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this PDF file - Pro Tem
VOLUME 33, N° 3 LUNDI LE 4 OCTOBRE 19?3 Lorraine Hill STUDENTS GRANTED PARITY On October 1st, 1993 Glendon College's Faculty Council held it's first meeting ofthe 93-94 academic year, headed by Chair Professor Anthony Hopkins. The meeting began with the election of the vicechair, Xavier De Vanssay, who was the only nomination. This was followed by a few words regarding the search for a new Principal by York University President Susan Mann. She explained that the present Principal, Dr. Runte, would be resigning effective July 1st, 1994, but would be taking a six month Shortly after the President's speech, the issue regarding student representation on the Principal Search Committee was raised. After a meeting between the Policy and Planning Committee and the President a motion was put forward, part of which aimed to reduce student representation on the Search Committee from three students to one. This motion, as explained by one of the leave starting at the end of Professors on the Faculty Booember. ~';~~~.~n~,~year Cou.IJcil,,;wa_~,q.~e~li~th~ ~:~~~~~~:~~;~~:~~~ "~;::;;i;;o~;ea;~~i~;:;ea~~ as interim Principal, a position which could extend beyond July 1st if the new Principal has not been selected by then. President Mann told the members of the council that the search was already behind schedule, and for that reason they would be acting expeditiously. President Mann described the kind of Principal they were looking for; he or she should be a good academic adminis-trator, possessing both scholarly and administrative aptitudes; should possess universitywide experience and interests;' should be someone who could make Glendon's voice be heard; should have a strong public flair; and should be fluently bilingual. more efficiently. This caused a debate among members of the faculty. Former Dean of Students Yvette Schmidt explained that this step was neccessary because of the "emergency situation" that had arisen; she was rebuked by present Dean Jean-Claude Bouhenic, who "could not see the neccessity of penalizing students" because of the unfortunate circumstances. President Mann responded that the decision to reduce student representation was not her idea or choice. At this time an impassioned plea was made by G.C.S.U. President Andy Straisfeld on behalf of the students and alumni of Glendon. He explained that Continue on page: 3 • INSIUE I A LIRE Page 2 - Talking to the Prez Page 5 - ()n ,vonlen and AIDS Page 10 - Pro Tenl goes to the nlovies Page 11 - In to the Pit o' _, Faculty members and students listen attentively as Faculty Chair Anthony Hopkins (clockwise, fifth from bottom) makes~hlso~~ni~.gremar~: '" ,"'" ' ;, ,'(,'~, ,';". "'" .. ~ _" 'if ' ,_, ,_~-~~:it-1i.~~":~'\:~~~-_'-. • ~~":;~~~,,,,;· t?"¥;'.~~~$~t'-~:~j~i~-,_ --:~ "-;'~~~-~<~3~~'S~·i~1,Ifkt~.t_.. _ 2 GLENDON HAMMERS CAL ST 'TE • ~ ~ Russell Milon Mercredi dernier les « Internationals » de Glendon et Roy Nyberg et Bardya avec 1 but ont joue leur premiere partie ,de la saison et I'equipe Ziaim n'aurait pas pu commence la saison d'une meilleure respectivement. Apres leur premier fa~on, en I'emportant par un blanchissage (9-0) contre match il serait facile de dire I'equipe Cal. State (College Calumet). que les « Internationals» sont plus forts que l' opposition a II faut dire que, des Ie shot on net. Les marqueurs pour les laquelle ils devront faire face depart, la formation de Cal. State etait desavantagee par « Internationals » etaient : cette annee. Mais je n'irai Roberto Angel avec 3 buts, pas si loin. II est difficle de l'absence d'un joueur. Bassam Abou-Naim et Suite it la page 9 Excuses aside, Cal. State were simply dominated Yonas Tamsat 2 buts chacun, by the more ~-------~~::==::=:::::==.::.::::::~~~::;::;:::;;~::::;;:::;~:;;;z~--;--------;~ talented and organised Glendon side, the first half saw Glendon open up a 4-0 lead while Cal. State didn't even break midfield. The se-cond half was more as The Internationals scored five more times while their defence again did not allow Cal. State a The first of many goals scored by Glendon. ' 1[15-' '~~ _ Lundile40ctobre 1993 CameronFraser Lastweeklh Straisfeld,the . ad the honour 0 Of'::::tdentofthe with Andy aspirations are sure plans on counc·1 had a wonderful and he do overwhelm ,and although his my chequ 109, he did buy tum? He w es anted It t e... How me that h· · could I not II-ke much too for rnaI_ Chisated f. IS title f · · su Ice_ The rumo e , Director' or Mr 0PrMimster' IS unfounded. r that Andy blows· goats, esident will m is still dis~ussion I~nch, GCs~.s~:king om~what ~ ~gn I asked And recent cont y about the _ roversy nmg the Liberal concer~edivulgedsom .Club, and mformatio e mteresting n. Acco ddy T h . r mg to An ' e Liberal CI at G lendon will funds from th be seekmg su Liberals weree:c . . "The the Student H entlOned in was an error ~bOOk. This of the club : e president IS cons Itsee if thu Ing to IS error possible f makes it _ or the I ub to reCleve GCSU has b funding" It een my understandin thatthe GCSU . g, any political p;:oes not fund no mention of thY·IThere was e argerP.C. u~ ~ Club in the h andbo k ey are not seekin Ii0 , -and th I have been. ~ g undmg. _ Inlormed h Issue is up ~ t at this I als or negotiation o asked h · are two dl-ffierent' WChYthere - . organizatio n nstlan who, recieve : c~t ~lendon propriation f mbmed apthe school 0 $850.00 for Wouldn't year of 93/94 one c I · But ifthe GCSU ~b suffice? to religio gives money us orga - whynotpol-tnlzatlons .. llcal? Th ' ey have similarities . B oth wed in their are sque. perceptions of SOcIety, in th _and d eclevethe publelr own s . IC Don'tget peclal ways. mewrong . I am not , J'ai ete quel que peu surp « GCSU d . I Love Yo ns de lir l' · ermer. En etTet dans Ie Pro Temed article intitule pourrait pense; I m'apparaitsur r u 27 novembre restauration ' G prendre en ch p enant que I' AECG a lend arge Ie ar Ie systeme d' on. Ne sont-·I s services de I s pas d'·' vr mment . assur qu'ils . ance-maladie? DeJa debordes P « veritable pUlssent gerer d - e plus, croient -I D »entre . e maDie -I S ownsview devr . pnse? L'experie re efficace une de realisme de les du du campus de I ee.. cre rnanque _ .~» ce~te~do?rtant con:~en Les etudiant ,< S commencent prc;sente revolter ment 11 se contre Ie vemments e . s goucolleges (e tudlants des x. McLau hi" au sujet d g m) deplorable d: l~a q u~li te et des prix fa n~uIT1ture noter _ Ie rammeux (a _ s cafet " gerees enas sont par 1 gouvemements es _L collegiaux escafe . administres set les pubs par les vemements colle. ant glauxgou- comule un d - " de 20 000 ~flClt de l' ordre Vanier est un b (open-end 11 on exemple) ' . A mon " devrait aVIS, l' AECG ,< concent c;nergies a trouveru rer ses seur pour Rest ~ succesque perdre ~uromcs plutot I'argent) d e temps (et es etud" des projets lants sur Les etudian~somme celui-ci. au moins d y gagneraient e la "I nourriture t mel leure " e ce ' a>. mel"Ileur pnx. anti-religious ~ut I do be~ h~ve that religion has its place. This place is not on the payroll of the 6CSU your money." Au moment ou vous payez vos frais de scolarite pensez-vous ~ la maniere dont votr ar gent sera e depense? Peut-etre qu'~ la prochaine I re co >. de donner I-b reunion de I' AEC G, ce point manigances. L'AE ur a leurs devrait etre ramene CGdevrait sur la nous rense. tab Ie pour im Igner sur I - _ lation etudian~rmer la ~opu ctlvltes n-<b I eurs a _ c; u euses C de leurs repee des actlvites aUJour-d'h . . ar si UI nous so _ etre que quel se~tants. Peut- pns dans une t II _ mmes , e e sltuatio s'in~ qu un devrait c est que l' AEC n, ormer sur la fonds et dgestlon des mur que nous G a erige un u lants notre de . ' parce que pas enleve. avons toujours slnteret leur permet Andy, I really hope that l nomone CIu b over Ygoes a to the Liberal handbook It _n error in the . Isago d0 Idea to review the. selssues am sure the . carefully; I at the next mY ~III be raised eetlng U tough eco . . nder nomic tthe hint of a J lmes, even handbook anuary student would b example of a e a typical bureaucracy. n overspending without her k uth for additions t S students liv. nowledge. 3 basic I 0 her articles lng on pans a plan, a PST campus: A tax ex re offered to -exempt 1200 $ plan and empt 1600 $ meal charging all taxes. a 500 $ plan Next deadlille is l'hursday ()ctober 14, 1993. Pro 'rem ,viII not be llublished next monday, October 11, 1993 Pro 11em encoura dletters to the ed.ltorges (spyour feedback · We ·n o not contain l.b I ace permitting) pr · WI publish material. I e lous, sexist h oVlded that they L ' omophob· etters must b . IC or racist be accompanied e sIgned (namesmaybewith b exceed 200 a telephone n eldbyrequest) words In length. umber, and must ~ no~ PROTEM 3 PROTEM Monday October 4, 1993 2275, avenue Bayview Toronto (Ontario) M4N 3M6 Editor-in-chief: Assitant editor: Alex Limion Cameron Fraser Lorraine Hill Assistant-e it la redaction: poste vacant Entertainment editor: open Chroniqueur sportif : Russell Milon Production Manager: Simon Marchand Assistants it la production : Stephane Do Patrick J. Mimeault Graphic designer: Simon Marchand Reviseure: Marjelaine Caya Copy editor: Heather Birrell Dactylographe : Suzan Hicks Marlaine Lindsay Photography editor: Stephan Robichaud Caricaturiste : Nathalie-Roze Fischer Correspondance: open Advertising manager: Etienne Le Beau Pro Tem is the weekly bilingual and independant newspaper ofGlendon College, founded in 1962 as the student publication of York University. En plus de sa gratuite, Pro Tem est Ie seul journal bilingue en Ontario. Les opinions et les faits emis par les signataires n'engagent qu'eux-memes, et non pas I'equipe editoriale. All articles must be signed and accompanied with a phone number. Les articles sous-entendant des propos diffamatoires, racistes, antisemites, sexistes ou homophobes ne seront pas publies. The deadline to Continued from p. 1 the Principal is more than an administrator; she is someone we see each day buying her coffee at the cafeteria; she is someone who gives us advice, someone who's there for us; she's a friendly neighbor who cares about us, and about whom we care. After Straisfeld' s speech there was a noticeable change in the opinions of the faculty members, and several spoke up in defence. One professor stated that a reduction in student representation was a compromise to the council's principle of parity. Another backed this argument, and further stated that parity was most important at a time like this. to two student representatives and two faculty representatives. This, he stated, was true compromise, and would restore parity. Three votes were then taken. The first was for restoring the amendment and changing the numbers to two students and two faculty members; the motion was carried 19-10-7. The second was to accept the new amendment, and was also carried 16-8-7. The third vote was on the entire motion, including the amended clause; this vote was carried 23-2-4. It's nice to know that the Professors recognize the equality of students and the validity of our thoughts and views. PROTEM ISA MEMBER OF 'OC';~d:_,,"~",;~~-,)~;~ck~~~~_:'tDLrfr"->l~::'" . -"'''"- ...----------- submit ads and articles is Thursday at 5 pm. Meetings -'," Ij.'-',r-t~ r'~~.· ';'_\': ALTERI are on Tuesdays at5:30pm. Editorial and Advertising: 487 - 6 7 36. Printin : 3000 co ies. FACING THE MUSIC Andy McPhee First ofT , you should know that this article has less to do with life at Glendon than with life in the larger sense, viz. the society in which we live. The word "coward" is a gender inclusive term. Simply stated, a coward is a person who is prohibitively afraid to face up to that for which they are responsible. On the subject of morning. Riding my bike, I r~sponsibility,there is not one was cut off by a woman in a action one can perform for car. I fell, she sped off, which one is not ultimately, pretending not to notice me. if not immediately I followed her to her responsible. If one drops a destination, not far off, and ball, it falls. when I tried to talk to her, The act of dropping the ball letting her know of her error, has made the dropper she locked the doors to her responsible for its falling. In car, told me to go away, called the more acute sense~ if one me a pervert, blared her hom, kills a fly, it dies. If one eats and made a big show ofbeing meat, they are ultimately afraid of me. I don't believe responsible for the death of in the least that it was sexual the animal from which the assault she was afraid of. She meat came, as demand for was hiding behind that, the meat caused the animal to refusing to listen when I told have been killed in the first her that she had cut me off. I believe she was afraid to place. What if one commits accept the responsibility of an act of violence against her action. This is but one small another human being? Here is where the most cowardice example of the type of evidences itselfin our society. cowardice which riddles our One good example is what society. It taught me a lesson. happened to me lastThursday That to some people, their A motion was then made by one ofthe professors to amend the motion, and to strike the section which saw to reduce student representation. Unfort~nately, there was no seconder. Professor Hopkins stated that he would let the amedment stand, since he viewed it as "a significant but allowable amendment." This ruling was challenged "in a friendly way" by Professor Ann MacKenzie; Hopkins, however, declined the challenge. A motion was then put forward by Professor Harris to amend the amendment of the motion, so that the committee would be reduced SAECULO Lorraine Hill As members ofthe Glendon and York communities peace of nlind, Le. avoidance e are priviledged enough to have two profound and of responsibility, is more nspiring mottos both written in the traditional language important than facing up to f academia, Latin. the thought that they might have done something wrong. Latin is used everySo, as I write this, I'm That, even if you are six feet where in educational insti- picking up the telephone. We tall, it is still possible to be tutions; it's on our diplomas, spend thousands of dollars a victimized with impunity by and when we attended year to atend this school and unthinking, uncaring people. invocation in first year, we we have the right to know the It taught me that maybe the said "Promitimus," swearing meaning of our inspiring next time I am in such a that we would love and message. I'm calling the position, I would do well to honour our school forever. Principal, Dr. Runte, to find . consider first whether there So , if we love and honour out what Alteri Saeculo will be anyone hurt, our school so much, why means. One ringyvictimized even, by my can't they give us a motto we dingy...Two ringy-dingies. action, and act afterwards. understand? I know that both Yes, hello... Considering the French and English are And after much measure ofvictimization that m 0 s t 1 YL,a tin - bas e d anticipation, the verdict is occurs even on our own languages, but Latin itself Alteri Saeculo literally campus (ever snapped at a became obsolete years ago, translated means - the cashier, or a librarian? ever and it's time to move on. principal is teaching at the tried to coerce someone iqto York University's moment, so we should contact having sex, even after the.y' ve motto is Tentanda Via, which the Associate Principal. Now, said no repeatedly?), it would translates "The Way Must we call Associate Principal do well for people to be Tried". I really like that Jean-Claude Jaubert, who is remember this : You're motto and I'm happy I found happy to tell me that Alteri responsib'le for all your out what it means; I find it Saeculo, the saying on which actions, and their results. It encouraging. Glendon's we base our entire academic would also make for a much Motto is Alteri Saeculo, and career, means "Forthe Future more harmonious world if nobody has the slightest clue Generations". Thank God it people considered before they what it means. Very doesn't mean All Our acted. encoura in . Teachers Are on Sensemilia. I . PROTEM 4 Lund I Ie 4 Octobre 1993 e e Marcotte Domimque t matisation. ' parl'auo nt marquees ratiquemen t Les Ie choix, Machinepar-cl,.gre sans cartes. Past V:"odernisme, mms empossibte de VIV s C'est bien e De? NOD! pas I temp • n pan . Ie systeme e a Glendon! faut etre de la n'arriventJa que faire quan mais ssible! Ces choses . ait peut-etre po I' AECG, II pourr sfirement .d r Vous avez · het vous al e . . a trait aux e Ie gUlC En ce qut . t remarque qu fonctionnait York c'est . ne see,privant cartes plus loin, II.y as la semame pas SEUL Avant . t uej'aimenus p. sl"les etudiants du "ble auraitunpoln qbl.en d'entre .. Com $ am . dispom service doit-on realise que 20 sur Ie campus. une fois, vou.s et:e deduit de leur blamer? en cause. avalt l'administration ? Glendon n es . n du pour I Pro Tern a I'entrette s avez u 'ez En effet, ivement YOU see vousdevn ,( I. semainepas Montrc;a . ')C'est'd'autantplus gut"chet releve exclus de la Banque ous etes Ie tant donne que les Mais SI v d piNre subtIl qu e Ius de « scrip» u et gensn'ontp . il devient p Ius vraiment ex asperesuichet q du gachine est en rendement ue la m difflCI e argent. Bien . c alculc; , trouvez . d' . urs en sorties 111 d'une technoI0 gie depassee, anne~s=C:tPar-la'ilestdeV~~:nt so~ automatiq~e tomb~ dlffer~n d'all~r financle~Ui :o~pras ~e ~I ecl3.1rC~~t cart~ (~1 sa~Olr., ~~lm'd'administrerI~s s pouvez touJo de n'est ce pas ... YOU parler au president __ Some say ignorance is bliss. C'est pour cette raison "f. a debit je yen Ie . qu' a chaque tant debite ainsl l'ecranlemon d rna carte. que Ie solde al ~ je depense Constat g~ne~ee~assee pour plus qu~ I an uantite de la me q ble ils ont " meIncroya, noumture. . avaler a la "a me falre reUSSI . hausse de prix et une fOlS une . n de depenses. augmentatlo" "t c'est faire on dlral , Comme deux coups. d'une « carte» Surtout anager. Habile Ie m e la pilule etait q ue cette ann e plus facile . e donc " en plastIqu, afaire avaler que du papler « scrip ». I nt de cartes, En par a e e utilise a que dire du syst mpour les la bibli~theq~~ecleurpetit Photocopleurs, s Qui celui " ledessu . , engm sur .nserez votre danslequel vo~~~ inoffensif carte. II sem Mais faites n'est-ce pas. . f ignorance IS ar When it se~~in dangerous. from bliss. It's Just p . If ou want to do the smart thIng, gety ou t of the dark. P · d out how HIV/AIDS and other d In are transmitte . STDs U ondoms. Not occasionally, se c 11 but always. not usua y, f. ds Talk . Talk to your partner. Your rlen . Y doctor. . condoms, Ifour ba b t bUyIng u're em rrassed a ,ou e bought them donce yo ber that after you v. embarrasse 1h remem h ier BeIng ·t will be m~c eas · for your hea t . I 11 Ice to pay S is a sma pr . £ tion or AID , k "th HIV In ec I k the silence. If you now someoneb and wrea reach out to th~~ more ignorance. .. of Health AIDS No more fear.. Ontario Mlnrstry For more ·In formation call the Hotline: 392-2437 ® Ontano " tscar'sous " aVOSdOlg . attention ts " ·nnocen, cet engln ses airs 1 I que votre Peut avaler p us "me vous ,. il peut me carte, I'argent qu II y soutirer tout Voila un "t dessus. aval . devrait vous exemple qUl as vous fier apprendre a ne p arences. aux app de mesaCe genre . a bon est arrive venture d'etudiants(es) (a nombre ., t de membres du mOiaUSSl.)~e Glendon. La Personnel te pro" augmen frustratIOn t avec Ie portionel~:;:nt qu'il y montant rte Pour vous " contre Ia Possibipremumr ne somme . perdre u hM de . ortante, pourd'argent Imp .derer Ie fait · as conSI quOl ne p , ent sur votre de mettre de I ::~esoinsl\ carte selon v "er il serait tennln , Pou,r miner les deux de mise d exa te». Les d la « car ()tes e "d'une c euvent etre . cartes p .. e "en fais mOlgrande utIht ,J de consomune gran t meme . e lIes peuven . . malS matIon, . ffet pervers ") si i aVOlr un e auss tilisateur(tnce sur son u pas utilisees avec elles ne sont J' precaution. l PROTEM 5 Monday BETTER BLATANT THAN LATENT The sun rises. Straight looking and acting business suits bustle offto work. Then Michael wakes up. Paul soon follows, and they eat breakfast with their straight female roommate. In a fit of laughter, Michael endearingly calls her a fag hag. Hours seem to pass as Paul lectures about the sexist and misogynist nature of this term. Michael holds up his flag against censorship, so Paul decides it was postmodernism. They take separate showers. No! Not all gay men who live together~ shower together. They each grab a copy of Xtra! (Toron- 1993 'rhe Counselling alld Career Centre is starting its \-vorkshops LVlonday ()ctober 4 \vith the study Michael V. Smith and Paul Moore On a campus as small as Glendon, more people know you and more gossip flies. It can be damn hard to be gay, let alone open or 'out'. There's more pressure to stay closeted. ·People will know if you're not. But that infamous Michael and "oh-so p.e." Paul try their best. Here's their first story about anything and everything gay. They start with a sampling of Glendon life on their first day back : Octobe~ 4, to's leslbilgay paper) on their way out, hoping that some beau-hunk of a man will be sitting opposite them on the 124 bus. They have no such luck. But a woman in comfortable shoes is reading Quota (Ontario's lesbian paper). They all smile approvingly and move on. Then, approaching the main gates, Michael winks as he sees an appropriately androgynous figure just steps ahead ofthem, wearing black, no less. Paul shakes his head, and smiles as he cruises the Later, in a hallway approaching class, Michael overhears latent homophobia. One woman turns to another and in her best high school voice says, "oh, we'resogay, we want to be over there." He meets the challenge and turns to them, responding with, "You're gay, I'm gay too. It's so nice to meet other gay people." He walks on as they stop for a second and titter. Michael arrives at sociology only to feel like he has dropp.ed off the face of the earth. The prof is talking about boy being socialized into meeting girl, marrying girl and consummating with girl. Michael contemplates where exactly he fits in. He smiles remembering Friday night. Meanwhile, Paul's prof goes on and on about his wife Another prof ( who might be gay)actually mentions sexual orientation in class. Paul restrains himself from running up to hug the prof. (Thus reskills series: specting personal space, of r"l-'ime malla(Je~ course.) On the St. Clair ment, studying streetcar riding home, they for tests, procrasarrive at Avenue Road where loads of Upper Canada Coltination. C(}lne to lege machismo piles on. Our the Celltre f(')r two homo heroes fear for their lives, slinking into a comer, dates and times inte.nsely reading poetry. Or perhaps Men's Fitness would be more appropriate? Finally, safe and sound, though a little haggard, they arrive home. The fag hag, A wesome Spring Break Trips! Campus Reps Needed. ahem, rbomate awaits them. Cuba, Cancun, Daytona, The dishes are piled high, the Montreal & Quebec' supperis no where to be found Call Now!! and she doesn't even own 1-800-363-0634 and apron. Michael jokes that with women's lib and man with the tight jeans. and children. He wishes their apartmenta'S'-suc}t~they Sometimes objectification can be fun. straight people wouldn't flaunt their heterosexuality. need a maid. Paul scowls. They order pizza. ON WOMEN AND AIDS Ilya Parkins FREE Spring Break trips & cash bonuses. We need only the BEST YoRK reps to promote Cancun, Cuba, Daytona, Montreal & Quebec sun/ski party trips. Incredible giveaways from Kodak & Koala Springs and a Jeep YJ draw CALL 234-1686 NOW! Today marks the first day AIDS Awareness Week, which stretches until Sunday, October 10th. Since the AIDS crisis began over a decade ago, however, the ~edia, and even education, action, and support groups for people living with AIDS have focused most of their attention on two communities: gay men and intravenous drug users. While it cannot be denied that these are groups upon whom the disease has had an enormous impact, focusing solely on them has meant that women living with AIDS, or living with trying to prevent transmission of it, have, until recently, had little in the way ofresources. Many of us remain uncertain about the role that aids and its prevention should play in our lives. According to Ms. Magazine, the World Health Organization estimated in 1992 that "by the year 2000, most of the newl.y infected (with AIDS or the virus that causes it HIV) will be women." This is frightening news and indicates that women, both lesbian and het- . erosexual, must begin to take a critical look at our sexual practices. A good first step is simply to read; at the moment, there are numerous debates in medical and activist communities about the nature and transmission of HIV/AIDS, and around the ethics ofprevention and treatment. We will do ourselves a favour by educating ourselves about these arguments, so'that we can evaluate them and the potential impact they have on our lives and sexual practices. An excellent place to find these resources is at the AIDS Committee of Toronto's huge Access Centre, which is located at 399 Church Street, and includes a lending library with both literature and audio-visual materials. ACT also sponsors numerous support groups and has its own information and support hotline, 390-8844. Also, through this week, watch for the Glendon Women's Centre, which will be setting up an information table with the help of the North York Department of Public Health. And all are invited to our Open House on Thursday, October7th at 7:00 pm. This will be a great opportunity to get acquainted with the Women's Centre if you haven't already, to eat sweet things, and to view a couple ofvideos dealing with issues around women and AIDS. CD-ROMICITELINE WORKSHOPS Participants learn how to build expert searches on bibliographic databases to find references to scholarly periodical articles on a specific subject. This workshop is intended for new CD-ROM users as well as for those who wish to improve their search skills. The Library has databases in the fields ofeducation, language, literature, sociology, humanities, Canadian business and current affairs, etc. A one-hour work- Ishop , no registration necessary. Tues. Oct. 5 10:30 am (En) Wed. Oct. 13 2:30 pm (En.) Thurs Oct. 21 10:30 am (Fr.) Tues. Oct. 26 10:30am(En.) Wed. Nov. 10 2:30 pm (Fr.) ThursNov.1810:30am(Fr.) ATELIERS CD-ROM ICITELINE Les participants apprendront a mener une recherche electronique sur bases de donnees bibliographiques afin de reperer des articles de pCriodiques sur leurs sujets. Cet atelier est destine aceux qui abordent la recherche sur CD-ROM pour la premiere fois ainsi qu' a ceux qui souhaitent ameliorer leurs techniques de recherche. La Bibliotheque a des disques optiques en education, langue, litterature, sociologie, lettres, affaires et actualites canadiennes. L' atelier dure uneheure - entree libre. mardi 5 oct. 10h30 (an.) mercredi 13 oct. 14h30 (an.) jeudi 21 oct. 10h30(fra.) mardi 26 oct. 10h30 (an.) mercredi 10nov.14h30(fra.) jeudi 18 nov. lOh30(fra.) 6 · t·na Craft Chris I . ticipate 10 .. compl'1 e d which . d to participate nwiUnotpar . " sal'd Dowsett A (CUP) - Carleto 0ty College statIstIcs '1 tailored to audience, arthemaga- which dechn~ OTTAW M clean's survey 0 f universities. · ear's annual a Id be eaSl y Unlversl tillS y . d the MonJohnston. Last ~~ 000 copies last year, ress release IS. d In a 1P6 the university sue Sept. taff resources cited a lack 0 te the inforneeded to up a 1 n'ssurmation for the e:niversia range of vey, ties accor m Ca criteria. President rletonr Said proRobin Farquha kedtwo almost i ~ M~~ WhiCd~ rga~o fessionalstaffwor mmer of . . fl' llthe su Maclean's refull- tIme lln 1992 to fu r'ssurquiremen tforthatyea . ersity spent The umv data for . about vey. $100.'. 000 collectIng and orgall1zm~ ' he saId. Maclean s, ol"ng to be "I'm not g \ . d around by some bulhe. .n Toronto fthe ummagazme I e betterinterests 0 . th · " Farquhar said. verslty, the first survey again~t Wh~~ 1991, Carleton came placedout 44thI out 0 f 46 univer- cou . h Mac Ie an's survey,f SUIt t.e . k tt director 0 sities. After Car1e ton and said Bill P~~:d~etPlanning. niversities com- the office 0 h d to collect and "We a . 0 du Maclean , s rede. other " said PIckett. the survey to divide massage data '991 ranking signe .. in to three catThe 1 y to their size caused a wave ofcontrovers the adegonesac offerings. because at Carlet~n sent incorrect and ministra~lOn Maclean's. ities in the informatlO~ tOForcse, then a of the 12 unl'versiIv Denms . d fol"comprehens 'dent reslgne vice-presl 'h' h blamed ties" category. ld think ortw lC lowingarep . and send"People wou .ng sour grapes I.f h · for collecting to 1m the f au Ity data ing participate we did no .d Farquhar. "ThIS Maclean's. tt Johnston, year," Sal . a much more Ann Dowse f year we are l.n' not to be aging editor 0 graceful Ros l assistant ,man id she is disapit on 's de1 ded 1 Maclean s, sa inc u . id that a _ " with Carleton "d other OnFarquhar sa, rvey pOInted d . . She Sal h gh the Maclean s su 1 t ClSlon. 't"es are face ' 1"versl 1 t ou . little from as tano un . 1 conarne financla is the informa1 ton but are with the s year, UPdatIrn g uire the same straints as Ca.r e tion would f time . t' cipatlng. eq an d e ffort. , . the only still par I "Maclean s IS d vehicle to reac h a broa er Plam~ uniV~rSltI~~rding progra~acedsixthout Carletonthe~p unl~ereS wew~reCrYtl la~t changm~ amou~a~letondoesnothave zine sold ov~r s~rvey issue. y of its univerS.ldt tudents have She sal S . omprehensive Ina right to c hoosing a formation when c university. blic institu"Where pu . is a oncerned, It tion~ are ~ Goliath thing. DaVid an make them eone has to Som " she said. accountable survey will 993 1 last year 'ays The . s, s be simIlar to She said Johnston. Dowsett . d to accommothe survey tn~. s' concerns 'versltle " date um . .a for rankmg. about the cnten two other There are . at articipatlng " . univerSIties n p _Memo, o ar'ssurvey in thls ye . 0 St John s, ·al UniverSity m . ' .ty of n d the Umversl Nfld., an teal campus. Q ' Mon . I uebec s' sal'dr MemorIa Maclean s with the methd es not agree o of the survey. . 0 . odology Two 0 fthe universItIes ofCape Breton :~he Univertreal campus 0 were previ. f Quebec, . t slty 0 k d last in theu ca _ ously ran e egories. Johnson said Dowsett de a ' has not rna Maclean.s e will rank the decision Ifth y. d'd not .. WhICh 1 uni versltIe~ . ear's proc'1.pate In thIS y partlc ess. har said Carleto.n Farqu . g its instl. d be USln wiliinstea h taffto conI searc s 1 tudy of stututiona re . terna S . ductan.m . nwiththeumdentsatlsfactlO' the study is . He sal d verslty. 0 sta es and he . the plannIng g" '11 be whenltwl m doesnotknoww much it will finished or ho cost. uhar said an interFarq dy wou ld be just as nal stu aclean's suruseful as t~:t~ study will be veyo Hesa~ dwillbemore madepubhcan magazine's relevant than the ranking system. PROTEM 7 Monday October 4, 1993 "- NOW YOU SUCK! Jonah Bergbusch - GCSU I Love U, part 2Wednesday, October 6th at 7pm in room C202. That is the little anticipated date of the next GCSU meeting. Little anticipated due to the nature of the average Glendon student. You who read this article are so apathetic that to call you a slug would be to -do an injustice to the species "sluggis". You are as sheep in sheep's clothing, a prime prospect for CIA indoctrination, more anti-democratic than Benito Mussolini, in the treetops of the jungle you would be "King of the Sloths". Most of the meeting of September 29th dealt with you, you practically politically comatose moron. There are two departments without a director, Academic Affairs and External Affairs. Their directors were elected in last year's spring elections but they were misplaced, OK, lost along the way to this year's fall elections. The Chief Returning Officer (CRO) who is paid $100 and without whom there cannot be any fall elections resigned on Sep tember 29th, so that position is open as well. However, I forgotmyself. Youdon'tcare about money or power. If you did you would be interested in the influence and sizable budge~s available to the directors of departments. You like being manipulated and controlled, don't you? If you wanted to control the course of the events you'd run for Senator on the York University Senate, another position lost somewhere between spring and fall. The senate is arguably the most influential York institution open to Glendon students. "Influential? But gee, I want to be Social Convenor of my Residence House and have really great pizza parties! Hey, is influential spelt with a 'c'?" A fool by any other name would smell so apa thetically putrid. For a week the self-obsessed GCSU searched for someone, anyone, to join the Board ofReferendum Committees (B.O.R.C.) at York Main. Every referendum at every York college must be refused or accepted by BORC. It's, like,important. No-one came forward so GCSU councilor Cathryn Sawicki took it. Trying to forget how undermanned every GCSU committee is, the Council moved on to the issue of the incorporation of the GCSU. After a long discussion it was approved in principle with the aim of allowing a lawyer to prepare an explanatory file of pros and cons. The vote was 8 in favour, 2 against, 3 abstaining. Wouldn't you like to know how your representatives voted and what they said? If you showed up you might. Loser. Juste en passant, pourquoi dans un college constitue de 25 % de francophonesil n'y aqu'unconseiller francophone? Complot anglophone, ou est-ce que les francophone manquent tout simplement de couilles pour sieger au conseil? The GCSU is screwed up but it's screwed up due to you: YOU SUCK! C-Ya! ETES-VOUS BILINGUAL? ARE YOU BILINGUE? The director of Bilingual Affairs invites you to the first annual Bilingual Club open forum on Thursday October 7, at 6:30pm in room A214. Le but de cette discussion est de rassembler les idees de chacun afin de promouvoir Ie bilinguisme sur Ie campus. November 22 to 25 is our Official Bilingual week this year. Activities will be planned from the Monday to the Thursday evening pub night. We're hoping to organise off campusevents,suchasanevening at the Theatre fran~ais, as well as on-campus activities such as a French movie night in the Salon Garigue. II se pourrait qu'Elvis Gratton" Slapshot et Ding et Dong soient nos projections de cettesuper debile ecoeurante soiree. L'objectif de cette semaine est de rassembler (In the words of Mike anglophones, francophones Jursic: "Apathy is the Big et allophones afin d'abattre Enemy, but we can't be bothered to do anything" about it - eds.) et de surpasser les barrieres de la langue. Does a ski trip to Quebec sound appealing to you? How about an organized excursion to the Quebec Winter Carnival? These are only two possibilities in a thousand. Come to our meeting, tell us your expectations, bring ideas. Venez en grand nombre, on a besoin de vous pour que Ie campus devienne un endroit ou il fait bon vivre en fran~ais et en anglais. Si vous avez des questions ou ~ des co~~~~~i~~§l~_G~~l1t~J~ , _-_:';4'.~:r=~o~1 Sitint-tin-ge: -(fT;e'C'lHC'eli~e";. y ....... Affaires bilingues VOllS attend a I' AECG I GCSU. N'oubliez pas, on compte sur vous a la reunion du 7 octobre prochain (A214). Bilingually Yours, Chantal Saint-Onge Photo of the Week: The GCSU holds another sparsely attended meeting as a GCSU member (in white, 2seats to Andy's right) reads Pro Tern intently. The first person to identify the reader wins 2 tickets to our private GCSU box. 7 PROTEM 8 Lundi..le 4 septembre 1993 PARKING REGULATIONS Michael Haberlin Today I would like to recap a few of the rules and parking office (located in the Greenhouse) and discuss your regulations about parking at Glendon College. case. If the parking staff at Simply put, there are attention to the time limits this ·level feel the ticket is three parking options on cam- which are indicated on each justified, you can still appeal pus; reserved, unreserved and meter. If the meter is not the fine to the parking commetered parking. Reserved working, alert the parking mittee. Please do not ignore it, because unpaid fines evenparking is limited to the up- attendant immediately. tually end up at the collection Security or Parking per lots, unreserved parking means using the lower lots Control officers will tag your agency. The university must and metered parking is avail- car for illegal parking, and that means fines ranging for enforce certain rules and able on both levels. People who have $25 to $150, depending on regulations concerning fire bought their decals park in the seriousness of the viola- routes on campus. All the the designated area for which tion. In some cases the car roads are fire routes on the the decal is valid. Reserved will be towed to an impound. Glendon campus. If you are The cost to have a car parked on a fire route, your decals are for the upper lotand unreserved decals are for released from the pound is car may be towed without the lower lots. The following $75, plus storage at$15 per prior notice and taken to the areas are off limits to decal day. In addition there are car pound. This is a matter of holders and to ·those buying taxes, which brings the total safety for all the people on to about 100 dollars. There is campus. Fire trucks and amdaily parking passes:. also the outstanding fine to bulances need unrestricted - meter spaces - spaces marked handi- pay. Anexpensiveoptionfor access to buildings without having to dodge parked cars. capped or medically desig- those who park illegally. The fine for parking on fire For drivers who have nated spaces - spaces marked with several outstanding fines, the route is $75. You also have hashmarks (closely spaced university reserves the right to pay the towing and storage to cancel parking privileges fee; another $75 plus taxes. yellow lines) - spaces reserved on and tow offending vehicles Another strictly enday and night basis forced rule is the one for illewithout further notice. - all fire routes If you get a parking gal parking in handicapped Drivers opting to park ticket, do not ignore it. It will or medically .designated at metered spaces should pay 'not go away! Come to the space. The fine is $100. To park in these designated areas, you must be registered with the parking offic~ which will issue a special permit allowing you to park there. Residents and frequent visitors to the campus know that thereis a limited amount of parking available in front of both residences. You should also know that there is a fifteen minute time limit. These parking spaces were set up to accommodate short term parking I)eeds for you to unload packages, groceries or other heavy items. Because there is so little space to park there the university was forced to impose that 15 minute time limit. Respect that time limit; because if you don't you may get a ticket. Collect enough tickets and you will be towed to the pound.. That same rule applies to your guests visiting you in residence. Tell or show them where they may legally park so they will not be tagged. Save them from a nasty surprise. If you have to park in front of residence for longer than 15 minutes, contact either the parking or the security office and make special arrangements. If you have special parking needs, such as temporary medical incapacity, or if you have to park in an otherwise restricted area, please come to the parking office and arrangements can be made. The same applies if guests are visiting you on campus. Come to the office and make arrangements or tell your visitors to buy a daily ticket from the parking kiosk at either the upper or lower lots when they enter. If you have any questions about parking, please do not hesitate to contact the parking office at 487-6788. We are located in the Greenhouse and business hours are as follows; 9am until 12noon, 1pm until 4pm every Monday through Friday. Outside those hours contact the secu rity office at 487-6808. QUEER PRIDE AT GLENDON HAVING PROBLEMS? AnaM. Marika Kameny Another school year has started , along with new courses, new teachers, new majors, a new Prime Minister, new budget cuts...Well, almost everything is new, but not quite. Some things stay the same : the deficit, the taxes, Bob Rae, and the ever-growing prejudice. We start another school year, and in the first week of classes we walk, like hundredsofotherstudents,down the halls, to the caf, from the Pub, always asking ourselves the same eternal question: "I wonder who else is gay?". As usual, there is no answer, so back we go to our bittersweet memories of the last Gay Pride Day or the wild days of the past summer. Some of us went to Washington and screamed to high heavens : "I want equality!" We got none of that, of course. Others went to Montreal, got to know their Gay Village and danced in the streets with the thousands of people in their Gay Parade. And others stayed here, going to Woody's Deco's or maybe just hanging around the 519. Many good things happened in the summer and for that we are grateful. But some of us did not have such a great summer. There was no parade because we couldn't come up with a decent excuse to give our mothers for going out on a Sunday afternoon. There was no lover to share our dreams with because we were afraid-of being seen by Aunt Sukie, the born-again Christian. Some of us decided to "come-out" to our families in the summer, an it was a bad, bad decision. So, we came to Glendon, both Lesbians and Gay men, looking for others to relate to, to no avail. .. so we thought. Well, there's good news! The Gay, Les- bian and Bisexual Alliance is forming again and it is inviting you ( provided you qualify) to take part in this year round celebration of Pride. So, if you are "queer" or you think you might be, don'tbeshy. Comeoutwherever you are. The first meeting will be held on October 5th, at 5:00pm at the Glendon's Women's Centre ( the white house, 50 metres from the Greenhouse known as the Old Gatehouse). There is so much homophobia out there (I don't have to tell you that); make that another reason why you should join the Alliance. Besides, we can have a great time getting· to know other brothers and sisters (excuse my mushiness!). Come help us establish our own community at Glendon and what the heck! to subsequently be able to declare : Weare here, We are queer...( and you know the rest I hope). Come September, everything happens all at once. New courses, leaving home once more, saying goodbye to old friends, starting new relationships, planning for a career, finding a part timejob, the list is endless. At times it seems like it is all too much to cope with and all you want to do is scream for help. Well, help is available and it is remarkably easy to find in one comprehensive service at the Glendon Counselling and Career Centre (Glendon Hall, 487-6709). Nous sommes prets a vous aider si vous eprouvez des problemes personnels ou sociaux, si vous voulez discuter des vos projets professionnels ou scolaires, ou si vous voulez ameliorer vos methodes de travail. Nos conseillers experimentes sont prets a vous rencontrer. We offer workshops on study skills and time management, overcoming procrastination, abusive relationships, choosing a major, and many other topics. We have highly quali- fied counsellors who work on an appointment basis for personal and career counselling. O':!r resource centre is packed with information on career planning, choosing a major, resume writing, preparing for an interview, work anq study overseas, what to dowithamajorin...,etc. And, needless to say, anything you discuss at the Centre remains strictly confidential. So, don't let the return to classes overwhelm you. If you have any problems or concerns, come and talk to us. We are friendly and we're here to help you. Venez nous voir au Manoir Glendonl Glendon Hall. Tel. : 487-6709. Monday October 4, 1993 PROTEM 9 Continued from page 1 determiner la force des « Internationals » car Cal. State n' a offert aucune resistance a notre equipe. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Internationals, a little history of the last few years is Rajani J. Kamath warrented. Two years ago the soccer club was the York The celebrations on the field at County Stadium in intramural soccer champion, Milwaukee, last Monday night, was not a reflection of while last year they finished BLUE JAYS HOLDING OFF ON CELEBRATIONS third overall. According to player/coach, Bassam AbouNairn this year's addition of the Internationals is the strongest to date. Bassam attributes this to the fact that there are 5 or 6 players who have now played together for three years thereby giving the team a strong and experienced nucleus. L'equipe a l'air tres past Blue Jays' "clinching" celebrations. It was a more subdued and experienced team who congratulated each other. SOCCER SCHEDULE This year's roster includes a number ofworld series champions. These mild celebrations reflect the fact that the players know that they have two more tasks to complete; winning the American League Championship Series, and the World Series then they can really celebrate. Now on to the American League Championship Series (for the third consecutive season!). This time the Jays will be up against the Chicago White Sox. So, how do these two teams match PROTEM The Ultimate NOM .L--: A RAPPORTER I BRING IT BACK : -TO PRO TEM OFFICE BEFORE- DEADLINE:80CTOBRE1993 Group/ot Draft . A DRESSE: T EL. -Glendon vs. MAC at York Main Thurs Oct. 14 5:00 -Glendon vs. MBA Oct. 19 5:00 at York Main Tue -Glendon vs. DIS at York Main Tues.Oct. 5 6:00 -Glendon vs. Winter at Proctor Wed. Oct. 6 5:00 -Glendon vs. American at York Main Wed Oct. 13 5:00 up? When all the elements are considered, the baseball experts say that the two teams are evenly matched, making for an exciting series! Forthe record, Las Vegas odds makers have put down the Chicago as the favourite to win the series. Even the White Sox players are agreeing with the odds; just ask Chicago outfielder Ellis Burks, who was quoted as saying, "...we're going to kick Toronto's butt". Well, we will see about that Ellis! !! bonne cette annee. Alors venez les encourager et assister aleur prochaine partie Ie 6 octobre ~ 17 h au terrain Proctor ou les « Internationals » feront face a l'equipe Winters. S'il y a des questions concernant l'equipe veillez contacter Bassam Abou-Naim au: 488-7847. Team Gp Total Group/02 Team Gp Total CJw. Gretzky LA On. Hull S'lL 80 155 U.Lindros Phi 45 81 Q.Bure Van Group/03 Team Gp Total PICK YOUR TEAM-Select one player from each o~ the 10 groups. Base your selection on which player you believe will lead his group during regular season play. DRAFT SCORING SYSTEM Goals =:= 2p?ints Assits = Ipoint PRIX A DETERMINER PLUS TARD. Group/04 Team Gp Total Group/OS Team Gp Total 83 170 [1. Handreychuk To 83 153 61 116 Q. Damphousse Mtl 84 136 Q . Fedorov Det 29 [1. Gilmour Tor 83 159 Pit 81 128 G.Janney STL 84 130 84 134 OJ. Nieuwendyk Cgy 79 113 75 116 [1. Ciccarelli Dr. Fleury Det 82 138 [1. Bellows Mtl 82 128 73 121 G. B'Amour Phi 81 123 83 134 Q. Kamensky Que 32 52 elM. Modano 82 126 Q . Lafontaine Buf 84 201 G.Neely Bos 13 U.Mogilny Buf 77 203 U.Oates Bos 84 187 D.Jagr Dr. Selanne Wpg 84 208 Phi 84 176 Cgy 58 118 D.Juneau 72 166 U . Robitaille LA 84 188 D.Roenick Chi 84 157 78 153 71 145 U.Muller Mtl 80 131 Dr. Sandstrom LA Que 80 Team Gp Tota 80 157 Q. Sanderson Hfd 82 135 Q . Thomas Q. Courtnall Van 84 108 G. Bourque Bos 78 101 U.Daigle Ott -Rookie- D.Brown STL 71 103 Dal 84 109 Q.Coffey Det 80 99 G. Recchi U.Stevens Pit Q . Turgeon NYI 83 190 D. Sakic OS. Yzerman Det 84 195 Group/06 Team Gp Total Q.Bondra Wsh On. Bradley TB G. Francis Pit On. Hogue NYI G. Sundin Group/07 Que 80 128 G. Courtnall Dal Dr. Granato LA 84 124 [1. King 70 108 G . Lemieux NJ 77 D. Murphy Chi 18 83 122 NYI On. Shanahan STL 161 G. Tocchet Pit 84 115 81 119 Group/OS Team Gp Total Dr. Amonte NYR L1. Tor Borshevsky 83 119 78 108 Bos G. Messier NYR Group/09 [b. Nolan Dal Que 73 39 113 77 NYI 79 124 Team Gp Total Group/tO Team Gp Total Q. HawerchukBuf . 81 112 [1. Gagner 111 []Po Housley Wpg 80 115 elM. Gartner NYR 84 113 Q . Dushesne Que 24 D.Mullen Pit 72 103 U . Hatcher Wsh 83 113 [1. Leetch []Po Nedved Van 84 109 Q.Larrner Chi 84 105 G. MacInnis Cgy 50 65 Van 84 105 U.Murphy Pit 83 107 Wsh 84 108 c=h. Suter 81 104 77 114 [1. Khristich Wsh 64 98 Q.Lebeau Mtl 71 111 G . Ronning Van 79 114 G. Reichel Cgy 80 128 U.Semak NJ 83 116 Q. Verbeek Hfd 84 U . Zhamnov Wpg 68 97 121 Lb. Roberts Cgy G. Pivonka Wsh G. Ricci Que 69 95 77 105 Dr. Linden G. Ridley 82 102 NYR 36 Cgy 42 PROTEM 10 Lundi Ie 4 Octobre 1993 PRO TEM GOES TO THE MOVIES Movie Review: Menace II Society The New Agenda on Screen Stephan Robichaud Last Tuesday, after the Pro Tern general meeting most other American cities. There was little discus(held in Klingon), 7 of us went to see the film Menace II Society. Not everyone, however, agreed as to the movie's sion of, or attention paid to, white America in the film, merit. and this is why I find it hard Before continuing any ing to convey. to sympathize with anyone As I left the theatre, I who feels guilty after seeing further, let me set you straight: Menace II Society is impor- could not help but hear the this movie..What's your tant social commentary about various comments from the problem? If you don't care about an American problem that has exiting audience. "They to be ratified - Los Angeles. make these movies to make the serious crisis that faces black America, go see Menace II Society is white people feel guilty..." Really? What did you Aladdin, or My Cousin not entertaining (unless you like violence and profanity); do? Vinny...real deep. Another comment: I felt hopeless when I it is not about a Canadian problem (thank God); Men- "That was such bullshit! I left the theatre. The comace II Society is not overkill don't believe it!" I'm sure ments I heard made me real(the problem is much too se- this patron of the theatre ize how important films like rious). Menace II Society is stepped into his Volvo, and Menace II Society are. Anan important film; read on: sped home to his white picket other comment I heard was, fence and golden retriever in "This scares me..." now this - Alex Limion Personally, this film did North Toronto... comment I understand. It also This is an important scared me. But what is it that affect me, as did its predecessor Boyz in the Hood. The film, and it should be seen. It we're afraid on is our social responsibility to difference between the two We don't live in south films is the graphic violence address an' ancient problem central L.A. We tive in' a in Menace II Society. This that is becoming increasingly dream world where this probfilm is raw. It did not leave complex. lem does not exist. anything out. . Granted, this film is Menace II Society It was real, and people graphically violent, but this throws it in your face, forcdo not understand the serious is how life is in the ghettos of ing you to deal with the issue. problem this film is attempt- Los Angeles, New York, and -Cameron Fraser BOWLING: SPORT OF THE GODS Alec McClure In past years, I've slowly come to the realization that everyone's childhood was exactly the same. In every city and town across Canada there were the same kids doing the exact same things. To find proof of this, all you need to do is say one word among, a group of friends: bowling. Everyone went bowling when they were young, and anyone who didn't is almost guaranteed to be socially maladjusted.' I can't remember the number ofSaturday afternoons I spent at bowling birthday parties. So I was taken aback when, after suggesting an evening of bowling to a couple of friends, almost everyone'I knew wanted to join in. I had people I didn't even know . coming up to me and asking when we were going and where the alleys were, and was it ten pin or five pin, and all sorts of crazed bowling questions. This one guy phoned me at one-thirty in the morning asking for tips on how to pickup a spare on a "three-two-two split". I now have an unlisted number. Anyway, we finally went last Sunday night, and I have to say I don't think I've ever had so much fun. Seriously! ! Six of us went and eve- Hollywood has a new agenda: blacks killing blacks is now entertainment. If you don't believe it, then you should go check out the latest piece of trash called Menace II Society. I could give you a plot which so many people die b summary, but that is not nec- such brutal means. essary. Jus t m0 s CINEPLEX ODEON CANADA SQUARE think of ~ every cliche and stereoty93128 2832673 pe about $ 4.25 1 rUES black people and society you CfIt YflJ Sff/ TWIZ2I.ER TRlmtE TREAT?????? 0 n e s h a v e · y 0 ever heard, put them into a think will finally make it ou movie that hurls at great speed of the 'hood. This movie from one violent scene to the contains everything from next, and you pretty much homophobia and sexism t have the plot. racism. And to be topical, i I But this is not the first even ~a~. a character who aol -movie of its kind. As a re- pears to have carefully studsearcher ofcultural products, ied the life of Malcom X. He Bell Hooks has written many diligently tries to warn his articles about appropriate friends about the evils of the characterization of blacks in white man's poison, such as movies. In her article, Coun- drugs and alcohol, but he is ter Hegemonic Art, Hooks laughed into oblivion. In the makes many insightful ob- movie's fourth drive-byservations about Spike Lee's shooting, he gets killed. movie, Do the Right Thing. Yet, I did not underThose obeservations are use- stand the need that this graful in highlighting some fun- tuitous violence served. As damental problems with the we left the theatre and poure movie. into the street, I kept wonderAs Hooks points out, ing: what point was it trying "some people thought Do the to make? Right Thing was a good After replaying the movie. Yet critics and movie drive-by-shooting in my hea goers alike failed to mention a number of times, I can onl the significance of the brutal conclude that the title of this strangulation of Radio movie is quite appropriate. Raheem at the hands of a However, it is not black peowhite police-officer." ple that, as portrayed by thisl. Similarily, as we left the thea- movie, are the menace to so-I tre, I heard the same remarks: ciety. It is movies like this "That was a good movie." one, that do nothing tOI and "It was very real." What deconstruct racism and do is so good, or enjoyable for everything to reinforce it. that matter about a movie in Rud: 3 q:38 28 II] ttENRCE II SOCIETY ryone loved it, with the exception of Josh, who started the evening off with three gutter balls in a row and ended up sitting in the car sulking. The rest of us, however, were bowling fiends. We played five pin ofcourse, which everyone knows, requires much more finesse and strategy than ten pin. In addition, I'm always afraid that my fingers are going to get caught in the key at the end of the night too ten pins balls, and I'll be - and he was so cool about it! dragged down the lane by the Imagine - going out for a simball, like Fred Flintstone. pIe evening of bowling and The game itself was coming home with poultry! I great, and because of a new couldn't ask for anything computerized system, we more from 'Fantasy Island' . didn't even have to keep Suffice it to say, it was score... Way cool! a great time; and for any of Josh almost won a tur- you who want to pick up that three-two-two split, according to Herb, the bowling expert: "spin that baby to the three shoulder and slide' er cross the field." (I have no clue what he was talking about.) PROTEM 11 Monday October 4, 1993 INTO THE PIT· Todd McDaniel Thursday, September 16, 1993. The Spectrum: Merciful Fate, Flotsam and Jetsam, Next to take the stage longer that the actual sets. I of Black Sabbath's "Fairies was the U.K.'s Cathedral. could deal with this fact, an- Wear Boots". Cathedral, Anacrusis. The cold autumn wind whipped down the long, quiet stretch of Danforth Ave. E. Our only weapons of selfdefence were lumberjackets, leather, and long hair. The doors of the Spectrum finally opened and we poured inside. The show was already behind schedule (probably because the location had been changed three times.) Inside, Anacrusis was struggling through a lengthy sound check and vocalist/guitarist Ken Nardi's frustration was showing. The St.Louis thrashers jumped into their set without warning, tearing th~ough such tracks as "Sound the Alarm", "Grateful", and "My Soul's Affliction", from their latest release on Metal Blade Records, 'Screams and Whispers'. Anacrusis, who have departed from their former speed-metal tendencies, show an incredible fusion ofintelligence, complex- 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. Screaming Trees Sloan The Tea Party Ned's Atomic Dustbin Indochine I Mother Earth Roch Voisine ityandrawenergy. 'Screams and Whispers' is, in my opinion, the best offering the metal world has heard in quite some time. Ana~rusishowever, had some trouble stimulating the crowd; either this was because they only had a five song set, or because the crowd was perhaps unfamiliar with the band or material (being largely old-school M.F. fans). Or perhaps Meat Magazine's Metal Tim Henderson was right when he suggested the 'Screams and Whispers' would go right over the heads of the metal masses. I had taken offense to this statement but now I wonder if it might be true. One member of the crowd said there were too many time changes; that it was "too hard to headbang to." Apparently Anacrusis are appealing to an elite audi ence only...something like Guinness or Scotch. - Butterfly - I Am The Cancer - The River - Saturday Night - Punishment Park - Rain Will Fall - La Berceuse du Petit Diable While managing to maintain a uniqueness all their own, one cannot ignore that distinct sound we have all come to love; Cathedral drips with Black Sabbath. Frontman Lee Dorrian even treated us to a few "Volume 4" poses. Don't misinterpret me, I can think of no better band to fashion one's self after. (Cathedral have even recorded two songs on the Sabbathtribute compilation 'Masters of Misery'.) Although they too were confined to a five song set, Cathedral managed to get the pit moshing with their slow, heavy pounding rhythms and colourful, mythical lyrics. Cathedral, who are promoting 'The Ethereal Mirror' , their latest release on Earach Records, will return again in November. By this tim.e, the sound checks were proving, to everyone's frustration, to be 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. ticipating what was to come next: Flotsam and Jetsam. These gentlemen have always seemed to be a little "out of favour" with Canadian Customs and as a result have not been able to cross the border into our fine country. To my dismay, Flotsam and Jetsam· were also restricted to a five song set. However, Flotsam delivered the goods, running through such songs as "Never to Reveal" and "Swatting at Flies" from their latest release entitled 'Cuatro' ,aswell as two from 'No Place for Disgrace'. Flotsam and Jetsam, who flawlessly executed a delicate balance of beautiful, golden hannonies and searing, flesh-peeling intensity, finished their set with a song, "for those of you who don't like Flotsam and Jetsam." To my utter amazement, Eric A.K. and the boys. went out with a bang.;~ -performing an incredible version Vilain Pingouin - Te Ne Retoume Pas Rage Against the Machine - Bullet In the Head Sarah McLaughlan - Possession Jean Ie Loup - Nathalie Madame -SaleTempsPourLesAmant Rhymes With Orange - Marvin Bundock and Lanoie - Ne Me Dis Pas The Tra icall Hi - 100th Meridian THE KIDS IN THE HALL • FRIDAYS 1aPM THE KIDS IN THE HALL • FRIDAYS 1aPM THE KIDS IN THE HALL· FRIDAYS 1aPM ••...t he tin hi kIng l cyn ics comedy team ...~~ I'm still wondering what it is that people like about King Diamond and Mercyful Fate. They seem to have a cult following... per~ haps that explains it, although I find that as far as Satanists go, King Diamond is kind of wimpy. This eighty-ish sounding band made their entrance with the traditional bells, rain and chants. King Diamond, much to the crowd's pleasure, whined and screamed his way through songs including ''The Bell Witch", "Egypt", and "Gypsy", among others, in support of Mercyful Fate's latest album 'Into the Shadows'. Although I couldn't ignore the resemblance of King Diamond's vocals to those of Oscar the Grouch, MercyfulFateseemedtogive the fans exactly what they wanted. And that's~~Cl.t~~.:<~' . L.;'_'~::'~ __,_~c·_> allyc-matters~' Thosew]i(i1tjve,;-s;+&mp·.--~:,;:.:'!k"\;':~~~'· them love them well, those who don't can go to... Prochaine date limite pour soumettre vos articles: Jeudi Ie 14 octobre 1993 it 17h. NEXT PROTEM MEETING TUESDAY OCTOBER s", 1993 5:30PM - MACLEANS THE KIDS IN THE HALL • FRIDAYS 1aPM THE KIDS IN THE HALL • FRIDAYS 1aPM THE KIDS IN THE HALL· FRIDAYS 1aPM Presse Universitaire Canadienne
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