printable pdf - Illinois Section American Water Works Association
printable pdf - Illinois Section American Water Works Association
“The training resources for water professionals of all kinds!” Operators | Lab Personnel | Engineers | Managers | Manufacturers | Consultants 2016 TRAINING MANUAL Video Rental Library Home-Study Online Learning Webinars Workshops Seminars American Water Works Association IllinoisSection Did you know that one of the many benefits of an ISAWWA membership is FREE webinars? Take advantage of your ISAWWA membership today: #2135 Detection & Evaluation of Lead Release: WEBINAR IEPA#7932 Presenter: Miguel A. Del Toral, Regulations Manager U.S. EPA Summary: Comparative stagnation sampling conducted in 32 homes in Chicago, Illinois with lead service lines demonstrated that the existing regulatory sampling protocol under the U.S. Lead and Copper Rule systematically misses the high lead levels and potential human exposure. This study underscores the importance and interdependence of sample site selection, sampling protocol, and other factors in assessing lead levels in a public water system. #2162 US EPA’s Climate Ready Water Utility Initiative WEBINAR IEPA#8669 Presenter: Curt Baranowski - a graduate of Rutgers University, he has been with the U.S. EPA’s Office of Water since 1998. Summary: US EPA's Climate Ready Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative assists the water sector, which includes drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities, in addressing climate change impacts. This webinar will serve as an introduction to climate change and adaptation planning, with a specific focus on the Midwest region. Different adaptation planning scenarios will be highlighted, along with the tools and resources being used by the water sector to manage those impacts. #2063 - Measuring Chlorine Residual WEBINAR IEPA#5221 Presenter: Terry Engelhardt, Hach Company Summary: This presentation will cover the DPD colorimetric method and amperometric titration for portable and laboratory measurements and on-line measurements with either the colorimetric or amperometric probes. Measurement of residuals for chloramination also will be discussed including measurement of monochloramine, free ammonia and total ammonia. #2110: Water Main Rehabilitation Using Cured-in-Place-Pipe WEBINAR IEPA#6837 PRESENTER: Luc Lupien , Aqua-Pipe Director (Sanexen Environmental Services) Summary: -Why use CIPP; -Basic Steps; -Case Studies; -Benefits. #2144 Drinking Water Quality in Hospitals and Other Buildings WEBINAR IEPA#7919 Presentor: Dr. Simoni Triantafyllidou, US EPA Office of Research and Development Summary: Drinking water quality entering large buildings is generally adequately controlled by the water utility, but localized problems may occur within building or "premise” plumbing. Particular concerns are loss of disinfectant residual and temperature variability, which may enhance pathogen activity and metallic corrosion. This webinar will discuss challenges in maintaining acceptable water quality in hospitals and other buildings, as well as requirements of the SDWA for in-building water treatment systems. Table of contents Illinois Section AWWA General Information.............................................................. 04 Illinois Section AWWA Training Method of Delivery.................................................. 05 Seminar Registration Form.....................................................................................07-10 ISAWWA District Map............................................................................................... 10 Live Webinar Registration Form.................................................................................. 11 Archive Webinar Information...................................................................................... 12 Webinar Site Registration Information........................................................................ 12 Online Learning Registration Form........................................................................13-14 Video/DVD Library Rental Reservation Form............................................................ 15 Want to Become a Water Operator in Illinois?............................................................. 17 Home Study Registration Form................................................................................... 18 Seminars Listed by Topic........................................................................................19-20 Seminars Listed by Location...................................................................................21-22 Seminar Training Schedule.....................................................................................23-32 Save the Date: 2016 Summer Visitation Day............................................................... 33 Webinar Training Schedule.......................................................................................... 34 Online Learning.....................................................................................................35-40 Illinois Section AWWA Membership Application........................................................ 41 Visit for more information 3 Illinois Section AWWA General Information Illinois Section AWWA is the resource for seminars, workshops, webinars, online learning, home-study and video rental library. We may add or make changes from time to time, so be sure to check the website at Renewal Training Credit Hours (RTC) All of the courses listed in this book are approved for renewal training credits (RTC) unless noted otherwise. For in-person seminars, the credit is based upon actual classroom time. If the seminar goes over or under the estimated time, or if you leave early, your credit hours will be adjusted on your training record. For other training including webinars, homestudies and video rentals, a link will be sent for you to take a simple online test. After you complete the online test, you will receive an email with instructions to print your certificate online, which reflects the renewal training credit hours earned. The amount earned will be equal to the length of the video(s)/webinar(s) that you have viewed. It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to submit their Illinois Section AWWA issued training certificate directly to IEPA in order to receive renewal training credit hours. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HOURS (PDH) Classes that apply to your area of study should qualify for Professional Development Hours. It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to maintain a record of PDH’s for six years that includes, but is not limited to, the following: The name and address of the sponsor or provider; the number of hours attended in each program; the date and place of the program and a certificate of attendance; or log of activities that includes the date and number of hours claimed as PDH’s. Certificates for seminars will be distributed at the end of each class. Instructions on how to print your webinar certificate online will be emailed confirming participation. It is up to the licensee to maintain their own records and submit any required paperwork to validate training. REGISTRATION • Register online at • Register by fax at 866-521-3591 • Register by phone at 866-521-3595 x3 • Register via USPS mail by sending in your registration form • Forms of payment accepted: Check, Mastercard, VISA, Discover Card and American Express Training History and Tracking Credit hours will be available on your Illinois Section AWWA training record within 7-10 business days after the completion of the seminar/webinar. Attendees can access their training record by visiting and logging with your Illinois Section AWWA assigned username and password and clicking on Manage Profile > Professional Development > Journal Entries. If you need assistance accessing your records, call Sandi at 866-521-3595 ext. 3. Paper certificates can be reprinted and mailed by special request. To have your certificates mailed to you, call 866-521-3595 ext. 3 for Sandi. REFUNDS In order to be eligible for a refund, cancellations must be received two business days prior to seminar. Substitutions are allowed and refunds without prior notice will be granted for emergency situations when requested in writing. Seminar pricing - early bird, regular and day before/day of event Early bird pricing is available. Onsite registration is possible for most seminars. Check our website at for details. visit for more TRAINING information More detailed seminar information can be found on the Illinois Section AWWA website at Seminars and webinars are added throughout the year so check the website often for updates! 4 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 illinois section awwa training METHODs OF DELIVERY There are numerous choices for you to earn your renewal training credits (RTC) for water operators or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers! See the flow chart and descriptions below. For additional information call Stacey at 866-521-3595 ext. 4. SEMINAR HOMESTUDY DVD LIBRARY ONLINE Webinar eLearning Live Technical Archive Engineering PowerHour Technical Engineering PowerHour seminar: Illinois Section AWWA offers numerous, potable water related seminars annually, across the state of Illinois, all of which are worth renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators or professional development hour (PDH’s) for engineers. Additional course information can be found online at Home Study & Video Study: Illinois Section AWWA offers a variety of home and video study courses. The format used was developed to serve as a home-study or self-paced instruction where you are your own instructor and work at your own speed. In order to certify that a person has successfully completed this program, objective quizzes and a final exam is provided upon enrollment in this course. One year AWWA membership at the operator level is included when you sign up as a non member. Additional course information can be found online at video library: Illinois Section AWWA offers a variety of DVD’s and VHS’ in their video library, most of which are worth renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators or professional development hour (PDH’s) for engineers. Also available are education and outreach videos, some free of charge when reserved with another video. Additional course information can be found online at online elearning: Illinois Section AWWA now offers a variety of self-paced, online courses. All you need is a computer connected to the internet and the suggested textbooks (can be purchased separately through Illinois Section AWWA). One year AWWA membership at the operator level is included when you sign up as a non member. Additional course information can be found online at live WEBINARS: Illinois Section AWWA offers a number of live webinars on designated dates and times. All you need is a computer connected to the internet and either a headset or telephone to hear the audio. All webinars are FREE for Illinois Section AWWA member and $30.00 for non members. Additional course information can be found online at archive WEBINARS: Missed a live webinar? No problem! Following live webinar dates, all webinars will be available for viewing as an archive webinar from your computer, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All webinars are FREE for Illinois Section AWWA member and $30 for non-members. Additional course information can be found online at TECHNICAL vs. Engineering Power-hour WEBINARS: All live and archive webinars are classified as either a “technical” webinar or an “Engineering Power-Hour” webinar. Technical webinar presentations focus on education, not sales of a proprietary item or service, where as, Engineering Power-Hour webinars focus on a specific product or service with learning objectives included. Additional course information can be found online at 5 NEW in 2016! Check out the Plant Maintenance training offered in 2016! Electrical Fundamentals for Water & Wastewater (Elgin) 4-Week Course, 24 RTC,Thursdays - February 4, 11, 18, 25 This course provides an understanding of electricity basics and addresses specific electrical considerations found in the water and wastewater industries. Pumps & Pumping Workshop (Lake Bluff) 4-Week Course, 24 RTC,Tuesdays - April 26, May 3, 10, 17 This course will detail pump component relationships and maintenance procedures and concepts and principles of pump theory and maintenance. Bearings Seminar – 2 Locations: Lake Bluff & Park Forest - Half-day/4 RTC This course will cover bearing basics such as proper handling, installation and safety. Mechanical Seal Seminar – 2 Locations: Lake Bluff & Park Forest Half-day/4 RTC This class will cover mechanical seal basics & fundamentals and seal installation. Control Valve Seminar – 2 Locations: Lake Bluff & Park Forest - Half-day/4 RTC A classroom and hands-on demonstration of the operation and maintenance of control valves. Pumps and Pump Maintenance – 6 Locations: Carpentersville, Channahon, Decatur, Fox Lake, O’Fallon, Rockford - Half-day/4 RTC This course will cover how to provide proper preventative maintenance and testing to increase the life of your pumps as well as methods for trouble shooting and repairing pumps. Collection System training offered in 2016! Science of Jetting – 2 Locations – Moline & O’Fallon - Half-day/4 RTC This seminar discusses hose size, pressure loss, and hose basics. Will discuss nozzles, designs, and applications and cover various topics, including safety and scientific theory (Bernoulli’s Equation). Evaluating CCTV Videos – 2 Locations – Moline & O’Fallon - Half-day/4 RTC Attendees review various scenarios and video clips of various defects. This presentation is very interactive because attendees look at the video and come up with possible solutions. FREE! Small Systems Training Small Systems Training to Maintain Compliance – 2 Locations – Dieterich & Downs - Full-day/8 RTC Geared towards small systems covering: Coliform Sample Collection, Disinfection, Distribution System Infrastructure & the Impact on Water Quality, Distribution System Operation & the Impact on Water Quality, Source Water Protection, SDWA Requirements and Responsibilities for Board Members and Decision-Makers. For more information visit or call Stacey at 866-521-3595 ext 4 6 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 SEMINAR Registration Form: Page 1 of 4 Date(s) Seminar title rtc HOURS (for water Location operators) IEPA# *regular isAWWA Member/ Non Mem. page □□ Jan-13............... Wastewater Treatment 101.......................................... Joliet.................... 4.00.............. 9963......... $42/$60 ............ 23 □□ Jan-20................ Effective Backflow Programs........................................ Chicago............... 4.00.............. 10062....... $42/$60 ............ 23 □□ Jan-20-Mar-09... Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance................................................................ Westmont............16.00.............. 9905......... $160/$250 ............ 23 □□ Jan-21............... Hands-On Water Quality Lab Testing......................... Highland Park..... 4.00.............. 9964......... $42/$60 ............ 23 □□ Jan-28............... Mechanical Seals.......................................................... Park Forest........... 4.00.............. 9966......... $42/$60 ............ 23 □□ Jan-28............... Tank Operation & Maintenance................................. Danville............... 4.00.............. 9977......... $42/$60 ............ 23 □□ Feb-02.............. Pumps and Pump Maintenance................................... Carpentersville..... 4.00.............. 10013....... $42/$60 ............ 23 □□ Feb-02.............. Pumps and Pump Maintenance................................... Decatur................ 4.00.............. 10050....... $42/$60 ............ 24 □□ Feb-04-25......... Electrical Fundamentals for Water & Wastewater Workshop.................................................................... Elgin....................24.00.............. 9967......... $325/$520 ............ 24 □□ Feb-18.............. Hydrant Flushing & Valve Assessment Programs........ Mount Prospect... 4.00.............. 10036....... $42/$60 ............ 24 □□ Feb-23.............. Getting Beyond AMI: Delivering Benefits for Customer and Utility Value......................................... Elmhurst. ............. 4.00.............. 10051....... $42/$60 ............ 24 □□ Mar-01............. Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D....... Rockford.............. 4.00.............. 9978......... $42/$60 ............ 24 □□ Mar-01............. Water/Sewer Plans 101................................................ Greenville............ 4.00.............. 10052....... $42/$60 ............ 24 □□ Mar-03............. Harmful Algal Blooms................................................. Lake Bluff............ 4.00.............. 9979......... $42/$60 ............ 24 □□ Mar-08............. Bearing Basics.............................................................. Lake Bluff............ 4.00.............. 9968......... $42/$60 ............ 25 □□ Mar-10............. Harmful Algal Blooms................................................. Springfield........... 4.00.............. 9981......... $42/$60 ............ 25 □□ Mar-12-Apr-30... Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance................................................................ Tinley Park..........16.00.............. 10057....... $210/$300 ............ 25 □□ Mar-21-24........ WATERCON2016..................................................... Springfield........... 22.5.............. Various. ..... ............................ ............ 25 □□ Apr-05.............. SCADA 101................................................................ Lombard.............. 4.00.............. 10034....... $42/$60 ............ 25 □□ Apr-06-May-11... Utility Management Workshop................................... Westmont............12.00.............. 9982......... $106/$160 ............ 25 Fax: 866-521-3591 Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Illinois Section AWWA Member # (if applicable): Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number : □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: 7 SEMINAR Registration Form: Page 2 of 4 Date(s) Seminar title rtc HOURS (for water Location operators) IEPA# *regular isAWWA Member/ Non Mem. page □□ Apr-07.............. Treatment Processes at the Jardine Water Purification Plant (JWPP)........................................... Chicago............... 3.00..............10035....... $34/$48............ 25 □□ Apr-12-13......... Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities.... Springfield...........16.00..............3816......... $20/$20............ 26 □□ Apr-12.............. Science of Jetting......................................................... O’Fallon.............. 4.00..............9983......... $42/$60............ 26 □□ Apr-13-14......... Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D....... Evanston..............12.00..............9984......... $185/$325............ 26 □□ Apr-19.............. 9th Annual Water Distribution Conference................. Addison............... 5.00..............9985......... $58/$85............ 26 □□ Apr-21.............. On-Site Oxidant Generation & Chemical Feed Pump Technology Update........................................... Mattoon.............. 4.00..............10053....... $42/$60............ 26 □□ Apr-26.............. Hydrant Flushing & Maintenance............................... Morris.................. 4.00..............9987......... $42/$60............ 26 □□ Apr-26-May-17....Pumps & Pumping Workshop.................................... Lake Bluff............24.00..............9986......... $325/$520............ 26 □□ Apr-28.............. Water Treatment Plant (WTP): Pumps, Piping & Hydraulics............................................................... Elgin.................... 4.00..............9988......... $42/$60............ 27 □□ May-05............. Operator Math for Class C/D..................................... St. Charles........... 4.00..............9991......... $42/$60............ 27 □□ May-05............. Small Systems Operator Training................................. Dieterich.............. 8.00..............9992......... $00/$00............ 27 □□ May-10............. Breakpoint Chlorination…Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine Residual.............................................. McHenry............. 4.00..............10046....... $42/$60............ 27 □□ May-10............. Water Loss and Hands-On Meter Testing & Leak Detection..................................................................... Danville............... 3.00..............9993......... $34/$48............ 27 □□ May-12............. Chemical Properties, Safety & Security....................... O’Fallon.............. 4.00..............9994......... $42/$60............ 27 Generators: Increasing Your Reliability through □□ May-17............. Proper Maintenance..................................................... Mount Prospect... 4.00..............10056....... $42/$60............ 27 □□ May-17............. Main Breaks, Boil Orders & Emergency Water Management Practices................................................. Pittsfield.............. 4.00..............10054....... $42/$60............ 28 □□ May-18............. Backflow Codes, Installation and Repair..................... Elgin.................... 4.00..............9995......... $42/$60............ 28 □□ May-19............. Breakpoint Chlorination…Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine Residual.............................................. Rockford.............. 4.00..............9996......... $42/$60............ 28 Fax: 866-521-3591 Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Illinois Section AWWA Member # (if applicable): Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: 8 PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number : □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: SEMINAR Registration Form: Page 3 of 4 Date(s) Seminar title rtc HOURS (for water Location operators) IEPA# *regular isAWWA Member/ Non Mem. page □□ May-19............. Small Systems Operator Training................................. Downs................. 8.00..............9997......... $00/$00............ 28 □□ May-24............. Hydrant Flushing & Valve Assessment Programs........ Westmont............ 4.00..............9998......... $42/$60............ 28 □□ Jun-01.............. Control Valves............................................................. Lake Bluff............ 4.00..............9999......... $42/$60............ 28 □□ Jun-02.............. Control Valves............................................................. Park Forest........... 4.00..............10000....... $42/$60............ 28 □□ Jun-02.............. Pumps and Pump Maintenance................................... Fox Lake.............. 4.00..............10014....... $42/$60............ 29 □□ Jun-07-08......... Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities.. Elmhurst..............16.00..............3816......... $20/$20............ 29 □□ Jun-07.............. Water Loss and Hands-On Meter Testing & Leak Detection..................................................................... Rochelle............... 3.00..............10041....... $34/$48............ 29 □□ Jun-09.............. Science of Jetting......................................................... Moline................. 4.00..............10039....... $42/$60............ 29 □□ Aug-04.............. Meters & Metering Systems......................................... Elmhurst.............. 4.00..............10001....... $42/$60............ 29 □□ Aug-09.............. Water/Sewer Plans 101................................................ Westmont............ 4.00..............10002....... $42/$50............ 29 □□ Aug-16.............. Mechanical Seals.......................................................... Lake Bluff............ 4.00..............10003....... $42/$60............ 29 □□ Aug-18.............. Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D....... Elgin.................... 4.00..............10004....... $42/$60............ 30 □□ Aug-23.............. Chemical Properties, Safety & Security....................... Moweaqua........... 4.00..............10005....... $42/$60............ 30 □□ Aug-25.............. Bearing Basics.............................................................. Park Forest........... 4.00..............9980......... $42/$60............ 30 □□ Aug-30.............. Operator Math for Class C/D..................................... St. Charles........... 4.00..............10006....... $42/$60............ 30 □□ Sep-20.............. Generators: Increasing Your Reliability through Proper Maintenance..................................................... Plainfield............. 4.00..............10049....... $42/$60............ 30 □□ Sep-21-Nov-09.Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance.... Westmont............16.00..............10007....... $160/$250............ 30 □□ Sep-22.............. Construction And Operation Of A Municipal Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse System................. Cortland.............. 3.00..............10008....... $34/$48............ 30 □□ Sep-29.............. Emergency Repair Strategies and How Proper Installation Can Avoid the Need for Them.................. Elk Grove............ 4.00..............10047....... $42/$60............ 31 □□ Oct-06.............. Using SCADA for Optimized Process & Operations..... Park Forest........... 4.00..............10009....... $42/$60............ 31 Fax: 866-521-3591 Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Illinois Section AWWA Member # (if applicable): Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number : □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: 9 SEMINAR Registration Form: Page 4 of 4 Date(s) Seminar title rtc HOURS (for water Location operators) IEPA# *regular isAWWA Member/ Non Mem. page □□ Oct-13.............. Annual Regulatory Update.......................................... Elgin.................... 5.00..............10016....... $58/$85............ 31 □□ Oct-18.............. Pumps and Pump Maintenance................................... Channahon......... 4.00..............10055....... $42/$60............ 31 □□ Oct-20.............. Evaluating CCTV Videos............................................ Moline................. 4.00..............10048....... $42/$60............ 31 □□ Oct-25.............. Pumps and Pump Maintenance................................... O’Fallon.............. 4.00..............9965......... $42/$60............ 31 □□ Oct-27.............. Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class A & B........ Elgin.................... 4.00..............10010....... $42/$60............ 31 □□ Nov-01-02........ Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities.. TBD....................16.00..............3816......... $20/$20............ 32 □□ Nov-03............. Breakpoint Chlorination...Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine Residual................................................. Rochelle............... 4.00..............10037....... $42/$60............ 32 □□ Nov-10............. Tank Operation & Maintenance................................. Macomb.............. 4.00..............10040....... $42/$60............ 32 □□ Nov-15............. Pumps and Pump Maintenance................................... Rockford.............. 4.00..............10015....... $42/$60............ 32 □□ Nov-17............. Evaluating CCTV Videos............................................ O’Fallon.............. 4.00..............10011....... $42/$60............ 32 □□ Dec-06.............. Safety Summit - Save the Date!.................................... TBD.................... 4.00..............TBD......... $42/$60............ 32 □□ Dec-07-08........ Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class A & B....... Evanston..............12.00..............10012....... $185/$325............ 32 JO DAVIESS MCHENRY BOONE STEPHENSON 2B WINNEBAGO CARROLL KANE 1 WHITESIDE PUTNAM STARK GRUNDY PEORIA SCHUYLER 3 CASS WOODFORD TAZEWELL FULTON MCDONOUGH KANKAKEE MARSHALL LIVINGSTON WARREN HENDERSON BROWN 2A 2D LASALLE KNOX ADAMS COOK DUPAGE KENDALL BUREAU HENRY MERCER HANCOCK 2C DEKALB LEE WILL ROCK ISLAND DO YOU KNOW WHAT DISTRICT YOU ARE IN? LAKE OGLE IROQUOIS FORD MCLEAN 5 MASON DEWITT LOGAN MENARD PIATT VERMILION CHAMPAIGN MACON DOUGLAS SANGAMON MORGAN PIKE SCOTT EDGAR MOULTRIE CHRISTIAN CALHOUN COLES SHELBY GREENE MACOUPIN CLARK CUMBERLAND MONTGOMERY JERSEY EFFINGHAM JASPER FAYETTE MADISON BOND CRAWFORD CLAY 4 CLINTON ST. CLAIR WASHINGTON MONROE RANDOLPH LAWRENCE MARION RICHLAND WABASH WAYNE EDWARDS JEFFERSON PERRY HAMILTON WHITE FRANKLIN JACKSON WILLIAMSON UNION JOHNSON PULASKI 10 SALINE GALLATIN POPE HARDIN live webinar Registration Form Fax: 866-521-3591 | Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 | Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit TECHNICAL WEBINARS: These webinar presentations focus on education, not sales of a proprietary item or service. To submit an abstract for consideration, visit > training > present training ENGINEERING POWER-HOUR WEBINARS: These webinars will be product and service specific, with learning objectives included. To submit an abstract for consideration, visit > training > present training Webinars are approved by IEPA and Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). rtc HOURS (for water operators) IEPA# TIME (cst) Page 34 ................ 9969........ 1.00............ 12:00-1:00 PM.......... □□ Jan-06........Introduction to Wastewater Microbiology.................. Date WEBINAR title ................ 34 □□ Jan-20........Sprint Spireon - Fleetlocate FL7 Engineering.............12:00-1:00 PM..........1.00............ N/A.......... Power Hour ................ 34 □□ Jan-27........Monitoring for Cyanotoxins in Source & Drinking...12:00-1:00 PM..........1.00............ 9974........ Water ................ 34 □□ Feb-03.......Introduction to Filamentous Bacteria Identification...12:00-1:00 PM..........1.00............ 9970........ ................ 34 □□ Feb-24.......Illinois Water and Wastewater Rates Dashboard.........12:00-1:00 PM..........1.00............ N/A.......... ................ 34 □□ Mar-02......Wastewater Lagoons...................................................12:00-1:00 PM..........1.00............ 9971........ ................ 34 □□ Apr-06.......Advanced Activated Sludge.........................................12:00-1:00 PM..........1.00............ 9972........ ................ 34 □□ Apr-11.......Nitrate and Nitrite in Drinking Water - A Review......12:00-1:00 PM..........1.00............ N/A.......... of its Importance and Measurement Pricing for Webinars: Member: FREE | Indiana AWWA Member: $25.00 | Nonmember: $30.00 | Nonmember-Day of Webinar: $50.00 PLEASE SELECT □□ Illinois Section AWWA member # - FREE □□ Non-Member: $30 □□ Non-Member (registration day of event): $50 Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number : □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: 11 archive webinar Information Fax: 866-521-3591 | Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 | Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 Missed a live webinar? No problem! Following live webinar dates, all webinars will be available for viewing as an archive webinar from your computer, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Registrants will have up to seven days to complete the webinar upon registration. After registration, attendee will be furnished with all materials and links needed to participate in the webinar. Webinars are FREE for Illinois Section AWWA members, $25 for Indiana Section AWWA members, and $30 for non-members. More than 200 webinars are available to view anytime you have the time! Webinars are approved by IEPA and Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). For more information and online registration, visit Attention Utilities and Service Providers: Sign up for a webinar now, and tell us who watched later! Utilities and Service Providers have the opportunity to sign up for both live and archived webinars as a "webinar site." There is NO limit to the number of Utility or Service Provider employees that can view the webinar as a webinar site. In order to sign up as a webinar site, one main webinar site contact must fill out the registration form at Upon registration, Illinois Section AWWA will email the webinar site contact all of the webinar materials including instructions, attendee sign-in sheet and webinar viewing link. The webinar site contact will be responsible for organizing and proctoring the webinar viewing, making sure all attendees sign in on the provided sign-in sheet, and returning the sign-in sheet to Illinois Section AWWA staff after the webinar. Illinois Section AWWA will then issue the training credit hours to those that participated in the full webinar. For those that are non member Utilities or Service Providers, Illinois Section AWWA will send the webinar site contact a bill in the amount of $100 per webinar upon registration. All Illinois Section AWWA member types can watch a webinar free at any time. To see if you are a Utility or Service Provider member, follow this link to see if your name is on this list at To register as a “webinar site” visit: 12 Member Type Rate to be Billed number of Attendees Member: ISAWWA Utility/Service Provider $0.00 unlimited Non-Member $100 per webinar unlimited Online learning Registration Form: Page 1 of 2 Fax: 866-521-3591 | Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 | Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit online learning: Illinois Section AWWA now offers a variety of self-paced, online courses. All you need is a computer connected to the internet and the suggested textbooks (can be purchased separately through Illinois Section AWWA). One year AWWA membership at the operator level is included when you sign up as a non member. Additional course information can be found online at ONLINE Course Title rtc HOURS total (for water course operators) hours IEPa# time to complete isAWWA Member/ Non Mem. □□ 3003: Water Distribution Systems........................................ 64.00 ............ 64.00 ........... 5445......... 12 months...........$224/$304 □□ 3004: Water Treatment I....................................................... 64.00 ............ 64.00 ........... 5446......... 12 months...........$224/$304 □□ 3005: Water Treatment II..................................................... 64.00 ............ 64.00 ........... 5447......... 12 months...........$224/$304 □□ 3006: Water Analysis............................................................ 48.00 ............ 48.00 ........... 5256......... 12 months...........$168/$248 □□ 3007: Water/Wastewater - Permits & Administration........... 16.00 ............ 16.00 ........... 9674......... 12 months...........$112/$192 □□ 3008: Water/Wastewater - Pumps, Maintenance & Safety.... 48.00 ............ 48.00 ........... 5254......... 12 months...........$168/$248 □□ 3009: Water Treatment: Coagulation & Flocculation............ 10.00 ............ 10.00 ........... 5265......... 02 months...........$100/$180 □□ 3010: Water Treatment: Filtration......................................... 10.00 ............ 10.00 ........... 5250......... 02 months...........$100/$180 □□ 3011: Water Treatment: Fluoridation.................................... 10.00 ............ 10.00 ........... 5251......... 02 months...........$100/$180 □□ 3012: Water Treatment: Iron & Manganese.......................... 05.00 ............ 05.00 ........... 5252......... 02 months.............$70/$150 □□ 3013: Water Treatment: Sedimentation................................. 10.00 ............ 10.00 ........... 5255......... 02 months...........$100/$180 □□ 3014: Water Distribution Systems: Valves, Mains, & Meters. 10.00 ............ 10.00 ........... 5257......... 02 months...........$100/$180 □□ 3015: Water Distribution Systems: Water Mains................... 10.00 ............ 10.00 ........... 5258......... 02 months...........$100/$180 □□ 3016: Water Treatment: Disinfection.................................... 15.00 ............ 15.00 ........... 8512......... 02 months...........$105/$185 □□ 3017: Water Treatment: Intro: Water Sources & Treatment..... 20.00 ............ 20.00 ........... 5263......... 12 months...........$120/$200 □□ 3018: Water Treatment: Quality 10.00 ............ 10.00 ........... 5264......... 02 months...........$100/$180 □□ 3019: OSHA: Cranes............................................................ 2.50 ............ 2.50 ........... 5230......... 02 months...............$45/$55 □□ 3020: OSHA: Demolition.................................................... 2.50 ............ 2.50 ........... 5231......... 02 months...............$45/$55 □□ 3021: OSHA: Excavations.................................................... 2.50 ............ 2.50 ........... 4488......... 02 months...............$45/$55 □□ 3022: OSHA: Welding......................................................... 2.00 ............ 2.00 ........... 4453......... 02 months...............$45/$55 □□ 3023: Laboratory Training: Filtering, Mixing & Sampling.... 1.50 ............ 1.50 ........... 5216......... 02 months...............$45/$55 □□ 3024: Laboratory Training: Glassware & Pipetting............... 1.50 ............ 1.50 ........... 5217......... 02 months...............$45/$55 □□ 3025: Laboratory Training: Safety Practices........................... 1.00 ............ 1.00 ........... 5218......... 02 months...............$45/$55 □□ 3029: Wastewater Analysis.................................................... 48.00 ............ 48.00 ........... 9117......... 12 months...........$168/$248 PLEASE SELECT □□ Illinois Section AWWA member # □□ Non-Member Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number: □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: Visit for more information 13 Online learning Registration Form: Page 2 of 2 Fax: 866-521-3591 | Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 | Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit online learning: Illinois Section AWWA now offers a variety of self-paced, online courses. All you need is a computer connected to the internet and the suggested textbooks (can be purchased separately through Illinois Section AWWA). One year AWWA membership at the operator level is included when you sign up as a non member. Additional course information can be found online at rtc HOURS total (for water course operators) hours ONLINE Course Title IEPa# time to complete isAWWA Member/ Non Mem. □□ 3030: Wastewater Collection Systems................................... 64.00 .............. 64.00 ...........9118......... 12 months........... $224/$304 □□ 3031: Wastewater Treatment - Industrial............................... 64.00 .............. 64.00 ...........9119......... 12 months........... $224/$304 □□ 3032: Wastewater Treatment I.............................................. 64.00 .............. 64.00 ...........9120......... 12 months.......... $224/$304 □□ 3033: Wastewater Treatment II............................................. 64.00 .............. 64.00 ...........9121......... 12 months.......... $224/$304 □□ 3034: Wastewater Treatment: Disinfection & Cholorination......10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........9122......... 02 months.......... $100/$180 □□ 3035: Wastewater Treatment: Fixed Film Process.................. 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........9123......... 02 months.......... $100/$180 □□ 3036: Wastewater Treatment: Pollution Control................... 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........9124......... 02 months.......... $100/$180 □□ 3037: Wastewater Treatment: Pond Systems.......................... 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........9125......... 02 months.......... $100/$180 □□ 3038: Wastewater Treatment: Preliminary Treatment............ 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........9126......... 02 months.......... $100/$180 □□ 3039: Wastewater Treatment: Primary Treatment.................. 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........9127......... 02 months........... $100/$180 □□ 3040: Wastewater Treatment: Suspended Growth Systems.... 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........9128......... 02 months........... $100/$180 □□ 3041: Water Distribution Systems: Distribution Facilities..... 05.00 .............. 05.00 ...........7968......... 02 months........... ..$70/$150 □□ 3042: Water Distribution Systems: Storage Systems.............. 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........7969......... 02 months........... $100/$180 □□ 3043: Water Distribution Systems: System Disinfection....... 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........7970......... 02 months........... $100/$180 □□ 3044: Water Distribution Systems: System O&M................ 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........7971......... 02 months........... $100/$180 □□ 3045: Water Distribution Systems: System Safety................. 10.00 .............. 10.00 ...........7972......... 02 months........... $100/$180 □□ 3046: Water Distribution Systems: Water Quality................ 05.00 .............. 05.00 ...........7973......... 02 months........... ..$70/$150 □□ 3047: Solid Waste Management............................................ 00.00 .............. 60.00 ...........9129......... 12 months........... $210/$290 □□ 3048: Solid Waste Management: Composting Operations.... 00.00 .............. 25.00 ...........9130......... 12 months........... $125/$205 □□ 3049: Solid Waste Management: Landfill Operations........... 00.00 .............. 25.00 ...........9131......... 12 months........... $125/$205 □□ 3050: Energy Conservation - Basic Electrical Concepts........ 60.00 .............. 05.00 ...........7967......... 02 months........... ..$70/$150 □□ 3051: Hazwoper Refresher.................................................... 08.00 .............. 08.00 ...........7963......... 02 months........... ..$96/$176 □□ 3052: Hazwoper Refresher For Supervisors........................... 08.00 .............. 08.00 ...........7964......... 02 months........... ..$96/$176 PLEASE SELECT □□ Illinois Section AWWA member # □□ Non-Member Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: 14 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number: □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: Video/DVD Library Rental Reservation Form Please order one video or series at a time. Video library details can be found at A $200.00 FEE WILL BE ASSESSED FOR ALL UNRETURNED VIDEOS. rtc HOURS isAWWA (for water Member/ Format IEPA# operators) Non Mem. VIDEO/DVD Title □□ 102: Water Treatment Series..................................... VHS............ 5422.............. 0.75............... $10/$20 □□ 103: Water Supply Operations Series: Ozone........... VHS............ 5423.............. 0.75............... $10/$20 □□ 104: Operator Math................................................. VHS............ 5424.............. 0.25............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 105: Case Studies in Source Water........................... VHS............ 5425.............. 0.25............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 106: Routine Coliform Sampling............................. VHS............ 5426.............. 0.25............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 107: Security Risk Assessment for Water Utilities..... VHS............ 5427.............. 3.00............... $10/$20 □□ 110: Automation & Instrumentation....................... VHS............ 5429.............. 3.00............... $10/$20 □□ 111: Taste & Odor in Drinking Water..................... VHS............ 5430.............. 3.00............... $10/$20 □□ 112: Roles & Responsibilities of Operators.............. VHS............ 5431.............. 0.50............... $10/$20 □□ 113: Surface Water Treatment.................................. VHS............ 5432.............. 1.75............... $10/$20 □□ 114: Groundwater Treatment................................... VHS............ 5433.............. 1.75............... $10/$20 □□ 115: Storage & Distribution..................................... VHS............ 5454.............. 1.00............... $10/$20 □□ 116: Monitoring...................................................... VHS............ 5435.............. 0.75............... $10/$20 □□ 117: Managerial Responsibilities.............................. VHS............ 5436.............. 1.00............... $10/$20 □□ 118: Financial Considerations.................................. VHS............ 5437.............. 0.75............... $10/$20 □□ 119: Emergency Preparedness................................... VHS............ 5438.............. 0.25............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 123: Water System Security...................................... VHS............ 1576.............. 1.00............... $10/$20 □□ 125: Emerging Treatment Technologies.................... VHS............ 757................ 3.00............... $10/$20 □□ 126: Operations & Maintenance.............................. VHS............ 5197.............. 3.00............... $10/$20 □□ 127: Maintaining Water Quality.............................. VHS............ 5198.............. 2.75............... $10/$20 □□ 129: The Shrinking Workforce................................. VHS............ n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 130: Emerging Issues in Water Utility...................... VHS............ 1562.............. 2.00............... $10/$20 □□ 131: Innovative Operator Tools................................ VHS............ 2250.............. 2.00............... $10/$20 □□ 132: Excellence in Water Quality Distribution......... VHS............ 5440.............. 3.25............... $10/$20 □□ 133: Basics of Waterborne Pathogens....................... VHS............ 1149.............. 3.00............... $10/$20 PLEASE SELECT □□ Illinois Section AWWA member # □□ Non-Member Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number: □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: 15 Video/DVD Library Rental Reservation Form Please order one video or series at a time. Video library details can be found at A $200.00 FEE WILL BE ASSESSED FOR ALL UNRETURNED VIDEOS. rtc HOURS isAWWA (for water Member/ Format IEPA# operators) Non Mem. VIDEO/DVD Title □□ 134: Water Resource Alternatives............................. VHS............ 5441.............. 3.00............... $10/$20 □□ 137: Satellite Teleconference: Pipeline Repair............ DVD........... 5442.............. 3.00............... $10/$20 □□ 138: Careers in Drinking Water -10 min.................. DVD........... n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 140: The Water Works: Source to Tap - 12 min........ DVD........... n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 141: Modern Marvels: City Water - 50 min. ........... DVD........... n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 142: Habitat Earth, H20 -30 min............................ VHS............ n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 143: Earth Café: Source Water Protection - 24 min..VHS............ n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 144: Whaddya Know About H20 -10 min............... DVD........... n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 145: Science Court -22 min..................................... VHS............ n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 146: Down the Drain -30 min................................. VHS............ n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 147: Liquid Assets -105 min.................................... DVD........... n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 429: Unidirectional Flushing.................................... DVD........... 5244.............. 0.25............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 430: Blue Gold: World Water Wars - 90 min........... DVD........... n/a................. 0.00............... $10/$20 □□ 431: Small Water Systems......................................... DVD........... 5361.............. 7.50............... $30/$50 □□ 432: Water Systems O&M....................................... DVD........... 5456.............. 4.25............... $20/$30 □□ 434: Utility Excavation............................................. DVD........... 5443.............. 0.50............... $10/$20 □□ 437: Operator Chemistry Made Easy....................... DVD........... 5268.............. 0.75............... $10/$20 □□ 438: Operator Math Made Easy............................... DVD........... 5226.............. 0.50............... $10/$20 □□ 439: Pipeline Repair for Water Utilities.................... DVD........... 5520.............. 0.25............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 440: Illinois Section AWWA Drought Workshop..... DVD........... 5536.............. 6.00............... $10/$20 □□ 441: Illinois Drinking Water - Safe, Reliable Secure DVD........... n/a................. 0.00............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 442: Annual Regulatory Update 2013...................... DVD........... 7745.............. 7.00............... $20/$40 □□ 444: Detecting and Silencing Leaks.......................... DVD........... 9109.............. 0.25............... FREE when added to any other video □□ 445: Water Distribution Operator Training Series.... DVD........... 9903.............. 1.00............... $10/$20 PLEASE SELECT □□ Illinois Section AWWA member # □□ Non-Member Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: 16 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number: □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: Want to become a water operator in Illinois? Fax: 866-521-3591 | Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 | Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit Before you can apply and test to become a Class A, B, C or D water operators in Illinois, IEPA requires that you have some experience. Illinois Section AWWA offers courses which qualify for credit towards IEPA required public water supply operator experience. The amount of time credited towards hands-on experience is determined by the IEPA. In Illinois, the drinking water operator certification levels and eligibility are as follows: Class A & B: Requires graduation from high school or equivalent & three years of responsible experience in water supply operation Class C: Requires graduation from high school or equivalent & one year responsible experience in water supply operation Class D: Requires graduation from high school or equivalent & six months responsible experience in water supply operation NEW! Operator-in-Training...... If you don’t have the required hands-on experience you can take the test and become an Operator-in-Training. These courses will help you prepare for the exam. COURSE TITLE Type IEPA# rtc HOURS time to (for water operators) complete isAWWA Member/ Non Mem □□ 3003: Water Distribution Systems.....................................Online................. 5445..........64.00 ............12 months.......... $224/$304 □□ 3004: Water Treatment 1...................................................Online................. 5446..........64.00 ............12 months.......... $224/$304 □□ 3005: Water Treatment 2...................................................Online................. 5447..........64.00 ............12 months.......... $224/$304 □□ 4000: Small Water System O&M......................................Home Study........ 5451..........90.00 ............06 months.......... $200/$280 □□ 4001: Water Distribution System O&M................................Home Study........ 5452..........90.00 ............06 months.......... $200/$280 □□ 4002: Water Treatment Plant Operations: Volume 1.........Home Study........ 5453..........90.00 ............06 months.......... $200/$280 □□ 4003: Water Treatment Plant Operations: Volume 2.........Home Study........ 5454..........90.00 ............06 months.......... $200/$280 □□ 4004: Small Water System Operation & Maintenance......Video Training.... 5455..........30.00 ............03 months.......... $115/$200 □□ 4005: Water System Operation and Maintenance.............Video Training.... 5456..........30.00 ............03 months.......... $115/$200 □□ Jan-20: Water Distribution System Ops & Maintenance....In-Person Seminar 9905..........16.00 ............08 weeks...............$160/250 □□ Mar-12:Water Distribution System Ops & Maintenance...In-Person Seminar 11057........16.00 ............08 weeks............ $210/$300 □□ Sep-21:Water Distribution System Ops & Maintenance.....In-Person Seminar 10007........16.00 ............08 weeks...............$160/250 PLEASE SELECT □□ Illinois Section AWWA member # □□ Non-Member Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number: □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: Visit for more information 17 home study Registration Form Fax: 866-521-3591 | Mail: Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 | Phone: 866-521-3595 x3 For more information and online registration, visit Home Study: Illinois Section AWWA offers a variety of home and video study courses. The format used was developed to serve as a home-study or self-paced instruction where you are your own instructor and work at your own speed. In order to certify that a person has successfully completed this program, objective quizzes and a final exam is provided upon enrollment in this course. One year AWWA membership at the operator level is included when you sign up as a non member. Additional course information can be found online at isAWWA rtc HOURS (for water total time to Member/ time complete Non Mem IEPA# operators) Type COURSE TITLE □□ 4000: Small Water System O&M............................. Home Study...... 5451........ 90.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4001: Water Distribution System O&M.................. Home Study...... 5452........ 90.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4002: Water Treatment Plant Operations: Vol. 1...... Home Study...... 5453........ 90.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4003: Water Treatment Plant Operations: Vol. 2...... Home Study...... 5454........ 90.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4004: Small Water System O&M............................. Video Study...... 5455........ 30.00 ............ 30.00.....03 months...... $115/$200 □□ 4005: Water Distribution System O&M.................. Video Study...... 5456........ 30.00 ............ 30.00.....03 months...... $115/$200 □□ 4006: Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants: Vol. 1.......Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4007: Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants: Vol. 2.......Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4008: Advanced Waste Treatment............................. Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4009: O&M of Wastewater Collection Systems: Vol. 1.......Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4010: O&M of Wastewater Collection Systems: Vol. 2.......Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4011: Small Wastewater System O&M: Vol. 1......... Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4012: Small Wastewater System O&M: Vol. 2......... Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4013: Industrial Waste Treatment: Vol. 1................. Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4014: Industrial Waste Treatment: Vol. 2................. Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 □□ 4015: Treatment of Metal Wastestreams................... Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 45.00.....06 months...... $160/$250 □□ 4016: Pretreatment Facility Inspection..................... Home Study...... n/a............. 0.00 ............ 90.00.....06 months...... $200/$280 PLEASE SELECT □□ Illinois Section AWWA member # □□ Non-Member Name(s): Company/Utility: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email to send certificate/handouts: Email to send invoice/sales receipt: 18 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 PAYMENT INFORMATION □□ Purchase Order Number: □□ Invoice Me □□ Credit Card (Discover, MC, Visa or AMEX) Name on Card: Card #: Expiration Date: Seminars listed by topic: Page 1 of 2 Title Date LOCATION Page 9th Annual Water Distribution Conference.................................... Tuesday, April 19, 2016.................. Addison......................... 26 Annual Regulatory Update............................................................. Thursday, October 13, 2016........... Elgin............................. 31 Backflow Codes, Installation and Repair........................................ Wednesday, May 18, 2016............. Elgin............................. 28 Bearing Basics................................................................................ Tuesday, March 8, 2016................. Lake Bluff...................... 25 Thursday, August 25, 2016............. Park Forest.................... 30 Breakpoint Chlorination...Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine Residual..... Tuesday, May 10, 2016.................. McHenry...................... 27 Thursday, May 19, 2016................. Rockford....................... 28 Thursday, November 3, 2016......... Rochelle........................ 32 Chemical Properties, Safety & Security.......................................... Thursday, May 12, 2016................. O’Fallon........................ 27 Tuesday, August 23, 2016............... Moweaqua..................... 30 Construction And Operation Of A Municipal Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse System...................................................... Thursday, September 22, 2016....... Cortland....................... 30 Control Valves................................................................................ Wednesday, June 1, 2016............... Lake Bluff...................... 28 Thursday, June 2, 2016................... Park Forest.................... 28 Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities..................... Tues/Wed, April 12-13, 2016......... Springfield..................... 26 Tues/Wed, June 7-8, 2016.............. Elmhurst....................... 29 Tues/Wed, November 1-2, 2016.... TBD............................. 32 Effective Backflow Programs........................................................... Wednesday, January 20, 2016......... Chicago......................... 23 Electrical Fundamentals for Water & Wastewater Workshop.......... Thursdays, February 4-25, 2016..... Elgin............................. 24 Emergency Repair Strategies and How Proper Installation Can Avoid the Need for Them..................................... Thursday, September 29, 2016....... Elk Grove...................... 31 Evaluating CCTV Videos............................................................... Thursday, October 20, 2016........... Moline.......................... 31 Thursday, November 17, 2016....... O’Fallon........................ 32 Generators: Increasing Your Reliability through Proper Maintenance.....Tuesday, May 17, 2016.................. Mount Prospect............. 27 Tuesday, September 20, 2016......... Plainfield....................... 30 Getting Beyond AMI: Delivering Benefits for Customer and Utility Value.. Tuesday, February 23, 2016............ Elmhurst....................... 24 Hands-On Water Quality Lab Testing............................................ Thursday, January 21, 2016............ Highland Park............... 23 Harmful Algal Blooms................................................................... Thursday, March 3, 2016............... Lake Bluff...................... 24 Thursday, March 10, 2016............. Springfield..................... 25 Hydrant Flushing & Maintenance.................................................. Tuesday, April 26, 2016.................. Morris........................... 26 Hydrant Flushing & Valve Assessment Programs............................ Thursday, February 18, 2016.......... Mount Prospect............. 24 Tuesday, May 24, 2016.................. Westmont..................... 28 Main Breaks, Boil Orders & Emergency Water Management Practices..... Tuesday, May 17, 2016.................. Pittsfield........................ 28 Mechanical Seals............................................................................ Thursday, January 28, 2016............ Park Forest.................... 23 Tuesday, August 16, 2016............... Lake Bluff...................... 29 Meters & Metering Systems........................................................... Thursday, August 4, 2016............... Elmhurst....................... 29 On-Site Oxidant Generation & Chemical Feed Pump Tech Update....Thursday, April 21, 2016................ Mattoon........................ 26 Operator Math for Class C/D........................................................ Thursday, May 5, 2016................... St. Charles..................... 27 Tuesday, August 30, 2016............... St. Charles..................... 30 Visit for more information 19 Seminars listed by topic: Page 2 of 2 Title Date LOCATION Page Pumps & Pumping Workshop.......................................................Tuesdays, April 26-May 17, 2016... Lake Bluff...................... 26 Pumps and Pump Maintenance......................................................Tuesday, February 2, 2016.............. Carpentersville.............. 23 Tuesday, February 2, 2016.............. Decatur......................... 24 Thursday, June 2, 2016................... Fox Lake........................ 29 Tuesday, October 18, 2016............. Channahon................... 31 Tuesday, October 25, 2016............. O’Fallon........................ 31 Tuesday, November 15, 2016......... Rockford....................... 32 Safety Summit - Save the Date!......................................................Tuesday, December 6, 2016........... TBD............................. 32 SCADA 101...................................................................................Tuesday, April 5, 2016.................... Lombard....................... 25 Science of Jetting............................................................................Tuesday, April 12, 2016.................. O’Fallon........................ 26 Thursday, June 9, 2016................... Moline.......................... 29 Small Systems Operator Training....................................................Thursday, May 5, 2016................... Dieterich....................... 27 Thursday, May 19, 2016................. Downs........................... 28 Tank Operation & Maintenance....................................................Thursday, January 28, 2016............ Danville........................ 23 Thursday, November 10, 2016....... Macomb........................ 32 Treatment Processes at the Jardine Water Purification Plant (JWPP)....Thursday, April 7, 2016.................. Chicago......................... 25 Using SCADA for Optimized Process and Operations...................Thursday, October 6, 2016............. Park Forest.................... 31 Utility Management Workshop......................................................Wednesdays, April 6-May 11, 2016... Westmont..................... 25 Wastewater Treatment 101.............................................................Wednesday, January 13, 2016......... Joliet............................. 23 Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance...................Weds., Jan. 20-Mar. 9, 2016........... Westmont..................... 23 Sat., Mar. 12-Apr. 30, 2016............ Tinley Park.................... 25 Weds., Sept. 21-Nov. 9, 2016......... Westmont..................... 30 Water Loss and Hands-On Meter Testing & Leak Detection..........Tuesday, May 10, 2016.................. Danville........................ 27 Tuesday, June 7, 2016.................... Rochelle........................ 29 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class A & B...........................Thursday, October 27, 2016........... Elgin............................. 31 Wed/Thurs, December 7-8, 2016... Evanston....................... 32 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D..........................Tuesday, March 1, 2016................. Rockford....................... 24 Wed/Thurs, April 13-14, 2016....... Evanston....................... 26 Thursday, August 18, 2016............. Elgin............................. 30 Water Treatment Plant (WTP): Pumps, Piping & Hydraulics.......Thursday, April 28, 2016................ Elgin............................. 27 Water/Sewer Plans 101...................................................................Tuesday, March 1, 2016................. Greenville...................... 24 Tuesday, August 9, 2016................. Westmont..................... 29 WATERCON2016........................................................................Mon-Thurs, March 21-24, 2016.... Springfield..................... 24 20 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 Seminars listed by location: Page 1 of 2 location Date TiTLE Page Addison..................... Tuesday, April 19, 2016.......................... 9th Annual Water Distribution Conference................................ 26 Carpentersville.......... Tuesday, February 2, 2016...................... Pumps and Pump Maintenance.................................................. 23 Channahon............... Tuesday, October 18, 2016..................... Pumps and Pump Maintenance.................................................. 31 Chicago..................... Wednesday, January 20, 2016................. Effective Backflow Programs..................................................................23 Thursday, April 7, 2016.......................... Treatment Processes at the Jardine Water Purification Plant.................25 Cortland................... Thursday, September 22, 2016............... Construction And Operation Of A Municipal Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse System.................................................. 30 Danville.................... Thursday, January 28, 2016.................... Tank Operation & Maintenance................................................ 23 Tuesday, May 10, 2016.......................... Water Loss and Hands-On Meter Testing & Leak Detection...... 27 Decatur..................... Tuesday, February 2, 2016...................... Pumps and Pump Maintenance.................................................. 24 Dieterich................... Thursday, May 5, 2016........................... Small Systems Operator Training................................................ 27 Downs....................... Thursday, May 19, 2016......................... Small Systems Operator Training................................................ 28 Elgin......................... Thursdays, February 4-25, 2016............. Thursday, April 28, 2016........................ Wednesday, May 18, 2016..................... Thursday, August 18, 2016..................... Thursday, October 13, 2016................... Thursday, October 27, 2016................... Electrical Fundamentals for Water & Wastewater Workshop...... 24 Water Treatment Plant (WTP): Pumps, Piping & Hydraulics... 27 Backflow Codes, Installation and Repair.................................... 28 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D...................... 30 Annual Regulatory Update......................................................... 31 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class A & B....................... 31 Elk Grove.................. Thursday, September 29, 2016............... Emergency Repair Strategies and How Proper Installation Can Avoid the Need for Them........................................................... 31 Elmhurst................... Tuesday, February 23, 2016.................... Getting Beyond AMI: Delivering Benefits for Customer & Utility Value... 24 Tues., June 7-Wed., June 8, 2016........... Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities................. 29 Thursday, August 4, 2016....................... Meters & Metering Systems....................................................... 29 Evanston................... Wed., April 13-Thurs., April 14, 2016.... Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D...................... 26 Wed., Dec. 7-Thurs., Dec. 8, 2016......... Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class A & B...................... 32 Fox Lake.................... Thursday, June 2, 2016........................... Pumps and Pump Maintenance.................................................. 29 Greenville.................. Tuesday, March 1, 2016......................... Water/Sewer Plans 101............................................................... 24 Highland Park........... Thursday, January 21, 2016.................... Hands-On Water Quality Lab Testing........................................ 23 Joliet......................... Wednesday, January 13, 2016................. Wastewater Treatment 101......................................................... 23 Lake Bluff.................. Thursday, March 3, 2016....................... Tuesday, March 8, 2016......................... Tuesday, April 26 - May 17, 2016.......... Wednesday, June 1, 2016....................... Tuesday, August 16, 2016....................... Harmful Algal Blooms............................................................... 24 Bearing Basics............................................................................ 25 Pumps & Pumping Workshop................................................... 26 Control Valves............................................................................ 28 Mechanical Seals........................................................................ 29 Lombard................... Tuesday, April 5, 2016............................ SCADA 101............................................................................... 25 Macomb.................... Thursday, November 10, 2016............... Tank Operation & Maintenance................................................ 32 Mattoon.................... Thursday, April 21, 2016........................ On-Site Oxidant Generation & Chemical Feed Pump Technology Update.................................................................... 26 McHenry.................. Tuesday, May 10, 2016.......................... Breakpoint Chlorination … Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine Residual....................................................................... 27 Visit for more information 21 Seminars listed by location: Page 2 of 2 location Date title Page Moline......................Thursday, June 9, 2016........................... Science of Jetting........................................................................ 29 Thursday, October 20, 2016................... Evaluating CCTV Videos........................................................... 31 Morris.......................Tuesday, April 26, 2016.......................... Hydrant Flushing & Maintenance.............................................. 26 Mount Prospect.........Thursday, February 18, 2016.................. Hydrant Flushing & Valve Assessment Programs........................ 24 Tuesday, May 17, 2016.......................... Generators: Increasing Your Reliability through Proper Maintenance.......27 Moweaqua.................Tuesday, August 23, 2016....................... Chemical Properties, Safety & Security...................................... 30 O’Fallon....................Tuesday, April 12, 2016.......................... Science of Jetting........................................................................ 26 Thursday, May 12, 2016......................... Chemical Properties, Safety & Security...................................... 27 Tuesday, October 25, 2016..................... Pumps and Pump Maintenance.................................................. 31 Thursday, November 17, 2016............... Evaluating CCTV Videos........................................................... 32 Park Forest................Thursday, January 28, 2016.................... Mechanical Seals........................................................................ 23 Thursday, June 2, 2016........................... Control Valves............................................................................ 28 Thursday, August 25, 2016..................... Bearing Basics............................................................................ 30 Thursday, October 6, 2016..................... Using SCADA for Optimized Process and Operations............... 31 Pittsfield....................Tuesday, May 17, 2016.......................... Main Breaks, Boil Orders & Emergency Water Management Practices..................................................................................... 28 Plainfield...................Tuesday, September 20, 2016................. Generators: Increasing Your Reliability through Proper Maintenance.............................................................................. 30 Rochelle....................Tuesday, June 7, 2016............................ Water Loss and Hands-On Meter Testing & Leak Detection...... 29 Thursday, November 3, 2016................. Breakpoint Chlorination…Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine ........32 Rockford...................Tuesday, March 1, 2016......................... Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D...................... 24 Thursday, May 19, 2016......................... Breakpoint Chlorination…Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine.........28 Tuesday, November 15, 2016................. Pumps and Pump Maintenance.................................................. 32 Springfield.................Thursday, March 10, 2016..................... Harmful Algal Blooms............................................................... 25 Mon.-Thurs. Mar. 21-24, 2016.............. WATERCON2016.................................................................... 25 Tues/Wed., April 12-13, 2016................ Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities................. 26 St. Charles.................Thursday, May 5, 2016........................... Operator Math for Class C/D.................................................... 27 Tuesday, August 30, 2016....................... Operator Math for Class C/D.................................................... 30 TBD.........................Tuesday, November 1-2, 2016................ Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities................. 32 Tuesday, December 6, 2016................... Safety Summit - Save the Date!.................................................. 32 Tinley Park................Sat., March 12-April 30, 2016............... Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance............... 25 Westmont.................Wed., January 20 - March 9, 2016......... Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance............... 23 Wed., April 6 - May 11, 2016................ Utility Management Workshop.................................................. 25 Tuesday, May 24, 2016.......................... Hydrant Flushing & Valve Assessment Programs........................ 28 Tuesday, August 9, 2016......................... Water/Sewer Plans 101............................................................... 29 Wed., Sept. 21-Nov. 9, 2016.................. Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance............... 30 22 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 wednesday, January 13, 2016 Wastewater Treatment 101 City of Joliet Westside 4000 Channahon Rd., Joliet, IL 60436 wednesday, January 20, 2016 Effective Backflow Programs City of Chicago 2045 W. Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60612 wednesday, January 20 - March 9 Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance Village of Westmont 39 East Burlington, Westmont, IL 60559 thursday, January 21, 2016 Hands-On Water Quality Lab Testing City of Highland Park Water Treatment Plant 1707 St Johns Avenue, Highland Park, IL 60035 thursday, January 28, 2016 Mechanical Seals Park Forest Village Hall 350 Victory Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 thursday, january 28, 2016 Tank Operation & Maintenance AQUA Illinois 1300 West Fairchild St., Danville, IL 61832 Tuesday, february 2, 2016 Pumps and Pump Maintenance Village of Carpentersville 1075 Tamarac Dr., Carpentersville, IL 60110 e REGIS ST tim A TR e RT A TION - END / ic n r si te c T /pd h h o u rs COU IE RSEPA ID # n o n M -m em ea em b la e r te re ly be r g o u bir r / r la d pr o REDIrt TRAINING SCHEDULE C Seminar 4.00 Hrs. #9963 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10062 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 16.00 Hrs. #9905 $150.00 / $240.00 $160.00 / $250.00 $170.00 / $260.00 6:00 PM 6:30 - 8:30 PM 4.00 Hrs. #9964 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9966 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9977 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10013 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included Visit for more information 23 Tuesday, february 2, 2016 Pumps and Pump Maintenance City of Decatur - South Water Treatment Plant 1155 S Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Decatur, IL Thursday, february 4-25, 2016 Electrical Fundamentals for Water & Wastewater Workshop Riverside Water Treatment Plant 375 West River Road, Elgin, IL 60123 Thursday, february 18, 2016 Hydrant Flushing & Valve Assessment Programs Mt Prospect Public Works 1720 W. Central, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Tuesday, february 23, 2016 Getting Beyond AMI: Delivering Benefits for Customer and Utility Value DuPage Water Commission 600 E. Butterfield Rd., Elmhurst, IL 60126 e thursday, March 3, 2016 Harmful Algal Blooms CLCJAWA 200 Rockland Rd., Lake Bluff, IL 60044 24 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 REGIS ST tim A TR e RT A TION - END 4.00 Hrs. #10050 24.00 Hrs. #9967 4.00 Hrs. #10036 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10051 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included #9978 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10052 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9979 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included tuesday, March 1, 2016 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D 4.00 Hrs. City of Rockford Water Division 1111 Cedar St., Rockford, IL 61112 tuesday, March 1, 2016 Water/Sewer Plans 101 City of Greenville, Fire Department 1110 E. Harris Ave., Greenville, IL 62246 / ic n r si te c T /pd h h o u rs COU IE RSEPA ID # n o n M -m em ea em b la e r te re ly be r g o u bir r / r la d pr o REDIrt TRAINING SCHEDULE C Seminar $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included $315.00 / $510.00 7:30 AM $325.00 / $520.00 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM $335.00 / $530.00 Breakfast & Lunch & Textbook Included e REGIS ST tim A TR e RT A TION - END / ic n r si te c T /pd h h o u rs COU IE RSEPA ID # n o n M -m em ea em b la e r te re ly be r g o u bir r / r la d pr o REDIrt C For more information including event details and online registration, visit tuesday, March 8, 2016 Bearing Basics CLCJAWA 200 Rockland Rd., Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Thursday, march 10, 2016 Harmful Algal Blooms Springfield CWLP 200 East Lake Dr., Springfield, IL 62712 4.00 Hrs. #9968 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9981 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included saturday, march 12 - April 30, 2016 Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance Tinley Park Police Dept 7850 W 183rd Street Tinley Park, IL 60477 16.00 Hrs. #10057 $200.00 / $290.00 7:30 AM $210.00 / $300.00 8:00 - 10:00 AM $220.00 / $310.00 Breakfast & Textbook Included monday, march 21 - March 24, 2016 WATERCON2016 Crowne Plaza Hotel 3000 S. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62703 Earn up to Various 22.5 Hrs tuesday, april 5, 2016 SCADA 101 Village of Lombard 255 E. Wilson Ave., Lombard, IL 60148 wednesday, april 6 - may 11 Utility Management Workshop Village of Westmont 39 East Burlington, Westmont, IL 60559 Thursday, april 7, 2016 Treatment Processes at the Jardine Water Purification Plant (JWPP) Jardine Water Purification Plant 1000 E. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60611 4.00 Hrs. #10034 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 12.00 Hrs. #9982 $96.00 / $150.00 $106.00 / $160.00 $116.00 / $170.00 6:00 PM 6:30 - 8:30 PM 3.00 Hrs. #10035 $24.00/$38.00 $34.00 / $48.00 No On-Site 8:30 AM 9:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included Visit for more information 25 tues, april 12 - Wed., April 13, 2016 Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities Springfield CWLP 200 East Lake Dr., Springfield, IL 62712 Tuesday, april 12, 2016 Science of Jetting Fire Station, Community Room 1215 Taylor Rd., O’Fallon, IL 62269 e Thursday, april 21, 2016 On-Site Oxidant Generation & Chemical Feed Pump Technology Update City of Mattoon 2941 Lake Rd., Mattoon, IL 61938 Tuesday, april 26, 2016 Hydrant Flushing & Maintenance City of Morris 700 N. Division St., Morris, IL 60450 Tuesday, april 26 - May 17, 2016 Pumps & Pumping Workshop CLCJAWA 200 Rockland Rd., Lake Bluff, IL 60044 26 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 / c te si 16.00 Hrs. #3816 $20.00 / $20.00 $20.00 / $20.00 No On-Site 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - 4 PM Breakfast & Lunch Included 4.00 Hrs. #9983 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included wed., april 13 - thurs, April 14, 2016 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D 12.00 Hrs. City of Evanston 555 Lincoln St., Evanston, IL 60201 tuesday, april 19, 2016 9th Annual Water Distribution Conference Medinah Banquets 550 Shriners Dr., Addison, IL 60101 RE time STGISTR A RT A - E TION ND TRAINING SCHEDULE CR r ED tc IT /pd h h o u rs COURS IE PA E ID # n o n M -memem ea be la r te re ly be r o gu bir r / r la d p o r ri n Seminar #9984 $175.00 / $315.00 7:30 AM $185.00 / $325.00 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM $195.00 / $335.00 Breakfast, Lunch & Textbook Included 5.00 Hrs. #9985 $48.00 / $75.00 7:30 AM $58.00 / $85.00 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM $68.00 / $95.00 Breakfast & Lunch Included 4.00 Hrs. #10053 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9987 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 24.00 Hrs. #9986 $315.00 / $510.00 7:30 AM $325.00 / $520.00 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM $335.00 / $530.00 Breakfast, Lunch & Textbook Included e thursday, may 5, 2016 Operator Math for Class C/D ISAWWA 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL60174 thursday, may 5, 2016 Small Systems Operator Training Village of Dieterich 108 S Main St., Dieterich, IL 62424 Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Breakpoint Chlorination…Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine Residual City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Dr., McHenry, IL 60050 tuesday, may 17, 2016 Generators: Increasing Your Reliability through Proper Maintenance Mt Prospect Public Works 1720 W. Central, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 RE time STGISTR A RT A - E TION ND te si 4.00 Hrs. #9988 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9991 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 8.00 Hrs. #9992 $00.00 / $00.00 7:30 AM $00.00 / $00.00 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM $00.00 / $00.00 Breakfast & Lunch Included 4.00 Hrs. #10046 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 #9993 $24.00/$38.00 7:30 AM $34.00/$48.00 8:00 AM-11:00 AM $44.00/$58.00 Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9994 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10056 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included tuesday, May 10, 2016 Water Loss and Hands-On Meter Testing & Leak 3.00 Hrs. Detection AQUA Illinois 1300 West Fairchild St., Danville, IL 61832 thursday, may 12, 2016 Chemical Properties, Safety & Security Fire Station, Community Room 1215 Taylor Rd., O’Fallon, IL 62269 / c Thursday, april 28, 2016 Water Treatment Plant (WTP): Pumps, Piping & Hydraulics Riverside Water Treatment Plant 375 West River Rd., Elgin, IL 60123 CR r ED tc IT /pd h h o u rs COURS IE PA E ID # n o n M -memem ea be la r te re ly be r o gu bir r / r la d p o r ri n For more information including event details and online registration, visit 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included Visit for more information 27 tuesday, may 17, 2016 Main Breaks, Boil Orders & Emergency Water Management Practices City of Pittsfield Water Treatment Plant 365th Street, Pittsfield, IL 62363 wednesday, may 18, 2016 Backflow Codes, Installation and Repair Test Gauge & Backflow Supply, Inc 2587 Millennium Dr Unit K2, Elgin, IL 60124 e thursday, may 24, 2016 Hydrant Flushing & Valve Assessment Programs Village of Westmont Water Department 39 East Burlington, Westmont, IL 60559 wednesday, june 1, 2016 Control Valves CLCJAWA 200 Rockland Rd., Lake Bluff, IL 60044 thursday, june 2, 2016 Control Valves Park Forest Village Hall 350 Victory Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 28 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 / c te si 4.00 Hrs. #10054 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9995 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 4:30 PM 5:00 - 9:00 PM Dinner Included #9996 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 8.00 Hrs. #9997 $00.00 / $00.00 7:30 AM $00.00 / $00.00 8:00 AM - 4:30PM $00.00 / $00.00 Breakfast & Lunch Included 4.00 Hrs. #9998 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9999 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10000 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included thursday, may 19, 2016 Breakpoint Chlorination … Do you Really Have 4.00 Hrs. a Free Chlorine Residual City of Rockford Water Division 1111 Cedar St., Rockford, IL 61112 thursday, may 19, 2016 Small Systems Operator Training Village of Downs Fire Department 102 W Main St., Downs, IL 61736 RE time STGISTR A RT A - E TION ND TRAINING SCHEDULE CR r ED tc IT /pd h h o u rs COURS IE PA E ID # n o n M -memem ea be la r te re ly be r o gu bir r / r la d p o r ri n Seminar e tues, june 7 - wed., June 8, 2016 Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities DuPage Water Commission 600 E. Butterfield Rd., Elmhurst, IL 60126 thursday, august 4, 2016 Meters & Metering Systems DuPage Water Commission 600 E. Butterfield Rd., Elmhurst, IL 60126 tuesday, august 9, 2016 Water/Sewer Plans 101 Village of Westmont Water Department 39 East Burlington, Westmont, IL 60559 tuesday, august 16, 2016 Mechanical Seals CLCJAWA 200 Rockland Rd., Lake Bluff, IL 60044 RE time STGISTR A RT A - E TION ND te si 4.00 Hrs. #10014 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 16.00 Hrs. #3816 $20.00 / $20.00 7:30 AM $20.00 / $20.00 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM No On-Site Breakfast & Lunch Included #10041 $24.00 / $38.00 7:30 AM $34.00 / $48.00 8:00 AM-11:00 AM $44.00 / $58.00 Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10039 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10001 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10002 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10003 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included tuesday, june 7, 2016 Water Loss and Hands-On Meter Testing & Leak 3.00 Hrs. Detection City of Rochelle 910 Technology Parkway, Rochelle, IL 61068 thursday, june 9, 2016 Science of Jetting Moline Water Treatment Plant 30 18th St., Moline, IL 61265 / c thursday, june 2, 2016 Pumps and Pump Maintenance Village of Fox Lake 200 Industrial Ave., Fox Lake, IL 60020 CR r ED tc IT /pd h h o u rs COURS IE PA E ID # n o n M -memem ea be la r te re ly be r o gu bir r / r la d p o r ri n For more information including event details and online registration, visit 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included Visit for more information 29 e Tuesday, august 23, 2016 Chemical Properties, Safety & Security Village of Moweaqua 122 N. Main St., Moweaqua, IL 62550 thursday, august 25, 2016 Bearing Basics Park Forest Village Hall 350 Victory Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 tuesday, august 30, 2016 Operator Math for Class C/D ISAWWA 545 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 tuesday, septmeber 20, 2016 Generators: Increasing Your Reliability through Proper Maintenance Plainfield Village Hall 24401 W. Lockport St., Plainfield, IL 60544 wednesday, sept. 21 - Nov. 9, 2016 Water Distribution System Operation & Maintenance Village of Westmont 39 East Burlington, Westmont, IL 60559 thursday, septmeber 22, 2016 Construction And Operation Of A Municipal Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse System Cortland Wastewater Reclamation & Reuse Facility 660 E. North Ave., Cortland, IL 60112 30 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 / c te si thursday, august 18, 2016 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class C & D 4.00 Hrs. Riverside Water Treatment Plant 375 West River Rd., Elgin, IL 60123 RE time STGISTR A RT A - E TION ND TRAINING SCHEDULE CR r ED tc IT /pd h h o u rs COURS IE PA E ID # n o n M -memem ea be la r te re ly be r o gu bir r / r la d p o r ri n Seminar #10004 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10005 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9980 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10006 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10049 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 16.00 Hrs. #10007 $150.00 / $240.00 $160.00 / $250.00 $170.00 / $260.00 3.00 Hrs. #10008 $24.00 / $38.00 $34.00 / $48.00 $44.00 / $58.00 6:00 PM 6:30 - 8:30 PM 7:30 AM 8:00 - 11:00 AM Breakfast Included e thursday, october 6, 2016 Using SCADA for Optimized Process and Operations Park Forest Village Hall 350 Victory Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 thursday, october 13, 2016 Annual Regulatory Update The Centre of Elgin, Heritage Ballroom 100 Symphony Way, Elgin, IL 60123 tuesday, october 18, 2016 Pumps and Pump Maintenance Village of Channahon, Police Training Room 24555 South Navajo Dr., Channahon, IL 60410 thursday, october 20, 2016 Evaluating CCTV Videos Moline Water Treatment Plant 30 18th St., Moline, IL 61265 tuesday, october 25, 2016 Pumps and Pump Maintenance Fire Station, Community Room 1215 Taylor Rd., O’Fallon, IL 62269 RE time STGISTR A RT A - E TION ND te si / c thursday, septmeber 29, 2016 Emergency Repair Strategies and How Proper Installation Can Avoid the Need for Them Zettek Municipal Complex 901 Wellington Ave., Elk Grove, IL 60007 CR r ED tc IT /pd h h o u rs COURS IE PA E ID # n o n M -memem ea be la r te re ly be r o gu bir r / r la d p o r ri n For more information including event details and online registration, visit 4.00 Hrs. #10047 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10009 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 5.00 Hrs. #10016 $48.00 / $75.00 7:30 AM $58.00 / $85.00 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM $68.00 / $95.00 Breakfast & Lunch Included 4.00 Hrs. #10055 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10048 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #9965 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included #10010 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included thursday, october 27, 2016 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class A & B 4.00 Hrs. Riverside Water Treatment Plant 375 West River Rd., Elgin, IL 60123 Visit for more information 31 tuesday, november 1-2, 2016 Disaster Management for Water/Wastewater Utilities - Save the Date! Location TBD thursday, november 3, 2016 Breakpoint Chlorination…Do you Really Have a Free Chlorine Residual City of Rochelle 910 Technology Parkway, Rochelle, IL 61068 thursday, november 10, 2016 Tank Operation & Maintenance Macomb City Hall, Community Room, 1st Floor 232 East Jackson St., Macomb, IL 61455 tuesday, November 15, 2016 Pumps and Pump Maintenance City of Rockford Water Division 1111 Cedar St., Rockford, IL 61112 Thursday, november 17, 2016 Evaluating CCTV Videos Fire Station, Community Room 1215 Taylor Rd., O’Fallon, IL 62269 tuesday, december 6, 2016 Safety Summit - Save the Date! Location TBD e / c te si 16.00 Hrs. #3816 $20.00 / $20.00 7:30 AM $20.00 / $20.00 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM No On-Site Breakfast & Lunch Included 4.00 Hrs. #10037 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10040 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10015 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. #10011 $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included 4.00 Hrs. TBD $32.00 / $50.00 $42.00 / $60.00 $52.00 / $70.00 7:30 AM 8:00 AM - Noon Breakfast Included Wed., dec 7 - Thurs., Dec 8, 2016 Water Operator Exam Refresher for Class A & B 12.00 Hrs. #10012 City of Evanston 555 Lincoln St., Evanston, IL 60201 32 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 RE time STGISTR A RT A - E TION ND TRAINING SCHEDULE CR r ED tc IT /pd h h o u rs COURS IE PA E ID # n o n M -memem ea be la r te re ly be r o gu bir r / r la d p o r ri n Seminar $175.00/$315.00 7:30 AM $185.00/$325.00 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM $195.00/$335.00 Breakfast, Lunch & Textbook Included Host Training for In-Person Seminars at YOUR utility or city/village building! Illinois Section AWWA is looking for utilities to host in-person seminars. All you need is enough space to hold 12 - 20 people, tables, chairs and a projector screen or white wall. As a host, you may send up to 4 people from your utility FREE to earn hours towards their operator license! To sign up to be a host for future training visit: save the date! 2016 isawwa summer VISITATION DAY 9 2 8 2 July 28-29, 2016 Moline, IL 33 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 Visit for more information 33 END c T /pd h h o u rs COU IE P RSE A ID # ST t A im RT - e C TRAINING SCHEDULE REDIrt w e ty bin pe ar Webinar wednesday, January 6, 2016 Introduction to Wastewater Microbiology Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. #9969 Noon - 1:00 PM wednesday, January 20, 2016 Sprint Spireon - Fleetlocate FL7 Engineering Power Hour Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. TBD Noon - 1:00 PM Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. #9974 Noon - 1:00 PM Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Introduction to Filamentous Bacteria Identification Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. #9970 Noon - 1:00 PM wednesday, february 24, 2016 Benchmarking Residential Rates for Small Water Systems www.isawwa/org/event/02-24-16 Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. #10079 Noon - 1:00 PM Wednesday, march 2, 2016 Wastewater Lagoons Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. #9971 Noon - 1:00 PM Wednesday, april 6, 2016 Advanced Activated Sludge Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. #9972 Noon - 1:00 PM Technical Webinar 1.00 Hr. #9973 Noon - 1:00 PM wednesday, January 27, 2016 Monitoring for Cyanotoxins in Source & Drinking Water monday, april 11, 2016 Nitrate and Nitrite in Drinking Water A Review of its Importance and Measurement PRICING for Webinars Member: $0.00 Indiana AWWA Member: $25.00 34 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 Nonmember: $30.00 Nonmember-Day of Webinar: $50.00 Online Learning Illinois Section AWWA now offers a variety of self-paced, online courses. All you need is a computer connected to the internet and the suggested textbooks (can be purchased separately through Illinois Section AWWA). One year AWWA membership at the operator level is included when you sign up as a non-member. Additional course information can be found online at 3003: Water Distribution Systems - IEPA #5445 Cost ISAWWA Members: $224.00, Non-Members: $304.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 64.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The topics of this course include water storage facilities, operation and maintenance of water mains, water quality issues, disinfection, and safety. 3004: Water Treatment I - IEPA #5446 Cost ISAWWA Members: $224.00, Non-Members: $304.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 64.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include regulatory monitoring, iron and manganese removal, filtration, coagulation, flocculation, fluoridation, and disinfection. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3005: Water Treatment II - IEPA #5447 Cost ISAWWA Members: $224.00, Non-Members: $304.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 64.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will focus on issues of concern to surface water treatment facilities. The topics of this course include reservoir management, taste and odor control, corrosion management, softening, demineralization, and trihalomethanes. Instrumentation and sludge handling and disposal issues are also addressed. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is augmented with audio, photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3006: Water Analysis - IEPA #5256 Cost ISAWWA Members: $168.00, Non-Members: $248.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 48.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will be introduced to basic laboratory safety and gravimetric, spectrophotometric, electrochemical, titrimetric and microbiological methods. The units include instruction on the procedures for regulatory sampling and safety, and specific analytical procedures for total residue, fluoride, pH, ammonia, acidity, alkalinity, calcium, chloride, hardness, and coliform analysis. 3007: Water/Wastewater - Permits & Administration - IEPA #9674 Cost ISAWWA Members: $112.00, Non-Members: $192.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 16.00 Description: Using the Internet students will be able to improve their people skills, operations management, become more familiar with safety issues and responsibilities and the permitting and certification process. 3008: Water/Wastewater - Pumps, Maintenance & Safety - IEPA #5254 Cost ISAWWA Members: $168.00, Non-Members: $248.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 48.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will cover a very broad range of topics including, centrifugal pumps, selection and replacement of packing, seals, hydraulics, operating conditions, preventative maintenance, motors, plans and specifications, hazard types, plant equipment and procedures, lab safety and fire prevention, and hazard communications. 3009: Water Treatment: Coagulation & Flocculation - IEPA #5265 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when dealing with coagulation and flocculation. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. Visit for more information 35 3010: Water Treatment: Filtration - IEPA #5250 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when dealing with the filtration processes. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3011: Water Treatment: Fluoridation - IEPA #5251 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when dealing with the fluoridation processes. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3012: Water Treatment: Iron & Manganese - IEPA #5252 Cost ISAWWA Members: $70.00, Non-Members: $150.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 5.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when dealing with iron and manganese levels. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3013: Water Treatment: Sedimentation - IEPA #5255 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when dealing with sedimentation basins. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3014; Water Distribution Systems:Valves, Mains, & Meters - IEPA #5257 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topics of this course are that of proper maintenance and operations of the valves, mains, and meters found in water distribution systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3015: Water Distribution Systems: Water Mains - IEPA #5258 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topic of this course is that of water mains for distribution systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3016: Water Treatment: Disinfection - IEPA #8512 Cost ISAWWA Members: $105.00, Non-Members: $185.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 15.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when dealing with a verity of disinfection processes. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3017: Water Treatment: Introduction - Water Sources & Treatment - IEPA #5263 Cost ISAWWA Members: $120.00, Non-Members: $200.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 20.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include an overview of water treatment and reservoir management. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 36 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 3018: Water Treatment: Quality - IEPA #5264 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of water treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when insuring the quality of the water. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3019: OSHA: Cranes - IEPA #5230 Cost ISAWWA Members: $45.00, Non-Members: $55.00 Hours: 2.50 Description: In this class, you will learn about OSHA standards with regard to cranes and derricks. There are many safety guidelines which must be followed in the operation of this equipment, especially with regard to fall protection and prevention of electrocution. 3020: OSHA: Demolition - IEPA #5231 Cost ISAWWA Members: $45.00, Non-Members: $55.00 Hours: 2.50 Description: In this class you will learn about OSHA standards applying to demolition: preparation, the handling of debris, mechanical demolition, and the use of explosives. 3021: OSHA: Excavations - IEPA #4488 Cost ISAWWA Members: $45.00, Non-Members: $55.00 Hours: 2.50 Description: In this class you will learn about various excavation requirements, such as shoring and other protective systems. In addition, you will learn about soil classification. 3022: OSHA: Welding - IEPA #4453 Cost ISAWWA Members: $45.00, Non-Members: $55.00 Hours: 2.00 Description: There are many safety precautions which must be taken when performing arc and gas welding. In this presentation you will learn about those safety precautions, as well as OSHA violations with regard to welding. 3023: Laboratory Training: Filtering, Mixing & Sampling - IEPA #5216 Cost ISAWWA Members: $45.00, Non-Members: $55.00 Hours: 1.50 Description: Filtering is a way of separating solids from a liquid. You will learn various methods and equipment used to filter. In addition, various problems that are experienced while mixing and sampling are discussed. 3024: Laboratory Training: Glassware & Pipetting - IEPA #5217 Cost ISAWWA Members: $45.00, Non-Members: $55.00 Hours: 1.50 Description: In this class, typical laboratory glassware, such as beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, and pipettes are discussed. The student will learn about specific types of pipettes and proper procedure in using them. 3025: Laboratory Training: Safety Practices - IEPA #5218 Cost ISAWWA Members: $45.00, Non-Members: $55.00 Hours: 1.00 Description: Lab technicians not only have to learn about safety, they have to LIVE it. This class discusses personal protective equipment, such as safety glasses and proper footwear. Also discussed is the subject of safety equipment that can be found in a lab, such as lab hoods and safety showers. 3029: Wastewater Analysis - IEPA #9117 Cost ISAWWA Members: $168.00, Non-Members: $248.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 48.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will be introduced to basic laboratory safety and gravimetric, spectrophotometric, electrochemical, titrimetric, and microbiological methods. The units include instruction on the laboratory procedures for microscopic, coliform, BOD5, COD, ammonia, grease and oil, chlorine and solids analysis. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. Visit for more information 37 3030: Wastewater Collection Systems - IEPA #9118 Cost ISAWWA Members: $224.00, Non-Members: $304.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 64.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will gain a working knowledge of wastewater collection systems safety procedures, sewer inspection and testing, pipeline cleaning and maintenance, underground repair, lift stations, equipment maintenance, and sewer rehabilitation. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with up-to-date photographs, audio, interactive exercises, and links. 3031: Wastewater Treatment - Industrial - IEPA #9119 Cost ISAWWA Members: $224.00, Non-Members: $304.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 64.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will focus on issues of concern to industrial wastewater treatment facilities. The topics of this course include regulatory requirements; flow measurement; preliminary, physical and chemical treatment; filtration; and treatment of metal streams. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is augmented with audio, photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3032: Wastewater Treatment I - IEPA #9120 Cost ISAWWA Members: $224.00, Non-Members: $304.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 64.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. This introductory course includes instruction in water pollution control, preliminary and primary treatment, fixed film processes, and suspended growth systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with up-to-date photographs, audio, interactive exercises, and online links. 3033: Wastewater Treatment II - IEPA #9121 Cost ISAWWA Members: $224.00, Non-Members: $304.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 64.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will focus on issues of concern to wastewater treatment facilities. The topics of this course include activated sludge process control, sludge digestion and solids handling, nitrogen and phosphorous removal, and odor control. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is augmented with audio, photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3034: Wastewater Treatment: Disinfection & Cholorination - IEPA #9122 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. The topics of this course include general issues operators face when disinfecting wastewater. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3035: Wastewater Treatment: Fixed Film Process - IEPA #9123 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: the Internet students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. The topics of this course include general issues regarding the trickling filter process when treating wastewater. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3036: Wastewater Treatment: Pollution Control - IEPA #9124 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. The topics of this course include general issues regarding what is meant by the term water pollution, the steps needed to treat it and the math used. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3037: Wastewater Treatment: Pond Systems - IEPA #9125 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. The topics of this course include general issues regarding use of wastewater ponds as a treatment method. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 38 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 3038: Wastewater Treatment: Preliminary Treatment - IEPA #9126 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. The topics of this course include general issues regarding the steps in preliminary treatment of wastewater. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3039: Wastewater Treatment: Primary Treatment - IEPA #9127 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. The topics of this course include general issues regarding the steps in primary treatment of wastewater. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3040: Wastewater Treatment: Suspended Growth Systems - IEPA #9128 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will explore the rudiments of wastewater treatment. The topics of this course include general issues regarding suspended growth systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3041: Water Distribution Systems: Distribution Facilities - IEPA #7968 Cost ISAWWA Members: $70.00, Non-Members: $150.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 5.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topics of this course involve the issues of water distribution systems and facilities. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3042: Water Distribution Systems: Storage Systems - IEPA #7969 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topic of this course is that of water storage facilities. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3043: Water Distribution Systems: System Disinfection - IEPA #7970 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topic of this course is that of water disinfection systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3044: Water Distribution Systems: System O&M - IEPA #7971 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topic of this course is that of the needs for proper operations and maintenance of water distribution systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3045: Water Distribution Systems: System Safety - IEPA #7972 Cost ISAWWA Members: $100.00, Non-Members: $180.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 10.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topic of this course is that of safety issues confronting water distribution systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. 3046: Water Distribution Systems: Water Quality - IEPA #7973 Cost ISAWWA Members: $70.00, Non-Members: $150.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 5.00 Description: Using the Internet students will obtain a working knowledge of potable water distribution systems. The specific topic of this course is that of water quality for distribution systems. Along with reading assignments from the text, the course is enhanced with audio, up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. Visit for more information 39 3047: Solid Waste Management - IEPA #9129 Cost ISAWWA Members: $210.00, Non-Members: $290.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 60.00 Description: Using the Internet this course will provide the student with a comprehensive look at solid waste management; combining the aspects of landfill, composting and household hazardous waste operations. This class will meet or exceed most state requirements for the educational components of certification and/or licensing required for solid waste professionals. 3048: Solid Waste Management: Composting Operations - IEPA #9130 Cost ISAWWA Members: $125.00, Non-Members: $205.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 25.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will be able to obtain the skills and knowledge to work in a variety of composting facilities. The topics include the Physical Science of Composting, Feedstock, Quality and Classification, Facility Operations, Marketing/End Use and Regulations. The course is enhanced with up-to-date photographs, interactive exercises, and online links. Upon Completion of this Course, participants will: understand composting of organic materials; become exposed to the various opportunities for composting agricultural and industrial wastes; and understand the full range of composting technologies. This course will take approximately 25 hours to complete. Individual times may vary. You must successfully pass the exam at the end of the course to receive CEU credits. This class will meet or exceed most state requirements for the educational components of certification and/or licensing required for solid waste professionals. 3049: Solid Waste Management: Landfill Operations - IEPA #9131 Cost ISAWWA Members: $125.00, Non-Members: $205.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 25.00 Description: Using the Internet, students will be able to obtain the basic knowledge and skills to be part of a modern landfill operation. This course provides information about the role of the sanitary landfill as a component of an integrated solid waste management system; key functions and associated processes within landfill operations; basics of landfill gas and leachate management and groundwater monitoring; and essentials of equipment selection, cell construction and litter management; and fundamentals of accident prevention. This course will take approximately 25 hours to complete. Individual times may vary. You must successfully pass the exam at the end of the course to receive CEU credits. This class will meet or exceed most state requirements for the educational components of certification and/or licensing required for solid waste professionals. 3050: Energy Conservation - Basic Electrical Concepts - IEPA #7967 Cost ISAWWA Members: $70.00, Non-Members: $150.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 5.00 Description: The purpose of this course is to acquaint you with the basic concepts of electricity and how to use those concepts to maximize efficiency in your workplace. There are five units in this course. Each unit consists of a PowerPoint presentation, self-tests to check your understanding of the material (ungraded), and a unit exam. 3051: Hazwoper Refresher - IEPA #7963 Cost ISAWWA Members: $96.00, Non-Members: $176.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 8.00 Description: This Internet-based course provides 8 hours of interactive training online for those needing the Hazwoper Refresher certification (29 CFR 1910.120). Topics include exercises on PPE, Regulations, Hazard Recognition, etc. The course consists of an online text, interactive exercises, web links, self-grading quizzes, and final exam. 3052: Hazwoper Refresher For Supervisors - IEPA #7964 Cost ISAWWA Members: $96.00, Non-Members: $176.00 (includes 1 yr. AWWA membership) Hours: 8.00 Description: This Internet-based course provides eight hours of interactive training online for the annual refresher to the 40hour Hazardous Wastesite Worker course (29 CFR 1910.120). This course places greater emphasis on supervisory functions and fulfills the OSHA/EPA requirements for supervisors. The Supervisor Refresher is only intended to be taken by those who have already taken the OSHA 8 Hour HAZWOPER Supervisor (Initial) Training. 40 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 2016 Illinois Section Individual Application Join online: Mail to: AWWA Customer Service 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235-3098 USA Payment Contact Information Mr. Name Ms. Fax to: 303.347.0804 Contact Customer Service at 1.800.926.7337 or 303.794.7711 Mrs. Dr. $________________________ $________________________ Annual Dues ( A1) Additional Sections* (A2) Title Total *If applicable Company Address Home Payment Method Business Check enclosed City State/Province $________________________ (make payable to AWWA, US currency only, US bank only) ZIP/Postal Code Country Phone Discover Visa Card Number Yes Is your company a member of AWWA? No Expiration Date Your membership will be activated when payment is received. Company Member Number (if known) Referring Member Name MasterCard Card Holder Name Email Were you referred by an AWWA member? American Express Yes No Email Annual Dues (A1) Additional Sections (A2) Individual Active $200 In addition to your primary Section, you may join other AWWA Sections. There is a $33 multi-section fee, plus the assessment fee for the other Sections as appropriate. Please call 1.800.926.7337 for more information. An individual, such as a water utility employee, municipal official, public health professional, engineer, scientist, educator, consultant, or other person interested in or serving in the field of water supply. (02) Young Professional $117 A special discount on first-year dues for individuals interested in or serving in the field of water supply, who are age 35 or younger. (YP2015) Operations/Administrative $83 An individual employed in any operating or administrative position by a water utility with 1,000 or fewer service connections or any employee below the supervisory level in a utility with more than 1,000 service connections. (06) Student $20 A student enrolled in a minimum of nine credit hours (or the equivalent thereof) at an accredited institution. (14) 3 Ways to Join 1. Apply online at 2. Fax completed application to 303.347.0804 3. Mail completed application to AWWA Customer Service 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235-3098 By joining AWWA, you grant the association, through implied consent, authorization to send you commercial electronic messages. Your communication preferences can be updated at any time at under “My Account.” Signature Date 41 Save the Date 2015 Winner 9th Annual Water Distribution Conference April 19, 2016 Medinah Banquets Addison, IL • Visit Exhibits • Technical Sessions • Earn Up to 5 RTCs Tank Calendar Contest Is your water tank photogenic? Do you have a really cool picture of your tank? Whether your water tank is newly painted or not, we want your tank photo for the calendar contest. Pictures submitted will be displayed at the Water Distribution Committee booth at WATERCON2016, and will be voted on by conference attendees. The top 12 pictures will be featured in a printed calendar with the most popular tank being featured on the calendar cover. To submit your tank by March 1, 2016, go to: Illinois’ largest TOTAL WATER conference water - wastewater - stormwater March 21 - 24, 2016 Crowne Plaza Hotel | Springfield, Illinois To register – go to www. 42 Illinois Section AWWA 2016 Training Schedule, Vol. 1 ILWARN 545 S. Randall Road St. Charles, IL 60174 866-521-3595 ext. 1 Dear Illinois Utility Official, As you know, water is critical in an emergency situation and water and wastewater are essential to recovery in the fragile moments following disaster. ILWARN membership can provide valuable resources and professional networking, which will greatly enhance your utility’s emergency response preparedness. ILWARN is a voluntary network that allows water and wastewater utility providers to share information and resources in order to coordinate a plan for rapid disaster response and recovery – before the disaster ever happens. Operating through the ILWARN website ( is simple and allows you to match your needs and resources with those of other utilities around the state. The Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association (ISAWWA) has partnered with agencies such as the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, US Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Department of Public Health to bring you this initiative. We encourage you to join ILWARN and incorporate this powerful tool into your emergency response plan. The people you serve are counting on you, their water/wastewater provider, to come through in a time of crisis. Some of the benefits of using ILWARN are: • • • • • • The best part: ILWARN is completely free to join. It’s easy to use. It provides a list of emergency contacts and phone numbers. ILWARN can provide access to specialized equipment, resources and aid in an expedited manner. Membership does not create an obligation to respond in any given emergency. Reassurance that recovery will come quickly. Joining is easy, just go to and click on “Membership Application” to enroll your utility in ILWARN. If you’re already a member, please take a moment to log into the web site and make sure your contact information is accurate and up to date. Please e-mail or contact Josh Stewart at 217-789-2323 x1610 if you have any questions or concerns regarding ILWARN membership. Josh Stewart ISAWWA ILWARN Committee Chair Illinois Section AWWA 545 South Randall Road St. Charles, IL 60174 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Sycamore, IL Permit No. 66 As part of our “Green Initiative,” we try to eliminate duplicate or incorrectly addressed mailing pieces. If the information listed on this mailing panel is incorrect, please call us at 866-521-3595 ext 3. 2016 Training schedule Check your training and registration records at Check often for additional seminars and webinars