

Website: SELECTING TREE SPECIES FOR FOREST RESTORATION Stephen Ellio, FORRU-­‐CMU Biology Department Faculty of Science Chiang Mai University Two stages of species selecKon: 1.  Which species to test? – “candidate” framework species. 2.  Using test results to decide which species to plant – “actual” framework species. Criteria to aim for…. 1.  Framework species criteria … high survival, rapid growth, shade out weeds, aVract seed dispersers (+ easy to propagate, fire resilient etc.?) 2.  Economic criteria – producKvity and value of harvestable products.
Some criteria can be ascertained from preliminary screening, but others require nursery/field research. Which species to test? 1.  All species are equal … unless proven otherwise? i.e. test everything … OR … 2.  Preliminary screening – select likely “candidate” species for tesKng. Preliminary screening – data mining and survey Floras -­‐ distribuKon, habitat preferences, fleshy fruits, nectar-­‐rich flowers, etc. PROSEA handbooks of Kmber trees (3 volumes) Preliminary screening -­‐ target forest survey Indigenous species, canopy architecture, fleshy fruits, aVracKve to wildlife etc.
Survey Target Forest Type Preliminary screening – indigenous local knowledge 1.  AVracKveness to wildlife 2.  Species that colonize and grow well on fallow fields 3.  Economic value BUT … indigenous local knowledge is NOTORIOUSLY UNRELIABLE, especially species names. ALWAYS VERIFY by collecKng specimens. Preliminary screening – scienKfic papers and reports 1.  Not everything is published 2.  Project reports 3.  EIA’s Then use … 1.  Simple (subjecKve?) scoring system and … 2.  Village meeKngs … … to decide which species to experiment with. Then start to collect original scienKfic informaKon from trials. Nursery trials 1.  GerminaKon and dormancy 2.  Seedling growth rates 3.  ProducKon schedules Field trials 1.  Survival and growth 2.  Shading out weeds 3.  AVracKveness to seed dispersers 4.  Economic producKvity Then … 1.  Collect data into a database 2.  Apply “minimum standards” … or 3.  “Rank scores” … to select species for subsequent planKng. See Part 6 “Research for Restoring Tropical Forest Ecosystems” Minimum standards Field data end of 2nd growth season.
Rank Scores AdapKve Management 14 months old Melia toosendan (Meliaceae) End of 2nd growth season:-­‐ Survival: 98% Height: 705 cm Crown: 235 cm Bird perch tree. Prunus cerasoides D.Don (Rosaceae) End of 2nd growth season:-­‐ Survival: 88% Height: 303 cm Crown: 241 cm Fruits within 3 y. Erythrina subumbrans (Hassk.) Merr. (Papilionoideae) 18 months old, survived fire End 2nd growth season: Survival: 89% Height: 281 cm Crown: 280 cm Fire resilient, flowers have nectar What to do next? •  Who will do what? – plan the sharing of responsibiliKes, with staff/students. Get presidenKal approval. Mobilize your faculty. •  IdenKfy nursery site and survey. •  Survey seed sources = natural forest site. •  Label pheno trees, idenKfy species (collect voucher specimens). Start pheno data collecKon •  Nursery construcKon – nursery staff training. •  IdenKfy the planKng site -­‐ drap planKng plan – to plan seed collecKon. •  Database management If you need help •  DROP BOX for this course … explore the many templates and documents there. •  USE “RESEARCH FOR RESTORING” – it’s in the DROPBOX … you can copy and print for every member of your team FREE. •  RFRI WEBSITE and FORRU CMU WEBSITE ( •  Share informaKon via the Drop Box •  We are only an email away: GOOD LUCK!! Website: FORRU -­‐ CMU Thank you for listening. Biology Department Faculty of Science Chiang Mai University