Frankfurter Allgemeine Media Solutions
Frankfurter Allgemeine Media Solutions
advertisement rate card contents inhalt druck print No. 76 effective January 1, 2016 MEDIA SOLUTION S a contents Start a next Print a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Page Print · Digital 3 – 8 Lifestyle magazine 9 Manufaktur10 Ad Specials 11 – 12 Corporate advertising 13 – 16 Mobile · Online 17 – 18 Recruitment ads (Print and online) 19 – 21 Travel advertising 22 Property ads 23 – 24 Culture ads, financial advertising 25 Other sections, “Deutschland Plus” 26 Education, private ads and obituaries 27 Specials28 Technical data 29 – 30 General terms 31 – 32 a our adVertisinG Media at a Glance Start a contents a Start next a back print Frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung Publication: Mon – Sat Copy price: Mon – Fri Euro 2.50, Sat Euro 2.70 Net sales: 264,628 copies Coverage: 1,060,000 readers Readership data Men 64 % Women 36 % Average age 51.6 years Average monthly household net income Euro 3,835 Frankfurter allgemeine sonntagszeitung Publication: Sunday Copy price: Euro 3.80 Net sales: 276,030 copies Coverage: 1,129,000 readers Readership data Men 60 % Women 40 % Average age 52.7 years Average monthly household net income Euro 3,792 Frankfurter allgemeine Magazin Publication: 12 times a year on Saturdays Effective circulation: 293,030 copies (F.A.Z. on Saturdays) Coverage (of F.A.Z.): 1,060,000 readers Readership data (of the F.A.Z.) Men 64 % Women 36 % Average age 51.6 years Average monthly household net income Euro 3,835 Sources: AWA 2015, IVW III/2015 3 a our adVertisinG Media at a Glance Start contents inhalt a next a back F.a.Z./F.a.s. e-paper app (ipad) Page impressions: 19.61 million Sold copies: 469.961 (August) (cumulated) Page impressions: 30.81 million Visits: 10.77 million Unique users: 2.22 million print druck smartphone app Page impressions: 27.21 million Visits: 3.47 million Unique users: 0.15 million unique Mobile user total Unique users: 2.36 million Page impressions: 143.41 million Visits: 27.06 million Unique users: 4.62 million PIs/visits: 5.30 User data Men 63 % Women 37 % Average age 41.2 years Average monthly household net income Euro 3,150 Sources: IVW Online 08/2015, AGOF internet facts 2015-06, Best 4 Planning 2015, own statistics neW: dertaG – the new F.a.Z. smartphone app iPhone: Launch July 16, 2015 Android: Launch December 2015 Visits: 371,880 (August) Unique users: 45,227 (August) 4 a print: Fr ankFurter allGeMeine ZeitunG Start Quality. credibility. standing. contents a next a The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and its importance as a brand – for brands. back Quality. standing. There’s always a sharp mind behind its pages: The F.A.Z. stands for intelligent, in-depth analyses and imaginative articles. Brands not only benefit from the newspaper’s reach into a premium group of readers, who include both decision makers as well as influential and affluent target groups. They also benefit from the intense level at which the newspaper is read1 and the high percentage of the publication’s readers who subscribe to it2. There is a reason why the F.A.Z. is one of the most recognized brands in the world: Since it was founded, the newspaper, its editorial staff, authors and publishing company have collected more than 1000 awards4. Premium brands search out this type of advertising environment and benefit from it. credibility. 1 Expert knowledge, objectivity, accuracy and independence are the core values of the editorial staff. The result: Seventy-one percent of Germans trust the F.A.Z. more than any other national media brand.3 3 print Mon–Fri: Ø 93 minutes, Sat: Ø 111 minutes. F.A.Z.-Copytests 2014/2015 Publisher data: 70 percent of distributed copies are delivered to subscribers Study conducted by the German Society of Public Relations Agencies together with the TNS Emnid in 2012, which included regional newspapers, F.A.Z., Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Welt, Focus, Stern, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, BILD and Bunte 4 Since the F.A.Z. was founded in 1949; Source: F.A.Z.-Archiv 2 overview of the sections in the F.a.Z. Daily: Politics | Feuilleton | Business | Financial Markets | Sports | Rhein-Main-Zeitung Regular special sections: Tuesdays Technology & Cars | Wednesdays Nature & Science | Thursdays Travel | Fridays Property | Saturdays Careers & Opportunities with a large section of job listings for specialists and executives as well as the arts market 5 a print: Fr ankFurter allGeMeine sonntaGsZeitunG Start contents inhalt a next a back the pleasure of a sunday read – in a new look! The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. The world’s best-designed newspaper in a new layout. The best day of the week deserves a newspaper of its very own. That is why the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung is not just the seventh issue of the F.A.Z. each week, but its own separate medium that sets itself apart in both writing style and design. The F.A.S. generally takes a narrative approach to topics and provides an informative, entertaining and pleasurable reading experience with its array of rich profiles, feature stories and interviews. print druck This is why our readers value it – so much, in fact, that they spend an average of 1381 minutes reading it every Sunday. That is 138 valuable minutes during which they also are engaged with your brand. And they do so in a relaxed weekend atmosphere, a time when many important decisions are made. By the way: The excellent F.A.Z. layout, that has been awarded the „World‘s Best Designed Newspaper“ prize, was given a fresh look in Spring 2015, and is now even more contemporary than ever. 1 F.A.S. Ad copy test 2015 sections in the F.a.s.: Politics | Lifestyle | Business | Sports | Money & More | Feuilleton | Property | Technology & Cars | Science | Travel | Careers & Opportunities 6 a diGital: Start the network for intelligent Minds FAZ.NET for a more in-depth look Quality journalism available at any time, around the world: That‘s what FAZ.NET represents. FAZ.NET keeps its readers informed around the clock about the day‘s most important events in a quick, knowledgeable, and reliable manner – on a PC, laptop, mobile devices, and social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter. contents a next a back print In addition to news, FAZ.NET also offers unique background coverage and direct, live coverage. FAZ.NET reports the news across various digital formats: exclusive video reports, interactive graphics, special thematic pages or live scores, as well as blogs on special events and themes. We have received several awards for the quality of our reporting. Even the elegant design has been the subject of many awards. These include the „Lead Award“ as „Web Magazine of the Year“ and the „Good Design Award“. Your brand advertising will be given a unique stage by the redeemed FAZ.NET design team. And if you want a particularly exclusive look, then the special publication ads can be completely customised to you and your topic. Further information about our users and current performance figures can be found at: 7 a diGital: apps and MoBile Start digitally enhanced. the best of both worlds. Apps for the F.A.Z. and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. Our apps combine the clarity and aesthetics of the newspaper with the benefits of mobile use on such devices as the iPhone or the iPad. They offer the perfect combination of classic newspaper design and digital style and functionality. All apps accomplish one thing: They combine elegance and ease of use with all options offered by HTML 5. the tablet app F.a.Z./F.a.s. contents inhalt a next a back print druck The F.A.Z. on the tablet is what the publication has always been: the newspaper for Germany – displayed in its trusted format. But it is innovative as well, thanks to its ergonomic article view and user-friendly navigation. and the F.a.Z. smartphone apps With m.FAZ.NET and the F.A.Z. smartphone apps, our readers can receive the latest news, reported with F.A.Z. quality, while they are on the go. It also includes interesting background articles, editorials, photo galleries and videos of the day. neu: dertaG – the new F.a.Z. smartphone app for ios and android DERTAG offers the most important news of the last 24 hours – with rich illustrations, a push notification for outstanding news and the latest comments of the F.A.Z. – enabled with an intelligent and quick navigation. 8 a print: the Fr ankFurter allGeMeine MaGaZin Start lifestyle with format contents Inspiration for the senses – every month a next The lifestyle supplement appears as part of the newspaper on the second Saturday of each month! a On about 80 strikingly designed glossy pages, the magazine’s staff covers the latest on fashion, accessories, watches, trends, beauty, prêt-à-parler, design, the art market, technology, pleasure, travel and much more. Focal topics related to individual lifestyle areas (like men and travel) add a seasonal and thematic touch to individual issues of the magazine. dates and main topics 2016 back sample formats and rates print advertising deadline advertising material deadline Main topics* Format* 2/1 page L: 532 mm (w) × 359 mm (d) T: 556 mm (w) × 400 mm (d) 44,400.00 1/1 page L: 252 mm (w) × 359 mm (d) T: 278 mm (w) × 400 mm (d) 22,200.00 1/2 page L: 252 mm (w) × 174 mm (d) T: 278 mm (w) × 196 mm (d) 14,000.00 1/3 page L: 84 mm (w) × 359 mm (d) T: 93 mm (w) × 400 mm (d) 10,600.00 1/4 page L: 252 mm (w) × 85 mm (d) T: 278 mm (w) × 95 mm (d) 8,000.00 1/16 January 9, 2016 December 9, 2015 December 16, 2015 Design – Summer – Travel 2/16 February 13, 2016 January 13, 2016 January 20, 2016 Fashion 3/16 March 12, 2016 February 10, 2016 February 17, 2016 Men 4/16 April 9, 2016 March 9, 2016 March 16, 2016 Watches & jewelry 5/16 May 14, 2016 April 13, 2016 April 20, 2016 Design 6/16 June 11, 2016 May 11, 2016 May 18, 2016 7/16 July 9, 2016 June 8, 2016 June 15, 2016 8/16 August 13, 2016 July 13, 2016 July 20, 2016 9/16 September 10, 2016 August 10, 2016 August 17, 2016 Fashion 10/16 October 8, 2016 September 7, 2016 September 14, 2016 Men 10.2/16 October 29, 2016 September 7, 2016 October 5, 2016 Extra: Living/Design 11/16 October 12, 2016 October 19, 2016 Watches, jewelry & beauty 11.2/16 November 26, 2016 November 12, 2016 October 5, 2016 November 2, 2016 Extra: Consumption 12/16 November 9, 2016 November 16, 2016 Gifts December 10, 2016 * In addition to the topics mentioned in the table, every edition except issues 10.2 and 11.2 will contain – as usual – articles about fashion, design, beauty, travel, art and technology. rate * L: live area, T: trim area (plus 4 mm bleed on all sides) For further information please see our special media data for Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin. Contact details: All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. issue publication date 9 Advertising communication behaves just like a perfectly-fitting suit or an elegant dress: Customisation achieves the best fit and effect. That‘s why the specialised F.A.Z. Media Solutions team can be likened to a manufacturer, due to its particularly complex and „handmade“ communications solutions. Advertising companies are finding it increasingly challenging to reach the relevant target groups and to position your brand sustainably. The F.A.Z. Media Solutions marketing experts manufacturer know full well the challenges of modern brand management. Target groups and brands and developed cross-media communication services are customised exactly to customer requirements based on customer objectives and analysed KPIs. a the manufacturing principle Start We work with you on creating engaging content marketing concepts, tailor-made ad specials, conferences, and demanding book projects. The manufacturing team is made up of experienced marketers, content experts, market researchers, graphic designers, event specialists, and web programmers. All of our concepts prioritise the advertising effect being as comprehensive as possible. Therefore, our concepts are not limited to print media, but also span digital channels, such as FAZ.NET or quality event formats. For further informationen visit contents inhalt a next a back print druck Tailor-made. hest requirements. hig For 10 a special ad ForMats · special positions Start Give your advert the special attention it deserves: for example, with one of our special ad formats or special positions in our newspapers, such as on section front pages, or as a sandwich display in the middle of the page. A small selection of possibilities is listed here for your convenience. We would be happy to prepare a customised quote for you. Further information can be found at contents a next half cover ear piece sandwich ad a back 50 mm × 24 mm Titelkopf print 132 mm / blattbreit ab Wirtschaft 4 Half cover (Mon–Sun) Ear piece, Portfolio Lifestyle (Sun) Minimum run-time: 4 weeks Sandwich Ad 1/4 page, Portfolio Business (Mon–Fri, Sun) 11 a section front pages section front pages Start corner tab contents inhalt a next a back 150 mm / 2 Textspalten 132 mm / blattbreit print druck 100 mm / blattbreit 1/4 page across on section front pages (Mon–Sun) Position F.A.Z.: Feuilleton Position F.A.S.: Feuilleton, Lifestyle, Business, Money & more Page-wide, 100 mm deep on section front pages (Mon, Sun) Position: Sports, Monday (F.A.Z.) und Sunday (F.A.S.) Corner tab, 2 columns, 150 mm deep on section front pages (Sun) Position: Business, Sunday (F.A.S.) 12 Mon–Fri sat 1/1 page sun Mon–Fri+sun sat+sun 371 mm (w) × 528 mm (d) = 4,224 mm (total) Rate 65,890.00 68,010.00 61,670.00 123,760.00 125,880.00 premium 1 page 5 Politics, page 3 Business 78,990.00 81,520.00 73,920.00 148,260.00 150,800.00 premium 2 page 5 Business, page 3 Sports 75,610.00 78,140.00 70,960.00 142,350.00 144,460.00 1/2 page 245 mm (w) × 396 mm (d) = 2,112 mm (total) junior page Start contents a next a back Rate 43,300.00 45,620.00 34,850.00 75,820.00 premium 1 page 5 Politics, page 3 Business 49,840.00 52,380.00 40,130.00* 87,230.00* 89,760.00* premium 2 page 5 Business 47,730.00 50,270.00 38,440.00 83,640.00 85,960.00 78,140.00 1/2 page a Closing and copy date F.A.Z.: previous day, 10.00 a.m.** (Issue date: Mon–Fri); Fridays, 8.30 a.m. (Issue date: Saturdays) Closing and copy date F.A.S.: Thursdays, 9.00 a.m. (Issue date: Sundays). For premium or flexform ads (e. g. L or U formats) 6 working days previous to the abovementioned dates. 78,140.00 print 371 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 2,112 mm (total) across Rate 43,300.00 45,620.00 34,850.00 75,820.00 premium 1 page 5 Politics, page 3 Business 49,840.00 52,380.00 40,130.00* 87,230.00* 89,760.00* premium 2 page 5 Business 47,730.00 50,270.00 38,440.00 83,640.00 85,960.00 58,570.00 1/3 page 245 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 1,408 mm (total) corner Rate 33,790.00 36,190.00 24,220.00 56,320.00 premium 1 page 5 Politics, page 3 Business 38,860.00 41,680.00 27,880.00 64,770.00 67,440.00 premium 2 page 5 Business 37,170.00 39,850.00 26,610.00 61,810.00 64,490.00 * Only page 5. ** Closing date for the sections „Technology & Cars“ (Issue date: Tuesday) and „Science“ (Issue date: Wednesday) is 3 p.m. Tuesdays respectively Wednesdays, previous week. All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. corpor ate adVertisinG 13 a corpor ate adVertisinG Start Mon–Fri sat 1/3 page sun Mon–Fri+sun sat+sun 371 mm (w) × 176 mm (d) = 1,408 mm (total) across Rate 33,790.00 36,190.00 24,220.00 56,320.00 58,570.00 premium 1 page 3 Politics 43,930.00 47,030.00 31,540.00 73,220.00 76,170.00 premium 2 page 5 Politics, page 3 Business 38,860.00 41,680.00 27,880.00 64,770.00 67,440.00 premium 3 page 5 Business 37,170.00 39,850.00 26,610.00 61,810.00 64,490.00 corner Rate 25,340.00 27,140.00 18,160.00 42,240.00 premium 1 page 3 Politics 32,950.00 35,270.00 23,650.00 54,910.00 57,130.00 premium 2 page 5 Politics, page 3 Business 29,150.00 31,260.00 20,910.00 48,580.00 50,580.00 premium 3 page 5 Business 27,880.00 29,880.00 19,960.00 46,360.00 48,360.00 43,930.00 1/4 page next a 43,930.00 print Rate 25,340.00 27,140.00 18,160.00 42,240.00 premium 1 page 3 Politics 32,950.00 35,270.00 23,650.00 54,910.00 57,130.00 premium 2 page 5 Politics, page 3 Business 29,150.00 31,260.00 20,910.00 48,580.00 50,580.00 premium 3 page 5 Business 27,880.00 29,880.00 19,960.00 46,360.00 48,360.00 31,360.00 32,320.00 120 mm (w) × 150 mm (d) = 400 mm (total) Corner tab Page 1 Politics 21,680.00 17,160.00 18,360.00 15,160.00 Premium positions include a position guarantee for the above pages. It is also possible to further place an advert in our „F.A.Z. plus“ tablet app at no extra cost (subject to availability). All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. 371 mm (w) × 132 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) across Other section front pages a back 183 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) 1/4 page contents inhalt 14 a corpor ate adVertisinG Start Mon–Fri 2/1 page sat sun Mon–Fri+sun sat+sun 766 mm (w) × 528 mm (d) = 8,448 mm (total) spread contents Rate 141,080.00 150,370.00 140,240.00 272,870.00 282,160.00 premium Opening Spread page 2+3 upon request upon request upon request upon request upon request 1/1 page 516 mm (w) × 396 mm (d) = 4,224 mm (total) fireplace / spread 102,220.00 1/1 page 102,220.00 2/3 page 74,910.00 1/2 page 186,700.00 180,360.00 186,700.00 127,280.00 132,070.00 95,460.00 99,050.00 a back 108,980.00 83,640.00 print 79,690.00 56,320.00 391 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 2,112 mm (total) fireplace / spread Rate 180,360.00 516 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 2,816 mm (total) fireplace / spread Rate 83,640.00 766 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 4,224 mm (total) spread / across Rate 108,980.00 next 56,180.00 59,770.00 42,240.00 Premium positions include a position guarantee for the above pages. It is also possible to further place an advert in our „F.A.Z. plus“ tablet app at no extra cost (subject to availability). All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. Rate a 15 a corpor ate adVertisinG Start Mon–Fri sat Island ads mm rates Island ads financial markets – page 1 mm rates sun Mon–Fri+sun sat+sun 1 col 57 mm (w) × 30 –100 mm (d) Formats for island ads in the share prices section upon request 84.30 89.00 74.40 153.90 158.50 1 col 57 mm or 2 col 120 mm (w) × 30 –120 mm (d) 92.00 97.30 -- -- -- 17.00 18.10 14.60 30.70 31.70 26.70 28.60 20.10 45.40 47.20 Basic rate* mm rates contents inhalt a next a back Solus ads on editorial page** mm rates Type area: 528 mm deep × 371 mm wide Full page = 4,224 total mm with 6 columns (column width: 57 mm) = 8 ad columns (column width: 45 mm); Conversion factor for text and ad columns: 1.3333 print druck Other than the given formats and island ads are invoiced per mm. Minimum and maximum formats upon request. Example of calculation for solus positions (F.A.Z.): Horizontal format: mm rate x total mm (= ad depth in mm x 8 ad columns); Upright, corner and panorama format: mm rate x total mm (= ad depth in mm x no. of text columns x 1.3333) Example of calculation for island ads: mm rate x total mm (= ad depth in mm x no. text columns) Combination ads planned for the F.A.S. may only be placed in an equivalent format, with the same creative and in the same colours as the F.A.Z. ad and will appear on the Sunday after or preceding the F.A.Z. ad. All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. * No solus position. ** Formats other than on pp. 12 – 15. 16 a MoBile · online rate (cpM) format Dynamic Wallpaper XL Dynamic Wallpaper, Sitebar, Fireplace Wallpaper, Billboard, Halfpage Ad Pushdown Ad, SideKick Ad Wide Rectangle, Medium Rectangle Skyscraper, Superbanner Ad Bundle Premium Ad Bundle Teaser sections direct booking 120.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 45.00 45.00 70.00 40.00 15.00 Start rotation 80.00 60.00 53.00 53.00 30.00 30.00 47.00 25.00 10.00 contents a next a back Fixed rate ai / week Politics Business Finance Feuilleton (Culture) Sport Technology & Automotive Careers* Society Rhein-Main (local news) 500,000 500,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 250,000 Selected Rotation: Politics, Sport, Rhein-Main (local news), science and society 500,000 7,500.00 only Wallpaper, Medium Rectangle, Skyscraper or Superbanner * Careers and recruitment section F.A.Z. Rates as from November 2015. Terms and conditions apply as on Further information on Fireplace, sitebar, pushdown ad, dynamic Wallpaper Xl 17,500.00 24,000.00 15,000.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 11,250.00 11,250.00 15,000.00 7,500.00 11,000.00 only Billboard (above the navigation), Halfpage Ad or Sitebar print All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. section volume booking Wallpaper, Billboard, superbanner, skyscraper, sidekick ad, slidechannel 15,000.00 20,000.00 12,500.00 15,000.00 12,500.00 8,750.00 8,750.00 12,500.00 6,250.00 17 a MoBile · online Start Fixed rate F.a.Z. + F.a.s. tablet Full Page Ad, upright and across no. of ads Editorial sections (standard) 28 21 14 7 37,520.00 29,400.00 21,140.00 11,620.00 Position Feuilleton / Careers (Special price Arts & Culture, recruitment section) 28 21 14 7 30,100.00 23,730.00 17,220.00 9,520.00 contents inhalt a next a back These rates are subject to discount and agency commission. They can be included into a current discount contract. The discount contract of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH (F.A.Z.) applies. size 300 × 600 px 320 × 328 px 320 × 416 px 320 × 320 px 320 × 100 px to 320 × 240 px 320 × 320 px 320 × 416 px 320 × 320 px 320 × 160 px, 320 × 106 px 320 × 53 px, 320 × 80 px to 320 × 240 px 320 × 53 px, 320 × 80 px Rates as from November 2015. Terms and conditions apply as on Further information on print druck rotation 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. Mobile portal / app Mobile Half Page Ad Mobile Full Screen Interstitial Mobile Premium Rectangle Mobile High Impact Ad (1:1) Mobile Pushdown Ad Mobile Pull-Up Banner Mobile Medium Rectangle Mobile Movie Ad Mobile Banner Large (2:1 or 3:1) Mobile Banner Ad Plus (6:1 or 4:1) Mobile Banner Standard / Medium (6:1 or 4:1) rate (cpM) sections/ direct booking 85.00 85.00 85.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 18 Closing and copy date: Wednesday, 4 p.m. a recruitMent ads Start package F.a.Z.+F.a.s. mm rate in € sat+sun Type area: 514 mm deep x 371 mm wide · 1/1 page = 4,112 total mm Recruitment ads contents b/w 2c–4c 15.60 21.90 Calculation: mm rate x total mm (= ad depth in mm x no. of ad columns) Your identical print recruitment ad appears in the tablet app F.A.Z./F.A.S. of the booked weekend edition. Additionally it is published online on the digital F.A.Z. recruitment section and in the FAZjob.NET App (each for 60 days). Rate: € 195.00 Twin Power next Fixed price for all colours: 2,995.00 Ad for one position in the situations vacant section (90 mm deep x 91 mm wide) plus online ad in HTML format (duration 60 days, individual layout) Situations wanted / freelance work / interim management Closing date: Wednesday, 8 a.m. a a back Commercial Private Euro Executive: International combination of F.A.Z./F.A.S., Le Figaro, Daily Telegraph (fixed price, details upon request) 5.20 4.42 15,440.00 --- print 17,940.00 Your job a d ve rti s e me nt to the p ower of t hr ee Secure yourself the best candidates over several weeks: with the triple issue. Your advert will be displayed up to twice further over six weekends after the initial issue in the F.A.Z. job market - making a total of six print ads. Your online presence in the digital F.A.Z. job * If booked before the first publication date. Not for fixed format Twin Power. a Frequency and Euro discounts do not apply to job advertisements. market will be increased by up to 14 weeks. If you book a triple issue prior to the first advert going out, then you will pay 135 % for up to three weekend issues, instead of paying 100 % three times, creating a saving of 55 %. Maximise the impact of your recruitment ad. save 55 %*! All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. No discounts, all rates exclusive of VAT. 19 a preMiuM placeMent „BeruF und chance“ (editorial section) Start Closing date: Wednesday, previous week, 1 p.m. · Copy date: Wednesday, 4 p.m. · Copy date for advertisements with proofs: Tuesday, 2 p.m. contents inhalt sat+sun b/w Ear pieces*** a sat+sun 2c–4c 58 mm (w) × 30 mm (d) = 60 mm (total) (F.A.Z./F.A.S.) b/w Full width strip across/big next 2c–4c 371 mm (w) × 135 mm (d) = 1,080 mm (total) (F.A.Z./F.A.S.) a back 1/4 page Corner Rate 1/1 page Rate 41,520.00 41,520.00 183 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) (F.A.Z./F.A.S.) 18,950.00 26,600.00 371 mm (w) × 528 mm (d) = 4,224 mm (total) (F.A.Z./F.A.S.) 75,780.00 106,390.00 Rate Full width strip across/small Rate Leaderboard Print and online combination* Rate Island ads *** Details upon request. *** Island ads are possible from 30 to 100 mm. Rates upon request. *** Four issue dates – eight advertisements total. E.g.: 100/1 Rate 19,380.00 27,200.00 371 mm (w) × 80 mm (d) = 640 mm (total) (F.A.Z./F.A.S.) print druck 11,490.00 16,120.00 371 mm (w) × 50 mm (d) = 400 mm (total) (F.A.Z./F.A.S.) -- 11,830.00 57 mm (w) × 100 mm (d) = 100 mm (total)** (F.A.Z./F.A.S.) 6,740.00 9,460.00 All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. Rate 20 a recruitMent ads online Start online ad, situations vacant HTML Basic – Integration into FAZ.NET info boxes and recommendations, enhancement on twitter and facebook HTML Professional – HTML plus Top Listing as well as integration into FAZ.NET info boxes and recommendations, enhancement on twitter and facebook Upgrade “Top Listing” duration rate size in pixels 30 days 1,150.00 max. 800 wide 30 days 1,550.00 max. 800 wide 425.00 max. 800 wide remaining period Additional services: Ad creation. Conversion of ads from a printing format such as PDF, DOC, EPS or preparing an ad in an online-compatible HTML format in accordance with the requirements of the corporate website. Mobile recruitment ads on Mobile Banner Large (2:1) duration* 1 week 10,000 ai rate 15,000 ai size in pixel 20,000 ai 250.00 375.00 490.00 contents a next a back 320 x 160 print display advertising for recruitment ads Section volume booking duration* rate 1 week 250,000 ad impressions 8,750.00 € 50,000 ai 75,000 ai 100,000 ai Wallpaper – on all pages of (rotation booking) 1–4 weeks 3,750.00 5,625.00 7,500.00 Medium Rectangle – on all FAZjob.NET pages (rotation booking) Billboard – on all pages of (rotation booking) Skyscraper – on all pages of (rotation booking) 1–4 weeks 2,250.00 3,375.00 5,400.00 300 x 250 1–4 weeks 3,750.00 5,625.00 7,500.00 960 x 200 (250) 1–4 weeks 2,250.00 3,375.00 4,500.00 160 (200) x 600 800 x 90 + 120 (200) x 600 ** Variable, depending on clients‘ requirements and availability: 1 to 4 weeks with the booked AIs. ** Careers and recruitment section F.A.Z. The online products listed here are an excerpt from the „F.A.Z. job market“ rate card No. 10 dated 1st January, 2016. The complete rate card for our online products, including our General Terms and Conditions and technical information is available online by visiting All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. “Careers” (rotation booking), e.g. wallpaper or skyscraper. Further sections and formats upon request. size in pixel 21 Publication dates: Thursday and Sunday Closing date: Tuesday, 9 a.m. For flexform ads (e. g. L or U formats): Friday previous week, 9 a. m. a tr aVel adVertisinG Start the travel guide of almost 2 million readers.* contents inhalt Week after week, our award-winning travel editors provide inspiration for unforgettable vacations in the travel sections of the F.A.Z. and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. Interesting reports and meticulously researched background stories get our readers in the mood for their next vacation and give them ideas about where to go. Here, our readers discover new destinations and rediscover familiar ones. On top of this, there are lots of tips and service information to make travel planning easier. You too can use this platform to inspire our readers. A spa and wellness retreat or an active vacation, a city tour or a cruise – your offer reaches just the right target audience. *AWA 2015 samples of solus sized and rates on editorial pages Basic rate commercial * Holiday homes to be let by private individuals railway and airlines (tourist offers only) Basic rate Corner ads/ strips a back Fixed rate thu+sun b/w 2c–4c 45,620.00 57,020.00 34,000.00 45,620.00 17,000.00 22,810.00 17,000.00 22,810.00 package F.a.Z.+ F.a.s. Conversion factor text to advertising columns: 1.3333 next print druck mm rate thu+sun b/w 2c–4c 10.80 13.50 8.50 -- 14.90 20.50 20.80 28.80 Book your Travel advertisement in the F.A.Z. and F.A.S. and benefit from the advantages of high coverage, a readership of keen travellers and excellent editorial. Placements with the exception of those on the travel pages are calculated according to the rate card for corporate advertising. *Health resorts, tourist offices, sanatoriums, hotels, guest houses, tour operators, tourist offices, cruise ships, commercial holiday homes and apartments. All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. 1/1 page: 371 mm (w) × 528 mm (d) = 4,224 mm (total) 1/2 page across: 371 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 2,112 mm (total) 1/4 page corner: 183 mm (w) × 264 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) 1/4 page across: 371 mm (w) × 132 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) a 22 Publication date: Friday and Sunday · Closing date: Wednesday, 6 p.m. a propertY ads Start international locations with high returns contents The F.A.Z. property market appears Fridays in the F.A.Z. and Sundays in the F.A.S. This combination reaches almost 2 million readers – many of whom are decision makers in the sale and rental of property. (AWA 2015, LAE 2015) a next The property market on Fridays provides decision makers in the property business as well as investors involved in industrial and commercial property with a premium marketplace for lucrative investment properties. Architects, facility managers, project developers, professionals and service providers in the property sector as well as property owners and renters regularly turn to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung for information. a back The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung takes a somewhat different approach in its property section, providing stories, service, background information and interviews from the world of residential and commercial property. What is it like to live in a castle or in a luxury residential tower? Ever heard of an office where the desks disappear into the ceiling at the end of the workday? The section covers trends in housing construction and interior design, and includes tips on buying vacation property abroad. Reduced rates, no discounts. Format Fixed rate Size 1: 45 mm (w) x 20 mm (d) 218.00 Size 2: 45 mm (w) x 40 mm (d) 436.00 Size 3: 45 mm (w) x 50 mm (d) Size 4: 45 mm (w) x 100 mm (d) 545.00 1,090.00 Wohnen am Wasser – mitten im Zentrum. Ihr perfektes neues Zuhause direkt an der Havel. Angebotsbeispiel: 4-Zi.-Wohnung, Erstbezug, provisionsfrei, 126 m2 Wohnfläche, 1. OG, Gäste-WC, Aufzug, Süd-Balkon mit Wasserblick, anspruchsvolle Ausstattung; TGStellplatz separat, KP: 430.000,00 Euro. Size 5: 91 mm (w) x 20 mm (d) 436.00 Info-Punkt: Mo–Do 13–18 Uhr, Sa+So 13–18 Uhr sowie nach Vereinbarung Size 6: 91 mm (w) x 40 mm (d) 872.00 Leipziger Straße 3–4 | 14473 Potsdam Size 7: 91 mm (w) x 50 mm (d) 1,090.00 Size 8: 91 mm (w) x 100 mm (d) 2,180.00 Info + Beratung: (030) 880 94 444 Sample Size 6: 91 mm (w) x 40 mm (d) All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. package F.a.Z.+F.a.s . classified ads in the property market Modular ads print 23 a propertY ads Start other sizes mm rate Classified ads which sizes differ from the modular ads are invoiced on a mm basis (Minimum size 50 mm). Type area: 528 mm deep x 371 mm wide – 1 full page = 4,224 total mm with 8 advertising columns (column width: 45 mm) Calculation: mm rate x total mm (= depth in mm x number of columns) advertisements facing editorial Corner ad, page 1 Island ad, page 1 Corner ad, page 2 or 3 Full width strip, page 3 Format 16.10 Fixed rate 183 mm (w) x 264 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) 57 mm (w) x 100 mm (d) = 100 mm (total) 27,960.00 9,500.00 183 mm (w) x 264 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) 22,910.00 371 mm (w) x 132 mm (d) = 1,056 mm (total) 22,910.00 enlarge the location for your property ad Put your ad online at for an additional cost of only €41.93. With this online upgrade, you will reach up to 4.6 million unique users on FAZ.NET in addition to the 1.9 million individuals who read the newspaper. (Source: AWA 2015, AGOF Internet Facts 2015-06) contents inhalt a next a back Rates for adverts published outside the property section: see pages 12–15. print druck special topics a a a a a a Urban living Living on the waterfront Prefabricated houses Exclusive residential properties Investment properties Real estate in metropolitan regions. Further topics on request. All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. The F.A.Z./F.A.S. periodically publishes special sections tailored to specific target groups, including: 24 a culture ads Start culture ads Mon–Fri sat sun Mon–Fri+sun sat+sun Previous day 10 a.m. * Friday 8.30 a.m. * Thursday 9 a.m. * Thursday 9 a.m. * Thursday 9 a.m. * Type area: 528 mm deep x 371 mm wide Full page – 4,224 total mm with 6 text columns (column width: 57 mm) and 8 ad columns (column width: 45 mm) Conversion factor text to ad columns: x 1.3333 a b/w 2c–4c b/w 2c–4c b/w 2c–4c b/w 2c–4c b/w 2c–4c Island ads (culture) mm-rate 53.50 53.50 58.90 58.90 44.20 44.20 94.70 94.70 100.00 100.00 Corner tabs (culture) mm-rate 15.60 15.60 16.50 16.50 13.00 13.00 27.70 27.70 28.60 28.60 (Fine Arts, exhibitions, premium positions in Feuilleton or “Kunstmarkt”) a back print * For flexform ads (e.g. L or U formats) the closing date is 2 working days before the abovementioned dates. package F.a.Z.+ F.a.s. Fine arts, galleries, museums closing date: Thursday, 10 a.m. Fine arts, galleries, museums Private (not subject to discount) Financial adVertisinG next b/w 2c–4c sat+sun 13.30 7.90 21.80 -- Closing date: 10 a.m. on previous day (publication dates: Monday–Friday); 8.30 a.m. on a Friday (publication date: Saturday) Type area: 528 mm deep x 371 mm wide · Full page = 4,224 total mm with 8 ad columns (column width: 45 mm) For financial ads placed below or next to editorial, see pages 12–15 mm rate Mon–Fri sat 17.00 18.10 All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. (Fine Arts, exhibitions, premium positions in Feuilleton or “Kunstmarkt”) contents 25 a classiFied ads sinGle insertion Closing date: previous day, 10 a.m. (publication dates: Monday–Friday); Friday, 8.30 a.m. (publication date: Saturday) single insertion F.a.Z. Start Mon–Fri Tender notices sat Mon–Fri b/w Type area: 528 mm deep x 371 mm wide · Full page = 4,224 total mm with 8 ad columns (column width: 45 mm) 12.00 sat 2c–4c 13.10 16.60 17.50 contents inhalt a next classiFied ads pack aGe package F.a.Z.+ F.a.s. sat+sun Type area: 528 mm deep x 371 mm wide · Full page = 4,224 total mm with 8 ad columns (column width: 45 mm) b/w 2c–4c a back Wanted and for sale – closing date: Thursday, 2 p.m. Private (not subject to discount) Commercial 8.40 -- 13.40 27.10 print druck Portfolio investment and money market Business opportunities – agents – closing date: Thursday, 8 a.m. b/w 2c–4c 12.30 24.80 deutschland plus Germany Plus: Combination F.A.Z./F.A.S., Frankfurter Rundschau, Frankfurter Neue Presse 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page F.a.Z. deutschland plus F.a.Z.+ F.a.s. deutschland plus Mon–Fri/sun sat/sun Mon–Fri sat 93,090.00 94,790.00 139,390.00 141,090.00 58,870.00 60,720.00 84,880.00 86,740.00 43,180.00 45,100.00 61,210.00 63,010.00 32,390.00 33,830.00 45,910.00 47,260.00 All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. Fri+sun 26 a education Start mm rate sat+sun package F.a.Z.+F.a.s. Type area: 528 mm deep x 371 mm wide · Full page = 4,224 total mm with 8 ad columns (column width: 45 mm) b/w 2c–4c Education, further training, seminars and special publications 9.80 12.80 Classified advertorial (1/4 page/corner ad) Seminar calendar * – closing date: 8 a.m. on the Wednesday before the weekend of publication 4.10 closing date: Thursday, 8 a.m. (publication dates: last weekend of the month); minimum format: two columns, 20 mm, incl. publication online single insertion F.a.Z. Education, further training, seminars in F.A.Z. specials Classified advertorial (page in F.A.Z. Specials) fixed rate all colours: 9,800.00 4.10 Mon–Fri 8.80 11.00 fixed rate all colours: 8,600.00 priVate ads and oBituaries contents a next a back print Mon–sat b/w Closing date: previous day, 10 a.m. (publication date: Monday–Friday); Friday, 8.30 a.m. (publication date: Saturday) Obituaries – private and private miscellaneous ads* Obituaries – commercial* 4.85 (Mon–Fri) | 4.95 (Sat) 16.10 package F.a.Z.+F.a.s. Closing date: Thursday, 10 a.m. VITA (matrimonial/partnership) – commercial VITA fixed formats – private sat+sun b/w 2c–4c 12.10 16.30 b/w 2c 6.60 -- Size 1: 45 mm (w) x 20 mm (d) 130.00 170.00 Size 2: 45 mm (w) x 30 mm (d) 200.00 250.00 Size 3: 45 mm (w) x 40 mm (d) > Other fixed formats in increments of 20 mm 260.00 340.00 * No discount. All obituaries will be published online in our portal All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. Type area: 514 mm deep x 371 mm wide · 1/1 Seite = 4,112 total mm with 8 ad columns (column width: 45 mm); minimum size: 2 columns, 30 mm deep 27 a specials 2016 Start We offer more than 150 excellent opportunities . . . . . . so that you have just the right platform for your presentation. This includes special sections by the F.A.Z. editorial staff (e. g., literature for book trade fairs) and F.A.Z. special supplements (such as small and midsized enterprises, mutual funds or energy). contents inhalt a next a Furthermore, you can place yout print advertisement in specific enviromments on FAZ.NET – as an extension of a print special or as a pure online special. back Placing an ad in the just right place can intensify its advertising impact. So do not pass up the opportunity created by a newspaper supplement or special section! print druck Current dates and topics can be found at 28 a technical data Start technical data on printing process Printing method: Rotary offset Prozess-Standard: process-standard newspaper printing ISO 12647-3: 2005 Colours: Copying process: Colour standard ISO 2846-2. The spot colours are built up from the CMYK basic colours and approximate to the HKS Z standard. Computer to plate Screen: 48 lines/cm (120 lines/inch) Tonal range: Tonal value in light approaching 3 %, 90 % surface cover in depth. In the medium tone region (40 %) a dot gain of approx. 26 % will have to be taken into account. Screen angle: Cyan = 15° Black = 135° Magenta = 75° Yellow = 0° Density values for production run: Cyan = Black = Magenta = Yellow = Type area: 528 mm deep, 371 mm wide · No. of columns: advertising 8, editorial 6 column width 1 column 2 columns 3 columns 4 columns 5 columns 6 columns 7 columns 8 columns advertising section editorial section 45 mm 91 mm 138 mm 184 mm 231 mm 277 mm 324 mm 371 mm 57 mm 120 mm 183 mm 245 mm 308 mm 371 mm panorama ad (gutter bleed) 4 columns 6 columns 8 columns 12 columns contents a next a back 266 mm 391 mm 516 mm 766 mm print 0.90 1.10 0.90 0.90 29 a reQuireMents For diGital printinG Material Start Total range: Halftone value min. 3 % to max. 90 % possibilities of transmission Dot gain: Approx. 26 % in the medium tone range E-mail: Max. Coverage: 240 % Colour separation: Colour separation is done by the publishers. No RGB or LAB data. Image resolution: 240 dpi for colour and greyscale images, 1270 dpi for line drawings For your colour management workflow please use the „ISOnewspaper26v4.icc“ output profile. Minimum font sizes Minimum line sizes positive negative screened positive negative 6 pt 8 pt 12 pt 0,5 pt 1 pt the following documents can be used: PDF/X1a Open office documents (Word, PowerPoint etc.) can only be used as a copy for typesetting or scanning. (for recruitment ads only) (for all other ads) Upload-Portal: Login details upon request FTP access : upon request, please contact +49 69 75 91-11 45 requirements for electronic transmission When sending advertisements, please include the following information in the file name (in the relevant order): 1. name of advertiser 2. keyword 3. publication date 4. colour information for example: miller_london_31-12_4c contents inhalt a next a back print druck Please forward with the file containing the artwork an info file containing sender‘s address and telephone number for possible queries. For further questions please contact +49 69 75 91-11 45 (Mon–Fri 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) 30 discounts euro discount for turnover of more than quantity rate discount discount 6 ads 5% 100,000.00 5% 12 ads 10 % 250,000.00 10 % 24 ads 12 % 350,000.00 12 % Only one discount may be applied. For some advertisement sections terms of discount may differ (please see individual price sheet) Publication Every morning, except Holidays (F.A.Z.: Monday–Saturday, F.A.S.: Sunday) Start contents a next a back print Terms Invoices are payable on receipt, 2% discount for payment in advance Bank accounts Postbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, BIC: PBNKDEFFXXX, IBAN: DE73 5001 0060 0105 9766 05 Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, BIC: COBADEFFXXX, IBAN: DE43 5004 0000 0589 8200 00 Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, BIC: DEUTDEFFXXX, IBAN: DE61 5007 0010 0092 7046 00 All rates/invoices are in € (euro) Box number charges Collection by advertiser: € 2.60 Delivery inside Germany: € 7.90 Delivery abroad: € 13.10 Airmail delivery overseas: € 21.00 All rates in euro (€) exclusive valueadded tax. frequency discount for multiple insertions General terms (extract) The Publishers reserve the right to accept or reject advertisements, or indeed individual insertions within a series, including those handed in at their own branch offices, placed through publishers‘ representatives, or accepted by other agencies. The Publishers do not accept liability for mistakes in the publication of advertising copy or changes in copy given over the telephone. Orders for advertisements and special supplements requesting publication in specific issues or positions should be submitted to the publishers early enough to enable them to inform the advertiser if, for any reason, these instructions cannot be carried out. Classified advertisements will automatically be printed in the appropriate advertising section without prior arrangement with the advertiser. The Publishers reserve the right to impose different rates for special publications. a Publishers: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH · Postal adress: 60267 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Office adress: Hellerhofstrasse 2–4, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany · Telephone: +49 69 75 91-0 Telefax: +49 69 75 91-18 28 · E-mail: · Chairman of supervisory board: Karl Dietrich Seikel Management board: Thomas Lindner (CEO) Burkard Petzold · General Advertising Director: Ingo Müller · Internet: Gener al terMs 31 a our international representatiVes Start australia austria Belgium and luxembourg canada France Great Britain and ireland The Media Company P. O. Box 1686 Neutral Bay, NSW 2089 Telephone: (02) 99 09 58-00 Telefax: (02) 99 09 58-10 E-mail: Publicitas GmbH Rauhensteingasse 1010 1010 Vienna Telephone: (01) 21 15 30 Telefax: (01) 2 12 16 00 E-mail: Publicitas NV Airway Park D Lozenberg 23 1932 Zaventem Telephone: (02) 6 39 84-20 Telefax: (02) 6 39 84-30 E-mail: C2C Media Services Intl 3-2600 Skymark Ave., Suite 102 Mississauga, Ont. L4W 5B2 Telephone: 905 238 9228 Telefax: 905 238 0834 E-mail: Adnative sarl 42 Rue Fortuny 75017 Paris Telephone: (01) 45 00 33 60 Telefax: (01) 45 00 25 81 E-mail: florence.demoussac@ Greg Corbett Associates Ltd. International Media Sales 6th Floor, 52 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0AU Telephone: (020) 77 30 60 33 Telefax: (020) 77 30 66 28 E-mail: Greece india italy Japan latin america netherlands SGT Symeon G. Tsomokos S.A. Karneadou Street 9 10675 Athens Telephone: (02 10) 7 28 90 00 Telefax: (02 10) 729 59 78 E-mail: Mediascope Publicitas 51 Doli Chamber Arthur Bunder Rd Colaba, Mumbai 400 005 Telephone: (022) 22048890/22824842 Telefax: (022) 22875718/22824889 E-mail: srinivas.iyer@ Publicitas International SpA Via G. Borsieri 28 22100 Como Telephone: (+39) 0 31 26 77 97 E-mail: emilio.zerboni@ Mediahouse Inc. 1-7-21 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0093 Telephone: (03) 32 22-78 11 Telefax: (03) 32 34-11 40 E-mail: Plataforms International Media Ltd. Calle Libertad 1559/P7 C1016ABE Buenos Aires, Argentina Telephone: (+54) 11 47 77 45 81 E-mail: Publicitas B.V. P. O. Box 22876 1100 DJ Amsterdam Telephone: (020) 311 97 10 E-mail: new Zealand poland scandinavia south east europe south africa south east asia/pr. china McKay & Bowman Int Media Rep Ltd P. O. Box 36-490 Northcote, Auckland Telephone: (09) 4 19-05 61 Telefax: (09) 4 19-22 43 E-mail: New Communications Ul. Baluckiego 20/3 02-557 Warsaw Telephone: 22 6 46 26 76 E-mail: nina.kowalewska@ Global Business Media Storgatan 41 272 33 Simrishamn Sweden Telephone: (+46) 41 42 03 20 Mobile: (+46) 7 03 69 50 08 E-mail: Dioklecian sh.p.k. (Ltd) Johann W. Goethe 2, Arbëria I 10000 Prishtina/Kosovo Telephone: +377 44 18 61 51 E-mail: markrodiqi@ Margie Ogilvy Promotions C.C. P. O. Box 1008 Knysna 6570 Telephone: (044) 3 84 08 00 E-mail: Mezzomedia Ltd. 904, Kinwick Centre 32 Hollywood Road Central Hong Kong, China Telephone: (852) 2 58 12-9 91 Telefax: (852) 2 58 12-2 39 E-mail: spain switzerland turkey usa West adriatic Publicitas Internacional, S.A. Calle Serrano 43/45 2a planta, dcha 28001 Madrid Telephone: (91) 3 23 79 11 Telefax: (91) 7 33 59 58 E-mail: Adnative S.A. Chemin de Maisonneuve 7 1219 Châtelaine Telephone: (022) 7 96 46 26 Telefax: (022) 7 97 02 70 E-mail: Tit Ajans Dis Tanitim Ltd. Sti. P. O. Box 152 34330 Levent-Istanbul Telephone: (02 12) 2 57 76 66-67 Telefax: (02 12) 2 87 00 99 E-mail: World Media Inc. 19 West 36 Street, 7th Fl. New York, N.Y. 10018 Telephone: (001) 21 22 44-56 10 Telefax: (001) 21 22 44-53 21 E-mail: Justinian d.o.o. (LTD) Fra Bone Razmilovica 19 21000 Split Croatia Telephone +38 598 950 2468 E-mail: contents inhalt a next a back print druck 32 a cONTENTS Start the place to be. contents pRINT a next a back print 33