31.5.2013 Project ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING II FOUNDATION PARAMETERS PROJECT EFLL-2 Kick-off meeting ModS, 21. August 2012 Katja Pavlič Škerjanc, katja.pavlic@zrss.si Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kuluro in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Meeting program Time 10.00 - 12.00 12.20 - 12.30 Content PRESENTATION OF EFLL-2 PROJECT: Structure, organisation, finance and project activities (training and advising) Roles and activities of model schools (ModS): Rights and obligations, yearly activity calendar etc. Facilitator and activity Katja Pavlič Škerjanc Martin Gvardjančič Presentation and discussion Break PRESENTATION PROJECT EFLL-2: Roles and work of associate schools 12.30 – 14.00 (AssS): Offer of services – options for cooperation, yearly activity calendar etc. Katja Pavlič Škerjanc Presentation and discussion 14.00 - 16.00 Katja Pavlič Škerjanc Martin Gvardjančič INDIVIDUAL CONSULTATIONS 1 31.5.2013 PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Title ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING II, abb. EFLL-2 Operational program Operational program development of human resources for name the period 2007 – 2013 Development priority Human resource development and lifelong learning Improving the quality and effectiveness of systemic Prioritised focus education and training Name of sponsor (name, address, contact person, telephone, e-mail, internet site) Name of recipient (name, address, contact person, telephone, e-mail, internet site) Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Masarykova 16, 1000 Ljubljana Contact person: Martina Vrhovec, e-mail: martina.vrhovec@gov.si Internet site: http://www.mizks.gov.si Institute of Education, Poljanska 28, 1000 Ljubljana Contact person: Katja Pavlič Škerjanc, e-mail: katja.pavlic@zrss.si Internet site: http://www.zrss.si/ PROJECT‘s KEY • Knowledge management CONCEPTS • Interproject transfer of knowledge • Knowledge dissemination and exploitation Upravljanje z znanjem acquiring storing: collecting organising access to using knowledge … • • Training Advising • • Model schools Associate schools ACTIVITIES / Project services Project participants ENRICHED (FOREIGN) LANGUAGE LEARNING 12-13: Connectedness ( integrated/cross curricular…) learning/teaching of languages and culture (i.e. pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures; team teaching L - SLO in FL - and NLS in intercultural teams) Whole-school language curriculum ( language connections, ie. curricular or transversal connections /foreign/ language as the lead subject; understanding in the FL as a cross curricular goal …) 2 31.5.2013 ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING 10-12 ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING (EFLL) has through the EFLL project become an accepted pedagogical phrase which includes the following co-dependent dimensions: 1. development of intercultural communicative competence, ie. communicative competence in the foreign language and the mother tongue; intercultural sensitivity and intercultural competence. 2. cross curricular level, ie. within the foreign language subject; within other subjects and in interdisciplinary multiple-subject connections; 3. authenticity, ie. the inclusion of foreign native speaker teachers of the target foreign language within the learning process, and 4. didactical methods of team teaching in intercultural teams, ie. partnering of Slovene and foreign teachers in teaching pairs. Model school network and school-based points of contact: Pre-selection (13/7 – 2012) # School Type ModS 1. ERSŠG LJ ModŠ-2 2 2. Gimnazija ESIC Kranj ModS-1 3. Gimnazija J. Plečnika Ljubljana ModS-2 (IT) + ModS 1 (SP, FR) ModS Sat (EN??) 4. Gimnazija Nova Gorica ModS Sat 5. Gimnazija Novo mesto ModS-2 6. Gimnazija Ptuj ModS-2 FL 1. Contact person: Principal Silvester Tratar EN silvo.tratar@vegova.si 2. Contact person: SPT Leader Mojca Fink mojca.fink1@gmail.com Other participant SPT Member Vida Vidmar Sabina Konc GE Mirjana Bizjak Tanja Ahčin mirjam.bizjak@guest.arne sabina.konc@guest.arnes.si GLD s.si koncsabina@gmail.com ŠP Anton Grosek Urša Kastelic Vukadinovič FR anton.grosek@guest.arne ukv.gjp@gmail.com s.si IT FR Bojan Bratina Ines Vižin bojan.bratina@guest.arne ines.vizin@gmail.com s.si GE Natalija Petakovič natalija.petakovic@gimn GLD m.org Melani Centrih Veronika Vizjak V.Čeh Štok M. Bobnar P. Lešnik Bučar J. Flis Sušjan Martina Kobal Nuša Rustja nusa.rustja@guest.arnes.si Alenka Ketiš EN melani.centrih@guest.arn alenka.ketis@guest.arnes.si es.si 3 31.5.2013 Model school network and school-based points of contact: Pre-selection (13/7 – 2012) # 7. School II. gimnazija Maribor Type ModS FL ModS Sat ? FR ivan.lorencic@gmail.com karmen.kaucic@gmail.co 1. Contact person: Principal Ivan Lorenčič 2. Contact person: SPT Leader Karmen Kaučič m Irena Kokovnik Sonja Tratnik Stegovec irena.kokovnik@guest.arn sonja.tratnik@guest.arnes es.si .si 8 OŠ Trnovo LJ ModS-2 EN 9. STŠ LJ ModS-1 EN marjan.jeric@gmail.com 10. SŠ Domžale ModS-1 IT ModS-1 EN darinka.martincic@guest.a mirja.mrovlje@guest.arne 11. 12. 13. SŠ tehniških strok Šiška LJ SŠ Veno Pilon Ajdovščina SŠGT LJ Other participant SPT Member Marjan Jerič Nataša Korošec natasa.korosec@s5.net Primož Škofic Miranda Kabaj Vončina primoz.skofic@guest.arne mirandakabajvoncina@gm s.si ail.com Darinka Martinčič Zalokar Mirja Mrovlje Pečnik rnes.si ModS-2 FR ModS-2 EN s.si Sonja Škvarč Alojz Likar sonja.skvarc@guest.arnes lojze.likar@guest.arnes.si .si Marjeta Smole Mirjam Sterle marjeta.smole@ssgtlj.si mirjam.sterle@ssgtlj.si EFLL-2: PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS MODEL schools ASSOCIATE schools – inner circle Associate schools – outer circle Guest schools PROJECT GROUP ZRSŠ 4 31.5.2013 EFLL-2: project participants MODEL schools ASSOCIATE schools - inner circle Associate schools outer circle Guest schools FT expert group (at AssS and ModS) PROJECT GROUP ZRSŠ EFLL-2: PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS MODEL SCHOOLS = EFLL schools, at which FTs work, mostly employed by ZŠ, Implement training and modelling in authentic environments. type: ModS-2; ModS-1, ModS-Sat ASSOCIATE SCHOOLS inner circle = schools (mostly EFLL and/or EC), at which FTs work, employed by the school using school funds, which are included in the OUTJ-2 project‘s programmed activities ( prioritised sub-network schools). ASSOCIATE SCHOOLS outer circle = Schools (mostly EFLL and EC), at which no FTs work in the school year 2012/13, but are included in the EFLL-2 project‘s programmed activities due to their current plans for enriched FL learning and future intention to include a FT (non-prioritised subnetwork schools). Guest schools = networked schools which are interested in services offered by the EFLL-2 project (ie. training) since they are currently or intend to focus on EFLL ( ie. they do not have an official project status, but cooperate as per arrangements with other networks, eg. CPG = Consortia of professional secondary schools). 5 31.5.2013 STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION EFLL-2 ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING II Project: PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: School participants MODEL schools ModS CORE lead / home ModS-2 (2-3 days training) partner ModS-1 (1 day traning) ASSOCIATE schools AssS satellite ModS-Sat (1 day training - with FT schools) Schools (mostly EFLL and/or EC), At which FTs work (employed by the schools with school funds) FT, and which are included in the EFLL-2 project‘s programmed activities ( prioritised sub-network schools). STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION EFLL-2 MODEL SCHOOLS ModS CORE ModS satellite ModS-Sat FT employed at ZRSŠ = ZRSŠ employee !!! FT employed at schools (using school funds) = school enployee lead/home partner ModS-2 ModS-1 2-3 training days/school year FT at school for 2 days/week (except GLD: 3 days) 1 training day/school year. FT at school for 1 day/week 1 training day/school year Other obligations are the same, including the advantage of access to project services 6 31.5.2013 EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS MODEL SCHOOLS = EFLL schools, at which FTs work, mostly employed by ZŠ, which implement training and modelling in authentic environments. type: ModS-2; ModS-1, ModS-Sat 1. FT works at ModS. 2. ModS implements training (at AssS) about modelling in authentic environments. 3. ModS have the right to and obligation to perform additional tasks – induction and on-going – training (at ZŠ and in the school/workplace). 4. ModŠ have the right to undertake training in appropriate modelling and continous professional support from ZŠ. 5. ModS have prioritised right to access advisory services (ie. for development and planning for the introduction of an integrated whole-school language curriculum). 6. ModS have prioritised right to access teacher training in the workplace. EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS 1. FT work at ModS. • • • • • Schools who are granted model school status are required to: conduct training (in modelling), which is implemented by the: FT, employed at ZŠ (as the direct link with PG-ZŠ), and school project team (ModS-PT). Training-associated tasks are implemented by the FT and PT in accordance with project parameters and instructions and recommendations of PG-ZŠ. FT, employed at ZŠ, abbr. FT-ZŠ, teaches and completes other teaching-related activities/tasks as per the agreed-upon scope (1 day at ModS-1/2 days at ModS-2) and defined weekly schedule (allocated by workplace, see slide 34). The FT also implements other forms of content teaching (advantage/bonus 1) in accordance with the concepts and paradigms of the EFLL project. FT-ZŠ will commence work at ModS on Mon., 17. September 2012. 7 31.5.2013 School project team: ModS-PT Obligatory members (3) Other team members (?) • • • FT who is the link to PG-ZŠ P: principal PTL: PT Leader • • FT: responsible for the two-way transfer of knowledge and information P: responsible for the organisation of work of all participants in the project and for the curriculum implementation ( whole-school language curriculum – advisory services?) PTL: responsible for the organisation (content and logistics) of training in modelling • • • • • • Other teachers involved with modelling Other teachers who cooperate with the FT-ZŠ Other FTs who work at the school ? ? EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS 1. FT work at ModS. • • • • • At some ModS: Other FTs are employed at the school using school funds, In some cases, the FT is partly-employed at ZŠ (50%) and also employed at the school using school funds. For FTs who are employed at a school using school funds, all employment rights and obligations must be adhered to in accordance with the relevant legislation and identified in the contract between the FT and school. It is expected that the work of the FT is in accordance with the concepts and paradigms of the EFLL project. Schools (who have employed FTs using their own funds) who are motivated have the option to become satellite model schools. In this case, they perform the same tasks as core model schools and also accrue the same rights except access to funds to pay the FT‘s salary. 8 31.5.2013 EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS 2. ModS implement training (at AssS) in modelling in authentic environments. • • • • Training is organised and implemented: at associate schools (mostly inner circle), namely: for language teachers, target language and Slovene, and for teachers of other subjects who utilise multi/interdisciplinary approaches and incorporate the target language. Core training (for everybody) will include: Observation of team teaching, which is conducted by the FT and ST (target FL or other subject), who are modelling team teaching, duration of 1-2 lessons implementation in authentic school-based environments. Duration of training is 1-day (8 hours). Structure of training will be determined in advance of the implementation; aims and content will be formulated by agreement between PG-ZŠ and ModS. EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS 2. ModS implement training (at AssS) in modelling in authentic environments. • Goals & content of training needs careful consideration of: 1. concepts and paradigms of EFLL, 2. specific competencies and interests of the FT, 3. nature and scope of the educational programme and other specific characteristics of the ModS, 4. competence and interest of PT-ModS and 5. specific potential of the AssS‘s target teacher cohort • Every ModS will implement at least 1 (ModS-1) and no more than 3 (ModS-2, 2-3) training days during the school year for same target group (sequential training, total 24 hours) different target groups (stand-alone training, 8-hours length) ModS training can be conducted jointly (Mod-1 & Mod-2) with the same FT or organised independently Training at ModS (for AssS) is to commence in January 2013 and will continue until May 2013 (inclusive). • • 9 31.5.2013 EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS 3. ModS have the right to receive and obligation to attend induction and on-going training (at ZŠ and at schools/workplace). • ModS project teams have the right to receive and obligation to attend monthly training at ZRSŠ (advantage/bonus 2). • Training will be held on Tuesdays, usually commencing at 10.00, as per the agreed-upon yearly calendar. • Training participants are school PT members and other teachers involved in modelling, in accordance with the aims and content of training and yearly work program. • ModS complete induction training (SeptDec 2012, prior to the commencement of modelling) and on-going training prior and after all modelling (Jan-Jun 2013). • Every ModS implements at least 1 training day in the workplace combined with an advisory component. EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS 4. ModS have the right to receive appropriate and continuous professional support from the ZŠ in relation to the implemention of modelling training. • ModS will have continuous professional support from PG-ZŠ: partly through the implementation of the training schedule (preparation of professional groundwork and templates which will be accessible in e-format and instruction in their usage through on-going training), partly on an as-needs basis when requested by school PT or determined by PS-ZŠ/TU-ZŠ. • PS-ZŠ will offer professional support, as follows: partly by its own means, partly through the assistance of ZŠ advisors, and outside experts. 10 31.5.2013 EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS 5. ModS have prioritised right to access advisory services (ie. for development and planning, and the introduction of the whole-school language curriculum). • Advisory/mentoring services will be presented at the next work meeting. 6. ModS have the prioritised right to access teacher training in the workplace. • Teacher training in the workplace services will be presented at the next work meeting. EFLL-2: MODEL SCHOOLS MODEL SCHOOLS = EFLL schools, at which FTs work, mostly employed by ZŠ, which implement training and modelling in authentic environments. type: ModS-2; ModS-1, ModS-Sat 1. FT works at ModS. 2. ModS implement training (at AssS) in modelling in authentic environments. 3. ModS have the right to and obligation to perform additional tasks – induction and on-going – training (at ZŠ and in the school/workplace). 4. ModŠ have the right to undertake training in appropriate modelling and continuous professional support from ZŠ. 5. ModS have prioritised right to access advisory services (ie. for development and planning for the introduction of an integrated whole-school language curriculum). 6. ModS have prioritised right to access teacher training in the workplace. 11 31.5.2013 ACTIVITIES OF PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS Under leadership of PG-ZŠ (and where needed in conjunction with ZŠ subject advisors) Model schools: Associate schools (1) devise/develop and (2.a) implement through training programs (2.b) participate and (3) monitor and evaluate training programs with modelling (team teaching) in authentic (school-based) environments Co-dependent connected project activity phases PG-ZŠ 0 PG-ZŠ 1 3 1. phase conceptualisation 3. phase monitoring and planning ZŠ + ModS and evaluation ModS + ZŠ 2a 4 2b 2. phase Cooperation with a. implementation (ModS) and b. participation (AssS) 12 31.5.2013 Sequence of training for participants in EFLL-2 project Training FT-ZŠ: - Induction: Sept 2012 - On-going: Oct 2012 – Jun 2013 Training ModS: - Induction: Sept – Dec 2012 - On-going: Jan – Jun 2013 Training AssS: - Induction - at ZRSŠ: Oct/Dec 2012, Jun 2013 - On-going - at ModŠ: Jan – Jun 2013 13 31.5.2013 ACTIVITIES OF MODEL SCHOOLS # Step/Phase - Activity Public announcement 00. of project status 0. Pre-selection of model schools Explanation - Remarks Date: 4/7 – 2012 Method of notification: E-mail to schools who met the criteria for candidate status (ie. participation n EFLL 2010-12) Responsible authority: School Selection Commission Date: 13/7 – 2012 1. Date: Tuesday, 21/8 – 2012 (at 10.00) Target group: PT Leader/EFLL-2 (obligatory attendance); also, teachers of FLs and other subjects Briefing meeting for who will model TT as well as principals are also potential model schools welcome to attend Content: preparation for project implementation – initial meeting; agreement about FT work schedule at ZRSŠ, ModS-I in ModS-II 2. Selection of model schools Responsible authority: School Selection Commission Date: in August 2012 ASAP (ie. when ZRSŠ employs FTs after sequence of urgent steps: permission of MESCS + ZRSŠ decision + advertisement of job vacancies + employment) ACTIVITIES OF MODEL SCHOOLS # Step/Phase - Activity Induction support ModS: 3. Training ModS (for implementation of training in modelling) Explanation - Remarks Period: September – December 2012; - Once/month (3. Tuesday – look at yearly calendar of key project activities) at ZRSŠ, obligatory for PTL and teacher modellers; - Once/4 months at ModS (obligatory for entire PT, negotiated voluntary participation by wider group); Target group: PTL/EFLL-2, (partner and associate) members of PT/EFLL-2 – teacher modellers and others, principals; Location: at ZRSŠ/or other location selected by ZRSŠ on Tuesdays. 4. Training AssS at ModS: 1. phase Interim support ModS: Training ModS 5. (reflection/evaluation and preparation for next phase) Period: January – February 2013 Period: February – March 2012 - Once/month (3. Tuesday) at ZRSŠ for PTL and teacher modellers - As required at ModS 14 31.5.2013 ACTIVITIES OF MODEL SCHOOLS # 6. Step/Phase - Activity Training AssS at ModS: 2. phase Interim support ModS: Training ModS schools 7. (reflection/evaluation and preparation for next phase) Explanation - Remarks Period: March-April 2013 Period: April-May 2013 8. Training AssS at ModS: 3. phase Period: May-June 2013 9. Final project conference 27. June 2012 Final support ModS: Training ModS schools 10. (evaluation of implementation and formulation of final report) Period: June-July 2013 Yearly calendar of key project activities 15 31.5.2013 EFLL-2: PROJECT GROUP ZRSŠ Role / Tasks Delež DO Razporeditev na ModŠ Project Manager 100% ZŠ - Coordinator project activities and finance 100% ZŠ - 3. MUMINOVIĆ Adi Analyst of methodology 100% ZŠ - 4. TWEEDIE, Benjamin FT-EN – FT coordinator 100% ZŠ - Gimnazija Ptuj (1 day) 5. ALMEIDA, Filipe de FT-EN/Primary 100% ZŠ - OŠ Trnovo (2 days) - Gimnazija Ptuj (1 day) # Surname and name PAVLIČ ŠKERJANC 1. Katja GVARDJANČIČ 2. Martin 5. DUPUY-ROUDEL, Soizic 7. FARSURE, Samuel 8. GEHRKE, Monika 8. IVANIČ, Demará C. RUBIO, Ignacio Escriche TORUL, Amresh 11. Prakash 10. 12. VALENTI, Andrea FT-FR FT-FR 50% ZŠ (+ ? Gimnazija JP LJ?) 50% ZŠ + 50% SŠVP Ajdovščina FT-EN/Secondary–General 100% ZŠ FT-EN/Secondary–Vocational 100% ZŠ FT-SP/Secondary–General - Gimnazija JP LJ (1,25 days) - SŠVP Ajdovščina (1,5 days) - Gimnazija Novo mesto (3,5 days) - ESIC Kranj (1 day) ?? - SŠGT Ljubljana (2 days ?) - STŠ Ljubljana (1 day) 50% ZŠ + 50% - Gimnazija JP LJ (1,25 days) Gimnazija JP LJ FT-EN/Secondary–Vocational 100% ZŠ - Vegova LJ (2 days) - SŠTS Šiška (1 day) FT-IT/Secondary–General 100% ZŠ - Gimnazija JP LJ (2 days) - SŠ Domžale (1 day) 16 31.5.2013 EFLL-2: PROJECT GROUP ZRSŠ Tasks FT-ZŠ at ZŠ: Tasks FT-ZŠ at ModS: • Preparation of expert groundwork for training of ModS and AssS at ModS • Participation in the training of ModS at ZŠ and at ModS • Training of FTs who work at AssS (emphasised role) • Cooperation with the training for AssS – outer circle and guest schools • Developing and testing of expert groundwork for later modelling (guiding/lead role) • Conducting training at AssS in modelling (TT with ST FL and NLT) • Teaching the target FL as per the school‘s yearly plan (it should correlate with the intent of the ZŠ) Arrangement of FT by workplace (ZRSŠ + ModS) and weekly calendar of work attendance Foreign teacher: Surname and name workplace Work week Ponedeljek Torek Almeida, Filipe de - ZŠ: 2 days - OŠ Trnovo: 2 days - Gimnazija Ptuj: 1 day OŠ Trnovo ZŠ Every Tues Dupuy-Roudel, Soizic - ZŠ: 1,25 days - Gimnazija JP Ljubljana: 1,25 days GimnJP? Farsure, Samuel - ZŠ: 1,25 days - SŠVP Ajdovščina (1,25 days) Gehrke, Monika (NJD) Remarks Thur Frid OŠ Trnovo GimnPtuj ZŠ Every Frid ZŠ Every Tues GimnJP? GimnJP? ZŠ: 1x/ mesec SŠVP ZŠ Every Tues SŠVP SŠVP ZŠ: 1x/ mesec SŠVP: 3 x/ mesec 50% at SŠVP from school funds - ZŠ: 0,5 day - Gimnazija Novo mesto: 3,5 days - ESIC Kranj: 1 day GimnNM ZŠ: 2. in 4. Tues; otherwise: GimnNM ESIC Kranj ? GimnNM GimnNM Day at ESIC chosen by school; Aternatively, working with Gaby Drewes … Ivanič, Demará C. - ZŠ: 2 ali 2,5 oz. 3 days - SŠGT Ljubljana: 2 days ali 1,5/1 day/s - STŠ Ljubljana: 1 day ZŠ: 2x/mesec SŠgt: 2x/month ZŠ Every Tues SŠGT STŠ ZŠ every Frid Days/school to be decided by mutual agreement Rubio, Ignacio Escriche - ZŠ: 1,25 days - Gimnazija JP LJ: 1,25 days GimnJP ZŠ Every Tues GimnJP GimnJP ZŠ: 1x/ mesec GimnJP: 3 x/ mesec 50% at GimnJP from school funds Torul, Amresh Prakash - ZŠ: 2 days - Vegova LJ: 2 days - SŠTS Šiška: 1 day Vegova ZŠ Every Tues Vegova SŠTS ZŠ every Frid Tweedie, Benjamin - ZŠ: 4 days - Gimnazija Ptuj: 1 day ZŠ ZŠ Every Tues ZŠ GimnPtuj ZŠ every Frid Valenti, Andrea - ZŠ: 2 days - Gimnazija JP LJ: 2 days - SŠ Domžale: 1 day GimnJP ZŠ Every Tues SŠ Domžale GimnJP ZŠ every Frid Opombe Wed Gimnazija Ptuj: travel with Ben (Wed or Thu) Work days at GimnJP to be agreed (can be more from school funds) Days/school to be decided by mutual agreement Gimnazija Ptuj: Travel with Filipe (Wed or Thu) Days/school to be decided by mutual agreement Obligatory group meetings 2x/month (2. & 4. Tuesday each month, room 107) – ModS WORK STARTS: Monday, 17. September 2012 17 31.5.2013 FT EXPERT GROUP (employed at AssS) Št. PRIIMEK IN IME 24. Carey, Justi Donaldson, James Ehalt, Rebecca Greenwald David Jadrzyk, Andrea Jensen, Laura L. Johnston, Christian P. L. Lazić-Paunović Ana Majzelj Denis Tomford, William Zulu, Stephen Moses Klein, Cedric Krasovec, David Lamy, Anne Cécile LeChatal, Caroline Louis, Elsa Mary Ellen Ramasimanana Virtič Bandiera, Irma Leone, Andrea Porzio, Vittorio Porzio Jacobs, Philip Lambergar, Gerosa Lehe, Maja von Romero, Juan de Teresa 25. ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ZAPOSLITEV / PRIDRUŽENA ŠOLA TJ AN Gimnazija Jesenice 50% (EO) AN na neplačanem študijskem dopustu AN SŠ Domžale 50% + samozaposlena AN II. gimnazija Maribor 50% + Prva gimnazija Maribor 50% (?) AN ? Prva gimnazija Maribor 50% (?) AN SŠVP Ajdovščina 50% + Gimnazija Nova Gorica 60% AN ESIC Kranj, Gimnazija 50-60% + SŠGT LJ 40-60% AN Gimnazija Poljane LJ %? AN ? Prva gimnazija Maribor 50% (?) AN Gimnazija Kranj 60 % + Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika LJ 25-40% AN ? FR Gimnazija Vič ? FR Gimnazija Lava Celje (EO) ? FR Gimnazija Nova Gorica 50% (EO) + 50% drugi viri šole FR Gimnazija Bežigrad LJ 50% FR Gimnazija Škofja Loka 50% (EO) + Gimnazija NM 25% (?) FR Gimnazija Ptuj 50% + 25-50% II. gimnazija Maribor IT ? IT ? IT ŠCRM Kamnik 50% (EO) + Gimnazija Ptuj 50% (?) NE ? NE ? NE Gimnazija Kranj 75% ŠP Gimnazija Poljane (%?) 18