August 2015 Trinity Parish - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church


August 2015 Trinity Parish - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
August 2015
trinity parish
disciples in the making, making disciples
God wants YOU!
The most famous poster in the Library of Congress is an
Army recruiting poster from World War I. Uncle Sam, with
top hat and red, white and blue suit points his finger
with the famous title “I WANT YOU….”
Prayer Shawl Ministry
reaches milestone:
1,000 shawls!
As of July, the ladies of Trinity’s
Prayer Shawl Ministry have
completed 1,000 shawls since the
ministry began in 2004.
The women volunteer hundreds of
hours at their craft, whether working
at home or at monthly group
meetings. The group averages from
8 to 18 members who knit, crochet,
or “cro-knit” their shawls.
It was so popular and its message so simple that it was
used again to inspire millions to volunteer for service in
World War II.
The church would have a hard time doing most of the
amazing ministry that happens without dedicated
volunteers who give of their time and talents in service
to neighbor. St. Paul says in his letter to the Romans that
we each have gifts according to the grace given to us.
GOD WANTS YOU to use those gifts for building up the
ministry of the saints!
In the hymn “Onward, Christian Soldiers,”(LBW 509) the
second verse is a call to Christian unity and to bold
service for the gospel.
Like a mighty army moves the Church of God;
Let us boldly follow where the saints have trod.
We are not divided; all one body we:
One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.
Finished pieces are blessed through
Together we do more. Speak with any of our staff
prayer and given to persons in times
members or committee or team leaders about
of grief, illness, or concern, as well as
opportunities to put love into action. GOD WANTS YOU!
in times of joy and celebration.
“There are no rules for when or why
people wear their shawls,” said
coordinator Kay Range. Shawls are
available by contacting Kay or the
church office.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a program of Women of Trinity. Kim
Shindle, president, explained that
WOT is self-funded, raising its own
funds to support its many programs.
The Rev. Dr. Jack Horner
YES, you can still make a one-time “No Summer
Slump” donation to help Trinity avoid the reduced
giving that results from lower summer attendance.
Include a yellow card—“Here’s my ‘no summer
slump’ gift”—available at the reception desk; or just
label your donation “no summer slump.” And a huge
thank you to all who responded thus far!
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Update from Pastor Brock
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord!
One morning in June, after walking from the
parking lot to my office, I sat for nearly ten
minutes to catch my breath and get my heart
rate down. I didn’t think too much about it at
first, but when similar things happened a few
more times, I knew I had do something.
I called my primary physician, who listened to
my heart and lungs, talked about what I had
been doing, my diet, how this seemed to have
come on rather suddenly, and had some
blood samples drawn.
At 6:55 the next morning, my doctor called to
say she had just received the report on my
blood. She wanted me to get to an
emergency room, now. I figured it was
prudent to listen. I woke up my son Benjamin
to drive me, and called Marianne at Camp
Nawakwa to let her know what was going on.
At West Shore ER I explained all of this to ER
staff. While waiting for them to do a heart
catheterization, I kept working on my sermon.
After all, I was leading worship on Saturday,
and needed to preach. (You are all aware we
have Saturday night worship, right?)
While I was being wheeled to the heart cath
lab, Marianne the Beloved came walking
down the hallway. She accompanied me as
far as they would let her. According to her, as
she sat waiting with Pastor Horner and some
good friends, the doctor explained what he
was about to do: send the camera up to my
heart, see where, if any, blockages were, and
open them up. The procedure would
probably take close to an hour, so when the
doctor came out after fifteen minutes,
Every member prayer list
August 2015
The trinity parish is published by the Publicity and
Communications Committee of Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church, an ELCA congregation. Email with comments, story ideas,
or other suggestions. Or call 717.737.8635.
Rev. Dr. Jack Horner, Lead Pastor
Rev. John Brock, Ministry Director for Parish Life
Rev. Nancy Easton, Ministry Director for Discipleship
Rev. Dr. Guy Edmiston, Director of Congregational Care
Kelly Falck, Director of Children and Family Ministries
Peter Fox, Director of Youth and Student Ministries
Paul Hensel, Ministry Director for Finance and Property
Amy Koch, Director of Children’s Music
Timothy Koch, Ministry Director for Music
Nancy Martin, Office Manager
Stephanie Maurer, Ministry Director for Communications and
editor, trinity parish
Thomas Notestine, Admin. Assistant for Ministry
Erich Sprowls, Admin. Assistant for Finance & Property
Debra Wilson, Director of Contemporary Music
Marianne knew something was not right.
The doctor told her I had major blockages in
all three arteries: two at 70 percent and one at
90 percent. I needed cardiac bypass surgery.
The following week, I returned at 5:30 am for
the surgery. By 2 pm I was in the Intensive Care
Unit with Marianne, my mother-in-law Nurse
Fran, and the ICU team watching over me.
As it turns out, my heart disease is genetic;
both of my parents and three of my grandparents all dealt with it.
Post-surgery, I still ache in places, and I’m
walking neither far nor fast. Yet each day feels
slightly better than the previous one. I continue
to recuperate, and am looking forward to
getting as close to normal as I can.
I do not know how to adequately express the
outpouring of support, grace, and love from
my family, friends, and all of you at Trinity.
Thank you. May God’s grace be with you all.
God’s peace, John Brock
August 7-13: Shawn Machemer; Scott and Ady
Machemer; Arlene Machemer; Luke and Brady Mace; Reed, Kelly, and Charlie MacConnell;
Daniel and Madalyn MacConnell; Carol MacConnell. August 14-20: Tom, Beth, Crosby, and
Caroline Lyon; Susannah Lynch; Robert and Jean Lyman; Don Lyman; Karen Lutz; Sandy Lunger;
Carol Lundquist. August 21-27: Glenn and Stella Ludwig; Kristin, Katharine, and Audrey Luce;
Chris, Mary Alin, Jason, Nicholas, and Ethan Lubold; Edgar and Dorothy Loy; Lois Lowry; Nicole
Long-McCoy. August 28 – September 3: Susan Long; Stacy and Abigail Long; Robert, Debra,
Matthew and Kristen Long; Rob, Michelle, Max, and Hanna Long; Kathy Long; JR Long; Ginny
Long; Deborah Long; Brian Long
August 2015
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Mission trip to Maine: Yes, disciples in the making
For one week in June, a 21-member team
representing Trinity did mission work in Maine,
performing housing repair and construction
work for families in need.
The volunteer work was arranged through
Maine Sea Coast Mission, a non-profit, nondenominational service organization. This
year marks the fifth time that Trinity has
participated; besides the Trinity team, about
a dozen other groups help out over the
summer, too, for a total of about 250
The region where the worksites are located is
called Downeast Maine. According to Sea
Coast’s website, the area has “an old and
decaying housing stock and the need for
repairs and weatherization on these homes is
Coordinating Trinity’s team was Daryl
Ackerman; on site in Maine, Dan Reed
coordinated the construction and crews.
The trip was not like a week at the spa.
Trinity members paid for their own travel,
meals, and lodging. The group stayed mostly
in tents, campers, and cots in the chapel at
Maine Sea Coast’s Downeast Campus in
Cherryfield, which supplies basic showers,
bathrooms, and a kitchen where the team
prepared its own food.
Replacing a mobile home roof
The work this year was done on two mobile
homes and one large shed; the Sea Coast
Mission chooses which families to help based
on an application process.
At the first work site, Trinity members removed
the old roof and put on a new metal one; took
up and replaced flooring; repainted a ceiling
damaged by a stove fire; moved walls to
reconfigure bedrooms for pre-teen girls;
replaced windows; and made structural
improvements. In the meantime, the
beneficiary family members, including the
continued on next page
Front row (l-r): Steve and
Molly Handwerk, Ruth
Bertovich, Lyn Reed,
Judy Hunter. Second
row: Frank Bertovich,
Maggie Ackerman, Barb
Musselman, Anne
Stafford, Jan Halada,
Joe Hunter, Jack
Halada. Third row: Scott
Shaw (Maine Sea Coast
Mission), Daryl Ackerman, Dave Hoffert, Tom
Hoffert. Back row: Brian
Musselman, John
Cunningham (local
volunteer), Dan Reed,
Roddy Rogers, Kevin
Brady, Marilyn Arzon,
Dan Henderson
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August 2015
Mission trip to Maine, continued from previous page
and made other improvements. Eventually
the roof and floors will be replaced, as with
the first work site.
At the third site, Trinity replaced structural
supports for a storage shed in which the
family’s belongings are stored. Last year at
this site, Trinity put in a deck and a
handicapped ramp.
The days were long, and the work was hard.
But the trip was rewarding, the families
appreciative, and the fellowship outstanding.
Trinity’s mission—“Disciples in the making,
making disciples”—was clearly met.
Reconfiguring a bedroom wall
children, are living next door in a run-down
mobile home.
The second work site was being readied for a
family to move back in once major cosmetic
and structural work is completed. Trinity’s crew
moved walls to reconfigure a bedroom for a
pre-teen girl; prepared floors for a new
bathroom; did “lots and lots” of painting;
Replacing floors throughout
Help serve breakfast at St. Patrick’s in Harrisburg
Trinity’s Social Ministry team is recruiting YOU to
take a turn at serving the weekly Saturday
morning breakfasts at St. Patrick’s Cathedral,
212 State Street, Harrisburg.
You’ll work in teams of two or three from 6-8:30
am to supplement a core group from St.
Patrick’s who cook and serve the hot morning
meals to 80-110 community guests who might
be unemployed, under-employed, or
homeless. These guests are grateful for the
fellowship, the nourishment (such as cereal,
toast, grits, fresh fruit, juice, coffee, tea), and
the take-along bread from donors such as
Giant Foods and Panera.
About 26 Trinity members volunteer for this
Social Ministry opportunity. If you can
volunteer once every ten weeks or so, call
Kathy Gottlieb at 717-525-7599 to learn more.
Save the date: Saturday night, November 7, for dinner and show at Dutch Apple Dinner
Theatre, Lancaster. The church basement ladies are back in a very funny, all-new musical
comedy, A Mighty Fortress Is Our Basement, about the reformation underway in a Minnesota
Lutheran church in the 1960s. Trinity’s Fellowship Team has reserved 40 seats at the reduced
price of $50 per person for dinner and show. Reservation deadline is Wednesday, October 14.
Watch for more info, including posters, registration forms, and carpooling arrangements.
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Social Ministry
Give your time to be a Trinity Tutor; you’ll help
struggling grade school students in Harrisburg City
Although it’s still summer, the Trinity Tutors are
starting to think about the fall and the start of
Would you like to tutor a child? You do not
need to be a teacher or possess any kind of
special skills, just a willingness to help a
struggling student.
Trinity Tutors volunteer one hour a week plus
our travel time to the schools. At Downey
School, we work with first graders; at Scott and
Foose schools, we work with second graders to
improve reading and math skills.
If you do want to tutor, you will need to get
your clearances. Good news: effective July
25, fees for child abuse clearances and
criminal background checks are waived for
volunteers working with children.
If you are interested in becoming a tutor or
want more information about this program,
call Jane Hess at 717-612-6633 or Stella
Ludwig at 717-697-6184. There will be an
informational luncheon meeting in early
September to get the program rolling for the
2015-16 school year.
Summer Kickoff Party: A successful
community event with fun, food, and music
Between 300 and 400 Trinity members and
community guests enjoyed our June 28 Summer
Kickoff Party. The rain held off, our contemporary
worship band put on a great concert, and the
food and ice cream sundaes hit the spot. Thanks
to FaithX, our Fellowship and Evangelism teams,
and all who attended and volunteered.
Photos clockwise from top: Our talented FaithX musicians
perform…The crowd stretched beyond camera range…Pastor
Nancy Easton and Contemporary Music Director Debbie
Wilson drew names for the popular tote bag giveaways…
Member Ellen Ney looks for tote bag winner Brittany Yerger,
Ellen and Roy’s daughter.
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August 2015
VBS: A mountain-high success with nearly 200 kids
Nearly 200 children and 85 volunteers experienced 2015
vacation bible school, Everest: Conquering Challenges with
God’s Mighty Power, from July 20-24. This year was the first
time that Trinity offered families the welcome choice of
morning or evening sessions. Thanks to all who participated!
Photo top: VBS co-director Kelly Falck with care kits donated by the kids to
send to Nepal, where Mt. Everest is located. Bottom: Each morning and
evening session started with an enthusiastic gathering (l) led by VBS codirector Amy Koch (r), shown here with Klymer the snow leopard.
Youth Group trip to Detroit: Learning and service
In mid-July, five members of our Sr. High Youth
Group and two advisors traveled to the 2015
ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit.
They joined 30,000 other youth and adults,
including 900 from central Pa.
On the week-long schedule were worship
services, learning activities, musicians,
speakers, games (even a cliff jump!), and an
Front l-r: Justina Colestock, Emilie Goss, Olivia Shields
Back: Hannah Killian (advisor), Will Shields, Liam
Bishop, and Peter Fox (Youth Director)
day of
where teams
cleaned out
city blocks
from years of
Said Peter
Fox, Director
of Youth and
“We had a
blast from
Our youth (the five on the right) at
start to finish
their service day, joined by two
in every way, new friends from South Carolina
shape, and
form. We got to grow closer as a YG, we got
to serve others, and we learned about our
faith. What more can you ask for? In other
words, it rocked!”
August 2015
Mark your
Fri., Aug. 21, 5 pm
Men of Trinity/
Lutheran Men in Mission
Annual Steak and Corn Roast
Adams-Ricci Community Park
Gather at 5 pm; Cook at 6
$12 – more info later
Wed., Sept. 9, 6 pm
Women of Trinity
Annual Fall General Meeting
Fellowship Hall
Open to all Trinity members,
guests, children
Guest speaker: Eric Saunders,
executive director, New
Hope Ministries
Potluck dinner: main dish
provided—just bring side
dish, salad, or dessert
Also bring non-perishable food
item to donate
College grads
John Harrison Valentine, son of
Mark and Janet Valentine of
Houston, Texas, and grandson
of Carl and Barbara Winfield,
earned a Bachelor of Science
degree in Physics from Houston
Baptist University in December.
Andrew Michael Wagner, son
of Dr. Martin and Sharon
Pastucka, and grandson of
Carl and Barbara Winfield,
earned a Master of Education
degree from University of
California, Los Angeles (UCLA),
in June. Andrew teaches
science in the Los Angeles
School District.
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Letters to Trinity
Dear Friends,
What a wonderful surprise: cards, notes, email and
phone calls to congratulate me on the 20th anniversary of
my commissioning as an associate in ministry.
Thank you for your well wishes. I am truly honored and
blessed by your thoughtfulness.
Your sister in Christ, Judy Collins
----To All at Trinity,
Thank you to everyone for the many cards, Facebook
messages, email messages, telephone calls, and visits during
my recent hospitalization. Thank you to the Women of Trinity
Prayer Shawl Ministry for the beautiful prayer shawl. Special
thanks to Pastor Brock for his visit in the emergency room
(and then later as a hospital co-resident!). Also, thank you to
Pastor Horner and Bishop Edmiston for their visits.
Sincerely, Tom Notestine
----Dear Trinity Family,
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and the many
caring expressions of sympathy after the death of Fred
Nelson in late April. Also, thank you to Pastor Brock and
Bishop Edmiston for their visits, and to Pastor Horner for
coming so quickly after Fred’s death. In addition, thank you
to the Prayer Shawl ladies for the bright sunny yellow prayer
shawl, which is a comforting reminder of Fred’s love.
Yours in Christ, Karen Vecolitis
----To the Congregation at Trinity,
Just a note to thank our Ladies Knitting Group for the
lovely prayer shawl given to Bruce during his recent illness.
They chose the perfect color, too, Penn State blue, his alma
We also thank you for the many phone calls, cards, and
prayers. It is a real pleasure to belong to such a loving
congregation. Returning to church is like coming to a family
reunion. So good to be back!
Sincerely, Tina and Bruce Stauffer
Say happy birthday to…
August 17
Ralph Kennedy
801 N. Hanover Street, Apt. 237
Carlisle, PA 17013
August 6: Paul Hensel
August 22: Glenn Plott
Permit No. 762
Harrisburg, PA
2000 Chestnut Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011-5409
inside this issue
1,000 prayer shawls!
Pastor Horner: God wants you
Update from Pastor Brock
Every member prayer list
Maine mission trip
Help: St. Patrick’s breakfast
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
Help: Be a Trinity Tutor
Summer kickoff party pics
VBS 2015 success
Youth group trip to Detroit
Mark your calendars
Letters to Trinity
College grads
Deadline for the September 2015 trinity parish is Monday, August 10, at 4 pm. Don’t be late!
Email articles to or leave hard copies in the trinity parish
mailbox at the church office. Submissions should not exceed 200 words.
We edit for clarity, consistency of style, and space considerations.