Jambands.com Bonnaroo Beat Interview with Anna
Jambands.com Bonnaroo Beat Interview with Anna
"Oul Goal ls to Provide Folks with the Tools to Make Ourselves Shine": A Conversationwith Clean Vibes'Anna Borofsky 2002-06-11 Phll, Galactic, Claypool, Summer Festival €uide FREE Phil cover poster plus 33% to 45% on Rellx CleanVibeswill be at Bonnarooto handlebothwastemanagementand education.The company'smissionis to balancebothof these responsibilities in orderto inspire"a new generationof responsible stewards."Like many othersat Bonnaroo,CleanVibeshas workedat the Phishfestivals(aswell as manyotherfests).Clean Vibes'AnnaBorofskytook a few momentsto talk about all this. m H * From your perspective what did you think when you were asked to come on board at Bonnaroo? Home Feature Articles NeufsArchives Boxscores: Setlists Jambands Radio JazzFest Photo Gftllery It'sall excitingand a liftlebit nerve-wracking. I thoughtit was a greatideato bringthe wholemusicalcommunity together.We've neverexperienced somethingof this scaleotherthan the Phishshowsbut the potentialis there to have an amazingevent and we're really proudto be a part of it. How would you compare your preparation for an event like Bonnaroo with that of some other festivals that you work on? CO R€vi€ws Show Rerriews Charta Departments Columns Naw! J&$bf,nd$ Storc Homegrown Slore Boards General Musicians Tape Trades Tickets Tour Links Radio Links Band Links Fan Site Links Everyelementfrom our laborto our suppliesto our educational campaignjust skyrocketsin size bothin the planningof it and the executionof it. Whereasat a smallereventwe havea solidfulltimecrew of 6-10folks, we're lookingat a crew of 60 for this event, How do you define your goals for Bonnaroo? We reallysee ourselvesas providingthe toolsto allowthe fans to do what we hopethey wouldbe doing anyways and spreadthe messageabout recycling.Both my partnerand myselfcome at Clean Vibes from an environmentaleducationperspective.That's what we studied in school. lt's not just that we love trash so much (laughs).We appreciatethe opportunity groupof people.Throughthe to educatea reallyuniqueopen-minded raffle and spreadingawarenessabout the amount of waste that's createdin these events our goal is that this can be translatedto folks'dailylivesand the amountof wastethey produceon a dailybasis. s a" S, ffis ffi g NI N mt - G Clean Vibes has been at this for a while now, has it become easiet for you over time? There's been a definiteimprovement.Lemonwheelwas pretty honifyingto see what was left over, it was just a sea of loose trash. With Oswego it was a sea of baggedtrash so fans had taken the step to bag up their own trash.They couldn'tquitefind a dumpsterbut it was a step.And then withthe FloridaNew Year'sshow it was truly amazingfor us to walkaroundon January2nd. lt lookedlikewe'd alreadygonethroughthe campgrounds once.The rafflecampaignand spreadingawarenessthat we'reresponsible for our own wastereallywas successfulthere. In terms of smallereventswe've oreateda presenceand it's catchingon as fans start to appreciateour efforts and in turn help us out. Talk about the raffle, what will take place? Past lssues Privacy Statement Contact Jamband! ro We'll have two raffle boothscentrallylocatedin the campground.Every car that comes into the site will receive two trashbags,one for trash and one for recyclingand they can get more bags from us at the raffle booth. lf they bring us a full bag of either all trash or all recyclablesthey'll get a raffleticket. lf they bring us five bags they'll get a free limitededitionevent T-shirt.The grand prize for the raffle is ticketsto all of Superfly'sshows at JazzFest nextyear and bandsare beingreallygreataboutdonatingotherprizes,includingautographed merchandise and thingslikethat.So a fan can entertwentytimesor once.As they'repackingup theircampor wakingup in the morningwith a full bag of trashtheycan bringit to us and get theirraffleticket. 6/13 L, 6/15 S 6mP uorf; 6t28 C 6t29 Li ',r,,i w W W W w When will your team arrive on site to prepare? event we'll have our crew trash and recyclingand buildingsome ot our equipment.By the Wednesdaybeforethe there. 5 Do you have any parting thoughts or messages you want to convey to festivalgoers? of peop-leWe're forming In generalthis event more than ever is a test of community,bringingtogetherall sorts world that we ouiown little city and we can either be extremelyresponsibleand be an exampleto the outside goal is to Our can clean up after oursetvesor ii can go tne othi:r wdy. We're.reallyon displaywith this event. orovidefolki with the tools to make ourselvesshine to the rest of the world' fJackto BonnarooBeat fi Search iambands.com C Search\|r'VWV m SearchprovidedbYGoogle.c0rn F r h I L