here - Irish Club of Regina


here - Irish Club of Regina
Irish Club of Regina - Executive 2015-16
** President - Alice MacDougall,
* Vice President - Marie Matheson,
Members at Large
* Bev O’Shea
**Kellie Greene
* Treasurer - Katherine Gilks
** Darcy Donovan
** Secretary - Stephanie Ellis
*Tanya Johnston
*Sarah Dodd
** Deb Beach
* Term ends at 2016 AGM
** Term ends at 2017 AGM
About us:
The Irish Club of Regina is an non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting and
supporting Irish culture within Regina and area. We currently support an Irish Dance group,
a Gaelic Athletic Association football team, send out a quarterly newsletter, maintain a
website, host a Mosaic Pavilion and organize or support other events, workshops and
activities. To become a member, please contact us! Membership rates are $15 for a single
membership and $20 for a family membership. Membership entitles you to receive our
newsletter, emails about upcoming events and allows you to take part in our events.
Why become a member of the Irish Club of Regina?
If you enjoy Irish culture in any of its many forms, the Irish Club is the place to find it.
Music, dance, literature, ceilis, sport and traditional Irish handwork are all workshops that
we hope to be able to offer. We need interested active members in order to provide these
Past Events
Christmas Party
Our Family Christmas party and PotLuck was held on Sunday, December 6th at the Rugby Club. Although the
sign up was slow in coming and a few phone calls had to be made by Alice to remind folks, we had a very nice
turn out. (43 children/teenagers and about 70 adults). Santa was able to make an appearance with presents for
all the kids!! The variety and amount of food was very good and hopefully no one went away hungry.
A Big thanks to Santa and his elves for making this a great time for kids and their families!
Family Fun Bowl
The family bowling party on Saturday, January 30th was well attended (full sign up) and
great fun!! We had 8 lanes booked and 48 adults and kids bowling at the Golden Mile
Lanes!! A regular bowling game, a Fun Game and a bingo bowl were enjoyed by all.
Following the bowling, we had pizza and pop provided by the Club! A few prizes and door
prize items were awarded. Thanks to Rainbow Cinema for donating some movie passes!
All in All .... a successful event and we may try to plan it as an annual event.
Thanks to all who came out and played with us!
Upcoming Events
St. Patrick’s Day Family Dinner and Dance
Saturday, March 12th at The Travelodge, 4177 Albert St.
Tickets are now available for the St. Patrick's Family Dinner
Cocktails from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m..
Dinner at 6.30 p.m.
Dance at 8.00 p.m. Music by D.J. - Garth Wright.
Menu will be:
Roasted Angus Beef with cognac flame and five peppercorn
Black pepper & maple glazed Turkey breast with herbed turkey
gravy & bread & butter stuffing.
Stuffed pickled cabbage roll with white wine
Pan fried perogies with caramelized onion butter sauce
Baby red roasted potatoes
Fresh medley of seasonal vegetables
House spring baby leaf salad
Classic Caesar salad
Southern bliss potato salad
Antipasto Pasta Salad
La Taqueria Quinoa Salad
Vegetables & Dip
Fresh Cut seasonal Fruits
Chef's dessert table featuring a gourmet cheesecake selection, variety of cakes, pies, parfaits and squares.
Members price: Adults $25.00, Children 12 and under $10.00, Children 5 and under free.
Non Members (full price): Adults $45.00, Children 12 and under $22.00 and 5 and under free.
Memberships had to be purchased by December 31st to qualify for the reduced rate. The exception is someone
who is a new member, and never had a membership before.
For tickets call or text Alice 306-519-9559 or email
or call Bev at 306-543-6025 before Wednesday March 9th.
Upcoming Events
Mosaic 2016 - June 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Hello All,
Preparations for the 2016 Mosaic Irish Pavilion have started! Mosaic will be held June 2, 3, and 4, 2016. The
volunteer sign-up form on the Irish Club Website is active.
Go to and click the volunteer button.
There are many different volunteer opportunities including set-up/take-down, passport sales, food sales,
security, etc. All positions are critical for the operation of the pavilion, so please sign-up and we will be able to
put on a great show!
When you complete the volunteer sign-up form, please indicate what group/organization you are volunteering
on behalf of. For example: Prairie Gale Dancers, Blakey Dancer, Set Dancer, Irish Club Member, Miller High
School, etc.
High School students who are volunteering for school credit need to indicate this in the volunteer form.
All volunteers will receive a voucher for a free meal item (Shannon's Pub is the pavilion food vendor) and a
non-alcoholic beverage. Volunteer shifts will be allocated on a first come/first served basis.
Please forward this information to anyone who would be interested in volunteering.
Looking forward to seeing you all!!
Volunteer Co-ordinator.
December 7, 1924 – January 18, 2016
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our dearly loved dad, grandfather and husband
at the age of 91 years.
Chuck is survived by his wife of 66 years, Lois; his children Tim and Kathy (Fines); his dear grandson
Ben (Brittany) Fines; sister Jean Snell; sister-in-law Doreen Steen; brothers-in-law George (Joan) Cook
and Bob Dewar as well as various cousins and many cherished nieces and nephews. He also leaves to
mourn many wonderful friends including his church and Kramer Tractor coffee groups and the many he
met during his 40 years of sobriety. He was predeceased by his parents Annie (McAdams) and James;
mother-in-law Hazel Cook (George); sisters Rose, Patricia (Hugh) and Grace (Lloyd); brothers Andy
(Verna), Ron and Bert; brother-in-law Fred Snell; sisters-in-law Shirley (Bud) O’Connor, Hazel (Jack)
Redman, Jeannie Dewar and nephew Clint. Chuck was born in St. James (Winnipeg) after his parents
emigrated from Ireland. Raised in Stony Mountain, Manitoba he loved to regale stories of growing up in
the town with touches of Irish blarney thrown in! He was very proud to be a World War II Veteran
serving on the 600 Wing Executive and participating in Remembrance Day services every year and in
war memorial documentaries and interviews. He was an avid cyclist with the Seniors Biking group at
the Sportsplex and enjoyed riding the outdoor bike path until his breathing problems forced him to stop.
Chuck was always “Mr. Fix-It” at the church, with the bicycles and especially helpful to his family with
their projects. He spent many hours volunteering at the Salvation Army Food Drives at Christmas,
poppy sales and hot dog sales for #600 Wing to support the Air Cadets. Chuck was especially proud to
represent the Irish Club as Mosaic Ambassador at the Irish Pavilion. He was always there to greet guests
and loved to talk to everyone!! Following the war, Chuck moved to Regina and married Lois after
writing letters to her during the war years. He worked for Lois’ father at Northwestern Iron Works then
as an industrial mechanic at Kramer Tractor Ltd. until retirement in 1989. We wish to thank the kind and
compassionate nursing staff at the Regina General and Pasqua hospitals and Rev. Malcolm French for
his friendship and kindness. Funeral service will be held at St. James Anglican Church, 1105 Empress
Street, Regina, Saskatchewan on Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Interment to follow. In lieu of
flowers the family would appreciate donations made to the Salvation Army, The #34 Air Cadet
Squadron (Regina Armouries), the Lung Association of Saskatchewan (for COPD research) or to the St.
James The Apostle Anglican Church Service and Sacrifice Window.
Chuck was a good friend and a longtime dedicated member of the Irish Club of Regina.
We will miss his smiling face at the Irish Pavilion and Irish Club of Regina family events.
Irish Club of Regina Dancers
The Irish Club of Regina Dancers have had a good year so far and are practicing hard.
We had another workshop with Laura Buckley TCRG in January and it was very well
received. All the dancers who participated learned some new techniques to improve
their dance and have been practicing the lessons that were learned from Laura.
On January 27th our senior class played host to a several of the musicians from the
band Billarney. It was really fun practicing our dances to live music. Thank you to the
musicians from Billarney for a great time and we look forward to practicing with you
Our group is currently looking into a new costume lending process, costume design and
other costume enhancements for the remainder of this year and next season.
In the lead up to St. Patrick's Day, we will be holding some extra practices to polish up
our dances. We have a couple of performances scheduled for March. Information will
be sent out via the Irish Club Dancers Facebook Page once all details have been
Respectfully Submitted by Stephanie Ellis
Regina Irish Set Dancers
We have been busy practicing all the set dances that Joe and June taught us
and thinking of trying a few others we have found. We meet every Thursday
evening from 8:00 - 9:30 pm at the Latin Fusion Dance Studio. Some of us
are dancing at the Irish Fun in 40 below event and hopefully there will be
enough of us to do a little dance at the St. Patrick’s supper. We are hoping to
have some social dances for the whole family to try as well.
If you would like to join us, we are always looking for more folks to share
the Joy of Sets with.
Respectfully submitted by Laura Popoff
Contact Laura Popoff @ or visit our facebook page.
Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance
Happy (almost) Spring from Prairie Gael!
We are eagerly looking forward to March and celebrating our favourite Saint – the great St. Patrick! We have
plenty of visits booked to senior’s homes and our dancers are excited to bring a little Irish cheer to the elderly in
our city. We will also be doing our traditional St. Patrick's Day Pub crawl, so look for us at your favourite
watering hole as we bring Irish dance to Regina's enthusiastic celebrants on March 17.
We would like to congratulate all our competitive dancers as they continue to compete at feiseanna throughout
the year, making us proud with their success. We are looking forward to the many spring feiseanna and what
our dancer’s will accomplish!
If you are interested in joining us for a yoga session, our next will be March 7th from 6:00-7:30 pm, and
another planned for April 11th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm as well.
Please email to register.
We accept dancers year round, and provide certified competitive and performance dance opportunities for
anyone age 3 and up. Our 2016/2017 schedule and registration is available online for those early birds
interested in registering for the fall:
Photos below: A special congratulations to Janai and Lauren who both won first place at their first feis!
A couple of photos of some of the girls entertaining at a Seniors’ Home in Regina.
Blakey School of Irish Dance
The Blakey School of Irish Dance – Regina had 10 dancers attend the Calgary Winter Feis on January 23 & 24.
We had several of our dancers receive numerous medals and we also had several podium placements
Our next big event is our fundraiser - Irish Fun in 40 Below. This will be the 2nd year for the event and we
expect it to be as big a success as last year. The event will take place on February 27 at St. Martin’s Parish Hall
– 4720 Castle Road from 7 pm to 12 am.
Our entertainment this year includes a return performance by
Squeeze of Scotch, a new duo - Carlie’s Angels, the Regina Irish Set Dancers as well as performances from our
Blakey Irish Dance – Regina dancers . We will be joined by 4 of our dancers from Saskatoon. We will have
Danica McCormac and Laura Schaan who both joined us last year at Mosaic as well as Noah and Caleb
Hawryliw. Caleb will be attending the World Irish Dance Championships next month in Scotland and is the
youngest dancer from Saskatchewan to attend the worlds for consecutive years and is the youngest dancer from
Saskatchewan attending the worlds this year. For additional information on the evening, please see the poster
As always the month of March will be a busy time this year for our dancers with several performances booked
between March 10 – 20. We have 3 performances booked the night of St. Patrick’s at bars throughout the city
which will make the evening a busy one for our dancers.
Several of our dancers will be attending Feisanna in Edmonton in April and May as well as attending workshops
at our Saskatoon location during these months as well. We will also again be performing at the Irish Pavillon in
June and attending a Feisanna in Calgary the week after Mosaic.
Blakey School of Irish Dance - Regina accepts new registrations throughout the year.
Please contact us by email at
For more information, please also see: or Facebook: Blakey Irish Dance
When: Saturday February 27th, 7pm to Midnight
Where: St Martins, 4720 Castle Rd, Regina
Tickets: $20
Children U12 : $5 {Tickets can be upgraded to Adult
ticket at the door}
Ticket Price includes food and lots of entertainment
Entertainment: Blakey School of Irish Dancing ,
Squeeze of Scotch, Carli’s Angels and many more local
and Irish musicians and dancers.
Buy Your Tickets Now
•Hamper of Irish Goods for raffle
•Homemade Brown Bread
•Black & White Pudding
After a well deserved winter break, the Regina Gaels are straight back into
preparations for a busy 2016.
The highlight of which will see Regina hosting the Western Canadian
Championships over the July long weekend in Regina. The games will be held at
the Regina Rugby Club and it promises to be a great festival of Gaelic Games with
teams from Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Calgary, Red Deer and Edmonton and Regina
battling it out in mens and ladies Gaelic Football, Hurling and Camogie.
Mens Gaelic Football
Manager Seamus Warde will kick the season off with a players meeting on the week of St. Patrick's day. In
light of last year's success, we plan on holding our first Regina 7's tournament in early May. The team will also
be competing in this year's Alberta cup which is scheduled for the first week in June. This should lead us nicely
into the Western Championships in July. July and August will also see more Regina 7's tournaments. The
Canadian team participating at the GAA World games in Dublin will also have some Regina representatives.
The hurlers will start indoor training on Thursdays from March 24th, in preparation for their trip to Montana for
the McEneaney cup in Missoula on April 24th. This team will be mixed, so we will be calling upon all able men
and women to join our team. We are always on the look out for new players and people interested in learning
how to play. Contact email is:
Ladies Football
The ladies will start indoor training on Thursdays from April 7th ‘till May 12th @ St. Peter’s school - 150
Argyle Street. The fee every week be $5. All ladies are welcome.
For further details contact Denise Murphy (
Club na nOg
We are delighted to have our underage games back up and running after a 2015 hiatus. We are very grateful for
Mike McGreal to be leading the charge with the underage arm of the club.
As ever, we are always on the look out for new members, so if you have any interest in Gaelic Games, and
would like to get involved, please get in touch. We cater for all ages and skill levels from absolute beginners to
All-Ireland winners!
Gaels Abu
Is Mise, le Meas,
Peadar Mac Giolla Eoin
Caithoirleach CLG Gaeil na Cathair na Banríona
Peter McGloin
Chairman Regina Gaels GAA
(306) 209-8779
For further details & contacts:
check out the Regina Gaels
Facebook page
or the club website
St. Patrick’s Day
St Patrick's Day marks the feast day and anniversary of the death
of a Christian missionary known as Patrick. He was born in the
year 387, probably somewhere near the present day border
between Scotland and England. At the age of 16, he was captured
and taken to Ireland as a slave. During this period, he became very
religious and after six years he fled back to his family.
Later in his life, he returned to Ireland as a missionary. He is said
to have played an important role in converting the inhabitants of
Ireland to Christianity and in ridding the island of snakes.
However, there is no evidence that there have been any snakes in
Ireland in the past 10,000 years. The “snakes” he drove out of
Ireland may represent particular groups of pagans or druids. It is
believed that St Patrick died on March 17 probably in the year 461
or 493 (according to different sources). St Patrick is buried under
Down Cathedral in Downpatrick, County Down, and is one of the
three patron saints of Ireland. The other patron saints are St Brigid
of Kildare and St Columba.
St Patrick's Day celebrations were brought to Canada by Irish immigrants. The day is a bank holiday in
Northern Ireland and a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland. In the rest of the United Kingdom, the United
States, Australia and New Zealand, it is celebrated, but is not an official holiday.
Contact us:
Irish Club of Regina
P.O. Box 37171
Landmark Shoppers
Regina, Sk. S4S 7K4
If you are a Facebook user, please ‘LIKE’
our club’s page at
If you have an interesting bit that you
would like included in the newsletter,
send submissions to:
Other links and interesting
facebook groups and websites:
* Irish in Regina
* Irish Club of Regina Dancers
* Regina Gaels GAA football league
* Regina Irish Set dancers
* Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance
* Blakey Irish Dance
* Shannon’s Pub & Grill
Blakey School of Irish dance
Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance