MAXIMUM Fabrication and Installation Manual
MAXIMUM Fabrication and Installation Manual
INSTALLATION FABRICATION Contents Introduction Size and weight Fact sheets – suitability for applications Handling and storage 3 3 4,5,6 Fabrication instructions 2 Toolsandequipment BasicfabricationmethodforcuttingPorcelainPanelsonwetsaw Cutoutsforunder-mountedorsurface-mountedsinks Joinery, Installation & Fabrication Tips Safety guidelines & Care and maintenance Basic fabrication method for cutting Porcelain Panels cuts outs, holes by hand powered tools 7 7,8,9 10 11,12 Contact 15 13,14 Introduction Madefrom100%allnaturalminerals,theyaresustainablefortheharmfulelementsthathave beenleftout:theycontainnosealants,waxes,epoxies,man madebindersorartificial colouring agentsthatcouldaddtoharmfulVOCemissionafterinstallation. Size and weight Maximum Porcelain Panel size specification: Panel size: 3000 x 1500 x 6mm Weight: 14.67kg/m Total area: 4.5m 2 2 Maximumcomesinavarietyoffinishes and sizes may vary pending on the finish. Please refer to web site. Applications Maximumapplicationsinclude:allexternalwallcladding,internalfloor and walllinings,shower recesses,kitchenbenchtop/splashbacks,vanities,andapplicationsoverexistingfloors orwalls. • Suitableforalldomestic,commercial,retail,multi-residentialandrefurbishmentprojects • Maximumismadefrom100%naturalmaterialwithup to 40%recycledcontent • Nochemicalbindersorresinsareused • MaximumisUVresistantandcanbeusedexternally • Highstrengthandscratchresistance • Thermalshockresistance • Stainandmouldresistance 3 Handling and storage Seevideolink: Description 1 MaximumPorcelainPanelscan bepackedflat intimbercrates–dimensionsare3200x1640mm or delivered on A-frames. Approximateweightforcratecontaining12slabsis980kgs.Forklift extendersmustbeusedwhenmovingcrates. 2 Forthecorrecthandlingofthecrates,aforkliftmustbeusedwithatleast1.8mlongforklift extendersforsideonlypositioningtocrate,withtheforkspositionedinthemaximumwidthposition (seeFigure1).Undernormalconditions,theforksarepositionedinthemiddleofthelongsideof thepallet,astheymustgripthewholedepthofthepallet(seeFigure2). If2.5mforkliftextendersandcorrectforkliftareavailablethecratescanbemovedasshownin 3 illustration(SeeFigure2). H-1640mm Min. H-1200mm Min. Whenremovingcratesfromcontainers,itisrecommendedtomoveonly1crateatatime.Removal eitherbycraneliftingwithslingsoutoftoploadcontainersorbyusingcorrectfork liftblades.Toallowtheextractionofthepanelseasilyandsafely,itisrecommendedtopositionthe cratesinasuitableareawheretheforkliftcanbemovedaroundallsidesofthecrate. 700mm Min. 800mm Min. Stacking Crates Cratesaredesignedtostacktoamaximumof6cratesinheight. Crate Capacity Cratesaredesignedtocontainamaximumof12panels H-2500mm Min. 800mm Min. 4 H-2400mm Min. 700mm Min. Handling & Storage - Continued From Crates - formanualhandlingandsubsequentlayingoftheMaximumpanels,inorderto guaranteetheoperator'ssafetyandtheintegrityofthepanels,itisstronglyrecommendedtousea framewithsuctioncups.ThefullframeisparticularlysuitableforlargedimensionMaximumformats (e.g.3000x1500mm–1500x1500mm)whereasonsmallerMaximumformats(e.g.1500x750mm) twodoublesuctioncupsaresufficient. 1 Preparation stages: 1. Positiontheframewithsuctioncupsonthepanelandmakesurethatthecupsadheretoitperfectly (seefigure3). 2. Forhorizontalhandling(onthesurface),putthepanelintoaverticalpositionandusethewheels appliedtothehandlingframe. Instruments required Theinstrumentsforliftingandhandlingthepanelscanbechosenaccordingtothesizeofthe panelandtheactivitiestobeperformedonthesite.(see accessories-page14). Note:Suctioncupsonlyworkeffectivelyonthefaceofpanelsandnottherear. 3 5 2 Handling & Storage using A-Frames - Continued On A-Frames – ensure that for deliveries an oversized stone slab or board is supplied on the steel A-frame as backing support. Strap in Maximum to ensure no horizonal movement occurs during transport. Solid rubber matt – 12.5mm available from Bunnings Moving slabs with vertical clamp and overhead crane. To assist moving individual 6mm panels where the clamp doesn't close to 6mm or 18mm a rubber saddle can be made up see photos or vacuum suction lifters can be used. Handling benches or splash backs Transporting to site – in particular benches with cut outs. Lay bench against a solid substrate such as MDF or similar, ensure that backing support is at least 2cm wider than the benchtop, strap or tape both together, so handling will be easier and will avoid potential damage to panels in particular to cut outs. Always carry panels edge on ie: vertically not horizontally. 6 Tools and Equipment for Stone Fabrication In achieving quality workmanship it is essential that the correct equipment and cutting methods are used. Basic equipment NormalprocessingequipmentthatisusedformarbleandgraniteissuitableforMaximumPorcelain Panels.Bladesandmillingtoolsmustbesuitableforwetcuttingporcelain. Note: Unlike other engineered stones de stressing panels by trimming edges is not required with Maximum. Basic fabrication method-Tipsforcuttingporcelainpanelsusingabridgesaw or water jet. Note: these tips are only recommended guides and that different methods can be explored. • Mustuseasolidbase,suchasaflat stoneslab–slightlylargerthan3000x1500mm Maximum panel showing cut out for kitchen sink. • Continuouswaterflow • Onlyrunslowcuts.Stepcuttingisanoption, as well as first creating a small step cut at opposite end • Useasuperiorqualitycontinuousporcelainblade • Usehandlingequipmentasrequired • Onmitrecuts–itisrecommendedtoavoidsharpedgemitres • Itisrecommendedtoweighdownpanel,toavoidanyflexorvibrationinproductwhencutting • Itisrecommendedwhencuttingsmallerpanelstousestoneoffcutsaroundperimeteredgeofpaneltominimisepanelmovement • It is importanttocontinually keep blade sharp by using a sandstone block or pumice and re sharpen every 4-5 cuts. 7 Bridge Saw CNC or Water Jet machines Mitre Saw Use continuous diamond porcelain cutting wheel. Use milling bits suitable for porcelain work on CNC or water jet machines. The central component to cut accurate mitres for a wide range of applications on engineered stone, granite and marble of thicknesses. Accuracy is the key when cutting mitres. The more accurate the cut, the better the result. Tools and Equipment for Stone Fabrication - Cont’d Create a solid oversized and flat stone base to work on, such as granite or a quartz composite. Set up a straight edge along one side to ensure straight cuts. 8 For smaller pieces - set up a straight edge along one side using a stone section to ensure no movement occurs. Tools and Equipment for Stone Fabrication - Cont’d Maximum Moon–Countertopwith19mmFC(FibreCement)substrategluedwithMegabond adhesive.For optimum results on a mitreedge use Akemi Akepox5010. 9 Lightweight substrates can be used, such as PVC rigid foam board to assist in fabrication & handling. The board is fully adhered to Maximum Panels. This also assists in producing mitred aprons. Note: This substrate does not replace rigid on-site joinery substrates. Cleaningtip–useGlitzGreen Eucalyptusoiltoremovedust, cleanandrevitalisesurface finishafterinstallation or Porcelain Creme from Spirit Marble & Tiles. Cut outs for under-mounted or surface mounted sinks. Square cuts -Useadiamondcoredrillateachcorner,thencutwithsaw. Curved corners -Forundermountedbasins-curvedcutscanbeconsideredin conjunctionwithequipmentlimitations. Under mounted -Useadiamondcoredrill,diametertosuitradiusofcurveand thencompletecutonCNCorBridgeSaw.Honeasrequiredwithsmallarisaround topedges.Water Jet would not require these steps. Werecommendthatalldrilledholesorcutoutsbelocatedthroughapplicationand markingofsuitabletape.Itisalwaysbesttouseatemplateforanydrilledholeto ensurecorrectlocationisachieved. Joint treatment - Werecommendalljointsbetapedpriortoapplicationofany jointslantsuchassiliconorcolourmatchedresin.Nojointsealantshouldbe allowedtotouchthefinishedsurfaceofthepanel. Do not work on the face of the panel with pads or buffers Edge treatments - WithMaximumPorcelainPanels,variousmethodscanbe usedwithexcellentsuccess.Manykitchenbenchtopsarenowbeing manufacturedwithaslimnaturalprofileusingastraightedgethatdoesnotrequire polishing.Althoughedgescaneasilybepolishedifrequired. Exposededgesarebestfinishedtominimisepotentialforchipping. Someexamplesincludearis,halfbullnose,bullnose,pencilroundetc. Mitred edges - Amitrededgecanbeachieved(asperpicturemiddleright). Itis recommendedthatthejunctionbetweenthemitrebesuitablyworkedsoasto minimisesharpedges,generallya1mmarisorlightpencilroundiseffective. Whensettingupmitremachine,avoidsharpedgemitres. Calacattamitrededgewithapron Otheredgesthatcanbeachievedincludebuttjoint,birdsmouthetc. Apron returns - Canbeproduced.(seeCalacattamitrededgewithapron photo).Inthisexamplecasestudya40mmapronwithmitredjointwasfabricated usinga9mmFCsubstratetoadhereMaximumto,19mmmarineplypackers/ spacers,thenmarineplyspacersusedforfinalbeddingovercabinetbattens.Itis uptothefabricatortoworkoutbestsolutionspendingonskillset.CFC,MR MDF, FC,MarinePly,mediumgradeplyareallproductsthatmaybesuitableforthe substrate. Straightedgefinis with2mmaris Adhesives for substrates and mitres - Most fabricators will have a knowledge of best adhesives to use. We recommend, Mapei Keralastic T Polyurethane or Mapei G19 for adhesion to substrates. Always respect manufacturers curing times for adhesives before completing further works such as coring holes or working above the finished Maximum installation. For mitre joints - Akemi Akepox 5010 epoxy adhesive has excellent adhesion for porcelain. Repairs - For chips and other, we recommend Akepox 5010. Akemi colouring paste is available or the Akelux stone repair system. 10 Joinery & Fabrication Tips. 6mm Maximum Porcelain Bench Top Substrates for Countertops Alwaysusearigid and continuous moisture resistant substratesuchasMR MDF, CFC,FCor other and ensure that the substrate has no flex.DonotinstallMaximumpanelsovertimbersupportbenchbattenswithoutasuitable substrate. 6 1 2.5 Adhering Maximum to substrates & splash backs When glueing panels to an existing substrate or splash back you must ensure that the adhesive spread has 100% coverage of at least 2-3mm thick. Do not leave airgaps under bench tops. Ensure that manufacturers curing times are adhered to before any works are performed such as core drilling, plumbing or on-site cut outs. 2-4mm Adhesive 100% Coverage Rigid substrate moisture resistant MDF or other Kitchen Sink Overhangs Recommendflushfinishtobenchesormaximum20mmoverhang with angle support - see drawings. Iflarger overhangsarerequired for Island Benches,useasuitable supportsubstratetominimiseanypotentialdamageto materialduetoheavyimpact or flex. Again substrate must be rigid such as a moisture resistant 32mm MDF. Rebate substrate detail Joinery Undermounted sink and fixing taps - see fig. 01 To avoid hairline cracks, do not adhere sinks to underside of porcelain only. Ensure that sink lip is rebated to substrate. Most importantly avoid over tightening tap fittings - ensure that Maximum sits flush to edge of substrate and that porcelain and substrate both support tap base and fixing. Best solution for fitting taps is to fix the tap base housing direct to substrate, which means enlarging the hole on Maximum so that the tap base can be recessed (ensure that silicon is used to prevent moisture ingress). Only use silicon to adhere sink lip (aluminum or stainless element) to Maximum (due to thermal movement of metal) and adhesive to fix Maximum to substrate. Ensure that the silicon and adhesive sit at the same level and thickness. 01 REBATED UNDER MOUNTED SINK DETAIL Top Mounted sink Ensure that maximum sits flush to edge of substrate and that porcelain and substrate both support sink weight. 1 Edge distance to cut out. We recommend a minimum 80mm to any edge, pending cook-top or sink sizes and hole for the tap, and cut out a minimum of 50mm to any edge of hole from back wall and edge of sink. 1 Cut Outs for sinks or cook tops Cutouts, such as for sinks and cook tops, should have rounded internal corners (min 10mm radius) to prevent radial cracking. Specifically items like shower niches, fireplaces etc where the porcelain might be expected to return in from one or more faces with a mitred or butt joint. It is essential that the face panel is sectioned around this type of opening to avoid stress points in the product, where subsequent movement in the structure may cause a fracture. Quick Tips Panel Inspection Prior to fabrication ensure that panels have no visible defects such as blemishes, surface markings or damage. Recommended Porcelain blades Contact Farnese: Piero 0488 065 846 Sharpening Blades Use a pumis or sandstone block and resharpen every 4-5 cuts. 11 Honing edges & Aris Sandpaper Grit - Matt finish: 120,220 G. Polished finish: 120,220,400 used with water 6mm Thick Maximum Bench Top 100% Adhesive fixed to moisture resistant continuous rigid substrate Metal Angle 50 x 20 x 1.6mm To be fixed to support substrate Adhere porcelain bench top to substrate and angle, ensuring adhesive cover to angle as well 02 TYPICAL KITCHEN BENCH EDGE DETAIL Joinery & Fabrication Tips - continued Recommended Adhesives for Substrates & Mitres. Mapei Keralastic T adhesive or Mapei Adesilex G19 (available from Masters) for substrates. Akemi Akepox 5010 for Mitres - 6 1 GAP 1 25mm Continuous Fingerpull Drawer Front 03 KITCHEN BENCH FINGER PULL OPTION 1 2.5 6 2mm folded metal angle MaximumPorcelainPanelsarestainresistant,butcaremustbetakento immediatelycleanoffstains,especiallyonpolishedbenchtops.Bestwayto ensurestubbornstainsdonotoccuristoimmediately washawaystainssuchas redwine,food and drinks,usingwarmwaterandasoftcloth. Forstubbornstainsuseanon abrasivecleaningproduct,sugarsoapornormal housecleaningproducts.DonotusecleanersthathavestrongalkalinepHlevels andthoroughlyrinsethesurfacewithcleanwatertoremoveresidue. 1 .5mm Laminate to Substrate Door Pulls Doors Heat resistant AlthoughMaximumisthermalshockresistant,itisalwaysadvisabletousea placematorsimilarwhenplacinghotpotsonthebench. 04 KITCHEN BENCH FINGER PULL OPTION 2 Safety guidelines when fabricating WearinganapprovedfacemaskwhenfabricatingMaximum.Alwayscutandfabricatewithwetdiamondtoolsandtakeappropriatemeasuresto provideefficientventilationintheworkarea.Alwayswearapprovedeye,bootandhandprotectionwhenfabricatingporcelain. 12 6mm Thick Maximum Bench Top 100% Adhesive fixed to moisture resistant continuous rigid substrate Metal Angle 50 x 20 x 1.6mm To be fixed to support substrate Adhere angle to Porcelain Bench Top GAP Avoid blow outs when cutting with wet saw Either cut a small step cut at opposite end and slow speed down or begin and finish cut with slow speed. Always trial cuts from offcuts. CNC tools must be sharpened prior and between operations. Correct feed rates used as per CNC tooling parameters. Care and maintenance Maximum Porcelain Panels - Options for supports on overhangs Notes: 1. Ensure that the substrate is rigid. 2. 100% adhesive coverage is required when applying Maximum Panels to substrate 2.5 Cutting Speeds for Bridge Saw As a guide only pending equipment type-1000mm per min and 500mm per min for mitres.1850 to 1900 RPM pending equipment. Water Jet Table slats in perfect condition, with as little distance as possible to give full support. Water level at the height of the slats and 3mm between the nozzle and the slab. Abrasive used to cut Maximum should be 300 gr/min. (recommended grain 80 micron.) Cutting pressure used for Maximum: Firstly start drilling at 700bar and continue with high pressure cutting at 3500bar (starting piercing for 10 seconds) (parameters depending on the machine). 6mm Thick Maximum Bench Top 100% Adhesive fixed to moisture resistant continuous rigid substrate Basic Fabrication Method - Forcuttingporcelainpanels,cutoutsandholesbyhand-poweredtools MAXIMUMcanalso beeasilyprocessedbyusingsomesimplehandtools.Itisrecommendedtoprocesstheslabsonaflat worksurface,atleast5cmlongerthantheslabfromeachsideordoublesuctioncup.Oneoperatorissufficientforcutting theholes. Cutting Instrumentsrequired-dependingonthetypeofcutandprocesstobeappliedtothepanel,therecommendedtooltypesarelisted below: • Handling frame with suction cups or double suction cups • Cutting guide with cutting carriage for linear cuts of 150/300 cm 1 2 3 4 • Cutting pliers • Wetcorediamond drill bits • Angle grinder with diamond blade • Diamond buffer Linear cuts and scoring 1. Marktheportiontoberemovedattheendsoftheslab(seeFigure1). 2. Positionthecuttingguidewithcuttingcarriagesothatthereferenceson theguidecoincidewiththelinesmarkedonthepanel.Lockthecutting guidewiththecuttingcarriageinplaceusingthesuctioncups. 3. Toguaranteecorrectscoring,thepressureandmovementofthe cutting carriagemustbeconstantalongthewholelengthofthecut. 4. Scoreoneendofthepanelby15cmpushingthecuttingcarriagetowardstheedge ofthepanel(seeFigure2).Completethescoringuptotheoppositeendofthepanel. . Completing cuts 1. With cutting guide move panel until scoring line protrudes 5/10cm from work surface. 2. Release the cutting guide from suction cups and move towards the middle of panel. 3. Start cutting off process by positioning cutting pliers in line with line scored on panel (see Figure 3). 4. Exert progressive pressure until you notice that cutting off process has begun. 5. Go to opposite side and position cutting pliers in line with line scored on the panel. 6. Exert progressive pressure until you notice the cutting off process has begun. 7. To complete the cutting off process, one or more operators must grip the portion to be removed and exert progressive pressure downwards (see Figure 4). 8. Thefinishing oftheedgesonthecutsidemustbecarriedoutusingthespecialdiamondbuffer(seeFigure5). 13 5 Basic Fabrication Method - ForcuttingPorcelainPanels,cut outs,holesbyhand-poweredtools L-shaped cuts For L-shaped cuts (holes for electrical boxes, internal corners) it is recommended to round off the internal angle by making a hole first with suitablewetcorebits. Square cuts/cut-out Marktheportiontoberemovedonthepanel. Tolimitthepossibilityofbreaking,itisrecommendedtomakea.7mmhole in-linewiththepointwherethetwolinesmarkedonthepanelmeet. Withananglegrinderequippedwithadiamondblade,followthemarked lines. All square cuts at any size require a radius hole at every corner before commencing cuts. Rectangular holes Markthesidesoftheportiontoberemovedonthepanel. Makeradiusholesinthe4corners. Usingananglegrinderequippedwithadiamondbladejointhe4holes. 1 Round holes 1. PositiontheMaximumpanelonasolid,non-slipsurface (e.g.woodor concrete). To avoid drill bit slipping whilst drilling, a pre cut round template could be used as a guide made from a 20mm stone. 2. Using a diamond core bit (hole cutter), spraywaterontotheareawhere theholeistobemade. Starttomakeaholeatanangleof75°-85°andpenetrateintothe panel withadepthofabout1-2mm. Keepthedrill/screwdriverata90°angleandmakecircularmovements withanangleofabout5°-10°. 3. Donotexerttoomuchpressure. Donotpushstraightdownwards. Makesurethereisenoughwatertowetthecutter. Cleanupthescraps oncetheholehasbeenmade. 14 2 3 To find the best Maximum solution for your project contact P +61 2 9519 8017 W TH EUROPEA E WI NS NC EN 12004 ION REACT AM IC T ILES RDS NDA TA IN COM PLI A c i t s a l a r e K and ic T t s a l a r Ke EN 12004 TH EUROPEA E WI N NC EN 12004 S ION REACT AM IC T ILES RDS NDA TA IN COM PLI A RE SIN ER ADHESIVE FOR C RE SIN ER ADHESIVE FOR C Two-component, high-performance, polyurethane adhesives for ceramic tiles and stone material CLASSIFICATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH EN 12004 Keralastic is an improved (2) reaction resin adhesive (R) as class R2. Keralastic T is an improved (2) reaction resin adhesive (R) and slip resistant (T) classified as R2T. Conformity of Keralastic and Keralastic T is declared in ITT certificates n° 25040320/Gi (TUM) and n° 25040471/Gi (TUM) respectively, issued by the Technische Universität München laboratory (Germany). WHERE TO USE Indoor and outdoor, bonding of wall and floor ceramic tiles, stone material and mosaics of all types on: šVFUHHGVUHQGHUVFRQFUHWHDVSKDOWZRRGPHWDO PVC, reinforced polyester, asbestos-cement, gypsum, gypsum board, gypsum panels, etc. Some application examples š%RQGLQJFHUDPLFWLOHVVWRQHPDWHULDODQGDOOW\SHV of mosaics in showers and on sheets used for prefabricated bathrooms. š%RQGLQJFHUDPLFWLOHVDQGPRVDLFVRQZRRGHQ work surfaces or in kitchens in order to achieve a waterproof substrate. š%RQGLQJFHUDPLFWLOHVVWRQHPDWHULDODQGPRVDLFV on balconies, external terraces domes or flat roofs subject to foot traffic. š%RQGLQJQDWXUDOVWRQHVDQGUHFRQVWUXFWHGVWRQH (marble of every type, slate, etc.) also subject to movement and size variation due to the absorption of water (class C of size stability according to MAPEI standards). š%RQGLQJFHUDPLFWLOHVDQGVWRQHPDWHULDORQVXUIDFHV subject to vibrations and deflections. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Keralastic and Keralastic T are two-component, solvent and water free adhesives which are flexible and waterproof. They are made up of a polyurethane base FRPSRQHQW$DQGDVSHFLDOKDUGHQHUFRPSRQHQW% On mixing the two components together, the result is a paste with the following properties: šJRRGZRUNDELOLW\ šH[FHOOHQWGXUDELOLW\DQGUHVLVWDQWWRDJHLQJ šSHUIHFWDGKHVLRQWRDOOVXUIDFHVXVHGLQEXLOGLQJ šKDUGHQVE\FKHPLFDOUHDFWLRQZLWKRXWVKULQNDJHXQWLO LWEHFRPHVKLJKO\UHVLVWDQW šKLJKGHIRUPDELOLW\ šLQWKHFDVHRIKeralastic T, highly thixotropic: it can be applied vertically without slump and without letting even heavy or large tiles slip. The slipping strength is in compliance with EN 1308. RECOMMENDATIONS š'RQRWXVHRQYHU\GDPSVXUIDFHVRUZKHUHWKHUHLV a risk of rising damp. š7KHSDFNVDUHSUHPHDVXUHGWKHUHIRUHPL[LQJHUURUV DUHLPSRVVLEOH'RQRWXVHSDUWLDOTXDQWLWLHV$ZURQJ mixing ratio could cause damage during the curing process. š8VHWKHSURGXFWVLQWHPSHUDWXUHVEHWZHHQƓ& DQGƓ& š,QFDVHRIXVHRQVXUIDFHVVXEMHFWWRFRQWLQXRXV immersion in water, consult the MAPEI Technical 6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQWEHIRUHKDQG š'RQRWXVHKeralastic and Keralastic T to bond transparent glass materials. [Ceramica] 122_keralastic_gb (16.01.2014 - 3ª Bozza/Ciano/PDF) ticT s a ralastic e K ral Ke Laying on an old PVC floor Waterproofing and laying in a prefabricated shower unit APPLICATION PROCEDURE Preparing the substrates The substrates must be cured, mechanically strong, free of loose particles, grease, oil, paint, wax and be sufficiently dry. Cement substrates must not be subject to shrinkage after the installation of the tiles. 'XULQJVSULQJDQGVXPPHUUHQGHUVPXVW be cured for at least one week for every centimetre of thickness and cementitious screeds must be cured for at least 28 days, unless they have been made with MAPEI special binders for screeds such as Mapecem, Mapecem Pronto, Topcem or Topcem Pronto. Where this is not observed, the adhesion of Keralastic and Keralastic T to the substrate will be greatly compromised. Rust on iron surfaces must be removed by sandblasting. It is recommended to reinforce gypsum, gypsum board and anhydrite substrates with a coat of Primer EP or Primer MF. Preparing the mix The two components of Keralastic and Keralastic T are supplied in ready-to-mix cans: šFRPSRQHQW$JUH\RUZKLWHSDUWVE\ ZHLJKW šFRPSRQHQW%WUDQVSDUHQWVWUDZSDUWVE\ weight. The ratio of the resin (component A) and the KDUGHQHUFRPSRQHQW%LVIL[HGDQGDQ\ modification could cause incorrect hardening of the product. 3RXUWKHKDUGHQHUFRPSRQHQW%LQWR component A and mix well until a uniform grey or white paste is obtained. It is advisable to use a low speed electric stirrer to ensure perfect mixing and avoid overheating the mix, ZKLFKZRXOGUHGXFHWKHZRUNLQJWLPH8VH the mix within 30-40 minutes of mixing. Applying the mix Apply to the substrate a uniform layer of Keralastic or Keralastic T with a notched trowel. Choose a trowel that will give a coverage to the back of the tiles of at least 65-70% (see “Consumption”). For exterior installations, the tile backs must be completely covered with the adhesive. When both waterproofing and bonding are UHTXLUHGIRUH[DPSOHRQZRRGHQNLWFKHQ worktops, one of two procedures may be followed: šVSUHDGKeralastic on the substrate with a IODWWURZHOWRDWKLFNQHVVRIDWOHDVWPP then rework the surface with a notched trowel so as to line it all over, but without reducing the thickness to less than 1 mm. This thickness must be maintained even after the tiles have been installed, especially ZKHQWKHWLOHEDFNVKDYHKLJKOXJVRUULEV šVSUHDGKeralastic with a flat trowel to a uniform thickness of 1 mm for waterproofing and, after hardening (in any case within 24 hours), apply a second layer of Keralastic with a notched trowel. Installing the tiles Tiles must be absolutely dry. Apply firm pressure to the tiles to ensure good contact and covering of the back. If the layer of fresh Keralastic or Keralastic T is also to act as a waterproofing membrane, make sure that any ribs and lugs do not go through the layer. If Keralastic or Keralastic T is used for installing onto particularly deformable substrates, all coverings larger than 5x5 cm must be installed with wide joints. The open time of Keralastic and Keralastic T under normal temperature and moisture conditions is approximately 50 minutes. Any adjustment must be carried out within 90 minutes of installation. The setting time is strictly tied to the ambient temperature (see table below). Setting time of Keralastic and Keralastic T in relation to the temperature: 7HPSHUDWXUHƓ& Time (hours) 30 25 20 15 10 2 3 6 8 20 GROUTING AND SEALING Joints between the tiles can be grouted after 12 hours with the appropriate MAPEI cementitious or epoxy grouts, available in a variety of different colours. Expansion joints must be sealed with the special MAPEI sealants. SET TO LIGHT FOOT TRAFFIC Floors are set to light foot traffic after 12 hours. READY FOR USE Surfaces are ready for use after 7 days. Cleaning Tools, buckets and clothes can be easily cleaned with alcohol before hardening sets in. Hardened Keralastic and Keralastic T can be cleaned mechanically or with Pulicol 2000. CONSUMPTION %RQGLQJRIFHUDPLFVDQGVWRQHPDWHULDO – Mosaics and small size tiles (trowel No. 4): 2.5 kg/m² – Normal size tiles (trowel No. 5): 3.5 kg/m² – Large size tiles, marble, stones (back buttering): 5 kg/m² PACKAGING Keralastic and Keralastic T are available in double metal drums of: NJNJPŵFRPSRQHQW$NJPŵ FRPSRQHQW% NJNJPŵFRPSRQHQW$NJPŵ FRPSRQHQW% STORAGE Keralastic and Keralastic T are stable for at least 24 months when stored in sealed GUXPV&RPSRQHQW%KDUGHQHUPXVWEH stored in warm place to avoid crystallisation GXULQJFROGZHDWKHUDWOHDVWDWƓ& Should crystallisation occur, re-dissolve by warming before use. Stir the product before use. TECHNICAL DATA (typical values) In compliance with: – European EN 12004 as R2, R2T – ISO 13007-1 as R2, R2T PRODUCT IDENTITY component A component B Consistency: WKLFNSDVWH IOXLGOLTXLG Colour: Keralastic Keralastic T white - grey white - grey straw transp. straw transp. Density (g/cm³): Keralastic Keralastic T 1.50 1.56 0.93 0.93 97 100 800000 (# F - rpm 2.5) 1800000 (# F - rpm 2.5) 26 (# 1 - rpm 50) 46 (# 1 - rpm 50) Dry solids content (%): Brookfield Viscosity (mPa·s): Keralastic Keralastic T Installing Carrara marble on wooden substrate with White Keralastic APPLICATION DATA (at +23°C and 50% R.H.) Mix ratio by weight: FRPSRQHQW$FRPSRQHQW% Consistency of mix: very viscous Density of mix (kg/m³): Keralastic Keralastic T 1450 1520 Brookfield Viscosity (mPa·s): Keralastic Keralastic T 400,000 (# F - rpm 5) 1,250,000 (# F - rpm 2.5) Pot life: 30-40 minutes Application temperature range: IURPƓ&WRƓ& Open time (according to EN 1346): 50 minutes Adjustability time: 90 minutes Setting time: – initial: – final: 6 hours 8 hours Set to light foot traffic: 12 hours Ready for use: 7 days Green “Alpi” marble flooring in the Rolex building hall (Bienne - Switzerland) FINAL PERFORMANCES Shear adhesion strength according to EN 12003 (N/mm²): – initial shear adhesion strength: – shear adhesion strength after water immersion: – shear adhesion strength after thermal shock: 2.6 2.0 2.4 Resistance to ageing: high Resistance to solvents and oils: good Resistance to acids and alkalis: good Resistance to temperature: IURPşƓ&WRƓ& Deformability: highly deformable An example of an installation of ceramic or marble on a metal structure (stairs) All relevant references for the product are available upon request and from SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION Keralastic and Keralastic T component A are irritant for the eyes and skin. Keralastic and Keralastic TFRPSRQHQW%DUHFRUURVLYH and may cause serious burns. They are also harmful if LQKDOHG%RWKFRPSRQHQWVRIKeralastic and Keralastic T may cause sensitisation in those subjects sensitive to such substances. KeralasticFRPSRQHQW%LVDOVRKDUPIXOZKHQ in contact with the skin. When applying the product, we recommend the use of protective gloves and goggles and to take the usual precautions for handling chemical products. If the product comes into contact with the eyes or skin, wash immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical attention. Keralastic and Keralastic TFRPSRQHQWV$DQG%DUHDOVR KD]DUGRXVIRUDTXDWLFOLIH'RQRWGLVSRVHRIWKHVHSURGXFWV in the environment. For further and complete information about the safe use of our product please refer to our latest version of the Material 6DIHW\'DWDVKHHW *%$*%(7$ ticT s a ralastic e K ral Ke WARNING Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this product data sheet correspond to the best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must, in every case, be taken as merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical application; for this reason, anyone who intends to use the product must ensure beforehand that it is suitable for the envisaged application. In every case, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product. Please refer to the current version of the Technical Data Sheet, available from our website 122-1-2014 Waterproofed bath-tub and shower Any reproduction of texts, photos and illustrations published here is prohibited and subject to prosecution 352'8&721/<)25352)(66,21$/86( ® BUILDING THE FUTURE 9 1 G x e l i s e d A Two-part epoxypolyurethane adhesive for rubber, PVC and linoleum flooring WHERE TO USE Interior and exterior use. Bonding of rubber, PVC, textile, needlepunch, and linoleum flooring, polystyrene and polyurethane panels, fibrous concrete, wood, sheet-metal, and plastic laminates. Some application examples Adesilex G19 is an extremely strong and flexible all-purpose adhesive especially recommended for non-absorbent or moisture-sensitive surfaces. Adesilex G19 is used for bonding: • rubber flooring tiles or sheet (with smooth back, textured back, radial rubber tiles) in interiors and exteriors subject to heavy traffic; • rubber flooring for athletic complexes, even on asphalt bases (e.g. tracks); • synthetic grass; • homogeneous or composite vinyl or PVC foam backed flooring; • semiflexible vinyl flooring; • textile, needlepunch, tufted and woven flooring for exterior installations; • rubber and PVC floors over existing flooring; • sandwich panels for prefabricated movable walls in polystyrene, expanded polyurethane, fibrous concrete, wood, composite board, metal sheeting, etc.; • tack strip installation for stretching carpet OVER cement screeds, asphalt and non-absorbent flexible or moisture-sensitive bases (metal sheets, plastic laminates, fibrous concrete, rubber, PVC, wood, existing ceramic tiles). TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Adesilex G19 is a two-part adhesive composed of an epoxy-polyurethane polymer, part A, and a special hardener, part B. Mixing the parts carefully forms a uniformly coloured paste that is easily applied with a notched trowel. After hardening in approx. 24 hours solely through chemical reaction and without shrinkage, Adesilex G19 becomes flexible, resistent to moisture, water, heat and atmospheric agents, with high bonding characteristics on almost all materials commonly used in construction. RECOMMENDATIONS • Do not install on substrates subject to rising damp (always place a vapour-proof membrane between the ground and the screed). • Do not install on damp concrete (residual moisture must be no higher than 3.0%). • Do not install on fresh asphalt (wait at least 20 days). • Do not install on bituminous surfaces which might bleed oils. [sche2] 252_adesilex g19_gb (12.02.2008 - 4ª Bozza/Ciano/Stampa) 19 G x e l i es d A • Do not use Adesilex G19 at temperatures below +10°C or above +30°C. Do not use at temperatures below +10°C because setting time will be too long. • Do not use on curved surfaces or on stairs if the flooring is unable to maintain perfect contact with the substrate until the adhesive has set (use Adesilex VZ, Adesilex LP or Ultrabond Aqua-Contact applied to the back of the floor covering). N.B. The ratio of resin (part A) to catalyst (part B) is strictly determined. Any modification to the dosage will interfere with airing of the adhesive. • Do not use Adesilex G19 for thin flooring which may show adhesive ribs (use Adesilex G20 self-levelling polyurethane adhesive). APPLICATION PROCEDURE Preparing the substrate Substrates must be thoroughly dry, absorbent, level, resistant to compression and tensile stress, free from dust, loose particles, cracks, paint, wax, oil, rust, traces of gypsum and materials which may interfere with bonding. The building regulations must be followed for the relevant country. Spreading Adesilex G19 with a notched trowel The moisture content must be as follows: for cement substrates, a maximum of 2-2.5%; for gypsum or anhydrite based substrates, a maximum of 0.5%. It is essential to make sure there is no rising damp present. Floating screeds over layers of insulation and screeds over bare ground must be isolated by a vapour barrier. When repairing cracks and crazing, consolidating screeds, forming fast-drying screeds, or levelling uneven screeds is required, consult the MAPEI catalogue for substrate preparation products or the Technical Assistance Department. External surfaces can be levelled with Planicrete mixed with suitably graded sand and cement or with Adesilex P4. For exterior asphalt surfaces, use either Adesilex G19 or Adesilex G20. Installing rubber flooring with Adesilex G19 Laying PVC on a non absorbent substrate with Adesilex G19 In special cases and for small imperfections in the substrate Adesilex G19 can be used as a smoothing compound. Install the flooring with Adesilex G19 as soon as the smoothing layer is set sufficiently to take light foot traffic. Acclimatisation Before beginning the installation, ensure that the adhesive, the floor or wall covering and the substrate are acclimatised to the prescribed temperature. Spreading the adhesive The choice of trowel depends on the back of the flooring to be installed: for smooth back use MAPEI trowels No. 1 and No. 2. For textured backings use trowels No. 3 or No. 4 (follow the flooring manufacturer’s instructions). Apply the adhesive evenly and on as much of the surface that can be covered with flooring in approximately 60 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature and that of the substrate. Installing the floor-covering Follow the installation instructions given by the floor covering manufacturer. Floor covering tiles or sheets must be applied onto the Adesilex G19 while still fresh, within 1 hour at +23°C, and smoothed from the center outward to ensure complete contact and to remove entrapped air. When the flooring is uneven, the deformed sections, joints and ends must be weighted down (with sandbags or other) until the Adesilex G19 is set (12 to 24 hours). Special care must be taken in exterior installations at high temperatures or extreme temperature differentials (install at the coolest time of day). For thick flooring in sports complexes and synthetic grass, Adesilex G19 can be used to bond sheets edge to edge. Flooring bonded with Adesilex G19 is sufficiently set to take light foot traffic in approx. 12 to 24 hours. Final setting takes place in approx. 3 days at an ambient temperature of +23°C. The setting time of Adesilex G19 at various temperatures is as follows: Temperature in °C Hours 30 25 20 15 10 5 4 6 8 1 20 36 The floor and wall covering must be removed from packaging several hours before installing; rolls must be freely laid or at least loosened to permit acclimatisation and reduction of tension produced by packaging. CONSUMPTION Consumption varies, depending on the evenness of the substrate, the type of backing, and the trowel used: with MAPEI 1 trowel: 400 to 500 g/m2; with MAPEI 2 trowel: 500 to 600 g/m2; with MAPEI 3 trowel: 600 to 800 g/m2; with MAPEI 4 trowel: 800 to 1000 g/m2. Mixing The two parts of Adesilex G19 are available in pre-measured proportions: component A, 9.4 parts by weight; component B, 0.6 parts by weight. Cleaning Adesilex G19 can be cleaned from flooring, tools, hands and clothing with alcohol before the hardening reaction occurs. After hardening, it can only be removed mechanically or with Pulicol. Mixing must be carried out with a mechanical stirrer until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Setting time and pot life are closely related to the ambient temperature (see Table). Colours Adesilex G19 is available in beige, red, green, and black. Special colours can be requested (min. 600 kg). TECHNICAL DATA (typical values) PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION component A component B Consistency: thick paste fluid liquid Colour: beige, red, green, black Density (g/cm3): 1.5 0.92 Dry solids content (%): 97 84 Brookfield viscosity (mPa • s): 300,000 (E rotor - 2.5 rpm) 30 (1 rotor - 5 rpm) Storage: Adesilex G19 is stable for at least 24 months if containers are well sealed. The catalyst, Part B, must be kept in heated areas to prevent crystallisation at low temperatures, in which case it must be thawed before using. Hazard classification according to EC 1999/45: irritant corrosive, dangerous to the environment Before using refer to the “Safety instructions for preparation and application” paragraph and the information on the packing and Safety Data Sheet Customs class: 3506 99 00 Installing PVC with Adesilex G19 APPLICATION DATA (at +23°C - 50% R.H.) Mixing ratio: component A : component B = 94 : 6 Brookfield viscosity of mix (mPa • s): 180,000 (7 rotor - 10 rpm) Density of mix (kg/cm3): 1,450 Pot life: 50 to 60 minutes Application temperature range: +10°C to +30°C Open time: 1 hour Adjustment time: 90 minutes Initial setting: 8 hours Final setting: 9 hours Set to light foot traffic: after 12 to 24 hours Ready for use: after 3 days FINAL PERFORMANCE DATA Resistance to moisture: excellent Resistance to ageing: excellent Resistance to oils and to solvents: good Resistance to acids and to alkali: good Flexibility: yes Stripping strength at +90°C in compliance with EN 1372 standards after 14 days at +23°C (N/mm): rubber: > 3 (breaking point) PVC: > 3 (breaking point) Installation of synthetic grass flooring with Adesilex G19 - S.Siro Stadium - Milan - Italy All relevant references for the product are available upon request and from PACKAGING Adesilex G19 is available in 10 kg, 5 kg, and 2 kg units. STORAGE Under normal conditions and in its original unopened packaging Adesilex G19 is stable for at least 24 months. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION AND APPLICATION Adesilex G19 component A is irritant to the eyes and skin. Adesilex G19 component B is corrosive and harmful if in contact with the skin or swallowed. Both components can provoke sensitivity in those who are susceptible to such a complaint if in contact with the skin. Use protective clothing, suitable gloves and protect eyes and face. In case of contact with eyes or skin, wash immediately with water. In case of swallowing or serious reactions consult a doctor. Use in well ventilated areas. Both components are dangerous to aquatic organisms; avoid release to the environment. For further information refer to the Safety Data Sheet. HK (06/2012) 19 G x e l i es d A WARNING Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this report correspond to the best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must, in every case be taken as merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical applications; for this reason, anyone who intends to use the product must ensure beforehand that it is suitable for the envisaged application. In every case, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product. VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (VOC) LEVEL Type of Regulated Adhesives under the Air Pollution Control (Volatile Organic Compounds) Regulation of Hong Kong: [Rubber Flooring Adhesives] VOC content (ready to use) not exceeding 30 g/litre 252-2-2008 Track at Olympic Stadium in Rome: rubber installed with Adesilex G19 Any reproduction of texts, photos and illustrations published here is prohibited and subject to prosecution PRODUCT FOR PROFESSIONAL USE. ® AKEPOX® 5010 Technical Instruction Sheet Characteristics: Page 1 of 3 AKEPOX® 5010 is a gel-like, two-component adhesive, is free of solvents, is based on epoxy resins and has a cycloaliphatic polyamine hardener. The product is characterised by the following properties: - it has a very neutral colour - little yellowing - easy measuring and mixing by use of cartridge system - because of it’s gel-like consistency it has a high creep strength - during hardening there is very little shrinkage, and therefore minimal tension within the adhesive joint - the bonding are very weather resistant - can be excellently coloured with AKEPOX® colour pastes - the adhesive layer retains it’s from well - it’s tendency to fatigue is slight - it has a very high stability in contact with alkalis and is therefore very suitable for bonding with concrete - because it is free of solvents, it is especially suitable for bonding materials which are impermeable to gas - it is suitable for bonding load-bearing constructional elements - it adheres well to stone even if it is slightly damp - it is suitable for bonding materials which react in contact with solvents (e.g. polystyrene, ABS) - after being hardened the product is harmless to health upon contact with food products – certified by the “LGA Nürnberg” Field of Application: AKEPOX® 5010 is mainly used in the stone-working industry for the weatherresistant bonding and glueing of natural stone (marble, granite) as well as artificial stone or building materials (terrazzo, concrete). By means of the application of high-quality raw materials it was possible to develop a system which hardly yellows. It is thus possible to use it in combination with light-coloured or even white natural stone without the usual intensive yellowing of conventional epoxyresin systems. Because of it’s supple, gel-like consistency the product has a high creep strength on vertical surfaces. It is nevertheless possible to attain thin adhesive joints. Other materials can also be glued with AKEPOX® 5010, e.g. plastics (hard PVC, polyester, polystyrene, ABS, polycarbonates), paper, wood, glass and many other materials. AKEPOX® 5010 is not suitable for the gluing of polyolefins (polyethylene, polypropylene), silicones, hydrocarbon fluorides (Teflon), soft PVC, soft polyurethane and butyl rubber. Instructions for Use: A. Product in cans 1. Contact surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and lightly abraded. 2. Two parts (by weight or volume) of component A are to be thoroughly mixed with one part of component B until a homogeneous colour is attained. 3. A coloration is possible by adding AKEPOX colour pastes up to a maximum of 5 % of the total volume. 4. The mixture remains workable for ca. 20 – 30 minutes at 20° C. After ca. 6 – 8 hours (20° C) the bonded parts can be transported, after 12 – 16 hours (20° C) they can bear loads and be tooled. The maximum strength is reached after 7 days (20° C). 5. Tools can be cleaned with AKEMI’s Nitro Dilution. 6. Warmth accelerates and cold retards the hardening process. AKEPOX® 5010 Technical Instruction Sheet Page 2 of 3 B. Cartridge System 1. Thoroughly clean and slightly roughen surfaces to be bonded. 2. Remove the clasp from the cartridge and put the cartridge in the gun; work the grip until material emerges from both openings; then eventually screw up the mixing nozzle. 3. AKEPOX® Colouring Pastes can be added up to max. 5 %. 4. The mixture remains workable for approx. 20-30 min (20°C). After 6-8 hours (20°C) the bonded parts may be moved, after 12-16 hours (20°C) approx. they may be further processed. Max. stability after 7 days (20°C). 5. Tools can be cleaned with AKEMI Nitro-Dilution. 6. The hardening process is accelerated by heat and delayed by cold. Special Hints: - The optimal mechanical and chemical properties can only be attained by adhering to the exact mixing proportions; excess of component A or B has the effect of a plasticizer and can cause discolouration of the marginal area. - Single-Mix cartridges are not suitable for compressed-air guns or guns with mechanical pistons. - Use AKEMI Liquid Glove to protect your hands. - Component A and B should be extracted with separate spatulas. - The adhesive is no longer to be used of, if it has already thickened or has jellied. - The product is not to be used at temperatures bellow 10° C because it will then insufficiently harden. - At constant temperatures above 50° C the hardened adhesive is inclined to yellow. - The hardened adhesive can no longer be removed by means of solvents. This can only be achieved mechanically or by applying higher temperatures (> 200° C). - If the adhesive has been correctly worked it presents no hazard to health when the hardening process is completed. - The A-component tends slightly to crystallise (honey effect). The product can be made workable again by warming it. - The stability of the bonding is highly dependent upon the natural stone which is to be bonded.: Silicate-bound stones react better than carbonate-bound stones. Safety Measures: see EC Safety Data Sheet Technical Data: 1. Component A: colour: density: colourless – slightly yellow, milky ca. 1.17 g/cm³ Component B: colour: density: colourless – slightly yellow, milky ca: 1.13 g/cm³ 2. Working time: a) a mixture of 100 g of component A + 50 g of component B at 10° C: 60 - 70 minutes at 20° C: 20 - 30 minutes at 30° C: 15 - 20 minutes at 40° C: 5 - 10 minutes AKEPOX® 5010 Technical Instruction Sheet Page 3 of 3 b) at 20° C with varying amounts 20 g of component A 50 g of component A 100 g of component A 300 g of component A + 10 g of component B: + 25 g of component B: + 50 g of component B: + 150 g of component B: 35 – 45 minutes 25 – 35 minutes 20 – 30 minutes 15 – 25 minutes 3. The hardening process (Shore D hardness) of a 20 mm layer at 20° C 3 hours -- 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours 8 hours 30 51 67 74 76 24 hours 81 4. Mechanical properties bending strength (DIN 53452): tensile strength (DIN 53455): modulus of elasticity: 5. Chemical Resistance Water absorption DIN 53495 Sodium Chloride Solution 10% Salt Water Ammonium 10% Soda Lye 10% Hydrochloric acid 10% Acetic acid 10% Formic acid 10% Petrol Diesel oil Lubricating oil 6. Shelf life: Notice: 60 70 N/mm² 30 40 N/mm² 2500 - 3000 N/mm² < 0.5 % stable stable stable stable stable conditionally stable conditionally stable stable stable stable 1 year approx. if stored in cool place free from frost in its tightly closed original container. The above information is based on the latest stage of technical progress It is to be considered as a non-binding hint and does not release the user from a performance test, since application, processing and environmental influences are beyond our realm of control. TIS 06.08 AKEMI GmbH . Lechstraße 28 . D-90451 Nürnberg . Tel. +49(0)911/64296-0 . Fax +49(0)911/644456