1. International Holzbau-Forum Nordic Växjö 12 (IHN 2012) | Nordic
1. International Holzbau-Forum Nordic Växjö 12 (IHN 2012) | Nordic
1. International Holzbau-Forum Nordic Växjö 12 (IHN 2012) | Nordic Wood Construction Conference New construction in a new age | Good homes for small households at a reasonable price 30–31st of August 2012 www.forum-holzbau.com/vaexjoe/vaexjoe_index.html 2012-06-08 ® tr Thursday, 30th of August 2012 Mini-buses shuttle from downtown/hotels starting at 7.45. 1. International Holzbau-Forum Nordic Växjö 12 (IHN 2012) | Nordic Wood Construction Conference 30–31st of August 2012 Nytt New construction in a new age Building in Sweden moves slowly and is expensive; a problem that most likely exists in the rest of Scandinavia as well as Europe. The building costs trend with inflated housing prices and leaves a productivity growth rate at next to nothing. This affects primarily our young people, senior citizens and single persons who make up the category of the small household. With increased competition, more local actors, and most importantly the industrialization of timber construction we can create the market that provides good homes for small households. Presented below is the preliminary program for the first International HolzbauForum Nordic in Växjö 12, Sweden. Each block is made up of three or four presentations followed by a panel discussion. The lectures will be held mostly in English with some presentations in Swedish. Wednesday, 29th of August 2012 15.00 Pre-conference activities for early arrivals. We will visit several of Växjö’s timber buildings within city limits, including: • VälleBroar–TheModernWoodenCity. • Portvakten,8storytimberconstruction,64apartments, solidwoodbeams. • Limnologen,8storytimberbuildings,134apartments. • Välludden,4-5storytimberbuildings,apartments/condominiums. • Södra Climate Arena,15kwh/kvm/year,solidwoodbeam construction. •Uppfinnaren,4–5storeyofficebuilding,solidwoodbeams. • HusM,15000kvmfacilitiesattheUniversity. • HusN,7000kvmkvmfacilitiesattheUniversity. • ÖstraLugnet. • Biskopshagen. 19.00 Linnaes dinner. Separate registration is required. 08.00 Registration and welcome coffee at the entry foyer in M-house. ThecoffeeisprovidedbyTrästad2012Växjö. 08.30 Welcome and introduction from the organizers. HansAndrén,Trästad2012Växjö/VäxjöKommunföretagAB/ VäxjöSamtalet(SE) KristinaAlsér,LandshövdingiKronobergs(SE) Block 1: Timber building in Scandinavia and Europe: State of the art The role of timber building is different from country to country. How did it develop in the Nordic and in other European Countries in the past years? Where is timber building today and how do we want to develop it or how must it be developed in the future? Chair:MattiKairi,UniversityofAalto,Helsingfors(FI) 08.40 09.05 Sweden. OlaMånsson,Sverigesbyggindustrier(SE)asked Finland. MarkkuKarjalainen,MinistryofEmploymentandtheEconomy(FI) 09.30 Norway. AasmundBunkholt,TreFokus,NO 09.55 Europe, as summary. KarlMoser,KM-Consulting(DE) 10.15 Panel discussion. 10.40 Coffee and sandwiches in the exhibition. ThecoffeeisprovidedbyMunicipalityofVäxjö. Block 2: Energy, timber & climate In these presentations you will learn more about the important role the forest plays in timber construction and how energy use can formulated using the lifecycle perspective. Chair:KnutMagnarSandland,Klimatre(NO) 11.10 11.35 The forest’s role in timber construction. JohanBergh,FutureForest(SE)asked Lifecycle primary energy use of buildings. LeifGustavsson,LinnaeusUniversity(SE) 12.00 Panel discussion . 12.30 Bus transport to the inauguration of Södra Climate Arena, Tennis hall in wood with passive house technique. 13.00 Lunch and participation in the inauguration of Södra Climate Arena. Early registration required. Alternatively lunch at Linnaeus University. rät Block 3: Industrialized contruction of tall timber building 17.15 Martinsons building systems. BasBoellaard,MartinsonsByggsystemAB(SE) The industrialization of timber construction makes it more effective. In this block you will receive information about how the LEAN-technique is used – both inside and outside of the construction branch. Chair:Carl-JohanJohansson,SPTrätek(SE) 17.30 Moelven building systems Trä8. JohanÅhlén,Moelven(SE) 17.45 Stora Enso building systems. MattiasBrännström,StoraEnso(SE) 18.00 Panel discussion. 14.30 LEAN in the timber industry: How can we make the building of tall buildings in timber more effective? StefanLindbäck,Lindbäcksbygg(SE) 14.55 The New culture of (wooden) building – outstanding quality of sophisticated prefabrication. AlexanderGumpp,Gumpp&Meier(DE) 15.20 15.45 How to act in workaday life? Continuous improvements show results every day! JoakimBjurström,LEANAB(SE) All new building techniques and projects impact existing housing. In this block, we will take a close look at this influence with help from professionals in the field. Chair:JohannaHolmBodin,Basark(SE)asked 16.45 Problematization of the Million Programme. CatharinaFored,SverigesArkitekter(SE)asked 17.10 Storey expansion: example Umeå. AndersLundgren,AR-BYGG,Umeåhem(SE) 17.35 Renovate densify, change – by timber element systems! YrsaCronhjort,AaltoUniversity(FI) 18.00 Panel discussion. Panel discussion. Block 4: Housing – new production New production in the housing branch faces many challenges, where new times demand new solutions. Listen to how experience is used to grow construction processes. Here is even an introduction of the upcoming project ”Good homes for small households for a reasonable price”. Chair:SaraWestin,UppsalaUniversity(SE) 14.30 Why don’t we build more? StefanAttefall,MinisterforPublicAdministrationandHousing(SE) asked 14.55 Småland as a center for industrialiserad construction ? HelenaNilsson,RegionförbundetKalmarlän(SE) 15.20 Good housing for small households for a reasonable price. ErlandUllstad,Trästad2012Sydost(SE) 15.45 Panel discussion. 16.15 Block 6: Housing – existing apartment stock Coffee in the exhibition ThecoffeeisprovidedbyNordicWoodenCities. Block 5: Building system for high-rise There are many techniques for the construction of high-rises in wood. Take part in this block where experts tell about timber construction’s various approaches and which benefits certain techniques have compared with the branch’s standard technique. Chair:AndersGustafsson,SPTrätek(SE) 16.45 Branch standard for constuction of high-rise buildings ? KimmoJärvinen,FinnishWoodResearch(FI) 17.00 Lignatur building systems. RalphSchläpfer,Lignatur(CH) Block 7: Production in single-family homes companies demands new thinking: higher value for less work! Starting with the market and the consumer’s needs products and productions have to be developed to satisfy those needs. That is nothing revolutionary in itself; however, producers of one- and two-family houses are working very traditionally when producing their products. How can the linkage between the market, the product and the production be improved to add more value to the consumer whilst reducing the needed amount of work? Chair:SaaraTaalas,LinnaeusUniversity(SE) 16.45 Market-based: Focus on customer preferences AndersQ.Nyrud,NorskTretekniskInstitutt(NO) 17.10 Product and production development: corrective effectiveness measures in SMEs. KerstinJohansen,LinköpingUniversity(SE) 17.35 The right component in the right time and quantity. The future’s prefabricators demand Just In Time! LarsEliasson,LinnaeusUniversity(SE) 18.00 Panel discussion. 18.30 Activities in the exhibition. 19.30 Dinner. 19.30 The mini buses shuttle to downtown/hotels in 30 min intervals until 24.00. tr Friday 31st of August 2012 Mini-buses shuttle from downtown/hotels starting at 7.45. 08.00 10.20 Ventilation & heating of energy efficient timber buildings. AmbroseDodoo,LinnaeusUnivercity(SE) 10.45 How do we create moisture-proof and energy-efficient timber buildings? JesperArfvidsson,LundTH(SE) 11.05 (10 min); House N as an example: Energy-efficient and certified! PatrikHjelm,VideumAB(SE) Registration and welcome coffee at the entry, foyer in House-M . ThecoffeeisprovidedbyVäxjöSamtalet. Block 8: Timber Architecture Timber as a building material means a great deal to our environmental concerns with its characteristic of lowering CO2 emissions and good statistics in energy use in the entirety of its cycle: from the factory production to work site construction and the phases of use. But how important is wood in relation to the ever-growing concept of essential architecture? Chair:HenrikTeleman,Virserumkonsthall(SE) 08.15 08.35 Wood in Essential Architecture. FlorianNagler,FlorianNaglerArchitektenGmbH(DE) Wood in Essential Architecture. AlexanderVandeBeld,Onix(NL) 08.55 Wood in Essential Architecture. HenrietteSalvesen,DivAArkitekter(NO) 09.15 Wood in Essential Architecture. WalterUnderrainer,UmeåSchoolofArchitecture(SE) 09.30 Panel discussion. Block 9: Education and Academy In order to improve timber building, basic knowledge is needed as well as excellence within certain areas. How can such knowledge be build and conveyed to make it public? Chair:ErikSerrano,LinnaeusUniversity(SE) 08.15 08.40 Expert for sustainable wooden construction. JohanVessby,LinnaeusUniversity(SE) (10 min); Passive house technique in Södra Climate Arena. SimoneKreutzer,igpassivhus(SE) 11.30 Panel discussion. Block 11: Build big! This block describes some of the larger timber construction projects that will inspire us to “think big.” Chair:HansAndrén,Trästad2012Växjö/VäxjöKommunföretagAB/ VäxjöSamtalet(SE) 10.20 10.45 Big in the urban environment. JohanÅhlen,Moelven(NO) Big in the urban environment. GregerLindgren,MartinsonsByggsystemAB(SE) 11.05 4×9 in Milan. AndreaBernasconi,heig-vd/HES-SO(CH) 11.30 Panel discussion. 12.00 Coffee in the exhibitionn. ThecoffeeisprovidedbyLinnaeusUniversity. Block 12: Europe and Scandinavia: what can we learn from each other? 09.05 How can research contribute to industry effectiveness? Cooperation between academy and industry. LarsStehn,LuleåTU(SE) When in Rome, do as the Romans do! This should as well be true within the construction industry, when a company tries to launch their products on foreign markets. Yet, export-related problems always have occurred, often based on ignorance or a nonchalant attitude toward different ways of acting. How can we get closer to each other and take the fight for a higher market share that we take over from other materials? Chair:TobiasSchauerte,LinnaeusUniversity(SE) 09.30 Panel discussion. 12.30 09.55 Coffee in the exhibition. ThecoffeeisprovidedbyTrästad2012Växjö. Education and team forming – preconditions for outstanding quality of timber structures. StefanWinter,AaltoUniversity(FI)/TUMünchen(DE) Block 10: Energy The use of energy has turned into a central issue in society as well as the construction industry. How can we build energy efficient wooden houses and meet challenges like for example moisture, without compromising on living quality? Chair:StefanWinter,AaltoUniversity(FI)/TUMünchen(DE) 12.55 What are the differences and why do they exist? LudgerDederich,HolzbauDeutschlandInstitut(DE) What are the differences and why do they exist? MikaelEliasson,SetraGroup(SE) 13.20 Conslusion and presentation of next year conference in Kouvula, FI. TobiasSchauerte,LinnaeusUnivercity(SE);MattiKairi,University ofAalto(FI);HansAndrén,Trästad2012Växjö/VäxjöKommunföretagAB/VäxjöSamtalet(SE);AimoAhti,Kouvolastad(FI) 13.30 Lunch. Mini-buses shuttle back to downtown/hotels starting at 14.00. 1. International Holzbau-Forum Nordic Växjö 12 (IHN 2012) | Nordic Wood Construction Conference 30–31st of August 2012 Organizers Aalto University Helsinki (AUH) (FI) Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) (CH) CBBT, Centre for Timber Construction and Housing (SE) Hochschule Rosenheim (HS Ro) (DE) Linnaeus University (LNU) (SE) Nordic Wooden Cities (SE, DK, FI) Technische Universität München (TUM) (DE) Trästad 2012 Växjö (SE) University of British Columbia (UBC) (CA) Vienna University of Technology (TUW) (AT) Växjö kommun (SE) VäxjöSamtalet (SE) Premium Partners Fermacell (DE) MADEexpo (IT) Pavatex (CH) Ideella Partners Framtidens trähusfabrik (SE) Sintef (NO) SP Trätek (SE) Sponsors CBBT, Centre for Timber Construction and Housing (SE) Nordic Wooden Cities (SE, DK, FI) Trästad 2012 Växjö (SE) VäxjöSamtalet (SE) Växjö kommun (SE) Participants Aimo Ahti, City Manager, Entreprenneurial Affairs,Kouvola stad (FI) Kristina Alsér, Landshövding, Kronobergs län (SE) Hans Andrén, Projektkorrdinator/Project Coordinator, Trästad2012Växjö/Växjö KommunföretagAB/VäxjöSamtalet (SE) Jesper Arfvidsson, Professor, Lund TH (SE) Stefan Attefall, Civil och Bostadsminister/ Minister for Public Administration and Housing (SE) tillfrågad Johan Bergh, Forskningsledare/Project manager, Future Forest (SE) tillfrågad Andrea Bernasconi, heig-vd/HES-SO (CH) Joakim Bjurström, VD/CEO, LEANAB (SE) Bas Boellaard, Konstruktör/Constructor, Martinsons Byggsystem AB (SE) Mattias Brännström, PhD, Stora Enso (SE) Aasmund Bunkholt, Dagligledare/CEO, Trefokus, (NO) Yrsa Cronhjort, Koordinator/Coordinator, Aalto University (FI) Ludger Dederich, VD/CEO, Holzbau Deutschland Institut (DE) Ambrose Dodoo, PhD, Forskningsingenjör/PhD Research Engineer, Linnaeus Univercity (SE) Mikael Eliasson, Utvecklingsdirektör/Development Director, Setra Group (SE) Lars Eliasson, Tek. Lic./Technology Licentiate, Linnaeus University (SE) Catharina Fored, Förbundsdirektör/CEO, Sveriges Arkitekter (SE) tillfrågad Alexander Gumpp, VD/CEO, Gumpp & Meier GmbH (DE) Anders Gustafsson, M. Sc. SP Trä (SE) Leif Gustavsson, Professor, Linnaeus University (SE) Patrik Hjelm, Fastighetschef/Property Manager, Videum AB (SE) Johanna Holm Bodin, Arkitekt/Architect, Basark (SE) tillfrågad Kerstin Johansen, PhD, Universitetslektor/ PhD, Ass. Prof. Linköping University (SE) Carl-Johan Johansson, Senior Advisor, SP Trätek (SE) Kimmo Järvinen, Managing Director, Finnish Wood Research (FI) Matti Kairi, Professor, University of Aalto, Helsingfors (FI) Markku Karjalainen, Development Manager, Ministry of Employment and the Economy (FI) Simone Kreutzer, Civilingenjör, Certifierad passivhusexpert/MSc in Engineering, IG Passivhus (SE) Stefan Lindbäck, VD/CEO, Lindbäcks bygg (SE) Greger Lindgren, Teknisk chef/ Technical Director, Martinsons Byggsystem AB (SE) Anders Lundgren, VD/CEO, AR-BYGG, Umeåhem (SE) Knut Magnar Sandland, Dr.Sceint/Avdelningsledare, Klimatre (NO) Karl Moser, VD/CEO, KM-Consulting (DE) Ola Månsson, VD/CEO, Sveriges Byggindustrier (SE) Florian Nagler, Arkitekt/Architect, Florian Nagler Architekten GmbH (DE) Helena Nilsson, Områdesansvarig, näringslivsutveckling/ Area Manager, Business Development, Regionförbundet Kalmar (SE) Anders Q. Nyrud, PhD, Forskningsledare/PhD Reasearch Leader, Norsk Treteknisk Institutt (NO) Henriette Salvesen, Arkitekt/Architect, DivA Arkitekter (NO) Tobias Schauerte, PhD, Universitetslektor/PhD Ass. Prof., Linnaeus University (SE) Ralph Schläpfer, Dipl. ingenjör, VD/MSc in Engineering, CEO, Lignatur (CH) Erik Serrano, Professor, Linnaeus University (SE) Lars Stehn, Professor, Luleå TU (SE) Saara Taalas, Professor, Linnaeus University (SE) Henrik Teleman, Konsthallschef/Director, Virserum konsthall (SE) Erland Ullstad, Processledare/Process Manager, Trästad 2012 Sydost (SE) Walter Underrainer, Professor, Direktör, Umeå School of Architecture (SE) Alexander Van de Beld, Arkitekt, Onix (NL) Johan Vessby, PhD, Universitetslektor/PcD, Ass. Prof., Linnaeus University (SE) Sara Westin, Arkitekt/Architect, Uppsala University (SE) Stefan Winter, Professor, Aalto University (FI) / TU München (DE) Johan Åhlén, VD/CEO, Moeleven Töreboda (SE) 1.1.International InternationalHolzbau-Forum Holzbau-ForumNordic NordicVäxjö Växjö12 12 (IHN 2012) | Nordic Wood Construction Conference (IHN 2012) | Nordic Wood Construction Conference 30–31st 30–31stofofAugust August2012 2012 I would I wouldlike liketotoregister registerforforthe theInternational InternationalHolzbau-Forum Holzbau-ForumNordic Nordic1212 (IHN (IHN2012) 2012)the the30–31st 30–31stofofAugust, August,2012. 2012. Choose the blocks you would like toto participate in.in. Thursday, 30th ofof August 2012 Choose the blocks you would like participate Thursday, 30th August 2012 Block 1: 1: Timber building in in Scandinavia and Europe: State ofof the art. Block Timber building Scandinavia and Europe: State the art. Block 2: 2: Energy, timber && climate. Block Energy, timber climate. Block 3: 3: Industrialized contruction ofof tall timber building. Block Industrialized contruction tall timber building. Block 4: 4: Housing – new production. Block Housing – new production. Block 5: 5: Building system forfor high-rise. Block Building system high-rise. Block 6: Housing – existing apartment stock. Block 6: Housing – existing apartment stock. Block 7: 7: Production in in single-family homes companies demands new thinking: higher value forfor less work! Block Production single-family homes companies demands new thinking: higher value less work! Friday, 31st ofof August 2012 Friday, 31st August 2012 Block 8: 8: Wood in in Essential Architecture. Block Wood Essential Architecture. Block 9: 9: Education and Academy. Block Education and Academy. Block 10: Energy. Block 10: Energy. Block 11: Build big! Block 11: Build big! Block 12: Europe and Scandinavia: what can wewe learn from each other? Block 12: Europe and Scandinavia: what can learn from each other? Register for: Register for: The entire program, 30–31st ofof August 2012 / SEK 3'450./ CHF 475.The entire program, 30–31st August 2012 € 395.€ 395./ SEK 3'450./ CHF 475.Only Thursday, 30th of August 2012 € 275./ SEK 2'350./ CHF 330.Only Thursday, 30th of August 2012 € 275.- / SEK 2'350.- / CHF 330.Only Friday, 31st ofof August 2012 € 125./ SEK 1'100./ CHF 150.Only Friday, 31st August 2012 € 125./ SEK 1'100./ CHF 150.Student, both days (includes food and coffee) / SEK 1'920./ CHF 115.Student, both days (includes food and coffee) € €95.95./ SEK 1'920./ CHF 115.Student, both days (excludes food and coffee) / SEK 1'100./ CHF Student, both days (excludes food and coffee) € €10.10./ SEK 1'100./ CHF12.12.Program onon Wednesday , 29th of of August (incl. food) € €59./ SEK 1'500./ CHF Program Wednesday , 29th August (incl. food) 59./ SEK 1'500./ CHF71.71.Allpricesarewithouttax. Allpricesarewithouttax. Register Registervia viafax fax+46 +46(0)470 (0)470767685854040 ororatatwww.forum-holzbau.com/vaexjoe/vaexjoe_index.html www.forum-holzbau.com/vaexjoe/vaexjoe_index.html Participant Participant(first (firstand andlast lastname) name) Thursday, Thursday,30th 30thofofAugust August2012 2012 08.00 08.00 Registration Registrationand andwelcome welcomecoffee coffeeatatthe theentry entryfoyer foyerininM-house. M-house. 08.30 Welcome and introduction from the organizers. 08.30 Welcome and introduction from the organizers. 08.40 08.40 Block Block1:1:Timber Timberbuilding buildingininScandinavia Scandinaviaand andEurope: Europe:State Stateofofthe theart. art. 11.10 11.10 Block Block2:2:Energy, Energy,timber timber& &climate. climate. 14.30 14.30 Block Block3:3:Industrialized Industrializedcontruction contructionofoftall talltimber timberbuilding. building. 14.30 14.30 Block Block4:4:Housing Housing– –new newproduction. production. 16.45 16.45 Block Block5:5:Building Buildingsystem systemforforhigh-rise. high-rise. 16.45 16.45 Block Block6:6:Housing Housing– –existing existingapartment apartmentstock. stock. 16.45 16.45 Block Block7:7:Production Productionininsingle-family single-familyhomes homescompanies companiesdemands demands new newthinking: thinking:higher highervalue valueforforless lesswork! work! Fredag, Fredag,3131augusti augusti2012 2012 08.15 Block 08.15 Block8:8:Wood WoodininEssential EssentialArchitecture. Architecture. 08.15 08.15 Block Block9:9:Education Educationand andAcademy. Academy. 10.20 10.20 Block Block10: 10:Energy. Energy. 10.20 10.20 Block Block11: 11:Build Buildbig! big! 12.30 12: Europe and Scandinavia: what can we learn from each other? 12.30 Block Block 12: Europe and Scandinavia: what can we learn from each other? Location Location Linnéuniversitetet/Linnaeus Linnéuniversitetet/LinnaeusUniversity University House HouseM/House M/HouseN,N,Lückligs Lückligsplats plats1,1,SE-351 SE-3519595Växjö Växjö Accommodation Accommodation Hotel Hotelinformation informationmay maybebefound foundon: on: http://www.forum-holzbau.com/vaexjoe/vaexjoe_index.html http://www.forum-holzbau.com/vaexjoe/vaexjoe_index.htmleller eller http://sv.hotels.com/de1272866/hotell-i-vaxjo-sverige/ http://sv.hotels.com/de1272866/hotell-i-vaxjo-sverige/ Bestämmelser Bestämmelser The Theregistration registrationshould shouldbebedone doneininwriting writingbybyfax faxororononthe thewebsite. website.For Forany any cancellation less than one week before the event, a cancelation fee will cancellation less than one week before the event, a cancelation fee willbebe charged chargedforforhalf halfofofthe thecost. cost.If Ifcancelation cancelationis islater laterthan than4 4days daysbefore beforethe thestart start ofofthe event or in the case of a no-show, the full costs of the conference the event or in the case of a no-show, the full costs of the conferencewill will need needtotobebepaid. paid.Another Anotherperson personmay maytake takethe theplace placeofofthe theregistered registeredparticiparticipant. pant.Space Spaceis islimited. limited. Information Information Hans HansAndrén Andrén Project ProjectCoordinator, Coordinator, Trästad Trästad2012 2012Växjö Växjö VäxjöSamtalet VäxjöSamtalet tel. tel.+46 +46705 705292985850000 hans.andren@vkabvaxjo.se hans.andren@vkabvaxjo.se Company/Institution/Organization Company/Institution/Organization Billing BillingAddress Address Phone PhoneNumber Number Date Date Wednesday, Wednesday,29th 29thofofAugust August2012 2012 15.00 Pre-conference 15.00 Pre-conferenceactivities activitiesforforearly earlyarrivals. arrivals. We Wewill willsee seeseveral severalofofVäxjö’s Växjö’stimber timberbuildings. buildings. 19.00 19.00 Linnéus Linnéusdinner dinner. . Tobias TobiasSchauerte Schauerte Associate AssociateProfessor ProfessorIndustrial Industrial Engineering Engineeringand andMarketing Marketing School SchoolofofEngineering Engineering Linnaeus LinnaeusUniversity University tel. tel.+46 +46470 470707088882424 tobias.schauerte@lnu.se tobias.schauerte@lnu.se Fax Fax E-mail E-mail Date/Signature Date/Signature Register Registernonolater laterthan thanAugust August20th, 20th,2012. 2012.