May 25, 2016 - City of Fort Myers
May 25, 2016 - City of Fort Myers
AGENDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS May 25, 2016 9:00 o’clock a.m. REVISED: 5/24/16 @ 5:22 p.m. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Randall P. Henderson, Jr. Teresa Watkins Brown Johnny W. Streets, Jr. Terolyn P. Watson Michael Flanders Forrest Banks Gaile H. Anthony OSCAR M. CORBIN, JR. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 2200 SECOND STREET, FORT MYERS, FLORIDA For full agenda Packet Click Here. Larger files may take longer to download. Please complete a “Request to Speak” form if you plan to address the Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners and submit to the recording secretary prior to the start of the meeting. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America Roll Call 1.01 Community Redevelopment Agency Chairman’s Comments 1.02 Minutes from the April 27, 2016 Community Redevelopment Agency meeting 1.03 Community Redevelopment Agency Attorney’s Remarks 2.01 Fiscal Year 2016 financial report for the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center Page 1 of 3 AGENDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS May 25, 2016 9:00 o’clock a.m. REVISED: 5/24/16 @ 5:22 p.m. 3.01 Fiscal Year 2016 financial report for the Central, Cleveland, Downtown and MLK redevelopment districts 3.02 Fiscal Year 2016 financial report for the parking fund 3.03 Retroactive salary adjustment for Michele Hylton-Terry to reflect a 3% salary increase from the date the Masters was received to September 30, 2015 3.04 Tax increment rebate request from Aileron Holdings, LLC for the property located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue 3.05 Review the status of the East Fort Myers Revitalization and Redevelopment Plan recommendations and Recommend City Council approve resetting the base year for the East Fort Myers Redevelopment Area 3.06 Proposal from Stantec Consulting Services to assist with implementation of recommendations from the 2010 Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan 3.07 Updates from Downtown Associations 3.08 Project Updates Page 2 of 3 AGENDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS May 25, 2016 9:00 o’clock a.m. REVISED: 5/24/16 @ 5:22 p.m. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Special Requirements: If you require special aid or services as addressed in the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (239) 321-7035 or for the hearing impaired, TDD telephone number (239) 332-2541. Page 3 of 3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 DISTRICT: All WARD: All AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.01 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Community Redevelopment Agency Chairman remarks ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the CRA Chair with the opportunity to address the Board on any upcoming issues. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The next scheduled meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency is Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Deputy Director Leigh Scrabis will facilitate the June meeting as the Director will be attending a course on walkability and urban design taught by Jeff Speck at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Chairman Johnny Streets/Don Paight BOARD Approved: Denied: ACTION Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 DISTRICT: All WARD: All AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.02 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Minutes from the April 27, 2016 Community Redevelopment Agency meeting MOTION: N/A ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Minutes of the meeting held on April 27, 2016 will be available for review at the June meeting. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The minutes of the meeting held on April 27, 2016 are still being transcribed and will be available for approval at the June meeting. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight BOARD Approved: Denied: ACTION Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 DISTRICT: All WARD: All AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.03 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Community Redevelopment Agency Attorney’s Remarks ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the CRA Attorney with the opportunity to address the Board on any pending legal issues. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Any updates will be provided at the meeting. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: CRA Attorney COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Item Continued To: Conflict of Interest: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets____ Watson____ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 DISTRICT: MLK WARD: 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2.01 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2016 financial report for the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a snapshot of the Enterprise Center’s revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The table below shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center from October 1, 2015 through April 30, 2016. Revenue Budgeted Year to Date Revenues Difference % Received $432,500.00 $254,515.93 $177,984.07 58% Budgeted $432,500.00 Year to Date Expenses $223,185.43 Difference $209,314.57 % Used 52% Expenses Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Mike Love COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Item Continued To: Conflict of Interest: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets____ Watson____ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No glIncomeStatement Page: 1 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 5/10/2016 11:36:02AM City of Fort Myers 10/01/2015 through 04/30/2016 Fund: 134 Department: 0000 Account # Budget Actual Variance 0.00 287.88 -287.88 0.00 287.88 -287.88 0.00 89.86 -89.86 Department: 0000 Total Expenditures: 0.00 89.86 -89.86 Department: 0000 Net Change: 0.00 198.02 -198.02 Revenues: 134-0000-361-1010 Interest and Other Earnings Department: 0000 Total Revenues: Expenditures: 134-0000-513-3110 Prof Svcs Investment/Earnings Fees Page: 1 glIncomeStatement City of Fort Myers 10/01/2015 Fund: 134 Page: 2 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 5/10/2016 11:36:02AM through 04/30/2016 (Continued) Department: 6293 Account # Budget Actual Variance 0.00 125,600.00 0.00 6,300.00 3,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287,900.00 9,600.00 0.00 81,044.02 0.00 3,660.19 1,579.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 167,944.00 0.00 0.00 44,555.98 0.00 2,639.81 1,520.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 119,956.00 9,600.00 432,500.00 254,228.05 178,271.95 80,200.00 66,600.00 2,300.00 31,800.00 11,700.00 53,500.00 46,200.00 1,200.00 100.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 100.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 500.00 34,000.00 2,500.00 18,300.00 3,700.00 14,500.00 6,500.00 1,000.00 6,440.00 500.00 14,100.00 19,100.00 1,500.00 894.00 1,300.00 1,466.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 45,938.44 37,304.80 1,286.69 7,500.03 6,407.46 29,796.56 17,846.10 700.00 0.00 0.00 1,131.00 66.85 1,220.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 14,124.71 560.05 10,675.00 2,158.31 8,458.31 2,370.22 417.58 4,545.00 163.62 15,088.05 11,141.69 112.92 893.88 667.23 1,465.29 0.00 1,055.31 0.00 34,261.56 29,295.20 1,013.31 24,299.97 5,292.54 23,703.44 28,353.90 500.00 100.00 1,500.00 4,869.00 33.15 1,280.00 1,500.00 0.00 499.53 19,875.29 1,939.95 7,625.00 1,541.69 6,041.69 4,129.78 582.42 1,895.00 336.38 -988.05 7,958.31 1,387.08 0.12 632.77 0.71 0.00 -55.31 0.00 Department: 6293 Total Expenditures: 432,500.00 223,095.57 209,404.43 Department: 6293 Net Change: 0.00 31,132.48 -31,132.48 Revenues: 134-6293-361-3015 134-6293-362-0030 134-6293-366-0001 134-6293-369-0010 134-6293-369-0100 134-6293-381-0002 134-6293-381-0061 134-6293-381-0151 134-6293-387-0002 134-6293-389-9010 Increase in Fair Value of Investments Rental Income-SWFLEC Donations from Private Sources Miscellaneous Revenue (SWFEC) Reimbursed Expense (SWFEC) Trsf from General Fund Trsf from CDBG Trsf from MLK #1 Intrafund Trsf from General Fund Prior Year Surplus Department: 6293 Total Revenues: Expenditures: 134-6293-552-1100 134-6293-552-1200 134-6293-552-1205 134-6293-552-1300 134-6293-552-2100 134-6293-552-2200 134-6293-552-2300 134-6293-552-2400 134-6293-552-2500 134-6293-552-3100 134-6293-552-3105 134-6293-552-3200 134-6293-552-3400 134-6293-552-4000 134-6293-552-4100 134-6293-552-4200 134-6293-552-4300 134-6293-552-4400 134-6293-552-4416 134-6293-552-4417 134-6293-552-4500 134-6293-552-4600 134-6293-552-4700 134-6293-552-4800 134-6293-552-4810 134-6293-552-4903 134-6293-552-4940 134-6293-552-5100 134-6293-552-5158 134-6293-552-5200 134-6293-552-5250 134-6293-552-5255 134-6293-552-5400 134-6293-552-6300 Salary - Exec (SWFEC) Sal/Wage Regular (SWFEC) Seniority Pay (SWFEC) Salaries/Wages - Other (SWFEC) FICA Tax (SWFEC) Gen Retirement (SWFEC) Health/Life Ins (SWFEC) Workers' Comp (SWFEC) Unemploy Comp (SWFEC) Prof Svcs (SWFEC) Legal Professional Services (SWFEC) Accounting/Auditing (SWFEC) Contract Svcs (SWFEC) Travel/Trans (SWFEC) Communication (SWFEC) Freight/Postage (SWFEC) Utilities (SWFEC) Rentals/Leases (SWFEC) ITS Svc Charges (SWFEC) ITS Capital Recovery (SWFEC) Insurance (SWFEC) Repairs/Maint (SWFEC) Printing/Binding (SWFEC) Advertising (SWFEC) Public Relations (SWFEC) Taxes/Assessments (SWFEC) General Admin Expense (SWFEC) Office Supplies (SWFEC) Hardware < $750 (SWFEC) Operating Supplies (SWFEC) Small Tools/Equip (SWFEC) Assets $750-$5,000 (SWFEC) Dues/Subscriptions (SWFEC) Improvements (SWFEC) Page: 2 glIncomeStatement City of Fort Myers 10/01/2015 Fund: 134 Page: 3 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 5/10/2016 11:36:02AM through 04/30/2016 (Continued) Department: 9998 Account # Budget Actual Variance 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department: 9998 Total Expenditures: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department: 9998 Net Change: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund: 134 Total Revenues: 432,500.00 254,515.93 177,984.07 Fund: 134 Total Expenditures: 432,500.00 223,185.43 209,314.57 Fund: 134 Net Change: 0.00 31,330.50 -31,330.50 Grand Total Revenues: 432,500.00 254,515.93 177,984.07 Grand Total Expenditures: 432,500.00 223,185.43 209,314.57 Total Net Change: 0.00 31,330.50 -31,330.50 Expenditures: 134-9998-552-9998 SWFEC Reserves Page: 3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: All WARD: All MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.01 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2016 financial report for each of the redevelopment districts. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a snapshot of each redevelopment district’s expenditures. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: A summary of each district’s expenditures for the period from October 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016 is shown below. District Central Cleveland Downtown MLK Expenditures + Encumbrances Amended Budget Remaining Balance 1 27, 864.00 20,555.06 7,308.94 708,095.00 198,510.70 509,584.30 3,535,656.00 2,943,177.64 592,478.36 713,523.00 672,769.84 40,753.16 Notes $200,000 of Remaining Balance is designated for capital projects 1 Please note the Remaining Balance shown includes amounts which may already be committed for existing programs and expenses, but which not yet been encumbered or spent. Continued to Next Page Person Initiating Request: Yes Leigh Scrabis BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No Central Fort Myers Redevelopment District Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:18PM Periods: 0 through 7 133 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment TIF 0000 Non-Departmental Account Number 0000-3000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 19.42 19.42 0.00 -19.42 0.00 0.00 19.42 19.42 0.00 -19.42 0.00 Operating Expenses - Services 0000-513-3110 Prof Svcs Investment/Earnings Fees Total Non-Departmental Page: 1 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:18PM Periods: 0 through 7 133 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment TIF 6305 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment Area Account Number 6305-1000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 55.52 Personnel Services 6305-559-1100 Salary - Exec (CEN DRA TIF) 5,600.00 3,109.20 3,109.20 0.00 2,490.80 6305-559-1200 Sal/Wage Regular (CEN DRA TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6305-559-1202 Vehicle Allowance (CEN DRA TIF) 200.00 93.75 93.75 0.00 106.25 46.88 6305-559-1205 Officer Seniority Pay (CEN DRA TIF) Total Personnel Services 6305-2000 6305-559-2200 Gen Retirement (CEN DRA TIF) 6305-559-2300 Health/Life Ins (CEN DRA TIF) Total Personnel Services - Benefits 191.40 0.00 8.60 95.70 3,394.35 0.00 2,605.65 56.57 400.00 254.62 254.62 0.00 145.38 63.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 -510.40 -510.40 0.00 1,410.40 56.71 1,300.00 -255.78 -255.78 0.00 1,555.78 0.00 17,164.00 9,685.62 9,685.62 7,478.14 0.24 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,164.00 9,685.62 9,685.62 7,478.14 0.24 100.00 Operating Expenses - Services 6305-559-3100 Prof Svcs (CEN DRA TIF) 6305-559-3200 Accounting/Auditing (CEN DRA TIF) Total Operating Expenses - Services 6305-4000 191.40 3,394.35 Personnel Services - Benefits 6305-559-2100 FICA Tax (CEN DRA TIF) 6305-3000 200.00 6,000.00 Travel and Other Services 6305-559-4000 Travel/Trans (CEN DRA TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6305-559-4416 ITS Svc Charges (CEN DRA TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6305-559-4417 ITS Capital Recovery (CEN DRA TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6305-559-4700 Printing/Binding (CEN DRA TIF) 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 6305-559-4800 Advertising (CEN DRA TIF) 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 6305-559-4810 Public Relations (CEN DRA TIF) 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 233.31 233.31 0.00 166.69 58.33 3,400.00 233.31 233.31 0.00 3,166.69 6.86 6305-559-4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance (CEN DRA) 6305-559-4940 General Admin Expense (CEN DRA TIF) Total Travel and Other Services 6305-9000 Other Uses Page: 2 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:18PM Periods: 0 through 7 133 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment TIF 6305 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment Area Account Number 6305-581-9002 Trsf to General Fund (CEN DRA TIF) Total Other Uses Total Central Fort Myers Redevelopment Area Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,864.00 13,057.50 13,057.50 7,478.14 7,328.36 73.70 Page: Prct Used 3 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:18PM Periods: 0 through 7 133 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment TIF 9998 Reserves Account Number 9998-9000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,864.00 13,076.92 13,076.92 7,478.14 7,308.94 73.77 27,864.00 13,076.92 13,076.92 7,478.14 7,308.94 73.77 Other Uses 9998-559-9998 Central Ft Myers Redevelopment Reserves Total Reserves Total Central Fort Myers Redevelopment TIF Grand Total Page: 4 Cleveland Redevelopment Districts I-IV Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:11PM Periods: 0 through 7 141 Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 0000 Non-Departmental Account Number 0000-3000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 993.63 993.63 0.00 -993.63 0.00 0.00 993.63 993.63 0.00 -993.63 0.00 Operating Expenses - Services 0000-513-3110 Prof Svcs Investment/Earnings Fees Total Non-Departmental Page: 1 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:11PM Periods: 0 through 7 141 Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 5141 Cleveland Ave Redevelopment District #1 Account Number 5141-1000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used Personnel Services 5141-559-1100 Salary - Exec (CAD TIF) 5,600.00 3,109.12 3,109.12 0.00 2,490.88 55.52 5141-559-1200 Sal/Wage Regular (CAD TIF) 60,900.00 33,893.38 33,893.38 0.00 27,006.62 55.65 5141-559-1202 Vehicle Allowance (CAD TIF) 200.00 93.75 93.75 0.00 106.25 46.88 1,300.00 1,349.89 1,349.89 0.00 -49.89 103.84 5141-559-1205 Seniority Pay (CAD TIF) 5141-559-1400 Sal/Wage Overtime (CAD TIF) Total Personnel Services 5141-2000 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 69,000.00 38,446.14 38,446.14 0.00 30,553.86 55.72 Personnel Services - Benefits 5141-559-2100 FICA Tax (CAD TIF) 4,700.00 2,619.65 2,619.65 0.00 2,080.35 55.74 5141-559-2200 Gen Retirement (CAD TIF) 22,900.00 12,540.54 12,540.54 0.00 10,359.46 54.76 5141-559-2300 Health/Life Ins (CAD TIF) 18,700.00 9,310.78 9,310.78 0.00 9,389.22 49.79 5141-559-2500 Unemploy Comp (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Personnel Services - Benefits 46,300.00 24,470.97 24,470.97 0.00 21,829.03 52.85 81,699.00 15,911.87 15,911.87 37,486.73 28,300.40 65.36 4,000.00 2,106.00 2,106.00 1,894.00 0.00 100.00 50.00 5141-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 5141-559-3100 Prof Svcs (CAD TIF) 5141-559-3105 Legal Professional Services (CAD TIF) 5141-559-3200 Accounting/Auditing (CAD TIF) 5141-559-3400 Contract Svcs (CAD TIF) Total Operating Expenses - Services 5141-4000 100.00 33.42 33.42 16.58 50.00 3,500.00 862.50 862.50 1,137.50 1,500.00 57.14 89,299.00 18,913.79 18,913.79 40,534.81 29,850.40 66.57 Travel and Other Services 5141-559-4000 Travel/Trans (CAD TIF) 3,200.00 783.19 783.19 0.00 2,416.81 24.47 5141-559-4100 Communication (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5141-559-4200 Freight/Postage (CAD TIF) 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 2,500.00 1,304.53 1,304.53 0.00 1,195.47 52.18 5141-559-4300 Utilities (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4400 Rentals/Leases (CAD TIF) 31,800.00 21,084.68 21,084.68 10,838.76 -123.44 100.39 5141-559-4416 ITS Svc Charges (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5141-559-4417 ITS Capital Recovery (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,400.00 3,135.00 3,135.00 2,255.00 1,010.00 84.22 5141-559-4600 Repairs/Maint (CAD TIF) Page: 2 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:11PM Periods: 0 through 7 141 Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 5141 Cleveland Ave Redevelopment District #1 Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 5141-559-4700 Printing/Binding (CAD TIF) 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 5141-559-4800 Advertising (CAD TIF) 900.00 29.09 29.09 0.00 870.91 3.23 5141-559-4813 Public Relations (CAD TIF) 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 17,323.95 17,323.95 0.00 4,676.05 78.75 5141-559-4900 Other Current Chgs (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4904 Tax Increment Rebates (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4940 General Admin Expense (CAD TIF) Total Travel and Other Services 5141-5000 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 16,300.00 9,508.31 9,508.31 0.00 6,791.69 58.33 284,500.00 53,168.75 53,168.75 13,093.76 218,237.49 23.29 Operating Expenses - Supplies 5141-559-5100 Office Supplies (CAD TIF) 1,500.00 53.46 53.46 0.00 1,446.54 3.56 5141-559-5200 Operating Supplies (CAD TIF) 5,000.00 412.11 412.11 4,552.40 35.49 99.29 5141-559-5299 Software = $750 < $5,000 (CAD TIF) 5141-559-5400 Dues/Subscriptions (CAD TIF) Total Operating Expenses - Supplies 5141-7000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,600.00 3,870.88 3,870.88 0.00 2,729.12 58.65 13,100.00 4,336.45 4,336.45 4,552.40 4,211.15 67.85 0.00 Debt Service 5141-559-7188 Principal Expense Advances (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5141-559-7288 Interest Expense Advances (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Debt Service 5141-9000 Other Uses 5141-581-9002 Trsf to General Fund (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 5141-581-9344 Trsf to FMCC CIB (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5141-590-9130 Advance to DRA (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5141-590-9136 Advance to Dunbar/Michigan (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5141-590-9137 Advance to East Fort Myers (CAD TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Other Uses 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 Total Cleveland Ave Redevelopment District #1 702,199.00 139,336.10 139,336.10 58,180.97 504,681.93 28.13 5141-581-9318 Trsf to DRA CIB (CAD TIF) Page: 3 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:11PM Periods: 0 through 7 141 Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 9998 Reserves Expenditure Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance 5,896.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,896.00 0.00 5,896.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,896.00 0.00 Total Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 708,095.00 140,329.73 140,329.73 58,180.97 509,584.30 28.03 Grand Total 708,095.00 140,329.73 140,329.73 58,180.97 509,584.30 28.03 Account Number 9998-9000 Prct Used Other Uses 9998-559-9998 Cleveland Avenue TIF Reserves Total Reserves Page: 4 Downtown Redevelopment District Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:10PM Periods: 0 through 7 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 0000 Non-Departmental Account Number 0000-3000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 777.99 777.99 0.00 -777.99 0.00 0.00 777.99 777.99 0.00 -777.99 0.00 Operating Expenses - Services 0000-513-3110 Prof Svcs Investment/Earnings Fees Total Non-Departmental Page: 1 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:10PM Periods: 0 through 7 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 6301 Downtown Redevelopment Agency Account Number 6301-1000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used Personnel Services 6301-552-1100 Salary - Exec (DRA) 94,900.00 52,856.19 52,856.19 0.00 42,043.81 55.70 6301-552-1200 Sal/Wage Regular (DRA) 223,600.00 103,207.08 103,207.08 0.00 120,392.92 46.16 6301-552-1202 Vehicle Allowance (DRA) 3,100.00 1,593.75 1,593.75 0.00 1,506.25 51.41 6301-552-1205 Seniority Pay (DRA) 5,900.00 6,177.15 6,177.15 0.00 -277.15 104.70 6301-552-1300 Salaries/Wages - Other (DRA) 6301-552-1400 Sal/Wage Overtime (DRA) Total Personnel Services 6301-2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,600.00 1,384.96 1,384.96 0.00 1,215.04 53.27 330,100.00 165,219.13 165,219.13 0.00 164,880.87 50.05 Personnel Services - Benefits 6301-552-2100 FICA Tax (DRA) 31,200.00 12,021.64 12,021.64 0.00 19,178.36 38.53 6301-552-2200 Gen Retirement (DRA) 68,300.00 36,219.25 36,219.25 0.00 32,080.75 53.03 6301-552-2300 Health/Life Ins (DRA) 73,300.00 16,544.60 16,544.60 0.00 56,755.40 22.57 6301-552-2400 Workers' Comp (DRA) 1,200.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 500.00 58.33 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 174,100.00 65,485.49 65,485.49 0.00 108,614.51 37.61 114,944.00 46,785.90 46,785.90 42,168.73 25,989.37 77.39 51,278.00 23,127.48 23,127.48 24,612.77 3,537.75 93.10 300.00 200.54 200.54 99.46 0.00 100.00 6301-552-2500 Unemploy Comp (DRA) Total Personnel Services - Benefits 6301-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 6301-552-3100 Prof Svcs (DRA) 6301-552-3105 Legal Professional Services (DRA) 6301-552-3200 Accounting/Auditing (DRA) 6301-552-3400 Contract Svcs (DRA) Total Operating Expenses - Services 6301-4000 78,100.00 32,688.66 32,688.66 28,581.34 16,830.00 78.45 244,622.00 102,802.58 102,802.58 95,462.30 46,357.12 81.05 11.27 Travel and Other Services 6301-552-4000 Travel/Trans (DRA) 1,500.00 169.00 169.00 0.00 1,331.00 6301-552-4100 Communication (DRA) 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 6301-552-4200 Freight/Postage (DRA) 1,500.00 585.46 585.46 386.46 528.08 64.79 6301-552-4300 Utilities (DRA) 6301-552-4400 Rentals/Leases (DRA) 6301-552-4416 ITS Svc Charges (DRA) 74,900.00 40,090.22 40,090.22 0.00 34,809.78 53.52 127,800.00 84,989.83 84,989.83 42,864.80 -54.63 100.04 42,600.00 24,850.00 24,850.00 0.00 17,750.00 58.33 Page: 2 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:10PM Periods: 0 through 7 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 6301 Downtown Redevelopment Agency Account Number 6301-552-4417 ITS Capital Recovery (DRA) Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 6,300.00 3,675.00 3,675.00 0.00 2,625.00 58.33 6301-552-4500 Insurance (DRA) 23,200.00 13,533.31 13,533.31 0.00 9,666.69 58.33 6301-552-4600 Repairs/Maint (DRA) 77,976.00 24,715.67 24,715.67 18,532.66 34,727.67 55.46 6301-552-4700 Printing/Binding (DRA) 10,715.00 2,422.33 2,422.33 2,357.33 5,935.34 44.61 6301-552-4800 Advertising (DRA) 24,607.00 13,921.85 13,921.85 4,184.50 6,500.65 73.58 6301-552-4810 Public Relations (DRA) 36,138.00 29,278.98 29,278.98 0.00 6,859.02 81.02 336,500.00 331,500.00 331,500.00 0.00 5,000.00 98.51 1,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,600.00 0.00 6301-552-4904 Tax Increment Rebates (DRA) 647,778.00 647,343.57 647,343.57 0.00 434.43 99.93 6301-552-4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance (DRA) 282,000.00 243,500.00 243,500.00 38,500.00 0.00 100.00 6301-552-4940 General Admin Expense (DRA) 115,100.00 67,141.69 67,141.69 0.00 47,958.31 58.33 1,810,714.00 1,527,716.91 1,527,716.91 106,825.75 176,171.34 90.27 900.00 432.74 432.74 0.00 467.26 48.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 325.00 311.00 311.00 0.00 14.00 95.69 6301-552-4813 Public Relations Special Events (DRA) 6301-552-4900 Other Current Chgs (DRA) Total Travel and Other Services 6301-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies 6301-552-5100 Office Supplies (DRA) 6301-552-5158 Hardware < $750 (DRA) 6301-552-5159 Software < $750 (DRA) 6301-552-5200 Operating Supplies (DRA) 8,808.00 2,833.05 2,833.05 3,051.60 2,923.35 66.81 6301-552-5250 Small Tools/Equip (DRA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6301-552-5255 Assets $750-$5,000 (DRA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6301-552-5298 Hardware = $750 < $5,000 (DRA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6301-552-5299 Software = $750 < $5,000 (DRA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,375.00 90.00 90.00 0.00 1,285.00 6.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,408.00 3,666.79 3,666.79 3,051.60 4,689.61 58.89 6301-552-5400 Dues/Subscriptions (DRA) 6301-552-5401 Tuition Reimburse (DRA) Total Operating Expenses - Supplies 6301-6000 Capital Outlay 6301-552-6304 Sidewalks (DRA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6301-552-6400 Equipment (DRA) 16,076.00 16,075.31 16,075.31 0.00 0.69 100.00 16,076.00 16,075.31 16,075.31 0.00 0.69 100.00 Total Capital Outlay 6301-7000 Debt Service Page: 3 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:10PM Periods: 0 through 7 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 6301 Downtown Redevelopment Agency Account Number 6301-552-7188 Principal Expense Advances (DRA) Total Debt Service 6301-9000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 Other Uses 6301-581-9002 Trsf to General Fund (DRA) 6301-581-9116 Trsf to Para-Transit Fund (DRA) 6301-581-9310 Trsf to General CIB (DRA) 6301-581-9318 Trsf to DRA CIB (DRA) 6301-581-9349 Trsf to Transportation CIB 6301-587-9131 Intrafund Trsf to DRA Debt Svc (DRA) Total Other Uses Total Downtown Redevelopment Agency 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63,600.00 37,100.00 37,100.00 0.00 26,500.00 58.33 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 96,350.00 81,593.79 81,593.79 0.00 14,756.21 84.68 637,400.00 637,400.00 637,400.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 897,350.00 856,093.79 856,093.79 0.00 41,256.21 95.40 3,534,370.00 2,737,060.00 2,737,060.00 205,339.65 591,970.35 83.25 Page: 4 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:10PM Periods: 0 through 7 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 9998 Reserves Account Number 9998-9000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 5 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 1,286.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,286.00 0.00 1,286.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,286.00 0.00 3,535,656.00 2,737,837.99 2,737,837.99 205,339.65 592,478.36 83.24 3,535,656.00 2,737,837.99 2,737,837.99 205,339.65 592,478.36 83.24 Other Uses 9998-552-9998 DRA Fund Reserves Total Reserves Total Downtown Redevelopment Area Grand Total Page: 5 MLK Redevelopment Districts I-IV Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:12PM Periods: 0 through 7 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 0000 Non-Departmental Account Number 0000-3000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 150.57 150.57 0.00 -150.57 0.00 0.00 150.57 150.57 0.00 -150.57 0.00 Operating Expenses - Services 0000-513-3110 Prof Svcs Investment/Earnings Fees Total Non-Departmental Page: 1 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:12PM Periods: 0 through 7 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 5161 MLK Blvd Redevelopment District #1 Account Number 5161-1000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used Personnel Services 5161-559-1100 Salary - Exec (MLK TIF) 5,600.00 3,109.20 3,109.20 0.00 2,490.80 55.52 5161-559-1200 Sal/Wage Regular (MLK TIF) 35,100.00 20,116.93 20,116.93 0.00 14,983.07 57.31 5161-559-1202 Vehicle Allowance (MLK TIF) 200.00 93.75 93.75 0.00 106.25 46.88 5161-559-1205 Seniority Pay (MLK TIF) 800.00 854.24 854.24 0.00 -54.24 106.78 5161-559-1400 Sal/Wage Overtime (MLK TIF) Total Personnel Services 5161-2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41,700.00 24,174.12 24,174.12 0.00 17,525.88 57.97 Personnel Services - Benefits 5161-559-2100 FICA Tax (MLK TIF) 3,200.00 1,779.04 1,779.04 0.00 1,420.96 55.60 12,500.00 7,211.92 7,211.92 0.00 5,288.08 57.70 6,600.00 2,705.33 2,705.33 0.00 3,894.67 40.99 5161-559-2500 Unemploy Comp (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Personnel Services - Benefits 22,300.00 11,696.29 11,696.29 0.00 10,603.71 52.45 5161-559-2200 Gen Retirement (MLK TIF) 5161-559-2300 Health/Life Ins (MLK TIF) 5161-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 5161-559-3100 Prof Svcs (MLK TIF) 5161-559-3104 Prof Svcs McCollum Hall (MLK TIF) 5161-559-3105 Legal Professional Services (MLK TIF) 5161-559-3200 Accounting/Auditing (MLK TIF) 5161-559-3400 Contract Svcs (MLK TIF) Total Operating Expenses - Services 5161-4000 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 10,936.00 2,659.40 2,659.40 8,276.60 0.00 100.00 2,500.00 1,442.65 1,442.65 76.50 980.85 60.77 100.00 33.42 33.42 16.58 50.00 50.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 15,536.00 4,135.47 4,135.47 8,369.68 3,030.85 80.49 62.35 Travel and Other Services 5161-559-4000 Travel/Trans (MLK TIF) 900.00 561.19 561.19 0.00 338.81 5161-559-4100 Communication (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-4200 Freight/Postage (MLK TIF) 200.00 148.13 148.13 0.00 51.87 74.07 5161-559-4300 Utilities (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-4416 ITS Svc Charges (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-4417 ITS Capital Recovery (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,300.00 7,750.00 7,750.00 0.00 2,550.00 75.24 5161-559-4600 Repairs/Maint (MLK TIF) Page: 2 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:12PM Periods: 0 through 7 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 5161 MLK Blvd Redevelopment District #1 Account Number 5161-559-4603 Repairs/Maint McCollum Hall (MLK TIF) Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 100.00 588,974.00 9,628.00 9,628.00 579,346.00 0.00 5161-559-4700 Printing/Binding (MLK TIF) 300.00 12.40 12.40 0.00 287.60 4.13 5161-559-4800 Advertising (MLK TIF) 500.00 60.16 60.16 0.00 439.84 12.03 5161-559-4810 Public Relations (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-4813 Public Relations (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-4900 Other Current Chgs (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-4903 Taxes/Assessments (MLK TIF) 1,500.00 486.60 486.60 0.00 1,013.40 32.44 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 100.00 8,000.00 4,666.69 4,666.69 0.00 3,333.31 58.33 630,674.00 33,313.17 33,313.17 589,346.00 8,014.83 98.73 5161-559-4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance (MLK TIF) 5161-559-4940 General Admin Expense (MLK TIF) Total Travel and Other Services 5161-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies 5161-559-5100 Office Supplies (MLK TIF) 300.00 124.54 124.54 0.00 175.46 41.51 5161-559-5158 Hardware < $750 (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-5159 Software < $750 (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-5200 Operating Supplies (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-5250 Small Tools/Equip (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,013.00 1,460.00 1,460.00 0.00 1,553.00 48.46 3,313.00 1,584.54 1,584.54 0.00 1,728.46 47.83 0.00 5161-559-5400 Dues/Subscriptions (MLK TIF) Total Operating Expenses - Supplies 5161-6000 Capital Outlay 5161-559-6100 Land (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-6300 Improvements (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Capital Outlay 5161-7000 Debt Service 5161-559-7101 Principal Expense McCollum Hall(MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-559-7201 Interest Expense McCollum Hall (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Debt Service 5161-9000 Other Uses Page: 3 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:12PM Periods: 0 through 7 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 5161 MLK Blvd Redevelopment District #1 Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 5161-581-9002 Trsf to General Fund (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-581-9134 Trsf to SWFLEC (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-581-9310 Trsf to General CIB (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-581-9406 Trsf to Imaginarium Ops (MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5161-590-9136 Adv to Dunbar/Michigan TIF Area(MLK TIF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 713,523.00 74,903.59 74,903.59 597,715.68 40,903.73 94.27 Total Other Uses Total MLK Blvd Redevelopment District #1 Page: 4 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:12PM Periods: 0 through 7 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 9998 Reserves Account Number 9998-9000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 5 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 713,523.00 75,054.16 75,054.16 597,715.68 40,753.16 94.29 713,523.00 75,054.16 75,054.16 597,715.68 40,753.16 94.29 Other Uses 9998-559-9998 MLK Blvd TIF Reserves Total Reserves Total MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF Grand Total Page: 5 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: DT WARD: 4 MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.02 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2016 financial report for the Parking Fund. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a snapshot of the Parking Fund’s revenues and operating expenses. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The table below shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for the Parking Fund from October 1, 2015 through April 30, 2016. Denison Parking General Manager, Evan Pryor, noted a decrease in monthly revenue between March and April 2016 which he attributes to the end of season. He did note an 11% increase year over year for the month of April, which hopefully is indicative of a busier off-season. Mr. Pryor also noted that the Parking Ambassadors are doing their best to find the balance between enforcement and education while out on the street performing their duties. Denison employees have been receiving extra customer service training and direction on when it is appropriate to engage in conversation with an upset citizen since some citizens prefer to respond with anger rather than be educated. Revenue Budgeted 1,232,909 Year to Date Revenues 770,872.86 Difference 462,036.14 % Received 62.52% Budgeted Year to Date Expenses & Encumbrances Difference % Used 421,107.02 65.84% Expenses 1,232,909 811,801.98 Note: The Parking Fund is an enterprise fund that falls under the domain of the City. Due to the relationship between parking and redevelopment, daily management of the parking operations is overseen by the Community Redevelopment Agency and the City’s consultant, Standard Parking. Continued to Next Page Person Initiating Request: Yes Leigh Scrabis BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No Parking Fund Revenue Report (Note: This is an enterprise fund belonging to the City.) revstat.rpt 05/09/2016 5:13PM Periods: 1 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 0000 Non-Departmental Revenue Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 4/30/2016 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 20,229.00 44,029.00 44,029.00 -23,800.00 217.65 20,229.00 44,029.00 44,029.00 -23,800.00 217.65 0000-361-1010 Interest and Other Earnings 300.00 2,209.04 2,209.04 -1,909.04 736.35 Total *** Title Not Found *** 300.00 2,209.04 2,209.04 -1,909.04 736.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187,380.00 0.00 0.00 187,380.00 0.00 Account Number 0000-0000 *** Title Not Found *** 0000-369-0011 Special Events Revenue Total *** Title Not Found *** 0000-1000 0000-3000 *** Title Not Found *** *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 0000-7000 *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 0000-9000 Program Income 0000-389-9010 Prior Year Surplus Page: 1 revstat.rpt 05/09/2016 5:13PM Periods: 1 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 0000 Non-Departmental Revenue Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 4/30/2016 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd Total Program Income 187,380.00 0.00 0.00 187,380.00 0.00 Total Non-Departmental 207,909.00 46,238.04 46,238.04 161,670.96 22.24 Account Number Page: 2 revstat.rpt 05/09/2016 5:13PM Periods: 1 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4030 Parking Garage - Main Street Revenue Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 4/30/2016 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 320,000.00 254,183.86 254,183.86 65,816.14 79.43 Total Strategy A Revenue Loan 320,000.00 254,183.86 254,183.86 65,816.14 79.43 Total Parking Garage - Main Street 320,000.00 254,183.86 254,183.86 65,816.14 79.43 Account Number 4030-0000 *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 4030-5000 Strategy A Revenue Loan 4030-344-5010 Parking Garage Fees (MAIN PG) Page: 3 revstat.rpt 05/09/2016 5:13PM Periods: 1 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4031 Parking Garage - City of Palms Revenue Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 4/30/2016 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 29,014.37 29,014.37 20,985.63 58.03 50,000.00 29,014.37 29,014.37 20,985.63 58.03 430,000.00 295,098.43 295,098.43 134,901.57 68.63 Total Strategy A Revenue Loan 430,000.00 295,098.43 295,098.43 134,901.57 68.63 Total Parking Garage - City of Palms 480,000.00 324,112.80 324,112.80 155,887.20 67.52 Account Number 4031-0000 *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 4031-1000 *** Title Not Found *** 4031-362-1010 Rental Income-City of Palms Parking Gar Total *** Title Not Found *** 4031-5000 Strategy A Revenue Loan 4031-344-5010 Parking Garage Fees (COP PG) Page: 4 revstat.rpt 05/09/2016 5:13PM Periods: 1 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4032 Parking Garage Administration Revenue Status Report Page: 5 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 4/30/2016 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 185,000.00 121,155.77 121,155.77 63,844.23 65.49 185,000.00 121,155.77 121,155.77 63,844.23 65.49 4032-344-5000 Parking Meter Permits 40,000.00 25,182.39 25,182.39 14,817.61 62.96 Total Strategy A Revenue Loan 40,000.00 25,182.39 25,182.39 14,817.61 62.96 225,000.00 146,338.16 146,338.16 78,661.84 65.04 Account Number 4032-0000 *** Title Not Found *** 4032-354-0010 Parking Meter Fines Total *** Title Not Found *** 4032-5000 Strategy A Revenue Loan Total Parking Garage Administration Page: 5 revstat.rpt 05/09/2016 5:13PM Periods: 1 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 9998 Reserves Revenue Status Report Page: 6 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 4/30/2016 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd Total Program Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Reserves 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,232,909.00 770,872.86 770,872.86 462,036.14 62.52 1,232,909.00 770,872.86 770,872.86 462,036.14 62.52 Account Number 9998-9000 Program Income Total Downtown Parking Garages Operations Grand Total Page: 6 Parking Fund Expenditure Report (Note: This is an enterprise fund belonging to the City.) expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:17PM Periods: 0 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 0000 Non-Departmental Account Number 0000-3000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 568.79 568.79 0.00 -568.79 0.00 0.00 568.79 568.79 0.00 -568.79 0.00 Operating Expenses - Services 0000-513-3110 Prof Svcs Investment/Earnings Fees Total Non-Departmental Page: 1 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:17PM Periods: 0 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4030 Parking Garage - Main Street Account Number 4030-3000 4030-545-3400 Contract Svcs (MAIN PG) Total Operating Expenses - Services 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 75.99 7,500.00 5,699.03 5,699.03 0.00 1,800.97 215,000.00 79,785.00 79,785.00 111,699.00 23,516.00 89.06 222,500.00 85,484.03 85,484.03 111,699.00 25,316.97 88.62 Travel and Other Services 4030-545-4300 Utilities (MAIN PG) 4030-545-4600 Repairs/Maint (MAIN PG) 4030-545-4903 Taxes/Assessments (MAIN PG) 4030-545-4910 Bad Debt Expense (MAIN PG) Total Travel and Other Services 4030-5000 Page: Operating Expenses - Services 4030-545-3100 Prof Svcs (MAIN PG) 4030-4000 Expenditure Status Report 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 4,750.00 4,750.00 6,650.00 3,600.00 76.00 1,800.00 2,027.89 2,027.89 0.00 -227.89 112.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,800.00 6,777.89 6,777.89 6,650.00 5,372.11 71.42 0.00 Operating Expenses - Supplies 4030-545-5250 Small Tools/Equip (MAIN PG) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4030-545-5255 Assets $750-$5,000 (MAIN PG) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 241,300.00 92,261.92 92,261.92 118,349.00 30,689.08 87.28 Total Operating Expenses - Supplies Total Parking Garage - Main Street Page: 2 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:17PM Periods: 0 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4031 Parking Garage - City of Palms Account Number 4031-3000 4031-545-3105 Legal Professional Services (COP PG) 4031-545-3400 Contract Svcs (COP PG) Total Operating Expenses - Services 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 275,000.00 100,188.05 100,188.05 154,476.00 20,335.95 92.61 285,000.00 100,188.05 100,188.05 154,476.00 30,335.95 89.36 Travel and Other Services 4031-545-4300 Utilities (COP PG) 4031-545-4600 Repairs/Maint (COP PG) 4031-545-4903 Taxes/Assessments (COP PG) 4031-545-4941 Harborside Retail Tenant Exp (COP PG) Total Travel and Other Services 4031-5000 Page: Operating Expenses - Services 4031-545-3100 Prof Svcs (COP PG) 4031-4000 Expenditure Status Report 2,500.00 482.87 482.87 0.00 2,017.13 19.31 138,480.00 30,292.75 30,292.75 6,650.00 101,537.25 26.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 11,959.02 11,959.02 0.00 18,040.98 39.86 170,980.00 42,734.64 42,734.64 6,650.00 121,595.36 28.88 0.00 Operating Expenses - Supplies 4031-545-5250 Small Tools/Equip (COP PG) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4031-545-5255 Assets $750-$5,000 (COP PG) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses - Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Parking Garage - City of Palms 455,980.00 142,922.69 142,922.69 161,126.00 151,931.31 66.68 Page: 3 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:17PM Periods: 0 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4032 Parking Garage Administration Expenditure Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance 4032-545-1400 Sal/Wage Overtime (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Personnel Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Account Number 4032-1000 4032-2000 Prct Used Personnel Services Personnel Services - Benefits 4032-545-2100 FICA Tax (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4032-545-2210 Retirement (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4032-545-2600 Other Post Employment Benefits (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Total Personnel Services - Benefits 4032-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 4032-545-3200 Accounting/Auditing (PGA) 4032-545-3400 Contract Svcs (PGA) Total Operating Expenses - Services 4032-4000 300.00 200.54 200.54 99.46 0.00 230,000.00 102,289.87 102,289.87 122,360.00 5,350.13 97.67 230,300.00 102,490.41 102,490.41 122,459.46 5,350.13 97.68 0.00 Travel and Other Services 4032-545-4100 Communication (PGA) 25,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,800.00 4032-545-4600 Repairs/Maint (PGA) 17,229.00 268.45 268.45 0.00 16,960.55 1.56 4032-545-4900 Other Current Chgs (PGA) 15,000.00 9,340.32 9,340.32 0.00 5,659.68 62.27 0.00 4032-545-4910 Bad Debt Expense (PGA) 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 1,491.62 1,491.62 0.00 -1,491.62 0.00 2,500.00 1,458.31 1,458.31 0.00 1,041.69 58.33 60,629.00 12,558.70 12,558.70 0.00 48,070.30 20.71 4032-545-5100 Office Supplies (PGA) 1,200.00 733.48 733.48 0.00 466.52 61.12 4032-545-5200 Operating Supplies (PGA) 4,000.00 0.53 0.53 0.00 3,999.47 0.01 4032-545-5255 Assets $750-$5,000 (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4032-545-5900 Depreciation Expense (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses - Supplies 5,200.00 734.01 734.01 0.00 4,465.99 14.12 4032-545-4930 Cash (Over)Short (PGA) 4032-545-4940 General Admin Expense (PGA) Total Travel and Other Services 4032-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies Page: 4 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:17PM Periods: 0 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4032 Parking Garage Administration Account Number 4032-6000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 5 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 Capital Outlay 4032-545-6200 Buildings (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4032-545-6400 Equipment (PGA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 58,331.00 58,331.00 0.00 41,669.00 58.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Other Uses 239,500.00 58,331.00 58,331.00 0.00 181,169.00 24.36 Total Parking Garage Administration 535,629.00 174,114.12 174,114.12 122,459.46 239,055.42 55.37 Total Capital Outlay 4032-9000 Other Uses 4032-581-9002 Trsf to General Fund (PGA) 4032-581-9106 Trsf to Street Maintenance Fund (PGA) 4032-581-9310 Trsf to General CIB (PGA) 4032-590-9414 Advance to Harborside (PGA) Page: 5 expstat.rpt 05/09/2016 4:17PM Periods: 0 through 7 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 9998 Reserves Account Number 9998-9000 Expenditure Status Report Page: 6 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2015 through 4/30/2016 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,232,909.00 409,867.52 409,867.52 401,934.46 421,107.02 65.84 1,232,909.00 409,867.52 409,867.52 401,934.46 421,107.02 65.84 Other Uses 9998-545-9998 Downtown Parking Garage Reserves Total Reserves Total Downtown Parking Garages Operations Grand Total Page: 6 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 DISTRICT: All WARD: All AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.03 Revision Distributed: 5/24/16 SUBJECT: Retroactive salary adjustment for Michele Hylton-Terry to reflect a 3% salary increase from the date the Masters was received to September 30, 2015. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: Approve a retroactive salary adjustment for Michele Hylton-Terry to reflect a 3% salary increase from the date she received a Masters of Public Administration (March 2010) to the date a 3% increase went into effect on October 1, 2015. FUNDING SOURCE: Tax increment from the Downtown, Cleveland, and MLK redevelopment areas will be used on a pro-rated basis to reflect funding sources of Michele’s salary during the various fiscal years. FISCAL IMPACT: Estimated to be approximately $8,000. WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a retroactive salary increase from the date of Michele’s graduation (March 2010) to the date the 3% increase went in effect on October 1, 2015. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Michele Hylton-Terry successfully completed her Master of Public Administration degree from Barry University in March 2010. The City policy is to acknowledge advanced degrees and training with a salary adjustment but due to budget cutbacks at that time no increase was given. The advanced training Michele received from achieving the Master of Public Administration degree has benefited both the City and the CRA. At the October 28, 2015 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting, the Board approved a 3% salary increase effective October 1, 2015. Chairman Streets requested that the Board consider making the 3% salary increase retroactive from the October 1, 2015 increase to the date of the degree (March 2010). The estimated cost of this action would be approximately $8,000. Since an across the board salary decrease and furloughs were instituted during this time period, Human Resources will calculate the exact cost if the Board approves the motion. During this time period, Michele’s salary was paid from the MLK, Cleveland, Dunbar and Velasco Village redevelopment areas. Any retroactive increase will need to be allocated on a pro-rata basis to match the manner in which her salary was originally funded. Due to the fact that the Dunbar and Velasco Village areas are not generating any tax increment funds, staff is proposing that portion of the funding be split equally between the Downtown and MLK areas. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Chairman Johnny Streets BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony ___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 DISTRICT: CL WARD: 5 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.04 Revision Distributed: 5/25/16 SUBJECT: Tax increment rebate request from Aileron Holdings, LLC for the property located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Approve the terms of a tax increment rebate for Aileron Holdings, LLC for the property located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue at the rate of 95% for years 1 and 2 and 77% for years 3 - 12 (a 12-year average of 80%) with a not to exceed figure of $4,013,800, with the stipulation that payments will be subject to the valuation of Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Sub-Area 4 increasing above the base year value for that sub-area. Since that time, the Developer contacted the Property Appraiser and received a Revised Project Value of $41,586,817, which would increase the not-to-exceed value to $4,450,000. MOTION: Approve a tax increment rebate with Aileron Holdings, LLC for the project known as Grand Central Station located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue with a rate of 95% for Years 1 and 2 and 77% for Years 3 – 12 with a not to exceed figure of $4,450,000 with payments subject to the valuation of the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Sub-Area 4 increasing above its base year value. FUNDING SOURCE: Future tax increment generated by the project, which is located within the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Sub-Area 4. FISCAL IMPACT: Not-to-exceed $4,450,000 over 12 years. WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a tax increment rebate incentive that will allow the Grand Central Station apartment and retail development to move forward along the Cleveland Avenue corridor as recommended in Action Step ED-5 in the Cleveland Avenue 5 Year Action Plan. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Aileron Holdings, LLC is in the due diligence phase of their contract for the property located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue. This 18.24 acre parcel, formerly home to the Page Field trailer park, is located in Cleveland Redevelopment Sub-Area 4. The parcel, which has been vacant for most of the last decade, is bordered by the Page Field Commons retail center to the east, Chuck E. Cheese to the south, and the Sam Fleishmann Park to the west. The Developer is proposing to construct approximately 15,000 square feet of retail space on the portion of the site which fronts directly on U.S. 41/Cleveland Avenue with 280 market rate rental apartment units directly behind the retail space. The rental units will be composed primarily of one and two bedroom apartments housed in either three or four story buildings. The development will consist of seven buildings in total, Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight/ Leigh Scrabis BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Background Information – Continued Meeting Date: May 25, 2016 Motion: Approve a tax increment rebate for Aileron Holdings, LLC for the project known as Grand Central Station on the property located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue with a rate of 95% for Years 1 and 2 and 77% for Years 3 – 12 with a not to exceed figure of $4,013,800 with payments subject to the valuation of the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Sub-Area 4 increasing above its base year value. including the clubhouse and will include surface parking. Amenities will include a 4,500-5,500 square foot clubhouse, with a resort-style swimming pool, fitness center, dog walk park, security gates and multiple detached garages. Rents are expected to range from $950-$1,500 per month depending on whether the unit is a one-bedroom, two-bedroom or two-bedroom plus den. Staff has met with the Developer, the City Manager and the Public Works Department to discuss the proposed project. During this meeting, the City and Developer agreed that by designating the Parks Impact Fees due for this project, the funds could be used to secure the rear western-most portion of the site adjacent to the canal and baseball fields to provide 89 parking spaces for patrons of Fleischmann Park sports complex located directly across the canal from the project. The Developer originally requested a 95% tax increment rebate for a 12-year period in order to achieve a 15% rate of return on his investment. The sunset date for the Cleveland Districts is 2040, so the request falls within the correct time frame. While staff believed this was an excellent project for the proposed location, staff shared their concerns with the Developer and informed him that their recommendation at the May 3, 2016 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Advisory Board meeting would be to reduce the 95% rebate request to one in the range of 75-80% due to the following reasons: Cleveland Sub-Area 4 is currently almost $900,000 below its base year value and is not generating any tax increment. While this project will increase the total Sub-Area 4 value to one that is above the base year value, a 95% rebate would not leave the CRA with any remaining funds to continue revitalizing the area. Current capital projects awaiting funding include landscaping the medians between Colonial and Boy Scout and installing public art underneath the Cleveland flyover. Staff would like to capture some of the tax increment from this project to fund improvements that will improve the aesthetics of the corridor and can be enjoyed by the entire community. After hearing staff’s concerns, the Developer came to the May 3, 2016 CRA Advisory Board meeting with a revised request in which he decreased the 95% rebate request for 12 years to a request of 95% for Years 1-4, 85% for Years 5-8 and 75% for Years 9– 12 for an average rebate of 85%. After extensive discussions with the Developer, the CRA Advisory Board recommended a 95% tax increment rebate in Years 1 & 2 with a 77% tax increment rebate in Years 3-12 for an average rebate of 80% over the 12-year period. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Background Information – Continued Meeting Date: May 25, 2016 Motion: Approve a tax increment rebate for Aileron Holdings, LLC for the project known as Grand Central Station on the property located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue with a rate of 95% for Years 1 and 2 and 77% for Years 3 – 12 with a not to exceed figure of $4,013,800 with payments subject to the valuation of the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Sub-Area 4 increasing above its base year value. The CRA Advisory Board also discussed allowing the Developer to use a portion of the CRA’s offsite stormwater credits, received through the CRA’s participation in the Fort Myers Country Club project, as an incentive to agree to a lower rebate than requested. Because CRA and City staff are still working with Johnson Engineering to modify the City’s Environmental Resource Permit with the Southwest Florida Water Management Department, it is recommended that the assignment and terms of the offsite credits be handled under a separate agreement at a later date. The Advisory Board also recommended that while this project will most certainly increase the total value of Sub-Area 4 to a value above its base year, if the CRA Board approves this request, the Development Agreement should include wording along the following lines: “A rebate will only be due when the taxable value of Cleveland Redevelopment Sub-Area 4 exceeds its base year value. In any given fiscal year, the tax increment rebate due under this Development Agreement shall not exceed the amount of tax increment received by the Agency for Cleveland Redevelopment Sub Area IV.” During the Advisory Board meeting, the Developer stated that he thought the proposed tax increment with the newly agreed upon terms of a 95% rebate in the first two years and a 77% rebate in the remaining ten years would allow him to achieve an adequate return on investment and that without the proposed CRA assistance, the project would not be built. Included within the Developer’s submittal are site plans, an economic impact analysis, introduction to the project team and a list of other projects by the Developer. A Tax Increment Rebate Development Agreement incorporating the recommendations from the CRA Advisory Board is being drafted by Berk Edwards, CRA Attorney, and Jenna Persons, Strayhorn and Persons, and will be presented at the June CRA meeting for review and approval. See attached backup material on the project for staff recommendation along with the Developer’s request. Aileron Capital Management Grand Central 4944 S. Cleveland Ave 280 +/‐ unit, market rate apartment community 15,000 square feet of commercial space Developer’s original tax increment rebate request An annual $500,000, 95% TIF rebate for 12 years ($6 million) to achieve a 15% leveraged Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Revised recommendation following review by the CRA Advisory Board: Provide a 12 year tax increment rebate of 95% for years 1 – 2, and a 77% tax increment rebate for years 3‐12 (an average of 80%) with a not to exceed amount of $4,013,800. The Advisory Board recommended consulting with the Property Appraiser to obtain a more accurate estimate of completed project value (which determines TIF revenue) and to adjust the not to exceed number accordingly. Developer’s total estimated project cost $50,021,000 Estimated taxable value (See note 1) $41,586,817 (NOI of $2,495,209 x 6% Cap Rate) Less current taxable value Net increase in value $ 2,383,161 $39,203,656 $37,243,473 .008776 .0036506 .0124266 $ 462,810 X 95% = TIF taxable value City Mill rate (est.) County mill rate (est.) Total applicable millage (est.) Projected annual tax increment ($37,243,473 x .0124266) TIF per year @ 95% = $439.670 TIF per year @ 77% = $356,363 Tax Increment Projections % Developer Year Rebate TIF Revenue 1 95 439,670 2 95 439,670 3 77 356,363 4 77 356,363 5 77 356,363 6 77 356,363 7 77 356,363 8 77 356,363 9 77 356,363 10 77 356,363 11 77 356.363 77 356,363 12 CRA TIF Revenue 23,140 23,140 106,447 106,447 106,447 106,447 106,447 106,447 106,477 106,447 106,447 106,447 ‐ Totals 4,442,970 1,110,750 Notes: 1. The original estimate of the project’s taxable value was $37,800,000. After consulting with the Lee County Property Appraiser as directed by the Advisory Board and applying his formula (Net Operating Income divided by a Cap Rate of 6%) the Revised Taxable Value was estimated to be $41,586,817 for an increase of $3,786,817 above what was originally provided to the Advisory Board. 2. Additional incentives may be available in the form of offsite stormwater credits received by the Cleveland Redevelopment Area for its participation in funding the construction of excess stormwater treatment built during the renovation of the FMCC Country Club. 3. Cleveland Redevelopment Sub‐Area 4 is approximately $900,000 below its base year value. Staff is hopeful that the sub‐area’s value will increase above the base year by the completion date of the Aileron project. Revised Not to Exceed Amount: Based on the Advisory Board’s recommendation to use the Property Appraiser’s estimated taxable value the staff recommends increasing the Not‐to‐exceed number from $4,013,800 to $4,450,000. May 25, 2016 Fort Myers CRA Commissioners 2200 Second Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 RE: 4944 S. CLEVELAND AVE., FORT MYERS, FL REQUEST FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING Dear CRA Commissioners: I am pleased to present this request for Tax Increment Financing, in connection with the property located at 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue, Fort Myers, FL. My firm, Aileron Investment Management, is interested in acquiring the subject parcel, with the purpose of developing the site into a 280+/- unit, market rate apartment community, along with approximately 15,000 square feet of retail space along the U.S. 41 frontage. As you may be aware, this site has been vacant for more than 10 years, and thus, it has not been generating tax revenue for the city or county, nor has it contributed anything to the community in terms of jobs or goods and services. This project, if developed, will create 453 total jobs, generate $16,783,794 of household earnings, add $31,207,234 of value to the regional economy, and increase regional demand by $59,628,845 We have performed our due diligence on the subject site and, based on the data we have collected and analyzed, we have determined that in order to make this project economically feasible, we will require some economic assistance from the CRA. Accordingly, please accept this letter, along with the accompanying documents, as a request for tax increment financing. I sincerely appreciate your consideration of this project, and look forward to discussing the details with you. Sincerely, Joseph R. Bonora Managing Director Aileron Investment Management 3401 W. Cypress Street, Suite 101 | Tampa, FL 33607 | (813) 341-3654 Phone | (813) 341-3651 Fax Request for Tax Increment Financing May 2016 THE PROPERTY Location: The subject site is located in the City of Fort Myers, in Lee County, Florida. The parcel consists of 18.24 acres. STRAP #02-45-24-P3-00065.0000. The site is in Ft. Myers’ Cleveland Avenue redevelopment district, adjacent to Page Field Airport and between Colonial Blvd. and Boy Scout Dr. Strap: 02-45-24-P3-00065.0000 Street Address: 4944 S. Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33907 Legal Description: PARL IN SE 1/4 SEC 2 T45 R24 OC DESC IN OR 899 PG 827 + OR 1708 PG 2657 Site Overview: The subject site is located in the City of Ft. Myers, immediately to the west of Page Field Airport, and across the street from Page Field Commons, a large retail center. The parcel consists of approximately 18.24 acres, and is located within the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment District, adjacent to Page Field Airport and between Colonial Blvd. and Boy Scout Dr. The subject property also falls within the Cleveland Avenue Brownfields Area (BF361101000). A recent Phase I report, completed on March 18, 2016 by Metropolitan Solutions, revealed no RECs in connection with the site; however, during a recent meeting with the community development staff, we were informed that the site potentially has asbestos utility pipes. We are currently investigating this potential issue. PROJECT INFO Project Overview: Rental Apartments The proposed redevelopment project includes the construction of 280 rental apartment units, comprised primarily of one and two bedroom units, commensurate with the demands of the market. It is estimated that the unit mix will include (120) 1 bed/1 bath units, (120) 2 bed/2bath units, and (40) 2 bed/2 bath + den units. The one bedroom units will average 738 sf, the two bedroom units will average 1,033 sf, and the two bedroom units with dens will average 1,286 sf, all of which is within the range of the comparable properties within the immediate area. The apartment buildings will be three and four story, concrete block structures, with painted stucco exteriors. There will be seven total buildings, including the clubhouse, and all parking will be surface. Amenities will include a 4,500-5,500 sf clubhouse, resort style swimming pool, fitness center, dog walk park, security gates, and multiple detached garages. Rents for the apartments are expected to range from $950/month for the one-bedroom units, to $1,500/month for two-bedroom with den units, which is less than other new projects in the area, and in-line with existing older properties within the immediate area. Retail In addition to the rental apartments, the project will include approximately 15,000 square feet of retail space. Currently, there are LOIs in place with AT&T and Jimmy John’s, with LOI expected from Krispy Kreme, Einstein Bagels, Red Robin, and a number of other national retailers. Status: Zoning: The site is zoned Commercial Intensive (CI), which allows for a wide multitude of permitted uses, including the multi-family and retail uses proposed by the developer. The CI zoning allows for 25 DU per acre by right, with building heights up to 70’ or five stories. As such, it will not be necessary to rezone the property in order for it to be developed as proposed. Site Control: The site is currently owned by US 41 Page Field, LLC, who purchased the site from Bank of America in 2010. We hold a valid contract to purchase the property, with a closing presently set for July 29, 2016. Anticipated Project Schedule: We have already begun the planning and design process, and anticipates a 6-8 month period to obtain a Development Order and building permits. Construction is expected to commence in January 2017, with an estimated completion date of August 2018. The following is our anticipated schedule: Month 16-May 16-Jun 16-Jul 16-Aug 16-S ep 16-Oct 16-Nov 16-Dec 17-Jan Due Diligence Site Design Building Design Development Order Plat and Building Permits Construction Commences Sources & Uses: Sources Construction Financing (Apartments) Construction Financing (Retail) Developer Equity Total LTC % 70.5% 8.4% 21.1% $ 35,250 4,200 10,571 $ 50,021 100.0% Uses Land Acquisition Hard Costs Contingency FF&E Soft Costs Completion Commitment Interest Reserve Closing Costs Total $ $ 5,150 37,525 1,500 250 3,256 375 1,200 765 50,021 ECONOMIC IMPACT As part of our underwriting process, we engaged Wagner Consulting Group to prepare an econometric study for the subject apartment project, to determine the economic impact it would have on the Southwest Florida market. The following are excerpts from the report. Economic Model. The economic model used for the analysis is the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis. We use eligible costs from the construction and development budget, the developer’s revenue forecast, and the RIMS II model final demand multipliers for the corresponding industries to estimate the economic impacts of the project. The economic impacts are based on four measures: employment, earnings, value-added, and output: • Employment indicates the number of jobs created by the project and elsewhere in the region. • Earnings represents the income generated through payroll for employees and proprietors. • Value Added is the project’s impact to regional Gross Domestic Product and productivity. This includes the project’s total output less the commodity and intermediate inputs. • Output is the total demand created by the project and the value of all economic activity being analyzed. This includes all commodity and intermediate inputs, labor income, operating profit, and any other revenue or input components. The RIMS II final demand multipliers estimate the direct and indirect/induced economic impacts that result from a dollar change in industry output. In this case, the dollar change in industry output is the $35,524,000 spent on construction and development and the $4,007,040 earned when operations have stabilized. Direct and indirect/induced impacts are defined as follows: • Direct Impacts represent the employment, earnings, value-added and/or output that are directly generated through the on-site operations of the business. • Indirect/Induced Impacts represent the employment, earnings, value-added and/or output that are created elsewhere as a result of supply purchases made by the business (the indirect impacts) as well as the expenditures made by the employees of the business and supplier businesses (the induced impacts). Study Area. This analysis estimates the comprehensive economic impacts of the project and identifies an economic region in which these impacts will occur. The study area is the Cape Coral-Fort Myers-Naples, FL Combined Statistical Area (CSA). The project is located in Lee County but will create economic impacts in the larger region due to commuting and consumption patterns as well as supply linkages. The study area is defined by the US Census Bureau and Office of Management and Budget to be a region with substantial employment interchange and reflect economic interactions such as wholesaling and commodity distribution. We identify the CSA as the project’s economic region of influence and the region to which the RIMS II model is calibrated. Industry Classifications. The project will create economic impacts during two phases of its lifecycle: (1) construction and development and (2) ongoing operations. The following table categorizes the costs associated with the construction and development phase and the revenue associated with ongoing operations by NAICS industry code and description. The costs and revenue estimates are taken from the development budget and operating pro forma and are expressed in current dollar terms. Construction and development costs total $35,524,000. Stabilized revenue from ongoing operations is estimated to be $4,007,040. Please note that the construction and development costs provided below do not constitute the entire development budget. Certain items such as land acquisition, interest reserve, and contingency are not included in the analysis. Table 1: NAICS Industry Classifications NAICS Code Project Phase NAICS Industry Cost/ Revenue Construction & Development Construction, Developer Fees, Project Management 236100 Architecture & Engineering 541300 Marketing 541800 Other Professional Fees 541900 HUD Loan Costs, Other Loan Costs 522200 Non-depository Credit Intermediation $1,000,000 531100 Lessors of Real Estate $4,007,040 Ongoing Operations Residential Building Construction $33,577,500 Architecture, Engineering, and Related Services Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services $573,500 $298,000 $75,000 Economic Impacts. Below, we estimate the project’s impacts to employment, earnings, value-added, and output. The results are provided in Table 2 through Table 5. The cost and revenue estimates are used as inputs to the model and are expressed in 2013 dollar terms to adjust for inflation and correspond to the date of the RIMS II multipliers. Table 2: Employment Impacts Project Phase NAICS Code RIMS II Code RIMS II Multiplier Construction, Developer Fees, Project Management Architecture & Engineering 236100 2334B0 12.053 541300 541300 Marketing 541800 Other Professional Fees Cost/ Revenue ($2013) Direct Impacts Indirect Impacts Total Impacts $31,560,477 194.67 185.71 380.38 13.028 $539,402 3.50 3.52 7.03 5418 11.178 $299,596 1.81 1.54 3.35 541900 5419A0 13.246 $75,402 0.57 0.43 1.00 522200 522A00 11.366 $1,044,248 5.33 6.54 11.87 531100 531000 14.117 $3,479,427 35.45 13.66 49.12 241.33 211.41 452.74 Construction & Development HUD Loan Costs, Other Loan Costs Ongoing Operations Total Employment Impacts Table 3: Household Earnings Impacts Project Phase Construction & Development Construction, Developer Fees, Project Mgmt Architecture & Engineering Marketing Other Professional Fees HUD Loan Costs, Other Loan Costs Ongoing Operations NAICS Code RIMS II Code RIMS II Multiplier Cost/ Revenue ($2013) Direct Impacts Indirect Impacts Total Impacts 236100 2334B0 0.469 $31,560,47 7 $8,997,000 $5,804,864 $14,801,864 541300 541300 0.604 $539,402 $213,003 $112,742 $325,745 541800 541800 0.428 $299,596 $80,431 $47,736 $128,167 541900 5419A0 0.579 $75,402 $30,490 $13,190 $43,680 522200 522A00 0.532 $1,044,248 $338,389 $216,941 $555,331 531100 531000 0.267 $3,479,427 $527,096 $401,911 $929,007 $10,186,409 $6,597,385 $16,783,794 Total Household Earnings Impacts Table 4: Value-Added Impacts Project Phase NAICS Code RIMS II Code RIMS II Multiplier Cost/ Revenue ($2013) Total Impacts Construction, Developer Fees, Project Management Architecture & Engineering 236100 2334B0 0.827 $31,560,477 $26,091,046 541300 541300 0.922 $539,402 $497,329 Marketing 541800 5418 0.922 $299,596 $276,108 Other Professional Fees 541900 5419A0 1.009 $75,402 $76,073 HUD Loan Costs, Other Loan Costs 522200 522A00 0.902 $1,044,248 $941,389 531100 531000 0.956 $3,479,427 $3,325,289 Construction & Development Ongoing Operations Total Value-Added Impacts $31,207,234 Table 5: Output Impacts Project Phase NAICS Code RIMS II Code RIMS II Multiplier Cost/ Revenue ($2013) Total Impacts Construction, Developer Fees, Project Management Architecture & Engineering 236100 2334B0 1.633 $31,560,477 $51,522,479 541300 541300 1.653 $539,402 $891,524 Marketing 541800 541800 1.530 $299,596 $458,383 Other Professional Fees 541900 5419A0 1.578 $75,402 $118,961 HUD Loan Costs, Other Loan Costs 522200 522A00 1.668 $1,044,248 $1,741,596 531100 531000 1.407 $3,479,427 $4,895,902 Construction & Development Ongoing Operations Total Output Impacts $59,628,845 Conclusion. This analysis estimates the economic impacts of the construction, development, and ongoing operations of a new 280-unit residential complex in Fort Myers, FL using estimated construction and development costs of $35,524,000, revenue forecast of $4,007,040, and RIMS II final demand multipliers. The results indicate that the project will create 452.74 total jobs, generate $16,783,794 of household earnings, add $31,207,234 of value to the regional economy, and increase regional demand by $59,628,845. PROJECT TEAM Developer: The Developer will be a newly formed entity, wholly owned by Aileron Holdings, LLC. Aileron and its principals are experienced developers of residential and mixed-use projects, with a deep understanding of the local market in Southwest Florida. The company recently completed Channelside Apartments, the first large scale apartment project built in Lee County since 2006, and Rose Garden, a 109 bed assisted living facility, located on Earl Road, within (albeit not included in) the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment District. Company and Management Overview: Aileron Capital Management is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aileron Holdings, and a FINRA-registered brokerdealer and investment fund manager, with a multi-strategy approach to commercial real estate investment, and a specific focus on government-backed programs and public-private partnerships. Through the company’s credit funds, Aileron originates and/or acquires SBA 504 first mortgage loans, USDA B&I loans, and short-term "bridge" loans for the acquisition, construction, and refinance of commercial properties nationwide. Since the company’s formation in 2010, Aileron has closed in excess of $500 million in real estate backed loans, and has become one of the nation’s top SBA lenders. Aileron is also one of only a handful of “non-bank” lenders approved to pool and securitize SBA loans, and originate USDA loans. In addition to the company’s lending platform, Aileron invests in value-add opportunities, including adaptive reuse projects and property repositions, as well as ground-up developments, primarily in Florida. While the company will invest across all property types, the primary focus is multi-family, senior housing, and mixed-use projects. Joseph R. Bonora, Managing Partner: Joseph Bonora is co-founder and Managing Partner of Aileron Capital Management. Aileron is a national specialty finance firm and FINRA-registered broker/dealer, with an expertise in government guaranteed loan programs, including U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, USDA B&I (Business and Industry) loans, real estate development, and ground-up construction financing utilizing funds from foreign investors participating in the EB-5 program. Since the company's formation in 2010, Aileron has provided in excess of $500 million in funding to small business owners across the U.S. Mr. Bonora oversees all origination, underwriting, and investment decisions for Aileron Capital Management and its affiliated companies and investment funds. Mr. Bonora has over 15 years of experience in structured finance and real estate development, and has extensive knowledge of construction lending, land planning and entitlement, and government loan and development programs. Prior to forming Aileron, Mr. Bonora was Vice President at LCG Capital Group, a boutique investment bank located in Tampa, FL. While at LCG, Mr. Bonora was in charge of the structuring and placement of real estate backed debt and mezzanine loans, as well as junior and senior corporate debt. Prior to working for LCG, Mr. Bonora was the founder and CEO of Joseph Scott Financial, a residential and commercial mortgage lending firm. As CEO of Joseph Scott, Mr. Bonora grew the company to four offices with 50+ employees, and originated / brokered over $3 billion of residential and commercial real estate loans. Mr. Bonora has been a resident of Southwest Florida since 1987. His brother, Mark Bonora, is a Deputy in the Lee County Sheriff Department’s K-9 division, and his mother resides in Cape Coral. Robert K. Beard, Managing Partner: Robert Beard is co-founder and Managing Partner of Aileron Capital Management. Mr. Beard has over 25 years of audit, management and lending experience. Mr. Beard started his career with the Tampa office of Deloitte & Touche in 1983 where he served as an audit manager and achieved the industry specialist designation in the banking, savings & loan and mortgage banking industries. In 1991, he founded the Tampa CPA firm of Beard & Kingery (now Kingery and Crouse, CPA’s). In 1998, Mr. Beard founded EnviroCap, LLC and has since also founded and served as the CEO of ABS Capital Group, LLC and Aegis Business Credit, LLC. Since 1998, these companies have funded over $1.2 billion via factoring and asset based lending programs, generating over $30 million in profits and providing its investors with a combined average annualized return on equity in excess of 30%. Mr. Beard graduated from Florida State University in 1983 where he double majored in accounting and finance, with a minor in economics; he has been a licensed CPA in the state of Florida since 1984. Mr. Beard participates in investor relations, strategic planning, participation on the Investment Committee and other functions of the Aileron companies. Michael Maguire, Managing Director: Mr. Maguire has 13 years of audit, management and investment banking experience. He began his career as an auditor with the Tampa office of Arthur Andersen in 2000, and moved into investment banking after accepting a position at Citigroup’s middle-market investment banking division. While at Citi, Mr. Maguire where focused on originating, executing, and advising on middle-market transactions. After leaving Citigroup, Mr. Maguire joined LCG Capital Group (“LCG”), a Tampa-based boutique investment banking firm. At LCG, Mr. Maguire worked on debt and equity raises, including SBA 504 and 7 (a) loans, and was responsible for the financial modeling and analysis of the transactions. Mr. Maguire has been directly involved in equity / debt transactions totaling over $400 million in a broad variety of industries, and has gained significant experience working directly with business owners to optimize capital structures and cash flow efficiencies. Mr. Maguire graduated magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame, earning a B.B.A. in Business Administration and a Master of Science in Accountancy. Mr. Maguire is a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Florida (non-active) and holds FINRA/NASD Series 7, 24 and 63 licenses. Steven G. Anderson, Partner: Steven Anderson is a founding member of Aileron Capital Management. Mr. Anderson has over 28 years’ experience in the finance and construction/development industries. Prior to forming Aileron Capital Management, Mr. Anderson was the CFO and Chief Risk Manager of Environmental Chemical Corporation (ECC) (, a Top 100 U.S. Defense construction and remediation contractor. While at ECC, Mr. Anderson managed all financial and cost control activities, ensuring cost compliance on all federal and private contracts. In addition to the financial role, Mr. Anderson was responsible for structuring and negotiating joint ventures and any unique business arrangements that ECC entered into. Before retiring from ECC, Mr. Anderson was the project manager for Federal City New Orleans, a $150MM+ project that, when fully developed, will consist of over 1,000,000 square feet of office space, 375,000 square feet of retail, 350,000 square feet of civil/municipal buildings, 150 hotel rooms and 1,400 dwelling units. Independent of his work at ECC and Aileron, Mr. Anderson has developed a number of multi-family and mixeduse projects, including three projects that utilized New Market Tax Credits and Historic Tax Credits for the redevelopment of dilapidated buildings in New Orleans. Mr. Anderson has a BS in Accountancy and a BA in Computer Science from Valparaiso University, and attended the Program for Senior Financial Executives at Harvard Business School. He is a Certified Public Accountant, and a member of the Construction Financial Management Association. Justin Blackhall, General Counsel: Justin Blackhall is general counsel for Aileron Capital Management. Mr. Blackhall represents the legal affairs of Aileron in all facets of the company’s various business endeavors, including due diligence, loan documentation, risk management, government relations, and loss mitigation. In his law practice, Mr. Blackhall focuses on the representation of U.S. and international companies, focusing on matters relating to USCIS’s EB-5 program, SBA 504 transactions, capital raising and SEC compliance, and general corporate compliance, as well as U.S. and international tax planning, bankruptcy and related matters. Justin also serves as counsel to U.S. and international financial institutions in asset-based lending, structured finance and workout transactions with a special focus on representing lenders in the SBA 504 first mortgage pool lending program. Justin’s international corporate and tax experience focuses on creation and use of funds and companies in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands as well as assisting U.S. businesses in qualifying for U.S. Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority tax benefits. Justin earned his J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and his B.A. from Syracuse University. He is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts in New York, the District Court for the State of Connecticut, and the Supreme and District Courts in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Recently Completed Developments in Southwest Florida: McGregor 325, LLC/Channelside Apartments 325 unit Class A apartment complex in Fort Myers, Florida Total project cost of $40 million Construction commenced in February 2014, and was completed in October 2015 Property is currently 97% occupied Property sold for $55MM in April 2016. Southern Oaks Senior Care, LLC /Rose Garden of Fort Myers ALF 109 unit assisted living facility with memory care, located at 2117 Earl Road, Fort Myers, FL Total project budget of $10.5 million Construction commenced in July 2014, and was completed in January 2016 State license received in early April Property is currently 30% leased. Santa Barbara Commercial Corner, LLC/Retail Center 4,800 square foot retail building in Cape Coral, FL Completed in January 2016 100% leased to AT&T and Heartland Dental New Projects in Southwest Florida New Projects in Southwest Florida Liberty Health Park, LLC/Uptown at Liberty Park Apartments and Atrium Assisted Living Facility 32 acre mixed use project in Cape Coral, FL 320 unit Class A apartments 128 unit ALF with memory care Approximately 20,000 square feet of retail Construction expected to commence in May 2016 Total estimated development cost of $75 million Midtown Cape Apartments, LLC /Midtown Apartments 90 unit apartment complex in Cape Coral, FL Total project budget of $13.5 million Construction commenced in April 2016 Estimated completion date of June 2017 TAX INCREMENT REBATE REQUEST Projected Returns In determining the appropriate amount of tax increment financing to request, we prepared financial projections in order to calculate what the return on investment (ROI) would be with, and without TIF. Based on a total project cost of $50,021,000, and net operating income of $2,495,209 (without rebate of tax increment), and a holding period of 12 years, the leveraged IRR would be 11.83%, and the unlevered IRR would be 5.25%. In today’s market, and investors could achieve these types of returns by acquiring an existing, income producing property, thus creating no incentive for taking on development risk. Although rate of return requirements vary from one investor to another, the industry standard for a development project of this size and scope is mid- to high-teens, using leverage, and above 7% unlevered. Rebate Request While the rental apartment market continues to show strong performance with respect to occupancy and rent growth, there are a number of factors making it more difficult for developers to achieve investment returns that meet industry standards for new ground-up projects. These factors include, but are not limited to: (i) increasingly higher construction costs, which have been rising at a rate of approximately 1% per month in Florida; (ii) overly conservative bank underwriting standards, primarily caused by new banking regulations (i.e., HVCRE loans); and (iii) rising new apartment inventory, which will put downward pressure on rent growth, and contribute to higher vacancy rates. In order to achieve an IRR sufficient to compensate for the risk associated with the development of this project, based on a 12 year hold period, the net operating income would have to increase by approximately $415,000 per year. The current Property Appraiser’s assessed value of the subject site is $2,383,161. We have estimated the assessed value, following completion of the improvements, to be $41,589,817. After deducting the existing base value, the net increase in value is $39,203,656. Multiplying this value by 95%, and then applying the millage rate of .0124266, we calculate that the projected annual tax increment will be $462,810. In order to achieve an IRR that is commensurate with the development risk, we respectfully request the following: Tax Increment Rebate: Years 1-2: 95% of the annual tax incremental increase, beginning the year of the increase following the completion of the construction; Years 3-12: 77% of the annual tax incremental increase; Stormwater Credits: In order to maximize the use of the property, we would need to eliminate the need for a large retention area, as currently required. We request stormwater credits in an amount sufficient to eliminate the water management retention area, estimated at 1.91 acres in size. I thank you again for your consideration and support of this project, and look forward to working with the city in redeveloping this site and improving the area. Sincerely, Joseph R. Bonora Aileron Investment Management, LLC (813) 341-3654 x137 Office (239) 823-5901 Cell Request for Tax Increment Financing May 2016 The proposed redevelopment project includes the construction of 280 rental apartment units, comprised primarily of one and two bedroom units, commensurate with the demands of the market. It is estimated that the unit mix will include (120) 1 bed/1 bath units, (120) 2 bed/2bath units, and (40) 2 bed/2 bath + den units. The one bedroom units will average 738 sf, the two bedroom units will average 1,033 sf, and the two bedroom units with dens will average 1,286 sf, all of which is within the range of the comparable properties within the immediate area. In addition to the rental apartments, the project will include approximately 15,000 square feet of retail space, located on three commercial outparcels. Currently, there are LOIs in place with AT&T, Jimmy John’s, Red Robin Restaurant, and a national tire and car parts store. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed development will be a mixed-use project, comprised of a 280-unit Class “A” residential rental community, and approximately 15,000 square feet of retail space along U.S. 41/Cleveland Avenue. 4944 S. Cleveland Avenue, Fort Myers, FL 33907 Parcel ID 02-45-24-P3-00065.0000 Site Description The subject site is located on US 41, immediately to the west of Page Field Airport, and across the street from Page Field Commons. The parcel consists of approximately 18.24 acres, and is located within the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment District. The subject property also falls within the Cleveland Avenue Brownfields Area (BF361101000). Current Zoning The site is zoned Commercial Intensive (CI), which allows for a wide multitude of permitted uses, including the multi-family and retail uses proposed by the developer. The CI zoning allows for 25 DU per acre by right, with building heights up to 70’ or five stories. As such, it will not be necessary to rezone the property in order for it to be developed as proposed. Site Control The site is currently owned by US 41 Page Field, LLC, who purchased the site from Bank of America in 2010. We hold a valid contract to purchase the property, with a closing presently set for July 29, 2016. SITE DESCRIPTION Site Address SITE LOCATION EXTERIOR CONCEPT ELEVATION CONCEPT RETAIL EXTERIOR CONCEPTS 7 RETAIL EXTERIOR CONCEPTS 8 INTERIOR CONCEPTS FLOOR PLANS FLOOR PLANS FLOOR PLANS FLOOR PLANS FLOOR PLANS PROJECT TEAM 80+ years collective experience in all aspects of real estate (e.g., finance, development, etc.) Successfully developed in excess of $500 million in multifamily, mixed-use, and commercial real estate projects Property manager currently manages more than 16,000 units in 11 states (SPM Management). Deep knowledge of subject market. Sponsor recently completed and stabilized a 325 unit apartment project in Fort Myers General Contractor is currently largest multifamily builder in Southwest Florida. KEY INVESTMENT ATTRIBUTES Experienced Project Team Aster at Lely Sierra Grande • Naples, FL • 308 unit apartment • Built 2014 • Naples, FL • 273 unit apartment • Built 2014 Creekside • Sarasota, FL • 256 unit apartment • Built 2015 Channelside • Ft Myers, FL • 325 unit apartment • Built 2015 GENERAL CONTRACTOR General Contractor: Brooks & Freund ( - Established in 2000 to provide quality, professional construction services at a competitive price, Brooks & Freund offers extensive experience and an unparalleled commitment to excellence. Team leaders have managed hundreds of successful projects in Southwest Florida, making the company an industry leader. Brooks & Freund has received numerous awards including a 2006 Summit award from the Lee Building Industry Association and a Builder of the Year Award from the Collier County Subcontractor Organization. The following are some of the company’s completed multi-family projects: Engineer: Atlas Design & Engineering ( - Atlas Design & Engineering, Inc. is a multi-disciplined engineering firm with emphasis on structural, mechanical (HVAC), electrical & plumbing design. The President and founder of the company is Michael D. Stewart, P.E. In addition to being a licensed engineering firm, Michael is a registered Professional Engineer in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, and a LEED Accredited Design Professional with a Building Design & Construction specialty. Interior Design: Beasley & Henley ( – Beasley & Henley is a full service interior design firm, focused on multifamily, senior housing, and hospitality projects nationwide. The company provides start-to-finish design services, from initial concept to final delivery and installation. The firm was founded in 1993, with offices in Naples and Winter Park, FL. ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER Architect: MHK Architecture ( -MHK was founded in 2009 by Matthew Kragh, AIA. The Naples, FL based firm has grown into a collaborative of twenty-two design professionals who have designed hundreds of residential and commercial projects across Florida and the Caribbean. In 2004, Matthew was named one of Naples "Forty under Forty" by Gulfshore Business, and Humanitarian of the Year by AIA Florida Southwest. In 2008, Matthew received the W.R. Frizell Medal of Honor which is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon an architect from the American Institute of Architect’s Florida Southwest Chapter. In 2013, Matthew received the President’s Award from the American Institute of Architects. AILERON MANAGEMENT TEAM Prior to forming Aileron Capital Management, Mr. Bonora was Vice President at LCG Capital Group, a boutique investment bank located in Tampa, FL. While at LCG, Mr. Bonora was in charge of the structuring and placement of real estate backed debt, as well as junior and senior corporate debt. Prior to working for LCG, Mr. Bonora was the founder and CEO of Joseph Scott Financial, a residential and commercial mortgage lending firm. As CEO of Joseph Scott, Mr. Bonora grew the company to four offices with 50+ employees, and originated/brokered more than $3 billion of residential, commercial, construction, and acquisition/development loans. In addition to managing the lending business, Mr. Bonora also acquired and entitled land for real estate projects in Southwest and Central Florida, including a 325 unit Class A apartment community, and a 109 unit assisted living facility, both located in Fort Myers. JOSEPH R. BONORA Joseph R. Bonora, Managing Partner - Mr. Bonora has more than 15 years experience in the real estate development and finance industry, and has extensive knowledge of structured finance and commercial real estate lending. Mr. Bonora manages the day-to-day operations of Aileron Capital Management, and oversees the investments made through the Aileron family of funds. Mr. Bonora is responsible for the planning, design, entitlement, and general development oversight of the company’s real estate developments. He is also in charge of arranging the financing, and assembling the development team, which includes the GC, property manager, architect, engineer, and project manager. Mr. Lindell has invested in commercial and residential real estate for over 20 years. His acquisitions have included various office buildings, mobile home parks, and residential lots. In 1997, Lindell Investments was formed for various real estate development projects including Keystone Shores, a high-end residential development in Tampa, and Whispering Oaks, a 270-unit single family development in Tampa. Additionally, Mr. Lindell is a development partner in the newly construction Epicurean Hotel in Tampa, and an investor in a number of multifamily projects in Florida, including a 376-unit apartment project in Brandenton, Florida known as The Landings at Parkview, and a 325-unit project known as Channelside Apartment in Fort Myers, FL, to name a few. Mr. Lindell attended and received his B.A. degree from The University of North Carolina and his M.B.A. degree from the Emory University. CARL LINDELL Carl Lindell, Partner - Mr. Lindell is the owner and Chairman of Lindell Properties and Lindell Capital, a real estate development firm and specialty finance company, respectively. Mr. Lindell was the Owner and President of Lindell Motors, Inc. (d/b/a Lindell HondaVolkswagen) and Lindell Mazda in St. Petersburg, Florida until 2004, at which time he sold the dealerships. Mr. Beard graduated from Florida State University in 1983 where he double majored in accounting and finance, with a minor in economics; he has been a licensed CPA in the state of Florida since 1984. Mr. Beard shall be responsible for high level oversight and monitoring of the operations of the Investment Manager and the Fund and shall materially participate in investor relations, strategic planning, participation on the Investment Committee and other functions as he considers necessary. ROBERT K. BEARD Robert Beard, Managing Partner - Mr. Beard has over 25 years of audit, management and lending experience. Mr. Beard started his career with the Tampa office of Deloitte & Touche in 1983 where he served as an audit manager and achieved the industry specialist designation in the banking, savings & loan and mortgage banking industries. In 1991, he founded the Tampa CPA firm of Beard & Kingery (now Kingery and Crouse, CPA’s). In 1998, Mr. Beard founded EnviroCap, LLC and has since also founded and served as the CEO of ABS Capital Group, LLC and Aegis Business Credit, LLC. Since 1998, these companies have funded over $1 billion via factoring and asset based lending programs generating over $30 million in profits and providing its investors a combined average annualized return on equity in excess of 30%. Mr. Anderson has a BS in Accountancy and a BA in Computer Science from Valparaiso University, and attended the Program for Senior Financial Executives at Harvard Business School. He is a Certified Public Accountant, and a member of the Construction Financial Management Association. Mr. Anderson will be actively involved in managing the construction of the subject property, providing oversight and guidance relative to the budget and schedule. STEVEN G. ANDERSON Steven G. Anderson, Partner - Mr. Anderson has over 25 years experience in the finance and construction/development industries. Prior to forming Aileron Capital Management, Mr. Anderson was the CFO and Chief Risk Manager of Environmental Chemical Corporation (ECC) (, a Top 100 U.S. Defense construction and remediation contractor. While at ECC, Mr. Anderson managed all financial and cost control activities, ensuring cost compliance on all federal and private contracts. Before retiring from ECC, Mr. Anderson was the project manager for Federal City New Orleans, a $150MM+ project that, when fully developed, will consist of over 1,000,000 square feet of office space, 375,000 square feet of retail, 350,000 square feet of civil/municipal buildings, 150 hotel rooms and 1,400 dwelling units. Independent of his work at ECC and Aileron, Mr. Anderson has developed a number of multi-family and mixed-use projects, including three projects that utilized New Market Tax Credits and Historic Tax Credits for the redevelopment of dilapidated buildings in New Orleans. Mr. Nunner has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Cincinnatti, and resides in Naples, Florida. As it relates to the subject project, Mr. Nunner will be responsible for construction management, which includes the following: • Construction budget review • Working with General Contractor in selecting subs and materials • General construction oversight (budget and progress management) • Review design scope and schedule • Value engineering • Preparation of monthly progress reports and inspections JEFFREY NUNNER Jeff Nunner, Construction Manager – Jeff Nunner is the construction manager for the Channelside project. Mr. Nunner is a Civil Engineer and licensed Florida General Contractor. During his career, Jeff has managed in excess of $900 million in construction and development projects in Florida for clients including Toyota, BMW, Mazda, 5th/3rd Bank, City Furniture, Ashley Furniture, Jaguar, Taco Bell, Dodge, Cleveland Clinic and Tenet Healthcare. Justin earned his J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and his B.A. from Syracuse University. He is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts in New York, the District Court for the State of Connecticut, and the Supreme and District Courts in the U.S. Virgin Islands. JUSTIN B. BLACKHALL Justin B. Blackhall, General Counsel – Mr. Blackhall represents the legal affairs of Aileron Capital Management in all facets of the company’s various business endeavors, including due diligence, loan documentation, risk management, and loss mitigation. In his law practice, Mr. Blackhall focuses on the representation of U.S. and international companies, focusing on M&A, financing transactions, capital raising and general corporate compliance, as well as U.S. and international tax planning, bankruptcy and related matters. Justin also serves as counsel to U.S. and international financial institutions in asset-based lending, structured finance and workout transactions with a special focus on representing lenders in the SBA 504 first mortgage pool lending program. Justin’s international corporate and tax experience focuses on creation and use of funds and companies in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands as well as assisting U.S. businesses in qualifying for U.S. Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority tax benefits. ` COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 DISTRICT: EFM WARD: 1 & 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.05 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Review the status of the East Fort Myers Revitalization and Redevelopment Plan recommendations and recommend that City Council approve resetting the base year for the East Fort Myers. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION: Review the status of the East Fort Myers Revitalization and Redevelopment Plan recommendations and recommend that City Council approve resetting the base year for the East Fort Myers Plan to the 2015 tax year value. FUNDING SOURCE: Future millage generated by the East Fort Myers Redevelop Area FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this action by City Council will reduce the base year value of East Fort Myers by $132,392,130. At the current City mil rate of 8.77 the City would forfeit to the CRA approximately $1,150,000 per year once the values increase to the original base year value. WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides an update on the implementation of the East Fort Myers Plan Action Steps and resets the base year value. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On March 6, 2007 City Council adopted a Slum and Blight Resolution for East Fort Myers designating the area eligible for the creation of a Community Redevelopment Area and the use of tax increment financing. The planning firm of Dover Kohl was hired by the City Community Development Department to prepare a plan for the area. On May 21, 2007 City Council adopted Resolution 2007-30 approving the East Fort Myers Revitalization and Redevelopment Plan and a redevelopment trust fund was also established to capture any tax increment from the area. The East Fort Myers Plan contained 19 Action Steps. The attached chart summarizes these action steps and the current status of each. The back-up also includes the proposed site plan and cost estimate for Seminole Park which is Action Step #2. The base year value for the East Fort Myers Area was $336,451,130. Unfortunately this was the peak of the real estate boom and the taxable values quickly fell below the base year. The current taxable value is $204,059,000 which is $132,392,130 below the base year. In order for the East Fort Myers redevelopment area to generate any tax increment to fund improvements in the area it would have to increase in value by over $132 million. A draft ordinance Is attached should the Board elect to recommend that City Council reset the base year. Continued to Next Page Person Initiating Request: Yes Commissioner Brown BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No East Fort Myers Action Plan Summary (ACTION STEPS ) STATUS C=Complete PC=Partially Complete IC=Incomplete C PC IC The Land Development Code now requires developers to donate a ten-foot-wide easement for a Riverwalk from the Royal Palm Yacht Club to Billy's Creek. Additional segments will be constructed as a boardwalk around the Oasis towers. Planning for this Riverwalk should be extended east to the Tarpon Street Pier, with intermediate connections at Superior and Freemont Streets. #1 - PUBLIC ACCESS ALONG THE RIVER (Caloosahatchee River) Comprehensive Plan should be amended to establish general ● policy for public Riverwalk all the way from the Edison & Ford x Winter Estates to the Tarpon Street Pier The Comprehensive Plan should be modified to allow the Riverwalk extension or public esplanade east of Billy's Creek to ● replace the standard requirement for an undisturbed nativevegetated buffer along the river. x The Land Development Code should be amended to provide ● specific requirements for extending the downtown Riverwalk over x time from Billy's Creek east to Tarpon Street City officials should proceed promptly with its plans to create a new park north of Palm Beach Boulevard in East Fort Myers. The City should begin negotiations to acquire vacant land in one ● or both of the top-ranked sites south of Seminole Avenue and x east of Polk St. #2 - SEMINOLE AVENUE PARK If land can be acquired, the city should prepare preliminary plans to determine exactly which part of the site should be reserved for ● the park and which part of the site should be reserved for private development. The developable portion of the site should be sold to a private developer with suitable restrictions to ensure that Seminole ● Avenue is completed and that housing faces the park to provide continuing natural surveillance. ● The park portion of the site should be improved by the city or the same developer who acquires the remainder of the site. x x x In order to reduce the urban heat island effect and restore habitat, street trees should be planted along all streets within the study area. #3 - PLANT STREET TREES ● Use native species for all new street tree plantings. ● In order to increase biodiversity use a wide variety of tree species throughout the study area rather than a single species. 1 of 6 x x East Fort Myers Action Plan Summary (ACTION STEPS ) STATUS C=Complete PC=Partially Complete IC=Incomplete C PC State officials were overly zealous when designing the new median barriers in Palm Beach Boulevard. City officials must press Florida DOT to immediately reconfigure the medians. #4 - PALM BEACH BOULEVARD MEDIANS ● At least a half-dozen additional median openings can be added to allow easier movement by motorist and to reduce the need for U-turns. x ● Some existing median openings can be opened further for allow access to adjoining businesses. x U-turns are nearly impossible for larger vehicles where there are ● only four travel lanes; adjustments are needed at some locations to allow more vehicles to make U-turns Pedestrian crossings should be made more visible to pedestrians ● and motorists with a repeated theme such as clusters of small trees and night-time lighting. These changes should be designed and constructed within the ● next twelve months, after which the planned landscaping can be installed. x x x Fort Myers should vigorously support a Lee County Transit Authority #5 - CITY LEADERS to provide better public transportation through the county and particularly in more urban areas SHOULD ENCOURAGE LEE Fort Myers should push for the authority to levy a gasoline tax in COUNTY IN ● order to fund transit improvements SUPPORTING BETTER PUBLIC Fort Myers should encourage the MPO and Florida DOT to make TRANSPORTATION ● long-term arrangements to allow the existing rail line to also be x x used for passenger service City officials should incrementally construct missing links in the East Fort Myers street network. In most cases, rights-of-way already exist for these missing links. Fort Myers officials should identify high priority missing links and ● search for opportunities to construct them during the coming #6 - CREATE years. MISSING STREET x LINKS Where right-of-way does not yet exist but a connection is needed, land should be acquired either through the platting ● process at the time of development or through voluntary acquisition in advance of development. 2 of 6 x IC East Fort Myers Action Plan Summary (ACTION STEPS ) STATUS C=Complete PC=Partially Complete IC=Incomplete C PC IC Install sidewalks as recommended by Sidewalks in Fort Myers: Toward a Community-Oriented Construction Policy. The recommendation included in this previous study are still valid, but should be expanded to include the following considerations: #7 - BEGIN TO COMPLETE THE PEDESTRAIN NETWORK Construct new streets and sidewalks in order to reduce the number of dead-ends in East Fort Myers, thereby increasing the ● number of streets counted as part of the "effective network." ● X Eliminate the possibility of certain residents' opting out of sidewalk improvement through petition. x Facilitate those residents who are not part of the "effective network" to opt in by reducing percentages of petition signatures ● that are currently required, or designate all dead-end streets are part of the "future effective network." #8 RESTORE THE NATIVE LANDSCAPE ALONG BILLY'S CREEK x ● Expose native plants --such as Cabbage Palms (Sabal palmetto). x Plant mangroves and other native aquatic plants once Brazilian Peppers (Schinus terebinthifolius) have been removed. x ● ● Clean litter from mangrove root on a monthly basis. Remove Australian Pines (Casuarinas equisetifolia). They are harmful to the landscape because they compete with native plants for nutrients and light. They inhibit biodiversity of the forest ● floor by inhibiting the growth of understory plants. Australian pines degrade habitat and are useless to native animals. Construct boardwalks along some stretches of Billy's Creek and at least one wooden bridge to link Shady Oaks Park on the north ● side of Billy's Creek to Fort Myers Cemetery on the south side. Once the native coastal forest has been successfully restored, City Officials and residents must continue to maintain this fragile ecosystem. Regular removal of pest plants and a monthly cleanup of litter in the mangrove forests are essential to the health of Billy's Creek. There are many benefits to keeping the mangrove roots clear of rubbish. Such cleaning efforts help the food chain of the Caloosahatchee River and the Gulf of Mexico, which begins in the root of these and similar mangrove forests. Healthy roots contribute to a healthy fishing industry and local economy. Also, ecotourism will only be possible if a pristine coastal habitat is maintained. 3 of 6 x x x East Fort Myers Action Plan Summary (ACTION STEPS ) STATUS C=Complete PC=Partially Complete IC=Incomplete C The new Future Land Use Map being formulated for the City of Fort Myers should be a primary implementation tool for this East Fort Myers Plan. A new designation, "Suburban Center," (T5) should identify the ● outer extent of future higher intensity nodes along Palm Beach Boulevard. Another new designation, "Suburban General," (T4) should be applied between and behind these centers to encourage a #9 - FUTURE LAND ● greater mix of housing types with some compatible retail and USE MAP office uses. Most existing A and A-1 property should be consolidate into a ● single "Residential Low-Density" (T3) designation to maintain the existing character of these neighborhoods. A new "Parks & Recreation" designation should be applied to Riverside Park, Terry Park, Shady Oaks Park, the new Billy's ● Creek filter marsh, and other existing and proposed parks on public property x x x x The Future Land Use Element should be amended to define these new designations for the Future Land Use Map: #10 - FUTURE LAND "Suburban Center," to define future nodes of high-intensity land USE ELEMENTS ● uses along major roads. "Suburban General," to define transitional zones within walking ● distances of "Suburban Centers." #11 - FLOOR-TOAREA RATIOS x x The Future Land Use Elements should be modified to eliminate the existing floor-to-lot-area ratio (FAR) cap of 1.0 for East Fort Myers. The preferred method would be replacing the existing B-1 and B-2 designations as recommended in Action Step #9. ● The Land Development Code should be modified to eliminate the existing "building coverage" cap of 45% for East Fort Myers that is contained in the existing CG and C1 zoning district regulations. 4 of 6 x PC IC East Fort Myers Action Plan Summary (ACTION STEPS ) STATUS C=Complete PC=Partially Complete IC=Incomplete C PC The current wording of Action 5.3.3 of the future land use element could be interpreted to require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan each time a neighborhood or special plan gets amended, which would be an unnecessary impediment to the planning process. This action should be reworded to resolve that concern and to make the following additional changes: #13 NEIGHBORHOOD AND REVITALIZATION PLANS Eliminate obsolete plans from the list (e.g. East Downtown Neighborhood Plan) and remove obsolete planning boundaries ● from the map (e.g., the hatched area between of Palm Beach Boulevard and Billy's Creek on Map E). x ● Provide the correct name for all plans that belong on this list. x Combine Maps E, E-1, and E-A so that a single map identifies all ● of the city's special planning areas consistent with the boundaries x in the plans listed in Action 5.3.3. Clarify Action 5.3.2 to indicate that Map E is part of the Future ● Land Use Map series and these boundaries do not need to be x repeated on the main Future Land Use Map. #14 - ENTERPRISE ZONE MARKETING The Enterprise Zone in East Fort Myers offers numerous valuable benefits for ne homes and for certain businesses, especially those employing residents in the Enterprise Zone. Aggressive marketing is needed. City staff and the new Enterprise Zone Board should assist the Lee County Economic Development Office in aggressively ● marketing Enterprise Zones to support job opportunities and affordable housing. x Expand the number and variety of local businesses will make more consumer choices available to local residents, offer more opportunities for entrepreneurial activity, and retain more wealth in the community. Business training and start-up facilities are important for he launching and flourishing of local businesses. #15 - SOUTHWEST ● FLORIDA ENTERPRISE CENTER The City should continue to support and publicize the entrepreneurial assistance offered by the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center and the FGCU-based Small Business Development Center and the training opportunities of the HighTech center located on Michigan Avenue. East Fort Myers will have a competitive advantage over its peer communities in attracting new business if it is able to distinguish itself as a leader in environmental entrepreneurship. In ● recognition of this fact, the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center should begin training programs and business incubation in renewable clean energy and other ecologically-oriented businesses. 5 of 6 x x IC East Fort Myers Action Plan Summary (ACTION STEPS ) STATUS C=Complete PC=Partially Complete IC=Incomplete ● The recommendations of this plan however can and should be considered when amending the Comprehensive Plan and Land #16 - THE STATUS Development Code. OF CRA PLANS AS REGULATORY ● The recommendations of this plan should also be considered by the DOCUMENT Planning Board and City Council when those bodies consider C x x discretionary development approvals such as rezoning request. #17 - ADOPT THE 2008 EAST FORT MYERS REVITALIZATION AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PC The City of Fort Myers should ensure that the community vision recorded in this document is implemented by adopting the 2009 East Fort Myers Revitalization and Redevelopment Plan as the new redevelopment plan under Chapter 136, Part III. This document expands on the recommendation starting in the former (2007) version and provides more detailed implementation strategies. x The City and its Brownfield Advisory Board should facilitate the Brownfield designation process for the tracks and surrounding properties by: Working with the Seminole Gulf Railway to establish near-term rail improvements such as lighting and vegetation cleanup and ● the long-term objective of restoring passenger rail service in Fort #18 - BROWNFIED Myers; x STATUS ● Working with private property owners adjacent to the railroad tracks to encourage commercial and residential redevelopment in concert with the plan; x ● Follow designation by the City Council, owners of these Brownfield properties will be eligible for a variety of economic incentives to implement plan recommendations. x #19 - HOUSING AND East Fort Myers should remain a priority area for the City's use of funds from the ECONOMIC Neighborhood Stabilization Program. (Almost all of East Fort Myers does not RECOVERY ACT OF qualify--not included in Neighborhood Stabalization Program) . 2008 6 of 6 IC COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: CL WARD: 3, 4, 5 MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.06 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Proposal from Stantec Consulting Services to assist with implementation of recommendations from the 2010 Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION: Approve proposal from Stantec Consulting Services to assist with implementation of recommendations from the 2010 Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan; and Authorize Chairman Streets to sign the proposal on behalf of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board. FUNDING SOURCE: 141-5151-559-3100 FISCAL IMPACT: $22,500 WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the opportunity for the Board to review, comment and potentially approve the proposed scope for Cleveland Avenue BACKGROUND INFORMATION: During the April 27, 2016 Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) meeting, a discussion of capital projects within Cleveland Redevelopment Sub-Area 4 evolved from two specific capital projects into a broader discussion that touched on Cleveland Avenue, Palm Beach Boulevard and Dr. M.L.K. Jr. Boulevard. At the direction of the Board, Commissioner Michael Flanders met with Don Paight, Leigh Scrabis and Jared Beck, Stantec Consulting Services, to discuss the scope to be provided by Stantec. The conversation included a variety of topics such as landscaped medians, gateways, signage, marketing and other small projects which could enhance the aesthetics and create that sense of “place” that not only makes the trip along the commercial corridor into downtown a pleasure but that also draws people to the businesses along the Cleveland corridor. Attached is a proposal from Stantec which lists a series of steps to evaluate the 2010 Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan and develop a variety of implementation tasks/projects designed to further the CRA’s efforts revitalization efforts. In order to show progress more quickly, these steps have been separated into four phases. Task 220, whose title is highlighted in orange, defines some short term objectives that address the Board’s immediate concerns surrounding medians and gateways. This phase also incorporates neighborhood outreach and collaboration with City departments such as Code and Police in order to develop and prioritize a work plan for the corridor based on conditions existing in 2016. Continued to Next Page Person Initiating Request: Yes Leigh Scrabis BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34105 May 18, 2016 Leigh Scrabis Deputy Director Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency 1400 Jackson Street Fort Myers, FL 33902 Subject: Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan Dear Leigh: Stantec would be pleased to provide our services as requested related to implementation of the Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan. We have outlined four general phases with individual task items related to each that summarizes discussions we have had, and as we understand direction from the CRA Commission to be: Task 210 – Evaluation – Future Phase Plan review & current recommended Updates Community Input & Review Community/CRA/City Prioritization of short and long term goals and objectives Draft modifications to the 2010 Cleveland Avenue Plan Fee Type Amount Fixed $22,500 Task 220 – Short Term Objectives 1 - Current Corridor gateway unified general design guides & locations (prototype signage, landscape, lighting, etc.) Review and assess/or revise existing Cleveland Avenue conceptual median landscape plan Existing signage review & evaluation (current code compliance and enforcement, use, condition, etc.) Identify opportunities and develop strategies for collaboration on community policing and code enforcement participation Neighborhood outreach (limited to community meetings at this phase and preparation of) Development of façade and landscape grant design criteria and application, solicitation, and awarding process V:\2157\administration\studio\jared-beck\FortMyers\Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan Attention: Ms. Leigh Scrabis Page 2 Reference: Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan Task 230 – Short Term Objectives 2 – Future Phase Prototype right-of-way landscape, furnishing, and lighting design Refinement of façade and landscape grant design criteria for future implementation as corridor wide design guidelines Create implementation program which applies traditional “Main Street” principles to existing commercial corridors (association/advisory entity, business tracking & monitoring, community programming, etc.) Collaboration on Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA) applications and presentations Community visioning/marketing/promotional development Fee Type Amount Fee Type Amount Fixed $ Task 240 – Short/Long Term/On-going – Future Phase Identification alternative funding sources and potential partnerships Incentive package development Targeted incentive outreach Re-evaluation/implementation of “concierge” service TOTAL v:\2157\administration\studio\jared-beck\fort myers\cra\cleveland avenue plan proposal.docx Attention: Ms. Leigh Scrabis Page 3 Reference: Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan GENERAL CONDITIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS 1. The professional services that Stantec will provide under this Proposal/Agreement include, and are limited to, those described above in the SCOPE OF SERVICES AND FEES section. All other services are specifically excluded. 2. The scope of this proposal is based on Stantec’s understanding of the current rules, regulations, and ordinances in effect on the date of this document. Interpretations of these standards may affect the scope and fees of Stantec’s services, and may require adjustments to delete, decrease, or increase. 3. The scope of this proposal does not include any permitting services. 4. This proposal is open for acceptance by Client through 30 days, after which it will be withdrawn by Stantec and may be subject to re-negotiation. Please note that our services will be billed in accordance with the Business Terms and Conditions on file with the City. If this budget meets with your approval, please sign below and return a copy of this letter to my attention. We will commence work on this project upon your signed authorization. Stantec thanks you for the opportunity to provide professional services for the project. As discussed, each phase is intended to provide progressive advancement of the overall corridor revitalization. Task items identified under each phase are understood to be general objectives and may vary once working within the community. The depth of each task item will also retain flexibility as needed to best achieve the overall phase objectives. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, Stantec Consulting Services Inc. v:\2157\administration\studio\jared-beck\fort myers\cra\cleveland avenue plan proposal.docx Attention: Ms. Leigh Scrabis Page 4 Reference: Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan Leigh Scrabis Deputy Director Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency 1400 Jackson Street Fort Myers, FL 33902 Attachments: Standard Terms and Conditions I hereby authorize the amount of ______________ for Task 220, Short Term Objectives – 1. Leigh Scrabis Deputy Director Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency 1400 Jackson Street Fort Myers, FL 33902 BY: [Print Name] v:\2157\administration\studio\jared-beck\fort myers\cra\cleveland avenue plan proposal.docx [Title] [Date] COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: DT WARD: 4 MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.07 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Association Updates: Downtown Neighborhood Association, Downtown Property Owner’s Association and River District Alliance. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the opportunity for the Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA), Downtown Property Owners Association (DPOA) and/or the River District Alliance (RDA) to keep the Board apprised of their activities. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Any updates from the DNA, RDA or DPOA will be provided during the meeting. Continued to Next Page Person Initiating Request: Yes Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: All WARD: All MEETING DATE: May 25, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.08 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Project Updates ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides an update to the Board on current projects and programs. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Any updates for projects located within one of the redevelopment districts will be presented during the meeting. Continued to Next Page Person Initiating Request: Yes Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Anthony___ Henderson___ No