new features in this version


new features in this version
Teowin 8.0
This document presents all the new features and enhancements included in version 8.0 of Teowin. SIMSA ‐ Servicios informáticos Mecanizaciones, S.A. c/ Sicilia 190 | 08013 Barcelona Tel.: + E‐mail: New features and enhancements in Teowin 8.0
Following its presentation in Valencia (FIMMA‐MADERALIA) and in Bogotá (M&M), Simsa is delighted to launch the new version of its Teowin 8.0 software, which besides having a major facelift, also delivers new features and enhancements in all modules. In the Design module
The most outstanding new features in the design module include: Change of look
The 3D Editor has been given a spectacular facelift. This change brings numerous new features and improvements, including: 
The user can choose from several Editor colour options: black, grey, silver, blue, etc. An improved overall menu structure: besides a clear visual change, due to the implementation of several new tools, we have restructured and organised the menus into sub‐menus to provide more flexible access to the different options. Restyling of some of the more commonly‐used dialogues: General Preferences, Printing and Capture. On‐line tutorials with explanatory videos dealing with the most common options: placing doors and windows, installations, terminal strips and decorative side panels, generating a render, etc. Teowin 8.0
2 In the Scene Editor
The most outstanding novelties in the Scene Editor include: 
Automatic Lighting: a new tool that illuminates the scene automatically and then generates a render, also automatically. New render engine: Teowin has greatly improved the execution of its renders. A new engine has been programmed that can calculate photo‐realistic images five times faster than the previous version, with clearly superior quality. Floor plan measurements: new option for hiding/displaying all floor plan measurements. Beginning with this new version, the views you save in positions F1, F2, etc. will be represented on the floor plan with the camera icon. This will allow you to modify views from the floor plan, both camera position and viewpoint. The placement of partitions has been improved substantially; among other things they now have an anchor point, display dimensions and appear as a reference on the walls supporting them. The Scene Editor, but totally linked to the Estimates module, features two very interesting new tools: o View price online: the system displays in the scene editor the cost of the project at all times. o Project Manager: capable of grouping up to four different estimates in a single project. Teowin 8.0
3 For furniture and fittings management
 New functions have been implemented for handles, plus new options to manage changes of model and terminal strips.  Moreover, you can now rotate furniture and change the direction of the grain of front pieces as you wish (horizontal or vertical).  Another new tool has also been developed, which we have dubbed Clone, which creates identical copies of the selected object, maintaining all its properties. In the Furniture Editor
The Furniture Editor has also evolved and has been improved to satisfy the needs of our customers by enhancing current functions and adding some very interesting new tools. 
New tool for area creation. It is possible to import an image that can be used as a reference to calculate a silhouette with the extrusion tool. Moreover, the furniture's dimension can be changed, maintaining its appearance, and the placement of halogen lights in furniture has been improved. New wizard for the insertion of hanging rails and shoe racks. This wizard significantly reduces the possibility of error in the calculation of an estimate, since it facilitates the choice of a suitable fitting. New drawer insertion wizard that delivers a quick preview of all possible combinations. The following features have been added for manufacturers:  New method for defining parametric fittings and machined parts, totally 3D and developed specifically for manufacturers with connection to CNC. The purpose of this new method is to make the definition of each one of the fittings used in a piece of furniture much more user‐friendly, as well as the specification of machining. Teowin 8.0
4 In the Surface Editor
Starting with this version, tiles will also be managed as independent catalogues. In the Estimates module
The Estimates module has also been adapted to our customers' current needs, and besides notable improvements in general calculation speed, we would also highlight the following novelties: Generation of new types of documents 
Send estimate by mail as a PDF attachment. Export estimate to XML. Possibility of printing several estimates at once. New options for appraising estimates 
Two new tools have been developed that are totally connected to the 3D Editor: o View price online: the system displays the cost of the project at all times. o Project Manager: capable of grouping up to four different estimates in a single project. Charge the cost value of the whole board to furniture parts. Installation cost added to total estimate, without including discounts. Value of the point in multi‐catalogue by catalogue/customer Change in price and increase depending on model colour Functions that extend the module's functionality 
Selection of items by reference. New combo in the estimate header to define type. An estimate can now have several manufacturing orders. Orders can be generated on a by‐line basis. New tokens for personalised description: o $REF in the description with the points reference In the Manufacturing and Production modules
Work is ongoing on the manufacturing module to develop the tools needed to cater to all incoming requests from the market. Below are some of the most outstanding new features in the new version: Teowin 8.0
5 
Major improvement in the management of catalogues with exploded drawings. Beginning with this version, manufacturing catalogues can be multi‐catalogue, and it will be possible to define as many catalogues as is necessary, either for raw materials or finished products New wizard called ‘Material Center’, which comprises material maintenance, the combination of materials and exploded drawings of semi‐manufactured parts on the same screen. This makes it easy to understand and also makes it a much more comfortable, visual, simple and user‐friendly wizard. New window to generate manufacturing orders with estimate lines. Another one of the great improvements in this version is the possibility of optimising materials from the estimates screen. Thus feature allows us to know what material would be needed if an unaccepted estimate were made, and we can therefore adjust the appraisal more easily. New personalised planimetry creation wizard. 
New enhanced methods for importing data from Excel spreadsheets, much faster and easier than the previous version. Moreover, in connections to the CNC, Teowin sends JPG‐format images so that the labels printed by the cutter contain the diagram of the machined parts, thus avoiding the need to get this information from another Teowin screen, thus reducing errors, time and cost. Furthermore, a specific tool has been developed for manufacturers, which allows them to independently manage all their catalogue updates and thus be able to send them instantly to all their shops via Teoservice. New packing option feature for controlling lorry load by means of bar codes. It is now possible to add, on the part label generated on the cutter, the bar code that indicates the piece to which each part belongs. Moreover, a new functionality has been added that provides greater flexibility in modifying the pieces in the packing calculated by the system. Teowin 8.0
6 In Accounting and Finances
Several changes and improvements have been made to the accounting and finance modules, although the most outstanding ones are related to the adaptations required to be SEPA‐compliant.  The banking standards and procedures nos. 19.14 and 19.44 ("Basic scheme and B2B Scheme". SEPA direct debits in electronic file) are fulfilled.  Grouping of unpaid receivables.  Monthly and quarterly settlement, form 349.  Introduction of rental invoices in the accounting and declaration form 115. Teowin 8.0