REPUBLIC OF TURKEY OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF PRESS AND INFORMATION TURKISH MEDIA AT A GLANCE 2013 TURKISH MEDIA AT A GLANCE Owner on behalf of Directorate General Of Press and Information: Murat Karakaya, Director General Editorial Coordinator: Ali Güneş, Head of Press and Publication Department Editorial Board: Arif Başaran, Zeynep Boz, Semiha Eryol, Zeynep Hamurdan, Hakan Kocaer, Serkan Ökten, Simla Özçelikel, Mariana Popescu, Özhan Tutar Layout: Yunus Emre Yüce Statistics and Graphics: Zeynep Boz, Simla Özçelikel, Hakan Kocaer Photograps: Images submitted by several media organs, DGPI archives, Photographers Doğan Girgin and Rıza Özel (TFMD) Headquarters: Ceyhun Atuf Kansu cad. No.122 Balgat, ANKARA Phone: +90 312 583 60 00 Web Address: www.byegm.gov.tr webinfo@byegm.gov.tr Printed at: Altan Matbaası Matbaacılar Sanayi Sitesi 1515 Sok. D: 16 Yenimahalle, Ankara Phone: 0312 394 8 394 ISBN: 978-975-19-5650-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD..............................................................5 TURKISH MEDIA AT A GLANCE..................................7 HISTORY OF TURKISH MEDIA....................................8 STRUCTURE OF MEDIA OWNERSHIP........................10 MEDIA AND ADVERTISING........................................12 INTERNET MEDIA......................................................14 SOCIAL MEDIA..........................................................18 MOBILE BROADCASTING .........................................22 HUMOR PRESS..........................................................24 TV SERIES .............................................................26 AUDIO-VISUAL MEDIA STATISTICS ...........................28 PRINTED MEDIA STATISTICS......................................30 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS.....................32 NEWS AGENCIES.......................................................67 PUBLIC ACTORS........................................................68 PROFESSIONAL MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS..................70 PERMANENT FOREIGN MEDIA.................................72 COMMUNICATION FACULTIES..................................74 MEDIA LEGISLATION.................................................76 SOCIAL SECURITY .....................................................78 PRESS CARDS............................................................80 LIST OF GRAPHICS....................................................82 FOREWORD Turkey is one of the most influential countries in the world today, thanks to its quality population, strong economy, stable political structure, freedoms-oriented, independent regime and more importantly the well-established culture of democracy. Over the past decade, our country has managed to overcome its all chronic problems by introducing many historic reforms in a wide range of fields, from foreign policy and education to justice in line with the EU membership criteria. Murat KARAKAYA Director General Having achieved to become one of the 15 biggest economies in the world owing to its economic moves, Turkey is now a gradually prospering country with a stable course of economic growth. Thanks to the legal and judicial reforms, level of democracy has risen and all the problems concerning individual rights and freedoms have been removed. Today’s Turkey is a country of which people enjoy freedoms of expression and travel and do not meet any prohibition or restriction. Accordingly, Turkey has a clear guarantee for democracy with its free and independent media sector which is mainly built on the private corporations along with two public institutions, the Anadolu Agency and the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, providing a great competitive advantage and adaptive capacity to technological innovations. With a deep-rooted media tradition, Turkish public administration is conducted with a great sense of responsibility for making legislative regulations to address the needs of the media sector. All the impediments has been removed, press freedom has been guaranteed and foreign investment share in the sector has been increased through some legislative efforts including the Press Law based on a widespread consensus, the improvements made on Turkish Criminal Law, and a law governing radio-television broadcasting. Media sector is provided with technical and financial support through the such media organizations as the Director General of Press and Information and the Press Advertising Institution. Currently, Turkish media has a dynamic and vibrant climate with nearly 6800 newspapers and magazines, and totally 263 television outlets and 1058 radio stations. Thus, the work in your hands, “Turkish Media at a Glance”, aims at giving insight into a century-long media adventure dating from Ottoman era till today as well as taking a detailed picture of today’s media as a fast-changing sector in Turkey. So, I believe and hope that this work will not only be a reference source for both national and foreign journalists, scholars, students and the others concerned about the media but also an inspiration to similar works in the future. 6 TURKISH MEDIA AT A GLANCE Turkish media embarked on its long adventure in a small printing house in İstanbul, in 1727 and since then, it has proceeded at dizzying speed despite all the ups and downs till today. Having acted as an initiator of democratization movement and then becoming people’s voice during the national struggle, Turkish media has obtained a more liberal atmosphere with the establishment of the Republic. Today, Turkey has an explosive media sector with about 6800 papers and magazines, 263 TV channels and 1058 radio stations. Of these papers and magazines; approximately 60 % is local, 5 % regional and 36 % national. Daily papers have got 88 % share in the total annual circulation. Moreover, the Official Gazette, issued by the state for announcing the new legislation and making other official announcements, has been published since 1920 when it was issued under the title of Ceride-i Resmiye. It has been in the stage under the name of Resmi Gazete since 1928. In Turkey, TV broadcasting has recently come further and further to the forefront, exceeding the printed media in terms of its scope and economical dimension. Today great majority of 18 million households reached by broadcasts can access multi-channel platforms. In recent years particularly the productions by TV serial sector have promoted Turkey to the rank of the most important content producers in the world. Turkey, as a party to The European Convention on Transfrontier Television and EU Audio-Visual Media Services Directive, guarantees the freedom of expression in its Press Law. Share of foreign capital in the Turkish media has been maximized to 50% thanks to the adoption of a new Radio and Television Law (RTUK Law) prepared in pursuant to the EU Acquis. Following these developments, world’s prominent media groups, such as Times Warner, News Corp., Al-Jazeera and GB Times, have launched into large-scale investments in Turkey. TRT has recently added a new channel to its thematic channels covering news, music, children, documentary, sports and education based on the concept of public service broadcasting and started Kurdish TV broadcasting, which was previously banned. Besides its 24 hours Arabic language channel, TRT today meets with the audience through a certain broadcast streaming in multiple languages including Bosnian, Kazakh, Georgian, Greek, German and Romanian during a certain broadcast streaming. In Turkey, HDTV broadcasts via Türksat satellite are also available as well as transmissions in an analog-terrestrial mode. DIGITURK, one of the digital satellite subscription based platforms, has an estimated reach of 3.3 million households, while D-SMART reaches 1,7 million. There are 1,2 million analog cable TV subscribers and 130 thousand digital TV subscribers. Besides, there is an IPTV service launched by Turk Telekom in Turkey. Audience can easily watch many national, local and international broadcasts. Having made a breakthrough in recent years, the Anadolu Agency (AA), one of the world’s oldest agencies, has become among ten big agencies. The Agency started to restructure itself in the Balkans, Arab countries, Caucasia and the Central Asia with a view to ranking one of the five big agencies in its centenary. Multiplication of actors within a sector, which has witnessed the advertisement revenues up to 2,5 billion USD and a cutthroat competition, creates a free and pluralistic climate which is open to opinions and ideologies of all descriptions. Almost half of the population has access to the Internet. With over 32 million registered users, Turkey ranks as the seventh country among others in terms of Internet usage. Moreover, given its nearly 8 million Twitter users, video sharing sites also receive a great deal of attention in our country. Each year 80 or 100 new serials are released on Turkish TV stations. There is also a strong foreign demand for TV productions including mostly the prime-time soap operas. In 2011 alone the revenue recorded from serial exports to the countries ranging from South America to the Middle East and the Balkans to Africa was over 60 million USD. 7 HISTORY OF TURKISH MEDIA 1727-1839 PRE-TANZIMAT PERIOD 14-16 December, 1727 the first Turkish printing press was established. September 1795 “Bulletin des Nouvelles”, the first newspaper of the Ottoman era, was issued. 1828 “Vekay-i Mısriye”, the first Turkish-Arabic newspaper, was pressed. 11 November 1831, “Takvim-i Vekayi”, the first Turkish newspaper, entered into press world. 1839-1876 TANZIMAT PERIOD 1840, “Ceride-i Havadis”, the first semi-official Turkish newspaper, was published by an Englishman, William Churchill 1850 “Vekayi-i Tıbbiye”, the first medical journal, was appeared in Turkish press history 1860 “Tercüman-ı Ahval”, the first private Turkish newspaper, was founded. 1864 Matbuat Nizamnamesi, the first legal press regulation, entered into force. 1868 “Terakki/Progress and Development”, the first women paper, was issued. 1868 “Hürriyet” was printed on behalf of the New Ottomans Society in London. 1869 “Mümeyyiz/Compos Mentis”, the first newspaper for children, was issued. CONSTITUTIONALIST PERIOD 1876, Newspapers were censored officially for the first time. 1877, The earliest press law draft was released. 1901, Turkish press history witnessed the first strike. 1908, Turkish Press Association was established 1908, "Gave", the first socialist newspaper of Ottoman era, was issued in İzmir. 1911, “Ottoman Telegraph Agency”, the first national news agency, was founded. 1914, “Ottoman National Telegraph Agency” was established. Many newspapers and periodicals were published from the declaration of the Second Constitutionalist Monarchy till the end of 1918, including Yeni Gazete, Mizan, Hukuk-u Umumiye, Serbesti, Sada-yı Millet, Şura-yı Ümmet, Takvim-i Vekayi, Osmanlı and Tercüman. Important publications of the period: Tercüman-ı Hakikat (1878), Sabah (1882), Servet-i Fünun (periodical) and İkdam. 8 PERIOD OF NATIONAL STRUGGLE 1919-1923 1876-1919 Other important publications: Muhbir (1866), Ayine-i Vatan (1866), Hürriyet (1868), Terakki (1868), Basiret (1869), İbret (1871), Devir (1872), Bedir (1872), İnkılap (1870) 7 June 1920, the Republic of Turkey’s Office of the Prime Minister, Directorate General of Press and Information was founded under the name of “Matbuat ve İstihbarat Müdüriyeti Umumiyesi” at the behest of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Turkish Republic 1920, Anadolu Agency was founded. 1920, Turkey-Havas-Reuters Agency was founded. Certain newspapers and periodicals, such as İleri, Yeni Gün, Akşam, Vakit, İrade-i Milliye, Hakimiyet-i Milliye, playing key role in reaching the fighting spirit to to the masses, were published Provincial press: Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920), Yeni Gün (1920), İrade-i Milliye (1920), İzmir’e Doğru (1919) Periodicals: Ümid, Aydede, Büyük Mecmua, Aydınlık. 1923-1945 THE REPUBLICAN PERIOD 1924 Cumhuriyet newspaper were first published 1927 The first radio broadcasting started 1931 The first press law of Pepublican period was adopted. 1935 The first Turkish Press Congress was held. 1961 Press established Advertising Institution 1950 Turkish News Agency (THA) was established 1950 Press Law, which is still in effect with some changes, came into force. 1952 Istanbul Technical University launched Turkey’s first TV broadcasting, namely İTÜ TV 1960 Press Honor Council was established 1984 TRT changed all transmissions to all colour television was 1964 Turkish Radio and Television Corporation was established, laying the foundations of visual media 1972 An independent news agency, ANKA, was established in Ankara 1980-...... 1960-1980 1945-1960 1948 The first private school of journalism was opened Notable newspapers of the period: Cumhuriyet, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Dünya, Sabah, Tercüman, Zaman, Güneş 1990 The first private TV channel, Magic Box Star 1, launched broadcast 1990s Internet broadcasting launched 1992 Cable TV broadcasting started 1992 Journals, “Atlas, Aydınlıka and Aksiyon” and newspapers, “Fotospor, Yeni Yüzyıl and Takvim” were issued. 1993 State monopoly over radio-television broadcasting was removed with a constitutional amendment. 1994 Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) was founded 2003 Communication Council was gathered in Ankara 2011 Foreign capital share in a private radio or television enterprise was maximized to 50 % by Law No. 6112 9 STRUCTURE OF MEDIA OWNERSHIP With the new technological developments and due to some governmental problems, media sector has started to pass into the hands of outsiders in Turkey, in that big investment groups have increasingly taken control of the sector since 1980s when the sector was dominated mostly by certain journalistic families. Media sector has been on an unplanned and uncontrolled growth trend since the first private TV channel began its broadcasting life in 1990 and state monopoly over the visual broadcasting sector was broken. Having structured as such the media sector got a severe blow from the 2000-2001 financial crisis. As a result, some media patrons of the failed banks went bankrupt, creating a grave unemployment wave in the media sector. Then, Saving Deposits Insurance Fund of Turkey seized some media companies for their failed banks. And in parallel with this process a new period began for the media ownership. Thanks to the new legal regulations, foreign shareholders and those investment groups which were previously engaged in various irrelevant fields turned towards the media sector. Thus, the ownership structure of Turkish media started to reshape with the advent of new entrepreneurs. Today’s prominent media organizations are also the leading investment groups of the country. Media groups are entering into joint ventures with foreign media companies both at home and abroad. On the other hand, foreign companies can also own media organs in Turkey. For example, News Corporation & Atlantic Records purchased TGRT and now continue its broadcasting under the name of Fox TV. Turkish Broadcasting Law No. 6112 dated 2011 raised the maximum share of foreign investment in a private media organ up to 50%. As a result of this certain media companies such as Qatar-financed Al-Jazeera and Chinafinanced GB Times embarked on making investments in the fields of television and radio broadcastings, and webcasting in Turkey. Graphic 1 Doğan; %13,74 Group Share By Ratings Turkuvaz; %10,95 Çukurova; %6,05 Source: TV Viewing Surveys Inc. 09.17.2012- 12.31.2012 News Corp; %7,82 Samanyolu; %6,54 Kanal 7; %3,51 Doğuş; %11,48 İpek; %2,25 Ciner; %0,75 Doğan; %20 Star; %0,08 Turkuvaz; %10 MNG; %1,05 Demirören; %5 Diğer; %35,78 Ciner; %5 Çukurova; %4 Albayrak; %2 Feza; %21 İhlas; %2 İpek; %2 Star; %3 Sözcü; %5 Cumhuriyet; %1 Diğer; %15 10 Graphic 2 Group Share By Circulations Source: Press Advertising Corporation Data 11 MEDIA AND ADVERTISING Advertising sector has been on a stable growth curve in parallel with the economic development in Turkey since 2002. Annual advertisement spending increased by 262 % growth and rose to 2,5 billion USD in 2011 in reference to 953 million USD in 2002. In the first half of 2012 the sector realized a growth of 1,3 billion USD, but a 8 % rise is expected for the end of the year. Another striking point is that the digital media channels such as web-casting and mobile-casting, which are defined as New Media, have recorded significant surge in their ad revenue shares, getting 8 % slice of the ad pie in 2012. The lion’s share of ad revenue is of television with 57 %, followed by respectively newspapers (22 %), Internet (8 %), billboards (7 %), radio (3 %), periodicals (2 %) and cinema (1 %). 60 Graphic-3 Percent Change in Ad Spending per year Source: Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies 50 40 TV Newspaper 30 Magazine Radio 20 Digital 10 Cinema Billboards 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (the first half) TV 57% Graphic-4 Ad Spending Distribution by fields Source: Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies Newspaper 22 % Magazine 2% Radio 3% Digital 8% Cinema 1% Billboards 7% Graphic-5 Advertisement Investments Source: Association of Advertising Agencies 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2002 12 2011 2012 ilk altı ay 13 INTERNET MEDIA Internet has profoundly influenced the media sector in Turkey as it is in the world. Increase in Internet usage and rapid developments of broadcasting technologies have changed classical broadcasting approach. Turkey has been undergoing a rapid change in webcast and mocast as in the world. According to September 2012 data by Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK) there are about 37 million Internet subscribers including 19,3 million broadband Internet subscribers. Mainstream national newspapers attain a digital readership decupling the daily newsstand sales. Having seen the choice of Turkish people, the media companies have been increasing web based investments day by day. Rapid growth of Internet both in quality and quantity has led to a speedy rise in digital ad investments. According to IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Turkey declared that in the first half of 2012 digital advertisement investments reached 416,77 million TL with a rise of % 34.4 compared to the same period last year. Top 20 Countries with Highest Number of Internet Users Source: Source: Internet World Stats, June 2012 http://www. internetworldstats.com/top20.htm *Turkey is ranked 15th in the world. Million Milyonlar Graphic-7 Total Numbers of Internet Subscribers Source: BTK, 2012 Q3 (July-August-September) Report 538 China USA India Japan Brasil Russia Germany Indonesia United Kingdom France Nigeria Persia Mexico South Korea Turkey Italy Philippines Spain Vietnam Egypt Graphic-6 245,2 137 101,2 88,5 68 67,5 55 52,7 52,2 48,4 42 42 40,3 36,5 35,8 33,6 31,6 31 29,8 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Total Numbers of Internet Subscribers Million 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 xDSL Internet via Mobile Computer . Internet via Mobile Phone Cable Internet 2011-3 14 Fiber Internet 2012-2 Other 2012-3 15 INTERNET MEDIA Of top five most popular Europe-wide broadcasting news websites with maximum readers, two are daily newspapers from Turkey. According to April 2012 data released by Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), in Turkey, 72,5% of Internet users read newspapers and magazines via Internet. A 2012 August survey conducted by comScore Inc. reveals that the ratio of TV viewing over the Internet has also increased in such a way that 2012 August saw the ratio of 32%, up from 25% in the same month last year. Graphic-8 25% News Portal Choices of European Internet Users-2012 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Mail Online Guardian.co.uk Hürriyet.com.tr Blind.de Milliyet.com.tr 2011 Graphic-9 Field Preferences of Internet Users * Based on April 2012 Survey on Households Use of Information Technologies conducted by Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK). 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 16 2012 17 SOCIAL MEDIA Rapid change in information technologies reflects on the world of publishing and broadcasting world simultaneously. As the use of Internet and mobile devices has become widespread, classical approach of publishing and broadcasting via newspapers and TV screens has started to change. Mobile devices are alternative channels joining previously widespread communications medium. Social media has turned into the most effective communications channel of the world in a short time thanks to its networking sites with capacity of informing, entertaining and influencing the masses. Social Media is keeping up with global progress in Turkey where web and mobile communication are widespread. Given the size of active social networking users, Turkey outdistanced many countries in social media use. This great interest leads to many digital agencies to launch, while heading conventional media to social media. Graphic-10 Amount of Time Spent on Social Networking Sites by Countries–November 2012 *As it is seen from this chart, Argentina is the most “social addicted” country, with an average of 9.8 hours on social networking sites, closely followed by Brazil (9.7 hours), Russia (9,6 hours), Tailand (8,7 hours) and Turkey (8,6 hours). Source: ComScore 9,8 Argentine Brasil 9,7 Russia 9,6 Tailand 8,7 Turkey 8,6 8,2 Israel Latin America 8,1 Peru 7,9 Canada 7,9 Chile 7,7 Mexico 7,5 5,2 World Average Hour 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 SOCIAL MEDIA According to the October 2012 data by ComScore’s Inc., with its over 32 million Facebook users Turkey ranks 7th in the world, while for Twitter use, it is ranked as the 11th. Additionally, Istanbul is the 12nd one among the 20 most active twitter cities in the world. Graphic-11 Turkey Countries with Most Facebook Users Source: Maxus Turkey-Social Media Developments January 2013 United Kingdom Mexico Indonesia India Brasil USA 0 Million Graphic-12 Countries with Most Twitter Users Source: Maxus Turkey-Social Media Developments January 2012 Most Active Twitter Cities Source: Maxus Turkey-Social Media Developments January 2012 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 İstanbul Singapore Riyadh Chicago Los Angeles Paris Bandung New York Sao Paulo London Tokyo Jakarta Million 20 80 Turkey Philippines Spain Canada Mexico India Indonesia United Kingdom Japan Brasil USA Million Graphic-13 40 0,0% 0,5% 1,0% 1,5% 2,0% 2,5% 21 MOBILE BROADCASTING The latest media sector, mobile broadcasting, inaugurated information/news transfer via SMS in 2000s and then expanded thanks to the collaboration with media groups. Mobile broadcast access has increased rapidly following 2009 3G licence tender which formed a source of income for the sector. Of 67,160,000 mobile users by 2012 September, 40,300,000 are 3G subscribers. Moreover, some of the broadcast bands will be assigned to the 4th generation GSM services upon the transition to terrestrial digital broadcasting under a decision taken by the International Telecommunication Union. Therefore, better quality GSM services will be available in Turkey just like other countries. Graphic-14 Numbers of 3G and mobile subscribers-September 2012 Source: Turkey Electronic Communication Sector Market Data, BTK 70 60İstanbul Singapore 50 Riyadh Chicago 40Angeles Los Paris 30Bandung New York 20 Sao Paulo London 10 Tokyo 0 Jakarta Million Milyon 2008 0,0% 2009 0,5% 2010 1,0% 2011 1,5% 2012 -1 2,0% 2012 - 2 2,5% 2G 22 2012 -3 3G 23 HUMOR PRESS Humor publishing is one of most successful publishing examples in the Turkish press history. “Diyojen”, which appeared on publishing scene in 1870 and teamed up with prominent figures including Namık Kemal, Ebuziya Tevfik and Ali Bey, is the first political humor newspaper of the country. Since then, thousands of periodicals, newspapers and cartoons have been published, mirroring the Turkish humor. Akbaba, Marko Paşa, Karakedi, Taş, Dolmuş, Gırgır, Fırt, Ustura, Leman, Penguen and Uykusuz are the most important humor magazines. In Turkey, humor magazine publishing owes its present popularity to the cartoonist Oğuz Aral who is founder and chief editor of Gırgır. He made Gırgır the third largest magazine of the world by circulation over 500 thousand. Following Gırgır with a large readership especially among the youth, number of humor journals proliferated. According to 2012 data, Uykusuz and Penguen are two top-selling humor journals. Current humor publishing is carried out with weekly humor magazines rather than the cartoon pages of daily newspapers. Graphic-15 Average Sales of Humor Magazines 70.000 60.000 Source: Dogan Distribution Inc., 2012 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 Graphic-16 Distribution of Total Sale of Humor Magazines UYKUSUZ ; %42 Source: Dogan Distribution Inc., 2012 PENGUEN ; %35 LEMAN ; %12 GIRGIR ; %6 L-MANYAK ; %2 BAYAN YANI ; %1 LM ÖZEL ; %1 64 MİZAH DERGİSİ ; %0,5 DİĞER ; %1 24 25 TV SERIES In recent years Turkish TV channels have made big progress in content producing, while previously having relied on almost all the program formats including serials, game and entertainment shows and movies in particular from outside. Furthermore, today this sector is well positioned to launch homemade TV productions with global competitiveness and nearly all of the Turkish TV channels can offer homemade production to their viewers. For the last few years, 80 or 100 new homemade productions have appeared on the scene annually. Production quality has moved Turkish serials to the international markets. Today Turkey is among the most important content-production centers. Turkish serials became famous in the world ranging from Middle East to Balkans and South America. As Turkish serials have gained popularity in those countries where they are featured on TV, demand for them has increased day by day and Turkish artists gained ground in being a world star as well. For instance, the last episode of Gümüş, a serial which is shown as among the most popular ones, was watched by 84 million people across the Middle East. According to the data given by Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Turkey exported totally 10,500 hours of serials and contents to many countries across in the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans by the end of 2011. Thanks to this exportation, the yield was over 60 million USD. EXPORTED TV SERIES Europe and the Balkans Annem Arka Sokaklar Aşk-ı Memnu Benden Baba Olmaz Bir Bulut Olsam Bütün Çocuklarım Çemberimde Gül Oya Elveda Derken Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne? Fırtına Geniş Zamanlar Hanımın Çiftliği Haziran Gecesi İki Aile Kampusistan Kavak Yelleri Kaybolan Yıllar Keşanlı Ali Destanı Kınalı Kar Kuzey Güney Küçük Sırlar Menekşe ile Halil Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman ki Sonbahar Türkan Vazgeç Gönlüm 26 Middle East and North Africa Annem Aşk-ı Memnu Azad Berivan Bir Bulut Olsam Bütün Çocuklarım Düğün Şarkıcısı Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne? Genco Hanımın Çiftliği Haziran Gecesi Kod Adı Kuzey Güney Küçük Kadınlar Küçük Sırlar Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman Ki Sonbahar Türkan Unutabilsem Yılan Hikayesi Yol Arkadaşım South America Kurtlar Vadisi Central Asia Annem Arka Sokaklar Asi Aşk-ı Memnu Berivan Bir Bulut Olsam Bütün Çocuklarım Candan Öte Çemberimde Gül Oya Elveda Derken Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne? Fırtına Gece Gündüz Genco Geniş Zamanlar Gümüş Hanımın Çiftliği Haziran Gecesi Ihlamurlar Altında İki Aile Kavak Yelleri Kuzey Güney Küçük Kadınlar Menekşe ile Halil Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman Ki Sağır Oda Sonbahar Vazgeç Gönlüm Yaprak Dökümü Yılan Hikayesi Yol Arkadaşım Zoraki Koca Gümüş, D Yapım Muhteşem Yüzyıl, Tims Yapım Yaprak Dökümü, Ay Yapım Ezel, Ay Yapım Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu, Pana Film 27 AUDIO-VISUAL MEDIA STATISTICS According to the 2012 records of RTUK, there are 248 private TV channels in total of which 24 are nationwide, 15 are regional and 209 are local and this number amounts to 263 with 15 TRT channels. Besides these broadcasts there are 93 cable and 193 satellite TV channels. Graphic-17 Distribution of TV Channels by Coverage Local 81 % Regional 6 % Nationwide 13 % Graphic-18 Distribution of TV Channels by Broadcasting Modes Terrestial 48 % Cable 17 % Satellite 35 % Audio Broadcasting involves 38 nationwide, 98 regional and 922 local private radio stations other than 62 satellite radio broadcasters. In addition TRT has 16 stations in total. Graphic-19 Distribution of Radio Stations by Broadcasting Modes Local 86 % Regional 10 % Nationwide 4 % Graphic-20 Distribution of Radio Stations by Coverage Terrestial 95 % Satellite 5 % In Turkey, both public and private radio-television corporations broadcast via cable infrastructure operated by Türksat Inc. which has a monopoly in cablecasting. Additionally, there are two digital broadcasting platforms, namely Digiturk (Cukurova Group) and D-Smart (Dogan Group). Digiturk has nearly 3 million subscribers, while D-Smart has 1 million 700 thousand subscribers. 28 29 PRINTED MEDIA STATISTICS According to the 2011 data, 6,778 newspapers and magazines are published in our country in total, of which 3,873 (57 %) are magazines, 2,905 are newspapers (42 %). *Compiled from the TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) Print Media Statistics 2011 Newspapers Magazines TOTAL 2.618 91 196 2.905 1.377 259 2.237 3.873 3.995 350 2.433 6.778 Local Regional National TOTAL Graphic-21 Graphic-22 Local 59 % Distribution of Distribution Areas Regional 5 % National 36 % Distribution of Broadcasting Mode by Number Newspapers 43 % Magazines 57 % Annual circulation of newspapers and magazines is 2,265,538,153 of which 94 % is constituted by newspapers in 2011 when total circulation is shared by 17,4 % regional, 2 % nationwide and 80,6 % nationwide newspapers and magazines. *Compiled from the TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) Print Media Statistics 2011 Graphic-23 Distribution of Distribution Areas 30 Local Regional National TOTAL Newspapers Magazines TOTAL 367.894.430 40.698.665 1.721.590.146 25.863.482 4.547.645 104.943.785 135.354.912 393.757.912 45.246.310 1.826.533.931 2.265.538.153 Local 17 % Regional 2 % National 81 % Graphic-24 Distribution of Publication Type Newspapers 94 % Magazines 6 % 31 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS TURKISH RADIO AND TELEVISION CORPORATION (TRT) Established in 1964 32 Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) with an autonomous statute was founded to conduct public broadcasting by a Law on the Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and their Broadcasts (Law No. 6112) on 1 May, 1964. In the early 1990s TRT remained as the sole broadcaster until the first private TV and radio channels launched on the broadcasting venture. Today TRT reaches out to a large number of people both at home and abroad and render broadcasting services in 35 languages and dialects with 15 TV channels, 15 radio stations, websites “trt.net.tr and trt-world.com”, teletext broadcasts and the magazines, “TeleVİZYON”, “TRT Çocuk” and “Pepee”. This trailblazer public broadcaster materialized Kurdish broadcast “TRT-6”, which was previously banned. Since its establishment TRT-6 has distinguished itself by its 24 hours streaming filled with news and entertainment contents. The other striking channel is TRT-Arabic which was launched to meet demands of Arabic speaking people in Turkey as well as concerns of Middle Eastern and North African countries and is on air for 24 hours with news and entertainment coverage. TRT, having the largest news network, is recently preparing for an English language channel. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TRT 1 FOUNDATION DATE 1968 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Number one channel of Turkey www.trt.net.tr TRT 1 HD 2012 General Satellite, Digital, IPTV TRT HABER 2010 News Satellite, Cable, Terrestial TRT News is everywhere www.trthaber.com TRT SPOR 1989 Sports Satellite, Cable, Terrestial New star of the arena www.trtspor.com.tr TRT ÇOCUK 2008 Children Satellite, Cable, Terrestial My style, my television www.trtcocuk.com TRT OKUL 2011 Education Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Life-long education www.trtokul.com.tr TRT AVAZ 2009 General Satellite, Cable Voice of common geography www.trt.net.tr/trtavaz TRT TÜRK 2009 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Watch the world in Turkish www.trtturk.com.tr TRT HD 2010 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Clarity is everything www.trthd.com TRT ARAPÇA 2010 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial TRT MÜZİK 2009 Music Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Everything about music www.trt.net.tr/trtmuzik TRT BELGESEL 2009 Documentary Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Are you ready to witness? www.trt.net.tr/trtbelgesel TRT ŞEŞ 2009 General Satellite, Cable TRT ANADOLU 2009 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial One screen hundred screens www.trtanadolu.net.tr TRT GAP - - - - - - www.arabic.tv www.trt.net.tr/trt6 RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TRT RADYO 1 TRT FM (RADYO 2) TRT RADYO 3 TRT RADYO 4 TRT TÜRKÜ TRT NAĞME TRT RADYO HABER ANTALYA RADYOSU DİYARBAKIR RADYOSU ÇUKUROVA RADYOSU ERZURUM RADYOSU TRABZON RADYOSU ANTALYA RADYOSU RADYO 6 TRT AVRUPA FM FOUNDATION DATE 1974/1987 2009 2009 1962 1964 1968 1960 1968 2009 2010 General Music Music, News Music, News Music Music News Music, News Music, News Music, News Music, Folklore Music, News Music, News General Satellite-Internet Satellite-Internet Satellite-Internet Satellite-Internet Satellite-Internet Satellite-Internet Satellite-Internet - Radio that closes the distance Epitome of quality in music Where the longing ends One more woice from Turkey www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr www.trt.net.tr/avrupafm TÜRKİYE'NİN SESİ RADYOSU - - - - - MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL VİZYON DERGİSİ News, Actuality - TRT ÇOCUK DERGİSİ - - PEPEE DERGİSİ Children www.pepee.com.tr 33 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS DOĞAN MEDIA GROUP (DYH) Established in 1997 34 Dogan Media Group (DYH), one of the largest media groups in Turkey, has been active on a wider media scene covering newspapers, magazines, book publishing, television-radio broadcasting and production, Internet, digital media, printing, distribution and new media businesses since 1997. DYH content producers are composed of television channels, newspapers, radio stations, book publishers, magazines, new media initiatives, music and production companies. Additionally, the Group has a digital platform (D-Smart) and four TV channels of which two are offering nationwide (Kanal D, CNN Turk) broadcasting, while the other two (Kanal D Romania, Euro D) are international. Moreover, DYH has Dogan Burda (magazine) and Dogan Egmont Publishing, which are two publishing houses with about 55 magazines. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION KANAL D EURO D KANAL D ROMANYA CNN TÜRK TV2 D-SMART CHANNELS SMART SPOR SMART SPOR 2 MOVIE SMART SMART SINEGOLD SMART SİNEGOLD 2 SMART SINEPLUS SMART SİNEFEST SMART SİNETÜRK YEŞİLÇAM SMART MAX SMART DİZİ SMART FOUNDATION DATE 1993 1996 2007 1999 2012 CONTENT General General General News Entertainment MEDIUM Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Satellite Cable Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Satellite, Cable, Terrestial SLOGAN Turkey's Channel Channel of European Turks Uni Place Be the first to know My channel WEB PORTAL www.kanald.com.tr www.kanald.com.tr www.kanald.ro www.cnnturk.com www.tv2.com.tr Sports Sports Sports Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema Thematic Serial Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform Digital Platform - www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr www.dsmart.com.tr 2011 2012 2007 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2007 2007 2011 NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL HURRIYET NEWSPAPER 1948 Politics, Economy, Magazine National Turkey is the land of Turks www.hurriyet.com.tr POSTA NEWSPAPER RADIKAL NEWSPAPER 1995 Politics, Economy, Magazine We love Turkey and people www.posta.com.tr 1996 Politics, Economy National National FANATIK 1995 Sports National HURRIYET DAILY NEWS 1961 Politics, Economy National www.radikal.com.tr The best sports newspaper of www.fanatik.com.tr Turkey Leading news source for Turkey www.hurriyetdailynews.com and the region AGENCIES NAME OF CORPORATION DOGAN NEWS AGENCY FOUNDATION DATE 1999 CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL Photo and video news Satellite,Internet News only www.dha.com.tr MAGAZINES NAME CONTENT WEB PORTAL Atlas Elle Decoration Seninle PC Net Level Popular Science Türkiye Lezzet Auto Show Blue Jean Burda Capital Chip Ekonomist Elele Elle D-Smart Dergi Travel, Tourism Decoration Women Computer Computer Science, Technology Food Automotive Youth,Music Women, Fashion, Hobby Economy, Business World www.atlasturkey.com.tr www.elledecor.com.tr www.seninle.com.tr www.elledecor.com.tr www.pcnet.com.tr www.level.com.tr www.doganburda.com/popsci www.lezzet.com.tr www.autoshow.com.tr www.bluejean.com.tr www.burda.com.tr www.capital.com.tr www.chip.com.tr www.ekonomist.com.tr www.elele.com.tr www.elle.com.tr Information, Technology Economy, Business World Women Women Culture, Art, Music, Cinema, TV 35 Turkuvaz Media Group, a subsidiary of Calik Holding, renders services in the fields including radio, television, newspaper, book and magazine publishing, printing, non-media sale, and newspaper-magazine distribution. Turkuvaz which is one the two major media groups in terms of market scale and advertisement share, operates 22 companies. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL ATV 1993 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Serial should only be watched on ATV www.atv.com.tr ATV AVRUPA 1997 General Satellite Whatever you miss www.atvavrupa.tv A HABER 2011 News Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Channel of the News www.ahaber.com.tr MİNİKA GO 2011 Children Satellite, Cable For the power of fun: Minika www.minika.com.tr MİNİKA TV 2012 Children Satellite, Cable, Terrestial For the power of fun www.minika.com.tr YENİ ASIR TV 2007 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial News and sports channel of Agean www.yeniasirtv.com.tr NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL SABAH NEWSPAPER 1985 Poitics, Economy, Magazine National The best newspaper of Turkey www.sabah.com.tr SABAH AVRUPA 2006 Poitics, Economy, Magazine West Europe Newspaper of European Turks www.sabah.de YENİ ASIR GAZETESİ 1895 Poitics, Economy, Magazine Regional The Biggest regional newspaper of Turkey www.yeniasir.com.tr TAKVİM 1994 Poitics, Economy, Magazine National Newspaper of people www.takvim.com.tr FOTOMAÇ 1991 Sports National The best selling sport newspaper of Turkey www.fotomac.com.tr RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN RADYO TURKUVAZ 2009 General Satellite, Terrestial Turkey's radio WEB PORTAL www.radyoturkuvaz.com.tr ROMANTİK RADYO 1993 Foreign slow music Satellite, Terrestial Love Frequency www.romantikradyo.com.tr MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL Auto Katalog Auto Motor&Sport Bebeğim ve Biz Cosmo Girl Cosmopolitan Esquire Forbes Türkiye Global Enerji Harper's Bazaar Home Art House Beatiful Otohaber Para Sinema Dergisi Sofra Şamdan Plus Transport Yeni Aktüel Cosmopolitan Bride China Today Türkiye Örgüm Touch İstanbul Otohaber Test Yıllığı Automobile Automotive Mother, Baby Youth Women Men Business World Energy Women,Fashion Decoration Decoration Automotive Economy Cinema Food, Food Culture Magazine Transport Actuality Bride, Women Chenese Economy and Business World Hobby City and Life Automobile www.turkuvazabone.com www.automotorsport.com.tr www.bebegimvebiz.com.tr www.cosmogirl.com.tr www.cosmodergi.com www.esquire.com.tr www.forbes.com.tr www.globalenerji.com.tr www.turkuvazabone.com www.turkuvazabone.com www.turkuvazabone.com www.otohaber.com.tr www.paradergi.com.tr www.turkuvazabone.com www.sofra.com.tr www.samdan.com.tr www.transport.com.tr www.aktuel.com.tr www.turkuvazabone.com www.turkuvazabone.com www.turkuvazabone.com www.turkuvazabone.com www.turkuvazabone.com 37 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS CINER MEDIA GROUP Established in 2007 38 From its establishment on 14 September 2007, the Ciner Media Group has been active in Turkish media sector ranging from publishing newspaper, magazine and book, radio-television broadcasting and production, printing to digital media, distribution, retailing and alternative telecommunications. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL HABERTÜRK TV 1999 News Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Its Power is from its Freedom tv.haberturk.com BLOOMBERG HT 2010 Economy Satellite, Cable, Terrestial The Winners watch Bloomberg www.bloomberght.com NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL GAZETE HABERTÜRK 2009 Politics, Economy, Magazine National Its Power is from its Freedom www.haberturk.com RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL HABERTÜRK RADYO 2001 News Satellite, Terrestial Its Power is from its Freedom www.haberturkradyo.com BLOOMBERG HT RADYO 2010 Economy satellite, Terrestial The Winners watch Bloomberg www.bloomberghtradyo.com 39 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS CUKUROVA HOLDING 40 Cukurova Holding has been engaged in various sectors ranging from construction and telecommunications to media and financial services since its foundation. Holding’s media group is composed of newspapers, Aksam and Günes, TV channels, ShowTV, SkyTurk 360, Show Turk, Showmax, Lig TV 1-2-3, Turkmax, İZ TV, and radio stations, Lig Radio and Alem FM. Additionally, Digiturk, incorporated as a digital platform by the Group in 1999, has 3,3 million users and reaches its viewers via Lig TV1-2-3, Turkmax, İZ TV, Moviemax (7 channels), Dizimax (4 channels) and Jojo. TV CHANNELS NAME OF FOUNDATION CORPORATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL SHOW TV 1992 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Smile to life www.showtv.com.tr SKYTURK360 2002 News Satellite, Cable, Marmara Terrestial News As It is www.skyturk360.com SHOW TÜRK 2005 General Satellite Show of Turks in Europe www.showturk.tv SHOWMAX 2006 General Digital We collected all colours, just for you www.showMAX.com.tr DIGITURK TV CHANNELS SHOW PLUS 2006 General Digital They shooke the world, now your turn www.showplus.com.tr LİG TV 2000 Sports Digital platform Football is here www.ligtv.com.tr LİG TV 2 2011 Sports Digital platform - www.ligtv.com.tr LİG TV 3 2011 Sports Digital platform - www.ligtv.com.tr TURKMAX 2006 Thematic Digital platform Turkmax is very sweet channel www.digiturk.com.tr İZ TV 2006 Documentary Digital platform Everything leave a mark www.iztv.com.tr NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL AKŞAM NEWSPAPER 1918 Politics, Economy, Magazine National Turkey's Newspaper www.aksam.com.tr GÜNEŞ NEWSPAPER 1997 Politics, Economy, Magazine National Brave Voice of People www.gunes.com RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL ALEM FM 1994 General Terrestial, Satellite All the world is here www.alemfm.com.tr LIG RADYO 2006 Sports Satellite-Terrestial Sports Radio of Turkey www.ligradyo.net MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL DIGITURK Culture, Art, Music, Cinema, TV www.digiturk.com.tr ALEM Magazine www.alem.com.tr AUTOCAR Automotive www.autocar.com.tr PLATİN Economy www.platinonline.com STUFF Information, Technology www.stuff.com.tr FOUR FOUR TWO Sports www.fourfourtwo.com.tr * At the printing phase of the booklet, the Saving Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) took over the management of 12 companies (including Digitürk, Akşam Newspaper, Güneş Newspaper, Skytürk 360, Alem FM and Show TV) due to the debts of the Cukurova Group to the Fund. 41 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS dogusyayingrubu.com ntvmsnbc.com DOĞUŞ YAYIN GRUBU ı NTV RADYO ı VIRGIN RADIO ı KRAL FM VOYAGE ı NTVMSNBC ı NTVSPOR.NET G KIDS ı ROBB REPORT ı CNBC-e BUSINESS 12) 330 00 50 42 DOGUS MEDIA GROUP Established in 1999 Starting its operations with the acquisition of NTV, the first thematic Turkish channel, in 1999, Dogus embodies 8 TV channels, 4 radio stations and 27 global brands under which many original and licensed monthly journals are issued. Additionally, Dogus is also engaged in book publishing under NTV Publications. Star TV, Turkey’s first private broadcaster which was started its life in 2011 was purchased by Dogus in 2011. Founded in 1992, Kral FM was also incorporated in Dogus Group in 2008. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL NTV 1996 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Turkey's News Channel www.ntvmsnbc.com STAR 1990 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Turkey has a STAR www.startv.com.tr CNBC-E 2000 Economy, Entertainment Satellite, Cable, Terrestial More Colorful www.cnbce.com NTV SPOR 2008 Sports News Satellite, Cable, Terrestial, Digital Turkye's Sports Channel www.ntvspor.net NTV SPOR HD 2008 Sports News Digital Turkye's Sports Channel www.ntvspor.net KRAL TV 1994 Music Cable, Digital - www.kraltv.com.tr KRAL POP TV 2011 Turkish Pop Music Cable, Digital - www.kralpoptv.com.tr E2 2006 General Digital - www.e2.tv.tr HDE 2010 General Digital - - NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL NTV RADYO 2000 General Satellite, Terrestial, Online The Easiest way of accessing news www.ntvradyo.com.tr VIRGIN RADYO 2009 Modern Hit Music Satellite, Terrestial, Online We love hit music www.virginradioturkiye.com www.kralfm.com.tr www.kralpop.com.tr RADIOS KRAL FM 1992 General Satellite, Terrestial, Online The most- listened- to radio of Turkey KRAL POP FM 2011 Turkish Pop Music Satellite, Terrestial, Online King of Pop Music MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL National Geographic Türkiye Geography, Science, Discovery, Research www.nationalgeographic.com.tr National Geographic Kids Children www.nationalgeographic.com.tr Robb Report Life www.robbreport.com.tr CNBC-E Cinema, TV www.cnbce.tv NTV Tarih Literature, History www.ntvtarih.com.tr Vogue Türkiye Dressing, Beauty, Women, Fashion www.vogue.com.tr GQ Türkiye Men www.gq.com.tr 43 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS SAMANYOLU MEDIA GROUP Established in 1993 44 Founded in 1993, Samanyolu Media Group renders services in the media sector with its broadcastings covering five continents, 8 TV channels, 3 national and international radios and Internet platform Küre TV. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN SAMANYOLU TV 1993 General Satellite, Cable, Terrestial Enjoy the show WEB PORTAL www.samanyolu.tv SAMANYOLU HABER TV 2007 News Sattellite-Cable Realities only www.samanyoluhaber.com MEHTAP TV 2006 Cultur Satellite-Cable A Culture Channel www.mehtap.tv YUMURCAK TV 2007 Children Satellite-Cable Hey kiddies, come all in front of screens www.yumurcak.tv EBRU TV Amerika 2006 General Satellite-Digital Platform - www.ebru.tv Ebru TV Avrupa 2010 General Satellite - www.ebru.tv Ebru TV Afrika 2012 General Satellite - www.ebru.tv SAMANYOLU AVRUPA 1993 General Satellite Your Friend in Europe www.samanyolutv.eu SAMANYOLU AMERİKA 1998 General Digital Platform - www.samanyolu.us DÜNYA TV 2010 General Satellite A Colorful world www.dunyatv.com.tr HAZAR TV 2007 General Satellite-Terrestial Xezer of Your Family www.xezer.tv Satellite Safe Shopping www.tunashopping.com - www.m-ch.tv TUNA Shopping TV 2011 Shopping MC TV 2012 Family, Women Satellite RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL BURC FM 1994 Culture Satellite-Terrestial Turkey's Voice of Culture www.burcfm.com.tr DÜNYA RADYO 1993 Music Internet Most Colorful Radio www.dunya.com.tr SAMANYOLU HABER RADYO 2007 News Satellite-Terrestial News Only www.shaber.fm RADYO MEHTAP Religion Satellite-Terrestial Voice of Our Feelings www.radyomehtap.com 2011 MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL KEHKESAN Media, Magazine www.kehkesandergi.com 45 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS In media, the content of the news is as mportant as the style of the news. While FEZA MEDIA GROUP Feza Gazetecilik the use of photos may be most appropriaEstablished in 1986 te for certain news stories, caricatures or a graphic may be more suitable for others. The design department prepares the page n a way that will be attractive for readers. This is the designers’ time to shine. 46 By now, the reporters are done w their news stories save any break news. It is time for the page desig to apply their skills to the best of ir ability. They will work until 6:30 to lay out the stories on the pages the most optimal way possible. Under the umbrella of Feza Journalism Inc. there are various newspapers and magazines, namely daily Zaman, Today’s Zaman published in Engslih, weekly news magazine Aksiyon and bimonthly semi-academic English magazine Turkish Review. Feza, moreover, has a news agency, Cihan News Agency (CHA) which was founded in 1992. NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL ZAMAN NEWSPAPER 1986 Politics, Economy National - www.zaman.com.tr TODAY'S ZAMAN NEWSPAPER 2007 Politics, Economy National - www.todayszaman.com AGENCIES NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL CIHAN NEWS AGENCY 1992 Satellite-Internet - www.cihan.com.tr Photo and Video News MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL CIHAN HABER DERGISI News www.cihandergi.com AKSIYON Actuality www.aksiyon.com.tr TURKISH REVIEW Actuality, Academic www.turkishreview.org 47 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS IHLAS MEDIA HOLDING Established in 2003 48 Ihlas Holding made its entrance into media sector with Turkiye Newspaper in 1970. Over time, having enlarged its media network with television, radio, news agency and magazine groups, Ihlas Group founded İhlas Yayın Holding (Media Holding) on July 10, 2003 in a view to gathering all subsidiaries in the media sector under one roof and improve the Holding's administrative efficiency. GRT FM, TGRT News, TGRT Documentary, Ihlas News Agency and Türkiye Newspaper are the media organs combined under the roof of the Holding. Ihlas Magazine Group, the other media organ of the Holding publishes 29 periodicals on various subjects including children, economy, food and information. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TGRT HABER 2004 News Satellite-Cable-Internet Life Itself is the Center of Journalism www.tgrthaber.com.tr TGRT BELGESEL 2010 Documentary Cable-Internet Channel of Documentary www.tgrtbelgesel.com TGRT EU 2004 General Cable-Internet Voice of Europe www.tgrteu.de NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TURKİYE NEWSPAPER 1970 Politics-Economy National New Turkey’s New Turkey www.turkiyegazetesi.com RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TGRT FM 1993 General Satellite-Terrestial World is Listening for Now www.tgrt-fm.com.tr NEWS AGENCY NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL IHLAS NEWS AGENCY 1993 Video and Photo News Satellite-Internet Wherever a News is IHA is right there www.iha.com.tr MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL Automotive Exports Baby&Kid Store Beauty Turkey Boru ve Teknolojileri Contract Textile International Decor Dijital Teknik Fiber&Yarn Trends Food Turkey Hi-Tech Home Textile Exports IT Network Konfeksiyon teknik Made in Turkey Medikal Teknik Matbaa Teknik Nalbur Teknik Perde Sistemleri ve Aksesuarları Print on Demand Pharma Turkey Solarex Sustainnovation Sleep Well Tekstil Teknik Toyuncak Türkiye Çocuk Yapı Malzeme Yemek Zevki Automotive Children Health and Cosmetics Construction-Building Textile and Interior Decoration Textile and Interior Decoration Printworks, Paper, Office Systems, Digital Printing Textile and Interior Decoration Food Tourism Hospitality and Accomodation Textile and Interior Decoration Inofrmatics Textile and Interior Decoration Economy Health and Cosmetics Printworks, Paper, Office Systems, Digital Printing Health and Cosmetics Curtain Systems and Accessories Printworks, Paper, Office Systems, Digital Printing Health and Cosmetics Construction-Building Textile and Interior Decoration Textile and Interior Decoration Textile and Interior Decoration Children Children Construction-Building Food Culture and Women www.img.com.tr/automotive www.img.com.tr/babyandkidstore www.beauty-turkey.com www.borudergisi.com www.contract-textile.com www.decor-mag.com www.dijitalteknik.com.tr www.img.com.tr/fiberyarn www.foodturkey.com.tr www.hi-tech.com.tr hometextile.com.tr www.itnetwork.com.tr www.konfeksiyonteknik.com.tr www.img.com.tr/turkey www.medikalteknik.com.tr www.matbaateknik.com.tr www.nalburteknik.com www.img.com.tr/perde www.dijitalpartner.com www.img.com.tr/pharmaturkey www.solarexmagazine.com www.sustainnovation.net www.img.com.tr/sleepwell www.tekstilteknik.com.tr www.img.com.tr/toyuncak www.turkiyecocuk.com.tr www.yapimalzeme.com.tr www.yemekzevki.com.tr 49 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS KANAL 7 MEDIA GROUP Established in 1993 50 Founded in 1993, Kanal 7 Media Group conduct its facilities over Kanal 7, Ülke TV, radyo 7, haber7.com and sub-websites linked with haber7.com. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION CONTENT DATE MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL KANAL 7 1993 General Satellite-Cable-Terrestial All the Colours are on Kanal 7 www.kanal7.com KANAL 7 AVRUPA 1999 General Satellite-Cable Kanal 7 Mehr Fernsehen www.kanal7avrupa.com ÜLKE TV 2008 News-Culture Satellite-Cable Watch News out of this Window www.ulketv.com.tr RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL RADYO 7 1999 General Satellite-Terrestial Good Music, True News www.radyo7.com 51 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS KOZA IPEK HOLDING Established in 2005 52 Ipek Media Group was founded in 2005 and entered the sector with Bugün Newspaper. Holding consolidated by incorporating Kanaltürk television and Kanaltürk Radio (2008 ) and Bugün TV (2009) in its body. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL KANALTURK 2004 General Satellite-Cable-Terrestial-Digital Turkey's Television www.kanalturk.com.tr BUGUN TV 2009 News Satellite-Cable-Digital News Channel in the Spots www.buguntv.com.tr GAZETELER NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL BUGUN NEWSPAPER 2003 National Turkey's Newspaper www.bugun.com.tr General RADIOS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL KANALTURK RADYO 2004 General Satellite-Terrestial-Digital Turkey's Radio www.kanalturkradyo.com 53 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS ALBAYRAK GROUP Established in 1952 54 Albayrak Group has entered the media sector by purchasing Yeni Şafak newspaper in 1997. In 2005 it established ATR Television, but changed the name of channel as TV Net in 2007. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TVNET 2007 News-Culture Satellite-Cable-Terrestial Reality www.tvnet.tv.tr. NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL YENI SAFAK NEWSPAPER 1995 National Turkey's Richness www.yenisafak.com.tr Politics-Economy MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL DERIN TARIH History www. derintarih.com KIRMIZI BEYAZ Corporate www.albayrak.com.tr/kurumsal 55 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS STAR MEDIA GROUP Established in 1989 56 Star Media Group contains in itself the Star Newspaper, 24 TV and Karamel TV. Star Newspaper began its publishing life in 1999. 24 TV was founded as a news channel in 2007 and finally the Karamel TV joint the Group Turkey’s first “woman and children” themed channel. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL 24 TV 2007 News Satellite-Cablo-Terrestial Its Word is Turkey's Essence www.yirmidort.tv KARAMEL TV 2010 Women and Children Satellite-Cablo-Terrestial New Passion of Women and Children www.karameltv.com.tr NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL STAR NEWSPAPER 1999 Politics, Economy, Magazine National Newspaper of New Turkey www.stargazete.com 57 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS DEMIROREN MEDIA GROUP Established in 2011 58 Demiroren Holding entered the media sector after the Dogan Yayın Holding had sold both Vatan and Milliyet newspapers to the DK Journalism and Publishing Inc., a Demiroren-Karacan joint venture, in 2011. But next year the Karacan Group transferred its all shares in two dailies to the Demiroren Group, which since then has been carrying on the activity alone in the sector with two newspapers, one magazine and two news portals (milliyet. com.tr and gazetevatan.com). TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL VATAN NEWSPAPER 2002 General National The Best Newspaper of Turkey www.gazetevatan.com MILLIYET NEWSPAPER 1950 General National Confidence in Press www.milliyet.com.tr MAGAZINES NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT WEB PORTAL MİLLİYET SANAT Literature, Culture, Art www.milliyetsanat.com 59 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS MNG MEDIA GROUP Established in 1999 60 MNG Media Group has been active in visual media since 1999. Group operates TV8-MNG News Agency as well as a national broadcaster, TV 8, as one of the oldest private television channels of the country. TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TV8 1999 General Satellite, Cable, Internet Good Television www.tv8.com.tr on8 TV 2012 Youth Satellite, Cable Only for You www.on8.tv MNG Shop TV 2013 Interactive Shopping Satellite - mngshopping.com 61 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS CUMHURIYET NEWSPAPER 62 Cumhuriyet (literally Republic) was founded on May 1924 by journalist Yunus Nadi, but named by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Yunus Nadi also owned the newspaper Yeni Gun (New Day) which he issued first in İstanbul, and after invasion of Istanbul started to publish in Anatolia. As one of the oldest newspapers of the Turkish Republic ,Cumhuriyet has been published continually since its foundation. Following the death of Yunus Nadi in 1928, it was published respectively by his wife Nazime Nadi, his eldest son Nadir Nadi, Nadir Nadi's wife Berin Nadi, columnist İlhan Selçuk and Orhan Erinç. Cumhuriyet is currently published by the Cumhuriyet Foundation in accordance with the principle of Yunus Nadi, who was also the first editor in chief of the newspaper. Moreover, Cumhuriyet has a bilingual (English-Turkish) news portal and a sports website. Yunus Nadi Awards dates back to 1946 after which it was institutionalized. Awards which are distributed in the categories of story, fiction, poetry, social sciences, caricature and photograph, was celebrated 66th Anniversary in 2012, remaining the longest standing organization of its kind. NEWSPAPERS NAME OF CORPORATION OWNER FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL CUMHURIYET NEWSPAPER YENI GUN HABER AJANSI BASIN VE YAY. A.Ş 1924 Politics, Economy National You, Enlightened People of This Country, Deserve the Republic www.cumhuriyet.com.tr 63 MEDIA GROUPS AND MEDIA ORGANS OTHER MEDIA ORGANS 64 KARACAN GROUP NAME OF CORPORATION OWNER FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL NUMBER ONE TV BIR NUMARA RADYO VE TV YAYINLARI A.Ş. 1994 General Satellite-Cablo-Terrestial-Digital Number One of Turkey www.numberone.com.tr NUMBER1 TURK TV KLAS RADYO VE TV YAYINLARI A.Ş. 2012 General Satellite-Cablo-Terrestial-Digital More Music www.numberoneturk.com.tr NUMBER1 FM BİR NUMARA RADYO VE TV YAYINLARI A.Ş. 1992 General Satellite-Cablo-Terrestial-Digital Number One of Turkey www.numberone.com.tr NUMBER1 TURK FM KLAS RADYO VE TV YAYINLARI A.Ş. 2012 General Satellite-Cablo-Terrestial-Digital More Music www.numberoneturk.com.tr NEWSPAPERS OWNER FOUNDATION DATE ANAYURT BELDE DAĞ. PAZ. TİC. A.Ş 2000 Politics National Eye, Ear and Voice of Anatolia www.anayurtgazetesi.com AYDINLIK ANADOLUM GAZETECİLİK BASIM YAY. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. 1921 Politics-News National Land, Labor, Integrity www.aydinlikgazete.com BIRGUN BİRGÜN YAYINCILIK VE İLETİŞİM TİC. A.Ş 2004 Politics-News National Paper of the Public www.birgün.net DUNYA DÜNYA SÜPER VEB OFSET A.Ş 1981 Economy National A Colourful world www.dunya.com EVRENSEL - 1995 General National Labor is Universal www.evrensel.net HURSES BAYRAK MEDYA GRUBU 1978 Economy-Politics National Weekly Non-Partisan Public Newspaper www.hurses.net MILAT ZEMİN GAZETECİLİK YAY. VE REKLAMCILIK A.Ş. 2011 General National Future of New Turkey www.milatgazetesi.com MILLI MİLSAN BASIN SANAYİ A.Ş. 1973 Politics- Economy National Truth Came, False Perished www.milligazete.com.tr SOL GÜNEŞ BASIM YAYIM ORG. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. 2012 General National Look into the Day from The Left www.gazetesok.com SOZCU ESTETİK YAY. HAV. VE HAVA TAŞ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. 2007 Politics-Economy National Watcher of the Republic www.sozcu.com.tr SOK ABC MEDYA 2002 General National Independent, Just Stand by the Public www.haber.sol.org.tr ORTADOĞU İLERİ GAZETECİLİK A.Ş. 1972 Politics National How Happy is the One Who Says ‘I’m a Turk www.ortadogugazetesi.net TARAF TARAF GAZETECİLİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. 2007 Politics-EconomyMagazine National Thinking means taking a side www.taraf.com.tr YENI ASYA YENİ ASYA GAZETECİLİK MAT. VE YAY. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. 1970 General National It Indeed Report News www.yeniasya.com.tr YENI AKIT M. DOĞAN UĞURLU 1993 General National Newspaper which Adds Action to the News www.yeniakit.com YENI CAG YENİÇAĞ GAZETECİLİK VE MATBAACİLİK A.Ş 2002 Politics-Economy National Turks are the owners of Turkey www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr YURT AJANS BAŞKENT LTD.ŞTİ. 2012 General National Independent Populist Dissident Newspaper www.yurtgazetesi.com.tr YENI MESAJ ICMAL YAYINCILIK 1998 General National National www.yenimesaj.com.tr NAME OF CORPORATION CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL TV CHANNELS NAME OF CORPORATION OWNER FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL www.beyazTV.com.tr BEYAZ TV SES TELEVIZYON RADYO YAYINCILIK SAN. VE TIC. A.Ş. 2010 General Satellite-Cablo-Internet Colour of life FLASH TV GÖKTUG MEDYA GRUBU 1992 General Satellite-Cablo-Internet Channel of Turkey www.flashtv.com.tr KANAL A KTC YAYINCILIK VE REKLAM SANAYİ TİC. A.Ş. 1997 General Satellite-Cablo-Internet Voice of Turkey www.kanala.com.tr KANAL B BAŞKENT UNIVERSITESI 2004 General Satellite-Cablo-Internet News and information channel www.kanalb.com.tr ULUSAL KANAL YEDITEPE ILETISIM HIZMETLERI SANAYI VE TICARET A.Ş. 2010 General Satellite-Cablo-Internet Turkey is watching us www.ulusalkanal.com.tr FOREIGN INVESTMENTS NAME OF CORPORATION OWNER FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL CİNE5 AL JAZEERA TURK YAYINCILIK HIZMETLERI A.Ş. 1993 General Satellite-Cable-Terrestial New Five Again Cine5 www.cine5.com.tr FOX TV NEWS CORPORATION GROUP 2007 General Satellite-Cable-Terrestial We're watching Fox www.fox.com.tr GB TIMES GB TIMES LTD.ŞTİ. 2001 General Radio-Internet The 3rd Angle wwww.gbtimes.com 65 16 / 17 ZAMAN IS 25 YEARS OLD Zaman Media Group The Feza Media Group, which began its publishing life with Zaman in 1986, has had a say in different sectors of the media for 25 years. Founded in 1992, the Cihan news agency reports all news from current issues to media corporations. The Aksiyon magazine, which started in 1994, is number one with its news les on Turkey’s greatest problems. Additionally, in 2001, the information that had been accumulated by Zaman became accessible for readers thanks to the Zaman Publishing House. Today’s Zaman, which launched in 2007, and the Turkish Review journal, which started in 2010, opened the windows of Turkey to the outside world. Today’s Zaman Launched in 2007 to raise the standards of English-language newspapers in Turkey, Today’s Zaman has been the leader among its rivals since the day it first went to print. The newspaper is designed for an audience that includes everyone who can communicate in English, especially foreigners living in Turkey. It prepares special news stories with its experienced staff, who are experts in their fields. Cihan news agency 66 The Cihan news agency, which began broadcasting Jan. 1, 1992, delivers written, photo news and video news via satellite and Internet 24 hours a day. Producing news stories on current political, economic, foreign, arts and culture and sports issues, Cihan delivers 450 written, 200 photo and 90 video news items on average each day. Aksiyon Aksiyon magazine is the pride of Turkish news magazines thanks to the news it has published each week since its inception on Dec. 14, 1994. Publishing stories on a wide range of topics -- from politics to economics, from intelligence to NEWS AGENCIES ANADOLU AGENCY Anadolu Agency (A.A.) was founded on April 6, 1920 in Ankara. Its originators are the writer Halide Edip Adıvar and the journalist Yunus Nadi. In this sense, A.A. and Turkey share same history. Indeed, Agency, founded not long before the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) was opened, is also the first proclaimer of TGNA legislations. Witnessing National Struggle and Independence War, the Agency opened its first office at an it’s assigned division at Ziraat Mektebi (School of Agriculture) . Against hard conditions of those years it started to service its earliest news on April 12, 1920. During the War of Independence, A.A. aspired after performing the hard duty of keeping the people aware of developments at home and abroad, while fighting against the submissive positions of both some foreign and Istanbul newspapers. Additionally, it took its primary duties to defend national struggle at abroad and enlighten the Turkish public on the just demands of Turkey. A.A. currently delivers a daily average of 700 news, 950 photographs and 160 images to its over 1200 subscribers. Having foreign offices in 39 countries, the Agency aims to start broadcasting in Turkish-Azeri, English, Russian, Kurdish, Bosnian, French, Persian, Chinese, German and Spanish languages until 2020 when it targets up to 80 offices abroad. Putting into operation the Regional Directorate in the Balkans and the Center of Arabic Publications in Cairo in 2012, A.A. is intent on joining the world’s biggest five news agencies at its centenary in 2020. OTHER AGENCIES NAME OF CORPORATION FOUNDATION DATE CONTENT MEDIUM SLOGAN WEB PORTAL ANKA NEWS AGENCY 1972 Video and Photo News Internet Free and Independent Journalism www.ankaajansi.com.tr CIHAN NEWS AGENCY 1992 Video and Photo News Satellite-Internet We are there www.cihan.com.tr DOGAN NEWS AGENCY 1999 Video and Photo News Satellite-Internet News Only, Just In Tıme www.dha.com.tr IHLAS NEWS AGENCY 1993 Video and Photo News Satellite-Internet Wheresover News is IHA is there www.iha.com.tr TURKISH NEWS AGENCY (THA) 1950 Video and Photo News - - www.tha.com.tr TURKEY NEWS AGENCY 2004 Video and Photo News Satellite-Internet - www.turkiyehaberajansi.com 67 PUBLIC ACTORS Republic of Turkey’s Office of Prime Minister, Directorate General of Press and Information (DGPI) DGPI is a public agency which is affiliated to the Prime Minister’s Office and following both national and international media, is tasked with the duties to contribute to the promotion policy of the state; to ensure government activities and services are effectively conveyed to the national and international public; to take effective measures to facilitate the working conditions of both domestic and foreign media organs and members; to carry out the necessary activities to strengthen the press. 68 Turkey’s Radio and Television Broadcasting Corporation (TRT) TRT is the sole public broadcasting agency in Turkish media sector. Having set up by the Law No. 359 and afterwards re-defined an autonomous and neutral public entity by 1982 Constitution, today serves both Turkey and the world with 15 TV channels, 16 radio stations, broadcast in 35 languages and dialects via trt.net.tr and trt.world.com, teletex and magazines, namely “TeleVİZYON”, “TRT Çocuk” and “Pepee”. Anadolu Agency (A.A) Founded on April 6, 1920 with a view to defending the national struggle both at home and abroad and counteracting the opposing circles of that period, Anadolu Agency is an official but autonomous one which has achieved a worldwide news sources web and become one of the important news agencies of the world today. Supreme Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) Press (PAI) RTUK, founded by Law No. 3984 in1994. It is an autonomous and impartial public legal entity for regulating and monitoring radio and television broadcasts. Moreover, It representsTurkey at all the international platforms active in broadcasting. Media works conducted by the Council of Europe has been followed by RTUK since 1994. ICTA, is an impartial and autonomous public legal entity with a special budget. It is responsible for regulation of Internet and communications. PAI is an intermediary body for official announcements and public advertisements to be published at certain periodicals, as well as carrying out supportive activities including helping press associations and opening credits for periodicals. Radio Television Council (RTUK) Advertising Institution 69 PROFESSIONAL MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS In Turkey, there are about 40 national and nearly 80 local professional organization in the media sector. NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS EURASIAN UNION OF BROADCASTING AND PRESS CONTEMPORARY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BASIN-İŞ (PRESS WORKERS' UNION) PRESS COUNCIL ICT REPORTERS ASSOCIATION DIPLOMACY REPORTERS ASSOCIATION ECONOMY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ECONOMY REPORTERS ASSOCIATION ENERGY JOURNALISTS AND MEDIA ASSOCIATION JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION COMMUNICATION RESEARCHES ASSOCIATION (İLAD) FOUNDATION FOR CARICATURE ASSOCIATION OF CARICATURISTS MEDIA ASSOCIATION COUNCIL OF MEDIA ETHICS UNION OF MEDIA WORKERS (MEDYA-İŞ) PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL NEWS CAMERAMEN FEDERATION OF RADIO, TELEVISION & INTERNET BROADCASTERS (RATEF) RADIO-TELEVISION JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION (RTGD) PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY OF RADIOTELEVISION BROADCASTERS (RATEM) RADIO BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION (RAYAD) INTERNATIONAL PRESS INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF MEDIA AND PRESS SUPREME COUNCIL OF RADIO AND TELEVISION (RTÜK) ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL WRITERS, JORUNALISTS AND PUBLISHERS TELEVISION BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION OF TOURISM WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS TURKISH PRESS UNION TURKISH ASSOCIATION OF NEWS CAMERAMEN TURKISH JORUNALISTS ASSOCIATION JOURNALISTS UNION OF TURKEY(TGS) PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY OF TURKEY (TÜHİD) JOURNALISTS FEDERATION OF TURKEY TURKISH PHOTO REPORTERS ASSOCIATION PRIVATE RADIO-TELEVISION BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION (TÜRYAD) 70 NEWSPAPER OWNERS UNION OF TURKEY NEWSPAPER OWNERS ASSOCIATION OF TURKEY SPORTS WRITERS AND SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION OF TURKEY (TSYD) UNION OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL TELEVISION MAGAZINE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ADIYAMAN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION AFYON JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION AKSRAY JOURNALISTS AND WRITERS ASSOCIATION ALANYA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ANADOLU YAKASI JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ANTAKYAJOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ANTALYA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ARTVİN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION AYDIN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BALIKESİR JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BARTIN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BATMAN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BAYBURT JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BOLU JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BURDUR JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION BURSA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ÇANAKKALE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ÇORUM JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ÇUKUROVA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION DENIZLI JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION DUZCE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION EASTERN ANATOLIA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION EDİRNE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ESKİŞEHİR JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION FIRAT BASIN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION GAP JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION GAZIANTEP JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ANATOLIA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION GIRESUN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION HATAY PRESS CLUB (ASSOCIATION) ISKENDERUN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ISTANBUL JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION İZMİR JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ISPARTA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION CENRAL ANATOLIA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ISTANBUL AIRPORTS REPORTERS ASSOCIATION(IHMD) ISTANBUL LOCAL JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KARABUK JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KARAELMAS JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KARAMAN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KARS JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KASTAMONU JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KAYSERİ JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KIRIKKALE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KIRŞEHIR JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KILIS JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KOCAELİ JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KONYA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION KUTAHYA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION MALATYA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION MANISA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION MERSIN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION MUDANYA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION MUĞLA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION NEVSEHIR JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION NIGDE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION OSMANIYE 7 OCAK JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION OSMANIYE ACTIVE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ORDU JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION RIZE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION SAKARYA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION SAMSUN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION SINOP JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION SIVAS JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION SANLIURFA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION SANLIURFA JOURNALISTS UNION TOKAT JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION TRABZON JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION TUNCELI JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION USAK ACTIVE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION LOCAL PRESS UNION YOZGAT JOURNALISTS AND WRITERS ASSOCIATION YOZGAT JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION ZONGULDAK JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR INTERNET MEDIA TURKISH COMMUNICATION CONFEDERATION (TIKON) a- FEDERATION OF RADIO,TELEVISION,INTERNET & JOURNALISTS (RATIG-FED) b-FEDERATION OF INTERNET MEDIA AND INFORMATION (IMEF) c- FEDERATION OF ALL COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA (TIMEF) ASSOCIATION OF ACTIVE INTERNET MEDIA INTERNET MEDIA ASSOCIATION ONLINE MEDIA ASSOCIATION ALL INTERNET MEDIA ASSOCIATION(TIMED) INTERNET BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 71 PERMANENT FOREIGN MEDIA SYRIA Addounia TV-Syria News Agency (SANA) FRANCE Agence France Presse (AFP)-France 24-Aujourd'hui La Turquie-Agence France Presse (AFP)-Arabes Trends-Euronews TV-Le Figaro- Le MondeRadio France Internationale IRAN Al Alam News Channel-Fars News Agency-Press TV-Iran Islamıc Republican News Agency (IRNA)-Iran Islamic Republican Radio and Television (IRIB) QATAR Al Arab Newspaper-Al Jazeera UAE Al Arabiya News Channel-Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC TV)Emirates News Agency-Sky News Arabia- The National LEBANON Al Manar TV- Mideast Wire PALESTINE Al Resala Newspaper- Al-Aqsa satellite Channel-Palestinian Press Agency (SAFA) -Felesteen ITALY Ansa News Agency-La Republica Newspaper- L'unita-Radio Svizzera(RSI)- Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana-Il Futurista-TM News RUSSIA Asia and Africa Today (periodical) -Ria Nivosto News Agency- Siloviye Machini-Rossiyskaya Gazeta-Itar Tass USA Bloomberg News - Defense News - The Wall Street Journal USA - Al Hurra TV (MBN) - Associated Press (AP) - Bloomberg Businessweek - Bloomberg News - Bloomberg TV - CNN International - Compass Direct News - Getty Images- Free Speech Radio News- Polaris Images - Newsweek - NBC News- National Public Radio (NPR) McClatchy Newspaper - International herald Tribune - GlobalPost - Prı's The World (BBC) - Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting- Eurasianet - Dow Jones News - The New York Times - The Wall Street Journal USA - The Waynedale News - Treehugger USA - VII Photo Agency- The Christian Science Monitor CHINA China Central television (CCTV) - Cri China International RadioGuangming Daily- Xinhua News AgencyGERMANY Agentur Focus-ARD Radio- ARD TV- Berliner Zeitung- Der TagesspiegelDeutsche Welle Radio- Deutsche Welle TV- Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) - deutsche Verkehrs Zeitung (DVZ)- Deutschland Radio KulturDie Tageszeitung- Die Welt- Die Zeit-European Press Photo Agency (EPA)- feiland Media- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)- Stern -Süddeutsche Zeitung- N-TV-Norddeutscher Rundfunk(NDR)- Zdf German TV BRITAIN Financial Times-ABC News- Al Sharqiya News Channel- Associated Press Television News (APTN) -bbc- Global Blue Media-Global Business Reports-Global Mining Finance- Global radio News- Panos Pictures Platts-Reuters- SKY News-The Economist Intelligence Unit- The Guardian- The Middle East magazine-The Sunday Times- The TimesThe Wall Street Journal Britain- Thomson reuters -Reuters -Keremedia NETHERLAND Nrc Handelsblad-NTR Channel TV-RTL Nederland TV-Trouw newspaper-ANP News Agency- De Volksrant Newspaper-_Netherlands Press Association (GPD) - Ad Nieuws Media - De Volkskrant Newspaper Netherlands Press Assocation (GPD) SWITZERLAND Basler Zeitung - Woz Die Wochenzeitung - Neue Zürcher Zeitung SWEEDEN Sydsvenskan Gazetesi - Swedish Television (SVT) - Swedish Broadcasting Corporation BELGIUM Le Soir- VRT Belgium State Television 72 BRASIL Radio Energia Fm-88 - Revista Crista EGYPT Al Ahram Newspaper - Egypts Radio and Television Union - Nile News Channel - Middle East News Agency (MENA) - Al Ahram Gazetesi - La Vanguardia KOSOVO Kosovo radio-television SPAIN El Pais Newspaper MEXICO Prisma Magazine TAJIKISTAN Khovor News AgencyBULGARIA Maritsa Newspaper GREECE Greek State Radio and television (ERT) - Alpha TV - Eıkones So Sımple Athens News Agency (ANA) JAPAN Nihon Keizai Shimbun (NIKKEI) - Nikkei İnc KUWAIT Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) AUSTRALIA Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) TRNC Mediterranean Radio and Television SUUDI ARABIA Al Ikhbariya TV YEMEN Al Jamaheer News SOUTH KOREA Politis Newspaper - Business New Europe POLAND Polityka SERBIA Sportska Centrala TATARSTAN Tatar-Inform AUSTRIA Austria State Television - Der Standard FINLAND Finnish Broadcasting Company KAZAKHISTAN Kazinform JAPAN Kyodo News MOROCCO Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) MACEDONIA Makfax News Agency DENMARK Politiken BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Bh Radio 1 - Mebius Film - 'AZRA' - Oslobodenje Newspaper ALGERIA Algerie News IRAQ Kirkuk Newspaper- Kirkuk News Agency-Turcoman Glory JournalBasra Business 73 COMMUNICATION FACULTIES In Turkey, there are 52 communication faculties providing media training. These faculties, with an annual average of 6 thousand graduates, are primary sources supplying a qualified labor force that the media sector needs. Table: Communication Faculties in Turkey 74 ADNAN MENDERES UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION AKDENIZ UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ANATOLIAN UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ATATURK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION BAHCESEHIR UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION BASKENT UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION BEYKENT UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION BOZOK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION BULENT ECEVIT UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION CANAKKALE 18 MART UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION CUKUROVA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION DICLE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION EGE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ERCIYES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION FIRAT UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION GALATASARAY UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION GAZI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION GAZIANTEP UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION GIRESUN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION GUMUSHANE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION INONU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ISTANBUL AREL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ISTANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ISTANBUL SEHIR UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ISTANBUL TRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION IZMIR ECONOMY UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION KADIR HAS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION KARADENIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION KASTAMONU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION KOCAELI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION MALTEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION MARMARA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION MERSIN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION MUSTAFA KEMAL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION MUS ALPARSLAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION NIGDE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ONDOKUZ MAYIS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION SAKARYA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION SELCUK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION SULEYMAN DEMIREL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION TUNCELI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION USAK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION YASAR UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION YEDITEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION YENI YUZYIL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION ZIRVE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION 75 MEDIA LEGISLATION In our country “Matbaalar Nizamnamesi” (Printing Regulation) is the first legal regulation concerning the field of media. Press freedom had gained a constitutional statute with the 1876 Constitution stating that the “Press is free within the limits of law”. Following the proclamation of republic 1924 Constitution ruled that press is free within the framework of laws and works cannot be subjected to any control before publication. Basic regulations in the current media law are as follows: - Law No. 5846 of December 13, 1951 on Intellectual and Artistic Works - Law No. 5953 of June 13, 1952 on the Regulation of Relations between Press Profession Employees and Employers - Press Card Regulation of March 23, 2001 - Press Law No. 5187 of June 09, 2004 - Law No. 5651 of 04 May, 2007 on Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed by Means of Such Publications - Law No. 6112 of March 03, 2011 on the Establishment of radio and Television Enterprises and Their Media Services - Law No. 6385 of January 10, 2013 on Amendment to law on Enforcement of Sentences and Security Measures Law No. 6112 in particular among the listed above, is prepared in accordance with EU Council Directive 89/552/EEC of October 03, 1989 concerning Audiovisual Media Services. This law introduced significant reforms including prevention of monopoly, increasing share of foreign capital , adoption of the notion of commercial communication and staging the sanction executed in case of any broadcasting principles violations. Additionally, Law No. 6385 reinstated the previously removed “professional depreciation allowance” in journalism by 2013. 76 77 SOCIAL SECURITY Turkey is among a few countries defining journalism based on a special law other than Labor Law. And codes concerning this field are as follows: - Law No. 5953 of 1952 on Regulation of Relations between Press Profession Employees and Employers - Press Law No. 5187 of 2004 Journalists are defined in legal arrangements as “white-collar employees” who have rights to organize in and become member of a trade union and benefit from the opportunities offered by Social Security System beside general rights. Moreover, they can get Press Card issued by DGPI and take advantage of facilitative opportunities afforded by the Card. According to July 2012 data from Social Security Administration, number of the media employee is nearly 20,000 in Turkey. As to the unionization rate in the sector, it reveals that Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) and Union of Media Workers Union have 7 % share with totally 1377 members termed as white-collar workers, while Press, Media, Graphic Design and Packaging Industry Workers’ Union of Turkey and Press Industry Workers Union of Turkey has 12 % with 2337 members termed as manual workers. Graphic-25 Non-union employees 81 % Media Employees Unionization Rates-2013 Press, Media, Graphic Design and Packaging Industry Workers’ Union of Turkey 9 % Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security Notification on January 2013 Statistics concerning the Number of Workers in the Lines of Work and the Trade Unions Membership under the Law No: 6356 on Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining. Journalists Union of Turkey 4 % Media Workers Union 3% Press Industry Workers Union of Turkey 3% * The number of working places and workers in media sector, compiled from NACE Code bu sorting out categories. 78 NACE Code 5813 5814 6010 6020 6312 6391 TOTAL Category Publication of newspapers Publication of magazines and periodicals Radio Broadcasting TV broadcasting and programming activities Web portals Activities of news agencies No of Working Places 603 196 309 376 148 132 1764 No of the Insured 6484 1111 4870 5073 950 894 19382 79 PRESS CARDS Press cards are submitted to the journalists by the approval of Office of the Prime Minister Directorate General of Press and Information (DGPI) following the decision of Press Card Commission which is composed of the officials from the DGPI. Press Card Commission is composed of 13 members in total of which 2 representing DGPI, 2 selected by DGPI out of press honour card holders, 2 from the Journalists Association of Turkey, 1 from Ankara Journalists Association, 1 from İzmir Journalists Association, 3 from Turkey Journalists Union , 1 local press member from Journalists Federation and 1 from Turkey Newspapers’ Owners Association in accordance with the Article 38 of Press Card Regulation. Also Press Traffic Card is prepared for a Press Card holder under the Article 49 of Regulation. 8.000 7.000 Graphic-26 Number of Press Card Holders in Turkey-2012 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 HONORARY PRESS CARD Male 80 Women YELLOW PRESS CARD TEMPORARY PRESS CARD PERMANENT PRESS CARD 81 LIST OF GRAPHICS Graphic 1 Group Share By Ratings..............................................................................................................10 Graphic 2 Group Share By Circulations.......................................................................................................10 Graphic-3 Percent Change in Ad Spending per year . ................................................................................12 Graphic-4 Ad Spending Distribution by fields . ..........................................................................................12 Graphic-5 Advertisement Investments ......................................................................................................12 Graphic-6 Top 20 Countries with Highest Number of Internet Users .......................................................14 Graphic-7 Total Numbers of Internet Subscribers .....................................................................................14 Graphic-8 News Portal Choices of European Internet Users-2012.............................................................16 Graphic-9 Field Preferences of Internet Users . .........................................................................................16 Graphic-10 Amount of Time Spent on Social Networking Sites by Countries–November 2012................18 Graphic-11 Countries with Most Facebook Users......................................................................................20 Graphic-12 Countries with Most Twitter Users .........................................................................................20 Graphic-13 Most Active Twitter Cities .......................................................................................................20 Graphic-14 Numbers of 3G and mobile subscribers-September 2012.......................................................22 Graphic-15 Average Sales of Humor Magazines.........................................................................................24 Graphic-16 Distribution of Total Sale of Humor Magazines.......................................................................24 Graphic-17 Distribution of TV Channels by Coverage.................................................................................28 Graphic-18 Distribution of TV Channels by Broadcasting Modes...............................................................28 Graphic-19 Distribution of Radio Stations by Broadcasting Modes . .........................................................28 Graphic-20 Distribution of Radio Stations by Coverage.............................................................................28 Graphic-21 Distribution of Distribution Areas............................................................................................30 Graphic-22 Distribution of Broadcasting Mode by Number.......................................................................30 Graphic-23 Distribution of Distribution Areas ..........................................................................................30 Graphic-24 Distribution of Publication Type . ............................................................................................30 Graphic-25 Media Employees Unionization Rates-2013............................................................................78 Graphic-26 Number of Press Card Holders in Turkey-2012........................................................................80 82 83