The Courier - Rockford Mutual Insurance Company


The Courier - Rockford Mutual Insurance Company
The Courier
Rockford Mutual Insurance Company
Putting Lives Back Together
June, 2012
M es s age f ro m P res ide n t/ C EO De Ch a tele ts
In this issue:
Three members of our Executive Team and I traveled to New Jersey a couple of weeks
ago for our annual meeting with AM Best. After coming off a difficult year, we really
needed to focus on the strengths of Rockford Mutual Insurance Company and where we
are going.
As we gathered the information for our presentation, it became obvious that we really are
a different company today than in years past. Not that we have changed – we continue
to focus on the strong relationships we have with our agents and Mutual’s. But we are
Many changes began last March, even before the winds blew and the storms raged. We
began looking at rates, coverages, territories and underwriting rules that would enable us
to continue to grow and provide the best product for our agents and Mutual’s.
We are creating plans and implementing procedures that allow us to look forward, rather
than look backward fixing things. We have begun a serious review of our entire IT platform with the sole purpose to create an end-to-end system that will make us easy to do
business with and allow us to become more efficient. This process will take time, but it is
necessary if we are to accomplish growth and continued success.
President’s Message
RMIC Walking
Associate News
President’ Trophy
Contact List
Commercial Lines
ACORDing to Claims
Next, we are in the process of updating our programs. We will introduce products and
features that will allow you to write more profitable business with us in the future.
You have probably also noticed changes in our Claims Department. The department
has been reorganized and we added a manager so we can offer specialization between
property, casualty and litigation. We added two outside claims representatives to better
serve you and have plans to continue to add our own people wherever possible.
We have changed the authority of our claims associates and streamlined their work so
we can become more efficient and offer quicker contact to your claimants. We introduced our new Rapid Claims program that will allow on-the-spot settlement by you for
qualifying claims.
From a marketing standpoint, we reorganized the territories, responsibilities and brought
in a very qualified replacement for an open territory. Shane Heeren was named Director
of Marketing and is focused on training programs for our marketing representatives so
they are better able to add value to our agency force. He will also coordinate training
programs for our agents as the year develops.
So in looking back, it is not so much that we are changing, but rather are positioning ourselves to become better for you.
Special points of interest:
Marketing News—2
Rockford Insurance
Dog Bite Costs on the Rise-8
We’re o
the web
Because of the unusual storm activity our industry had last year,
Rockford Mutual is pleased to announce that we have decided to
eliminate the loss ratio qualifications
from our trips this year to Lake of the Ozarks and the
Wisconsin Dells. If you have not reserved your spot, call
Diana at ext. 258 or Shane at ext. 229 for more details.
Hope to
see you
Rockford Mutual Insurance Company will be hosting Agent Meetings in June at
the following locations. Watch your mail for more details.
Tuesday, June 12
1-3 pm
Fond Du Lac, Wi
Wednesday, June 13 9-11 am
South Hills G & C Club
Black River Falls
Best Western Arrowhead Lodge
Tuesday, June 19 9-11 am
DeKalb, IL
Best Western DeKalb Inn
Wednesday, June 20 9-11 am
Mt. Vernon, IL
Thursday, June 21 9-11 am
Krieger’s Holiday Inn
Galesburg, IL
Prairie Inn
Associate Walking Program
Dozens of RMIC Associates have begun a walking program this summer they hope will take
them 10,000+ miles toward better health. Our September, 2012 issue of The Courier will tell
you how we did.
A study from the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas, in the Journal
of the American Medical Association found that women who walked at different
speeds (3, 4, or 5 miles an hour) five days a week for 24 weeks all showed gains in
fitness. But those who walked the fastest benefited most—as much as runners.
Another study, in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, similarly found that
race walkers achieve cardiovascular gains as great as those seen in runners.
Race walking is an Olympic track and field event, in which athletes
must follow two basic rules: The have to always have one foot
touching the ground, and their front leg must be straight when it
first makes contact with the ground. This creates the distinct (and
somewhat odd) look of the sport. Early race walkers were called
Of all fitness activities, speed walking is one of the easiest, safest, and cheapest
“wobblies” because of their style.
(you just need confortable shoes). Because it’s lower in impact, it puts less stress
But many people enjoy modified versions of race walking—often referred to as
on your back, hips, legs, knees, and ankles than running, where both feet are
power or speed walking—as a recreational exercise. There are no hard and fast
rules about how to speed walk, but it generally means you are walking as quickly as
you can, short of running—and to do this, it helps to pump your arms with your
elbows bent. Last year, the Summer National Senior Games added power walking
as a demonstration (not official) event, in which one foot must always be in contact
with the ground, but unlike in race walking, the knees may be bent.
simultaneously off the ground at a given point and thus come down harder. But
as with any sport, overuse injuries are possible, depending on how fast, how
intensely, and how often you do it.
To boost your walking pace, you need to maintain good posture—keep your chin
up, head level, shoulders relaxed, and back straight. Your arms should be bent at
90 degrees at the elbow with a closed (but not clenched) fist.
While a brisk walker typically walks a mile in 15 minutes (that’s 4 miles per hour),
a power or speed walker may do a 12-minute mile (5 miles per hour), though this
depends in part on a person’s height and stride length. A good race walker can
move faster than a 10-minute mile (6 miles per hour). In contrast, a slow walker
or stroller moves at about 2 miles per hour.
As you step with one leg, swing your opposite arm in sync with your stride. Pump
your arms from the shoulder, not the elbows, and keep your arms tucked closed to
your ribs. When you swing your arm forward, don’t let it cross the center of your
body and don’t let your elbow rise above chest level.
Swiveling (really rotating) your hips helps increase speed by reducing your side-toside motion so that you have the most propulsion forward. The bent-arm swing
also helps by allowing the arm to swing more quickly, in sync with your feet. Pushing off with the front of your back foot speeds things up, too.
Strike the ground with your heels, toes up. Don’t bounce or sway your upper
body. Your hips should be in line with your shoulders, but as you increase your
speed, they will rotate naturally. Planting your feet along an imaginary straight line
(or as close to it as you can get) also gives you more of a swivel action. Take smaller steps—overstriding will only slow you down in the long run.
Any kind of brisk walking is certainly good for you. But picking up the speed gives
you more of a cardiovascular workout and burns more calories, especially when
you pump your arms. The more intense motion of speed walking boosts muscle
activity in your hips and angles more than just regular walking and works out your
upper body as well.
Start with a 20-minute walk several times a week and gradually pick up the pace
from week to week. Vary your routine—for example, by carrying a weighted backpack one day and then doing some hill walking another day. In addition, you can try
interval training, alternating a fast and slower pace. You can also speed walk on a
treadmill at a gym (flat or with “hills,” with or without interval training).
BOTTOM LINE: You don’t
have to race walk with all the
hip action and straight legs,
but getting your walking pace
up to at least 4 miles an hours
is a good goal.
shows that people who can
walk faster—a sign of fitness—have lower mortality
rates. Still, walking even at a
slow pace is better than not
walking at all, of course.
June, 2012 University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter
Revisions to Businessowners Program
Shane Heeren Promotion
New Business 5/1/2012, Renewal Business 7/1/2012
Shane Heeren has been promoted to director of marketing
and sales with Rockford Mutual Insurance Company.
We have reviewed our current business and will be implementing a moderate rate increase for new and renewal business. This rate change will vary by customer.
Shane joined Rockford Mutual in
2000 as a marketing representative.
From there he was promoted to senior marketing representative and
then marketing manager.
Minimum premiums will be increased from $350 to
$400. This update will also include a complete form revision
effective 7/1/2012 for new and renewal business.
He will continue to lead the marketing and sales efforts for Rockford
Mutual with an emphasis on agency
We will not be distributing hard copies of our updated
manual with this notice.
Please visit our website at for an updated copy of our manual
or you can acquire a hard copy by contacting our Supply Department at extension 331.
Shane Heeren Earns CIC Designation
This designation is made up
of 5 parts: Commercial Property, Commercial Liability,
Personal Lines, Agency Management, and Life & Health.
Pictured: Shane receiving
bonus check and congratulations from Rick Terrones &
Joseph DeChatelets.
Based on our analysis of the current marketplace, we feel that
we will continue to remain a competitive option for your new
business. We strongly value our partnership with you and are
genuinely committed to earning your business. If you have
any questions, please feel free to contact your underwriter or
marketing representative.
Happy 5th Anniversary, Adrianne Sessions
Adrianne Sessions, Senior Claims Representative, recently celebrated her fifth anniversary with
RMIC. Adrianne is currently pursuing her CPCU
designation and just completed CPCU552—
Commercial Liability Risk Management and Insurance.
Adrianne and her husband, Christopher, are the
proud parents of two beautiful daughters, Scarlett, 20 months, and Savannah 5 months. Adrianne is a graduate of State University of NYFredonia, with a Bachelors in K-12 Music Education.
Joseph DeChatelets, Adrianne Sessions, Ken Chase, Kent Shantz
Prior to coming to RMIC, Adrianne was employed by AutoOne Insurance in Syracuse, NY
as an auto Property Damage Adjuster, and Allstate Insurance in S. Barrington, IL as a National
Catastrophe Team Inside Adjuster.
Adrianne’s hobbies and interests include quilting,
knitting, teaching private clarinet & saxophone
lessons, and playing the clarinet in the Rock
Valley College Orchestra. Adrianne is also the
current President of the Northern Illinois Adjusters Association.
Brian Monk, Information Technology Intern, joined RMIC in April,
2012. Brian is a student at Rock Valley College studying Network
Security. Formerly, Brian was with the local Federal Express office
as a Customer Service Associate.
In his free time, Brian, and his fiancé, Stephanie Anderson, enjoy
hiking and backpacking.
Arica Woolbright, Claims Intern, joined RMIC for the summer
on May 21, 2012. Arica just completed her junior year at Illinois
State University, where she has a double major in insurance and
finance with a minor in organizational leadership. Formerly, Arica
was a Magic Waters Waterpark lifeguard.
Arica enjoys swimming, triathlons, DIY projects, working with children, and volunteering.
Arica is a member of the ISU swim team, member of Gamma Iota
Sigma (insurance fraternity), and member of International Toastmasters.
Dylan Vaughn, Research & Development Intern, is a 2010 graduate of Harlem High School and just completed his sophomore year
at the University of Alabama, where he is studying finance. In the
summer and Christmas break of 2011, Dylan worked in RMIC’s Underwriting Services Department.
Dylan, and his girlfriend, Kassandra Campbell, enjoy watching
sports, especially St. Louis Cardinal baseball and Alabama football.
Rockford Health System
VIP Program recently partnered with RMIC to bring the
Associates a wellness screening for the following: blood
pressure, BMI, total cholesterol, total glucose, bone density,
HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, and
goal setting. Dozens of RMIC
Associates participated. Pictured with Joseph DeChatelets, is Kris Hague, Accounting
Clerk, who won the door prize
drawing of a $25 gas gift card.
RMIC is sponsoring a series of Lunch & Learn Programs for
the Associates. Some of the previous topics have been:
Stress Management and Health
3 Steps to Incredible Health
Eating for Incredible Health
Future topics will be:
Say No to Heart Disease & Diabetes
Winning the War Against Cancer
Success Stories: Before & After
Recently, all RMIC employees also attended a seminar outlining effective, courteous, and professional e-mail methods.
Mono-Line Workers Comp in Illinois, Indiana & Wisconsin
Mono-Line Earthquake
Mono-Line Liquor Liability
Mono-Line Umbrellas (both Commercial and Personal)
Many classes of Employment Practices Liability
Many classes of Directors & Officers Coverage
Give Rockford
a Try!
Susan Leoni
Nicole Hamilton Ext. 292
Ext. 267
Dorothy Henderson CPCU, ARe, joined RMIC
in March, 2012, as a Senior Marketing Representative for portions of Northeastern Illinois and
Indiana. Dorothy is the mother of two adult sons
and has 4 grandchildren, Will, Jr., 13, Raymond,
8, Derek 16, and Euara, 8.
J. Scott Hathaway, began his career at RMIC on
April 30. 2012 following employment as an independent adjuster. Scott is a 1976 graduate of
Southeastern Louisiana University with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Scott and his wife, Carol, enjoy music and travel.
Dorothy is a graduate of Northeastern Illinois
University with a major in History.
Prior to joining RMIC, Dorothy worked for Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company.
Away from RMIC, Dorothy likes volleyball, dancing, and playing golf.
Pictured - Joe Flynn, AVP—Underwriting
RMIC is sponsoring a Relay for Life team for the American Cancer Society. This team is made up of dedicated
fundraisers, who are sponsoring three ―Hot Dot Days‖
for the Associates of RMIC. Joe Flynn agreed to help
out in the role of ―Chef Joe.‖
Horn-McGowan Insurance,
Rosemont, Illinois,
is a full service insurance agency providing professional,
personalized, and friendly advice throughout Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan. They recognize their clients as individuals with individual needs, and set themselves apart from other insurance companies in the Chicago area by offering only the highest quality customer
service and insurance solutions.
Joseph DeChatelets, Rick Terrones, Terry Horn, Dan Horn
Their staff is knowledgeable, multilingual, and always
ready to serve. At Horn-McGowan Insurance, they secure
the most comprehensive yet affordable personal and
commercial insurance solutions that meet their insured’s
focused goals. They offer a large selection of personal
insurance lines that will cover first time homeowners looking for competitively priced home insurance in Chicago
as well as drivers of all ages who want to lower their
monthly Illinois car insurance rate. They also provide
quick and easy quotes on renters insurance in Illinois for
renters throughout the state.
When it comes to commercial insurance in Illinois, the agents at Horn-McGowan Insurance can offer tailored
recommendations to ease the process of selecting the appropriate coverage. They can customize business
insurance policies to meet their clients’ needs for a condo association, restaurant or auto shop. They also offer
comprehensive packages including coverages such as group benefits, commercial auto insurance and general
liability insurance. They are focused on their clients and guarantee responsive services.
With over 50 years of insurance experience, Horn-McGowan Insurance has strived to be on the cutting edge of
risk management services. As an independent insurance agent they have a distinct advantage over competing
insurance companies in Northern Illinois. Not only are they a local agency who truly understands their customer’s needs, but they have the opportunity to shop their partnering carriers in order to offer flexibility and competitive premium to their clients. CONGRATULATIONS TERRY and DAN!
Insurance Claims for dog bites rise
By Adam Belz—USA Today
Dog bites accounted for more than one-third of homeowners from $19,162 in 2004. Medical costs and the sizes of settleinsurance liability claims paid in 2011, costing nearly $479 mil- ments, judgments and jury awards given to plaintiffs, have all
lion in the united States, according to the Insurance Infor- outpaced inflation, the organization said.
mation Institute.
High payouts on dog bites are happening because more peoProperty casualty insurer’s pay out far more in claims for prop- ple own dogs, they live closer to one another, and parents are
erty damage to homes. But when it comes to liability, the cost more likely to get advanced medical care for their children after
of dog bite claims has risen 48 percent since 2003, even a bite, said Bob Skow, CEO of the Independent Insurance
though the number of dog bites has remained roughly flat, the Agents of Iowa.
organization said.
The Insurance Information Institute’s analysis of homeowner
insurance data found that the average cost of dog bite claims
in the United States was $29,396 in 2011, up 53.4 percent
Agent of Record Letter Procedure Changes
Commercial Account Issuance
Much work has been done over the past few years to update
our procedures and create consistencies with work processes.
We are pleased to announce that effective immediately, Rockford Mutual Insurance Company is implementing revised procedures for handling ―agent of record letter‖ situations.
Commercial Lines Underwriting is pleased to announce we are
shortening the time it takes to get a new policy issued.
All agents have authority to bind coverage on new exposures
with Rockford Mutual Insurance Company via their agency
contracts and individual coverage programs.
When an account is to be moved to a new agency via an
―agent of record letter,‖ it must be a complete submission. To
clarify, a new application and supporting data must be included with the agent of record letter. In the future, we will no longer move an account without an application. For commercial
risks, the account will receive a new policy number.
Previously, we accepted bound coverage and corresponded
with our agency force to complete the underwriting file. At the
time the file was complete, we would issue the policy. This
could delay the billing process until the account issued.
Effective immediately, we have revised our handling procedures and will issue the policy when it’s received, as long as
time. It is our preference that any account a new agent wishes
there are no ―critical‖ items missing. Critical items would into acquire via ―agent of record letter‖ will be forwarded to our
clude billing information; down payment handling instructions;
attention at least 45 days prior to expiration of the current
payroll data (for accounts priced on payroll); insurance score
term. This will allow adequate time for handling.
information, etc.
When an ―agent of record letter‖ is received, underwriting
Agent of record letters will only be accepted at renewal
will notify the incumbent agent of its receipt. Please keep in If no critical items are missing, we will issue the policy based
mind that we are unable to share the name of the agency sub- upon the submission and will follow-up after issuance to committing the letter.
plete the underwriting file. This will allow billing to start as
The incumbent agent will have 10 business days to obtain soon as the policy issues.
a rescinding ―agent of record‖ letter. If it is not received within
that time frame, control of the account will belong to the new Please keep in mind that if ―non critical data‖ is not received as
agent. At that time, underwriting will confirm that we have a requested, or the quality of the risk is not within our underwriting standards, additional action may be taken, which could
complete submission in order to make this change.
include cancellation or non-renewal.
Personal and farm lines accounts will retain any policy level credits that have been earned by the insured and this will be
We are pleased to bring you this service enhancement. If you
transferred when the ―agent of record‖ is processed (examples
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your
– loss free credit; multi-policy discount, etc.)
commercial underwriter.
Please keep in mind that if the new application indicated
different policy limits, coverage selections or deductibles, the
Commercial Auto
premium will likely be different.
Any report ordered or obtained by RMIC will be transferred to Effective immediately, we are improving our commercial auto
the new account (MVR’s; insurance scores; property surveys; program to accept physical damage coverage for vehicles 15
years old and newer. Previously this was set at 10 years.
Some exceptions may be considered for accounts that are
Please keep in mind that if you wish to insure a vehicle more
moved via market consolidations or sale of ―books of busi- than 15 years old with physical damage coverage, you will
need to submit a photo to the underwriter for approval.
ness‖ from one agency to another.
If you have any questions, please contact your marketing rep Our system is being modified to reflect this change.
or underwriter directly.
If you have any questions, please contact your commercial
underwriter directly.
ACORDing to Claims
The dreaded ACORD form. I know, the mere mention of ACORD probably makes you cringe because that means one
of your clients has had a loss. Unfortunately, claims are inevitable, but hopefully we can help make the process a little
easier for you and even provide you the opportunity to create more revenue for your agency.
The Acord Form is the start, not the finish line. The Acord and/or First Notice of Loss serves as the notification that an
investigation must commence. It also triggers all ensuing duties of the insurance carrier to act timely on the file. Often
times, the Acord is viewed as a report to get the claim processed. This is just the beginning of the claims process. As
the agent, you may or may not be involved in anything further, but remember, your customer will be involved until
their claim has been fully resolved, and their experience will largely depend on how this journey begins.
Your insured will get out of the experience what you put in. Accurate information on the Acord is vital to the claims
process. Consider what detailed information on an Acord can do for you:
Decrease indemnity payments by facilitating the adjuster to determine the best and fastest mitigation techniques.
This not only helps your loss ratio, but it may even save property that might have been unsalvageable otherwise.
This becomes so important with sentimental and irreplaceable items.
Decrease expense costs by eliminating the adjuster’s research time. Whether it be trying to figure out how to contact your client or even being able to rule out using an appraiser when what is really needed is an engineer right
away. Lower expense costs means lower and more competitive rates for you to sell!
Decrease the possibility of coverage issues such as non-cooperation and late notice. Nothing is scarier to your
customer than receiving an undue or undeserved Reservation of Rights letter. While it’s a necessary evil, if it can
be avoided, that is the best outcome possible. Also, should the claim necessitate legal action, what is NOT in the
Acord can be called into question.
Decrease calls to you! Claims adjusters won’t be calling for phone numbers, customers won’t be calling because
they have not been contacted by the insurance company. This in turn allows you to utilize your resources where
they are most beneficial to your agency!
Sets the stage for a great customer experience. Customers appreciate an adjuster that knows not only when,
where and how to get in contact with them, but also, an understanding of what has taken place, they already reported it once, they don’t want to have to repeat themselves if unnecessary.
Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. The claims process gives you the unique opportunity to get to
know your client in possibly a different light, good and bad. It may give you some insight into a particular risk that you
had not considered or thought of. Is this a risk you want on your books? Maybe, maybe not. Is there a need for more
or different coverage for this client? That is a possibility also. Use the first reporting of a claim to your advantage!
We know that not every claim can be reported with all the information all the time, but consider the benefits of good,
accurate information on the Acord and what it can mean to you, your clients, and your business!
Adrianne Sessions, AIC
Senior Claims Representative
Spotlight on…..
Laura Tingley, Dancing Queen
Shore-Murphy & Associates Insurance
Marshall, Illinois
Editor’s Note: We asked Laura to write a little about
her dancing experience. The following is Laura’s email in it’s entirety. We didn’t want to change a word.
I’ve been with Shore-Murphy & Associates and Marshall
Mutual Insurance Company for 15 years. I am the receptionist, (therapist, marriage-counselor, grief counselor
etc. ) It is a small town and you must wear many
hats. Everyone is family or like family. I assist with Commercial Lines and Crop Insurance mainly. It is an office of
eleven and we are all very close. We have our family and
our office family.
I love my job and the people I work
I have lived in Marshall, a town of 3,500, all my
life. I attend St. Mary's Catholic Church. I have helped
with a lot of social activities and organizations over the
years. I have two sons, Michael, (wife, Tracy) and Bryan and two grandsons, Luke and Josh. My family is the
true joy of my life. I enjoy reading, walking, motorcycling,
reality TV and, of course, dancing. My dream was to be a
dancer all my life. I finally got the courage up to go to a
dance studio just over a year ago Now, I am hooked. I
have a new found respect for the art of dance. It is a full
workout of mind, body and emotion and a blast to
boot. People who dance are happy people. They laugh a
lot and truly enjoy themselves. As one of my dance friends
said. “It is a different kind of ministry.” You meet such
good and kind people at dance. It can make any day a
better one.
My Mom used to call me The Queen. Too
funny. Brought a little tear to my eye.
Laura & partner dancing the Paso Doble
Rockford Mutual Insurance Company
527 Colman Center Drive
Rockford, IL 61108
Phone: 815-229-1500
Fax: 815-489-3258
Putting Lives Back Together