2000 - District 7120
2000 - District 7120
THE MILT MATTHEWS HOSPITALITY WEEK NEWSLETTER FROM ROTARY DISTRICT 7120 Volume 2, Issue 1 Our 31st Year May 2000 Sixteen Governor Elects from Eight Countries Attend our 31st Hospitality Program 4th & 3rd Rows: Chuck Chapin with Pete Schwarz & Deanna Woodhams in front; Bob/ Pat Gaffney, DG 7120; Jack/Kathy Best, 7120; Gerry/Merilyn Faulkner, 9460, Max/Mynra Cribb, 9630; John/Janet Lawrence, 9710; Ranjit/Lalita Bhatia, 3080; Derrick/Wendy McDiarmid, 9210, Eddie/Val Laughnan, 9780 2nd & 1st Rows: Danilo/Elsa Marcon, 4790; Uday/Sushama Udayakumar, 3210; Nelson/Emik Shiokawa, 4630; Suhail/Tauheed Ahmad, 3270; Kumar/Sunanda Kewalramani, 3140; Ufuk/Esin Gunes, 2430; Werner/Sigrid Junker, 1800; C. Basker & Mala 3000; “Bachi”/Suguna Reddy, Milt Matthews Our New Name – See Page 2 The Program For the past 31 years Brighton Rotary Club and District 7120 has home hosted over 375 Governor Elects and their spouses from 33 countries worldwide. Each Governor Nominee guest is assigned two Rotary hosts. Their first host meets them at the airport on arrival and takes them to their home. In the middle of their stay everyone meets at Brighton Rotary Club’s Exchange Dinner. All the hosts and guests have the opportunity to get acquainted and share Rotary experiences. May 2000 When the meeting is over the guests leave with their second host for the balance of their stay. The following pages describe some of these years activities and the comments from guests. If you are an alumnus of our hospitality program we hope this issue brings back fond memories and that you will be reminded to recommend our program to your Governor Elect. If you are a Governor Elect we hope this newsletter will make you want to come to our hospitality program The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter Page 1 News Flash Our Guests Arrive The Rotary District 7120 International Governor Elect Hospitality Program has a new name. At the District Conference on April 29, 2000, the Brighton Rotary Club and Rotary District 7120 officially renamed the program “The Milt Matthews Governor Elect Hospitality”. Milt Matthews has contributed much to Rotary. Joining Rotary in 1956 he became a Charter Member of the Brighton Club and was its president in 1967-68 and the District Governor in 1971-72. He conceived and ran the first ever, President Elect’s Training Program, conceived and corresponded with “Rotarian Wanta No”, invented the Rotary Information Quiz Contest, annually sells the most pancake tickets, and has been Brighton Rotary’s leader in proposing new members to the club. He has served as Rotary International President’s Representative at Dist 717 in 1973, Dist 701 in 1978, Dist 779 in 1981, and Dist 751 in 1986. He has been a Rotary Information Counselor to Districts in New York, Pennsylvania, and Ontario, Canada. Milt has served the Rotary Foundation in many areas. At the airport arrival for our South American guests are: (front) Milt Matthews, Danilo & Elsa Marcón D4790, Emiko & Nelson Shiokawa D4630, Jim Wilkison, Elaine Schwarz, (rear) Helene Wilkison Gearld & Merilyn Faulkner, Donna Moore. 528-04 The “Milt Matthews Governor Elect Hospitality” was conceived and started by Milt in 1969 and the first International Governor Nominees were hosted in the spring on 1970. The program has grown over the years and is internationally know as one of the best hospitality programs in Rotary. The program has been copied by many other districts. The many Friendship Exchanges that we now enjoy are a result of PDG Milt’s program. In honor of PDG Milton C. Matthews, Brighton Rotary and Rotary District 7120 is pleased to rename this program “The Milt Mathews Governor Elect Hospitality” John and Janet Lawrence D9710 are met by Chuck Chapin, 2nd from left and Doug & Delores Cook, on right At mid day arrival from South Africa: Doris Hausin, Joyce McChesney, Derrick & Wendy McDiarmid D9210, Milt Matthews, Pete Schwarz, Chuck Chapin (in front) 528-11 May 2000 Elaine Schwarz, Judith Hoffman, Tom Hinsler, Ufuk & Esin Gunish D2430, Chuck Chapin The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter Page 2 Our Guests Continue to Arrive Pete Schwarz, Helen & Milt Matthews, Marianne & Gerhard Escher, Uda Udayakumar D3210, Chuck Chapin, Sushama Udayakumar, Ron Kreiling Gary Pruyn & family, Kumar & Sunanda Kewalramani D3140, Milt Matthews, Werner Junker D1800, Helen Matthews, Gerhard Escher, Elaine Schwarz, Segrid Junker, Chuck Chapin, Marianne Escher Other Activities OUR GUESTS & HOSTS – January 26 – February 3, 2000 Governor Elect Guest Host Host’s Club District 1800, Germany Werner & Sigrid Junker District 2430 Turkey Ufuk & Esin Gunes District 3000 India C. Basker & Mala Basker District 3080 India Ranjit & Lalita Bhatia District 3140 India Kumar & Sunanda Kewalramani District 3160 India Bachi & Suguna Reddy District 3210 India Uday & Sushama Udayakumar District 3260 India Gopal & Gayatri Kar District 3270 Pakistan Suhail & Tauheed Ahmad District 3280 Bangladesh Hasan & Ismat Zaman District 4630 Brazil Nelson Cazuo& Emiko Shiokawa District 4790 Argentina Danilo F.& Elsa Marcón District 9210 Zimbabwe Derrick & Merna McDiarmid District 9460 Australia Gerry & Merilyn Faulkner District 9630 Australia Max & Merna Cribb District 9710 Australia John M.& Janet Lawrence District 9780 Australia Eddie & Val Loughnan District 7120 USA John K (Jack) & Kathy Best May 2000 Gerhard & Marianne Escher Gilbert & Marilyn Blew Judith A. Hoffman Paul & Inez Law Elizabeth & Dan Richardson Elmira Heights Brighton Hilton Rochester Greece Margaret & Tom Holmes Dr. Dinesh & Rashmi Chawla Mulki & Suman Bhat Dave & Pat Long Mahendra & Usha Shah, PDG Robert & Sheila Smith Ronald & Elaine Kreiling Gerald & Alice Thompson Robert & Jene Penty Painted Post Rochester Elmira Heights Rochester Elmira Heights Penfield Ontario-Walworth Nunda Brighton Michael & Valerie Grow Timothy & Terry Forward Herbert & Phyllis Mac Donell Jeffrey & Diane Krans Ed & “Dikki” Franklin, Sr. Robert & Donna Moore Morton & Zelda Sadinsky Jim & Helene Wilkison, PDG Bill & Doris Hunter Joyce M. McChesney Dave & Linda Ryan Ram & Rekha Shrivastava George & Lois Schenk Charles & Louise Chapin Douglas & Delores Cook Arthur & Deanie Traphagen Gary & Elaine Pruyn Jean & Jonathan Logan Ontario-Walworth Brighton Corning Penn Yan Corning Rochester Elmira Heights Brockport Clifton Springs Rochester Watkins-Montour Brighton Friendship Brighton Rochester Wayland Bath Canandaigua Penfield The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter John & Janet Lawrence D9710 are guest speakers at the joint meeting of Area 12 Clubs: Canisteo, Dansville, Hornell, Naples & Wayland. Mort Sadinski & Danilo Marcon D4790 Klaus Pollmeier, Rotary Club of Essen-Hellweg, D1900 Germany is our guide at the Eastman International Museum of Photography. Klaus is a Mellon Foundation Fellow doing advanced research in photography and makes up at the Brighton Rotary Club Page 3 George Eastman International Museum of Photography Tour Photo taken on the Grand Staircase of George Eastman’s Home which is part of the Museum. George Eastman was the founder of Eastman Kodak Co. 1. Bob Penty 2.& 3. Pete & Elaine Schwarz 4. Donna Moore 5. Joyce McChesney 6. Tauheed Ahmad 7 & 8. Gopal & Gayatri Kar 9. Marilyn Blew 10. & 11. Ufuk & Esin Gunes 12. Gib Blew 13. Bob Moore 14 & 15. Ranjit & Lalita Bhatia 16. Rashmi Chawla 17.& 18 Emiko & Nelson Shiokawa 19 & 20 Max & Myrna Cribb 21 Inez Hall 22 Suhail Ahmad 23. & 24 Werner & Segrid Junker 26 & 26 .Merilyn & Gerry Faulkner 27 & 28. Derrick & Wendy McDiarmid 29 & 30. Jim & Helene Wilkison 31 & 32. Chuck & Louise Chapin 33 & 34. Elsa & Danilo Marcon 35. Klaus Pollmeier May 2000 The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter Page 4 Snow Country USA This year our guests were treated to a record amount of snow. While some of our local Rotarians become “snow birds” (they fly south) in the winter others love it for the beauty and the winter sports. Our guests enjoyed it too. Eddie & Val Loughnan, D9780 Victoria, Australia wrote in April, “We’re moving into colder weather now, but will not experience anything like the snow and cold we saw in NY State. Everyone kept apologizing for it – but we thought it was magic and the countryside was so beautiful in the snow. We also thought Niagara was magnificent – freezing, mind you, but nevertheless beautiful in the conditions very few others would venture to experience at that time of year.” Around Home Niagara Falls Winter Sports Chuck Chapin lets Max Cribb, D9630 Australia run the snowblower It’s Not That Cold Werner & Sigrid Junker, D1800 Germany, on the Canadian Side with the American Falls behind. Ice on the rail is from the spray of the Horseshoe Falls Sigrid Junker poses in the snow with Marilyn & Gibb Blew C. Basker D3000 India & Suhail Ahmad D3270 Pakistan Gib & Marilyn Blew take Sigrid and Werner Junker, D1800 Germany to one of our local ski areas. Danilo & Elsa Marcón on the American side. Horseshoe Falls beyond. Tours and other Social Events as does Basker and Mala in front of Dan & Elizabeth Richardson’s house Mala Basker, Elizabeth & Dan Richardson, C. Basker D3000 India at the D3000 information poster Bob Penty, Gayatri & Gopal Kar, D3260 India, Jene Penty May 2000 Gerry Faulkner D9460 Australia, Ram Shrivastava, Merilyn Faulkner. lunch at the Yacht Club Emiko Shiokawa with Ed Franklin at the Corning Glass Center The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter Page 5 Alumni Listing – Rotary District 7120 Governor Nominee Hospitality Program 1010 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1991 1998 Scotland George Cram Gordon & Margaret Boyd Ian & Muriel Geekie Robert & Kathleen Clarkson Colin & Ann Risk Gordon & Isobel McFatridge Bill & Emma Wood 1020 Scotland 1996 Ian & Grace Marshall 1997 Gordon & Heather McInally 1998 James & Anne Watson 1390 Finland 1998 Lars & Nina Fredriksson 1420 Finland 1974 Veikko Laine 1440 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Denmark Villy & Hanne Christensen Nils & Kiss Schmidt Hans Gadenberg Viggo & Kristen Masden Per & Lone Thomsen 151 1974 Karl Zenker 1030 England 1976 James & Edna Toft 1580 The Netherlands 1986 Coen Geraets 1070 1973 1977 1978 1986 1997 1998 1999 1600 1986 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 England Ken & Florence Westmorland Khrye Davey Desmond Vaughan John & Megan Butcher Robert & June Smith Eric & Elizabeth Cobley Ken & Sue Parkin 1100 England 1986 John & Mavis Fisher 1120 England 1986 John & Doreen Roberts 1996 Icky & Gully Iqbal 1999 David & Judith Power 1070 England 1974 Edmund Cotton, PRIVP 1120 England 1976 Peter & Jean Lawrence 1160 Ireland 1990 Herbert & Margaret Schields 1991 Tevor & Sylvia Morrow 1200 England 1976 Joseph & Shirley Passmoe 1240 England 1994 Robert & Jean Vivers 1290 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1999 England John Oliver Arthur & Barbara Brooks Brian & Maxine Stoyel Norman Proctor Arthur & Sadie Hayword Michael & Gill Goward John Rosemary & Butcher Edwin & Shirley Wilkinson 134, 5 Sweden 1976 Erik & Louise Sandberg 1977 David Thornblom 1360 Iceland 1979 Baldur & Due & Eiriksson May 2000 The Netherlands Lodewijk & Atie van Dijk Phillip & Mary Osieck Jan Trommel Eugene & Helena Bride Ge & Ada Augustinus A.H.J. Meeuwis Dennis & Anneke van der Vlugt Evert & Beata Vles Jaap & Jenny Bax Leo & Wil van Atten 1670 France 1976 Paul & Simone Dujardin 180 1973 Switzerland Ernet & Irene Pfenninger 1800 Germany 1998 Walter & Brigitte Fink 2000 Werner & Sigrid Junker 1840 Austria 1980 Wilheim & Rose Asohambranner 1850 Germany 1980 Udo & Karin Herlyn 1890 Germany 1980 Hans & Eve Christensen-Weniger 1981 Helmut Neuss 1980 Switzerland 1982 Gottfried Anliker 1984 Felix &&Eva Schachenmann 1990 Switzerland 1982 Bernard Glasson 2000 Switzerland 1984 Reto & Heidi Filli 2270 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 Norway Hans Rustenberg Soren & Ingegjard Haraldsted Peter & Irene Hjort Per & Elsa Sletten Nile Egeness Arne & Aase Nilsen The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter 1986 Hans & Kirsten Høybakk 2280 Norway 1978 Dag Schefte 2310 Norway 1978 Roar Antonsen 2320 Sweden 1999 Bertil & Ingergerd Lundberg 2340 1982 1984 1986 1999 Sweden Per Lindberg Lennart & Brita Ohlsson Gunnar & Koula Gille Millert & Lena Wiberg 2350 Sweden 1982 Gerhard von Hofsten 1984 Stig & Dagny Bruse 2380 Sweden 1981 Ake Nirdin 1982 Karl Lindblom 2410 Sweden 1979 Martin & Marta Nygvist 2430 Turkey 2000 Ufuk & Esin Gunes 2490 Israel 1996 Victor & Esther Benaim 3000 India 2000 C. Basker & Mala Basker 3140 India 2000 Kumar & Sunanda Kewalramani 3150 India 1973 Uma Mahaewara Rao 1974 G.S.K. Arya 3160 India 2000 Bachi & Suguna Reddy 3200 India 1998 Sunil K.& Alice Zachariah 3210 India 1973 P.C.M. Sunderapandian 2000 Uday & Shshama Udayakumar 3250 1973 Sieir Gose 1974 M.L. Gupta India 3300 Malaysia 1999 Jeff & Jay Mohamed Ali 3850 Philippines 1973 Charles Reith 3870 Philippines 1974 Dante Sarraga 9210 Zimbabwe 1996 Derek Broome 1999 Eric & Mary Marques Page 6 Alumni Listing – Continued 9250 1993 1994 1996 1997 South Africa Jos & Marcelle Graindor Jan & Marie van Zyl Mark & Lyn Doyle Reginald & Margaret Loo 9270 South Africa 1981 David & Megan Higgs 1984 Heywood & Winkie TannerTremaine 9300 South Africa 1981 Michael & Hazel Colman 1982 A. Serrano 1984 Leslie & Lorraine Lucas-Bull 1991 Aubrey van der Bijl 1992 Bryan & Shirlie Thurtell 1993 Hilliard Hurwitz 1994 William Myrna Hills 9320 South Africa 1980 Piet & Wanda Üys 1984 Les & Denise Swift 1991 1992 Alan & Diana McCray John & Judy Feros 9630 1992 1994 1995 1996 1999 Australia Tony & Monica Williams Lew & Pat Granville Brian & Patricia Price Patrick & Erin Galligan Mel & Elaine Langley 9710 Australia 1997 William & Margaret Doherty 1998 Max Jenny Kuhnell 1999 Rob & Lurline Wylie 9780 1985 1990 1992 1993 Australia Frank & Lorraine Jacobs Keith & Judy Gromm Jeff & Beryl Binder Dennis & Kathleen Wilson 1980 1981 1984 1986 1993 1994 1995 Garth & Joan Button Michael Ailee & Leggott Jack & Marjorie Marshall Brian Colleen & Burmester Alan & Nolene Cooper Kenneth & Barbara Hayman Edward & Lyndsay Mason 9940 1980 1982 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 New Zealand William & Di Carthew William Boyd J. & Alison Frame David & Jose Jull Fred Judith & Burns Alastar & Nicky Osbprn Don & Jenny Speirs Glen & Patricia Caves Dexter & Celia Bambery New Zealand Jim & Aileen Keenan Ian Galloway Don & Gillian Eadie Ellis & Betty Buchanan Art & Jan Bradbury New Zealand R.A.& Isobel Morrison Stan & Olive Wilkinson Rob & Gretel Wilton James & Valmai Rayner 9500 Australia 1996 John & Yvonne Downing 1999 Allan & Fran Wilson 9910 New Zealand 1982 Ron Trotman 1984 John & Alison Swinburne 9550 Australia 1997 James & Jill Beresford 1998 John & Asha McLaren 9970 1973 1974 1984 1989 1999 9920 1974 1980 1981 1982 9980 1980 1984 1997 1998 9600 1986 1988 1989 1990 Australia Gerry & Christine Meijer Ian & Joc Wilson Ray & Elaine Black Duncan & Joan Bird 9800 Australia 1998 Colin & Chris Gibbons New Zealand Ken Joslyn Hugh & Elma Francis Melvyn & Colleen Cooper John Ellis 9930 New Zealand 1974 Lee Graeme George & Lois Schenk, and Louise & Chuck Chapin hosted Merna & Max Cribb D9630. This was the Schenks 10th Australian family that they hosted and their 24th time hosting for the GE program and the Friendship Exchange. In 1988 they hosted Max Cribb’s sister, Joc Wilson and PDG Ian Wilson D9600 May 2000 Airport Gathering Prior to Departure Sitting: Marilyn Blew, Segrid Junker, Gibb Blew. Standing: Max & Merna Cribb, Louise Chapin, Werner Junker, Milt Matthews, Chuck Chapin holding “Come Again” sign, Deanna Woodhams, Elaine Schwarz, Bob Moore, Nelson Shiokawa. Sitting: Emiko Shiokawa. The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter Page 7 The HospitalityCommittee Deanna Woodhams, Pres. Brighton Rotary Club 19992000, Hospitality Co-Chair Here is our club flag and a place for your next Governor Elect Pete Schwarz, Past Pres. Brighton Rotary Club, Hospitality Co-Chair How To Contact Us Inside This Issue E-mail D-7210 Home Page Mail Address 1 2 3 4 5 Phone Fax PDESchwarz@cs.com Http://Rotary7120.org/ Peter D. Schwarz 12 Glen Ellyn Way Rochester, NY 14618, USA 716-244-5684 716-244-1373 Milton C. Matthews PDG, Advisor, Founder, Hospitality Program. The Program Our New Name Guest & Host Listing Eastman House Tour Snow Country USA & Other Activities Alumni Listing 6&7 Chuck Chapin, Past Pres. Rotary International District 7120 The Milt Matthews Governor Elect Hospitality • February 7 thru February 15, 2001 A program reflecting the Fourth Object of Rotary: “The Advancement of International Understanding, Good Will, and Peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service” May 2000 The Milt Matthews Hospitality Week Newsletter Page 8