the 2 0 1 6 E D I T I O N GWRRA-MI-G OCTOBER 2016 NEWSLETTER F R I E N D S F O R F U N , S A F E T Y, K N O W L E D G E rG hapte MI-C Chapter G Meeting Place Denny’s Restaurant 44th & 131 2nd & 4th Sunday 8:30am MI-C hapte rG Chapter & Newsletter & Rider Ed of the Year Award SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 C2 Freedom Ride 2 New Beginning’s 3 9 10 16 Gathering & Boone’s 5 Staff Bostic’s 6 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 Harvest Party 23 New Beginning’s 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Denny’s 31 Halloween Ride/Activity Information CD’s Article Rider Ed Information Rider Opinion Out West Birthdays & Anniversaries For Sale Flyers 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8-9 7 8 State Officers meeting Team Connect Information 10-13 Sponsor Advertisements 14-16 Page "1 Chapter G Director Ezra Bostic 616-791-4587 rG hapte MI-C Events/Activities for October 2016 😏 We’ve ridden in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October will be just as good… Remember, there is always a ride possible… For any weather caused changes, please check the on line calendar on our web site. Oct 1 10:00am C2’s Freedom Ride. Leave Shell gas station in Baldwin (US 10 & M37) See flyer on page 6 for details Oct 2 8:30am New Beginning’s breakfast (Plainfield & Northland Drive) with possible ride after. Oct 5 6:30am G’s Team meeting at Bostic’s house 1492 Kinney NW Walker MI 49534 Oct 8 9:00am State Officer’s meeting VFW Hall 145 Wilcox Parkway. Clare, MI 8:00am Blur Ridge Parkway trip, leave from Bostic's house Oct 16 8:30am Breakfast & Gathering, Business 9:00am Denny’s (44th & 131) Oct 16 10:30am K2’s Boone’s Long Lake Inn ride See flyer on page 8 Oct 22 4:30pm Harvest Potluck at Dar and Rodney's. (dinner at 5-6). R.S.V.P. (616-970-3849) with what you would like to bring (appetizers, soup, chili, rolls, crackers, dessert). 1 dish per person/couple otherwise we end up with way too much food😊 Dar is making a chicken rice soup and a dessert. We will have pop, apple cider, coffee, dinnerware... By the way, byo....A fun get together. 221 Crown St. SW Wyoming MI 49548 Oct 23 8:30am New Beginning’s (Plainfield & Northland Drive) Oct 30 8:30am Denny’s (44th & 131) Fine Print There has always been an issue about starting times. When the time states 8:30, about 3/4 of the participants show up at 8:00. Now, if we state the start time is 8:00, will the same participants show up at 7:30? THAT is the big question and is up to debate. Your input is important here…🤔 Page "2 Chapter G Senior Director’s Report rG hapte MI-C CD article for October. On August 28th we left for Billings Montana. We, including Howard Stob, Pat Troost, Rodney DeJonge and Dar Koza, took the Lake Michigan Express from Muskegon, going over Lake Michigan to Milwaukee. Then on to Onalaska, Wisconsin for our first night. The second and third day brought us across Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and finally Billings, Montana. What scenery! Mt. Rushmore, Sturgis, the Badlands, Wall Drugs, Bear Tooth Pass, Yellowstone… I also took a demo ride on a 2017 Goldwing! Nice! Beautiful weather, bright blue skies. Once we left Billings to go home, rain every day. And my low beam headlights went out. I had to use my bright lights all the way home. I got home and went to D3 and had the lights fixed. Dan did a very good job and was reasonably priced. I recommend them highly. His address and phone number is in the newsletter on page 12. Try him out. I had my grandkids over, then company from Pennsylvania. Now, hopefully, I will be able to do the Blue Ridge in a couple of weeks. We will see. Your CD EZRA Can it be? Time for ghosts and goblins, trick or treaters, and trees starting to change to their beautiful colors? It is hard to believe that Autumn has arrived. We’re not ready to surrender to that white stuff just yet! We have had a very full riding season, don’t you think? What a wonderful ride all the way to Bilings, Mt. We have seen a lot, rode a lot, and enjoyed riding together a lot. We have had some mishaps, which proved that though things happen along the way, our family of friends are there to bale us out! (on more than one occasion). If you don’t know the details, just come to our gatherings and listen to the stories!!! It is hard for me to believe that our trip to Wing Ding in Billings MT is over and we are home again. Especially because I personally thought Montana was out of my comfort zone. But I can tell you that I am very glad that I had the opportunity to go. We saw America! We got to see Mt. Rushmore, Wall Drug, Sturgis SD (without the rowdies), Bear Tooth Pass(very scary), and Yellowstone National Park! AWESOME! So, just remember that our riding season is still in full swing, Check the calendar, October starts off with a BANG: MI-C2’s Freedom Ride for Veterans is October 1st. Don’t forget it’s: “RIDE, EAT, SLEEP, REPEAT”. Marilynn Page "3 Rider Education BOB UNGREY MI-G Rider Ed rG hapte MI-C My Observation While Riding I guess you can say that due to my job as the Safety Manager for a Moving Company and our Chapter's Rider Educator, I seem to notice or pay attention when I see a Tractor/Trailer or a Motorcycle going down the road. I look to see if all of the lights are in working order and look at both the rider and co rider on their motorcycle as they travel down the road. Maybe it's just habit, but I think in the back of my mind it's for the safety of both the drivers, passengers and all of the other drivers they may encounter while on their journey. My wife and I both believe in wearing all of the gear all of the time, not because of our Level IV status, but we want to be as safe and protected as we can be while riding our Trike "Plum Lucky"! I see so many motorcycle riders now that do not wear a helmet. The State of Michigan repealed its all-rider law in 2012. Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69% and reduce the risk of death by 42%. Ask Steve Cooper if his helmet protected him when he laid his bike down? From the pictures I saw, it sure saved him from serious injury. It is up to you as a rider and co rider if you want to wear a helmet or not. This is your choice not mine to make. Now my thoughts about Motorcycle Helmets. To me it's the most important protective gear you can wear while riding. It protects your head, helps keep the wind noise down and keeps those nasty bugs and flying objects from hitting you in the face. The visor is also great on a sunny day and lets not forget that our helmet has the speakers and mike so we can communicate via CB with others in our group. I'd say a pretty good tool for us to use. I've had many different types of helmets over the years, but all helmets have four basic components that work together to provide protection. An outer shell, an impact-absorbing liner, the comfort padding and a good retention system. I like the modular type helmet, good protection, fairly good at cutting wind noise and does the job I want it to do. When choosing a helmet color, design and price may be a part of your decision, but think first about protection and comfort. Make sure to try the helmet on for proper fit, remember this will be on your head the whole time you're riding your motorcycle, too tight will feel like a vise, too loose and not very good protection. What you must know when choosing a helmet is that it meets minimum safety standards. The way to find a well-made, reliable helmet is to look for the DOT sticker. The sticker means the helmet complies with the safety test standards of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Helmets as well as other safety components don's last forever. Replace it every few years, there may be some major advances that you'd like to have/add such as a better mike, speakers, style, color or blue tooth. If you wear a helmet, wear it every time you ride. Until next month, have fun and ride safely. Bob Ungrey Page "4 Rider Opinion Page rG hapte MI-C There are times when you’ve just had a great picnic besides the lapping waves of a small lake, watching boaters taking one last ride before winter. Then, deciding to ride through the scenic country side roads for some ice cream. Watching families taking their children to watch the farm animals. This is the beauty of a beautiful Fall day in Michigan. Even on the way back towards home, we found other roads that we haven’t ridden on, small towns that weren’t visited before. Last week we had to go on some hard packed dirt roads on our way to Sylvester’s. It was a super ride. So, what is wrong with one more dirt road? It looks hard, packed down, very scenic, just a short cut through the woods… We took it and… (Did you see the movie “Deliverance”?) We made it through, but… Ask us what happened and why we’re never going back there. Unless someone double or triple dog dares… Howard Stob MI-G ACD Page "5 Trip out West to Billings rG hapte MI-C Bear Tooth Pass was cold! 286445 A lot more pictures can be seen from a link on our web page Page "6 rG hapte MI-C October Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays 04 Jim Meredith 06 Steve Ayres 08 Teresa Lasher 14 Ellen Stob 20 William Hovinga 22 Ray Troost 22 Jeffrey Seagle 25 Rex Derksen 27 Peggy Kline 27 Bob Toedebusch Anniversaries 14 Don & Gloria Houda 22 Mike & Joyce Zagumny If you have items for sale, if you need an item, or if you want to give items away, give us a call to publish them here. We still have some 2015 Midnight Ride shirts left. These are memories of the last ride. $25.00 will get you one, including shipping. Send your request along with check or money order (Chapter G) to: Ezra Bostic 1492 Kinney NW Walker MI 49534 FOR SALE or Free Items Very good quality Vests for your patches, $35. I Have: 1 small, 1 medium, 4 each of large, XL, and XXL. Chains $8. Only one left. Rodney DeJonge (616) 291-7948 Page "7 rG hapte MI-C October 16, 2016 Color Ride to Boone’s Long Lake Inn Rain or Shine… 2 or 4 wheels Reservations must be made. Call Don & Cindi Reed at 231-796-3716 by October 14th. Leave B & B, at corner of Northland Dr. & 19 Mile Rd. at 10:30 Sharp!, with bikes gassed up. Page "9 Gold Wing Road Riders Association rG hapte MI-C Michigan District Region D "The Great Lakes Region" "Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge" GWRRA event page... Date Michigan District and areaEvent Chapter Place (updated 03/10/2016) All entries that start with * an asterisk areWeekend the Chapters Fund Raisers, please May 27-30 Memorial Chapter V take this into consideration when choosing your events! Thank you. Campout Beaverton, MI June 4March 2016 ARC/TRC Pontiac, MI June Chapter Campout BlarneyBash 4Chili Cook Off Anniversary Party June 11 MI Rider Ed J2 V Chapter G Fun run July July Chapter J2 IONIA MI Rider Chapter Campout June 2016 Campout August 13Annual Fun Run 26th Picnic In The Park August 18-20 Ohio Buckeye Rally Picnic Group Video East Central Campout Advanced Rider Course / Trike Rider Course August 31-Sept 1-3 Campout Wing Ding 38 September 11 July 2016 Anniversary Party Reno Rendezvous 32nd Annual Toy Run September 24 21-24 Chapter Y Houghton Lake, MI Chapter N Muskegon, MI 12-15 19-21 Coldwater, MI 27-30 Michigan District Evart, MI Chapter Q Sault Ste. Marie, MI 4 PONTIAC Z E Chapter S2 L Chapter Canfield, OhioV2 Grayling J2 GWRRA Chapter K2 September 11 23 21-24 Grayling, MI 30 Stockbridge, MI Ed Rockville, Indiana Region D V - Taylor's Lost Haven - Beaverton, MI August 12-13 Soo Locks Campout Advanced Rider Course / Trike Rider Course 9 Lansing, MI Clare, MI Columbus Indiana Michigan Rally River, MI Waterford, MI R Chapter L C J MI Rider Ed Columbus Indiana RCIT Rider Course Instructor Training N.13A RC Instructor Certification 23 PizzaProgram in the Application Park New 2-06 Indiana Spring Warm Up 28-30 Region D Rally Memorial Day Weekend Campout August 4-6 Z Chapter E April 2016 Mystery Dinner June 12 Picnic in the Park Anniversary Party Mall Show June 18 ARC/TRC TRCIT Trike Rider Course Instructor Training N.13A RC Instructor Certification Program Application June 24-26 Chapter Campout New 2-06 Advanced Rider Course / Trike Rider Course July 16 ARC/TRC May 2016 July 15-17 12 16 Indian 26 Reno 4 Bellville, MI 11 Host 12 TBA 16-18 18 Billings, MY 24-26 Big Rapids, MI 7-9 Chapter W Adrian, MI Anniversary Party Chapter F2 Davison, MI October 1 Freedom Run Chapter C2 October 1 Anniversary Party Chapter J2 October 8 Anniversary Party Chapter V October 15 Anniversary Party Chapter Y October 16 Color Ride Chapter K2 October 22 Fun Run Chapter G2 Page "10 MI-G TEAM CONTACTS rG hapte MI-C Chapter G Directors Ezra & Marilynn Bostic 616-791-4587 Attendance John Smith 616-554-6134 Chapter G ACD Newsletter Editor Howard Stob 616-538-1087 Phone Tree Coordinators Pete and Sherry Wright 616-361-6287 Chapter G 2016 Couple of the Year Harry & Marcia Emmert 616-363-2159 Chapter G Treasurer Jim Hake 616 773-9670 Chapter G Brag Book Jane Ungrey 616-784-6563 Advertising Dept Greeters 50/50 Harry & Marcia Emmert 616-363-2159 Road Captain Bob Toedebusch (616) 706-9932 Rider Ed Bob Ungrey 616 784-6563 Events Coordinator Mike & Karen Wallis 616 284-9221 160074 Web Guru C.J. Shroll 616-437-0305 Chapter G Website Chapter Photographer Sunshine Lady Dar Koza 616-970-3849 Page "11 Michigan District Directors Bob & Kim Scott (989) 429-9144 rG hapte MI-C Assistant District Educators Dennis & Felicia Schulte Phone: (989) 269-3998 Assistant District Directors: Northern Section Frank & Deb King Phone: (906) 440-2133 Chapters J2, Q, Y, & Z Leadership Training... District Trainers Webmaster Ken Kintner & Patti Kintner Phone: 517-265-2667(H) 517-902-9893(K) Patti (after 5pm only please) 517-902-6222(P) Assistant District Directors: Western Section Contact District Directors Bob & Kim Scott (989) 429-9144 Chapters C2, D, G, G2, K2, N,O, S & R2 Phone: (810) 397-1813 District Membership Enhancement... District Coordinators Randy & Cheryl Wiggins Phone: 231-557-4792 Assistant District Directors: East Central Section Rob & Pam Robinson Chapters A, D2, E, F, F2, L, Q2, U, V, & V2 Rob (248) 255-5859 Pam (248) 255-5860 District Treasurer Durand & Lonnie Benjamin Jr (810) 245-3652 Medic First Aid Coordinator Gary Williams 517-262-0896 Couple of the Year Coordinator Carol Williams 517-262-6314 Assistant District Directors: Southeast Section Bob & Marcia Kinsey H (517) 458-6807 C (517) 403-1956 Michigan Couple of the Year 2016... Brent and Sandra Blackburn Chapters C, H, H2, J, R, S2, W & W2 District Educator Richard Andreen Phone: (810) 834-9125 Page "12 rG hapte MI-C Region D Directors Becky & Lloyd Glydewell 937-322-7156 (Home) 937-360-3191 (Lloyd Cell) 937-631-4045 (Becky Cell) Email: Region D Newsletter Editor Killey & Dustin Shuck 765-490-0686 Email: m Ohio District Directors Rudy & Linda Copeland Email: Region D Treasurers Leon Rogers & Tracey Enicks 937-423-1200 Leon’s Cell Email: Region D Ride Educators John & Laurel Kuehl 219-464-4663 Home Email: Region D Leadership Trainers Kathleen & Ken Heibel 616-901-2767 Kathleen’s Cell--after 5 pm. Email: Region D Membership Enhancement Coordinators Gary & Carol Meyerholtz 812-639-7776 Gary’s Cell 812-631-3203 Carol's Cell Email: Region D Vendor Coordinators George & Jeanie Fowler 740-427-2520 Home Email: Region D Entertainment Coordinators Mark & Dawn Reed assisted by sons Matthew & Nicholas 219-866-4386 Email: Ray and Sandi Garris Director of GWRRA Region D Couple of the Year Chuck & Melanie Geggie 513-312-6665 Melanie 513-312-0224 Chuck Email: Region D Webmaster Howard Pletcher 260-255-9992 Cell Email: Indiana District Directors Ray & Melinda Faber 765 307-0134 Ray 765 307-0661 Melinda Email: Michigan District Directors Bob & Kim Scott 989-429-9144 Email: Page "13 GWRRA National Website Region D Website Michigan District Website The First in Synthetics® since 1972 Advanced-Lubrication Harold A. Taylor 221 McGarry Drive Lansing, MI 48911 517-204-3674 Harold Taylor INDEPENDENT DEALER CT Comp Techs •Computer Sales & Service •Graphic Design & video •Small Business Server & Network Administration YOUR AD COULD BE HERE contact: Harry Emmert (616) 363-2159 Robert Thompson (616) 951-4001 Mike’s (616) 784-6363 Cycle Station Quality Service On: Motorcycles - ATV’S D3CUSTOMS LLC DAN DUCZKOWSKI Owner/Master Technician Goldwing Certified 11363 3rd Ave NW M-F Grand Rapids, MI 49534 M-F 8-6 8-6 616-291-4196 Ice Racers / Flat Trackers / Moto X’rs Parts &Accessories Available & Special Orders Servicing Vintage Motorcycles in winter Months 4381 Alpine NW Comstock Park MI 49321 Owner: Mike Babka M-F 9-6 Motorcycles on the Mac August 20, 2016 YOUR AD COULD BE HERE contact: Harry Emmert (616) 363-2159 560 North State St. St. Ignace, MI 49781 Page "14 Ph: 800.970.8717 rG hapte MI-C .t Injured in aAmotorcycle accident? Injured inaMotorc ycle ccident. You Need Michigan’s Top-Rated Lawyers YouNeed Michigan's Tcv &kW Attorneys Don’t get run over by the insurance company! "In my opinion theyWhy you should choose Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. for are the best your Michigan motorcycle accident case: motorcycle accident lawyers in Highest possible rating for skill and integrity Top track record for settlements Michigan." - Michael J. Smith, former Published authors on motorcycle accidents client and U.S. Army Ranger after NO WIN, NO FEE Lawyers Members of ABATE receiving his $1,100,000 settlement. “In my opinion, they are the best motorcycle accident lawyers in Michigan.” - Michael J. Smith, former client and U.S. Army Ranger after receiving his $1,100,000 settlement. Bumbling'. & Buckfire P. 31Ems t Attorney Dondi Vesprini Attorney Daniel Buckfire Board of Directors of ABATE of Michigan Author of “The Ultimate Michigan Motorcycle Accident Handbook” Call (800) 606-1717 leed to to know KnowThe TheHelmet HelmetLaws LawsIn InEvery Every State State and and Country Country this ThlsSummer SummerFour For Your Need Your pike BikeTrip? Trip? The Ultimate Michigan Motorcycle Downloadthe the FREE FREE"Motorcycle “Motorcycle Helmet Laws” App Download Helmet Laws" App Accident Handbook Just for "Motowycla “motorcycle Helmet on ITunes or Goo& google Play. N g search muck for Hoknot Laws” ("Aeon 'runes or Met WARNING: READ THIS BOOK BEFORE YOU SPEAK TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY The Ultimate Michigan Motorcycle Accident Handbook Our FREE BOOK wri en by top-rated Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer Daniel Buckfire explains 1 the Michigan motorcycle accident laws in easy to understand language. You will eliminate hours of 1 stress, confusion, and uncertainty simply by reading this book. This 65 Page Book reveals: Out I PU re_KHIc wi ne!' by One Of OM 10" gatrd I ni . 1 1 1 mill Why You Need a Lawyer When Dealing With the Insurance Company om yt tr dies k k d We i l ' ram 'OD undwi l ani Lartemar. Iron oi l l i mns! • t u t i tathrvt, terstbemwt 10 • y s l e a c q N aid refit efILMIllp411010 trie,t•diog the beak This tita s a mb tom & l AAre You En i n ptled to Michigan No-Fault Insurance Benefits r i N 1 - . VaJ"wk.(' 4 4 a Lawyee M •I W tb oodhe* °mem Wdb1he IMPASSICIP Ca ll.P How To Get The Best Money Se lement for Your Injuries N t3 0 h e • A t e You I r t d to M P n t e d F mil 'Near ors.r lielyr441e I M o . l t v e l 0 How To Find The Best Lawyer For Your Case • i f l i 1 4 N r i l l Urine" StellpflIPM1h i V ow irtultrfi Who Much Pay For Motorcycle Damage Claims I • l a m a l o I ind The homa liarrre toe * ow Coo l l •Our book sells for $14.95 but we will send it to GWRRA members for FREE. t h r t e M t * IlVio Fo• Moloht yr.* Da na . CSaina 1 1 OW W O *Olt Ibis 534 95 but wt. will litynd elb:IONNFI Request Your FREE COPY at 1 • 1 RA m o m W i t t 4 e s 0 F Or call us at 1-800-606-1717 R Reluesi E E Your FREE COPY 2t I wont" Mactwoonbi011orcvcieBook F 01 t4ell us dt 1-41100-606-t 711 V wwwieuckfireLaw_com I l l I 4 1 Page "15 1 1 1 . MI-Chapter G Monday TUES - THURS FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Hours 9:00AM - 7:00PM 9:00AM - 6:00PM 9:00AM - 7:00PM 9:00AM - 4:00PM CLOSED POWERSPORTS ★ ★ ★ 616.855.3660 ★ ★ ★ FOXPOWERSPORTS.COM 720 44TH STREET WYOMING MI 49509 44TH & 131 GWRRA MI-G Ezra and Marilynn Bostic 1492 Kinney NW Walker MI 49534 Address Page "16 MI-Chapter G
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