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assessore assessore
CITTA' DJ MQ:d ò1glì.ad'oro PESCARA al MeiiitiO C une COPIA VERBALE DI DELIBERAZIONE DELLA GIUNTA COMUNALE Numero Oggetto: 483 Del 13/06/2013 lA EDIZIONE DEI GIOCHI DEL MEDITERRANEO IN SPIAGGIA DEL 2015. PROVVEDIMENTI L~anno duemilatredici il giorno tredjci det mese di Giugno seduta iniziata alle ore 13.40 in Pescara, nella sala delle adunanze della sede Municipale, previo invito si è rìunita la Giunta Comunale. Presiede l'adunanza Avv. Albore Mascia Luigi nella sua qualità -dj SINDACO e· sono' rispettivamente presenti ed assenti i seguentt signori: Avv. Albore Mascia Luigi Avv. Fiorilli Berardino Ricotta Nicola D'lntino Antonio Santilli Giovanni Antonelli Marcello Porcaro Giovanna Cerolini Forlini Guido Filippello Massimo SINDACO VICE SINDACO Del Trecco Isabella ASSESSORE ASSESSORE ASSESSORE ASSESSORE ASSESSORE ASSESSORE ASSESSORE ASSESSORE Palusci Mariagrazia Renzetti Roberto Seccia Eugenio P A P P P P P P ASSESSORE P ' ASSESSORE A A ASSESSORE P P ne risultano presenti n. 10 e assenti n. 3. Partecipa aUa seduta il Segretario Generale Reggente AW4 Langiu Antonello Assiste fr Segretario Verbalizzante verbaJe. Praf. Addario Lu~gìdesignato per la redazlone del •. If Presidente) accertato che il numero dei presenti è sufficiente per dichiarare vaJjda la seduta, invita gli intervenuti a deliberare sull'oggetto sopraindicato. Atto di Giunta Comunale n. 483 Del 13/06/2013 ...Pag.1 - COMUNE DI PESCARA RELAZIONE ISTRUTTORINPROPOSTA DI DELIBERA LA GrUNTA COMUNALE Visti i pareri espressil ai sensi dell'art.49 del D.Lgs. 18 agosto 2000 n. 267 del dirigente del servizio interessato e del Dirjgente della Ragioneria, come da scheda 1 arlegata; Premesso che il Comitato Esecutivo del ClJM (Comitato Internazionale dei Gjochi del Mediterraneo) ha recentemente stabilito di inserire nella sua agenda l'organizzazione di un nuovo evento sportivo multidlscipHnare~ denominato j~The Med[terranean Beach Games ossia i Giochi del Mediterraneo in Spiaggia, da colrocare temporafmente tra due edizioni dei Giochi del Mediterraneo così come oggi organizzati; tl ~ che detta iniziattva si svolgerà rn una data da stabilire, tra giugno e settembre 2015, per la durata di 8/10 giorni e con 10 discipline sportive da scegliere tra le 17 previste; che per la nostra Città J'organizzazione della lA edizione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo in Spiaggia può rappresentare una prestigiosa possibilità di sviluppo della propria vocazione. sportiva e dj valorizzazione delle proprie strutture sportive riqualificate, che consentirebbe da un Jato di Ucapitafizzare" frmportante esperienza maturata nel recente passato con i' Giochi del Mediterraneo 2009 e "con - Pescara Cfttà Europea dello Sport 2012 e~ dalraltro, di rilanciare l'immagine sportiva del nostro Capo~uogo in un nuovo ed interessante ambito come quello delle disciptine praticate in acqua e sulla spiaggia: Rilevato Vista la deliberazione di Giunta Comunale n. 37 del 17 gennaro 2013. con la quale Itorgano esecutivo ha, deciso di procedere alla presentazione delta candjdatura di Pescara quale Città ospitante la l" ed~zione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo in Spiaggia, che si terrà nel 2015, demandando i consequenziali adempimentì ai Settori, ~'Gabinetto del Sindaco" e ~~GestionePatrimonio ImmobHiare e Impiantistica Sportiva~~; la nota prot. n. 9889 del 18 gennaio 2013 con la quale H Sindaco di Pescara ha comunicato ai vertici del CONI nazionale e regionale rintenzione dell'Amministrazione Comunale d~ candidarsi come sede ospitante derla lA edizione del iiGiochi del Mediterraneo jn Spiaggja" previsti per il 2015, invitando il Comitato Olimpico Nazionale , a sostenere la candidatura deUa Città e a presentarla ufficialmente al CIJM; Vista 1 Preso atto che il Comitato de; Giochi del Mediterraneo, con nota del 15 aprile 2013, acquisita al protocoUo dell'Ente con n. 56779 del 15.04.2013, ha accettato la proposta di pre - candidatura della Città di Pescara come sede ospitante della Prima Edizione dei !IGioch~ di Mediterraneo in Spiaggia in considerazione del fatto che la relativa istanza è stata presentata dal Comune di Pescara nei termini indicati e contiene gli l \ elementj necessari: Vista Ja nota prot 61051 del 29.04.2013, con cui il Sindaco, nel ringraziare H Presidente del CONI per ~'appoggio manifestato alla pre - cand~datura deJla nostra Città. ha invitato ro stesso Comitato Nazionale a sostenere la scelta di Pescara come sede della fA edizione dei Gfochi del Mediterraneo in Spiaggia, precisando chet per quanto riguarda le risorse finanziarie necessarie, il Comune di Pescara si rmpegna ad assumere contatti con gli aftri Enti pubblicj interessati, affinchè si riesca a garantire la totale copertura delle spese relative all'organizzazione ed allo svolgimento dell'evento sportivo inte rn azt onaJ e; Vista la nota dello scorso 30 aprile 2013, prot. n. 63573, con la quale ~IAmministrazjone Comunale di Pescara, rappresentata dal Sindaco. ha avanzato al Comitato tnternazionale dei Giochi del Mediterraneo (CIJM) la propria candidatura ad osp~tare la prima edizione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo in Spiaggia 2015; Vista. altres1, Ja nota in pari data, con fa quaJe il Presidente deJ CONI ha comunicato a~ Presidente del Comitato tnternazionale dei Gtochi del Mediterraneo (ICJM) i~proprìo Atto di Giunta Conlunale n. 483 del 13-06-2013 --COrvruNE DI PESCARA- Pag 2 , sostegno alla canditura della Città di Pescara qua~e sede ospitante la prima edizione dei Gtochi del Mediterraneo in Spfaggia 2015; Vista la notaI acquisita la protocono delrEnte con n. 65667 del 06.05.2013, con la qua~e la Segreter~a del Presidente dei Comitato Internazionale dei Giochi de!Mediterraneo (ICJM) ha comunicato di aver ricevuto nei terminl la proposta di candidatura avanzata dal Comune di Pescara in data 30.04.2013; Dato atto che allo stato attuale ~a candidatura e l'eventuale assegnazione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo in Sp~agg~a 2015 alla Città di Pescara non comportano impegno di spesa né diminuzione di entrata e non hanno riflessi surla situazione economica e finanziaria e ,patrimoniale dell'Ente in quanto· non è necessarjo, al momento della sottoscrtzione del contratto, fornire alcuna garanzia finanziaria da parte dell~Ente né procedere al pagamento per l'acquisizione dei diritti relativj arrorganizzazione~ funztonamento, diffuslone, c'ommercio e riproduzione dei Giochi, come stabiUto espressamente alltart. 31, c. 1, lett. c) deJl'allegato contratto; che l'Ente, come da nota prot. n. 61051 del 29.04.2013. in caso di assegnazione dei Giochi e di sottoscrizione deJ relativo contratto tra il C~JM e la Città ospite~ si impegna ad assumere i necessarj con~attj con gli Enti sovraordinati (U.E.! Stato, Regione e Provincia) nonché con altri Enti pubbllci e privati operanti nel territorio, per jl reperimento delie risorse finanziarie necessarie all'organizzazione dei Giochi; che, anche in considerazione del periodo di recessione economica attraversato dal Paese, l'Ente potrebbe non essere in grado di reperire i fondi finanziari all'uopo necessari e~ in questo caso, procederà in tempo utile a comunicare ~a propria rinuncia a~l'organlzzazione dei Giochit che, in base alrallegato Contratto e aUa Carta del CtJM, non prevede il pagamento di alcuna penale; Visto 'o schema di contratto tra il"CIJM, U CONI e la Città Ospite per rorganizzazione della 1/1. edizione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo in Spjaggia 2015, trasmesso all'Ente in data 27.04.2013r da cui risultano le attività che andranno intraprese in caso di scetta della Città di Pescara quale sede di tale evento sportivo internazionafe; Visto J'art. 48 del D. Lgs 267/00; Con voti unanimi~ espressi nei modi e nelle forme d1legge; DELIBERA 1. di prendere atto dello' schema di contratto tra il C'JM il CONI e la Città rorganizzazione detla 1/\edizione dei Giochj del Mediterraneo in Spiaggia! che integrante e sostanziale della presente deBberazione, da cui risultano le andranno intraprese in caso di scelta della Città di Pescara quale sede di sportivo internazionale, con particolare riferimento a: principi di base; principi organizzativi; organizzazione degli alloggi; organizzazione dei trasporti; organizzazione sportiva; obbligazioni finanziarie e commerc~ali; servizlo sanitario~ pubblicazioni; organizzazione delle cerimonie; obblighi particolari; 1 Osp~tet per fonna parte attivftà che tale evento obbJighi dopo t Gjochi; revoca e annullamento; disposizioni diverse; 2. 3. di prendere atto dellldossier di candidatura presentato in data 30 aprile 2013 con la nota prot. n. 63573) che forma parte ~ntegrante e sostanziale del presente provvedimento; " di delegare il Sindaco di Pescara, quale legafe rappresentante deU'Ents, alla sottoscrizione del contratto trasmesso aU'Ente in data 27.04.2013r da cui risultano le attività che andranno lt Atto di Giunta COTI1unale n. 483 del 13...06-2013 - CO:MUNE DI PESCARA· Pag 3 nel caso in cui la CIJM, nella seduta del 19 giugno 2013 a Mersìn (Turchia) deciderà dj assegnare a Pescara l'organizzazione deJla l'" ed~zione dei Giochf deJ Mediterraneo ~nSpiaggia del 2015; di dare atto che, allo stato attuafe, la candidatura e reventuale assegnazjone dei Gjochi del Medìterraneo in Spiaggr8 2015 alla Ctttà di Pescara non comportano rmpegno dì spesa né intraprese. 4. diminuzione di entrata e non hanno riflessi sulla situazione economica e finanz~aria e patrfmoniale dell;Ente in quanto non è necessario, al momento della sottoscrizjone del contratto, fornire alcuna garanzia finanzjaria da parte delrEnte né procedere al pagamento per l'acqutsizione dei diritti relativi all'organizzazione. funzionamento, d~ffusione, commercio e riproduzione dei Giochi. come stabilito espressamente all'art. 31, c. 1. lett. c) deWaUegato contratto; . 5. di dare atto che J'Ente, in caso di assegnazione 6. dei Giochi e di sottoscrizione del relativo contratto tra il CIJM e la Città ospitel si impegna ad assumere i necessar~ contatti con gfi Enti sovraordinati (U.E~~Stato, Regione e Provincia) nonché con altri Enti pubbllci e privati operanti nel territorio per il reperimento delle risorse finanziarie necessarie all'organizzazione dei Giochi, di dare attof altresi, deUa circostanza che, anche in considerazione del periodo di recessione economica attraversato dal Paese, l'Ente potrebbe non essere in grado di reperire i fondi finanziari all'uopo necessari e; in questo caSOl procederà ìn tempo utile a comunicare la propria rrnuncia all'organizzaz~Qne dei Giochi, eventualità questa che, in base aH'aliegato Contratto e alla Carta del CrJM non prevede ìl pagamento di alcuna penale a carico della Città ospìte,. 1 7. di precisare che, per l'organjzzazione degli adempimenti legati alla presentazione deUa candidaturar con particolare riferimento alle attiv~tà da svolgere in vista della trasferta di Mersin dej 19 giugno e nella stessa Città turca in relazione all'assegnazione dei Giochi, cì si avvarrà della collaborazlone a titojo gratuito del "Comitato organizzatore della X:VIA edizione 11 dei Giochi del Mediterraneo Pescara 2009 , tuttora operante benché in stato di tiquidazione, che ha manifestato la propria disponibilità in tal senso. 1ndi, LA GIUNTA COMUNALE Con separata votazione e con voto unanime paJesemente espresso, dtchiara la presente immediatamente esegujbile. Atto di Giunta Comunale n. 483 del 13-06-2013 .. COMUNE DI PESCARA.... Pag 4 Città di ,Pescara Medaglia d'oro al Merito Civile I Pescara, lì 30 aprile 2013 CIJM President Mr. Amar Addadi Olympic Sport Complex Spirou Loui A ve4 - Aquatic Center MaroussÌ - Athens - Greece - 151 23 Prot n. 63Sf3 Caro Presidente e Gentili Membri del CIJU l'Amministrazione Comunale di Pescara ha J onore di avanzare la propria candidatura ad 1 ospitare la prima edizione dei Mediterranean Beach Games per il 2015, un evento che rafforzerà la vocazione di un territorio proiettato verso /0 sport, il turismo e il terziario. Pescara rappresenta) oggi} una Città capace di attrarre interessi ~ investimenti e di ospi/are grandi ti: eventi H di portata internazionale. Nel 2009 i riflettori del Mondo sono stati puntati ~formidabile manifestazione organizzazione della sedicesima edizione sul Capoluogo Adriatico per la dei Giochi del Mediterraneo) una ormai già passata alla storia come "1 ~edizione dei record)'; per la presenza di atleti) di Paesi partecipanti e soprattutto per le migliaia di Cittadini che hanno assistito alle competizioni e hanno tifato per tutte le Nazioni in gara, con la cifra record delle 80mila presenze. rf}.gistrate in occasione della cerimonia di chiusura svoltasì sulla spiaggia, altra inestimabile risorsa del nostro territorio, anche dal punto di vista sportivo. L'assegnazione rappresenterebbe, della prima edizione dei Mediterranean Beach Games 20/5 dunque, un uvo/ano" per avvicinare soprattutto i più giovani a/la pratica ~portiva e al rispetto dei valori più autentici delle varie discipline, senza dimenticare l'indotto economico derivante da tale possibilità a livello di promozione della nostra immagine~ Cordialmente Luigi Alb e Mascia ALLE Aro ALLA Dl:lIBE A or GIUNTA COMU1f1f . ~.2DEL •.••_ ••••.••~.~~ 2013 .N- ~.••~ .. CONTRATTO TRA IL CIJM E LA CITTA' OSPITE PER I PRIMI GIOCHI DEL MEDITERRANEO SULLA SPIAGGIA l Tra: f. Il Comitato internazionale dei Giochi del Mediterraneo suo Presidente, Amar ADDADI (di seguito « il CIJM ») rappresentato dal Da UNA Parte l I t e: La Città di ~ ra p p rese nta ta da ~ ~ appositamente autorjzzato per l'applicazione del presente contratto sua integrità (di seguito la Città) , o •••••• -;":' ••••••••••••• o •••••••••••••••••••.• ~ O" ! ! II I l Il Com itato N azio na le 01im pico .. .-... ... ..... . appositamente autorizzato per l'applicazione sua integrità (di seguito la CONI) ••••• o •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• I nella o •••••••••••• del presente contratto nella D'ALL'ALTRA PARTE Atteso che il CIJM è il proprietario esclusivo dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia ed è il titolare di tutti i diritti che li riguardano, ili particolare i diritti concernenti la loro organizzazione lo sfruttamento, la trasmissione e la riproduzione con qualsiasi mezzo; ~ i I ! t I l , 'I l .;. i l i ~ l l i l Atteso che la Città ed H CONI hanno chiesto aJ CIJM di prendere in considerazione la loro candidatura aU'Organizzazione della Prima Edizione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spi~ggia (di seguito Giochi) ; Atteso che durante la sua Assemblea Generale in data 18 giugno 2013 il CIJM ha attentamente preso in considerazione la candidatura della Città e del CONI insieme a quella deJraltra città candidata -------------------- Atteso che il voto dell'Assemblea Generale del 18 giugno 2013 è stato in favore della Città di ~ ~ QLprefer~nza alle altre città candidate .,,; Atteso che il CIJM ha preso nota delle garanzie generali e quelle finanziarie date dalle autorità competenti, dei loro impegni a risolvere tutte le esigenze necessarie per la buona riuscita dei Giochi ed il rispetto della Carta del CIJM ; ] I /- Atteso che il CIJM ha preso nota .dell'impegno della Città e del CONI d'organizzare i Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia in conformità totale alle disposizioni della Carta del CIJM ; Atteso che il reciproco desiderio del CIJM, deUa Città e del CONI è che i Giochi siano organizzati il meglio possibile e si svolgano nelle migfiori condizioni possibili per il bene degli atJeti del Bacino del Mediterraneo; Atteso che la Città ed il CONI riconoscono l'importanza din una grande copertura mediatica dei Giochi per assicurare ~aloro diffusione e sono disponibile a fare tutti gli sforzi possibiJi per ottenere ciò ; ! Atteso che la volontà del CIJM, della Città e del CONI è che i Giochi devono contribuire in modo importante alJo sviluppo deJlo sport nel Paese ospitante; ,. " Atteso che tenendo conto degli obiettivi definiti ed in considerazione del progetto organjzzativo dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia presentato daJla Città e dal CONI, il CIJM abbia scelto di eleggere la città E' Città organizzatrice dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla . spiaggia " e abbia designato il CONI come Comitato Nazionale OlifTlpico responsabile dei Giochi; t Atteso che la conseguenza di questa designazione, , potrà essere rimessa in causa se il Comitato Organizzatore dei Giochj modificherà i punti importanti del progetto senza aver ottenuto I~accordo preliminare e scritto del CIJM ; Atteso che ta Città ed il CONI accettano che i documenti con gli impegni del Governo, insieme con il dossier di candidatura , siano annessi al presente contratto e sono considerati come punti vincolanti ; Atteso che le parti accettano che la premessa sopra menzionata sia parte del presente contratto. r tn j di quanto sopra. ed in conformità di questi termini e condizioni delt~loLdlsposizion' della Carta del CIJM, let parti COnV9 "QOno quanto seque ~ lo considerazione ì ,~ l ,t 11 , ~ J - PRINCIPI 1. 1 I , ! j i T ~ DI BASE Organizzazione dei Giochi Il CIJM conferisce con Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia ed in solido a rispettare gli del CIJM, con i termini del del CIJM. la presente, l'organizza~ione dei Primi Giochi del aria Città ed al CONI che si impegnano congiuntamente obblighi in conformità totale alle disposizioni della Carta present~ contratto e le direttive del Comitato Esecutivo Il documento di candidatura presentato dalla Città e dal CONI sulla base delle indicazioni contenute dentro il Manuale di Candjdatura der CIJM fanno parte integrante di questo contratto. Eventuali cambiamenti o differenti aspetti contenuti dentro il documento di candjdatura dovranno essere sottoposti allJapprovazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. Questo contratto prende effetto alla data de1la firma e copre tutto il periodo fino alla preparazione ed effettuazione dei Giochi. 1 i l . , , , I \ 2 I Giochi avranno luogo neUa data proposta dentro il dossier di candidatura. Il CIJM confermerà questa data e si riserva il diritto di modificarla per ragioni di interesse nell'organizzazione dei giochi stessi in caso di situazioni eccezionali opportunamente giustificati. 2. Impegno del Governo del Paese Ospitante La Città ed il CONI hanno presentato con la loro candidatura la garanzia del Governo del proprio paese, del rispetto delle disposizioni della Carta def CIJM, compreso il libero accesso nel Paese Ospitante di tutte le persone accreditate dietro presentazioni del Passaporto o di una Carta di Identità equivalente, (ed eventualmente del visto), confermando con la presente che detta garanzia, autorizzata dal governo del Paese ospitante 'viene allegata al presente contratto e che diventa parte integrante di esso . t j Fermo restando delle disposizioni del paragrafo precedente, resta inteso che la Città Organizzatrice ed il CONI non rispondono ad alcuna garanzia che sia in violazione delle leggi del Paese Ospitante o delle regole del diritto internazionale. 311 Copertura mediatica Riconoscendo che la maggiore copertura mediatica dei Giochi è essenziafe al loro successo, la Città ed il CONI si impegnano a rispettare le linee direttrici della Carta del CIJM e le raccomandazioni del CIJM sul modo di mettersi a disposizione dei Media prima e durante lo svolgimento dei Giochi. 4. Precedenti accordi nulli e non validi La Città ed il CONI dichiarano ed accettano che tutti gli impegni o accordi non espressamente approvati dal Comitato Esecutivo der CIJM,- conclusj daH~uno o dall'altra prima della definizione del presente contratto, e che riguardano in qualche maniera i Giochi sono i~accettabHi dal CrJM 8 per quanto riguarda l'applicazione e la messa in vigore del presente contratto, sono nulli e non potranno avere -alcun 1 effetto . ,.1 ~ I .' I f ~ • ! 5~ Creazione di un Comitato dfOrganizzazione dei Giochi. La Città ed il CONI costituiranno il più presto possibile e non oltre i se; mesi successivi alla firma del presente contratto, un Comitato Organizzatore dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia (di seguito COJMP) secondo le forme che assicureranno la personalità giuridica e l'autonomia funziona le. Il COJMP sarà composto da membri del suo Consiglio di Amministrazione o del suo Ufficio Esecutivo; o dai membri del CONI del Paese ospitante, il Presidente e/o il Segretario generale del CONI salvo che queste personalità siano membri del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM e almeno un membro designato come rappresentante della Città. ~ t 1 La mancanza del termine per la costituzione del COJMP, con requisiti di comprovata funzionalità, è passibile dell'applicazione delle clausole di rescissione fissate dall'Art. 42 del presente contratto. La sede del COJMP dovrà essere obbligatoriamente ottenuto l'organizzazione dei GiochL localizzata nella città che ha 3 "'1 I I I 6. Adesione del Comitato Spiaggia Organizzatore dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla La Città ed il CONI si impegnano a : a) far intervenire il COJMP come componente al presente contratto! senza limitazione e trasmettere al Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, un mese dopo la costituzione deJ COJMP, la conferma scritta dell'adesione dietro il presente contratto b) ottenere e trasmettere al Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM la conferma scritta del COJMP che quest'ultimo è congiuntamente e solidarmente responsabile con la Città ed il CONI di tutti gli impegni e gli obblighi contrattuali assunti da ogni ente che concernano l'organizzazione e lo svolgimento dei Giochi. 7. Responsabilità congiun~e La Città, il CONI ed il COJMP saranno congiuntamente e. solidarmente responsabili di tutti gli impegni contrattuali, o da uno dj ques'ti o da tutti e· tre, concernenti l'organizzaz~one e lo sviluppo dei Giochi e si assumono congi~ntamente e solidarmente l'intera responsabilità, soprattutto, finanziaria dell'organizzazione dei Giochi. 8. Rifiuto e rinuncia ad azioni contro· il CIJM l l t, La Città, il CONI ed il COJMP rinunciano, con la presente, a tutti i rjcorsi contro il CIJM per tutti i danni derivanti dall'organizzazione dei Giochi (o in relazione ai Giochi .. stessi) safvo se essi derivano dalla negligenza da parte del CIJM riconosciuta dalla t I stessa o, in caso di litigio, dal TAS . ~ I l Questo artjcolo e questa rinuncia non saranno appticabili in caso dj fatti intenzionali o in flagranza negligente da parte del CIJM riconosciuta dallo stesso o., in caso di litigi~, dal TAS . l Il - PRINCIPI ORGANIZZATIVI rI CIJM è la struttura internazionale competente per supervisionare Iforganizzazione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulJa Spiaggia ed assicurare il loro svolgimento conforme ~ f r l , aU'ideale olimpico descritto nella Carta del CIJM e nel rispetto delle disposizioni e delle modalità del presente contratto. ~ l . ~ ! , 9. Modello Generale di Organizzazione Questa organizzazione include principalmente, e senza che l'elenco indicato di seguito abbia un carattere limitativo~ le seguenti operazioni: [ .. r'organizzazione materiale delle competizionj sportive e della cerimonia di apertura e di chiusura e la consegna di medaglie e di diplomi, 4 ., - l'organizzazione dei selVizi ed il rilascio delle carte di accreditamento princjpi stabiliti dagli Statuti e dai Regolamenti der CIJM , secondo i - l'organizzazione delraUoggio e della ristorazione dei concorrenti e dei dirigenti di ogni delegazione partecipante, compreso i Giudici e gli Arbitri, degli Organizzatori, dei VI P dei Rappresentanti dei Media, ed in generale di tutti gti accreditati. 1 - l'organizzazione della sicurezza, del sistema dei trasporti, che dovrà raggiungere j siti sportivi e non sportivi (aeroporto/i, o aJtri punti di arrivo/partenza, luoghi di atloggio dei partecipanti) ed installazioni selezionate daUa Città, dal CONI e dal COJMP, e verificare le loro condizioni di accesso. . - l'organizzazione dell'assistenza medica per tutti gli accreditati, antidoping e, 'se necessario, il controllo derla femminilità. r- " J t il' controlto - Vorganizzazione di tutti i servizi e mezzi messi a disposizione ai rappresentanti dei Media : stampa scritta, radio e televisione. l i - l'organizzazione defle pubblicazioni bollettini del CIJM, ufficiali, e la notifica dei rapporti regolari dei - la messa in funzione di un sistema informatico di gestione delle competizioni e la diffusione pubblica dei risultati deUe differenti fasi della competizione, e la messa a disposizione del CIJM, in formato per la banca dati, di tutte queste informazioni (risultati iscrizioni, partecipanti, statistiche,ecc ... ) entro la settimana successiva la chiusura dei giochL t ~ I•, - l'organizzazione e la presa in carico di ospitalità di alloggio e soggiorno sui luoghi delle competizioni sportive, delle personalità accreditate, r. l l' ll t - la progettazione e l'organizzazione complessiva delle campagne promozionali dei Giochi e la promozione commerciale sia a livello nazionaJe che internazionale~ dei diritti di pubblicità, di utHizzazione promozionale o pubblicitaria, di diffusione e di distribuzione relative ai Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla Spiaggia secondo le condjzioni definite agli articoli VI - 28 - 31 e 32, ed in generale, - l'organizzazione e la messa in attività di tutte i servizi ed i mezzi necessari ad un buon svolgimento dei Giochi. I J i I 10. Impegni ed attività compatibili Facendo riferimento aUe disposizione della Carta del CIJM e nell'ambito del presente contratto, la Città ed il CONI confermano: Cl) •••~.~~~...•••••••• W ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' •• ~ ••••••••••••••• ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• ~ •••••••••••• ~ •••••• c:h~ i Giochi avranno luogo degnamente, come un avvenimento indipendente e non in refazione, nello stesso periodo, con altra manifestazione nazionale o internazionale o fiera o esposizione, 5 I t l i I ~ ~.~~ ~.•.. ~............•.•...... ~ ~ ~ c;l1~ la Città non utitizzerà i Giochi per altre iniziative ma solo per t'interesse del Movimento Olimpico del Mediterraneo, tJ) ~.•.... ~ a ••• ' ••••• ~~ •••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• c) qualsiasi accordo che abbia un qualunque legame con i Giochi non potrà essere contratto tra il COJMP e una qualsiasi organizzazione nazionale, governamentale o no, senza J'accordo del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM o del Presidente del CJM, d) qualsiasj invito o accredito avente un rapporto qualsiasi con i Giochi non sarà emesso in favore di una personalità politica o di un rappresentante del governo straniero senza l'accordo del Comitato Esecutivo der CIJM o del Presjdente del CIJM, a) che tutte le forme di partecipazione o di sostegno a scommesse sportive irregolarj e illegari relative ai Giochi del Mediterraneo suHa spiaggia, e anche qualsiasi forma di promozione a scommesse sportive irregolari e illegali relative ai Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia, sono vietate~ 11. Promozione l ! dell'Olimpismo e dei Giochi, TV e copertura mediatica. La Città, il CONI e il COJMP incoraggeranno lo sviluppo dell!Olimpismo unitamente ai valori spirituali, dei meriti sportivi per il grande festival dei giovani del Mediterraneo che sono i Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia, compreso i roro aspetti sociali, educativi estetici e morali. t Dalla costituzione del COJMP, dovrà essere attivato un Sito Web, deJla lingua del paese organizzatore ed almeno, in inglese ed in francese. Questo sito dovrà contenere informazioni utiri per i CJO partecipanti e per il pubblico in generale e, dopo i Giochi, i risultati delle varie fasi delle competizioni. ~ Il CONI, Ja città ed il COJMP garantiranno la produzione di' un segnare televisivo attraverso un realizzatore locale con la messa a disposizione, gratuita, del segnale per il CIJM e/o per la TV che. il CIJM potrà designare. Il segnale dovrà coprire, almeno, la Cerimonia di Apertura, le finali di ogni competizione per squadra! ed estratti giornalieri delle più importanti competizioni. .., l 12. Validità degli accordi La Città ed il CONI riconoscono e confermano con il presente: a) che la validità di tutti gli accordi concernenti direttamente o indirettamentei Giochi o i diritti materiali o morali dei Giochi o del CIJM sono sottoposti all'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del C1JM. b) che il COJMP stabilirà e sottoporrà all'approvazione del Comitato esecutivo del CIJM H contratto tipo destinato ad essere definito tra il COJMP e terzi, si assicurerà che tutti gli accordj che saranno stipulati con i terzi saranno conformi a questi contratti tipo. Tutte le modifiche apportate ai contratti tipo dovranno essere sottoposti all'approvazione preventiva del Com-itato Esecutivo del CIJM . .13. Progetto generale di organizzazione 6 , F r ~'- 'l 1 Appena possibile, ma in tutti i casi non oltre sei mesj dopo la costituzione deJ COJMP, esso sottoporrà, all'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CJJM~ un progetto generale di organizzazione (permettendo una visione globale attraverso una piano strutturale e funzionale integrando i dati economici ed amministrativi ed economici) del COJMP e dei Giochi. Tutte le modifiche apportate ulteriormente a questo progeto dovranno essere effettuate in accordo con il Comitato Esecutivo del CJJM. J 14. Sicurezza 1 I La Città ed il CON I adotteranno tutte le misure di sicurezza appropriata e necessarie per le autorità competenti dei paesi ospiti. Il Comitato Esecutivo del CrJM assicurerà i contatti tra da una ,parte il CIJM , e dall'altra parte la Città, if CONI, il COJMP ed il Governo. 151t Servizio medico f i Il ~ ; J La Città, H CONI ed il COJMP saranno responsabili di tutti gli aspetti dei servizi sanitari/medjci in relazione ai Giochi, attraverso le autorità competenti del paese ospitante. La Città. il CONI e il COJMP saranno responsabili nell'applicare tutte 'e misure medico/sanitarie necessarie ed appropriate e· di attivare sul posto i locali, materiali e persone competenti necessari al controllo del doping ed al monitoraggio medico degli atleti. Il contratto tra il COJMP ed il Labor~torio incaricato del controllo del doping dovrà essere stipulato non oltre un anno prima dei Giochi. Le cure mediche -saranno fornite gratuitamente a tutte le persone accreditate aj Giochi e in ogni situazione che potrebbe avvenire durante il loro soggiorno nel Paese ospitante dei Giochi. L'insieme dei dispositivi dovrà' essere convalidato dal Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, su proposta della commissione medica del CIJM~ \ I J 16. Tariffazione dei servizi esterni ~ ~ Almeno un anno prima dei Giochi una lista di prezzi espressi in dollart US, per i servizi esterni quali: i trasportr le comunicazioni radio, ,comprese le tariffe telefoniche, le attrezzature specifiche per la stampai la radio e la televisione, l'affitto degli uffici, dei parcheggi e dell'attrezzatura speciatizzata sarà sottoposta dal COJMP all'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. i Con l'obiettivo di promuovere il Movimento Olimpico Mediterraneo a livello nazionale e internazionale, il COJMP farà in modo di ridurre questi costi al minimo. I In seguito all'approvazione da parte del Comitato esecutivo del CIJM, la lista dei prezzi dei servizi esterni dovrà essere immediatamente comunicata, ai CIO pa rtici pa nti. 1 l. il r J 17. Rapporti informativi A partjre dal gjorno della sua costituzione, iJ COJMP invierà al Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM un relazione semestrale in francese~ in inglese ed in arabo sul progresso nella preparazione dei Giochi. <. 7 J' ", "~ A partire da un anno prima delrinizio dei Giochi, questi rapporti seranno mandati trimestralmente. Inoltre, H COJMP fornirà delle relazioni scritte, e riferirà oralmente ogni volta che if Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM lo richiederà. Le decisioni prese dal Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM o darrAssembfea Generale del CIJM in conformità con la Carta de' CIJM o con il presente contratto, in seguito à questi rapporti, dovranno essere immediatamente seguite da effetti. .~ j l t 18 Rapporto finale , i I " Oltre aria tabeJla dati completa di tutte le informazioni dei Giochi figurante nel punto 9 sopra citato, che dev'essere messa a disposizione del CIJM nella settimana seguente la fine dei Giochi, il COJMP sottometterà al Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, in conformità alle disposizioni della Carta del CIJM, un rapporto finale in francese, in inglese ed in arabo, su tutti gli aspetti organizzativi dei Giochi del Mediterraneo in spiaggia, compresi i bilanci e i conti verificati e certificati nel limite dj un anno dopo la chiusura dei GiochL l i Riguardo al contenuto di questo rapporto finale, il COJMP si impegna ad attenersi scrupolosamente alle raccomandazioni emanate sulla questione dal CrJM. J l 111- ORGANIZZAZIONE DEGLI ALLOGGI L'organizzazione degri alloggi sarà responsabilità del COJMP che dovrà garantire rispetto deJla Carta deJ CIJM e i termini del presente contratto. il 19. Luogo (x) d-i alloggio degli atleti I OPZIONE 1(se l'organizzazion; prevede la costruzione~i l ! I l j ., ! •~ l I un Villaggio Mediterraneo) Se il dossier di candidatura prevede la costruzione di un vUlaggio il periodo di t realizzazione ( inizio e fine dei lavori) indicati· nel dossjer dovranno essere rispettatL La mancanza di questo requisito è passibile delJ'applicazione delle clausole di rescissione stabilite nell'articolo 42 del presente contratto4 Gli impianti del villaggio saranno messi a disposizione delle delegazioni almeno cinque giorni prima della cerimonia di apertura. Essi resteranno disponibili almeno per tre giorni la cerimonia di chiusura Il Dei servizi di ristorazione completi e sufficenti e tutti gli altrj servizi necessari tali che i transporti e le cure mediche, ecc. saranno ano stesso modo organizzati dal COJMP a vantaggio di tutte le delegazioni. l " ; ! L'alloggio e la ristorazione rispetteranno un livello minimo di comodità paragonabile agli hoter di classe turistica o 3 stelJe. La cproporzione di WCI doccia per abitante del villaggio non dovrà eccedere il rapporto di 4 atleti per WC/doccia. Degli spazi di numero e dimensioni sufficenti saranno messi a disposizione di ogni deJegazione per permettere di sistemare degli uffici e dei servizi medici e di fisioterapia propri ad ogni ero. 8 I ~ I l i I i Tutti i servizi citati qui sopra saranno forniti ad un prezzo base per persona e fatturati dal COJMP ad ogni delegazione~ Il prezzo base conservato e re modalità di pagamento saranno definite di comune accordo tra il COJMP e il Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, ed annunciate ufficialmente dal COJMP almeno un anno prima deJrinizio dei Giochi. Qualsiasi deroga, anche temporanea, riguardante il numero e localizzazione di altri virraggi dovrà essere sottomessa all'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM~ I O~ZjONE l (se l'organizzazione non prevede la costruzione di un Vill~ggioMediterraneo) J Jn conformità con le istruzioni della Carta deJ CIJM, un luogo di sistemazione sarà specificamente riservato ai concorrenti e agli ufficiali delle delegazioni. Le strutture saranno messe a disposizione delle delegazioni almeno cinque giorni prima della cerimonia di apertura. Esse resteranno disponibili per almeno tre giorni dopo la cerimonia di chiusura~ Dei servizi di ristorazione completi e sufficenti e tutti gli ~Itrt servizi necessari tali che i transporti e le cure mediche, ecc. saranno allo stesso modo organizzati dal COJMP a vantaggio di tutte le delegazioni. L'alloggjo e la ristorazione rispetteranno un liverlo minimo di comodità paragonabile agli hotel dj classe turistica o 3 stelle. La proporzione di WCl doccia per abitante del villaggio non dovrà eccedere il rapporto di 4 atleti per WC/doccia. Degli spazi di numero e dimensioni sufficenti saranno messi a di ogni delegazione per permettere dj sistemare degli uffici e dei servizi medici e di \.. fjsioterapia propri ad ogni CtO. i· i ~ I Tutti i servizi citati qui sopra saranno forniti ad un prezzo base·per persona e fatturati dal COJMP ad ogni delegazione. Il prezzo base conservato e le modaljtà di pagamento dovranno figurare nel dossier di candidatura e saranno annunciate ufficiarmente dal COJMP almeno un anno prima dell'inizio dei Giochi. e j r I Quarsiasi deroga, anche temporanea, riguardante il numero e localizzazione del (o di) luogo (o luoghi) dJalloggio dovrà essere sottomessa alJ'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. I J 20. Situazione Geografica Il (od i) ruogo (o luoghi) di alloggio delJe delegazioni si dovrà trovare Jungo la costa o if più vicino possibile al mare. Dovrà essere il più vicino possibile agli impianti sportivi più importanti. Un piano generate di tutti i siti sarà fornito dal COJMP indicante le distanze precise tra le strutture sportive e i diversi centri di attività collegati ai GiochL Un documento definitivo che tenga conto delle eventuali modificazioni sarà sottomesso alrapprovazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM non' oltre un anno prima della data di apertura dei GiochL 21. Sistemazione dei Giudici e degli Arbitri e dei Delegati tecnici delle FI 9 Delfe disposizioni particorari saranno prese per assicurare l'alloggio dei Giudici et deglj Arbitri nello spirito delle regole olimpiche, così come dei Delegati Tecnici designati dalle Federazioni Internazionali degli sport in programma ai Giochi, secondo le indicazioni del CIJM _"'2 . "t I 22. Sistemazione dei media Il COJMP e la Città garantiranno ai rappresentanti dei media la proposta dj un gruppo di hotel di diverse categorie, con tutte le condizioni di lavoro necessarie, al prezzo migliore possibile, il tutto sotto riserva deU'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. Anche questi alloggi sj dovranno trovare ir più vicino possibile ai grandi centri sportivi e al Centro Principale della Stampa e saranno messi a disposizione dei rappresentanti dei media durante lo stesso perjodo di apertura che il ( o i) luogo (o luoghi) d'alloggio deUe delegazioni partecipanti ai Giochi Le diverse tariffe saranno annunciate prima deU'apertura dei Giochi ufficilamente dal COJMP almeno un anno 23. Tariffe degli hotel Degli impegni speciali saranno presi dalla Città, dal CONI e dal COJMP per l'applicazione di prezzi convenienti ai visitatori, ufficiali o no. La Città intraprenderà re misure nece'ssarie per mantenere il controllo delle disponibilità e i prezzi delre camere degli alberghi nella Città e nelle sue vicinanze, durante il periodo dei Giochi I t ~ i f. ì ! In mancanza di ogni altro accordo approvato dal Comitato esecutivo del CIJM, i prezzi delle camere di alberghi, delle sale di conferenze e dei servizi annessi non dovranno superare iJ tariffario corrispondente ai Giochi dell'anno prece-ndente, eventualmente modificato at tasso ufficiale di inflazione. Le tariffe saranno annunciate dell'apertura dei Giochi. ufficialmente dal COJMP almeno un anno prima Il ricorso ad un organismo per la fornitura di servizi per il trattamento delle questioni riguardanti gli arloggi implica ugualmente il rispetto delle disposizioni stabilite nel presente articolo! l'esternalizzazione di una prestazione non modificando niente degli obbUghi imposti ai presenti. l ~ t r l I •< ~ ,, l 1 24. Sistemazione della Famiglia Olimpica Mediterranea Il COJMP fornirà un alloggio appropiato a tutti i membri accreditati ~ella Famiglia OHmpica Mediterranea, come definita nella Carta del CIJM e precisata nell'articolo X del presente contratto. l I -- 1 "~ IV - ORGANIZZAZIONE DEI TRASPORTI 25. La rete dei trasporti J La Città e il COJMP saranno responsabili della creazione di una rete di trasporti gratuita nella città e nelle sue vicjnanze, così come tra t'aeroporto, il porto o la stazione ar servizio della città, del (o dei) luogo ( o luoghi) di aUoggio delle deregazion i e degli impianti prescelti, per gli atleti, gli allenatorir gli ufficiali e i lO . I !r rappresentanti dei media accreditati, oltre che per il materiale necessari agli atleti per IJaHenamento o la gara durante i Giochi. e l'attrezzatura 26. Parco macchine (delegazioni) 'tP J ~ li sistema dj trasporti fornito dal COJMP sarà constituito da un parco di veicoli ( automobili, vetture, navette) con autista a disposizjone di ogni delegazione, in proporzione alla sua importanza numerica. rr piano di distribuzione dei veicoli dovrà essere sottomesso all'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM.Le spese locati di trasporto dal luogo di alloggio di ogni delegazione sportiva nazionale agli impianti sportivj, sono a carico del COJMP. 1 ~ .~ ,- I .i .~ , V - ORGANIZZAZIONE SPORTIVA ~ ~ 27. Programma sportivo e culturale AI massimo un anno prima dei Gjochi! i programmi sportivo e culturale definitivi dei Giochi dovranno essere sottoposti dal COJMP, all'approvazione del Comitato Esecutjvo dar CIJM~ Il programma culturale servirà a promuovere delle serene rerazioni internazionali e i rapporti di amicizia, in particolare tra i partecipanti, gli spettatori e la popolazione locale ai Giochi. Esso si dovrà ugualmente interessare agli aspetti di protezione della natura e di conservazione del territorio. Il COJMP si impegna inoltre a progettare ed eseguire un programme di promozione dell'Eredità dei Giochi del Mediterraneo che farà parte del programma generale delle attività. 28. Esigenze tecniche minimali Il COJMP si impegna a rispettare i ~equisiti minimi per.ogni sport ed ogni prova come definiti dai Regolamenti Tecnici del CIJM stabiliti dal Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM su proposta della Commissione Tecnica del CIJM. Il COJMP assicura il rispetto delle condizioni richieste per ogni sport ed ogni prova, come definite dai Regolamenti Tecnici del CIJM e dai Regolamenti delle Federazioni Sportive Internazionali. 29. Impianti sportivi Gli impianti sportivi proposti daUa città, dal CONI e dal COJMP nel loro dossier d'organizzazione dei Giochi. previa consultazione con il CIJM, e dopo preavViso della Commìssione Tecnica potranno essere modificati e soggetti alf~approvazione preliminare del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. La Città, il CONI e il COJMP riconoscono che il loro obbligo di fornir~ delle strutture sportive adeguate ed attrezzate in maniera appropiata riguardi anche i sUi di allenamento di numero sufficiente~ 1] " • /' ""~, .. "'I l, 30. Importazione del materiale 1 La Città, il CONI e il COJMP prenderanno tutte le misure necessarie per agevolare l'importazione, in esenzione dei dazi doganali, del materiale (materiale medico e prodotti medicali inclusi) e dell'attrezzatura necessari ai Comitati Nazionali Olimpici e alle Federazioni Internazionali, in occasione dei Giochi, così come de' materiale e delrattrezzatura necessarie ai rappresentanti dei media accreditati, e ai partner, questi ultimi' a condizjone che questo materiale e quest'attrezzatura siano utilizzati durante i Giochi o riesportati verso la nazione di origine dopo i Giochi. VI - OBLIGAZIONI FINANZIARIE E COMMERCIALI 31. Diritto esclusivo del CIJM sui Giochi - Cessione condizioni lì dei diritti alla Città su a) La Città e il CONI riconoscono, senza limitare l'applicazione di eventuali disposizioni della Carta del CIJM che i Giochi posti sotto il controllo del COJMP, e sfruttando gli impianti attribuiti ai Giochi, sono proprietà esclusiva deJ CIJM e che il CIJM è il titolare esclusivo 'di tutti i diritti relativi alla loro organizzazione, al foro funzionamento, diffusione, commercio riproduzione con qualsiasi mezzo esso avvenga. I I b) H Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM può cedere, rilasciare o trasmettere tutti o parte di questi diritti a terzi di sua scelta, compresi i diritti legati o derivanti dal simbolo ufficiale dei Giochi, dalla mascotte dai manifestit da ogni rappresentazione o designazione artistica, ortografica o visiva relativa ai Giochi. I Questa cessione dei diritti del COJMP è reatizzabite solo se il Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM è soddisfatto del regime di tutela dei diritti di proprietà del CIJM, in relazione con i diversi obiettivi e marchi l , Inoltre~ la Città e il CONI convengono e s'impegnano affinché, se per qualunque ragione, la Città, il CONI e il COJMP od eventuali terzi ottenessero dei diritti legati direttamente od indirettamente ai Giochi in segujto a qualsiasi tipo di accordo stipulato con la Città, il CONI od il COJMP, questi detengano questi diritti in qualità di fiduciari a beneficio del CIJM e li restituiscano in ogni caso, ar CIJM, a loro spese in una forma da definire dal Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. t :., l l ~ Questa cessione dei diritti si applica tenendo conto delle precisazioni e della disposizioni,contenute nel « Impegno riguardante la candidatura per l'organiz~azione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo di spiaggia - Marketing, Comunicazione e Tecnologia )} c) La cessione dei diritti succitati è consentita in maniera eccezionale prima edizione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo di spjaggia a titolo gratuito. per questa '. Ai sensi della cessione ad esso consentita dall'articolo VI-c), di cui sopra, il COJMP ha la responsabilità escfusiva della progettazione generale e dell'organizzazione l ~ '. l 12 -, I deJla gestione commerciale, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, dei diritti pubblicitari~ a scopo promozionale o pubblicitario, dj diffusione elo di distrjbuzione relativi ai primi Giochi del Mediterraneo di spiaggia l -l Questi diritti comprendono l'autorizzazione ad utilizzare a fini non commerciali if Simbolo del CIJM e dei Giochi del Mediterraneo: i Tre Cerchi, propretà escfusiva def CIJM. Questi diritti comprendono, l'autorizzazione ad utilizzare il Simbolo del CIJM associato alla composizione che costituisce iJ simbolo proprio del COJMP. f I Obbligatoriamente i Questi diritti comprendono i diritti di ritrasmissione radiofonica et televisiva ed i diritti di accesso del pubblico alle competizioni (biglietteria). I il simbolo del COJMP deve includere Hsimbolo del CIJM. Essj sono uguafmente estesi a tutti i documenti ufficiali (come: film, video, fotografie, opere musicali, -filatelia ... ) che sarebbero realizzati sotto ,la responsabilità del COJMP o per sua iniziativa in occasione dei Primi Giochi del Mediterraneo di • • splaggJa. Questi diritti comprendono ugualmente la possibilità, per il COJMP, di concedere a titolo gratuito o onerosi, spazi pubblicitari dentro il recinto delle jstallazioni e dei siti sportivi che saranno uti'izzati per gli allenamenti elo le competizioni ufficiali . Tutte le utilizzazioni pubblicitarie sulle maglie e sull'abbigliamento dei partecipanti sarà l'oggetto di un accordo particofare tra il COJMP ed il Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM in conformità dell'art.XIX -- 6 deJla Carta del CIJM~ Questi diritti sono in priorità esclusiva del COJMP fino al 31 dicembre 2015 e saranno esercitati nel rispetto della legislazione, della deontologia sportiva nazionale ed internazionale, nonchè delle regole applicate dentro il paese dove la trasmjssione televisiva e radiofonica sarà effettuata. Il COJMP si assume la piena ed intera responsabilità per tutte le violazioni delle regote e dei principi. , .,, Per proprietà esclusiva i firnatari intendono l'interdizione di tutti gli altri organjsmi diversi dal COJMP di commercializzare o cedere a titolo gratuito tutto o in parte i diritti relatjvi ai Primi Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla Spiaggia per rr periodo che va dalla firma del presente contratto ar 31 dicembre 2015, salvo accordo formale con H Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. t .. , j • l l -, ( i 1 j IL COJMP è ugualmente proprietario, a titolo esclusjvo, del segnale internazionale prodotto dall'emittente ufficiale che sarà conservata ed una copia sarà consegnata, gratuitamente, al CJJM. 32~ Eccedenze Finanziarie Tutte le eccedenze derivate da bilanci certificati e risultanti alla fine dei Giochi, saranno ripartitj nel modo seguente: - 40 % al CONI l i 1 l i ~ ]3 , - 40 % da utilizzare a beneficio generale dello sport nel Paese Ospitante, nel modo che potrà essere determinato dal CONI e dal COJMP. Il COJMP presenterà al Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, per l'approvazione, una piano di interventi economici che si intende adottare a tal proposito. - 20 % al COJMP 33. Sistema di distribuzione dei biglietti di ingresso , JI sistema di distribuzione dei biglietti di ingresso a tutte le manifestazioni, ed il loro prezzo, saranno sottoposti all·approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. Disposizioni particolari saranno prese dal COJMP in accordo con il Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, per permettere a delegazioni sportive di assistere a competizioni e ad manifestazioni ufficiali. La lista dei bigrietti gratuiti che saranno concessi ai diversi accredjtati, saranno forniti dal Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM al COJMP che determinerà la localizzazione dei posti corrispondenti nelle tribune, con l'accordo del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM ~ 34. Programma di Commercializzazione Il CONI ed il COJMP lavoreranno in totale cooperazione al fine di stabiJire un Programma di Commerciafizzazione congiunto per il periodo compreso tra la data della firma del presente contratto fino al 31 dicembre 2015, e 'controlleranno che questo programma di commercializzazione non interferisca nè porti alcun pregiudizio ad un eventuale Programma Internazionale der CJJM che saranno comunicate al CIJM dal CONI e dal COJMP. ì i~ f Il CONI ed il COJMP forniranno una copia dell~eventuale accordo concluso per l'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM 35. Protezione Giuridica l La Città ed il CONI dovranno ottenere dalle autorità competenti, una protezione giuridica adeguata e permanente al favore del CIJM, dei simbolo del CIJM e dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla Spiaggia, dei tre' aneJli, della bandiera, e una protezione giuridica del simbolo e delta Mascotte dei Primi Giochi del Mediterraneo sulJa Spiaggia, scelti dal COJMP dopo l'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo de' CrJM. Il mancato riscontro di una delle protezioni sopra citate, costjtuiranno una mancanza del presente contratto. Il COJMP farà del suo meglio per assicurare la protezione internazionale del suo simbolo e della sua mascotte. f l -, VII - SERVIZIO SANITARIO 36. Guida Medica e Guida Antidoping ·1- -- ~ i La Guida Medica del CIJM sarà applicata ai Giochi. Una guida sul controllo antidoping conforme al Codice debitamente approvato dall' AMA, sarà applicata ai Giochi. Mondiale Antidoping l [, ! 14 " r..~ "-, ," 'l l i ! l 37. Servizi Oltre ai servizi necessari e aJl'equipaggiamento medicale necessario allo svolgimento dei Giochi, il COJMP metterà a disposizione della Commissione Medica, con il suo accordo, - una sala riunione - un u.fficio per il Presidente deUa Commissione Medica - un ufficio ~rredato per la segreteria VIII - PU BBLICAZION I 38. Regolamenti Generali, Règlements Généraux, Opuscoli Guida per i Media, Manuale di Accreditamento Tecnici e Medicali, Dopo che i loro testi saranno' approvati dal Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM! le pubblicazioni seguenti saranno stampate dal COJMP in francese, in inglese ed" in arabo e distribuite, a proprie spese: - i regolamenti generali di partecipazione (compresa la « Guida dei Capi Missioneles », il « Manuale di Accreditamento », il « Catalogo dei servizi tariffari per i Comitati Olimpici partecipanti», la « Guida per l'importazione dei beni », e tutte le altre pubblicazioni richieste dal CIJM), - per ogni sport, un opuscolo esplicativo contenente il programma d'insieme e le disposizioni relative all'organizzazione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulta Spiaggia I - in campo medico : · 1 guida medica ; · 1 guid,a per if controllo antidoping ; · 1 formulario farmaceutico. f i l~, ...Una guida dei media - Una guida del protocolJo - Una guida dei trasporti. I Salvo disposizioni specifiche in questo Contratto e nella Carta, questi documenti saranno inviati su iniziativa del COJMP, 9 mesi prima dell'apertura dei Giochi: al CIJM, a tutti i Comitati Nazionali Olimpici membri del CNO invitati dal CIJM, alle Federazioni Internazionali interessate, ai Delegati Tecnici di queste Federazioni InternazjonaJi, ed anche a tutti i vari settori interessati . .-1 I IX - ORGANIZZAZIONE DELLE CERIMONIE 39. L'organizzazione detle Cerimonie di Apertura. di chiusura e della consegna deUe m-edaglie dei Giochi è a carico del COJMP, sotto il controllo del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM. 15 1 l ;'T, .•. i.' Gli scenari delle cerimonie di Apertura e di Chiusura dovranno essere approvati, inizialmente, dal Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM almeno 6 mesi prima della cerimonia di apertura e dovranno rispettare i grandi principi della Carta del CIJM e lo spirito dei Giochi del Mediterraneo. Le medaglie ed i diplomi, il cui design dovranno essere sottoposto all'approvazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, saranno assegnati agli atleti sotto la stretta sorveglianza del CIJM e conformemente aUa Carta del CIJM ed al manuale del protocollo stesso. J ! t X - OBBLIGHI PARTICOLARI 40. Accoglienza delle Personalità - Riunioni - Preparazione Giochi. e Partecipazione ai a) Assemblea Generale 2015 del C/JM l i Per [o svolgimento derlJAssemblea Generale del CIJM, riunito su convocazione del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, il COJMP dovrà fornire una sala sufficientemente grande. per l'accoglienza dj· tutti i partecipanti : Comitato Esecutivo del"' CIJM, Delegazioni dei Comitati Olimpici membri del CIJM, Membri ,del Comitato Internazionale Olimpico per i paesi membri del CJJM, Membri d'onore del CIJM, Membri delle Commissioni del CIJM, Delegazioni che presentano rapporti, Membri del COJMP, segretari ed interpreti. L'organizzazione di queste riunioni è sotto IJautorità del Segretario Generale del CJJM ed il COJMP dovrà seguire le sue istruzioni. La sala della riunione dovrà essere interamente equipaggiata di sistemi per la traduzione simultanea, la registrazione e sistemi per" la riproduzione audio visiva. Il COJMP prenderà a deli'Assemblea Generale. suo carico tutte le fasi relative alrorganizzazione Il COJMP prenderà a suo carico solo le spese di trasporto e di soggiorno dei membri del Comitato Esecutivo e delle Commissioni -del CIJM, dei membri del CIO dei paesi mebrj del CIJM, dei membri d'onore del CIJM e del segretario del CIJM. ( b) Personalità e Commissioni del CIJM f ~ , ~ I 1 A seguito della firma del presente contratto, il COJMP prenderà a suo carico, durante tutto il periodo di preparazione che precederà lo svolgimento dei Giochi, tutte le spese di spostamento e di soggiorno occasionale per tutte le persone o tutte le commissioni, specialmente, ma non esclusivamente, le Commissioni dei Coordinatori, debitarnente autorizzati per questo dal Presidente del CIJM a visitare il paese organizzatore per motivazioni speciali. A seguito della firma del presente contratto, il COJMP metterà gratuitamente a disposizione del CIJM a seguito di precisa richiesta, per le riunioni in preparazione dei Giochi, dei locali adatti ed una segreteria equipaggiata. c:) .........................• ~~.#~.~ ~ ~ ~.. w~ •••• # •••••• ~.~····~······· •••••••••••• ,,~,.~ onalità Sportive, Delegati Tecnici, Giudici, Invitati 16 ·'1 ·C ~ l •. Il COJMP, in occasione dei Giochi, prenderà a suo carico: • Le spese di trasporto dei membri del CIO dei paesi membri de[ CrJM, dei membri del Comitato Esecutivo e delle commissioni del CIJM, dei meMbri d'onore del CIJM e del segretario del C~JM, di ogni delegato tecnico delle Federazioni Internazionali e dei presidenti di giuria per disciplina sportiva • Le spese di soggiorno per la durata dei Giochi che va dal periodo compreso tra la data prevista per l'apertura del Idei Giochi nel luogo Iluoghi di alJoggio delle delegazioni e quella ritenuta di chiusura per: .l t I o membri d'onore del CIJM con un invito, o o " 0 ••••••••••••••• " I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• meMbri def CIO dei paesi membri del CIJM con un invito, , Il cost.o di soggiorno di un invitato per ogni membro del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM e ciascun presidente delle Commissioni del CIJM o -, L •••• 11111 •••••••••••••.••.•••••••••••••••••• I , • •••••••• '1 •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I Presidenti delle Federazioni Internazionali ed j Presidenti delle Unioni/Confederazioni medjterranee invitate dal CIJM con le Delegazioni Tecniche delle Federazjoni rnternazionali e di ogni Presidente d~ Giuria per Disciplina Sportiva • o /' I Il •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••• I trentadue (32) invitati del CIJM In vicinanza del periodo di preparzione dei Giochi, il COJMP dovrà organizzare ed accogliere una volta al mese il Delegato Tecnico della Fed. Internazionale interessata ai Giochi, ai quali assicurerà le spese di viaggio e di soggiorno. r l r r I ~ .- \ Nel periodo sopra menzionato, it COJMP riserverà il biglietto aereo per: • in classe busi'ness per i membri del Comitati Olimpici dei Paesi Membri del CIJM, per i Membri del Comitato Esecutivor per i Membri d'Onore del CIJM, per i Presidenti delle Commissioni del CIJM e per i membri delle Commissioni di Coordinamento. • In classe economica per gli altri Membri d) Mezzi di trasporto Durante la durata dei Giochi, il COJMP metterà a disposizione autista a : una vettura con - ogni Membro del Comitato Esecutivo del CJJM, ogni membro d'Onore del CIJM, ogni Membro del CIO dei Paesi Membri del CIJM, \ -1 1 i - del Presidente e di ogni Membro delle Commissioni del CIJM, - del Presidente e del Segretario Generale di ogni Comitato Olimpico mebro del CIJM e di ogni Presidente di Fed. Internazionale degli sport iscritti nel programma del Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia. 17 ,1 I XI • OBBLIGHI DOPO I GIOCHI 41. Rapporto ufficiale l Alla fine dei giochi e entro un un anno massimo dalla Cerimonia di Chiusura, il COJMP pubblicherà il rapporto previsto alla Regola XIX 5.4 della Carta del CIJM, in francese, inglese, arabo. Il COJMP presenterà le bozze di questo rapporto al CIJM per J·approvazione prima della stampa . 1 Per quanto riguarda i contenuti del rapporto finale, il COJMP si impegna confermare scrupolosamente le racc9mandazioni previste in materia del CIJM. I a Una volta pubblicalo cinquanta (50) copie saranno inviate· gratuitamente dal COJMP al CIJM (o a qualcun'altro). Il COJMP consegnerà inoltre un esemplare gratuitamente a ciascuno dei Comitati Nazionari Olimpici mebri del CIJM e delle Fed. Internazionali relative. t l I Jnfine, alra sua uscita, il COJMP consegnerà agri organizzatori dei Giochi successivi, un esemplare del suo rapporto con tutte le informazioni al fine da facilitare I!organizzazione dei Giochi.' I 1 l XII - REVOCA - ANNULLAMENTO 42. Revoca ~ l ! l a) Il Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM è abilitato a revocare il presente contratto e ad annullare l'assegnazione dei Giochi alla Città se : (I) Il Paese Ospitante si trova in qualsiasi momento sia prima della cerimonia di apertura o durante i Giochi in stato di guerra o in una situazione ufficialmente riconosciuta come stato di belligeranza in relazione aJdiritto internazionale. (Il) le garanzie del governo (quelle stipulate nell'art, L2 del contratto) non vengono rispettate (111)In caso di violazione per la Città, il CONio il COJMP di uno degli obblighi istitutiti dal presente contratto o dalla Carta del C1JM. ; ..l (IV) In caso di modifiche del COJMP, senza l'accordo preventivo del Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, delle condizioni e delle modalità definite nel documento di candidatura o nel Piano generale d'organizzazione apptovato dal CIJM. Sono considerate come tali le modifiche riguardanti le modalità e le dimensioni de.1Idei luogo/ruoghi di alloggio delle delegazioni, quelle riguardantiu le modalità e re capacità delle principali strutture sportive, le condizioni finanziarie e giuridiche. _i I I l b) Per questa cancellazione, iJ Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM, procederà come segue (a condizione che nessuna misura dJurgenza sia necessaria): Se il Comitato Esecutivo def CIJM constata ch"e un obbligo è stato, o sarà, violata qal Governo del Paese Ospitante, la Città, il CONio ir COJMP, avrà il diritto di mettere ]8 ì la Città, il CONio il COJMP, congiuntamente e/o solidarmente, in preavviso, per lettera raccomandata,· fac simile o corriere elettronico (con copia di conferma inviata per raccomandata) o corriere speciale con ricevuta di ricezione e diretta alle tre entità o ad una sola di esse, di rimediare o di far rimediare a/aUa viorazione/i constatata/e dal CfJM, in un periodo di 60 (sessanta) giorni dopo la data di invio di detto preavviso. Le parti messe in preavviso dovranno comunicare rjcezione in modo motivato dentro il limite di 15 giorni. ì t l l In assenza di risposte soddisfacenti, al termine di 60 giorni, il presente contratto sarà ritenuto annullato per mancanza di rispetto degJi obblighi contrattuari con tutte le conseguenze che si addebiteranno al COJMP e ad i suoi partner ed il Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM convocherà una Assemblea Generale straordinaria per designare una nuova città per l'organizzazione dei primi Giochj del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia. 1 (. 43. Ann'ullamento In caso di annuJl~mento d~ parte del Comitato es~cutivo del CIJM per il non rispetto degli obblighi imposti, la Città, il CONI, ed if COJMP rinunciano~ a pres~ntare qualsiasi richiesta e diritto, a quaJsiasi forma di' indennità, richiesta di danni o altre o altro compenso, e si impegna a p'roteggere il CIJM dei quarsiasi pretesa, azione o ingiunzione in relazione a questo annullamento. IJ COJMP, représentant toutes les parties prenantes, riconosce di dover assumere le conseguenze di qualsiasi natura risultante dalle sue incapacità, dirette o indirette, a rispettare gli obbHghi che sono stati richiesti dagli impegni assunti con i suoi partner per l'organtzzazione dei Giochi. E non sarà alcun caso possibile che tutti, la Città, il CONI, o altri partner possa esercitare una qualsiasi azione contro it CJJM. J .. ~ ~ '" 1 l XIII DISPOSIZIONI DIVERSE 44.. Assistenza del CIJM I Il CIJM aiuterà il COJMP che si avvarrà delle sue conoscenze, della sua esperienza e delle sue competenze negli aspetti relativi alla pianificazione, l'organizzazione, la conduzione e lo svolgimento dei Giochi. 45. Cessione dei diritti ti La Città il CONI ed il COJMP non potrà cedere alcun diritto né alcun obbligo in virtù del presente contratto o della Carta del CIJM, in tutto o in parte, senza l'approvazione preliminare del Comitati Esecutivo del CIJM . t I • I 1- 46. Modifiche delle direttiva Se uno (o alcune) disposizioni di questo contratto impongono degli obblighi eccessivi alla Città, al CONr e/o al COJMP che non possono essere previsti alla data della firma del contratto, ad esempio l'evoluzione tecnica o tecnologica o altro, indipendenti dalla volontà delle parti, il CIJM si riserva il dirjtto di modificare alcune disposizioni. La Città il CONI e/o il CIJM potranno domandare aJ Comitato Esecutivo del CIJM di considerare tali modifiche giustificate daUe circostanze, a condizione t I • 19 1 1 "1 l che le modifiche stesse non incidono nè ~sulla Carta del CIJM, né ai Giochi, nè al CIJM. 47. Regolamentazione dei contrastif rinuncia all'immunità Tutti i Ijtigi concernenti il presente contratto, la loro validità, la loro interpretazione o esecuzione, compreso le appendici, saranno risolte con un arbitrato e gjudicate dal TribunaJe ArbitraJe dello Sport in conformità agli Statuti e Regolamenti di detto Tribunale. La sedia dell·Aritrato è a Losanna, Cantone de Vaud - Svizzera. La Città, il CONr ed il COJMP rinunceranno espressamente per il presente, all'applicazione di tutte le disposizioni legali in virtù del quale potevano invocare l'immunità contro tutte le azioni intentate contro dal CJJM. La Città, il CONI ed il COJMP riconosceranno la validità di questi accordi e di ogni notifica significative per il CIJM. t lr La versione francese si questo contratto fa fede. 48. Carta del CIJM ì i. t Il l' I 1- ~ tI J Per il presente contratto; si intende per « Carta deJ CIJM » Ja Carta in vigore alla data della conclusione del presente contratto. Tuttavia, il CIJM si riserva il diritto di modificare fa Carta entro la conclusione del presente contratto e la celebrazione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo sulla spiaggia del 2015. La versione modifjcata prevarrà~ salvo per disposizioni che potranno avere effettj pregiudiziaU per H COJMP per quanto riguarda i suoi obblighi. L!esame dei punti di discussione, saranno fatti in contraddittorio tra ir CIJM ed il COJM P. 49. Priorita della Carta del CIJM lt In caso di conflitto tra le disposizionj del presente contratto e quelle deUa Carta del CIJM, te disposizioni della Carta det CIJM prevarranno. 50. Autorizzazioni alla firma Ciascuno delle partj di tale contratto dichiarano e garantiscono che le persone che firmano per conto di persone giuridiche che sono rappresentate, sono debitamente autorizzate a farlo e che tutte le formalità necessarie a tal riguardo sono state completate conformemente alle disposizioni legali e regolamentari vigenti. i 51. Titolo J Un titolo è stato dato ad ogni articolo e sezione del presente contratto per semplice comodità. Questi titoli non saranno considerati influenti alle disposizioni per i quali si rife riscono. l I l I 20 ·1 "l l IN FEDE CHE LE PARTI QUI FIRMATARIE DEL PRESENTE CONTRATTO NEL LUOGO ED ALLA DATA MENZIONATE ALLA PRIMA PAGINA. l IL COMJT ATO INTERNAZIONALE per ••• I. I •••••••••••••.••••••• I •••••••••• I •.••••••••••••••• DEI GIOCHI DEL MEDITERRANEO ,,_ ••••••••••.••• I. I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••• 1- •••••••••••••••••• I. IL COMITATO OLIMPICO NAZIONALE per ; ~ " . ~ I I t lA CITTA' di pe r , ~.............. . Stilato a il in quattro copie originali. "i- ! I i JG/SM ! l l ! ., l 2] __ ••.• _ ••• _-. •.• _L __ L~""""".L.-L.""""""'_~.-.-:IoI~_"''''r~''::iT-:':'''''''''''·h.:=:'.IL.':.:':~ 3 It's wonderful to thìnk FROM PESCARA 2009 TO back to June 2009, PESCARA 2015 remembering success, the world r The idea to host the first edition of the Mediterranean the Beach records,the Games was born in the city ofPescara on the invitation ofthe extraordinary National Olympic Committee (CONI) as a continuation ofthe XVI participation ofthe edition of the Mediterranean r ~-'- ~ PESCARA 2009" .xVI ..lll)X }.4eDnea kAN".t..I'!NS '}filI OIOCFt!" DEL MEDn't!.RltANto XVI MEDITl!flRANiEAN OAJ,(f.S ~ ~1l4....~I,..II.I'Jt r)I ~f brotherhood Games that andthejoyssharedin were held in Pescara in an atmosphere of 2009. solidarity and The Mediterranean Games celebration. is an ìndelible event in the The list of exciting moments of those Games would be a very mem0r:Y of the Abruzzo's long one and so we are happy that Pescara 2009 edition of the people and that memory is Mediterranean still supported today by the of ICMG Mr. Amar Addadi. and friendship with alI the people of the Mediterranean. public, the emotions Games was defined exceptional by the President -.-; - 4 These premìses make it easy to understand and feel the will and ambition ofthe city of Pescara to apply for the first edition of the Mediterranean Beach Games of 2015. The city of Pescara represents the ideaI location for the Games. Our experience in delivering major events is complemented by functional and easily accessible venues, a variety of quality accommodation, beautiful weather and outstanding attractions appeal to athletes the Mediterranean J that will family, friends and supporters. The city of Pescara looks forward to welcoming one and ali in 2015. j ,.-- t t 5 t t t TABLE OF CONTENTS I THEME 1 National, regional and loea) features, concept and motivation 6 THEME 2 LegaI aspects, goverllmenr, loeal authorities, sports authorities, public opinion support 24 THEME 3 Experience in the organisation of large scale international 34 THEME4 Schedule of the Mediterranean Beach Games and sports venues THEME 5 Accommodation and catering 55 THEME6 Health - Antidoping Control 65 THEME7 Transport 73 THEME8 Marketing, communication THEME9 Customs and immigration THEME lO Finances and logistics and technology operations procedures sports events I 81 • • •« • • •e 97 c 43 99 THEME 11 Cultura I programme 101 THEME12 Environrnent 107 c E I: C C 6 1. NATIONAL, REGIONAL AND LOCAL FEATURES, CONCEPT AND MOTIVATION . Italy - A land of wonders ItaIy is a developed country with the 8th -highest quality of-life 06 index rating in the world. The country's social and political stability, the generally medium-to-high - the population international living standards across and excellent diplomatic relations with the community ensure a high degree of social cohesion and public arder. In the last few years, sweeping reforms have been undertaken to modernize and simplify regulations concerning ali sectors of the economy: labor ruJes are now more flexible ..banking and insurance sectors have been liberalized, public adrninistration procedures are simpler and corporate law has been streamJined. Furthermore} Italy complies with ali international technical standards in every industriaI field. 7 It was Italyts economie and financial stability that enabled it to Italy's ability through the centuries as well as in modern times - join the European Union and the Euro Zone. ltaly is ane of the to act as a tlcultural bridge between Europe and the countries that laid the foundations Mediterranean has always firmly supported U of the European Union and it rim, Africa and the Middle East, has led to fruitful and enduring trading relationships the consolidation of ~ United backed by targeted policYI Europe playing a major role~ It has hosted highly significant and has made Italy peculiarly suited to sharing ìts culture with events in the Community's other nationalities. histoI)', such as the signing of the 1957 Treaty of Rome. Since January 2007, Italy has been also a non-permanent member ofthe United Nations Security CounciI contributing to Art and Culture J the ordinary budget of the United Nations with a quota of over Italians calI their countJY "bel paese1r (beautiful country) and the 50/0. The country is therefore one ofthe major contributors 37 million tourists thatvisit the country every year aIso agree J currently lying in sixth pIace. ltaly is also a founding member NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), it is a member of of aSCE (Organization for the Security and Cooperation in Europe) and DeSE (Organization Developrnent j for the Cooperation and Economie and belongs to the G8 (as it boasts the worldls 7th largest nominaI GDP). with this statement. Italy is a treasure chest of art, a living tableau of tbe human history from the earliest times a world-famous culinary delight J and a natura) wonder with everything from craggy mountains, volcanoes and glistering glaciers to sparkling seas and goJden beaches. 8 JtaJy was one of the earliest tourist destinations early as the 16605 noblemen of the world: as from ali European countries , upper-cJass young men with money as well as artists began making the trek to Italy in search of artJ culture and the roots of Western civilization. lt was more than a simple tour or a passing fashion, it became a fundamental moment in the cultural training of every cultivated European. Even today~ tourism of all kinds, educational, cultural" religiousl culinary, artisticI ecologica!, shopping or beach-tours, is one afthe country's biggest contributors to the economy. As home to frescos and mosaics, paintings and sculpture_ civil and religious atchitecture J Italy is the world's greatest repository of artI an endless collection of masterpieces sql1ares, churches, museums and galleries throughout in city the entire country. Visitors can discover the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, Giotto Raphael, Michelangelo l l Botticelli, Caravaggio and Piero della Francesca in timeless artworks of breathtaking also contributed to the history ofWestern art. beauty, that 9 Italy is famous for its art for self-governance of ]iving that embraces to success in sports from ali aspects of life, and the grassroots onethathasseduced to major competitions millions of people fram where ltalian athlett:s, men the time of the first and women ..have and travellers through to the continue lo excel. present day~ has led leve] through The number ofpeople practicing some form of sport has increased significantly in recent years, The social and involving more than 60% of economie relevance of the physically active sports population. Sport has always played an important social and ,economie role in Italy. This is thanks to good public-private cooperation and to CONI working together with some 45 sports federations. This free formation ofpartnerships and those partnerships' capacity According to recent estimates-, some 15 million do so regularlyand systematically. There are approximately 90,000 organizations with a club for every 808 inhabitants ..making sports clubs the lO country's most widespread system, and the ratio is even greater the board. PresentlYJ the system focuses on and punishes the than for schools, parishes} newsagents, bars or restaurants. athlete alone} yet the athlete is often simply the weakest link in a The sports sector amounts to some 30/0 ofthe GDP. In terrns of turnover it is one of Italys top ten businesses l i employing more than a million people overall in the professional and amateur sectorSa Sport embodies and feeds strong values. For 35% of Italian adults sport is an important part of education for both individuals and groups. r'Games" have important ethical and social values, helping people to cape with luck, chance and risk or deal with defeat. Sport also promotes a culture of reward through merit, tran~parency and equa] opportunityl so meagerly represented elsewhere. Italy, alongside many other nations, is very much involved in the fight against doping and perforrns 12,000 annual checks across chain that includes trainers and managers and even doctors. who encourage the athlete to improve his or her performance illicitly. • Il Abruzzo Region dominates alI the region, from the high peaks of The region of Abruzzo is Gran Sasso, Maiella and Jocated in the center of Ita]y, Velino to the golden line of on the south-east coast of Adriatic sea. Its territory is the coast. Hence results a . picture of great variety and divided into 4 main suggestion which can be provinces: L1Aquila, appreciated Pescara, Chieti and Teramo. of the year. The main The population (as per peculiarity of the regioni 2012) is 1.307.919 with a beside a wonderfu) sea, is density of 120jkm2 and its the presence of 4 national total area covers 10,763 parks: the Gran Sasso ...Laga km2. In Abruzzo we find the Mountains, the Maiella ..the highest mountains of Appennini: the massif of Gran $asso (2914 Abruzzo and the Regional in each season m) and the Maiella (2795 m). The main rivers run down to the Park ofSirente- Velino. AlI these and many other natural Adriatic sea, they are the Aterno, Pescara and the Sangro, reserves guarantee the protection of this territory's nature. besides the Liri which flows in the Tyrrhenian sea. Nature 12 Abruzzo is a region which offers really a great number of sports opportunities; thanks to its varied landscape, characterized by the contemporary presence of both sea and mountain. Abruzzo is the only peninsular regio~1 except for the Alpine territory, where is possible to practice the classic climbing~ The most interesting are ali concentrated in the massif of Gran Sasso, where the climbing routes are numerous and suite for any skills. and the sea. Trekking, is the best way to visit Abruzzo National parks as it l allows to,·see rare animals and observe, very closely, plants and flowers and enjoy the beauties of nature in the deepest way. The complex orography of the region, full of mountains ..assures the ideaI condition to practice para gliding and hang gliding. Also bicycle c~n be often used on the routes and paths of Abruzzo~ It is difficult to imagine a more relaxing and healthy way to enjoy The gentle conformation the attractions of of the most of Abruzzo Abruzzo. A great part of mountains1 allows to také traffic runs long walking tours at ' modern motorways steps or short ways, both in the last years, in rniddle and upper releasing in this way heights. Many pleasant wide spaces to cycling on walks are possible in the the most evocativ~ hills of Abruzzo that lay roads. between the mountains 00 the built ..;.- . , @ 13 @ @ The presence of the sea and severa} riversI strearns and lakes is City of Pescara @ significant for the practicing of water sports. Windsurf and sailing can be practiced~ of course, along the coast line.s, where also some schools organize their sailing CQurses. f Since the 1950s, Abruzzo has had steady economie grqwth. In Pescara's origins precede the Roman conquest in fact the village , was'founded to be the port ofTheate, Capita] ofthe people of I é Marrucini, to trade with the peoples of the Orient, a supporting •. 1951, Abruzzo per capita in come or GDP was 530/0 of that of I •l; Northern Italy, the nation's richest region. By 1971, Abruzzo was at 650/0 and, by 1994, per capita income was at 76% of Northern Italy's per capita income, giving Abruzzo the highest per capita GDP of Southern ltaly and surpassing C the growth of every other region of Italy. The construction of superhighways t C from Rome to Teramo (A24) and Rome to Pescara (A25) made Abruz-zo more C easy to access, state and private investment in the regi,on C increased, and Abruzzo attained higher per capita education C levels and greater productivity growth than the rest of the South C ofltaly. C roie that was:held for centuries. The name of'both the town and the river was Aternum, it was connected to Rome through the ti: C 14 Via Claudia Valeria and DtAvalos. In the the Via Tiburtina. The following years Pescara town was an important was repeatedly port far trade with the attacked by the Eastern provinces of the Venetians, and later, as Empire~ In the Middle part of the Spanish Ages it Kingdom of Naples, it was destroyed by was turned into a the Lombards. massive fortress. [n In 1095 Pescara was a 1566 it was besieged by fishing village enriched with monuments 105 Turk galleys. It and resisted fiercely and the churches. In 1140 Roger Ottomans only of Sicily conquered the towry, giving rise to a peri od in which it was destroyed by armies ravaging the Kingdom ofSicily. The name of Piscaria (Uabounding with fishn) is mentioned for the first time in this period. Several signors ruled aver Pescara aftelWards. The subsequent rulers were the managed to ravage the surrounding territory. At the beginning of the 18th century Pescara had s.ome 3,000 inhabitants, half of them living in the Castellammare ..OD the other side of Pescara river. In 1707 it was attacked by A~strian troops under the command of the Duke of Wallis: the town, led by Giovanni Girolamo IlAcquaviva, resisted 15 for two months before capitulating. Pescara was always part of Mediterranean the Kingdom of Naples ..apart from the brief age nf the Republic il is the largest and most important city of Naples of 1798-99. In 1800 Pescara felI to French:troopsJ coast. becoming an important rnilitary stronghold of J oseph which now had 3,000 inhabitants the Adriatic ~ to the Adriatic, a city with excellent motorways, rails ..airports ofits own l became a separate municipality. The modern history; of the city dates back lo 1927 when the towns ofPescara OD Pescara is nowadays the hub for the south-central, eastern door Bonapartels reign ..the elder brother ofNapoleon. Castellammare, Beach Games, with its 15 miles of coastland and Castellammare, divided by the river Pescara, were united in one . city" The new city received a hard blow during World War Il and has since been massively rebuilt, becoming a very modern coastal city of Italy. Pescara is the most populous city in the Abruzzo regio n..and is ane of the top ten economic ..commerciaI, and tourist centers OD the Adriatic coast. With 150,000 inhabitants there is plenty far everyone including a wide choice ofhotels, restaurants ..cafes .. shops, and nightlife along with some of the finest beaéhes in the region. Pescara is the perfect piace lo hold the 201-·5 and ports in full swing with the prospect of activation of new lines with Mostar and with Greece ..which will add to the already existing European routes, such as London, Frankfurt, Barcelorta, 16 Paris, OsJo and Tirana. We speak therefore, of a city capable of l surrounding , i! mountains (the Maiella and the chain of Gran i l I 1 attracting interest and investment, and to accommodate large Sasso)4 When the wind is southwesterly, "events" of international Foehn wind that often reaches 100 km/h causing a sudden relevance. Pescara experiences a Pescara has a Mediterranean climate typical of Adriatic Sea, with dryJ hot summers, moderate rainfall in winters and high humidity alI year round. The average temperature is around 7 °C in the coldest month Oanuary) and 24.5 °C in the warmest ane (July). Pescara is a coastal city but its climate is influenced by the and decrease in relative humidity, and for that reason winters with temperatures i l 11 ~ 1 I j that exceed 20°C almost daily are not unknown. Under northeasterly Pescara suffers precipitation j j l increase in temperature 1 winds, which is generally weak, but can be much more intense if accompanied by a depression. AJso fram the north east comes winter weather from Siberia that, on average, brings abundant snowfalls every 3-4 years. In summer the weather is most]y stable and sunny with temperatures that, thanks to the' sea breeze, rarely exceed 35 degrees. Pescara has good environrnental ,. conditions and the region of Abruzzo is known as the green lungs of Italy. Along the coasts and in the city itselfthe:Mediterranean breeze mixes up with the scent of Mediterranean pine, typical of the coastal part of the region. In 2009 the spotlights of the world were focused on Pescara far . o··. the incredible organization • of XVI edition of the Mediterranean -~ 17 Games, an event now already gone down in history as uthe Concept and Motivation edition of the record" for the presence of athletes, aver five thousand those present} to participating countries and especially for the thousands oE citizens who attended the c0lltpetitions and have supported ali the tearns in the competition, witn a record of 50 thousand visitors recorded at the closing ceremony which took pIace on the beach ..another invaluable resource. of our city, even from the sporting point ofview. Our candidature vision is to deliver a uniquely memorable and exciting celebration of sport and culture. The event will create an atmosphere that inspires achievement, harmony and a sense of unity consistent with the Games vision" This in turn respects the ICMG's vision '(to promC?te a unique friendly, hi-class J Mediterranean Beach Gaines and to develop sport far the benefit Pescara once again has been confirmed as the city that has the of the people, the nations and the territories of the means and the resources to host major events. Mediterranean In 2012 Pescara was awarded ofthe tìtle of European city of The vision for the 2015 Mediterranean sport based OD Area~" Beach Games is the following attributes: • To attract the best athletes to the first edition of Games that wiII be a life-changing event for alI particìpants - athletes, officials, volunteers and spectators, and far the city of Pescara; 18 • To bring people together in a secure, tun and friendly Sport has always played an important social and economie role environment in Italy. The sports sector amounts to some 30/0 ofthe GDP. In for a whole-of-Games experience and deliver a terms of turnover, it is one of Italy's top ten businesses, world-class sporting competition; employing more than a million people overall in the professional • To promote and celebrate the first edition of the Mediterranean Beach Games in a major, dynamic city with a sustainable infrastructure investment legacyj • To organize a technically-correct and amateur sectors. The city of Pescara, after the success of the XVIedition of the Mediterranean Games airns to host the i first edition of the Mediterranean Beach Games in order lo Games which will be be the catalyst for a progressive renewal and exploitation of presented creatively and attractively far those present and for the city itself making it more environrnental-friendly those exposed through mass media; touristic and sport oriented. The city of Pescara wililaunch • To host the Mediterranean Beach Games which excite and inspire allltalians and enhance local community pridej and educational prograrns far schools promoting cultural values such as hard work, discipline teamwork, loyalty, friendship, pride in J effort and respect for others. Those values afe fundamental in • To conduct sustainable Games by creating multi-sport arder to build a young Italian generation with strong social and temporary facilities for the community's benefit long after sporting skills. the Games finish. This attribute will positively impact the local, Regional and country economies, resulting in employment l affordability, sustainability and environrnental benefits. Our project for the 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games already has the complete support of the local communities J the city, the regional council. the Govemment, the ltalian 19 Olympic Committee (CONI), national sports circles and Far that legacy to be oflasting value, it cannot simply be about many private partners who are ready lo invest in arder to transforrning the physical infrastructure launch the first edition ofthe Mediterranean Beach Games vital that is. The Mediterranean giving people the opportunity to discover our wonderful transformative city and region. sociallegacy. If the Games turo out to be simply a glorious of the venues however j Beach Games must have a effect on sport in our city" as weIl as in Italy - a spectator show they wiII have failed. The Games must produte a J greater participation in sport not just on the part ofthe sporting 1 Legacy eljte, but by the young and not-so ..young~ How best to transfer enthusiasm for the Mediterranean Beach Games into a new The legacy to our community is one of the fundamental reasons sporting culture is the challenge - and it requires concerted why Pescara is applying to host the 2015 Mediterranean thought and planning. Beach Games to Ieave the event)s results and the tools of its making to the young generation ofboth Pescara and ltaly is one ofthe main objectives of our Bid. The objective of a post-Mediterranean must include1 therefore J Beach Games project the maximizing ofthe short-ter~ economie impact as well as the influence on employment. It It is therefore important not just what happens after:the event, should seek to trigger medium and long-term effects in such a but what we do before and during the Games to inspire way as to influence permanently individuals and organizations to strive for their best, forge new opportunities links and develop new skills and jobs. on alI Jeve]s. the capacity or our city to offer LV Sport and cuJturallegacy Our existing venues are already functional and they regularly host major events such as sport championships, international concerts top company meetings etc. Of course, some temporary J sport venue will 'be set up in arder to host the Mediterranean Beach Games and satisfy the increasing demand for top quality outdoor sport infrastructures. The re-use of these sites upon the closure ofthe event will aim at enhancing a number of structures that wilJ provide the city with a considerable endowment. anonymity' a_nddepression that too often lead to the use and abuse of iIlegaJ substances. In examining the probJerns in Social and educationallegacy nutrition . Pescara 2015 shares the vision ofthe IOCregarding the dangers adolescent Qbesity has tripled ..with projected numbers reaching J that threaten adolescents at a delicate age when family links are th~ data is worrying: in Italy, in the past 20 years l 1.5 million by 2010. j loosened and school obligations end: food disorders J opportunities the lack of to meet and come together and the risk af 21 The lack of opportunities to come together and link up becomes stronger when compulsory education ends~ This often leads to a loss of ability to communicate} of training and of individuai growth4 Physical activity can transmit together the importance of corr ect 4 diet, sociality and care of oneself. Far years, our country has been working in this direction: not only is it ane ofthe few countries where Sport and Youth Policies are united in a single MinistryJ but the Governrnent, loea] administrations CONI and see sport as one of the fundamental tools of education. The promotion of physical activity and a healthy diet is regarded as a key factor in preventing weight gain and reducing the . possibility of an obesity epidemie. As a result, Pescara bases the concept ofthe Mediterranean beach Games on the fact that sport can be an instrument of 22 education towards a healthy style oflife for the body and for the The short-term effects ofvisitors' mind. follows: We also want to include people with disabilities organizational into various roles and activities. By guaranteeing locations are appropriately arrivals can be summarized that accessible to alI will help facilitate and support inclusion. Economie and touristic legacy Economie benefits are centraI to our legacy pIan and will be multiplied through a close interaction with the business community and the touristic organizations. Based on past experience, it is clear that the Mediterranean . Beach Games can achieve a significant immediate and direct positive impact on the tourism industry throughout the entire • direct tourlst expenditure on the Mediterranean (tickets, merchandising, ,. beach games food ancl beverage); L • direct tour~st accommodation expenditure; reglon. • direct tourist expenditure on Ioeal retail and services; as '5 23 @ @ @ • indirect and induced effects on Ioea] services. In addition to these short-term term impact of this increased important. In particular l synergies amongst operators effects the medium and long flow of tourism is even more generates new interest and can raise the profile of our "City and region in the eyes of world tourism. This is particularly ofltaly's tourism strategy of balancing the business tourism component with the flqws of tourist traffic; Long-term legacies on tourist accommodation beach Games as a catalyst for improvements; • providing incentives for business tourists to extend their stays adopting an integrated approach to the promotion ofthe ciqls , cultural and leisure initiatives; security improve the overall image of our city and region. wiII be encouraged by a strategie approach which Pescara will put in pIace for retaining demand generated during the event The formulation of Pescara's tourist strategy far the coming years will involve: , effort in generating • using the Mediterranean transport infrastructure " a vision far Pescara'and Abruzzo region as a complete tourist destination .•crea~ing @ e • investing on specific projects for cleaning, urban landscape and cultural and leisure tourisffi. • considerable dealing with J an increase in visitors to the city important in the framework and organizations ti @ @ • • • • • •e @ è c ~ c 24 parlìament 2. LEGAL ASPECTS, GOVERNMENT, LOCAL AUTHORITIES, SPORTS AUTHORITIES, PUBLIC OPINION SUPPORT The judiciary is independent ofthe executive and the legislative br~nches. It is headed by the High Council of the Judiciary. The President is the head of state. though his position is separate from ali branches. The current President of Italy is Mr. Giorgio Napolitano. Article 1 ofthe Italian Constitution states that Italy is a democratic Republic founded on labour. Sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised by the people in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution. Italy is a parliamentary, democratic republic with a multi-party The regions of Italy are the first-level administrative system. Italy has been a democratic republic since June 2, 1946, the state. There are t\venty regions, of which five are when the monarchy was abolished by popular referendum. constitutiona~ly given a broader amount of autonomy granted by The constitution was written by the Constituent Assembly of Italy special statutes~ Regions are autonomous and promulgated in 1948. The executive power is exercised defined in the Constitution. collectively by the Council of Ministers, which is led by the Prime Minister~ Legislative power i~ vested in the t\vo houses of parliament primarily, and secondariJy on the Council of Ministers, which can introduce bills and holds the majority in the divisions of entities with powers The Politics of ~bruzzo take piace in a framework of a presidential representative democracy} whereby the President -. ,.. ,,:.~ :b of Regional Governrnent 15 the head of government, and of a • • 25 (I Chiodi), who is elected far a five-year term, and is composed by therefore ane of the major contributors~ currently Iying in sixth • • •li the President and the Ministers} who are currently lO, including p]ace~ ltaly is also a founding member of NATO (North Atlantic . @ a Vice President Treaty Organization), it is a member ofOSCE (Organization far @ of 20 14. The actual Major of the city of Pescara is Mr. Luigi the Security and Cooperation in Europe) and DeSE (Organization li Albore Mascia, elected in 2009. Next elections will take pIace in for the Cooperation and Economie Development the first months of 2014. the GB(as it boasts the world's 7th largest nominai GDP). There is no mayor movement against the Pescara bid lo host ltaly's ability through the centuries as well as in modern times - the 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games to act as a "cultural bridge" between Europe and the pluriform multi system. Executive power is exercised by as the signing ofthe 1957 Treaty ofRome. Since January 2007, the Regional Governrnent. Legislative power is vested in both the Italy has been also a non-permanent member ofthe United government and the Regional Council. The Regional Governrnent Nations Security Council} contributing to the ordinary budget of is presided by the President ofthe Region (actually Mr~Gianni the United Nations with a quota of over 5%• The country is I Next elections will take pIace in the first month International politics and Security situation Mediterranean and belongs to l basin, Africa and the Middle East has led to j fruitful and enduring trading relationships backed by targeted Italy is one of the countries that laid the foundations of the policy, and has made Italy peculiarly suited to sharing its culture European Union and it has always finnly supported the with other nationalities. fj • • Il Il -ti ti consolidation of a United Europe playing a major role. ,~thas ti hosted highly significant events in the Community's history, such Il Il 26 Italy is a safe country and violent crime rates in Italy are low system and the entire organization even compared to most European countries Mediterranean J Pescara are considered Abruzzo and to be among the safest places in Italy .. Moreover Italy has established a national observatory event is in ad hoc body established on sport with the high of preventing and repressing acts ofviolence taking pIace during sport events. One of the most important 2015 Mediterranean objectives of the organization of the Beach Games is to ensure that ali the necessary measures are implemented to guarantee the total safety of the persons (the Mediterranean family) the athletes, the speetators and the spons~rs)1 their possessions and alI the other Games facilities involved in this sport eventi The 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games Security PIan will be set . up by the MBGOC in cooperation with ICMG, the national and IDeaI law enforcement authorities Protection Agency. The measures and training venues J and the National Civil must safeguard competition ali reception facilities, transportation dedicated to the athletes, the family. the Media} the Sponsors before, during l and after the Games~ To guarantee a Security System that will respond to th,e complexity of the event there will be close J collaboration between the MBGOC and the law enforcement forces, based on specific fields of responsibility and chains of command, The following security forces will be called on far the 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games: the State Police (Polizia di Stato), the Carabinieri, the Finance Polìce Force (Guardia di Finanza), the Armed Forces, as well as the munieipal police, fire-fighters and the Civil Protection personnel. -=ktl 27 ~ ~.~ -- • ~ Ottì dJ ~"' ••••• .3l ~""<'~,l:c." n J() tprilu p~ The City Administration edition ofthe Mediterranean f r Gf'nl.m Mtmhrl del CUM, rh· Pe:rc:t.J'Q Ira CrmttlI'/rQ/rt ospitare /o p'tma eJizlORt! c/ei AkditeT1anean lkaeh Ga1Prrs~ di .,. fr".itMlo pt'~rlGlo wJC..lQ.fmw PilScara ~nla, ~ di ~ 1~4!". p "l!Wn1i gT(NJI,/j • '""I!I".$O /(J wrarrifctta~ atkti. di ckilD ~M p~ ~cmrpt.lf%JOItl .(lf"l'Iai lUIte lt Numml il'l pa,. "'J1PI"e~rrtU"eh«, ~ lporllw1 t~ t; p'irw drIl4 al rUprmo del Jtl MeditcrraMo. fa JUfQ dJ di CtttadJnì ~Iw hmrno assl..rrtSW aJl~ COlI Te(XI1'd", W cJfra r~d tkll~~ del ~iOM piU mdmtkJ and to host events of internationallevel. In 2009 the spotIights ofthe world were focused on Pescara for the incredible organization of the XVI edition of the Mediterranean Games, an event that has gone down in history as ]Ithe edition ofrecords" as to the presence of athletes, countries and especially for the thousands of citizens who attended the competitions and have supported aH the competing nations. We reached a record of80 thousand visitors at the closing ceremony that took pIace on the beach, another invaluable resource of our community, also when it comes to playing sports. .spJ.aggIa alli·" Ina'Jmubil~ If Pescara wins the right to host the first edition of the Mediterranean Beach Games in 2015, this oPPOrh1nity would become a driving faree that will bring MWw~ !WJr:h SI1pra1tu1tO I p;i rk11e wrU! dJ.rcIpJJnc, ~ 4&_ Game'.J 20/5 g(tn'4Jri al/Q prmkrJ ~tIUt'J dbMnllcme dnt9o:nJ~ dtJ tair poniJJilhò a 1_00' di,. thl4t 1IUSrrv /mmagilk. CDlJitl~. ~ i tcIJI ~: .. ~ ~ qt i... ~ di vtua sporlm. Wl "WJlano-" pIr ~ 'fII1lrJrl ~r pv- la f1"'eH~ Mi di dr/.wUh2 wolta1ti ~ «I noslro lOTltmio, andw dal ~ L P4IM.pafI(mt inIe~asie iltl'eSlittl-rhti t: di PSpi/(II"t.! "l'~iDnt as well as other -=-=-=tOI the number of the participating Mi GirxJri par1ecipund e sopnIIhIJffl p« ~ l1IlglJa/tl e-hanno t;ji:rtopB ad .e U ~ariQ. $1Gti; SIII Capo/J/JOflO AJriaIlca edWOM $torilJ ~ l'fgistrule i'f oamlt1M def&J ~ rj~ $IWfO udicaimo già pas;:utta a/kl Jr rwt.Tmu QlndibflTQ il. M15. lOf ~1Ie"'o-CM rq/forudJ la dì Q/frarr'e uttQ Ciltrl ~ Nei 1009 f ,jflfitari tMJ MontIo ./amtìdMlif! ;rporl, la pmprla J'rHfnif"e dJ ~ Beach Games 2015, which we see as an event Today, Pescara is a city capable of attracting investments interests !'Amlft.iITLttI'4dt.'H'le of Pescara is promoting its bid to host the first service sector of tbe economy. Maroussi - Albens ~ Grocçe - E51 2J UJro "rrs~ and Members of CIIM, that will empower the vocation of our region for sport, tourism and the 2(] 13 ClJM 'rnkINc Mr.A_r AlUadi Olympiç S]XR'I. C0mp3ex Spirou Loui A'n. ~Aquatk CenEct' rrot. n. 63>f3. Dear Mr. President l'indotto especially the younger ones cJoser to sport with its respect for authentic values of the various disciplines, not to mention the economie effects that will derive from this wonderful opportunity •••• ~. to promote the image of our city. ". - .. ~" -'~- Best regards, Luigi Albore Mascia Mayor of the city of Pescara ~:!iLll~-n. PIat.zli hlloiA. ! .rd, ~l;~i~~iI: OIS aJ1a18·2-W - fu MS "~R3:5~ ~...l~ ~L ~ 28 Dear Members ofICMG, would Jike lo continue a journey that began a few years ago for the developrnent ofthe region through sporting events. Real testimony comes from The cìty ofPescara the Mediterranean Games 2009, which in addition to the big sport event has been an ìmportant resource for the territoI)' of Pescara, both in tenns of tourism and promotion for the entire Abruzzo regioni lVM The Province of Pescara will provide ali the institutional and organizational PresIIIent &tr. Amar AIldedJ 0I)'Tftpir Sport CDmpk-x support to the biddìng conunittee to ensure the success ofPescara's candidacy lo s"imu 1«11AM. - Aqwtit' Q-ntrr Mar.ouS5i+Att.~ns ~ Greeu -15123 host the frrst edition ofthe Mediterranean Beach Games in 2015. GenUli Membri del O/M. (Q città di Pt!Jmro m~~ Best regards, pro.seg-ufn:o un ~ JniziGCD Guerino Testa President of the Province of Pescara akunJ Qnni la per 10 sviluppo del terrlrorlo CJttl'ln'«'rso glf -e'lI'entj ipartivi. T-es.Vmonitmlg reuie ardwI doJ GiochI d~ MfiJ;~t~ dtI 200S1 eh.r, MIe ",'-b gronda rhvOfllu dur s.portÒ/O, ha r:Qppf«SeI1ttJto tur.l$rJd ed pt:r it remtOffo una ImporlO1tte ottrat'tilr'O irl dj 111-,", t~rmirn U"flII()/uno /Jet le ~molI·OM ;'/eJr;,.,tM.l reG'~AbNlZ4. [a 9.rtJ•••. il'l'dQ di PtI.w:ro fgmJrd tlJ C.\JJ'Jt/rQfC,lo prtlr»O(I,Jf'f {.stJt4Jiion(JJt flUtrta ~ arg.Dl.lizlUr.;....o nl!1:'a:sorio PeSCQFC1 ad primo il U1",,, ,1 supPQr70 garunrn Jg rJusciE:O d,JID ~wro erJuiooe dei Meditefl'Onean di 8eoch Games de12D15. Cnn:/iQJJ .st:lI~ti. .I •• l>T~ • Pt5c3ra ';-i-';'(()(hfO~~~7,'1 ~ U&ij'.1'l·~lZiPu.i riil§muI·fa~m17 29 ......;; :" ;.~....=-'-~- ··'-:-~*f .'li r:,.,n~~'nrwlr t-r - ~- -};:~.- l,,-,folla. 'llC(IF~'h"? <,~~~;,:. - .. - - ~-~~-~~5-~~~ ( ,:_~;~:~~,;:. . -3:-- -' .,- •. Dear Major, As Regional Councillor for Sport and on behalf of the President of the Regional Council~ l'm happy and proud to transmit the application ofthe city ofPescara host the first edition ofthe Mediterranean Beach Games of 2015. The city ofPescara, \Vith a strong history in sports and a proven record in organizing events, has a unique reputation throughout the entire national and intemational community and this has been testified by the great success ofthe Prut. RA/1127'34 /s..~AR Mediterranean Games - Pe scaTa2 009 . L...u,i~Albon:: M.uci:t SfndMo dt:'l Comune di The Abruzzo region will gran t alI institutional and organizati onal support to the PESCARA bidding conrmittee in order to guarantee the perfect organization and success of ( ••.• AVI.'. this event and will do everything possible to make this an extraordinary sporting event for alI the participants. tìc n til \'"Si nJ aC(l, in qtuliU tll l-IIJ~~Spon L-d-Il nome ,icJ PIb.:Jemc dc-U~ Giun'[,;J Rc:-)l:~le ~-..;,.;(m: ~:.j~.:lC1c--CIJ ~~1"..:h.: :<tl'ftup..lnro ~ la priiW; ct.Il::.i~lm:dei Mcditenanem La t-ttt.::t di P~r.l. (cme (tf~··:mjmll"'.,~, \ illCet1\i1~lOnak. 'me L..•• di UII Un:! Sua A-tn':n:ion.-';a rilndld20lfOl dl:lb ('ht',\ di Bc;l-ch \,J; Jd 1;)15. "o~id,1f',I; u--;;dioo-ni! "-Pflre-'ooZI.m<:nto uo.;mimc tt"':irim(}(\ ••••Jl:Il ~; lO.qUdto l'I:ttm'c t': ~n è ad J~lma c:ulLIll-..b.rn I am sure that the city ofPescara and the Abruzzo region wilI make the l.'"Qn O$f!ibll~ Mediterranean Beach Games 2015 unforgettable. fHlil1~i~ d;t:Wlnwn (o:Jmunid. oozion;;alc ...,J I~ucnuro &i Gi(l(h[ dd Mcdirerr.•. nc'O dc-l -da ~~ 1ItJQ;~) :00'). La R~~ UT~Di:::z<Itit.'O Best regards, Abru:::o im~nJ-t fll'rnirc al Cumitall'} rfl.)t!1(~wn· nllro il :5Upp.:lrtl)- blliru.:iOf\illr 00 f'K"I..'TAA.Jr1U :I pr;lnri" il ~,.Iro\-t() O(t~m-.Ik Lh.·lrl;\"eTlIO. nell'jr\kr\tu di rCe;ll:ltI:: 3 tuni i l't.u1~~p.'ntitlnn 5:m-o "kllfU. :!:Ol'So ll1"l c'\"cl1rn :!I~TTi'''':cl.J ~~:ivu ..:h-t ~ dnll di [' Carlo Masc-i ;o.Ul'IurdinllrlU'. C' la R~innc Abnl%:Cl (t'ndcr-..Il\n" ~ Meditc'(T';\t1e1IR BcKh Game-l; Abruzzo ColUlcillor for Sport md\rn~ntk.;,(hikL, CORli~llnu: n te. . -- to 30 Dear Presìdent, dear Amar~ \lUI ltaUa I aro very pleased to send you herewith the candidature ofthe city ofPescara to Coni host the, first edition of the Mediterranean Beach Games, that wiU take piace ìn W 20 15~ h "' ... --- ••• As you know; in 2009 Pescara hosted the XVI edition of the Mediterranean Rome, 30'" Aprii 2013 Games, which was a real success, both for the city and the whole country. Following this successful event Pescara is more than willing to repeat this enrìching ex:perience by hosting these inaugural Medìterranean Beach Games and to have the privilege to be the first host cjty~ The candidature ofthe city of Pescara has the whole support ofthe ltalian National Olympic Committee and myse][ Hoping that a positive consideration wiU be given lo this candidature, Ilook I 8tn wry pJeased tD 5III'U you ttorewiIh .•• ~ fusi: edUiott of l1e Mediletrafléan Beach Gamea. !hat As you kr10ws in 2009 ~ waa .• ~ ~I"both fOl' of the city DI P88èllm fa ho&t the wl ttke pIaae in 2015. ho51ed 1M XVI edtion of h Med:JtimIneEwt Gamas. \IIfhich bt dty .-ld lhe whoJe ctM.M'dJy. F~ flis alJlCCMl1!IhJI evenl. Peeaua b. more thsn ...-no te- repeGf thla 8I"trict*tg I~_ MldAemmeanBeIiIch Gane8 andlo tJawl1e p~ ~ by ~ tG be thefim ~ Ihese ciy~ The candJdatute of the city of PescaP1l hIIs f1e M10e support ot Ihe Haian Natiort.W Cd)mpic commlttile dI'Id mysatf. ha given te this candidature, mBltting you soon and send you:my vefY be8t .regaRI8-. Hoping that il pDIOitìwJ CiOI't&idaraIic YOUI1i~, ~.."...---.....•.. •.•• ~ 1M •• ti; ~ MotI.,.,. ••••. IIIII'~ ""' •••• ~. _ .Il: forward to meeting you soon and send you my very best regards. ~ •• I Iook flXWtVd 10 Y ours sincerely, Giovanni Malagò CONI President iI J 'j I 31 The Pescara 2015 Bid committee The City of Pescara is the legaI representative City and has the authority of the Candidate to sign alI contracts and other The Pescara 2015 Bid Committee was established in January documents (the Host City Contract) on behalf of the Candidate 2013 as a "specified non-profit corporation'" to promote City. f Pescara's bid to host the 2015 Mediterranean Pescara 2015 Bid Committee, alongwith . Beach Games. The the CONt assumes the primary roles in Pescara's bid to host the 2015 Games. The ,Committee is authorised to represent MBGOC the city of Pescara MBGOCwill be established concerning alI bid activities. once the 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games are awarded to Pescara, and it will be responsible for The Committee is composed ofMunicipality ofPescara, the support of the Province of Pescara and the Abruzzo Region and the unconditional support of the Italian National Olympic planning, organising and delivering the Pescara 2015 Games, as soon and possible and however no later than six months from the signing of the contract. Committee (CONI). The committee will be established as a non-profit private The President of the Bid Committee is the major of the city of Pescara. The Committee is the body supporting bid activities by lawassociation. even though it could conduct business activities, and the Statute ruling over il will be drafted. advising and providing opinions in order to vigorollsly promote the bid~ The executive body ofthe OCMG shall include: 32 - The IOC member or members in the country, unless they afe members ofthe ICMG EC~ - The President Organizing and/or Secretary GeneraI of the NOC of the Country, unless they are members ofthe ICMG EC. - At least one member representing, and designated by, the host city. - The executìve body may also include representatives of the public authorities and other personalities. From the time of its constitution to the end of its liquidatìon, OCMGshall conduct alI its activities in accordance the with the ICMG Charter, with the contract entered into between the ICMG the 1 NOC and the host city, as well as with the instructions ofthe ICMG EC. From the GeneraI Director. most of the management will be the same ofthe XVIedition ofthe Mediterranean Pescara 2009. Games- 33 Structure of MBGOC ORGANIZING COMMITIEE Medlterranean Beach Games Counclt 8g:ard of Auditors ", &:et:uti'i1t :Board Generai OIred:or Adrnlniistraion A~. , Gene,.. DIttctor HumBn SecA!tariilt U!!5OUfUJi 4lI'Id Gerle •.•1 A'ffilltrs Sport Areil M~ Ar•• Mttbtiftt; l. Cammunbdon Atcoml'rJod.Mkm ArtI. 'lenueArwI YoIurl~rI T~& lofbtieAru !TAro ICMGand p1'OttJcOl Arn ArH 34 3. EXPERIENCE IN THE ORGANISATION OF LARGESCALE INTERNATIONAL SPORTS EVENTS of the physically active population. According to recent estimates, some 15 million do so regularly and systematicalJy. There are approximately 90,000 organizations with a club for every 808 inhabitants, making sports clubs the country's most widespread system, and the ratio is even greater than far schools, parishes, newsagents, bars or restaurants. The sports sector amounts to some 3% ofthe GDP. In terms of The social and economie relevance of sports turnover" it is '-one of ItalyJs top ten businesses, Sport has always played an important social and economie role in Italy. This is thanks to good public"'private cooperation and to CONI working together with some 45 sports federations. This free formation of partnerships and those partnerships' capacity for self-governance has led to success in sports from the employing more than a million. people overall in the professìonal and amateur sectors. Sport embodies and feeds strong values~ Far 350/0 of ltalian adults sport is an important part of education for both individuals and groups. grassroots level through to major competitions where Italian athletes men and women have and continue to excel. J "Games" have important ethical and social values, helping people J to cope with luck, chance and risk or deal with defeat. The number of people practicing some form of sport has increased significantly in recent years involving more than 60% i , 35 ~ 4 f Sport also promotes a culture of reward through merit, transparency and equal opportunity} so meagerly represented elsewhere. Italy, alongside many other nations. and with its 12,000 annua l checks across the board, is very much involved in the fight against doping. Presently, the system focuses on and punishes the athlete alone, yet the athlete is often simply the weakest link in a chain that includes trainers and managers and even doctors. who encourage the athlete to improve his or her performance illicitly. Popularity of Sport disciplines proposed Beach Sports in Italy are very popular because Italy is one of the three great peninsulas of southern Europe. The Italian Peninsula extends from the region of the Po River southward for some 600 miles (960 km); it has a maximum width of 150 miles (240 km). 4 36 To the east lies the Adriatic year's tournament Sea, to the south the Ionian 12th FVB Women tournament Sea, and to the west the held in Italy. In world ranking Tyrrhenian the Italian team (Nicolai-Lupo) is and Ligurian 10th and in the recent London seas. Olympic Games they were 5th. Beach soccer has its own Italian championship will be the Nicolai was barn in Abruzzo and very he could be an icon for the Beach popular among peopJe and Volley movernent. The women followed on TV by a large movement is represented attendance. In 2008 the Italian team won the silver medaJ at the World Championship in France and in 2011 Italy organized its first World Championship in Rimini. Italian team (Cicolari Menegatti) actually Sth the in World Ranking and were also 5th in the London Games. Beach handball is an emerging discipline and the Italian women Beach Volley is very popular too Italy hosts world tour j regularly. Rome first hosted a men's only event in 2009 before combining for a double gender grand slam since, including a truly magnificent FVB Beach Volley World Championship by the in' 2011. [n addition to be fourth Women's event in Rome, this team won the European Championship the same yearwon Taiwan .. in Norway in 2009 and in the gold medal at the WorJd Games in 37 Beach tennis has its own championship Tennis Federation organized by the ltalian (FIT) and attracts hundreds of fans alI over recent public challenges America's Cup Riviera, Moro di Venezia, Luna Rossa and Mascalzone Latino, and the sailing of the Olympic medals at Atlanta 1996, Sydney 2000, Athens 2004 and ltaly. Among alI sports sailing has always exerted a great fascination Beijing 2008, has increased the popularity~ J I and has a force of perhaps unparalleled image. The adventure, Beach rugby has its own championship by the Italian Rugby Federation the challenge and the relationship with the natural elements, the Beach Rugby League recognized talent of the ancient mariner, the contribution of modern (FIR) and every year the Championship technologies, design~ team work or undertaking alone, the great sporting achievement: they are alI images related to sailing . A sport that involves millions of fans around the world. The ltalian Sailing Federation (FIV) has about 660 subsidiaries and 480 sailing schools, for a total of more than lOO,QOO members. Spurred on by the success ofthe organized by the ltaliap finals~ a unique event, attracts hundreds offans alI aver Italy. Aquatics sports are practiced by 3.480.000 people in Italy and in open water swimming Valeria Cleri and Martina Grimaldi afe our top athletes having won several important placings in . recent World Championships and Olympic Games. 38 Water Ski is growing very fast in Italy among youngers and Internatio,nal competitions organized dynamic people and it is very popular in Italy. During the 2009 Mediterranean Games 52 athletes were competing in this In the recent past Italy has successfully hosted several high events (Football World Cup in 1990 the discipline and after this success it was included in Mersin 2013 profile international Programme. Jubilee in 2000 and the Winter Olympics in Turin in 2006) Triathlon is very popular too and attracts·more and more people due to its dynamicity and recently Pescara has hold several editions of International Triathlon Events (Ironman 70.3) which were a great success in terrns of participating athletes and demonstrat~ng that it has the organisationat technical and professiona~ capability to prepare and stage events attended by millions of people aver relatively short periods of time. The 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin provided ampJe evidence of ltaly·s ability to put on a large-scale media event in attendance. Beach Wresting is a new discipline which is growing fast too conditions of faultless security that delivered: especiaIly among young generations and in June 2013 Italy • infrastructures (Sassari) will host the International deadline; Older. 1 Championship Cadets and of excellent quality and functionality, to • modern and efficient services (transport ..accommodation, food and beverages] for alI participants; • high quality artistic and cultural programme main sporting events; parallel to the @ 39 • commitment ti and involvement ofthe loeaI town and hill • • Games 2006~ ~ communities through public gatherings • two superb ceremonies celebrating and festivities; Olympic values a~d the Italian way of life. The Italian Civil Defence force (Protezione major components of the organization Civile) is one of the of large events, such as the Funeral ofPope John Paul II in 2005 and the Winter Olympic During the Pope's Funeral, the Protezione Civile handled more than 3 million pilgrirns, 5.200 buses, 1.000 trains, 176 political delegations from other countries, ambulances in less than one week and nowadays is the most specialized structure important 10.000 volunteers and 400 available in Italy to manage large and events. •« « « • •I: Other major events: -2009 FINA World Championships @ Rome C -2009 UEFA Champions League Final Rome ~ -2009 XVI Mediterranean Games Pescara ~ -2010 FIVB World Championship Italy -2011 Beach Soccer FIFA World Championship C Rimini I: t.: ft C 40 Abruzzo and Pescara major events another invaluable resource of our country, even from the sporting po.ìnt of view. In 2009 the spotlight ofthe world were focused OD Pescara But the Gall?es were not the only attraction for the sports capital for the incredible organization ofXVI edition ofthe of the Adriatic in 2009: in quick succession we hosted the Tim Mediterranean Trophy, which saw the attendance at the Stadio Adriatico of 23 Games. an event now already gone down in history as uthe edition of the record" for the presence of athletes, over five thousand those present, to participating countries and especially for the thousands of citizens who attended the competitions and have . supported alI the tearns in the competition, with a retord of 50 thousand visitors recorded at the closing ceremony which took pIace on the beach, thousand for the first outing ofthe season for Juve, Milan and lnter. In 2010 Pescara has developed with the provincial CONI, the initiative "Sport does not go on holidayu, which has mobilized 800 youths who every mornlng were involved in recreational ... and sports activities within our installations free of 41 charge. Beach Volleyball and Beach Tennis Beach Soccer international J Pescara once again has been confirmed as the city that has the means and the resources to host major events that jus.t taking competitions and the finals of the Kickboxing, recalling once again the public for special occasions that true love sports. In 2012 Pescara was awarded ofthe title ofEuropean city of sport. Other major events: -2004 Qualifying round far the Handball World Cup -2005 Qualifying round for the Futsal World Cup -2007 EuroBasket Women (FIBA EUROPE) -2008 European Basketball Championship U16 Men / U20 Women advantage of Qur coast, we diverted on the beach, inside the -2008 - 2012 Mediterranean Marathon Stadium del Mare, set up in Piazza Primo Maggio, center of gravity ofthe area, with more than 2000 seats. A structure that has hosted between June and July, the Italian championships of -2009 FIN Championship - 2009 FIDAL Championship (Italian Swimming Championship) (Italian Athletics Championship) 42 • 2010 Italian Beach Soccer Championship Test Event • 2010 ItaJian Beach Tennis Championship The scheduling: of test events is necessary to check the reliability • 2011-2012 Ironmen 70.3 International Triathlon of the severa] areas of the Organizing Committee and the facilities quality. • 2012 ltalian Championship Finals Beach Volley Before the Mediterranean • 2012 International Sailing Race Beach Games the MBGOC, during 2014 and 2015, will·organize several test events together with National Federations ofthe selected disciplines. AlI venues will be available from lune 2015 and will host national and international sport events. 43 4. SCHEDULE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN BEACH GAMES AND SPORTS VENUES • the need to avoid conflicts with the calendars of the lnternational championships and the conjunction with the Federations and professional tournaments; • the needs of the media and broadcasting organizations; • the ability to collect a greater willingness on the part of volunteers, in relation to the period marked by the closure of schoals and universities The dates proposed for the organization of the first edition of Mediterranean Beach Games will be from 21st lo 30th August 2015. The choice of dates was made taking into account the. following factors: • the weather conditions. During this period the weather conditions are more favorable for athletes, with a moisture that in the chosen period does not exceed an average of 500/0 and with a minimum level of rainfal1; and the slowdown in the offices and businesses; • the level oftraffic that is reduced by 350/0, promoting public transport and mobility. • the end of the tourist season so as not to interfere with the l high season and extend the summer season. • the choice to schedule the Mediterranean Beach Games between August 21 st and 30tn is proposed to avoid interference with other international events, in arder to better promote the first edition ofthe Games. "! 44 Other important sports events in 2015: July 2015 Summer Universiade Gwangju 26-30 July 2015 European Youth Olympic Festival,Tbilisi 12-28 June 2015 European Games (EDe) Baku JuJy 2015 World Championship Beach Volleyball Nevobo (Netherlands) October I November 2015 World Championship U17 Soccer Chile World Championship lS-September- Beach Soccer (pIace and dates tbd) 31 October 2015 Rugby World Cup England Sept~mber 2015 World Championship Wrestling Las Vegas . _" 45 Sport Programme OPENING CERIMONY M V3 uArena del Mare" .• M/F V3 "Arena del Mare" OEAe" RUGBY M V3 "Arena del Mare" BEACH TENNIS M/F V2 "Stadio del Mare" BEACH SOCCER BEACH HANDBALL BEACH VOLLEY M V2 "Stadio del Mare" F OPEN WATER SWIMMING TRIATHLON MJF M V1 npark Beach Jt City truck F WATERSKI M/F V1 "Park Beach" BEACH WRESTLING M/F V1 rrpark Beach" SAILING M/F V4 "Porto Turistico" CLOSING CERIMONY 46 Competition and training Venues • Athletes J infirmary • Athletes' relaxing room Along with coordinating structural Area will be in charge of competition interventions, the Facilities and training facilities J arrangement, according to sports and organizational far international events. In case of facilities with less space than necessary, the number and the lise oftemporary supporting standards facilities and enhancing the actual capacities of sports facilities will be analyzed and planned. The 5 user categories, considering the speciaJ features of each sports discipline, included the following areas: Athletes and judges • Competition area • Warming up area • Athletes' locker roorns • Judges' locker room • Anti- Doping contrai room • Massage room • Sauna • CalI room • Weighing and drawing room • Boat weighing room • Bus reserved parking far athletes and judges • Athletes and judges' stand MBGOC • Competitio~ management • Facility management • Security area • I.T. Area 1 • Results management • Statistics management . -- - --. --- -- - - -. -- 4 47 t • Flash interview • National Sports Federation • Delegate ofthe International Sports Federation • Mixed zone • Copyroom • Photographers • Volunteers • TV area Mediterranean Family • Sky box • Mediterranean Family room area • Radio-TV commentators • Protocol office • Toilets • Toilets • Reserved parking • Presidenti al stand Public • Official stand • Parking area • VIP stand • Ticket office • Awarding ceremonies area • Bar • Reserved parking • lnformation area Media • Toilets • Press room • Audience stand • Press conference room 48 Once determined the use of facilities~ rooms} the next step will be to arrange every room and to perform a qualitativejqualitative analysis of the furniture and the temporary structures that make the facility functionaL JII4ets ti Rcferees H~J MPC ~ I.BC A .....-. •.•.•__ ..• '" ft •• a iI.lln ~....-.c' "'/'1 Del Mare Media Rotei 49 Competition venues with seat capacity, distances and travel lime Arena del Mare Arena del Mare ~ I~ Arena del Mare . " -~. : ., ,- j:. :- Stadio del Mare Lungomare Giacomo Matteotti fLungomare Giacomo Matteotti Lungomare Giacomo Matteotti Lungomare Giacomo Matteotti 1 7,5 Km 15 2500 1 7,5 Km 15 2500 1 7,5 Km lS 2500 2 7 Km 13 3000 2 7 Km 13 3000 j ;, , ; Stadio del Mare i Lungomare Giacomo Matteotti , ." ~; '; ,'j , r!- !. Park Beach Viale della Riviera Lungomare Nord 1 1 Km 3 1500 Stadio del Mare City track Riviera di Pescara Percorso Cittadino 1 7km 13 3000 ParkBeach Viale della Riviera Lungomare Nord 1 1 Km 3 1500 ParkBeach Viale della Riviera Lungomare Nord 1 1 Km 3 1500 1 9 Km 17 1000 :. Porto Turistico Lungomare Papa Giovanni Lungomare Sud 50 Competition venues adjustment pIan 10 days -. - V2 Beach Tennis Beach Volley Triathlon Lungomare Stadio del Mare Matteotti Bé~cl{H·~n~,:ball , LiJngomare V3: ..ArenadeIM~r~.,,!'1~m~Otti .......•.. ; _ .•B~-ea-~·~~~ .•s·~ogc-?~r: . '" _. __ _ _ _ .. _' __ .' _,__._ -h" '_ ;. _, -.~, - ,- . - .. ,-o • - ., ~ll.. ~'"" .-,.. -. . - _ o,' _. yes _-, • ,_ 3000 2 Training Venues • installation ' , • .,_ - ._ - ...".-. - ,- 5 days Services installation Temporary seats 1-Competition Venue 1 Tr<1~nin&VenUe . . 2500 . -.i.> • • • - Temporary seats 1 Competition Venue yes .... - - - Se - - ~ns~llatati°lln n- rvI ces Ins a on 5 days - .. , - - --:-=-. V4 Porto Turistico Lungomare Papa Giovanni Sailing yes 1000 Temporary seats installation 2 days 51 V2 - Stadio del Mare VI - Park Beach The Aquatic Park will be built in the area of the Riviera North, 1 km from athletes' accommodation, abaut 1,5 km fram Mediterranean Family's accommodation and 8 kmrfrom the Media Center. The position of the venue is excellent for the wide availability of spaces around the structure and very good service roads. The Aquatic Park will be used far the competitions of Beach Wrestling and, due the instaUation of tribunes, will be attended by the public willing to assist the races of Open Water Swimming and Water Sky. Temporary structures will be built for the necessary services and welcome of public. Sport: Open Water Swimming Beach Wrestling WaterSky During the XVI edition of the Mediterranean 2009 11 , Games ttpescara it was used for the Beach Volleyball tournament and the Closing Ceremony. It is located at a distance of 7 km from alI athletes' accommodations, Mediterranean about 200 meters from the Family's accommodation and 2 km from the Media Center. In addition to the competition venue in the same , 52 area training venues will be built. The Stadio del Mare will be - accommodation equipped with temporary tribunes for 3000 seats and ali to the competition venue in the same area ane training venue necessary facilities both for the athletes and spectators. In will be built. The Arena del Mare will be equipped with addition to the 8each Tennis and Beach Volley tournaments, the area in front of the Stadio del Mare will stage departure and arrivaI of swimming J cycling and running ofTriathlon~ and 1,5 km from the Media Center. In addition temporary tribunes for 2500 seats and al} necessary facilities far the athletes as well as spectators. Sport: Sport: Beach Handball Beach Tennis Beach Rugby Beach Volley Beach Soccer Triathlon V4 - Porto Turistico V3 - Arena del Mare The area of the marina of Pescara will be used for sailing The Arena del Mare is located near the CentraI area of Pescara. During the XVI Mediterranean Games uPescara 2009" it was used competitions as was done during the XVI Mediterranean "Pescara 2009". The interventions of strengthening Games the structure for Water Sky competitions. It is 7.5 km away from alI athletes~ will be onlythe installation of a temporary tribune with 1,000 accommodation, about 700 meters from Mediterranean seats, because ali the necessary facilities far the competitions afe Family~s 53 already built. In the area of the marina there will be located the Media Center, and it is about 9 km from alI athletes' accommodation and 2 km from Mediterranean accommodation~ Sport~ ~ Sailing Family·s Training Venues Close to alI athletes' accommodation will be built the following temporary training venues: N.I 8each Handball venue N,l Beach Rugby venue N.l Beach Soccer venue N.2 Beach Tennis venues N,2 Beach Volley venues 54 far the Opening Ceremony as well as for Athletics and Soccer Other existing venues (no adjustment required) Swimming Pool- "Le Naiadi" Viale della Riviera - Pescara The swimming pool used during the XVI Mediterranean "Pescara 2009 11 Games can be used as a training venue. It is located 1 Km from athletes J Palasport Giovanni Paolo Il - V.le A. Moro - Pescara The venue is .located 10 km from athletes' accommodation l during the XVI Mediterranean accommodation. and in case of need it can be used for beach volleyball indoor training. Palasport Circolo Tennis - Via Marconi - Pescara during the XVI Mediterranean 11 The venue is located 9 km from athletes' accommodation l and Games rrpescara 2009" was used Games 1IPescara 2009 was used rl Palasport Pala Roma - V.le Bovio - Montesilvano The venue is located 2 km fram athletes~ accommodation, during the XVI Mediterranean Stadio adriatico - V.le Pepe - Pescara The venue is located 9 km from athletes' accommodation Games "Pescara 2009" was and for the Female Basketball Tournament. for Tennis Tournaments~ during the XVI Mediterranean Games npescara 2009 was used Pala Elettra - V..le A. Moro - Pescara during the XVI Mediterranean The venue is located 9 km from athletes' accommodation, and for Men's Handbal} tournament Beach Volley indoor Venue - Chieti The venue is located 15 km from athletes' accommodation Tournaments. lo for the Men s Tournament l ..and used and Games IIPescara 2009" was used ofVolleyball. 55 5. ACCOMMODATION CATERING This approach will be instrumental in providing a better service AND far customers, a single point of interface for guests and the maximum degree of operational coordination for the efficient organization of services. r Three key elements will underp;n such process: Based on our experience gained in the organization ofthe XVI edition ofthe Mediterranean Games, we afe aware ofthe significance and organizational complexity of offering a top-Ievel service to the event guests. As a result, participants in the eventbe them athletes, International Organization: The Committee will have an integrated type of organization-, with single coordination of alI services, and will be staffed by personnel from within the Committee offering a high level of efficiency and effectiveness throughout the process. Committee members or journalists- will concentrate on the key aspects of their Specialized Service Providers: Services will be provided to the respective functions and simultaneously Committee by external suppliers with long-standing specialized memorable enjoy the event as a experience. experience in the organization of major events, who will ensure With that in mind, we have embarked on a highly sophisticated organizational process in arder to develop fine-tuned projects a highly qualitative service and act promptly so as to remedy any criticaI situations detected during the event. The use of proven external staff and well established and assist guests in alI service area$ required~ accommodation instruments and tools will J transport l etc. accreditation management, food & beverage logistics, ensure that the targete? results are attained most effectively for l both the Committee and guestsR ,.. 56 ì Integrated Logistic Management System: It lies at the heart of AlI accommodation the full organization activities are based on the same technology and managed managerial and builds on our organizational and knowhqw acquired in previous events as well as on the valuable contribution of the Iilost qualified and experienced external suppliers~ During the fuI} phase of pre-event planning, a real-time computerized information system on guests and services is made available to the Committee and single guests far them to be fully informed on specific services and, if need be, act on the occurrence of changes in individuaI requirements .. The event wiIl be organized and managed through an integrated logistic system for prompt solutions to be provided to any organizational or management issues. l transport accreditation l through a system of specialized professional . servIce areas. used by the Organizing Committee and the Olympic Delivery Authority ensure optimum organization The f1exible and dynamic organizational and IT system and ensure a powerful system of relations with the ICMG and the of integration of services offered to customers interactive dashboards organization. with a clear focus on ali issues made possible through alert systerns problematic as a whole. structure we offer will provide the best possible allocation of resources This hi-tech system is built in modules and offers a high degree service for the organization before, during and after the event. J event and an advanced management skills covering alI Its high level of security and ability to interface to other systerns host country representatives and guests in the and logìstic l ~ and ongoing reporting at allievels of the 111 i ~~a:II!ll:--_il"lIIi11ll~-'~~ "..J,.' ....'.;, i-~' ,,' 1.:_:. t .'--: ;p. r'J ~ C :; 3 '1, 'l "\\ o 11" -~ Q. Q; l· " .1...:. i/""I'" o ',- ::I •••. ~ , .'~. -' / .,'~r'~i ~ '" I ".• ~ ~, , ' ,'o 'r - I _ .~ •• .1 r ~~'.,. " .. '.,i' I. # I t-. ~, ,_o .-, l' :: ~ "':l 58 Accommodation service level Hotels will be selected in accordance with the following key criteria: • distance from competition/training venues and other relevant sites (airports, stations} etc.) • hotel class ranging from four to three stars • quality of food and beverage and ancillary services (common rooms, conference rooms, leisure facilities, etc.) Each hotel will be equipped with a hospitality desk, which, • guaranteed availability of rooms for the Mediterranean together with the reception, will constitute the reference point Beach Games guests for the guests, who can obtain any information on the facility A spe.cialattention will be paid to monitoring the additional and exclusive services required to any facility, independently from the star rank, customized on the category of the hosted guests. services (meals, timetables, etc.), on the Games organization, etc. A qualified staff, carefully selected and wearing an official J uniform, will provide the necessary support to the guests. Specifically: laundry service for uniforms of the officials and WiFi Internet connection, free when possible, especially for the Media category. Hospitality facilities also will ensure a restaurant service: 59 • -'American breakfast" (savory and sweet, hot and cold food and • Coffee break before the match upon specific request by the drinks); team; • meals (upon request): international menus with a broad • On the occasion of matches competitions J and opening and variety of choice for the guests, with regard to the needs of the closing ceremonies" preparation ofmeal boxes and management athletes and a special attention to meat selection, due to a oftheir requests and distribution by the hostess and percentage of Islamic guests; receptionists A typical menu includes: The allocation of customer groups to hotels will be fined tuned to their specific service requirements - a choice among 3 first courses - a choice among 2 second courses (meat and fish) - a choice of vegetables - fruit, dessert, coffee, water and drinks (water, wine~ 50ft drinks) • Welcome drink (for the categories ]udges and ICMG guests) • Extreme flexibility of restaurant of the hoteL opening hours, according to the needs of each category hosted and relevant sports: each of the subgroups: respecting the needs of 60 Delegation Hotel . Stars Hotel Ali Athletes and Officials participating at the Mediterranean Beach Games will be accommodated in the same northern SERENA area of the city( Pescara - Montesilvano) in 4 and 3 stars hotels, provided with alI necessary comforts. H,otels will provide alI 4 with international nutritional key aspects in accordance Montesilvano SERENA V. Maresca 12 4 MAJESTIC R. 4 MED ITERRAN ED standards. CITY 4 The MBGOC will provide athletes with meal baskets if necessary as well as complete supply of minerai water and 50ft drinks inside training and competition venues. AlIdistances in km and time are calculated trom . competition venne jcity centre V. Maresca 12 MAJESTIC necessary meals (breakfasts, lunches and dinners) and drinks, taking into consideratìon Address RESIDENCE 3 EUROHOTEL ADRIATICO ARIMINUM DUCA DEGLI ABRUZZI 3 J 3 3 Montesilvano V. Maresca 12 Montesilvano V.le Europa 77 Montesilvano V. Maresca 32 Montesilvano V. Maresca 10 Montesilvano V.le Kennedy 3 Montesilvano V. Maresca 15 M on tesi! vano Distance Time km min 200 7 13 280 7 13 175 7 13 36 7 13 128 7 13 140 7 13 24 7 13 36 7 13 Rooms 61 Mediterranean Family and guests Members of the Mediterranean Games - Pescara 2009, strategically positioned close to ali Games venues and the historic centre, tourist sites and leisure. Ali distances in km and time are calculated trom competition venue /city centre Hotel PROMENADE Stars 4 Address V. MOTO 63 Rooms Distance Time km • m.n 84 7 13 75 7 13 Montesilvano SEALION 4 V Moro, 65 Montesilvano Applicable room rates far accredited people who are not covered by the MBGOC: Stars· Rooms Singleroom PROMENADE 4 84 90! 13S! SEA LION 4 75 90! 135! farnily and related guests will be accommodated in 4 stars hotels, in the same hotels ch9sen for the Mediterranean Doubleroom Hotel 62 Judges and Referees Hotel It will be of course necessary to have a large amount of judges and referees in Mediterranean CARLTON Stars 4 accommodation in 4 and 3 stars hotel specifically reserved far them E SPLAN ADE competition venue /city centre Time km mln 64 0,2 l 150 O O 68 1,4 5 23 0,8 4 50 1, l 4 .•. 4 P.zza I maggio, 46 Pescara BEST 4 4 Via Piave, 142 Pescara HOTEL ALBA P.zza del S. Cuore~55 WESTERN VICTORlA Ali distances in km and time are calculated from Via della Distance Roorns Riviera,35 Beach Games, considering the 10 sports programme. It will be necessary to provide Address 3 via M.F orti, 17 Pescara 63 Media EXCELSIOR 3 Via Bradano, 5 - 80 5~O 13 97 5,0 13 80 5,0 ]3 48 5,5 15 61 1 4 131 3 10 33 1,6 6 19 0,8 3 Montesilvano LE NAZIONI Accommodation far the media will be located in Pescara, T NEL PINETO 3 zones. This PRESTIGE 3 AMBRA 3 PALACE REGENT MAJA 4 Address V.le Rìviera 199/201 Rooms 45 Distance Time km mln ] ,5 5 ~ Pescara ALCIONE 4 Viale Alcione-, 59 44 7,5 15 4 55 7,2 15 27 lO 15 21 6,5 14 Francavilla MARIA GUERRA C.da Pretaro 4 Via F.P.Tosti ... Francavilla D'ATRI 3 V Ìa Calabrìa~ 14 Montesilvano via Quarto dei Mìlle) 61 - Pescara 3 L.mare C.Colombo, 64 Pescara BELLARIVA 3 Via della Riviera, 213 Pescara SALUS Francavilla VILLA S. Via Marinelli, 102 Montesilvano competition venues and the IBC/MPC. Stars Via Bradano,5/b .. Montesilvano accommodation is located between 5 and 15 minutes from the Hotel Via Bradano,6 -. Montesilvano Montesilvano and Francavilla, with ease of access to the city's main cultura!, shopping and entertainrnent 3 3 Lungomare Matteotti, 13 Pescara 64 .• = .~ I , Volunteers and loeal staff Hotel Stars HOLIDAY 3 Address Rooms Volunteers and IDeaI staffwill be accommodated in 3 stars hotels close to the competition and training venues and the J IBCjMPC. -LW1gomare Distance Time km • m,n 50 3~5 5 36 4~O 15 18 7,0 15 80 5,5 15 24 7,0 14 33 7,0 13 33 7,0 13 48 7~O 13 C.Colombo, 102 SETfEBELLO 3 DIAMANTE 3 Via Tevere·~5 - Montesilvano V ia~e Alcione~ 161 .. Francavilla SOLE 3 Via Trentino, 4 - Montesilvano MARE BLU 3 Viale Alcione ~ 159-Franca villa CORALLO 3 Viale Alcione~ 162 ~ Francavilla SAN MARCO 3 Viale AJcione Nord~ 203 .. Francavilla PONTADE 3 Viale Alcione, 188 - Francavj]la L'EST J , ~ l ; , "2""! ~: 8=i c; 67 " ( 1-, q ;." q ~..: Close connections between the national and the regional health As far as doping control is concerned Doping Control Officers services and health services within the Organizing Committee will be provided by the Italian Sports Doctors Federation (FMSI) will be maintained through a specific agreement which wiII j (ambulance and ~ ~. Iijo.;. ~ helicopters, coastal guard) and 118 dispatch centres. MedicaI staff (physicians and nurses) will be recruited and selected from throughout the Regional territory through the main hospitals. They wiIl be asked to filI in an application form posted on the web and will be selected through a ranking which will be prepared according to specific requirements. Rescuers and Medicai technical staff will be provided by volunteer associations. Specific training sessions will be provided by the MBGOCin which ·specific policies and ci -:i. , ofthe ltalian National Olympic Committee (CONI). allow the Organizing Committee to use public medicaI personne], public hospitals,.means oftransport cl t~· The MBGOC will provide and develop a comprehensive medicaI service pIan including 24 hour emergency treatment for every participant accredited for the each competition in each venue. procedures will be explained by the organizing committee health An emergency service shall also be ready for action, especially service care team. on game days to treat anyone inside and outside the venues. 68 The medicaI service pian wil) provide: • Other information concerning other health problems and • 24-hour on-call doctors to provide medicaI assistance for the financial responsibilities shall be announced to the alI the participantsl delegations either in writing or during the technical meeting. • Ambulance and at least two health officials will be present The health care programme during the games and practice sessions. necessary information • Health officials and a first aid team shall be located al aD area that is clearly visible and easily accessible (rom will provide in alI hotels alI the and will guarantee that in each deJegation reserved room for medicaI treatment there'Jl be medicaI tables, ice, moist heat packs, physiotherapy and other basic supplies. anywhere in the venne since they shall also, if necessaryJ A medicaI office will be provided in each venue to coordinate assist the spectators. health related matters for participants. • The attention to any kind of injury that may occur during the games, practices or the transportation to a hospital is the MBGOCresponsibility, Offidal hospitals have been selected according to the proximity to venues, high quality standards and variety ofrnedicaJ services they couJd offer .. • Each Delegation must receive written information regarding the health care services available during the The health service will be available 24 hours a day for every Event. participant accredited for the competition .. J 65 6. HEALTH - ANTI-DOPING CONTROL 833/78,502/92 and 517/93) in force throughout Italy envisages a free of charge public system,"a certified private system to which andfor staffunder adniinistrative • The- Health Legislation (laws No. community services are organized with public health staff contract, such as the medicat technical, and staffhired through civil service exams. The Local Health Offices and the Public hospital Complexes are headed by Generai Directors on a five-year mandate. Health services in ali the Candidate Cities are provided by Local Health Offices and Public Hospital Complexes, insuring alI selVices required. access is similarly free of charge, Those citizens who are not and private clinics. exempt must pay a fixed fee which The public system includes Local Health Offices, Public Hospital in part covers the expense when • specialists are consulted. Complexes, University Health assistance is provided by Polyclinics, Research Institutes generaI practitioners and and Health Control Centres. specialists, as well as by menta) Genera] practice and alI 66 The law provides that alI the foreigners passing through Italy have the right to access ali the services ofthe NationaJ Health Service (SSN) for the prevention'ofinfectious diseases and the protection of conception and maternity (free of charge}: except for the small expenses required by the card). Health Coverage .~ 'l"i ;. , .. J health, public health, and industriaI health care providers. The emergency services can be reached by a national free talI number 118 which is connected to ali the dispatch centres in the During the 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games, medicai assistance will be available for everyone in ltaly, as already done during the Mediterranean Games - Pescara 2009. different regions of ltaly. The necessary funds are provided partially by the State and part.iaIly by citizens who pay a special contribution and a cardo The region pays in case of any deficit. Foreign citizens from EU or countries with whom Italy has signed bi-Iateral conventions are entitled to receive the same treatment as Italian citizens in terrns of he~lth services. ; ! ; i. l l 67 Close connections between the national and the regional health As far as doping control is concerned, Doping Controi Officers services and health services within the Organizing Committee will be provided by the ltalian Sports Doctors Federation (FMSI) wil} be maintained through a specific agreement which will ofthe ltalian National Olympic Committee (CONI). allow the Organizing Committee to use public medicaI , personnel, public hospitals ..means of transport (ambulance and' . helicopters, coastal guard) and 118 dispatch centres. MedicaI staff (physicians and nurses) will be recruited and selected from throughout the Regional territory through the main hospitals. They will be asked to filI in an application form posted on the web and will be selected through a ranking which will be prepared according to specific requirements. . Rescuers and MedicaI technical staffwill be provided by volunteer associations. Specific training sessions wiIl be provided by the MBGOC in which specific policies and The MBGOC wiIl provide and develop a comprehensive medicaI service pIan including 24 hour emergency treatment far every participant accredited for the each competition in each venue. procedures wil1 be explained by the organizing committee health An emergency service shall also be ready for action, especially service core team. on game days to treat anyone inside and outside the venues. -I-' _~ ~~c , ~~! 68 ~ "1'-" f: ~~ ". ~' . ", t· '- The medicai service pIan will provide: • 24-hour oD-calI doctors lo provide medicaI assistance • Other information concerning other health problems and for alI the participants. during the games and practice sessions. delegations either in writing or during the technical •. The health care programme will provide in alI hotels ali the :: ~rt ~ :; ~ ~ t ~ necessary information and will guarantee that in each delegation aD area that is clearly visible and easily accessible from anywhere in the venue since they shall also, if necessary, assist the spectators. • The attention to any ki~d of injury that may occur during the games" practices or the transportation lo a hospital is the MBGOC responsibility. the tìnancial responsibilities shall be announced to the meeting. • Ambulance and al least two health officials will be pFesent • Health officials and a first aid team shall be located at - reserved room for medicaI treatment there'll be medicai tables, ice, moist heat packs~ physiotherapy and other basic supplies. A medica] office will be provided in each venue to coordinate health related matters far participants. Official hospitals have been selected according to the proximity to venues} high quality standards and variety ofrnedical services they could offer. ~ • Each Delegation must receive written information regarding the health care services available during the Event. The health service will be available 24 hours a day for every I participant accredited for the competition .. o 69 The MBGOC will prepare specific support agreements with comprehensive approach to"doping is defined by law No. 376 1 selected hospitals far alI the adopted in 2000, where doping is venues of the 2015 considered as a crime and the Mediterranean Beach Games to matter became subject to criminal ensure the best solution in the penalties~ quickest possible time~ The ltalian National Olympic The Doping Control Committee (CONI) is the agency in charge of organizing sport activities ltaly has long taken the and running doping controls in Italy. forefront in the 6gbt against CONI has adopted the WADA Code doping, ratifying the UNESCO and is the National Anti-doping International Organization Convention (NADO) recognized against Doping in Sport in by the WADA. In Italy, CONI-NADO February 2008. Since 2005, is the agency having the highest Italy and the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) have been members ofthe WADAAnti-Doping Code. lta]y has had legislation on doping since 1971 when law No. 1099 established J the basic principles in the fight against drugs in sport. A authority and responsibility in the adoption and execution of anti-doping sports ru]es. The CONI anti-doping rules afe in line with the 2009 World Anti ... Doping Code provided by the World Anti-Doping Agency 70 (WADA). Since July 2007 the new "Italian Doping Control in compliance both with WADA standards Centre was established in the CONI Centre in Acqua Acetosa requirements on transport (Rome) and received the ISO 17025 quality certificate from WADA~ union of biological materials (UN337 3). The Doping Control Station will be located ciose to the Athletes locker rooms far easy accesso The roorns will be designed so as This new laboratory allows the possibility of testing more than 10000 urine samples per year and put the Italian Centre in first position and European in Europe and in secondI after the Las Angeles Centre, in convenience of athletes who will produce the samples. At the same time officials will be provided with the most modero means for supervision and fulfilling ali their the World as per analysis capacity. responsibilities. Doping Contro) test The doping controi tests will be-carried out in the 2015 Mediterranean and far the to contain ali the necessary requirements Beach Games in·accordance with the ICMG medicaI regulations~ During the WORLD ,ANTI-D_OPING AG"E-N'CY play"t-rue (FMSI) of CONI with the ICMG Medicai be brought to the laboratory guaranteeing network , of ISO certified laboratories 17025 approved by the IOC 1 and WADA, consists of 27 centres which are able to selected among the medicai staff of the Italian Commission present to monitor the correct procedure Theglobal acco"rding to Regulation Games the samples will be taken by doctors Sport Doctors Federation The Giulio Onesti Doping Contro l Centre and will the chain of custody) perform the dopiç.g control of national and international athletes chosen by the sports federations. These centres evaluate about 150 000 analyses per year each ofthem taking from 20 - 30 days J down to 24 hours upon receipt of the samples if needed e~g. 71 during Summer and Winter Olympics, World C~ampionships, cycling championships etc.). The FMSI anti-doping la~oratory in Rome with its official seat in the IIGiulio Onesti sports complex 1J Currently, the laboratory performs anti-doping analyses with human urine and checks every single sample for about 200 different ~ubstances (pharmaceuticals andjor metabolics), in Acqua Acetosa, is at the which are put on record on a list moment able to perform under constant evaluation by 700/0 of the annual doping the sports federations. At the controls carried out in moment, the list is updated by Italy. Since 2001, 6700 of the medicaI commission of the about 10 000 urine IOC and then approved by samples collected in our WADA. In every single case, country were analysed in there are also preliminary this laboratory, which screening analyses made in deals with an average of arder to discover the abuse of 130 - 140 analys~s per week (eventual double-checks or one or more ofthe forbidden substances; the aim ofthe controls to approvejdisapprove screening analyses is to check as strongly as possible whether or other analyses Dot included). The rest ofthe analyses were checked in the other three ISOCIO- not pharmaceuticals WADA certified centres (the laboratories analyses are suspicious or even positive ..other analyses are in Barce]ona, Cologne and Lausanne). On average ..about 2% ofthe controls were positive. or metabolics were taken. If the screening performed in order to show and proof undoubtedly which 72 substances were tak~n and their concentration. These criteria are used for al] substances tested by the anti-doping laboratory. Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Reference hospitals Distances, Travel time, number 01beds {rom HOSPITALS to Competition Venues Hospital City Distance Time Beds Santo Spirito Pescara 2.4 8 617 S.S. Annunziata Chieti 15 18 479 in Pescara and Chieti: Distances, Travel time, number ofbeds Ospedale Civile "Spirito Santo" Via Renato Paolini, 45 - 65100 Pescara Tel. 085 4251 Ospedale clinicizzato "55. Annunziata'J Via dei Vestint 5 - 66100 Chieti Te!. 0871 3571-3581 from HOSPITALS ta Mediterranean Fa mily / Delegation Hotels City Distance Time Beds Santo Spirito Pescara 9.3 13 617 S.S. Annunziata Chieti 22 19 479 Hospital : 73 the Games, considering the very close distances from 7. TRANSPORT AND and venues. The successful delivery and accommodations LOGISTICS operation of these transport modes will encourage a lasting and valuable legacy far the loeal transport system. Abruzzo is strategically situated in the centre of Italy easily The city of Pescara understands the important role that reachable by air (Pescara and Rome International airports)J by transport plays in the success of Mediterranean sea (Pescara and Brindisi ports), by train (Pescara Centrale Beach Games and for this reason a transport concept has been designed which railway station is the largest in Abruzzo and one of the larger is cornfortable, safe reliable and efficient, It will serve ali railway stations without train terminaI in Italy, connecting with different groups involved in the Games and will also minimize some of the major ltalian eities like RomeJ Milan. Turin. Bologna. the impact on the citizens of Pescara and their daily activities. Bari. Ancona. Trieste and manyother j It is a concept that will allow the whole city and participants to cities)1 by road (The territory between Pescara and Chieti is crossed by two pan- celebrate and enjoy the Games in a cornfortable, fun and European roads motoIVV<!j[ A14 Bologna - Taranto and enjoyable city setting. motorway A25 1orano - Pescara which connects Pescara to j Rome). Pescara will maximize the use of the existing modern and worldclass public transport network together with sustainable transport modes (walking and cycling) both during and beyond IMI •..•~ •__ ••• _ •••• _ •••• "_ •• L'L._.I' • '.AL..'. I __ --=...J....:L.l.I.:..I:...•.' L~ .L- _L _ ~' •.•I.~' •••• - ••••• " •••• , ••• ~ ••• , •• , ••• , •• _ •••••• ~ ". 75 Rome Fiumicino International Airport will be the special staffwill be excluslvely engaged in the set-up and benchmark airport, located 230 km (2 hours) from Pescara~ A management of a welcome desk. No. B members will be always welcoming desk for the delegations participating to the 2015 engaged at the desk. The desk will be open daily, according to Mediterranean Beach Games will be set up at Fiumicino airport. the arrivals and departure schedules, from about 7.30 a.m. to 9 r The desk will be open daily from 6 a.m~ to midnight at the presence of a transportation manager and by a group of 32 volunteers working on different shifts and ensuring their assistance during alI the daYI in addition to the starf of a private p.m. The desk staff will be always connected by phone and the Internet to Pescara transport centre. company. Direct flights to Pescara International The desk staffwill be always connected by phone and the Spain from Barcelona - Bosnia & Herzegovina from Mostar Internet to Pescara transport centre, delivering infonnation on the arrivals of the planes. accredited or athletes. judges. and VIP persons will not wait longer than 30-40 minutes to depart to Pescara. Pescara Liberi International Albania from Tirana Airport wil) be also available A constant presence will be necessary at Pescara '(Ljberr~ International France from Paris Airport, during the entire period of the·event. A Airport : 76 Table with Airlines companies direct or stopover flights to Rome Fiumicino lnternational Airport Country 3 Andorra 4 Bosnia & Herzegovina 5 Croatia 6 Cyprus Direct flights from Tirana from Algeri from Barcelona from Sarajevo from Dubrovnik -fram Nicosia 7 Egypt from Cairo 8 9 Spain from Barcelona or Madrid France from Paris 10 F.Y.R.O.M. from Skopje 11 Greece Lebanon fram Athens Libya fram Tripoli Malta from Valletta Montenegro from Podgorica Morocco from Casablanca Serbia from Belgrade Airlines Alitalia Etihad Alitalia Alitalia, Iberia, Vueling, Etihad no Croatia, Easy Jet Cyprus. Alitalia Alitalia, Egyptair Alitalia, Iberia, Vueling, Etihad Vueling, Easy Jet, Iberia, Air France, Alitalia Belle Air EU"J;ope Alitalia, ~egean, Olympic, Easy Jet Alitalia Middle East Air Liban Alitalia Alitalia, Meridiana} Air Malta Montenegro Airlines Royal Air Maroe Alitalia, Alitalia, Jat Airways 1 Albania 2 Algeria 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 from Beirut l l l Stopover flights 5 airlines 3 airlines 6 airlines 4 airlines 4 airlines 3 airlines 7 airlines 8 airlines lO airlines 3 airlines 7 airlines 5 airlines 5 airlines 4 airJines 3 airlines 5 airlines 4 airlines 4 airlines Saint-Marino 1·9 Slovenia from Ljubljana no 20 Monaco from Nice Alitalia, Easy Jet] Air France 5 airlines 21 22 23 Syria from Damasco no 2 airlines Tunisia fram Tunisi Alitalia Tunis Air 3 aìrlines Turkey from Istanbul Turkish Airlines, Alitalia, Pegasus 7 airlines .I J .. ; :i .~ ! • '~ .I\:.-~ ~~~.,~ l;·-. .' - -'.I.~I. ~, - . . ~.,~ ",> " \ " ·l'i # ,I _\~ ;) ·'1' ., \. 78 Distances [rom Venues to accommodation 81 8. MARKETING, COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY OPERATrIONS The main communication channels are: Events (EVN) Digital Media Platforrns (DMP) Street Advertising (SAD) The Marketing Pian airns at building a Mediterranean Beach Games brand identity through a large scale co-operation and , participation - Radio /TV (RDT) Press (PRS) with the help of ICMG and by developing and placing in a new context the themes and values of the Mediterranean Beach Games. Partnerships (PRN) The PIan will be divided in three phases: Our goals are: • bring awareness to the Event within the Institutions and the 1~Anticipating the Mediterranean Beach Games 2. Celebrating the Mediterranean Beach Games sport community 3. Capitalizing on Mediterranean Beach Games • educate the public about Mediterranean 8each Games The ideas mentioned below are an extract from ali entire • enhance the marketing potentialities of the Event strategy~ ___-------------------------w------------------------------ -----82 1) Anticipating the Mediterranean together and mobilize sports communities alI over the Beach Games Mediterranean This will cover the period from 2013 to 2015 and the main objective will be to create expectation: reach out"tO bring J alI countries,. through the involvement of ICMG and NOC's involved. -, io- • 83 2) Celebrating the Mediterranean Beach Games nationally receive promotional This will start 100 days before the event with the objective of the Mediterranean promoting • the course of the event~ prominent areas of the venues will be animated. Close to the venues there will be a "Mediterranean Fun Village where event sponsors OD the Mediterranean Beach Games Mediterranean Beach Games. Some of the ideas will now be expandedin a little more detail. Beach Games wil} be offered a promotional Scholarships and recreational activity in which they can promote their company and their products 3) Capitalizing We bave already explained the idea of capitalizing on This phase will reach its climax during the Games, when ali the tl material as well as a free ticket for the games~ Beach Games even further and offering the public a strong emotional experience throughout recognized coaches and athletes, Participants will to ali segments of the public. The involvement Especially for young people the Fun Village will promote the will be able to launch scholarships to solicit the involvement of developrnent of intellectual, artistic and physical capabilities, dance performances and concerts wiII be arranged. Artists from the participating countries will be invited to perform live shows. Coaching and Youth clinics will be conducted in conjunction of businesses, bank foundations and sponsors undergraduate management, and graduate students in majors such as sport journalism~ marketing and public relations. The main goal will be to challenge students to increase with different disciplines involved in each Venue by loeaI coaches and attendance and improve promotional efforts ofthe 84 ; Mediterranean Beach Games, while giving them practical experience of event management The Mediterranean A Mediterranean and promotion. Beach Games Library Beach Games library will be created and will remai n physically as a legacy to the sport. Its contents (documents and video files) will be available to everyone through the web. Cross Promotion with Other Events • The promo.tion of a partnership Championship with the Italian Soccer wilJ be gained through advertising campaigns with Lega Calcio and the National Soccer Federation . • Promotion will be carried out through an advertising J using the "Tennis Internazionali campaign d'Italia", Volleyball, Handball , . Fl and Moto Gp Italian tracks, "Giro d'ltaliarl, Rugby ..etc. 85 Media Coverage community and also on specialized magazines. Television Coverage During the Games we will provide a Mediterranean Extensive coverage on Italian National TV will be guaranteed { from 2013 onwards thanks to the great interest shown by our main national channels about the event. During the two years before the Games we will be active in taking part in the most important national shows as interview partners etc. We will have a window for the Games in prime time showing interviews, future activities, etc. Official Ne~spaper, Beach Games with full coverage on every single aspect of the event (results, pictures, lifestyle, etc) both on paper and online (web and smartphones applications) format. MPC-IBC The International Broadc;asting Centre as well as the Main press Centre will be located in the new Marinas Complex (touristic port). in Newspaper and Magazine the heart of the city. Services will Coverage also include transportation, Extensive coverage on Italian National and Ioeal newspapers and magazines will be guaranteed media parking as well as dining offering and other relevant convenience vending. from 2013 onwards thanks to the The MPC will be the centralized great interest shown by our working centre for alI accredited 86 press representatives. The Main Press Workroom will be the Catering wiIl be available 24 hours a day, a service viewed as py in~ernational heart of the MPC; The Main Press Work Room will provide a fundamental cornfortable and fully equipped working environment with food and beverage variety. capacity for up to 200 accredited workstations press representatives. AlI in the room will have an elettrica] power supply . and high-speed press representatives, The culinary offering will be further supplemented the restaurants serving up by access to -'", in the area. Internet access. Graphical press equiprnent There will be a priva~e office area available for lease by the storage requirements will be --., "' handled~ media ..with requests processed in accordance with the Rate Card programme. The Photo Workroom will provide a comprehensive photography professionals 1 service far with 50 workstations. Host Broadcaster The Mediterranean Beach Games will have an extraordinary There will be a rental and repair service for photographic inspiring story to te]l in Pescara. mat~rials and equiprnent. Pescara 2015 recognises the important There will also be a small press conference room with capacity for Qver 100, and a sufficient number ofinterview will operate simultaneously~ rooms, which in imparting and rale ofthe world's media that story, and wilJ partner with the ICGM to J provide the accredited and progressive media with the most efficient, hospitable facilities and services possible. 87 RAI will be the official broadcaster, and will ensure the TV signal sponsorship sales and servicing will undertake activities far the period January, 2014 December, 2015. Ali to the ICGM and the participating countries. The official broadcaster will guarantee This programme the tatal coverage at the # 1Chlps opening ceremonYI alI the finals per team and a daily summary of the main sport results l and the closing ceremony. - .c~,~ , :::' , ~, ,- 7. ~- & Snacks , tU."" _, ;;-,~6AUJ)lf_ Marketing Programme Pescara 2015 will develop and execute a compelling marketing strategy that builds awareness Mediterranean and excitement about the Movement, the 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games and the legacy of the Ga.mes in Pescara. Pescara 2015, the City of Pescara and the ICMG will agree upon a Marketing Programme that lay out the details of the n:tarketing Italian national sports federations involved in the Games will be pari: of this process. Pescara 2015 will secure option agreements to allow sponsors, the ICMG and MBGOC to use 1 strategies that will be formed if Pescara is selected as the Host outdoor advertising sp'~ceduring the Games. These City for the 2015 Games. agreements broadly wil) cover ali outdoor advertising 88 formats including billboards, transit, taxis, street furniture and port and airports advertising. Pescara 2015's will provide a well ..structured ticketing pIan These option agreements will cover a high percentage of the which will generate revenues} provide access to the Games far ali outdoor advertising space in the City of Pescara. Outdoor and deliver fuI] venues thus ensuring the best possible global advertising spaces will be available along the access roads image ofthe Games. between the City of Pescara and its airport as well as on the main roads. located on or in city-owned Beach Games will be also properties (such as public transport stations and vehicles streetlig~t pale banners, street furniture J and the airports). AlI proposed venues do Dat have any legai restrictions a dvertisi ng. MBGOC will work with the ICMG and sponsors to ensure full venues by implementing Advertising of the Mediterranean , Ticket Promotion System. Pescara 2015 is committed to sharing the inspirational experience of the Mediterranean Pescara 2015 also understands reports ofvenues of a ticket redistribution Beach Games with the world. that broadc.ast irnages and media fuIl of spectators are vital to sustaining the positive global image of the Mediterranean Beach Games. To these ends} Pescara will ensure fuII venues during the Games in the followiop- ways: • maintaining faìr and popular ticket prices • harnessing the Ioeal population s passion far sport 1 I I l ! , I , 89 · • attracting spectators from across the country Community and School Promotional • capitalizing on the city's position as a center ofhigher A school participation education to draw students to the Games students program program will be developed to allow to be taught in a creative way, tied to the- theme of the 2015 Mediterranean • providing access for youth programs Beach Games. The framework ofthe will be built around the uADOPT A NATION lI ~ Special ticket booths. A special ticket boothjdisplay will be set component, which pairs each school with one team participating up at each national sport beach season events. in the Championship. The MBGOC will promote a partnership with the Tourist Office of each Venue to train and educate employees about the Event, to promote the Games and sell tickets through_their channels. Tickets will be sold in three waves: AII-Session tickets, Multi- Session ticket packages and Single-Session tickets. Developrnent of a f1Country package" program: these kind of Throughout the school year, teachers will integrate intormation about their assigned country into their language, social studies, music and art class curriculum~ The students will follow their designated nations tbroughout the Games and will attend at least òne of the national's preliminary games. Numerous projects will be set up in other Abruzzo's cities to attract young people to sport with the collaboration of the sales should be made by identifying tour operators or "groupslt Sports Federation, the University ofPhysical Education and and working with them to bring in customers sports promotion supporting a specific country~ who are fans organizations. These projects will be extended and enhanced with a wide range of initiatives to reach all schools within the region territory~ f •• 90 The goal is to train a new generation of r1Mediterranean Beach Games"~ not only athletes but coaches referees, adrninistrators l and journalists. J These activities will have the participation of nation sport icons as champions of a lifestyle that is IoyaI, cultured l committed and international. <;f PESCARA 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games 91 Project income trom sponsorships First level Product category . I Second level Airlines Soft drinks Department Stores Energy Utility Services Insurance Companies Banking Fuel Professional services Sport ware Fashion ware Telecom services Product category Food Automobile Construction Phannaceuticals Security Servicies Confectionery lDes~erts Fumiture Travel Agencies Road & Rail Transport Miscellaneous This level of . sponsorship should generate $ 1-.500.000 This level of sponsorship should generate $ 800.000 . I Third level Product category Car Rental LegaI Services Catering Services Construction Materials Mail Services Human Resources Management Fitness Equipment Engineering Services Cleaning Services Urban Advertising Support Languages Services Project Planning & Management Telecomunications M aintenanc e Media Logistics Printing Services Hotels This level.of sponsorship should generate $ 300.000 • ,. 92 .Merchandising options Pescara 2015 will create a unique official_merchandising arder to build a strong Mediterranean line in Beach Games brand. Among many others Pescara 2015 will merchandise the following iterns: Bath clothes, CIothing,' Collectibles- Pins Collectibles - Other J FanjSupporter l accessories, Gifts and housewares, Handcraft items~ Key rings, Luggage and beach bags, Magnets, Mugs, Music (including ringtones) and video, Office supplies and stationery, Plush toysjmascot, Post cards, Posters, Sport accessories, Stamps, Stationery, Towels Toys and children's articles. J AlI products will be sold in official corner shops which will be located ciose to each venue as well as in the main squares ofthe city. 93 Web and online communicatlon During the Mediterranean The change of info,rmation consumption habits obliges us to dedicate a great part of promotional efforts to new technologies. The Internet, mobile telephone marketing and alI the advances that may take pIace from June 2013 until 2016 will be used as Beach games the official web site will - provide an accessible system' with alI daily activities (timetables, results, interviews, etc,,). The same system will be alsa available far smartphone applications, in arder to have everywhere alI the information required in real time. tools to lure the public to the event before it occurs and to give a Within this scenario where the power of communication service during the Mediterranean longer in the brand but in the users, special attention will be Beach Games, as well as a paid to the work ofbloggers and subscribers in social networks useful tool for future Games. From July 2013, an official web site will be operating, where detailed and alI useful information will be found for each one of the achievements in each organization area. Last generation web 2.0 technologies will be used allowing the user to become a part of the contents. Information in rea] time wiIl be offered of each and every one of the promotions, events agreements, inside and outside Italy and games will be included serving as a reference for the creation of communities and aiding understanding commitment to the future. is no of like Twitter, Facebook or MySpace. Accreditation / registration system Accreditation is a complex procedure which allows to identify and control whoever takes part in the event. Thanks to this process, during Mediterranean Beach, Games - Pescara 2015, T people will receive an accreditation badge conferring the right to access certain zones or special services (transports, caterin~ etc.)4 94 The badge will be the only valid identity document functioning as a pass for the different venues of the event (competition venue} press and media center, athletes hotels ...). a preventive accreditation, registrations. by inserting personal data and sport In this way the Organizing Commìttee will grant the possibility to constantly monitor, live, the entries and the changes made by sport delegations of the 24 participating Accreditation system Countries~ Through a three-languages application (Italian, French and The Internet Accreditation will be the main tool, but for peculiar English), the accreditation process will allow us to automatically categories of the Mediterranean Family the traditional manage ali the requests and issues of accreditations, simplifying accreditation procedure will be applied, in cooperation with the the flow to the event. International Relations and Protocol Area~ In arder to carefully classify the various accreditation categories As for the accreditation by name also far the sport registration (lCMG, mc, IF, NOC,MBGOC,etc.) some computer technologies Olympic delegations will be given the possibility to register on- will have to be developed to customize the system and divide it line using the password into severa] sub-categories~ In addition, many documents downloading the registration forrns from the accreditation (manuals, forms, leaflets ...) will beproduced section of the website and sending them by post to the to explain and guide operators in the allotment of adequate privileges for the j delivered by the MBGOC or Accreditation Area~ j different reference categories. There will be three steps to register: The MBGOC will supply customized authentication credential to each category, so that they could use the Internet application for 95 • Preliminary registration - to define sports in which each National Olympic Cornmittee wish to take part • Numerical registration - to define the number ofthe athletes participating in each sport, differentiated by men and women • Registration by name to submit single forrns by name for the athletes participating in the different sport competitions. Such forrns will be sent via fax and shipped after they had been signed by the head of the relevant NOC. The badge or main accreditation • Country of origin • A set of codes and colors identifying the zones where access will be allowed for any venue • Any other privilege. The MBGOC will set up 3 Accreditation Centres on the territory, which size will be functional to the number of people and which wiIl be differentiated according to the accreditation category~ • Although each center will be assigned specific cate"gories, the card will give the possibility to following operation could be performed in any of them: data identify, clearly and intuitively~ the person asking for entering entry, issue, print and validation ofthe badges, thanks to an and thus will include the following characteristics: intranet which will allow access the main data bank. • Personal information Thus, at their arrivaI, people will be requested to go to one of the • Photo • Category • Role, Organization authorized centers in order to validate and collect their actreditation badge. • "MBGOC'" Main Accreditation Centre: will be in charge of accrediting the whole operational workforce of the Organizing 96 t Committee, Volunteers, Suppliers, Security, Media and Judges, thus it will be the biggest center ..with different roorns for each category and fast tracks according to the accreditation status of the person. • Delegations Accreditation Centre: second-most important centre, will be in charge of accrediting National Olympic Committees Athletes and officials. l • Mediterranean Family Accreditation Centre: located in the Mediterranean Family Hotel, will be in charge of managing any request to issue, validate or collect the accreditation badges for the visiting guests. • The Protocol and International Relations Area will deliver the accreditation badges of the Mediterranean Family members and guests, already printed and validated, directly at their arrivai in Ita]y (at the airports or directly in their Qwn room at the Hotel). J • 97 9. CUSTOMS AND IMMIGRATION PROCEDURES r Italy is a member of the Schengen Convention, under which 22 EU countries (excluding Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the UK), plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland have abolished . cross-border checks. Residents of ane Schengen country do not need a visa to visit another. Residents of 28 non- EU countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand IMMIGRA TION and the USA do not require visas for tourist visits up to 90 days. J The Italian Governrnent Department of Immigration and AlI non-EU and non-Schengen nationals entering Italy for more Citizenship will provide to guarantee that alI accredited than 90 days or for reasons other than tourism (such as work or persons will be allowed free access to ltaly, as already dane study) may need a visa. during the Mediterranean Games - Pescara 2009, in order lo meet any kind 01 needs (AthJetes, Officials, Mediterranean Family, Media, etc..). The Generai Legislation establish that to enter in ItalYI a passport valid for at least three months beyond the length of stay is required by al} nationals referred to in the chart above, except EU nationals holding a valid national ID card. , 98 access to state-provided medicaI treatment. English-speaking HEALTH AND VACCINATION doctors or a translator There are no particular restrictions regarding vaccinations to enter Italy. A good standard of health care is available throughout Italy, although public hospitals tend to be better in the north than the south. Pharmacists sell over-the-counter medication and can advise on minor i1lnesses. They can also point YOti in the direction of more specialised helpi if required. They keep the same hours as other shops, although some remain open at night on a rotation basis for emergency purposes~ A list of those is usually on display in the window. For European visitors who are taken ill or have an accidentjl free . or reduced-cost treatment is available - in most cases on production of a valid European 'Health Insurance Card (EHIC). These should be obtained before leaving for Italy. The EHIC gives service is usually available. 99 a. revenues 10. FINANCES from the management of the activities of the MBGOC; b. public funds from the Municipality ofPescara, the Province of Pescara, the Abruzzo region the Government a,nd the European J The budget of the first edition of the Mediterranean f Union; Beach Games will be funded through the transfer of economie The determination resources, goods and services to be made available to the ticket sales and marketing activities: committee by the municipality of Pescara~ the Province, the 1) Revenues fram ticket sales 350.000,00 USD: Region and other public entities. The estimate of net revenues has been determined These resources will be added the contributions ofpublic and of the main sources of income refers to the. by calculating the total number of seats available, less 200/0for the seats private entities, which will be identified between Ioeal and allocated to accredited persons. It was then evaluated the national businesses, from banking" telecommunications, number of sessions for each sport. transportation energy, and construction and the main sectors of the Made in Italy (clothing and fashion, furniture, fond, etc.)" 2) Marketing (official sponsors and suppliers) to 2.600.000,00 USO: The estimation is dane by evaluating the commerciaI value of the The budget of the Games will be divided inta two components: sponsorship contributions • Budget of the 'MBGOC - expected costs 12.050.000,.00 will be total1y funded through the following sources: USD and in ltaly and in Europe, both in terms of direct that exchange-goods. 100 Incomes Costs .. .' _', •• . . . ~ , " ~J .••. ( - . - , - .. - .... . .. - ~ . .. - - .- ~ ... 1~500~OOO,OO Opening Ceremony .~.. '. , -. ~.: -. .- ..... .. - - . .. - , . .. - ~. . . ... : :-:. ~~.~ . .' .:.. - .;: ~~ ... .. ., .. - . ~ .. - - - .. • - - .- - - - . _ • I ••••••• •• Marketing /Sponsorships I ~ .~ . . c _ , ..- -. . ..... ~ - ' . . , -- 2.600.000~OO Closing Ceremony, Price giving and other events 700.000~OO European Commision Venues 9404000,00 Italian Govennnent 2 .6004000~OO ICOM (meetings and site visits, etc) 270.000,00 Abruzzo Region 34900.000,00 MBGOCcosts 170.000,00 Pescara city 1.950.000,00 Sport Area ]60.000~OO Ticketing 14050.000,00 Infonnation T echnology 3504000,00 .. . -. 650.000,00 - - ..... -- - --- - . - .....- . .. , -- Marketing e communication 260.000,00 TV production - RAI agreement 390.000,00 2.350.000,00 Human resources 180.000~OO MedicaI Area - Security 110.000,00 ·350.000,00 Logistic and transport 2.500.000,00 Accommodatio~ catering~ Fun village 60.000~OO Cultpral programme Other costs 650.000,00 Funds for risks and charges 1504000,00 Costs for the liquidation ofthe Committee 160.000,00 Fund reserves 100.000,00 -- .. : : -- . c," .. . . . .. . .':",": -- -. - - - .. . .-. .. - - .,... . ,-- .. . - - - ... ~ .~ • :: ~ ••• - .. - - - - ; - ~..... -:. I~ ~. • • ~ .:..- :. : ~I ...: •••••.• " _ ~ • • I _.,. ~~ ~ •• --- ' .~ ... . ~ .. .~... . ..... .... .. -.~. ~..:: -... ~~..,. ..c .. - - . . ... .... .. ., r • ~ 101 11. CULTURAL PROGRAMME and of the territory, the image and the promotion of hosting centre .. Community and School Promotional Programs One ofthe objectives ofthe Mediterranean Pescara 2015 will be the implementation Beach Games ofa Promotion and Dissemination Program ofsocial and cultural aspects ofthe Mediterranean sport celebration, beside its economie 'aspect. At this regard, it will be possible to speak about a future long lasting ·'legacY"J a map of skills, territory and anthropological parameters embracing culture, reference values, typìcal and special resources, peculiar to a specific geographic area. The Games heritage shall thus be considered on two different profiles. Indeed it is necessary to bear in mind materia] factors such as the impacts on employment, new temporary facilities and infrastructures, touristic flow and incoming; as well as spiritual factors such as the spreading of sports values, a higher organizational and decision-making ability ofthe city ofPescara A school participation program will be developed to allow students to be taught in a creative way, tied to the theme of the 102 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games. The framework nation sport icons as champions ofthe program will be built around the I1ADOPT A NATIONu cultured ..committed and international. component, which pairs each school with one team participating in the Championship. Throughout the school year teachers will Mediterranean Beach Games Museum J integrate information about their assigned country into their language, social studies, music and art class curriculum. The students will follow their designated nations throughout the Games and will attend at least one ofthe national's preliminary A museum will be dedicated to the participating Countries . during the period of the Games directly involving the Olympìc J Committees of participating Countries. Each Committee will have its own space to exhibit, games. Numerous projects will be set up in other Abruzzo's cities to attract young people to sport with the collaboration of the sports promotion organizations. These projects will be extended and enhanced with a wide range of initiatives to reach alI schools • rr : of UMediterranean Beach not only athletes ..but coaches ..referees, adrninistrators and joumalists. coherently, a collection oftypical iterns belonging to its culture and peculiar tq its identity (photos, art a public piace in the town devoted to putting up the material made available by the Olympic committees. Languages programme within the region territory. The goal is to train a new generation systematicallyand objects, typical dresses and so on), the Museum will be located in Sports Federation, the University of Physical Education and Games of a lifestyle that is loyal, These activities wiJl have the participation of From 2014 th.ere will be a great opportunity to start improving English and French skills for students of primary and secondary . . 103 schools of the Region. Their teachers will volunteers with a huge proportionally experience of studying abroad and a great desire to share their cereals, fruits, and vegetables, knowledge. Ali topics reflected the aspects of Medite~ranean fish, moderate Cultures. It will be a useful tool also to allow young generations a.nd yogurt), moderate high consumption of olive ai}, legumes, unrefined moderate to high consumption of ..• consumption of dairy products (mostly as cheese wine consumption, and low consumption to interact with athletes and people of meat and meat products. On coming from different countries November 17, 2010, UNESCO the Mediterranean for recognized this diet pattern as Beach Games. an Intangible Cultura] Heritage The Language programme will be an opportunity or ltaly, Greece Spain and 1 to improve English and Morocco. French, get rid of language barrier Pescara 2015 airns to organize and receive spoken language skills. various seminars and Mediterranean diet programme workshops for alI the different countries participating at the The Mediterranean nutritional Games. diet is a modern recommendation Before the Games this project inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of southern Italy, will be developed throughout Greece and Spain. The principal aspects of this diet include kitchen courses. medicaI researches, seminars, 104 During the Mediterranean Beach Games major city squares will be furnished with Mediterranean Diet corners in arder to let the public attending the Games taste at least one typical dish of each participating nation. Music Festival as well as the showcasing area far the Pescara 2015 Sponsors~ Water relay, Following th~eexample of the torch relay organized by IOe far the Olympic 'Games, the MBGOC together with the ICMG intend Fu" Beach Village Pescara 2015 will create a Mediterranean organize an official water relay. In arder to promote the Beach Games Fun village. The village will act as a meeting point for everyone during the Games, there will be located the sponsors stands, official merchandising, alI related promotional activities, evening entertainment~ Every day during the Games, Pescara Fun Village will be transformed programme into one huge party zone with an action-packed at Medals Plaza. The Fun Village will host not only the daily Victory Ceremonies, but also the concerts of Pescara Mediterranean culture the ceremony will be organized in the 105 Together with the Libra'Y and to celebrate the Mediterranean following steps: Before the starting of the Games each participating country wil} host a water relay event and with its NOC they will select a r location or a city where the event wilI take place. Two months Beach Games, the MBGOC will publish a commemorative with alI the memories of the Games (participating book, countries, lifestyle, city highlights, etc.). , before the Games the same ceremony wiII officially take pIace in International seminar OD buildings different Italian cities in arder to increase the public awareness J Pescara 2015 wiII host also an ofthe Event international AlI the water relays coIlected in each ofthe 24 countries will be considering the real spirit of the friendship A Mediterranean Beach Games Library Beach Games library will be created and will remain physically as a legacy to the sport~Its contents (documents and video files) will be available for everyone through the web also. the sand as a unifying element which is present in alI which is at the care of the Games. The Mediterranean OD theme 4'sand buildings"J then put together in the opening ceremony in Pescara} so that this symbol union will represent seminar the Mediterranean countries involved in the Games~ The seminar will dea} with old and new technologies which use sand in buildings. Among the speakers there will be University teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs. Italian and intemational experts as well as , 106 We are also thinking of the possibility to create a sand art and different academic areas (Sport, Medicai, Architecture, play festiva) around the idea of using sand in various artistic Language, e~c.) organized by fIG. DJAnnunzio" University of forrns, such as sand brushing, sand sculpture, sand painting Pescara and Chieti. involving young generation as well as professionals. University Training programme Frolli January 2014 there will be a great opportunity for University students to participate to internship programmes in . 107 12. ENVIRONMENT event creates, both directly and through inspiring changes in behaviour among people across the Mediterranean basin. Pescara puts social, economie and environmental The 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games is a sport and cultural event OD a unique scale but it is a lot more than that sustainability al tbe heart of its bid for the Mediterranean BeachGames l The 2015 Pescara Going green is an opportunity for Mediterranean humanity to enable change. beach Games will give people from alI time far this change as the world Mediterranean civilization faces a race against countries the opportunity to compete and to time in order to leave the shadows share cultures and friendship of the various energy crises. As an alongside the sporting event. It old African saying states, "turn will be a great opportunity to ,your face to the suo and you will show off the best that Pescara, leave the shadow behind you." Abruzzo Region and Italy can Far too many years the perception offer. We will have the chance to demonstrate excellence in the way the Games will ~e planned and staged, and in the legacy ofbenefits that this mega-sports that the change to an environmental sustainability policy through renewable energies and reducing waste would be too great a burden for countries to bear dominated talks. But nowadays more and more people, and their governrnents have recognized that the future ofthe-World Many investments in community sport are investments space, with users often becoming advocates far theìf protection, ; proper maintenance and expansion, just as those who pursue wilderness should be carried on sustainability. sports are often advocates for the protection and sustainable use of This creates new perspectives which are inspiration in green remote environrnents. for human action. • Providing a platform far soeial What the Mediterranean Beach mobilisation. Gamescan do events provide powerful platforrns far promoting The Mediterranean Beach Games protection global reach. High profile athletes possess desire to protect, the environment this same potential. Many international and provide a platform far sociaJ sport and environment mobilìzation on behalf of bodies are using this capacity to raise environrnental sustainability, including ensuring that sport at ali levels is a net contributor; rather than detractor. • Fostering environrnental environrnental sport because of their large audiences and can instill appreciation of, and a environmental Elite international It does this by: awareness and stewardship. awareness and to advocate greater sustainability well as global, level. at the local, as 109 attended by a large number of people during a short space of timet It creates transport problems and has economie implication for the whole of the region in which it is held. The most noticeable effects on the environrnent resu]tfrom the sheer number of spectators, their transport to the event venu~s and their behaviour. In this regard, a public transport system will be provided . . with the size of the event either by adding lo aD existing system or by setting up a temporary system. Measures will Making sport facilities more sustainable - new greener standards for sport and recreation facilities. combined with efforts to also be taken to deter people trom using private cars (tolls OD roads leading to the venues, high parking charges, etc.). improve the sustainability nf existing facilities, ensure that Temporary community sport is doing its part to make our corrim.unities ones. more sustainable and to leave a positive environmentallegacy for the future. The 2015 Mediterranean sustainable behaviour. The protection ofthe environrnent during the 2015 Mediterranean venues will be set up .•in addition to the existing Beach Games is important because such event is Beach Games will inspire more • 110 P' • I • •• ·I · The MBGOC believes the Sustainability also help cultivate a human legacy of greater understanding what sustainability I Elements of our bid shaJl of means and how it can be realized4 The are burned ~o fuel vehicles, heat and cool buildings, or generate electricity, so almost every aspect of our lives can contribute to possibility of inspiring the lives and spirit of alI those touched by the 2015 Mediterranean global warrriing. Carbon dioxide is released as coat oH and gas climate change. Beach Games - b~ they athletes, visitors, voJunteers, employees, The chaJlenge that faces ali of communities, one of mitigation and adaptation: to government rninimise our demands on fossil fuel- or viewing llS is derived energy and materials and at audiences - is one we do not that same time to ensure that our want to miss. city and lifestyles are capable of Energy And Climate Change coping with the impacts that climate An important change is already beginning to have. element in addressing climate change is We will minimise greenhouse the reduction of carbon emission ofthe 2015 Mediterranean dioxide emissions~the most Beach Games throughout common of the greenhollse foHowing actions: gases that are increasing in the to rninimise emissions at source by atmosphere as a result of human activities and contributing to reducing energy useL gas the 111 to use cleaner, low jzero carbon alternatives such as renewable • the design of temporary venues to minimise energy- and water energy; and to use carbon offset projects, after reduction and use and to be resilient to climate change impacts; f '~ replacement a final step in neutralising unavoidable emissions~ f Responding to the principle of zero carbon, we will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by minimising venue eriergy demand and supplying from zero ...low carbon and renewable ·reSQnrces. Measures will be brought in to reduce water use, as the consequences of climate change are likely to include shortage of fresh water~ Other consequences include a heightened threat of flooding from rising sea levels and more intense and unseasonal rainfall. • maximising the lise of p~blìc transport to reach venues during the Games; of low carbon vehicles and fuels far the official • procurement fleets; • promotion of alternative forms of mobility: pedestrian and cycling systerns; • use of the inspirational Beach Games to influence behaviour change; • verifÌable carbon offset projects to highlight global dimension Key areas far action on climate change include: of climate change. • defining and measuring the carbon footprint of Mediterranean Waste Management Beach Games; power of the Mediterranean Minimizing waste reduces poIlution, GHG emissions and energy lise, while easing pressure on locallandfills and saving costs~ 112 The MBGOC will reduce .•however possible, the written documents related lo the 2015 Mediterranean beach Games by replacing these with e-mails, computer SUPport, while Our aim to ensure that waste is minimized throughout beach Games show how waste reduction and recycling makes financial as wel-l as environmental level waste hierarchy, Iisted below in order of environrnental preference, has been adopted throughout the from planning to legacy_ and that the 2015 Mediterranean the programine: incineration sense. A five- with recovery of energy; • Landfill. The 2015 Mediterranean recycled paper will be used whenever possible. programme, • Conventional Beach Games will provide the opportunity to create a micro-economy of waste efficiency, putting in pIace infrastructures and processes to minimize waste and to maximize reuse and recycJing. As with climate change, waste is closely linked to other elements of sustainability. from climate impacts mentioned • Reuse· , j both biodiversity and human heaJth; understanding the importance of reusìng wood and other materiaJs will reduce the communities ~ above waste disposal methods can threaten impact of construction • Reduction; Aside on local and biodiversity; as well as a sensible approach to food packaging can • New and emerging technologies to go hand-in-hand with promoting a I recover energy; healthier diet and healthier"lifestyle. 113 Respect for the environment has become an increasingly Priority areas for action on waste 'include: significant concern in recent years. • minimizing waste during the construction, renovation and modernization The MBGOC is committed of the proposed venues; • designing and building Mediterranean r beach Games and legacy facilities to operate in a manner that is as waste-efficient as to ensure that the 2015 Mediterranean Beach Games plays its part, through direct enhancements to the ecology of alI the interested sites, by .•. taking a responsible attitude lo the management of natural possible; resourtes and through promoting the value of the natural the city of P~scara and Abruzzo • ensuring that the Games will respect the zero waste to landfill environment commitment; Region and ltaly. • using public education and outreach activity to promote low- Key areas for action on biodiversity are: waste lifestyles. • minimizing throughout and mitigating the impact of development activity Biodiversity in the run up to 2015 Mediterranean Biodiversity is essential to the globai economYj serving a vita] • protecting sensitive habitats and species through development function in climate change mitigation, watershed management ofvenue environment j provision of sustainable natural resources and enhancing the quality of life that we enjoy .. management Beach Games; plans; • promoting awareness of the value of biodiversity and its links to sport and healthy living. , 114 Deprivation Sociallnclusion also remains a strong determinant responds to the unquestioning The2015 Mediterranean Beach Games will be a unique opportunity for ltaly to demonstrate its rich diversity and social cohesion lo aD international audience and to promote tbe values of openness, respect and fair play. can face, but also taking active measures to help people to make the most ofthe opportunities Mediterranean that the 2015 beach Games could offer. This particularly applies to people who are not currently as fully engaged as they might be in our economic, sportin& social and culturallife: women • l principle of health and happiness Priority areas in relation to inclusion: IDeai and ltalian minority-owned businesses and social enterprises to ben'efit; • engaging and involving people and communities across the different venues in preparations far the Mediterranean Beach Games, and .all the communities involved in developing legacy plans; people from Black, African, Asian and minority ethnic •• •.. groups, older people~ disabled people and people from different • showcasing and celebrating diversityJ multiculturalism iì•... faith communities~ Inclusion underpins tolerance throughout the Mediterranean alI other sustainability themes -- poorer people and minority groups are the fir~t to feel the effects of climate change and declining biodiversity - and has [ [ r a particularly cJose link to health. J equity and fair trade, and culture and heritage. • promoting supplier diversity and maximizing opportunities Inclusion involves breaking down the barriers that individuals and communities of ill-health. lt basin; and far : l'"" ..•.. ~ .. • I" I. l" " " ..•• ",J "~, ,- -t , '"'R: "~,' ," ,I , . . - o •• m~ 1~11l. III --- -"i .' • Città dì Pescara M~/ia .'" d'oro al Mer;tQ Ovile N..6 1 Ae~o~..~3 .. 50 ". . . .. d e,.,,, .. GC 1 erazlone AlI egato aIl a P roposta d·1 d el'b 4 ••• " •••• " .Oggetto. ,..-------.........-----------------------------, lA EDIZIONE DEI GIOCHI DEL MEDITERRANEO IN SPIAGGIA DEL 2015. PROVVEDIMENTI ~------------------------~~---, ---------- PARERI AI SENSI DELL'ART. 49 DEL D.Lg.vo N.267/2000 Parere di regolarità tecnica, anche con specifico riferimento alla garanzia deIla tutela della privacy nella redazione degli atti e diffusione - pubblicazione dei dati sensibili ed agli altri contenuti ai sensi ed in conformità alla delibera di C.C. n. 209.deI17/12/2010 in materia· di pubblicità legale degli atti ex art. 32 della Legge n4 69/2009, come . modificato ed integrato con D..L. n. 194/09 convertit •• 1 •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tt • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • I • • • 9 in Legge n. 25/20 lO: .. ..~ ••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• t • • . • 9 • • • • • • • t • • t •••••••• I t • • • t ~ • • • • • • • • ~ • 6 • • ~ • t • • A • t • • • • ~ • • • • t • • • • • • a • • • • I • • A • • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • t • • \ LI· ..... 4i11 -11 / 6110-'1) •••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• , Parere di regolarità contabile: • • • • • ~ • • • • t • • • • • • • • ~ ~ • , t • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • ~ • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • t • t ~ • • •• • • I. • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~. • • I I •• ~ • ~ • • • ~ • • • •• t t t • • • • • • • • ~ • • t ~ • • • a _ • a • • • • • A • \~ .~ ~. .~~. ~ f' iUROf'!:AN CITY Of SPORT . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , , t , • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • ~ • • • ·.llW.·············································. • • • • • • • • • a ~. Li • • ••• •.•....6. t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Del che si è redatto il presente verbale, che, previa ~ettura e conferma~ viene _sottoscritto come appresso. IL SEGRETARIO VERBALIZZANTE Prof. Addario Luigi IL SINDACO IL SEGRETARIO GENERALE REGGENTE Avv. Albore Mascia Luigi Avv. Langiu Antonello Per copia conforme all'originale. Pescara~ H . A seg uito di conforme attestazione deH'addetto alle pu bblicazioni, si certifica che copia deUa 'presente deliberazione è stata pubblicata aU'Albo Pretorio dal I al e che contro di essa non sono state prodotte opposizioni. 1 7 G U. 2013 OLi.1I1t'201'3 IL FUNZIONARIO Pescara, lì· ____ RESPONSABILE __..-...--.. .•••••••.•••••••••••••. """'--' .•.••• r••••••••••••• __ SI DICHIARA LA PRESENTE ESECUTIVA a seguito di pubblicazione all'Albo Pretorio per 1 O giorni consecutivi dal senza opposizioni ai sensi e per gli effetti dell'art. 134 - 3°comma -- D. Legislativo del 18 agosto 2000 N.267. IL FUNZIONARtO RESPONSABILE Pescara, H__.. _ COMUNE N. FASCICOLO UFFICIO di prot. DI PESCARA Pescara, lì _ All'Ufficio ------...........----------All' Ufficio --------- ...per i provvedimenti di competen'za. IL FUNZIONARIO RESPONSABILE