Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church


Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2012
2205 West Market Street ▪ Greensboro, NC 27403 ▪ (336) 274-6520 ▪ www.olgchurch.org
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2012
Parish Office
Office Hours: Mon-Wed, Fri, 9AM-12Noon, 1PM-4PM
Thursday 9AM– 12Noon only
Phone: (336) 274-6520
Fax Number: (336) 274-7326
Website: www.olgchurch.org
E-Mail Address: olgchurch@olgchurch.org
Church Office Address: 201 South Chapman Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Catholic Social Services (336) 274-5577
Hispanic Ministries (336) 273-2343
Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Permanent Deacon
Our Lady of Grace School Office
Mr. Kurt Telford, Principal
Phone: (336) 275-1522
Fax: (336) 279-8824
Website: www.olgsch.org
E-Mail Address: olgschool@olgsch.org
School Address: 2205 West Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Schedule of Services
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am,
1:30pm (Traditional Latin Mass) 4:00pm (Spanish) & 7:00pm
Holy Days of Obligation: 6:00pm (Vigil), 7:00am, 12Noon, 6:00pm
Mission Statement
Daily Mass
In the Eucharist we receive the true Christ—the foundation of
our Church. With Christ in us, we form, nurture, and promote
love, respect for human dignity, Christian values and teachings
within our family, parish, and community through worship and
Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, Pastor
Rev. Fr. Christopher Davis, Parochial Vicar
Permanent Deacons
Rev. Mr. Tony Pynes
Rev. Mr. Tim Rohan, retired
Rev. Mr. Paul Teich, retired
Rev. Mr. Jim Toner
Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Hispanic Ministries
Monday - Friday: 7:00am, 8:45am; Saturday: 8:00am
Saturday: 3:00pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday: 7:30am (following 7:00am Mass)
Thursday: 5:00pm - 6:00pm or by appointment
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday: 9:15am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:30am - 8:30am
Benediction: 1st Sat. of each month following the 8:00am Mass
Recitation of the Holy Rosary
Saturday after the 8:00am Mass (except 1st Sat. of each month
when the rosary is prayed at 7:30am before Mass)
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
December 9, 2012
El Segundo Domingo de Adviento
sábados de 3:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m.
miércoles 7:30 a.m.
(después de las misa de las
7:00 a.m.)
jueves de 5:00 p.m. - 6 p.m.
bajo cita
Bautismos: Todos los
sábados ver horario en el
Matrimonios: Separar con 6
meses de anticipación a la
fecha del matrimonio.
Quinceañeras: Separar con
9 de Diciembre de 2012
6 meses de anticipación a la
Catecismo: De septiembre a
mayo; Inscripciones desde
Junio; Edad: 7 años en
Confirmación: De septiembre
a mayo; Inscripciones en
agosto; Edad: 13 años en
adelante. Mas información
(336) 273-2343
Servicios Sociales: Casa
Guadalupe (Winston-Salem)
(336) 727-4745
Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9-14; Lc 5:17-26
Is 40:1-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14
Miércoles: Zac 2:14-17 o Apo 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lc 1:26-3 o Lc 1:39-47,
o cualquier lectura del Común de la
Santísima Virgen María, nos. 707-712
Is 41:13-20; Sal 145 (144):1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15
Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19
Sábado: Eclo 48:1-4, 9-11; Sal 80 (79): 2ac, 3b, 15-16,
Mt 17:9a, 10-13
Domingo: Sof 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Fil 4:4-7; Lc 3:10-18
Padre Eric Kowalski
Vicario Parroquial
Padre Christopher Davis
Coordinador General
Diácono Enedino Aquino
Preparación para Bautismo
Javier y Josefina
Preparadores Matrimoniales
Jesús y Marina
Encargada de Lectores
Hermán Sedda
Encargado de Ministros de la
Jerman Duran
Música y Coro
Fitty Reyes
Encargada de Catecismo
Nuria Duran
Encargado de Quinceañeras y
Ministerio Hispano
Ministerio de Hospitalidad
Juan Luis Juárez
Grupo Juvenil
Luis Sánchez
Juan Luis
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2012
Hace una atenta invitación
Celebrar juntos en familia el día de la:
Emperatriz de las Américas
Día: Martes 11 de DICIEMBRE, 2012
LUGAR: War Memorial Auditorium del Coliseo de Greensboro
DIRECCIÓN: 1921 West Lee St. Greensboro, NC 27435
6:00 p.m. Bienvenida
6:30 p.m. Mañanitas a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
7:00 p.m. Misa Solemne
9:00 p.m. Apariciones Guadalupanas
9:30 p.m. Música, Danzas y Cantos a nuestra Madre
10:00 p.m. Misa Solemne
12:30 a.m. Música y Cantos
1:00 a.m. Despedida
Más informes al Ministerio Católico Hispano
(336) 273-2343 y 963-3704
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
December 9, 2012
Parish Staff Contact Information
Phone (336) 274-6520 Fax (336) 274-7326
Website www.olgchurch.org
Marriage: Couples please contact one of our priests if you wish
to schedule a wedding date at the parish—a minimum of 6
months preparation is required.
Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, elkolgcs1@gmail.com ext. 314
Parochial Vicar, Director of Liturgy
Rev. Fr. Christopher Davis, frdavis@olgchurch.org ext. 313
Permanent Deacons
Dcn. Tony Pynes, tpynes@olgchurch.org, ext. 345
Dcn. Tim Rohan (ret.), Call the church office.
Dcn. Paul Teich (ret.), deaconpaul@triad.rr.com, 202-4428
Dcn. Jim Toner, kerygma8@aol.com, 298-7789
Baptism: Parents should attend a Baptismal Preparation Class
(held the first Sunday of each month at 1:00pm in the school
library). Baptisms are held on Saturdays. Please contact
Alison Gregg (ext. 337 or agregg@olgchurch.org) in the office
for more information.
Anointing of the Sick: If you or a loved one are seriously ill or
facing surgery, please contact the church office to arrange to
receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Director of Religious Education
Jim McCullough, jmccullough@olgchurch.org, ext. 335
Assistant to the Director of Religious Education
MaryAnn DiPaola, mdipaola@olgchurch.org, ext. 333
Preschool Religious Education Coordinator/VBS
Lisa Balzano, lbalzano@olgchurch.org, ext. 321
Communion for the Sick & Homebound: Please contact the
church office if you have a stay in the hospital or will be
homebound. We would be happy to make arrangements for
you to receive Communion if you are unable to attend Mass.
First Communion, Confirmation, Religious Vocations:
Please call the church office for information.
Director of Liturgy
Rev. Fr. Christopher Davis, frdavis@olgchurch.org, ext. 313
Founding Director, OLG Schola Cantorum
Brian Marble, bmarble@olgchurch.org,, ext. 337
Assistant to the Director of Liturgy
Andrew O’Connor, aoconnor@olgchurch.org, ext. 330
General Information
Contact the church office for the following:
Finance/Office Administrator
Jenny Montgomery, businessmanager@olgchurch.org ext. 315
Parish Records
Jean Wilson, jwilson@olgchurch.org, ext. 322
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Allison Gregg, agregg@olgchurch.org, ext. 317
Rita Eberle, reberle@olgchurch.org, ext. 310
Maintenance Supervisor
Jeff Smith, jsmith@olgchurch.org, ext. 311
Danny Byerly, dbyerly@olgchurch.org, ext. 316
Verbal announcements at Mass
Scheduling information/fundraiser before or after Mass
Reserving a meeting space
Bulletin submissions—Submissions may be sent to
reberle@olgchurch.org. The submission deadline is
two Fridays prior to the publishing weekend.
Parking: The church has two parking areas—a small lot on
Chapman Street and a larger lot on Tremont Drive. Please
observe all city parking regulations when parking on the street.
Bulletin Boards: To place a church related advertisement on
either of the two church bulletin boards, please submit
materials to the church office for the pastor’s approval.
Posters/flyers placed without prior approval, will be removed.
To become a member of Our Lady of Grace, please complete one of our
registration forms located at the entrances of the church, on our parish website
(www.olgchurch.org/registration.html), or complete the form below and we will
mail you one. Welcome to the parish!
Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office.
State:_______ Zip: ____________
Phone:_________________ E-Mail:
I would like to join Our Lady of Grace. Please send me a registration form.
I would like information about becoming Catholic.
OLG Registration
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
201 S. Chapman St.
Greensboro, NC 27403
How can we help?
Please call the parish office at
274-6520 ext. 310, if you have
any questions.
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 8—December 16
Mass Intentions
SAT—December 8
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
SUN—December 9
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
1:30 PM
4:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 AM
8:45 AM
7:00 AM
8:45 AM
7:00 AM
8:45 AM
MON—December 10
TUE—December 11
WED—December 12
THU—December 13
FRI—December 14
SAT—December 15
SUN—December 16
December 9, 2012
7:00 AM
8:45 AM
7:00 AM
8:45 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
1:30 PM
4:00 PM
7:00 PM
John Mullins†
Dan Moore
OLG Parishioners
Albert Burch†
John O’Brien, Jr.
John Mullins†
Marie Van Kleef
Priest’s Intention
David Twomey†
Mario NoVoa†
Andres Guzman
Samuel Rohan
Frances Williams†
No 7:00 AM Mass Today
Dominic & Redman Families
Rev. James Tully†
Joseph Zarate†
William & Ellen Roberts†
Jose H. Gutierrez
John & Cindy O’Brien
Deceased Members of the
Janas & Wroblewski Families
OLG Parishioners
Rosa I. Gutierrez
Joseph & Matthew Paul Vezzi &
Josephine Marchese†
Roger & John Martin†
Priest’s Intention
Priest’s Intention
Amy Elizabeth Brady
Eternal rest grant unto all the faithful departed,
O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them…
Tom McGough
Phyllis Gilker
Scripture Readings
Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26
St. Damasus I, Pope
Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14
Wednesday: Our Lady of Guadalupe
Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47
Thursday: St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15
St. John of the Cross,
Priest & Doctor of the Church
Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19
Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80: 2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19;
Mt 17:9a, 10-13
Third Sunday of Advent
Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18
Pray for the Sick (listed alphabetically)
Roy Allard
Tom Dourgarian
Jim Furman
Bobby Hanlon
Colin Kanyuk
Doris Kauder
Frank Kauder
Jacob Keepes
Evelyn Knox
Jane Kodack
Dan & Marie
Brian Marble
Jeane McFillin
Carol McGough
Julian McClamroch
Fred Myers
Ed Pachasa
Amor Payawal
Nelson Payawal
Giacomo Puccio
Nancy Saksa
Worth Squires
Maria & Sylvia Szumilus
Deacon Paul Teich
Marie Van Kleef
Jimmy Wright
Bill Williams
Sharon Wintermate
Sofie Zuluga
*Names appear for two weeks unless continuation is requested.
Pray for Those in Military Service
Remember in your prayers the men and women in the active military
and their families. Your fellow parishioners are grateful for your
support in prayer until their loved ones’ safe return.
SP4 Sam Kiceina
Private Will Stoddart
CDR James Polickoski
PFC Nicholas Longphre
SPC Thomas Berti
SPC Jason Cook
PFC Brandon Bridge
Andrew Dial
PO1 James Andrew Ellis
Maj James R. Schmid
SGT Zackaria Harris
PFC Kimberly Walton
Lt Garland Wilson
CM2 Steven Walton
Sgt Adrian M. Welch
Cpl James Austin
Lt John Roath
E-3 PFC Cody B. Brown
PO3 Jesse M. Brown
Maj Timothy P. Popek
CPO Glen Thomas
Lt Col Rick Moor
SFC Frank Luedtke
Pvt Colin Butts
SPC Wayne Hopper
SSG Steven Bixby
SFC Chris Brooks
SSgt David A. Weekley
Pvt Crystal Martinez-Butts
SPC Elliot F. Chodkowski
Cpl Jonathan Hill
Sgt Maj Corbin’s Unit
CAPT Justin Vaughan
Maj Christopher McCarthy
SSgt Travis Hawley
PFC Chris Kirwan, USMC
Sgt Maj Bill Stoddart
PFC Matthew Sarnocinski
PFC Conway Prior
E-4 Robert Bauer
Staff Sgt. Ian Taylor
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
This Week at OLG
CAF = Cafeteria; CR = Choir Room; CH = Church; LIB = Library;
LS = Lower School; MS = Middle School; OLC = Our Lady’s Cottage;
Monday, December 10
10:00 AM Monday Morning Bible Study, SJH-d
6:00 PM
Cub Scouts, CAF
6:30 PM
First Place, SJH-d
7:00 PM
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, CH
Tuesday, December 11
9:15 AM
Divine Mercy Cenacle, CR
7:00 PM
Wednesday, December 12
7:30 AM
Confession, CH
6:00 PM
Walking with Purpose, CAF,LIB
7:00 PM
Education & Formation Meeting, SR
7:45 PM
Rosary Group, SJH-d
Thursday, December 13
9:30 AM
Divine Mercy Cenacle, CR
9:30 AM
Adoration, CH (until 6:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Confession, CH
7:30 PM
Flames of Fire Charismatic Prayer Group, SJH-d
Friday, December 14
Saturday, December 15
Sister Parish Cookie Sale, CY
7:30 AM
Rosary, CH
10:00 AM RCIA, LIB
3:00 PM
Confession, CH
5:45 PM
Hispanic Faith Formation, LS, SR
6:00 PM
Pro-Life Group (Hispanic), LIB
Sunday, December 16
Sister Parish Cookie Sale, CY
10:20 AM Religious Education, LS, MS
10:20 AM Adult Faith Formation, LIB, SJH-d
2:45 PM
Hispanic Faith Formation, LS, SR
3:00 PM
Action Through Faith (Hispanic), SJH-d
5:00 PM
Girl Scout Troop, LIB
6:00 PM
Hispanic Posada, CAF, GYM
6:30 PM
Boy Scout Troop, SR, GYM
Deadline for Bulletin Article Submissions
Deadline for Submission
Dec. 23rd
4PM, Wednesday, Dec. 12th
Dec. 30th
4PM, Wednesday, Dec. 19th
Jan. 6th
4PM, Thursday, Dec. 20th
Jan. 13th
4PM, Wednesday, Jan. 2nd
Submissions should be sent to reberle@olgchurch.org
PLEASE NOTE: Submissions received after the deadline will
appear in the next bulletin issue unless the information
would be outdated. Thank you for your cooperation.
December 9, 2012
In order to fully comply with the letter and spirit of the Charter
for the Protection of Children, Our Lady of Grace would like
to make all parishioners aware of the Diocesan requirements
for reporting ministry-related sexual abuse of a minor.
 Any individual having actual knowledge of or reasonable
cause to suspect an incident of ministry-related sexual
abuse is to immediately report the incident to the Chancery.
 The Chancery will then report the incident to the proper civil
authorities. The individual reporting the incident to the
Chancery will be notified of the particulars regarding the
Chancery's filing of the incident with civil authorities.
 This reporting requirement is not intended to supersede the
right of an individual to make a report to civil authorities, but
is to ensure proper, complete and timely reporting. Should
an individual choose to make a report to civil authorities, a
report is still to be made to the Chancery.
Address: 1123 South Church St.,
Charlotte, NC 28203
All the clergy and staff of Our Lady of Grace Church and
School are actively engaged in the ongoing training and
education offered by the Diocese of Charlotte in compliance
with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young
People. This education consists of a two-fold requirement for
ALL volunteers, age 18 and up, who work in any capacity for
either the church or school, whether or not your work includes
interacting with children:
1) a criminal background check and
2) successful completion of the
“Protecting God’s Children” Program.
This requirement includes those involved in ALL ministries
(i.e., Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion,
Usher, etc.) whether or not you have direct contact with
Please contact Jenny Montgomery at
businessmanager@olgchurch.org or call the parish office at
274-6520, ext. 315 for instructions on completing release
forms for background checks and completing the “Protecting
God’s Children” training online.
Those currently involved in ministries or volunteering for either
the church or school who have not fulfilled the requirement by
January 1st, 2013 will no longer be eligible, as per the
Diocesan requirements.
The Second Sunday of Advent
From the Pastor’s Desk
“Laudetur Jesus Christus!” (Praised be Jesus Christ!)
As we enter upon this Second Sunday of Advent, I’d
like to take a few moments to recap some of the
positive things that took place this week here at Our
Lady of Grace. On Monday evening, we were blessed
to have 6 priests hearing Confessions. I was
particularly impressed with the number of those both
from this parish and from outside our parish family
who availed themselves of the opportunity to make
things right with the Lord through the Sacrament of
Reconciliation. It was good to see all 6 priests with
full lines hearing confessions for a solid 90 minutes!
How blessed we are to have the opportunity to have a
true conversion experience during this holy season! A
word of thanks to my brother priests who took time
from their own hectic parish schedules to come in
priestly fraternity and unity to assist both Fr. Chris and
myself. God bless you, my brothers!
A few folks have inquired as to the status of the
baptistery and confessional restoration projects. Both
are moving along with a projected date of completion
for the confessional before Christmas. The restored
confessional will be handicapped accessible and will
allow for a small bench to sit for those unable to kneel
due to age or infirmity. A similar modification will also
be carried out on the existing confessional. Many
thanks for your patience during these changes which
were begun during my predecessor’s time here. I am
pleased that we had both the talented people and the
financial resources to complete these projects. A word
about the baptistery gate—when the wooden partition
that comprised the “reconciliation room” was
dismantled it was discovered that contrary to popular
belief, the original gates had indeed been removed
and were subsequently lost. A thorough search of all
buildings revealed that the gates indeed had been
lost, thus necessitating the removal of the entire grill
(which will be refitted for use outside in our parish
prayer garden area) and the installation of a new grillwhich should be in place after Easter. In the
meantime, repairs are ongoing for the brickwork and
the ceiling. Thanks for your patience.
Finally, a few folks have been asking about the reason
for the increased security at the Administration
Building. It is true that in the past the front door was
left unlocked and anyone could just enter
unannounced. Sadly, like the Edsel and Vaudeville
unlocked doors are also a thing of the past. It is not a
great hardship to ring the bell once or twice and wait
patiently for a minute or two to gain access. I
appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Oremus pro invicem!
Rev. Fr. Eric L. Kowalski
December 9, 2012
Holiday Schedule
Christmas Around the World
Monday, December 10, 10:00 am
Our Lady of Guadualupe
Greensboro Coliseum
Tuesday, December 11
7:00 pm Mass and 10:00 pm Mass
Grimsley Madrigal Singers
Thursday, December 13, 7:00 pm
Christmas on Campus
Tuesday, December 18, 6:00 pm
Christmas Eve
Monday, December 24
No Morning Mass
3:30 pm Children's Pageant
4:00 pm Mass
6:00 pm Mass
8:00 pm Mass
11:00 pm Choir Program
12:00 Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
Tuesday, December 25
9:00 am Mass (English)
11:00 am Mass (Spanish)
1:00 pm Traditional Latin Mass
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Special Announcements
Craft Group Ministry
The craft group will not meet on
Fridays until February 15, 2012. Please call Barbara Small at
540-9574 if you have any questions. Thanks.
Parish Directories
are here and available for pick-up at the
entrances of the church. Please take one per family.
Rite of Acceptance/Welcoming
At the 10 am Mass this
Sunday, Dec. 9th, we will celebrate the Rite of Acceptance for
2-3 adults becoming Catechumens, combined with the Rite
of Welcoming for another 10 adults previously baptized as
Christians in other ecclesial communities who would like to
come into full communion with the Catholic Church at the
Easter Vigil in 2013. They are not receiving sacraments this
week, but are publically affirming their commitment to
prepare for the Easter sacraments. Many of them will be
attending the 10 am Mass over those months, and,
beginning on the 9th, they will be sent out of the church at
the Prayer of the Faithful, with a blessing by the priest, to
study the Scriptures while we participate in the Liturgy of the
Donut Sunday Host Groups Needed!
A Host Group is needed for January 6 and February 3, 2013.
Several volunteers are needed per Mass. Please consider
hosting this important ministry by calling Debbie Barrow at
337-2335 (C) or 373-5156 (O). Thank you!
Please Help Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society
is experiencing a substantial increase for emergency
assistance for rent and utilities. This year as of October 30th
we have dispensed over $50,000 to keep needy families
from being evicted or having their water or electricity turned
off. We were able to do this through the wonderful year-end
generosity of individuals as well as churches and various
Catholic organizations. However, we are now down to four
weeks of funds for this purpose. Would you please consider
donating to the Society, in care of Our Lady of Grace Church,
201 South Chapman St., 27403. Verification letters will
acknowledge your contribution. Thank you, Pat Kirwan,
President, St. Vincent de Paul.
Urban Ministry Food Donations
Please place all food
donations in the cardboard bin in the side vestibule (the exit
nearest the lower school). Our Lady of Grace donated 180
pounds of food on December 3, 2012. Many thanks for your
continued generosity!
Information Needed
We are currently updating our contact
information (email and phone) for all those who are on one
of our various commissions, committees, councils, or
ministries. We are doing this to make sure that when Father
sends out email notices they are received by those who need
the information. Please take a moment and send a quick
email to Allison at agregg@olgchurch.org. In the email
header write CONTACT INFO and in the body of the email,
please make sure to include your name, your email address,
telephone, AND what commission, ministry, etc. you are on.
Many thanks!
December 9, 2012
Manner of Reception of Holy Communion
As Catholic Christians, there are several ways a person may
receive Holy Communion. If you are attending Mass in the
Extraordinary Form (the Traditional Latin Mass at 1:30PM),
one receives Holy Communion silently and on the tongue (not
answering “Amen” when the priest places the Sacred Host on
your tongue).
If you are attending Mass in the Ordinary Form (the Mass as it
was revised after the Second Vatican Council), one has several
options available. Canon Law (the Church’s law for all
Catholics throughout the world) states that the manner for
receiving Holy Communion is kneeling and on the tongue
(responding “Amen” audibly after the Priest/Deacon says “The
Body of Christ”). However, in the United States an indult
(special permission) was granted a number of years back
allowing individuals to receive Holy Communion standing and
in the hand, also responding Amen audibly after the Priest/
Deacon says The Body of Christ. Since both bodily postures
are permitted, the choice is up to the individual communicants
as to which bodily posture an individual may wish to employ.
To facilitate the reception of Holy Communion for those
wishing to receive kneeling and on the tongue, Communion is
offered at the altar rail. Reception of Holy Communion at the
altar rail is not restricted only to those who wish to kneel while
receiving Holy Communion. PLEASE NOTE: It is not the policy
of Our Lady of Grace to restrict or forbid the manner (either
kneeling or standing, in the hand or on the tongue) in which a
communicant wishes to receive Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
Natural Family Planning Course
Discover a safe healthy
and effective means of identifying fertility through the many
blessings Natural Family Planning can bring into your lives.
Married and engaged couples are welcome to learn of God’s
wonderful vision and plan for marriage and family through a
course on the Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family
Planning (NFP). The cost per couple is $140, childcare will be
available upon request. The course will be held on Sundays,
January 20th, February 17th and March 3rd from 3:00 pm to
5:30 pm in Our Lady of Grace School Library.
Married Couples—Want to give the gift that keeps on
giving? Attend the next worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend—it’s the best gift you’ll ever give to each other
and your marriage! The weekend centers entirely on
your relationship and is a positive, private experience
between you and your spouse that will revitalize your
marriage. Marriage Encourter weekends make great
Christmas and Valentine’s Day gifts.
next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are Feb.
8-10, 2013 in Winston-Salem, NC and Apr. 26-28, 2013
in Raleigh, NC. Early registration is highly
recommended. For more information, visit our website
at http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact William &
Elizabeth Nickle at applications@NCMarriageDiscovery.org
or 704-315-2144.
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2012
Fall Festival Survey
Response Requested by December 15
The Parish Council needs your thoughts on the future of the OLG Fall Festival.
For the past 4-5 years we have held the Fall Festival annually with pretty much the same activities each year---Bake
Sale, Crafts Sale, Basket Raffle, games for young folks, dinner on Saturday night and for the past 2 years we have also
had a BBQ dinner on Friday night plus the 50-50 raffle. Our objective each year has been to make $25,000 profit. This
year we fell short of our financial goal—making a little over $15,000 in profit.
In the future, we would like this endeavor to be a combination of the school and church working together.
Below are some questions for your consideration:
Should we continue each year without any changes?
Should we have this activity every other year?
Should it be one day or two?
Should we replace the current activities with new ones?
What new activities could be implemented?
Do you have a new idea other than the Fall Festival to help raise money for OLG?
Please share your thoughts/opinions on the above questions and feel free to add any comments/ideas by December 15
to maryclarkmullins@gmail.com or to kenkempsr@aol.com.
Together we can make this event an even better activity for Our Lady of Grace.
Thank you,
Father Kowalski, Father Davis and The Parish Council
Celebrate Stewardship
First Sunday of Advent
The DSA is paid in full!
Thank you to all who helped us achieve our goal!
God bless you!
Give to those who have given a lifetime.
Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious
order priests worked for many years for little, if
any, pay. Their sacrifices now leave their religious
communities without adequate savings for
retirement. Your gift to today’s second collection
for the Retirement Fund for Religious helps to
provide prescription medications, nursing care,
and more for thousands of elderly religious.
Please be generous.
Some of the obstacles that keep us from “making a straight
path” for the Lord are the same obstacles that keep us from
embracing stewardship as a way of life. John the Baptist
calls us to reform our lives and let go of the selfishness and
greed that keep us from following God’s will.
Everything we have is a gift from GOD
Parish Support
Week of December 2, 2012
Actual Collection
Offertory Goal
Surplus/(Loss) for Week of 12/02/12
Year-to-Date for Fiscal Year 2012/2013
Actual Collection
Offertory Goal
Surplus/(Loss) for FY 2012/2013
Thank you for your continued financial sacrifices made on
behalf of our parish family. God bless you, Fr. Kowalski
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
December 9, 2012
Thanksgiving Baskets
Once again because of your generosity we were able to support the efforts
of several local agencies and organizations that provide for the needy in our community.
We were able to provide food for 100+ families who otherwise would not have had a Thanksgiving meal.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this ministry a success through
monetary donations as well as food contributions.
You truly brightened the holiday for those less fortunate!
Angel Tree Thank You!
Our Lady of Grace would like to thank everyone who participated in the Angel Tree Program.
We would like to thank the volunteers who graciously donated their time to assist this project.
We would also like to thank everyone who opened their hearts to these
children and families and succeeded in making their Christmas special.
With the help and support from all of you, Angel Tree was a wonderful success.
If there are any questions, please call Trish Murdock at 392-2752 or Julie Justice at 708-1131.
Thank you!
Tootsie Rolls Hand-out
Operation LAMB
Because of the generosity of Our Lady of Grace parishioners
we were able to raise a total of $669 for the Tootsie Roll Hand-out on November 24 and 25.
Special thanks to Fr. Kowalski for blessing this event and the office staff for their assistance.
Many Blessings and thanks for your generosity, Bill Eastwood, KofC #939 Chairman, “Operation Lamb.”
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2012
Christmas Party
Our Christmas Party on December
9th from 2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM will be held at the home
of Mary & Bob Lysiak, 3718 Watauga Dr. RSVP to Mary
at 294-1963 or hostesses Andrea Furr at 288-3666,
Nancy Michaud at 299-8787 or Sharon Sural
at 855-1850.
December 11, 10:00 am
OLG School Gym
(Please park in rear parking lot.)
Preschoolers, their parents and/or guardians
are invited to this very special
Christmas musical presentation!
Cookie Exchange
Our Cookie Exchange will be held
on Thursday, December 20th, from 10:00 AM to 12
NOON at the home of Gullanar Campbell, 2513 E.
Woodlyn Way. RSVP to Gullanar at 299-1450 or
Lynn Bryant at 545-0626.
Attractions Books Make Great Gifts!
ATTRACTIONS BOOKS make great Holiday Gifts. Pick
one up in the church office or call Louise Kemp at 2942986. Checks should be made payable to the OLG
Women’s Club for $25 each.
Volunteers Needed
Saturday, December 22 from 9 AM – 12:30 PM
Light Cleaning & Decorating
Monday, December 24 from 9 AM – 12:30 PM
Father Kowalski, Father Chris and the members of the
Altar and Flower Committees invite your participation
in cleaning and decorating our church for the
celebration of our Christmas Masses.
You may volunteer for one or both days; any amount of
time you can give is welcome. Saturday will involve
cleaning the sanctuary, devotional and congregational
areas, and entrances of the church.
On Monday, our work will include light cleaning
followed by decorating. This is a great opportunity for
families, singles, couples, teens and groups; it is an
especially good opportunity for youth who need to earn
service hours. There are no special requirements – just
a willing spirit and love of our magnificent church.
Please bring a mop or broom, bucket, cleaning cloths,
and gloves (if you use them). Questions, please call
Betty Doyle at 856-7035 or Patty Jennings
at 282-6847.
Free and open to the public,
the musical is performed by
OLG School students and includes
familiar Christmas Carols.
Afterwards, cookies and juice will be served.
To make a reservation,
please call Karen Hornfeck
at (336) 275-1522
or email khornfeck@olgsch.org
40th Annual March for Life
Bus Trip to Washington, DC,
January 25, 2013
Join thousands of fellow Pro-Life advocates as
we march for the rights of the unborn, our most
vulnerable citizens.
A bus trip is being organized to the 2013 March for Life
in Washington, DC on Friday, January 25th. The cost is
$75 per person, $50 for youth and college students.
The bus will pick up passengers in Greensboro,
Burlington and Durham. Trip includes Mass at the
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Rally
and March for Life, and visit to Congressional
Representatives. There is also a youth track for those
interested in attending the youth rally and Mass at the
Verizon Center.
Please reserve your seat by contacting Lydia Manca at
336-617-8798. Make checks payable to Our Lady of
Grace Church and mail to Lydia Manca at 7128
Pleasant Oaks Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
December 9, 2012
December 13TH
Come Celebrate the Advent Season
December 18
Since 1966 the Grimsley High School
Madrigal Singers have been
a top chamber choir in
North Carolina and for the past nine
years have been a community
favorite around Greensboro
at Christmastime.
6:00 pm—8:00 pm
Soup & Salad Dinner, A Live Nativity,
Craft Station for the Children,
A Visit from St. Nick,
Music in the Church,
Caroling around the Campus
and activities for all ages.
This Free Event is open to all.
Please join us as we celebrate
the holiday season.
To share our blessings, all are
encouraged to bring a gift for the
women at the homeless shelter.
Suggested gifts are: toothpaste,
toothbrushes, soap, shampoo,
socks and gloves.
For more information, please call
Our Lady of Grace School
at 336-275-1522.
The GHS Madrigals Concert
7:00 pm
Our Lady of Grace Church
Instantly recognizable in their
custom made Renaissance attire,
the Madrigals can be seen and
heard annually at landmark
world-class performance venues in
North Carolina and beyond.
The Madrigals and director
Marshall Johnson are proud to
Carry-on the long tradition of elite
a cappella singing at GHS and
are thrilled to be sharing the joys of
the holiday season with
you and yours!
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2012
Corpus Christi Foundation
Cookie Sale
December 15 & 16 after Mass
Assortment of Christmas cookies: 1 lb. tin for $10
The Corpus Christi Foundation in Granada, Nicaragua is
again sponsoring the annual Cookie Sale. The proceeds
are used to help feed the children of Nicaragua through
the year. Please consider ordering the cookies ahead of
time as Christmas gifts for your loved ones and friends.
If you would like to pre-order, complete the form below and
return to the church office (201 S. Chapman St.,
Greensboro, NC 27403) or place in the collection basket in
an envelope marked “Cookie Sale.” Make checks payable
to OLG with “Cookie Sale” on the memo line.
Orders can be picked up at the church after Masses on
December 15 & 16. Contact Carlotta Riker for information
at carlottariker@gmail.com or 297-4441.
The tradition of placing flowers on the altar for Christmas is
being offered to those who wish to make a donation IN
MEMORY OF (deceased) or IN HONOR OF (living) their loved
ones or friends.
Your participation will enhance the beauty of the
celebration of Mass through the use of flowers during
Christmas, New Year’s, and throughout the year. To make
a contribution during this Christmas season, please
complete the form below and return it to the church office
or place it in the collection basket along with your donation
of $20. It is important that the information be printed
legibly and completed on this order form to avoid errors in
printing the list of names.
Wednesday, December 12 is the deadline for names to be
printed. We will be unable to accept names by telephone,
so please complete the form and return it as soon as
possible. Thank you!
Christmas Flowers Order Form
IN MEMORY OF (deceased):
Cookie Order Form
Name __________________________________________
Phone __________________________________________
Number of
1lb cookie tins ___________________________________
IN HONOR OF (living):
Amount enclosed _________________________________
Return to church office or mail to:
201 South Chapman Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Phone Number:
Or place in the collection basket at Mass.
Amount Enclosed:
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Department of Liturgy
Father Christopher Davis, Director Of Liturgy
December 9, 2012
Religious Education
Director of Religious Education, Jim McCullough
274-6520 ext. 335, jmccullough@olgchurch.org
New CDs Are Here! Check for the very
latest in great recorded talks on the faith!
The Gift of Music
We’d like to make you aware of several opportunities to
share the gift of music with our parish.
Our Parish Choir sings at the 10:00 am Mass each Sunday,
with a break from mid-June through September. This group
is a traditional choir focused on singing hymns and sacred
choral works in four-part harmony (Soprano, Alto, Tenor,
Bass). Basic music reading skills are encouraged. We
rehearse on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.
Our Instrumental Ensemble for the 11:30 am Mass is
currently made up of guitar, piano, and voice. We are always
in need of instrumentalists and singers. Ability to read
music, single lines of music or chords is encouraged. Parts
and arrangements can be provided; ideas are welcomed. We
rehearse each Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Cantors serve an integral role in our parish by leading the
congregation through hymns and responses, and chanting
the word of God through Psalms and Antiphons. Strong
leadership skills are important, and the confidence to
support congregational singing is essential. Cantor
rehearsals can be scheduled on an individual basis, and
recordings of the music can be made as needed.
If you wish to participate in any of the above opportunities
please contact Andrew O’Connor at aoconnor@olgchurch.org
or 274—6520 x 330.
Matthew Kelly, Patrick Madrid, Dc. Alan Jones, Fr. Robert
Barron—great choices of speakers in this new group of CD’s.
Why not choose a couple to listen to and share with friends
and family? Great for listening in the car on commute or
during a break at work! 2 kiosks—back of the church and at
the Tremont/school entrance. Donation of $3 per CD
requested to help us nearly break even. Thanks!
Why Attend 7am Daily Mass?
Scripture, prayer, Apostolic teaching,
Communion—all available, every morning.
Do you want to look into the
Catholic faith? If so, let’s talk…
Get in touch with Jim McCullough at 274-6520 ext. 335 or
email him at jmccullough@olgchurch.org to set up an
appointment. No pressure, just a conversation.
Education & Formation Commission
John Endredy, Chairperson
jendredy@gmail.com or 449-3656
Come One, Come All
Parish Office Holiday Hours
Closed for the Christmas Holiday
Friday, December 21st closing at Noon
Monday, December 24th—Wednesday, December 26th
Closed for the New Year Holiday
Monday, December 31st and Tuesday, January 1st
Seven Myths about the Catholic
Church & Science taught by Benjamin Wiker, PhD will be
offered at OLG started on December 2. The course runs 8
sessions (with some Sundays off for the Christmas season
and school breaks).
The course consists of DVD lectures and discussion. It runs
from 10:20 AM to 11:20 AM on Sundays in St. Joseph’s
House. No pre-registration necessary. For more information
on the lectures, see www.catholiccourses.com.
Co-op childcare is available for children ages 1-3.
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2012
Capital Campaign Update
Dear Parish Family,
I recently wrote to all the members of our parish family. Below are some basic questions that
seem to be on everyone’s mind concerning our parish Capital Campaign.
Question: If I have already taken a pledge and am currently paying off that pledge, do I need to
have this pledge paid off in full by December 31, 2012?
NO—If you are currently paying on a pledge, you do not have to have it paid off
in full by December 31, 2012. You may continue paying off your pledge after
December 31, 2012 and the full amount will benefit Our Lady of Grace.
Question: If I have not yet taken a pledge for our Capital Campaign but do not wish to make a
pledge until after December 31st, will I be able to do so?
YES—HOWEVER, please understand that while we appreciate your pledge, the
full benefit of any pledge made after December 31, 2012 will NOT benefit Our
Lady of Grace but will primarily benefit the Diocesan Capital Campaign with only
a smaller percentage going to help us here at Our Lady of Grace.
Question: I am already paying a current pledge and wish to increase/extend my current pledge,
may I do so?
above applies to current pledges extended/increased after December 31, 2012.
With over $3.1 million committed, we are clearly going ahead in a meaningful way but it will be
crucial to know exactly what our resources are in order to make intelligent choices.
I remain committed to moving forward to secure a bright future for Our Lady of Grace Church and
School. I am confident that with your renewed commitment, our church and school will continue to
be the spiritual and academic powerhouse that they are in our community.
God Bless You!
Our Lady of Grace, Pray for Us!
Reverend Father Eric L. Kowalski, Pastor
Capital Campaign To-Date
Target Amount $5.9M
Pledges Received to-date = 520 = $3,206,339
Remaining needed = $2,693,661
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
December 9, 2012
Youth Minister
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church of Greensboro, NC is seeking a qualified adult for a part-time
position as an evangelizer for all the high school youth of our parish. This minister to youth,
reporting directly to the pastor, will develop ways to awaken and enliven graces among fully
initiated high school teens consciously committed to living and acting as a disciple of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
This youth minister will be involved with the brief final preparation for Confirmation at the end of
8th grade, but the majority of their work will be with students in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades.
This job will be first, to live and model adult discipleship and active practice of the Catholic faith,
and second, to constantly invite high school youth of the parish to use the many treasures of the
Church to strengthen their relationship with Christ and invite other youth to join them in
discipleship. This would include practices of prayer and adoration, reception of the sacraments,
particularly of Confession and Communion, service to Christ in others, fellowship with other teenson-fire for Christ and on-going discernment of their gifts and vocational calls.
Applicants must have an undergraduate degree from a Catholic institution in religion or religious
studies, or post-graduate degree work in the field, as well as two or more years of experience
working with youth in a parish, Totus Tuus, or other program with focus on evangelization
of young people.
Strong organizational and communication skills are a must. Applicants must have a high comfort
level with high school youth, as well as being comfortable as an adult role model for them, and be
of high moral character. They must have a life centered on Christ, a drive to evangelize, and a deep
appreciation for our Catholic heritage and its spiritual depth.
Please submit resumes with
cover letter and recommendations to:
Fr. Eric Kowalski, Pastor
Our Lady of Grace Church
201 S. Chapman St,
Greensboro, NC 27403-1611