1 February 2013


1 February 2013
1 February 2013
Greetings from St Bede’s
We are under way! The swimming sports were well timed given the hot weather and all (as I write this) are
having a good day to wind up the first week.
Over the holidays the student leaders of the College attended the Marist Youth Leader programme held at
Hato Paroa College near Feilding. Over the course of a week they learned leadership skills along with
another 100 school leaders from other Marist Colleges. It was a challenging but rewarding experience for
all the students and already we have witnessed the benefits of their participation in the programme in the
manner in which they have interacted with the other students, the way they organised and led the staff
and student liturgies.
Last month we were saddened by the passing of the mother of Liam and Connor Anderson (Year 11 & 9)
and the College was well represented by boys and staff at the large funeral in Timaru.
We keep in our prayers Mrs Zamfir and her family at the passing of her father-in-law in Romania in the last
couple of days and on a personal front I thank the Bedean community for the support of our family on the
passing of my father just before Christmas. Your messages of comfort and support were much appreciated.
If you walked onto the campus, immediately you would notice big physical changes. Grimes block has been
demolished, the new Marian block opened, toilets have been sited and plumbed in and we will have a fully
operational (bright red) tuckshop by Monday.
The Strategic Property Group of the Board of Proprietors will have a master plan in the next three months
and as part of the planning and preparation for that document, I will join Mrs Nola Kilpatrick and Mr Duval
O’Neill our College architect to visit a number of Auckland schools that are either new or recently
Whilst the College’s physical appearance is and will change, the staff remain committed to ensuring that
this era of Bedeans receives the same opportunities in and out of the classroom as any other and given our
positive beginnings this year, I am most confident we will achieve this.
The disruptions of the last two years have strengthened our resolve and resilience and all here can see
progress as we begin to literally re-build the College. We welcome the challenge!
A snapshot of unconfirmed NCEA exam results reveal good pass rates at Levels 1-3, and a continued
improvement in merit and excellence endorsements at all three levels. Mrs Kilpatrick has included these
interim results below.
As signalled at senior prize giving, the literacy levels of our last two intakes have necessitated we institute a
literacy programme school-wide. This will mean other approaches to teaching to address a worrying trend
that is not unique to St Bede’s. It seems other schools are experiencing similar diminishing literacy levels in
their intake that necessitate intervention. Initiatives we have instituted in the senior school to raise
achievement levels are now embedded and will continue, and we are heartened that they are bearing fruit
as evidenced by our improved merit and excellence endorsements.
The confirmed ERO report has been released and should be available on the Education Review Office
website www.ero.govt.nz any day now. On the whole it is very positive and talks well of our achievement
levels at NCEA and of staff increasing their expectations. They also refer to how the “boys learning is
strongly influenced by the school’s special character” and “parents have good opportunity to be involved in
their son’s learning”.
We will and have taken heed of their advice that we “could further improve outcomes for learners if better
use was made of the substantial amount of achievement information that is gathered”. It adds we could
“further support boys’ progress and achievement by better monitoring, analysing and use of information
gathered during Year 9 & 10.”
The literacy initiative in the junior school will mean we have to better monitor data, so the ERO message is
timely! We have found the visit of the ERO team most helpful and it has given clarity to our future
Schools are sterile places without their students. The ‘buzz’ around the school campus is infectious and we
look forward to a year where after two difficult ones we continue to progress positively on a number of
fronts. I invite you parents to be fully involved and look forward to meeting you as the year progresses.
Until next week
Year 9 2013 - first day at St Bede's College
Justin Boyle,
Right: Ethyn Shaw
and Liam Moody the first Bedeans
born in the 21st
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
Year 9 Parents Evening
Thursday 7 February 2013
From 5.00 – 6.30pm in the College Gymnasium
The parents/caregivers of Year 9 students are invited to St Bede’s College to meet your son’s
House Tutor, Form Tutor, the Pastoral Staff and Senior Management. There will be an opportunity
to talk with them, for us to outline the Bedean Pastoral System more fully and to answer any of
your questions.
Please do NOT use the front gates; parking is available through the Momorangi St Entrances –
Gates 2 and 3.
Mrs Nola Kilpatrick
Deputy Rector – Curriculum
2012 Interim Results snapshot
The snapshot below of our interim results shows the pass rate at each level and the Merit and Excellence
endorsements awarded at that level for NCEA last year. We are particularly pleased with the Level One and
Two results, Level One Numeracy and the superb result for Literacy at Level One. While our Level Three
result overall is down on the previous two years, the endorsement results are sound. It must also be
remembered that a goal for a significant group of Yr 13 students is not to get Level Three or UE but to find
employment, gain an apprenticeship or find their way. The rebuild offers additional opportunities to boys.
Year 11 gaining NCEA Level 1
Endorsed with Excellence
9% (14)
40% (62)
Year 12 gaining NCEA Level 2
Endorsed with Excellence
10% (16)
26% (43)
Year 13 gaining NCEA Level 3
Endorsed with Excellence
6% (9)
18% (26)
Level 1 Literacy
Level 1 Numeracy
University Entrance
National averages are not yet available
Reviews and Reconsiderations
Students will be starting to receive returned exam answer booklets now. They must check all answer
booklets for errors and talk to their teacher or the HOF if unsure. They may be eligible for additional
Students should download personalised forms from their Learner login for both reviews and
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
A review should only be requested for a processing error and carries no fee.
Candidates can apply for a reconsideration if they believe that their work has not been marked. This carries
a fee per standard.
• Applications for reviews and reconsiderations for NCEA externally assessed standards close on
Monday 18 February but students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
• Scholarship reviews and reconsiderations close on Friday 15 March.
Student Documents: NCEA Certificates, Record of Achievement & School Results Summary Reminder:
students need to order from their Learner login any documents they are eligible for and want copies of.
NCEAs, Record of Achievement and, for school leavers, the School Results Summary will not be
automatically sent to students in April as they were in the past.
Results not available
We are aware of a small number of students who are not able to access their results because their NZQA
fee (approx. $77) was not paid last year. This is standard NZQA procedure. Results for any year where the
fee is not paid will not be available until both the fee and late payment fee are paid directly to NZQA.
Schools are charged with the task of collecting this payment prior to Sept only.
Weekly Notes
These will start next week.
Dr Rachael Hawkey
Head of Arts Faculty
Music lessons at the College 2013
Music lessons begin next week for those students who have signed up for the year. Students who learned
last year must also sign up again at the start of this year. Lessons are offered in a variety of instruments
and take place during class time. The timetable changes each week to minimise the impact on the student’s
learning. The range of instruments and current cost per lessons is given below:
Guitar / Drums / Bass
$25 (30-minute lesson)
$24 (30-minute lesson)
Free (instruments are hired form the school if needed)
Students may sign up for lessons by filling out a form located in the PAC outside the music office. If you
have any enquiries, please e-mail me at rhawkey@stbedes.school.nz
Mrs Nicola Leete
Teacher in Charge of Learning Support
Learning Support
The Learning Support Department gives assistance and support to those students affected by a wide range
of learning disabilities. If your son has previously had help with a special learning need please let us know. It
is particularly important that you let us know of any diagnosed learning problems such as Dyspraxia,
Dyslexia or other Specific Learning Difficulties and any diagnosed behavioural difficulties such as ADHD or
Aspergers. We can then put strategies in place to make your son’s school experience as positive as possible.
This is particularly important in preparation for NCEA examinations as students with diagnosed learning
disabilities are entitled to reader/writer assistance. However, students must be tested to qualify for this
assistance and this process takes some time.
We will be holding an information evening for parents of students with learning disabilities on Wednesday
the 20th February from 4.30 to 5.30pm. Please RSVP to Nicola Leete (Teacher in Charge of Learning Support)
nleete@stbedes.school.nz if you would be interested in attending.
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
Have you got an hour to gift? Can you read and write? We would welcome offers of assistance from anyone
interested in working as a reader/writer for our students during the year. The job is not onerous. It is, in
fact, enjoyable and informative and it would involve a short training session. Reader/writers are required
for both the school and the external NCEA examinations as it is essential that each reader/writer has
worked previously with their student to build up a good rapport. It is most likely that each reader/writer
would work with just one student for between one and six examination papers. The role would be well
suited to parents and grandparents who enjoy working with young people. Please contact me if you would
be interested in volunteering your time. nleete@stbedes.school.nz
Laptop Use
If your son will be using a laptop in class to help him to overcome some of the learning difficulties he faces,
I would strongly suggest purchasing several USB drives. This will enable his teachers to collect in his work to
mark/monitor in the same way they can collect in students’ exercise books. It would be very helpful if you
could clearly label the USB drives and help your son to set up folders on Microsoft Word for each of his
subjects so that he can keep his work organised.
St Bede’s Prayer Group 2013
(In the Chapel every Wednesday 2.00 - 2.30 pm)
Starting date – Wed 13th February
Mary – Jesus’ mother – asks us to reach out to God in prayer for our needs – and especially as this is the
Year Of Faith - St Bede’s Prayer Group will once again meet weekly, to ask God to bless and protect all that
is St Bede’s – the boys, teachers, staff, the board, PTA, etc. Parents, Grandparents, Staff and friends of the
school are very welcome.
Our format is to read some scripture, pray for our own families, pray for the needs of the school and any
individual prayer requests. There is a time for silent prayer and there is no pressure to pray out loud if you
are not familiar with this.
If you have a prayer request - big or small – email Rachel Pitcaithly at rpitcaithly@stbedes.school.nz .
Rachel will pass your prayer request to us and we will pray for your needs. Any questions call Irene Maguire
on 3386140/ 027 6229415
“For where two or three come together in
My name, I am there with them” (Matthew 18:20)
St Valentine's Day Mass
Thursday 14 February at St Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Manchester Street, 7.00pm.
"Rejoicing in God's gift of Married Love to the World". Glass of bubbly to follow. All welcome.
Mrs Jill Falloon
Manager – College Shop
Commencing Monday 4th February the school term College Shop trading hours will be:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 12.00 – 3.30pm. The Shop trading hours during the school holidays will be
advertised prior to each holiday break on the website and in the weekly school newsletter.
Lost Property
Please encourage your son to check the lost property box in the College Shop before the end of the term.
Any unnamed items will be donated to St Vincent de Paul – Thank you.
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
Naming Clothing
I would like to encourage all parents/caregivers to ensure that their son’s uniform is clearly named. When
lost property is brought to the College Shop we firstly contact the student via the Daily Notices and if that is
not successful we then contact the parents with a phone call or an email.
Phone: 375-0647 Extn 884 or 0274 260615 Email: collegeshop@stbedes.school.nz
Please remember in your prayers those in the Bedean community who have lost family members or are
sick particularly :
Sally Anderson, mother of Liam (Year 11) & Connor (Y9) who passed away recently.
Mrs Zamfir who has recently lost a family member overseas. Mr Boyle and Jack Boyle (Y13) who lost a
father and grandfather just before Christmas.
Congratulations to Mrs Kissick who has become a Granny for the first time to baby Ella.
The old and the new:
Grimes being demolished and the Marian
Block now in operation.
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
Mrs Clare Kissick
Director of Sport
25 students attended the National Track & Field and Road Race Championships in Dunedin last December
where Jesse Bryant was placed first in the Senior Boys Long Jump with a record jump of 7.36m, Zac Barber
was placed 3rd in the Senior Boys 6000m Road Race, Jesse was also placed 3rd in the Senior Boys High Jump
and Dylan Lolohea was placed third in the Junior Boys Javelin.
Charlie Gamble was chosen to attend the Australian Youth Games.
1st XI: There has been a squad of players that have been practicing for the last two weeks, a team was
picked to play at the Willows last Sunday. Another team played in the Canterbury Cricket twenty twenty
tournament where they beat Christchurch Boys’ High School and Jack Boyle scored 107 not out. The 1st XI
leave for Auckland on Sunday for a two day game against Sacred Heart College.
First XI. Back row from left: William Tucker, Michael Gill, Aaron Clarke, Tim Hanrahan, Blake Doherty, Jack Boyle, Jamie Costello.
Front Row from left: Taylor Irie, Regan Cantwell, Callum Curnow, Angus Simmons, Tom Ziolo and Freddy Owens
Quiz night: The cricket club is holding a quiz night on Sunday 24th February at Robbies on Elmwood which
starts at 6.30pm, meals and drinks are available prior to this. Tickets are $10.00 and available from the
College. No knowledge needed as it’s a great opportunity to meet new people.
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
Carnival of Cricket: The Cricket Club is holding a carnival of cricket on Waitangi Day Wednesday 6th
February which will see three games played on our front field where the 1st XI will play an old boys’
selection team, the 2nd XI will play the colts and two Year 9 teams will play. This will be followed by a
sausage sizzle.
Connor McFadzien took out the Canterbury Under 19, 36 hole net with an 8 under par score of 136. Connor
won by 3 shots .
Wednesday Sport:
Sign-up sheets are now available for term one sports. Sports on offer are Archery, Bowls, Futsal, Indoor
Football, Indoor Netball, Summer Hockey, Tennis, Softball, Touch, Volleyball, Water Polo and Surfing.
These need to be signed and returned by Thursday 7th February. Sports starting dates do vary in some
St Bede's College Rugby Club are holding their monthly meeting on Monday 4th February at 6.00pm in the
College staff room everyone is welcome especially new parents.
St Bede's College Football Club are holding their monthly meeting on Thursday 7th February at 7.30pm in
the College board room everyone is welcome especially new parents.
Any student interested in archery? Well enrol your Katniss, Legolas or Robin Hood in Archery coaching now
with Aimtru Archers Club. We are now accepting new enrolments for students 6+. Contact Petra by email:
Petra@aimtru.com or on 0226543862
Any student interesting in joing a local Takekwon-Do club please contact Pulse Taekwon-Do, 2013
beginners program starting February, suitable for 6yrs +. Ph 9290067 or email info@pulsetkd.org.nz for
more information.
This time of the year see the ground staff very busy marking out the Athletic track, fields and cricket crease
with white paint and they would really appreciate any donations of WHITE WATER BASED PAINT I am more
than happy to pick this up or it can be dropped off at the main office anything would be really appreciated.
Any questions regarding sport please feel free to contact me direct dial 375 1877 or email me at
Fr. George Duggan
Kevin Treacy
William Jackson
Gerald O’Neil
Thomas (Duncan) White
Leo Hayward
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
OB Johnny Fraser-Allen – Sculptor and Designer
A number of the current staff and former staff received a pleasant
surprise recently when they were invited to an exhibition of the
work of old boy Johnny Fraser- Allen. Johnny is a senior sculptor
and conceptual designer at Weta Workshops, having worked on a
number of films and international projects for Oscar winner, Sir
Richard Taylor. Johnny attended St Bede’s between 1998 and 2000
and while here won a national anti-smoking art competition. His
winning entry can still be seen looking benignly over the tennis
courts at the College.
Kevin Bradshaw and Johnny Fraser-Allen
Kevin Bradshaw and I were lucky enough to attend the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in
Wellington. Johnny has been working on an interactive ebook called The Gloaming, that has used
the talents of Lost star, Evangeline Lilley, among others. She was among a number of celebrities
that were in attendance. On display were eighty of Johnny’s original sculptures and a hundred
pieces of artwork that appear in the book. The three hundred guests were hugely impressed by the
shear scope and scale of his vision. Whole towns, landscapes and worlds had been brought to life.
The characters he has created are based on Eurocentric and Pacific mythological creatures.
Amazingly Johnny has also written the words to go with his illustrations and more than one
speaker commented that Hollywood had been waiting for the next Dark Crystal and the originality
of his work could well satisfy this demand.
In his speech Johnny paid tribute to his parents, fellow workers at Weta and his mentor and friend,
Sir Richard. He also did not forget to mention his former teachers and the influence that St Bede’s
had had on his life. As you can see by the images that are part of this article his talents are truly
breath- taking. The good news is that the sculptures are coming to Christchurch as part of the
Ellerslie International Flower Show. They will be incorporated in to All Black Andrew Ellis and
landscape designer Danny Kamo’s gold medal winning design from the Singapore Garden Festival.
If you have the chance go and see it – you will not be disappointed.
29390 – this is a very interesting link to a video clip of Johnny.
Mr G Davidson
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647
P O Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch.
Email: office@stbedes.school.nz
Phone: 03 375 0647