the stars of yesterday, today and tomorrow
the stars of yesterday, today and tomorrow
WHO WHAT WHERE The textile suppliers guide Consulting Fibres and Yarn Production consultation/optimisation consultation/optimisation Production Capacity Capacity and and sourcing sourcing agency agency Consultant for Consultant for ready-made ready-made textiles textiles D-95032 Hof Hof ·· Phone Phone +49 +49 9281 9281 144 144 14 14 25 25 D-95032 ·· Fibres and Yarn Knitting machinery accessories Yarn trading/Yarn finishing Yarn for knitting and weaving Phone +49 9823 955-100 Fibres and Yarn Christoph Liebers GmbH und Co. KG Tools ans Sinkers Phone +49 8458 3276-0 Fax +49 8458 5501 Textile finishing Garnhandel Aktiengesellschaft Phone +49 2871/2702-0 Fax +49 2871/33830 spun yarns: cotton, polyester, viscose and blends, raw-white and dyed, elastane yarns (spandex), polyamid 6.0 and 6.6, flat, texturized Nef+CO AG Aktiengesellschaft Mövenstrasse Nef COAG AG 18 Nef+CO CH-9015 St.Gallen Mövenstrasse Mövenstrasse 1818 Telefon +41 71Gallen 228 47 28 CH-9015 St. CH-9015 St.Gallen Fax +41+41 71 47 Phone +41228 71228 22838/39 4728 28 Telefon 71 47 Fax Fax+41 +417171228 228474738/39 38/39 · Stapelfasergarne aus Baumwolle, Spun yarns made from cotton synthetischen undaus künstlichen Fasern (also ORGANIC), synthetic and Stapelfasergarne Baumwolle, synthetischen artificial fibresund künstlichen Fasern THE STARS OF YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW 0074_GM_NEU_180x63_GB.indd 1 textile network 9-10/2010 28 Eidg. Diplom Färbermeister Labor- und Musterfärberei D-13187 Berlin · Heynstraße 14 Phone +49 30 4856451 Fax +49 30 4856976 Spezialist für Farbeinstellungen und Ausfärbungen von Pantone Reconditioned CMS machines from Stoll Tel. +49-7121-313-440 Fax +49-7121-313-425 Email 11.02.10 10:37 USED MACHINERY FROM Purchase and sale of flat knitting machinery and accessories machinery, plus spare parts, needles and sinkers Jacquard (Double und Single Jersey) MAYER MONARCH MONARCH TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT OVJA 36 V-LEC 6 V-LPJ3B MK 7 MK 7T S3P 172 SCC4F 548 SCC4F 548 SCC 572 UCC 572 UCC 548 T UP 372 UP 248 E 18 / 30“ / 38 E 28 / 30“ / 60 E 28 / 30“ / 72 E 18 + E 20 / 30“ / 48 E 12 + E 16 / 30“ / 32 E 18 + E 28 / 30“ / 72 E 24 / 30“ / 48 E 28 / 34“ / 54 E 28 / 30“ / 72 E 24+28 / 30“ / 72 E 12/ 30“ / 48 E 18+ E 28 / 30“ / 72 E 14+ E 18 / 30“ / 48 Willy Kappel GmbH Im Besterwasen 36 D-72768 Reutlingen, Oferdingen Phone +49 71 21 / 9 61 40 Fax +49 71 21 / 96 14 24 e-mail: available as an online e-paper Interlock/Eight lock MAYER MAYER MAYER MAYER MONARCH MONARCH ORIZIO ORIZIO PILOTELLI TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT TERROT INOVIT INOVIT 2.0 INTERRIB OV 3.2-6 V-700 V-ME22 CI/C CMOAL DJ-60 I3P4F 142 I3P 154 I3P 284 I3P 284 I3P 372 E 20 / 30“ / 48 E 20 / 30“ / 62 E 18 / 30“ / 48 E 20 / 30“ / 96 E 24 / 30“ / 72 E 40 / 30“ / 84 E 24 / 30“ / 96 E 18 / 36“-38“-40“ E 20 / 30“ / 60 E 18 / 30“ / 42 E 12 + 18 + 20 / 30“ / 54 E 18 / 30“ / 84 E 20 + E28 / 30“ / 84 E 24 / 30“ / 72 Single Jersey MAYER MONARCH MONARCH MONARCH MONARCH ORIZIO PILOTELLI PILOTELLI PILOTELLI TERROT TERROT TERROT RELANIT 3.2 II FXC-3S FXC-3S open JXC-3S VXC-SD3BY JOHN-AN JVCE3 JVCE3TA1 JVCE3-M S4F 196 S4F 148 S296 E 28 / 30“ / 96 E 28 / 30“ / 90 E 28 / 30“ / 90 E 28 / 60“ / 180 E 28 / 30“ / 48 E 28 / 30“ / 96 E 28 / 30“ / 90 E 28 / 30“ / 90 E 12 / 30“ / 90 E 24 / 30“ / 96 E 28 / 26“ / 92 E 32 / 26“ / 84 MBF 3.2 MBF 1.6 FIHN E 20 / 26“ / 84 E 20 / 30“ / 96 E 20 / 30“ / 90 SRBL3 MPX MLPX 1.6 MLPX MCPE MCPE 2.4 VX-ZPL XL-PL2 JSVRN E 22 / 30“ / 48 E 24 / 26“ / 36 E 18 / 30“ / 48 E 20 / 26“ / 42 E 18 + 20 / 30“ / 48 E 18+19 / 30“ / 48 E 28 / 26“ / 38 E 18 / 38“ / 72 E 20 / 30“ / 42 RF-HS RA-H RF-HS ROF/RF-H FLF CMOAN RH 116 E 18 / 19“- 22“ E 18 / 26“- 28“ E 18 / 30“ / 46 E 15 - E 20 / 12“ - 22“ E 14 / 30“ / 44 E 15 / 16“- 22“ RH 116 + E18 / 30“ / 54 KP 12 MP 2 HP 12 SMM HP 18E E 12 / 24“ / 12 E 10 / 24“ / 16 E 14 / 24“ / 12 E 14 / 24“ / 18 (englische Version) 5/6 Mai/ Juni BTâJOUF SOBUJPOB MFâBHB[ JOâG~SâEJF âFSTUFMM VOHâUFYUJMFS âSPEVLU F 2010 On the printed edition’s publication date you will be able to read the latest issue at / E-Paper ORIZIO Srl Circular Knitting Machine Brescia s - Italy Tel. +39 030 37 33 137 Fax +39 030 sales@o 37 33 171 m thus putting an end to the long wait on our mailing list. You will naturally still receive the printed edition as well. will be sent to you by post in the accustomed way. Meisenbach, We know, what you need to know! Fleece MAYER MAYER ORIZIO Terry JUMBERCA MAYER MAYER MAYER MAYER MAYER MONARCH MONARCH ORIZIO RIB ALBI ALBI ALBI ALBI MAYER ORIZIO TERROT Hochflor MONARCH MORAT WILDMAN WILDMAN (Subject to prior sale) further Machines at SOTEX-Textilmaschinen R. Sorhagen Egertstraße 54, D-72768 Reutlingen Tel. (01 71) 5 15 58 52 Fax (071 21) 62 1229 E-Mail: textile network 9-10/2010 29
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