CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting – 4:30 p.m. Agenda Agenda Item: Reference #: 1. Call to Order A. Invocation B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Presentations 1. Swimming Lessons Voucher Donation – Jon Burstein, Communications Specialist 2. Mentoring – Nikki Martin‐Bynum, Program Officer (CSC); Gary Graham, United Way of Palm Beach County 2. Minutes A. October 22, 2015 Council Meeting 1 Recommendation: I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the October 22, 2015 Council meeting as presented. B. October 22, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing 2 Recommendation: I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the October 22, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing as presented. 3. Individual Appearances – Agenda Items 4. Council Committees: A. Finance Committee ‐ adoption of Financial Statements of September 30, 2015 (unaudited); September 30, 2015 Quarterly Investment Report B. Personnel Committee – Updates to Employee Handbook 5. Consent Agenda 1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions 2. Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda 3. Adoption of Consent Agenda and walk‐in Warrants List A. Program 1. 5% Penalties Recommendation: For informational purposes only; no action required. 3 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Council Meeting Agenda – December 3, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 2 2. Strong Minds Update Recommendation: For informational purposes only; no action required. 3. Quality Improvement Sites (Early Childhood and Afterschool), Staffing (as of November 18, 2015) Recommendation: For informational purposes only; no action required. 4. Community Needs Assessment, 2015 – 2016 Recommendation: For informational purposes only; no action required. 4 5 6 B. Business 1. 2. Warrants List 7 Recommendation: I recommend the Council approve the Warrants List, in accordance with the established budgets for each of the expensed items, as presented. Resolution #15‐040 Authorizing Agent/Broker of Record Services for Property Casualty and 8 Related Insurance I recommend the Council approve Resolution #15‐040 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to enter into the necessary agreement with the Beacon Group, Inc. to serve as the agent/broker of record for CSC’s property, casualty, and related insurance for the period 1/4/2016 through 1/3/2021 subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process. 6. Non Consent Agenda A. Business – N/A B. For Informational Purposes Only – N/A 7. Walk‐In Items 8. Chief Executive Officer’s Report 9. Legal Reports 10. Individual Appearances – Non Agenda Items 11. Council Comments 12. Adjournment #174779 151203 Council Agenda 12/2/2015 CSC’s Mentor Center The Mentor Center 2016 Funded Agencies Agencies Transferred to United Way • • • • • • • Alpert Jewish Family & Children’s Service Area Agency on Aging • American Association of Caregiving Youth Children’s Home Society • • • • • Area Agency on Aging Alpert Jewish Family & Children’s Service Housing Partnership Milagro Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services Network Expansion COMPASS Florida Atlantic University • Housing Partnership (Highland and Pioneer Park) • • Milagro • • Street Beat Ruth and Norman Rales Jewish Family Services Take Stock in Children Network Programs Youth Served 30 2500 28 25 2,800 20 2000 15 1500 Network Resourced 1,700 500 0 Children’s Home Society Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Mentoring in the Community 3000 1000 Boys and Girls Club • 290 2012 525 Directly Funded 10 17 5 0 2015 2012 2015 1 12/2/2015 My Brother’s Keeper How to Get Involved Contact Gary Graham Mentoring Initiative Director 561-375-6638 or You can’t be what you can’t see. Marian Wright Edelman 2 #: 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting AGENDA ITEM: 2A TITLE: Minutes – October 22, 2015 Council Meeting RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the October 22, 2015 Council Meeting as presented. CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING October 22, 2015, 4:30 p.m. MINUTES 1. Call to Order Chair Langowski called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. Present: Thomas Bean arrived 4:55 p.m. Vince Goodman Kathleen Kroll Greg Langowski Thomas E. Lynch Dennis Miles Shelley Vana arrived 5:08 p.m. Thomas P. Weber Excused: Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D.; Debra Robinson, M.D. A. Invocation – led by Vince Goodman B. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Chair Langowski C. Presentations 1. Prime Time Palm Beach County – Kasha Owers, Director of Program Performance (CSC); Suzette Harvey, Executive Director, Prime Time Palm Beach County; Lisa Lindeman, Director of Research & Evaluation, Prime Time Palm Beach County Kasha Owers, Director of Program Performance, introduced Suzette Harvey, Executive Director, Prime Time Palm Beach County and Lisa Lindeman, Director of Research & Evaluation, Prime Time Palm Beach County. Suzette Harvey stated that CSC and Prime Time had been partners for the past 15 years. She stated that they had produced a white board video about Prime Time’s work which gave an overview of the organization. The video was played. Link to video: Prime Time Palm Beach County: Helping Out‐of‐School Time Programs be the Best that They can be! ‐ YouTube or Suzette Harvey stated that Prime Time had grown from 3 employees to 27 employees and conservatively served 20,000 youth and 1,500 practitioners in their programs. She stated that they had received additional funding from the Youth Services department of the County, and had grown their programs in the current year. She stated that they would be doing more development with the 6th through 8th graders due to a grant received from the United Way. Ms. Harvey stated that one of the greatest achievements over the past 15 years was to be recognized across the nation as a leader in the field of out‐of‐school time. She stated that Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 2 Prime Time is unique because it is the only organization of its kind in the State of Florida, there are no other independent nonprofit afterschool intermediaries in Florida. She stated that Prime Time was the convener of the quality improvement system, created in partnership with other organizations such as the School District, Palm Beach State College, practitioners, and providers. She stated that it had taken several years and that they are very proud that it is a county‐wide effort with buy‐in from across the sector. Ms. Harvey stated that they had pioneered credit and non‐credit professional development pathways with Palm Beach State College, and that her staff had created curriculum for an AA degree and BSA degree certificate. She stated that through CSC funding they had been able to create a career path for people who were interested in working in the field of youth development. She stated that they had a system within which they delivered high quality experiences for children, primarily those children who may not have had such experiences. She stated that there were a variety of experiences available for children and that they could be in sports, academics (such as STEM, STEAM and robotics), cooking activities, and other activities in partnership with other organizations such as the Palm Beach Zoo, the Science Museum, Green Mouse Academy, and Junior Achievement. Ms. Harvey stated that all services provided were wrapped around data and research. She stated that the impact of Prime Time was qualified and quantified through the numbers. Lisa Lindeman, Director of Research & Evaluation, stated that although Prime Time did not work directly with youth they were able to achieve desired outcomes by raising the quality of those programs that worked with the children. She showed a simplified logic model which showed how Prime Time’s work led to program outcomes, which in turn led to youth outcomes. Ms. Lindeman stated that there were three departments in Prime Time: Quality Improvement, Professional Development, and Community Engagement and Support. She stated that the teams worked together to help programs create safe and supportive environments, ensuring that staff were well‐trained, using best practices, etc. which are all indicators of high quality. She stated that the program outcomes helped youth experience more physical and psychological well‐being, and have supportive relationships. She stated that the ultimate result of these efforts were to have children growing up healthy, safe, and strong. Ms. Lindeman stated that the American Institutes for Research had launched Prime Time’s efforts to demonstrate youth‐level outcomes, and it had focused on academic success. She stated that they were continuing and expanding that work by including the social and emotional benefits. She stated that in this way it reflected their interest in the whole child, and what they wanted to determine was: were out‐of‐school‐time (OST) programs achieving the benefits, what did they look like, and under what circumstances would they see the biggest benefits. She stated that what they were currently exploring was whether the social emotional benefits were part of what helped youth succeed in school. She stated that the way they were approaching the research was designed to ensure that Prime Time was doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 3 included in the work unfolding at the national level. She stated that they had specifically taken steps to align their research with Every Hour Counts. Ms. Harvey stated that Every Hour Counts was a national consortium of after school intermediaries. She stated that there were nine organizations that participated, and it was formed in 2006 with six founded communities. She stated that Prime Time was invited to be part of the collaborative in 2008. She stated that the Executive Directors of the nine communities convened quarterly to discuss affecting change in the out‐of‐school arena. She stated that other participating sites were: Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, Nashville, Oakland and the Bay Area, New York City, St. Paul, Providence, and Prime Time Palm Beach County. She stated that it cut across the entire OST community, and that they all approached the work differently, but all desired the same outcomes – to have positive impacts on children. Ms. Harvey stated that they were looking to be impactful in the following areas, measuring the success of the programs: i) strengthening the relationship between the school day and out‐of‐school time; ii) building a quality afterschool system for diverse populations; iii) designing systems for high school students (she qualified that Prime Time did not undertake this work currently, but referred to some of the other sister communities undertaking this work); iv) strengthening the afterschool workforce (conducted through publications, demonstration projects and advocacy.) Ms. Harvey stated that in Spring, 2015 she had been elected to the Board of the Florida Afterschool Network (FAN) based in Tallahassee. She stated that Prime Time was now at the table to show what it had done in Palm Beach County, and expand it to the rest of the state. Ms. Lindeman stated that Every Hour Counts had recently finalized a national measurement framework, the goal of which was to help organizations around the country build a unified story about the impact of OST programs. She stated that they recommended (at the youth level) looking at attendance, program engagement, and academic achievement, and they also had a set of social and emotional outcomes to be examined which included critical thinking, self‐regulation, etc. She stated that they recommended four tools for measuring those outcomes, one of which was the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) which is the one that Prime Time had been using. She stated that the DESSA was designed for out‐of‐school‐time practitioners to answer a series of questions about each youth, with the practitioners rating the youth on the social and emotional competencies. She stated that the eight scales on the DESSA gauged competencies such as relationship skills, self‐ management and decision making. She stated that in Spring, 2015 they had conducted a pilot study using a shortened version of the DESSA, partly to determine whether it would be an adequate tool to give them rich enough data. She stated that the pilot had not involved a pre‐test, but the full study which began October, 2015 was a pre – post design. She stated that they had experienced challenges in connecting with de‐identified school data which included demographic information about those students assessed, they had been unable to form matched comparison groups and they had therefore been limited in the conclusions they could draw from the pilot study. She stated that they had been able to learn, at the conclusion of the school year, that youth had demonstrated greater social emotional doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 4 competencies based on the ratings of programs that were rated as higher on quality in the domain of social interaction. Ms. Lindeman stated that the full study had been renamed “Believe and Succeed”, and Council members were provided a copy of the study. She stated that the study had only included the community OST programs, they had not been able to include the school‐based OST programs. She stated that they were now using the full 72 item DESSA which would give them richer information regarding the social emotional outcomes. She stated that it was their hope to create match comparison groups so that they would be able to attribute improvements in social emotional skills between high and low quality programs, to the quality programs. She stated that programs would receive reports and feedback regarding the results, and subsequent coaching, trainings and other supports would be informed by the results. She stated that the project was not just a study to determine whether or not youth were experiencing these benefits, it was also designed to inform program design. She stated that she was working closely with other teams at Prime Time to ensure they could integrate results with the programs via improvement plans. Ms. Lindeman stated that the youth outcome research would continue the work of connecting program quality to youth outcomes. She stated that every program in the quality improvement system was assessed using the program quality assessment tool. She stated that it was the other piece of the puzzle, and they definitely wanted to look at it every year. She stated that during the past year they had found that Prime Time was having an impact on program quality, on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest quality, the vast majority of programs in the quality improvement system achieved satisfactory to very high quality, with most having improved their score from the previous year. Ms. Lindeman stated that there was more striking evidence of Prime Time’s impact, they were finding that improvement directly followed from the specific coaching and supports provided by Prime Time. She stated that the quality improvement system functioned by identifying areas in need of improvement, and focusing on those areas. She stated that the focus areas formed each program’s improvement plan, with specific goals to improve on selected items of the program quality assessment tool. She stated that in 2013/14 programs had shown dramatic improvements on areas of quality they had chosen to focus on, however, in other areas where they were not specifically supported in changing, improvement was less pronounced. She stated that a one‐year plan was created based on their assessment scores, and they then looked at how they had improved by examining their assessment scores the following year. Ms. Lindeman stated that they had calculated the average scores for all items appearing on a program improvement plan in 2013/14, and it was determined that when the items were on a program improvement plan, their scores for those items increased substantially, by an average of one full point. She stated that when the items were not on an improvement plan, on average there was no significant change. She stated that the full report in this regard would be available in December, and it would show changes over time for specific items. She stated that data that she had shared had been a preliminary summary. doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 5 Vince Goodman asked why the program was called Prime Time. Suzette Harvey stated that it was a prime time for children to do well after school, it was a prime time for positive youth development. She stated that children had a lot of free time between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., with a lot of time when they were unsupervised, so it was the prime time to support youth. 2. Minutes A. September 24, 2015 Final Program Review Committee Meeting A motion by Goodman/Weber to approve the Minutes of the September 24, 2015 final Program Review Committee meeting as presented was approved by unanimous vote. B. September 24, 2015 Council Meeting A motion by Goodman/Lynch to approve the Minutes of the September 24, 2015 Council meeting as presented was approved by unanimous vote. C. September 24, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing Minutes A motion by Weber/Goodman to approve the Minutes of the September 24, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing meeting as presented was approved by unanimous vote. 3. Public Comment – Agenda Items – N/A 4. Council Committees: A. Finance Committee – N/A B. Personnel Committee Chair Langowski stated that the Personnel Committee had met earlier that day. Shay Tozzi, Director of Human Resources, stated that they had reviewed three agenda items at the Personnel Committee meeting. She stated that the first agenda item had been benefit renewal for employee insurance for the calendar year 2016, the second had been voluntary early retirement, and the third had been domestic partners insurance coverage. Ms. Tozzi stated that they had worked with the insurance broker, The Gehring Group, who had initially brought a renewal proposal for medical insurance from Cigna with an increase of 8%. She stated that after negotiations they had been able to secure the medical renewal with an increase of 4.86%, for an overall total increase of 8.6% which included medical, dental, life, short‐term disability and long‐term disability insurance. She stated that the proposed 8.6% increase was below the 15% that had been budgeted for renewal. She stated that the Personnel Committee recommended moving forward with Cigna for insurance renewal for 2016. Chair Langowski stated that there was an agenda item in the Council notebook outlining all Personnel Committee recommendations, he stated that it was agenda item 5B(2) or reference #6. doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 6 Ms. Tozzi stated that CSC had offered the Voluntary Early Retirement program in the past, and nothing had changed with regard to the voluntary early retirement package except for the election timeframe. She stated that staff who wished to elect voluntary early retirement needed to inform HR between November 1, 2015 and January 8, 2016, with retirement to take place between April 1, 2016 and June 30, 2016. She stated that the Personnel Committee recommended moving forward with the Voluntary Early Retirement program as outlined. Ms. Tozzi stated that in order to equalize benefits for same‐sex partners, CSC had offered employees and their domestic partners group insurance benefits as long as they were registered with a declaration form, recorded with the Clerk and Comptroller’s office. She stated that since January, 2015, same‐sex marriage was legal in the State of Florida. She stated that in addition, President Obama’s Affordable Care Act had come online, with access to affordable healthcare through the marketplace. She stated that the Personnel Committee recommended discontinuing domestic partner coverage effective January 1, 2016. Tom Lynch asked whether domestic partners had always been accepted. He stated that if people didn’t want to get married and they had been accepted as domestic partners, why would CSC take it away from them. Tom Sheehan, General Counsel, stated that the policy had begun in 2008. He stated that there were administrative hassles connected to domestic partners such as imputed income to the non CSC‐employee spouse which needed to be calculated. He stated that the original rationale for having it was because coverage had not been available. Mr. Lynch stated that it was his concern that staff may be finding out they had to get married between the current time and January, and that they should have been given more time. Mr. Sheehan stated that everyone that was affected by the proposed policy change had been notified, and that there had been no issues in that regard. Ms. Tozzi concurred. An amended motion by Goodman/Lynch to approve the Personnel Committee report, subject to approval of Agenda Item 5B(2), was approved by unanimous vote. 5. Consent Agenda 1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions ‐ none 2. Items to be Pulled for Discussion – There were no items pulled for discussion purposes. 3. Adoption of the Consent Agenda and Walk‐in Warrants List A motion by Bean/Lynch to approve the Consent Agenda and the Walk‐in Warrants list was approved by unanimous vote. A. Program 1. Resolution #15‐038 Authorizing Increased Funding for 2015‐2016 SAMIS Collaborative Agreement – Approved by Consent doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 7 B. Business 1. Warrants List – Approved by Consent 2. Resolution #15‐037 Authorizing CSC Benefit Renewal; Approving Voluntary Early Retirement for 2016; and Approving Discontinuation of Domestic Partner Healthcare Coverage – Approved by Consent 3. Resolution #15‐039 Authorizing Procurement of through Carahsoft – Approved by Consent 6. Non Consent Agenda A. Business – N/A B. For Informational Purposes Only – N/A 7. Walk‐In Items – N/A 8. Chief Executive Officer’s Report 1. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Initiative/Robotics Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D. stated that the CEO Report contained information about a new STEM initiative that CSC was piloting, to possibly create a robotics pipeline. 2. What Works! Summit Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that over 300 people had attended the What Works! Summit on September 30th. 3. Paper Tigers Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that the Paper Tigers event would take place on Friday, October 23, 2015. She stated that there were over 330 people signed up, and Judge Kroll would be on the panel. She stated that Judge Alvarez would be facilitating the event, with additional panelists from the infant mental health arena, the Sheriff’s office, two school principals, and the School District’s Chief Academic Officer. She stated that they would love to see Council members at the Convention Center the following day. The meeting was recessed at 5:01 p.m. in order to conduct the TRIM Public Hearing. The meeting was reconvened at 5:05 p.m. 4. Center for the Study of Social Policy to Provide Funding for the Installation and Implementation Phase of Project DULCE doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 8 Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that due to CSC’s partnership with the Center for the Study of Social Policy, $105,000 in funding would be received from that entity over a two‐year period for Project DULCE. 5. Photovoltaic (PV) System Installation Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that the solar panels had been installed and the rebate had been approved. She stated that they would be going live soon. 6. Communications Update Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that in early October they had released a Request for Proposals for the parenting campaign and had started receiving donations for drowning prevention services. 7. Provision of Books to Juvenile Court Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that there was a new initiative to start providing books to the Juvenile Court, and the books would be delivered at the end of November. 8. Sample Growth Charts, Print Ad for Funded Agencies and Programs Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that Council members had sample growth charts at their places, and that Chief Communications Officer John Bartosek had introduced the growth charts the previous month. She stated that Council members had also been furnished with a copy of the print ad for funded agencies and programs which would hopefully be in the Palm Beach Post that coming weekend. 9. Quarterly Media Expenditures Report Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that the CEO Report contained the quarterly media expenditures report. 9. Legal Reports Tom Sheehan, General Counsel, stated that Council Members had been furnished with the form “Certificate of Compliance with Conflict of Interest Policy”. He stated that Council members had also been provided with a copy of their 2014/15 Certificate of Compliance for their convenience. He stated that the form contained the instructions for completion, and that there were two boxes to be checked. He stated that he would assume that Council members would check the first box that they were in compliance, and the second box that they had not had voting conflicts in the past year. He stated that Council members needed to list organizations, corporations, partnerships, etc. where they were a director, trustee, partner, employee, or had a 5% ownership. He stated that the forms were due to be returned no later than the January Council meeting (January 28, 2016). He stated that staff would mail the forms to those Council members who were not in attendance. doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 Council Meeting Page: 9 10. Public Comment – Non‐Agenda Items – N/A 11. Council Comments – N/A 12. Adjournment The meeting was recessed for the TRIM Public Hearing at 5:01 p.m., reconvened at 5:05 p.m., and adjourned at 5:09 p.m. ________________________________ _________________________________________ Vincent Goodman, Secretary Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer doc#176245 151022 Minutes.doc #: 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting AGENDA ITEM: 2B TITLE: Minutes – October 22, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the October 22, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing as presented. CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY TRIM PUBLIC HEARING Thursday, October 22, 2015 2300 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, FL MINUTES 1. Call to Order Chair Langowski called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Present: Thomas Bean Greg Langowski Vince Goodman Kathleen Kroll Thomas E. Lynch Dennis Miles Thomas P. Weber Excused: Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D.; Debra Robinson, M.D.; Shelley Vana 2. Agenda A. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions – N/A B. Adoption A motion by Bean/Weber to adopt the agenda was approved by unanimous vote. 3. 2015‐16 Millage Rate ‐ .6677 A. Percent Increase Above Roll‐back Rate 6.85% Tom Sheehan, General Counsel, stated that by statute they needed to firstly announce that the percentage increase above the roll‐back rate was 6.85%. He stated that all figures remained the same as the TRIM Public Hearing held September 24, 2015. B. Presentation of Resolution #15‐034 (Revised) Mr. Sheehan stated that the Millage Resolution #15‐034 had been revised to reflect the date, and the potential that the Council make‐up was different from the September 24, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing. C. Public Comment Mr. Sheehan asked for public comment regarding the Millage rate: there was no public comment. D. Reading of Statutory Statement Tom Sheehan stated that by statute, as required by section §200.065 F.S., he was required to read the following statement: “The Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County which has .6249 mills as its roll‐back rate will be adopting a millage rate of .6677 to be levied for 2015/16, an increase above the roll‐back rate of 6.85%”. Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County October 22, 2015 TRIM Public Hearing Page: 2 E. Resolution of Final Adoption A reconsidered motion by Weber/Bean to approve Resolution #15‐034 adopting the Millage rate of .6677 was approved by unanimous vote. Judge Kathleen Kroll abstained from voting. 4. 2015‐2016 Budget A. Presentation of Resolution #15‐035 (Revised) Mr. Sheehan stated that Resolution #15‐035 had the same revisions made as Resolution #15‐ 034. B. Review Mr. Sheehan asked whether there were any questions from the Council on the budget – there were none. C. Public Comment Tom Sheehan called for public comment with respect to the budget. There was no public comment. D. Resolution of Final Adoption A reconsidered motion by Lynch/Bean to approve Resolution #15‐035 as revised and Exhibit “A” authorizing FY 2015‐2016 Budget was approved by unanimous vote. Judge Kathleen Kroll abstained from voting. 5. Announcement of Percentage by which Millage Rate is more than the Roll‐Back Rate (6.85%) Mr. Sheehan noted that the amount by which the Millage Rate exceeded the Roll‐Back rate was 6.85%. 6. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 p.m. ________________________________ ____________________________________ Vincent Goodman, Secretary Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer Doc #176463 151022 TRIM Minutes #: 3 AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting 5A(1) Consent Agenda ‐ Program Late Penalty Imposed Bill Cosgrove, Chief Financial Officer CSC STAFF: SUMMARY: CSC’s contracts with funded programs contain a provision that the program will operate in accordance with CSC’s Fiscal Guidelines for Funded Programs. To ensure accountability, the Fiscal Guidelines for Funded programs provide for the assessment of a 5% penalty based on a program’s reimbursement request amount when a program fails to submit certain items when due. Items to be submitted include required annual certification documents, an independent annual audit, and monthly reimbursement requests. In the case of monthly reimbursement requests, three late submissions in a twelve month period results in a penalty being assessed. The following program was assessed a 5% penalty during the past 30 days: Program Agency Reason Wyman’s Teen Outreach Urban League of Palm Beach Late submission of fire Program (TOP) County inspection certificate FISCAL IMPACT: A 5% penalty in the amount of $1,134.29 was assessed against the program. RECOMMENDATION: For informational purposes only; no action required. #: 4 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting 5A(2) AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: Consent Agenda – Program Strong Minds Update CSC STAFF: Karen Brandi, Director of System Performance SUMMARY: The Strong Minds Network is Palm Beach County’s voluntary quality rating improvement system that promotes high quality in early care and education programs. The goal of Strong Minds is to ensure all children arrive at kindergarten ready to learn. The system recognizes program directors and family child care home operators as the leaders and change agents for their programs. It is designed to support higher quality programs in their continuous quality improvement efforts by making a variety of supports available to them. As of November 16th we have received 255 applications that meet the eligibility requirements to participate in Strong Minds. The amount of interest and immediate response by the child care community far exceeded our expectations. 216 child care sites have met In‐Network Status 17 sites have met Promising Status 22 sites have met Emerging Status Those 255 child care sites are providing care to 11,714 children. We are anticipating opening an application period for a limited time to enroll up to 20 new child care programs beginning January 2016. This will be a targeted application process focused on child care providers in high need areas who are serving infant and toddlers. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available within the Program Strategy Budget to cover the costs of tiered reimbursement associated with the new child care providers who will be added through this targeted application process. RECOMMENDATION: For informational purposes only; no action required. #: 5 AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting 5A(3) Consent Agenda ‐ Program Quality Improvement Sites (Early Childhood and Afterschool), Staffing Tanya Palmer, Chief Program Officer CSC STAFF: SUMMARY: As the Council is aware, Children’s Services Council provides funding to support the quality of child care and afterschool programs in our community, including providing scholarships for families accessing care within those sites. The following Exhibits are attached: Exhibit A – Strong Minds (Early Childhood QIS) sites Exhibit B – Afterschool Quality Improvement sites Exhibit C – Estimated staffing positions CSC supports throughout Palm Beach County These site lists are being provided to show the widespread influence of these programs in Palm Beach County. The attached exhibits represent a “moment in time” snapshot and are updated accordingly. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: For informational purposes only; no action required. #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting EXHIBIT A Strong Minds (Early Childhood Quality Improvement Sites) - as of November 18, 2015 Child Care Centers Site Type Site Name City A + KIDZ ACADEMY, INC. West Palm Beach A BABY'S WORLD West Palm Beach A FIRM FOUNDATION EARLY LEARNING CTR INC Boynton Beach A KID'S WORLD OF FUN AND LEARNING West Palm Beach A READING AND MATH ACADEMY, INC. Lake Worth A STEP ABOVE EARLY LEARNING CENTER, INC. Boynton Beach ABC CHILDREN'S LEARNING ACADEMY West Palm Beach ABC MONTESSORI Lantana ABC PLAYSCHOOL CHILDCARE, INC. South Bay ACADEMY FOR CHILD ENRICHMENT OF RPB, INC Royal Palm Beach ACADEMY OF NORTH PALM BEACH North Palm Beach ACHIEVEMENT CENTERS/ COMMUNITY CCCENTER Delray Beach ALL ABOUT KIDS Lake Worth ALL ABOUT LEARNING CENTER, INC Royal Palm Beach ATKINS TENDER LOVING CARE INC 1133 Riviera Beach ATKINS TENDER LOVING CARE INC 1144 Riviera Beach BETHLEHEM LEARNING CENTER Lake Park BRIGHT HORIZONS AT MILITARY TRAIL Lake Worth BRIGHT IDEAS EDUCL CENTER INC MAIN Pahokee BUILDING BLOCKS PRESCHOOL, LLC West Palm Beach BURKS LEARNING CENTER Delray Beach CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY West Palm Beach CHILDREN'S ACADEMY OF LAKE WORTH Lake Worth CORPORATE FAMILY SOLUTIONS LLC Atlantis CREATIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCE Palm Springs DEVOS‐BLUM FAMILY YMCA OF BOYNTON BEACH Boynton Beach EAST COAST MIGRANT HEAD START (DUDA) Belle Glade EMERGING MINDS MONTESSORI ACADEMY INC Boca Raton EMMANUEL CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC. West Palm Beach FAITH LUTHERAN North Palm Beach FANNIE MAE TOT'S II DAYCARE CENTER Riviera Beach FLORENCE FULLER CHLD DEV CTRS (EAST) Boca Raton FLORENCE FULLER CHLD DEV CTRS (WEST) Boca Raton FORTIN FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CENTER South Bay FUTURE KIDS Lake Worth #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting Child Care Centers Site Type Site Name FUTURE STARS LEARNING CTR, INC GARDEN OF THE SAHABA ACADEMY GLOBAL LEARNING OF BOCA RATON GLOBAL LEARNING OF LAKE WORTH GLOBAL LEARNING OF PALM SPRINGS, INC. GREAT EXPECTATIONS CHILDCARE CORP. GREENACRES LEARNING CENTER HANDS ON LEARNING CENTER, INC. HAVERHILL BAPTIST DAY SCHOOL INC HEART TO HEART LEARNING CENTER, INC. HOME AND SCHOOL CONNECTION UNIVERSITY HOME AWAY FROM HOME LEARNING CENTER III HOME AWAY FROM HOME PRESCHOOL WPB, INC HOME AWAY FROM HOME PRESCHOOL, INC HOME AWAY FROM HOME WELLINGTON LC INC INTERNATIONAL KIDS ZONE ISMAELILLO LEARNING CENTER II, INC J A Y OUTREACH MINISTRIES INC JEWISH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER, INC KAREN SLATTERY EDUCL RSRCH CCD KIDDIE HAVEN PRESCHOOL INC KIDS PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY, INC. KIDS R KREATIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. KID'S WORLD ACADEMY KIDZ EXPLORATION CENTER FOR EARLY DEV. KIDZ KALEIDOSCOPE PREP SCHOOL, INC. KINDERCARE LEARNING CENTERS LLC JOG KINGS ACADEMY OF DELRAY BEACH KINGSWOOD ACADEMY KREATIVE KIDS CLUB, INC. KREATIVE KIDS OF LAKE WORTH, INC LDR ACADEMY, INC. LIFE SPAN OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. LIL KINGS AND QUEENS ACADEMY II LIL KINGS AND QUEENS ACADEMY, INC LITTLE ANGELS DAYCARE AND LRNG CTR LLC LITTLE BLUE ACADEMY CONGRESS LITTLE CUB'Z LEARNING CENTER, LLC LITTLE DUDE RANCH ACADEMY LITTLE HANDS LEARNING CENTER, INC City West Palm Beach Boca Raton Boca Raton Lake Worth Lake Worth West Palm Beach Greenacres Royal Palm Beach West Palm Beach Belle Glade Wellington Palm Beach Gardens West Palm Beach Palm Springs Wellington West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Riviera Beach Boynton Beach Boca Raton Lake Worth West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Greenacres Jupiter Riviera Beach Greenacres Delray Beach Greenacres Royal Palm Beach Palm Springs Juno Beach Riviera Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Palm Springs Boynton Beach West Palm Beach Belle Glade #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting Child Care Centers Site Type Site Name LITTLE STARS LEARNING CENTER LITTLE STEPS ACADEMY LOVING HEARTS LEARNING CENTER, LLC LUCIANO MARTINEZ CHILD DEVELOPMENT CTR LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. RB LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. LW LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. BB LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. SBAY LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. WPB LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. JUP LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. WGATE LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA, INC. PAHOKEE MT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH OF DELRAY BEACH MULBERRY ACADEMY MY FIRST STEPS PRESCHOOL PARKER MY FIRST STEPS PRESCHOOL WESTGATE NEW HORIZONS ACADEMY INC NEW PINES CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER OPPORTUNITY EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ORTHODOX ZION CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER PALM BEACH PRESCHOOL PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE'S CENTER FOR EL PETER PAN PRESCHOOL PINITOS LEARNING CENTER, INC. PRECIOUS MOMENTS ENRICHMENT CENTER PROCHILD EARLY LEARNING CENTER INC PUFFIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL R J HENDLEY CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL RCMA BELLE GLADE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTR RCMA FARMWORKER CDC ROYAL PALM BEACH YWCA CHILD DEV CENTER RUTH & EDWARD TAUBMAN EARLY CHILDHOOD SAFE HAVEN COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER SMALL WORLD ACADEMY, INC. STEPPING STONES LEARNING CTR OF PBC, INC SUNCOAST CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, INC. TEDDY BEAR DAY CARE INC TENDER LOVE AND CARE CHILD DEVELOPMENT C THE APPLESEED THE CHANGING PLACE PRESCHOOL AT THE RIVE City Belle Glade West Palm Beach Greenacres Palm Springs Riviera Beach Lake Worth Boynton Beach South Bay West Palm Beach Jupiter West Palm Beach Pahokee Delray Beach Lake Worth West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Delray Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Palm Beach Gardens Palm Beach Gardens Boca Raton West Palm Beach Lake Worth Boca Raton Riviera Beach Belle Glade Delray Beach Royal Palm Beach Boca Raton Riviera Beach West Palm Beach Delray Beach Lake Worth Lake Worth West Palm Beach Boca Raton West Palm Beach #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting City West Palm Beach Boca Raton West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Riviera Beach Greenacres West Palm Beach Boynton Beach Loxahatchee Jupiter Boca Raton Boynton Beach Belle Glade Jupiter Lake Worth Lake Park Riviera Beach Belle Glade West Palm Beach Boynton Beach Boca Raton Boca Raton Boynton Beach Delray Beach West Palm Beach Site Type Site Name AMANDA FAMILY DAY CARE CENTER, INC (EHS) ANDERSON, LA SHAWN BANKS CRE8TIVE ACADEMY INC BOOKER, LAKEESHA EHS BROWN HINDS, PATRIKA BROWN, REGINA C R WILLIAMS FAMILY DAY CARE CARSWELL, JOANN COLEMAN‐MORRISON, VIVIAN DANIELS, THERESA DIXON FAMILY HOME DAYCARE (EHS) DONALDSON, MARY EVERETT, SAMANTHA FASHAW, EVVIE STEPHANIE (EHS) City Delray Beach Lake Park West Palm Beach Riviera Beach West Palm Beach Belle Glade Delray Beach South Bay Pahokee West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Belle Glade Pahokee Delray Beach Family Child Care Child Care Centers Site Type Site Name THE ISMAELILLO LEARNING CENTER, INC THE SCHMIDT FAMILY YMCA CDC AT MAE VOLEN THE UNION MISSIONARY BAPT CHURCH INC THE VINE'S ACADEMY TIME 2 WIN ACADEMY TINY KINGDOM ENTERPRISES INC TINY TIKES ACADEMY AT SKEES RD INC TINY TIKES ACADEMY OF BOYNTON BEACH, INC TINY TIKES ACADEMY WEST TINY TURTLES PRESCHOOL OF JUPITER TORAH TOTS ACADEMY INC TREASURE CHEST EARLY LEARNING CENTER TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTER TREETOP ACADEMY TRINITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, INC TWIGGS LEARNING TREE CHILD CARE, INC UNIVERSITY LEARNING ACADEMY, LLC WEE CARE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER WEST PALM BEACH JUNIOR ACADEMY WISTON FAMILY TORAH TOTS EARLY CLC YMCA OF BOCA RATON YMCA OF SOUTH PALM BEACH COUNTY AT 901 YOUTHLAND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, BB YOUTHLAND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, DB YWCA CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting Family Child Care Site Type Site Name FULMORE, LYNORA FUNDERBURK, MARY GOD LOVING HAND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, INC GONZALEZ, CARLA (EHS) GRANDMA SARAH & DAN'S DAY CARE GREENFIELD, TERRICA GRIFFITHS BUTTS, NICHOLA (EHS) HEAVENLY UNIQUE DOVES DAYCARE INC HODGES, TIFFANY JACKSON, LATONIA JACKSON, SHIRLEY JEANTY, MAGUELITA JOHNSON, ELAINE JOHNSON, TRACEY MAKING A DIFFERENCE FAMILY CHILDCARE L C MARTINEZ, JAZMINA MATTHEWS, SANDRA MCCLENDON, CAROLYN (EHS) MELENDEZ, LAUREANA (EHS) MERCY'S LITTLE ACHIEVERS FMLY DC (EHS) MOORE, FAIRE MORGAN, JANICE MORRIS, MARY (EHS) MUSTARD SEED LEARNING TREE OLIVER, PATRICIA (EHS) PENN, DELORES PERTILLA, EDNA PRECIOUS LITTLE STEPS FAMILY CHILD (EHS) ROBINSON TINY TOTS FAMILY CHILD CARE LLC ROUSE, LORRAINE SHANNON, YVONNE SMITH, MARY SMITH, VIVENE (EHS) SNIPE, ESSIE MAE (EHS) SOBERS, LOLETHA THOMAS, LAWANDA THOMPSONS FAMILY DAY CARE TULLOCH, BERTHA TURNER, MONICA (EHS) WALKES‐WATTS, MONICA (EHS) Ci ty Pahokee Belle Glade West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Lantana West Palm Beach South Bay West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Belle Glade Delray Beach Royal Palm Beach Pahokee Pahokee Delray Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Riviera Beach West Palm Beach Riviera Beach Belle Glade West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Riviera Beach Delray Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Riviera Beach West Palm Beach Delray Beach Boynton Beach South Bay Pahokee Pahokee Pahokee West Palm Beach Pahokee Belle Glade Pahokee #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting School Based Child Care Large Family Child Care Site Type Site Name ANDREA'S LITTLE ANGELS FAMILY CHILD CARE AUNT TINA'S HOUSE BEAR NECESSITY DAYCARE BEDFORD, CYNTHIA BROWN‐DOWDELL, JESSIE BUTLER, REGINA BERNICE CORINE'S FAMILY CHILDCARE ACADEMY, INC FOBBS, RAMONA GRAY, EULA NEICYKELIS TENDER LOVIN CHILDCARE (EHS) SMITH, MARTHA Site Type Site Name ACREAGE PINES ELEMENTARY PBCSD BANYAN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PBCSD BARTON ELEMENTARY PBCSD BELLE GLADE ELEM PBCSD BENOIST FARMS ELEM PBCSD BERKSHIRE ELEMENTARY PBCSD BOYNTON BEACH HS EARLY LRN ACA PBCSD CHOLEE LAKE ELEM PBCSD CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY PBCSD CORAL REEF ELEMENTARY PBCSD CORAL SUNSET ELEMENTARY PBCSD CRYSTAL LAKES ELEMENTARY PBCSD D D EISENHOWER ELEMENTARY PBCSD ELBRIDGE GALE ELEM PBCSD EQUESTRIAN TRAILS ELEM PBCSD FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY PBCSD GALAXY ELEMENTARY PBCSD GLADE VIEW ELEMENTARY PBCSD GRASSY WATERS ELEMENTARY PBCSD GREENACRES ELEMENTARY PBCSD H L JOHNSON ELEMENTARY PBCSD HIGHLAND ELEMENTARY PBCSD HOPE CENTENNIAL ELEMENTARY PBCSD INDIAN PINES ELEMENTARY PBCSD JOHN I LEONARD HS EARLY LRNG ACAD PBCSD K E CUNNINGHAM CANAL POINT ELEM PBCSD LANTANA ELEMENTARY PBCSD LIGHTHOUSE ELEMENTARY PBCSD City Riviera Beach Riviera Beach Riviera Beach Riviera Beach Belle Glade Pahokee Riviera Beach Riviera Beach Riviera Beach West Palm Beach Pahokee City Loxahatchee Delray Beach Lake Worth Belle Glade West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Boynton Beach Greenacres Boynton Beach Lake Worth Boca Raton Boynton Beach Palm Beach Gardens Wellington Wellington Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Belle Glade West Palm Beach Greenacres Royal Palm Beach Lake Worth West Palm Beach Lake Worth Greenacres Canal Point Lantana Jupiter #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting School Based Child Care Site Type Site Name LOXAHATCHEE GROVES ELEMENTARY PBCSD MANATEE ELEMENTARY PBCSD ORCHARD VIEW ELEMENTARY PBCSD PAHOKEE ELEMENTARY PBCSD PAHOKEE HIGH SCHOOL ERLY LRNING AC PBCSD PALM BEACH GARDENS ELEMENTARY PBCSD PANTHER RUN ELEMENTARY PBCSD PINE GROVE ELEM PBCSD PIONEER PARK ELEMENTARY PBCSD PLEASANT CITY ELEMENTARY PBCSD ROLLING GREEN ELEMENTARY PBCSD ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY PBCSD SOUTH GRADE ELEMENTARY PBCSD STARLIGHT COVE ELEMENTARY PBCSD THE CONSERVATORY SCHOOL @ NPB PBCSD U B KINSEY ELEMENTARY PBCSD VILLAGE ACADEMY PBCSD WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY PBCSD WELLINGTON ELEMENTARY PBCSD WEST GATE ELEMENTARY PBCSD WEST RIVIERA ELEMENTARY PBCSD WESTWARD ELEMENTARY PBCSD WYNNEBROOK ELEMENTARY PBCSD City Loxahatchee Lake Worth Delray Beach Pahokee Pahokee Palm Beach Gardens Lake Worth Delray Beach Belle Glade West Palm Beach Boynton Beach West Palm Beach Lake Worth Lantana North Palm Beach West Palm Beach Delray Beach Riviera Beach Wellington West Palm Beach Riviera Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting EXHIBIT B Afterschool Quality Improvement Sites (as of November 18, 2015) Site Name City Achievement Centers for Children and Families at Pine Grove Elementary School Achievement Centers for Children and Families Morton Downey Family Resource Center Achievement Centers for Children and Families Village Academy Achievement Centers for Children and Families Village Academy Middle School Acreage Pines Elementary Afterschool Program Adopt‐A‐Family of the Palm Beaches Inc. ‐ Project Grow Afterschool Connections at Franklin Academy ‐ Boynton Beach Allamanda Elementary Afterschool Program Bak Middle School of the Arts Banyan Creek Elementary Afterschool Program Beacon Cove Intermediate Afterschool Program Belvedere Elementary Afterschool Program Benoist Farms Elementary Afterschool Program Berkshire Elementary Afterschool Program Boca Raton Elementary Afterschool Program Boca Raton Housing Authority ‐ Pearl City CATS Boys & Girls Club ‐ Belle Glade Elementary Boys & Girls Club ‐ Belle Glade Teen Center Boys & Girls Club ‐ Boca Raton Boys & Girls Club ‐ Canal Point Elementary School Boys & Girls Club ‐ Florence DeGeorge Boys & Girls Club ‐ Glade View Elementary Boys & Girls Club ‐ Gove Elementary Boys & Girls Club ‐ Marjorie S. Fisher Boys & Girls Club ‐ Max M Fisher Boys & Girls Club ‐ Naoma Donnelley Haggin Boys & Girls Club ‐ Neil S. Hirsh Family Boys & Girls Club ‐ Pioneer Park Elementary School Boys & Girls Club ‐ Rosenwald/South Bay Elementary Bright Futures Child Development Center, Inc. Cholee Lake Elementary Afterschool Program Citrus Cove Elementary Afterschool Program City of Delray Beach Parks & Recreation Department Community Center ‐ Department of Out of School Programs City of Delray Beach Parks & Recreation Department ‐ Pompey Park City of Greenacres Youth Programs ‐ C.A.R.E.S. City of Greenacres Youth Programs ‐ Cool Zone City of Pahokee Parks & Recreation Afterschool Program City of Pahokee Parks & Recreation Afterschool Program Middle School City of West Palm Beach ‐ Coleman Park Community Center Delray Beach Delray Beach Delray Beach Delray Beach Loxahatchee Lake Worth Boynton Beach Palm Beach Gardens West Palm Beach Delray Beach Jupiter West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Boca Raton Boca Raton Belle Glade Belle Glade Boca Raton Canal Point West Palm Beach Belle Glade Belle Glade West Palm Beach Riviera Beach Delray Beach Wellington Belle Glade South Bay Lake Park Greenacres Boynton Beach Delray Beach Delray Beach Greenacres Greenacres Pahokee Pahokee West Palm Beach #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting City of West Palm Beach ‐ Gaines Park Community Center City of West Palm Beach ‐ Gaines Park Teen Center City of West Palm Beach Parks & Recreation ‐ Howard Park Community Center City of West Palm Beach Parks & Recreation ‐ Vedado Park Middle School City of West Palm Beach ‐ South Olive Park Community Center Clifford O. Taylor Kirklane Elementary Afterschool Program Creative Learning Experience Crosspointe Elementary Afterschool Program Crystal Lakes Elementary Afterschool Program Del Prado Elementary Afterschool Program Diamond View Elementary Afterschool Program Discovery Key Elementary Afterschool Program Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary Afterschool Program Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary Afterschool Program Egret Lake Elementary Afterschool Program Equestrian Trails Elementary Afterschool Program Everglades Elementary Afterschool Program Faith's Place Center for Arts Education, Inc. Faith's Place Middle School FAU/Pine Jog Afterschool Florence Fuller Child Development Center ‐ East Florence Fuller Child Development Center ‐ West Forest Hill Elementary Afterschool Program Forest Park Elementary Afterschool Program For The Children, Inc. at Barton Elementary For the Children Teen Center Freedom Shores Elementary Afterschool Program Frontier Elementary Afterschool Program Galaxy E3 Afterschool Enrichment Program Golden Grove Elementary Afterschool Program Greenacres Elementary Afterschool Program Grove Park Elementary Afterschool Program H.L. Johnson Elementary Afterschool Program Hagen Road Elementary Afterschool Program Hammock Pointe Elementary Afterschool Program Heritage Elementary Afterschool Program Hidden Oaks Elementary Afterschool Program Highland Elementary Afterschool Program Hope Centennial Elementary Afterschool Program Indian Pines Elementary Afterschool Program J.C. Mitchell Elementary Afterschool Program Jay Ministries Afterschool Program Jerry Thomas Elementary Afterschool Program Jupiter Elementary Afterschool Program Kids Professional Academy Lake Park Elementary Afterschool Program Lantana Elementary Afterschool Program Lincoln Elementary Afterschool Program West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Palm Springs Lake Worth Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Boca Raton Greenacres Lake Worth Riviera Beach Lake Park West Palm Beach Wellington West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Boca Raton Boca Raton West Palm Beach Boynton Beach Lake Worth Lake Worth Boynton Beach Loxahatchee Boynton Beach Royal Palm Beach Greenacres Palm Beach Gardens Royal Palm Beach Boynton Beach Boca Raton Greenacres Lake Worth Lake Worth West Palm Beach Lake Worth Boca Raton Riviera Beach Jupiter Jupiter Mangolia Park Lake Park Lantana Riviera Beach #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting Little Dude Ranch Academy Loxahatchee Groves Elementary Afterschool Program Marsh Pointe Elementary Afterschool Program Milagro Center Milagro Center Teen Center Morikami Park Elementary Afterschool Program New Beginnings Community Development Center, Inc. ‐ Pleasant City Afterschool New Hope Charities, Inc. New Horizons Elementary Afterschool Program North Grade Elementary Afterschool Program Northmore Elementary Afterschool Program Pahokee Middle School Pahokee Youth Enrichment Academy Palm Beach County Parks & Recreation Department ‐ Westgate Community Center Palm Beach County Parks & Recreation Department ‐ West Jupiter Recreation Center Palm Beach Gardens Elementary Afterschool Program Palm Beach Maritime Academy Palm Beach Maritime Academy Middle Palm Beach Public Afterschool Program Palmetto Elementary Afterschool Program Pioneer Park Youth Enrichment Academy Plumosa School of the Arts Afterschool Program Poinciana Elementary Afterschool Program Rolling Green Elementary Afterschool Program Royal Palm Beach Elementary Afterschool Program Seminole Trails Elementary Afterschool Program South Grade Elementary Afterschool Program South Olive Elementary Afterschool Program Starlight Cove Elementary Afterschool Program Street Beat Middle School Program Sunrise Park Elementary Afterschool Program Sunset Palms Elementary Afterschool Program The Center for Youth Activity The Conservatory of North Palm Beach The Guatemalan Maya Center Inc. ‐ Highland The Guatemalan Maya Center Inc. ‐ South Grade The Salvation Army Northwest Community Center Afterschool Program The Salvation Army Northwest Community Center Middle School U.B. Kinsey ‐ Palmview Elementary Afterschool Program Urban Youth Impact ‐ Elementary Urban Youth Impact ‐ Youth Verde Elementary Afterschool Program Washington Elementary Afterschool Program Wayne Barton Study Center ‐ Elementary School Wayne Barton Study Center ‐ Middle School West Palm Beach Loxahatchee Palm Beach Gardens Delray Beach Delray Beach Delray Beach West Palm Beach Pahokee Wellington Lake Worth West Palm Beach Pahokee Pahokee West Palm Beach Jupiter Palm Beach Gardens Lantana Lantana Palm Beach West Palm Beach Belle Glade Delray Beach Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Royal Palm Beach West Palm Beach Lake Worth West Palm Beach Lantana South Bay Boca Raton Boynton Beach Boca Raton North Palm Beach Lake Worth Lake Worth West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Boca Raton Riviera Beach Boca Raton Boca Raton #: 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting West Gate Elementary Afterschool Program West Jupiter Community Group, Inc. West Riviera Elementary Afterschool Program Westward Elementary Afterschool Program West Palm Beach Jupiter Riviera Beach West Palm Beach EXHIBIT C To operate all of its funded programs and services, CSC supports an estimated 1,700 positions throughout Palm Beach County. Source Number of positions CSC direct staffing positions Provider agencies and Subcontractors Quality Counts (Early Childhood QIS) sites Afterschool Quality Improvement sites 94 626 571 409 #: 6 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting 5A(4) AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: Consent Agenda – Program Community Needs Assessment, 2015‐16 CSC STAFF: Jennifer Munoz, Community Planning & Partnership Officer SUMMARY: Staff has started a periodic needs assessment that will compile both quantitative and qualitative data on pregnant women, children and families in Palm Beach County. The data collected will assist in the identification of community strengths and resources, both formal and informal, which are helping communities thrive. The comprehensive community needs assessment will be completed in September 2016. This information will help to inform CSC’s Strategic Review process and aid in writing a new five year Healthy Start Plan. We are seeking, through an RFP, one or more qualified individuals, firms, organizations, colleges or universities to conduct primary qualitative data collection, including surveys, focus groups and Photovoice. This information will be included in the larger community needs assessment and help CSC learn more about the current needs facing mothers, families and children, especially those who experience health disparities. FISCAL IMPACT: The budget currently contains a line item of $75,000 for the needs assessment. Depending on details of the proposals and available funds, this line item may be exceeded. Recommendations for the selected vendors will be brought to the Council in January for approval. RECOMMENDATION: For informational purposes only; no action required. #: 7 AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting 5B(1) Consent Agenda ‐ Business Warrants List Bill Cosgrove, Chief Financial Officer CSC STAFF: RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the Council approve the Warrants List, in accordance with the established budgets for each of the expensed items, as presented. Children's Services Council Warrant List Dec 3, 2015 Document No PO-15-2166 PO-15-2167 PO-15-2171 PO-15-2174 PO-15-2172 PO-15-2175 PO-15-2177 PO-15-2183 PO-15-2187 PO-16-287 PO-16-288 PO-16-289 PO-16-290 PO-16-291 PO-16-292 PO-16-293 PO-16-296 PO-16-297 PO-16-298 PO-16-299 PO-16-300 PO-16-301 PO-16-302 PO-16-303 PO-16-304 PO-16-305 PO-16-306 PO-16-307 PO-16-308 PO-16-309 PO-16-310 PO-16-311 PO-16-312 PO-16-313 PO-16-314 PO-16-315 PO-16-316 PO-16-317 PO-16-318 PO-16-319 PO-16-320 PO-16-321 PO-16-322 PO-16-323 PO-16-324 PO-16-325 PO-16-326 PO-16-327 PO-16-328 PO-16-329 PO-16-330 PO-16-331 PO-16-332 PO-16-333 PO-16-334 PO-16-335 PO-16-336 PO-16-337 PO-16-338 PO-16-339 PO-16-340 Vendor Name Palm Beach Newspaper DebonAir Mechanical Nicole Martin Bynum Evidence Based Assoc. Nicole Lopez Palm Beach Newspaper American Express CPC Sustainable Performance Dolores Haynes Caren Hackman American Express CPC American Express CPC MDH Graphic Services Parenting Plus Of PB Lorraine Monts American Express CPC Publix American Express CPC Scott Davey American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC S Florida Chapter IPMA-HR MDH Graphic Services Triple P America Palm Beach Newspaper American Express CPC American Express BTA Scholastic Publix American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express BTA American Express CPC MDH Graphic Services American Express CPC American Express CPC Office Depot American Express BTA American Express CPC PC Solutions & Integration ADS Telecom American Express CPC American Express AECPC Critical Tools Jose Cabrera Clear Copy MDH Graphic Services Nonprofits First Chapin Hall Center For Children KDT Solutions USI Insurance Services Marsha Guthrie MMDuany Office Depot American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC Description Employment Ads Emergency Repairs To Chiller Shutting Down Mileage Reimbursement Evidence Based Summit Expenses Consultants & Presenters 9/30-2015 Mileage Reimbursement Legal Notice Early Childhood Cabinet Public Meeting 11/12-2015 Compliance4 Financial Statement Preparation& Analysis Webinar TES Feasability & Scope Of Work Mileage Reimbursement Graphic Design Services FY 1516 Customized Water Bottles Tervis Council Meeting Supplies Reprint Of 500 TOTS Brochures Ad For Nov. Parenting Plus - Back Cover Child Development 211 Travel Reimbursement Melbourne Leadership & Manage Skills For Women 10/19-2015 Postage Payment For Strong Minds Parent & Community Brochure iPhone 6 Screen Protectors Meeting Supplies Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Presentation Meeting Supplies Successful Supervisor Series 10/26-2015 Mileage Reimbursement Meeting Supplies Toastmasters Open House Background Check Vericon MPaladines Renewal For SHRM Membership MCato Locksmith For Malfunctioning Door On 3rd Floor Membership Dues Melinda Shay & Leah South Florida Chapter IPMA-HR 15/16 3 Versions Of TOPS Brochure Eng Front Span Back Triple P Standard Open Enrollment Training TRIM Advertisements Chamber's Firefighter Registration RPalo Airfare To Tampa FL School-Justice Partnership Meeting 11/15-2015 Books (1,040) For Juvenile Court Judges Meeting Supplies For Toastmasters Open House ATD Membership Renewal LMiller Name Badges For Staff (20) MBaron Airfare Princeton NJ Child First Meeting 11/15-2015 MBaron Hotel Baggage Airport PKing Taxi Train Newark & Princeton Child First 11/15-2015 Reprint of 1500 Eye Care Brochures ATD Champions Of Learning Event Phone Equipment For IT & Book For LShaw Office Supplies VRutledge Airfare Princeton NJ Child First 11/15-2015 RPalo Hotel Taxi Parking Tampa FL School-Justice Partnerships Summit 11/15-2015 Maintenance & Support Renewal for Extreme Network Switches and Access Points Shoretel Phone System License Purchasing ICMA membership Lshaw Meeting Supplies Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training 10/29/15 WBS Schedule Pro Upgrade 30 Users Mileage Reimbursement Ergonmic Keyboard & Small Desk Calculator Business Cards For MPaladines, ABlechman, MGross, MIannazzi 2000 2016 CSC Calendars 1250 9x12 CSC 30th Envelopes 1000 Env Stuffed With Calendars Technical Support Of Existing 411 GOLD Laptops FY1516 Evaluation Of Behavioral Health Initiative Extension HP 9050 Refurbished Fuser Premium To Add Solar Panels Property Ins. Coverage Period 05/01-2015-2016 Travel Reconciliation Los Angeles CA Lifting Up What Works Equity Summit 10/27-2015 MMoreno Duany Travel Reimbursement Columbia SC Triple P Training 10/13-2015 Batteries For Staff Use & Frames LShaw VRutledge Erroneous Uber Amex Charge 10/21-2015 Background Check ABlechman Vericon Background Check YCalero Vericon 1 Total 312.00 979.70 77.74 1,673.28 28.75 $41.28 $150.00 $2,077.50 $80.50 20,000.00 3,000.00 3.99 135.00 2,000.00 207.00 2,634.87 65.89 27.41 142.34 14.38 21.47 77.00 190.00 50.00 80.00 398.00 2,325.00 1,680.00 55.00 204.96 3,616.30 10.00 75.00 182.64 431.70 261.20 335.00 25.00 3,066.24 269.73 243.20 263.00 14,995.00 519.00 200.00 273.78 3,000.00 25.55 42.82 140.00 2,757.00 110,970.00 17,400.00 185.00 377.08 217.13 184.84 72.28 11.97 81.50 83.00 Children's Services Council Warrant List Dec 3, 2015 Document No PO-16-341 PO-16-342 PO-16-343 PO-16-344 PO-16-345 PO-16-346 PO-16-347 PO-16-348 PO-16-349 PO-16-350 PO-16-351 PO-16-352 PO-16-353 PO-16-355 PO-16-356 PO-16-357 PO-16-358 PO-16-359 PO-16-360 PO-16-361 PO-16-362 PO-16-363 PO-16-364 PO-16-365 PO-16-366 PO-16-367 PO-16-368 PO-16-369 PO-16-370 PO-16-371 PO-16-372 PO-16-373 PO-16-374 PO-16-375 PO-16-377 PO-16-378 PO-16-379 PO-16-380 PO-16-381 PO-16-382 PO-16-383 PO-16-384 PO-16-385 PO-16-386 PO-16-387 PO-16-388 PO-16-389 PO-16-390 PO-16-391 PO-16-392 PO-16-393 PO-16-394 PO-16-395 PO-16-396 PO-16-397 PO-16-398 PO-16-399 PO-16-400 PO-16-401 PO-16-402 PO-16-403 Vendor Name FL Certification Board Florida Legislature Law Book Christina Hallyburton Patricia Hahn Karen Deringer American Express CPC Dr. Phillip Colazzio American Express CPC PBC Tax Collector Avis Rent A Car American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC Charles Palo American Express CPC American Express CPC Elsa Sanchez-Vahamonde American Express CPC Adrienne Heritage Lisa Cover Publix Graphics Plus Clear Copy FedEx Kinkos FedEx Kinkos American Express CPC KDT Solutions Clear Copy Office Depot Gold Star Graphic American Express CPC American Express CPC Palm Beach Newspaper NonProfit Technologies Newspaper Publishers Scripps Media El Latino Newspaper C I Marketing International Town Square Publications Parenting Plus Of PB American Express CPC HMothers Healthy Babies Children's Place At Home Safe Three B. Corporation DebonAir Mechanical American Express BTA American Express CPC Elsa Sanchez-Vahamonde Lisa Williams-Taylor CGLIC-Chattanooga Insurance Life Insurance Of NAmerica Avis Rent A Car American Express CPC Lisa Williams-Taylor American Express CPC Office Depot Eco-Products American Express CPC Description CEU Provider Renewal 2015 Florida Statutes For TSheehan Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Family Brief For Parenting Campaign Two Self Inking Stamps Finance Accounting Guest Speaker For Learning Day About Child Abuse & Neglect In PBC VRutledge Hotel Train Taxi Parking Princeton NJ Child First Evaluation 11/16-2015 Ad Valorem Taxes & Assessments LWilliams Rental Car Tampa FL March Of Dimes Prematurity Summit 11/9-2015 LWilliams Hotel Gas Rental Car Tampa FL March of Dimes Prematurity Summit 11/9-2015 ESanchez Three Copies Book Titled The Innovative Admin ESanchez Two Copies book Titled Not Just An Admin LShaw Registration Orlando FL Training Conference 2/14-2016 RPalo Travel Reimbursement Miami FL Embark Independent Sector 10/27-2015 LWilliams & TWeber Hotel Tallahassee FL CSC Board & Board Chair Meeting 11/20-2015 LShaw Registration Orlando FL LEAN & Six Sigma World Conference 3/22-2016 Travel Reimbursement Las Vegas NV Administrative Exellence Conference 10/27-2015 Healthy Beginnings Leadership Meeting 11/5/2015 Travel Reconciliation Las Vegas NV Conference For Administrative Excellence 10/27-2015 Travel Reimbursement Chicago IL Perinatal Mental Health 11/3-2015 Meeting Supplies Celebrate Success 11/4-2015 Reorder of 20,000 Literacy Coalition stickers Reprint 6500 Bridges Trifold brochures Gound Shipment Two Broken Table Top Displays To Manuafacturer NC Purchase Large Frame Box To Ship Two Table Top Displays EMCO Software Upgrade Remote System Installer Toner For Printers Business Cards JColeman Calendars & Painters Tape For Staff 3000 Tri-Agency tri-Fold Brochures Chamber's State of the County Registration JBart 50 Pack Acrylic Slanted Sign Brochure Holders For HomeSafe Toastmasters Workbooks Full Page Full Color Program/Agency Highlight AD-10/18/15 Professional Services SWilliams Assist MIP Imports Of Cash Receipts Payroll Fixed Assets Full Page Color Provider Agency Highlight Ad Full Page Color Program Agency Highlight Ad Full Page Color Program Agency Highlight Ad Full Page Color Program Agency Highlight Ad Boynton Beach Chamber Ad Parenting Plus Dec. Back Cover Display Purchase Two Table Top Displays BRIDGES & HMHB Outreach Events Non-Contract Expense Reimbursement March Of Dimes Non-Contract Expense Reimbursement March Of Dimes Reorder CSC Black Lanyards HVAC/BAS Repairs Routine Maintenance Blanket PO FY1516 RThroop Airfare Los Angeles CA Project DULCE Meeting 12/2-2015 RThroop Baggage Hotel Supershuttle Airport Park Los Angeles Project DULCE 12/2-2015 Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Blanket PO Medical Dental Vision 1/2016-9-2016 Blanket PO Life ADD STD LTD 1/2016 -9-2016 JBartosek Rental Car Tallahassee- Florida CSC Board Meeting 11/30-2015 JBartosek Hotel Pkg Gas Rental Car Tallahassee -Florida CSC Board Meeting 11/30-2015 Travel Reimbursement APPAM Miami 11/12-2015 & March Of Dimes Tampa 11/9-2015 LWilliams Tri Rail Tickets & Taxis Miami FL 10/27-11/12-2015 Office Supplies Plates Cups & Cutlery For Staff Supplies For CSC End Of Year Event iPhone 6s Full Protection Case & 5.5 Wood Coffee Stirrers 2 Total 200.00 300.00 49.45 27.83 2,500.00 39.22 250.00 216.20 50,030.15 75.16 328.00 45.00 49.90 1,245.00 21.30 676.00 945.00 114.16 148.98 207.91 26.36 47.38 1,595.00 758.00 80.99 19.99 258.30 160.00 45.00 49.34 494.50 40.00 187.48 120.39 10,898.93 150.00 1,132.00 1,040.00 1,056.00 540.00 800.00 2,000.00 1,680.00 4,498.20 4,499.04 219.00 15,000.00 356.20 661.91 27.60 166.13 1,475,589.06 71,551.88 123.35 322.00 76.67 116.46 557.78 2,101.96 194.01 54.39 Children's Services Council Warrant List Dec 3, 2015 Document No PO-16-404 PO-16-405 PO-16-406 PO-16-407 PO-16-408 PO-16-409 PO-16-410 PO-16-411 PO-16-412 PO-16-413 PO-16-414 PO-16-415 PO-16-416 PO-16-417 PO-16-418 PO-16-419 PO-16-420 PO-16-421 PO-16-422 PO-16-423 PO-16-424 PO-16-425 PO-16-426 PO-16-427 PO-16-428 PO-16-429 PO-16-430 PO-16-431 PO-16-432 PO-16-433 PO-16-434 PO-16-435 PO-16-436 PO-16-437 PO-16-438 PO-16-439 PO-16-440 PO-16-441 PO-16-442 PO-16-443 PO-16-444 PO-16-445 PO-16-446 PO-16-447 PO-16-448 PO-16-449 PO-16-450 PO-16-451 PO-16-452 PO-16-453 PO-16-454 PO-16-455 PO-16-456 PO-16-457 PO-16-458 PO-16-459 PO-16-460 PO-16-461 PO-16-462 PO-16-463 Vendor Name American Express CPC Tufts Medical Center Debra Gotlib Florida Children First American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC Palm Beach Newspaper Florence Roth Junction Internationa School District PBC Nicole Lopez Michael Modica American Express BTA PC Solutions & Integration American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC Ana Michelle Abarca Office Depot American Express CPC American Express BTA American Express CPC American Express CPC Triple P America, Inc Interline Brands Energy Solutions Wordwide Val-DA-LAR Delray Awning Solar Gard of Boynton Sustainable Performance Buckeye Plumbing American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express BTA American Express CPC American Express CPC Charles Palo American Express BTA American Express CPC Marisol Miranda Marsha Guthrie American Express BTA American Express CPC American Express CPC Debbie Manigat Vashti Rutledge American Express CPC Coastal Star Office Depot American Express CPC Description PHB Registration CLozano From CFS 11/17 & 11/20-2015 Miami Development Of SWYC Manual Extended To 3/31-2016 Mileage Reimbursement Digital Resource Page CSCPBC Logo Meeting Supplies Meeting Supplies Meeting Supplies Meeting Supplies World At Work Membership LShaw Magnets for Strong Minds signs & BlueRigger Premium Mini Display On Line Conference Office Dynamics ESanchez Gift Certificates From Service Awards 2016 Employment Ads Tuition Reimbursement Translation Services Proofing CSC 2015 Ad Highlighting Providers School District Vendor ID Badge & Fingerprinting For ABlechman Mileage Reimbursement Travel Reimbursement Austin TX CCIM Training & Exam 10/26-2015 MAbarca Airfare Los Angeles CA Project DULCE Meeting 12/1-2015 Core Switch Reconfiguration ESanchez Registration Developing Leadership Mindset Miami FL 12/1-2015 SCraddock Registration Developing Leadership Mindset Miami FL 12/1-2015 iPhone Case & Screen Protector IT & Mtg Supplies For HR MAbarca Hotel Baggage Shuttle Airport Parking Los Angeles CA 12/1-2015 Travel Advance Los Angeles CA Project DULCE Meeting 12/1-2015 Office Supplies FPN Annual Grantmakers DGotlib Airfare Tallahassee FL FAHSC Coalition 1/25-2016 EB *2015 Dare to Be Free Leadership Workshop Retreat 11/20-21-2015 Touch Points Working Retreat Triple P Primary Care Training 12/16-2015-8/17-2016 LED T8 Replacement Supplies Furnish & Install Exterior Area Lighting Suction Cups Remove & Replace Awning Window Tint At ELC HR TES Feasability & Scope of Work Remove Urinal Repair Leak In Wall Jbart Membership Hispanic Chamber PBC Boynton Beach Chamber Of Commerce For Nonprofit Showcase Table Purchase of Complete Java Devleloper Course Purchase Of The Complete Python Developer Course Purchase Of Web Developer Bootcamp Course DGotlib Airfare Tallahassee FL FAHSC 1/25-2015 Lithium Batteries For Laptops & Supplies For HR DGotlib Registration Hotel & Taxi Tallahassee FL FAHSC 1/25-2015 Travel Reimbursement Tampa FL School Justice Partnership 11/15-2015 Consultant Mmiranda HCD Airfare Los Angeles Project DULCE 12/2-2015 Consultant MMiranda Hotel Shuttle Los Angeles CA Project DULCE 12/2-2015 Travel Advance Los Angeles CA Project DULCE 12/2-2015 Travel Advance Washington DC Big Picture 11/30-2015 MGuthrie Airfare Washington DC Big Picture Institute 11/30-2015 MGuthrie Hotel Baggage Taxis Washington DC Big Picture Institute 11/30-2015 Touchpoints Consultant Mileage Reimbursement Travel Reimbursement Princeton NY Child First Site Visit 11/15-2015 VRutledge Rental Car Princeton NY Child First 11/15-2015 Print Ad Nov.6 Full-Pg Color Highlighting Programs Agencies Office Supplies Replacement Supplies End Of Year Event 3 Total 200.00 6,800.00 55.20 1,000.00 49.92 31.80 151.50 115.62 245.00 73.54 99.00 2,505.35 344.00 2,448.18 160.00 87.42 17.25 215.38 783.70 6,600.00 395.00 395.00 55.90 518.25 212.94 83.71 35.00 390.20 1,350.00 249.98 33,180.00 49,706.00 26,730.00 5.58 181.00 100.00 2,077.50 210.00 325.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 390.20 175.70 423.00 121.53 434.57 559.50 168.67 168.67 535.73 1,275.94 102.87 32.05 57.24 133.18 2,200.00 242.33 104.68 Children's Services Council December 3, 2015 Allocations Warrant 610ARCPB15/16 649ARCPB15/16 670CCC15/16 652CFS15/16 654CFS15/16 667CFS15/16 674CFS15/16 601CCMO15/16 669CCMO15/16 643CF15/16 664CF15/16 637CHS15/16 650CHS15/16 608HS15/16 648HS15/16 676DCH15/16 489ELC15/16 673ELC15/16 607ESF15/16 592FFBGT15/16 584HD15/16 618PBCHD15/16 642HD15/16 661HD15/16 352FRLS15/16 653HC15/16 555HMHB15/16 619HMHB15/16 660HMHB15/16 638HP15/16 645HP15/16 659HP15/16 TBD15/16 581OC15/16 073LAS15/16 284PBCLC15/16 612PBCLC15/16 640PBCLC15/16 657PBCLC15/16 658PBCLC15/16 025LSF15/16 663LSF15/16 TBD15/16 639NF15/16 651NL15/16 557PBSC15/16 633PBSC15/16 611PCC15/16 675PC15/16 379PT15/16 632PT15/16 024RCMA15/16 662SC15/16 553TB15/16 646UL15/16 TR164AF15/16 TR160ABC15/16 TR127AN15/16 Payable To Description Amount Arc, The Reimb Exp Remaining Bal First Step to Success 1,343,175.83 Arc, The Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Healthy Steps for Young Child 765,205.83 Center for Child Counseling Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Child First 736,907.50 Center for Family Services of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Prenatal Plus Mental Health S 271,409.17 Center for Family Services of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Triple P (Positive Parenting Pr 172,757.50 Center for Family Services of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining BalCounseling for Parents & Youn 416,666.67 Center for Family Services of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Teen Triple P 219,828.33 CCMO dba Families First of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Healthy Families 1,176,410.00 CCMO dba Families First of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Child First 740,595.00 Children's Forum Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Quality Program Assessment 488,876.67 Children's Forum Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Training Registry 193,671.67 Children's Home Society of FL Reimb Exp Remaining Bal CHS Bridges 2,096,960.83 Children's Home Society of FL Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Wyman's Teen Outreach Prg 170,425.83 Children's Place at Home Safe dba Ho Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Healthy Beginnings: Entry Age 2,132,486.67 Children's Place at Home Safe dba Ho Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Growing Smart 330,636.67 District Clinic Holdings dba CL BrumbaReimb Exp Remaining Bal Dental Services for Women & 50,000.00 Early Learning Coliation of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal CSC Scholarship Initiative 24,034,129.17 Early Learning Coliation of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal FCCH/GOLD/EHS Administra 823,371.67 Easter Seals FL Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Early Steps 1,515,604.17 Father Flanagan's Boys Town FL Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Primary Project 495,030.00 FL Dept of Hlth/PBC Hth Dept Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Nurse Family Partnership 1,076,165.83 FL Dept of Hlth/PBC Hth Dept Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Healthy Beginnings Nurses 2,481,930.83 FL Dept of Hlth/PBC Hth Dept Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Healthy Beginnings Data Entry 419,185.83 FL Dept of Hlth/PBC Hth Dept Reimb Exp Remaining Bal WHIN Nurses 417,235.00 Florida Rural Legal Services Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Access to Success (Glades) 71,061.67 Health Council of SouthEast FL Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Fetal and Infant Mortality Revi 112,995.83 HealthyMothersHealthyBabies Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Healthy Beginnings Centering 380,353.33 HealthyMothersHealthyBabies Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Entry Agency 2,497,935.00 HealthyMothersHealthyBabies Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Mom Care 421,365.00 Housing Partnership Reimb Exp Remaining Bal HP Bridges 2,749,275.83 Housing Partnership Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Wyman's Teen Outreach Prg 347,199.17 Housing Partnership Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Support of Safe Kids Coalition 202,395.00 Institute for Child and Family Health Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Child First 684,384.17 Jerome Golden Center Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Mental Health Services 62,500.00 Legal Aid Society of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Children's Advocacy Project 2,303,029.17 Literacy Coalition of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Reach Out and Read Prg 162,672.50 Literacy Coalition of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Parent Child Home Program O 1,669,852.50 Literacy Coalition of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Budding Readers 312,485.00 Literacy Coalition of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Glades Family Education 51,666.67 Literacy Coalition of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Early Literacy Book Distributio 110,512.50 Lutheran Services of FL Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Peppi Head Start Match Fund 189,303.33 Lutheran Services of FL Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Head Start Prg 4,250,000.00 NonProfits First Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Agency Accreditation /Manage 75,000.00 NonProfits First Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Agency Accreditation /Manage 922,765.83 Nutritious Lifestyle Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Prenatal Plus Nutrition Service 100,000.00 Palm Beach State College Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Professional Development Sys 1,668,597.50 Palm Beach State College Reimb Exp Remaining Bal SEEK Scholarships 1,041,666.67 Parent Child Center Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Triple P Level 4 & 5 849,668.33 Parent Child Center Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Teen Triple P 262,711.67 Prime Time PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Program Organization Develo 2,218,308.33 Prime Time PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Expanded Learning Opportuni 1,751,761.67 Redlands Christian Migrant Assoc Reimb Exp Remaining Bal RCMA Farmworker Match 30,292.50 Sickle Cell of PBC dba Sickle Cell PB Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Community Voice 555,342.50 Tomas Boiton Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Transportation Consultant 145,666.67 Urban League of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining Bal Wyman's Teen Outreach Prg 275,362.50 A Firm Foundation Early LearningCtr Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds 3,828.00 Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds 5,052.96 ABC Play School Child Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds 7,043.52 Academy of NPB Allocations Warrant TR054AAK15/16 TBD15/16 TBD15/16 TR001AFCC15/16 TR002ALA15/16 TR212AS15/16 TR069ATL15/16 TR080ATL15/16 TR045BN15/16 TR186BL15/16 TR142BT15/16 TR099BH15/16 TR187BI15/16 TR050LSL15/16 TR125BB15/16 TR016CG15/16 TR043CD15/16 TR027CM15/16 TR138CA15/16 TR146CC15/16 TR061CFC15/16 TR153CF15/16 TR013CRW15/16 TR134CB15/16 TR154DP15/16 TR039TTA15/16 TR112EC15/16 TR049JEC15/16 TR021EP15/16 TR022EJ15/16 TR101EM15/16 TR141EC15/16 TR055ES15/16 TR192KS15/16 TR036FM15/16 TR058FLC15/16 TR057FMT15/16 TR092FF15/16 TR092FF15/16 TR056FF15/16 TR209FC15/16 TR209FC15/16 TR006FD15/16 TR048FSL15/16 TR211GL15/16 TR211GL15/16 TR133GI15/16 TR135GLH15/16 TR017GS15/16 TR059GE15/16 Children's Services Council December 3, 2015 Payable To Description All About Kids Learning Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds All About Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds All About Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Amanda Family Child Care Ctr Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Andrea's Little Angels Family Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds A Step Above Early Learning Ctr Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Atkins Tender Loving Care 1133 Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Atkins Tender Loving Care 1144 Bear Necessity Daycare Laconia LesheReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Bethlehem Learning Center B'Nai Torah Congregation dba Ruth & Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Bright Horizons Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Bright Ideas Brown & Billings dba Little Stars Learn Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Building Blocks Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Carla Gonzales Carolyn Damptey dba Precious Little S Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Carolyn McClendon dba Nu Kids GeneReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Church of All Nations dba The AppleseReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Community dba Achievement Centers Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Corine Williams/Corine's Family Child Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Corporate Family Solutions Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds CR Williams Family Day Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Cynthia Bedford Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Delores Penn Family Childcare Dorminey Holdings dba Tiny Tykes WeReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds East Coast Migrant ECC of GR. Boynton/Jewish Early Chil Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Edna Pertilla Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Elaine Johnson Emerging Minds Montessori Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Emmanuel CDC Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Essie Snipes Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds FAU/Karen Slattery Education Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Faire Moore Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Faith Lutheran Church Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Fannie Mae Tot's Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Florence Fuller - East Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Florence Fuller - East Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Florence Fuller - West FL Conference Assoc dba WPB Junior Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds FL Conference Assoc dba WPB Junior Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Fobbs Daycare Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Future Stars Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Global Learning of Palm Springs Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Global Learning of Palm Springs Globex Investments dba Kid's World A Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds God Loving Hands Grandma Sarah & Dan's-Jacqueline Sm Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Great Expectations Child Care Amount 22,049.28 pending pending 1,224.96 2,041.60 6,431.04 9,952.80 8,880.96 1,837.44 4,899.84 12,862.08 13,780.80 3,981.12 5,308.16 13,933.92 765.60 2,041.60 612.48 8,829.92 18,221.28 1,684.32 5,410.24 612.48 1,531.20 612.48 5,206.08 9,340.32 5,001.92 816.64 1,224.96 6,431.04 3,062.40 612.48 25,786.80 1,020.80 4,899.84 5,512.32 26,180.00 11,900.00 22,712.80 2,756.16 5,637.60 2,449.92 2,449.92 10,412.16 21,297.60 22,355.52 918.72 1,224.96 11,943.36 Allocations Warrant TR042LSA15/16 TR067HO15/16 TR188HH15/16 TR184HU15/16 TR090HH15/16 TR106HH15/16 TR070HA15/16 TR100HA15/16 TR181HA15/16 TR085HA15/16 TR081IC15/16 TR040ILC15/16 TR180IL15/16 TR008JM15/16 TR024JMA15/16 TR010PGL15/16 TR155JM15/16 TR148JC15/16 TR028KB07/15 TR113KH15/16 TR111KP15/16 TR095KRK15/16 TR076KE15/16 TR064KK15/16 TR156LB15/16 TR169LA15/16 TR074LM15/16 TR018LT15/16 TR119LDR15/16 TR078LP15/16 TR063LC15/16 TR198LL15/16 TR198LL15/16 TR167LK15/16 TR077LKQ15/16 TR114LC15/16 TR031LS15/16 TR053LR15/16 TR121LH15/16 TRLS00115/16 TRLS00115/16 TR023LF15/16 TR102MJ15/16 TR011MS15/16 TR003MNW15/16 TR066MAF15/16 TR025MD15/16 TR015MF15/16 TR026MM15/16 TR012MS15/16 Children's Services Council December 3, 2015 Payable To Description Growth & Development Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Hands On Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Heart to Heart Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Heavenly Unique Doves Daycare Hispanic Human Resources dba Lucia Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Hispanic Human Resources dba New PReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Home Away from Home III Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Home Away from Home Preschool Home Away from Home Preschool WPReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Home Away from Home Wellington Islamic Ctr of Boca/Garden of the SahaReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Ismaelillo Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Ismaelillo Learning Center II Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Janice Morgan Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Jazmina Martinez Jessie Brown-Dowdell dba Planet Gen Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds JM Wilson & Assoc dba Intn'l Kids Zon Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Joann Carswell Kelisha Buschana dba Neicykelis TendReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Kiddie Haven Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Kids Professional Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Kids R Kreative Learning Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Kidz Exploration Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Kreative Kids Lakeesha Booker dba Children First Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds LaShawn Anderson dba Shay Love ChReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Laureana Melendez Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Lawanda Thomas Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds LDR Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Learning Place Preschool, The Lee Coleman dba Making a Difference Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Let the Light Shine dba Precious MomeReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Let the Light Shine dba Precious MomeReimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Lil' Kings & Queens I Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Lil' Kings & Queens II Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Little Cub'z Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Loletha Sobers Family Child Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Lorraine Rouse Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Loving Hearts Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Lutheran Services of FL Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Lutheran Services of FL Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Lynora Fulmore Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Maguelita Jeanty Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Martha Smith Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Martina Nicholson-Wimberly Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mary Alice Fortin Child Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mary Donaldson Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mary Funderburk Family Day Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mary Morris Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mary Smith Amount 7,962.24 11,024.68 6,124.80 459.36 20,058.72 24,802.80 24,192.96 13,168.32 16,281.76 19,037.92 4,032.16 4,440.48 3,215.52 612.48 306.24 2,041.60 9,901.76 1,224.96 1,837.44 21,896.16 8,574.72 15,771.36 7,502.88 8,880.96 612.48 1,224.96 816.64 1,224.96 8,421.60 Pending 765.60 1,837.44 1,378.08 1,688.72 4,287.36 8,115.36 816.64 408.32 5,512.32 285,951.60 41,272.80 918.72 816.64 2,449.92 1,837.44 6,431.04 1,224.96 1,224.96 816.64 918.72 Allocations Warrant TR122MD15/16 TR037MLA15/16 TR033MT15/16 TR019MW15/16 TR205MH15/16 TR206MH15/16 TR175MO15/16 TBD15/16 TR157MD15/16 TR086NLE15/16 TR060NGB15/16 TR047OEL15/16 TBD15/16 TBD15/16 TR105OZ15/16 TR124PBS15/16 TR009PO15/16 TR065PBP15/16 TR046PBS15/16 TR213PP15/16 TR117PE15/16 TR097RC15/16 TR145RC15/16 TR204RM15/16 TR005RBB15/16 TR004RB15/16 TR062SS15/16 TR107SH15/16 TR151EF15/16 TR030SM15/16 TR073CA15/16 TR149ST15/16 TRPS00115/16 TR007SJ15/16 TR197SW15/16 TR197SW15/16 TR014SF15/16 TR091TAP15/16 TR093TB15/16 TR038TLC15/16 TR162TG15/16 TR032TF15/16 TR172BB15/16 TR089T2W15/16 TR194TK15/16 TR128TT15/16 TR096TTA15/16 TR120TT15/16 TR130TJ15/16 TR132TT15/16 Children's Services Council December 3, 2015 Payable To Description McCoobery Daycare dba Tiny Turtles Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mercy's Little Achievers Family Day Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Monica Turner Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Monica Walkes-Watts Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mother Hen Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mother Hen Too Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Mt. Olive Baptist Church Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds My First Step-Parker Myra Dixon dba Dixon Family Home DaReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds New Learning Enterprise/Creative Lea Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Nicholas Griffiths Butts Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Opportunity Early Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Opportunity Inc Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Opportunity Inc Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Orthodox Zion Child Development Palm Beach State College Center for EReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Patricia Oliver Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds PB Schools dba PB Preschool Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds PB Schools dba A Baby's World Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Peter Pan Preschool Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Prochild Early Learning Center Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds RCMA Belle Glade CDC Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds RCMA Farmworkers RMR Enterprises dba A Kid's World of Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Regina Bernice Butler Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Regina Brown Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds S&S First Step Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Safe Haven Com Resource Center Samantha Everett dba Everett's FamilyReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Sandra Matthews Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Schawn's Academy Scholar Tots dba ABC Children's LearnReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds School District of PBC Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Shirley Jackson Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Small World Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Small World Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Stephanie Fashaw Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds T.A.P. Care/Little Dude Ranch Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Teddy Bear Day Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Tender Love & Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Terrica Greenfield Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Thompson Family Child Care Tiffany Hodges dba Bright Beginnings Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Time 2 Win Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Tiny Kingdom Tiny Tikes Academy of Boynton Beach Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Tiny Tikes Skees Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Torah Tots Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Tracey Johnson Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Tree Top Academy Amount 10,259.04 612.48 816.64 612.48 12,096.48 12,708.96 4,287.36 7,962.24 816.86 19,446.24 816.64 13,933.92 pending pending 5,971.68 8,268.48 612.48 15,312.00 1,684.32 11,739.20 10,718.40 8,421.60 6,737.28 8,574.72 1,837.44 408.32 20,671.20 6,533.12 918.72 1,224.96 11,943.36 17,455.68 285,313.60 918.72 3,981.12 2,714.40 612.48 21,743.04 13,627.68 14,546.40 1,020.80 1,224.96 765.60 4,440.48 12,249.60 Pending 11,994.40 8,932.00 1,224.96 29,399.04 Allocations Warrant TR131TC15/16 TR195TL15/16 TR195TL15/16 TR139UM15/16 TR201UL15/16 TR201UL15/16 TR084VB15/16 TR041PLC15/16 TR052VA15/16 TR034VS15/16 TR020VMC15/16 TR168WC15/16 TR075YB15/16 TR118YM15/16 TR166YM15/16 TR094YW15/16 TR098YW15/16 TR072DB15/16 Children's Services Council December 3, 2015 Payable To Description Trinity Christian Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Twiggs Learning Tree Child Care Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds Twiggs Learning Tree Child Care Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Union Missionary Baptist Church Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds University Learning Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 14/15Strong Minds University Learning Academy Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Valora Burks Learning Center Vermillion Enterprises/Pinitos Learning Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Vines Academy, The Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Vivene Smith Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Vivian Morrison-Coleman Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Wee Care Child Development Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds YMCA of Boca Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds YMCA of South PBC @901 YMCA of South PBC dba Schmidt FamReimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds YWCA PBC Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds YWCA PBC/RPB DeVos-Blum Family YMCA of Boynton Reimb Exp Remaining 15/16Strong Minds Amount 10,718.40 8,421.60 17,226.00 10,718.40 3,215.52 6,577.20 6,431.04 9,085.12 4,440.48 816.64 1,224.96 8,268.48 13,423.52 3,776.96 2,347.84 7,656.00 9,493.44 9,187.20 Jan 2016 Payroll 12881 12882 12883 12884 12885 12886 12887 12888 12889 12890 12891 12892 12893 12894 12895 12896 12897 12898 12899 12900 12901 12902 12903 12904 12905 12906 12907 12908 12909 12910 12911 12912 12913 12914 12915 12916 12917 12918 12919 12920 12921 12922 12923 12924 12925 12926 12927 12928 12929 12930 12931 12932 12933 Children's Services Council December 03, 2015 Check Amount $2,547.54 $1,653.15 $1,999.21 $1,885.99 $1,998.48 $2,146.53 $4,751.33 $2,050.70 $3,398.13 $1,367.79 $2,868.02 $4,836.34 $2,222.37 $5,156.29 $920.82 $2,701.70 $2,928.50 $2,469.37 $1,383.19 $3,325.83 $3,065.94 $1,714.55 $2,504.74 $2,098.79 $2,093.05 $2,146.32 $2,314.42 $2,362.69 $1,689.58 $2,624.73 $2,938.59 $3,245.53 $2,083.14 $2,196.26 $2,622.63 $2,288.20 $1,851.57 $1,406.32 $1,805.86 $2,085.73 $2,699.19 $2,834.44 $1,692.15 $1,839.41 $2,276.90 $2,088.42 $1,399.98 $1,057.71 $2,130.29 $2,027.49 $2,410.61 $2,734.87 Check Date 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 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$1,681.51 $2,250.83 $2,474.90 $1,834.11 $2,119.33 $1,820.62 $1,597.30 $1,946.90 $2,261.10 $5,251.80 $1,903.54 $3,258.22 $2,717.16 $3,103.81 $2,794.08 $3,820.02 $1,673.75 $1,575.48 $1,245.60 $2,204.52 $2,524.47 $3,117.79 $4,058.11 $4,020.24 $1,583.12 $3,105.01 $1,844.23 $1,645.20 $5,513.21 $1,130.82 $3,000.57 $1,430.21 $2,502.76 $2,198.04 $2,054.26 $1,757.64 $1,993.90 $3,763.94 $1,289.59 $1,664.27 $2,819.86 $2,060.22 TBD TBD TBD Check Date 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 1/15/16 Description Pay Prd 01/01/16-01/15/16 Pay Prd 01/01/16-01/15/16 Pay Prd 01/01/16-01/15/16 Pay Prd 01/01/16-01/15/16 Pay Prd 01/01/16-01/15/16 Pay Prd 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$2,276.90 $2,088.42 $1,399.98 $1,057.71 $2,130.29 $2,027.49 $2,410.61 $2,734.87 Check Date 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 Description Wells Fargo Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 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13045 13046 13047 13048 13049 13050 13051 13052 13053 13054 13055 13056 13057 13058 13059 13060 13061 13062 13063 13064 13065 13066 13067 13068 13069 Children's Services Council December 03, 2015 Check Amount $1,344.77 $2,216.92 $5,794.73 $1,174.95 $1,681.51 $2,250.83 $2,474.90 $1,834.11 $2,119.33 $1,820.62 $1,597.30 $1,946.90 $2,261.10 $5,251.80 $1,903.54 $3,258.22 $2,717.16 $3,103.81 $2,794.08 $3,820.02 $1,673.75 $1,575.48 $1,245.60 $2,204.52 $2,524.47 $3,117.79 $4,058.11 $4,020.24 $1,583.12 $3,105.01 $1,844.23 $1,645.20 $5,513.21 $1,130.82 Check Date 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 1/31/16 Description Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 Pay Prd 01/16/16-01/31/16 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PO-16-491 PO-16-492 PO-16-493 PO-16-495 PO-16-496 Vendor Name American Express CPC Tableau Software Christine Potter American Express CPC Scholastic Karen Deringer Charles Palo Side Project Inc Christine Potter Vanessa Deilks Sandy Knapp Robert Kurimski Burstein Jon Board of County Commissioners The Forum For Youth Investment American Express CPC Research Triangle Institute Office Depot Sustainable Performance Solutions Regina Battle Deidra F Gibson Laura Fleischman American Express CPC Parenting Plus Of The Pbeaches American Express CPC Level 3 Communications Elsa Sanchez-Vahamonde American Express CPC American Express CPC American Express CPC Children's Services Council Warrant List Dec 3, 2015 Description Left Handed Ergonomic Mouse & Keyboard Book Order Additional Tableau Licensing & Maintenance For New Staff Travel Reconciliation Fort Lauderdale PDS Leadership Training 11/19-2015 RBazil Registr Hotel Bags Parking Taxi Dallas TX Audit Management Conf. 3/6-2015 Children's Books Juvenile Court Create Issue Brief For Communications 10/1-2015-2/19-2016 Mileage Reimbursement Healthy Safe & Strong Fund - The Cruelty Connection 12-2015 Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Collective Impact Community Training Collective Impact Community Training Replacement Ice Machine Catering Kitchen Evaluation Planning For RTI Evaluation Of Child First Labels For IT Meeting Supplies Energy Chiller Replacement Photovoltaic Exterior Light Replacement FY1516 Travel Reimbursement Viera FL Birth Disparities & Poor Birth Outcomes Wrkshop Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Off-Site Workshop Lunch November Back Cover Print Ad Full Size Full Color JMunoz Exam Fee PMI Institute 12/9-2015 Audio Conferencing Services For Child First CPP Consultation Calls FY1516 Travel Reimbursement Fort Lauderdale Developing A Leadership Mindset 12/1-2015 End Of Year Supplies ASQ Membership Renewal DTatonetti NIGP Renewals For MLeWay & DTatonetti 1 WALK-IN Amount 146.49 8,480.00 200.25 2,275.68 3,616.30 5,000.00 96.61 1,500.00 258.18 14.95 3.80 44.85 81.08 25,000.00 25,000.00 1,821.91 40,000.00 54.35 53.85 9,905.00 158.70 93.95 24.95 72.24 2,000.00 375.00 1,200.00 61.33 61.84 119.00 50.00 #: 8 AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 3, 2015 Council Meeting 5B(2) Consent Agenda ‐ Business Resolution #15‐040 Authorizing Agent/Broker of Record Services for Property, Casualty, and Related Insurance Bill Cosgrove, Chief Financial Officer CSC STAFF: SUMMARY: CSC’s procurement policies provide that “at least every five years, an RFP shall be issued for insurance brokerage services (these may be split between health and commercial insurance or combined into a single RFP); the then current brokers(s) shall be eligible to participate in the RFP(s).” On October 1, 2015 CSC released an RFP for Agent/Broker of Record Services for Property, Casualty and Related Insurance. The specific insurance coverages identified in the RFP included D&O Liability, Property, Commercial General Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, Umbrella, Cyber Liability, Workers’ Compensation and Crime. Proposals were due back to CSC on November 2, 2015. CSC received three proposals in response to the RFP. The companies that submitted bids are as follows: the Beacon Group, Inc., USI Insurance Services, LLC, and Bouchard Insurance, Inc. The proposal review committee consisted of the following CSC staff members: Deb Tatonetti, Director of Operations; Robert Kurimski, Chief Technology Officer; Jen Diehl, Controller; and Bill Cosgrove, Chief Financial Officer. The selection criteria used was 1) proposer’s previous experience and references; 2) background and experience of individuals assigned to CSC; and 3) availability to perform requested services. After reviewing each of the written proposals and an interview with the Beacon Group, Inc., it is the committee’s recommendation that CSC enter into a five year agreement, effective January 4, 2016, with the Beacon Group, Inc. as its agent/broker of record for property, casualty, and related insurance coverages. The agreement will be commission‐based in at least its initial year pending a thorough review of CSC’s current coverages and any recommended changes to coverage that may be proposed by the Beacon Group. FISCAL IMPACT: The Beacon Group’s commissions will be approximately 10% or $20,000 based on total premiums currently paid by CSC. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the Council approve Resolution #15‐040 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to enter into the necessary agreement with the Beacon Group, Inc. to serve as the agent/broker of record for CSC’s property, casualty, and related insurance for the period 1/4/2016 through 1/3/2021 subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process. RESOLUTION #15-040 RESOLUTION OF THE CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE BEACON GROUP, INC. TO SERVE AS AGENT/BROKER OF RECORD FOR CSC’S PROPERTY, CASUALTY, AND RELATED INSURANCE WHEREAS, the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, has in its procurement policies a provision that at least every five years, an RFP shall be issued for insurance brokerage services; and WHEREAS, such an RFP was issued for Agent/Broker of Record Services for Property, Casualty and Related Insurance, and three proposals were received for provision of D&O Liability, Property, Commercial General Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, Umbrella, Cyber Liability, Workers’ Compensation and Crime; and WHEREAS, the Committee assigned to review the RFP responses determined that the Beacon Group, Inc. should be recommended as the broker for the above-listed insurance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF THE CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, that the Chief Executive Officer is authorized to enter into the necessary agreement with the Beacon Group, Inc. to serve as the agent/broker of record for CSC’s property, casualty, and related insurance for the period January 4, 2016 through January 3, 2021 subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Council Member ___________________ who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Council Member _______________________ and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D. Thomas Bean Vincent Goodman Kathleen J. Kroll Gregory A. Langowski Thomas E. Lynch Dennis Miles Debra Robinson, M.D. Shelley Vana Thomas P. Weber The Chairman thereupon declared the Resolution duly passed and adopted this 3rd day of December, 2015. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY BY: ___________________________ Thomas A. Sheehan, III Attorney for Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County BY: ___________________________ Gregory A. Langowski, Chair BY: ____________________________ Lisa Williams-Taylor, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer DM#178054 15‐040 The Beacon Group broker of record property‐casualty insurance CEO Report December 3, 2015 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report Chief Executive Officer Report Events/Meetings Community Learning Site Visit On October 5 and 6, Children’s Services Council hosted a Community Learning Site Visit with approximately fifteen representatives from the George Kaiser Family Foundation (GKFF) and partner agencies, The Duke Endowment (TDE), and Edna McConnell Clark Foundation. The purpose of the site visit was to learn about Palm Beach County’s experience in developing an early childhood system of care, and equally important, an opportunity for CSC to learn about the work underway with GKFF and TDE as they engage their communities. The impetus for the site visit was a July meeting hosted by the Center for Study of Social Policy and the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation focusing on local/regional early childhood systems. Participants at the July meeting included a number of foundations, as well as five communities from EC‐LINC (Early Childhood‐ Learning and Innovation Network by and for Communities), of which Children’s Services Council was one. The two primary foundations most engaged in the July discussions were TDE (serves North Carolina and South Carolina) and GKFF (Tulsa, Oklahoma). TDE is focused on putting together a Birth‐8 Strategy, with an emphasis on reading at grade level by 3rd grade. Their particular area of interest in the meeting was moving local communities towards evidence‐based programming and best in class when there may be particular buy‐in to a locally developed program. Both foundations were very interested in thinking through collective impact; identifying the backbone/organizing organizations; and sustaining the system. The two‐day meeting in October included discussion groups and seeing four BRIDGES sites in action. Discussion focused on efforts to develop an early childhood system of care, the framework we use to organize our work (PDCA‐ Plan, Do, Check, Act) and the processes of Strategy Review & Allocation Analysis (SRAA), Comprehensive Program Performance Assessment (CPPA), and our system scorecard. Small breakouts were held on Strong Minds, Healthy Beginnings and BRIDGES. The Community Learning Site Visit proved impactful to all parties. Children’s Services Council had an opportunity to learn more from GKFF about a successful early literacy strategy involving the faith‐based community; GKFF gleaned an incredible amount of insight from Robert Kurimski and Vanessa Deilks on the development of our Healthy Beginnings Data System which they will use in their own efforts to develop an integrated data system; and TDE has since shared with us the adjustments they have made to their initial funding strategy based on the July and October meetings. Prematurity Summit November is designated as prematurity awareness month. On November 10th 2015, Lisa Williams‐ Taylor, Ph.D. was invited to be one of 50 leaders across the state to join the Florida Prematurity Summit in Tampa. Those with a vested interest in decreasing prematurity were invited to come together to: Examine the extent, risk factors, and consequences of preterm birth in Florida; 1 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report Identify evidence‐based strategies for reducing rates of preterm birth in the state; Create a statewide vision and promote commitment by attendees to establish an ongoing partnership to implement appropriate strategies; and Develop potential components for a long‐term strategic plan The March of Dimes, through its Prematurity Campaign, has set goals to reduce the nation’s preterm birth rate to 8.8% by 2020 and 5.5% by 2030. Currently, the statewide rate is 9.9% and there are major disparities across racial/ethnic groups. The outcomes of the summit are currently being compiled, but some of the major focus areas identified included, medical interventions, community engagement and inclusion pertaining to disparities and identifying appropriate strategies, legislation and other policy changes, as well as broader awareness around this issue – locally and across the state. Volunteerism & Team Events Children’s Services Council is an integral part of this community and we want to support community organizations and activities by encouraging staff participation in volunteer opportunities and other team events within Palm Beach County. Volunteers have an enormous impact on the well‐being of communities, from keeping communities safe and clean, to building houses, to delivering critical services. To that end, CSC will support organized staff participation in group events in the county by centralized registration of a “Healthy, Safe, & Strong” team, which will be open for all staff to join. Staff have selected the following events to participate in as an organization for the upcoming year: National Alliance on Mental Illness 5K Walk (NAMI) (John Prince Park) ‐ November 14, 2015 For the Love of Children – 5K run/walk Fun Run for Kids hosted by Children’s Home Society (Okeeheelee Park) – April 2, 2016 Friends of Foster Children, PBC – Superhero 5K Fun and Run Family Day (Date TBD ‐ October 2016) NAMI Walks In addition, CSC will be working on several volunteer opportunities throughout the year in association with the Palm Beach County Foodbank. In celebration of the 25th year of Project Thanksgiving, we are 2 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report helping feed families for the holidays by running a food drive. Project Thanksgiving is an annual campaign, hosted by United Way, CBS12 News and the Palm Beach County Food Bank to ensure our entire community can enjoy a hearty holiday meal. This community‐wide food drive will run November 2nd through November 16th and end with a volunteer food packing project on Friday November 20th from 1:30‐4:00 at the Palm Beach County Food Bank. The Palm Beach County Food Bank will be distributing the donations through a network of more than 110 food pantries that serve our neediest residents for the holidays and year‐round. Project Thanksgiving First 1,000 Days Summit Approximately 700 participants, with more than 150 representing Palm Beach County, joined early childhood experts at the First 1,000 Days Florida Summit October 21‐23 in Palm Beach to learn about the latest research, build skills, and develop an advocacy agenda to improve outcomes for expectant and new families. Sponsored by Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County (CSC), Florida MIECHV (Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting) and a host of other early childhood organizations, the multi‐disciplinary conference focused attention on the importance of investing early during this critical period of brain development. Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara J. Pariente, a member of the state’s Children & Youth Cabinet, opened the conference and underscored the need for improved services and better coordination across sectors. Dr. David Willis, head of the federal home visiting and early childhood systems development initiatives, described the first 1,000 days as “a unique window of opportunity to shape healthier and more prosperous futures.” Other plenary speakers included Dr. Brenda Jones‐Harden who highlighted the impact of toxic stress and offered strategies for “bending the curve” for young children. Dr. Erika Hoff shared her research on language development, and author and advocate Paul Schmitz closed the summit with testimony about the power of collective impact and challenged participants to lead from the community up. CSC coordinated a plenary session with an expert panel that included Tanya Palmer, Chief Program Officer (CSC), and neuroscientists from the Scripps Research Institute to provide commentary on how brain science can inform services and policy following excerpts from the documentary, The Raising of America. CSC was represented in three additional break‐out sessions: one that focused on the Prenatal Plus program, one that presented our BRIDGES, and one that presented on the power of relationships 3 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report to promote early learning. Eighteen staff from CSC attended, with many of them serving as moderators. During an Innovation Café (internal debriefing to all staff) held November 16, staff discussed how to apply new knowledge from the Summit to CSC’s current work. Paper Tigers As mentioned to the Council at the September and October meetings, Children’s Services Council coordinated and co‐hosted a documentary viewing of Paper Tigers. The event, the first public viewing of this film in Palm Beach County, was held on October 23rd at the Palm Beach Convention Center. CSC hosted in partnership with The School District, Palm Beach County Youth Services, Career Source, Gratitude House and United Way. CSC was fortunate enough to host this viewing at the tail end of the First 1,000 Days Summit of which CSC was a co‐sponsor; it was a natural fit and perfect way to end the educationally packed week. Approximately 1,000 invitations were sent out and also forwarded to other pertinent parties via our partners. A total of 260 participants viewed Paper Tigers and the invigorating panel discussion that took place. Panel members facilitated by Retired Judge Ronald Alvarez included: Keith Oswald Chief Academic Officer, School District of Palm Beach County Dr. Anne Hogan President, Florida Association of Infant Mental Health Awilda V. Tomas‐Andres Principal, Hope Centennial Elementary School Elaine Hubbard‐Williams Principal, Rivera Beach Preparatory School Dr. Selena A. LaMotte, DSW, LCSW, C‐ACYFSW Unit Manager: Alternative Intervention Services Unit (AISU), Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Since having the event CSC has received rave reviews from community members and organizations who have great interest in continuing the conversation or even becoming a pilot program if the opportunity presents itself. An internal after action review of the process of coordinating such an event was conducted, resulting in a high‐level discussion of what CSC’s next steps will be. As the mission and vision of the Council continues to be collaborated upon and carried‐out, CSC’s ultimate goal will be to continue to support the children and families of Palm Beach County to thrive, and bring more awareness and solution to the toxic stress and trauma facing our youth. 4 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report Leadership Roundtable Year‐End Meeting On December 9, Children’s Services Council will host the Leadership Roundtable of our funded organizations to celebrate 2015. The event will begin at 3:30 and will allow invited Executive Directors and Board Chairs a chance to network, reflect on the successes over this past year, and get a sneak preview of 2016. We invite all Council Members to join the celebration. End of Year Staff Celebration Luncheon You are cordially invited to join all the CSC staff in our CSC “End of the Year” gathering. We have this luncheon every year to celebrate the holiday season and our successes over the past year. It’s at the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse in Boynton Beach from 12:00 to 5:00 pm. Please let Elsa know if you can attend and she can follow‐up with driving directions if you need them. Community Special Needs Assessment Over this past year, the Unicorn Children’s Foundation has spearheaded a community‐wide needs assessment of the special needs population, across all ages. Through a multi‐funder arrangement, including the Children’s Services Council, this comprehensive assessment was undertaken to document the current service delivery system(s) for individuals with special needs and disabilities, affecting an estimated 20% of the population. The results of the assessment and the monthly community conversations held with the Special Needs Advisory Coalition have informed a business plan for a model system to support the wide‐ranging needs of this population. Both the needs assessment and business plan will be shared at a town hall meeting on December 1st. The next phase of this effort is to convene the funders to form a multi‐year, multi‐funder alliance to support the implementation of the business plan. Angel Tree CSC staff is really excited for this year’s Angel Tree. We will have the opportunity to sponsor children from Early Steps. As you may recall, last year we were able to fulfill 87 wish lists. Please feel free to take an Angel from our Angel tree, located in the lobby of our building, or let Elsa know if you are interested in participating. 5 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report We are asking to bring only one of the items listed on the child's "wish list". The wish lists are just guidelines to provide you with information about each child's interests and clothing sizes. If you wish to join this beautiful campaign, you can bring the gifts here to CSC on Monday, December 14, or contact Elsa to arrange a pick‐up at your location. Please feel free to contact Elsa if you have any questions. Clients Served FY 14‐15 Staff in the Department of Business Analytics and Evaluation and Information Management are in the process of calculating the number of clents served by CSC in FY14‐15. Once completed, we will produce a brief report on the number of clients in each of the following strategy categories: Bridges, Healthy Beginnings, Scholarship and Match Funding, and Other Program and Services; the report will be available at the Council meeting. Communications Update Books for Palm Beach County Juvenile Court More than 1,000 books were delivered to Palm Beach County Juvenile Court just before the Thanksgiving holiday. This effort was initiated following an Early Childhood Cabinet meeting on May 12, 2015. Cabinet member Judge Jim Martz led a discussion of ways to encourage reading and increase literacy among the children who come before him in Palm Beach County Juvenile Court. After follow‐up meetings with Judges Martz and Kathleen Kroll, and court and CSC staff, CSC agreed to provide books for distribution as deemed appropriate by the presiding judges. CSC staff will work with Court staff to monitor distribution of the books, and purchase additional books as needed. Because the format and location for distribution is new for CSC, we will also assess grade level of the books and content, and adjust as needed in future purchases. We expect to continue buying books on a quarterly basis, at least, and will ask for additional guidance from the court about the value and effectiveness of the book distribution at the end of Calendar Year 2016. Book title sources reviewed included: Scholastic, for availability; Juvenile Court judges, our customer; National Council for Educating Black Children; Florida Department of Education Black History Month recommended reading list; and our Happily Ever After campaign steering committee members (Palm Beach County School District, Palm Beach County Library, Mandel Library in West Palm Beach, and Young Adult Library Services Association). Annual Print Ad of Agencies and Programs CSC’s 2015‐2016 list of funded agencies and programs has been published, and copies are in the Council Members’ meeting packets. The ad appeared in eight publications of local, general circulation in Palm Beach County over a three‐week period from mid‐October to early November. Publications were: Wellington Town Crier (Oct. 6), Palm Beach Post (Oct. 25), Jupiter Courier (Oct. 29), Sun‐Sentinel (Nov. 1), South Florida Business Journal and Coastal Star (both Nov. 6), and two Spanish‐ language publications, El Latino Semanal (Oct. 23) and La Guia Gratuita (Oct. 28). 6 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report Maternal Depression Opinion Column An opinion column by CEO Lisa Williams‐Taylor was submitted to area newspapers following last month’s publication of a front‐page article on postpartum depression. Copies of the column are in the Council Members’ meeting packets. The Oct. 18, 2015, article describes a Wellington mom’s documentary film on maternal depression. The op‐ed column notes estimates that 1 in 11 infants will experience their mother’s major depression in the first year of life, and that the rates are even higher for infants whose mothers have a history of depression or who are poor. Research tells us that when children suffer from this kind of “toxic stress” – prolonged stress that comes from living in emotionally unstable or physically unsafe homes – their ability to thrive in school is greatly hindered. They often lack the tools needed to regulate their own behavior, solve problems and appropriately handle adverse situations. The column also promotes programs funded by Children’s Services Council that provide access to prenatal care, counseling and mental health services that can mitigate the impact depression has on a family. Last year, CSC‐funded programs provided mental health counseling to about 360 pregnant women and 210 mothers raising young children – more than 20% of the women referred for services in our maternal‐child health system. Following local publication, the column will be posted on the CSC website and promoted through social media and the Monday Morning Update. Strong Minds Campaign Update A new billboard message will go up this month through the county focused on “Choose Quality Child Care.” The new message aims to increase public awareness around the importance of quality child care, and promote the Strong Minds Network launched earlier this year. The link on the billboards refers families to the Strong Minds webpage, where they can look up centers that participate in the network. Copies of the new billboards are in your packets. In addition, three new handouts on the Strong Minds Network have been developed and are being used by sites in the Network. Two of them (yellow) are for distribution to parents in English and Spanish, and the third one (blue) is for distribution to the general community. Copies of the handouts are in Council member packets. Finally, a print ad promoting the Strong Minds Network was developed and published in the Parenting Magazine distributed throughout South Florida. Copies of the ad are in Council members’ packets. Embrace Each Day Parenting Campaign Update Three RFPs for content, website development and app creation were posted last month to implement the “Embrace Each Day” universal parenting campaign. A total of 18 proposals were submitted among the three RFPs. RFP review panels are meeting now, and we remain on track to bring agreements to the Council for consideration at the January Council meeting. 7 CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY December 3, 2015 CEO Report 2016 Calendars The 2016 calendar celebrates the 30th anniversary of Children’s Services Council, highlighting the breadth of programs and services funded by CSC. Every elected official in Palm Beach County will be mailed a calendar, as well as a letter discussing why the work of Children’s Services Council matters. The calendars also will be distributed to funded program providers and entry agencies; BRIDGES, Prime Time and the Early Learning Coalition; the Early Childhood Cabinet; Strong Minds child care sites; and various partners such as judges, the Cultural Educators Group and the Reading Steering Committee. The 2016 calendars from Children’s Services Council will be available at your places at the December 3rd meeting. Drowning Prevention Swim Vouchers Update Up to $50,000 in matching funds for swim lesson vouchers was approved by the Council on March 26, 2015, in Resolution #15‐010, based on contributions to the Palm Beach County Fire‐Rescue Volunteer Association by businesses, groups and individuals. We continue to receive pledges, including a recent $1,000 pledge from the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches. We hope to announce several major pledges in the upcoming months. One of our recent pledges came from Molly Blackman. Molly is contributing $530. What’s remarkable about Molly is that she is 5 years old. She had decided that instead of getting gifts for her fifth birthday that she wanted to help other children learn how to swim. Because of her donation, 21 Palm Beach County children will be able to receive swim lessons this summer. CSC Employee Receives CCIM Designation Michael Modica, CCIM, Head of Facilities, has been awarded the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation by the CCIM Institute. The designation was awarded during the Institute’s Annual Governance meetings October 29, 2015 in Austin, Texas. Michael Modica, CCIM, was among the 244 commercial real estate professionals who earned the designation by passing the CCIM Institute’s Comprehensive Examination, the final element in the designation process. The CCIM designation is awarded to commercial real estate professionals upon successful completion of an advanced analytical curriculum and presentation of a portfolio of qualifying industry experience. The curriculum addresses financial analysis, market analysis, user decision analysis, and investment analysis — the cornerstones of commercial investment real estate. CCIMs are recognized experts in commercial real estate brokerage, leasing, asset management, valuation, and investment analysis. We would like to congratulate Mike on achieving this professional designation. 8 PREVENTION PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHILDREN, INC. December 3, 2015 Board Meeting AGENDA Agenda Item: Reference #: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes A. September 24, 2015 Board Meeting of Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. 1 Recommendation: I recommend the Board approve the Minutes of the September 24, 2015 Board Meeting of Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. 3. Business/Consent Agenda A. Consent Agenda 1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions 2. Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda 3. Adoption of Consent Agenda B. PPC Funded Programs – Current – N/A C. PPC Funded Programs – Future – N/A D. Financial 1. Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Payables for Ratification 2 Recommendation: I recommend the Board approve the Payables for Ratification as presented. E. Administration – N/A 4. Walk‐In Items 5. Individual Appearances – Non Agenda Items 6. Miscellaneous 7. Adjournment doc #176538 151203 Prevention Partnerships Agenda #1 Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. AGENDA December 3, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: 2(A) Minutes September 24, 2015 Board Meeting of Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the Board approve the Minutes of the September 24, 2015 Board Meeting of the Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. as presented. doc #176539 151203 Prevention Partnerships Agenda items PREVENTION PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHILDREN, INC. BOARD MEETING September 24, 2015 MINUTES 1. Call to Order Chair Langowski called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. Present: Thomas Bean Vince Goodman Kathleen Kroll Greg Langowski Dennis Miles Debra Robinson, M.D. Thomas P. Weber Excused: Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D.; Thomas E. Lynch; Shelley Vana 2. Approval of Minutes A. Minutes of August 6, 2015 Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Special Board Meeting A motion by Weber/Bean to approve the Minutes of the August 6, 2015 Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Special Board Meeting was approved by unanimous vote. 3. Business/Consent Agenda A. Consent Agenda 1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions – None 2. Items to be pulled for Discussion Purposes – There were no Agenda items pulled for discussion purposes. 3. Adoption of the Consent Agenda A motion by Weber/Goodman to adopt the Consent Agenda was approved by unanimous vote. B. PPC Funded Programs – Current – N/A C. PPC Funded Programs – Future 1. 2015‐2016 Allocations Process – Resolution #15‐006P & Exhibit “A” 2015‐2016 2 Funding Recommendations – Approved by Consent D. Financial doc #174743 150924 PPC Minutes Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Special Board Meeting September 24, 2015 Page: 2 1. Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Payables for Ratification – Approved by Consent E. Administration – N/A 4. Walk‐In Items – N/A 5. Individual Appearances – Non Agenda Items – N/A 6. Miscellaneous Tom Sheehan, General Counsel, stated that the final Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Board meeting for calendar year 2015 would be on December 3rd. 7. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. ________________________________ Vincent Goodman, Secretary doc #174743 150924 PPC Minutes ________________________________________ Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer #2 Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. AGENDA December 3, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: TITLE: 3D(1) Financial Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Payables for Ratification RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the Board approve the Payables for Ratification as presented. doc #176539 151203 Prevention Partnerships Agenda items Children's Services Council Prevention Partnership Payable Ratification 9/18/2015 - 11/19/2015 Check Date Check Number Vendor Name Transaction Description Check Amount 10/29/2015 10748 School District of PBC Specialist Community Education Position Agreement 1,660.70 11/12/2015 10750 School District of PBC Specialist Evaluation and Test Development Position 8,136.00 Report Total EFT Date 9,796.70 Number Vendor Name 10/1/2015 P1362 School District of PBC 10/22/2015 P1363 School District of PBC 10/29/2015 P1364 School District of PBC 11/19/2015 P1365 School District of PBC Report Total Transaction Description EFT Amount Reimbursement Gross-Aug-2015Tech Assistance S i li t Reimbursement Gross-Sep-2015SD-Strong Minds 118,834.64 Reimbursement Gross-Sep-2015Tech Assistance S i li t Reimbursement Gross-Oct-2015SD-Strong Minds 165,870.45 63,440.40 64,844.00 412,989.49