia
Please look through the nutritional plans and choose the level (Balance, Strength or Kaia)
that best fits your goals for next six weeks.
Please be specific about the level you will be committing to. Write the level on your goal
sheet and in your food journal that will be turned in to Coach Tara.
Choose the nutritional plan that best suits your lifestyle and training regimen. Always
remember to “Keep is Simple, Sister”. If you feel overwhelmed, just go back to the Kaia
10 Commandments.
You are happy with your fitness level and diet but would like to learn to fuel for performance, clean up your diet a little, and find some new fun and delicious recipes.
Review the Balance Level nutritional plan.
You love what Kaia does for you and want to make a commitment to this BRIK to boost
your diet and fitness level. You can expect to lose 6 to 10 pounds, 1-2% body fat and
increase lean muscle. Review the Strength Level nutritional plan.
Kaia: Let’s KICK BUTT!!!
You are ready for change and would like to lose weight and inches in the next 6 weeks.
You can expect to lose 6 to 15 pounds, 1-5% body fat and increase lean muscle. This is
the transformation level. Review the Kaia Level nutritional plan.
Balance and Strength Plan
If you are happy with your fitness level and diet and would be a good candidate for the Kaia
Alpha Team (K.A.T.) Weight loss: 2-8lbs. and 1-2% body fat.
With the Balance & Strength Level plans, your primary focus should be fueling for performance. You are happy with your weight but may need a little tune up on your diet. We ask
that you follow the 10 commandments i.e. adding lots of fruits and veggies, cutting out processed foods, sugar and alcohol. You are able to have one cheat day a week, keeping moderation in mind.
We will focus on eating the right foods in the right amount. The below “Detox Week Meal
Plan” is merely a guideline or suggestion to help you make healthy food choices that fuel
your body to reach its full potential.
Keep it simple! Balance Level Nutritional Plan just follow below…
• Choose your favorite recipes from the cook book
• Detox week cut all grains but you don’t have to stick to soup for dinner
• Eat unlimited veggies
• Eat four servings of fruit (high sugar fruits before noon)
• If you’re hungry add healthy fats i.e. avocado, raw nuts, seeds and healthy oils
• Eat a healthy whole food meal 1 hour after working out
• Hydrate properly (10/10oz glasses of pure water a day)
• Eat mostly non gluten carbs i.e. wild rice, sweet potatoes & quinoa
• Thinks about food as friend or foe…fueling our bodies to perform
• Follow the Kaia 10 Commandments
Kaia Plan
You are ready for change and would like to lose weight and inches in the next 6 weeks! Weight
loss: 8-12lbs and 3-5% body fat.
Let’s KICK BUTT!!!
With the Kaia Level nutritional plan our focus is kickin’ Kaia butt. We are ready for a body transformation…you can be a Kaia Queen! We will jump into Kaia, hit detox week hard and follow
up with weeks of low carb, low sugar and lots and lots of leafy green veggies. This plan promises to help you shed excess weight, lower your body fat percentage, help you lose inches, regain
energy and give you the power to workout hard and build lean muscle.
We will focus on eating the right foods in the right amount.
Kaia Level Nutritional Plan
• Eat unlimited veggies
• Eat low sugar fruits
• Drink lots of detox veggie drinks and Kaia Kocktails
• Only healthy fats i.e. avocado, raw nuts and healthy oils in very small amounts
• Eat a healthy whole food meal 1 hour after working out
• Hydrate properly
• Eat all non-gluten carbs i.e. wild rice, sweet potatoes & quinoa just once a week
• Thinks about food as friend or foe…fueling our bodies to perform
• Follow the Kaia 10 Commandments
The Kaia 10 Commandments
Water, water, water! Drink at least 80oz. of water every day. Or to be more precise, drink half your body
weight in ounces of water, i.e. 150lbs = 75oz water a day.
Drinking water is one of the best ways to lose weight. Drinking three liters per day can help you burn 50-75
calories, double your energy, and make your skin glow. Drink alkaline water, spring, or filtered water. Try not
to drink tap water because it’s loaded with chlorine and fluoride. Avoid plastic water bottles or make sure
they are BPA-free.
Eat dinner before 6:00pm and definitely not past 7:00pm. Ideally, you should finish eating your dinner
3 ½ hours before you go to bed. This is important for helping to reset the hypothalamus so as not to store fat.
Eat a healthy breakfast or snack as soon as you get up in the morning!
Eat 30 to 35 grams of fiber a day. Adding fiber to your diet has been shown to speed up the weight
loss process dramatically. It can help reduce appetite, relieve constipation, improve digestion and increase
energy. See the fiber chart for ideas. It is better to get fiber from food rather than supplements. You burn 7
calories for every gram of fiber. If you’re getting your 35g per day… that’s 245 calories!!!
Cut the Alcohol. Your body reacts to alcohol (other than the taxation on your liver, your metabolism,
and your brain) just like it does pure sugar. It’s a straight shot of glucose into your bloodstream, and insulin
can’t keep up, so your body stores what it can’t use as fat. Don’t let anything control you. It’s good practice to
go out to dinner or out with friends and order a sparkling water with lemon and have just as much fun without
the addictive side effects. You can do it, it’s only six weeks! Don’t say no… just find substitutes: Try Kombucha, alcohol-free wine or beer (Fre Wine and Ariel are my favorites) or our famous Kaia Kocktails (water,
lemon, stevia and cayenne).
Replace sugar! Don’t eat anything with more than 9g of sugar! Sugar throws our bodies into an
immune-suppressed, non-working state of chronic fatigue, depression, and hormonal imbalance. It is the
leading cause of disease and depression in this country. Break the sugar addiction-- get rid of refined sugar
(anything that isn’t fruit). Add apples, berries, and any other fruit when you feel the sugar craving coming on.
Replace white stuff! Pick healthy carbs in the form of vegetables (use romaine lettuce in place of tortillas); try miracle noodles, quinoa, and gluten-free grains. Avoid starchy and processed carbs like bread, rice,
oatmeal, tortillas, potatoes, etc. White rice is a refined form of brown rice. The refining process removes fiber
and nutrients from the grain. One cup of cooked brown rice contains 3.5g of fiber and has 218 calories. One
cup of cooked white rice has virtually no fiber but delivers 242 calories. The same is true of pastas and
breads, too!
Never skip meals. Most obese people have one thing in common – they skip meals. The moment you
allow your blood sugar to drop, you become a fat-storing machine. You must eat three balanced meals to
keep your metabolism humming. Read about the Sumo wrestlers’ diet!
Cut the crap! Substitute artificial or processed food for whole foods. For these next five weeks cut
all the things from your diet that slow you down. Avoid sugar, white flour, rice, crackers, honey, pasta, rice
cakes, Power Bars, etc. Do not consume any food that has NutraSweet, Splenda, aspartame, sucralose,
monosodium glutamate or saccharin on the label. These artificial additives will make you fat, are chemically addicting, and cause depression and anxiety. Limit or cut out meat and dairy. If you add meat and dairy
to your plan, add it as a condiment, and please buy organic. Meats and cheese that are not certified
organic are loaded with growth hormones, antibiotics and other drugs. Buy organic produce, avoiding
pesticides, genetically- modified foods, and chemicals. These poisons may create hormonal imbalances in
the body, which lead to weight gain, abnormal storing of fat, menstrual cycle problems, PMS, and depression.
Limit or eliminate dairy and meat. Heart disease is the number one killer in our country; 1 in 3 Americans die from it every year. A big contributor to heart disease is cholesterol, so you need to cut out or
reduce cholesterol. Meat and dairy are the only foods with cholesterol, so by limiting your intake of cholesterol you can reverse and eliminate heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Substitutes for dairy and meat
include almond milk, coconut milk, Daiya cheese, tempeh, beans, quinoa, etc.
Eat unlimited veggies! Instead of counting calories, keep track of the number of fruits and vegetables you eat each day. Eat at least 7 veggies and 4 fruits. You can eat unlimited veggies. The more greens
you eat, the better you will feel. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll which help with
digestion, weight loss and increased energy. Eat veggies with every meal: spinach for breakfast, kale for
lunch, broccoli for dinner. You pick your favorites!
Unleash Your Inner Fighter
The intention of this nutritional plan is to allow your body to heal, rejuvenate, vitalize and replenish your inner
fighter. When you give your body a break by eliminating foods/drinks that may be causing irritation, stress,
inflammation and agitation, it allows the body to then be supercharged in a natural & beautiful way!
For the next six weeks you will detoxify, accelerate healing, give your digestive system a mini break, increase
your metabolism, release toxins, regenerate & rejuvenate.
You may do all of the suggestions or pick a few that feel right for you. You can always go back and experiment with these as we go through the program. We recommend that you write down and commit to which
ones you are going to follow and then implement them daily.
Increase organics fruits & vegetables
Drink smoothies & juices every day
Drink lots of water (half your body weight in ounces)
Drink warm lemon water
Go to bed earlier & rise with the sun – get your beauty rest :)
Eliminate or reduce animal products (fish, pork, beef, veal, chicken, turkey, lamb...)
Eliminate dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, yogurt, butter, ice cream)
Eliminate caffeine (if you love coffee try teeccino)
Eliminate refined sugar & white flour/white rice
Eliminate alcoholic beverages
Eliminate gluten (barley, spelt, kamut, rye, couscous, oats)
Eliminate/reduce your amount of packaged and processed foods
Food And Drinks to Consume in Abundance
Drinks: purified/distilled water, herbal teas, lemon/cucumber water, mineral water
Vegetables: fresh, organic & mostly raw, juiced, blended, steamed, sautéed, or baked
Fruits: fresh, organic and mostly raw & frozen
Vegetable Protein: sprouts, lentils, legumes, split peas, gluten free grains (millet, quinoa,
amaranth, buckwheat, brown rice)
Nuts & Seeds (moderation) : sunflower, hemp, sesame, pumpkin seeds; almonds, walnuts, hazelnut, pecans,
Sweeteners (moderation) : stevia
Oils: olive, flax, sesame, almond, hemp, pumpkin, walnut
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Michael Pollan
The Detailed List of Alkalyne Foods
The balance of acid and alkaline within the body is referred to as pH and is measured on a scale ranging
from pH1 (the most acidic) to pH 14 (the most alkaline). A neutral pH balance is 7.35 and is what we need to
aim for. If you are too acidic you may be prone to fatigue, weight problems, disease and a weak immune
Eat these alkaline foods! Try to incorporate as many as you can into your daily diet...
Grains & Beans
Green Beans
String Beans
Sweet Potato
Brussels Sprouts
Broad Beans
Soy Sprouts
Alfalfa Sprouts
Amaranth Sprouts
Broccoli Sprouts
Fenugreek Sprouts
Kamut Sprouts
Mung Bean Sprouts
Quinoa Sprouts
Radish Sprouts
Spelt Sprouts
Lima Beans
Mung Beans
Navy Beans
Pinto Beans
Red Beans
Soy Beans
White Beans
Brown Rice
Sprouted Bread
Sprouted Wraps
Gluten/Yeast Free
Breads & Wraps
Fresh Coconut
Nuts & Seeds
Flax Seeds
Macadamia Nuts
Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Alkaline Water
Goat Milk
Herbal Tea
Wheat Grass
Avocado Oil
Coconut Oil
Flax Oil
Udo’s Oil
Olive Oil
Let’s Go Shopping
Organic Veggies
___Baby Bok Choy
___Cherry Tomatoes
___Collard Greens
___Dandelion Sprouts
___Frozen Veggies (Costco)
___Green Beans
___Leeks (1 bunch)
___Mixed Greens
___Mung Bean Sprouts
___Onion (Yellow & Red)
___Olives (black & Kalamata)
___Peppers (Red, Yellow, Green)
___Potatoes (Regular & Red)
___Red Chilies
___Romaine Lettuce
___Snap Peas
___Spaghetti Squash
___Spinach (Regular & Frozen)
___Split Peas
___Sweet Potato
___Water Chestnuts
___Yellow Squash
Fruits: Organic low sugar, high fiber fruits
___ Blueberries (frozen/ fresh)
___ Lime
___Strawberries (fresh/frozen)
___Almond Milk
___Apple Cider Vinegar
___Arrowroot Powder
___Balsamic Vinegar
___Canned Coconut Milk
___Cayenne Pepper
___Chili Powder
___Chili Flakes
___Chipotle Chili Powder
___Coconut Oil
___Curry Powder
___Grape Seed Oil
___Ground Ginger
___Hot Sauce/Sriracha
___Madeira Wine
___Olive Oil
___Oriental seasoning
___Poultry seasoning
___Red Wine Vinegar
___White Wine Vinegar
___Worchester Sauce
Proteins: All Organic
___Almonds (Costco)
___Almond Butter (Costco)
___Black Beans
___Brown Lentils
___Eggs (organic)
___Hummus (Costco)
___Kidney Beans (1 can)
___Pinto Beans
___Pine Nuts
___Quinoa (Regular& Red: Costco)
___Red Lentils
___Sesame Seeds
___Tofu (Firm)
___Walnuts (Costco)
___Vegan Turkey Slices
___Vegan Bacon
___Vegan Chicken Strips
Let’s Go Shopping
___Chickpea Flour
___Gluten Free Tortillas/Bread/Buns
___High Fiber Cereal
___Rice Noodles
___Spelt Flour
___Steel Cut Oats
___Wild Rice
___Brown Rice Syrup
___Carob Powder
___Coconut Yogurt
___Coconut Sugar
___Daiya Cheese
___Diced Tomatoes (Regular & Fire Roasted)
___Earth Balance Butter
___Green Powder
___Ground Flaxseed or Chia Seed (milled)
___Hemp Seeds
___Liquid Smoke
___Marina Sauce
___Mary’s Gone Crackers
___Non-Dairy Sour Cream
___Nutritional Yeast (Health food store or Raleys)
___Orange Juice
___Organic Stevia Extract or Truvia
___Organic Lemon Juice (Costco)
___Protein Powder (Vega Sport)
___Psyllium Husk (Trader Joe’s)
___Raw Coconut Nectar
___Red Curry Paste
___Sea Salt
___Tea (Herbal, Yerba Mate, Roasted Dandelion, Green)
___Tomato Juice
___Unsweetened Dried Coconut
___Vegan Mayo
___Vegan Bullion Mix
___Veggie Broth
___White Miso
Kaia After
Burn More
Calories After
Snack 2
Snack 1
Chopped Apple +
6 walnuts
Chickpea Medley
Raw Veggies
2 tbs Hummus
Kale or Romaine
Quinoa Wrap
Herbal Tea
Blue Sky Smoothie
Chickpea Medly
5 Mary Gone
Chopped Veggies
2 tbs Hummus
Crush the Craving
Veggie Wrap
Herbal Tea
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Morning Tonic Tea
Fruitful in Fall
Morning Tonic Tea
Fresh Fall Fruit
100 jump rope or
30 DU’s +
30 Sit-ups
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Sauteed Veggies
Medium sweet
+ cinnamon
Easy Coconut
Curry over 1 cup
Quinoa or organic
brown rice
100 Jump rope or
30 Du’s +
40 Sit-ups
1/4 cup Pumpkin
Orange or Cutie
Chopped Apple +
Cinnamon & Lemon
6 Almonds
10 Raisins
Fall Forward Salad
I Love My Greens
2 tbs hummus
Angela’s Black Bean
Burger over Greens
Morning Tonic Tea
Kaia Omlet
Morning Tonic Tea
Coconut Yogurt
100 Jump Rope or
30 DU’s +
50 Sit-ups
Spicy Lentils &
Wild Rice
Herbal Tea
Chickpea Medley
Salad (Leftovers)
Cucumber Pesto
6 Almonds
1/4 cup Dried
Morning Tonic Tea
Wild Workout
Week 1 and 6
Detox Prep & Transition
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Veggie Fajitas
Herbal Tea
Mary’s Gone
3 tbs Baba Ganoosh
Kaia Beast Salad
1 cup Blueberries or
Morning Tonic Tea
Blue Sky Smoothie
Nature walk
Sweet Potato &
Black Bea
Vitamin C
Strawberry, & Sugar
Snap Pea Salad
1 tbs Almond Butter
Morning Tonic Tea
Fresh Fruit &
Quinoa Cereal
Kaia After
Burn More
Calories After
Snack 2
Snack 1
Chopped Apple +
6 Almonds
Creamy Leek &
Carrot Soup w/
Small Side Salad
Huevos Rancheros
2 Stalks Celery
2 tbs Almond Butter
Protein Punch Salad
Spiced Apple
Almond Smothie
Add 1 scoop protein
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
100 Jump Rope or
30 DU’s +
10 Push-ups
Cabbage Soup
Detox Tea
Morning Tonic Tea
Smooth Move
Morning Tonic Tea
Wild Workout Drink
Creamy Leek &
Carrot Soup
Calm Magnesium
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Cabbage Soup
Baked Cauliflower
Black Bean Scram
(Kaia Omelet)
Over 3 Cups of
1 Tbs Almond Butter
Morning Tonic Tea
Strawberry Fields
100 Jump Rope or
30 DU’s +
20 Push-ups
Black Bean Soup
Detox Tea
Simply Green Drink
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Curried Carrot Soup
Wilted Spinach
Raw Veggies
1 tbs Hummus
Fennel Salad
1 cup Black Bean
Raw Veggies
1 tbs Hummus
Baked Cauliflower
Avocado Salad
Morning Tonic Tea
Detox Smoothie
Morning Tonic Tea
Tropicolada Fiesta
Week 2 and 5
Detox Weeks
100 Jump Rope or
30 DU’s
30 Push-ups
Cabbage Soup
with a small green
Dressing - lemon &
1/2 Tbs Olive Oil
2 tbs Hummus
Protein Punch Salad
Chopped Apple +
6 Almonds
Morning Tonic Tea
Good Morning
Sunshine Smoothie
Nature Walk
Garlicky Green
Beans over
1 cup organic rice
Detox Tea
Liver Detox Smoothie
1 tbs Almond Butter
Vegan Saag Over a
Big Salad
Kaia Kocktail
Morning Tonic Tea
Tropicolada Fiesta
Kaia After
Burn More
Calories After
Snack 2
Snack 1
100 Jump Rope
30 DU’s
10 Squat Thrusts
Bok Choy Tempeh
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Cauliflower Wild
Rice & Lentils
Lean & Green
Baked Cauliflower
Kaia Kocktail
2tbs Hummus
1/2 Apple +
6 Almonds
Avocado Salad
Add 1/2 cup Lentils
Morning Tonic Tea
Easy Peasy PostWorkout Smoothie
Morning Tonic Tea
Huevos Rancheros
Black Bean Lettuce
100 Jump Rope
20 DU’s
20 Squat Thrusts
Easy Coconut Curry
Over Steamed
Collard Greens
Mary’s Gone
2 tbs Hummus
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Garlicky Green
Beans Over 1 cup
Berry Blast
Mango Avocado
6 Walnuts
1/2 Cup Almond
6 Cashews
Mixed Green Salad
1/2 cup Quinoa
Morning Tonic Tea
Crazy for Coconut
Morning Tonic Tea
1 cup Almond Milk
Fresh Berreis
4 Walnuts +
Week 3 and 4
Fueling for Performance
100 Jump Rope
30 DU’s
30 Squat Thrusts
Black Bean Chili
Raw Veggies
Peppers, Carrots
1 tbs Hummus
Kaia Pizzadilla
Sliced Bell Pepper
1 tbs Hummus
Morning Tonic Tea
Protein Breakfast
Burrito Breakfast
10 or 20 Walk or Jog
Stir Fried Greens &
Mary’s Gone
2 tbs Hummus
Protein Punch Salad
Chopped Apple
1 tbs Almond Butter
Morning Tonic Tea
Immunity Booster
Nature Walk
Stuffed Tomatoes
1 cup Lentils
Vitamin C
Simple Spring Wrap
Kaia Kocktail
Morning Tonic Tea
Vegan Scram
Gluten Free Tortilla
1/4 cup salsa
My fitness pal instructions
Enter your meals in the Food Diary and My Fitness
Pal will keep track of your daily goals
Be sure to add your water at the bottom of your
log to help you keep track.
Be sure to enter new recipes into the Recipe Nutrition Calculator to figure out nutritional information
and save recipes for future use
As you start entering meals, My Fitness Pal will keep
track of your foods so you can reenter them easily
Add Kaia Fit to your friends so you can share your
log and get advice.
Be sure to set your diary to Friends Only so
Kaia Fit can view all your foods.
Kaia Nutritional Plan FAQ’s
What does detox week mean?
The 2nd and the5th week of BRIK we do a full body detox. The 1st time is much harder than the last
because we have so many more toxins. During detox week we…
Drink lots of water…2 when you wake up, 2 for snack, 2 for lunch, 2 for snack & 2 for dinner
Cut out all the junk, alcohol, all wheat, sugars, white stuff & eat light
Kaia Nutritional Plan- smoothie for b-fast, big salad for lunch & liquid dinner (soup)
Don’t use lotion or any body produces that aren’t organic or chemical free
Snack on only veggies if you’re super hungry
Remember it’s only one week and you could be juicing;)
I have a headache, low energy and feel nauseous?
You are officially detoxing…congratulations! We know it’s rough but well worth it. The more toxins you
have in your body like caffeine, prescription drugs, sugar & processed foods the worse you will feel. Please
hang in there the symptoms typically last 3-4 days and then you will feel better than you have in years.
Drink lots of water
Drink wheat grass (Jamba juice or whole foods)
Avoid taking Advil or anything to help with the pain (prolongs the detox symptoms)
Sleep at least 8 hours
Why do I feel bloated after my meals?
Remember it takes time for your body to adjust to all the roughage & fiber
Eat slowly & enjoy your meals.
Drink a lot of water.
Last resorts…reduce the amount of fiber boost you are using.
I am hungry!
Your body need time to adjust to lower calories & being thinner. Be determined!
Make sure you are getting a fist size of protein at every meal
If your protein source is a shake, make sure you eat an abundance of non-starchy vegetables.
Make sure you are drinking enough water.
Eat healthy snacks- herbal tea, apple, celery, cucumber slices, baked kale or vegetable broth
I am not losing weight
Some people will not lose any weight until the third week- Stay with it!
Be sure you are not loading up calories in your shakes.
Eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables
Record everything you are eating and the time of your meals & talk to your coach.
Be sure your food portions are reasonable. No second servings.
I am losing weight and don’t want to
Add more calories and fat to your shakes.
Eat any fruit you desire
Add starchy carbohydrates to your meals (brown rice)
Put an extra scoop of protein in your shakes.
Add healthy fats…Avocado and nuts
I am constipated
Constipation is a very common problem when you are changing your diet dramatically.
Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day at least eight 8 oz. glasses
Make sure you are getting enough vegetables.
Add ground flax seed and selium
Try using the Magnesium Supplement, Natural Calm, at night
Have your coach look at your nutrition over the last few weeks
Try a Colon Cleanse supplement
Should I take vitamins?
Yes! Make sure you have a good whole food multi vitamin and multi mineral.
Whole food multi vitamin
Mineral supplement
Calcium & magnesium
Fiber supplement
Udo’s Oil or a omega oil supplement. Also helps with soreness and increases muscle recovery/repair.
Should I eat before workouts?
It all depends on how much you eat the night before and what time you’re working out. You shouldn’t eat
2-3 hours before a workout, so 5amer’s may not want to get up at 2am to eat a banana. If you’re really
hungry and feel weak drink a smoothie or have an electrolyte drink prior to workout. Here is a list of drinks
good pre-workout fuel…
Arbonne Fizz
Vega Pre-workout Electrolytes
1/4 of a Goodonya Bar
1/4-1/2 banana
Any other whole food, minimally processed alternative (ask your coach if you don’t know)
What should I eat after a workout to fuel my muscles?
You have a relatively small window to get your muscles fuel for growth about 30-90 minutes post workout.
Try to eat a whole food breakfast high in protein as soon as possible.
Protein smoothie (see the Kaia Kook Book)
Veggie Scram
Apple & Almond Butter
Tofu Scram
Which vegetables, fruits, meats & cheeses should I buy organic?
All meat & cheeses
List of the dirty dozen
Strawberry’s & grapes
Peaches & nectarines (imported)
Spinach, kale & lettuce
Sweet Bell Peppers
Our Kaialympics Nutrition Challenge:
Make it FUN and Simple (KISS)
To really thrive in life we need to supercharge and optimize our nutrition. It is the building
block (brik) to happiness and vibrant health.
We are all very different and need to respect our differences. Some of us work better on 6
mini meals, some prefer 3 solid meals, but all our bodies long for whole, nutrient-dense
We are prepping for success by cleaning out our environment, and crowding out what
needs to go. Start with smaller portions, more veggies, maybe going to bed a little hungry.
Wherever we decide to go with our nutritional choices, let’s take the time to analyze what
makes our bodies and minds feel well. Think about the how the food we put into our bodies
directly affects our energy.
THE CHALLENGE: For the next six weeks we going to have five health focuses:
1. Get Out Into Nature: The answer is not in the refrigerator! Weigh loss is about finding
inner peace and connecting to nature and people we love. When you’re feeling discouraged or cravings kick in make a commitment to get outside, go for a walk or connect to
someone you love.
2. Vitamins and Minerals: Taking a good whole food multivitamin and mineral supplement
can help with energy, sleep and overall wellness.
3. 7 Serving of Vegetables a Day: 3 cups of leafy greens equals 1 serving.1 cup of vegetables i.e. broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, cucumber and so on equals 1 serving, 1⁄2 cup of
legumes (beans) are counted as 1 serving.
4. Hydration: Almost every ailment you have can be cured or at least helped by proper
hydration. Drinking 10oz of pure water 10 times per day will help you lose weight, feel full,
make your skin beautiful plus much more.
5. Get Your Sweat On! Working out is better than taking an anti-depressant! Moving your
body just one hour a day releases serotonin, creates self-confidences and helps your body
function the way it is intended to work.
Here’s how your next six weeks will go…
Week 1: Goal Setting and Detox Preparation
This first week we are working out hard and preparing our bodies for the upcoming detox.
~ Drink warm lemon water every morning on an empty stomach
~ Drink 10 10oz glasses of filtered water a day
~ Add a green drink or smoothie to your daily routine
~ Add a big salad to your daily meals
~ Cut sugar, alcohol and processed foods
Week 2: Seven-Day Detox
This week is intended to be a treat…something you look forward to. You will be amazed at your newfound
energy, peaceful outlook on life, and all the extra time you have. Please take this week to spoil yourself,
take a bath, read a book, or organize something you have been putting off.
Stick with Week 1 Goals.
~ If weight loss is what you’re looking for, this is where you will find it. This week we are cutting all the
excess waste from our diet and bodies.
~ Add a salad for lunch and soup for dinner.
~ Snacks: Apple and cinnamon, any veggies (cucumbers, celery, bell peppers etc.), 5 almonds or walnuts.
See snack list on the Kaia Kookbook.
~ Eliminate ALL processed foods. Everything you put in to your body from the ground and minimally
altered before you consume it.
~ Add in a morning and evening detox tea. Include lemon juice, Cinnamon and Cayenne pepper to any
and all possible beverages.
~ Add hot tea, and all the greens you want.
~ Take the focus off food and stay busy with spring cleaning, playing, or exercise.
Week 3: Fueling for Performance
~ Building lean muscle and burning fat through “revving up” our metabolism with plant-based foods
~ Adding healthy pseudo grains (non-gluten) and seeds, i.e. quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat. Not only
are these pseudo grains ridiculously good for you and FULL of protein, but they are satisfying to eat.
~ Add new superfoods to our diet, i.e. Chia Seeds, Spirulina, Flax, Cacao, Goji Berries, Turmeric, mustard
greens and Swiss chard
~ Tracking our fuel and how we feel when eating these superfoods
~ Eating a healthy high protein meal after our workouts
~ Drinking at least one green drink a day, eating a big salad for lunch, and a light dinner
Week 4: Hell Week and Finding What Works For the Long Term
~ This week we will be listening to our bodies and making a plan that we can live with for the long term
~ Not a diet but a healthy nutritional plan that fuels us for life
~ Deciding what are we willing to cut and what habits we will continue for the long term
~ This being “Hell Week”, our workouts will be hard, so eat lots of greens and foods to help reduce
We will be going on a hike to “El Capitan” on Sunday Sept. 28th - this is the highest peak in all of San
Diego. The 360 degree So-Cal view in itself is reward enough, but additionally, you will have literally and
metaphorically reached new heights!
Week 5: Back to Detox
~ Same as week two
Week 6: Back to our healthy Kaia Konditioning Nutritional plan
~ Eating mindfully
~ Healthy pseudo grains, superfoods and lots of green veggies. This is your final push to LAUNCH you in
to long term fitness. Lots of liquids, a little more cardio and lots of reward :)
Loving Disclaimer and Copyright
The responsibility for the consequences of your use of any suggestion or procedure
described hereafter lies not with the authors, publisher or distributors of this book. This
book is not intended as medical or health advice. We recommend consulting with a
licensed health professional before changing your diet or starting an exercise program.
Except for personal use, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without
prior written permission from the publisher.
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Copyright © 2011 by Kaia F.I.T. Inc.
All rights reserved.
Published by:
Kaia F.I.T.