Dining Tel: +44 (0)1386 840880 Email: enquiries@welch.co.uk www.robertwelch.com Aaron Ammonite Flat & Hollow Ashbury Aspen Avon Bud Comet Deta Facet Iona Malvern Mercury Meridian Molton Norton Palm Radford RWII Sea Drift Flat & Hollow Stanton Torben Trattoria Vale Vista Westbury For over five decades, Robert Welch Designs has been Internationally recognised as one of the finest design studios, designing flatware, kitchenware, tableware and other unique Robert Welch Designs remain synonymous with classic products for the home. The company originally founded by modern flatware. Many of the designs can be seen in Robert Welch, is today under the direction of his son and museum collections all over the world. daughter Rupert and Alice Welch. They are assisted by a talented team of in-house designers, pursuing design and Robert Welch Cutlery manufacturing excellence, whilst maintaining integrity of Robert Welch Designs use the highest quality (18/10) function and value for money for customers. stainless steel for the forks and spoons. The knives are forged from a single ingot of specially hardened stainless Robert Welch R.D.I., M.B.E., steel for a fine cutting edge. Robert Welch appointed Royal Designer to Industry, was one of Britain’s leading Collectors industrial designers of the 20th Century. Some of the most notable Robert Welch designs are on After training at the Royal College of Art display at the Victoria & Albert Museum and the British he specialised in stainless steel production Museum London; the Applied Art Museum Copenhagen; design, establishing a company in his own the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam; and the Museum of name in the early 60’s. Modern Art in New York. Products and trade marks of Robert Welch Designs Ltd are protected by patent, design and trade mark registrations. For full details, please visit www.robertwelch.com/iprights. Aaron TM Available in satin finish Aaron TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE SOUP SPOON SERVING SPOON SIDE KNIFE SERVING FORK SIDE FORK SALAD SERVERS Aaron’s soft shapes and modelled curves can be appreciated from every aspect; laid on the table each piece appears smooth and rounded. DESSERT SPOON The carefully designed radius of curvature to the handles presents optimum function, comfort and fit in the hand. ENGLISH TEA SPOON Ammonite Hollow TM Available in bright finish Ammonite Flat TM Available in bright finish Ammonite Flat TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: Ammonite Hollow Ammonite Flat TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON SLOTTED SPOON SAUCE LADLE TABLE KNIFE ENGLISH TEA SPOON (FLAT) TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE MEAT FORK CHILDS SET TABLE FORK BUTTER KNIFE SOUP SPOON SEA FOOD FORK SERVING FORK SOUP SPOON SERVING SPOON SIDE KNIFE FISH KNIFE/FORK PIE SERVER SIDE KNIFE SALAD SERVERS SIDE FORK LONG TEA SPOON FISH SERVER SIDE FORK DESSERT SPOON BUTTER KNIFE SALAD SERVERS DESSERT SPOON ENGLISH TEA SPOON SERVING SPOON inspired by the spiral of the ammonite fossil, Ammonite is one of Robert Welch’s most distinctive designs, with the ammonite motif stamped on both sides of the handle. Ashbury TM Available in bright finish SIDE VIEW OF KNIVES TRADITIONAL KNIFE ALSO AVAILABLE Ashbury TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE (TOP & SIDE VIEW) TRADITIONAL TABLE KNIFE TABLE FORK DESSERT SPOON SERVING SPOON ENGLISH TEA SPOON SERVING FORK COFFEE SPOON SOUP LADLE STEAK KNIFE (TOP & SIDE VIEW) SOUP SPOON SALAD SERVERS Ashbury is a classic pattern taken into an exciting modern dimension. The SIDE KNIFE (TOP & SIDE VIEW) FISH KNIFE (TOP & SIDE VIEW) curve of the fork and spoon handles present a mirror image of the knife, PIE SERVER TRADITIONAL SIDE KNIFE FISH FORK SAUCE LADLE SIDE FORK BUTTER KNIFE communicating a fluid movement in shape and form from all aspects. The dynamic curved shapes sit poised on the table allowing the user to pick up the pieces with ease. Each piece has been carefully designed to ensure that the weight distribution is correct in the hand and when laid on the plate. Aspen TM Available in bright finish Aspen TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE TABLE FORK BUTTER KNIFE SOUP SPOON SERVING SPOON SIDE KNIFE SERVING FORK SIDE FORK US TEA SPOON DESSERT SPOON ENGLISH TEA SPOON COFFEE SPOON The contemporary lines of the Aspen cutlery range is designed to complement any table setting. The distinctive shape of the head and blade is reflected in the line of the knife’s bolster, creating a harmonious combination of lines and angles. The well balanced, curved handles fit comfortably into the hand. The unique contour of the handles reflects a linear shadow in the highly polished stainless steel. As with all Robert Welch cutlery, the forks and spoons are made of finest 18/10 stainless steel. The knives are manufactured from especially hardened stainless steel to retain a long lasting and sharp cutting edge. Avon TM Available in bright finish Avon TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE FISH KNIFE/FORK Designed as a contemporary pattern to complement a wide variety of tableware. Avon is a bold design, featuring TABLE FORK BUTTER BLADE SOUP SPOON SERVING SPOON SIDE KNIFE SLOTTED SPOON SIDE FORK SERVING FORK DESSERT SPOON SAUCE LADLE ENGLISH TEA SPOON SALAD SERVERS a distinctive full front face with slight hollows on the reverse of the spoon and fork handles. COFFEE SPOON STEAK KNIFE Bud TM Available in bright finish Bud TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: Bud brings a fresh addition to our portfolio of patterns. As the name suggests, it brings the outdoors inside to your table. What distinguishes it from other slender TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE SOUP SPOON FISH KNIFE/FORK SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE FORK SERVING FORK DESSERT SPOON LONG TEA SPOON ENGLISH TEA SPOON MINI FORK designs, is the sheer organic beauty of the stem-like handle, which tapers while gently curving into the palm of the hand giving a very comfortable grip. Following BUTTER KNIFE the length of the handle, your eye is drawn to a deep ‘V’ ridge in the metal, and from this natural extension the tines of the fork, the bowl of the spoon and the blade of the knife burst out, like newly formed buds. Comet TM Available in bright finish Comet TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE/FORK SALAD SERVERS BUTTER KNIFE CHILD’S SET SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE FORK SERVING FORK DESSERT SPOON SERVING TONGS ENGLISH TEA SPOON PIE SERVER COFFEE SPOON SAUCE LADLE emphasises Comet’s sleek profile. This award winning range also features sprung serving tongs. SOUP LADLE SOUP SPOON The elliptical detail on the neck of each piece Deta TM Available in bright finish Deta TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON SAUCE LADLE TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE SALAD SERVERS SOUP SPOON FISH KNIFE/FORK BUTTER KNIFE SIDE KNIFE BUTTER BLADE SIDE FORK SERVING SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON PIE SERVER Deta is an elegant pattern with highly individual characteristics. The spoon and fork handles are designed with an inverted curved back and a kick-up at the end of each piece. The knives feature a heavy guage handle and gently curved blade with a half crescent tip. Facet TM Available in bright finish Facet TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE SOUP SPOON BUTTER KNIFE SIDE KNIFE FISH KNIFE/FORK SIDE FORK SERVING SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON SALAD SERVERS Facet is designed to present clean, pure shapes, with a subtle concave detail and bevelled outlines to the handles of each piece. These oblique surfaces maximise light reflections, implying a ‘diamond cut’ quality to the stainless steel. Iona TM Available in bright finish Iona TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE/FORK SALAD SERVERS iona’s slim and elegant profile belies a surprising depth and weight to the handles, giving a tactile and comfortable grip in SOUP LADLE SOUP SPOON BUTTER BLADE SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE FORK SERVING FORK DESSERT SPOON PIE SERVER ENGLISH TEA SPOON SAUCE LADLE BUTTER KNIFE ROUND BOWL SOUP SPOON COFFEE SPOON the hand. Each piece has been designed and engineered to maximise its functionality. Malvern TM Available in bright finish Malvern TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE TABLE KNIFE US TEA SPOON SERVING SPOON TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE SERVING FORK SOUP SPOON FISH KNIFE BUTTER KNIFE SIDE KNIFE FISH FORK PASTRY FORK SIDE FORK ROUND BOWL SOUP SPOON DESSERT SPOON LONG TEA SPOON inspired by the contours of the nearby Malvern hills, this is an elegant and timeless dsign that flares softly to a curved base. The handles have a substantial feel and sit comfortably in the hand. ENGLISH TEA SPOON COFFEE SPOON Mercury TM Available in bright finish Mercury TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE/FORK SOUP SPOON BUTTER BLADE Mercury’s clean beautiful lines belie a complex and innovative structure. Spoons and forks are characterised by a flat-faced handle with soft edges; the underside has a curved profile to enhance weight distribution and balance. The knives have a waist at the bolster with an increase in gauge in the side view SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE FORK SERVING FORK DESSERT SPOON PIE SERVER ENGLISH TEA SPOON SAUCE LADLE COFFEE SPOON SALAD SERVERS ensuring central balance. We use the highest quality (18/10) stainless steel for the spoons and forks. The knives are forged from a single ingot of specially hardened stainless steel for a fine cutting edge. design and decoration awards 2004 winner Meridian TM Available in bright finish Meridian TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE Designed as a contemporary pattern, Meridian’s elegantly curved lines make this a TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE/FORK SOUP SPOON BUTTER BLADE SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE FORK SLOTTED SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON SAUCE LADLE COFFEE SPOON SALAD SERVERS comfortable and balanced pattern to use. Molton TM Available in bright finish Molton TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE FISH KNIFE TABLE FORK FISH FORK SOUP SPOON STEAK KNIFE SIDE KNIFE LONG TEA SPOON SIDE FORK SERVING SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON BUTTER KNIFE COFFEE SPOON When laid on the table, Molton has an attractive symmetry and the soft fluid lines wrap around the plate reflecting its curved lines and soft edges. Designed to nestle comfortably in the hand, the well balanced handle has a good weight and is effortless to use. Norton TM Available in bright finish Norton TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE SALAD SERVERS norton is a contemporary pattern with generous curved proportions. The soft v shaped tips of the handles are TABLE FORK designed to fit comfortably in the hand, making this FISH KNIFE/FORK CHILD’S SET SOUP SPOON SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SERVING FORK LONG TEA SPOON SIDE FORK DESSERT SPOON ENGLISH TEA SPOON COFFEE SPOON PIE SERVER SAUCE LADLE BUTTER KNIFE ROUND BOWL SOUP SPOON pattern a pleasure to use. Palm TM Available in bright finish Palm TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON Palm’s distinctive handle pattern creates a world of highlights and shadows, following the long subtle lines in the handles. The sleek elegant TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE outline of each piece, presents full functionality as well as optimum style. SOUP SPOON FISH KNIFE/FORK We use the highest quality (18/10) stainless steel for the spoons and forks. The knives are forged from a single ingot of specially hardened SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE FORK SERVING FORK DESSERT SPOON ENGLISH TEA SPOON BUTTER KNIFE ROUND BOWL SOUP SPOON stainless steel for a fine cutting edge. Radford TM Available in bright & satin finish Radford TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE SERVING FORK TABLE FORK GRAPEFRUIT SPOON PIE SERVER SOUP SPOON FISH KNIFE/FORK SAUCE LADLE SIDE KNIFE LONG TEA SPOON SALAD SERVERS OYSTER FORK CANAPE FORK ROUND BOWL SOUP SPOON FRUIT KNIFE LOBSTER PICK SIDE FORK BUTTER KNIFE SOUP LADLE SNAIL FORK CHEESE KNIFE DESSERT SPOON SNAIL TONGS CAKE KNIFE SMALL CHEESE KNIFE ENGLISH TEA SPOON SUGAR TONGS CHILD’S SET BUTTER BLADE BAR/ICE TONGS COFFEE SPOON Radford make this pattern a pleasure to use. This elegant design is versatile enough to complement any table setting. ICE SCOOP SERVING SPOON SAUCE SPOON US TEA SPOON and balance. The form and character of PASTRY FORK SPORK ESPRESSO SPOON Radford is a classic design enhanced by weight SERVING TONGS GOURMET SERVING SPOON MUSTARD SPOON Radford Carving Set Stainless steel carving knife and fork in oak box. Knife 33.9cm Fork 29.5cm RW II TM Available in bright & satin finish RW II TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE/FORK SOUP SPOON BUTTER BLADE SIDE KNIFE PASTRY FORK SIDE FORK SERVING SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON SAUCE LADLE COFFEE SPOON SALAD SERVERS Based on the award winning original design by Robert Welch. Demonstrating the finest attention to detail, the sleek and elegant outline of each piece is complemented by the soft concave detail of the handles. SOUP LADLE Celebrating its 50th birthday in 2012 this iconic pattern is CHILDS SET still one of our most popular choices. Sea Drift Hollow TM Available in bright finish Sea Drift Flat TM Available in bright finish Sea Drift Flat TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: Sea Drift Flat Sea Drift Hollow TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE TABLE KNIFE FISH KNIFE/FORK TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE/FORK TABLE FORK SERVING SPOON SOUP SPOON BUTTER KNIFE SOUP SPOON SERVING FORK SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE KNIFE SIDE FORK SLOTTED SPOON SIDE FORK DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK DESSERT SPOON Sea Drift’s soft flowing lines are the key to this visually exciting pattern. Each piece is sculpted to fit the hand and when laid on ENGLISH TEA SPOON SAUCE LADLE COFFEE SPOON SALAD SERVERS ENGLISH TEA SPOON the table Sea Drift’s shape echoes the gentle curve of the plate. We use highest quality (18/10) stainless steel for the spoons and forks. The knives are forged from a single ingot of specially hardened stainless steel for a fine cutting edge. Stanton TM Available in bright & satin finish Stanton TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE ESPRESSO SPOON SAUCE LADLE TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE SALAD SERVERS SOUP SPOON FISH KNIFE/FORK SOUP LADLE SIDE KNIFE LONG TEA SPOON SIDE FORK BUTTER KNIFE CHILD’S SET Stanton’s sculpted lines and solid handles are both beautiful DESSERT SPOON SERVING SPOON and well balanced. To achieve this, we stamp each piece from sheet stainless steel up to 5.5mm thick. We use the highest ENGLISH TEA SPOON SERVING FORK quality (18/10) stainless steel for the spoons and forks. The knives are forged from a single ingot of specially hardened COFFEE SPOON PIE SERVER stainless steel for a fine cutting edge. Torben TM Available in bright & satin finish Torben TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE: TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON PIE SERVER TABLE FORK STEAK KNIFE SAUCE LADLE FISH KNIFE/FORK SALAD SERVERS SOUP SPOON SIDE KNIFE LONG TEA SPOON BUTTER KNIFE SIDE FORK SERVING SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON Torben brings a subtle element of individuality to any table setting. Each piece in the Torben range features distinctive head and blade shapes and when the pieces are laid together they present a complementary relationship of subtle angles. The handles are elegantly tapered and curved to fit into the hand. Trattoria TM Available in bright fnish Trattoria TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE Providing an economical version of a design classic by Robert Welch, Trattoria was originally TABLE FORK SERVING SPOON designed with rosewood handles, in 1963. This modern variation features PoM plastic handles SOUP SPOON giving a warm tactile feel. SIDE KNIFE The high grade PoM plastic handles are moulded directly onto the stainless steel parts. SIDE FORK The construction has the added strength of two stainless steel compression rivets. Knife DESSERT SPOON blades are made from especially hardened flat strip stainless steel. The steak knife features a ENGLISH TEA SPOON scalloped edge. Vale TM Available in bright finish Vale TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE TABLE KNIFE COFFEE SPOON SAUCE SPOON Vale has elegant curvaceous lines which extend to the end of the handles finishing with a soft halo decorative shape. Vale TABLE FORK BUTTER KNIFE GOURMET FORK is beautifully balanced to give comfort in the hand and will add an extra dynamic to any table setting. SOUP SPOON STEAK KNIFE GOURMET SPOON SIDE KNIFE FISH KNIFE/FORK OYSTER FORK SIDE FORK DESSERT SPOON ENGLISH TEA SPOON SERVING SPOON SERVING FORK Vista TM Available in bright finish SiDE ViEW oF KniFE Vista TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE Vista is designed to have an architectural feeling, with each piece curved TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE/FORK SALAD SERVERS on the surface, re-defining the appearance of the traditional place SOUP LADLE SOUP SPOON BUTTER BLADE SIDE KNIFE SERVING SPOON SIDE FORK SLOTTED SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON PIE SERVER COFFEE SPOON SAUCE LADLE to appear poised on the table. The blades of the knives stand vertically setting. We use highest quality (18/10) stainless steel for the spoons and forks. The knives are forged from a single ingot of specially hardened stainless steel for a fine cutting edge. Westbury TM Available in bright finish Westbury TM INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AVAILABLE TABLE KNIFE STEAK KNIFE Westbury cutlery is a contemporary design with traditional heraldic characteristics. The angled v-shape bolster is reflected in the shape of the handles and spoon TABLE FORK FISH KNIFE head. The concave shape of the fork handle nestles comfortably into the hand and the finely balanced pieces SOUP SPOON FISH FORK SIDE KNIFE BUTTER KNIFE SIDE FORK SERVING SPOON DESSERT SPOON SERVING FORK ENGLISH TEA SPOON US TEA SPOON COFFEE SPOON have a pleasing weight and strength. An exciting new addition to the Robert Welch portfolio: ‘young Diners’ Sets comprise a plate and bowl as the fruit and a beaker representing the bud. They are designed to appeal (visually) to children and adults alike. The fruit theme is also a gentle reminder to eat healthily! A cutlery set is available separately. CUTLERy SET FORK: 13cm KNIFE: 15cm SPOON: 13cm PLATE, BOWL & BEAKER SET Available in Apple, lemon and Plum PLATE: 20.5cm x 2.2cm depth BOWL: 17cm diameter (approx) x 4cm height BEAKER: 7.8cm diameter x 9.1cm height 100% Melamine EnD www.robertwelch.com