Training Guarantee for SACE students
Training Guarantee for SACE students
Training Guarantee for SACE students Semester 2, 2014 (for FTL V8.0) Content correct as of July 2014 These courses are funded through the Government of South Australia’s Skills for All initiative. In some courses there will be incidental fees for tools, or uniforms. For a list of fee-free courses visit Eligibility criteria apply Increase your students’ future options by training with TAFE SA Through participating in the Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS) scheme your students are assisted and encouraged to work towards a VET qualification at certificate III (or higher). TAFE SA has a wide variety of courses available for your students. To find out more about each course see contact details provided or email • Refer to for current forms and eligibility information • Some courses are subject to minimum numbers • Access to Skills for All funding is dependent upon the ‘no new enrolment date’ for Skills for All not being surpassed at the time of the student registration All information is correct at time of printing but may be subject to change. Pricing for Semester 2, 2014 • Certificate II - Fee Free • Certificate III - $2.20 per hour ($0.85 per hour with concession) Critical Information • Access to Skills for All funded courses relies on a Students Registration being processed before the ‘No New Enrolments Date’ (Skills for All) • Fully signed Form B, TGSS Registration Form and Consent to Create Skills for All Training Account Form are required to process a Student Registration (These forms are provided with The Form B offer) We look forward to helping your students into their VET pathway Course list BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION COURSE CODE CPC20211 COURSE TITLE Certificate II in Construction CAMPUS Murray Bridge, Elizabeth, Mt Gambier, Port Augusta, Port Pirie, Whyalla, Clare, Balaklava CONTACT Murray Bridge, Pt Pirie, Mt Gambier, Pt Augusta, Whyalla, Clare, Balaklava John McAuliffe 8648 9927 0407 489 927 Elizabeth James McLean 8207 9795 RII20712 UEE22010 UEE22111 CPC20211 Certificate II in Civil Construction Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) Certificate II in Sustainable Energy (Career Start) Certificate II in Construction Pathways (specialising in Wood Trades) Port Augusta Elizabeth, Berri, Murray Bridge, Mount Gambier Port Augusta, Whyalla, Port Pirie Elizabeth, Berri, Murray Bridge, Mount Gambier Port Augusta, Whyalla, Port Pirie Elizabeth, Mount Gambier, External, Noarlunga, Port Pirie, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Clare, Gladstone, Balaklava John McAuliffe (see details above) Elizabeth Russell Wilbraham 8207 9582 Berri, Murray Bridge, Mount Gambier Port Augusta, Whyalla, Port Pirie John McAuliffe (see details above) Elizabeth Russell Wilbraham (see details above) Berri, Murray Bridge, Mount Gambier Port Augusta, Whyalla, Port Pirie John McAuliffe (see details above) Mount Gambier, Port Pirie, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Clare, Gladstone, Balaklava John McAuliffe (see details above) Elizabeth, Noarlunga Mark Horgan 8207 9795 Mount Gambier John McAuliffe (see details above) CPC20812 Certificate II in Metal Roofing and Cladding CPC20211 Certificate II in Construction Pathways CPC30111 Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying CPC30311 Certificate III in Concreting CPC30611 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating CPC31011 Certificate III in Solid Plastering CPC31211 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining CPC31311 Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling Mount Gambier, Noarlunga, Elizabeth Tonsley, Elizabeth Noarlunga and Elizabeth Wayne Marchant 8207 9608 Simon Heath 8207 1170 0459 811 180 BUSINESS, JUSTICE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE CAMPUS BSB30112 Certificate III Business Berri, Clare, Gawler, Kadina, Millicent, Mount Barker, Mount Gambier, Murray Bridge, Naracoorte, Port Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Roxby Downs, Victor Harbor, Whyalla, Yorketown, Tea Tree Gully, Elizabeth, Port Augusta, Adelaide City, Noarlunga, External BSB30412 Certificate III Business Administration BSB31112 Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical) Certificate II in Financial Services Noarlunga, Whyalla, Mount Gambier, Mt Barker, Victor Harbor, Tea Tree Gully FNS30111 Certificate III in Financial Services Tea Tree Gully, Noarlunga, Whyalla, Gawler, Mt Barker, Mt Gambier, Victor Harbor ICA20111 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICA30111 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Network Administration) ICA30111 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Support) ICA30111 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Web Technologies) FNS20111 Barossa Valley, Berri, Gawler, Kadina, Mount Barker, Mount Gambier, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Tea Tree Gully, Adelaide City, Noarlunga, External CONTACT Christine Medlin 8229 1439 0401 124 650 Ian Jaggard 8207 8603 0409 695 149 Frank Annese 8207 8345 0401 125 604 COMMUNITY SERVICES, HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE CAMPUS CHC20112 Certificate II in Community Services Ceduna, Gawler, Port Pirie, Port Lincoln, Barossa Valley, Mount Gambier, Renmark, Whyalla, External, Gilles Plains, Port Adelaide, Salisbury, Adelaide City, Noarlunga CHC30112 Certificate III in Community Services Work Gilles Plains, Port Adelaide, Salisbury, Noarlunga Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care Noarlunga, Elizabeth, Port Lincoln, Mount Gambier, Whyalla, Port Pirie, Kadina, Gawler, Murray Bridge, Mount Barker, Victor Harbor, Renmark, Wudinna CHC30212 Certificate III in Aged Care Barossa Valley, Mount Barker, Mount Gambier, Murray Bridge, Port Pirie, Port Lincoln, Renmark, Victor Harbor, Whyalla, Salisbury, Adelaide City, Noarlunga CHC30408 Certificate III in Disability Barossa Valley, Port Pirie, Renmark,Salisbury, Adelaide City, Noarlunga HLT32512 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Assistant Nursing) Mount Barker HLT31512 Certificate III in Nutrition and Dietetic Assistance Mount Barker HLT21212 Certificate II in Health Support Services Mount Barker, Elizabeth, Tea Tree Gully, External HLT32912 Certificate III in Health Administration Elizabeth, Tea Tree Gully, Adelaide City, Noarlunga External SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation SIS30512 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation CHC30113 Regency CONTACT Jo Hicks 8348 4028 0401 122 270 Karen Judd 87351536 Josephine Cray 0421 583 094 Mount Barker Cate Searson 8391 7326 Elizabeth, Tea Tree Gully, Adelaide, Noarlunga Christine Medlin 8229 1439 0401 124 650 Stan Szczypiorski 8348 4451 0421 144 203 MINING, ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT COURSE CODE AUR20512 RII20109 COURSE TITLE CAMPUS Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology Mount Gambier, Port Pirie, Kadina, Peterborough, Roxby Downs, Berri, Port Augusta, Millicent, Mount Barker, Barossa Valley, Riverton, Whyalla Jeff Bland 8648 8767 0401 719 339 Elizabeth, Croydon, Port Adelaide, Noarlunga Baljit Bhela 0401 125 207 Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation Mt Barker, Whyalla, Pt Lincoln Pt Pirie RII30912 Certificate III in Civil Construction Pt Pirie, Pt Augusta Mt Barker UEE22011 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) Certificate II in Engineering MEM20105 Elizabeth, Mount Gambier, Noarlunga, Whyalla, Pt Pirie, Berri, Port Adelaide, Roxby Downs, Tonsley Graham Gum 8562 0570 0439 884 228 Clive Thomson 8638 4227 0407 605 508 Graham Gum (see details above) John McAuliffe 8648 9927 0407 489 927 Regency, Clare, Port Pirie, Kadina and Peterborough Clive Thomson (see details above) Barossa Valley, Berri, Mt Gambier, Pt Lincoln, Pt Pirie, Pt Augusta, Whyalla, Roxby Downs Graham Gum (see details above) Whyalla Berri, Regency Certificate II in Engineering (Production Technology) CONTACT Elizabeth, Kadina, Mt Gambier, Pt Lincoln, Pt Pirie, Pt Augusta, Whyalla, Roxby Downs Berri, Murray Bridge and Regency UEE21911 Certificate II in Electronics UEE20511 Certificate II in Computer Assembly & Repair Regency Jeff Bland (see details above) Graham Gum (see details above) Clive Thomson (see details above) Alan Manley 8348 4609 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, ANIMAL AND LABORATORY STUDIES COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE CAMPUS CONTACT AHC20410 Certificate II in Horticulture Roseworthy, Mount Gambier, Urrbrae, External AHC30710 Certificate III in Horticulture Roseworthy, Renmark, Urrbrae SFI20111 Certificate II in Aquaculture Urrbrae TDM20107 Certificate II in Transport and Distribution (Maritime Operations) Port Lincoln MSL20109 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement External Jenni Edsall 8201 1216 ACM30110 Certificate III in Animal Studies Gilles Plains Jeanie Verri 8207 1277 RGR20108 Certificate II in Racing (Stablehand) Morphettville Racecourse RGR30108 Certificate III in Racing (Trackrider) Morphettville Racecourse Patricia Colbey 8562 0565 0488 580 228 Peter Shepherd 8205 2506 TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND CREATIVE ARTS COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE CAMPUS CUF30107 Certificate III in Media Port Lincoln, Mount Gambier, Tea Tree Gully CUV20111 Certificate II in Visual Arts Tea Tree Gully CUV30111 Certificate III in Visual Arts (Digital Arts) Tea Tree Gully SIB20111 Certificate II in Hairdressing Mount Gambier, Whyalla, Naracoorte, Tea Tree Gully, Elizabeth, Adelaide City, Noarlunga CUS30109 Certificate III in Music Salisbury CUS30209 Certificate III in Technical Production LMT21707 Certificate II in Applied Fashion & Design Technology CONTACT Elizabeth Lowe 8348 4098 0459 826 441 Merrill Gratton 8207 8060 0423 024 974 Peter Nixon 8207 9897 Certificate III in Applied Fashion & Design Technology Adelaide City Campus Miranda Edwards 8207 8309 CUE30203 Certificate III in Live Production, Theatre & Events (Technical Operations) Adelaide College of the Arts Tony Dyson 8463 5076 0411 070 017 SIT30712 Certificate III in Hospitality Barossa Valley, Berri, Mount Gambier, Whyalla, Regency, Noarlunga SIT20212 Certificate II in Hospitality (Specialising in Food & Beverage) Barossa Valley, Berri, Kadina, Mount Barker, Mount Gambier, Port Pirie Whyalla, Regency, Noarlunga SIT20312 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations Barossa Valley, Berri, Elizabeth, Mount Gambier LMT31407 FDF20111 Certificate II in Food Processing (Baking) Regency Peter Christie 8391 7051 0427 971 550 Fee Lee 8348 1974 0401 124 649 Opportunity for Teachers or Teachers Opportunity for Teacher Certificate IVTAE40110 in Training and Assessment and Assessment Certificate IVTAE40110 in Training and Assessmen sment Certificate Training andTAA Assessment Option IV 2: in Upgrade from to TAE Option IV 2: in Upgrade to TAE Certificate Trainingfrom andTAA Assessment Option 2: U To deliver VET in awho school settingwork you within need to hold For teachers currently the VETthe envi-For teachers d to hold the For teachers currently the VETthe To envideliver VET in awho school settingwork you within need to hold IV in Training (TAE40110)Certificate ronment and deliverand andAssessment assess competency-based TAE40110)Certificate ronment and deliverand andAssessment assess competency-based IV in Training (TAE40110) ronment and as have industry competency and currency. as well training. currency. as well training. as have industry competency and currency. training. Teachers must: to VET Teachers mu Option 1: Upgrade Have completed the Bachelor of Education (or • • Have completed the Bachelor of Education (or • Have co equivalent) OR equivalent) OR equivale chelor of For teachers who have completed the Bachelor of For teachers who have completed the Bachelor of Hold current registration as a teacher with the • • Hold current registration as a teacher with Education the • Hold cu Education (or equivalent) OR hold current registration registration (or equivalent) OR hold current registration Teachers Registration Board of SABoard (or equivalent Teachers Registration Board of SABoard (or equivalent Teacher with the Teachers Registration ofas a teacher n Board ofas a teacher with the Teachers Registration of regulatory agency) agency). AND regulatory agency) agency). AND regulato SA (or equivalent regulatory SA (or equivalent regulatory Hold a current Certificate IV in Training and As- • • Hold a current Certificate IV in Training and As- • Hold a c sessment (TAA40104) AND sessment (TAA40104) AND sessme Workshop - Three day interactive workshop. op. Workshop - Three day interactive workshop. Currently participate in the Vocational Education• • Currently participate in the Vocational Education• Currentl andonline Training environment. andonline Training environment. and Trai course designed for participants Online - An rticipants Online - An course designed for participants orkshop. who are unable to attend a face to face workshop. who are unable to attend a face to face workshop. This is an program. Participants will need This is an on This is an program. Participants will need willonline need computing skills to commence commenceParticipants Participants willonline need computing skills to commence computing skills to commence this course. computing skills to commence this course. computing s this course. this course. Teachers must: to VET Option 1: Upgrade CostCost $400$250 per person. per person. per person. CostCost $400$250 per person. Cost $250 p For more information visit or contact: om/tafesa-taa or contact: For more information visit or contact: JacquiTurnbull Hunt Karen 8735 9637 1483 Phone: 08 8207 Email: Karen Turnbull Jacqui Hunt 8207 1483 9637 Phone: 08 8735 Email: Karen Turnbull Phone: 08 8207 9 Email: karen.turnb