and the last termination sector of Antarctica during the Last Glacial


and the last termination sector of Antarctica during the Last Glacial
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Geological Society, London, Special Publications Online First
History of the grounded ice sheet in the Ross Sea
sector of Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum
and the last termination
Brenda L. Hall, George H. Denton, John O. Stone and Howard
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, first published
April 19, 2013; doi 10.1144/SP381.5
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History of the grounded ice sheet in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica
during the Last Glacial Maximum and the last termination
Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA
School of Earth and Climate Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA
Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
*Corresponding author (e-mail:
Abstract: Knowledge of variations in the extent and thickness of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is key for
understanding the behaviour of Southern Hemisphere glaciers during the last ice age and for
addressing issues involving global sea level, ocean circulation and climate change. Insight into
past ice-sheet behaviour also will aid predictions of future ice-sheet stability. Here, we review terrestrial evidence for changes in ice geometry that occurred in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica at
the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and during subsequent deglaciation. During the LGM, a thick
grounded ice sheet extended close to the continental shelf edge in the Ross Embayment. This ice
reached surface elevations of more than 1000 m along the coast of the central and southern Transantarctic Mountains and Marie Byrd Land. The local LGM occurred by 18 ka on the coast, but as
late as 7– 10 ka inland. The first significant thinning took place at roughly 13 ka, with most ice loss
happening in the Holocene. This history makes it unlikely that the Ross Sea sector was a major
contributor to meltwater pulse 1A (MWP 1A). Resolution of a possible Antarctic origin for
MWP 1A awaits detailed reconstructions from all sectors of the ice sheet.
The Antarctic Ice Sheet contains the world’s largest reservoir of fresh water and is a major control
on Southern Hemisphere climate. A history of
changes in ice-sheet extent and thickness is vital
for answering questions involving the initiation of
Southern Hemisphere glaciation and deglaciation
during the last ice age, as well as for addressing
issues concerning global sea level (Bassett et al.
2005; Clark et al. 2009; Deschamps et al. 2012),
ocean deepwater formation and heat transport (Broecker 1998), origins(s) of abrupt climate change
(Blunier & Brook 2001; Weaver et al. 2003; Denton et al. 2010) and drivers of ice ages (Denton
2000). Moreover, an understanding of ice-sheet behaviour will aid predictions of future ice-sheet stability (Mercer 1978).
One approach toward understanding both past
and future ice-sheet behaviour and its relationship to local and global climate is to reconstruct
changes in ice-sheet extent and volume. The focus
of this paper is the marine-based ice sheet in the
Ross Sea sector [the Ross Sea ice sheet; Scott
1905; Stuiver et al. 1981], which at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) involved an extension of
the present-day West Antarctic Ice Sheet combined
with an important contribution from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (Licht et al. 2005; Farmer et al.
2006). The Ross Sea sector today drains nearly
one-quarter of the ice in East and West Antarctica
and in the past it underwent one of the largest
glacial –interglacial ice-volume changes of any area
of the continent (Stuiver et al. 1981; Denton et al.
1989a, b; Shipp et al. 1999; Denton & Hall 2000;
Denton & Hughes 2002; Licht & Andrews 2002;
Pollard & DeConto 2009). Data from the Ross Sea
sector bear on several key problems. The first concerns the volume and timing of Antarctica’s contribution to global sea-level changes at the global
LGM (c. 19– 23 ka; Mix et al. 2001) and during
the subsequent deglaciation. This information is
important not only for a knowledge of how excess
ice volume responsible for the change in LGM sea
level was divided among the world’s ice sheets,
but also for determining whether or not enough
excess ice existed in Antarctica to produce significant global sea-level changes during the last termination. For example, deglaciation of Antarctica has
been implicated in geophysical calculations as the
cause of meltwater pulse 1A (MWP 1A), a rise
of as much as 20 m in 300–500 years initiated at
c. 14.6 ka (Hanebuth et al. 2000; Kienast et al.
2003; Deschamps et al. 2009, 2012). An event of
this magnitude implies a much larger ice sheet
prior to 14.6 ka than currently is envisaged by
recent models (Denton & Hughes 2002; Pollard &
DeConto 2009; Mackintosh et al. 2011; Whitehouse
From: Hambrey, M. J., Barker, P. F., Barrett, P. J., Bowman, V., Davies, B., Smellie, J. L. & Tranter, M. (eds)
2013. Antarctic Palaeoenvironments and Earth-Surface Processes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
381, # The Geological Society of London 2013. Publishing disclaimer:
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et al. 2012), and evidence of this larger ice sheet, if it
indeed existed, should be found at high elevation
in the Transantarctic Mountains bordering the Ross
Sea. If MWP 1A could be attributed confidently to
collapse of Antarctic ice, it would have important
implications for the possibility of polar ice sheets
transferring large amounts of ice to the sea on centennial timescales. A second key scientific question
involves the long-term future of the marine-based
West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This ice sheet, grounded
well below sea level, is thought to be inherently
unstable (Hughes 1973; Weertman 1976) and susceptible to rapid collapse. Examination of the
longer-term evolution of the West Antarctic Ice
Sheet in the Ross Sea sector affords insight into the
basic mechanisms that control the ice-sheet grounding lines, as well as the sensitivity of the ice sheet
to past and future environmental perturbations.
Here, we review terrestrial glacial geological
data and glaciological evidence relating to the
maximum extent of the Ross Sea ice sheet during
the last glacial period and the timing of deglaciation.
All dates given here are in calendar years, with
radiocarbon dates converted using CALIB 6.0.1
and the INTCAL09 dataset (Reimer et al. 2009).
Conversions of radiocarbon dates of marine organisms employ the Marine09 dataset (Reimer et al.
2009) and the time-dependent delta-R calculation
of Hall et al. (2010b) derived from Ross Sea solitary
corals that span the Holocene. Conversions may
differ from those presented by the original authors
because of changes in the calibration datasets.
Exposure ages referred to in this paper have been
recalculated to account for recent recalibration of
the cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al production rates.
LGM ice configuration
During the LGM, the Ross Embayment filled with
a grounded ice sheet (Figs 1 & 2). Scoured channels,
grounding-line wedges, megaflutes and widespread
drift sheets on the floor of the Ross Sea indicate
that the ice sheet extended close to the continental
shelf edge (Stuiver et al. 1981; Licht et al. 1996;
Domack et al. 1999; Shipp et al. 1999; Denton &
Hughes 2000). Terrestrial evidence of ice-sheet
extent comes from (1) a widespread drift sheet
(Ross Sea drift) with far-travelled erratics located
on islands and peninsulas in the Ross Embayment,
along the southern Scott Coast, and in the mouths
of the Dry Valleys and the valleys fronting the
Royal Society Range (Stuiver et al. 1981; Denton
et al. 1989b; Denton & Marchant 2000; Hall et al.
2000); (2) the occurrence of discontinuous, but
correlative, little-weathered drift sheets alongside
EAIS outlet glaciers in the Transantarctic Mountains from Reedy Glacier to Terra Nova Bay
Fig. 1. Index map of Antarctica, showing locations
mentioned in the text. MW, Mount Waesche; MBL,
Marie Byrd Land; FR, Ford Ranges; RI, Roosevelt
Island; SD, Siple Dome; RIS, Ross Ice Shelf; OR, Ohio
Range; RG, Reedy Glacier; SG, Scott Glacier; BG,
Beardmore Glacier; HG, Darwin/Hatherton Glacier
system; RSR, Royal Society Range; DV, Dry Valleys;
TNB, Terra Nova Bay; NVL, Northern Victoria Land.
(Mercer 1968; Bockheim et al. 1989; Denton et al.
1989a; Orombelli et al. 1990; Denton & Marchant
2000; Bromley et al. 2010, 2012; Todd et al.
2010); (3) relatively unweathered drift sheets in
Marie Byrd Land (Stone et al. 2003) and on nunataks in inland West Antarctica (Fig. 1; Ackert
et al. 1999, 2007); and (4) inferences from glaciological models based on ice-penetrating radar data
from ice rises and streams in the central and eastern Ross Embayment (Conway et al. 1999; Parizek
et al. 2003; Parizek & Alley 2004; Waddington et al.
2005; Martin et al. 2006; Price et al. 2007). We
discuss each of these data sets below by geographic
Southern and Central Transantarctic
A largely unweathered drift sheet, contrasting
sharply with more distal and older, weathered deposits, occurs throughout the Transantarctic Mountains
adjacent to many outlet glaciers of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (Fig. 3). Although widespread, the
drift is discontinuous and is absent or consists only
of rare scattered erratics in many places. Based on
its unweathered appearance, negligible soil development and ice core (in places), this drift sheet
has been attributed to the LGM and subsequent
deglaciation (Mercer 1968; Bockheim et al. 1989;
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Fig. 2. Map of the Ross Embayment, showing locations mentioned in the text. In addition, the map shows LGM
ice-surface elevations reconstructed from glacial geological data along the Transantarctic Mountains coast.
Denton et al. 1989a; Bromley et al. 2010, 2012).
Reconstructions of past outlet-glacier extent show
progressively less thickening with distance upglacier (Fig. 4). The lower reaches of these glaciers
were more than 1000 m thicker than at present at
their intersection with the Ross Embayment. In contrast, ice-surface elevations on the East Antarctic
plateau remained virtually unchanged (Mercer
1968; Bockheim et al. 1989; Denton et al. 1989a;
Bromley et al. 2010). The former elevations of
these glaciers where they entered the Ross Embayment afford an estimate of past thickness of the
WAIS into which they flowed. Results indicate
that the elevation at the mouth of Reedy Glacier
was 1100–1400 m at the LGM (Bromley et al.
2010; Todd et al. 2010; note that elevations presented here and elsewhere in the text are uncorrected
for isostatic changes). At Scott Glacier (Fig. 2), the
ice-sheet elevation exceeded 930 m, but was below
1200 m. Further north, the LGM limit at the mouth
of Beardmore Glacier may have reached as much as
1250 m elevation (Denton et al. 1989a) and at the
Darwin/Hatherton Glacier system estimates range
from 900–1100 m elevation (Bockheim et al.
1989; Anderson et al. 2004). All of the data presented above are consistent with a thick grounded
ice sheet in the western and southern Ross Embayment during the glacial maximum.
The chronology of the relatively unweathered
drift sheet has improved in recent years. Todd et al.
(2010) produced approximately 80 10Be exposure ages of erratics along the margin of Reedy Glacier (Fig. 1). The data showed that at the Quartz
Hills near the mouth, the glacier was at maximum
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Fig. 3. (a) Reedy III drift at the Quartz Hills adjacent to Reedy Glacier. The LGM drift limit, delineated by the
abrupt transition from unweathered grey drift to brown, heavily stained deposits, occurs c. 250 m above the present-day
ice surface in this location and has been dated to c. 14– 17 ka using surface-exposure age dating (Todd et al. 2010).
(b) Drift attributed to the local LGM in the Dominion Range along the uppermost part of Beardmore Glacier. The sharp
contact between the little-weathered grey deposits and the highly weathered stained drift marks the former limit at
c. 30 m above present-day ice level. (c) The correlative moraine and drift limit along the headlands of McMurdo Sound
in the Royal Society Range. The drift here consists of primarily basalt erratics transported across McMurdo Sound
from Ross Island and extends to c. 250 –320 m elevation. (d) Ross Sea drift at Hjorth Hill at the mouth of Taylor Valley.
Here, the drift extends from sea level to a composite moraine at c. 300–400 m elevation. Portions of the moraine have
been dated to 14–18 ka, based on radiocarbon dates of incorporated algae (Hall & Denton 2000).
extent at 14–17 ka. In contrast, further upglacier
near the East Antarctic plateau, the glacier reached
its maximum at c. 7 ka. The thickening was thus
time-transgressive, with ages of erratics at the maximum drift limit becoming progressively younger upglacier. Reworked boulders with inherited
Be were common where the drift was thick and
could not be avoided despite careful sampling.
This occurrence is thought to reflect the fact that
most rocks were transported by cold-based ice that
did not remove the effects of earlier exposure. Outliers were excluded from the dataset by taking the
youngest (and usually most) significant population
of dates as an indication of deposit age. This practice is based on the assumption that the likelihood
of rocks with inherited 10Be far outweighs that of
post-depositional processes, such as exhumation
or erosion, and thus outliers are likely to be older
than the true age, rather than younger (Todd et al.
2010). Glacier thinning in the Quartz Hills began
by c. 13 ka and continued into the Holocene (Todd
et al. 2010). This prolonged deglaciation is confirmed by data from Cohen Nunataks close to the
confluence with Mercer Ice Stream, where mountain summits emerged from LGM ice cover around
8 ka and deglaciation continued until 2 –3 ka.
Recently acquired data from Scott and Beardmore
Glaciers (Stone et al. 2009) are consistent with
maximum glaciation between 15 and 17 ka, followed by rapid thinning in the early Holocene.
Ackert & Kurz (2004) dated the correlative, relatively unweathered drift at Beardmore Glacier
and obtained exposure ages of c. 20 ka for the
Further north at the Darwin/Hatherton Glacier
system, Bockheim et al. (1989), on the basis of glacial mapping, soil characterization and correlation
with dated deposits, along with an interpretation
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Fig. 4. Longitudinal profile of Beardmore Glacier, reconstructed from glacial deposits (Denton et al. 1989a). The
diagram shows both the modern profile and that reached during former times. The Beardmore ice surface, which
was reconstructed from the little-weathered drift limits, represents the local LGM limit. Beardmore Glacier thickened
substantially more where it intersected the Ross Embayment than at the East Antarctic plateau. This pattern of
thickening is characteristic of all East Antarctic Ice Sheet outlet glaciers that entered the Ross Embayment during
the LGM.
of radiocarbon ages of algae deposited in former
lateral ice-dammed ponds, suggested significant
expansion of the Darwin/Hatherton system at the
LGM. Radiocarbon ages of subfossil algae collected in transects from the maximum limit to
the present ice level yielded dates ranging from
c. 13 ka near the fresh drift limit to c. 7 ka at the
present glacier (Bockheim et al. 1989). The simplest
explanation for this pattern is that the algae grew
in a series of ponds that formed against the glacier
margin repeatedly as the ice retreated down the
slope towards its present position. If correct, this
implies that the maximum ice thickness there was
maintained until at least c. 13 ka and present-day
elevations were reached by c. 7 ka. However, this
scenario is in contrast with surface-exposure measurements obtained by Storey et al. (2010), most of
which predate the LGM. On the basis of these measurements, they proposed that ice did not expand
in the Darwin/Hatherton system at the LGM. At
present, then, there are two different interpretations
for the Darwin/Hatherton system that have important ramifications for understanding the glacial history of the Ross Embayment: either the exposure
chronology presented for Darwin Glacier is incorrect (probably because the data are compromised
by inherited 10Be owing to prior exposure and minimal erosion rates) or the idea of grounded ice in the
Ross Embayment at the LGM needs to be revisited.
At present, the weight of evidence supports the concept of a widespread grounded ice sheet in the
Dry Valleys sector
In contrast to areas both to the north and the south,
East Antarctic Ice Sheet outlet glaciers in the Dry
Valleys region (Fig. 2) from Taylor to Victoria
Valleys did not flow into the Ross Embayment at
the LGM. Rather, both local alpine glaciers and
the small East Antarctic Ice Sheet outlet glaciers
in this region retreated (Stuiver et al. 1981;
Denton et al. 1989b; Hall et al. 2000) and terminated in the valley heads. At the same time, the
Ross Sea ice sheet occupied McMurdo Sound and
dammed large proglacial lakes that filled many of
the valleys (Stuiver et al. 1981; Hall et al. 2000,
2010a). For example, Taylor Glacier receded at
least several kilometres at the LGM and is now
readvancing over the area of the valley covered by
a proglacial lake dammed by the Ross Sea ice
sheet between at least c. 13–28 ka (Denton et al.
1989b; Hall et al. 2000; Higgins et al. 2000).
Alpine glaciers both in the Dry Valleys and the
nearby Royal Society Range also have overridden
lake deposits of the same age, indicating that these
glaciers, too, were of lesser extent during the LGM
than they are at present. Shrinkage of local ice was
probably the result of both reduced precipitation
when grounded ice occupied the Ross Sea and
high melting ablation in blue-ice zones (Hall et al.
As mentioned above, because of the lack of
through-flowing outlet glaciers from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the westward-flowing ice from
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the Ross Embayment filled McMurdo Sound and
sent tongues into eastern Taylor Valley and into
the valleys fronting the nearby Royal Society
Range at the LGM (Péwé 1960; Clayton-Greene
et al. 1988; Denton & Hughes 2000; Denton &
Marchant 2000; Hall et al. 2000). The grounded
ice sheet deposited well-preserved moraines and
kame terraces on the headlands adjacent to
McMurdo Sound (Fig. 3), which allow reconstruction of former ice-surface elevations. Elevations of
deposits marking the former ice margin range
from c. 720 m on eastern Ross Island, to .590 m
elevation on Cape Bird, to c. 350– 400 m elevation
at the mouth of Taylor Valley, and to c. 250 –
300 m elevation in front of the Royal Society
Range (Stuiver et al. 1981; Denton & Marchant
2000; Dochat et al. 2000; Hall et al. 2000). The
slope of the former ice surface, as well as the distribution of kenyte erratics that originate from Ross
Island, shows that grounded ice flowed westward
around both the south and north sides of Ross
Island and then into the ice-free valleys during the
LGM (Stuiver et al. 1981; Denton & Marchant
2000; Hall et al. 2000). The moraines produced by
this grounded ice descend from the headlands westward into the valleys, where the moraines give way
to glaciolacustrine sediments formed in icedammed lakes. Lake-ice conveyors (ClaytonGreene et al. 1988; Hall et al. 2000; Hendy et al.
2000) transported drift into the valleys more than
10 km beyond the grounding line.
The chronology of deposits from the Ross Sea
ice sheet in the Dry Valleys and adjacent Royal
Society Range comes mainly from radiocarbon
dates of freshwater algae deposited in lakes and
streams adjacent to the former ice body. Moraines
at the mouth of Taylor Valley at Hjorth Hill range
from c. 13 to 18 ka (Hall & Denton 2000), with
the maximum being reached by 18 ka. New data
from a similar moraine fronting the Royal Society
Range appear to confirm this age for the maximum
ice extent (Allard et al. 2011; Koffman et al. 2011).
This timing is also consistent with a limited number
of 3He surface-exposure age dates from the correlative moraine near Blue Glacier, which place ice at
the maximum at c. 14 –16 ka, although other presumed LGM landforms described in the same
study produced mixed ages, probably because of
prior exposure of the dated samples (Brook et al.
1995). Deltas that formed in the LGM proglacial
lakes also afford information on the presence of
the Ross Sea ice sheet in McMurdo Sound,
because the lakes could not have existed without
ice dams at the valley mouths. Radiocarbon dates
of deltas range from c. 9 to 28 ka, suggesting that
grounded Ross Sea ice occupied McMurdo Sound
throughout that time span (Stuiver et al. 1981;
Clayton-Greene et al. 1988; Hall & Denton 2000;
Hall et al. 2010a). Evidence of ice-free conditions
in McMurdo Sound subsequent to the LGM comes
from radiocarbon and uranium –thorium dates of
marine organisms found in sediment cores from
McMurdo Sound and in debris cones on the
McMurdo Ice Shelf, which has incorporated seafloor sediments by basal freezing. These ages are
as old as c. 7.7 ka (Stuiver et al. 1981; Kellogg
et al. 1990; Licht et al. 1996; Hall & Denton
2000; Hall et al. 2010b), which is similar to that
obtained from relative sea-level curves for the
adjacent coast that suggest unloading of grounded
ice by c. 7.8 ka (Hall et al. 2004).
Northern Victoria Land
Northern Victoria Land (Fig. 1) displays both large
outlet glaciers from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and
local glaciers and ice fields. At the LGM, the outlet
glaciers merged with the Ross Sea ice sheet and
deposited a widespread drift sheet, Terra Nova
drift, which has been correlated to Ross Sea drift
on the basis of elevation, morphology, weathering,
and limiting ages (Stuiver et al. 1981; Orombelli
et al. 1990). Mapping of glacial geomorphologic
features and reconstruction of the former longitudinal profile at Reeves Glacier near Terra Nova
Bay indicate that the Ross Sea ice sheet surface
where it crossed the present-day coast was at
c. 400 m elevation (Orombelli et al. 1990). Deglaciation of grounded Ross Sea ice at Terra Nova
Bay was complete by c. 8 ka, based on relative sealevel curves and on the age of abandoned penguin
rookeries (Baroni & Hall 2004).
Marie Byrd Land and interior West Antarctica
Although a wealth of information exists for the
Transantarctic Mountains, there are relatively few
data related to LGM ice expansion in Marie Byrd
Land (Fig. 1) and in the interior of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. From 10Be surface-exposure ages of
erratics perched on nunataks, Stone et al. (2003)
showed that LGM ice thickening exceeded 700 m,
compared with today’s values, in the coastal Ford
Ranges of Marie Byrd Land, consistent with icesheet expansion into Sulzberger Bay extending to
the continental shelf edge (Wellner et al. 2001).
The magnitude of ice thickening was greatest at the
coast and decreased towards the interior. Because
the coastal mountains were overrun, Stone et al.
(2003) could not determine the LGM ice surface
elevation nor the timing of the LGM; however,
emergence of the nunataks due to lowering of the
ice surface began before 11 ka and continued
throughout the Holocene. Further inland, Ackert
et al. (1999) documented deposits from the last
glaciation at as much as 45 m above the present-day
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ice level at Mt Waesche (Fig. 1). Exposure-age data
suggest that this ice level was achieved at c. 10 ka.
Likewise, ice from the interior Ohio Range (Fig.
1), which was 125 m above present, reached its
maximum at approximately the same time (Ackert
et al. 2007, 2011).
Central Ross Embayment and Roosevelt Island
In contrast to glacial geological evidence from
mountain ranges both east and west of the Ross
Embayment, glaciological models have suggested
only modest ice thickening in the central embayment. For example, Waddington et al. (2005) used
the observed age–depth relationship at Siple
Dome (Fig. 1) to constrain a time-dependent iceflow model. They concluded that Siple Dome was
no more than 200 –400 m thicker than at present
during the LGM. A low-profile ice sheet in the
central embayment during the LGM is also compatible with model results of Price et al. (2007). They
used borehole temperature measurements as an
additional constraint and showed that Siple Dome
may have reached its present thickness by 13–
15 ka. The low profile in the central embayment
was probably maintained by the presence of lowgradient ice streams. Experiments with a thermomechanical model indicated that, although ice
streams probably slowed during the LGM, they
probably did not stagnate (Parizek et al. 2003). To
reconstruct grounding-line retreat in the eastern
Ross Sea, Conway et al. (1999) used the pattern of
radar-detected stratigraphy at Roosevelt Island
(Fig. 1) to constrain a model of the thinning
history of the region. They explored a variety of
different accumulation rates and concluded that
the ice island first became surrounded by shelf
ice at c. 3.2 ka. That is, the grounding line of the
Ross Sea ice sheet must have passed south of
Roosevelt Island at that time. Over the past millennia, evidence from flow features recorded on the
Ross Ice Shelf and the modern flow field indicates
that Ross Ice Streams have activated and shut
down repeatedly (Fahnestock et al. 2000; Hulbe &
Fahnestock 2004, 2007). Overall, the mass balance
of the Ross Sea sector is now positive, primarily
because of the shut-down of Kamb Ice Stream
(Joughin & Tulaczyk 2002). It is not yet clear if
this is a transient effect or whether it signals the
end of Holocene grounding-line retreat.
Ice-surface elevations in the Ross
Embayment at the LGM
The data mentioned above yield a consistent picture of LGM ice extent and thickness (Figs 2 & 6)
in the Ross Embayment. The Ross Sea ice sheet
was thick at the mouths of the southern and central
Transantarctic Mountains outlet glaciers, reaching
as much as 1000 m above present levels. Surface
elevations in this region were c. 1100–1400 m
(Denton et al. 1989a; Bromley et al. 2010, 2012;
Todd et al. 2010). Glacial geological evidence
from Marie Byrd Land on the eastern side of the
Ross Embayment suggests similar thickening, with
the ice sheet reaching .1165 m elevation. Further
north adjacent to the western Ross Embayment, icesurface elevation decreased, reaching only a little
more than 700 m on eastern Ross Island (Fig. 5).
From here, elevations decreased both to the west,
in the Dry Valleys/Royal Society Range region,
where ice terminated at 250–400 m elevation on
the headlands, and to the north, where the surface
of the Ross Sea ice sheet reached c. 400 m at
Terra Nova Bay. Evidence from interior nunataks,
Marie Byrd Land and East Antarctic Ice Sheet
outlet glaciers suggests that the amount of ice
thickening tapered off significantly away from the
Ross Embayment. Moreover, limited data indicate
that the maximum ice elevation was achieved later
at inland sites than near the coast. Both of these
observations are consistent with major grounding
of ice in the Ross Sea as a cause of outlet-glacier
thickening. It should be noted that elevations reconstructed from dated glacial limits in the mountains
adjacent to the Ross Sea are nearly 150–200 m
higher than those calculated from ice models of
internal radar layers in Siple Dome (Waddington
et al. 2005; Price et al. 2007), located roughly equidistant between the Transantarctic Mountains and
Marie Byrd Land. If correct, this discrepancy suggests that the central portion of the ice sheet fed
by ice streams crossing the present-day Siple Coast
was lower than the margins near the mountains,
requiring streaming, low-gradient ice flow across
the Ross Sea floor. Ice must have remained
grounded, however, in the central Ross Embayment. We do not favour models that show a central, ice-free embayment at the LGM (i.e. Drewry
1979; Denton et al. 1989b), because such a configuration would prevent ice from entering McMurdo
Sound from the east. So long as ice flowed from
the Ross Embayment westward into McMurdo
Sound, we suggest that grounded ice occupied the
central Ross Sea. Loss of this ice flow is thought
to have occurred at some time after c. 10 ka (Hall
& Denton 2000).
Timing of LGM
As mentioned above, the local LGM ice limit probably was time-transgressive, with interior locations
showing a maximum surface elevation that lagged that at the coast by as much as 10 000 years.
Coastal sites, such as the Dry Valleys/Royal Society Range region and the mouths of large outlet
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Fig. 5. Reconstruction of ice flow lines in the McMurdo Sound region at the LGM (Denton & Marchant 2000). Ice
flowed both north and south around Ross Island from the east toward the west. Ice that passed around northern Ross
Island carried kenyte and deposited it in the mouth of Taylor Valley and in the valleys fronting the Royal Society Range
(shaded band). Ice-dammed lakes occupied these valleys (diagonal pattern).
glaciers (i.e. Reedy and Scott), typically show
maximum ice elevation at c. 13–18 ka (Hall &
Denton 2000; Todd et al. 2010; Allard et al. 2011;
Koffman et al. 2011). In contrast, interior locations,
such as Mt Waesche, the Ohio Range, and upper
reaches of Reedy Glacier, show a much later maximum, at 7–10 ka (Ackert et al. 1999, 2007; Todd
et al. 2010). This time-transgressive behaviour may
reflect the lag time of interior sites to perturbations
in the Ross Embayment partially offset by a
gradual thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
from increased Holocene precipitation (Ackert
et al. 2007; Todd et al. 2010). Such thickening is
consistent with readvance of East Antarctic Ice
Sheet outlet glaciers, as well as local alpine glaciers,
in the Dry Valleys region in the Holocene (Denton
et al. 1989b).
Thinning history
Sites with available glacial geological data show
that ice along the coast of the embayment maintained a position close to its maximum as late as
c. 13 ka. At 13 ka, the Ross Sea ice sheet began
to lower irreversibly at the mouth of Taylor Valley
and in front of the Royal Society Range. At the
same time, ice levels started to decrease in the
Quartz Hills near the mouth of Reedy Glacier and
nunataks emerged at the mouth of Scott Glacier
(Stone et al. 2009; Todd et al. 2010). The subsequent rate of thinning at each of these sites varied
and was linked to the proximity of the southwardretreating grounding line (Conway et al. 1999).
In the Dry Valleys/Royal Society Range region,
the last evidence of grounded ice comes from ice-
Downloaded from by guest on May 1, 2013
Fig. 6. Example of a reconstruction of ice in the Ross
Sea sector during the LGM. This diagram, modified
slightly after Denton et al. (1989a) to account for new
data at Reedy and Scott Glaciers (Bromley et al. 2010,
2012; Todd et al. 2010), shows the major drainage
divides, flowlines and ice-surface elevations, based on
glacial geological data. Dots show locations (see Fig. 1
for names) where there is information on past
ice-surface elevations.
dammed lakes dating to c. 9.3 ka (Stuiver et al.
1981; Hall & Denton 2000; Hall et al. 2010a). The
presence of extensive ice-cored terrain at low
elevations on Hjorth Hill and along the west coast
of McMurdo Sound suggests that the last grounded
ice stagnated, probably as it was cut off from the
main Ross Sea ice sheet by marine incursion.
East Antarctic Ice Sheet outlet glaciers that
project into the Ross Embayment have shown a
pattern of thinning ice and steepening profiles as
the Ross Sea grounding line has retreated south in
the Holocene. For example, most thinning at
Reedy and Scott Glaciers took place after c. 10 ka
(Stone et al. 2009; Todd et al. 2010). Ice did not
reach close to present-day levels until c. 2 ka
(Todd et al. 2010). This pattern of Holocene deglaciation matches that in coastal Marie Byrd Land,
where the ice sheet dropped 700 m after 11.5 ka
(Stone et al. 2003). Overall, most of the removal
of ice from the Ross Embayment appears to have
occurred in the Holocene.
Grounding-line retreat
The timing of initial grounding-line retreat from the
outer continental shelf in the Ross Sea is uncertain
because of difficulties with obtaining an accurate
chronology from marine sediment cores. Dates of
total organic carbon (TOC) from marine sediments consistently yield older ages than those of foraminifera (which are rare) from the same levels
(Andrews et al. 1999). Current practice is to apply
a correction for the old carbon within the TOC,
based on surface ages, but this method does not
take into account down-core variations in the
influx of old carbon. For a thorough discussion of
deglacial ages from marine cores, see Licht &
Andrews (2002), who gave an overview/revision
of the earlier papers and commented on the variety
of correction methods that have been used to
account for problems with dating TOC.
Licht & Andrews (2002) suggested that deglaciation of the Drygalski Trough occurred at c. 11 ka,
an age younger than that proposed in earlier studies (Licht et al. 1996; Domack et al. 1999), but
older than that from the coast of nearby Terra
Nova Bay (Baroni & Hall 2004). Based on a date
of an Adamussium colbecki shell within a marine
sediment core taken near Ross Island, Licht et al.
(1996) suggested southward retreat of the grounding line into McMurdo Sound by c. 7.7 ka, in good
agreement with limiting ages from ice-dammed
lakes in nearby Taylor Valley (Hall & Denton
2000). Additional ages for retreat of ice from the
western Ross Sea come from relative sea-level
curves based on the ages of organic material in
raised beaches (Baroni & Orombelli 1991, 1994;
Hall & Denton 1999; Baroni & Hall 2004; Hall
et al. 2004). At Terra Nova Bay, radiocarbon dates
of shell, seal skin and penguin remains bracket the
age of the marine limit and the timing of complete
unloading of grounded ice to c. 8 ka (Baroni &
Hall 2004). Further south along the southern Scott
Coast, relative sea-level data indicate groundingline retreat into McMurdo Sound at c. 7.8 ka (Hall
et al. 2004), in agreement with the date from the
marine core mentioned above and with ages of
shells and barnacles from the McMurdo Ice Shelf
(Kellogg et al. 1990; Hall et al. 2010b).
One reconstruction of Holocene grounding-line
recession in the Ross Sea is that of a ‘swinging
gate’ (Stuiver et al. 1981; Conway et al. 1999;
Fig. 7). Conway et al. (1999) reconstructed recession southward through the embayment from (1)
relative sea-level curves along the Victoria Land
coast, (2) longitudinal profiles of Hatherton
Glacier during the Holocene, and (3) internal
layers within the Roosevelt Island ice dome documented by radar. Although most of their data are
from the coast adjacent to the Transantarctic Mountains, the youngest site, Roosevelt Island, is a
grounded ice dome in the eastern Ross Sea located
just behind the present-day calving front of the
Ross Ice Shelf. During the LGM, Roosevelt Island
was surrounded by the grounded ice sheet,
whereas now it is flanked by the floating ice shelf.
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Fig. 7. The Conway et al. (1999) model of grounding-line retreat in the Ross Embayment, modified to account
for recent data (Baroni & Hall 2004; Stone et al. 2009; Bromley et al. 2010, 2012; Todd et al. 2010). This version
shows the development of a central embayment during deglaciation. This embayment is based only on conjecture
at present.
Ice-penetrating radar revealed layers that showed
the ‘Raymond bump’, a characteristic feature
under ice divides, which results from the rheological
properties of ice. Fitting a model to the bump amplitude using a variety of realistic accumulation rates
allowed Conway et al. (1999) to infer that the
grounding line retreated southward past Roosevelt
Island about 3.2 ka. New data from Reedy Glacier
suggest reduced rates of thinning over the last 2 ka
where the glacier merges with the West Antarctic
Ice Sheet. Todd et al. (2010) suggested that this
could indicate relative grounding-line stability in
the southern Ross Embayment since that time.
It should be noted that data points constraining the Conway et al. (1999) model are sparse and
do not exclude the possibility that the central
embayment opened early in deglaciation and that
subsequent grounding-line recession proceeded
both east and west from this embayment towards
Marie Byrd Land and the Transantarctic Mountains, rather than in a simple southward direction.
However, any such central embayment could not
have existed while ice still was flowing westward
across McMurdo Sound to the Dry Valleys and
Royal Society Range. Such westward flow into
McMurdo Sound is not consistent with the existence of an embayment that would have directed
ice flow toward the central Ross Sea. On the basis
of landforms with kenyte erratics derived from Ross
Island, Hall & Denton (2000) suggested that active
ice flow across McMurdo Sound was maintained
until at least 10 ka.
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Behaviour of the Antarctic ice sheet
The cause and mechanisms behind Ross Sea ice
sheet advance and recession remain unclear. The
traditional paradigm is that the Antarctic ice
sheets, particularly the West Antarctic Ice Sheet,
are highly sensitive to sea-level forcing (Hollin
1962; Stuiver et al. 1981; Denton & Hughes 1986),
and thus their fate is tied to the waxing and waning
of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. However, data
presented here and elsewhere indicate that most
ice recession, particularly grounding-line retreat,
in the Ross Embayment was delayed compared
with the initiation of eustatic sea-level rise (Fairbanks 1989), making it unlikely that sea-level variations are the sole driver of Ross Sea ice sheet
oscillations. There are alternate hypotheses (see a
comprehensive review by Joughin & Alley 2011).
Some have focused on bed conditions as an explanation for Ross Sea ice sheet retreat. For example,
MacAyeal (1992) proposed that the ice sheet could
be part of a self-oscillating system that is relatively
insensitive to sea-level changes, but rather fluctuates in response to dynamics controlled by basal
thermal conditions, which lag changes in air temperature. Likewise, Parizek et al. (2003) suggested
that significant thinning and increased discharge
of ice streams was delayed until warm temperatures
reached the bed of the ice sheet. Yet another possibility is that warming ocean temperatures during
global deglaciation could have increased melt
rates along the grounding lines and caused ice recession. For example, a recent model shows the Ross
Sea grounding line to be highly sensitive to ocean
temperatures, more so than to sea-level rise (Pollard
& DeConto 2009). A modern analogue for this latter
process is occurring today in the Amundsen Sea
region, where increases in ocean-water temperature
and changes in sub-ice geometry have resulted in
significant increases in melt rates and rapid glacier
drawdown (Jacobs et al. 1996, 2011; Thoma et al.
2008; Jenkins et al. 2010).
The history of the grounded ice sheet in the Ross
Sea sector contrasts with recent evidence documenting ice behaviour in the Weddell Sea sector.
Early estimates, based on sea-floor sediments and
the presence of high-elevation, although undated,
trimlines in the Ellsworth Mountains, were that
thick grounded ice, similar to that in the Ross
Embayment, occupied the Weddell Embayment
during the LGM (Elverhøi 1981; Anderson et al.
1991; Denton et al. 1992). However, new surfaceexposure age data from the Ellsworth Mountains
suggest that LGM ice levels may have been lower
than previously thought (Bentley et al. 2010). In
addition, surface-exposure age data from the Shackleton Range have been interpreted as indicating
little or no LGM ice thickening (Hein et al. 2011).
If true, then these data limit the contribution of the
Weddell Sea sector to sea-level change not only at
the LGM, but also to any deglacial event, such as
MWP 1A. The reason for the apparent difference
in ice behaviour between the Ross and Weddell
Embayments is not known at present.
The Ross Sea Sector and MWP 1A
Meltwater pulse 1A is thought to be a c. 14 –20 m
rise in sea level over an interval of 300–500 years
beginning at roughly 14.6 ka (Hanebuth et al.
2000; Deschamps et al. 2012). When calibrated to
sea-level data at low latitudes (i.e. Barbados), glacioisostatic adjustment models allow one to ‘fingerprint’ the source of the meltwater (Clark et al. 2002).
Such fingerprinting suggests that Antarctica was
the origin of MWP 1A, either entirely or in part.
However, in order for MWP 1A to have come
from Antarctica, two requirements must have been
met. First, there must have been sufficient ice in
Antarctica (in excess of that which exists today) in
order to produce the sea-level rise. Second, that
ice must have been released to the ocean quickly
at 14.6 ka. Because Antarctica lacks widespread
surface melting ablation zones, the only mechanism that would release enough ice in a centennial
timeframe would be a catastrophic surge of the
Antarctic Ice Sheet. If the ice sheet is in fact capable of such a surge, it would be important information for future ice-sheet predictions.
Geological data have not yet emerged to satisfy
the two major requirements outlined above. In
addition, most ice-sheet models have converged
on a relatively modest amount of excess ice in Antarctica at the LGM, well short of that needed to
produce MWP 1A. For example, in a recent estimate, Mackintosh et al. (2011) calculated that
only 10 m of sea-level rise could have come from
Antarctica since 14 ka and that this was released
gradually to the sea over thousands of years.
Records both from the Ross Embayment (described
above) and elsewhere (see Mackintosh et al. 2011
for a review) suggest that most Antarctic deglaciation postdated c. 13 ka. Moreover, the Ross Embayment appears to have experienced a drawn-out
grounding-line recession over much of the Holocene, with no evidence yet available of catastrophic
ice loss at 14.6 ka. In summary, an Antarctic origin
for MWP 1A remains inconclusive; additional data
delineating both ice thickness and chronology will
help resolve this impasse.
Terrestrial glacial geological data from areas adjacent to the Ross Embayment afford evidence for a
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thick, grounded ice sheet that extended close to the
shelf edge and that reached surface elevations of
1100–1400 m in the central and southern Transantarctic Mountains and Marie Byrd Land. The
timing of the initiation of ice expansion is not well
known, but the ice sheet was at its local maximum along the coast adjacent to the Transantarctic
Mountains by 18 ka. The local LGM was timetransgressive and occurred as late as 7–10 ka in
interior locations. Most deglaciation seems to have
occurred in the Holocene. The first evidence of significant glacier thinning was at c. 13 ka. Reconstruction of thinning history and grounding-line retreat
indicates that recession occurred throughout the
Holocene and has slowed/stopped only in the last
two millennia. This history makes it unlikely that
the Ross Sea sector of the Antarctic Ice Sheet was
a major contributor to MWP 1A. However, resolution of a possible Antarctic origin of MWP 1A
awaits detailed reconstructions from all major
sectors of the ice sheet.
The authors thank numerous colleagues and students, past
and present, who have worked with them on the glacial
history of the Ross Sea region. We also thank logistical
support personnel. M. Bentley and D. Sugden provided
useful reviews. The work described here was funded
largely by the Office of Polar Programs of the National
Science Foundation. B. L. Hall and G. H. Denton also
acknowledge support from the Italian Antarctic Research
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