February 2010


February 2010
February, 2010
Serving the Lantzville Community for over 50 years
Visit our website:
District Council - A Sense of Community?
- by Glen Dunsworth
At the recent Council meeting residents
cess they create little LAS commuon Owen Rd. were told the District would
nity nodes where only the people in
only repair their road if they paid. We are
the neighbourhood care about what
talking a $22,000 road repair. The Mayors’
goes on there because they are the
response to Councilor Negrave’s query of
only ones paying.
why this should be an LAS (Local Area
At some point you have to ask
Service) was “that’s 1.5% of our annual
yourself why are we a communitax base!” Yes, and what are taxes intendty? I believe that a key role of our
ed to provide if not road repair? Clearly
Council is to enhance our sense of
taxes pay for nice District offices, salaried
community and to provide comstaff and Councilors. But just as clearly it
munity leadership. Residents are
seems taxes don’t pay for community serleft with little sense of either when
vice, that’s for the LAS. We are rapidly
with every request for service or asapproaching a time when we will have to
sistance the District answer is “you
pay directly to fix potholes in front of our
pay”. Lantzvillians care for each
homes, or water service repair, or flood proother, we value where we live and
tection or sewer repair.
the resources we share. Sharing
How did we get to this state where simmunicipal expenses is part of that
ply fixing a road is no longer a District reand it’s the glue that holds us all tosponsibility? Our Council seems to have
adopted a “new principle” of municipal
I would suggest our Mayor and
government in Lantzville. The principle
Council underestimate the intelliRichard Nash in front of Glen’s house on
they use is simple; make sure to keep taxes
gence of the residents. We can see
Shangri-la Rd near Eby Rd.
low with small District budgets, because
that taxes are being redistributed
voters don’t want their taxes to increase. But how do you through LASs. The “new principle” may seem simple but
provide municipal services for infrastructure that ages and it has unintended consequences. We need to consolidate
needs fixing, things normally paid with taxes? Again their our tax power and become a true community. The alternaprinciple is simple; make the residents who get a service tive is a slow drift into the fracturing of Lantzville through
pay for it directly and just don’t call it taxation. In the pro- LAS. See our blog for more info at www.thelog.ca
Lyn Hancock “Outstanding Alumnus Of The Year” !
Between 1976-1981, Lantzville resident, Lyn Hancock,
well known teacher, writer and guest speaker, was a grad
student at Simon Fraser University studying cougars and
living with an orphan raccoon called Tabasco.
They were constant companions –
attending classes, visiting schools and
universities, hiking, camping, boating, skiing, shopping, and travelling
by car and plane across Canada and
the USA. Tabasco was the mascot of
the English Department and her picture adorned the SFU calendar. Lyn
took the raccoon to one of her convocations in a mortar board.
On Wednesday January 27th at
a dinner and ceremony at the Four
Seasons Hotel in Vancouver, SFU is
honouring Lyn with the prestigious
Outstanding Alumnus of the Year
Award for her lifetime contributions
to Art and Culture, specifically writing, photography and nature education. Her raccoon will be attending the ceremony too - in
book form asTabasco the Saucy Raccoon.
Her front yard on Nanoose Bay in Lantzville provided the
last chapter for Lyn’s book. “I had just finished the last line
o the math!
and shut down my computer,” said Lyn, “I was determined
to tell the truth but was worried that readers might find the
ending too sad. I walked to the kitchen and, still wondering,
looked out at the pool-side garden. I stared in amazement.
There, in the middle of the day, standing on the rocky edge of the pool was
a raccoon, the biggest raccoon I have
ever seen. It stared at me, unmoving,
then slowly padded past me, across the
lawn, and down to the beach. At the
edge of the sea, it turned back to give
me one last look, then disappeared. I
was so stunned I did not even pick up
my camera to take its picture. In many
years of living on Nanoose Bay, I had
never seen a raccoon before and I have
never seen one since. I raced back to
open the computer and write the real
ending of Tabasco the Saucy Raccoon.
To see Lyn in action as a guest
Lyn Hancock & Tobasco
speaker and teacher in schools, view
www.lynhancock.ca/links for a video on her work produced
by SFU and called “Lyn Hancock: A Passionate Presentation.” It will introduce Lyn at the ceremony.
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Polar Bear Swim 2010
- by John Garenkooper.
What a day, what a crowd! The Lantzville Polar Bear
swim was again a roaring success! A last minute rush of
anxious dippers swelled the total of folks attending to well
over 80. While the Phantom-of-the-Lost-Mine kept up a
steady drum beat by the fire, every-one, bundled up or in
bathing suit, waited for the magic moment. At the countdown exactly at noon the school bell rang and 55 brave
souls rushed in.
Yes, it was January 1st, 2010 and Lanzvillians and guests
kicked it off in style, taking their first bath of the year in
the choppy Pacific! Whoops and hollers were heard blocks
away. Some belly flopped, others dipped, and still other
folks did a slow submersion. A few considered it a cleansing baptism to underscore their new year’s resolutions.
About seven swimmers plunged in twice just to make sure.
First ones in the salt chuck: Bryan Muise and Jim Gillespie.
Last one out: Dane Hansen.
With the northeaster blowing a temperature of minus
five degrees and the water at a balmy six Celsius, the sea
seemed a welcome refuge. Of the three levels of hypothermia no-one got past the first stage: shivering, yelling,
giggles and goose bumps. Ten minutes after this 16th annual watery riot the beach was deserted once more. All
swimmers went home with one thing in common: Bragging rights for one whole year!
Comments overheard:
''Oh, this is horrible," muttered a bundled-up onlooker,
her breath freezing into a white cloud….
“If the sea is warmer than the beach, why is it a shock to
hit the water?”
“You gotta love Global Warming!”
‘'I'm old enough to know better and too young to resist”
See group photo on page 3....
See full color photos on the web: www.thelog.ca
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Community Events
Page 2 The Log Serving Lantzville and Area - February, 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
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Betty was born in Red Deer Alberta on November 28th 1919 to
parents, Bessie and Captain John
Whitworth. She passed away on
December 20th 2009 at Nanaimo
Hospital where she had worked in
the past for many years and where
she had recently celebrated her
90th birthday with friends.
Betty was predeceased by her parents and by her
brother John and his wife Marjorie with whom she
had shared a close friendship. The Whitworth family
moved from Alberta to Armstrong in the north Okanagan where Betty and John went to school. Betty took
ballet classes and later taught ballet. Betty was to be
married during World War Two but her fiance was
tragically killed in that war.
Betty's nursing career began with training at St
Paul's Hospital in Vancouver. She graduated as an RN
in January of 1944. From 1945 to 52 she worked at the
17 bed hospital in Port Alice on northern Vancouver
Island where she was head matron. She delivered all
the babies and got to know everyone in the town.
She worked in doctor's offices part time while she
looked after her mother and an aunt in Parksville before returning to full time nursing at the old Nanaimo
Hospital. She assisted in the move to the present
NRGH location. Her Nanaimo nursing career was
spent in the hospital's neo-natal unit where an entire
generation of local residents passed through her capable hands. When she retired in 1982 she was presented
with a baby incubator as a souvenir.
Outside of her nursing career, Betty lived a full and
interesting life. She received her pilot's license in
1947, completing her solo at Vancouver Airport. She
accompanied her mother to London in 1953 for the
coronation. She travelled extensively in India in the
mid 50's and was the guest of a maharaja. Betty loved
dogs and had a series of Kerry Blue and Yorkshire terriers. She never met a dog she didn't like.
Betty lived in Lantzville at Shoregrove Resort on
Dickinson Rd for over 40 years and was a member of
the OAPO and attended St Philips Anglican Church.
In retirement Betty had a wide circle of friends with
whom she travelled, played cards, gambled, went to
countless lunches, and swam in the sea. She saw her
Shoregrove friends every day, including many of the
summer people she got to know over the years. Of her
many fine qualities surely the most outstanding was her
capacity for friendship. Betty was a warm and hilarious companion who was always willing to drop what
she was doing and go off to lunch at Ricky's, a bus trip
to Reno or shopping in Hong Kong. Most of her social
circle have also passed on but those who remain miss
her infectious good humour and the example of the
pure fun and enthusiasm with which she embraced life
and proved that retirement can indeed be golden.
A memorial service for Betty will be held at St.
Philips By the Sea Anglican Church at 1:00 pm on
Monday February 15th.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
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Seaside Community Society
- by Julie Hustwick
Costin Hall activitiesThe holiday celebrating has come and
gone and I hope you all had a great time
with family ad friends.
On Dec. 6 the Annual Christmas dinner was held with the Girl Guide group
in charge once again. And, as in the
past, they serveda delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings, then entertained us with carol singing. Pres. Barb
DeJonghe presented the Organization
with a cash donation to assist the Brownies and Guides in their many activities.
On Dec. 12 the Short Mat group held
a Christmas tournament with 29 players in attendance. A refreshment break
took place half way thru and prizes were
presentd at the end of the tournament.
All teams received a monetary prize
and the team with most points was Bill
Roos, Roelie Roos, Julie Hustwick, Jean
Wilkinson and Julian Mattock.
A Pot Luck is being planned for Feb.
14m at 5:00 pm,, so mark that on your
Mar. 17th - St. Patrick’s Day
Live Music & Dance
February 13th 8 pm
Costin Hall
The diverse band Time Well Wasted
will perform on Valentines Eve, February 13th, with local folk and blues artist
Gerry Barnum opening.
• Tickets are $15 and are available to
those 19 and older in advance at the Black
Dog Cafe in Lantzville, Tom Lee Music in North Nanaimo, and Tina’s Diner
downtown Nanaimo. Available also by
phone at 1-800- 667-0689 or visit www.
Mid Island Rose Society
The Mid Island Rose Society met on
January 18th with 25 members attending. Pam Kitchen was welcomed as a
new member.
The group meets on the third Monday
from January to June and then again in
September and October in the Heritage
Church. A summer potluck and Christmas Party round out the year.
It was decided to donate 300 hundred
dollars to the Haitian Earthquake Relief
Fund. Other charities donated to have
been The Food Bank and the SPCA
Snip program.
One of the benefits of membership
apart from the wonderful fellowship is
the yearly rose order from Pickering
Nurseries in Ontario. Their roses arrive
as bare roots in March when members
look forward to adding them to their
New members are always welcome.
The next meeting is February 15th at
Lantzville Heritage Church
10 am Sunday Worship
7244 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Rev. Steve Wilkinson
Ph: 390-3679
Please join us downstairs after worship, for coffee and fellowship after
the services.
Trinity United Church
11 am Sunday Service & Sunday
School Program
Rev. Peggy Jenson
6234 Spartan Road, Nanaimo
Ph: 390-2513
St Philip’s Anglican Church
7113 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Ph: 390-3641
Sunday Services
8 AM Holy Communion
10 AM Holy Communion &
Sunday School / Music
Children’s programs include an “Interactive Story time” with the minister at
the beginning of 10 am worship, followed by Sunday School classes.
Probus Club of Lantzville
Our Club continues to promote numerous and varied interest group activities.
Membership stands at 194 and there is
room to grow. The Christmas buffet
at the Coast Bastion was again a success and well attended. A high school
jazz group entertained. President Margaret Pierce has an interesting list of
speakers lined up for 2010. Come as a
visitor and see if you would like to join
our enthusiastic membership.
Nanaimo Family History
Society - General Meeting
Beban Park Social Center
Feb. 15, 2010 - 7:00 PM
Speaker: Candy-Lea Chickite
Topic: Historical Newspaper
Visitors Welcome.
Born Comox, B.C. January 3, 1927. Passed away Kiwanis Village
December 18, 2009. Alice will be greatly missed by her husband Ross,
daughters Candi, Debra, stepdaughters Lynda and Diane, stepson Darrell, many granddaughters, grandsons, great granddaughters and great
Gone Forever But Never Forgotten
A Memorial Service was held at St. Philips Church, Lantzville, followed by a reception at Br 257 Legion. In lieu of flowers please donate
to a charity of your choice or to Parkinsons.
BUCHAN, Muriel Irene
August 3,1929 -January 5, 2010
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Muriel on January
5, 2010 at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital at 80 years young. Muriel
is survived by her mother, Gladys Boyko of Regina, her son Pat of New
Westminster, her daughter Beverly (Brian) of Prince George, sons Randy
(JJ) of Vancouver, and Bryan (Leah) of Salmon Arm, 11 grandchildren
and 10 great grandchildren.
Muriel was an amazing, inspiring and brave lady who will be deeply
missed and fondly - remembered by her extended family and circles of
friends who meant the world to her. Muriel was an active member of both
the Lantzville Royal Canadian Legion- Branch #257 (25 years), and the
Nanaimo Chapter of the Order of the Royal Purple (20 years).
A Celebration of Muriel's life was held at 2:OOpm on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at the Lantzville Legion Hall.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to either the Lantzville Legion or the Royal Purple, both who are kind and accommodating hosts
for her Celebration of Life.
Oct 15, 1933 – Dec 13,
Passed away suddenly
at home on Dec 13, 2009.
Born in Manitoba in 1933,
Gordon operated a plumbing & heating business until 1970, at which time he
moved his family to Lantzville BC. He continued to operate Bradley’s Heating Service, remaining active in his business up
until Dec 11, 2009 and participated in the Annual
Turkey Shoot at the Nanaimo Fish & Game Club
the following day.
Gordon leaves Judy, his wife of 50 years. Children, Janice Vawter (Jim); Alyson Cervo (Randy)
and Scott Bradley (Vannessa & Avery). Grandchildren, Jared Vawter (Lauren); Dustin Cervo
(Ashley); Sharday Cervo (Jeromie); and Chanyce
Cervo. Sister Joyce Wedderburn and cousin Evelyn Joynt and their families, as well as many family & friends in Nanaimo, Parksville & Manitoba.
Gord was a very caring & giving person to
whom family & friends were the most important.
A celebration of life was held on Monday Dec
21, 2009, at St. Philip’s By-The-Sea Anglican
Church, Lantzville, BC.
The Log Serving Lantzville and Area - February, 2010 Page 3
Hurford District
Girl Guides
- by Kim Plumley
World Thinking Day first began in 1926 when
members an annual international conference decided to create special day for Guides around the
world to "think" of each other, give thanks and appreciation to their "sister" Girl Guides. The date
February 22 was chosen because it was the mutual
birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy
Scout movement, and his wife, Olave, who served
as World Chief Guide. On this day, girls participate
in activities and games with global themes to learn
North to South roughly in that order: Daniel, Ben and Sarah Cameron, Hugh Middleton, Kim, George and Grace Plumley, Rick Clough, about Guides in other countries. This year's theme is
Monique Beauliue, Ulric Hosang, Jan Garenkooper- Phantom, Jim Gillespie, Max, Sam and Melanie Norcutt with pup Annie. Jim, Judy and "together we can end extreme poverty and hunger".
Cassie Smith, Hannah and Sebastian Frizzell, Lori, Bob, Bevan and Kate Payter, Blair, Tara and Amy Christensen, Jeff Bob, Bryan Muise, www.worldthinkingday.org
Don and Alivia Acorn, Haley Redfern, Tobey Digney, Kevin and Dane Hansen, Ed Bowman, Puck Biesheuvel, Phyllis Johnson, Penny Pepper, Tina Vlad, Heather Pardon, Steve Page. To anyone we missed: there’s always next year! See full color photos on the blog!
Foothills Goes In-camera
by B. Blood
Not only have the property owners closed Copley and Bald
Mountain areas (commercial name Foothills) to the public but
Lantzville council have prematurely closed their public deliberation of the issue by going in-camera. The Sterling Group, mortgage holder for the failed project, citing liability issues, have
posted the property with no trespassing signs and tape and have
a security patrol. Mayor Haime has cited legal issues for placing council deliberation under a bushel even though no litigation
involving the district is underway. Lantzville council, famous
for placing everything controversial behind the in-camera iron
curtain, are once more keeping their opinions and discussions
away from the citizens who elected them.
In a nutshell, the sterling Group have asked council for two
things. First, can they re-negotiate the agreement to allow them
to quickly develop some lots without sewer and water service in
the Vipond Rd area? Second, can they link the park dedication
in a more balanced staging where 20% of development would
yield 20% of parkland etc?
It is easy to see where some of council's concerns may lie, particularly in this development which was to be totally serviced.
Also, what kind of staging formula would protect the public interest in receiving the ultimate 900 acres of parkland? What is
less easy to see is why these issues cannot be discussed at a
regular council meeting open to the residents of Lantzville?
Visit thelog.ca for more comments and to express your
Council About Face On Knarston $18,000 Flow Study
by B. Blood
The motion to spend approximateely $18,000 on a flow
study for Knarston Creek was re-introduced at a special council meeting held on Jan 4th and attended by many residents of
the flood-prone neighborhood. The flow study is required by
Fisheries before the District can proceed with the engineering works designed to mitigate flooding in this area. Council's lack of enthusiasm at the Dec 14th meeting was based
on their perception that most of the 21 flood-prone property
owners had shown no indication they were willing to pay the
balance of project costs above the $400,000+ provincial grant
monies. Even at the meeting on Jan 4th many speakers still
felt that either all Lantzville residents should share the costs
or all residents of the Knarston Creek drainage basin. (View
Council Minutes at www.lantzville.ca).
If residents of the flood area fail to approve a Local Service
Area mechanism for paying the balance of costs then the provincial grant will be withdrawn, no engineering works will
take place and the expenditures incurred so far on this project – now over $60,000 – will be eaten by all the taxpayers
in the District. Council approved the motion and the mayor
commented that they did so because they now had more information. Visit thelog.ca for more comments and to express
your views.
Amalgam-Eighters’ Square and Round Dance Club
Dance dates for Feb., March, April and May, 2010.
Sat. Feb. 6 at 7:30 pm, Regular dance at Lantzville Community Hall (Costin Hall).
Sat. Feb. 20 at 7:30 pm, Sweetheart Dance, where the Sweetheart Couple for 2010 will be announced. Cake, Berries and Icecream to follow!
Sat. Mar 6 at 7:30 pm, Regular dance at Lantzville Community Hall. Couple of the Year selection.
Sat. Mar 20 at 7:30 pm St. Patrick’s Dance. Nominations for Club Executive.
Sat. Apr 3 the Amalgam-Eighters Square and Round Dance Club Dance is cancelled, due to Easter weekend.
Sat. Apr 17 at 7:30 pm Regular dance at Lantzville Community Hall.
Sat. May 1 at 6:00 pm, Dogwood Wind-Up Dance at Lantzville Community Hall with a Pot Luck Supper.
For more information on any of the events,
call Laverne, 250-751-8211
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Long-time Lanztville Resident Enjoys life at Origin at Longwood!
‘My Life at Origin’ By Stan Walpole
When I had told my
friends that I had sold
my house in Lantzville and moved into
Origin at Longwood
one said “ Isn’t that
an Old Folk’s Home?
Stan Walpole in diningroom
I quickly corrected
at the Origin
that and said that is is
‘Independent Retirement Residence’ where
we rent a suite, either a one or two bedroom
unit, and live entirely independently. Most
residents are able-bodied, some ladies use
walkers but you won’t see any wheelchairs
We get two main meals each day, the
food is very good, a continental breakfast
from 8-10 for anyone wishing to partake of
it and coffee and fresh-baked cookies at 3
each day. Coffee is available all day. I have
a small fridge and microwave in the suite
should I wish to make my own breakfast.
My one bedroom suite is 600 square feet
with a lounge and den for my computer,
desk, bookcase etc. I also have a great
balcony where I enjoy sitting out on nice
days. My suite is cleaned and linen is
washed once a week. There are two
washers and driers on each of the four
floors where we do our ‘smalls’.
Other amenities at Origin at Longwood
include a games room and library, a theatre where films are shown every Saturday evening. There are two exercise
rooms with modern equipment, a saltwater pool and sauna. There is also a pub
and happy hours are every Friday from
4-6. All of this is included in one monthly payment. The Health Spa has a hair
salon and massage rooms which are not
included. I have a hair cut and a sports
pedicure once a month at prices much
less than at other neighbourhood salons.
There is adequate parking as most of us
have given up driving. Who needs
to when we have a 16 seat bus and
6 seater van to take us out and about
on trips, to doctor’s appointments and
shopping. The North Nanaimo Shopping Centre is just across the road and
grocery stores in the Longwood community just a short distance away.
All in All, Origin at Longwood is a
very comfortable home with friendly
staff and as added bonus, I get lots
of hugs! What more could a fellow
Would you like to know how to
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Page 4 The Log Serving Lantzville and Area - February, 2010
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Lantzville Legion Branch #257
7225 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
250-390-2841 - Pres. Cde. Barry Ostrand
Executive Meeting
Feb. 1 • 7:00pm
General Meeting
Feb. 15 • 7:00pm
Pool and Bridge
Shuffleboard 7pm
Birthday Parties (3rd Sunday of the month)
Lounge Opens Tuesday - Sunday @ 1pm
Closed Mondays
Meat Draws every Friday night at 5:30pm
& Saturday at 3:30.
Hall Rental available
Feb. 7th - Super Bowl Game on the big screen
with food, snacks and prizes!
of fun!!
Valentine’s Day Dance
Feb. 13th with a mini meal before.
Wow! Mother Nature, pretty impressive winter
storms. I have to say that I have never seen seaweed and beach gravel thrown four meters up onto
the bottom of Tweedhope road before. Bravo. I am
starting to think of Georgia Straight as a lake as opposed to a portion of the North Pacific Ocean. There
has been so much movement in the sand and beach
logs that it is sometimes difficult to recognize our
beach between storms. Just the other day the water looked
more like the mouth of the Fraser than the mouth of Nanoose
Bay. There is a texture and colour change between the fresh
and salt water that is very obvious to the naked eye, and that
isn’t just because of the suspended sediments refracting the
light differently but because of the viscosity relative to salinity changing the surface tension. The surface of the water is
actually shaped differently. Neat stuff. The only down side is
I am starting to count the pilings in front of Oar road more
often expecting to see one or two less of our heritage pier
pilings. It is amazing how sturdy they are when you paddle
next to them though. Let’s hope that they last for a good while
Unfortunately the Saga of Elf The Squirrel came to a sad
end on January 8th of this year. Wolvergreen buried Elf The
Squirrel next to Murtle the Turtle in the Thomas’ Pet Cemetery. I found him dead in the woodpile, of no apparent causes
-Bradley Wolvergreen Thomas
the day after another Red Squirrel first challenged
his territory from Barry’s place across Tweedhope
road. Everyone has been very sad to hear the news,
but you should know that the new squirrel Hudson
took over the territory completely in four days. It
was amazing how quick it all happened. Hudson I
have to say is a superior squirrel, Elf was a bit of
a “goober”. For example all of Elf’s peanut stashes
were underground flooded soaked and molded by all this rain.
He liked to climb to exposed branch ends and bark his territory, even when he was being hunted by a hawk. This morning
I scared a hawk away from Hudson, about one meter away…
and he hasn’t left the ivy around his house all day. Smart squirrel. Hudson will already come within a foot of me to feed and
bark, and has already turned over all of Elf’s cone stashes.
He even found the cones that Elf first buried when he was
first striking out in the woodpile of Camp Life last June He
is almost more “Elfish” than Elf was, after he made it back
from the beach. Hudson has a fetish for any of the fur scraps
still kicking around after making Elf’s wrestling octagon and
punching bags. Hudson is a better name to yell out in the back
yard, because “Elf” can sound a lot like “Help” and people
have asked if I need any… Hahaha.
See you at the beach, it is there all year long.
LIFESTYLE - Emmanuel Lint
It is basic – an RRSP is good for you
When it comes to investing and saving on taxes, you
have options. Within your financial planning process,
you should look at all of them and select those that
work best for your unique situation. But there is one
investment option that’s a no-brainer. The Registered
Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), since being introduced 53 years ago, has become the basic foundation
of almost every financial plan. RRSPs have stood the
test of time as the best tax-saving, income-building vehicle for
most Canadians.
Here are the keys to making the most of your RRSP opportunity.
• Contribute to the max Always make your maximum allowable contribution each taxation year to get the most in
immediate tax savings and to maximize the potential longterm growth of your RRSP investments. You’ve still got
some time to contribute for 2009 – the deadline is March
1, 2010 – and you’ll find your maximum allowable contribution room on the Notice of Assessment sent to you from
the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) after filing last year’s
income taxes.
• Contribute regularly Making automatic monthly contributions to your RRSP is much more rewarding than contributing a lump sum once a year. Here’s how: By investing
$250 regularly each month at a compound rate of return of
8%, you’ll have $372,590 in your retirement nest egg 30
years from now.* But if you wait until the end of each year
to invest a $3,000 lump sum, you’ll have only $339,850.
By investing monthly, you’ve added $32,740 at retirement without contributing a dollar more.
• Play catch (up) If you have unused contribution
room, fill it up as soon as possible for additional
tax savings and longer-term tax-deferred compound
growth. You can fill your unused contribution room
in a single year or over a number of years until you
reach age 71.
• Borrow to save An RRSP loan can be a smart way to maximize this year’s contribution or to play catch up on your
past contributions – but you must get the loan at a low
interest rate and pay it back as quickly as possible. A best
practice: Use your RRSP tax savings to pay off the loan.
• Spousal savings A higher-earning spouse can contribute
to an RRSP for the benefit of his or her partner and enjoy a
tax reduction on the contributions.
There are other RRSP strategies that can work for you like
a Double Up strategy or a laddered RRSP loan strategy – the
right ones, incorporated into your overall financial plan, will
help you save on taxes every year, retire with more and enhance your estate. Talk to your professional advisor about
what’s best for you.
This column is provided by Emmanuel Lint from Investors Group. It is presented as a general source of information only and is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell
investments, nor is it intended to provide professional advice
including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal,
accounting or tax advice
- Barbara Samarin
Apart from the gray, rainy days, January has been a
fairly warm month. Sometime in February, the skies
will clear, the sun will shine warmly and we will be
lulled into believing spring is here early.
But beware, there is still a chance of a cold snap
as well as some snow, so proceed in the gardens with
care. On clear days, the dead leaves can be raked up
under fruit trees and rose bushes and then destroyed. This prevents the spread of disease and pests. A safe organic spray of
dormant oil and sulfur can be applied to the trees and bushes,
too. Choose a clear day so that the spray can stay on the plants
for at least six hours. Repeat this spraying several times during the spring.
This is a good time to plant bare root fruit and speciman
trees. Just be careful about treading in the gardens and on the
lawns in order to prevent compaction of the soggy soil. Relocate or transplant shrubs, bushes and trees now. Always use
a transplanting solution when doing this and if it doesnt rain
very much, keep them well watered. It is time to order or buy
seeds when the selection is best. Begonia and geranium seeds
can be started now indoors because they take longer
to germinate than most other seeds. Broad beans and
sweet peas can be planted outdoors in the gardens.
Some lettuces like to germinate as well towards the
end of the month.
Joe and I begin our pruning chores beginning with
the hardy rugosa roses and if you have grape or kiwi
plants, they too can be pruned. However, wait for the forsythia to bloom before pruning the other rose bushes and most
Gather up your garden tools and containers and get them
ready for the growing season. Perhaps you may want to have
your lawnmower serviced. If it does snow, gently shake it off
the plants. It is not necessary to take it all off because it acts
as an insulation against the cold.
On a happier note, look for the signs of spring to begin
showing up in the form of snowdrops, yellow winter aconite,
crocus and iris reticulata. These promises of the better weather
to come are a welcome sight indeed.
The Log Serving Lantzville and Area - February, 2010 Page 5
Lantzville Faces -By Brian Blood
The Negrin Farm - by B. Blood
Giordano, the first child in his generation of the Negrin family, was born in the Veneto region of northern Italy in 1890.
His mother had three more sons before she was widowed and
the landless and now fatherless family struggled to make ends
meet, labouring for landowners in the village
40 miles north of Venice. In 1907 Giordano
left for New York and in 1918 went on
to Washington State and Alaska Territory where he worked in sawmills
and goldmines. In 1920 he returned
to Italy to visit his mother and while
there met and married America Lazzarin. She was 30 and he was 33.
In 1921 they came to Vancouver
Island. Their son Bennie was born
in Nanaimo on Oct 23 1921. Bennie’s sister Alba was born in 1926.
The family lived on Jinglepot Rd
and Giordano, now known as Gordon outside the home, worked in the
mines. He was injured at the Jinglepot Mine and was unable to work for
four years during which time (1924 to
1927) they lived in Vancouver and Benny
started school at Strathcona Elementary.
The family returned to the island and rented
Marshall’s farm in the Millstone Valley where they began a
dairy operation as well as raising chickens, pigs, calves and
vegetables. Benny and Alba walked along a logging railway
grade to attend East Wellington School.
The Negrins moved to Lantzville in 1935 when their lease
was up at Marshall’s. They rented the Walter Auld farm property behind the current Lantzville business district. Benny and
Alba attended Lantzville School.
In 1938 Gordon and America bought the land on Lantzville
Rd from the Thicke family that is known as the Negrin farm
today. They moved the dairy operation to the new location and
the two generations managed a
dairy herd for a
total of 50 years.
Only a family
can operate this
kind of small
dairy operation. Long
hard work,
days a
w e r e
p a r t
of the
package. 35 dairy cows were milked by hand.
Benny met Lorraine Dunbar from Pleasant Valley in
1943 and they were married in 1945. Bennie built the
“little house” for he and Lorraine next to the original
Thicke farmhouse where his parents were living. When
their children were born (Danny 1947, Donald, 1949 and
Diana, 1951) Benny and Lorraine swapped houses with
Benny’s parents who lived out their days in the smaller
house. True to his Italian heritage, Gordon had a one-acre
vineyard in a sunny location close to Lantzville Rd for many
During the postwar era the Canadian family farm reached
its peak and began a slow decline. The Lantzville area was no
exception. One by one, the old farms went out of production
as resource and town jobs lured workers away and prices of
farm products fell as agribusiness and supermarkets came to
dominate the food industry. The Negrins persevered and where
Benny had delivered milk by bicycle as a teenager they progressed to delivering to 150 customers a day by truck. Surpluses went to the Nanaimo Dairy and later to Palm Dairy.
Other farms going out of production created an opportunity
Continued on page 8
Lantzville Legion Branch No 257 -Stan Walpole
Joe Bratkowski
e: joe@bluerockmanagementcom
Brian Dempsey
e: bdempsey@telus.net
Warren Griffey
e: warrengriffey@shaw.ca
Colin Haime
e: colinhaime@shaw.ca
Denise Haime
e: denisehaime@shaw.ca
Ron Negrave
e: negrave@telus.net
Douglas Parkhurst
e: parkhurst @casb.com
Sports, entertainment and other areas where help would be
very welcome. If members want a good, successful branch
then every able-bodied member, with a little time to spare,
should help out. Marilyn Cholin has graciously agreed to fill
in temporarily as secretary, and will continue to assist any one
who does this job. The office has all the latest equipment to
make the job that much easier. No pay but lots of love from
grateful members.
Harvey Bist, the Sports chairman has plans for a Super Bowl
party and other events with 'in-house' etc. Wendy Forsyth, entertainment, has plans for a Valentines Day dance on February
13th. and a St Patrick's Day social on March 13th. As you will
appreciate, the committees are just getting 'their feet wet' but, I
feel sure, will have some interesting activities for members in
the coming year. Watch the notice boards for information.
The New Executive, elected at the December meeting, is :
President ; Cde. Barry Ostrand; first V.P. Cde. Roy Cardinal;
2nd V.P. Cde. Jean Brown; Treasurer, Cde. Lynn Rankin; Secretary, Cde. Cathie Zacharais;
Immediate Past President, Cde. Ken Gourlay.
Executive , Cdes. Georgina Rosewall. Ron Bowman, Ron
Jones; Ginny Ostrand; Harvey Bist; Wendy Forsyth; Gary Peters; Art Lefever. Zone Reps; Cdes. Roy Cardinal and Liz.
Breingan. Off and running for, hopefully, a successful year.
Brett Verhiel
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Since I last wrote there has been a change of plans by the
new Executive. Sub-committees have been set up (13 in all)
and one is for Public Relations with Comrades Gary Peters,
Bruce Chic Clayton Williams and myself. I will continue as
the Log correspondent. It is hoped that the branch can now
receive the publicity in the local media so lacking in the
The branch does a lot of good work, make numerous contributions to charities. youth groups. seniors, hospitals and
other worthy organizations without any publicity such as the
other Legion branches get. We hope to correct that with cooperation from the media. Many members are not aware of
what the branch does, those who do not attend monthly meetings or even read the many notices in the notice boards can
now, hopefully read it in the papers. we shall see !.
At the January meeting new committee chairmen seemed
most enthused with their responsibilities and plan many
interesting programs and events in the coming year. It was
a very interesting meeting attended by 42 members which
was a disappointing number considering we have almost
800 members. As a volunteer branch it is every members responsibility to help with the operation in one way or another.
The bar always need help with servers, cleaners etc. Just a
few hours a week would be a great help. Then there are the
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Page 6 The Log Serving Lantzville and Area - February, 2010
EATING SMART... For Health & Energy - Patricia Chuey, Reg. Dietitian
Health and Fitness
Being Active In and Around
Chocolate is Healthy: Widespread Falsity or Sweet Truth?
Submitted by Cheryl Morch
By February, New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight or
get back in shape may be in the back of our minds and we
may need some fresh ideas on how to carry them through
2010. Becoming more active is a long term lifestyle change,
made easier by engaging in activities we love to do. I have
compiled a few simple ideas that may help you on your
journey towards a healthier way of life.
- Walk the streets of Lantzville or take a hike. Your cardiovascular system will especially love you if you conquer
some of the many hills right outside your door. If being off
the road is more appealing, try the beach or one of the many
nearby hiking trails. Hiking in the Foothills now includes
the adrenalin rush of dodging a security guard, but there are
great trails around Westwood Lake, up Notch Hill in Nanoose, at Top Bridge Park on the Englishman River, at Pipers
Lagoon, Neck Point, or on Mount Benson.
- Walk around Woodgrove Mall before it opens. Enjoy the
company of Nanaimoites doing laps at 7:30am before stores
open. Register at guest services for this free activity.
- Check out one of the running stores. Don’t own spandex or know what your PB is? That is ok! Frontrunners at
Longwood Station, offers clinics not only for those wishing
to finish a marathon or run faster, but also for walkers and
runners of all abilities. The staff is extremely knowledgeable and keen to get you active again with resources ranging
from Chi Running to Pilates.
- Join a gym. You could buy yourself some simple equipment and workout at home but chances are that your motivation will last a week or two at best. Many gyms offer a
free trial and have no long term contracts. Personal Trainers
are extremely helpful if have no idea what you are doing,
and will create a personal program for you. Every gym is
different, offering different programs including spin classes
and yoga, as well as discounts to get you in the door. Do
your research.
- Check out the Rec Centres. Badminton, floor hockey,
basketball, pickle ball, and futsal...there are programs for
adults and children galore! The Nanaimo Aquatic Centre is
a world class facility and between it and Beban Pool, there
is an aquatic activity for every age and ability.
- Join the Seaside Community Society. With activities at
Costin Hall such as carpet bowling, dancing, bridge, crib
and whist, the Seaside Community Society is a great way
to meet some extremely nice people and exercise your body
and mind. All ages are welcome and there is a free trial period. Contact Barb at 250-756-1470. The society is keen to
have families join and if you have an idea of a group you
would like to start, they would love to hear from you.
There are so many great activities accessible to us within
minutes of home. One of my mottos has always been to try
something that scares you. Whether it is bungee jumping,
checking out a fitness class, learning to sea kayak or row,
you never know who you will meet, or how it will change
your life. There is no better time than today to get active.
Cheryl Morch is a Registered Massage Therapist, student of Health Sciences, has bungee jumped and is excited
for the next adventure.
Lower Back Pain
Christmas just behind us, Valentine’s Day marks
the start of another round of chocolate indulgence.
Who doesn’t want to believe that one of the world’s
favourite treats is in fact a health food? Fingers
crossed, let’s look at the situation a little closer.
Cocoa, used in chocolate production, comes from
the plant Theobroma cacao. It’s a plant. It’s natural.
Good so far. The seeds from the fruit are fermented and dried to extract the cocoa beans, which are
eventually used in cocoa products. The chocolate in most
formats we enjoy is made by combining cocoa with ingredients such as liquor, cocoa butter, sugar, cream or milk.
Cocoa has been found to have a high antioxidant capacity
and to contain health-promoting flavonoids. Antioxidants
minimize the damage free-radicals can cause to cells. Flavonoids have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease
by decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL
(good cholesterol), reducing clotting and inflammation and
improving circulation. Cocoa also contains caffeine and
theobromine, which act as stimulants. This is sounding really great.
Critical to know is how much and which kinds of chocolate to consume to benefit. Moderation (arrgh) is key. Lucky
for the researchers who figure this stuff out, but approxi-
mately 6 to 7 grams/day are sufficient to obtain
health benefits. This corresponds to a small
square of very good quality, high cocoa percentage chocolate 2 or 3 times a week. This modest
amount provides the benefits of the antioxidant
and flavonoids without unnecessary calories,
saturated or trans fat. Note that dark chocolate
has significantly more antioxidant and flavonoid
properties than milk or white chocolate.
If you love chocolate, try substituting dark chocolate for
milk chocolate when eating or using in recipes. Prepare a
trail mix with almonds, dried cranberries, and dark chocolate chips – and use the trail. Bake oatmeal muffins sprinkled
with a few dark chocolate chips. Prepare homemade hot cocoa with lower fat milk or soy milk, cocoa and just a little
bit of sweetening. Grate it on vegetables? Maybe a stretch.
Although cocoa research is promising, we still know that
the vegetables and exercise do even more for your heart.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Patricia Chuey, MSc., RD, operates www.patriciachuey.
com, a national nutrition consulting firm based in Lantzville. If you eat WAY too much chocolate and need help, be
in touch.
Winter in the watersheds is a wet place these past weeks,
with all the rain we have had and are still having is good
news for the aquifers but not too good for the actual streams.
Flash floods bring huge volumes of debris and sediment
downstream from the upper watersheds. (Loss of forest
cover in the watersheds)
With watersheds that are relatively stable this presents
few problems but for the ones that are not we have seen
many changes to the streambed and along the banks as the
water volume scours out new channels and fills in pool habitat. Only time will tell as to how this has impacted on the
salmon eggs buried in the streambed from last fall. Some
eggs will be buried deeper and make it more difficult for the
emerging fish to wiggle their way to the surface while some
will have been flushed out completely.
“Where are all the fish” is the question most asked by the
younger stream keepers when we visit the streams during
these flood periods, the vast majority of over-wintering fry
and Trout know through pressure changes that heavy rains
are coming and sense it is time to move into off channel
habitat, back eddy’s, wetlands etc. It is not too surprising
that the fish know what to do; they have only been doing it
for thousands of years in order to survive.
As humans we think that fish are not very smart after all
they are just fish, well think about last time you tried to
catch one and could you find your way back to the same
creek you came from after spending years cruising around
the North Pacific avoiding predators and all the perils that
they face every day without your GPS.
Evolution of the species has ensured that they can achieve
these amazing feats as they have adapted to changes over
the millennia. Each stream has its own unique ecosystem
making fish survival reliant on adaptation, this does not
happen overnight but over thousands of years. Studies have
shown that taking hatchery fish and introducing them into
different streams other than their own natal stream makes
them vulnerable to different viruses, bacteria, habitat parameters, etc.
The other question that is asked is “how come after all
the work done to introduce hatchery fish (Hybrids) into the
streams in years past that we still have no fish” This is a
tricky question to answer given all the good intention put
into fish “Management” and one could write a book speculating on all that has gone before.
To go from streams full of spawning fish to what we have
today is a sad reflection on our abilities as stewards of such
abundance. The straightforward answer is that messing
around with the spawning of fish by using hatcheries to
supplement loss of habitat has had marginal impact on the
recovery of fish from habitat destruction whether through
industrial activity or urban sprawl. Loss of habitat is the
most limiting factor in the survival of wild fish, yes we
can literally pour hundreds of thousands of hatchery fry
into rivers and streams but time has shown us now that the
question still remains “where are the fish”.
As stream keepers we adopted the philosophy years ago
to avoid the hatchery approach and concentrate on habitat
was the best approach we could do to preserve what wild
stocks that were left.
In the old days among the first nations stewardship of
the all-important salmon was a very high honor past down
through the generations. In those days the survival of the
salmon was intricately entwined with human survival.
Protection and restoration of this important habitat is
possibly the only way to ensure we have wild salmon for
future generations to experience. It is a sad reflection on
our abilities as humans to have good intention while ignoring the obvious, so remember every action you take has
consequences. Nature is forgiving but only so far.
CHIROPRACTIC CARE - by Dr. Randal Austin
To kick off my column in the Log, I’d like to outline a common, yet often overlooked
cause of low back pain for which patients frequently seek chiropractic care.
Many patients are sent to chiropractors for low back pain. After having ruled out the more
sinister causes of the back pain such as infection, tumor, metabolic disease, or diseases of
the internal organs such as kidney, prostate or female reproductive system, the chiropractor will treat your back for what the medical profession terms “mechanical back pain”.
This form of back pain is quite a complex issue and presents as a problem with the facets,
muscles, disks and nerves of the lower back.
Complaints of pain in the lower back and buttocks can be treated by manipulating the
lower back and sacro-iliac joints with great success. However an often-overlooked cause
of low back pain is dysfunction of the thoraco-lumbar area where the rib cage ends. This
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is one of the high stress areas in the spine, the others being where the head is attached to
the neck, where the neck is attached to the chest and where the low back is attached to
the pelvis.
Branches of spinal nerves that exit this area travel backwards and downwards to supply
the skin over the buttocks as far down as the hip so any dysfunction to this vertebral segment by your last rib can cause pain over your low back and buttock area. These nerves
are called the “cluneal” nerves. This area can be hard to manipulate in some patients but
should always be a consideration when dealing with a low back complaint.
If you are seeing a chiropractor for low back pain and are not getting results ask him/
her whether or not they have considered manipulating higher up to treat your lower back
pain condition.
Your questions and feedback are always welcome by email at sportsdoc@shaw.ca.
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The Log Serving Lantzville and Area - February, 2010 Page 7
“The Lawnmower
Doctor is in...”
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 390-2811
Fire Time Line
It’s two o’clock in the morning. Your three young kids seconds the living room becomes filled with smoke and the
are sound asleep in their beds. It’s Friday night after a hard temperature at the ceiling reaches 500 degrees. Do you have
week’s work and you are exhausted. You’ve been in a much an escape plan? Are there two exits from every room?
deserved deep sleep for three hours. Unbeknownst to you an
It’s been three and one half minutes since the fire started. The
electrical fault in your lamp plug has started a small fire in bedrooms are filling with smoke. Your spouse has taken two
your living room.
of the kids outside. You are in the bedroom with your baby but
Most fatal fires start at night and most victims are children your route to the stairs is blocked by heavy poisonous smoke.
and seniors. We have had two structure fires in Lantzville re- You close the door, open the window and rig the escape ladder
cently and in one, the family was lucky to escape with minor to the window. Four minutes after the fire started you are all
smoke inhalation injuries.
safe outside the house. There is a large explosion in the house
Luckily, for you and your family, you changed the batteras the living room contents
ies in your smoke alarm and
have heated sufficiently to
Safety Tip
thirty seconds after the fire
cause a flashover sending a
Avoid hefty fines, injury and possible death. Do not use elecstarts your alarm sounds
ball of fire up the stairs. Had
tronic devices while operating a motor vehicle. It is illegal.
and you jolt upright in bed,
you been there, your death
awake, but dazed and conwould have been instantafused. Ten seconds later you get out of bed. Those blasted neous. You meet your partner at your designated meeting
point ensuring that everyone is safe and run to a neighbour’s to
What you do in the next five minutes may change your call 9-1-1. It has been five minutes since the fire started.
Shortly after, pagers are ringing at all the fire fighters’
You do not smell or see anything unusual so you head down homes and they wake up get dressed and are on the way to the
the stairs to check further. The kitchen and family room are firehall. The duty officer responds directly to the scene. Within
clear. You stop for a glass of water. You check the garage. seven minutes of being paged five firefighters are in the truck
Nothing there! As you approach the living room you smell and are on their way. Three minutes later they arrive at your
smoke and as you round the corner you see the curtains catch house, a full fifteen minutes after the fire started. If there were
fire and burst into flames.
people inside they would be dead by now. All the firefighters
It has been one minute and thirty seconds since the fire start- can do put out the fire and attempt stop or minimize damage to
ed. You panic and run back up the stairs screaming to wake up other buildings. Think about how fast fire can change you
the kids and get your spouse to help vacate the house. Within life! Check your alarms! Have an escape plan!
started to arrive in Haiti on the weekend
of January 16 to 18, only days after the
‘quake hit on January 12. The total number now, on or about February 1st, has probably grown
to between fifteen hundred to four thousand, with still
more on the way. Entire towns of shelter boxes have
happened almost overnight in several other areas of the
world which suffered catastrophes. Only one example
is the homelessness caused in Bangladesh by Cyclone Aila on
May 25, 2009. A complete village of shelter boxes was established within days on this occasion.
Many members of Rotary Club of Lantzville are making individual contributions to this great cause. A complete box costs
$1,000 CA, reduced from $1,200 recently due to the upward
surge of the CA dollar. To make a contribution contact: don@
shelterbox.ca Donations large and small are welcome. Tax receipts are issued for all donations of $20 or more. Reg.#85502
2704 RR0001. Cheques payable to ShelterBox Canada can be
mailed to: 1272 Mysty Woods, Victoria, BC V8Y 3G8. Or,
phone 1-800-677-0990 to use Visa or Mastercard.
Bert Ollivier, author of the monthly Rotary Column is presently writing a sequel to his recently published book. It will be
named “Hawaii’s His Game” and is about his 13 years working with the State of Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau.
Watch for it.
• logos
• web sites
• newsletters
• business cards
• graphic design
• advertisements
• corporate branding
Photo submitted by Kim Plumley
Not a Christmas Goose, but a Lantzville Swan.
This beauty named “Sebastion” was hanging
out with the seagulls over the holidays between
Sebastion and Harper beaches.
Lantzville Legion Branch #257
7227 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
250-390-2841 - Pres. Cde. Roy Cardinal
We are accepting tenders for a
one year janitorial contract.
Cleaning will include the lounge and upstairs
hall & office. For further information and a
copy of the contract, please call
250-390-2108 or 250-390-4049. This tender
will be open until 3:00pm, February 15, 2010.
• Breast Pump Rentals
• We accept all third party Prescription Plans
• FreePrescriptionDelivery•MedicalSupplies
- Bert Ollivier
Rotary Column Author Is Back From Vacation . . .
Yes, my dear reader, my bw [beautiful wife] Juanita and I are back from our “working vacation” in
the Caribbean and Mexico.
A subject that has caught the attention of Rotarians world wide, which is, of course, the catastrophe in Port of Prince, Haiti. The terrible results of
the recent earthquake were uppermost in the news
and of course in this writer’s mind at the time of
writing this piece. When this issue of The LOG is published
it is hoped that most of the myriad of plans to alleviate the
suffering in Haiti have been successful. But you may ask
for details of what your Rotary Club of Lantzville and others
all across Canada are doing to directly assist in the recovery plans. That’s a fair question and one of the answers is
contained in the fact that shelter boxes are being sent, not
by the hundreds, but by the thousands. In this space I have
described in the past, from time to time, what a shelter box is,
and what each one contains. In fine, it consists mainly of a
tent for up to nine or ten occupants plus a complete supply of
emergency equipment. Rather than go into a full description
this time, I refer my dear reader(s) who have computer access
to: www.shelterbox.ca When on the site, click on “ShelterBox Canada.” Then you will have the entire story about
what is in a shelter box and exactly what happened on January
19, namely that several shelter boxes became Haitian field
hospitals – right on the spot! Several hundreds of the boxes
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The boys
The men
It’s Valentine’s! Time to separate these two!
island’s edge
250-668-5395 • www.islands-edge.com
Ph: 250-390-9089 • kellersjewellers.com
7180 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Page 8 The Log Serving Lantzville and Area - February, 2010
$140 unsplit cord.
2 hp, 220 volt. Complete with switch just overhauled. New $2000+/Selling for $750 Call Bill 250-390-3908
The Negrin Farm - Con’t from page 3
for Bennie to rent some of their fields for hay production. He rented the Dunbar farm from his in-laws for
35 years and also cut hay on the Doumont, Ecclestone,
Gee, Petchauer and Blood properties and others over
the years. Even with this hay production they usually
purchased 25 tons of alfalfa from Washington State annually which they mixed with their own hay to feed
the cows. Benny and Lorraine remember 1957 as a wet
year when they lost much of their hay crop (3,000 bales
on the Dunbar farm) and were forced to buy a second
load of Washington alfalfa.
The farm property was extended several times. The
first parcel was purchased from Charlie Thicke in 1938.
This was followed by an adjacent parcel purchased from
Dave Thicke and another strip on the east side from
Mr Kelly, which had originally been part of the Henry
Doumont farm. These three pieces of land formed the
nucleus of the farm and still do. In 1968 the Negrins
acquired the fields above Harby Rd west at the bottom
of what is now the golf course. This rounded out the
farm at its largest extent but was eventually sold off
as were the portions of the original Thicke properties
above the re-aligned Island Highway, which had cut off
direct access to the farm in 1959. Until then, Lantzville
Rd had been the highway.
The family did most of the farm work but haying
season required more labour when 10 to 12 local young
people would be hired for a week to ten days. Corn and
oats were also grown for cattle feed. A vegetable garden and 600 chickens rounded out the long days work.
Eggs were delivered along with the milk.
The farm always required a team of horses and one
that made the move (and helped with it) from the Marshall property to the Aulds operation to the beginnings
of the current farm was a mare named Enis, a standard
workhorse weighing around 1300 lbs.
The postwar years saw some mechanization of farming and the Negrins bought their first tractor, a Cockshut, in 1948. This tractor proved too small and an Oliver was purchased in 1954 and eventually two English
made Leylands. One of the latter may be familiar to local residents as the tractor Ken Spence still uses to tow
the haywagon at Minetown Day. Automatic milking
machines were introduced in 1949 and were upgraded
several times over the years. Mechanized milking still
required work but the whole operation took less time
than milking 35 cows by hand into a pail. As well as
working the farm, Benny took outside jobs in the area,
especially in the late forties and early fifties in order to
finance the transition to mechanized farming. On one
of these jobs he drove a gravel truck for K B Fraser
logging for $35 a week including the maintenance of
the truck on Sundays.
In 1978 they closed the dairy business, sold the milk
cows and raised 15 to 25 beef cattle each year. While
beef cattle still require daily feeding they are tougher
than dairy cows, live out of doors year round and don’t
require milking. Beef prices vary a great deal however
and in the first year the beef-on-the-hoof price fluctuated from $1.49 per lb to .79 cents. The Negrins fully
retired in 2004, selling the last of their beef cattle.
Benny and Lorraine made a trip to Italy in 1985.
They visited some of the remaining relations and family connections there. Benny, who had spoken Italian at
home until he went to school, was still able to communicate in the language as it was spoken in his father’s
Benny says that in spite of the hard work and struggle of farming, he doesn’t regret having spent his life at
it. He and Lorraine are never lonely and often have a
kitchen full of visitors. Farmers are always at home.
Business Directory
Origin at Longwood . .....................................250-751-7755
Oliver Rd., Nanaimo (across from Zellers)
Allisar Solutions ............................................250-754-8709
Lantzville Road, Lantzville (beside the Legion)
Barber & Haime Accountants .....................250-390-4131
7190 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Slegg Lumber ................................................250-390-1207
7187 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Two Eagles Upholstery Ltd ...........................250-390-4203
Ye Olde Lawnmower Repair Shoppe............250-390-9078
#1-7386 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
GasWise Heating Services..............................250-729-0576
Service, repairs and installation
Hi-Tec Industries.............................................250-390-2122
Mfg of roof trusses & supplier of engineered beams
Nancy’s Electrical Service .............................250-390-3133
cell 755-9512
Vivid Colour Solutions....................................250-618-4480
Painting - Residential - Interior and Exterior
St. Philips By the Sea......................................250-390-2846
GLS Contracting.............................................250-816-0719
JBV Contracting ............................................250-667-4447
Emmanuel Lint, CFP- ext. 234 ......................250-729-0904
Investors Group - voice mail ........................250-740-5592
Island’s Edge Graphics - Lantzville ..............250-668-5395
Donna’s Hair Design . ....................................250-390-9257
7340 Harby Road East, Lantzville
Heavenly Escape Esthetics ............................250-390-2639
Infrared Sauna, Reki, Body Treatments, Manicures.
Fabrications Drapery & Blinds.....................250-390-3854
7787 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Vancouver Island InsuranceCentres ............250-751-2966
601-5800 Turner Rd (near Cactus Club)
Petley - Jones Law Corporation ...................250-758-7370
5732 Hammond Bay Rd, Nanaimo
Horticulture Technician Landscaping...........250-390-2799
Applecross Clinic - Chiropractic/Massaget..250-390-1123
7221 Royal Dr, Lantzville
Central Drugs ................................................250-390-4423
7186 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Foot Care Nurse John Patterson LPN .............250-390-9266
Del Norte Kennels ..........................................250-390-3289
Bernice White..................................................250-390-4575
Realty Executives Lantzville ....bernicewhite@shaw.ca
Black Dog Cafe . .............................................250-390-4541
7217 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Dairy Queen ...................................................250-390-1595
6888 Island Hwy N. (Dickinson Crossing)
Legion Br#257 ................................................250-390-2841
7225 Lantzville Rd.
Keller’s Jewellers Ltd ...................................250-390-9089
7180 Lantzville Rd, Lantzville
List your business in the
Business Directory for only
$35 for 3 months.
Contact Julie today....
ads@thelog.ca or call 250-668-5395
Wordy Weather
I was talking to my son in Winnipeg “How’s your
weather today?” “Oh, it warmed up to minus 9, and
its sunny. T-shirt weather!” And from my daughter
in Saskatchewan “Its about minus 15 today. Sunny.
There’s a bit of a north wind. Not bad for calving
time.” My son in Wells says “We’ve got about 3
feet of snow on the ground, and the forecast is for
some more. I’ll have to shovel off the roof soon.”
You might think that my intention is to gloat about
the fine weather we are having on Vancouver Island. I’m not.
I just like to talk about the weather. Talking about the weather
is a good ice breaker because it is something we all have in
common. And, of course, since the weather is always great
here, you have something positive to talk about!
I might be accused of being obsessive about the weather.
The family joke is that I rush to my weather station to determine conditions outside instead of just looking out the window. Maybe. My weather station does tell me whether it is
raining or windy. But more than that, it tells me how strong
the breeze is, the actual temperature outside, what the windchill is (that is, how cold it will actually feel), how much rain
has fallen that day, and whether I need gumboots. Basically
the weather determines how productive my day will be, spent
indoors or out. Chores in the workshop, or working the garden.
It has been stated that the Eskimos have 15 words for the
word “snow”. Well, I think that our west coast jargon has a
whole pile more words to describe the word “rain”. So I am
offering the following descriptive rain scale to describe just
about any type of weather. For practical purposes the scale is
based on the type of outdoor clothing required:
“Sandals and shorts” means its overcast, threatening rain.
“Running shoes and jeans*” means the sky is
overcast, there is an occasional sprinkling, very
light showers, Scotch mist, drips, high humidity, or
a bit foggy. The wind is calm. *Some people are still
wearing sandals and shorts.
“Boots, jeans and jacket” means that people are
starting to notice it is raining, sprinkling, showering, or plain precipitating. The wind may be blowing 1 to 5 knots from the southeast. The temperature
is above 5 degrees. Persons dressed in sandals and
shorts might carry a “brollie”.
“Boots, jeans, light raincoat or umbrella” means it is really
raining, pouring, sleeting, and it is a bit windy. The sky is grey
from groundlevel to overhead. Persons in sandals and shorts
have dispensed with the “brollie” (its too windy) and are wearing hats; they wonder why the rest of us wear raincoats.
“Gumboots, raincoat, hat” or your raincoat has a hood. Dark
clouds look ominously low. It is really pouring, a cloudburst,
a drencher, deluge, torrent, a real cloudburst, and its coming
down in buckets, raining cats and dogs, and its coming down
in sheets. Your dog wants to go home. Persons in sandals and
shorts carry a raincoat, just in case.
“Chest high waders, Halley Hansen oilskin jacket and
sou’wester hat” means torrential rains blowing horizontally, a
real cataract or monsoon. You didn’t really want to come out
in this weather but the gutters are overflowing and you need
to clean the downspouts. The neighbour
in sandals and shorts holds the ladder, but
dashes back home instead of going for a
If you think I’ve missed some types of
weather, you are probably right.
Sunshine? What’s that?