sunday - Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
sunday - Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
Stillwater: Best Christmas Pageant on tap C1 Sports: OSU cagers sweep B1 SUNDAY NewsPress DRUMMOND EYE CLINIC EXPERIENCE / KNOWLEDGE / TRUST Monty L. Snowden, O.D. / Henry D. Reeves, O.D. Jonathan E. Drummond, M.D. December 15, 2013 Stillwater, Oklahoma • $1.25 Teachers get new tool for classrooms ‘Put away any notion that work is fun’ %\0DUN5RXQWUHH PURXQWUHH#VWZQHZVSUHVVFRP Stillwater 3XEOLF Public 6FKRRO School WHDFKHUV teachers ZLOO will KDYH have LP im 6WLOOZDWHU proved technology in their classrooms as a result of a SURYHGWHFKQRORJ\LQWKHLUFODVVURRPVDVDUHVXOWRID recent SXUFKDVH purchase E\ by WKH the 6WLOOZDWHU Stillwater 3XEOLF Public (GXFDWLRQ Education UHFHQW Foundation. )RXQGDWLRQ The IXQGUDLVLQJ fundraising RUJDQL]DWLRQ organization UHFHQWO\ recently SXUFKDVHG purchased 7KH 100 GRFXPHQW document FDPHUDV cameras DV as SDUW part RI of WKH the 2013 7HFK Tech 2 Teach campaign. 7HDFKFDPSDLJQ The ILUVW first RI of WKH the GRFXPHQW document FDPHUDV cameras KDYH have DUULYHG arrived 7KH and are being installed in classrooms. DQGDUHEHLQJLQVWDOOHGLQFODVVURRPV “I KDG had PLQH mine LQVWDOOHG installed DQG and QRW not ILYH five PLQXWHV minutes ODWHU later ´, was XVLQJ using LW it LQ in P\ my UHDGLQJ reading FODVVHVµ classes,” VDLG said 'HH Dee 'HH Dee ZDV Liebenau, D a IRXUWKJUDGH fourth-grade WHDFKHU teacher DW at 5LFKPRQG Richmond (OH Ele /LHEHQDX mentary School. “I have used it every day this week PHQWDU\6FKRRO´,KDYHXVHGLWHYHU\GD\WKLVZHHN and the kids love it and so do I.” DQGWKHNLGVORYHLWDQGVRGR,µ Natalie Cox, a fourth-grade math teacher at Rich 1DWDOLH&R[DIRXUWKJUDGHPDWKWHDFKHUDW5LFK mond, said the document cameras are useful teaching PRQGVDLGWKHGRFXPHQWFDPHUDVDUHXVHIXOWHDFKLQJ tools. WRROV “It is such a wonderful tool to add to my teacher’s ´,WLVVXFKDZRQGHUIXOWRROWRDGGWRP\WHDFKHU·V toolbox,” Cox said. “My 93 math students are loving WRROER[µ&R[VDLG´0\PDWKVWXGHQWVDUHORYLQJ the fact that I am not ‘in the w ay’DV,DPWU\LQJWRLQ as I am trying to in WKHIDFWWKDW,DPQRW¶LQWKHZD\· struct them.” VWUXFWWKHPµ Document cameras have been installed in all of the 'RFXPHQWFDPHUDVKDYHEHHQLQVWDOOHGLQDOORIWKH core curriculum classrooms at the secondary school FRUHFXUULFXOXPFODVVURRPVDWWKHVHFRQGDU\VFKRRO sites DQG and LQ in WKH the NLQGHUJDUWHQ kindergarten WKURXJK through ILIWK fifth JUDGH grade VLWHV classrooms at all of the elementary school sites. FODVVURRPVDWDOORIWKHHOHPHQWDU\VFKRROVLWHV See 7RROVSDJH$ page A3 6HH➤ Photos by Chris Day/ 3KRWRVE\&KULV'D\SKRWR#VWZQHZVSUHVVFRP Oklahoma State University students participate in fall commencement exercises Saturday at Gal2NODKRPD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\VWXGHQWVSDUWLFLSDWHLQIDOOFRPPHQFHPHQWH[HUFLVHV6DWXUGD\DW*DO lagher-lba Arena. ODJKHU,ED$UHQD Shannon tells OSU students to aspire to greatness %\&KULV'D\ FGD\#VWZQHZVSUHVVFRP Debbie Kirby 'HEELH.LUE\ Skyline (OHPHQWDU\ Elementary 6FKRRO School WKLUGJUDGH third-grade 6N\OLQH teacher Becky Dyson instructs a student while WHDFKHU%HFN\'\VRQLQVWUXFWVDVWXGHQWZKLOH using one of the document cameras recently XVLQJRQHRIWKHGRFXPHQWFDPHUDVUHFHQWO\ installed in many classrooms in the Stillwater LQVWDOOHGLQPDQ\FODVVURRPVLQWKH6WLOOZDWHU district. GLVWULFW Work LVQ·W isn’t IXQ fun, 2NODKRPD Oklahoma 6SHDNHU Speaker :RUN of the House T.W. Shannon said, but it RIWKH+RXVH7:6KDQQRQVDLGEXWLW is fulfilling. LVIXOILOOLQJ Shannon KHOSHG helped 2NODKRPD Oklahom a 6WDWH State 6KDQQRQ University honor its fall graduates dur 8QLYHUVLW\KRQRULWVIDOOJUDGXDWHVGXU ing 6DWXUGD\·V Saturday’s FRPPHQFHPHQW commencement H[HU exer LQJ cises at Gallagher-Iba Arena. Approxi FLVHVDW*DOODJKHU,ED$UHQD$SSUR[L mately 1,600 VWXGHQWV students UHFHLYHG received GLSOR diplo PDWHO\ mas GXULQJ during XQGHUJUDGXDWH undergraduate FHUHPRQLHV ceremonies PDV Saturday DQG and )ULGD\ Friday QLJKW·V night’s JUDGXDWH graduate 6DWXUGD\ college commencement. FROOHJHFRPPHQFHPHQW “I want you to put away any notion ´,ZDQW\RXWRSXWDZD\DQ\QRWLRQ that ZRUN work LV is IXQµ fun,” 6KDQQRQ Shannon VDLG said. ´2Q “On WKDW the FRQWUDU\ contrary, ZRUN work LV is IXOILOOLQJ fulfilling, EXW but WKH there is nothing glamorous about it. It WKHUHLVQRWKLQJJODPRURXVDERXWLW,W is, in fact, work, the Lawton Republi LVLQIDFWZRUNWKH/DZWRQ5HSXEOL can said. “I don’t care if you get a job FDQVDLG´,GRQ·WFDUHLI\RXJHWDMRE on the staff of the White House, or in RQWKHVWDIIRIWKH:KLWH+RXVHRULQ the front office of the Dallas Cowboys WKHIURQWRIILFHRIWKH'DOODV&RZER\V or you do public relations work for fa RU\RXGRSXEOLFUHODWLRQVZRUNIRUID mous FHOHEULWLHV celebrities DIWHU after D a IHZ few PRQWKV months, 2NODKRPD6SHDNHURIWKH+RXVH7:6KDQQRQWHOOV2NODKRPD PRXV Oklahoma Speaker of the House T.W. Shannon tells Oklahoma let’s IDFH face LW it, LW·V it’s MXVW just D a MRE job ZLWK with ORQJ long State University students that work isn’t fun, but it is fulfilling dur OHW·V 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\VWXGHQWVWKDWZRUNLVQ·WIXQEXWLWLVIXOILOOLQJGXU ing Saturday's fall commencement exercises. See 6KDQQRQSDJH$ page A10 LQJ6DWXUGD\ VIDOOFRPPHQFHPHQWH[HUFLVHV 6HH➤ Drawing puts more jingle into Sartin’s Christmas %\0HUULFN(DJOHWRQ PHDJOHWRQ#VWZQHZVSUHVVFRP 315845. )RU For 6WLOOZDWHU Stillwater FRXSOH couple. Heather DQG and %UDGOH\ Bradley 6DUWLQ Sartin, WKDW that +HDWKHU number PHDQW meant ZLQQLQJ winning WKH the JUDQG grand QXPEHU prize RI of $5,000 DW at WKH the -LQJOH Jingle %HOOV Bells SUL]H Sweepstakes. 6ZHHSVWDNHV The 6DUWLQV Sartins FROOHFWHG collected 322 WLFNHWV tickets 7KH from 2XWODZ Outlaw 'LHVHO Diesel DIWHU after %UDGOH\ Bradley IURP took his truck there to have it fixed. WRRNKLVWUXFNWKHUHWRKDYHLWIL[HG “She DVNHG asked LI if ,I GLG did -LQJOH (Jingle %HOOV Bells ´6KH Sweepstakes) ILUVWµ first,” %UDGOH\ Bradley VDLG said. 6ZHHSVWDNHV “A ORW lot RISHRSOHSUREDEO\ of people probably GLGQ·W didn’t VR so ´$ they didn’t even want them but WKH\ GLGQ·W HYHQ ZDQW WKHP EXW ,I was OLNH like, ¶<HDK ‘Yeah, RI of FRXUVH·µ course’,” ZDV Bradley said. %UDGOH\VDLG The JRDO goal RI o f WKH the -LQJOH Jingle %HOOV Bells 7KH Sweepstakes is to encourage resi 6ZHHSVWDNHV LV WR HQFRXUDJH UHVL dents WR to VKRS shop ORFDOO\ locally. /LQGD Linda GHQWV Visit us online, Scan Here Merrick Eagleton/NewsPress 0HUULFN(DJOHWRQ1HZV3UHVV Heather and Bradley Sartin won +HDWKHUDQG%UDGOH\6DUWLQZRQ the $5,000 SUL]H prize DW at WKH the -LQJOH Jingle WKH Bell Sweepstakes drawing on %HOO 6ZHHSVWDNHV GUDZLQJ RQ Saturday. 6DWXUGD\ McPherson, GLUHFWRU director RI of ILQDQFH finance DQG and 0F3KHUVRQ operations for Stillwater Chamber of RSHUDWLRQVIRU6WLOOZDWHU&KDPEHURI Commerce, VDLG said LW it LV is EHWWHU better IRU for WKH the &RPPHUFH +LJK/RZ whole FRPPXQLW\ community WKDW that ZD\ way. 7KH The ZKROH Cham ber’s Director of Economic &KDPEHU·V 'LUHFWRU RI (FRQRPLF Development Eric Miller agreed. 'HYHORSPHQW(ULF0LOOHUDJUHHG “This HQWLUH entire HIIRUW effort LV is JHDUHG geared ´7KLV around promoting shopping local in DURXQGSURPRWLQJVKRSSLQJORFDOLQ Stillwater,” Miller said. “It’s a win6WLOOZDWHUµ0LOOHUVDLG´,W·VDZLQ win. )RONV Folks KDYH have WKH the RSSRUWXQLW\ opportunity WR to ZLQ buy from local businesses, and also, EX\IURPORFDOEXVLQHVVHVDQGDOVR they’re HQWKXVLDVWLF enthusiastic DERXW about FRPLQJ coming WKH\·UH out and possibly winning a grand RXW DQG SRVVLEO\ ZLQQLQJ D JUDQG prize RU or VRPH some PRQH\ money WRZDUG toward ZKDW what SUL]H ever they want to do for the holiday HYHUWKH\ZDQWWRGRIRUWKHKROLGD\ season.” VHDVRQµ This is the fifth year the Stillwater 7KLVLVWKHILIWK\HDUWKH6WLOOZDWHU Chamber has hosted the Jingle Bells &KDPEHUKDVKRVWHGWKH-LQJOH%HOOV Sweepstakes. 278,000 WLFNHWV tickets ZHUH were 6ZHHSVWDNHV given out this year. That is 34,000 JLYHQ RXW WKLV \HDU 7KDW LV more tickets than last year. The StillPRUHWLFNHWVWKDQODVW\HDU7KH6WLOO See -LQJOHSDJH$ page A3 6HH➤ ,QGH[ Volume 105, 105, Number Number 299 299 Volume Business . . . . . . . . . . $ Classified . . . . . . . . . . % Crossword . . . . . . . . . & Dear Abby . . . . . . . . % Editorial . . . . . . . . . . $ Horoscope . . . . . . . . % Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . & Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . $ Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . % Weather . . . . . . . . . . % WE STARTED HERE ON MAIN STREET. Today, we’re going mainstream. 405.372.2230 40 4 05 5...3 372.2230 37 3 72. 72 2.22 22 23 30 3 0 )XQHUDOV James Cathey -DPHV&DWKH\ Patrick Sawyer 3DWULFN6DZ\HU Darrell Mote 'DUUHOO0RWH Laberta Peaden /DEHUWD3HDGHQ 2ELWXDULHV$ Stillwater National Bank is now Bank SNB. LOCAL 6WLOOZDWHU1HZV3UHVV6XQGD\'HFHPEHU$ Water line project on tap County ZLOO will ZRUN work WRJHWKHU together LQ in DQ an &RXQW\ inter-local project to widen Country LQWHUORFDOSURMHFWWRZLGHQ&RXQWU\ QZRRGUXII#VWZQHZVSUHVVFRP Club 5RDG Road IURP from 6L[WK Sixth $YHQXH Avenue WR to &OXE Lake View Road. The 6WLOOZDWHU Stillwater 8WLOLWLHV$XWKRULW\ Utilities Authority /DNH9LHZ5RDG 7KH The SURMHFW project ZLOO will LPSURYH improve WKH the 7KH Board RI of 7UXVWHHV Trustees ZLOO will FRQVLGHU consider %RDUG Country Club Road and West Sixth spending QHDUO\ nearly $480,000 WR to UHOR relo &RXQWU\&OXE5RDGDQG:HVW6L[WK VSHQGLQJ Avenue intersection and also widen cate ZDWHU water OLQHV lines IRU for D a URDG road SURMHFW project $YHQXHLQWHUVHFWLRQDQGDOVRZLGHQ FDWH Club 5RDG Road KHDGLQJ heading QRUWK north &RXQWU\ that will widen &RXQWU\&OXE5RDG Country Club Road Country &OXE WKDWZLOOZLGHQ from two lanes to four lanes. IURPWZRODQHVWRIRXUODQHV to four lanes. WRIRXUODQHV The SURMHFW project ZLOO will LQFOXGH include RWKHU other 7KH The expenditure is part of the au 7KHH[SHQGLWXUHLVSDUWRIWKHDX projects such as curb and gutter up thority’s FRQVHQW consent GRFNHW docket. 7KH The SURMHFWVVXFKDVFXUEDQGJXWWHUXS WKRULW\·V grade, D a VWRUP storm ZDWHU water GUDLQDJH drainage V\V sys Trustees ZLOO will PHHW meet LQ in FRQMXQFWLRQ conjunction JUDGH 7UXVWHHV tem DQG and D a VLGHZDON sidewalk RQ on WKH the HDVWHUQ eastern with 0RQGD\·V Monday’s &LW\ City &RXQFLO Council PHHW meet WHP ZLWK side RI of WKH the URDG road. 7KH The FLW\ city ZLOO will DOVR also ing, which starts at 5:30 p.m. at the VLGH LQJZKLFKVWDUWVDWSPDWWKH relocate DQG and UHSODFH replace WKH the ZDWHU water OLQH line Stillwater 0XQLFLSDO Municipal %XLOGLQJ Building, 723 UHORFDWH 6WLOOZDWHU along the construction area. DORQJWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQDUHD S. Lewis. 6/HZLV As for the county's project, Payne $VIRUWKHFRXQW\ VSURMHFW3D\QH The FLW\ city RI of 6WLOOZDWHU Stillwater DQG and 3D\QH Payne 7KH %\1LFN:RRGUXII By Nick Woodruff County ZLOO will ZLGHQ widen &RXQWU\ Country &OXE Club &RXQW\ Road from the northern city limits to 5RDGIURPWKHQRUWKHUQFLW\OLPLWVWR McElroy 5RDG Road. ,W It ZLOO will DOVR also DGG add 0F(OUR\ storm GUDLQDJH drainage V\VWHPV systems DQG and DOVR also VWRUP contains D a EULGJH bridge UHSODFHPHQW replacement. FRQWDLQV There is also a waterline in conjunc 7KHUHLVDOVRDZDWHUOLQHLQFRQMXQF tion ZLWK with WKH the FRQVWUXFWLRQ construction WKDW that ZLOO will WLRQ need to be relocated and replaced in QHHGWREHUHORFDWHGDQGUHSODFHGLQ some areas. VRPHDUHDV The 2NODKRPD Oklahoma 'HSDUWPHQW Department RI of 7KH Transportation ZLOO will ELG bid IRU for WKH the FLW\ city 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ and FRXQW\ county SRUWLRQV portions RI of WKH the SURMHFW project. DQG The FRQVWUXFWLRQ construction HVWLPDWH estimate IRU for WKH the 7KH water line relocation is estimated to ZDWHUOLQHUHORFDWLRQLVHVWLPDWHGWR cost DSSUR[LPDWHO\ approximately $479,000. 7KLV This FRVW will be paid from the Stillwater Util ZLOOEHSDLGIURPWKH6WLOOZDWHU8WLO ities Authority Capital Fund. LWLHV$XWKRULW\&DSLWDO)XQG ➤Jingle Lottery &RQWLQXHGIURPSDJH$ Saturday’s 2NODKRPD Oklahoma 6DWXUGD\·V Lottery drawing results: /RWWHU\GUDZLQJUHVXOWV Pick 3: 4-3-7 3LFN Cash 5: 3-9-10-13-15 &DVK HotLotto: 5-9-30-31-39 +RW/RWWR HB; 2 +% PowerBall: 14-25-323RZHU%DOO 33-41 PB: 34 3% water +LJK High 6FKRRO School FKRLU choir ZDWHU performed Christmas Car SHUIRUPHG&KULVWPDV&DU ols EHWZHHQ between SUL]H prize GUDZ draw ROV ings. LQJV Multiple SUL]HV prizes ZHUH were 0XOWLSOH given DZD\ away WR to WKRVH those ZLWK with JLYHQ winning WLFNHWV tickets. 3UL]HV Prizes ZLQQLQJ were D a $300 JLIW gift FDUG card WR to ZHUH Cake &UD]\ Crazy, $1,000, WZR two &DNH $2,000 SUL]HV prizes DQG and WKH the grand prize of $5,000. JUDQGSUL]HRI “This LV is WKH the ILUVW first \HDU year ´7KLV we’ve DFWXDOO\ actually EURNHQ broken WKH the ZH·YH categories RXW out WR to KDYH have FDWHJRULHV multiple ZLQQHUV winners DORQJ along PXOWLSOH with D a JUDQG grand SUL]H prize ZLQ win ZLWK ner,” Miller said. QHUµ0LOOHUVDLG Another ILUVW first IRU for WKLV this $QRWKHU year ZDV was KDYLQJ having DOO all SUL]H prize \HDU winners SUHVHQW present DW at WKH the ZLQQHUV sweepstakes GUDZLQJV drawings. VZHHSVWDNHV Winners ZHUH were JLYHQ given WZR two :LQQHUV minutes WR to FODLP claim WKHLU their PLQXWHV prize DIWHU after WKH the ZLQQLQJ winning SUL]H number was called. QXPEHUZDVFDOOHG “That’s WKH the ILUVW first \HDU year ´7KDW·V we’ve ever not had to call ZH·YHHYHUQRWKDGWRFDOO the ZKROH whole VOHZ slew RI of QXP num WKH bers,” McPherson said. EHUVµ0F3KHUVRQVDLG For WKH the 6DUWLQV Sartins, WKH the )RU grand prize will be used in JUDQGSUL]HZLOOEHXVHGLQ many ZD\V ways. %UDGOH\ Bradley LV is Da PDQ\ senior at OSU and said the VHQLRUDW268DQGVDLGWKH money ZLOO will EH be KHOSIXO helpful LQ in PRQH\ paying IRU for KLV his ILQDO final \HDU year. SD\LQJ He had a few other ideas. +HKDGDIHZRWKHULGHDV “We MXVW just ERXJKW bought 10 ´:H acres DQG and ZH·UH we’re KDYLQJ having DFUHV dozer ZRUN work GRQH done RQ on WKDW that, GR]HU so I’d say using it for our VR,·GVD\XVLQJLWIRURXU land DQG and &KULVWPDVµ Christmas,” ODQG Bradley said. %UDGOH\VDLG News Press 1HZV3UHVV Help +HOS 372-5000 x241 for a [IRUD classified ad FODVVLILHGDG We enjoy hearing from our readers and advertisers. This guide is intended to make it easier for us to serve you. MISSED DELIVERY If you miss delivery of your newspaper in the city of Stillwater, call 372-5000 ext. 251. If you call by 6:00pm weekdays, or 9:00am Saturday or Sunday, a replacement will be delivered. If you live outside the city of Stillwater, call (405) 372-5103 or 1-800-364-5000 STREET ADDRESS: 211 W. 9th Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday & Sunday 8:00am - 10:00am TELEPHONE DIRECTORY SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION OPERATOR (405) 372-5000 HOME DELIVERY BY CARRIER Reader Services/Circulation .........Ext. 251 email: • Order home delivery • Order recent back copies (1 year). After 1 year, contact Stillwater Public Library. • Vacation starts and stops • Billing options and questions • Delivery problems Local News...................... Ext. 201 & 230 Business Office.......................... Ext. 255 Sports ......................................... Ext. 220 Advertising ................................. 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Ext. 240 EMAIL DIRECTORY Dale Brendel, GM/Editor ...............Ext. 290 Chris Day, Managing Editor ..........Ext. 208 Jason Elmquist, Sports Editor.......Ext. 220 Business Office.............................Ext. 255 James Cross, Circulation Dir.........Ext. 253 Jill Hunt, Advertising Mgr..............Ext. 264 Jeff Hopper, Composition Mgr ......Ext. 313 ☎ ➤Tools NewsPress #1 Source for Local News and Information x251 for [IRU subscription help VXEVFULSWLRQKHOS &RQWLQXHGIURPSDJH$ Stillwater Public Educa 6WLOOZDWHU3XEOLF(GXFD tion Foundation Executive WLRQ)RXQGDWLRQ([HFXWLYH Director -HQLIHU Jenifer %DUWOH\ Bartley 'LUHFWRU collaborated with Superin FROODERUDWHGZLWK6XSHULQ tendent Ann Caine and Di WHQGHQW$QQ&DLQHDQG'L rector RI of (GXFDWLRQDO Educational 6HU Ser UHFWRU vices *D\ Gay :DVKLQJWRQ Washington WR to YLFHV address WKH the GLVWULFW·V district’s SULQ prin DGGUHVV cipal QHHGV needs. %DUWOH\ Bartley VDLG said FLSDO the FRQVHQVXV consensus ZDV was WHDFK teach WKH ers DQG and VWXGHQWV students ZRXOG would HUV benefit PRVW most ZLWK with XSJUDG upgrad EHQHILW ed technology in the class HGWHFKQRORJ\LQWKHFODVV room. 7KH The 7HFK Tech 2 7HDFK Teach URRP campaign was launched in FDPSDLJQZDVODXQFKHGLQ September DW at WKH the IRXQGD founda 6HSWHPEHU tion’s annual gala WLRQ·V DQQXDO JDOD fundraising event. IXQGUDLVLQJHYHQW “The document cameras ´7KHGRFXPHQWFDPHUDV will KDYH have D a GLVWULFWZLGH districtwide ZLOO impact,” %DUWOH\ Bartley VDLG said. ´,W “It LPSDFWµ puts all of our kids on the SXWVDOORIRXUNLGVRQWKH same SOD\LQJ playing ILHOG field. :H We VDPH want WKHP them DOO all WR to KDYH have DF ac ZDQW cess to technology at each FHVVWRWHFKQRORJ\DWHDFK site and classroom.” VLWHDQGFODVVURRPµ Bartley VDLG said WKH the GRFX docu %DUWOH\ ment cameras allow teach PHQWFDPHUDVDOORZWHDFK ers and students the ability HUVDQGVWXGHQWVWKHDELOLW\ to SURMHFW project DQ\ any NLQG kind RI of WR image. LPDJH “It JLYHV gives WKH the WHDFKHU teacher Da ´,W lot RI of IOH[LELOLW\µ flexibility,” %DUWOH\ Bartley ORW said. VDLG Debbie Kirby, technolo 'HEELH.LUE\WHFKQROR gy FXUULFXOXP curriculum VSHFLDOLVW specialist J\ for WKH the GLVWULFW district, VDLG said WKH the IRU document FDPHUDV cameras HVVHQ essen GRFXPHQW tially are able to take small WLDOO\DUHDEOHWRWDNHVPDOO things DQG and SURMHFW project DQ an WKLQJV image WR to WKH the FODVV class. 6KH She LPDJH said WKH the GRFXPHQW document FDP cam VDLG eras engage visual learners HUDVHQJDJHYLVXDOOHDUQHUV as well as hands-on learn DVZHOODVKDQGVRQOHDUQ Ads in Brief Hear WKH the VRXQGV sounds RI of &KULVWPDV Christmas ZLWK with WKH the 6WLOOZDWHU Stillwater +HDU Chamber Singers and Stillwater Community Orches &KDPEHU6LQJHUVDQG6WLOOZDWHU&RPPXQLW\2UFKHV tra. Mon. Dec 16 7:30 p.m. at First United Methodist WUD0RQ'HFSPDW)LUVW8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW Church. 400 W. 7th. Adm. free. &KXUFK:WK$GPIUHH$GY You have a choice in hospice care. A S K FO R U S B Y N A M E. JUDITH KARMAN H O S P I C E IN C 405-377-8012 We’re there...when you need us most. STRODE FUNERAL HOME Serving the Stillwater area Since 1889 (405)372-5550 • 610 S. Duncan, Stillwater • Pet Care Center With the addition of Chace Family Crematory, located at Sunset Memorial Garden Cemetery in Stillwater, we now have a cremation chamber designed specifically for pets. We are now able to take care of these special members of your family. For Peace of Mind We take care of your entire family We are the only Pet crematory in Payne County ers. HUV The IRXQGDWLRQ foundation XVHG used 7KH $25,000 of its own money RILWVRZQPRQH\ for WKH the LQLWLDO initial SXUFKDVH purchase RI of IRU the cameras and has raised WKHFDPHUDVDQGKDVUDLVHG approximately $15,000 LQ in DSSUR[LPDWHO\ the campaign. WKHFDPSDLJQ The IRXQGDWLRQ foundation LV is DS ap 7KH proximately $10,000 short SUR[LPDWHO\VKRUW of LWV its IXQGUDLVLQJ fundraising JRDO goal RI of RI $50,000. %DUWOH\ Bartley VDLG said WKH the organization KRSHV hopes WR to RUJDQL]DWLRQ reach the goal by Dec. 31. UHDFKWKHJRDOE\'HF Donations FDQ can EH be PDGH made 'RQDWLRQV by PDLO mail E\ by VHQGLQJ sending Da E\ check WR to 63() SPEF, 32 P.O. %R[ Box FKHFN 286, 6WLOOZDWHU Stillwater, 74076. Donations FDQ can DOVR also EH be 'RQDWLRQV made YLD via 3D\3DO PayPal RQ on WKH the PDGH foundation’s website, IRXQGDWLRQ·V ZHEVLWH VSHI#VWLOOZDWHUVFKRROVFR m. P Daily and Sunday..................$8.75/Month Fri/Sat/Sun............................$6.25/Month PAYNE COUNTY MAIL 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 1 Year Daily, Sunday $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Sunday Only $18.00 $36.00 $72.00 IN-STATE MAIL 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 1 Year Daily, Sunday $38.25 $76.50 $153.00 Sunday Only $24.00 $48.00 $96.00 OUT OF STATE MAIL 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 1 Year Daily, Sunday $42.00 $84.00 $168.00 Sunday Only $26.10 $52.20 $104.40 Carriers are independent contractors and are not employees of the NewsPress. The NewsPress is not responsible for advance payments made to carriers. However, you may mail payments to Circulation Dept., Stillwater NewsPress, P.O. 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